#les Vandales
lejournaldupeintre · 2 years
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Joseph-Noël Sylvestre (French, 1847-1926) Le Sac de Rome en 410 par les Vandales, 1890 Musée Paul Valéry, Sète, France
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June 28/29, 2023 - Youths in France use the riots over the police murder of 17-year old Naël M. to take out CCTV cameras in their neighbourhoods. [video]/[video]/[video]
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nothingexistsnever · 6 months
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fluentisonus · 1 year
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nextposition1 · 9 months
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Free party/Dassin père et fils/Jamais le dimanche/Nuit des vandales/Ciné-mental/Regarder la musique en bleu ciel/Cadeau
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sesiondemadrugada · 2 years
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The Mystery of the Eiffel Tower (Julien Duvivier, 1928).
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nervou5wr3ck · 2 years
The Gang Running Away from a Bad Guy 
Vandal: Dammit he’s going to get us all at this rate! Hey Faon, time for you to shake him off our tail! 
Faon: HUH? Why me!!?? 
Vandal: You know the line in the movies. “You keep going and I’ll handle this guy!” Well now’s your chance to say it!!! 
Faon: ...Well you have a point... 
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 4 years
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“SUMMER COTTAGES AT BIC RANSACKED,” Montreal Star. October 2, 1930. Page 4. ----  QUEBEC, Oct. 2. - (Star Special) - Several summer cottages have been robbed at Bic, Montreal and Quebec citizens who have returned to their homes for the summer months, being victims.
In Trois Pistoles, the home of Dr. Dery, of Quebec, was ransacked by burglars, rifles and shotguns were broken, windows smashed, ink spilled on carpets, and other damage done.
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toskarin · 4 months
recently put together a broad-spectrum album recommendation list for an oomfie, but it felt like it'd be fun to throw this on tumblr as a blunt force answer to everyone who's asked for album recommendations from me
no particular order, no particular quality threshold, no particular mood, no particular genre, we're shooting for variety here
if there's one uniting factor, it's probably "most of this would be considered 'extreme' music" but even then there's plenty of wildcards mixed in to keep you on your toes
enormous recommendation list below the break
秘部痺れHIBUSHIBIRE - Magical Metamorphosis Third Eye
の子 - 神聖かまってちゃん
Envy - All The Footprints You've Ever Left And The Fear Expecting Ahead
asami - 屑籠
Blind Girls - Residue
The Angelic Process - Weighing Souls With Sand
[ALBUM ART IS A SURGERY PHOTO] Maenad Veyl - Reassessment
abriction - Banshee
The Sweet Release of Death - The Blissful Joy of Living
Orchestroll - Hyperwide Lustre
Luminescence - 羞Shyness
Mahti - Musiikki 1
Evvolves - Mosses
Nastia Y - Robot Meaheret
Limbs - Everything Under Heaven
Grima - Will of the Primordial
Full of Hell - Full Of Hell & Merzbow
No Point in Living - Idolatry
Sadness - Leave
Marmalade Butcher - Onomatomani​[​a​]​kus
An Autumn For Crippled Children - try not to destroy everything you love
Theodor Bastard - Beloe: Hunting For Fierce Beasts
My Bloody Valentine - Ecstasy and Wine
ベス・クーパーに+現代日本縮図+色覚異常 - SUCKER PUNCH 2​:​FATALITY
Anti-God Hand - Blight Year
Nadja - Radiance Of Shadows
Thousand Leaves - Twilight Symphony
Ultar - Kadath
群青リボン - 夢の底
Mind Matter - Les Brumes de l'Abandon
Beast Jesus - Distributed Denial of Self
Ethereal Shroud - Trisagion
Trhä - Endlh​ë​ton​ë​g
Signs of the Dying Summer - Oto jest Pustka
i, of the trees and wind - Cry of the Forest
Hypnodrone Ensemble - The Shape of Space
The Stalin - 虫
Story of Hope - Historia
DOPE PURPLE & BERSERK - This Is The Harsh Trip For New Psyche
Nghtly - An Afflicted Body
Ekselsior Rec. - Funky Impulse '17
Sigillum Azoetia - Erennwell
Little Nemo - Turquoise Fields
VANDAL - 地​獄​変
Sacrimoon - I'm gonna miss you
Havukruunu - Kuu Erkylän Yllä
пуща - éph​é​m​è​re
The Elements - Elementary
Second to Sun - Nocturnal Philosophy
have fun!
