#lesson 70 spoilers
moonlit-imagines · 2 months
Headcanons for being Johnny Lawrence’s daughter
Johnny Lawrence x daughter!reader
warnings: alcohol, underage drinking, classic johnny sexism <3
a/n: WHAT! ME write a fic thats not gn, i know. im shocked too but its just bc i feel johnny is so gender-stereotypey that doing this gn wouldn’t work very well but very open to a son!r or nb!r if anyone is interested (bc seriously. johnny cannot help but bring up genders). also i just want to say that a lot of this (not all!) honestly reminds me of or are actual things that have happened w my dad bc johnny is literally my dad if my dad was like 8 years older i think also i wrote this all in one sitting ALSO NO COBRA KAI SEASON 6 SPOILERS
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you always kinda just gravitated toward living with your dad
“y/n, i’m so proud of you. i never have to worry about you. you can take care of yourself. robby on the other hand, i worry about him. i think girls are just more self sufficient” -johnny, a little drunk
“thanks dad” -you, also a little drunk (hes a “cool dad”)
he was the type of parent that “prefers that if you’re gonna do something stupid at least do it while he’s around” aka underage drinking
whenever he stays out late you fall asleep in his bed. and lock him out
“y/n! open the door!” -johnny, banging on the door
“no! your bed is more comfortable” -you
he thought it was sweet honestly but he did want to sleep in his bed
sort of like a lesson not to come home late all drunk and gross
he was VERY against letting you drive his car
“dad, i need my license!” -you
“no woman is getting behind the wheel of my firebird” -johnny
“why do you have to make it about women? i’ll fight you” -you
“you’ll lose that fight” -johnny
“oh, so you’d fight a teenage girl? wow, real classy, dad” -you
“no, but i’d fight my teenage daughter. i brought you into this world and i’ll take you out” -johnny
you honestly had a great sense of humor with johnny, but you’d check him if he said anything too messed up
“dad, it’s not the 80’s anymore, you can’t say that” -you
“dont tell me what i can and cant say! the 80’s were awesome, i wish it was the 80’s again” -johnny
“so i’ve heard” -you
he helped you with your homework as a kid until like, 2nd grade when multiplication and division got involved
he did teach you karate growing up! but mostly the basics, for self defense purposes
“hey, never let any guy try to impress you with his karate skills. he’s probably a douche” -johnny, pausing “i sure was”
late night movie marathons (70s/80s classics for sure)
he took care of you during your first hangover (high school parties, ya know)
“didn’t i teach you better than to mix liquors” -johnny
“ugghhhh” -you
yes, you have heard about daniel larusso. enough said LMAO
robby and you had a kind of sweet but distant relationship
occasional check-in texts
robby: are you doing okay with dad? he’s actually buying food and shit?
you: yeah! he’s fine right now, how’s mom? new stepdad yet? is he rich?
robby: mom’s not going anywhere she’d find a rich guy, but keep dreaming
you wear a lot of your dad’s old t-shirts. usually band tee’s
oh and he made sure you got into the “right music”
he used to drive you around in the firebird when you were a SMALL CHILD (front seat, no car seat!) and blast his old cassettes
for YEARS he’d pull the “who is this” “what song is this” game with the reasoning:
“if you wear a band shirt and some asshole asks you to name three songs, i want you to name ten” -johnny
listen. you were still “daddy’s girl” or whatever used to be a cute little saying and is now ruined but whatever
“dad, can i have twenty bucks?” -you
“for what” -johnny
“for fun. pleaseeee” -you
*johnny pulls out his wallet and gives you $40*
could he afford it? no. can he say no? also no.
the absolute fear he felt when you got your first period
“it’s fine, i can call mom” -you
“no, it’s not fine! i’ve had girlfriends before, i got this. stay here, i’ll be back” -johnny
he went to the store and bought the most random assortment of period products and pain meds and snacks and a heating pad
A for effort
when the diaz family moved in across from you guys, miguel took one look at you and johnny said:
“stay away from my daughter”
when the karate fuss got started you tried to keep your distance but sooner or later you joined the dojo and proved to your dad just how “badass” you could be
“take notes everyone, y/n’s gonna be the next all valley champ!” -johnny
taglist: @ravenmoore14 // @retvenkos // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @an4aaa // @summersimmerus // @xoxobabydolls // @sapphireplums // @petersgroupie // @ravenhood2792 // @evilcr0ne // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @elenavampire21 // @elemental-of-magic //
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lovefrombegonia · 2 months
More IWTV rambling:
This is just my speculation. I haven't read the books. All I know is the series and movies. Ok...So: I think that, initially, Armand wanted to actually kill Louis and Claudia to avenge Lestat or to teach the new vampires a lesson for breaking the great laws or something. He might have planned the play much, much in advance too. Might have even thought of attracting Lestat to Paris by using Louis and Claudia as bait. But gradually as he grew closer to Louis, and even shared his most intimate and traumatic past with him, Armand genuinely started falling for Louis. He really started caring for him. He was fighting his feelings for Louis, maybe, because he was scared to fall in love again. He loved Lestat the last time, and was abandoned. Side note: there might be more to that story, regarding one Nicky details, but Armand would still perceive it as abandonment.
So, on one hand he is really having romantic feels for Louis but on the other hand he has already planned with the coven to kill him. He might have thought Louis dying would be better for himself coz he didn't want to deal with conflicting feelings anymore. The trial will the end of his confusion. But then...Lestat saved Louis. It's possible by that point in the play Armand was already regretting that he was letting Louis die. I am certain he doesn't give a fuck about Claudia. So....when Lestat saved Louis, Armand planned to save him from the rock filled coffin, and become the knight in shining armour. Hm. Sort of.
And then, over the 70 years of living together, Armand had genuinely and completely fallen for Louis. Didn't want to lose him. Even let Daniel interview him again. Maybe he thought he could always handle keeping the secrets safe. Unfortunately, for our old boy, Daniel...turned out to be a fearless, fierce, charming and witty af journalist. The talamasca fucked it up too by teaming with him. It's why Armand turned Daniel as punishment. He never wanted to turn, as said by him in season 1. Armand remembered that, it even looked like that reply from Daniel affected him.
So, I do feel like that he still loves Louis (everyone is in love with him like damn, Helen of Troy could never). Does he still have feelings for Lestat? I didn't think so but I read a twitter post that implied that he still had some feels for Lestat. Might be something from the books. Either way, I am sure he still felt love for Louis.
Maybe...maybe, initially, he saved Louis to make Lestat jealous too. Like a rebound?? But later on, by the time it was 1970s, Armand has accepted his romantic feelings for Louis. Lestat is staying away from Louis, might be out of guilt or whatever reason. Everything is going ok... except it's not ok. Coz Louis...is still so connected to Lestat by the "vampire bond". He still thinks about the brat. I think it was even implied that he still sees dreamstat (I fucking love that petname btw).
Armand was always in a lose-lose situation it seems. He either loses Louis to death or Lestat. I am not sad for him. I just feel like...for such a powerful, ancient vampire, he is pretty pathetic. Armand, Armand...another fascinating character. So broken, so dangerous, so cruel and so, so delicately pretty. Sometimes, I still hear him saying "Your FASCINATING boy!!"
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otakuworks · 2 years
NOTE: I'm currently in Lesson 68 & Lesson 46(Hard) so if there's an answer to most of these questions and theories in further lessons then please let me know in the comments.
WARNING: SPOILERS, loads of 'em
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Addressing the Elephant in the Room
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In Lesson 36-C, Solomon himself tells us that his immortality stemmed from tricking a grim reaper from collecting his soul by playing a game that he knows he can outwit them (thanks to the Ring of Wisdom). It's not because of the fruit Lilith died for. Additionally, the fruit was supposed to HEAL her lover from the incurable sickness, not make them immortal.
But I like to headcanon he got his immortality because of his own cooking💀
It doesn't make sense. I don't want to outwardly call out the people who believe this theory, but think about it. With the given information thus far, Solomon being Lilith's lover makes a whole bunch of plot holes.
People think he's Lilith's lover mainly for his immortality, which I already steer clear in the first one.
Had he been Lilith's lover, Asmodeus would've recognize him on the night he made a pact with him.
But no, Asmodeus claims he first met Solomon when he was in the Human Realm getting drunk and that was also the night he woke up learning he made a pact with Solomon without his knowledge.
Obey Me developers tend to follow most canon stuff in the Bible with a few differences to make their story (e.t. Lilith being Lucifer's sister instead of lover) and if they applied the cannon timeline in the Bible then Solomon should be around 1000 B.C which is a huge gap of time between the supposed 3,000-4000 B.C when the Celestial War occured.
How do I know this? Well, I'm only speculating.
In Lesson 11, Mammon claims to be around 5,000 yrs old and it seems to me that the brothers spent most of their life in the Devildom than the Celestial Realm. I think 1,000-2,000 yrs (i'm following Mammon's age in this because the brothers ages are not mentioned) in Celestial is a good time before the War broke out.
If Solomon is indeed Lilith's lover then the Brothers and Solomon would've had more tension brewing; Belphie will cuss him out in every second he has. Lucifer once said that Lilith's lover WAS A GOOD MAN. And we all know Lucifer thinks of Solomon anything but a good man, one of the minor reason was probably because Solomon tricked Asmodeus into forging a pact with him. Not a trait you'd see on a good man.
In conclusion, if Solomon is Lilith's lover, the brothers should've more familiarity toward Solomon. Not just some shady sorcerer who can massacre the whole demon race with his cooking.
I like to think Solomon met Lilith as a human reincarnate and he probably knew just by looking at her. I mean, he's the smartest of all humankind, he knew MCs name before they introduced themselves, that's saying something.
Or. . .
There was a love triangle going on between him and Lilith's lover.
In Lesson 36, Solomon vaguely mentions his failed love all the way back in his youth. Perhaps. . . it has something to do with Lilith? Lilith chose the other human over him. Le cries.
The love triangle was probably not a big deal at that time so it didn't reach Lucifer's ears.
Solomon also tells us he's not a big fan of romance, he was probably curiosity what love was all about at that time and felt the puppy love brewing with Lilith.
But as you can see in his GIF, there's a bittersweet smile in his face.
I interpret this as both of sweet that he's not suffering from loss as much as her closed ones but also bitter that even if he hasn't fell deeply for her he still lost a friend.
