#less angst and more fluff
baronessblixen · 9 months
O Holy No (3/10)
Today's prompt: running into an ex at a Christmas party
Summary: Scully, Mulder, and two of their ex-partners at the Christmas office party. (wc: 2,111)
Tagging @today-in-fic
She’s had a lot of time to think since she ran out of Mulder's apartment. From the cab ride home, through a sleepless night, to this afternoon. And no matter how she looks at it, she has to admit a few things. She panicked. She overreacted. And she ran away when it got difficult. She’d been considering calling Mulder when he showed up at her door. Her reluctance to see and speak to him had less to do with what she saw at his apartment and more with her reaction to it all.
The longer Scully thought about it, the less the evidence added up. She let herself be blinded by jealousy and, as much as she hates to admit it, her own insecurity and fear. As Scully sat in her apartment, staring at the Christmas decorations that Mulder helped her put up, the first thorns of doubt poked her. She’s the one who always reminds Mulder not to jump to any conclusions. This time she did and head first, too.
She thought back on the last few weeks and how she and Mulder had spent almost every waking moment together. At work and after. How they had spent many a night talking on the phone right before sleep. Weekdays and weekends blurred. Not a single day went by without them talking or seeing each other. How could she have been so blind?
And now she’s here, at the FBI’s Christmas office party, bored out of her mind without Mulder, guilt gnawing at her. It's her own fault he isn’t here. She wonders where he is and what he’s doing. She tried calling him on her way here, prepared to apologize profusely. For a moment, she considered dropping by his apartment but decided against it, instead trying his cell phone every half hour or so.
With her phone at her ear, the other agents leave her alone. Mostly, anyway. She’s seen the looks people throw her and she can see what they’re wondering about. Where is Mulder? They have been a package deal for far too long. Her head shoots up whenever someone new enters. Maybe Mulder has decided to come here after all, even though he hates office parties.
When Skinner mentioned it a while ago, asking them to come, Mulder snorted. And after what happened last night, Scully can’t imagine why he should show up here. As much as she wants to see him. She grabs another glass of champagne, stands to the side, and calls Mulder again. She listens to the dial tone, her heart hammering in her chest.
“Why aren’t you picking up?” she wonders out loud, pressing disconnect and pocketing her phone. Taking a sip of champagne, she lets her eyes wander around the room where agents in various stages of inebriation are having the time of their lives. There are a few faces she recognizes, but mostly, these people are strangers to her. It makes her miss Mulder even more. It reminds her of years ago when Agent Pendrell was still alive. When Chuck would attend these parties. She’s only half paying attention when she catches sight of a face she hasn’t seen in many years. Seven, to be exact.
Ethan, her ex-boyfriend.
Scully chokes on her champagne, coughing loudly. Ethan is too far away and too preoccupied with the group of people he’s standing with to hear her. His appearance hasn't changed much. From a distance, he looks like the same man she left seven years ago. She remembers breaking up with him, explaining in clinical detachment why they no longer worked. He wished her all the best and disappeared from her life.
If she’s honest, she hasn’t thought about him often in the last few years. Melissa had asked her about him once on a rare night out. There was never enough time with her work on the X-Files. But unlike her friends, Melissa never complained. Instead, she appreciated the time they spent together even more. Even now, thinking about Melissa makes her tear up. If her sister were still around, if she could have talked to her about Mulder and their complicated relationship, maybe yesterday wouldn’t have happened.
Lost in her memories, she notices a moment too late that Ethan’s eyes have found her across the room. He seems surprised for a second before his face breaks into a smile. She watches as he excuses himself from his group and walks towards her.
“Dana,” he says, sounding genuinely happy to see her.
“Hello, Ethan. What are you doing here? Are you leaving your broadcasting career behind?” She, too, puts on a smile, hoping it looks natural.
“Not all. I’m here with my girlfriend.” He turns and points at an agent Scully has never seen. “Guess I can never get away from the FBI ladies.” He chuckles and Scully forces her smile to stay in place. “How have you been? I hear about your cases sometimes. Crazy stuff.”
