#lesbian romanogers
vaniladraws16 · 2 years
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Natasha entered the shop and was about to start her shift when Wanda Maximoff came out the back and finished her customer.
"Hey, Nat there's a gift for you," Wanda said pointing at the gift.
A bouquet of flowers on top of the desk filled with red roses, tulips, and peonies.
She walked towards them to get a better look and picked them up and smelled them, they were fresh.
A note came with it so she pick it up and read what it said: "I'm sorry I missed you're birthday so late."
A sigh came out of her mouth knowing who S.R. is. Stephanie Rogers new owner of the flower shop next door.
Ever since she owns the place she and Natasha got along with each other very well despite looking different and growing a friendship and slowly making a relationship of becoming well girlfriends.
But Stephanie forget about Natasha's birthday on the third of December and she forgot because she was out of town to visit her mother until Stephanie mentions Natasha to her mother and then remembers it to later find out her birthday has passed.
Nat has already forgiven her but Stephanie has not forgiven herself because of it, first thing when it comes to being lovers is never forgetting their birthday and she fails.
"Wands I'm going next door k?" Natasha said "All right." Wanda said as she headed to Rogers's flowers and entered the place.
Stephanie is working with a customer. "Thank you and come again, next" and Natasha came to the front desk. "Hey, flowers."
"Nat? I thought you were working?" she questions "I was until Wanda told me there were some flowers for me."
"Well do you like them?" "I love them and I forgive you I know how you're mother means to you and busy you were and I didn't want to pressure you that much."
"Still I feel bad forgetting it and my ma even scolded me forgetting for it," Stephanie said.
"Well don't you're ma is you're only family member you have left."
"But-" "No buts young lady all I want to know is how're my flowers visit today," Natasha said bringing a kiss to Stephanie's lips.
So they change the subject to Stephanie's visit and enjoyed there time together.
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thepunkmuppet · 4 months
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i’m sorry ik male-female friendships are important and I do love them platonic but honestly these two are somehow more homoerotic than half the gay ships. and bffr you only think they’re boring because they’re straight, it’s SUCH a good ship and i’ll stand by that forever 🙏
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scarlettblip · 9 months
Natasha: why did you ask me to marry you?
Maria: because I love you
Natasha: you do!?!
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ninazadzia · 1 year
Why I ship Bucklena, and I hope the Thunderbolts movie pairs them together
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Link to the fanmade trailer this screenshot is pulled from here. 
Okay, so I’ll start off by saying this - if the execs at Marvel Studios have the cojones to make Yelena asexual/aroace, like she is in the comics (at least from what I’ve seen online, haven’t read all of the comics so I can’t speak to how canon this is), I am 100% on board, and give the studio a lot of credit for showcasing asexual representation in a *huge* property.
However, as this twitter thread delineates way more eloquently than I could ever hope to, there is a very good chance that either Yelena’s sexuality will not be addressed at all in the Thunderbolts movie, or they’ll pair her in a heterosexual relationship - in which case, if it’s the latter, Bucky Barnes is the obvious (and, imho, only) choice. But before I say anything else, I just wanted to get that out of the way - I am all for asexual representation in Marvel properties, and genuinely, if Yelena being asexual is explicitly made canon in the MCU, I’m on board. *Editing to add, because this was an oversight on my part ~ if Yelena is confirmed as lesbian/bisexual, and the writers decide to pair her with a woman (like, say, Kate Bishop or Wanda Maximoff), I’d support that as well. FOR THE RECORD*
But until that happens ~ Yelena Belova and Bucky Barnes are the best potential pairing in the MCU, imho, possibly ever.
In case you’re new here + haven’t been spammed by the Bucklena fanfiction writing kick I’ve been on these last couple of months - hi, I’m your resident 27-year-old fanfic writer, and I’ve written fanfic for over half of my lifetime, for just about every fandom you can think of. I generally veer towards pairings that are canon-adjacent (not quite crackships, *could* feasibly be made canon, but it likely isn’t gonna happen), and in the MCU have shipped ScarletStrange, Romanogers, Kate Bishop x Peter Parker, etc. Given that Bucky and Yelena are about to be in a movie together, and not currently engaged in existing romantic relationship - of the list of pairings I’ve outlined above, they’re the most likely to wind up having some sort of romantic relationship. And I’mma tell you why I’d be excited to see that happen.
#1) They have similar backgrounds, and can relate easily to one another
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This one is fairly self-explanatory - their stories have obvious parallels. Both were brainwashed by Russian organizations, turned into assassins against their will, and defected/escaped later on in life. While Bucky has displayed clear signs of PTSD, from what we’ve seen, Yelena is a little tougher to read/more stoic, however this could be a front - regardless, their respective ways of dealing with their past traumas could be an interesting dynamic to explore in the Thunderbolts movie, particularly since of the two of them, Bucky is going to take on more of a “Team Leader” role, if you will. Maybe part of Bucky’s job is going to be to get Yelena to open up? Whatever it is, I’m game.
