#∘ β—¦ πŸ’– β€” 𝐎: starters.
wishmcker Β· 3 months
∘ β—¦ πŸ’– β€” starter call @novaragno
To be lost in an unkown city is not how Ochako expected her first day in a foreign country to go. Nor had she had the expectation that she would be activating her quirk so quickly upon stepping out of the taxi in front of what she had hoped was the right hotel. She allows a strangled breath to finally escape her as she walks away from where she had been interviewed, raising her arms above her to stretch out her strained muscles.
Rushing to help lift a collapsing building had also not been on her list of things to do, at least not yet. She looks at her things, grateful that they had remained. Her backpack now once again on her shoulder, her uniform in its briefcase in hand and now all she has to is pick up her suitcase...
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Oh no, where is it?
She glances around awkwardly, unsure of what to do. The city's civilians seem to move at their own pace, similar to how it is back home, some of them still invested in what had happened while others have already begun to walk away and continue with their lives. Had her suitcase disappeared among the confusion?
❝ Excuse me, ❞ she says carefully, tapping the first person she reaches on the shoulder. She bows apologetically. ❝ I'm sorry to bother you, but you see a suitcase around here? A pink one? ❞
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wishmcker Β· 5 months
∘ β—¦ πŸ’– β€” starter call @xamassed / eijirō
❝ Okay, are you ready? ❞ Ochako asks, already bending her feet to get into position. She is dressed in her sports uniform, grinning over at him. ❝ Don't worry, Kirishima-kun, every bit of practice will make us stronger! And we can take care of each other later. I'll even give you a back massage! ❞
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wishmcker Β· 11 months
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❝ Everyone sure is working hard today, ❞ Ochako murmurs, glancing around. She shrugs, and her confusion melts into a loud cheer, arms raising excitedly.
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❝ Keep doing your best, everyone! ❞
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wishmcker Β· 1 year
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❝ We should go get some sweets! ❞ Ochako cheers, her hand pumping excitedly in the air. She has a craving that needs to be met!
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wishmcker Β· 1 year
∘ β—¦ πŸ’– β€” starter call @quirkycombatants
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❝ Today was so exhausting... ❞ Ochako whines as she walks in tandem with Shōji away from the gym and back to their dormitories. ❝ How did you go today, Shōji-kun? Any progress? You look stronger every day! ❞
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wishmcker Β· 1 year
∘ β—¦ πŸ’– β€” starter call @ensnaresugars / daiki
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❝ How does your quirk work exactly, Umezaka-kun? Is it a contact-emitter? ❞
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wishmcker Β· 1 year
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❝ It's Bakguō-kun's birthday today! ❞ Ochako cheers excitedly. She loves celebrating her friends birthdays. ❝ Is he hiding from us? He needs to be here for the party and his presents! ❞
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wishmcker Β· 1 year
∘ β—¦ πŸ’– β€” starter call for @mightiboy
The most recent announcement of Ochako finally entering the top twenty and only rising just as quick to Number 14. Japan's sweetheart with the cutest smile to match (according to one of the articles her PR time had approved to run).
She has to enter her best friend's agency as undetected as she can, her hood up with some of the biggest sunglasses she could find at the nearest corner store to cover her shining eyes. She had been wonderstruck since she found out she had jumped three places due to the large rescue she had been forced to take upon away from the coast with only Yaoyorozu, Shōji and Tetsutetsu at her side. It had been a difficult one for them, a huge test for sure, but considering how they had faired after, it was apparently well deserved.
She manages to slip past the crowd of fans that always seems to be hanging out near the front. She scans the ID badge she had received from her best friend years before at his first invitation, and makes her way through the agency and towards the office.
His hero name is printed across the door in gold, and she grins. As Number One, he truly deserved all of the love he receives. Including such a fancy plaque with his name on it. She knocks on the wood and waits for the go-ahead to enter and pushes the sunglasses upon her head before closing the door.
❝ I'm sorry I'm here on such short notice, ❞ she says with a bow, oddly formal for the current state of their friendship. But she feels as though she needs to be.
Ochako smiles, but it's tight and nervous, and her cherub cheeks are slightly pink from anxiety. ❝ Izuku-kun, ❞ she begins, his first name strange on her lips since it's the first time she has used it and not his hero name. She finally feels worthy of it all now, for the first time.