“It can be,” she admits. “I’ve been well.”
“Is your partner here too?” She startles, thinking he’s asking her about her life partner. He sees her reaction, putting his hands up. “I meant your work partner. Fox Mulder. I hear he’s like a legend around here.”
“He’s a great agent,” Scully says, avoiding Ethan’s persistent look. “I don’t know where-” Speak of the devil. Her words trail off when she sees Mulder walk into the room, turning more than a few heads. His eyes quickly scan the room, obviously looking for someone. Her heartbeat picks up, hoping it’s her. When he finds her, he straightens up. His eyes land on Ethan and even from afar, Scully sees that they narrow. Mulder pauses, seemingly torn between joining and avoiding her.
“Excuse me, Ethan,” Scully says, already starting to walk away. “There’s someone I need to talk to.”
“Nice seeing you again,” Ethan calls after her, but she’s already gone. Mulder is still standing there, not moving and it reminds her of last night, when he looked frozen, too, right after Diana threw herself at him.
“Mulder,” she says, her voice full of relief. “I’ve been trying to call you.”
“My phone’s dead,” he says and the corner of his mouth lifts slightly. “Didn’t have the best night.”
“Neither did I. Can we- can we talk? I need to apologize.”
“I came here to apologize to you.” This time, he displays a full, albeit sheepish smile.
“Mulder, I’m so sorry for how I reacted last night.” He shakes his head, taking her hands into his. “I should have stayed and let you explain. I just-” How can she explain it to him? What can she say when she doesn’t quite understand it herself yet?
“Diana,” Mulder says.
“You know how she pushes my buttons.”
“No, she’s here.” He groans. And if Scully needed even more proof that she completely misjudged the scene at Mulder’s apartment last night, she gets it now. Her face reddens, the feeling of shame hitting her full force. “Hey. Hey, Scully? Look at me, please. I didn’t invite her here. I’ve been trying everything in my power to-”
“I know, Mulder. It’s not you. Or even her. It’s me. I’m so- I’m so sorry for how I reacted last night.”
“I get it. It looked bad. Fuck, she’s coming over here. Scully, I know you said you need time and I’ll give you all the time in the world, but right now, would you dance with me?” She’s taken aback by his question, staring up at him.
“Dance? Here?”
“Look.” He points at another few agents, who are clearly drunk out of their minds, moving in a way that could be described as dancing. “People are dancing. Diana won’t cause a scene, I’m sure of it. She’ll leave us be if we’re on the dance floor. Would you do me the honor?” He offers her his hand and she doesn’t hesitate for one second before she takes it. His touch is so familiar and his skin so warm that every worry just leaves her body. Her body follows his on instinct. The smile he throws her before he starts leading her over the impromptu dance floor makes her heart flutter.
“I was right,” Mulder mumbles into her hair, not quite moving to the rhythm of the cheesy Christmas song in the background. “Diana looks pissed off.”
“You look happy,” Scully says, noticing how soft his smile is, and how rosy his cheeks.
“I am,” he replies, looking at her. “Now, anyway. I’m here with you.”
“I need to apologize and please don’t interrupt me, Mulder.” He opens his mouth, changes his mind, and just nods. “I overreacted last night. I was so looking forward to spending time with you and everything up until that moment was going so well.” Too well. She didn’t notice it last night, but she does now. Everything was leading up to that one thing. The change in their relationship has been simmering low for a while, but these last few weeks, it’s been taking up speed to a point where it was inevitable that they’d crash or derail. She had to stop before that happened.
“I was scared,” she admits to him, and to herself. “I saw Diana there and in that moment, it justified my fear."
"You were scared of me?"
She shakes her head. "Of us. Of what could happen. Of what I know would have happened."
“I get it, Scully. I think I do. That doesn't change the fact that I should have thrown her out. I wanted to. I have no idea why she was there. I don’t know how she got my key. It must have been from when I was sick. She was at my apartment then and I can’t say I remember much about that. The only person I wanted at my apartment last night was you. I couldn’t sleep last night because every time I closed my eyes, I saw- you know.” His face pales and he grimaces, making Scully chuckle softly. “Are we good?”
