#lesley x y/n
queenshelby · 1 year
Chemical Reactions (P. 8)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy as J Robert Oppenheimer x Student Reader
Warning: Lots of Dialogue, Age-Gap, Infidelity
Words: 1,670
Note: The fic is spoiler free and my own fantasy and imagination. It is not historically and scientifically accurate.
Previous Parts: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7
Two weeks later...
Two weeks had passed and, still, there had been no word from Robert. He had not contacted you and no one at the science faculty knew where he was. Haakon, too, had not heard from him and you certainly did not want to ask his wife Kitty about his whereabouts, no matter how worried you were when it came to his safety.
Over the past week, however, governmental security at Berkley had been ramped up and, in particular, Robert’s office as well as the two physics labs across the hallway from it, were guarded by army personnel.
No one was allowed to enter and, even though this impacted the research for your thesis, you did not dare to argue with these intimidating men, carrying guns and grimacing looks on their faces.
One man, in particular, stood out to you. He was tall, arrogant, and even more intimidating than the other. He was only there occasionally to check on how matters were progressing and it was this very same man who pulled you aside on a Friday afternoon and asked you to join him in Robert’s office.
“My name is General Lesley Groves” he introduced himself before gesturing for you to sit down on the chair across from Robert’s desk while he took a seat on Robert’s chair.
“Y/N Y/LN, pleasure to meet you” you said, attempting to shake his hand, but he would not allow it and gave you a stern look instead.
“I know who you are” he then said before placing a file with your name written atop of it on the desk, close enough for you to read the sentence “Security File” but far enough away from you for you not to reach it.
“Okay, so why am I here, in this room, with you, General Groves?” you asked nervously but politely, seeing how intimidating this man was for you.
“You are here because Dr J Robert Oppenheimer thinks very highly of you and I need to determine why” he told you sternly and hearing those words from the General came as a relief to you as, at least now, you knew that Robert was thinking of you.
“It’s about his project then, isn’t it?” you asked, wanting get some more information from this intimidating man who, unbeknownst to you at this point, was not going to give anything away.
“The project?” he thus asked, furrowing his eyebrows. “Now tell me, Miss Y/LN, what did Dr Oppenheimer tell you about the project?” he then wanted to know why giving you another intimidating look over.
“Nothing much. He just said that he would like me to join his team and that it would be a good career opportunity” you lied, causing the General to furrow his eyebrows again, this time more evidently than before.
“Well, he actually asked for two of his students to join this highly secretive government operation and, in both instances, security clearance was denied” the General pointed out, causing your heart to sink. You expected this to be the case since, after all, your parents were well known communists and, yet, you had been somewhat hopeful for a miracle.
“Now, with respect to the other student, my staff’s decision to deny him clearance was accepted by Dr Oppenheimer. There was no issue whatsoever. With you, however, Dr Oppenheimer held firm to his belief that your involvement in the project is vital. With your status as an undergrad student however, I cannot, for the life of me, understand why your involvement is so important to a man of Dr Oppenheimer’s intelligence. So, perhaps, you can shed some light into his reasons me?” the General then asked you in the most intimidating manner and you really did not know what to say and how to answer him.
“Did you ask him about his reasons?” you thus asked without receiving any sort of reaction from General Groves. “Because, if not, I suggest that you do that rather than interrogate me. Now would you excuse me” you then told him while standing up. You were ready to leave and, since the General did nothing but stare at you for the past two minutes, you were frustrated by the situation. You knew that there was nothing you could do about the army’s decision to deny your security clearance and, thus, simply wanted to put this matter to rest.
The General, however, would not allow you to go just yet and ordered you to sit down, which was a request with which you reluctantly complied.
“I asked Dr Oppenheimer about his reasons and he seems to think that your approach to quantum physics is innovative and new. You are an A grade student and your work at Harvard was exceptional and so is your work at Berkley, which is why I am considering his request to review your security clearance rejection which, was actioned by one of my senior staff members last week” Lesley Groves explained and you thought that, perhaps, there was still a chance for you to get on to the project.
“What do you want to know?” you thus asked while leaning forward and pressing your hands together nervously, fidgeting and sweating all at the same time.
“I want to know about your communist associations” General Groves then requested and you chuckled.
“I am not a communist and I have cut ties with everyone who is a party member so, really, there are is no association” you told him with quite some confidence in your voice and, the truth was, that you had nothing to hide.
“Your father was recently arrested for suspected treason. What do you have to say about that?” the General then went on to ask while taking some notes and, again, you managed to answer him confidently.
“Suspected, yes, but I doubt that he actually committed an offence. He is not that stupid. In any event, I have not spoken to him in over a year so I my thoughts on this matter are neutral” you explained as you had no intel on your father’s party involvement these days.
“Are you a communist party member?” Lesley Groves then asked which, again, earned him a chuckle.
“You already know that I am not and never was, myself, a party member. I am sure that information is in your file” you informed him and, for a moment, he chuckled himself. He knew that you were right. This information was, indeed, in his file and, yet, he asked you about it nonetheless.
“What is your relationship to J Robert Oppenheimer?” was the next question he asked and this question caused you to lie.
“He is my professor and thesis supervisor” you told him which, of course, was the truth.
“Is that all he is to you?” the General then wanted to know and you nodded.
“Yes” you lied, which is when the General retrieved two letters from your security file.
“Would you like to reconsider your answer?” he then asked as he handed you the letters which, clearly, he had already opened and read.
“What is this?” you asked before puling them apart and commencing to read them slowly while General Groves remained silent, giving you some time to digest the content of them which, to your surprise, was largely romantic in nature.
Both letters were from Robert and included poems as well as accounts of your sexual encounter. The letters were explicit in nature but also highly passionate which was something that surprised you. He clearly missed you and he most certainly had already developed strong feelings for you, using phrases like “my love” and talking of your future together which, in your mind, did not even exist.
“Oh my god, did you read these?” you eventually asked with blushing cheeks, seeing how personal these letters were.
“Yes, I did” the General answered you bluntly and you broke out in anger.
“These letters are personal. You had no right” you began to say angrily which is when General Groves interrupted you.
“This is a national emergency Miss Y/LN. We are at war with Germany and I am here to ensure that a project like the one being implemented right now isn’t subject to treason. The last thing this country needs is information being leaked to the enemy” he told you with a voice stern and authoritive.
“You mean the allies” you chuckled, causing the General to give you a look of confusion.
“What?” he asked and you ought to clarify.
“Your concern is that someone like myself would leak information to the soviet-union. This is why you are doing all this, is it not?” you asked while rolling your eye in disbelieve.
“Perhaps. So, let me ask you again, what is your relationship with J Robert Oppenheimer?” the General then repeated and you answered him again, this time more truthfully than before.
“I am his student. He is my professor and thesis supervisor. We had sexual relations once” you admitted while crossing your arms. “Now are you satisfied?” you asked and, indeed, he was.
“Yes, I am. I am satisfied that my colleague has made the right decision to deny your security clearance” General Groves announced and your heart dropped. “You can keep the letters, noting that I have asked Dr Oppenheimer to refrain from contacting you again. No doubt you will be attending his lecture at Berkley next week, which will be his last, following his resignation as professor at this facility. But other than that, I expect there to be no further contact moving forward. Do you understand?” Lesley Groves then asked and, whilst you tried hard to hold back your tears, you could not and stood abruptly before barging towards the door, thereby ignoring his question.
“Miss Y/LN, I would suggest that you choose your intimate partners more wisely moving forward. The rejection of your security clearance will be noted on record, thus impacting future employment opportunities” the General then said as you had already turned your back to him and this, itself, hurt even more, knowing that you would now struggle finding employment in the field you were so passionate about.
To be continued…
Please comment and engage. I love getting comments and predictions pretty please!
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txemptress · 5 months
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They call her an odd woman.
Because only an odd woman would spend hours and hours on end by the graveyards without the public knowing what she's doing there.
Because only an odd woman would be seen talking to herself like she is with someone but she is actually alone. Her lips always moving as though she is praying perhaps she was, that's just what the public speculated.
And because only an odd woman would love someone who has been dead for a near decade, someone who was barely her lover in the first place.
She is an odd woman in the eyes of the public. But to her, she is as normal as could be. delusional, perhaps, but still normal.
Fingers clenching the basket of food she brought with her, she gets off of the vehicle. Nodding towards those who were bypassing, she walks into the graveyards once more. She need not tell her servants anything, they know to wait there patiently and leave her be. Only they understand her situation which is private just as how she likes it.
She lays the picnic mat neatly on the moss covered ground as she sits on it and wipes off the dust that covered the gravestone she sits in front of.
Name. She smiles softly, tears pricking in her eyes. Today is the anniversary of his death. "Hello, Name. I brought your favourite food today, shall we eat?" She whispers hoarsely as she takes the food out of the basket, body trembling from the restraint to cry.
"Here." She takes out a little portion of food and faced it to the gravestone while she too takes a little portion. She eats quietly, the silence is deafening and it hurts her. "How is it? It's good, isn't it? The chef made it special for you." Her lips quiver but she stays strong. She will not show her tears.
She glances at the stone, the food before it was untouched. Of course it was. "Not hungry? It's okay, the chef will understand." She pulls the plate away from the stone and carefully packs it back in the basket. There's a pause before she continues to speak.
"Father and Mother miss you a lot. So does your brother." She says as she continues eating, "I miss you too. But I'm trying to stay strong for our Adrianna." Tears glisten in her eyes as she fights back their threatening release.
"Sometimes I see you in my room. I'm not sure if it's you, of course but I'm positive that it is." She gives out a heartbreaking laugh. "Adrianna says she sees you too, she says she misses you a lot." She adds afterwards, putting down the fork she was using to eat. "If only you were there to see her during her first dance, your brother danced her instead. But I think she would've wanted that you were the one to dance with her instead."
She remembers her daughter's words during that night. She had been crying, wanting her daddy instead of her uncle. But Name died years ago so it was impossible. She had tried reasoning by instead they had both found each other clinging onto one another, sobbing.
But, eventually, she did learn to enjoy her party. She was proud of her daughter's ability to mature quickly and make the best out of what she had.
She leans against the stone as her finger traces the engraved name on its face. "Why'd you have to die so soon?" She murmurs quietly. "You promised you'd be back safe and sound but you didn't. We had so many things we wanted to do together. A family to build." She blinks the tears away but it's futile as they began streaming down her tears.
"You promised..." She repeats, choking on the sobs that were escaping her lips. She continues sobbing and shaking uncontrollably while her hand clenches on the stone.
She wiped her tears away and presses a kiss on the stone, wiping her lips afterwards too. "I love you, Name. I still love you. I want you here with me. Please come back to me." She begs softly, even though she knew it was a futile pleading. Suddenly the wind blew breezily to her direction, as though it was an answer from her beloved.
It calms her immediately as her shaking draws to a slow stop. She softly sighs as she moves back, fixing the things. She stares back to the stone and gives a sad smile. "I'll try to visit you on the morrow again if I can."
She stands up, carrying the basket with her. She walks to the entrance of the graveyard where a guard is stationed. She nods to him before she walks out. The coachman waits by the vehicle. He saw her and immediately readied to leave. A step onto the vehicle and then she pauses. One more long glance towards the stone before she turns away and enters the vehicle. Her lips tremble as she hears herself echo two words.
"Goodbye, Name."
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➷ ( characters ) — cayena hill , rudbeckia de borgia , psyche callista , penelope eckart , lesley vance , raiden ei , yor forger , mikasa ackerman , sasha braus. ❀
➷ ( tags ) — none. ‘ ask to be tagged ’. ❀
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Lesley Smith-Juniment x Gn!Reader
Category: Smut (NSFW, 18+)
Word Count: 4.9k
Content Warning: Fear of heights, mild panic-attack, smut, oral (male receiving)
A/N: Writing smut as an Asexual is hard, sorry if it's not very good.
Summary: Lesley has been begging to take you on a hot-air balloon ride for a little more than 3 years. As much as you hated saying no to him, your fear of heights always stopped you from taking him up on his offer. But luckily for Lesley, you can’t resist when he pouts like that.
You thought Lesley was awfully cute, even from 30 feet away. Lost in his own little world, surrounded by the big open space, bracketed in by large oak trees. You stood, arms crossed, the tall grass tickling your ankles as you watched him set up his prized hot air balloon.
Even from this far away, you could tell that he was humming to himself as he twisted a canister into place. He had been all smiles all day, gushing over how excited he was to test out his new balloon. He holds the opening of the balloon open, igniting the burner and pulling it up as the hot air floods in.
He knew what he was doing, that much was obvious, he had been taking balloons up for longer than you’d known him. Still, watching that huge flame so close to his pretty face twisted your stomach. Plus, he had almost dropped the canister on his foot earlier. 
Luckily he was wearing his construction boots rather than his birkenstocks. As much as you thought Lesley was perfect, you had a few qualms with his fashion sense. 
Unluckily, he was wearing these thick, chunky, brown gloves, covering up his perfect, model-esque hands.
You finally approach, keeping quiet as you do so, hands sliding onto his shoulders, up his neck and over his eyes. He completely freezes, hunching in on himself. Lifting onto your toes to whisper in his ear, you let the tension settle before speaking.
“Hey there, sunshine, what’re you up to?” You greet, whispering softly as you try not to laugh. 
Lesley relaxes, letting out a groan, “Do you have to do that? You scared the shit out of me” He lets a soft laugh follow, turning to face you. You giggle, the way he curses always sounds so awkward. It was cute. Your hands gently slide down to his shoulders as he spins around, settling just below his collarbones. 
“Yes I do have to do that, it’s my job, though I am grossly underpaid.” A smile gathers at the corners of your mouth, reaching your eyes as you gaze up into Lesley’s calm face. 
“Oh, are you?” He chuckles, his face glowing in the soft evening light. Underneath your palms, you could feel the steady thrum of his heart.
“Definitely, oh- and undervalued. I don’t think you appreciate me Mr. Smith- Juniment.” Lifting a hand, you poked into his shoulder accusingly. His toothy grin widens at your teasing, his head tilting slightly to the side and he lets out a long exhale. 
“Do you want to go up with me?” He asks, eyes shining brightly in the light of the sun, his skin glistening around the perimeter of his face. He slips off his gloves, tossing them at the basket behind him. They hit the ground with a soft thud.
Your face scrunches, “In that death machine? No thanks, I’ll pass.” though you can’t stay like that for long as Lesley’s smile falters.
“It’s not a death machine, actually, I’m sure you’d like it if you gave it a shot.” He pouts a little, his face slightly flushed in the early summer heat. You frown, your resolve bending a little as the corners of his eyes soften.
“Les, you know I’m scared of heights.” Your voice is a lot gentler this time around. The fabric of his plaid button up is surprisingly soft under your touch.
He frowns, pressing his lips together slightly in thought. “I’ll be with you”
“Well, then I would be worried about your impending doom on top of mine.” You wiggle your fingers, tapping them against his clavicle with the soft pursing of your lips.
