#lesbian Lebanon
thatraccoonthing · 11 months
so you like the gay?
Lesbanon attack
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makingqueerhistory · 1 year
Do you know if pride flags are universal? Just wondering if any other countries use flags that have been created there. I'm guessing not because I think maybe we'd see them on Tumblr, but I also realize that lack of evidence on Tumblr doesn't make that a certainty☺️ anyway, I thought this blog would be a good place to ask. Also, I guess where were all the current standards designed?
Depending on what one thinks of in regard to pride flags (the progress flag, the rainbow flag, the asexual flag, etc.) they are fairly universally used. There is photographic evidence of them being used globally to represent queerness around the world!
That being said, there are customizations galore, both to represent individuality and intersectionality. This can mean similar colours but different configurations, additional elements added to flags, or multiple flags melded.
Flags in general usually start with an individual design from an individual person, such as the rainbow flag by Gilbert Baker. But localizing the rainbow design to represent a more specific intersection of identities is relatively common!
While researching, I found this great resource for localized versions of the rainbow flag and their individual uses and meanings: https://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/qq-rb_v.html
Here are some that I enjoyed learning about!
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Dominican Republic gay pride
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Hong Kong LGBT Flag
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Lebanese gay flag (Lebanon)
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LGBT Flag (South Korea)
I want to thank you for asking this because researching it was an enlightening experience for me! I enjoyed learning about it and am excited to share this information!
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queerbit · 1 year
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jammerspyjammass · 17 days
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Spooky girlfriends
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camillustheunwise · 2 months
We need more women centric FVNs for lesbian girlies
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queerism1969 · 5 months
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sidebaxolotl · 2 months
Aight i have created side b celibate lebanon server
-lesbians only
-side b/y Christian
And i specifically mean people who willfully abstain from ssa relationships of any kind and or transition etc/also dont plan to marry a man. If that aint you this is not the server for you. We do not want to tempt ppl into sin
-no politics. Like absolutely none. Dont care what side ur on
I have to keep this post unrebloggable or it runs the risk of becoming unbearable. If ur interested please dm me. I know my dms are goofy sometimes so feel free to send me an ask off anom if dms arent working 4 you!
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mikey-way-enthusiast · 4 months
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaa lesbians
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kerryweaverlesbian · 4 months
Lesbians LOVE to steal and joyride the Impala. Just as we love to steal his look. And we'd steal his girlfriends if they were real.
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I used to drink these at my grandparents house in the dark while wearing vampire fangs and pretend I was drinking blood
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just-rogi · 8 months
We had to do a diversity exercise at work today and the (white) proctor asked all the teachers if we knew anyone who felt like they belonged to two groups… except the entire room was female teachers of color it felt so fucking stupid
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cactuskid99 · 1 year
This is what LGBTQ really stands for :)
L- Lebanese
G- German
B- British
T- Turkish
Q- Qataris
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meiquimesuei · 1 year
Power wants to kiss Kobeni so bad it makes her stupid
Youtube comments drawn
(captions below photo in case you have bad wifi)
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Power: "SO WHAT IF I DO?!"
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(I added some dialogues here that aren't even part of the original comment since I forgot about it, whoops)
Denji: "She's at it again...."
Aki: "Geesauce crust..."
Kobeni: "...what...?"
Watched an RG33 short (https://youtube.com/shorts/3_g2RCQ1u-U?feature=share (their content is good asf I swear) and saw a comment (photo below) which I find quite funny and decided to draw it out because I can and in the process forgot the original last part of the comment.
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queerism1969 · 1 year
A catch-all answer to "Should I go to (insert Middle East country here)?": No, you fucking shouldn't.
TL;DR: It's unsafe. Stay away, no matter what. If you live here, get out.
It is unsafe. It doesn't matter how well you pass, it's unsafe. Even if you've had bottom surgery, are on HRT, it's unsafe. It doesn't matter how deep into the closet you are, if the only people who know you're queer are online. It's unsafe. You could easily be outed, doesn't matter how well you pass, or if you're closeted. This opens the floodgates to harassment, assault, arrest, torture, abuse, even murder. Here, rainbow toys are banned because it's "spreading homosexuality to kids". Now imagine the reception you'll get as an actual queer person.
"Oh, but I want to visit my joyfriend-" Don't. It's unsafe. Help your joyfriend get out if you can.
"Oh, but there's better work opportunities-" Don't. It's unsafe. No amount of money is worth risking your life.
"Oh, but Saudi Arabia said LGBTQ visitors are welcome-" You think they mean it? They don't. It's unsafe.
"Oh but Bahrain is better than the rest of them, gay sex is legal-" They're just better at hiding their queerphobia than the rest of the MENA countries. Don't. It's unsafe.
If you're a queer person looking to visit, don't come here, because... IT'S UNSAFE!
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iwilleaturcurtains · 2 months
I wanna be the kind of gay attractive in a masc white girl. They always look so effortlessly attractive barely having to do shit and they have that aura. They're so fucking fine I don't know if I wanna be them or wanna fuck them. I'm black so if I do try to be masc I'm suddenly a hey Mamas stud bro. I wanna be the gay attractive meter and I've only seen one example of a black girl who doesn't look like she's trying too hard to be masc, it's so effortless on her and it's that girl from black panther. Letitia Wright. She's not even fucking gay tho and idk man I don't wanna cut my hair short.. fuck. Also if u know any gay black, people who don't look like ultra studs and just have a cool vibe going on please please please tell ne
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peachyskyes · 4 months
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Really rushed but have a late night post in honor of ✨pride month🌈
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