“Of course we are,” she says as the music changes to Mariah Carey’s All I Want For Christmas Is You. Several people around them begin to cheer and jump around as if they were at a club. But it shields them from Diana and right now, Scully only has eyes for Mulder anyway. “I’m the one in the wrong here, Mulder.”
“Be still my heart,” Mulder says with a grin. “Let’s forget this ever happened, okay? Can we try again? Mariah Carey is on about something here. I support her message.”
“I do, too.” They smile at each other and this is the moment. This is what she’s been waiting for - and what she's been afraid of. Her fear is still there, but it’s taken a backseat. She wants to know what he tastes like. Finally. She wants to know what will happen if they kiss.
“Don’t be scared,” Mulder says, his lips awfully close to hers. “What could possibly happen? Do you think the world will end? I don’t see any bees or anything else that might stop us this time. What do you say?” Mariah Carey hits the high note and Scully closes her eyes, relying on all her other senses. She can feel Mulder close to her, smell him, and she can almost taste him. All she has to do is close the last remaining distance between them.
With her eyes closed, the memories come. She thinks of Ethan, who is here at the party with his girlfriend. She thinks of Diana, who may or may not be watching them. Her eyes fly open and Mulder stares at her, a big question mark on his face.
“I can’t- I- I can’t do this here while our exes are watching.”
“Our- wait, what?” Mulder asks, lowering his face to hers. Their almost kiss almost forgotten once again.
“The guy I was talking to when you walked in?” Mulder nods. “That’s my ex, Ethan.”
“We really can’t catch a break at the moment, huh? What is he doing here? Don’t tell me he’s trying to win you back. I’m prepared to fight.” He lifts his arms and Scully stops him, giggling.
“He’s dating someone at the Bureau. Not me, if that wasn’t obvious.”
“We should be more obvious. Which is why I’m just gonna go right out and say it, Scully. I want to kiss you.”
“Come on,” she says, taking his hand and dragging him off the dance floor, past Ethan, Diana, and everyone else who might be watching.
She wants their first kiss to be about them, and no one else.
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egophiliac · 3 months
if there was an autobiography based on any of the twst characters lives, which one would you be the most interested in hearing?
once again, Leona is the #1 funniest answer, because this man couldn't be bothered to write an autobiography if his life depended on it. someone would try to tactfully suggest that it might be good PR and Leona would immediately go to sleep right there just to be passive-aggressive. the mere fact that it exists would be enough proof to anyone who knows him that he had no involvement with it whatsoever.
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...for a more serious answer though: I think Vil's is the one I'd want the most! I imagine there'd be a lot of really interesting entertainment industry stuff and behind-the-scenes stories, and also Rook would be there for part of it. can't go wrong with any of that! (alternatively, I feel like Vargas' would be extremely embellished -- he would nobly sacrifice his life in a blaze of glory at least once a chapter -- but it would be such a fun read that no one cares.)
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gilded-gheists · 1 year
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My feelings towards ao3 this morning.
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silkholland · 1 year
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Knowing that THIS is way Steve looks when my reader starts to realize she has feelings for him makes me giggle.
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waytooinvested · 6 months
Forgotten, Not Forgiven - Prologue
Still reeling from finding out the truth herself, Lena suddenly finds herself in the midst of an odd role reversal in which she knows that Kara is Supergirl, but Kara no longer has any idea she has ever been more than an ordinary human.
And what’s more, Lena has no choice but to keep the truth from her for her own protection…
Also on AO3
Starts with a very short Lex perspective prologue, after which the rest will be Lena's POV.
Poor, sweet little Lena, always letting her feelings get in the way of what needed to be done.
When she had come storming into his hideout following his supposed death, full to the brim with righteous fury and clutching a gun in her hot little hand, there had admittedly been a moment when Lex had thought she would kill him.
But he was Lex Luthor, and at the end of the day, he would always be one step ahead of his younger, weaker sister.