It's canon that he has over 70 demon pacts, including Asmodeus and Barbatos. Now Asmodeus forging a pact with Solomon isn't really that surprising for me regardless of what happened behind the scene.
What I personally want to know is the pact of Barbatos.
Around Lesson 50+ Barbatos revealed that Solomon managed to summon him even though he's on the brink of life and death because summoning a powerful demon such as himself can take a toll in a mortal's body. When MC asks why he would do such thing, Barbatos replied along the lines "He must be desiring something that death can't stop him from doing so."
What was it? What did Solomon want that he doesn't even consider death as an obstacle to achieve it? And mind you, Barbatos described it as if Solomon was DESPERATE.
Have you guys seen this old man being desperate to the point of dying? Imagine lesson 16, but with Solomon, and not dying. Yeah, I don't think so. This man far too smart for his own good. If summoning Barbatos is considered as his last resort then you know it's serious.
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Many people speculate Dia's mom is a human which is why he's so abnormally fond of the humans.
I mean, when do you hear the mom dying of child birth in these fantasy settings? Oh yeah, when their body couldn't handle supernatural fetus hence taking their life (e.t. Bella Swan)
If she was just another Demoness then there's no apparent reason why she shouldn't have survived childbirth unless there was unprecedented circumstances she couldn't avoid.
I'm completely sold to this theory. That's all there is to say.
I've never seen someone so enigmatic, serious, devoted like this mf right here then be scared of some rodents. I'd understand if it's spiders or roaches, but rats? Yeah, understandable. Solomon probably threatened Barbatos to forge a pact with him if he doesn't want to get the rats.
Moving on, it was explicitly mentioned that Barbatos was never a child, meaning he just popped out fully grown. Where? I don't know, maybe he was created by some Demon similar to the Angels being created by the Father? It is also said that Barbatos is so powerful that it even rivals the Demon King himself.
Where did this mf came from???
The MV
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Not only the brothers complete demotion from being Angels, Simeon was also demoted from being a Seraph, the Highest Ranking of Angels. It wasn't specified what he did to warrant him such punishment, but we'll probably get our answers soon.
If I were to speculate what he did based on his compassionate personality, he probably helped Lucifer and the brothers in some way that left them unscathed except Lilith.
In Season 3 Lessons, we got to know Simeon's in depth sentiment toward the brothers. He cares deeply for them and misses the time of Celestial realm where the brothers were still there.
The Angels were having the thoughts of eliminating the brothers and their treacherous sister, and they did except for the brothers.
And Simeon is probably behind the brother's safety.
Simeon is somehow similar to MC, kind and compassionate, even after learning Lilith's attempt to steal the fruit and the brother's rebellion, he probably had the thought of joining them.
But Simeon is also a righteous person who obey the rules and value himself, so he couldn't possibly join them. He lacks the courage to act to what he really wants. He's torn between his compassion and values.
The farthest thing he could've done was to discreetly aid them.
But somehow along the process, he wasn't discreet enough.
One of the hints given in the stream was 'Satan and his brothers' and many people jumped to theorize something about that. All of the theories have been remarkably on point, some of which I don't understand how they correlate to Satan.
As simple as the statement is, I think the game will be focusing on the development of Satan and His Brothers after the Fall.
But then again, when did OM became very simple?💀 I kinda understand why people would go crazy over this.
In my standpoint, they chose to categorize Satan as single than the rest because Satan was never an angel, he was born Demon the moment he made a noise for the first time.
It may sound cruel, but I'm only stating facts.
Satan is by far one of the most mysterious character in OM. All of the brothers already have back stories in the Celestial Realm but Satan is a demon born out Lucifer's hatred.
'Satan and His Brothers' probably will focus on the times when Satan is still learning about the world AND HIS BROTHERS.
Yes, he mentioned he has seen the world and his brothers through Lucifer's eyes but it's only in fragments.
Now he has his own sets of eyes to see the world and to learn more about his brothers.
— SOLOMON and the ATTIC.
This sounds so random and by far the most out of the plot hint, not gonna lie. I thought OM has totally lost it. When I first read this I thought of the Attic Club but with Lilith in it. Perhaps Solomon is acquainted with the twins and Lilith?
This brings me to my theory that maybe Solomon is in a love triangle with Lilith's and her lover.
I don't even know what I'm writing at this point. OM is driving me nuts! I just want to know when will it release.
edit on the same day ;
According to @simply-chaotic-richness in the comments, it's not actually Solomon and the Attic but rather 'Solomon under the same roof' which is more confusing if I may add.
Whose roof are we talking about here? Do the devs even mean this as literally or figuratively? Or maybe both?
I think I'll still stick to my understanding that maybe it has something to do with the brothers.
Maybe Solomon had to take care of Satan once and teach him what he knows, hence his intelligence, but only for a brief period of time, short enough to spark Satan's curiosity and indulge himself in the world of knowledge. I'd like to see that.
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We all know Barbatos can see through the past and future. He can also make portals through different locations, even opening a portal from a different timeline. He's strong, that much is obvious. Diavolo has to make a rule for Barbatos to never use his ability unless he deemed necessary.
With that, I think we can all theorize that Barbatos must have predicted the Fall and Diavolo thought it's a good idea to help Lucifer to pledge his loyalty to him.
Why? Diavolo was still in his prime back that day, he was still trying to manage Devildom after the absence of his father. He also has the strong desire to unite all three realms by all means, and to do that he has to gather more allies and build connection.
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Y'all probably didn't expect that, did you? Everyone's been talking about the details of the Trailer, but no one has ever been curious how Leviathan met Lotan.
In the main story, Lotan rarely appears, he only appears for comedic purpose which I think is quite funny and dumb. I've been trying to catch up in the Hard mode in hopes to get that fresh lore about Lotan, but there wasn't really anything useful, I don't think he ever appears in the Hard Levels.
Similar to Cerberus, only one person can command and tame him; Lucifer. This also applies to Lotan whose master is Leviathan.
With the new hints given to us, it's safe to say we'll be getting closure on the things we want to know regarding Lotan.
I just want to say that maybe after the Fall, Levi must have ended up near bodies of water and met Lotan along the way.
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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄; there you have it. i'm only expressing my humble thoughts so if you think it clashes with your theory then i have no qualms to anyone who wants to state their own theories. i really love having these type of talks, all i ask is for everyone to be humble in the comments. I'll be glad to entertain anyone.
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blacktabbygames · 1 year
For Scarlet Hollow have you made any changes to the story based on the response of your fanbase towards one character or another? Have you been surprised by any strong responses to certain characters?
We have a hard rule about not making any major changes to the story in response to the community.
The main way we interact with fan theories or community discussions of characters is to see how far interpretations drift from our initial intent, and then we'll course correct to make things more openly in-line with that intent.
We also strive to have competitive splits on important decisions in the game, and will sometimes make edits to the script if we feel a decision is too lopsided one way or another.
Spoiler examples under the cut.
When Episode 1 released, a lot of people were confused by Stella's actions and reactions towards the end of the episode, generally not realizing that she's written to be an aloof person who intensely and immediately buries her trauma. We wanted her behavior to raise questions, but there are challenges, especially with interactive media, with writing something so that people question the character rather than the portrayal. Her content in that episode's gone through quite a few revisions, with the most recent being an addition we made in January of this year that depicts the ride back to town.
In the end of Episode 3, we had Sybil shut down speculative conversation following the ghost hunt, mostly because we find that sort of exposition-heavy conversation boring both to write and play. This led to parts of the fandom having a serious bone to pick with her, and it definitely influenced parts of our approach to Episode 4, even if it didn't change the general structure of that content.
In terms of major decisions, the two most imbalanced decisions were in Episode 1 (Duke vs Gretchen, ESPECIALLY after we added Talk to Animals) and Episode 2 (Leave the mines vs go after Becka and Alexis) We did a few iterations of edits to try and balance that out, including more graphically depicting Rosalina's injury.
One of the lessons we learned from Episode 3's survey was that whatever the player is last told by an authority figure heavily influences the decision they make. So in the library, there's about 45-55 split between leaving the ghost in the library and somebody making a sacrifice (excluding Book Smart). But if you cut that data based on whether you spent the haunting with Wayne (who tells you leave the ghost) and Tabitha (Sybil tells her to make the sacrifice), it switches into a 70-30 split in both cases, favoring either what Wayne or Sybil tells the player to do.
We eventually applied that information to the Episodes 1 + 2 decisions. Originally in Episode 1, narration about Gretchen struggling against her harness was the last information you received before making the choice, and in Episode 2, it was Rosalina pleading with you to rescue her friends.
We changed those such that in Episode 1, it's now Duke begging you to get the flashlight because the creature is "getting closer" and in Episode 2, it's now in this order depending on what's available: 1. Tabitha stressing that this isn't a movie, and if you don't leave, you're going to get yourselves killed.
2. One of your traits emphasizing the danger of the coming collapse.
3. Narration emphasizing the danger of the coming collapse.
While they're still lopsided decisions, in the case of Episode 1, this small change shifted things from 20% of players saving duke and 80% saving gretchen to 30% of players saving duke and 70% saving gretchen (excluding powerful build)
In Episode 2 this shifted things from 15% leaving with Rosalina to 20% leaving with Rosalina.
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lingthusiasm · 2 years
Lingthusiasm Episode 77: How kids learn language in Singapore - Interview with Woon Fei Ting
Singapore is a small city-state nation with four official languages: English, Mandarin, Tamil, and Malay. Most Singaporeans can also speak a local hybrid variety known as Singlish, which arose from this highly multilingual environment to create something unique to the island. An important part of growing up in Singapore is learning which of your language skills to use in which situation.
In this episode, your host Gretchen McCulloch gets enthusiastic about how kids learn language in Singapore with Woon Fei Ting, who’s a Research Associate and the Lab Manager at the Brain, Language & Intersensory Perception Lab at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. We talk about how the rich multilingual environment in Singapore led Fei Ting and the lab to do language documentation while trying to figure out how kids learn to talk in Singapore, creating a dictionary of Red Dot Baby Talk (named after how Singapore looks like a red dot on the world map). We also talk about Singlish more generally, some words that Gretchen has learned on her trip, doing research with kids and parents via Zoom, and the role of a lab manager and other lab members in doing linguistic research.