Lesley watches you as you think, your eyes cast down to his boots. His gaze is soft, a small frown playing at his lips. He had been begging you to go on the balloon with him since you started working as his client relations coordinator three years ago. Your fear of heights always pushed you from taking him up in his invitation, though you didn’t have any issue listening to him gush about the rides after the fact. 
You wanted to go, you really did. But being suspended hundreds of feet in the air in nothing more than a wicker basket?
No fucking way. 
“Listen, Lesley, I would love to go but-”
“You’re coming.” He interrupts, lifting his hands and placing them on top of yours, stilling your nervous tapping.
“I’m sorry?” Tilting your head and furrowing your eyebrows, you watch as he flounders a bit, looking around at the scenery before settling his gaze back onto you.
“I- well- well, I think you need to get over it.” Your eyebrows raise at that, eyes widening at his bluntness, “Not that- not that I think that your fear isn’t valid or anything! God no- no, I just think that you might be a little too stuck in your head about this?”
Even when you should be offended he finds himself firmly planted in your good graces. You couldn’t help but soften a little more, your resolve cracking at his caring nature. You had noticed in the past few months that Lesley had been a lot better at advocating for himself. 
And apparently he was pretty good at advocating for you, too.
“I guess so, but I feel like this might be a little overboard for getting over my fear.” You glance over at the death-coated balloon standing tall behind the flushed man in front of you.
“But if you do this, everything else will seem so much smaller.” Lesley’s voice sounded like a chorus of bells, his logic was wishy-washy, but he was just so Lesley. 
So perfect. 
“I’m very glad that you’re not my therapist,” You chuckle, trying to ignore the way his thumbs brush against the sides of your hands. He laughs, eyes closing and all, and you break. Your posture slackening as you melt under the rays of his smile. He looked like the break of sunlight through the clouds of a thunderstorm.
Pouting a bit, you sigh, your head drooping to look at his boots again. He stays silent, letting you mull it over as you count the scuffs on the edge of the tan suede. Your core temperature rises as his body heat flows into you, your hands trapped between his chest and his all-too warm hands.
“Okay, okay, we can go,” 
His face lights up, somehow shining even brighter as the sun starts to cascade towards the horizon in the west. 
“However,” You ball up the front of his shirt in your hands, “If anything goes wrong, you bring us back down immediately.”
“Yeah, yeah, of course.” He nods vigorously, his hair falling into his face sloppily. He pulls away from you, his hands lingering on your wrists before he turns, grabbing his gloves off the ground. 
Lesley slips the thick gloves on, covering up his slender fingers. You almost whimper, frowning deeply at the sight.
He turns on the burner, the flame large and in charge, he waves you over. He had explained how the balloons worked to you before, but this time, he helped you into the wicker basket, your hands gripping his shoulders tightly. 
He hops in with you, hauling the sandbags into the basket before turning to you. “Are you ready?”
You press yourself against the wall of the basket, clearing your throat and shaking your head both yes and no at the same time. Lesley laughs, and it soothes you for just long enough that he can crank the burner without much fuss from you. The hot air floats into the balloon and lifts it off of the ground steadily. 
“Oh my god, oh my god, Lesley, no- No, Lesley, I can’t!” You yelp, sliding down the wall of the basket, looking up at him with wide eyes. You press your hands into the basket, clawing at the material. He crouches in front of you in the enclosed space, putting his hands on your arms, gently guiding you to stand. 
His arm slides around your waist, holding you secure against him as your knees wobble. His gloved hand flattening around the curve of your ribs. 
“You’re okay, we’re fine.” He whispers, leaning forward and pressing his cheek against yours to whisper into your ear. His touch is muffled by the thick gloves, but his hand slides against your back in an attempt to sooth you. 
“I’m gonna kill you,” You grumble, your arms tossed around his shoulders. It took everything in your power to not strangle him in your grip. 
As the ground got further away, your face started to tingle, a wash of numbness falling over you. Behind the cage of your ribs, your heart hammers in your chest, heavy breaths falling from your lips as you watch the terrain drift away. 
“Lesley…” Your voice wobbles, the full weight of your body leaning into him. He responds in kind, adjusting himself to try and hold you up. Your hands claw at his back through his shirt, your panting breaths hitting his neck as your head swims. 
You were going to die. The balloon was going to pop and you were going to fall and you were going to die.
And Lesley.
No, no, no, no. Lesley can’t die, he’s perfect, he needs to live a full life and find someone that treats him right, and have a gajillion kids because there is no possible future that he would not be the world's best father. 
You tighten your grip around him, your thoughts going a mile a minute. They were mostly about Lesley: how to keep him safe in the impending crash, his future kids, the perfect world where you both survive and you have his kids, and the balloon being set on fire. 
The balloon is on fire and you’re dying.
The balloon is on fire and Lesley is dying.
Tears well up in your eyes and you choke out a sob. Lesley’s arm tightens around you, his other hand letting go of the trigger on the burner. He uses his teeth to pull off the fabric glove, securing his arm around you before doing the same with his other hand.
“Hey, hey, listen to me, we’re fine, everything is fine.” Lesley whispers, cupping the back of your head and manually turning you to look away from the ground. Holding you in place, Lesley looks you in the eyes, repeating his reassurance.
“Lesley, I’m scared, this is fucking terrifying.” You rush, your voice and octave shy of a shriek. He smiles in response, cupping your cheek with his warm hand, unobstructed by those gloves you were learning to hate.
“I’ve got you, and I’m not leaving, you're fine, we’re perfectly safe.” His soft voice only served to keep the tears flowing. He uses his thumbs to brush them away just for them to be replaced moments later. His sweetness was pushing you over the edge. 
“If you’re lying and you die, I’m going to kill you” You sob, letting your head fall onto his shoulder. Lesley chuckles at your threat, leaning his cheek on your head as he attempts to take one of your arms off of him. It takes a second before he can successfully pry your iron grip off of his shirt. 
Slipping his fingers around your wrist, Lesley guides your hand to rest on his chest, your palm flattening just over his heart. The steady rhythm is soft, only slightly elevated in comparison to your racing heart. 
“Feel that? We aren’t in danger, I’m not scared.” Lesley says, his voice slightly muffled by your hair, “I’ll let you know if you need to be scared,” 
He holds you flush against him, his hand flattened around your waist. He takes slow deep breaths, coaxing you through breathing exercises. Eventually he slides your hand up to his neck, pressing your fingers against his artery instead. You could feel the thrum of his heart with more clarity now, the vein pushing against your fingers with every steady pump of his heart.
Your body slowly relaxed into his, he was incredibly warm, and his steady, rock solid confidence in your safety gave you the comfort you needed to really try and reign yourself in. 
Your heart syncs up with Lesley’s, the rhythm steady and strong. A long silence follows as you focus on the thrumming of his heart against your fingers. Lifting your head, you take in the scenery, there’s a soft tension in your jaw as you peer over the edge of the basket. The ground was far below, the trees just clusters of vibrant green. You could see Austin not too far off, tall buildings breaking up the flat ground below.
His pulse against your fingers keeps you grounded. A soft breeze brushes over your tear stained cheeks, chilling your skin. Clouds blanket the sky, drifting calmly as the sun begins to kiss the horizon.
“I told you you’d like it.” He grins, his eyes locked on your face rather than the picturesque vision around him. 
“Oh shut up…” You grumble, watching a small cluster of birds circle around each other in the distance. Lesley’s smile softens as he takes in your face, flushed from your crying, blanketed in the warm glow of the setting sun. 
Your fingers adjust against his pulse, the touch gentle as you slide them a little further up, resting just beneath the underside of his jaw. He inhales sharply at the feeling.
“Y’know… I could never find the heartbeat in my wrist.” Lesley breaks the silence, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallows. His smile is as bright and toothy as ever.
“Seriously?” You turn to look at him again, your eyebrows furrowing a bit, though the tension melts out of your jaw. 
He nods, letting go of you slowly and showing you his wrists. He attempts to find the vein, fumbling around with his fingers, making you laugh. 
“Here,” You gently slide your hands along his arm, one hand moving to cup the underside of his wrist, “It’s right next to your tendon,” the pads of your fingers slide along the tendon in the center of his wrist, making him jolt slightly as a chill runs up his spine. Settling your fingers next to his tendon, you apply a little pressure, smiling as you find it. He shuffles uncomfortably, pressing his lips together firmly in order to muffle the soft noise that bubbles up at the back of his throat.
Lesley follows your lead, pressing his fingers too far up his wrist. You correct him gently, placing your fingers over his and guiding him back down to the correct spot. 
“Thank you, Lesley.” You whisper, looking up at him. He smiles in response, shaking his head lightly. The sun begins to set further into the horizon, casting a bronze hue over his features.
There was no mistaking how gorgeous Lesley was on any given day, but in light of a sunset he was a whole other form of beautiful. The warm light shines over the apex of his flushed cheekbones, sinking into darkness within the hollows of his cheeks. His lips, soft looking and pink, are illuminated stunningly by the sun’s farewell. 
As you gaze at him, your fingers still pressed against his pulse, you could feel it quicken. Your anxiety rears its head and you look around the balloon, the absence of ground starting to freak you out as you realize how high up you are. 
Lesley, takes your face in his hands, forcing you to look at him. “We’re fine, what’s wrong?” He pouts, worried that he had done something to upset you. His thumbs slide over your cheekbones, wiping away any spare tears.
“Sorry- Sorry… your heart rate picked up and I was worried that something happened.” You chuckle dryly, taking a few deep breaths. Tilting your head a little into the warmth of his palms
He looks guilty, chewing his bottom lip slightly before speaking “No, sorry, I just- I just realized something is all.” 
Lesley’s eyes are soft and glistening, his cheeks tinted with more than just the sun’s kiss, and his tongue flicking out to wet his bottom lip. Heat pools in your stomach at the sight of him, his messy hair falling over his face wildly.
You lift your hand tentatively, gently pushing his hair back. Attempting to tame the wildness of his hair, your fingers slide against his scalp. In the end, you just push it back, mumbling something about him growing it out.
His hands return to your sides, his touch light as his fingers settle into the curve of your waist. Bringing yourself towards him, the tip of your nose brushes against his lightly. Lesley lets out a shuddering breath at the proximity, his large hands sliding down to envelope the apex of your hips.
Lesley was perfect. In every conceivable way. And god he smelled so good.
He tilts his head a bit, letting his lips ghost over yours. You could feel his breath wafting over yours, shuddering and uneven. Your body gravitates into him, hands sliding along the sides of his face lightly, your nose pressing into his cheek. 
The fact that you were a little more than a thousand feet in the air couldn’t possibly bother you now. Your hands slide down his neck, cradling the base of his skull. In your peripherals the sky behind him is blanketed in a pinky-orange hue, clouds breezing across the scape slowly.
Growing impatient, you finally pull him closer, meeting his lips in a short delicate kiss. It doesn’t last long, and you could feel him chasing the feeling of your lips as you pull away. Lesley pouts a bit, his eyes big and round as they look into yours with a silent plea. You couldn’t help but smile, his warmth lingering on your skin. The heat pooling in your stomach simmers into a white hot desire to kiss him again. It’s almost as if he can read your mind when his arm hooks snugly around the small of your back and he finds your mouth again, capturing it within his. 
Lesley’s lips were every bit as soft and warm as you imagined, fitting against yours perfectly. All the years of longing glances and pent up sexual frustration pours out as you kiss him. His hands press firmly into your back as he pulls a long breath in through his nose. His shoulders droop as he melts into you, your chests pressing together as he holds you as close as humanly possible.
Your perfect, beautiful, gentle Lesley kisses with a surprising amount of force. His mouth moves against yours in an intense rhythm, his tongue teasing at your bottom lip as he envelopes your mouth in his. You sigh into his kiss, and his hands travel up your sides. Bracketing your face in his warm palms. He nudges your jaw open with his thumb, sliding the pad of his finger along the flesh of your bottom lip. 
Your hands find their way down his torso, sliding against his plaid shirt before hitting the hem of his jeans. You hook your fingers around his belt loops, keeping his hips up against you. 
He sucks your tongue into his mouth, sliding his own against it. He breaks the kiss briefly, huffing out a few breaths against your face before diving back in. You let out a muffled yelp as he crashes back into you, your eyes opening for a moment before fluttering closed once more.
Your fingers trail around his waist band, tugging on the loops a little. Your thumb circles the silver buckle of his belt, sliding down the front seam of his jeans. Lesley chokes out a moan, the force of it breaking the kiss. Rather than let him pull away from you, you trail your lips down his chin. 
Leaving hot open mouth kisses down the center of his throat, your teeth gently graze over his Adam's apple. The tip of your tongue circles it twice before dipping down to the start of his collarbones. 
You trace the outline of him through the fabric of his jeans, circling your index finger around the tip briefly. His jaw falls open at the tease, a shuddering groan falling from his pretty pink lips.
Adjusting, you push your knee between his legs, keeping his hips against you as you take your hands off his waistband. Sliding them up his torso, you unbutton his shirt a little further. You push your leg further between his own, grinding against him. 
“Wait…” He gasps out, contradicting himself and letting his head tilt back for you.
You pause, stilling your lips against the warm skin of his neck, “What’s wrong?” You whisper, pressing a small kiss to his throat.
“Are you- are you sure?” His hips slide against yours, his desperation evident. 
“Very.” You mumble, letting your teeth nip their way across his collarbone. Flattening your tongue, you slide it up the expanse of his throat, pausing as you find his pulse. His heart hammers against your tongue, your teeth nipping lightly at the artery. His hand cradles the back of your head, his slender fingers sliding into your hair.  
You take his skin between your teeth, biting gently into his soft skin with all the care in the world. You suck gently on the bite to soothe the small bruise left in its wake. The vibrations of his moans against your lips fuel the fire and winding you tight. 
Your hands slide down his torso again, leaving his shirt partially unbuttoned. You drag your teeth along his pulse, nudging the collar of his shirt aside as you reach his collarbone. Hands resting on his hips once more, you stop his desperate grinding. 
Lesley huffs out heavy breaths, lacking the stimulation his hips were providing. He goes to speak but is stopped by your hand sliding over his waistband, dipping down to tease him again. You pay special attention to his collarbone, leaving the length of him as an afterthought.
He sighs out your name, sounding a little strained at your touch. You detach from his neck, pressing small kisses to the hickeys darkening his lightly tanned skin. Hooking your fingers into the buckle of his belt, you quickly unfasten it. Lifting your head, you press your cheek into his, feeling the burning shyness simmering under his skin. 
Your lips graze the shell of his ear, “Tell me if you want me to stop.” is all you whisper. You turn slightly, kissing along his jawline in slow drags.
He nods, whispering back an almost inaudible ‘okay’ which is quickly cut off by a sharp inhale as you pop the button of his jeans. Your index finger hooks over his zipper, sliding it down slowly. He squirms a bit against you, the slowness of your movements only proving to frustrate him further. 