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mapsontheweb · 4 months
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Barbarians and Romans: the geopolitical recomposition of the 5th century.
1 : « Atlas historique mondial », Les Arènes, 2019
2 : « Atlas de Rome et des barbares », Autrement 2018
via cartesdhistoire
The presence of barbarians could not be resolved by force alone, so the emperors chose to address the issue politically. Treaties that settled barbarians in specific regions helped to stop the violence and costly devastation from a fiscal standpoint. Additionally, the barbarians strengthened the imperial army against other barbarians, usurpers, and anti-tax revolts. There was also hope to integrate them into the empire.
During the 5th century, the status of federates recognized by the emperor allowed local elites to cooperate with the barbarians while remaining loyal to Rome. Political reasons (such as the legitimacy of the barbarians' presence granted by the emperor), acculturation (acceptance of Christianity, Latin culture, and many Roman social traditions), and long-standing relations with the Romans facilitated the acceptance of barbarian power, as they often belonged to the same late Roman world.
For example, the Salian Franks entered the Empire around 290 as dedicates in Batavia and settled in Toxandrie in 342. In 451, they allied with Rome against Attila, then against the Burgundians and the Visigoths. At the death of Childeric, Remigius of Reims considered Clovis a natural partner. Similarly, the Goths signed their first treaty with Rome in 332 and regularly helped Rome from 413 to 460 against other barbarians (Alans, Hasdingi Vandals, Suevi), usurpers (Jovinus), Bagaudae revolts (454), and invaders (Attila). They had been in the Empire for a century when they were recognized as independent. The Burgundians signed two treaties as federates around 413 and 442. After 458, their leaders defined themselves as masters of the Gallic militia for more than half a century. The Ostrogoths, on their part, came to Italy at the request of Constantinople.
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lisbeth-kk · 4 months
May Prompts (25) Intuition
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The Luckiest Girl in the World (chapter 25)
Summary: Rosie's protective foursome are visiting her in Paris, Mycroft shows off his poshness, and they all meet Timothy and his parents at a well-chosen location.
Twenty-Five Years Old
The years in Paris went by too fast, and suddenly I had turned twenty-five and was graduating from uni. Sadly, both mine and Timothy’s graduation ceremonies were on the same evening, but we all had plans to meet the next day. I’ll admit that I had mixed emotions about that. My parents and uncles were to meet Timothy and his parents, and I couldn’t help thinking of all the different directions that meeting could go.
“It’ll be fine, love,” Timothy assured me. “Mum and Dad are over the moon to meet your celeb family, and I’m sure The Fab Four will behave for a few hours.”
“Ha! My intuition tells me otherwise. I wouldn’t put it past Papa to give some snarky remarks if he’s annoyed with your mother’s lipstick or your dad’s shoelaces,” I sighed.
“You know John won’t allow that, Ro,” Timothy laughed. “And your uncles are less inclined to cause any damage, I think. Relax.”
I had only met the Browns once before. Marie was a secondary school teacher, loved the royal family passionately, royals in general actually, and she was also a decent tennis player. Daniel was a business solicitor, loved his singing, and was quite a wine connoisseur.
“They’re both perfect conversation partners for Mycroft,” Papa informed me after I’d met them. He can share gossip from the palace with her and show off his wine cellar to Brown senior.”
Dad tried to shush him, but his efforts were nonsensical, and I was inclined to agree. 
