#let allah handle it from now on
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hog-choker · 1 month ago
i think i’m over dating tbh i don’t think i can do this anymore. literally in the most frustrating talking stage i’ve ever been in and tbh i gave this women way too much grace cause she wears craig green and has a pair of marni shox. not to mention the STUPID FUCKING date i went on last night and people just keep wasting my TIME and money and nobody takes me seriously like KILL myself bomb myself jump myself off a bridge!!!!! i can’t do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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pomefioredove · 11 months ago
Saw you took specific requests. Here's mine:
Jamil with a religious reader who gives him a protection talisman.
Fun fact, prayer beads are used in multiple religions as they help count prayers (Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc).
So let's say reader comes from a world where magic exists but it's exclusively on religious grounds. Meaning if you wanna do magic you gotta pray to the right god or make a deal with some form of mythological creature.
Reader knows that Jamil's is always in danger due to the constant assassination attempts on Kalim, so they make a set of prayer beads and ask a diety to bless it in order to protect their boyfriend (could be Allah, Indra, Shiva, Buddha, Susanoo, whichever). Jamil accepts it and heads back home appreciating the sentiment but not really believing.
Except any form of danger keeps getting thwarted. Drink/food he's trying is poisoned? Conveniently spills over/has a whole in the bottom. Accident happens? Conveniently pushed out of the way. Someone tries to hurt him/kill him? Struck by lightning and straight up dies.
Not even his own parents are safe. They try to slap him to "discipline him" then they get zapped (lightly tho).
you know!!! I love this prompt so much... I'm a religious studies major so this kinda stuff is so ^w^ to me I get so excited.
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summary: giving jamil a protection spell type of post: short fic characters: jamil additional info: reader is gender neutral, the existence of religious beliefs in twst is. confusing. so we're keeping it vague, not proofread, reader is yuu
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Perhaps it was because your world was still considered "magicless" by Twisted Wonderland standards, or perhaps Jamil was never superstitious to begin with.
Either way, he wasn't exactly as excited as you'd been hoping for.
"It's nice. Did you make it yourself?" he asks, inspecting the beads. "A bracelet?"
"Prayer beads, actually. And yes, I did,"
"It's well made. What's the purpose?"
You hesitate. The nature of religion in this world is still confusing to you, although you can surmise there's got to be some kind of belief system. It's best not touching on for now.
Besides, Jamil has never been much of a believer in higher powers. For good reason.
"For protection," you explain. "Not that I think you can't handle yourself. But I worry about you over break, you know..."
He's quiet for a moment, inspecting the gift in the palm of his hand. And then he tucks the beads away in his pocket and smiles.
"I'll keep them with me, then. Thank you,"
Even if he's not exactly keen on the idea that these things will make his life any less terrible, they're from you.
And so he keeps his promise, and tucks them away after you part.
By the time he's "home" (back in Kalim's family home) he's all but forgotten about the little blessing at the bottom of his pocket. Not that you can really blame him- "vacation" is more of a title than a reality when he's back.
The first incident happens not even a day after.
The al-Asim summer mansion is certainly nothing to scoff at. Though it's only one of many, this one in particular houses a large sum of physical treasures, line with gold and ivory, stuffed full of spices and all the makings of a feast that could feed thousands, a shining jewel of the desert.
Jamil is not all that impressed.
Especially when it comes to navigating such an ornate building on orders. The polished-to-perfection floors present a challenge when you're carrying three crates worth of grain to the kitchen on the lowest floor.
Damn these stairs.
Though Jamil may not be a religious man, he still asks whatever deity may be up there to smite the slippery spiral staircase he's descending.
His arms strain to uphold the weight of the boxes, and his legs strain to keep a good footing on one of the many long and elaborate and narrow servant passages designed specifically so that the unwanted workers of the family can slip by undetected.
Quiet, diligent, and he has to be quick, too. Kalim is expecting him for a game in one of the many lounges soon.
Another unfortunate "vacation". How he'd much rather be spending it with you...
For a brief moment, Jamil swears he can feel the beads in his pocket warm against him, reminding him of their presence.
And then he slips.
The crates free themselves from his careful grasp and tumble down the stairs, creaking and thudding but mercifully staying intact.
Jamil, however, isn't made of wood. He winces as he feels himself tilting forward- and then... somehow, a strong draft pushes him on his back.
He lands just shy of his tailbone, luckily not hurting anything, except for his pride.
What a turn of luck.
The next happens at dinner.
Jamil keeps his earlier blunder to himself. His pride is damaged enough as it is, after all, and so he tries his best to conceal how shaken up the experience left him by moving swiftly across the kitchen.
"We have a dish ready for you to test," someone shouts.
He sighs. How many more evenings of this will he have to endure?
Though, he reminds himself- this may always be his last.
The thought makes Jamil chuckle as he's handed a hot dish and a clean fork. He can only stop to smell the roses for so long, so there's no chance of savoring such an exquisitely prepared meal before he's off to another part of the kitchen.
Just as the fork digs into the food, the dish slips out of his hand and shatters on the kitchen floor. Everyone falls silent.
His eyes widen. "How- ugh. My apologies,"
Now this is just getting ridiculous. How clumsy can he get in one evening? He's usually much more careful...
"Look," the head chef says, the whole kitchen crowding around the food as it dissolves.
Jamil's stomach lurches. Cyanide. It has to be. If he'd eaten that dish right there and then...
The kitchen is swiftly cleared out, and he's sent back to the lounge.
it only gets stranger from there.
What Jamil initially wrote off as clumsiness and luck seems to become a pattern-
a flying arrow at the archery range just narrowly misses him when he bends down to fix his sandal.
The al-Asim family tiger (because of course they have one) chooses to toy with a visiting prince rather than him in the courtyard.
A strong draft pushes him on his rear end seconds before a sandbag falls from an under-construction part of the mansion.
He would call it fortune if he believed in such a thing.
By the end of the vacation, everyone is absolutely perplexed by his string of good luck. Jamil isn't unfamiliar with how dangerous his family's position in life is, and he's had his fair share of injuries as a result, but this time all he has to show for it is a slightly lesser sense of annoyance than usual.
It's only the end of the trip where he ponders (unfortunately aloud) about the string of coincidences, and the beads in his pocket.
Kalim goes on to babble about Jamil's "good luck charm" to anyone who will listen, much to his annoyance.
"Oh, I want one too! Can you ask them to make me one, too?" he says, folding his hands in a pleading motion. "It's so pretty!"
"It was a gift. But... I suppose I can ask..." he sighs, and then smiles to himself.
Of course you'll come up with some excuse to say no. Because, for once, this charm is all his.