His hand grips your hair, tugging your head back to connect your lips to his once again. Mouth slotting against yours, his tongue weaves its way into your mouth, sliding along the expanse of your own. His other hand slides a finger along the line of your jaw, brushing your hair out of your face as he envelopes you in his affection.
You flatten your hand, sliding it into his unfastened jeans. He groans into your mouth, his hips moving up to greet your hand, only separated by the thin fabric of his boxers. You could feel his pulse under your palm as you cup him in your hand, your thumb circling the head lazily. Using your free hand to keep him still, eating up his breathy whines as you tease him. You detach your mouth from his, biting your way down his neck. Taking the time to worship his skin, leaving large dark bruises as your mouth dips down to his exposed chest. 
He huffs out into the open air, moaning loudly as you begin to stroke his length through his boxers. He twitches underneath your touch, attempting to grind against your hand to pick up the pace, but you push his hips up against the wall of the balloon’s basket. 
“Stop.” You whisper, taking his earlobe between your teeth briefly. He groans, untangling his hand from your hair to cover his reddened face. 
Stopping your slow ministrations, you kiss down his throat again, over the curve of his collarbone and down his sternum. Lowering yourself slowly, you kneel on the floor of the basket. You free your hand from his jeans, much to his displeasure, but your fingers hook around his belt loops. Tugging his jeans down his thighs, he lets out a small gasp, panicking a bit as he drops his hand and meets your eyes.
You smile up at him, your hand finding him again, leisurely sliding along him through the thin fabric. Sliding his boxers down his thighs to sit along with his jeans, you take in the full sight of him. 
Your fingers curl around him and he sucks in a breath through his clenched teeth. Tracing the thick vein running along the underside of his shaft, you meet his eyes. His hands grip the edge of the basket, his blunt fingernails digging into the wicker material. 
Lesley’s eyes are blown wide, the honey-like color of his irises limited to a thin ring around his dilated pupils. The flushed color of his skin is illuminated by the thin layer of sweat gathering at his temples. He watches you with labored breath as you slowly begin to pump him in your hand. Swiping your thumb over his tip, you use the precum gathering in the slit as a form of lubricant. He shudders, his mouth dropping open as he lets out a broken moan.  
Leaning forward, you slide your tongue along the side of him, the tip running along the pulsing vein. He buck his hips absentmindedly and you flatten your free hand over his stomach, keeping him pressed against the wall. He whines softly, your hand moving slowly along him, your tongue circling around the tip in an aggravatingly slow fashion. You were toying with him, watching him carefully as he writhes.
The noises falling from his lips sounded like the most gorgeous symphony. You knew full well how desperate he was, his hips fighting to move despite your restrictions.
Flattening your tongue, you take just the head of him into your mouth. You quicken the pace of your hand, pumping him a little faster. You drag your tongue along the underside of his irritated tip, sliding it along his slit. 
Lesley chokes out a strained moan, his head falling forward. Quickly pushing his hair out of his face, intent on watching you despite how achingly slow you were going. His eyelids flutter as you take him further, his head sliding along the flat of your tongue. Dropping your hands to gently grip his thighs, your fingernails lightly dig into the flesh. 
Without restrictions, his hips jerk into you, the tip of him hitting the back of your throat. You groan against him, the vibration almost causing him to unravel. Lifting yourself off of him a bit, you push back down, the tip of your nose brushing against his base continuously as you find a rhythm. Dropping all teasing and focusing on his pleasure, you keep your pacing steady, your tongue curling around his head to provide extra stimulation. 
As you push him closer to the edge, his muscles tense and his thoughts go flat. Lesley couldn’t think or say anything, his brain completely fogging over. His vision blurs as your soft noises vibrate into his sensitive skin, his tip sliding between your upper palate and the flat of your tongue. Completely overcome with everything around him, a bead of sweat trails its way down the tip of his nose.  He couldn’t possibly care how loud he was being under your control.
Feeling himself getting closer, his hands find their way into your hair. He gently rakes his fingers over your scalp as his back arches, pushing himself as far into you as he can. Lesley is completely incoherent, words coming out broken and jumbled in between pants and gasps. He twitches in your mouth, his hips stuttering lightly as he orgasms. 
You take it as well as you can, your nails digging into his thighs as you focus on not choking at his release. His knees wobble, and you pull off of him slowly. You take a second to swallow fully, standing from your kneeling position to hold him upright when he wavers. He looked completely fucked out, his eyes swimming as they land on your face.
Clearing your throat, you speak, “God, Lesley, you okay?” The question is accompanied by a light laugh. You lift your hand, brushing a hand through his hair to get a good look at his face.
“I love you.” He pants, leaning in to capture you in a kiss. He could taste himself on your lips, taking the time to rub his thumbs over your cheeks. 
When the kiss finally breaks, you laugh again, “I love you too, Les, now answer my question”.
“Oh! Shit- I’m so sorry, are you okay? I just-” He cuts himself off, floundering a bit as his mind races with the implications of what just happened. His hands keep your face bracketed in his palms, his eyes searching yours in a panic.
“I’m fine, promise,” Nodding, you press a few quick kisses to both of his cheeks. “Are you feeling okay? Lightheaded at all?” You ask, a little concerned considering the altitude. 
He shakes his head, “I’m perfect, great- you’re great, and perfect.” He scrambles to shower you in compliments, peppering your face in kisses in an oddly apologetic fashion.
“Thanks,” You giggle, smiling as he showers you in affection, “Now, can you bring us down? I’d like to take you to dinner.”
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pucksandpower · 2 years
Charles Leclerc x Sainz!Reader - Instagram AU
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Liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, and 265,384 others
y/nsainz red for ferrari (and to hide the blood stains if their strategists screw over my boys again)
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charles_leclerc you would commit murder for me? je t’aime ❤️
y/nsainz as the six merry murderesses once said: they had it coming, they had it coming, they only had themselves to blame. if you'd have been there, if you'd have seen it, i betcha you would have done the same
trulytifosi i think i speak for all ferrari fans when i say that we will gladly help you hide the bodies
f1wagupdates i did not have y/n sainz adding would-be assassin to her resume on my 2023 season bingo card
y/nsainz the things we do for love
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Liked by carlossainz55, f1wagupdates, and 291,685 others
y/nsainz charles said i wasn’t allowed to laugh at him so this is me not laughing at him 🤭
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carlossainz55 charles presley
pierregasly elvis leclerc
y/nsainz chalvis lesley
landonorris elarles preclerc
charles_leclerc i’m blocking all of you
charles_leclerc at least i looked fabulous
y/nsainz it’s an improvement over your usual taste in fashion
charles_leclerc you love my fashion sense
y/nsainz i love you but you don’t know how to dress yourself outside of ferrari branded clothing
charles_leclerc 😐
bananaleclerc not everyone bullying charles 😭
y/nsainz we bully him because we care
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Liked by y/nsainz, landonorris, and 572,938 others
carlossainz55 throwback to when charles tried to hide from me in the closet after i learned that he was dating my sister
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charles_leclerc i wasn’t hiding, i just happened to find the closet very comfortable
carlossainz55 is that why you screamed “please don’t kill me, i really love her” when i opened the doors and found you?
y/nsainz i’m really glad you didn’t kill him
charles_leclerc thank you?
leclercupdates the pure fear in his eyes 💀
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Liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, and 287,492 others
y/nsainz “team bonding” aka third wheeling with my own boyfriend and brother
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scuderiaferrari our favorite third wheel
y/nsainz someone had to make sure they didn’t burn the building down
charles_leclerc you said you would stop bringing that up
y/nsainz you almost set fire to the apartment making an omelette
charles_leclerc but i didn’t
y/nsainz because i sacrificed our towels to put it out before it spread beyond the stove. they still have scorch marks!
charlosfanclub sometimes i swear they share a single brain cell
fearlessferrari but it’s a very cute single brain cell
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Liked by y/nsainz, f1wagupdates, and 952,678 others
charles_leclerc are you a ferrari? because i’d like to take you for a ride
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y/nsainz vroom vroom 🏎️
carlossainz55 your hotel room is right next to mine. don’t even think about it unless you want to traumatize me for life
charles_leclerc maybe that’s my genius plan to get rid of the competition
f1wagupdates i never thought i would say this but we might have finally found someone who looks better in ferrari gear than both charles and carlos
charles_leclerc it’s true
f1wagupdates simp first, driver second
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princessbrunette · 6 months
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playlists for the readers … ໒꒰ྀིᵔ ³ ᵔ ꒱ྀིა
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bunny!reader ♡
just girly fun vibes — she likes her music catchy, pop-y and fairly relatable. rafe never lets her play her music in the car unfortunately, because he cannot be seen speeding down the road blasting the pussy cat dolls.
🎀 cassie — ditto
🎀 kali uchis, steve lacy, vince staples — only girl
🎀 frank ocean — sweet life
🎀 coco & clair — pretty
🎀 sabrina carpenter — feather
🎀 flo milli — never lose me
🎀 cassie — miss your touch
🎀 childish gambino, jhené aiko — pink toes
🎀 flo.rida, wynter — sugar
🎀 kali uchis — honey baby (SPOILED!)
🎀 angels — my boyfriends back
🎀 foxy brown, kelis — candy
🎀 lana del rey — music to watch boys to
🎀 jhené aiko — maniac
🎀 fergie — clumsy
🎀 ciara, 50 cent — can’t leave ‘em alone
🎀 shelley duvall — he needs me
🎀 nancy sinatra — sugar town
🎀 heidi montag — i’ll do it
🎀 nicki minaj, jeremiah — favourite
🎀 kali uchis — melting
🎀 lady gaga — boys boys boys
🎀 cassie — long way 2 go
🎀 the pussycat dolls — when i grow up
🎀 tom tom club — genius of love
🎀 beyoncé — freakum dress
🎀 gwen stefani — bubble pop electric
🎀 marina — primadonna girl
🎀 madonna — material girl
🎀 pussy cat dolls — stickwitu
🎀 leven kali, syd — do u wrong
🎀 kiana ledé — mad at me
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kitty!reader ♡
listens to her music to feel cool n edgy. shes one of those people that think she’s a bitch but she’s not at all, just a lil grumpy. wants everyone to know she liked deftones before it was cool.
🐈‍⬛ pixies — is she weird
🐈‍⬛ arctic monkeys — mardy bum
🐈‍⬛ black box recorder — child psychology
🐈‍⬛ the smiths — pretty girls make graves
🐈‍⬛ ethel cain — crush
🐈‍⬛ mazzy star — she’s my baby
🐈‍⬛ radiohead — creep
🐈‍⬛ chris isaak — wicked game
🐈‍⬛ limp bizkit — rollin’
🐈‍⬛ the pretty reckless — makes me wanna die
🐈‍⬛ pearly drops — bloom for me
🐈‍⬛ deftones — root
🐈‍⬛ fka twigs — two weeks
🐈‍⬛ deftones — romantic dreams
🐈‍⬛ hole — doll parts
🐈‍⬛ margeaux — hot faced
🐈‍⬛ siouxsie and the banshees — she’s a carnival
🐈‍⬛ kip tyler — she’s my witch
🐈‍⬛ deftones — mascara
🐈‍⬛ soho dolls — bang bang bang bang
🐈‍⬛ enigma — sadeness
🐈‍⬛ DANGERDOOM, MF DOOM — perfect hair
🐈‍⬛ radiohead — idioteque
🐈‍⬛ björk — come to me
🐈‍⬛ the nbhd — fallen star
🐈‍⬛ arctic monkeys — crying lightening
🐈‍⬛ deftones — diamond eyes
🐈‍⬛ the smiths — girl afraid
🐈‍⬛ ethel cain — unpunishable
🐈‍⬛ mitski — townie
🐈‍⬛ gorillaz — kids with guns
🐈‍⬛ evanescence — taking over me
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deer!reader ♡
she’d say her playlists are all over the place — but it’s organised mess. she has them perfectly collated and in her head they make perfect sense. don’t put her on the aux though, not because the songs aren’t good but because the vibes are all over the place.
🍪 shura — 2shy
🍪 minnie riperton — les fleurs
🍪 april march — chick habit
🍪 benee — kool
🍪 camille saint- saëns — … le cygne
🍪 the little dippers — forever
🍪 allie x, mitski — susie save your love
🍪 she & him — why do you let me stay here?
🍪 lesley gore — i’m coolin’ no foolin’
🍪 sza — prom
🍪 the penguins — earth angel
🍪 SALES — renee
🍪 cleo sol — sunshine
🍪 japanese breakfast — be sweet
🍪 kate bush — cloud busting
🍪 mazzy star — halah
🍪 the mamas & papas — dedicated to the one i love
🍪 scissors sisters — filthy / gorgeous
🍪 fiona apples — shameika
🍪 fleetwood mac — mystified
🍪 margo guryan — under my umbrella
🍪 erykah badu — apple tree
🍪 mort garson — plantasia
🍪 sza — sweet november
🍪 quadron — sea salt
🍪 corinne bailey rae — green aphrodisiac
🍪 sade — lovers rock
🍪 ella fitzgerald — moonlight serenade
🍪 cigarettes after sex — truly
🍪 tv girl — heaven is a bedroom
🍪 the velvet underground — femme fetale
🍪 clairo, coco & clair — racecar
🍪 james blake, rosalía — barefoot in the park
🍪 tame impala — nangs
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puppy!reader ♡
never seen without her walkman — loves running around and dancing to her upbeat music. her playlists will remind you of days in the sun and dancing in summer rain.
🐶 her’s — love on the line (call now)
🐶 HAIM — summer girl
🐶 the la’s — there she goes
🐶 stacey q — two of hearts
🐶 faye webster — right side of my neck
🐶 bakar, summer walker — hell n back
🐶 beabadoobee — sunny day
🐶 dominic fike — babydoll
🐶 jungle — back on 74
🐶 pinkpanthress — attracted to you
🐶 duran duran — girls on film
🐶 shuggie otis — strawberry letter 23
🐶 sixpence none the richer — kiss me
🐶 matilda mann — bloom
🐶 HAIM — falling
🐶 311 — amber
🐶 earth, wind & fire — boogie wonderland
🐶 lorde — ribs
🐶 lesley gore — sunshine lollipops and rainbows
🐶 stevie wonder — all i do
🐶 the human league — don’t you want me
🐶 the turtles — happy together
🐶 pet shop boys — west end girls
🐶 clairo — bags
🐶 pat benetar — love is a battlefield
🐶 the psychedelic furs — love my way
🐶 scouting for girls — she’s so lovely
🐶 noisettes — wild young hearts
🐶 the all eyes i — beat goes on
🐶 tame impala — elephant
🐶 sublime — waiting for my ruca
🐶 mgmt — boogie down
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winstonsns · 3 months
can you do one where reader and dally have been dating for about a month now and reader finds out that he hooked up with sylvia again and reader goes to bucks to confront him and he's all nonchalant about it like it's not a big deal and reader gets really mad
why do i cry (request)
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pairing: dally x reader
summary: you and dally have been dating for around a month but you find out he hooked up with sylvia, so you go buck’s to confront him
warnings: cheating, smoking, cussing
authors note: im back from camping yay
word count: 1.7k
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as you lay in your bed, you stare up at the ceiling, tapping your fingers against each other as you think. you turn your head, looking at the phone on your nightstand.
you’ve been wanting to call dally, to do anything with him but he’s been busy for weeks. you haven’t heard his voice in more than a week, and you’ve been feeling worried. you trust him, but know he’s been known to get around with other women. you believe it is different this time, that you can see the love in his eyes when he looks at you.
you smile to yourself, picking up the phone and taking it off the stand. you dial your boyfriends number, holding it up to your ear. it rings for a few seconds before you hear a sigh and soft whispers, a woman’s voice, you think, from the other end of the line.
