#les miserables north american tour
random-ikea-drawer · 2 months
ok so i love les miserables
AND I JUST GOT TO SEE IT FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE NORTH AMERICA TOUR (more specifically Montreal! (yes i flew to an entirely different country to see it)) and i am incredibly attached to enjolras and grantaire so here are just things i saw that made my nails dig into my thighs <3 (not just enjoltaire)
oh my dear months old source of no big sad
this is 90% incoherent rambling (SPOILERS)
- Grantaire had long hair and a long coat i think that deserves its own point
- During Red and Black, Grantaire did the old “Don Juan” with the bottle right in Enjolras’ face (he was not impressed)
- In this same song, Enjolras got really close to R’s face during “don’t let the wine go to your brain”
- Again, in Red and Black, when they tossed Grantaire’s bottle to Enj, teasing him, Grantaire grabbed the bottle in a… way… when he was giving it back to him
- Same song 😭 Grantaire was bouncing on a guy’s lap during the first few verses
- In DYHTPS, Grantaire pulled Gavroche aside away from the students crowding Enjolras (this broke my heart, he clearly loves him and doesn’t want him to be in a war)
- “Glad to do a friend a favor” with a very suggestive hand gesture
- In the “dogs will bark flees will bite”, Grantaire pointed a finger at Enjolras, the former getting real close putting his weapon between them. They got REALLY close
- Gavroche pulled the middle finger at Javert lmao
-Eponine fucking died (i knew that already, seen every bootleg and version available, still hit hard)
- During Eponine’s death Gavroche ran onto the stage, closely followed by Grantaire being held onto by Enjolras
- Gavroche tried approaching Eponine (that’s his sister bro :()) but was stopped and held onto by Grantaire. When she died however, Grantaire quickly bent to hug Gavroche, man the grief was so clear with them both.
- After she died, everyone cleared to their positions but Enjolras and Grantaire, seemingly for Enjolras to try and comfort him, but decided against it quickly and pushed past him. Grantaire placed his hand on his chest in mock offense 😭
- When the attack was about to start, Grantaire mocked and toyed with tied up Javert. When Enjolras called for hold, Grantaire threw his arms around Javert with a “yep!” and cue the battle starting immediately when that happened
- During Grantaire’s verse during Drink With Me, it’s back to Enjolras and Grantaire being center stage. Enjolras approached him, held onto his arm and with the same hand moved up to brush R’s hair, which lead to him breaking off the contact and rushing to the other corner of the stage.
-He was followed by Gavroche, who hugged him from behind and then they both fell asleep next to each other :((
- Gavroche fucking died (i knew he did still heartbreaking) and was caught by Enj, who handed him to Grantaire
- During the Gavroche solo, Grantaire stood center stage looking to the crowd, not even flinching when the gun sounded, only turning around when Gavroche was already at the top of the barricade
- He tried shaking him awake :(( then set him down and stared at him :((
- That was until Marius fell, Enjolras rushing to check on him, making Grantaire rush to his side
- R grabbed onto Enj and they both held the back of each other’s necks,, from my angle it looked like their foreheads touched but idk if they would do that but MANNN
-Enjolras fucking died first (no wtf :(( )
- Grantaire fucking died last (BRO.)
- Everyone fucking died bro
- Except Marius and JVJ of course
- Mr Thenardier, instead of singing “This one’s a queer but what can you do”, sang “This one’s a queer, I’ll try it to!” and dipped a guy in the wedding 😭
- The “to love another person is to see the face of god” line always makes me emotional just :((
that’s it haha hopefully y’all enjoy the ramblings, ty for reading this far, i seriously recommend going to watch it if you can it’s truly the most amazing thing i’ve ever seen man 😭 may be biased but i’m serious
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saw les mis and enjolras died first at the barricade and then all the students followed, with grantaire last.
i think this actually changes the meaning of les amis death greatly. when enjolras dies last, it shows that les amis were a group destined to fail- it didn’t matter if they did or didn’t have their leader, they were never going to win. enjolras was there to keep them together, but it didn’t matter! but when enjolras dies first, it flips it around. les amis failed because they didn’t have their leader, without him they couldn’t keep it together because before his death, they all survived just fine!!
personally, i don’t like this change. it removes some of the futile nature of les amis fight. while in the book they are destined to fail due to the premature nature of their rebellion (the people still lived in fear and didn’t rise with them), this musical choreography implies that they had a chance, or they could have made some difference. but they didn’t! their sacrifice was never going to matter.
anyways maybe i interpreted this all wrong but that was my take.
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I am and always have been a huge les mis fan. Today's my birthday and I wanted to go and see Les Mis again because it's so very important to me. THIS WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!! (9/7/24 Matinee Philadelphia)
my thoughts
-enjolras and grantaire matched each others freak oh my god I love them so much I am unwell. during the barricade scene they pushed their heads together and looked like they was gonna kiss, then enj went to the top and DIED. along with my heart fr
--same with marius and cosette they were both so silly and amazing their relationship is the only thing convincing me that love is real. keep on doing amazing guys <3
-valjean hitting that crazy high note when he said 'took the silver, took MY FLIGHT!!!!!!!!!'' like bro it's giving '' the next day Anatole left FOR PETERSBURG!!!!!!!!!!''
-Marius and Grantaire being silly during red & black. I can't explain you had to be there.
-R was the last one alive at the barricade and he ran up, shouted something, and then died too. :(
-R having a tense moment with Enj and then going off the a corner and hitting his fist on the wall in frustration. And then Gav hugging him omg <3
-did i mention kyle adams grantaire of all time (he signed my playbill😎)
-conclusion: it is my life (i did not live until today) i need to see it again (how can I live when we are parted?)