#2) While they have a hard exterior, both are not-so-secret softies, and are sentimental when it comes to their found families
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Case in point: Yelena’s reaction to Alexei calling their family unit back in Ohio “fake,” and Bucky’s reaction to Sam giving up Cap’s shield in Falcon + The Winter Soldier. They’ve both lost so much (their biological families, friends, years of their lives to evil organizations, etc.), and neither of them have much of a support system + family unit. And while that alone shouldn’t be the basis of a relationship, the way they view their “found families,” and the respect they both have for it - Bucky with Steve, and Yelena with Melina, Alexei and Natasha - shows they have similar values, and want the same things, even if they don’t state it explicitly.
#3) Yelena is effortlessly charismatic, and Bucky - while a bit out of practice - can be quite charming, too
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Look no further than Yelena’s scenes with Kate Bishop in Hawkeye, and Bucky in just about all of the first Captain America movie - Yelena isn’t necessarily flirty, per se, but she has a natural charisma that radiates in her conversations. And Bucky, while definitely rusty and in need of some of some practice, is a complete flirt when he’s interested in someone, which could make for some entertaining banter + chemistry between the two. 
And, finally ~
#4) They both deserve love + happiness, probably more than any two characters in the MCU
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This is another one, imho, that’s pretty self explanatory - Bucky and Yelena have both been through A LOT. They’ve both lost people, spent years of their lives brainwashed, and somehow, they’re still standing - and beyond that, they still live by a moral code, and aren’t villains/didn’t allow their traumas to make them evil. They deserve some happiness, and if it’s as a romantic relationship, awesome.
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im-the-letter-t · 3 years
Friendly reminder: Shipping m/f ships does not invalidate the shipper’s queer identity.
And in the case of aroaces, shipping anything doesn’t invalidate them. 
Let people enjoy fiction. 
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deaddpoet · 3 years
"romanogers and brutasha are so cute they should've been endgame 😍🥺🥰 😘"
okay um anyways...
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i was debating whether or not to put maria as demigirl as well but i dunno
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carol, natasha, and wanda if they ever met
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avengers-nextgen · 5 years
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Today’s icons!!!
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tvlifegirl12 · 6 years
Endgame Ships
So as much as I want Romanogers (no canon Clintasha because Clint just lost his family) I wouldn't be mad if Nat and Valkyrie or Nat and Carol got together. And Thor would be their number one support because his friends have found love and happiness with each other.
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the-idea-master · 5 years
3 slots left on half price Comissions
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seas-storyarchive · 3 years
Remember this [Post]? Yeah, I got some changes, some reasons for them, and a long rant. Because of a Certain Character.
I still ship: Romanogers (otp, I feel like they work so much better as a pair as they had actual chemistry and it spanned multiple films. A travesty), Thunderscience (again, better chemistry that with anyone else they could potentially be with. Granted it was mostly in a THOR movie and tidbits from within IW), Danbeau (Harold, they are married lesbians and they have a daughter. I feel like this was part of my lesbian awakening, not because I find the ladies hot - I don't, but that's Ace for you - but the music is just amazing and just the clothes were incredible), Scarletvision (it's not hurting anyone, it's cute, I wish they had more moments together in the main movies)
And my Crackship: Thundershield (it's a fun thing to think about)
Why I don't ship certain ships: yeah.. I don't ship Pepper/T*ny or Ironhusbands. You'll notice a theme here. So rewatching the MCU, I discovered I can't stand T*ny St*rk. I hate his attitude and his actions and the way he treated Parker and Harley and there are A TON more posts going about how fucked up of a person this hypocrite narcissist is. Oh, his parents are dead? Guess who else's parents are dead: early 2000's (Sam Rami) Peter Parker! The BEST Spiderman because he wasn't some rich asshole's spastic teen sugar baby. I guess Garfield's Spidey is cool too, at the time I wasn't into Spidey. (Anyone know where I can watch his movies?)
So I agree with Pietro and Wanda, who wanted revenge on Tony because it was HIS bomb that destroyed their lives, regardless of which fuckers actually used it, they are ACTUAL VICTIMS of his weapons - I feel like even the franchise directors forgot this IMPORTANT DETAIL - so yeah. There's that.