Whenever uncle Myc visited Paris, he stayed at the Four Seasons Hotel George V, and for my graduation dinner, we ate at one of the hotel’s restaurants, Le Cinq. His Poshness, as Papa called him, moved through the restaurant after the maître d’ like he owned the place. Uncle’s three-piece suit had never been more appropriate. The rest of us were dressed up as well. Papa even wore a tie, which I hadn’t seen on him since my uncles’ wedding. 
The food was arranged like tiny artworks, and I felt like a vandal ruining them with the cutlery. Once the first bite reached my taste buds however, all regrets were forgotten. Each dish surpassed the other visually, and with different textures and surprising combinations of flavours. Every wine was perfectly matched with the food, and even uncle Greg, who was more of a beer lover, admitted that it was quite good, which earned him an exasperated sigh from his husband.
“How’s the job search going?” Dad asked after the third course was devoured.
“I’m expecting a few answers over the next weeks. Hopefully, something turns up,” I said.
I actually had high hopes, having already been summoned to an interview when I was returning to London the following week. Papa gave me a thoughtful look and shifted his gaze towards his brother who lifted an eyebrow just the tiniest bit, which made me sigh and swallow my remark with some excellent chardonnay.
To Marie’s delight, we were meeting at Versailles the next day. Neither of us wanted to take the guided tour but preferred to walk in the gigantic garden. 
“Much easier to escape if the conversation gets tedious,” Papa teased.
“Brother mine,” uncle Myc warned, more out of habit than an actual rebuke.
We had agreed to meet on the balustrade where it would be easier to spot each other. I could see that Marie was fidgety and excited, while Daniel seemed quite composed.
“Better at hiding it,” Dad remarked, which earned him an incredulous look from me and a fond chuckle from Papa.
“Is this mind reading business contagious?” I sighed and walked towards Timothy and his parents.
“The Fab Four are behaving,” Timothy stated. “A bit disappointing really.”
“Try refreshing,” I retorted dryly.
“Do you think Sherlock would mind if I asked him to deduce some of the people here?” Marie asked in a hushed voice, which Papa had no problem hearing.
“I don’t mind at all, Marie,” Papa interrupted with a bow. “Anyone in particular?”
And with that, Marie and Papa stuck their heads together to conspire. Daniel and Timothy looked amused, while the rest of us rolled our eyes, though I must admit it was the perfect ice breaker, and I was relieved that my intuition about Papa’s behaviour had been wrong.
Also available on AO3
@calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @helloliriels @raina-at
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coochiequeens · 19 hours
TRAs "We're so oppressed and people say we're violent men" Also TRAs - set fire to a venue then send 300 to swarm a conference to intimidate women for talking about the full impact or gender ideology for both women and the TQ+ that are undergoing transition.
By Genevieve Gluck September 20, 2024
A private school in Lyon, France, had its electricity sabotaged on Thursday as trans activists attempted to have a conference critical of gender ideology cancelled. The event was later swarmed by 300 trans activists, who gathered outside of the Institute of Social, Economic and Political Sciences (ISSEP) in opposition to the appearance of feminist activist Marguerite Stern, co-author of the book “Transmania.”
The conference, titled Comment L’idéologie Transgenre Détruit des Vies? (How Transgender Ideology Destroys Lives), sought to discuss the harms of both medical transitioning and the aggression of trans activism. But even before the event was set to officially begin, the venue – a private school founded by right-wing Member of Parliament Marion Maréchal-Le Pen – was targeted for sabotage.
At approximately 4:00 AM on the day the conference was to take place, an explosion occurred and a fire broke out in a room housing an electrical meter adjacent to the venue. As firefighters worked to extinguish the flames, 200 police officers were dispatched to the scene. The officers were present throughout the evening’s event in order to secure the safety of attendees.
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While police are still investigating the cause of the fire, security camera footage caught one unidentified individual setting off an explosive device. The explosion set fire to the electrical meter of the adjacent building, resulting in a power outage for some local residents. This occurred while trans activists had been vandalizing the front of the institute with threatening slogans.