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clove-pinks · 2 years
I did say I would make a reaction post for Les Misérables musical so here we go! (Photos thanks to my wife's much better phone camera).
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It was tbh a peak experience: the singing and acting was fantastic, I cried many times. My wife went in with much lower expectations and she also loved it and cried many times. Unlike me, she actually has something of a theatre background and has acted in community theatre productions, she praised the blocking of the production and how well it worked with the changing backdrop in certain scenes.
The building where we saw it is gorgeous—I assume "Cadillac Palace" is some later rebranding/sponsorship deal. I didn't expect a lovely and actually palatial interior.
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Here's a shot showing about how close we were to the stage! We could really see the performers emoting, we had great seats and even more centred than the picture appears.
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I wish I could buy a recording of the cast, it was just really really good unlike some other recordings I have found online. As it is I bought a souvenir program, a t-shirt, and a magnet which somehow came to $72 (eh, it was a special occasion).
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rrcenic · 1 year
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astaticworld · 2 years
les miserables north american tour i love you more than anything
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On seeing the 2018 Les Mis North American tour - Mod Fantine
First off, I am going to be talking about everything about the experience. So if you plan on seeing it or have never seen Les Mis in any form SKIP THIS POST! I do not want to spoil anything for you. But if you cannot see it or already know the plot, this is the post for you!
Before I go on I must say that I went to an Accessibility performance. I don’t know what they are called where you are but that’s what my theater called it. This show was for the deaf, HOH and blind. This means there was a small screen that had subtitles and there were ASL interpreters. Hats off to those interpreters, they were subtle but they also gave a performance all their own. They seemed deeply passionate about A) their work and B) the story. While I did not need those accommodations I am so happy to see theater being opened up to everyone. 
Now on with my review!
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The set and general stage design: The show was a bit dark lighting-wise. Les Mis is a darker show, yes, but everything looked like it was happening either evening or midnight. When Valjean is released from prison, it looks like they are doing it in the middle of the night and when Marius runs into Cosette for the first time it looks as if Valjean and Cosette are giving alms at night. 
I know they got rid of the revolving stage but the barricade seemed much sparser and thin. Not a gripe just an observation. I thought they made great use of the space and the set design of the alleys was marvelous. The sewers were excellently staged. The projection made Valjean seem so small and really demonstrated how hard that task was.
I have no idea if this is in all productions but they got rid of the time cards. You know the ones that say ‘Toulon’ or ‘Paris’? I think those time cards explain the story. Imagine if you have never seen the show; it must be confusing to understand the time jumps and location changes. Granted, these time cards were in the program but who is going to remember to look in the program for this info?
Lastly, I love the return to our boi Victor Hugo! They used some of his original art for backdrops and the title is in his original handwriting. I love how this is reconnecting the musical to its origins. It is in less of the big 80s style and more subtle and nuanced. 
Nick Cartell as Valjean: 
10/10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He played Valjean a bit more angry and human. It is so easy to write Valjean off as a saint or a Jesus figure but Cartell’s Valjean was a flawed human. Valjean is always known as super strong and invincible but Cartell gave Valjean a limp after he leaves Toulon. But going along with not being perfect physically this Valjean is also flawed internally.  He doesn’t magically forgive Javert. He still holds a lot of resentment but knows that lashing out is not the solution. When he lets Javert go at the barricade, he doesn’t look like he wants to, but he knows that it isn’t his job to decide who dies.
BUT BUT BUT.........the connection between his Valjean and Cosette was so sweet! He did this cute thing when he first saves Cosette where he touches his nose and then boops Cosette’s nose. This happens several key times in the show: when they first meet, when Javert almost catches them giving alms and when Valjean dies. My heart just melted!!!!! This really cements that this is a father and daughter.  
Continuing on the idea of this Valjean feeling like a real human... when he gets the letter from Marius meant for Cosette he is like WTF my daughter isn’t a little girl anymore. He pauses throughout the song as if he is processing what Marius is saying. He also regarded Marius as if, “I don’t like you but my daughter does and that is the only thing that matters!” Also during his confession to Marius, he looks at him like: “If Cosette is ever unhappy with you, you better bet I will come running back from wherever I am. NO ONE HURTS MY LITTLE GIRL!”
Vocal-wise this man is now my favorite Valjean. His rendition of Bring Him Home was hauntingly beautiful. Bring Him Home is either one of the most beautiful songs or the worst sounding. It is so easy to miss those high notes but Cartell executes this song perfectly. His voice, in general, leans more towards tenor than the traditional baritone. He never screeched his words and his singing sounded effortless and clean. But seriously, if you ever have the chance to hear him sing Bring Him Home you will not have wasted your time in doing so. 
Josh Davis as Javert:
I loved this harsher toned Javert. As the story goes on, his voice ages and he actually sounds tired when he catches Valjean for the last time. We forget that while we see Valjean’s plight, Javert is also being worn down by the cat-and-mouse chase. I heard criticism from the lady in front of me that this Javert was too robotic. Yes, I agree Davis had a slight William Shatner effect to his words, but I do not think this was a mistake. Javert is very much a man who thinks in order to survive in this world one must do X, Y and Z, never deviate from that and be stoic. His baritone vocals were everything to me, it was a clear contrast between and Valjean’s lighter almost tenor voice.
Javert’s suicide was done beautifully. I dare not spoil how that bit was done but it was well executed!
Joshua Grosso as Marius: 
YES YES YES! You know that part in Les Mis where Hugo writes that Valjean sees Marius as a noddle?