“hey dal, do you think we could go to a diner tonight for—“ you begin to ask, excitement in your voice.
dally’s voice is flat, he interrupts you, “i’m busy, y/n.”
you still have hope, your smile dropping but trying to persuade him, “oh, that’s okay! maybe we can go—“
the phone rings, you look at the phone and ask, “hello? dally?” but you receive no answer. you sigh, placing the phone on the stand and laying back down. you stare at the ceiling, wondering why he hung up, maybe it was an accident.
you think about the other voice with dally, it sounded like a girls voice. there was no way he was with another girl right now, it makes no sense. he’s busy, probably cleaning up his own wounds or something, you wouldn’t know.
you look at the clock on your nightstand, it is around six, you remember the drive in would be open in around an hour. deciding to go to the drive in, you quickly stand up from your bed and walk to your dresser.
opening the drawers, you take some clothes out and accessories from your vanity. you walk to the bathroom, opening the door and taking off your clothes, putting your new outfit on. you look in the mirror, making sure you look okay.
picking up your toothbrush, you wet it and take a tube of toothpaste, putting some on your brush. you brush your teeth for about two minutes before spitting in the sink and rinsing your brush. you place your hand under the water, rinsing out your mouth and spitting once again.
you turn around, checking the time once again and seeing it’s around 6:30. you walk down the stairs to the entrance of your house and picking up your shoes. you put them on, walking back to the kitchen and picking up your keys from the island.
quickly walking back to the entrance of the house, you open the door and walk outside, onto the porch. you close the door behind you and take the keys, locking the door. you walk to your car in the driveway, opening the door and sitting in the drivers seat.
you begin to drive to the drive in, turning the radio on. lesley gore was playing, a favorite song of hers reminds you of you and dally. he always seems annoyed when you play her music, but tolerates it for some reason.
as you pull into the drive in, you park your car and open the door, walking to the concessions building. you begin to take your wallet out when you hear a familiar laugh, along with a girl talking.
you turn your head to see dally and a blonde, a girl with heavy eye-makeup and a cigarette in her hand. his arm is around her shoulder, he kisses her as it begins to turn into a make out session.
you stare as your heart drops, you freeze. sighing, you walk back to your car, opening the door and sitting in the drivers seat. you keep your eyes on the wheel, not yet driving back to your house.
looking down at your lap, you decide you’ll confront him, but he had ruined your night. you put your hands on the wheel and drive back to the bar. the drive to buck’s is silent, the sky gets darker and darker by the minute.
as you arrive at buck’s, you drive to the back of the building so your car can’t be seen. you look at the clock, knowing it would be about an hour before the movie is over. you wait, resting your head on your hand, closing your eyes.
you fall asleep, wanting a break from thinking. you wake up to a loud sound, you move your hand and lay your head on the window, taking a few moments to wake up. you open your eyes, turning your attention to the time, around nine.
you’d slept for around an hour and a half, you remember why you are at buck’s. you open the door to your car, standing up and closing it. you walk to the front of the building, opening the door and walking in.
loud voices and music fill your ears, bright lights shine in your eyes as buck greets you from behind the counter. you greet him back, walking through the bar up to dally’s room. before you enter the door, you sigh, your throat closing up and your eyes begin to tear up.
don’t cry, you think. there is no reason to be sad about someone cheating on you, it’s fine. you ball your fists up, knowing it’s not okay for anyone to act like how dally is. you take a moment for your throat to feel okay again, you blink multiple times before your tears are gone.
knocking on the door, you hear steps coming closer and closer. dally opens the door, staying in the same place but not inviting you in. he stares at you, waiting for you to say something.
you nervously look at him back, his cold eyes on yours. you ask, “can i come in?” he rolls his eyes, replying, “fine, man. make it quick.” as he doesn’t open the door for you, leaving you to do it yourself.
you walk into the room, he seemingly ignores you as you aren’t talking yet. he sits on his bed, taking a cigarette out and lighting it, waiting for you to speak. he looks at you, annoyed, “so? you just gonna stand there and waste my time?”
thinking, you ask, “why were you with sylvia today? i thought you two broke up, but you were kissing her and stuff.”
he rolls his eyes, sighing and not answering your question, “jesus…” and looks away from you.
your eyebrows furrow, you begin to feel warm as you ball your fists up. your voice begins to get louder and louder, “jesus? what the hell dallas, you fucking cheated on me and you know it! how can you act like you didn’t do—“
he yells, his attention now on you, “all you women are the same! how d’ya expect me to stay with you if we never spend time together, man—“
you interrupt him, yelling back, “we never spend time together because you’re fucking cheating on me with other girls, dumbass! i always knew you were messed up but not this messed up! how can you act like this and act like it’s okay, huh?” you move closer to him as he slowly backs up, you continue, “i don’t understand how someone can act as you do, what even is a relationship to you, dally? do you even care, do you even know that kissing other girls is considered cheating? sylvia cheated on you, two times, may i add, and you go back to her? you know, i stayed loyal and i thought we were in love. but ruining a perfectly fine relationship by cheating on me with someone who cheated on you, someone who’s probably with another guy right now, is pathetic. i thought you were smarter than that, dally. you are cold, heartless.”
as dally stares at you, he says nothing as you continue to speak, “you think you’re so tough, but deep down, you’re helpless, dally. you are nothing, people only like you because you can protect them, you think they care about you, but they don’t. and you know that, you feel the same about them. you don’t care.”
he gulps, looking at the floor and looking back at you, a blank stare on his face, you stare at him, this time a cold look on your face. his eyes are now filled with vulnerability, you say, “you have no purpose, dally.”
his eyes slightly widen, enough to notice. you turn around, heading out towards the door of his bedroom. you walk downstairs to the door of the building, out to your car. you drive home, your mind is empty, you hadn’t regret a word you’ve said to him.
dally sits on his bed, staring at the floor. he doesn’t regret kissing sylvia, what he did regret was letting you say those words about him. he begins to think, is what you said true? is he really cold, is he heartless?
he shakes his head, attempting to forget about what you’ve said. he stands up from his bed, walking to the phone connected to his wall. he spins the dial, calling sylvia’s number and placing the phone to his ear.
“hey, babe—“ he says, excited to talk to her. he is interrupted with a deep voice from the other line, “she’s busy. fuck off, man.”
dally hears a beep, the other line has hung up. he stares at the wall, dropping the phone, not bothering to place it back on the stand.
he rubs his hands on his face to the roots of his hair, yelling in anger, “damn it!”
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1000roughdrafts · 7 months
Sam Winchester Master List
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Some of my works are 18+, which I'll write as such here, but please heed the warnings on the individual posts as well - All under the cut :)
One Shots xx
18 + Smut
💜One Drunk Night ~ 18+ implied public smut, PDA, neck biting, nude in front of Dean
💜 A Christmas Surprise - 18+, smut -  Sam and Dean ‘force’ you to go to a Christmas party at Bobby’s, despite your pleas for a night in with just some beer and pizza. It turns out, it wasn’t so terrible of a night after all.   
💜 Friends With Benefits - You and Sam enjoy fooling around, while trying to, at least temporarily, keep it a secret from Dean.
Mini Series xx
💜Birth and Death ~ Part One | Part Two; Y/N was excited for her friends 21st birthday, but when she got a knock on the door, instead of her friends, she’s greeted by two FBI agents and the things the agents said to her, changed her life forever. (complete) 
💜I’m Never Gonna Dance Again ~ Part One | Part Two | Part Three angst; It was love at first sight for you and Sam the night you met. Little did he know that you had been diagnosed with an incurable tumor. You wanted to make the best of your short time on Earth, but you weren’t expecting to meet someone who could make you want to stay. With love, laughter and dancing he made your last days happy, while torturing himself with memories after your passing. (complete)
Sam x Reader / Dean x Reader Switch Fics
💜 It’s My Party (Part One is Dean x Reader) Part Two (complete)
💙It’s My Party Part One | Part Two (SamxReader)~ angst Request; can you do a deanxreader songfic to it’s my party by Lesley Gore where it’s the reader’s birthday and Dean flirts with the waitress and can it be angsty (complete)
💜 The (almost) Perfect Crime: (needs lots of improvement and re-drafting/editing before going back out:)) MasterList (but may be subject to change and parts will come out in quite a few months from now)
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strniohoeee · 9 months
I’m not sure if you write for Justin butttttt like the triplets have a friend and the reader is their older sister, an Justin starts to grow a crush on her…🫣
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Pairing: Justin Carey X Female Reader
Synopsis: Back home from graduate school, Y/N runs into her old best friend, and some feelings come up to the surface. Will these feelings be mutual??🫂
Warnings⚠️: None. This one was okayyy, but like Justin has me in a chokehold like let’s stop pretending he isn’t fine asf😁
Songs for the imagine: Misty- Lesley Gore, La-La Means I Love You- The Delfonics
Look at me
I'm as helpless as a kitten up a tree
And I feel like i'm clinging to a cloud
I can’t understand
Being the older sister meant being the babysitter when mom and dad weren’t home. Lucky for me most of college I avoided that, but I just graduated graduate school and moved back home while I looked for a better paying job.
It was weird having a brother 6 years younger than me because for a while we never got along, but like him and I could go drinking in a few months once he turned 21??
Anyways my parents gave me the summer off while they stood in Italy on a work trip as long as I watched my brother. I mean it was easy now that he was an adult I only set two rules: no parties and no girls over. For the most part I had a free summer back home in Boston. Oh how I missed home. I lived in Tennessee while I did the last 4 years of graduate school, and the south had nothing on up north.
The day my parents were leaving was the day my brother decided to crash his car and totaled it. The idiot was texting and driving and hit a tree. I’m honestly shocked he walked away alive considering he drove a car that was older than me. Nonetheless this made me his chauffeur which I hated.
“Y/NNNN LETS GOO I HAVE PLANS” he yelled from downstairs
“SHUT UP YOU TWERP” I yelled back putting my pants on
“STEFAN IM LITERALLY COMING DOWN, NOW SHUT UP” I yelled backed as I grabbed my phone and pursed and shut my light off walking down the stairs
“Ouuu someone’s getting all pretty for their boyfriend” he said ruffling my hair
“What boyfriend you weirdo” I said pushing him away
“Justin” he said laughing
“Justin? Your friend's older brother?” I said raising an eyebrow at him
“Yeah who else? Didn’t yall have a past anyways” he said putting his sneakers on
“Umm no we were friends, and then he got all weird on me senior year and I haven’t seen him since, that was like 9 years ago” I said grabbing a water bottle
“Ohh right weirded out by your obsession he chose to go to a different college I remember you didn’t like that” he said wiggling his brows at me
“You’re a little shit. I wasn’t obsessed with him” I said flicking him in the forehead
“Right and the sky isn’t blue” he said grabbing his overnight bag
“I’ll lock you in the house and drive away have fun getting nowhere” I said smiling at him
“Your threats don’t scare me anymore I could get to their house easily” he said smiling at me
“Yeah how? With your car? Oh yeah…that’s right you don’t have one” I said looking at him in a shocked way
“Fine you win this one” he said rolling his eyes
“Don’t I always” I said opening the door for him and letting him walk out
“I’m spending the night with the triplets, so you can just drop me off and then do as you please” he said getting in the passenger seat
“Sounds good to me” I said sitting in the driver's seat and connecting my phone to the aux
“Is Justin home?” I asked Stefan randomly
“And you say your were not obsessed” he said looking up from his phone
“Just answer the question dipshit” I said rolling my eyes
“I’m actually not sure. He never really came home during breaks or anything, so I don’t even know if he lives here again, or if he moved out of state” he replied
“Hmm nice to know” I said tilting my head a bit
“Why? Going to try and get him back?” He said looking at me
“What? No….I just haven’t seen him in so long I wonder what he’s been up to. I mean him and I were best friends that’s how you became friends with Chris Nick and Matt” I replied glancing over at my brother
“Yeah it is weird how yall just stopped talking” he said
“I never even got an explanation either. We grew up in diapers together and then one random Tuesday he just completely ghosts me” I said laughing
“Pretty pathetic” my brother said
“I know right” I replied
“Oh no not him…you…pathetic that you remember the day” he said laughing
“You’re such a dick” I said smacking his chest
“OW” he yelled grabbing his chest
“20 years old and you still haven’t changed one bit” I said shaking my head at him
“You know I love you” he said tickling me
“Stop weirdo” I said laughing
I had pulled up to the triplets driveway, and he texted them that he was outside. I got out of the car to hug my brother bye and told him to behave to which he replied he’s not a little kid.
“Y/N you’re home” Matt said
“Hey guys! Look at you you’re all grown up” I said hugging them
“It’s been forever” Nick said
“I know right, four years and now I’m back home for good, and my parents make me watch this numbnut” I said pouting at Stefan
“The same old Y/N” Chris said laughing
“You know uhh Justin’s back home too” Matt said looking at me
“Oh really? I haven’t seen him in 9 years” I said nodding at him
“Really? He just moved back too from graduate school he’s looking for a better paying job” Nick said
“Oh shit really me too” I said
“I can go grab him if you want to catch up” Chris said pointing behind him
“Oh no no don’t worry! I was just about to head out” I said
“Well alright I’ll let him know you stopped by” Matt said
“Yeah sure! Have fun guys and Stefan let me know when to pick you up” I said hugging him
“Alright” he said
They had walked into the house and I got back in my car. I went to start the car when my engine started to sputter
“What the fuck?” I said furrowing my brows, this is a brand new car???
I tried it again and sudden smoke started to come out from under the hood
“Holy shit” I said taking the key out
I got out of the car and popped the hood, coughing as the smoke clouded my senses
“Need some help?” I heard from behind me
“Uh yeah” I said turning around
Immediately my heart stopped and my eyes popped out of my head
“Justin?” I said tilting my head
“That would be me” he said laughing
“Sorry that was dumb…I’m just so shocked to see you. It’s been so long” I said laughing
“I know….you look good” he said smiling at me
“Thanks” I said
“Uhh your car” he said pointing at it
“Oh right…I mean I don’t know this cars brand new I’m not sure what’s going on” I said turning and looking at the parts
“Let me take a look” he said and walked over
Justin began to examine everything, and I slowly looked at him taking his appearance in. It’s so crazy how 9 years can change someone. He looked good and I hated myself for thinking about him in that way.