He had shown her the truth hiding behind her little girlfriend’s gawky spectacles and shrinking violet demeanour, and it had distracted Lena long enough to let him slip away, while the gun stayed useless and unfired in her hands.
He had practically heard the sound of her heart snapping in two as he went.
It had been funny.
At first.
This big reveal was a long awaited and devastating move he had been looking forward to in the life long chess game that was their sibling relationship, and he had taken the time to savour it as Lena had come adrift from her former circle of friends. He had watched in glee as she pushed Supergirl away and threw herself instead into work, and solitude. He had been sure it was only a matter of time before the bitterness of betrayal worked its way like an antidote through her system and brought her back to his side where she belonged.
Lena would always be his lesser shadow of course, but she had her uses as a junior partner, and as a figurehead to give their work a positive credibility that, after all his bad press recently, he currently lacked.
Lex was a patient man.
He gave Lena nearly two months to have her little tantrum and come to heel, but to his immense annoyance, she still refused to do so.
After that, the fun of watching her suffer began to sour.
Lena was a Luthor after all, and that name still meant something. What was she doing trailing around looking woebegone over some stupid blonde alien? It was unseemly, distasteful, and worse, it was starting to affect her work. L-Corp stock had been down by 0.05% last week, and Lex was damned if he was going to allow Lena to drive HIS company into the ground while he was still breathing, whatever she might call it now.
No, Lena needed to be dealt with, and soon.
His first plan was simply to kill her – clean, efficient, and only fair given that Lena had tried to kill him not all that long ago, but that lacked a certain… je ne sais quoi.
Besides, it would give Supergirl the opportunity to swoop in and save her, which risked pushing them towards a reconciliation and wasting a perfectly good identity reveal.
No, he had a better idea. One that, if he could pull it off, would take care of both of his problems in a single stroke.
All he had to do was lay the perfect trap for Supergirl.
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flowerprintundies · 1 year
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Chuger sketch dump #2
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hischiersjohnston · 3 months
oooo can i get a snippet from "heaven is not fit to house a love like you and i" and tbd abo nylander/mitchy :3
of course you may! "heaven is not fit to house a love like you and i" is the fifth fic in the 'i was made for loving you' series. putting it and the a/b/o snippet under read more bc it might get long and it is... most definitely not safe for work sdsdf nothing explicit but! just to be safe sdfdsf
snippet from 'heaven is not fit to house a love like you and i'
"YOU'VE SENT away everyone?" Nico asked breathlessly, nipping at Roman's throat. "Yes... Only the bodyguards are outside. But I've ordered them to not linger nearby," Roman whispered. The newly crowned king and his husband (newly crowned King Consort) were alone in the throne room. Roman was on the throne, while his husband was sitting on his lap, legs draped on either side of Roman. It wasn't the most comfortable position, but he could ignore the need for comfort whenever his darling husband was involved. Roman craned his head slightly, allowing Nico to continue to kiss and nip at his throat. It didn't seem the best idea, what with the crown that now sat atop Roman's head. It nearly fell from his head when Roman's head would move, and he reached up to try and take it off. But his husband stopped him by grabbing his wrist. "Don't," Nico whispered breathlessly. "Leave it on, my King." A shiver ran down Roman's spine. He reached to take Nico by the chin, gazing at him with nothing but love and desire in his eyes. "You're demanding things from your king now, husband?" Roman questioned. Nico whimpered, but there's a little smirk on his lips. "But what if I tell you that I've fantasized about riding your cock while you sit on the throne, looking regal, my liege?" he asked. His voice was innocent. But his face and words were far from it. "What if I wish for you to knock me up while you sit on the throne with your crown? For your first act as king to put a baby in me?"
snippet from 'tbd: a/b/o william nylander/mitch marner'
"I'M NOT an invalid, you know," Mitch sighed exasperatedly. He should have expected this, really. Alphas were said to be even more protective of their Omegas when they were pregnant. But he thought Willy was not going to be that protective. After all, Willy was different than most Alphas. Willy had the audacity to pout at him. "I know you're not invalid. But I can't help but worry. I want to make sure that you're well-rested and not overexerting yourself." Mitch understood. This was his first pregnancy, and it'd be a lie to say he wasn't scared. He loved the pup that was growing inside of him already; a product of the love that he shared with Willy. "Reaching for a mug is not overexerting myself, though," he pointed out gently. "And you know I can't just expect you to wait on me hand and foot. I like it to an extent, but not always, baby."