Click here for a link to this episode in your podcast player of choice or read the transcript here.
Announcements: Our liveshow is in just a few days!! Gretchen will be chatting to Dr Kirby Conrod (from our episode about the grammar of singular they) about language and gender on February 18th (Canada) slash 19th (Australia)! You can find out what time that is for you here. This liveshow is for Lingthusiam patrons and will take place on the Lingthusiasm Discord server. Become a patron before the event to ask us questions in advance or live-react in the text chat. This episode will also be available as an edited-for-legibility recording in your usual Patreon live feed if you prefer to listen at a later date. In the meantime: ask us questions about gender or tell us about your favourite examples of gender in various languages and we might include them in the show!
In this month’s bonus episode we get enthusiastic about what we've been up to in 2022 and what's coming up for 2023. We also talk about our favourite linguistics paper that we read in 2022 slash possibly ever: okay, yes, academic papers don’t typically do this, but this paper has spoilers, so we STRONGLY recommend reading it yourself here before listening to this episode, or check out the sample paragraph on the Patreon post. Join us on Patreon now to get access to this and 70+ other bonus episodes, as well as access to the Lingthusiasm Discord server where you can chat with other language nerds, and get access to this weekends liveshow!
Here are the links mentioned in the episode:
Woon Fei Ting on Twitter
Lingthusiasm episode ‘What words sound spiky across languages? Interview with Suzy Styles’, the prof whose lab Fei Ting works in
BLIP lab at NTU on Facebook
‘Creating a Corpus of Multilingual Parent-Child Speech Remotely: Lessons Learned in a Large-Scale Onscreen Picturebook Sharing Task’ by Woon Fei Ting et al
BLIP lab’s transcription protocol and FAQ
‘Little Orangutan: What a Scary Storm!’ Wordless picture book by Suzy Styles
‘Spiaking Singlish: A Companion to how Singaporeans communicate’ by Gwee Li Sui
Lingthusiasm episode ‘Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Theory of Mind’
You can listen to this episode via Lingthusiasm.com, Soundcloud, RSS, Apple Podcasts/iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts. You can also download an mp3 via the Soundcloud page for offline listening.
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Lingthusiasm is on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr. Email us at contact [at] lingthusiasm [dot] com
Gretchen is on Twitter as @GretchenAMcC and blogs at All Things Linguistic.
Lauren is on Twitter as @superlinguo and blogs at Superlinguo.
Lingthusiasm is created by Gretchen McCulloch and Lauren Gawne. Our senior producer is Claire Gawne, our production editor is Sarah Dopierala, and our production assistant is Martha Tsutsui Billins. Our music is ‘Ancient City’ by The Triangles.
This episode of Lingthusiasm is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike license (CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA).
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inhuman-obey-me · 1 year
Are y'all excited for nightbringer
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: Yes with...reservations. We think. We think we're excited?
(spoilers for Season 4)
We haven't been too active for a bit and thus we never did jot down all our thoughts about how Season 4 panned out in Obey Me, but the simple summary is: they dropped the ball.
Now, not everything in Season 4 was a waste -- we did defend Lesson 70 back when it released, and there were some other nice nuggets of information throughout those twenty lessons. We met new characters, finally got the Simeon reveal (if a bit anticlimactically), and MC became the first official non-demon member of the RAD student council, which, as a reminder, is the governing body of the entire Devildom, so that's a pretty big deal.
However, Season 3 had a relatively flat writing progression with not much of a climax, all in service to setting up a bunch of things in Season 4, and many of those things were then...not used well, to the say the least.
Raphael was built up to be an antagonistic character, but we kind of got a wet mop instead. Season 3 also made a big deal about MC needing to become a trained sorcerer and how difficult something like teleportation and summoning would be, but teleportation is learned basically immediately, and summoning Lucifer, the most powerful of the demon brothers, across realms, on the first try, is highlighted for all of about ten seconds and then never really talked about again.
They built up Simeon's situation for almost all of both seasons combined, but rather than actually becoming a "fallen angel" (aka demon), it's revealed as simply "not having angel powers anymore" and only properly clarified later that he's now "human" -- which we still have a million questions about, because it has been fairly well established that angel physiology is much closer to demons and far different than that of humans, so what does that actually even mean? Even within Season 4 itself, Mephistopheles is first introduced as somewhat hostile to MC and non-demons at large, but he too is reduced to little more than another comedic fool by halfway through.
So, suffice it to say, we don't presently hold the highest opinions of the OM writing team...
With the little we've seen of Nightbringer so far, we are already seeing a bit of possible retconning -- for example, RAD not existing before the Celestial War, when lore wise it did exist and is discussed in Lucifer's base UR card Devilgram, The Glory Days. But with everything we've said here, we can't really be surprised that Solmare seems to constantly forget their own lore. So, how much more will be retconned in Nightbringer? Who knows!
The devs also just did an AMA, which confirms that they will not be continuing the main story in the OG Obey Me game, but instead eventually continuing it in Nightbringer. How they're going to connect the story which involves MC going back in time disguised as a demon to where they left off at the end of Season 4 is a mystery, but we'll find out soon enough...hopefully.
Also, we worry that seeing the characters fresh from the Celestial War might very well increase misinterpretations in the fandom when it comes to the characters. No offense to most of the fandom but, uh, we don't think the Seven Demon Lords of Hell from actual demonology need to be treated as angsty precious meow meows that need to become angels again to ~heal~ them. The excessive woobification we sometimes see of these characters is, hmm, not quite to our taste, and a big reason we keep to our own little corner. <3
But, all that said, that deep desire of ours to see OM actually embrace its demonic backdrop and the much darker world it has been suggesting forever, is exactly what we're excited for in the new game! The art and plot they've shared so far is right up our alley, and we're at least minimally hopeful for the seeming return to darker content that they've been avoiding since the initial backlash in the game's early days.
The opening animation is beautiful and the prologue video they've shared is interesting (more Barbatos lore?? More Barbatos lore!! More Solomon lore???). We're hoping that we'll get more fleshed out history on both the characters and the world, especially if we'll be learning more about the Great Celestial War and the aftermath, including the creation of Satan. It'll be interesting to see (or at least, we hope we'll see) the character progression of the immediate post-fall angels suffering the grief of their transformation and loss of their home, to coming to accept their new lives as demons even if we're not thrilled that it's probably MC coming to the past to play family therapist yet again.
And the Ruri Tunes demo was pretty cute back when they did that one-stage beta, so that should be fun? Even if, thematically, a rhythm game seems maybe like a bit of a strange choice for the darker direction this story is taking...but then again, dance battles were kind of weird thematically in the first place anyway.
We'll also finally get a canon layout of the House of Lamentation, so if nothing else we'll at least have that? Please confirm there's more than just one bathroom.
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venusimi · 2 years
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Music for each Obey Me dateables and why I think so:
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Lucifer : When I was your man - Bruno Mars
- "My pride, my ego, my needs and my selfish way caused a good strong woman like you to walk out my life" I feel like if ever we do separate from him, his pride would be to blame.
- Originally this was supposed to be Mammon but I realized it suited Lucifer more.
Mammon : Everything I wanted - Billie Eilish
- I feel like Mammon would definitely dream of everything he wanted, however he would also definitely have nightmares of killing himself and his family just sits and watches.
- The bullying has to get him at some point yk?
- I also think that "When I wake up I see you with me" suits his relationship with Lucifer quite a lot because they obviously were the first two to exist before the others and they only had each other for so long.
Leviathan : Under the influence - Chris Brown
- He's an otaku. C'mon. He definitely watches hentai and knows freaky shit.
- Supposed to be for Satan but I think Angry too fit him more cause he's wrath, yk? Makes sense me thinks.
- I also think he's one of the freakiest brothers after Asmodeus then Lucifer.
Satan : Angry too - Lola Blanc
- Self explanatory.
- I feel like the song greatly explains his rage.
Asmodeus : Idontwannabeyouanymore - Billie Eilish
- "If teardrops could be bottled, there'd be swimming pools filled by models." TOTALLY HIM, NO?
- "If I love you was a promise, would you break it if you're honest?" I feel like at some point, he did love genuinely but he's the avatar of lust. He was only used for pleasure.
Beelzebub : I wanna be yours - Arctic Monkey
- Supposed to be for Barbatos...
- But seeing as he was Lucifer's personal bodyguard, I felt like it would make sense to give him that song.
Belphegor : Talking to the moon - Bruno Mars
- The planetarium.
- He likes space I think, so it fits him well.
- I could see him listening to this or smth if you're gone and his mental health is degrading again. Going back to the time he killed you.
- He just misses you so...
Simeon : Locked out of heaven - Bruno Mars
- Very heavenly of you Mr. Angel.
- He quite literally got locked out of heaven💀
- I wanted to give him something wholesome, but I felt like he's too suspicious and he keeps a lot in because as an angel ofc he has to be good.
- He definitely is freaky af.
Solomon : 7 years - Lukas Graham
- He is immortal.
- I feel like this song is him telling us about his life before even if he remembers very little.
Barbatos : Him & I - G-Eazy, Halsey
- That's it...
- And plus it fits him.
- This was also for Beelzebub actually!
Diavolo : Secret love song - Little Mix, Jason Derulo
- We're human with some sort of angel purity thing in us.
- So we're kinda like forbidden love yk?
But overall, I think all of them embody the song : Say you won't let go - James Arthur
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A/N: I apologize GREATLY for the lack of content. I have underestimated the amount of work school was gonna throw at me...
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scrawnydutchman · 1 year
"Hooked on a Feeling”: A Retrospective on James’ Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy
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-Guardians of the Galaxy 1-3
-Avengers, Infinity War
-Avengers: Endgame
Thor: Love and Thunder
-The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special
The Guardians of the Galaxy films . . . . .  I struggle to find the words as to how much they mean to me, which is saying a lot because I’m probably the wordiest motherfucker I know. In a franchise like the MCU that has become so oversaturated and so bland with every release that it has made the term “Superhero fatigue” prominent, the Guardians manage to stand out with their immense heart and exceptional film making. Guardians 3 is no exception. While it is a *slight* departure from the norm established by the prior films as it’s much darker and more mature, it still manages to be so incredibly fun and uplifting. In my opinion, given what James Gunn had to work with after Infinity War and Endgame (we will get to those in a minute) it truly was the perfect conclusion for all of these characters.