“Oh I found the problem” he said looking at me, snapping out of my trance I looked at his face
“Really? What is it?” I said
“You see that wire right there? It has a tear in it, but it’s an easy fix I can do it for you” he said
“Really? You’d do that?” I said smiling at him
“Well of course” he said nodding at me
He walked away and got some kit for cars as he began to patch the wire up
“Why are you being so nice to me?” I questioned
“What do you mean? I’ve always been nice” he said glancing over at me
“Mmm I don’t know. We grew up together and then one day senior year you just stopped talking to me, you acted like I was a ghost” I said crossing my arms over my chest
“Did I?” He said looking down at the wire
“Don’t play dumb I know you did it for a reason, and it hurt me” I said
“I guess we just grew apart” he said wiping his forehead
“Justin we made plans to go to the same college and the same graduate school, and then the same day you stop talking to me is the same day I find out you switched schools” I said blinking at him
“Well I got a better scholarship offer with the other school” he said looking at me
“Bullshit” I said scoffing
“No it’s true” he said finishing up the wire
“You got a full ride just like I did…your mom told me, so you deliberately switched schools and cut me off….why?” I asked
“I don’t know why okay” he said throwing his hands up in defense
“Yes you do Justin stop lying” I said
“Why does it even matter anyways? We're 26…..don’t you have adult things to worry about and not why we stopped being friends at 17” he said bluntly
“Asshole much?” I said shaking my head at him
“I’m not….it just doesn’t matter” he said
“Yes it does…what you did hurt me, and for 9 years my best friend of 17 years never gave me an explanation, and right now as we stand here as adults he’s pulling the most childish act of all by not telling me the truth” I stated staring him down
“Want to know the reason? Huh? You’re itching for it? That’s your issue you can never live in the unknown you have to know it all” he said looking at me and scoffing
“Yes Justin I do” I said stomping my foot down
“I cut you off and switched schools because I was so madly in love with you, and I could never have you because you never felt the same way. I sat for years watching you cry and chase over boys who didn’t care about you. I wanted to be that guy you chased so badly, and when I realized at 17 that I would never be that I put my big boy pants on and let reality sit in. I could not chase you to another school for another 8 years like a love sick puppy when you didn’t care about me that way.” He stated slamming his tool box shut
“I…I never knew that” I said my gaze softening
“I didn’t expect you to, you were so far up some other guys ass you couldn't see how much I loved you” he stated slamming my hood shut
“No Justin! I liked you too, but you felt unreal to me. You didn’t seem tangible. The cool guy that every girl liked….I let that school girl crush die a long time ago, and I shouldn’t have” I replied
“Why didn’t you say anything? I would’ve tried harder. I would’ve went to school with you like we promised” He asked in a whisper
“I tried….that day I went and walked up to you to tell you, and you walked right past me like I wasn’t even there. That day killed me. I realized I lost you forever” I said shaking my head
“I’m such an idiot….in love with you since I was 13 and I let you slip through my fingers” he said shaking my head
“It’s okay Justin” I said laughing a bit
“I feel like such a dick” he said laughing too
“I mean you were, but we were also 17, so it’s alright” I said
“Let me make it up to you” he said looking at me
“You already fixed my car that’s more than enough” I said smiling at him
“Speaking of which that tear in the wire was a perfect incision like someone did it purposely…” he said laughing again
“Stefan…” I said shaking my head
“He may be a dick, but he seems to be your wingman” Justin said
“I have to give it to him…I didn’t see that coming” I said giggling
“Smart kid” he said
“Very” I replied laughing
“You know I’ve always liked you like a lot, and I’m sure my brothers told your brother about my major crush on you” he said laughing
“Mmm he’s never told me, but I did raise my eyebrows a few times with the way they always wanted to run and get you so we could see each other” I said laughing too
“Our own little wingmen and we were so blind to it” he said
“It’s so crazy, but listen I have to head downtown and it was great seeing you and thank you so much for fixing my car I owe you” I said leaning off my car and taking my keys out
“Listen, don't even worry about it, okay! You being back in town is more than enough” he said offering me a smile
“Wow Carey you have a good way with words” I said looking back at him
“Didn’t I always” he said raising his eyebrows at me
“Mmm I suppose so” I replied opening my car door
“Well I’ll see you around then” he said nodding his head at me
“I mean would you like to come with me? I just have some errands to run for my parents it’ll be like the old days” I said
“Uhh yeah, yeah sure” he said nodding his head
“Cool hop in” I said sitting in the car
“Hop in? What are you 40” he said sitting in the car
“Shut up Justin….you're still the same” I said backing out of the driveway
“And so are you, always flustered when I tease you” he said poking me
“Back off” I said laughing at him
“I’m so glad we’ve got back together” he said looking over at me
“I agree” I replied glancing over at him
That day we spent together was amazing. We ran into town and reminisced on how we used to go out together to these shops all the time. I really enjoyed his company, and I couldn’t believe it took us so long to reconnect and talk about everything.
We sat on a bench downtown eating our lunch and just watching the scenery.
“You know I really really like you like a lot” he blurted out
“Justin you keep saying this” I said giggling
“I know, but I never got to say it, and it’s been on my mind for 9 years” he replied looking down
“You should’ve called or texted” I replied
“I know, but I figured you hated me, so I didn’t bother” he said to me
“Hate you? Never was I upset yeah, but I could never hate you” I replied eating a piece of my food
“I’m just sorry like I was such an idiot” he said shaking his head
“Justin it’s okay we were teenagers that doesn’t define who we are now” I said to him
“Yeah you’re right” he said nodding his head
“Plus you’re hotter now than back in high school” I said leaning over to him
“What” he said blushing
“It’s the truth” I said giggling at him
“You’ve always been beautiful to me” he said looking up at me
“Heyyy way to make me look like an ass” I said laughing
“No! Never” he said winking at me
“You think I’m beautiful?” I said shocked
“I mean who doesn’t? Everything about you is beautiful inside and out” he said taking a sip of his drink
“Thank you Justin” I said
He smiled at me while we finished our food
“So I say we head back?” I asked as I tossed our trash out
“Uh yeah that’s nice” he said
“And then you can give me a room tour” I said laughing
“It hasn’t changed much. I’m never really home” he said
“No? How come you’re back now” I said as we walked back to my car
“Mmm I heard through the grapevine you were coming back home and I wanted to possibly see you again” he said
“Who told you? My brother?” I asked
“No, my mom did actually” he said
“Mmm she always thought we were more than what we actually were” I said laughing
“I know, no matter how many times I told her no. I guess she still hopes we end up together” he replied
“I agree with her” I said as we got in the car
I had driven back to their house and went up to Justin’s room. It really has not changed at all.
“Even the bed sheets are the same from High school” I said sitting on his bed
“I told you I’m never home” he said shrugging
“You really came home for me?” I said shaking my head
“Uhhh well I also have a family too” he said shrugging his shoulders
“Right right” I said laughing
Justin had sat down next to me and I began to get nervous just like I did in high school.
“You really haven’t changed one bit” he said laughing
“What do you mean?” I asked looking over at him
“You’re still nervous everytime I sit next to you” he said bumping my shoulder
“Oh shut up” I said bumping his shoulder back
We looked at each other for a moment, searching each other's eyes.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked me
“Yes” I whispered
Justin crashed his lips to mine, and his right hand came to my cheek. Caressing it and rubbing my cheek with his thumb as our lips locked in a kiss.
I can’t believe it took me 13 years to kiss my best friend who I’ve been madly in love with since I was 13. I wouldn’t change this moment for anything.
We pulled away and looked in each other's eyes smiling, and I reconnected our lips kissing him once more.
Suddenly his door opened, and we broke apart.
“OH MY GOD” my brother yelled with Chris, Nick and Matt behind him
“STEFAN” I yelled
“spying on us?” Justin asked standing up
“Whatttt no” Chris said high pitched
“Yeah sure you weirdos” I said laughing
“Come on let’s go downstairs” Justin said
We went downstairs and spent the day with our brothers. Sitting on the couch in each other's arms as we watched movies.
His parents came home to see us in each other's arms, and were pleasantly surprised.
I guess falling in love with your best friend is a lot easier than you’d think…..
The End
Alrightttt hope you enjoyed this one. I was like mehhh about it IDKKK. But love yall 🥹🖤
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milkybellybites · 8 months
Pink Hope - Lee Anton
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Pink Hope - Lee Anton
Pairing Anton x Reader Genre Fluff Warnings None! WC 675
Chapter One
Look at me, I’m as helpless as a kitten up a tree. And I feel like I’m clinging to a cloud, I can’t understand. I get misty just holding your hand.
Misty by Lesley Gore blares through my headphones as I read the twenty second chapter of my favourite book Little Women. Being a hopeless romantic means rereading the same fifteen romance books over and over again, obsessing over said books, and finally, daydreaming about feeling that kind of love. Everyone always says that certain kinds of love only exist in movies and books but I dont believe them. How can someone write about experiencing such amazing love without feeling such amazing love?
“Morning Sunshine, lets get going. We are going to be late.” Chaewon chirps as she bursts through my bedroom door, “Gosh Y/N, how many times have you read that old book.”
I roll my eyes as I take out my headphones and place the old tatty book in my bag, “Don’t knock it till you try is Chae. You never know, you might like romance books.”
“What? And be like you? Listening to lovey dovey music while reading your silly little romance books all day.” She laughs, standing up from my bed bumping shoulders with me, “I could never spend my days swooning over men who dont even exist.”
“Hey, Laurie and Amys’ love story is perfect. You cant deny it.” I replied as we make our way downstairs.
“Actually I can. I never read the book. Bye, Mom!” Chaewon waves a goodbye to my Mom as she opens the front door. Chaewon started calling my Mom “Mom” only one year into our friendship after she had a nightmare during a sleepover and my Mom comforted her. Ever since that night Chaewon has had two Moms.
“Bye, Mom! See you tonight.”
“Y’know, if you spent more time studying and less time listening to Mac DeMarco you wouldnt have a 62% in Japanese.” Chaewon exclaimed wildly as we exit the convenience store.
“Y’know, I dont think I’m going to take academic advice from someone with an average grade of 54%.” I laugh, cracking the lid of my iced coffee bottle.
“Hey, I am not taking any kind of sass from a person who reads for fun.” Chaewon grumbles at me.
“Maybe you should pick up a book. Try expanding your pea sized brain.”
We both laugh as we make our way into the school gate.
“Morning Eunseok.” I smile at my seat mate.
“Hey Y/N. How are you.” He questions.
“Good,” I say with a small smile while turning to get my books and pencil case out of my bag, “Did you have practice this morning?”
“Oh, yeah,” He replies, looking down at the rumpled up practice bag that is covered in dirt, “Lots of running this morning.”
I laugh quietly and turn back to my books but not before he could ask, “Is Chaewon here today?”
“Yeah,” I reply pointing a few rows ahead of us, “Why?”
“Oh, no reason.” He quickly and quietly covers the creeping blush on his cheeks.
The classes quiet and comfortable atmosphere is abruptly disrupted by a group of teenage boys barging in hollering and whooping like a group of baboons. They are so not like the boys I read about.
“The gang is back together!” Sohee - the self-proclaimed “Ladies Man” - exclaims while sitting down in his seat.
“I am so happy you're back Anton.” A voice I recognise as Shotaro hollered from the back of the group.
Anton? I wonder who that is. I turn to look at Chaewon to find she is already looking at me. She gives me a confused look and I simply shrug my shoulders.
“Yeah guys, its pretty cool.” A small unrecognizable voice mumbles. 
The group of boys start to disperse out to there seats as the first bell rings, leaving a lone boy standing in the middle of the class, nervously grabbing his backpack straps.
Oh. That was Anton.
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queenshelby · 1 year
Chemical Reactions (P. 9)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy as J Robert Oppenheimer x Student Reader
Warning: Age-Gap, Infidelity, Smut
Words: 2,678
Note: The fic is spoiler free and my own fantasy and imagination. It is not historically and scientifically accurate.
Previous Parts: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8
Two weeks later...
Just as General Groves had anticipated, the following week, you made your way to Robert’s final lecture at Berkley which was held in front of an audience of about fifty students.
The lecture itself was not relevant to your thesis but you knew that you had to see him, in an aim to clear things up.
You managed to get a letter to him through Professor Lawrance in the past few days, hidden within your thesis papers and, even though Lawrance told you as well that Robert was no longer your supervisor, you insisted for Robert to read it, seeing that her was the expert in this field.
After you begged, of course, Lawrance agreed to provide the paper to his colleague and, whilst you hoped that Robert would respond to your letter, he did not. At least not until now which is when you sat inside the lecture hall and he handed out some papers to everyone.
“I suggest that you read page two carefully Miss Y/LN” he told you quietly when, finally, he approached you amongst the other students and, of course, you knew what he meant by that and skipped right ahead to the page he mentioned.
“Thank you doctor” you told him as he moved on and handed out the remaining papers to the other students while, at the back of the hall, you could see two men watching the lecture and Robert’s interactions with you. They were spies for sure and you knew that, when hopefully getting to see him, you had to do so without being seen yourself.
Robert though played them well. He was nothing but professional towards you and the note he had hidden on page two was not noticeable to anyone but you.
“Meet me at Lawrance’s office. 3 o’clock. We need to talk” it said and, of course, you already knew what this was going to be about. He was going to tell you exactly what General Groves had already told you, namely that he could and would not see you again after today.
He would also tell you that your security clearance had been denied and that, at least for now, you had to forget about him.
Whether you could do that or not, however, was something that you had already thought about for the past week or so, ever since Lesley Groves’ conversation with you and you came to the conclusion that you could not.
Not after the letters he had sent you, telling you how much he desired you and enjoyed your company, and not after the passionate night you shared.
Of course, love was not something you believed in even though Robert referred to it on two occasions now and love was not yet what you felt for him. But what you felt was something more than just some intellectual and physical attraction. It was desire in its purest and most primal form which had developed into an addiction of some sort and this addiction needed to be fuelled in order for you to function mentally and physically. You thus decided that you needed Robert in your life and this was going to be a challenge.  
You were crazy for him and, clearly, he was crazy for you as well, going by what he had written to you and it were those letters which went through your mind just as Robert made his way to the lectern and began his lecture on naturally occurring atoms.  
“Concentrate Y/N!” you then said to yourself as Robert had started reading for the lesson and just as he spoke so passionately about physics, you took your pencil and slowly ran it down your neck and then to your collarbone, subtly squirming like you enjoyed the feel, though your face was serious. There was something extremely sexy and desirable about this man talking about atoms and your mind again wandered to the night you shared.