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sleepyelliee · 2 months ago
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♡ SUMMARY...F.W. won't stop bothering you !
♡ CAUTION...mentions of trauma, drinking, no "y/n" used, hindi word used, but translation is provided, not proofread, lmk if I missed anything!
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STRAGETIC... despite his rough demeanor and angry grumbles stringed together with curse words, he knows how to capture your family's heart. It all started from volunteering to pass out various treats and drinks to playing games with your younger siblings and making noticeable moves with feather-like touches on your arms to get your younger siblings to tease you about dating him.
ANNOYING... a snicker always leaves his lips after he snatches your duptta when you demand him to give back the soft piece of cloth lined with rhinestones and designs. It's a method to get your attention solely on him while he teases you. However, it gives him the advantage to admire you for a moment longer before you yank back the duptta and storm off, with a grumble escaping your lips. "Yeh ladka hai deewana..." is a common phrase that leaves your lips in these situations. (This boy/guy is crazy.)
LONELINESS... woods has seen hell, and now he had found his safe haven. most nights, he would drink beer due to the recurring nightmares that were too much to handle, but now he found someone something else to ponder about, and he won't let it you go that easily.
PAAYAL... Sometimes, you wonder how you fell for the man who constantly annoyed you endlessly with small, harmless jokes and pranks, but it seemed to work out well because the same man is on one of his knees and putting a new piece of paayal on for you.
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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING! please do not copy this on any other platform. MASTERLIST.
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nuza3minalqabail · 5 months ago
Your advice for the future Muhajiraat ..
جزاك الله خير الجزاء
I don't think me listing a few brief pieces of advice here would suffice any sister planning on traversing the path of sacrifice because I myself have seen that you learn the best through experience firsthand. Although there are so many things, so many details and so many tips that, now looking back, I wish I had known or was informed of prior to hijra, I still feel like I wouldn't have truly understood or have been equipped well enough until I went through some tests and trials.
However, I would want to tell you guys to place in front of yourselves high standards as believing women, take the anbiya and sahaba as role models, read about how much they willingly sacrificed from their families to their wealth to their security to their health, never ever feel like you have done enough for this deen but at the same time don't become pessimistic and consider yourself doomed, think well of Allah, hope for His reward in times of ease and hardship, hope for His Aid in times of urgency and desperation, and make seeking His Pleasure and obedience to Him the first and most important goal in everything you do, and before everyone else's approval.
Remember that this deen is the most valuable thing you have so be careful not to let it slip away from you and be careful not to let the dunya change you or dim your zeal to sacrifice. Remember this is not the final resting place and that you are only in the middle of the journey to the Akhirah. Keep your focus on the path and keep going forward, don't look back to the life you left behind nor those who retreat back to the lives they had once left behind also.
Things will get hard, but that's the beauty of this path, the sacrifices were never meant to be easy and neither are the rewards cheap.. the relief comes in waves but hardship will also come one after another since its the nature of this wordly life and what Allah has Decreed for us to purify us from our sins or reach a level in Jannah that we couldn't reach alone with our good deeds. And when you are given a choice between sacrificing fisabilillah and inclining to the dunya, no matter how much more convenient the latter seems and how much people try to make it appear as permissible and harmless, step on your heart and choose the pleasure of Allah, choose the state you want to die in, choose the deeds that bring you closer to the obedience of Allah and the haqq.
Perhaps you will see from people things you don't like, behaviours you don't agree with, speech that aggravates or upsets you, and know that no one is infallible and everyone will face Allah for any wrongdoing they do, so check and fear for yourself first lest you harm others the same way, and make dua that Allah guides those who fall in the same matter, advise them gently if you can with evidence from quran and sunnah clearly and if they continue, be content with having done your part towards them in front of Allah, and control your emotions from becoming reactive to people who are not going to recieve it well nor will you benefit yourself by doing so.
And know, that this path is not void of loss of wealth and lives, fear and hunger, losses in this dunya if handled with patience and the correct intentions will be abundance and rewards in the Akhira bi ithnillah, be militant with yourself when you feel weak in your imaan and shakey in your thabaat, hope for the imminent victory from Allah or shahada in His Cause trying to support His religion with your wealth and life and don't worry about the outcomes, hold yourself up with the last bit of strength in you for you are not responsible for anyone except yourself, and upon you is to serve this deen and then Allah Does what He Wants with His Kingdom, and He has promised those who do good that their rewards will not be lost.
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gerlionrise · 3 months ago
The Downfall of the Sultan
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Pairing: Mehmed ii x reader Note: this is just a series of different stories about You and Sultan Mehmed 2. No plot, nothing too serious. We are just having fun here. Pictures are uses as hints. Enjoy! This is part 8. All parts are here
The library had never been so quiet, the air heavy with anticipation. Mehmed was already seated, leaning back in a cushioned chair with an open book resting on his lap. His sharp gaze followed you as you entered, his eyes softening instantly. A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips, one that spoke of mischief more than academic intent.  
"You’re late," he said, his voice carrying the low authority of a sultan, though the teasing undertone betrayed his mood.  
"You’re early," you countered, meeting his gaze with a challenging glint in your eyes.  
He tilted his head, gesturing to the seat beside him. “Sit. Let’s see if you’re as eager to learn today as you were the last time—or will I have to chase your attention again?”  
Settling beside him, you glanced at the open book on the table, the beautiful Arabic script flowing like art across the pages. Mehmed leaned closer, the subtle scent of cedar and musk enveloping you as he picked up a quill and began writing.  
“This is the phrase we’ll start with,” he said, his voice dropping lower as he leaned even closer, his lips nearly brushing your ear. “Read it aloud.”  
You tilted your head, your face now inches from his. “You’re too close,” you muttered, though the warmth in your cheeks betrayed the protest.  
“I’m exactly where I need to be,” he replied smoothly, his eyes gleaming with amusement. “Now, read.”  
Your focus shifted reluctantly to the text. You stumbled through the phrase, and Mehmed chuckled, his hand brushing yours as he reached to correct your pronunciation.  
“Habibti, la takhafi. Ana huna ma'ak,” he said slowly, his voice rich and deliberate. “It means, ‘My beloved, do not be afraid. I am here with you.”  
You repeated the phrase carefully, but your eyes darted back to him. His expression was softer now, his gaze almost reverent.  
“Do you want me to learn it for yourself, Sultan?” you teased.  
“For you,” he admitted, his hand lingering on yours.  
As the lesson continued, his focus seemed to waver. Instead of guiding you through the phrases, his hand would drift to your shoulder or the small of your back, pulling you just a little closer.  