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scarlettblip · 9 months
Maria staring with a blank look
Clint: you’re gonna get herself killed
Natasha: I have no clue what you’re talking about
Maria: your gonna jump out of a plane without a parachute
Natasha: if Captain America can do it so can I
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stephanieromanoff · 2 years
Sexuality headcanon: Lesbian
Gender headcanon: tbh I never really think about this when it comes to characters
A ship I have with said character: BlackHill
A BROTP I have with said character: Nat and Clint
A NOTP I have with said character: Romanogers
A random headcanon: She has no cooking skills
General opinion over said character: I’ll always defend this woman and she’s the love of my life
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caroldantops · 3 years
i always forget that it’s technically not canon that natasha is a lesbian so seeing people, anyone, ship her with men is always so fucking weird to me. like each to their own and all but i cannot take those shippers seriously
sometimes i ship romanogers mainly just in catws era but i also like the idea of steve being nat’s comphet crush
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sapphosvioletts · 3 years
heyy i’m bored af too so here’s some random questions to awnser if you want!
are you going to see black widow? in movie theatre or are you waiting till it’s on disney plus?
would you rather date natasha, or have her be your mom? HAHHA because i struggle with that ALL the time, like i see her as a fictional mother figure and crush at the same time and it’s confusing lmao
do you appreciate people using tone indicators?
what’s your favorite flower and least favorite, if you have one!
favorite food? i’m a really picky eater so i pretty much live off of strawberries, goldfish, and bread haha
is there an mcu character you don’t like/hate? and not odin or thanos 😂 one that just gives you unlikeable vibes
do you ship romanogers? i think nats lesbian personally but i always like hearing peoples opinion on the ships
unpopular mcu opinion? like any marvel opinion that you don’t think is very popular
hope your having a good day!
thank youuuu for sending them in!!
and i really really want to but i hate movie theaters lol idk it might be worth it though since i want to see it so bad. but i'll probably just end up waiting until it comes out on disney plus, unless my friend is seeing it in theaters then i might just go with her
and oooof you really had to ask the tough questions lmaooo but uhh probably mother figure? it honestly depends but usually i see her as a mother figure when writing especially. but i get you on being confused about it, it's weird lmao cause it's hard to pick tbh
and honestly i don't really have an opinion on them. over text it sometimes can be hard to read people's tone, but i don't really have a strong opinion on tone indicators. i think they're a cool thing since they are super useful for some people, but for me personally i don't really care too much. occasionally i'll ask if someone is joking if i'm confused, but it's not too often i don't think. i also just can't remember all of them to save my life, so sometimes it makes it too confusing for me lol
and ooo you just unlocked my tangent lmao so if it wasn't obvious, i love violets lol but besides that, probably lillies bc they smell really good. and maybe gardenias because they're part of the coffee family and i love coffee so i think that just draws me to them lmaooo oh god there's so many i love all flowers we would probably be here forever. tulips are a favorite of mine too, but those ones are more personal to me just bc my grandma loved them before she passed away so they became my favorite because of her. there's also rose named Sexy Rexy and i think the name makes it deserving of recognition even though it doesn't look too different from general roses lol ooooh and bleeding hearts are sooo cool oh and also everyone hates this one, but the titan arum or "corpse flower", it apparently smells horrendous (i've never seen it in person but that's what i've heard lol) and that's why people hate it, but it's huge and rarely ever blooms AND ITS HUGE. but as for my least favorite probably the rafflesia, it just creeps me tf out for some reason lol
and favorite food ummm anything chocolate really lol i'm not a super picky eater but i kind of am? idk there's some foods i don't like like tomatoes or seafood, bUt i usually do stick to my same/safe foods which is currently chobani yogurt and clif bars i basically live off of those lol but usually my same foods are what i eat over and over and over until i get tired of them, so for the past couple months my same foods have been those two things lol but i get the goldfish, they are so addicting lmaoo i like bread too, it depends on what type but i could eat a whole loaf just completely plain out of the bag lol
clint. idk i just don't like him, his vibes for me just aren't it lol
and ehhhhh idk natasha will always be a lesbian to me cause i'm a lesbian and i said so but maybe idk. i'm not against it but idk if really ship them
maybe this is just a twitter discourse opinion, but my maybe unpopular opinion is that captain marvel is an amazing movie, it's my favorite and i can't even tell you how many times i've rewatched it. i love captain marvel and carol so much. but again maybe this is just an unpopular opinion on twitter, not sure if it counts here i don't use tumblr for anything else than fics so i have no clue lmaooo
and i hope you're having a good day too!! thank you so much for the questions it was so fun answering them shsjsk
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margokesses · 4 years
When it comes to the MCU, I'd argue the strongest relationship Steve has with any other character is Natasha but Stuckies will always turn her into a lesbian or a backstabbing bitch or have her away on secret spy business.
No you are exactly right. Like I don't ship romanogers but they def have chemistry and a bond and there's no denying that. And I feel like stickies will make her into a lesbian in order for her not to get in the way of their ship. Also when they don't do much work when they write her as a lesbian? Like there's no side ship with her or anything...
Send me asks
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