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Well, Grosso totally hit that nail on the head. I love how he feels like a real guy in his twenties when he is at the meeting with the other members of Les Amis. He also throws rocks at Cosette’s window... which is so cute. When Cosette leaves her balcony to go down and see him, poor Marius think it means she rejected him and my heart just broke! Marius can be played real foppish and as if he owns the world but this Marius was simply a young man caught up in love.
But, his chemistry with Eponine is to die for! Every Marius I have seen brushes off Eponine and treats her like she isn’t even really a friend. But this Marius and Eponine felt like they had been friends for ages. MUCH LOVE!
Jillian Butler as Cosette: 
I adored this Cosette. If there is one gripe I have about Les Mis the musical as a whole is how little we see of adult Cosette. She is a trauma victim who still sees light and love in the word. Butler as Cosette made the character feel again like a real person. She is scared of Marius when he is throwing rocks at her window. She held on tightly to Valjean when they were giving food to the poor. During the reprise of Heart Full of Love, I have no words to properly explain but she looked and touched Marius in a knowing sort of way. She seemed to be expressing that she had darkness in her past as well and that the grief will pass. I don’t know, this felt like a real character growth moment.
Mary Kate Moore as Fantine: As Mod Fantine, y'all must be wondering what I thought of this Fantine. While this was not my favorite Fantine, I must commend her for playing her much more raw and angry than usual. When the other factory women are accusing her and tormenting her, she fights back. Her I Dreamed a Dream was so raw and angry, it made Fantine less of a tragic waif but more of a tragic fighter. She really tried to survive but in the end, the word is not fair.
Various other thoughts in no particular order:
The caller. You know that bit where the offstage caller goes YOU HAVE NO CHANCE, NO CHANCE AT ALL? This guy really emphasized the part YOU HAVE NO FRIENDS and I was like ‘same bro’.
Bishop Myriel’s overly long note in ‘I have bought your soul for God’. God was more like Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
Gavroche flipping Javert off after Javert says “EVERYONE ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS, CLEAR THIS GARBAGE OFF THE STREETS!” 
Marius accidentally getting caught in the gate when he tries to see Cosette for the first time. Like he is up there singing and then he has to get down and his coat gets caught. Eponine comes over and saves him and Marius looks a little embarrassed but then goes on singing. A+ on that improv!
Valjean singing with Cosette after he helps her with her bucket. I know a lot of productions do this but this Valjean was sort of hesitant like he’s never sung before but then gets used to it and is enjoying it.
Valjean holding Cosette in the air and spinning. Snow falling in the background really made this once cold environment much warmer ironically.
Any and all slapstick from the Thenardiers. 
Valjean pushing Eponine away from his door when she is delivering Marius’s letter. Like, we know that it is Eponine but to him, it is just some rando at the door.
My dad leaning over and asking who the person in the chair dying was. Because Cartell sang the ending song much higher than is traditional and my dad low-key thinking Cosette was dying and panicking.
Marius accidentally coughing in the sewers. The poor guy is pretending to be dead and there is a crap-ton of fog everywhere. Not to mention that this is Denver, Mile High, notoriously high altitude, Colorado. The poor guy had a coughing fit but Thenardier was moving so much you couldn’t really see it. But heart goes out to you! My asthmatic lungs couldn’t do it.
Sidenote: Thenardier playing with Marius’s ‘dead’ body.
The guy who harasses Fantine in lovely ladies and then acts innocent around Javert.... well his actor was also playing a lawyer in the court when Valjean bursts in with his confession. Not a criticism but I just remember thinking Ah so this is your day job, eh?
Valjean hobbling to the table to light his candlesticks before sitting in his chair to die. This was perfect. It made it clear that Valjean was dying because of loss of hope and love, not from disease. Valjean is strong but what changes him throughout the show is kindness and love and when he has lost that, he withers. BUT MY EYES WERE FULL OF TEARS, I JUST WANTED TO HELP HIM!
Enjolras’s body being shown in a cart that pulls into the scene and Javert having Gavroche’s body thrown into the cart as well.
Marius standing farther away from Cosette and Valjean at the end. He knows that this is not really his moment but is there supporting Cosette.
Random old guy who stops Fantine from being harassed at the factory. YES YES YES it shows that while times are rough, there is always kindness somewhere. It really elevates the hope in the show. Like dude, you deserve everything good.  You are the ally everyone needs. It shows that anyone can be a saint and Valjean isn’t the exception.
That bit in the book where Valjean steals the coin from Petit Gervais. I did not know that they added that into the show and I loved it.
Due to the lighting being so dark, one of the main methods of lighting the scene was torches. Now sometimes this felt nice like when the whole town seemingly finds Valjean and returns him to the bishop. It really set the tone of the whole world being against Valjean. But sometimes it set this weird tone of all this happening at midnight.
Top marks to the person waving the big red flag! You go! I aspire to that level of energy in everything I do.
This Grantaire was SUPER nihilistic and I am here for it! Like when he teases Marius for his new love, it almost seemed like ‘enjoy it now because in the end we are all doomed to the abyss from whence we came!’ and then would go back to make sexual jokes and stealing everyone’s drinks. (Some people will disagree but I saw an u/s so his interpretation was perhaps VERY different than what you saw)
This Enjolras was super obsessed with this revolution. People always ship Grantaire and him and here there were 0 shippable moments. When Enjolras says “Grantaire put that bottle down!” he sounded kinda angry. “BRO CUT IT OUT! MY ONLY LOVE IS FREEDOM, QUIT USING THAT BOTTLE AS A PHALLIC SYMBOL OR I WILL PERSONALLY COME OVER THERE AND TAKE IT FROM YOU!” (again I saw an u/s which may account for the difference in performance).