“Mehmed,” you said, trying to sound stern, “this is supposed to be a lesson. Stop distracting me.���  
“I am teaching,” he replied, his voice filled with mock innocence. “You’re the one who’s distracting me.”  
You rolled your eyes, trying to pull away, but his arm snaked around your waist, holding you in place. “You told me you have learned something by yourself?” he asked, his tone suddenly curious.  
Turning to face him, you smirked. “A few things. Would you like to hear?”  
He nodded, leaning back slightly, his expression intrigued.  
You hesitated for a moment before speaking softly in Arabic. “Ana uhibbuka. Enta qalbi wa ruhii.”  
His eyes widened slightly at the confession, the words hitting him harder than you’d expected. “You’ve been studying well,” he said after a pause, though his voice had softened considerably.  
“You didn’t expect that, did you?”  
“I didn’t,” he admitted, his hand coming up to brush a strand of hair from your face. “But hearing it from you... ya Allah, it’s more beautiful than I imagined.”  
Emboldened by his reaction, you decided to push further. “If I keep studying, will you take me with you to the Middle East on your next campaign?”  
The playful warmth in his eyes dimmed slightly. “No.”  
You blinked, surprised at the firmness in his tone. “Why not?”  
“It’s not a place for a woman,” he said simply, his voice edging into the authority of a ruler. “It’s dangerous.”  
“I’m not just any woman,” you countered, sitting up straighter. “I’ve been training with you. I’ve learned strategy from you. I can handle myself.”  
He chuckled, “You really don’t understand the reality of war. It’s not just battles and victories. It’s blood, pain, and suffering. I don't want you to be there.”  
“And how are you going to live without me while you will be away?” you challenged.
Mehmed leaned back against the edge of the library table, arms crossed, watching you with that signature blend of amusement and authority. His gaze had grown darker, more intent as the tension in the room shifted.  
“You doubt my willpower?” he asked, his voice low, his lips curling into a half-smile.  
“I do,” you replied with a playful tilt of your head, stepping closer to him. The mischief in your eyes was unmistakable. “I don’t think you could resist me if you tried.”  
He raised an eyebrow, the challenge evident in his expression. “You’re underestimating me.”  
“Am I?” you teased, crossing your arms as you took another step toward him. “Let’s make it interesting. Ten minutes, Sultan. You can’t touch me. Not once.”  
He let out a quiet laugh, shaking his head. “You’re playing a dangerous game.”  
You shrugged, unbothered by his warning. “I think you’re the one in danger of losing.”  
“Ten minutes, you say?” He straightened, his confidence unwavering. “Fine. But when I win, you’ll admit that no one—not even you—can bend the will of a sultan.”  
The room seemed to grow warmer as you moved to the center of the space, your movements slow and deliberate. You began to sway, a subtle rhythm to your steps as you locked eyes with him. Mehmed’s composure faltered just slightly, his jaw tightening.  
“What are you doing?” he asked, his voice calm, though his hands were already gripping the edge of the table.  
“Proving my point,” you said simply, spinning lightly as you reached up to untie the scarf around your shoulders. You let it fall to the ground, your fingers trailing along the soft fabric as you did.  
His gaze followed every motion, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed hard. “This isn’t fair.”  
“Who said anything about fair?” you replied, your voice lilting with mock innocence.  
You reached for the pin that held your outer robe together, your fingers working slowly as you allowed it to slide from your shoulders. The silk whispered against your skin as it fell, revealing the lighter gown underneath.  
His eyes darkened further, and though he hadn’t moved from his spot, his grip on the table tightened. “You’re testing my patience.”  
“Patience, or your self-control?”  
The seconds ticked by, your movements growing bolder as you swayed closer to him. The gown you wore hugged your form perfectly, and every subtle shift seemed to taunt him further.  
“You can stop now,” he said, his voice strained.  
“Why would I stop?” you asked, stepping closer, close enough for him to feel the warmth radiating from you. “You’re the one who accepted the challenge, Sultan.”  
“Enough,” he growled, his tone low, his eyes fixed on yours.  
“Have you reached your limit already?” you teased, tilting your head as you leaned just close enough for your breath to mingle with his. “You’re supposed to last ten minutes.”  
He didn’t answer, his jaw tightening as his gaze flickered to your lips.  
Finally, you reached for the ties of your gown, your hands moving slowly as you began to undo them. That was the breaking point.  
“Enough,” he repeated, his voice rougher this time as he closed the distance between you in an instant. His hands found your waist, pulling you flush against him.  
You laughed softly, your arms wrapping around his neck as he buried his face in your shoulder. “You lost,” you whispered.  
“I’ll admit defeat,” he murmured against your skin, his lips brushing your collarbone, “if it means I get to hold you like this.”  
He didn’t let go, his hands wandering your back as though reassuring himself you were real. His lips found the curve of your neck, trailing kisses upward until he reached your ear.  
“You’re impossible,” he said, though the adoration in his tone betrayed his words. “But you adore me,” you replied, your fingers threading through his hair.  
“I do,” he admitted, his voice softening. “More than I can put into words.”
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just-another-blogspots · 11 months ago
Two weeks ago, I experienced a violent attack that left me hospitalized. Tragically, my beloved father was killed, and upon returning home, I learned that my mother had also been taken from me. I am now staying with family friends, but they are unable to provide the resources I need to safely evacuate to Egypt, where I have relatives who can care for me.
To secure safe passage, I require $7,000 - a sum I simply cannot afford given the devastating losses I've endured. I am facing the unthinkable prospect of being sent to a refugee camp, which I know will not provide the sanctuary and support I so desperately need at this time.
Your compassionate contribution could make all the difference in allowing me to reach safety and begin the long process of healing and rebuilding my life. Any amount you are able to share would be deeply appreciated and would go directly towards covering the critical expenses needed for my evacuation.
I understand the sensitive nature of this request, and I want to assure you that I will handle all donations with the utmost care and discretion. The safety and well-being of myself and my remaining family is my top priority, and I will ensure that your support is used solely for this purpose.
Please let me know if you have any other questions or if there is any other way I can provide further information. I am truly grateful for your consideration during this incredibly challenging time.
I'm really sorry to hear that, I hope everything will be better for you asap.
I'm pretty sure Allah is with you, be patient all of this will be rewarded.
All I have for you is duaa.