Vandalism on the ISSEP building’s front read: “Dirty TERF,” an acronym which stands for ‘trans-exclusionary radical feminist’ and is often used as a pejorative to harass or threaten violence against women who oppose gender identity ideology.
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Some of the vandalism on the ISSEP building. Photo courtesy of Marguerite Stern.
Stern, formerly an active campaigner against femicide, decided to speak at ISSEP Thursday evening despite the damage to the institute and credible threats to her safety which were shared on social media. While the event took place, more trans activists gathered outside of the venue and complained of “transphobia” to local media.
“At the conference, I talked about how children are harmed by puberty blockers, and all the women who ‘transition’, especially the teenagers, and [detransitioners] who find that ‘transition’ destroyed their lives. But I also talked about the ‘TERFs’, the women who resist, because I believe that transgender ideology destroys their lives, too,” Stern told Reduxx.
“When we started the conference, we didn’t have electricity because the workers were still trying to turn the power back on. And this is not the first time a venue where I was scheduled to speak was vandalized. So what I was talking about was happening in front of our eyes,” Stern continued.
“I’m so upset about that fire and the impact on the people living there. Those people who set the fire just didn’t care about human lives,” she added. “They knew that children were sleeping in this building, and the fire could have been much worse if the firemen didn’t come to stop it. Can you imagine? Some children could have died.
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Stern is no stranger to controversy and has been targeted by trans activists for several years.
Last April, when Stern was set to speak at a symposium in Nantes intended to raise awareness of the plight of Afghan and Iranian women, the event had to be postponed in response to violent threats made against her and the venue.
Stern has previously been ousted from her own organization in direct response to her concerns about transgender ideology. Les Collages Contre les Féminicides, a direct action campaign she launched in 2019, involved the creation of murals calling attention to violence against women and girls. In 2022, trans activists destroyed one such mural created in remembrance of the infant victims of shaken baby syndrome by an organization sympathetic to Stern, L’Amazone.
On International Women’s Day in 2021, Stern was pelted with eggs by trans activists in a coordinated and premeditated assault. She, along with members of L’Amazone and the Collective for the Abolition of Pornography and Prostitution (CAPP) had gathered to hold a demonstration at the Place de la République in Paris. The women soon found themselves swarmed and outnumbered by trans activists who called them “SWERFs,” meaning Sex Worker Exclusionary Radical Feminists, and shouted: “No feminism without whores.”
In May, Stern and another women’s rights advocate, Dora Moutot, had death threats chanted at them by a crowd of trans activists outside of Assas University where they had been invited to speak about the book they wrote together.
Demonstrators surrounded the entrance and shouted, “A TERF, a bullet, social justice,” at the two women as they were escorted by police. “They have no shame,” said Stern in footage depicting the scene. “How can they say that in front of police?” marveled Moutot.
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Leading up to last night’s conference, Stern was mocked and threatened with violence on social media by trans activists, some of whom joked about hurling eggs at her for their own amusement.
A second protest organized by Jeune Garde, or the French arm of Antifa, which would have occurred at the entrance of ISSEP, was cancelled by order of the police. Stern explained that the police were aware that Jeune Garde protests are “always violent.”
Le Collectif Droit des Femmes 69 coordinated the protest with over a dozen various trans activist and so-called feminist organizations, among them: NousToutes Rhône, Solidaires Rhône, Ensemble ! 69, VIFFIL-SOS Femmes, PS du Rhône, Filactions, Les Ecologistes 69, SOS Homophobie, Jeune Garde, and le Planning Familial.
“As members of the Collectif Droits des Femmes 69, we cannot remain silent in the face of this conference,” the organization’s leaders announced in a press release. “Indeed, this event illustrates in every way what we are fighting: the crass transphobia of a part of the political and media class, increasingly uninhibited in France and elsewhere. Transphobes publicly spread their venom, legitimizing physical, psychological, institutional violence against our trans or non-binary siblings. The feminism we claim is inclusive, we stand up together and for everyone!”
