#to work with your main pro hero verse haha
wishmcker · 2 years
∘ ◦ 💖 — starter call @mightiboy
Locating Deku has never been an easy feat. He is always on the run, popping in for a quick rescue or to offer the finishing blows on a tough opponent before going off to save whoever needed him next. Ochako knows that he has been like this since high school, wanting to continue on with his mentor's legacy and keep the world safe, all of them feel that way. But it doesn't make her way to see her friend any less.
She hums as she finally makes her way out of Ryūkyū's agency after yet another hostage rescue situation, rolling one her shoulders back to help ease the aches she had noticed during her shower and change back into normal clothes. She paces down the streets of the Tokyo, smiling and waving at the fans who call out her hero name. Ochako pauses at a crosswalk, her new phone (which she had been forced persuaded to buy) chimes with another Deku update. She has her phone set to send her updates about her friends and their feats, thank you Ashido, and she blinks when she realises that her best friend is quite literally only a few blocks from her agency.
She clicks the heart at the bottom of the update, a selfie of Deku with a fan. His patrol must nearly be over if he's slowing down to talk to fans like this.
Ochako quickly hurries to the spot she had recognised from the photo, and raises herself up on her toes as high as she can. The curly green hair that is above the sea of fans she would able to spot anywhere.
❝ Deku-kun! ❞ she calls, cupping a hand around her mouth to echo his name. Her face adorns a large grin. ❝ Your shift is nearly finished, right? Let's go get a coffee, it's been too long! ❞
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aerisleis-fics · 5 years
WIPs and Upcoming Project Ideas
It’s uh. It’s been awhile since I discussed WIPs! And the uh imagination mill, if you will, has been a little crazy. I’m willing to answer questions and stuff about any of the WIPs or ideas listed!
Now if I could just... keep the idea factory concentrated on these things that already exist, that would... make my life easier. I’m trying to do with Wingbeat what I did with Burden - that is complete it before I start any other ambitious projects. The ones with a * are the ones that are most likely to be worked on alongside Wingbeat but I may surprise myself.
Current Main Project: Wingbeat of a Butterfly
Pro Heroes Deku and Duality are twenty seven years old when they finally hit a lead in their case, the case they've been working in conjunction with the police since they were twenty three. Nothing goes as planned during the raid sparked by their lead, and they are sent back in time to when the both of them were fourteen years old. With being sent back in time they are given a second chance - a chance to right the wrongs that they lived through. But... every change that is made to the timeline causes ripples that they cannot foresee.
Torchbearer: [Burden to Bear verse]
*Stories from the Heart: [working title] This is to be a series of shorts that fill in some gaps in Burden to Bear. Think one shots and drabble type pieces. I’m willing to take questions about what kinds of scenes are wanted for this, right now I have some plans (toshinko bits, friendship filler and hang out time, Living in the Dorms together, Shinso training, some fall out for Tooru giving herself up as the spy...)
The Symbol of Hope: [Working title] This is the planned continuation of Burden to Bear. Takes place after Izuku and Shouto have gained their provisional licenses (finally). I may push it out until mid-late second year or early third year. Lots of ‘in the community’ work. I have loose plans for the plot but it hasn’t been hammered out entirely beyond that!
*Sins of the Father: Oneshot that has slowly become more. This will expand from it’s current existence as a dad for one reveal. Next planned chapter is Izuku learning the truth about himself as well as an in-text admission of what occurred at the end of the one shot. I’m not planning to expand it beyond a two shot but I’ve lied to myself before so we’ll uh. We’ll see.
*What’s in a Father: Upcoming one shot, who knows how long into the future. Izuku reflects on what how Toshinori has become the dad he never really had, after a short confrontation with the man who is actually his father. Non-villain Hisashi.
Brittle Glass Beneath My Skin: [This story keeps shifting and changing I'm not going to lie. It's not 100% set in stone. This is in part bc I haven’t wanted to mess with it too much while working on other projects. Haha]. The part that never changes is that Izuku was kidnapped by All For One as a small child and has been warped into a tool that AFO can use against his enemies, including All Might. In the current plan Izuku is All Might's biological son (because biodadmight is just becoming my thing I’m dealing with it). By the time Izuku resurfaces it may be too late to save him. I have some thoughts about adding a pain-sharing soulmate element to this story but I haven't decided yet (and I'm willing to hear opinions on it!).
*The Secrets Between Us: Inspired by “Kimi No Na Wa” (Your Name). One day Midoriya Izuku and Todoroki Shouto wake up in each other’s lives. They know nothing about each other except what they can glean from their day-to-day living. They have to quickly learn to cope with the lives they now share, but navigating their extremely different circumstances is anything but easy. Endeavor is a shitty parent.
*Untitled Swan Princess AU - Todoroki Rei and Midoriya Inko forged an alliance when their sons were just infants, and they agreed to raise their sons with the intent to marry them when they were old enough. To this end, Rei seals her son’s magic away when he is a child. But Enji is out there somewhere... and things aren’t allowed to go as planned.
Rise From the Ashes - Vigilante Todoroki Siblings. They are free from endeavor, but only for as long as they can evade capture.Not only are they at risk for being Vigilantes, but Endeavor reported them missing. After a nasty attack brings down the apartment building that Izuku lives in, Shouto saves his life. They part ways, but Shouto finds he can’t forget about those frightened green eyes. Ultimately their luck runs out in regards to being caught - but then it doesn’t, all the same, because Eraserhead is far from stupid.
Untitled Fantasy Project - Shouto is the youngest son of king Endeavor, he is the favored son for a number of reasons - his eldest brother Touya has run off to join a resistance movement, and the next oldest Natsuo joined the military without their father's approval. He and Princess Fuyumi remain at the court, delicately attempting to stabilize things before the world crashes down around them. And... on Shouto's birthday he is gifted what appears to be a beautifully crafted dollhouse with an extremely ornate puzzle lock keeping it closed. After toying with the lock for some time, Shouto opens the 'dollhouse' to reveal a small genie living inside of it...
Ripples Make Waves - [Working title] Currently also known as “Dad for One I Fucking Guess” Basically Izuku is born with a conglomerate of several different quirks. Shortly after he’s born Inko meets a young Tenko in the streets and brings him home, too. Izuku and Tenko are raised together as brothers. Hisashi leaves the picture while Izuku is very young. Tenko ultimately inherits One for All, because All Might meets him and is reminded of Nana. Shenanigans will ensue and Izuku has no idea how to stay out of trouble.
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