In celebration and tribute to these films that I love so much, I thought rather than doing a long film review of 3 like I usually do, I’d take a look back at the Guardians film franchise as a whole and see what it has meant for the evolution of these characters as well as the general impact on the Marvel cinematic universe. In this retrospective we will be covering Guardians of the Galaxy, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2, Avengers: Infinity War/Endgame, The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special, and finally, closing it off with Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3.
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
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When this film was coming out, it seemingly had everything going against it. It had to establish 5 of the most obscure characters in Marvel’s catalogue all in one film. It had to sell the guy from Parks and Recreation as the leading superhero. It had to compete with the first Avengers, which many called the best superhero movie of all time when it premiered. It had to take a gamble on whether or not the audience could buy the idea of a talking Raccoon being in a superhero movie. If this franchise was to survive, it had to be GOOD.
And boy was it.
It was so good that became a box office hit. Suddenly, these obscure marvel characters of which only the most dedicated of fans would be aware of skyrocketed into household name territory. Baby Groot merch started flying off the shelves. Everyone was talking about how funny and heartfelt the film was, because it is! All the characters were so lovable and hilarious. It was colorful, dramatic, fun, inventive. Chris Pratt was SO charismatic as the leading man. The soundtrack was iconic: a meticulously and appropriately picked set of 70s classics. It just goes to show that when your product is quality enough, anything is possible.
The success of the Avengers may have paved the way for all the crossover potential of the MCU, but the Guardians had set the tone not just for themselves but have captured a charm that the rest of the MCU has been attempting to capture ever since . . . for better or worse. Yeah, unfortunately the lesson the MCU and many other films’ took from the Guardians success is that the audience will eat it up as long as it has a soundtrack of all hits and a buttload of quips, but there’s more to it than that. The soundtrack can’t just be a collection of randomly selected pop hits: it has to be tonally appropriate for the scene and thematic to the plot. And the character’s can’t always just be quipping for the hell of it: it has to be driven by character. So yeah, this film inadvertently set a bit of an unfortunate precedent going forward, but that doesn’t change the fact that it kicks ass. Quality will ALWAYS have its bargain bin imitators.
The film’s biggest strength is how it sells such a big cast of new characters through their chemistry with each other. Backstory, character arc and personality traits aren’t enough in a vacuum: they are at their best when put in contrast with opposing characters. Even though these guys don’t spend *that* much time with each other initially, you get a very quick sense that they were arguably meant to band together. It makes the climax of this film where they join together to share the energy of the power stone all the more satisfying.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 (2017)
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So while I do certainly love the first film, I would probably say it was also the most flawed. It had a decent theme about the value of friendship and the importance of coming together, especially when you have no one, it was definitely lacking in some places. The biggest example I can think of is its villain. Ronin is lame, there’s no getting around it. He didn’t tie in to the arc of the main characters by any stretch. He wasn’t important in the grand scheme of things. He doesn’t have any particularly memorable lines (other than giving the group their team name). He was merely an obstacle for the heroes to dispose of. On top of that, while Nebula and Yondu were both present in the film, they weren’t given a whole lot of characterization just yet. They were either more mere obstacles or plot devices to further things along, with any further depth merely hinted at.
Vol 2 manages to radically improve where the first one fell short. Ego is the main villain this time around and HE. IS. AWESOME. Cunningly manipulative. Disgustingly charming. Even more disgustingly evil. The dude was a breath of fresh air at a time when many marvel villains were just so forgettable. In my opinion, Ego is still the best villain in the trilogy (we will get to the High Evolutionary later). His intimate ties with Peter’s arc about moving forward and finding new family (not to mention the definition of family) was simply fabulous. Plus Rocket’s side story where he bonds with Yondu was particularly entertaining too. Also, Nebula and Gamora’s relationship was a great source of entertainment. This is the other way Vol 2 improves upon its predecessor: Yondu and Nebula are becoming fully realized. Yondu provides a noble sacrifice that redeems him of his abusive ways while also confirming that he always loved Peter, whereas Nebula gets to shine as, in my opinion, the best female character in the MCU. She’s tragic, she’s ruthless, she’s badass . .  but she’s also very, very funny. Other MCU writers could take notes from this because she has adjectives to her personality besides synonyms for “strong” or “capable”. Not to mention we get Mantis in this movie. She was fantastic chemistry with Drax from here on out and only brings more to the group’s already stellar dynamic. This movie is great and is an improvement on the first one in every way.
The film also establishes Adam Warlock in its after credits scene. Given the timeline of the MCU and my knowledge of who Adam Warlock is in the comics, I was expecting him to be prepared in time for an appearance in Infinity War and Endgame considering he’s basically a primary adversary for Thanos. But, among many things, Infinity War and Endgame did not really capitalize on what the Guardians established as well as it should have. Which brings us to . . .
Avengers: Infinity War (2018) and Endgame (2019)
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Sigh . . . . . so this is around where the quality of the Guardians’ involvement in the MCU goes down. Don’t get me wrong, I like Infinity War and Endgame. I became a 10 year old boy in my seat when Cap lifted Mjolnir too.
But MAN did these movies rob the Guardians.
This is the movie where Thanos makes his move as the big baddie of the infinity saga. The Guardians, indisputably, have more history with Thanos than any other characters in the MCU. Thanos was introduced officially (not as an after credits scene or easter egg) in Guardians 1. Drax’s whole arc for a while was about wanting revenge on Thanos for the death of his family. TWO OF THE GUARDIANS ARE THANOS’ DAUGHTERS. And yet . . . . not only is almost the entirety of the team blipped away for 5 years with the only survivors being Rocket and Nebula, but when they all come back NONE of them get their own chance for licks against Thanos. Drax never gets his long awaited revenge. Neither Gamora nor Nebula have a chance to tag team Thanos the way Cap and Bucky tag teamed Iron Man. Quill never gets a chance to make up for his error that got half the universe killed. SCARLET WITCH GETS HER OWN CHANCE AT REVENGE AGAINST THANOS BUT NOT THE GUARDIANS??? ARE YOU SHITTING ME?!
Also, in my opinion, they reduce Peter Quill to a complete dullard punching bag in these movies. I know Peter is supposed to be a manchild and is somewhat dumb, but it’s like the Russo brothers have a hate boner for him or something.
The line “I’m not from earth, I’m from Missouri” makes literally no goddamn sense. Peter was 8 when he was abducted by the Ravagers. He would have to be Patrick star levels of dumb to not know that Missouri is on earth. Not to mention all the other Guardians treat him with absolutely no respect. They have SO much more respect for him than that. And then in Endgame all he gets is being a punching bag as quick jokes and then immediately going back to being belittled by Thor.
Speaking of Thor, they tease at the end of Endgame that Thor becomes a temporary Guardian . . . and then he leaves the group basically immediately in Thor: Love and Thunder (which is its own trashfire that’s for sure). That movie has weird characterization of Quill too as it essentially shows him at the end of the journey that Thor is supposed to take . . . but then in the Guardians films Gunn still has him struggling with missing Gamora. Yeah, I can’t help but feel like the rest of the MCU really messed with Gunn’s plans for these characters. He now has to make lemonade out of the fact that most of them have been gone for five years, Gamora and Quill’s relationship has hit the reset button, Thanos is now dead which means Drax effectively has no direction and Adam Warlock wasn’t brought out when he should have been. To bring it back, Gunn would have to make some serious lemonade.
Luckily he succeeded.
The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special (2022)
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So this was a funny and sweet little movie to tide us over while we wait for Guardians 3. Not entirely necessary, but damn if it isn’t fun. Drax and Mantis are saddened that Quill is still struggling with how much he misses Gamora. On top of that, they learn that they’ve entered the time where Terrans celebrate this little holiday known as “Christmas”. So they have the idea of cheering Quill up by throwing him a big Christmas party and getting him the greatest gift of all . . .abducting and brainwashing his hero, Kevin Bacon. That premise alone is worth checking it out at least once because the Hijinks that ensues is pretty damn funny. But the movie also surprisingly establishes from rather important elements. For one, it introduced Cosmo the telekinetic spacedog as a major character rather than a quick cameo, who will be important for Guardians 3. For another, it reveals that Mantis is Quill’s half sibling as she too was a child of Ego. Sadly this doesn’t shake up the dynamic of the group THAT much, but it IS mentioned in Guardians 3 in a way that furthers the plot along nicely.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 (2023)
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So here we are at the conclusion for this team of Guardians. After almost a decade of entertaining us with their antics, Star-Lord, Gamora, Nebula, Drax, Groot, Mantis and Rocket are going on one last ride before their stories come to an end. I was simultaneously so excited and so scared coming into this movie. It’s basically the only thing in the MCU I give a shit about at this point and I got so attached to these characters that I simply couldn’t take the idea of any of them dying. Gunn knew how attached we all are and played a mean trick on us. All the marketing made it seem like they were going to straight up die at the end. My heart couldn’t take that. 
Fortunately nobody *actually* dies. Most of the team just does into retirement, which is also sad but much preferable. Peter goes back to earth to get back in touch with his grandfather. Mantis sets out on her own to discover what she’s all about. Drax and Nebula become an adopted dad and mom to a whole race of kids (which is hilarious, I want to see that dynamic in action). This version of Gamora finds a new home as a Ravager. And Rocket, who is the star this time around, becomes the captain of a new generation of Guardians alongside Groot as a returning member.
This film is quite a radical departure from how Guardians usually does things. While the first two had a soundtrack comprised entirely of 70s hits in reference to Quill’s relationship with his mom, this film starts integrating 90s hits, and I like to think of this as Quill’s evolution as he starts moving forward rather than living in the past. This film is also MUCH darker and sadder. AND more violent. Like . . . holy shit the drama is cranked up to 11 and the film comes out literally swinging in the first 10 minutes. But don’t worry: it still manages to have a lot of classic Guardians fun, especially with it having the best action of any Guardians film BY FAR.