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Individual organizations also made public statements on social media vilifying Stern and calling on their supporters to denounce her.
“On Thursday, September 19, ISSEP, Marien Maréchal Lepen’s school, has invited Marguerite Stern to present her book ‘Transmania’. This book, which is nothing more than fiction that aims to demonize trans people and spread hatred, is not based on any scientific reality,” reads a statement produced by Solidaires Rhône. “In particular, it served as support for a transphobic bill aimed at banning the transitions of minors, in complicity with the extreme right.”
Since the publication of “Transmania” in April, which Stern co-authored with her colleague Dora Moutot, the two women’s rights activists have been denied speaking opportunities. For years, the two have faced ongoing threats of violence both online and via publicly posted signage, been publicly condemned by prominent politicians, and even had legal complaints made against them for “misgendering”.
Last year, one of the organizations involved in yesterday’s demonstration, SOS Homophobie, filed France’s first-ever “misgendering” discrimination suit against Moutot. The “Transmania” co-author was accused of “violently attacking” Nicolas ‘Marie’ Cau, mayor of the small town of Tilloy-lez-Marchiennes, by calling him a man.
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hoperays-song · 2 months
Buster Moon's Total Sing 1 Crime Counter
In a recent rewatch of the Sing movies, I decided to keep a running tab on the amount of crimes that Buster could hypothetically be charged with. And there were... a lot. This list is a lowball estimate in a lot of the numbers provided and I will say that I am not a lawyer, I just looked this all up. So is this perfectly legally sound? No, but then again, neither are these movies. So... have fun!
Failure of payment for employees/Breach of Contract (x4)
At the start of the film, we see that Buster has not paid the stage crew of his latest show by giving them paychecks that bounced and not providing them with compensation after finding this out. We only see four of them, but for all we know, there could be more crew that were out of frame.
Traffic violations (x6)
Okay look, that biking through town scene was cute but bikes are supposed to obey traffic laws and ummm... Buster did not. Man went straight through intersections like he was playing real life Frogger. There were probably more than six to be honest but that's at least the ones we saw.
Now this is grey area, but Buster could, hypothetically, be fined for loitering on private property (ie. in the restaurant) since he was never planning on actually purchasing anything from the business. It would be a hard case, but it, technically, has happened before.
Hiring discrimination 
While I love Johnny, the only reason Buster did not hire Daniel the giraffe for the talent show was because he refused to make accommodations for the boy's height, which could be discrimination based on either a disability or genetic information. I'm not entirely sure which one Daniel's height would classify as in universe which is why I listed both.
Breach of Contract/Fraud (x7)
Due to the prize money being stated in writing and the talent show cast being hired under the understanding that they would have a potential of getting that compensation/it was available to them, it is illegal that he did continue to lie about that when he had no means or real intention to provide it (I know he tries to get the money, but when he hired them, he had no intention of paying any of them $100,000).
Energy Diversion
Stealing electricity from your neighbors is, unsurprisingly, a crime.
Aiding and Abetting the Delinquency of a Minor
This is only due to Meena was technically an accomplice to the energy diversion since Buster got her to help so, technically it could be argued that its aiding and abetting and she does seem to be implied to still be a kid.
Unsafe Working Conditions (x8)
That theatre is falling apart at the seams and the fact someone got hospitalized as a result only goes to further prove the conditions being unsafe. I really need to read up on OSHA because that theatre is probably breaking all the codes.
So Pete (everyone remembers him right?) gets absolutely slammed in the face with a sand bag due to a series of events caused by Buster and ends up in hospital. Not only could he be sued for damages, he could get charged with negligence as well for that.
Trespassing (x2)
When building the water stage for the theatre we see Buster on both Les Calmars's (the restaurant's) private property and on another building's roof to access the water tower. Both are trespassing.
Water Theft
This should shock no one but stealing water from a water tower is illegal.