EMPTY CHAIRS AT EMPTY FRICKIN TABLES!!!!!!!!!!!!! That scene got me so hard! When the women are singing Turning, they leave candles on the ground and Marius hobbles in. Then the ghosts of his friends pick the candles up and carrying them off. Enjolras is the last to leave and he shares a long look with Marius as if to say it’s all on you, buddy. Marius grabs his candles and holds it like a glass and raises it to the Heavens, then the spotlight goes out and all we see is the candle before he blows it out. POWERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All in all, I would describe this tour and version to be the most realistic and human. If you read closely I used words like human and flawed. This version made it clear while there may not be any saints, there are saint-like people and we should all try out best to be our best selves. This has become my favorite production. This version felt fresh and as if this could be anyone’s story. This isn't just some 19th-century French story but a story for the modern person. It speaks to the idea that times can be hard but in the end, if we show kindness, we can all get through this life a little easier.  I first saw this show in 4th grade and now a uni student I can see why this show made such an impression upon my 9-year-old self. This is truly a story that transcends time and I am so honored to have seen it again. 
If you saw it what did you think? Do you agree or disagree with anything I said and if so why? 
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The next Dmitry should be Joshua Grosso or Gabriel Sidney Brown from the Les Mis North American tour so jot that down
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another-chorus-girl · 4 years
Tagged by @agentlemansguide​ !
I’m an essential service worker, so fortunately I still have a job. Unfortunately I have a job during a global crisis.
My parents are around, dad’s retired and my mom’s work is non essential, so she has to wait it out at home until this is all over. Along with their animals I have my dog here with me.
I suppose so
I was going to take my mom to a Stars on Ice figure skating show as a Mother’s Day gift and that’s been cancelled :(
Also also I have tickets for the Les Miserables North American tour in July and while they haven’t publicly said anything I have a bad feeling it’ll be cancelled too :’’’(
Quite a few actually, gotta love Netflix! I’ve binged all four seasons of Lucifer, started watching Doctor Who (Ninth Doctor), and just reached season two of Broadchurch. Hunters is a pretty good show too on Amazon
Mostly movie marathons of Harry Potter and Star Wars that have been popping up on tv. But I’ve been on a bit of a David Tennant binge lately, so a couple things he’s been in like Fright Night (2011) and Bad Samaritan have peaked my fancy <3
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Usually it’s either Queen or musical theatre soundtracks
Many! But I haven’t picked up one in awhile, I’m still reading The Mermaid’s Daughter by Ann Claycomb
I suppose not watching the news so much to get away from the negativity. Distract myself with a new tv show or something to forget about what’s happening in the world. Been working on more Funko Pop customs I’ve been making for my side business @thebhpopshop​ so alot of crafting really.
Anyone interested is tagged but here’s a few names!
Tagging: @filthybonnet​ @vincturi​ @jennyfair7​ @ilustrariane​
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ofbeautsandbeasts · 6 years
Recap of my week spent with Timebird84 and her bf
(Firstly, I apologize for the vagueness concerning my location. I’m just not ready to reveal to the public where I live. ^.^;)
10/17 Wednesday
Their Greyhound Bus broke down within an hour of departing Chicago
That meant no Chicken & Waffles for dinner
Instead we had Five Guys
10/18 Thursday
Visited the Antique Mall
Ate homemade PB&Js for lunch at the top of a parking garage. It was their first time eating them, which surprised me because I thought PB&Js were fairly common but I guess it’s mostly a North American thing?
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Walked around a cemetery
Cooked collard greens, cornbread, and babyback ribs for dinner
Watched that abomination known as Rat Phantom
Scratched our eyes out
Carved some pumpkins 🎃
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10/19 Friday
Walked around a university
Went bowling
I got @timebird84 to try sushi for the first time! XD
10/20 Saturday
Did an underground tour
Hiked up a monument and it wiped me out
Had Ethiopian for dinner, which was another first for @timebird84. It was most delicious *drools*
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Drove to the middle of nowhere to enter a Haunted House 👻
Didn’t survive 💀
Watched Les Miserables (1998) and I fell in love with Geoffrey Rush all over again 😍
10/21 Sunday
Drank bubble tea after having brunch. I was so proud of @timebird84 for actually sipping up all her tapioca (considering it was only her second time having boba in her life) XDDD
Drove to a forest and climbed another tower
Watched Psycho (1960)
10/22 Monday
Ate breakfast at Cracker Barrel, which made them feel like they were REALLY in America. 😂
Went shopping at such places as Michaels, Jo-Ann, Halloween City, Spirit Halloween, Wal-Mart, etc. I bought all kinds of goodies, including this adorable seal named Pierre. 😍
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Visited a State Park and climbed much shorter towers
Had @timebird84’s Potato Stew for dinner and it was scrumptious
Watched Psycho 2 because I actually prefer it to Psycho and it gives me feels 😢
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10/23 Tuesday
Woke up early and ate breakfast at Waffle House
Dropped them off at the Greyhound station
Became a lonesome recluse again 👾
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mmeaninglessnamee · 6 years
Every movie I have seen (as of August 2018)
Here’s every movie I have ever seen, at least the ones I’ve remembered, I know I’m missing some.