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PRINCE!GOJO X KNIGHT!READER MY BELOVED i just thought about another thing and i need to get it out - i like to think out knights are connected ok. hear me out maybe my knight is just another version of yours - meaning if my knight had met satoru at a young age, they would've turned into your knight DOES THAT MAKE SENSE your knight is a bit more soft (still a warrior though!!!) while mine isn't as soft as they'd like to be and that's just because one grew up in a castle with the prince taking care of them and the other grew up having to fend for themselves they're all just sooooooooooooooo ahhhh i can't i keep thinking about your knight too like they all actually made a cozy little home in my head i love them so much
and i think your lovely "i think i was born to meet you." applies for my little prince and his little knight too:(((((((((((
- @softgirlgonehaywire
MICKEY I KNOW I SAY THIS EVERY DAY BUT WE RLLY ARE CONNECTED i was literally thinking abt this while answering that ask…. the differences between our knights…. AND UR SOSO RIGHT thats literally perfect. its canon to our lore now. 
it makes sm sense too bc the reason why my knight!reader is so devoted to prince!gojo is bc he saved them!! and i think that also leads them to have a kind of hero complex where they want to return the favor, or save others the way he saved them… but to your knight satoru is just a silly little spoiled prince that theyve never met before, so why would they like him??
ok but now im just thinking abt our knights meeting each other…::: ur knight coming face to face w a version of them that isnt as hardened, that was saved and got to live a more peaceful life….. the envy and maybe contempt? or maybe just apathy. idk but i am THINKING
AND AND AND…….. ok but what if our princes met the other version of their knight 😵‍💫😵‍💫 HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUTTT
just…. ur prince!gojo meeting a knight!reader who is soso loyal and smitten w him (he would cry and explode i think)….. and my prince!gojo meeting a knight!reader who lost their smile (WHO HE FAILED TO SAVE oh i think that would just break him)…… my knight being so indulgent and ur satoru taking full advantage of it, ur knight getting hissy when my gojo acts overprotective…… HHHHH IM LOSING IT MICKEY CAN U FEEL IT……..
anyways in my head theyre one big found family who take care of each other <333 love & peace on planet earth etc etc. they were meant to meet each other one way or another!!!
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mmmmbreadsoup · 1 year
Rough Day
1.6k words
Tw: self-harm, self-hatred, mentions of blood
You had been having a rough day when it all comes crashing down. How would Michael react when Michael catches you self-destructing?
It had been a few months since Michael had found you. It almost seemed like a twisted daydream you were stuck in. After Michael had taken you in, there were only a few incidents. Such as, your father finally noticing your absence which led to the police finding you in Michael’s care. That little fiasco didn’t go so well, as Michael was known for his violent and brutal ways. No one came looking for you after that.
Speaking of violence, recently he had been coming back with piles of money. You had taken this as a gift to spruce up your room in his house. With that much cash, you were able to paint your room pastel yellow to fit the rest of the house, and decorate your room to the best of your ability. It had been probably years since someone changed the light, so changing the light was on your to do list. Scrounging up the last of your money, you went to the hardware store. That was mistake number one of the day.
Ever since you made your presence known, nobody dared to step foot within six feet of you. Which was to your advantage at the moment because you need space to relax. But also, because lights needed to be chosen. You were choosing between a wall light and a ceiling light when you dropped something. Normally that wouldn't be that bad, but today was going so bad already. You had been doing good to keep the thoughts at bay, but with little to no coping mechanisms, there was only so much you could do. The rest of the trip went by fast, with you getting what you need, but also getting something that you would regret later.