By far the biggest change is that Rocket and Quill switch roles, in more literal ways than one. In the first two films, Quill was the center focus whereas Rocket was something of a deuteragonist (secondary protagonist). But here, Rocket takes center stage and Quill’s storyline serves to further the themes of Rocket’s in a different way. Considering the mess that Gunn was left with after Infinity War, Endgame and Love and Thunder, I gotta say: He made some sweet ass lemonade. Peter and Gamora’s reset relationship resolved in a way that was thematically appropriate for the film (I.E. accepting things as they are instead of trying to bend it to fit your way). Drax was given direction back as a father rather than a destroyer, which is what motivated his revenge arc to begin with, resolving the fact that after Thanos died he didn’t have much to do. Mantis was given a lot of time to shine. Even Adam Warlock had a role in this film that wasn’t completely pointless. He got the ball rolling with his attack on Rocket, he tied in to the theme of self acceptance and discovery over being told what you ought to be, and he saved Peter at the end, solidifying his place as a next gen Guardian. He was definitely childlike, but he was literally born yesterday so that tracks, and again, only further serves the theme of self discovery and actualization.
Also, one of my more minor complaints of past Guardians films is that action has been rather lackluster. The first Guardians film suffers from sporadic editing and uninspired cinematography while the second film pushed comedic value over cathartic action (except for the Yondu arrow scene, that was sick). Guardians 3 goes SOOOO HARD with its action and it’s fucking amazing. All the Guardians got significant upgrades in their abilities on screen. Drax very much earns his reputation as “the Destroyer” in this one, which is a relief because ever since Vol 2 he’s sort of been reduced to just a walking punchline. Mantis proved how scary she can be with her empath powers. Nebula showed off how unstoppable of a force she can become. The hallway scene is the best action scene in the whole MCU, no contest. The Guardians dogpiling on the High Evolutionary was so fucking satisfying.
Also, High Evolutionary was a great villain. A bit hammy for my taste in select places and ultimately I think Ego is a stronger villain overall, but it was cool to see a villain that is 1000% scumbag and it makes him getting his comeuppance all the more satisfying.
This film will leave you crying like a baby over the drama of a little Raccoon. It’s fantastic.
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So yeah. The MCU all in all has been quite the spectrum of quality, with some films being much, much, MUCH better than others, especially in recent years. But the Guardians have been consistently amazing quality from beginning to end . . . as long as Gunn is in charge, that is. This team of Guardians is where Gunn says goodbye to the MCU and the new team (plus Star-Lord’s new adventures) will likely be handled by a different director going forward. I’ll keep an open mind about how well that goes, but regardless, all I can say is thank you James Gunn for these incredible films that introduced us to such lovable characters. 
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flower-boi16 · 1 year
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur is AWESOME!!!!!!
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OK so, have you ever went to watch a show, that you expected to just be a fun 7/10 series only for it to absolutely blow you away with how well-written fun, and GREAT it is? Well, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur was that show for me. This show only has 1 season released so far and it has already become my new favorite cartoon of ALL time. But why is that? Well, let's dive into why Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur is an awesome series.
NOTE: I have not read the comics this show is based on, so this is judging it as a stand-alone show and not an adaptation. Oh, and this review contains spoilers for the series, you've been warned
1. The Art Style & Animation
I LOVE this show's art style. It looks like it comes straight out of a comic book with the character designs, the backgrounds, the thick outlines on the characters, the bright colors that pop in every scene, this show looks GREAT! The animation also gets cool and creative in the show's action-music video like sequences at the end of each episode where they change the colors of each character AND they use some cool ass and creative animation in each of these sequences too, whenever these pop up in an episode, they are always great to look at. And then there are the fights in this show outside of that and they look great too! Overall, this show has a fantastic art style that looks pleasing and fun to look at.
2. The Music
DAMN does this show have an amazing soundtrack. I LOVE every single song here. They are just super catchy and great to listen to, and remember those sequences at the end of each episode I mentioned in the previous section? Well, these sequences have some of the BEST songs in the whole show. My favorites are definitely the ones in the last two episodes, both of which are 70s remixes of the theme song, which is also a BANGER too! Other great songs include My Hair is a Mood, The Wave, The Beyonder's Song, Out of My Mind, Go Big, The Look in Your Eyes, and MANY other ones as well! This show has the best soundtrack out of ANY cartoon I've seen. Go listen to this show's soundtrack right now, it's actually amazing.
3. The Characters
Okay, enough of praising the superficial aspects about this show, now, it's time to praise the other parts of it; that being, the characters.
Lunella- The main protagonist of this show, and she's great. The show does the usual things that all good shows do and that is teaching its protagonist lessons, however, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur does this so incredibly well that it makes Lunella a great protagonist. You have Lunella learning pretty basic lessons like being patient and not feeding internet trolls when they say mean things about you online, they also have her grow as a character like learning to face her childhood fears in episode 14, and learning that, fear isn't something you should get over, it should be something you should get through.
There's also episode 7 where she learns to overcome her awkwardness whenever she's in a slumber party and becomes better at making friends. Even basic lessons she learns like in episode 4 where she learns that she shouldn't be overly competitive add so much nuance to that moral. LOS-307 (the robot Lunella competes against in that episode) wants to try and connect with Lunella because they don't really have any friends, yet Lunella ends up ignoring that and gets so focused on the game that LOS ends up being turned on while they are on charging for so long and overheats, because Lunella was too caught up in the game. She was too obsessed with winning and that cost her almost getting killed. Other episodes like the one where she learns that it's ok to say when you need a break from stuff, the one where she learns that what makes life special are all the fun moments in between are also all great too.
But the episode where her character is at her absolute best imo is in episode 11, AKA; the gentrification episode. In that episode, she learns that she, as Moong Girl, is a voice for the community of the LES, and a role model, and she meets these two guys Marty and Marcy, who want to revitalize the LES to be "better". She thinks that it would help the LES only to see that the changes Marty and Marcy make are affecting the LES for the worse, gentrifying it. She then gets scolded by her mom as Moon Girl saying "how could you support something like this?". She used her voice in a way that badly affected her community, and then there's that AMAZING scene with her mom as herself, and says that she tried to use her voice, but it turned out it didn't matter.
And then she learns that she needs to use her voice wisely as Moon Girl, and that her voice does matter, she just needs to make herself heard. And then goes to fix this and bring back her block from it's gentrified state. I'll talk about this episode more in the next section, but it did such an amazing job of making Lunella a FANTASTIC protagonist. She's flawed, she makes mistakes and those mistakes have big consequences, but she learns and grows from those mistakes. Oh ya, I could also mention many other episodes like episode 5 but I think you could get the idea; Lunella is a great protagonist. Grows throughout the whole series and each episode finds a new way to make her develop in a way that's compelling.
Casey- I have a lot less to say about Casey than I do about Lunella, but I still really like Casey. She's the social media-obsessed popular girl in this show and normally with these two types of characters Casey would be a bully to Lunella, but that's subverted here which is nice. I also love Casey and Lunella's friendship, it's really cute and they a lot of great chemistry with each other that makes their dynamic interesting and fun!
Episode 12 is the episode where Casey goes through a bit of character growth, as she throws bat mitzvah and has Moon Girl make an appearance so it could be the most epic one, only for Casey to become too obsessed with the bat mitzvah to the point it creates a rift in her friendship with Lunella. I think that episode did a good job of making Casey go through some character growth, and overall, she's a fun character and a great tritagonist.
Devil- Devil's cute. I like him. Devil is Lunella's suto pet/crime fighting partner, and I do like him. Like with Lunella and Casey, there are episodes that give him a little depth, like episode 8 or episode 13, these episodes focus on Devil and they are pretty good, not the best episodes of the series but they are still great. Devil's friendship with Lunella is cute too, they have such great chemistry with each other. Devil is a good deuteragonist for this series.
So Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur has a pretty great main cast. The characters are likable, and get great growth throughout the series. Now let's talk about...
4. The Villains
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur is a superhero show, so it's going to have a lot of villains. Most of the time these guys usually appear for only one episode to serve the plot for each episode. The first villain, Aftershock, is the main antagonist of the pilot, and she does a decent job as the show's first major boss. She's funny, she's threatening, and her design looks pretty cool. Next is the Syphonater, AKA Angelo. Angelo wanted to help the community but never got noticed, and when Moon Girl got all the attention he never received, he became jealous of her which made him susceptible to being a host for the Syphonater. Again, he serves his job fine as being that episode's main antagonist.
Other villains include Gravitas, a villain with gravitation powers who went after Moon Girl and Devil because they accidentally destroyed his car, Mane who is all of Lunella's natural comprised into one giant hair monster thing, Abbyss who can shoot dark cloud things and who doesn't want to be evil, but since she's apart of a family of supervillains she has no choice, LOS-307 who's a supercomputer that turns evil after overheating (I actually got worried for them when it looks like they were about to die like, damn, this show got me to care about a robot...how) and many, many other villains. All of them serve their purpose for the episodes that they are in and they are entertaining to watch. However, there are two villains that I think are the most worth talking about. Those being The Beyonder and another antagonist I'll talk about later in section 6.
The Beyonder is my favorite villain in this show so far. He reminds me a lot like HIM from the OG powerpuff girls; an all-powerful being that likes to torment our heroes for the fun of it. He's just such a fun villain, he basically was sent to Earth so he could study about humans, and when Lunella says one thing about Eduardo being a useless partner, he takes that like her saying that humans are worthless and says that if Lunella doesn't complete her school project with Eduardo, he'll wipe out the human race. Nah, turns out he was just messing with Lunella there. The Beyonder is just such an fun entertaining villain, he's no doubt my favorite villain of the show.
The villains in this series are relatively decent, most of them serve their purpose for each episode that they are in, some are sympathetic and get redeemed at the end of each episode, most of them don't, so this show's villains are pretty solid, now let's talk about...
5. The Morals & Messages
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur has the basic kinds of lessons you would see in most kids shows; however, it's the executions that matter here and they way Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur teaches it's lessons is great! Let me give you an example; Episode 3, this episode has Lunella learning to be patient and that she shouldn't rush things. Basic moral on paper. Then later in episode a villain named Gravitas shows up and begins recking things. How is he defeated? Lunella goes and waits for him to run out of juice so he can't use his gravity powers.
What I like here is that the episode gets its moral across in a creative and interesting way; Lunella defeats Gravitas by waiting or being patient for him to run out of juice so he can't attack her anymore. It gets a moral across in a way that's both creative and entertaining to the audience without it feeling hamfisted. Another example; Episode 4, I already mentioned this episode in the characters section but this is one of my favorite episodes of the show so far. Like episode 3, it takes a pretty basic moral; don't be overly competitive, and does something interesting with it.