Harold Lloyd – Safety last
Marx Brothers:  A night at the Opera
Marx Brothers:  A day at the races
Marx Brothers:  a day at the circus
October Sky
Monty Python’s Holy Grail
Monty Python’s Meaning of Life
Monty Python’s Life of Brian
The Fugitive
Field of dreams
Major league
2001 a space odyssey
Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory
Galaxy Quest
Star Trek The Motion Picture
Star Trek the Wrath of Khan
Star Trek the Search for Spock
Star Trek the Voyage Home
Star Trek the Final Frontier
Star Trek The Final Frontier
Star Trek Generations
Star Trek First Contact
Star Trek Insurrection
Star Trek Nemesis
Star Trek (Reboot)
Star Trek Into Darkness
Star Trek Beyond
Blazing Saddles
Young Frankenstein
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
The great escape
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
Home Alone
Where eagles dare
Happy Gilmore
War of the worlds (2005)
The Avengers
Captain America
Ed Wood
Plan 9 from Outer Space
The Sidehackers [MST3K]
Manos: the Hands of Fate [MST3K]
Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Arc
Indiana Jones The Temple of Doom
Indiana Jones Last Crusade
Indiana Jones The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation (1989)
The Hobbit (animated)
The Lord of the rings pt . 1 (animated)
The Lord of the rings pt . 2 (animated)
The Hobbit 1
The Hobbit 2
The Hobbit 3
TLOTR Fellowship
TLOTR Two Towers
Star Wars IV
Star Wars V
Star Wars VI
Star Wars I
Star Wars II
Star Wars III
Star Wars VII
Star Wars VIII
Harry Potter 1
Harry Potter 2
Harry Potter 3
Harry Potter 4
Harry Potter 5
Harry Potter 7-1
Harry Potter 7-2
Ben Hur (original)
Ben Hur (1959)
Fantasia 2000
Spy Kids
Spy Kids 2
Spy Kids 3
Pirates of the Caribbean
Pirates of the Caribbean 2
Pirates of the Caribbean 3
Blues Brothers
The Big Lewbowski
Mad Max Fury Road
Mad Max (Original)
The Martian
Finding Nemo
Toy Story
Toy Story 2
Toy Story 3
Monsters Inc.
A Bug’s Life
The Incredibles
National Lampoon’s Family Vacation
National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
The Santa Clause
The Santa Clause 2
It’s A Wonderful Life
Miracle on 34th Street
Gideon’s Trumpet
V for Vendetta
Napoleon Dynamite
Olive the Other Reindeer
Superman 2
Man of Steel
Spiderman 3: Edgelord Peter Chronicles
To Kill a Mockingbird
Ocean’s 11
Men in Black
Men in Black 2
Slumdog Millionaire
My Cousin Vinnie
Shawn of the dead
Jurassic Park
The Lost World
Jurassic Park 3
Jurassic World
Mrs Brisbee and the Rats of Nimh
High School Musical
Midnight in Paris
Godzilla vs Mothra or some shit like that, it had GZ and Mothra in it, ok?
(American) Godzilla
Back to the Future
Back to the Future 2
The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight Rises
Alien vs Predator
The Prestige
The Terminal
12 Angry Men
Minority Report
James Bond Live and Let Die
James Bond Casino Royale
James Bond Skyfall
Airplane 2
Naked Gun
Naked Gun 2 ½
Naked Gun 33 1/3
Pink Panther
King Kong (Peter Jackson)
Hotel Rwanda
Groundhog Day
Ghostbusters 2
Ghostbusters (female reboot)
Pan’s Labyrinth
Night at the Museum
The 3 Musketeers
Paul Blart Mall Cop
Cloud Atlas
The Sandlot
The Road to El Dorado
Chicken Run
Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit
She’s the Man
101 Dalmatians
20,000 leagues under the sea
Zorro (original)
The Absent-minded professor
Mary Poppins
Herbie the Love Bug
Herbie 2
My Side of the Mountain
Race to Witch Mountain
The Wizard of Oz
The Wiz
Honey I shrunk the kids
Honey we shrunk ourselves
Honey I blew up the baby
Cool Runnings
Angels in the Outfield
Field of Dreams
The Lion King 1 ½
The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride
Inspector Gadget
The Princess Bride
Treasure Planet
The Rookie
The Simpsons Movie
Pokemon the first movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back
Pokemon 2000
Pokemon 3 Spell of the Unown
Pokemon 4ever
Pokemon  Heroes
Pokemon Mewtwo Returns (technically a special, not a movie)
Pokemon Jirachi Wish Maker
Pokemon the rise of Darkrai
Pokemon Giratina and the Sky Warrior
Pokemon Arceus and the Jewel of Life
Pokemon Black
Pokemon White (80% the same as Pokemon Black)
Pokemon Kyurem vs the Swords of Justice (and that’s the most recent one I’ve watched)
Ice Age
Ice Age 2
Ice Age 3
Iron Man 1
North by Northwest
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Captain America
Love Live the School Idol Movie
Your Name (Kimi no Na Wa)
The Garden of Words
5 Centimeters per Second
The Place Promised in our Early Days
Voices of a Distant Star
Children who chase Lost Voices/Journey to Agartha (Hoshi o ou kodomo)
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
Howl’s Moving Castle
Kiki’s Delivery Service
Princess Mononoke
A Silent Voice
Napping Princess [Ancien & the Magic Tablet]
Interstella 5555
Marie and the Witch’s Flower
The Sting
Apollo 13
Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
Rear Window
The Birds
This is Spinal Tap
The Iron Giant
The Hunger Games
Supersize Me
Africa Screams
Office Space
Dr. Strangelove, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Freaky Friday (remake verson)
National Treasure
National Treasure 2: Sean Bean dies this time
The Da Vinci Code
Angels and Demons
A Christmas carol (old version)
A Christmas carol (the one with Patrick Stewart)
A Christmas Story
Oz the Great and Powerful
The Wizard of Oz 3: Dorothy Goes to Hell (cinemassacre)
Kung Fu Panda
Super 8
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World
Talledega Nights
Crocodile Dundee
Crocodile Dundee 2
Romancing the Stone
Like Mike
Space Jam
Looney Toons Back in Action
Scooby Doo Ghoul School
Scooby Doo Reluctant Werewolf
Scooby Doo on Zombie Island
Scooby Doo and the Witch’s Ghost
Scooby Doo and the Alien Invaders
School of Rock
The Polar Express
The Bad News Bears (original)
The Dream Team
The Gods must be Crazy
The Gods must be Crazy 2
American Tale
The Dark Crystal
My Friend Martin (Animated MLK jr. history lesson thing)
Jakob the Liar (Holocaust story about a man in a ghetto claiming he has a radio, remake of a 70’s east german version of the same story)
The Devil’s Arithmetic
Man of Marble (1977) (Polish film)
Doctor Strange
Wonder Woman
U2 3D
A Hard Day’s Night
The Beatles: Eight Days A Week (touring documentary, 2016)
Yellow Submarine
Stop Making Sense
Mama Mia!