Getting home wasn’t too eventful except for the fact that the radio was nothing but static. That was tragic. Now you were alone with your thoughts and a painful sound to cage them in. 
Once inside of the door, you finally let the tears withdraw from your stinging eyes. You didn’t want to crash, so you had to fight back tears on the way home. Which was honestly worse, as you had to wipe your eyes multiple times, because vision impairment was terrible for a driver.
Looking around panicked, you realized Michael wasn’t at home. That wasn’t good. That was definitely not good at all. You decided to at least try and get by those thoughts. You were never able to sit still in the beginning of these parts. Pacing around the kitchen, your eyes continually traced back to the block holding all the kitchen knives. You tried your best to block the thoughts out, anything to occupy your mind, but nothing came to exist in your mind except for the overly loud thunderous intrusive thoughts. Slowly you became more and more numb with each passing second. The tears had run out, and emotions were no longer present. Making up your mind, you crept up the stairs with light ghostly steps. Just in case Michael was home, you peeked into every room. He wasn’t there, that was both good and bad. Good for your more irrational part of your brain, and bad for the part of your brain that was trying its best to signal hesitance. 
When you looked down, your hand was filled with a brand new blade. The metal handle was a metallic color. You had found it best suited for the job but also because of its nice color. You pulled your pants a bit of the way down to get a look of the scabbed lines holding place on your thigh. They were still healing, which just meant that you’d have to go a bit more down than you were expecting. 
This was the part that always made you give it a second thought. But those doubts never lasted long. The wave of hate washed over you again as you brought the blade to your lower thigh. Pushing inwards, you gave a quick and light swipe. Starting off small was the best way to try to give yourself boundaries on how far it should go. You could never bring yourself to go deeper than having white show before blood. 
You cleared out the daze that settled in you and looked at the wound. Little beads of red were starting to form around the cut. Deciding it wasn’t enough, you did it again. This time, it was a bit deeper. You held onto the handle with a tight grip, and slid it against your leg. This one had settled in an emotion that was too often for you to mistake it, self-hatred. You quickly went from a few cuts, to quick angry lines being formed. Some were shallow, but most were a bit deep. Blood was pooling around all the cuts, slowly dripping down the sides of your thigh. 
 That’s when you heard a shaky intake of breath.
You snapped your head to the left, and there stood Michael. Just staring. A few seconds were shared before you dropped the blade onto the bed. He started walking towards you, not even bothering to lighten his steps. Normally these things always went wrong, so you thought he was going to just be rid of you. Thinking back, it was a bit hypocritical to judge Corey if you were going to be just as useless. But the choking or stabbing never came. You looked up at him and he was just waiting for your cue. You slowly got up and went into his arms. If anything, this was the time to be most vulnerable with him. You sobbed into his chest, not even saying anything. He just held you there before you managed to slip a joke about having to clean up your filthy blood. After a few more seconds of squishing you in a bear hug, he let go so that you could go dress the wounds. It only took a minute. You had done this before, and using rubbing alcohol made everything faster. Despite people telling you not to, it was just faster and more efficient in your opinion. So you got some paper towels, got them wet, and dabbed at the dried blood. After cleaning off the blood, you took out the alcohol. It was a bit painful, but you bit back any reactions that might’ve came out. Then came the bandages. You took out some clean bandaging and wrapped it around your leg, making sure it wasn’t too constricting. After double checking and throwing out the trash, you decided everything was good. Coming out with bandages on your leg and a fresh pair of shorts, you lowered your head and walked back to Michael. 
He gave you a moment to decide if you wanted contact with him, or distance. You chose the first option, you didn’t want to be alone again. So he decided that it was fine if you wanted to hang onto his arm while he made his way downstairs. He made his way to the fridge to grab some pineapples, watermelon, pears, and cantaloupe to throw into a medium bowl. You had always loved some fruit salad, so he thought it would probably be a nice gesture like he’s seen other people do. He offered it to you, in which in return, you gave a small smile before taking it out of his hands. 