You could feel his eyes on you, glancing at you, as he went through some chemical reactions and him talking like this sent goosebumps all over your skin. You enjoyed the feeling and brought the pencil back up, now running across the seam of your lips in purposeful absentmindedness until he lost his train of thought and paused before picking up on his speech again.
This is when you decided to tune it down. You did not want Robert to be thrown off guard and knew that, after class, you would finally be able to catch a moment with him after not having seen him for almost four weeks.
At 3 o’clock and after shaking off the two men, who had been following you, by sneaking out of the lavatory window, you made your way too Dr Lawrance’s office which, unsurprisingly, was unlocked that day.
Thus, you made your way inside without knocking which happened to startle Robert who had already been waiting for you.
“Jesus” he cursed, afraid that it was one of General Groves’ personnel who had followed him or even you to Lawrance’s office. He was clearly paranoid and concerned about meeting you there, but he knew that he had to see you regardless.
“Has someone followed you here?” he asked nonetheless and you shook your head while, finally, approaching him and, in a haste, pressing your lips onto his.
“I missed you” you moaned against his lips while Robert kissed you passionately, only ever allowing you to pull away in order to breathe, which is something that continued for at least five minutes until Robert took a step back.
“We need to talk” Robert then said after your lips drifted apart and you slowly looked up at him with wide open eyes and a parted mouth before, wordlessly, reaching beneath your skirt and taking off your panties.
“We do, but that has to wait!” you determined, causing Robert to gasp with suprise and shake his head.
“We can’t Y/N…” Robert began to say but, as soon as your lust filled eyes met his, his grip on your waist tightened and he stopped talking.
“I suppose we can…” Robert then corrected himself, stammering out the words and you could feel his gaze boring into you and, just as you felt as though your lust for this man couldn’t have been any greater, he pressed his lips onto yours again for another passionate kiss.
As you were kissing, you slid your hands up his thighs and reached for the zipper of his pants. You pulled it down, undid the button and belt and then his briefs-bound cock pushed out of the opening.
“On the desk” Robert simply groaned as, eventually, you reached into his briefs and grabbed him, pulling his erection free. The gurgling noise he made at that meant that he was absolutely focused on what you were doing to him, so you let yourself lift your eyes and take in his flushed face, staring at your hand like it was God's salvation for his mortal soul.
“Not yet” you teased before licking your lips and descending on him, causing Robert to swear.
“Fuck” he cursed as, without warning, you engulfed him completely.
The feel of his length in your mouth and the weight of it was almost as good as the punched-out moan he made as you worked your tongue up and down his shaft for a moment before taking him in all the way again until he bottomed out.
Then you pulled back and took him in again, building up to a brutal pace.
Robert was grunting with every thrust into your mouth. He could not hold back as you sucked and swirled your tongue around the head, making sure he would never forget this moment with you, especially if this was going to be the last time for you both.
“Stop. No more” Robert eventually groaned before pulling slightly against your hair and, just as he did, you removed your lips from his pulsing hard shaft and stood up.
“I need to taste you and I need to be inside of you. It has been weeks” he then told you while pulling you over towards the large cedar study desk which, clearly, belonged to Dr Lawrance.
“Then have me Robert” you told him as he stared at your body intently. “Fuck me like you own me” you then demanded and Robert took a handful of your hair and pulled your head back playfully so that you would stare up at him. Your eyes went wide for a moment as you let out a little gasp before returning to the lidded hungry stare you had before.
Robert then leaned forward and kissed you hard on the mouth and your mouth tasted sweet and your moans against his mouth were whorish and wanton. He drank from your mouth and all thoughts of his marriage and the project slipped far into the recess of his will as he lifted you up on to the desk.
He then kissed down further, along your long neck and just above the v-line of your blouse before he kneeled in front of you and you wrapped your fingers in his hair.
As he was caressing your clothed body, you popped open some of the buttons on your blouse, thus allowing Robert to push it down and thereby exposing your breasts. He cupped the right one with his hand, gently twisting the nipple between thumb and forefinger. It instantly grew hard to his touch.
Robert then spent a moment or two with his mouth on each breast. Tasting every inch of your flesh, before he slipped lower and the heady aroma of your open sex filled his nostrils so that he was possessed by a strong desire to taste you.
As he lowered himself further, he took hold of your legs behind each knee and spread them apart as he pushed your legs up and your skirt back so that it was curled up against your stomach. Robert then kissed your left thigh and looked up at you. Your cheeks were flush, mouth parted, eyes unfocused but intent.
"You must be quiet" he managed say and you faintly nodded before he lowered his mouth onto your sex. You tried your best to muffle your squeal, but as his tongue worked its way into you, more moans and cries escaped your lips.
You tasted as sweet as usual, and he devoured you. He worked his tongue as deep into you as he could before wiggling it back and forth up over the length of your slit, and then sucking gently on your engorged clit.
You bucked and squirmed in response to his ministrations, but Robert held you down as his mouth locked onto you. Your fingers wrapped into his hair and you grinded yourself against his tongue as best you could.
You began a long slow whine that slowly built in intensity, punctuated by quick movements of your hips as you pressed your mound against his mouth. It almost sounded as though you were crying, and for a moment his concentration broke, and he was tempted to stop, but your grip on the back of his head told him otherwise.
“Don’t you dare stop!” you moaned just before Robert flicked his tongue quickly over your clit and your body began to shudder. Your whine became a steady cry, followed by convulsions, and finally a great big gasp, as your body went slack.
"Oh god” you then panted before pushing his head away, unable to take anymore. Your hair was mussed and your makeup had smeared a bit.
“Yes, my love?” Robert teased before standing straight and, of course, you rolled your eyes at his joke just like you usually would.
“You are so sure of yourself, aren’t you?” you teased as Robert finally brought you to your feet.
“Yes” he answered with a grin before kissing you again to let you taste yourself on his lips.
“Now turn around and lean against my desk” Robert then demanded before he spun your small frame around and bent you over his colleague’s desk.
“That’s Dr Lawrance’s desk, not yours” you pointed out before Robert stood himself behind you. You were limp and behaving more like a rag doll than an active participant, but after eating you to orgasm, Robert knew that he had to have you. He had been aching for you for weeks.
“I suppose it is Lawrance’s desk, but I am sure he would not mind us using it” Robert then said which made you giggle.  
“Very well then professor, I am all yours” you teased as Robert flipped your skirt onto your back and reached down between your legs, feeling that you were still slick and ready for him.
“You are indeed” Robert groaned before he lined himself up with your entrance without pushing into you just yet.
“Don’t tease” you demanded as you lowered your head to the desk and pushed back a little against his teasing cock.
“Please Robert” you then begged and, with that, he finally pressed into you slowly.
“I missed this a lot’ Robert groaned again as, finally, he took hold of your hips and pressed harder, to which you whimpered and moaned in pleasure.
“So did I” you gasped as he filled you.
"You are so very tight” he then told you as your channel gripped his length like a firm velvet fist. He could feel every inch inside you and, slowly, he began to rock his hips, small movements at first, then bigger ones, until he was fucking you in earnest.
You mewled as his member opened you and made your channel adjust to his size. He held your hips and pressed hard against you as you grunted with each thrust while, eventually, his cock was swelling.
"Oh god" you repeated as he fucked you in a steady rhythm until he briefly pulled out of you and turned you around.
“I missed having you inside me” you told Robert as you sat up on Lawrance’s desk again and spread your legs wide.
“I need you Y/N. I need you so fucking much” Robert said as he stepped in between your legs and re-entered you while you propped yourself up on your elbows and wrapped your long legs around his hips.
"I need you too, Robert. God, fuck me, make me yours” you moaned incoherently while your eyes were desperate and intently locked onto his. He leaned forward and kissed you in response, pressing his tongue into your mouth while you moaned against his lips, over and over again.
His own orgasm was building, but he did not want to stop just yet. Thus, his thrusts became more insistent and, with that, he drew you closer and closer towards climax as well.
“I am close” you said as if you were reading his mind while you leaned back and looked at Robert through lidded eyes.
“So am I” Robert told you as he felt your legs lock tighter around him and, just as you decided to hold on to for dear life, he pressed himself into you hard.
“Oh god, yes! That’s it” you almost screamed as, all so suddenly, you climaxed again. Your orgasm hit you like freight train and just as your walls began to convulse around his shaft, he exploded deep within you, filling you with his seed. He was thrusting hard with each spurt, and you wrapped your arms around him as it was his turn for his body to shake.
His orgasm was intense and, within seconds, his cum seeped from your channel and down his shaft, eliciting a final groan from Robert when he took a glimpse at where you were still connected.
“We really do need to talk” Robert then eventually said as he pulled out of you and felt the tension loosen inside of him as he momentarily closed his eyes and relaxed.
“Yes we do and now I can. I just needed to get this out of my system first before I could put together some logically thoughts” you said before reaching for Robert’s handkerchief and using it to clean yourself up.
“Do you mind if I keep that?” you then asked, causing Robert to chuckle.
“Not at all” he then said, pulling up his briefs and pants, before he leaned over and kissed your forehead. “Your security clearance…” he then began to say but you interrupted him.
“I know, General Groves came to interview me” you told Robert while adjusting your skirt. “He told me that you were instructed not see me again, but here you are, engaging in some intimate relations with me” you chuckled, still out of breath.
“General Groves should use his words more wisely as he did not say that I cannot see you again. He simply said that I must not engage or liaise with communists and, since you are not a communist, I do not see an issue with seeking you discreetly” Robert then pointed out while caressing your face.
“Discreetly, huh?” you chuckled before asking Robert what he thought was happening next.
“What do you mean?” he asked gently while looking into your eyes.
“With us, Robert. Where do we go from here” you wanted to know.
“Well, I will continue to try my luck and convince Groves to get you clearance for the project and, in the meantime, I will come here and visit you whenever I can” he explained.
“Robert, the General has already read your two letters to me. So, how do you expect to make contact without them noticing?” you asked, seeing that, no doubt, Robert was being watched.
“I will find a way my love. I promise” he promised you while cupping your face with both of his hands.
“Wouldn’t it be easier just to end it?” you argued, but Robert shook his head.
“I can’t do that” he told you.
“Why?” you queried, seeing that seeing you would be risky.
“Because I need you in my life Y/N” he then determined and a surprisingly warm and fluttering feeling crept up inside of you. It was a feeling that was unfamiliar to you and you could not describe it.
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flickynightdarkness · 2 years
Waves 1-18 Of My Comfort Characters List
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Oggy & Olivia (Oggy & The Cockroaches)
Little Miss Sunshine & Little Miss Shy (Little Misses)
Mr Quiet & Mr. Scatterbrain (Mr Men Show)
Hello Kitty, My Melody & Cinnamoroll (Sanrio)
Jigglypuff, Hypno, Eevee, Pichu, Torchic, Jirachi, Manaphy, Darkrai, Alice, Alicia, Dwebble, Iris & Sylveon (Pokémon)
Atsuover, Rageminer, Dawko, Jaiden Animations, CookieSwirlC, Nicky Tate, WolfyChu, Rosanna Pansino, Ava Ryan (YouTubers)
Holly & Nanny Plum (Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom)
Shaggy (Scooby Doo)
Slinky Dog, Jessie, Trixie & Bonnie (Toy Story)
Kasane Teto, Kagamine Rin & Hatsune Miku (Vocaloids)
Bubble (BFDI)
Cake, X & Winner (BFB + TPOT)
Lightbulb, Paintbrush, Bow & MePad (Inanimate Insanity)
Sonic, Tails, Vector, Chip, Cream, Chao, Orbot, Cubot, Zavok, Zazz & Tails Doll (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Rosalina, Boo, Count Bleck & Tippi (Super Mario)
Dum Mee Mee (Shopkins)
Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa & Po (Teletubbies)
Oswald The Lucky Rabbit
Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas)
XR (Buzz Lightyear Of Star Command)
Garnet, Amethyst & Pearl (Steven Universe)
Giulia (Luca)
Wall-E & EVE (Wall-E)
Sunflower (Plants Vs Zombies)
Scarecrow & Mad Hatter (BTAS)
Scarecrow (TNBA)
Scarecrow (The Brave & The Bold)
Scarecrow (Arkham Asylum)
Scarecrow (Arkham Knight)
Scarecrow (Injustice 2)
Scarecrow & King Shark (Harley Quinn Series)
Scarecrow (Happy Halloween Scooby Doo)
Ragdoll (The Batman Series)
Question (DCAU)
Harley Quinn (MultiVersus)
SpongeBob, Patrick Star, Gary The Snail & Sandy Cheeks (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Moomimtroll, Moominmamma & Snorkmaiden (Moomin Series)
Numbuh 3/Kuki Sanban, Numbuh 5/Abigail Lincoln, Mushi Sanban, Numbuh 9/Maurice, Father/Benedict Wigglestein & Monty Uno/Numbuh 0 (Codename: Kids Next Door)
The Snatcher (A Hat In Time)
Poppet, Jeepers, Shishi, Sleepypaws, Baby Rox, Kissy, Captain Squirk & Dr. Strangeglove (Moshi Monsters)
Needlem0use & Luther Artwright (Needlem0use)
Pinkie Pie, Apple Bloom & Flurry Heart (My Little Pony)
505 & White Hat (Villainous)
Odie (Garfield)
Lilo, Stitch & Angel (Lilo & Stitch)
Candy Cat & Bunzo Bunny (Poppy Playtime)
F, P & Y (Alphabet Lore)
Rover, Isabelle, Timmy Nook & Tommy Nook (Animal Crossing)
Boo (Monsters Inc)
Orbulon (Warioware)
Felix & King Candy (Wreck It Ralph)
Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
Mio Mao
Edd, Matt, Tom & Tord (Eddsworld)
Tuffy & Tyke (Tom & Jerry)
Roy O'Brien (ROY Series)
Moon Knight (Marvel)
Mama (Cooking Mama)
PukeyHurlC (Grossery Gang)
Toriel, Napstablook, Sans & Papyrus (Undertale)
Jevil (Deltarune)
Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Hex, Tabi, Sunday, Sarvente, Nikusa, Annie, Garcello, Chris, Legacy Annie/Rascal & QT (Friday Night Funkin)
Soft! Boyfriend (FNF: Soft)
Red Guy, Duck Guy, Electracey, Bread Mother & Lesley (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)
Puss In Boots, Kitty Softpaws, Three Diablos & Perrito (Puss In Boots)
Korekiyo Shinguji (Danganronpa)
Dave Algebra Class
SCP-049/Plague Doctor & SCP-999/Tickle Monster (SCP)
Skid, Pump, Robert, Jaune & Streber (Spooky Month)
Shirousa & Kurousa (Sugar Bunnies)
Bingo & Snorky (Banana Splits)
Dr. Nefarious (Ratchet & Clank)
Grim Reaper (Grim Adventures Of Billy & Mandy)
Spot The Dog
Harry Hill, Robert Englund, Charles Martinet & Tom Kenny (Celebrities)
Slushi, Cofi & Bezel (Chikn Nuggit)
Foxy, Funtime Freddy & Sun (Five Nights At Freddy's)
Toothless (How To Train Your Dragon)
Gingy (Shrek)
Neo Cortex, Aku Aku, Dingodile, Lani-Loli & Kapuna-Wa (Crash Bandicoot)
Pipsqueak (The Lorax)
Secret History Tails (Mashed)
Lord X Hog & Curse (EXEs)
Majin Sonic
MX (Mario 85)
Eri, Tsuyu Asui & Ms Joke (My Hero Academia)
Suki (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Sonic (Sonic The Hedgehog Movie)
Shuey Rhon Rhon (Beijing 2022 Paralympics Mascot)
Miraitowa & Someity (Tokyo 2020 Olympic Mascots)
Inky (Pac-Man)
Mirabel Madrigal & Pepa Madrigal (Encanto)
Meilin Lee & Abby Park (Turning Red)
Wanda (Fairly Oddparents)
Bender (Futurama)
N (Murder Drones)
EteleD & Corrupt Mii (Wii Deleted You)
Taki (Friday Night Fever)
Unikitty (Unikitty Series)
Della Duck (Ducktales)
Hypno & Lost Silver/Gold (Pokepasta)
Shinto (FNF: Lullaby)
Pim (Smiling Friends)
Wednesday Addams (Wednesday Series)
Komasan (Yo-Kai Watch)
Sayori & Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Kirby & Meta Knight (Kirby)
Chudd Chudders & DangerGrid Of Doom (Skatoony)
Bendy (BATDR)
Boris & Sammy Lawrence (BATIM)
Tari & Meggy Spletzer (SMG4)
Zardy (Zardy's Maze)
Scar (Alien Vs Predator)
Mugman & Baroness Von Bon Bon (The Cuphead Show)
Charlie Morningstar, Angel Dust & Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)
Slender Man, Splendor Man & Lulu (Creepypasta)
Mario.EXE (Mario's Madness)
Blitzo, Moxxie & Colin (Helluva Boss)
Woolly & Tig
Sam (Trick R Treat)
Hank Anderson (Detroit: Become Human)
Mr. Shark (The Bad Guys)
Charles Calvin, Reginald Copperbottom, Right Hand Man & Dmitri Petrov (Henry Stickmin)
Grogu (The Mandalorian)
Pusheen The Cat
Anya Forger (Spy X Family)
Slappy (Goosebumps)
Zoe Kusama (Criminal Case)
Flaky (Happy Tree Friends)
Pim (Smiling Friends)
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fizzing-imagines · 1 year
Carrie Part 2 | Gareth Emerson x Girly! Cheerleader! Reader
Notes: Did I loosely make reader like Elle Woods? Yes.