In the episode, a new AI comes to Lunella's school named LOS-307, a robot who was just built eight months ago, and Lunella goes to play chess against it. The robot tries to connect with Lunella and become friends, but Lunella is too focused on winning against them to connect. It gets so bad to the point where neither of them beat each other and Lunella is still playing against them even after school is over. And then later in the episode, when Lunella sneaks back into the school to beat LOS once and for all, they end up overheating which causes them to go evil, LOS tells Lunella this before this happens but Lunella is still so focused on winning that she doesn't listen.
Lunella was so focused on winning that she didn't get to connect with someone and she ended up almost getting killed because she didn't listen to LOS's warnings. It takes a moral that has been done to death and does something interesting with it. Another example is episode 9 where Lunella creates a app so she can skip all of the boring parts of her life like doing chores, waiting in lines, and other stuff, only learn that life isn't meant to be a highlight reel, rather its about the small moments in between that give life meaning. Episode 14 is another example, where Lunella has to overcome some childhood trauma where she got lost in a theme park without her grandma Mimi, and encounters a scary clown.
Normally the message here is that you should get over your fear, but the show takes a different direction with this and says that fear isn't something you should get over, it's something that you should get through and that it's OK to be scared, as it's something that we always have to deal with.
This show is great at teaching morals in a way that's both entertaining and doing different and more interesting things with those morals. They never feel hamfisted or anything, and the show adds it's own spin on morals that have been done to death by doing them in interesting ways. But there are two episodes that I think are the best at this, both of which are the two best episodes of the show. Those episodes are episodes 5 and 11. These episodes tackle the topics of hair discrimination and gentrification respectively, which are both topics you wouldn't see being talked about in a kids show, especially in a Disney TVA show.
Now, I'm not the one to judge how well these episodes handle these topics, but by the looks of it from other people who have seen this show it looks like both episodes handled these topics very well. Episode 5 has Lunella try to make a hair relaxer for picture day that is coming up after a girl from school made fun of her hair. Unfortunately, she ends up becoming bald as all of her hair falls of and gains sentience in the form of a villain called Mane, who is all of Lunella's hair. And then later in the episode Mane goes and sabotages random stuff for Lunella and then after they both meet eye to eye Lunella goes to talk to her family and reveals to them what happened.
And then we get this wonderful scene with Lunella's Mom and Grandmother after Lunella tells then what happened. Lunella's Mom and Grandmother both comfort Lunella by telling her that they've been in similair situations like Lunella, where they both tried to "fix" their hair but they ended up getting bald as well. And then they tell Lunella that she shouldn't believe the lies people say about her hair, that it's messy and ugly, and that to love your hair is to love yourself.
It's a new spin on the "looks aren't everything" message, except it talks about hair issues, Lunella got caught up in what one person thought of her hair so she tried to fix it, and then later in the episode when Lunella goes to stop Mane, she realizes that she has been fighting herself and that she wasn't loving herself when she tried to "fix" her hair when she thought it was ugly because someone said it was. This episode imo did a great job with its moral and the fact that the show had the balls to cover a topic like this is impressive. And then there's episode 11, I have already talked about this one in the last section so I won't repeat myself here, but as I said in the characters section this episode talks about gentrification very well and it does absolute wonders for Lunella as a character.
Lunella learns that, as Moon Girl, she has a voice and that voice is one for the community, and she approves of the changes Marcy and Marty propose at first, until she sees it's changing the block for the worst. And then in the episode she learns to use her voice wisely. Episode 11 is just a phenomenal episode for how it tackles gentrification and what it does for Lunella's character, best episode of the show hands down.
This show is great at teaching lessons and the fact its able to cover these topics so well is amazing. But wait, there's one more thing I need to talk about in this show, and that's...
6. The Finale
Ok so, this section contains MAJOR spoilers for the final two episodes of the first season. If you don't want to be spoiled, skip this section. Now. You have been warned. Anyways, the finale comprises of last two episodes; episode 15 and episode 16 titled "OMG Issue 1" and "OMG Issue 2" respectively. Episode 15 has a lot of reveals thrown at you, such as the reveal that Mimi is the original Moon Girl, ya know, the scientist that Lunella got her superhero name from? And it also introduces a new antagonist in the series who will likely be the big bad of show; Maris Morlak, who used to be Mimi's partner/best friend before turning evil.
First, let's talk about Morlak as a villain; he's definitely intriguing. His backstory is that he and Mimi built a machine that could create portals into other dimensions, and their racist boss presented it without them and took the credit. After the portal gets opened and the boss gets grabbed in and his ring falls off, Morlak now wants to use the portal to open dimsions so his and Mimi's work will never be erased. He's a good villain, his threatening, he has some great charisma, and his motivation is solid. I'm very interested to see what the series does with him in season 2, he has a lot of promise and I can't wait how the show fleshes him out further in the future.
Now let's talk about what these episodes do for Mimi as a character. Mimi before these episodes was just a cool grandma who supported Lunella throughout the series, but these episodes reveal that she was the previous Moon Girl who built the portal with Morlak as I already stated. Episode 16 is a really beautiful flashback scene of Mimi's life after she went into hiding from Enclave (the evil organization that Morlak is taking control of) which shows her first meeting Lunella's grandfather, all the way to when Lunella was little. It's a really cute flashback and it got me in the feels for a bit. So I think these last two episodes did some great stuff with Mimi's character, and I can't wait to see what they do with it in season 2.
Alright, now let's talk about how these final two episodes end; to add in a little context here, Morlak captures both Lunella and Mimi to rebuild the portal after destroying pretty much everything in Lunella's lab, but Lunella escapes while Mimi stays probably to try and protect Lunella. And then Lunella and Casey along with Devil go and devise a plan to save Mimi and stop the portal. They go there and have a fight and then the episode ends with Lunella sacrificing herself by going into the portal so her and Mimi can push the buttons on the opposite sides so the portal can close.
Wow...those episodes where fantastic! They threw so much at you and I'm so intrigued to see how season 2 will play out considering how episode 16 ended. Like, damn, Lunella is in another DIMENSION now. I have so many questions, but not the kind where I'm confused, the kind where I'm wondering what's going to happen next. How will the rest of Lunella's family react to her being missing? Will they also get to now that she's Moon Girl? What kind of dimension did Lunella end up on? What are they going to do with Morlak? I am SO excited to see where this series goes after these episodes, I can't wait for season 2 to come out so I can see where the show takes all of these major new plotlines revealed in these last two episodes. Oh and did I mention that the songs in these episodes were FIRE??? That song in episode 16 is my favorite song of the whole show, it's just SO damn catchy and I love how it's a 70s remix of the show's theme song (which is already great btw). These episodes were overall fantastic.
I have one complaint though; and that's with one scene in episode 16. So basically while Lunella runs back to lab to save Devil the lab blows up with Devil inside, so it looks like he's dead...until it's revealed that he escaped the lab. Um, HOW did Devil escape the lab before it blew up? The timer was already up by the time he woke up from all of his wounds so...how did he escape??? That's the only thing that bothered me about these last two episodes though, aside from that, these episodes were great and a fantastic finale to the first season. I can't wait to see where season 2 takes this series.
7. Conclusion
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur is an AMAZING series. It's so damn well written with loveable characters great messages and an awesome finale. The songs are great, the animation is great, the characters are great just...everything about this show is great. It's so damn fun, and after watching some garbage like High Guardian Spice or PPG 2016, this show felt like a breath of fresh air for me. I highly recommend you watch this show, its one of the best Disney TVA shows out there and my favorite TV series from the channel.
Score: 10/10
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pencopanko · 11 months
Hello! ;) I was wondering about your Coco OC Rafael. Who is he? How does he know the Riveras? I think you mentioned once that he's Rosita's love interest? Basically, I just want to know more about him. (Assuming it doesn't give away spoilers for anything, of course!)
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Hello, hello! Rafael is actually an OC originally created by my dear friend B who was known as heyheyitsjuju or now known as @sheepwithspecs . They're no longer active in the fandom, but I was given permission to use their OCs in my stories too and I will always credit them as the original creator. He first appeared on Chapter 9 of a fanfic titled "Echar Agua Al Mar", but unfortunately that fanfic is no longer available online. However, thankfully B and I talk about him still along with other OCs related to him, so here is a list of things about him!
Rafael Herrera Meza is a musician-turned-talent scout/music producer from Jalisco who died in the 70s. He was originally going to take over his father's oil company (the Herreras are extremely rich), but turned down the offer to focus on his music career much to his father's chagrin.
Rafael and Papá Herrera reconciled in the main timeline, though! His father was the first face he saw in the Land Of The Dead after he woke up.
He had a tiny Holland lop named Chavela whom he loved dearly throughout his childhood, and when she passed away when Rafael was around 15 or so he was inconsolable for days. Fortunately for them both they reunited years later in the Land Of The Dead, and Chavelita is now his alebrije! She is even tinier now, as she can now fit in the palm of his hands and can hide inside his sombrero.
He only had two friends growing up: Chavela and his cousin Samuel. Samuel and Rafael look similar to each other (like Marco & Miguel-level similar), but Samuel is a lot more outgoing and extroverted. He is also more angular than Rafael who has softer features. Samuel was also the one who ended up inheriting the oil business. The both of them are still very close.
Him having only two childhood friends was due to his upbringing. He was homeschooled for most of his life, and the only social interactions he had outside of his family and the family staff was with his teachers who would come to the Herrera residence to teach him lessons like math, music, and languages including but perhaps not limited to English, Arabic, Catalan, Chinese, etc. Due to this, he is also extremely book-smart and speaks or at least understands multiple languages.
He loves to read and watch adventure movies. His favorite film is "Los tres mosqueteros", and I'm sure he loves Indiana Jones and Tintin too!
Meta fact: if one is to compare him to any fictional character, he is most similarーif not identical by natureーto Geronimo Stilton.
He's known Héctor for a very long time in LOTD, and it was one of his best-kept secrets. When the Sunrise Spectacular Confrontation happened in 2017, he was all the way in Jalisco and only found out about it after receiving multiple messages in his answering machine from Ronaldo (another one of B's OCs), a mutual friend of his and Héctor. The three of them met at a cantina belonging to another friend of theirs named Toño.