Valerian and the City of 1000 Planets
Il Boom
Lost in Translation
House of Flying Daggers
Edge of Tomorrow
Pacific Rim
The Post
Evan Almighty
Bruce Almighty
Ace Ventura Animal Detective
Ace Venture Pet Detective
Despicable Me
Get Smart
Over the Hedge
March of Penguins
The African Queen
Girl, Interrupted
Around the World in 80 Days (Jackie Chan version)
Chicago (the musical)
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Osmosis Jones
Les Miserables (2012)
Singing in the Rain
West Side Story
Mary Poppins
The General (Buster Keaton)
Little Big Man
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
O Brother Where Art Thou
Beowulf (2007)
The Maltese Falcon
The African Queen
The Rocker
It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World
The Same Moon (La Misma Luna)
The Secret of Roan Inish
Charlotte’s Web
The Three Musketeers
Dr. Doolittle
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea [I do not remember this at all]
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs [I do not remember this at all, either]
101 Dalmatians
Aladdin and the King of thieves
Sweeny Todd
[That bad vampire movie I saw at a party in like 2012]
[That other MST3K sci-fi movie about the bodyswap]
Tekken: Blood Vengence
Jason Borne (2016)
Metropolis (2001, anime)
Pay It Forward
Sister Act 2
(some shitty bullying movie)
The Atomic Brain [MST3K]
Dallas Buyer’s Club
Seven Samurai
Magnificent 7 (1960)
A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum
Cinderella (Disney)
Ever After: A Cinderella Story (1998)
The Music Man
The King’s Speech
The Great Dictator
Kiss me Kate
Pirate Radio
Wrongfully Accused (Leslie Nielson)
(Huck Finn movie)
Modern Times
Abbot and Costello Meet Frankenstein
Metropolis (1927)
Funny Farm
The Black Stallion
National Velvet
Bionicle: Mask of Light
Arsenic and Old Lace
Unaccompanied Minors
Isle of Dogs
A Quiet Place
Loving Vincent
How to Train Your Dragon
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Ghost in the Shell (1995)
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Samurai Cop (1991) [Rifftrax]
Birdemic: Shock and Terror [Rifftrax]
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Oh Lucy!
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Abridged
The Thief Lord
Breaking Away (1979)
Fright Night (2011)
Sharknado [Rifftrax]
The Incredibles 2
Mongolian Ping Pong
The Gold Rush (Charlie Chaplin)
City Lights (Charlie Chaplin)
City Slickers
(Escape to) Victory (1981)
The Phantom of the Opera
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Fireworks: Should we watch them from the bottom or the side? (2017)
Ed Edd and Eddy’s Big Picture Show
The Color of Friendship (2000)
The Wolverine (2013)
Codename: Kids Next Door – Operation Z.E.R.O.
Incredibles 2
Shawn the Sheep
Mutiny on the Bounty
Happy Death Day
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jail-pat · 7 years
Les Miserables North American Tour 2017
Let others rise To take our place Until the earth is free!
Enjolras: Matt Shingledecker
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VIOLENTLY reenacting gavroches death and kyle adam's grantaires reaction in a public park in the dead of night... don't look at me like that lady
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mywolfsmile · 7 years
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Javert in the North American Tour of Les Miserables
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kelleyandmickey · 5 years
November 10, 2019
It’s been awhile since I updated. Sometimes, so much is happening that I just forget to document it.
Lots has happened. I am no longer the lowest in seniority (woo!), with 3 new arrivals and 2 departures in the last month. That also means I am no longer the last one to leave every night, and I have started to get a few opening shifts, rather than closing every night. Ya girl is moving up the ladder :) 
I went to Universal a second time (this time with Debbie) to ride the new Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure roller coaster, and it BLEW MY MIND! Probably the best theme park attraction I have been on. Completely worth the 1 hour, 40 minute wait. I’d do it again in a second.
With my Entertainment class, I got to go on an incredible 2 1/2 hour backstage tour of one of my favourite shows on Property: Fantasmic! It was amazing! I can’t divulge too many details, because you know, magic, but what I can say is: wow! The inner workings of that show are something else. It continues to be my dream job.