She wants this.
❝ Was that offer for Uravity to be part of your agency still open? ❞
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wishmcker Β· 1 year
∘ β—¦ πŸ’– β€” starter call for @heroesburden / izuku
❝ So, what was it like interning with the Number One hero? ❞ Ochako asks as she plops down next to her best friend on the couch in the common area of Heights Alliance. ❝ Todoroki-kun said it was intense, but didn't say much else. ❞
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wishmcker Β· 2 years
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❝ I was really surprised, but okā-san sent me some nail polish! ❞ she says excitedly, showing her glittery nails that has already begun to chip.
She doesn't often to get to indulge in simple things like this, so she can't keep the large smile off her face. ❝ Do you want me to paint yours too? ❞
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wishmcker Β· 2 years
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All of her mochi is gone. Has someone eaten the rest of the strawberry mochi she was keeping in the kitchen? Who is the mochi thief!
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❝ I've been looking forward to that all day... ❞
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wishmcker Β· 2 years
∘ β—¦ πŸ’– β€” starter call @prideraiised / ace
The idea of being able to concur and learn from the upperclassmen is an opportunity that Class 1-A of the Hero Course were incredibly eager to go forth with. Considering they had been enrolled at U.A. for a little while now and had begun getting comfortable and used to what was needed to become a hero, what was demanded of them and were learning about what really went on behind-the-scenes, understanding the perspective of someone who had been there longer than them would be fantastically helpful.
Ochako had seen several of the students around campus before, but none of them she was really familiar without outside of the Big Three who were in their final year. She knew of some of them, having watched a couple of U.A.'s Sports Festivals prior to her own enrolment, but others seemed to be a complete mystery.
One of these more mysterious students included Ace Tiexin, a second year Hero Course student. And her mentor for the day.
The group of students from the year above stand at the front of the classroom for a few minutes as Aizawa-sensei explains what the agenda for this is supposed to entail - it was supposed to be an opportunity to network, understand and share any knowledge they have gathered of their time on the field or from their education.
Ochako raises her hand when her name is called out and stands, making her way to over to Ace when the assignments are finished, smiling politely in greeting.
❝ It's nice to meet you, Tiexin-senpai! ❞ she says. The different pairs begin to disperse. ❝ I'm Uraraka Ochako! You can create kinetic energy clones of yourself, right? We saw you compete at the Sports Festival. ❞
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wishmcker Β· 2 years
∘ β—¦ πŸ’– β€” starter call [third year] @iamgroundzero / katsuki
Ochako promises she has looked worse. This isn't how she had been planning to return to U.A. following their work study opportunity, and specially not to training, but here she is. A purpling bruise she had attempted to keep covered with her curved strands lays against her cheek, right beneath her eye, as a result of being hit with a fist from a villain who had managed to overpower her despite her hand-to-hand combat experience.
Her costume is partially damaged, one heel of her boot snapping and one curl of her headgear completely torn off. She's thankful that they are allowed to wear their gym uniforms, and tries to ignore the looks from classmates as they make their way into Gym Gamma, pulling her hair into a ponytail away from her face.
She quietly mumbles to Δͺda on the way about today's agenda, hand-to-hand combat training sans quirks.
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❝ This is how I got injured in the first place, ❞ Ochako says to Δͺda as they saunter off after instructions are given. She is relegated to a spot near the end of the gym and sighs, pushing her arms up to stretch as she waits for her sparring partner to arrive. Randomly assigned today, curtesy of Aizawa-sensei.
She ignores the popping sound that she receives in return for her rolling her shoulders back, closing her eyes at the sound. She only opens them at the sound of shoes scraping against the ground opposite her, and her mouth falls into a line, a small smile in greeting at her classmate who stands in her line of vision.
❝ Bakugo-kun! ❞ she says, her normal, cheerful tone coming forth. ❝ How often are we paired off to spar against other? ❞
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wishmcker Β· 2 years
∘ β—¦ πŸ’– β€” starter call [fantasy a.u.] @mightiboy / izuku
When Ochako had first left upon her journey away from her small village, a right of every young mage within her family, she thought it would be like the stories she had heard from them. Tales of friendship and fun and gaining her gems to be seen as a full mage. But hers is different.