Plastering the ads for the squids on the front of Les Calmars is vandalism technically so that's fun.
Aiding and Abetting the Delinquency of a Minor (x4)
Buster did drag Meena into helping him with all of this meaning, yes, she has now committed five crimes due to him.
Unsafe Working Conditions (x108)
So I am not gonna count all of those squids. I'm not sure the number is even consistent to be completely honest with you. So we're going just go with it being 100 and move on to the fact that water stage was in no way up to code and created really unsafe environments for all his employees.
Negligence (x108)
His employees were not only trapped in a flooded building due to him but were also in a hostage situation. There is no way everyone walked away scratch free so this is here just as a catch all.
Endangerment of a Minor (x2)
Now, I am solely basing this off headcanon but if not just put these as two more tallies in the endangerment category, but Johnny and Meena seem to be around 16-17 years old in this movie. And, you know, he got them trapped in a flooding and collapsing building.
Endangerment (x112)
This is for everyone else, squids included, he got trapped in a flooding and collapsing building.
Public Nudity
The man changes into a speedo on the side of the road. Might be out of frame but still counts.
Public Menace
Look, this is legally described as "using threats or conduct to put someone else in fear of imminent danger"... and I don't know about y'all but the whole watch party felt in fear of imminent danger watching that bloody car wash scene okay?! They are cleaning the cars with their bodies. That's weird.
The destroyed theatre was property of the bank when they went back to it y'all, that is textbook trespassing. Like Judith even points it out later.
And while cleaning up the debris and making the stage was cool and all, not his stuff anymore so it could be charged as vandalism. It might be a hard case due to them technically cleaning up but still could be charged as vandalism. And even if it isn't, the destruction of the property definitely would be. So pick which one you want to count this as.
Remaining on bank property despite knowing he was not allowed to be there is not allowed in a court of law apparently.
Aiding and Abetting the Delinquency of a Minor (x4)
He did encourage both Johnny and Meena to help rebuild the stage, so at the least they would be loitering and trespassing.
Aiding and Abetting (x5)
And this is for the rest of the troupe + Mike which he encouraged to help as well.
Failure to Comply
Another grey area one, but since he was given a verbal warning (that likely had legal backing to it), Buster could technically be hypothetically charged with a Failure to Comply with a court order to stay off the property/leave the property when Judith told him too.
Aiding and Abetting the Delinquency of a Minor (x2)
And the encouraging Meena and Johnny to stay at the show and not just leave (you could argue that was Ash but they are kids and he is their boss so he technically is in charge of them right now).
Aiding and Abetting (x88)
This is a combo one of Aiding and Abetting the adults of the troupe to stay and encouraging the crowd to trespass! He's the host, he is technically the ring leader here, he would get in trouble for it. Also, I'm not counting everyone + there are too many different heights that that count would likely not be accurate so let's just go with 88 and move on.
Final Crime Count for Sing 1: 365 individual crimes!
Buster... why? Just why? One for every day of the year. You did not need to do that.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 3 months
by Jonah Fried
MONTREAL – B’nai Brith Canada is greatly disturbed by the prospect of a “Youth Summer Program” planned by participants in the illegal anti-Israel encampment on McGill University’s property.
Flyers promoting the “revolutionary summer program,” which organizers are framing as their answer to a “transnational student callout to #Revolt4Rafah,” feature images of keffiyeh-clad fighters brandishing submachine guns. Activities would be held from June 17 to July 12, 2024, on the lower field of McGill’s downtown campus, which has been unlawfully occupied by a coalition of radical anti-Israel groups since April 27.
“This is appalling,” said Henry Topas, Quebec Regional Director for B’nai Brith Canada. “Look at how they have moved the goalposts. First, they started holding demonstrations every week, despite their tendency to spout violent and antisemitic slogans. Then, they illegally occupied the campus, bullied Jewish students, harassed McGill administrators at their homes, and broke into university buildings.