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suhyla · 11 months ago
Assalamualaikum my beautiful sister, I always find comfort in your words and idk if you will see this but idk maybe if you respond it would make me feel better, I just have been in some rough times for the past few years and I feel like I just cannot take it at times, I try my best to stay positive but some days I just fall into such deep depression. I trust Allah to handle my affairs but I always wonder what is wrong with me that things don’t seem to be getting better. I feel like I’m running out of patience and I feel scared that I am not passing the test of faith. I know Allah is just and I know He would never do wrong to me while I have faith in Him. I feel at a loss of what else to do, my heart aches and I’m under so much stress and pressure I dream of not being here anymore although I know I would never do such thing, the thought has begun to bring me comfort. I hope for Allah to be pleased with me and I hope He will answer me soon. I hope you are well my sister 🥹
Salam sister, I’m so sorry to hear you’re going through so much pain. I can’t imagine what you’re going through and I pray that Allah grants you afiyah from all you suffer from.
As someone who has also been suffering for many years with unbearable pains, I will share what has given me peace in hopes that it may also help you. I have gone through things that most people would never go through, much less at my age. Some of these things have passed, others are very much a reality that I remain unable to change.
However, in the depth of my pain, grief, and fear, I have tried to stick to what I know to be truth: that Allah is with me. That Allah hears me and listens to me. That Allah answers my duaas, even if it takes years for those duaas to become a reality. Before anything else, you have to know that this is an absolute fact. Why? Because Allah says so in the Quran and this is what we learn from the Prophet ﷺ’s story and example.
Next, you have to start praying tahajjud. Before Fajr in the last third of the night. Just 2 rakaat. But I want you to make your sujood very long. I want you to treat every sajdah as your own 1-on-1 conversation with Allah. Your moment to take all your pain to the Lord of the worlds. To the King of Kings. Literally talk to Him the way you’re talking to me in this message. Cry to Him. Let out all your emotions and tell Him you need Him to heal you. That you need Him to change things. That you can’t go on any longer. I need you to be consistent and commit to praying tahajjud every night until things change. Because they will change.
The first time I began praying tahajjud I was also very depressed. This was back in 2017. Some of the duaas I made during that time were answered immediately. Some were just answered this year. I have even more challenges now that I have also been making duaa for without seeing any change. But I pray knowing that Allah hears every word. And that if He has not responded yet, then He has a plan.
And that is an important attitude shift I needed to learn. To take a step back and recognize that Allah loves me and answers my duaas. So if He hasn’t accept a duaa yet, then it is for a good reason. For a reason that will make me happy. But I have to be patient and trust that when the time is right, things will change. Patience is a muscle we all need to work on. I have constantly had to relearn what it means to be patient, to not react to my circumstances, and to trust in Allah always because if nothing else makes sense, then at the very least I know He is with me. Patience means you tell Allah, ya Allah everything’s hurts right now and I am in so much pain. I am sad. I am afraid. Etc. But I trust You. I know You will bring me relief. I have no doubt that You will help me.
Commit to all of the above until His help arrives. Because it will always arrive with patience. Patience is so hard. That’s why it’s repeated throughout the Quran. But if Allah has chosen you to be among those who are patient, then it means He loves you and He wants to show you just how much He will turns things around for you because of your patience.
﴿وَكَأَيِّن مِن نَبِيٍّ قاتَلَ مَعَهُ رِبِّيّونَ كَثيرٌ فَما وَهَنوا لِما أَصابَهُم في سَبيلِ اللَّهِ وَما ضَعُفوا وَمَا استَكانوا وَاللَّهُ يُحِبُّ الصّابِرينَ﴾
And how many a prophet [fought in battle and] with him fought many religious scholars. But they never lost assurance due to what afflicted them in the cause of Allāh, nor did they weaken or submit. And Allāh loves those who are patient.
Sending you lots of love and duaa dear sister. I promise, even if things don’t change immediately, they will change. But what you gain by learning to lean on Allah and complain to Him will change everything 💗
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writerfarzanatutul · 1 year ago
Islamic short stories 10
"SHE CALLED OFF OUR MARRIAGE," Hashem sighed, his shoulders slumping. He looked defeated.
"What? But why?" Yusuf didn't know how to console his best friend.
"She found someone better than me," Hashem confessed. "Don't worry, brother. Let her go. You deserve someone better. You should be grateful to Allah," Yusuf comforted. "I want to, but it hurts. It really hurts. I loved her so much," Hashem admitted. Yusuf placed a hand on his shoulder and said, "If Allah finds goodness in your heart, He will give you better than what has been taken from you and forgive you, for Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful" (Surah Al-Anfal, verse 70). Hashem nodded, finding hope in those words.
Today, Hashem got married. He never thought he would marry again, but he did. After constant persuasion from his parents, he agreed to marry the girl they chose. Although they didn't force him, he wanted to honor their wish. Entering his room, he noticed the empty bed. Nearby, his new bride was praying Salah. As she finished, she noticed him and froze. Hashem observed the remaining makeup on her face, probably removed while making Wudu. They stared at each other, unsure what to do. She lowered her gaze and broke the silence. "Actually, I didn't pray Isha Salah, that's why," she explained.
"It's fine," Hashem reassured as he closed the door. He noticed her standing still. Sitting on the bed, he invited her to join. Huma nervously played with her fingers. Breaking the silence, she asked, "Give me a minute. Let me fix my makeup." "It's okay. You look pretty even without makeup," Hashem replied, surprised by her question. Huma blushed, a smile appearing on his lips. "Please relax and sit down," he encouraged her. As Huma sat beside him, they began to talk.
"Thank you," Huma said, her voice laced with curiosity. "But did you really mean it? That I look pretty without makeup?"
Hashem held her gaze. "Absolutely," he affirmed.
Huma's smile bloomed. "No one's ever said that before," she confessed, a hint of wonder in her voice. "It makes me really happy."
Hashem reveled in their conversation, a soft smile playing on his lips.
"Maybe they're just intimidated by your natural beauty," he teased playfully. "Jealousy is a common affliction these days, but you seem refreshingly above it."
Huma tilted her head, considering this. "I try not to be jealous," she admitted. "Sometimes a flicker might appear, but then I just make dua for them instead."
"That's a beautiful way to handle it," Hashem said, his smile genuine.
"Listen," Huma hesitated, "I want to be a housewife. I don't like to study. I hope you don't have any problem." "Why don't you like to study?" Hashem asked. Huma explained, "There's no reason. I just don't like it anymore. My parents want me to continue studying, but I don't. That's why I married you." "Why do you think I won't force you to study further?" Hashem inquired. "Why waste your money?" Huma replied. "It's fine, I don't mind wasting money," Hashem joked. Huma pleaded, "Please, I don't want to study further." Hashem struggled to hold back his laughter. "I'm not going to listen. I want my wife to be a PhD holder."
"No, please. I will raise our children," Huma insisted. Unable to contain his laughter, Hashem burst out laughing. "Why are you laughing?" Huma pouted. "So, you'll raise our kids?" Hashem teased, mischief in his eyes. Huma nodded enthusiastically. 