After plucking a few from the bowl, Michael unlatched his arm from your hands. You didn’t think anything of it, he probably just needed to take a break from physical contact. But you instead, heard the t.v click to life. Sounds of the Comedy Central channel sparked to life as you swiveled your head to take a peek. South Park was the chosen show to be broadcasted. That was your favorite. He walked back up to you, and once again, offered his arm. You balanced the bowl in one arm, and attached your hand to his extended arm.
You went to sit on the couch, but eventually ended up leaning into his side with legs folded up to your chest. Normally you would be holding the bowl, but since tonight seemed to be an occasion that called for gentleness, he offered to hold it. So you two sat there in comfortable silence watching the show as you slowly began to get tired. You leaned closer to him laying your head against his shoulder.
All those tears seemed to be draining all your energy as the t.v screen got blurry. Allowing yourself to succumb to it, your eyes became heavy with exhaustion. Next thing you knew, you were being carried back to your bedroom. You tried looking up but Michael brushed his hand over your eyes to tell you to go back to sleep. And so you did. 
You woke up covered in blankets with water next to your bed. You looked around and noticed he took your blade. That made you a bit frantic, as you searched for your other blades. They were missing. He had searched for blades and had taken them all. 
You went downstairs to find all but a single knife remained inside the knife block, that way he knew if you took it or not. You looked around a bit and realized he was on the couch dozing off in a light sleep. He probably didn’t get much to make sure that you were safe and calm. Deciding it was best to let him sleep, you went over to the kitchen and got out a pan. Thinking back on the night, it might’ve been tense, but you were sure that today would be better. Michael would make sure it would happen.
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glambots · 9 months
I was re-reading your valentines headcanons and for the glams they get love letters sometimes and it makes me wonder on the topic of people having crushes on the robots..okay so you know how when you bring your boyfriend/girlfriend home your younger sibling develops a little puppy crush on them, okay this but some 1st grader has a lil crush on sun or moon. This makes me laugh for some reason because all I see is sun and moon trying to gently explain to them how that shit would absolutely never happen and not work out in the nicest way possible.
He's more used to it than you would think. (It never fails to take Moon off-guard though. He's not used to people liking him at all, much less thinking of him in a romantic sense.)
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ray935sworld · 2 months
This moment when you're thinking about an alternative version how a chapter could have gone AND YOU REALIZE HOW MUCH BETTER THAT VERSION WOULD HAVE BEEN????
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varpusvaras · 3 months
Thiyo but also Post O-66, and some fluff between them? A girl can really have it all.
It's still Sunday over here, so I decided to have the buffet open! 💙 (they my bbies fr)
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astrobei · 1 year
why does it simply take Forever for me to write angst and Zero time (relatively) to write fluff like what is going on here
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creationsabyss · 2 years
Favors From The Unknown (A New Reality Born Of Two Worlds Colliding)
Happy Valentine's Day. I bring fluff, kind of. Not really but it's not angst.
Favors came in starshowers
Purple and gold hues
Surrounded in blues
Sometimes it was luck
Others not so much
But nonetheless it came
Believers yearned
Nonbelievers pleaded
One for approval
The other for forgiveness
Waterfalls of stardust
Swirl and coalesce
To lay blessings of power
Upon all who find themselves 
Underneath your banner
Proudly bearing your name
For all to witness
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time-to-nuke · 9 months
Im an absolute sucker for any AU where Kakashi adopts Naruto. My brain? All that. Fanfics of it? Devoured. It's my fucking Achilles heel istfg.
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Sneak peak 👀
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Ok so we have an actual WIP for my Raphael x Raksha prequel story :D
I told y'all they were both theatre nerds (the opera she wants to go watch is called "The Love Potion". And yes it's an actual thing). One loves tragedies, the other's into romantic stuff 🤓 (Also Raksha might be paladin captain, but she also led this much of an ascetic life she gets flustered VERY easily if she's attracted by someone. Raphael on the other hand definitely has more experience under his belt. Hmmmm)
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