On October 23, I had what had to have been one of the best days I could have possibly asked for. For real. If I was told I had one day to live and could do anything I wanted, the events of October 23, 2019 would have been that day. I went to Magic Kingdom with my German friend, Jenny. We rode Jungle Cruise, Splash Mountain, Haunted Mansion... Pure bliss. Followed by a lovely lunch at a bucket list park restaurant: Be Our Guest. It was absolutely lovely, the atmosphere is really something to behold, and the food was probably the nicest quick service meal I have eaten at a park. Following that fun morning, I went back to my apartment for an afternoon nap (anyone who knows me knows how much I love a good nap). In the evening, I went with Disney housing to see the North American tour of Les Miserables, and it was positively divine. I could not have asked for a better day. 
October 26 marked 2 months since I arrived. It really feels like 2 years. So much has been packed into these 2 months! I celebrated the day at Magic Kingdom with my awesome British friend, Holly. We ate at Pecos Bills and took one last look at the spooky halloween decorations.
The Epcot Food and Wine Festival is swiftly coming to the end, and I finally got a chance to get out and enjoy some of it before work with Kris from the pavilion. I had some amazing noodles from Germany and so much more! Definitely glad I did it!
This past week, I went on a mini road trip to St. Petersburg (about 90 minutes away) with Justine to see the National Tour of We Will Rock You, directed by my old boss and frequent cohort, JP. Our dear SBT buddies Danny (who will always be my Bert <3), Michelle and Joy were on the tour. After the show (which was face-meltingly awesome sauce!) we went out with them to an all-night diner for amazing food and chatting. I had been feeling homesick, and it was an absolute joy to hang out with some people from home. 
I can’t lie, this week in particular has been really hard. Financial issues have caught up with me, and I was facing the possibility of having to end my program early. My family has been incredibly, ends of the earth supportive, and I don’t think I can ever thank them enough for how much they have done for me in order to make this year work. I am pulling up my socks, and am going to work hard to make my financial situation more stable, and be able to stay here. I am determined to make this the best year of my life.
Also, I am sick again. Oh yay. Being around kids all day, while fun, is detrimental to my health, haha.
Other big news: our Norwegian roommate moved in with one of her friends, leaving an empty bed in our room. And I am excited to announce that that bed will be filled by: Taylor! We are going to be roommates at last!
This week, Heather is here! I am excited to have someone from home to visit. We are hitting Studios tomorrow with the rest of the holiday weekend crowds. Wish us luck!
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Jonathan Groff Signs on for SONDHEIM ON SONDHEIM at The Hollywood Bowl; Cast Complete!
The Hollywood Bowl has announced that Sarah Uriarte Berry, Philip Boykin, and Jonathan Groff will complete the cast for a benefit performance of SONDHEIM ON SONDHEIM, with music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, conceived and directed on Broadway by James Lapine.
The production also features previously announced Lewis Cleale, Carmen Cusack, Claybourne Elder, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Ruthie Ann Miles, Matthew Morrison, Solea Pfeiffer, and Vanessa Williams, and will have one performance only, on Sunday, July 23, 2017 at 7:30pm. The Hollywood Bowl production benefits the LA Phil's flagship program, Youth Orchestra Los Angeles (YOLA), and other LA Phil educational initiatives.
SONDHEIM ON SONDHEIM will be directed by Sarna Lapine with Gustavo Dudamel conducting the Los Angeles Philharmonic and YOLA, who will join the show to perform "Children Will Listen" alongside the LA Phil. The production will be choreographed by Michele Lynch with lighting design by Ken Billington, in addition to new orchestrations by Michael Starobin, arrangements by David Loud and video created and designed by Peter Flaherty.
From Follies and Into the Woods to A Little Night Music and Sweeney Todd, Stephen Sondheim's umpteen Broadway masterpieces assure him a permanent spot among the very top creators of the American musical. Audiences will not want to miss this "funny, affectionate and revealing tribute to musical theater's greatest living composer and lyricist" (USA Today), a musical revue-style journey through the extraordinary life and career of Stephen Sondheim.
SONDHEIM ON SONDHEIM will have one performance only at the Hollywood Bowl this summer - Sunday, July 23, at 7:30 PM.
Sarah Uriarte Berry Broadway: The Light in the Piazza - Lincoln Center Theater - OBC recording (Drama Desk, Outer Critics Circle nominations), End of the Rainbow, Next to Normal, Taboo - OBC recording, Beauty and the Beast, Les Miserables. Other NY includes Cinderella (NYC Opera); Encores! The Boys from Syracuse, Encores! Tenderloin - (cast recordings). National Tours: Carousel (Drama-Logue Award, Ovation nom.), Sunset Boulevard, Les Miserables. Regional includes Show Boat (Goodspeed), Master Class (Paper Mill), A Little Night Music (Kennedy Center and Baltimore CenterStage), Bernstein's Mass at Carnegie Hall - cast recording (Baltimore Symphony) and with Philadelphia Orchestra, My Fair Lady (Symphony Silicon Valley), Just Judy(Cape Symphony). Soloist with symphonies across the U.S. Film/TV: Frontera, Pretty Bird, The David Letterman Show, Six Degrees, Law and Order Criminal Intent, The Light in the Piazza (PBS Live from Lincoln Center).