Warnings: Pregnancy
Words: 877
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Gareth and you have been together for nine years now and married for five. The two of you remained high school sweethearts, you even convinced him to go to prom with him, and ended up moving to Indianapolis first where the two of you did your bachelors. While you got your bachelor in law, Gareth did his bachelor in teaching. He aspired to be a elementary school teacher, something even you were surprised by when he told you. But you supported him regardless, just how he supported you in becoming a lawyer. When the two of you finished, you moved up to Massachusetts to go to university. Gareth went to Lesley University for teaching, while you actually got accepted into Harvard law. You could believe how you got into Harvard, but Gareth reassured you that he knew. How could they not? Before moving to Massachusetts, the two of you eloped in a courthouse on your way. He didn't want a big, fancy wedding - just you and him.
You finished after three years and started your career as a lawyer, while Gareth had another year to go. But now that you earned money, at least neither of you didn't have to work nightshifts at a shitty diner anymore. A year later, Gareth graduated as well and the two of you moved to Columbus, Ohio to settle down.
And that's where the two of you were. Gareth just got back from work at his elementary school while you had a day off and were relaxing on the couch. To be fair, you had some big news to tell your husband and were still thinking of how to tell him. Today, you found out that you were four months pregnant - and no, you didn't suspect it. You didn't suspect a thing, actually. Of course, you knew how it happened, but you still got your period, had cramps, all the good stuff. It was a sheer accident that you found out during your routine checkup at your gynecologists. Gareth and you have talked about kids in the past, both of you wanted them, but haven't planned anything yet. And that's what terrified you. "Hey baby, how was work?", you said to him while looking up from the TV. He walked over to you, gave you a quick kiss and then sat down next to you. You lifted up your legs so he could scoot closer and you could put your legs on his lap. That's just what he did, and he started caressing your leg up-and-down. "Nothing spectacular, really. Although one of the kids said he'd like to meet my wife." You giggled at that and smiled at him. His face showed a big grin, it always did when he addressed you as his wife. Up until now, even after five years, he grinned like a lovestruck teenager. "Maybe I can pick you up some day, yeah?", you suggested with a smile. Happily, he nodded. "Oh, and another student asked why I don't have a child of my own yet.", he added. Now that struck a nerve with you; you didn't know which one though. "Did they have a theory about that?", you asked. Sometimes, the kids in his class came up with the funniest things. "Nope, just asked straight up. Honestly, I didn't know what to say." Nothing that he just told you made it any easier. Maybe you could just tell him tomorrow? No, you can't do that. "Well, maybe we could change that.", you mumbled, so quickly that Gareth almost didn't hear. "Are you serious?", he asked. All this made you so nervous that you couldn't even look him in the eyes. "We can get started right now, hm?" His hands travelled up your legs, but stopped abruptly at your following words: "We don't have to, it's already done...like, 4 months ago." Your husband looked at you in disbelief. "(Y/N), don't joke about this.", he said, trying to grasp what you just said. "I'm not joking, Gareth.", you replied. He was fumbling for his words before getting out a "How?". It made you laugh. "You know, when a Gareth and a (Y/N) get really frustrated about work, they let it out by-" He interrupted you. "No, I mean...shit, (Y/N), why didn't you tell me?" You started chewing on your bottom lip. "I found out today. Look, I understand if you don't want it, or want a divorce-" Once again, you were interrupted by him. "A divorce? Are you mental?" He pulled you up by your shoulders and placed you on his lap. "This is the best fucking day of my life, (Y/N). I'm just surprised. But I'm gonna be a fucking dad! How awesome is that?" You giggled before kissing him on the lips, a deep, passionate kiss. Once your lips separated, he was grinning at you like an idiot. "Shit, (Y/N), I'm gonna be a dad.", he said again. His eyes got watery, clearly close to crying. "Do we know what's it gonna be?" You shook your head No. "We can find out next month.", you said with a smile. "Great, I already got an idea for a girls name." You raised an eyebrow at him in disbelieve. "Already? Which one?"
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divinefqces · 1 month
⭑ 1980’s names!
name master list ☀️ this list consists of (fem) names that were majorly popular during the 1980s. i will most likely be making a similar post to this eventually including sur names, if you have any suggestions you think would fit well in this list please lmk!
A ; amanda, ashley, amber, amy, angela, april, alicia, allison, alexandra, alexis, alyssa, anne, annie, angelica, angel, angeline, ana, audrey, aubrey, autumn
B ; brittany, britney, brittney, britanny, brandy, brandi, bianca, brooke, beth, brenda, barbara, bridget, bonnie, bonnabel
C ; christina, cristina, crystina, cristinna, christine, courtney, crystal, cindy, cyndi, cassandra, chelsea, catherine, cynthia, carrie, caitlin, caitlyn, cait, casey, candace, christy, colleen, carolyn, caroline, cassie, carla, claudia
D ; diana, dana, dawn, desiree, divine, destini, destiny, deanna, dominique, deborah, danielle, debbie
E ; elizabeth, emily, erin, eren, erika, erica, ebony, evangeline, elsie
F ; fallon, felicia, fern, francine, franchesca, faye, farrah, felicity, fiona, fiora, flora, freya, frey, frida, fatima, florence, frances
G ; gemma, gwen, gwenny, gabrielle, gabriella, gen, genevieve, genette, genesis, gem, georgina, giana, ginny, giselle, gina
H ; hannah, hazel, harriet, heather, hallie, hayley, hailey, holly, hope
I ; isley, ivy, imogen, isla
J ; jess, jessica, jessy, jessie, jessyca, jen, jenny, jenni, jennifer, jacqueline, jackie, jill, joanna, jaclyn, jaime, jamie, jordan, jordy, jordyn, jass, jas, jasmine, jasmin, jazz, jazzmin, jazzmine, jenna, jade, jayde
K ; krystal, kim, kym, kimberly, kymberly, katherine, kathryn, kathy, kat, katheryne, krystina, krys, kryssie, krissie, kristen, krysten, kristyn, katie, kate, kaitlyn, kaitlin, kathleen, katrina, kelsey, kara, kendra, kelly, kelli, kari, kourtney
L ; lydia, lindsey, lindsay, laura, lauren, loren, lauryn, latoya, leslie, les, lesley, leah, linda, lynda, laury, laurie, laurey, lori, latasha, liv, leigh-anne, lacey, lacy, laci
M ; maria, mariah, moriah, melissa, melyssa, michelle, michele, mychelle, mary, marie, monica, monyca, megan, meghan, megyn, megin, melanie, misty, margaret, molly, morgan, monique, miranda, melinda, marissa, meredith, merida, meagan, mallory
N ; nicole, nichole, nycole, nicol, natalie, natalia, nat, natasha, nancy, nina
O ; octavia, odette, odessa, olivia
P ; perrie, priscilla, patricia, pamela, payton, paige, paisley
Q ; quinn, quinnie, quinni, quincy, queenie, quen
R ; rachel, rachael, rachyl, rebecca, rebecka, rebekah, renee, reneé, regina
S ; sara, sarah, steph, stef, stefanie, stephanie, stefani, stephani, samantha, sam, shannon, sharon, stacey, stacie, staci, stacy, susan, susanne, susanna, sandra, sabrina, sheena, shauna
T ; trina, tiff, tiffany, tifany, tifaney, tiffaney, tiffani, tara, tracey, tracy, traci, tina, teresa, theresa, tara, tonya, tamara, tabitha, tasha, tammy, tamika, taylor
U ; unqiue
V ; vera, veronica, vanessa, victoria, vic, vickey, valerie, val
W ; willow, whitney, whit
X ; xandra
Y ; yasmine, yessica, yazzmin, yazzmine, yasmin
Z ; zara, zarley, zarlee, zarli, zarhlee. zoey, zoe
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Mates (Lesley Fic)
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Summary: You and your roommate Lesley didn’t really think through the timing of this hookup.
A/N: It’s about the yearning. It’s about the idiots in love. Couple: Lesley Smith-Juniment/GN!AFAB!Reader (no mention of breasts, pronouns) Category: Smut (NSFW, 18+) Content Warning: Oral sex (AFAB receiving), fingering, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, mutual pining Word Count: 3.3k
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You hadn’t intended to end up in bed with your roommate, but once you were there, you realized that there hadn’t been anywhere else you’d rather be. There had just been something about him that night, with his cheeks tinged like blush roses and his laughter laced with the heavy scent of sweet liquor. His honey irises and sweet scent drew you towards him.
When you’d moved closer to him on the couch, Lesley had not protested the proximity. If anything, he’d moved closer, too. The two of you had spoken about how silly it was that it could still be so cold this time of year, despite the thermostat inside reading a healthy 25°C. You’d taken full advantage of whatever excuse or justification could be thought up, and when you’d run out, you relied only on knowing glances and roaming hands.
You couldn’t remember which of the two of you closed the gap first, but it didn’t seem to matter. Once your lips touched, you’d given up at keeping any sort of score. You were too busy running tongue over pink peach lips, summer sweet and sticky from the spirits. It only seemed sensical, that the liquor would bring you two together again, and again, and again.
When Lesley had broken the kiss, you’d almost protested. But then his hand had found yours, and his eyes had lowered to watch the way your fingertips danced with his before falling into place between the gaps. He’d inspected the way you two fit together like one of his many creations. He’d looked at you like he’d seen the pieces of himself coming together.
You couldn’t remember which of you had closed the gap the first time, but the second time had definitely been Lesley. It had been less prepared, hasty and naive in his excitement. His free hand that’d been too shy to touch you before clumsily clambered to your face, where he’d pulled you even closer.
As you’d struggled to find air between him and his enthusiasm, you’d realized that maybe it had just been your time to go, smothered with the love of Lesley Smith-Juniment. Thankfully, though, he’d disagreed. He’d selfishly wanted to take just a little bit more before he’d let you go again. You’d had no objections.
He’d led you down the hallway of the house you two shared, and you’d sworn you’d never seen it look like that before. You’d looked at the walls, adorned with hand-painted art of every beautiful thing that had ever reminded you of him, and you wondered if he’d also infused you into every part of his world. You’d realized that at some point between the first time you met and he awkwardly shook your hand and that moment, you’d fallen in love with the human embodiment of everything pure.
And, somehow, he’d chosen you, too.
So there you were, caught between silk sheets and a man whose softness the threads would envy. With every eager kiss he granted, you would reward with a smile or a chuckle that was quickly mirrored. The silence was notable, but not unwelcome. Truthfully, you were convinced that if you’d spoken, you might spook the poor doe-eyed boy away entirely.
But then his fingers found their way under the hem of your shirt and you weren’t able to stop yourself from calling his name.
He paused, pulling back to look at you for what felt like the first time. You couldn’t be certain what he saw, but you could be sure that it was something beautiful. Because his lips barely parted to take in a sharp, quick breath that was immediately expended in kissing you again.
Deprived of oxygen and any lingering patience, the two of you got to work stripping the few physical layers that remained between you. Each inch of exposed skin felt like rediscovering yourself after a lifetime of waiting. He said nothing, but every so often he might murmur something that sounded like your name against your skin.
Curiously, once you were finally naked, Lesley didn’t touch you in a lewd manner. Everything about him remained so blissfully innocent, wrapping around your naked form and holding you tightly for a few moments that felt too brief. He drew his nose up your throat and over your chin, taking his time and utilizing every possible tactile signal to cherish you.
You hadn’t intended to fall into bed with Lesley, but he’d clearly been thinking of it as often as you had. There was no other way to explain the tenderness and care with which he touched you. The way drunken, whiskey and honey colored eyes watched your every reaction when his hands finally fell between your legs.
It felt a little bit like Heaven and a little bit sinful when his finger breached your opening, with precious precision but never any pain. He had no reservation or fear, just an unending desire to watch your mouth drop open to make way for lustful sounds of praise.
“You are so wonderful,” he whispered while he watched, and you wondered if he’d even meant to say it at all. But then he continued as his fingers found the place they’d sought, “I want to have you forever.”
And you wanted to tell him that he could have you whenever, forever, however he’d pleased. But you were too scared by the suddenness of the confession and the scent of sweet ethanol to allow yourself to take his words seriously.
You closed your eyes instead. You felt his warmth dissipate as he pulled away, and you thought to yourself that maybe you’d made a mistake in ignoring his honesty.