He connects with Héctor due to their shared disdain towards how the mainstream music industry had become filled with music that is too polished. Due to this, Rafael takes his job very seriously and insists on discovering the "diamonds in the rough" and other musicians who love music just as much as they do.
He is an extremely talented and charismatic singer/performer with a stage presence only rivaled by de la Cruz (and later Héctor Rivera), and a baritone voice that is so strong that nobody could expect such a voice coming from a body like his . According to this post, he could have ended like de la Cruz easily since he also recorded some albums and even has a cult following in both realms, but really he only ever performs for other people's enjoyment. Plus, that is just his onstage persona and he prefers the business and backstage side of music.
He is actually extremely shy and introverted, and also has social anxiety disorder. His shyness goes up by the tenfold if he comes across women he has never met. Instead of going out to parties for high society or whatnot, he would much rather stay at home. "Here" by Alessia Cara and "party" by Dodie Clark represent his feelings towards such events.
It gets worse if he comes across a woman he loves. Those who had been involved romantically with him would describe him as very gentleman-like and softspoken, but the one complain they all have is that it would take him MONTHS to PUT HIS HANDS ON THEIR SHOULDERS. Well. A certain rosy lady has a different story, however :3c
When it comes to romance, he wants a a woman who is alright with moments of silence, is trusting & trustworthy (he travels quite a bit due to his job), and isn't afraid to make the first move sometimes. He is a gentle lover who tends to shower his lover with gifts and sweet nothingsーor in Ronaldo's more crass comment: he is a sugar daddy with a thigh fetish.
He has always had a weak heart, and even in death he can still feel the side effects thus he cannot do too much physical activities outside of jogging or stretching. He passed away some time in his late 50s due to heart failure. His cousin's daughter whom he treated like a niece was the one who found his body.
Don't let his shyness, small stature, and "wimp" nature fool you, though. He eats spicy foods like they're candy and he is well-respected in the production company he works at. He has a silver tongue and has what the kids nowadays call "big dick energy" in corporate settings.
He also has a dry sense of humor which is somewhat contrasted with an extremely contagiously bright laughter, though he usually only chuckles most of the time.
You don't want to see him angry. Héctor, Ronaldo, and Toño can atest to this. His silver tongue can be extremely sharp.
As a musician, he can play multiple instruments but his favorite is the piano.
Rosita and Victoria first saw him performing at the plaza, as told in Chapter 9 of "Echar Agua Al Mar", but they never interacted. Until a faithful day when Rosita took a trip to the plaza with Coco. He was singing "Hermoso cariño" and winked at Rosita in his performer persona when their eyes met. All flustered after listening to and gazing at Rafael and seeing him wink at her (these darn músicos!), Rosita quickly left the plaza with Coco following behind. After the performance, he couldn't help but think of that lady he just saw. She was... beautiful. The way she looked at her made his heart flutter, to the point that he winked at her! There's no way that he would meet her again.... (or was there?)
Héctor was the one who introduced Rafael to Rosita and the rest of the Rivera family. After a few shots of tequila, Rafael finally confessed to Héctor on what was bothering him that evening. Seeing this as a golden opportunity after hearing a similar story from Rosita, he dragged Rafael to see his family, much to Rafael's embarrassment (and perhaps, lowkey, to his delight).
There are so much more to him than this, but I can't post them all now because the content can and does get ✨spicy✨ at times and because there really is a lot, but he is a loveable boy and I hope you'll get to love him too! He also appears as a character for an original project B and I are working on under the working title "Project Marigold". Rosita isn't in the story for obvious reasons, but we created an OC inspired by her so that way he can always be with his beloved rosy lady regardless.
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germworms · 2 years
!Spoilers for the TV show episodes ahead!
So what I've been thinking about if this is all a family tragedy, I think everyone who's seen the new season is agreeing that Lesley is somehow Yellow Guys mother. Or at least yellow guy is a representation of her dead son.
What if our three main protagonists aren't just friends? What if they're actually the brothers of this dead son, Yellow Guy?
So if Red guy is the oldest brother, have moved out, started a job, but then got the news of his dead brother and came home for the funeral. Blaming Lesley for the death. Red Guy can drive and is the only one who seems to have job experience, but doesn't want to work. Probably depressed.
Duck would be the middle child who still lives at home, he probably experienced how harsh Lesley would be. (Who knows, she could be an alcoholic or something, I'll touch on that later) He dreamt of moving away and starting his own buisness. He also seems to be the only one who talks against the lessons in the youtube series, but also is the first character to question reality in the first episode of the TV show.
Red guy mentions in the episode "Family" that they all share the same lawyer quite a lot. Might be a family lawyer, you need one for many reasons, but in this case it could be about how Lesley hit her own child with her car.
I believe Lesley and Roy divorced, Roy is barely a part the whole series and seems to only interract with Yellow Guy and Red Guy. He watched Red guy perform and it could be a son and dad bonding. If we take the youtube series lore into the TVshows lore, we could get a whole picture with Red Guy wanting to reverse Yellow Guys death, but getting stopped by Roy who knows what's dead should stay dead. (From "Dreams" youtube series)
Tho I do believe Red Guy became distant with his family, maybe because Lesley became abusive? He so desperate wanted to find a better family, which could be why he was so obsessed to be a part of a family in "Family". Red Guy managed to escape the house and find a solid job. Only to come right back in after the death.
Lesley became so depressed and guilty after having caused her favorite child's death, (Quote: "You're my favorite") and kidnaps her two other sons to take part in her forever family. Where she can play a happy family and give her son all the lessons she never got to give him through children songs. Sprinked with her own grief and insanity, hence the gore.
Lesley probably became so sad over Yellow Guys death she went to Duck, the middle child and let out her anger on him. She perhaps wished he was dead instead of Yellow Guy.
Also the three of them act like how siblings would act around each other, argue, tease the youngest brother.
In "Transport" we see that there's cigarettes in the "Lesley" car, which points towards she being a smoker, there's over 70%(in america) that smokes and drinks, she could be and alcoholic too, which is how she drove into Yellow Guy.
The visions Yellow Guys having about his "smarter" him, could be an aged up version of him, if he didn't die. His restless soul that so desperately wants answers for his death and to break free of this endless death loop.
One could argue they're step brothers in a disfuctional family.
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neo-neos · 2 years
Can I give my unfiltered opinion on Till The World Ends?
Yes, because who the fuck is going to tell me I can't (Spoilers)
WARNING: I kinda popped off a little here and there, I do not mean harm... I promise. I just really enjoy putting my thoughts on paper sometimes. <3
I would like to start off with a bit of a disclaimer, I am skipping through like 70% of this show because after watching ep 1 I kinda already lost it but I would like to share my opinion anyway. I in no way am trying to make fun of the show or the actors or anything like that. I am just stating my findings that are based on legit nothing other than my opinion on like the few scenes I have fully watched.
In general
The concept/storyline is actually really cool, I think it's a very interesting idea, and was excited to see how this was going to go.
The biggest issue I have with this show is the acting and I ain't here to shit on actors at all but... Can I just say what I want to say? Golf (Best)... Honey... This ain't it... (Idk if he has roles in other shows that do work better for him..) But to be very honest... Art is carrying this show atm.
I legit would get on my knees and bow down in a worshipping manner to translators. Their work is legit so, so important and they are all literal angels. BUT the translation of this show is so insanely distracting, the mistakes are hard to overlook and often cause some massive confusion for me personally. Again, translators deserve some hella praise but... I tried to ignore it, I really did.
My boy Art cannot catch a break with the crying
What the FUCK is up with the insane amount of awkward/unnecessary dialogue?
And now for something yall DEFINITELY DID NOT ASK FOR, an analysis of the eps that also hold my very unfiltered opinion
Ep 1
The prison scene...
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They then talk about food for like 1 minute straight AND THEN HE LITERALLY GOES
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The rest of ep 1 was fine but my lord that scene took forever and mostly repeated the same thing 3 times.
Ep 2
Not bad, not great.
Ep 3
That opening scene was ehm... a bit ?????
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You aight miss thang? - She continued to lay there until like the end of the ep as well... I'm: Concerned.
The comfort talk... Sir mr Golf needs a little lesson on how to comfort people because basically Art is saying: Listen mate, I woke up in your house, you basically kidnapped me, let's forget about the fact that you were the one that knocked me the fuck out in the first place for a minute... But okay. Can you please look at this entire ordeal from my perspective for a HOT SECOND? I just wanna go home mate, I wanna go find my family..
Golf: omg no don't cry bby boy, I'm just worried about u.
AND then the scene in the bed was so insanely long and the topics jumped from one thing to another and ??
Ep 4
The breakfast scene felt oddly out of character for the character of Golf, idk how to explain this one to yall sorry.
I am glad AIDS is being talked about.
Ep 5
Gus is cute
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2 entire seconds later:
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Is this like their thing as brothers? They talk to each other but neither of them listens and then they just... repeat the same question? pls do tell me if that is the actual clue here because, I'm lost.
Ep 6
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Are you... ???? ARE YOU TWO FOR FUCKING REAL? (sorry this just really got to me..)
Just this, no further comments HAHAHHA
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That marriage thing was cute af
Ep 7
Ep 8
This ep holds my favorite meme from this show EVER
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BRO SAME HAHAHAHAH - that is a MOOD I have absolutely no idea what was happening throughout the conversation. I know it might be a very interesting, deep and heavy topic I'm pea brain.
NC scene was good
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gurleend287 · 1 year
Assassination Classroom (ep. s1-1,5,16 and s2-11)
RATING: ★★★★★
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I watched the first two episodes around two years ago, then kind of forgot about it. So, it was good to pick it up again. If I'm being honest, I didn't watch the episode for the second season, because I do want to watch the whole show and not have spoilers for the second season. My analysis is as follows:
At first glance, it seems like just another school-based anime, but it delves much deeper than that. The story revolves around a yellow, octopus-like creature named Koro-sensei, who has destroyed 70% of the moon and threatens to do the same to Earth unless he is stopped. The government tasks a class of misfits with the job of assassinating him before the end of the school year.
One of the main themes of Assassination Classroom is the idea of redemption. Koro-sensei is portrayed as a villain at first, but as the story progresses, we learn about his tragic past and his genuine desire to help the students improve themselves. He becomes a mentor to them, teaching them not only academic subjects but also important life lessons, such as the value of hard work and perseverance. Through his actions, he shows that anyone can change and become a better person, even someone who was once considered a monster.