"Speaking of our kids," Hashem continued, a playful glint in his eyes, "where are these future champions hiding?"
Huma's face flushed a light pink. "Well, they'll be here soon, obviously, since we're married now," she explained, a hint of naivety in her voice.
"Hmm, maybe they got lost on the stork delivery route," Hashem joked, feigning concern.
Huma's brow furrowed. "Lost? Storks? There are no storks involved, silly!"
Hashem threw his head back and laughed, the sound warm and genuine. Wiping a tear from his eye, he reached for her hand. "You're a very funny person, Huma. You know that, right?"
He  burst into laughter. "Why are you laughing? Did I crack a joke? We're having a conversation on a serious topic, and you're laughing," Huma said with a hint of irritation. "Okay, I'm sorry. We're having a serious conversation. I shouldn't laugh," he apologized. Suddenly his expressions and tone were quite serious. 
Despite his serious tone, Hashem blurted out, "What if we, uh, sped up the process of having kids?"Huma's brow furrowed in confusion.
A wide grin split Hashem's face. It took a moment for Huma to catch on, then a blush bloomed across her cheeks, as red as a ripe tomato. She playfully swatted him on the arm, burying her face in her hands. Hashem's hearty laughter filled the room.
Perhaps you dislike something which is good for you and like something which is bad for you. Allah knows and you do not know. (Al-Baqarah verse 216 )
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b-lessings · 1 year ago
The one asking is in this situation right now. And I don't know what to do, I am so stressed out and I feel so worthless.
لا حول و لا قوة الا بالله 💔💔
My dear sister, first of all, I am so sorry you are put in this position. I don't know the circumstances and the full story but one thing I can tell you is that you have to be strong, you can't let yourself be or " look " worthless, because you're NOT.
A man's desire for a second wife could stem from different things, there could be a problem in the couple (which does not mean that there is something wrong with the wife) or it might be that the husband feels "entitled" just because it's permissible, or because he is able to afford a second wife and a second family so he thinks why not? And Allah knows best. And sübhanallah, the nature of the woman can't handle it, the heart of the woman can't handle it, no matter how the convincing goes (if any). And this is a very private situation, it is couple-specific, it depends on your financial status, where you live, how you live, if you work or study or not.. so I can't really tell you what to do on anonymous because I don't know much, but I know you're in pain and I feel for you, my heart breaks for you. I want you to remain patient and to turn to Allah swt. Wake up for Tahajjud and cry your heart out to Allah swt, make sure you increase your adhkar, and if you can say " la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah" at least 100× a day and send prayers upon Prophet Muhammad ﷺ at least 100× a day then Allah swt will make a way for you in shaa Allah. Ask Allah swt to grant you the beautiful patience you need to get through this test my dear. Allahu al mustaān.
And on a separate note, if you could start living a little for yourself, taking care of yourself, focus on your own goals, intellect and maybe career if you're working then that's a great way to busy yourself and feel good about yourself.
In shaa Allah kheir.
My heart is with you, may Allah swt grant you peace of mind and tie upon your heart my dear, ameen.
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humayra18 · 2 years ago
Happy Birthday My Favorite Human Being
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As it's 14th September again ,I have decided to write another irritating never ending long passage 📝
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I know it has been regular and very irritating and old now but I can't help as I love talking and this one fine day I can talk as much as I can about YOU ✋ aab bolegi baaki din thodi main speechless hoti hu 😒 okay correction I can talk about you without being accused of talking unnecessary and on top of that I love celebrating your birthday 🥳🎉 see 👇 like this
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Actually I have started writing the birthday wish and suddenly went blank as I don't know what to wish you anymore!!! I feel like life has been really kind and good to you the past year ,atleast better definitely ,I have seen so many of my previous wishes come true this year !! You seem so much more relaxed ,happy and out of dark,I think this year instead of wishing I would just like to thank Allah for being so kind to you and bringing you in a better place ,I hope you keep staying happy and healthy and of course OPODARTHO ✋
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As I am not gonna wish you thousands wishes this year then lemme just tell you how I see you as a person,Subo from Orno's perspective.So,let's start
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Subooo ,first of all you are amazing for being soo patient to read till now ☝️ like who would read Orno's such useless words for past 5/10 minutes if it's not you
"There are flowers enough in the summer time,
More flowers than I can remember
But none with the purple, gold, and red
That dye the flowers of September!"
Nope,don't think I wrote the poem ✋ I just chorified it because it says what I want to tell you write now,moral of the poem there are many more people born in the month of September but you are the one with purple ,red and gold 💜✨
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The first person I met and the first friend I made on Twitter 8 (it was 2015 I guess) years ago was you and it will always remain one of the best day in my life 💜
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you say you are not emotionally available ,not approachable but I think you are most easiest person to get along because you care about people even when you hardly know them,well my Subo got the heart of diamond and i am proud of you forever ✨
Lemme tell you that year I went to Twitter because I was burnt out from being in the real world and dealing with real people ,issues ,I was fed up of passing time alone ,it was a rough phase and Twitter world seemed like a tempting escape but I would have even come back from there within 2 days if I hadn't met you ! You don't know but you became my anchor at that time unknowingly and unintentionally!!I know I still behave clingy but I hope you understand how I see you in my life from that time ,I hardly forget things,vivid memories are sometimes like curse ,so I have vivid memories of how things were and then how things became better (atleast to some extent ) because of you ,that's the reason I am always too grateful , and too clingy with You ! I will always have a soft corner for you even if we even fight or don't talk anymore !!
Moral of the story - You are a sunshine who radiates warmth to everyone even to the strangers ,that's how wonderful you are as a person Subo !!
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The responsibilities you beautifully handle in this age ,I can't even describe in words how much I admire and respect you for this.I know how hard is this because now I am atleast 25 🙃 and now when I think of you in my age few years back handling life the way you did I can't help but just be awestruck !! Don't think I am exaggerating or being cheesy ,because Orno says what comes genuinely only ✌️
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I think if I write more about how much I love you as a person you are gonna just kill me out of boredom so I will stop here 🤌
Just want to tell you I hope you stay healthy ,happy and with me for a long long time ! I know it's hard to deal with with me most of the times because I nag you with each and everything but just know I can hardly keep something in if it's bothering or hurting me and I end up ranting ! Most recent ranting I did about our friendship ,it must be irritating for you but I really couldn't help ! It has been hurting me since a long time and there were way too many times I wanted to just delete WA and not being in touch with you!!It started since the time we didn't talk for a month .I still think if you were okay with not talking to me for such a long time it must have been not the same anymore ,priorities have changed ! But I am just still gonna hope it's not the case and as I have photographically memory I hardly can think of you as not like that friend anymore !!For me ,you still are the Subo I first met and had the time of my life with ,who made me not feel like a unwanted person 💜
I will just leave it here as a wish for both of us on your birthday 👇
Thank you for being in the world at the same time as me and being in my life and being the anchor,safe place ,personal therapist and my Home 💜
I thank Allah for this day everyday ,if someday you feel bad about yourself just remember there is a person in BD miles away from you who thinks you are the best and loves you the mostest and had the time of her life with you 💫💌
P.S : Yes Yes!jiminie has been my inspiration for this line but it came from the core of my heart okay ?