“Lesley, I—“
The words are cut off by the visceral reaction to his breath on your stomach. But he still paused, waiting for you to look down at him and tell him whether he should stop his descent or the affair altogether. His eyes are glassy with want and with an almost solemn wistfulness. Almost like he’d been looking at you like a dream that he’d only just remembered he would eventually have to wake up from.
You thought of the words you’d meant to say, the brief moment of doubt that had been immediately followed by an even more regrettable ardor to return the confession and join in his catharsis.
Deciding that a healthy compromise had never hurt anyone, you made up your mind.
“I want you, too,” you said, in place of the more honest but more terrifying, ‘I love you.’
But that strange, soft boy smiled at you from between your legs like he’d heard it all the same. His fingers remained gentle and persistent, gently cradling you both inside and out and pressing soothing kisses just above your pubic bone.
He took his time loving and lavishing you, drawing his tongue through the wetness he’d elicited so far and seemingly smiling at the taste of you. There wasn’t a single complaint nor concern as he explored the area well enough to be able to rebuild the scene in his mind whenever he wanted.
Eventually, he took time to create new would-be-memories by pressing his tongue against the small bundle of nerves above where his fingers continued their slow, methodical ministrations. It was odd, how something so calculated could feel so intimate. But it had. It felt like he’d taken to you like one of his equations and he’d returned all of the right answers.
Lesley broke you down in the best ways, and when your legs started to tense and cover his ears, he only pulled them closer with his free hand. Short, blunt fingernails dug into your skin to demonstrate that you were not the only one who sought to be consumed by the other.
You glanced down at him, lost in the throes of passion despite having barely been touched so far, and you wondered how it ever came to be that you were lucky enough to land — completely by accident — into Lesley’s bed. Into his hands and possibly his heart.
That was the last thing you could think before the cosmos collapsed, the tension in your stomach breaking free in the form of his name forced between broken moans. The most bittersweet release, the otherworldly euphoria that meant that you were one step closer to his leaving your body again.
When he pulled away, though, he still stubbornly refused to go far. His lips, still wet with you, left a trail of sloppy kisses up your stomach and over your sternum until he found a comfortable home against your collarbones just like he had before. His arms were more tired, but still just as insistent when they wrapped around you.
“I want you,” he mumbled against your neck, and you felt it in every part of you.
“Still?” you try to tease, but he is not joking when he responds, “Always.”
Your breath caught in your throat, lodged with your heart that had leapt from its place in its pursuit of his. You didn’t speak, choosing not to trust your traitorous mouth not to spill its secrets in case the dam broke. Instead, you took a page from Lesley’s book and let your body say what you were too afraid to.
There was no struggle between your bodies. Your hand wrapped around delicate, silken skin and was rewarded with a low, rolling groan. The kind of wanton sound that somehow seemed both out of place and perfectly at home on his tongue that still tasted like you.
But when he kissed you, you realized that he had made you sweeter somehow.
Although you felt a little bit guilty for not spoiling him as he had done for you, you were also sure he hadn’t minded when you guided him to your entrance. Like always, Lesley’s passion quickly evolved, and he’d escalated your motions exponentially every time he was given the opportunity.
For every inch you lifted your hips, he was ready to meet you halfway until he had nothing left to give and you had nowhere else for him to go. But that stubborn boy persisted in his pursuit to imprint on every inch of you. When his tongue wasn’t tangled with yours, it was marking any skin that you could hide beneath clothing.
You tried not to overthink his mercy; you reminded yourself that he was kind and not conniving in his love. For a moment, you considered asking him to draw his signature with bruises across your neck for the whole world to see that you belonged to him, but then he began to move, and you were too devoted to memorizing that feeling to muddle it with any worries.
His hands caressed your face, feeling the heat at the apple of your cheeks with roaming thumbs. He held you in a way unlike anything you’d ever felt before, and you realized that you never wanted it to end. You realized too late, and your hands couldn’t catch his before your skin was exposed to the air that honestly did feel cold now that you knew the alternative.
“Hold me,” you begged, only to realize that your words had been premature.
His hands had found yours again among the strewn sheets. He clutched them for dear life, pressing the backs of your hands against the bed with everything he had in him. It wasn’t until then that Lesley met your eyes again, with an undercurrent of anxiety but an overwhelming reverence.
His hips moved slowly, drawing out each motion and moan. You took note of the veins in his neck calling out to your lips, and you tried to calm his pounding pulse with gentle brushes and butterfly kisses. The touches tickled, but his chuckle carried a heavy, somber feeling with it.
“Honestly…” he muttered once his little nudges guided you back to him. He lost the words for a second longer, watching you like he was already experiencing the nostalgia from how this would all end.
“Honestly, I’m afraid that I’ll never be able to let you go again,” he whispered.
So don’t, you challenge him with nothing but your stare. Again, it seems like he hears the words through the broken whimpers.
He felt the love flowing out from your fingertips that pressed into his hands. You felt guilty for holding him too tightly, for damaging those hands that did nothing but give. But you also knew he would understand how necessary it was.
The force behind each movement grew to overwhelming levels. Your legs that had been wrapped around his waist slipped and fell to the side, and he took advantage of the freedom it granted him. He held your legs just as delicately as he had everything else, but that time it was in strong contrast to the brutal crashing of hips.
The sounds and heady scent of sex filled the room, and you selfishly thought to yourself that some part of his room should belong to you. It was only fair, you reasoned, that he could give a pillow in exchange for your heart.
Lesley cut the thought off with another clumsy kiss, with teeth clacking together and his breath wetting your upper lip as he struggled to remain composed. He’d wanted to look you in the eyes again first.
Once he did though, he couldn’t stop what happened next. With your hands still in his, he bottomed out inside of you and held himself there. You watched the lights and euphoria dance along fluttering eyelids and dewy, pink cheeks, and were surprised to find yourself falling all the same.
The two of you fell like petals on the wind, unhurried and without anywhere else to go. Lesley managed to stay above you just long enough to watch the last of the display. He felt your body relax, but your hands held on, before he finally let himself let go.
He let go of your hands, but both of you used your newfound freedom to cling to each other in a different way. Lesley shifted so that he could look at the way you smiled when his fingers brushed over your still parted lips.
And you realized that maybe — just maybe — you had always intended to end up in his bed. And perhaps Lesley had intended for you to, too.
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Lesley’s mothers were known for their intuition. Granted, their son had never really been very good at hiding secrets. His emotions had always been embroidered on his sleeve with rainbow-colored threads.
When the two of them had arrived at his house, to meet his new roommate for the first time and to celebrate a recent growth of his business, they had been expecting a few things. Awkward handshakes and insecure wayward glances; perhaps there might even be some stern warnings about the tender-hearted nature of their baby boy.
But it was clear upon arrival that any fear or concern about him was premature, and possibly entirely unnecessary.
Lesley’s mother watched him carefully as he cut the fruit in front of him. Each piece fell casually, with odd ends and disproportionate sizes. The inconsistency didn’t seem to bother him at all. He appeared downright serene, smiling without seemingly being aware that he’d taken on a new neutral expression.
She thought back, trying to find the last time she’d seen him look so… calm.
“You seem less stressed than my son. The one that I’m used to,” she commented.
The comment ripped him from his reverie, but he said nothing. Although, she noticed that he cleared his throat in a failed attempt to hide the way his cheeks turned pink and his breath came faster.
“Is work going well?” she asked.
Lesley quickly nodded, and his mother noted that he spoke faster and with a higher pitch when he had a secret to hide.
“Yeah, I just have more time now. I guess they weren’t lying when they said the more successful you are, the more boring your job becomes.”
Not much had changed since he was a boy. That was alright with her, though. She brushed his hair from his face to take in the sight of her son and all of his shifty glances. He was still smiling, albeit more nervously now.
“I don’t think any normal person would describe that exchange as ‘boring,’ but… I always knew you were at least a little bit exceptional,” she teased. He took the praise graciously, but was immediately surprised to hear the sounds of riotous laughter from the next room over.
The two of them leaned back to see their respective person, lost in the ruckus of their own voices. Lesley’s mother looked away approximately five seconds faster than her son, just so she could catch the way his eyes lit up at the sight of his roommate getting along with the more stubborn of his mothers.
“You seem to have found yourself someone nice to spend the time with.”
“Definitely,” Lesley whispered with an unmistakable fondness. A reverence that could only be described as the most powerful form of love.
But then he noticed the way his mother was looking at him, and pink cheeks turned hot until they matched the erratic slices of apples and peppers on the plate in front of him.
“Definitely nice… to... have a roommate, I mean.”
“Hmmm,” his mother mused with a knowing, scrunched up smile.
“Nothing,” she assured her son, “I’m glad you’re happy.”
She paused when she noticed she’d lost his attention once more. She followed his eyes through the open door to see the others again.
His mother laughed as she took the knife from the hopeless boy to her left.
“And I am glad that your roommate is nice.”
“Yeah,” he said as the happiness spilled from his mouth in the form of a giggle, “Me too.”
Lesley’s mothers were known for their intuition. That was exactly why when they left later that afternoon, they were both exhausted and excited by the events of the day. It had been a good visit. They were proud of their son and the company that he kept.
But still, they found themselves caught in a different set of feelings only halfway related to the young couple they left behind. The two that were awkwardly standing just a little too close on the porch as they waved his mothers off.
“Seeing those two together brings back a lot of memories, huh?” his mother said, suddenly reminded of the days where the two of them had done the very same.
Both of the women recalled with perfect clarity the way that they both would hold hands under dinner tables and sneak kisses in poorly lit hallways.
“Yeah, it does,” her wife replied.
“I remember the days when that’s what we were,” she giggled.
Then, together, they both whispered in unison the word they looked back on fondly.
“They’ll laugh about it, too. One day,” her wife chuckled before interlocking fingers over the center console. They watched the couple disappear in the rear view, and one of them swore that she’d seen her son take his roommate’s hand too.
She almost said something about it, but like old married couples tend to do, her wife interrupted the thought with another astute observation.
“Our son… he’s not the brightest, is he?” she asked.
“No, poor thing is like a golden retriever,” Lesley’s mother answered a little too quickly. The two of them snickered at their shared secret; their knowing of the reason behind their son’s smitten smile.
They were both known for their intuition.
So they knew they were right when they agreed, “He’ll get there, though.”
“Yeah. They’ll get there.
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(Tell me what you thought of this story here!)
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spencers-dria · 4 years
What kind of one-shots would y’all like to see? Currently open to writing for pretty much any MGG characters!! See link on master list for anonymous submissions.
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thatoneguitargirl · 2 years
Yo, I would absolutely kill for some Robin Buckley x fem reader fluff? Thanks!
𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘳 | robin buckley x reader
god am i out of practice. this is severely unedited and lowkey shitty but i’m trying my best
in which robin is a liar and (Y/N) sees right through her
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»»————-  ————-««
“ROBIN. ROBIN. ROBIN. ROBIN.” (Y/N) drones on and on. “Robin, why aren’t you talking to me? Is something wrong? Robin. Robin. Robin.”
“What (Y/N)?!”
“You weren’t talking to me. What’s up?”
(Y/N) slides off the bed to meet where her girlfriend was sitting on the floor. Robin’s eyebrows were scrunched together and she was bobbing her head intently to whatever was playing in the headphones. When she realizes, Robin slips them onto her neck and looks over.
“Nothing. I’m just doing homework,”
(Y/N)’s jaw drops. No way was Robin actually doing homework without being asked. “Liar,” she whispers.
"Yeah-huh,” (Y/N) reaches over and tries to snatch the headphones but Robin dodges. 
The freckled girl tucks her legs and rolls across the room away from her girlfriend. Quickly patting down her pockets, Robin sighs in relief as she feels the cassette player safely in her pocket. (Y/N) stares over at her and scowls. So this is how she wants to play it.
(Y/N) speeds over and attempts to pin Robin to the ground. And she does.. for a good 5 seconds. Suddenly, Robin is kicking and whining, “(Y/N)! Get off of me, right now!”
“Not until you tell me what’s wrong! I can annoy you forever, don’t try me Robin”
(Y/N) reaches for the tape in her girlfriend’s pocket and just narrowly grabs it. Her fingertips brush the edge before she’s dropped hard on the carpet. Her head knocks against the carpet and she yells. “Ow, you’re gonna kill me!”
Robin smirks, “You deserve it for being nosy”
(Y/N)’s face fixes into a pout. She blinks her eyes really fast and looks up at her girlfriend. Robin notices the trick immediately and starts laughing hysterically. Her mouth is wide open and she starts to double over. “Please (Y/N), don’t make me laugh anymore. I’m trying to study.” Robin laughs harder until she’s fallen on the floor. Legitimately convulsing.
“Give it up. You’re so not studying!”
Robin continues laughing, but throws her device over to (Y/N). “Here- take it,” She manages to get out before bursting into a fit of laughter once again.
Face brightening, (Y/N) runs over and pulls the headphones onto her ears. She clicks the play button so hard she almost breaks it, only to be greeted by... Lesley Gore? The girl raises an eyebrow.
“I PROMISE IT’S NOT WHAT YOU THINK! It’s for band! We’re doing a song in band!” Robin immediately ceases her laughter and runs over to steal back the tape. (Y/N) turns away and continues listening. No way. This doesn’t fit a band at all. And… seriously? This for a marching band??
“Oh really,” (Y/N) taunts. “And it’s not that there’s a secret Lesley Gore fan under your ‘i’m cool and different’ persona?”
Robin flushes a deep red, which she thinks she’s hiding well. “Pfft- I would never. That music is so old… and boring… and…”
(Y/N) pushes the headphones to her neck. “And?”
Robin sighs. Resigned, she says, “good.”
“Yeah, actually I find that her music really speaks to me. Plus, I have this theory that she’s secretly a lesbian because who would sing about boys that much. Of course, it was the 60’s and blah blah blah blah”
(Y/N) stopped listening halfway through and just giggled to herself. She was right and now she gets to see her favorite thing, Robin talking endlessly about her hyper-fixations. She watches as her girlfriend’s mouth moves a mile a minute, but (Y/N) doesn’t care about the words coming out. She just wants to admire.
Eventually, Robin has to take a breath for air and (Y/N) takes this as her only chance to speak . “I’m not upset you know.”
Robin cocks her head, “You’re not? Than why did you look all judgy and disgusted?”
(Y/N) smiles subtly. “Just thinking about how my girlfriend lied to be and tried to kill me in the same night. It hurts, you know.” She places a hand to her chest and frowns.
Robin rolls her eyes and holds out her hand. “Toss me the tape. I’ll put it on the speaker so we can both listen.”
(Y/N) clicks the eject button, but nothing happens. She clicks it again. And again. And again. Uh oh.
“I swear to god (Y/N) if you broke my Walkman, I’m gonna kill you.”
(Y/N)’s eyes go wide before she drops everything and bolts from the room.
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