#โˆ˜ โ—ฆ ๐Ÿ’– โ€” ๐€๐”: fantasy.
wishmcker ยท 2 years
โˆ˜ โ—ฆ ๐Ÿ’– โ€” starter call [fantasy a.u.] @mightiboy / izuku
When Ochako had first left upon her journey away from her small village, a right of every young mage within her family, she thought it would be like the stories she had heard from them. Tales of friendship and fun and gaining her gems to be seen as a full mage. But hers is different.
Her staff, twisted and tall, that her father had crafted for her using his own magic, always stood beside her in her ungloved hand. It was currently free of any gems that would be fitted within the curved of the crooked handle once she achieved full mageship. Her inexperience shone through as she had spent the last two weeks away from her tiny home, usually basking in the sun, instead now in open fields and immense greenery as she made her way through the forest. She began to collect samples of the wildlife and made notes in a book on their properties to see if they matched any of those she had studies.
She hadn't expected to find someone seemingly doing the same thing.
Upon hearing the crack of a twig, Ochako stands up quickly using some wind magic, careful to not do so much to accidentally trigger her nausea or gain the attention of the person she has spotted amongst the clearing. Green, curly hair, as emerald as the ferns she had collected only days ago, and a look as focused as anyone she had seen. He seems as young as she.
She carefully makes her way forward, leather boots pressing lightly against the soil, staff gripped tightly across both hands in front in case he happens to be an enemy. She has heard of shapeshifters, those who had the ability to warp their appearance as a way of hunting their prey. But he seems to innocent, so undisturbed.
โ Hello? โž the brunette asks softly, trying to gain his attention but not scare him. โ Um, excuse me... โž
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