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almaqead · 2 days ago
"Parity." Introduction to Surah 43, Az-Zukhruf, "The Isotrope."
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The word isotrope means "strong in all directions." This follows a Surah dedicated to speaking the poetry of the Verses. Surah Az-Zukhruf chapter 43 of the Quran, was revealed in the Second MeccanPeriod before the Prophet Muhammad's migration to Medina. In Arabic, the banner means "ornaments of gold."
One of the reasons I am revealing the Quran is to take advantage of Muhammad's Isotrope, his global view of God and apply it to real time. I have seen an ordinary place, like Washington DC where I live devolve into a whorehouse where anything goes, including a President that rapes his own people and lives to tell about it. Nothing I tried stemmed the tide of wickedness or violence spawned by this place, and now the world is trying to adapt to its ways instead of the ideology of the Quran.
Let us keep studying and see if we can change this and create a new Quran Isotrope around the world, one that will be able to resist this American disease we are all dying from, starting with all Arabia.
Thus begins the Surah.
43: 1-14:
"Ḥâ-Mĩm. "The Water for the Confounded."
By the clear Book!
Certainly, We have made it a Quran in Arabic so perhaps you will understand.
And indeed, it is—in the Master Record1 with Us—highly esteemed, rich in wisdom.
Should We then turn the ˹Quranic˺ Reminder away from you ˹simply˺ because you have been a transgressing people?
˹Imagine˺ how many prophets We sent to those ˹destroyed˺ before!
But no prophet ever came to them without being mocked.
So We destroyed those who were far mightier than these ˹Meccans˺. The examples of ˹their˺ predecessors have ˹already˺ been related.1 
If you ask them ˹O Prophet˺ who created the heavens and the earth, they will certainly say, “The Almighty, All-Knowing did.”
˹He is the One˺ Who has laid out the earth for you, and set in it pathways for you so that you may find your way.
And ˹He is the One˺ Who sends down rain from the sky in perfect measure, with which We give life to a lifeless land. And so will you be brought forth ˹from the grave˺.
And ˹He is the One˺ Who created all ˹things in˺ pairs,1 and made for you ships and animals to ride
so that you may sit firmly on their backs, and remember your Lord’s blessings once you are settled on them, saying, “Glory be to the One Who has subjected these for us, for we could have never done so ˹on our own˺.
And surely to our Lord we will ˹all˺ return.”
The ideological shift we want the world to make and become unilateral in its observances of property values, human life, and dependability in the government is found in the verses above. God says He is the one that created all things in parity so we could sit firmly on the backs of our successes, successes in which we are all according to Allah counterparts: specifically in the mesmerizing wonders and balance in the universe.
He gives is a hint as to how to handle what is going on around the world that is not at all considered "partial" to such things and the laws God gave the Prophet. He says "remember you were once a transgressing people" but can be reborn. This we can surely do in age of mankind that still believes in holocaust like the Russians and the Assads inflicted on Syria, in spite of their war against Ukraine, the ravaging and raping of America by Donald Trump and his Mormon and Catholic friends, over all of these and all tyrants, the Quran says we are already stronger in every way.
As Mo said, "He created mercy and love between us." These are the source of the Isotrope that will change the world. I will certainly be disappointed in the Saudis if they don't go to bat for those poor Ukrainains and Syrians with the same ardor the world championed those filthy Palestians after October 7. Let us pray they do the right thing during their parley with the US and the Russian envoys.
The Surah will continue.
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beemerbeysproductions · 8 days ago
This morning, after Fajr Salah, I found myself reflecting on the overwhelming feeling of being "time poor." No matter how much I plan and structure my days, time keeps slipping away, and I’m just trying to make the most of what’s left.
At the core of everything I do, my ultimate goal is to motivate, guide, and hold my family together—my wife, my children, my parents, my brothers, and everyone around me. The elements of life’s influence pull us all in different directions, and I try my best to keep us grounded, to remind us of our purpose, our responsibilities, and the bigger picture beyond this world.
My life is a constant balance between a physically demanding job, my volunteering efforts, my creative work in the community, and above all, the responsibility I feel towards my family. I want to be the one who reminds, encourages, and strengthens them, not just with words but through action and consistency. I want to set the example, to show my children what it means to work hard, stay connected to Allah, and always strive for good. I want to be present for my wife, support her, and grow together as we navigate life’s journey. I want to honor my parents, serve them in the best way I can, and ensure they feel nothing but love and ease. I want to keep my brothers close, reminding each other of what truly matters.
Every time I step foot in the masjid, I think to myself, how can I aid this beautiful house of Allah? Whether it’s through helping with projects, organization, or simply supporting others, I strive to do my part. I try to level and make fair of everything, but there are times when the scale tilts, when I feel like I’m stretched too thin, and I struggle to bring it back into balance. But I try—my level best.
And there are times when something within me pulls me down. When whispers of doubt make me feel weak, when I question my abilities, when I wonder if I am truly capable of all that is in front of me. But Allah has placed something in my heart—something that refuses to stop, something that pushes me beyond what I think I can bear.
Indeed, Allah does not burden a soul beyond what it can handle.
And so, I push forward. Not because of strength, not because of certainty, but because I trust that whatever comes my way is already measured by Allah.
And in life, I see things more clearly now. I often gaze at a spider spinning its web, wondering, why are you here? What purpose do you serve? And yet, Allah has given it its purpose, a purpose that only He knows, in His infinite wisdom.
I watch the bumblebee move from flower to flower, fulfilling the role Allah has assigned to it, without question, without hesitation. And in that moment, I pause. I am in awe. Because if even the smallest of creatures has a divinely appointed purpose, then surely, so do we.
And in everything that I do, in everything that I have—even from the smallest thing—I am so appreciative.
The bounties Allah has given me are countless, and yet I remind myself daily to reflect on those in need, those in hardship, those whom Allah is testing in ways I cannot even comprehend.