Phillip Boykin is a 2012 Tony Award, Drama Desk and Outer Critics Circle Awards Nominee for his work in The Gershwin's Porgy and Bess. He is the 2012 Winner of a Theatre World Award as well as the International Reviewers of New England Awards and The Distinguished Alumni Award from The Hartt School. Phillip is a native of Greenville, SC who now resides in NJ. Other performances include the Broadway Revivals of On the Town and Sunday in the Park with George, the roles of Joe in the National Tour of Show Boat and at several Regional theaters including Sacramento Music Theater, The Pirate King/Samuel in Pirates of Penzance NY City Center and Barrington Stage, Ken in Ain't Misbehavin', Crown/Jake in the opera Porgy and Bess, Tarquinius in The Rape of Lucretia, Caiaphas in JCS, and Jesus Christ Superstar Gospel, the Harlem Gospel Singers, Fred in Smokey Joe's Cafe?, and Don Alfonso in Così fan tutte, to name a few. Phillip performed as Booker T. Washington in the Anniversary Concert of Ragtime at Lincoln Center. He also made his Carnegie Hall debut in Broadway Classics. Boykin portrayed the role of Big Hand in the movie Freedom starring Cuba Gooding Jr. and Sharon Leal. Recently The Driver in Top Five, a movie starring, written, and directed by Chris Rock, Caiaphas in John O'Boyle's Easter Mysteries, and he was featured as the cover story of Classical Singer magazine. He's a graduate of the University of Hartford's Hartt School of Music in CT; he also studied Jazz and Vocal Performance at SC State University, Howard University, and the NC School of the Arts. Phillip has toured throughout Europe, Asia, Australia, Russia, Poland, and North America.
Jonathan Groff Since Jonathan Groff's award-winning breakout out performance in Broadway's Spring Awakening in 2006 (Theatre World Award winner; Tony Award, Drama Desk Award, Drama League Award nominee), his resume has not only expanded in theater, but also memorable performances in film and television.
This fall, Groff will star in David Fincher's highly anticipated new series Mindhunter, which will launch on Netflix in October. Last July, Groff reprised his starring role as Patrick in HBO's Looking: The Movie, alongside Murray Bartlett, Russell Tovey, and Derek Phillips. In the summer of 2015, Groff originated the role of King George III in the Pulitzer Prize-winning production of Hamilton on Broadway. He received a Tony Award nomination in the category of "Best Performance by an Actor in a Featured Role in a Musical" for his performance. The musical, written by Lin-Manuel Miranda, won 11 Tony Awards that year, including "Best Musical," and also won the "Best Musical Theatre Album" Grammy for the original cast recording.
On screen, Groff voiced Kristoff, the male lead in the Disney animated film Frozen. The film won both an Academy Award and a Golden Globe Award for "Best Animated Feature Film." He also appeared in American Sniper alongside Bradley Cooper. The film earned an Academy Award Nomination for "Best Picture."
In 2010, Groff appeared as the recurring character Jesse St. James on the Emmy and Golden Globe award-winning show Glee, created and produced by Ryan Murphy.
Groff's additional theater credits include: Encores! Off-Center: A New Brain(City Center), The Bacchae (Delacorte Theatre); Hair (The Public Theatre); The Submission (MCC Theatre); Craig Lucas' The Singing Forest (The Public Theatre) and Prayer for my Enemy at Playwrights Horizons (Obie Award winner); Deathtrap (West End); and Red (James Bridges Theatre, Los Angeles). Other film credits include: C.O.G., The Conspirator, Twelve Thirty, and Taking Woodstock. Other television credits include: Boss, The Good Wife, The Normal Heart, and Looking.
James Lapine has collaborated with Stephen Sondheim on Sunday in the Park with George, Into the Woods, and Passion. Along with creating Sondheim on Sondheim he also directed the HBO documentary Six by Sondheim. He has been the recipient of the Obie, Drama Desk, Tony, Olivier, Evening Standard, and Peabody Award, as well as the Pulitzer Prize.
Stephen Sondheim wrote the music and lyrics for A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (1962), Anyone Can Whistle (1964), Company (1970), Follies (1971), A Little Night Music (1973), The Frogs (1974), Pacific Overtures (1976), Sweeney Todd (1979), Merrily We Roll Along (1981), Sunday in the Park with George (1984), Into the Woods (1987), Assassins (1991), Passion (1994), and Bounce (2003), as well as lyrics for West Side Story (1957), Gypsy (1959), Do I Hear a Waltz? (1965), and additional lyrics for Candide (1973). Side by Side by Sondheim (1976), Marry Me a Little (1981), You're Gonna Love Tomorrow (1983), Putting It Together (1993/99), and Moving On (2001) are anthologies of his work as composer and lyricist.
For films, he composed the scores of Stavisky (1974) and co-composed Reds(1981), as well as songs for Dick Tracy (1990). He also wrote the songs for the television production Evening Primrose (1966), co-authored the film The Last of Sheila (1973) and the play Getting Away with Murder (1996), and provided incidental music for the plays The Girls of Summer (1956), Invitation to a March(1961), Twigs (1971), and The Enclave (1973). Saturday Night (1954), his first professional musical, finally had its New York premiere in 1999. Sondheim is on the Council of the Dramatists Guild, the national association of playwrights, composers, and lyricists, having served as its President from 1973 to 1981.
Subscriptions and single tickets for performances during the Hollywood Bowl 2017 summer season are available at HollywoodBowl.com, or via credit card phone order at 323.850.2000, and in person at the Hollywood Bowl Box Office. For further details or questions, call 323.850.2000 from 10am - 6pm daily, or visit LAPhil.com.
One of the largest natural amphitheaters in the world, with a seating capacity of nearly 18,000, the Hollywood Bowl has been the summer home of the Los Angeles Philharmonic since its official opening in 1922, and plays host to the finest artists from all genres of music, offering something for everyone. It remains one of the best deals anywhere in Los Angeles; to this day, $1 buys a seat at the top of the Bowl for many classical and jazz performances. In February 2017, the Hollywood Bowl was named Best Major Outdoor Concert Venue for the thirteenth year in a row at the 28th Annual Pollstar Awards. For millions of music lovers across Southern California, the Hollywood Bowl is synonymous with summer.
Photo Credit: Walter McBride
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