Her staff, twisted and tall, that her father had crafted for her using his own magic, always stood beside her in her ungloved hand. It was currently free of any gems that would be fitted within the curved of the crooked handle once she achieved full mageship. Her inexperience shone through as she had spent the last two weeks away from her tiny home, usually basking in the sun, instead now in open fields and immense greenery as she made her way through the forest. She began to collect samples of the wildlife and made notes in a book on their properties to see if they matched any of those she had studies.
She hadn't expected to find someone seemingly doing the same thing.
Upon hearing the crack of a twig, Ochako stands up quickly using some wind magic, careful to not do so much to accidentally trigger her nausea or gain the attention of the person she has spotted amongst the clearing. Green, curly hair, as emerald as the ferns she had collected only days ago, and a look as focused as anyone she had seen. He seems as young as she.
She carefully makes her way forward, leather boots pressing lightly against the soil, staff gripped tightly across both hands in front in case he happens to be an enemy. She has heard of shapeshifters, those who had the ability to warp their appearance as a way of hunting their prey. But he seems to innocent, so undisturbed.
❝ Hello? ❞ the brunette asks softly, trying to gain his attention but not scare him. ❝ Um, excuse me... ❞
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wishmcker Β· 2 years
∘ β—¦ πŸ’– β€” homemade valentine's chocolates! (no longer accepting.) @xamassed / eijirō
Ochako stares down at the little heart-shaped moulds that she had borrowed from Satō. She looks a little concerned, the frost flowing off the silicon to display that they had indeed been sitting in the shared freezer. Some of what she had made look a little clumsy, some not poured evenly so the tops were slanted or some seemed to appear bigger than others.
How could she mess up homemade chocolate?
She sighs sadly, but picks up the moulds with gloved hands and takes them over to the board she had already set up on the counter, ignoring the knot of the apron she had tied as it digs into her back. Ochako flips the silicon upside down and carefully begins to push them onto the wooden board, watching as each of the individual chocolates fall. She sets aside the moulds and turns them over so that they're facing right side up.
❝ At least they still look like hearts... ❞ she murmurs, dividing them into an equal number. She sniffs the air, the aroma curling through the air still with the chill. ❝ And they smell nice. ❞
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She sees a flash of red out of the corner of her eye, and the brunette turns her head. Maybe...
❝ Good mornin', Kirishima-kun! ❞ Ochako calls, attempting to keep her smile steady as she waves at him. She was hoping to have kept this a secret until later on in the day, but she needed an opinion. And he was kind and honest. ❝ I was planning on givin' these t'the class, but... I'm a little worried. W-Would you wanna try one? ❞
Her Kansai accent begins to peep through as her insecurity rises to the surface. Her eyes honey over as they begin to glass from nerves.
She moves forward to pull him towards the counter.
❝ Please? ❞
She will definitely give him something extra for this!
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wishmcker Β· 2 years
∘ β—¦ πŸ’– β€” homemade valentine's chocolates! @mightiboy / izuku
The idea of presenting chocolate on Valentine's Day to loved ones is a tradition that Ochako loves to keep. She finds it to be a sweet gesture, no pun intended, and while she could never afford the luxury of expensive chocolates, her parents had taken the time to teach her how to make homemade ones.
"Made with love," her mother used to say as she tied a ribbon she had saved around the heart-shaped box she was to give to Ochako's father. It was something passed down, and she enjoyed giving them out to the people she cared about as a way of expressing how she felt about them.
Ochako still has the same silicon, heart-shaped moulds that she used as a young girl, all clean and perfect as she pulls the chilled chocolates from out of her freezer, and smiles as she pops one into her mouth. She coos as the delicious flavour curls down her throat, cheeks flooded with red as her excitement gets the better of her.
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❝ Perfect! ❞
She carefully deposits them into the little bags she had prepared for her friends, and grins when she reaches Izuku's. An All Might themed bag, complete with his hair tufts poking out of the top to form a heart and a comically large speech bubble taking up the other side to say, "I am HERE! to be your Valentine. ✨" She had giggled when she had read it. She places a few extra chocolates into his bag, he's her best friend and a great person after all, and goes about the rest of her morning until she needs to make her way to class.
Before the bell, Ochako arranges the bags upon her classmates desks, and simply waits. She hopes they like them, that Izuku likes his!
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