Even something as simple as a drop of clean water from the tap—I sit there, sometimes in pain, knowing that there are people in a dying state, people in desperate need, struggling for just a sip. This thought pierces my heart with sadness.
How often do we take for granted the ease with which we turn on a tap and let water flow without a second thought? How often do we stop to reflect on the blessings we enjoy daily, while others, somewhere in the world, are making du’a for just a fraction of what we have?
And as with so many in life, there are times when we may feel lost—when we struggle to see the way forward, when doubts creep in, when we feel disconnected. But I can vouch that Allah finds us and guides us. We just need to raise our hands and ask Him, and He will show us the way. And for this, I am so grateful.
I am so grateful to the Almighty that He has chosen me, my family, and everyone I know to be in the path of Islam. This is the greatest blessing of all, and I don’t take it lightly. I recognize that not everyone is given this path, and I thank Allah for allowing me to walk it, even when I falter, even when I struggle.
And in all of this, I am ever so conscious that time is running out. A deep fear lingers in my heart:
Have I done enough?
Is Allah pleased with me?
Is He angry with me?
Have I met all the conditions that He has set upon me?
These are the thoughts that sit with me daily. I know I will never truly know the answers until I stand before Him, but the fear keeps me moving, keeps me striving, keeps me in constant awareness that my time here is temporary.
And so, I ask myself: Am I ready to slow down, take it easy, and accept that I can’t do everything?
Absolutely not.
Not for a moment.
This drive inside me doesn’t come from ambition—it comes from knowing that time is a gift. A gift that can’t be wasted. It’s about making sure every moment counts, ensuring that whatever I do is purposeful, beneficial, and meaningful. It’s about carving out small moments of reflection amid the rush, reminding myself why I do what I do and who I do it for.
Ramadan has brought all of this into sharper focus. It’s not just a time of fasting—it’s a time of measuring progress. A time to look back and see where I was last year, to reflect on whether I have truly used my time well. Unlike a New Year’s resolution that fades, Ramadan is the true reset—the moment when I pause, realign, and recommit to making the most of every second Allah (SWT) has given me.
As Allah (SWT) reminds us in the Quran:
“By time, indeed mankind is in loss, except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience.”
(Surah Al-Asr, 103:1-3)
Time is slipping away. What we do with it is what truly matters.
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iwantjobs · 17 days ago
3/8/2025: OK I am jumping ahead analyzing my prediction. Today is a a wild first in West Hampton or Long Island. I found out that area is Trump's country. Then I found out it was quickly 50% contained.
Since wild fire can start by humans, but how it stops is what human cannot control. If this wild fire only cover Trump's country area in New York, then there is a higher power up there controlling everything or God as Jesus' father/Allah/Yahweh/Brahmin/Ong Troi/etc. if this fire spreads to democratic areas of New York, then it's only like warm that the higher source exists.
Of course the ultimate proof that the higher source exists is a big earthquake in gay San Francisco where my Palestinian lawsuit has been quietly and comfortably sitting while 13,000 Gazan child are dead; and also where I was bullied by the 3.1 lost gay bosses near death and their 5 heterosexual lost Caucasian female followers and 1 lost male Latino follower. As a human being, I am still bias in my opinion and I want this earthquake to happen on Fourth of July for that is when I can lose my 🐖 belly and love handles, fat manly middle of shoulders and bottom neck area, stretch out my painful crippled dislocated and right neck, flabby old under upper arms. However, this is more to save more Gazan children from dying if this Gaza war continues with Trump saying that he goes Netanyahu whatever he needs to finish the job (which is not part of the original ceafire deal). The original ceafire deal is to negotiate for more hostage releases and Isrealie trips to move out of Gaza. Trump.p and Netanyahu wants to delay this negotiation, wants hostages back now, and all Hamas out. So, if it is really to safe more Gazan children from dying with our American equality democracy tax dollars to break the law to build and defend a religious state with evidence of a religious symbol of Judaism on Israeli flag and to seize control fo Jesus' birthland as prize land for Christian America over the Pope and Vatican City by breaking the law to fight in a religious area (Holyland) when our First Amendment of the Constitution said in its separation of church and state clause saying, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." If there is a big earth in San Francisco spreading down to San Jose (where I live) because the Silicon Valley has a lot of tech companies and rich people that funds Isreal in the next 1 month, then there is evidence that there is a non-human-force up there that created the universe (?); and this will be punishment for Biden for he killed 13,000 Gazan children as a Irish-american Catholic Zionist to win over Jesus' land as prize land for Irish American over Church of England, the kings and queens, and Irish people credit as Catholics for Ireland is the only Catholic area in that part of England little continent. I'll be praying too because this earth quake will hurt me for it was my ethnic American tax dollars that went into the first 15 months of war in Gaza and also my ethnic American tax dollars that Trump sent over in 4 billions to Isreal and more 2,000 lb American bombs to bomb more ina war zone where 30% of the population is children who couldn't vote for this war. Some are saying even Gazan babies in incubators that died during first 3 weeks of war because Netanyahu but off electricity were guilty of October 7th and they are terrorists, too. Cruel huh? I could be wrong so let's see. Trang work at 51.89 years old. I pray this is my last post on this Tumblr so I can move to another Tumblr URL to post good things for a change. I am sick of being sick and revengeful. Off to prepare to relinguish my genocide-gay-Spanish-as-2nd-language American citizenship eternally to return where I came from as the female Buddha if it's not too gay (Vietnam), or Cambodia (to pay back for Vietnam sins of invading it during Vietnam war), and Laos. If Asia turns gay, then I'll pack my black sheet and live underground in Iran.
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coffeecupboard · 23 days ago
A grave of butterflies
It comes to an end,
Where all the excitements, joy and love have to stop to be shared both ways.
"We need to re-route, take a turn back, and go on our own path" as you said.
It's hard for me to say goodbye, really hard.
But I have to.
I don't wanna hurt you, but this situation really hurt me, so bad.
But, whatever happens, its all what Allah has planned for me. Allah is The Best Planner.
Prepare for the worst, face it, and be the best version of yourself, darling🤗
You are not alone. Your spirit guides always got your back.
What feels heavy, its actually not heavy if you succeed to let go from it.
Let go from attachment, forgive what others have done to you, forgive for the unknown of what they're doing.
You already on the higher vibrations.
What's lost from you, is the thing that is not aligned with you and your vision right now.
Just believe.
"Jadikanlah sabar dan sholat sebagai penolongmu. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Penolong lagi Maha Penyayang"
Have faith. Walk by faith, not by sight.
Trust your intuitions, trust your gut feelings and be the best version of you.
You got this. You can handle this.