Another important theme in the series is the concept of individuality. The students in the class are all misfits and outcasts in some way, and they have been labeled as such by society. However, through their experiences with Koro-sensei, they learn to embrace their unique qualities and use them to their advantage. The series emphasizes that it's important to be true to oneself and not to conform to society's expectations. It's a message that I found to be especially relevant in today's world, where people are often pressured to fit into certain molds.
Overall, the anime tackles important themes such as redemption and individuality in a unique and engaging way. I will definitely keep watching it now that I've finished watching more than just two episodes.
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pink-spikes · 2 years
I have always wanted to see more about Simeons past because in the game, he has hints here and there of the past and the celestial realm, but nothings has been put together as a full story.
for example, Simeon said that he used to be Seraphim, which is the highest rank in the celestial realm. He is now an archangel, a warrior angel known to be one of the lower ranks and looked heavily down apon in demon society. Was he demoted before, during, or after the war? (I'm only on lesson 75? in obey me so correct me if some of my information isn't correct with more recent events) Why does he still work for micheal? How long has micheal in charge? Did god or micheal demote him from seraphim? Why does he take care of Luke despite being a war angel? How long were archangels a thing? Has there been wars between the demon realm and celestial realm before? what does Rapheal look like in the picture? I think Simeon dislikes the celestial realm to some degree, he never mentions it and when he does he doesn't really reminiscent of the present but rather the past where he got to hang out with his brothers. No one has ever seen his angel form, but hes a human. IN THE NEW GAME WE MIGHT SEE HIS ANGEL FORM! anyways, in simeons HDD card, when he mentions realms, he says we should visit the human realm, and then says celestial realm too. It took him a bit to say that which was weird. Events are inherently cannon but represent their cannon forms in different scenarios, and in HDD he was still in his angel outfit, meaning it isnt up to season 4. Thats just one instance though I'm sure to find more.
In the video, we see Simeon with luke, and rapheal in a hallway (idk if its in RAD or the celestial realm). Rapheal walks ahead, not looking back and simeon looking outside, with the next clip being luke clutching his clothes. This might be hinting at a rocky relationship between rapheal and simeon. There's are some holes that need to be filled in within the lore about Simeon fighting against the brothers and why. I don't know what he was doing in the war, if he was demoted then, or was punished for wanting to defend him. Simeons flaw is staying in the past, as he is seen wanting to go back where he was hanging out with the brothers as angels. This could because of many things that aren't confirmed, like regret, guilt, or finding difficulty in the way things are in the celestial realm now. I personally believe that Simeon will have to grow as a person to move forward as he is now a human, making it so he only has like 70 years of his life to live. He wont be able to be there for Luke anymore, and It's a possible reason that they sent Rapheal to be an exchange student so he will take care of Luke after Simeon dies and probably his soul gets sent downwards.
+(I want to know why Solomon has never asked Diavolo, the future king of the demon realm, for a pact and only bugs Lucifer for a pact. its really odd but I dont think the new game is gonna answer that. The devs purposely but in that line from Diavolo about solomon but was never explained further so there is prob going to be something in the future about Lucifers powers scaled from Diavolo.)
I would also like to know how the dagger that can kill demons were invented, and if they were from the celestial realm or a witch or a demon.
WAIT HOLY SHIT I RemEMBER SOMETHING. I remember seeing screenshots and meme forever ago i dont have them but it was levi saying one of his long anime titles, and it said something about being reincarniated as punishment and being a man servant suggesting that barbatos was somehow Liliths (angel-form) lover and was reincarnated as punishment from god, which could be more of an explanation to his time powers(thinking like Homura Akemi), it may or may not be a stretch my memory can get fucked up over time of things happening. The anime title does exist, i just dont remember the exact contents. take everything in this paragraph with a 2 pounds of salt. Last year in May when my fixation was at its peak again, I spent hours searching for juicy Simeon lore and celestial realm lore. Ive been theorizing and questioning a lot of things since then. I have screenshots of somethings if anyone wants me to post about them I can, but I might have to look in game again for some of the stuff.
I could make a post about a Simeon timeline/speculations that would like an essay. hes my favorite character and I love him an unhealthy amount <333
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lilacponds · 2 years
ok lets see where to start!! zareyl is drow who grew up in the underdark with a really abusive mother 😀 she raised all her childern to extremely strict standards with harsh punishments whenever they werent up to her standards (which was often). he was never allowed to leave the house so the only socialization he had were his tutors (which kept themselves distanced from the children), his older sister, and occasionally his dad (who was not allowed to dote on the children, but would sneak time with them against the mother's wishes). his dad actually teaches him how to play the pan flute and gives him his own flute as a gift <3
mom finds out about these stolen moments, and she is Not Happy!!! and to teach the kids a lesson - theyre around... i dont remember the exact ages, around 70 years old for Zareyl and 80 for his sister Inwyss? which in elf years is something closer to, idk, 15 human years roughly, to guesstimate. and she decides to just! murder her husband in front of the two of them.
thats the straw that broke the camels back for Inwyss - so she ran away. but Zareyl stayed, because they had two younger brothers - one of which was a literal newborn - and he was afraid of what would happen to them if he did. at least if he stayed he could make his mom focus her punishments on him instead.
so his life miserably goes on, making sure to be there for his brothers and show them the love and care their mom wouldnt. he doesnt speak a lot about their dad because hes scarred and it hurts, but he refuses to tell them it was their mom that killed him. and at one point, when he sees her focus start going towards his brothers as well, he decides enough is enough - he sneaks out of the house, bumbles his way to find some poison, and tries to kill her. spoiler alert, he is wildly ignorant about poisons, and barely had any money to himself anyways, so he just makes her seriously ill. terrified that she was going to kill him in front of his brothers like she did his father, he decides the best course of action for them is to do what his sister did and leave. he tells them he loves them and will be back one day, apologizes over and over, and leaves them the pan flute his dad left him, as a trinket and a promise.
so he runs away! and he goes to the surface, learns a lot about nature and some about people. eventually he gets recruited in this adventurer's guild, which was actually pretty defunct and him and the new people he meets are tasked, if they will, with bringing it back to old glory. hes like, fuck it, its something to do, itll help me actually have someplace to stay, and id like to help other people. (spoiler alert: we've been doing pretty damn good for ourselves!)
his group (the guild is divided in two groups usually, though the members of the group swap around from time to time - but theyve been with the same group for a few months at the start) has this particularly handsome tiefling, who isnt afraid to show his distaste for zareyl for the simple act of being a drow. and you know what, zareyl doesnt mind that! he finds his honesty disarming, in a good way. he has trust issues, and heres a guy that isnt afraid to let him know he doesnt like him, and whats more honest than that? eventually they get to know each other better and they become friends, and at this point in time zareyl has fallen HAAARD for him. there was a point in a mission where zareyl kind of fell unconscious, bitch almost drowned, and Quies (the tiefling) did CPR on him - except that Zareyl wasn't unconscious, just paralyzed, and so he thinks back to that fucking kiss every week of his life. they also slept together in the same bed once and Zareyl barely got a wink of rest.
they have also adopted a false god baby together. 🤭 everyone was like "its a FALSE GOD, the last one was burning people to a crisp, you should kill it before it grows up to be evil" and we were like "um actually, fuck you, this is a literal baby and we don't believe in the concept of 'youre destined to be this and it cannot be changed', touch this baby and youre dead". so his name is Sedd and hes being taken care of by someone they trust as we keep on adventuring and they dote on him when they are back at the guild
ANYWAYS his current mission? going back to his hometown, to get his brothers. he feels so much guilt over leaving them, and hes terrified of what has happened to them in the meantime - but with a good guild with a solid set of people he trusts as staff (and a few kobolds), he finally has a home for them to go to where they can be safe and grow up properly. so that's where he's headed, and he's terrified, but his friends are there with him to support him. (im lowkey hoping we get to fight and kill his mom, but that might be too traumatizing for the brothers, so we'll see)
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Nobody's boy: Remi
In one of the classes about Hayao Miyazaki’s legacy, the teacher spoke about his work in the production of Heidi and Marco in the 70’s when he was working for Nippon Animation (Zuiyo Eizo then). Talking about these old anime reminded me of one that I watched with my mom when I was a lot younger and I remembered that it was also made around those years. The anime was called Nobody’s boy: Remi (or Ie Naki Ko in its original Japanese title).
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I never got quite interested in knowing more about what I watched about Remi in those times, but when I heard about Hayao’s influence over Heidi and Marco I wanted to know more about the origins of this sad story.
Before I get into what I found about Remi, for those who didn’t know about this old school anime, I’ll give you a little summary without spoilers:
The story revolves around Remi, a French little boy who, for reasons that unveil as the story progress, ends up with an adoptive family where the father, a very ambitious man, rejects him, selling him to a kind-hearted traveling actor, Mr. Vitalis. Remi starts his adventures through the country with Mr. Vitalis and his animal troupe of entertainers: Capi the labrador, Zerbino the doberman, Dolce the poodle and the amusing monkey Joli-coeur (or Joyful Heart -Corazón Alegre- as I knew him in the Latin dub). With those he consider his new family, Remi has to face the hardships of a traveling actor, living through many tragedies and learning the harsh lessons of life.
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Regarding to its production, the anime of Remi is based on the book ‘Sans Famille’, written by the French author Hector Merlot in 1878. It was brought to TV by TMS Entertainment and Madhouse in 1977, with the ex-Mushi Pro animator Osamu Dezaki as its director, the same who worked on Space Adventure Cobra and many others well-known anime, movies and OVAs. It has 51 episodes that lasts 23 minutes each one.
You could say that Remi follows a common recipe among anime like Heidi and Marco: based on an European novel about a child who is stripped of a normal and happy childhood, without parents, forced to face harsh situations that could make anyone cry. Maybe Remi didn’t have the impact that Heidi, Marco or Candy Candy had on the people who watched them in the 70’s and later, but it surely was special for me. Not only because the story left an impression on my younger self due to the heart-wrenching circumstances that Remi had to live through, but also because of how watching it became a reason to share a special moment with my mother, who also enjoyed it when she was a child and later, with me.
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-Francisca Rivera C.
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