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rainbowcarousels · 10 months ago
*slams through your door*
you've got me tethered and chained PLEASE THAT SOUNDS JUICY
You already know what this is so you can have a little snippet. It's still very rough though!
To look at him, you'd think Armand was an marionette, some terracotta doll leftover from the ancient world. A stage piece, something to be picked up and used for the uproarious reaction of a clueless audience then discarded until he was needed again. Something simple, uncomplicated and beautiful without all that messy emotion that comes with being a person. All bullshit, of course. It didn't take much to feel the storm within leaking out of him with every movement. It was as if he was overflowing from everywhere, too much contained in such a small frame so he spilled with every attempt to walk forwards. With every hesitant step, he seemed to see his heart spilling to the floor a little more and stopped himself. No, and denied himself. And not in a fun, anticipatory way either. Here he was, the pinnacle of the unnatural, a monstrous beast parading around a ridiculously human soul, and he sat in their dressing room for fear of - what, experiencing something? For love, for hate, for fear or anger or - just anything! Paralysed by what - being aroused by Lestat? Obsessed with him? Wanting to rip out his organs and replace them with his? "Is that a declaration of love or malice?" Oh, of course, he was never alone in his own mind these days. "Love is a declaration of malice," Nicolas replied. "Particularly when that love is for a monstrous personification of a sunbeam." "A sunbeam," Armand echoed. "Bringing hope and warmth and precious light in the darkness!" It was all Nicolas could do not to shudder. Maybe he did shudder, this body was not quite something he had a handle on yet. "Compared with the darkness that's filled every step, I thought he understood that - but no matter, he's leaving and you want to crawl for him to bring you along. What's stopping you? It can't be pride, you don't have enough left."
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chunkiimilk · 15 days ago
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too many valentines ❤️!!
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pacipinka · 5 months ago
*taps mic* is this thing on? Yeah okay so every vampire in the vampire chronicles is turned at critical a moment in their lives and beyond just the body they are in when they are turned, their mentality stays at that standstill for their entire immortality, Lestat was turned against his will, he was clinging onto Magnus begging him to be freed, so he’s constantly seeking freedom and only finding loneliness and thus turning back to people again and again, however he can’t STAND being told what to do, since he desires agency in his life so desperately, Armand was turned after years and years of abuse and lack of control but such a desire for genuine love, by a man he ���loved’ so wholly who he felt was barring his love from him, he needs control in his life, he needs a ‘master’ but he does not desire it, it does not fulfill him, he is trapped in a room but the door is unlocked! Louis was mourning his brother, he felt like an utter failure and so he’s always seeking family, seeking people he can care for, he can coddle, he can prove he is good too, but he loves people who either cannot stand coddeling and need a sense of looseness to live (Lestat) or people who grow out of coddling who prove to Louis he will always fail the people he loves (Claudia), Claudias turning, in many MANY ways mirrors lestats in that it was against her will, she was stolen from her home, and in her immortality she desires freedom but unlike Lestat does not have the agency/ form to get it, she will always be small, she will always be looked down on, even by Lestat who cannot deny how much she is just like him *taps mic* ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME!! NONE OF THEM CAN BREAK THE CYCLE!!! TO BREAK IT WOULD BE TO UNDO THE VERY FIBER OF THEIR IMMORTAL SELVES!! THE CYCLE IS THE BLOOD THEY DRINK IT IS THE HEART IN THEIR CHEST AND IT ROLLS AND ROLLS DOWN THE MOUNTAINS AND VALLEYS OF THEIR LOVE FOR EACH OTHER AND IT CAN NEVER BE STOPPED BECAUSE THEY WILL NEVER STOP LOVING EACH OTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!