"Sesungguhnya bersama setiap kesulitan, pasti ada kemudahan"
Ikhlas and sabr, gurl, you are strong and brave and such a beautiful soul! I love you so much💙
–mutiaraselatantrip, 02.03.2025, 10:39pm
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nightguide · 3 months ago
WELCOME RESORT: optimal expressions (LP)
on his nerves since then but ended now:
optic disc: favoured by most (father has issues with heartbreak (blood clotting)
fovea: villain made true (mother is actually made for a beauty blessed divine is how, now the future daughter in law is in waiting for an adventure of a lifetime (not even her doing that it was a social plan all along for the world making it up to now, resorts (new names joining Hollywood for a circuit saga (overheard on the phone too many times by Linna (clairvoyant of the 5)
social anatomy (why he never made sense then):
rods: home life (he cannot even find it in him to make 'sense' if his grandmother was happy, he needs to let that go (daughter in session before marriage (usually happens)
cones: wife by intuition is him knowing her (blogger right now, to radio rebel (finale) (he cannot seem to let her go by sexual intimacy to now, believing in a God (allah) much more seriously than she does that he is on the case all the time (back to Linna) that he cannot even see anything but her that he cannot even find it in him to say 'i love you' without sexually crashing into her angle as a husband (natural)
bipolar cells: sex life with wife (he cannot compare right now (he is her by childhood spells to a dream intuition at the end of a friend (likely so that he knows her soul all too well (a kingdom in the middle is how he lets her to it is that his mother was once a queen (marriage to royalty is how the ends don't even meet is him to her right back by islamic rights of a woman being taken away, so they first met by a clairvoyant tactic to cure (the wife) her own heart from distress made by poor use of words about a heartbreak in religion making it her issue (spanning 5 years) that she can handle nazar (evil eye) on her own as now, the queen to be (wives in islam made that way) that she (wife now on professional self-taught guillotine PI service international (web-service going rogue) that she now, can see (now) to be made true to her intentions as a wife by solving psycho-somatic warfares made by men alike him that has no clue whatsoever til a religious curse is made clear that they have nothing in common with being a 'bride' or so their religion is tainted by hypocrisy itself (unveiled by PI service)
amacrine cells: (social circuit): he can never admit his feelings now if the code word 'hey darling' was charged now (PI approved)
ganglion cells: (world life): he can try and make efforts with his wife before plans are made (intimate truancy) so that she can live a comfortable life (made for one man expression is his imagination being open for one man to be there for her (social circuit)
horizontal cells: (home life (future couple made): he cannot talk about it but never to be revealed by a neuro-therapy itself can say that 'she is okay' (actual ending) that makes credits look good for her (living a luxury life (by PI: approved *stamped by LP*) that she can live on (service except Linna going into the book of lovato (Linna approved) by midnight, that all 4 except her can bring back by day-core (new genre in horror) can bring back a justifiable karmic recompense back by living as the writer in all it's expenses (world becomes but certainty of self-assurances becomes thinner to most is social-acceptance to limit speech (valid way up), now that his life with her (he goes with the book of lovato by now (linna approved) that he feels just around her by family going with it (plans made with that before meeting her by body and not soul: mind compliance to be thought of after)
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ahmedalys-blog · 3 months ago
Allah says,
He it is Who makes you travel by land and sea; until when you are in the ships, and they sail on with them in a pleasant breeze, and they rejoice, a violent wind overtakes them and the billows surge in on them from all sides, and they become certain that they are encompassed about, they pray to Allah, being sincere to Him in obedience: If Thou dost deliver us from this, we will most certainly be of the grateful ones. But when He delivers them, lo! they are unjustly rebellious in the earth. O men! your rebellion is against your own souls-- provision (only) of this world's life-- then to Us shall be your return, so We will inform you of what you did. (10:22-23) We can not only say alhamdulillah, and be grateful slaves when we are blessed with what we want, we must also remain grateful when we are hit by the worst of disasters. In my humble opinion, the worst loss this nation ever had, was the death of our beloved prophet, Muhammad. We recognize his humanity, but it was when he departed us that the splits began in the ummah. The blessing of unity, one he was not granted by his Lord, is a terrible black mark on the ummah. Yet, we must have faith that in some way, this is beneficial to us. In some way there is a blessing, and for it we must say, alhamdulillah.
Allah says,
And Muhammad is no more than a messenger; the messengers have already passed away before him; if then he dies or is killed will you turn back upon your heels? And whoever turns back upon his heels, he will by no means do harm to Allah in the least and Allah will reward the grateful. (3:144)
Our beloved prophet dies, and we are to be grateful? To the human mind and heart this is incomprehensible, but this is where our faith comes in. If we truly trust in Allah's Judgement, we must be grateful. Alhamdulillah rabil Al Amiin for all that He brings to us. We must accept the bitter with the sweet because we believe in Allah, we trust in Him and we know that He is the Best of Judges, the Most Wise, and His plan for us is the Fairest, Most Merciful and Best for us in this life and in the hereafter.
Allah says,
Therefore remember Me, I will remember you, and be thankful to Me, and do not be ungrateful to Me. (2:152)
And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah's favour on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace, ye became brethren; and ye were on the brink of the pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus doth Allah make His Signs clear to you: That ye may be guided. (3:103)
O ye who believe! Eat of the good things that We have provided for you, and be grateful to Allah, if it is Him ye worship. (2:172)
Also, let us remember to be extra grateful, for , " When anything came to the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) which caused pleasure (or, by which he was made glad), he prostrated himself in gratitude to Allah." Narrated by AbuBakrah. Sunan Abu Dawud: Book 14, Number 2768. What ever is for us is for us. We can not avoid our Qadr. Our control comes in how we handle it when it comes. Ali Ibin Abi Talib saw adiyy Ibin Hatim looking sorrowful, and so he asked him, "Why are you so sad, O Adiyy?" Adiyy replied, "How can I not be in such a state when both of my sons have been killed and my eye gouged out?" So Ali said to him, "O Adiyy, whoever is content with the decree of Allah will surely experience it and be rewarded for it; and whoever is not content with the decree of Allah will surely experience it, and Allah will make his actions worthless." (Purification of the Soul, p119).
We will experience what Allah has ordained for us. But will it bring us blessings or only misery. We must accept the decree of Allah, be content with it and be grateful for it, because we know what Allah has decreed is the best for us. This is the implementation of alhamdulillah.
Now, the blessings of alhamdulillah in itself are many. Below I will show a few of these many blessings:
Narrated Ali: Fatima went to the Prophet complaining about the bad effect of the stone hand-mill on her hand. She heard that the Prophet had received a few slave girls. But (when she came there) she did not find d
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