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jeyneofpoole · 9 months ago
hi my name is the vampire armand and I have short curly black hair (that's how I got my name) with shiny glass nails and a big bow in my hair and bright orange eyes like limpid tangerines and a lot of people tell me I look like a botticelli angel (AN: if u don't know who botticelli is get da hell out of here!). i’m not related to lestat de lioncourt but i wish i was because he's a major fucking hottie. i’m a vampire but my teeth are straight and white. i have warm brown skin. i’m also a maitre and i go to a coven called the theatres de vampires in paris where i’m the leader (i’m five hundred). i'm a goth (in case you couldn't tell) and i wear mostly black. i love haute topique and i buy all my clothes from there. for example today i was wearing a black shirt with the top five buttons undone and a big coat and black combat boots. i was wearing black eyeliner and blood. i was watching a show in the box with lestat. we were going at it on the floor, which I was very happy about. lestat’s mortal boyfriend stared at me. i put up my middle finger at him.
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brian-kinney-apologist · 8 months ago
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sam-reid · 8 months ago
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And I knew, knew in some full and simultaneous fashion, that the violin was telling everything that happened to Nicki. It was the darkness exploded, the darkness molten, and the beauty of it was like the glow of smouldering coals; just enough illumination to show how much darkness there really was.
--- The Vampire Lestat
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prouvaireafterdark · 9 months ago
Armand next episode: “Lestat was resplendent in his fur lined red cloak, his golden curls cascading down to his shoulders in shimmering waves… and his depressed boyfriend was there too, with his stupid hair and boring clothes, a real “nothingburger” of a man, to use the common vernacular.”
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obiwhat · 3 months ago
thinking about what armand said to lestat when nicki’s transformation went wrong.
“too fragile. i could’ve warned you.”
and then there was this scene:
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i’m just THINKING man.
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hotvampsinyourarea · 3 months ago
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We as a fandom are not talking nearly enough about this
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reinvent-and-believe · 2 months ago
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Interview with the Vampire 2x03
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gilberttheboy · 1 month ago
Every so often I think of the fucking insanity of Lestat leaving Nicki in Armand's care. Like with AMC Armand, at the point that we see it, it could conceivably make sense! But Book!Armand in the 1700s is a feral teen cult leader who just killed the majority of his former followers and is begging Lestat to take him backpacking. He is not an appropriate guardian for Nicki, the Most Angry Depressed Man in France.
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gimpwithoutorgans · 6 months ago
Being a Loumander while also being a Loustat endgame truther while also being a Devils Minion addict WHILE ALSO being an Armandstat enthusiast. I literally can’t lose. I bask in the excess of my riches daily.
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loumandaniel · 7 months ago
actually since i have now read the devil's minion chapter, book readers are right about show adaption. you cannot divorce daniel's humanity and mortality from armand's vampirism. it is the crux of the entire relationship. it's how the love starts and why they struggle after daniel is turned.
but like, i mean, isn't it just so interesting that both times vampires are shown with human companions, armand is right dab in the middle with an opinion. almost like it's being set up to parallel something...
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nocontextlestat · 3 months ago
the funniest part of this is that lestat, in all 15 books of the vampire chronicles, quite literally has never, and i mean, NEVER chosen armand over someone else, let alone over his FIRST LOVE nicki 😭
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hallucinatinghalos · 4 months ago
I don't think this contains spoilers but if you don't want to hear any book references or season 3 speculation be warned.
Reading the interview clip where Sam Reid said that Lestat is ripped from the stage by Magnus is wild because we know he knows the books, that's not how it happens there, so he's maybe let Rolin's version slip. Which, if holds true, would be a seismic change. Instead of being torn from Nicki's arms while they sleep, Lestat would be taken during a performance, in front of an audience. Surrounded by humanity, by those he loves, but not a soul can save him. The one place that brought him joy would now be connected to the trauma of Magnus and his turning. If he truly is going to be the catalyst for the theater becoming hunting grounds in the show, for better or worse, it would seem to be related to this change as well. Also, his rockstar moment would have a desperation to it that reflects the books but is tragic in its own way. It would all become devastating in a subtly different way than how Rice wrote it. Even events that only happen in the show would have a different impact. Like Armand first approaching him telepathically while he was on stage would now seem cruel and calculated, and later choosing to put the trial on stage. Sorry about the ramble but it blows my mind how much a small change, changes so much. The murder of the opera singer...the mocking of the Dracula film...the baby on the Mardi Gras float...would all feel different.
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brian-kinney-apologist · 8 months ago
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feeling so normal and sane about armand cut nickis’s hands off conformation hbu
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