“Now, we have a ‘summer camp’ openly being advertised with images of masked men holding weapons. Is McGill going to allow its campus to be used to brainwash youths into thinking that terrorism is acceptable?”
The announcement of the planned summer program comes only days after McGill offered amnesty to all students involved in the encampment and offered to accept some of the protesters’ “demands” – even as the university continues to seek a court order authorizing police to remove the illegal occupants.
In a social-media post, the McGill chapter of Students in Solidarity with Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR) promised to “redefine McGill’s ‘elite’ instutional [sic] legacy by transformining [sic] its space into one of revolutionary education.”
SPHR says in its literature that “physical activity” as well as “revolutionary lessons” will be included in the so-called “program.”
The signup sheet:
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The sheet lists options such as classes on “Islamic Resistance,” “pan-Arabism,” and the so-called “Axis of Resistance” – an apparent reference to the Islamic Republic of Iran’s network of proxies dedicated to destroying Israel and the United States.
The launch of this alarming “youth program” follows a violent incident on June 6, when a group of radicals broke into and vandalized the James McGill administration building, occupying it for two hours. This marked the most extreme escalation on campus since the beginning of the Israel-Hamas war in October 2023. Police in riot gear used necessary force to disperse the crowd and access the building, which protesters had barricaded with construction fencing and other materials.
At least 15 people were ultimately arrested in connection with the clashes, some for throwing rocks at police officers.
“The situation at McGill is well out of control and has been for some time,” said Richard Robertson, B’nai Brith Canada’s Director of Research and Advocacy. “We call on McGill and the local authorities to ensure that the university’s property is not used as a forum to incite violence against Israel and Jews.
“The plan for this so-called program further disproves the myth that these illegal encampments are about democracy and peaceful protest. They are, in fact, a hypocritical assault on Canadian values and Western norms as a whole.”
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fabseg-creator · 7 months
Miraculous fanart: Cerisette/Lilanette Re-Verse (MLB Femslash February/Rock Band AU)
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Day 15: Marinette and Lila/Cerise (Faulty; Rock)
This is the full colored version of the Cerisette Rock Band AU.
This happens in the Re-Verse from the Miraculous Paris special: Lila/Cerise and Marinette play rock music and form a duo together before merging with the Kitty Resistance (Rose, Juleka, Luka and Ivan). Lila/Cerise plays electric guitar and Marinette plays keyboard. And they make an illegal concert. In this AU, the Supreme from the Re-Verse has forbidden the music. The latter's logo gets vandalized.
Lila/Cerise's hair is a wig with a sky-blue dye. Marinette is just Emonette-Shadybug.
Marinette is the Ladybug and Cerise is the new Hesperia for this concept.
We can see Marinette is blushing about her music partner.
About their music, the two girls compose the instrumental part. It's the band Kitty Resistance who perfoms the vocal and parts.
This fanart is made for the @mlbfemslashfebruary event.
Bonus (variants):
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Playlist of Marinette and Cerise eventual covers in collaboration with the Kitty Resistance/Kitty Section:
Muse - Uprising
U2 - Pride (In The Name Of Love)
AC/DC - Highway To Hell; Thunderstruck
Guns N'Roses - Welcome To The Jungle; You Could Be Mine
Twister Sister - I Wanna Rock
Nirvana - Smells Like Spirit
Kenny Loggins - Footloose
Evanescence - Bring Me To Life
Zedd ft. Ariana Grande - Break Free
Europe - The Final Countdown
Bon Jovi - It's My Life; You Give Love A Bad Name
Johnny Hallyday - Allumer Le Feu (french)
Linkin Park - Numb
Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall
Lady Gaga - Born This Way; Perfect Illusion; Bad Romance; Shallow (ft. Bradley Cooper)
Mötley Crüe - Kickstart My Heart
Aerosmith - Dream On
Queen - We Will Rock You; I Want It All; The Show Must Go On; I Want To Break Free
The Police - So Lonely; Every Breath You Take
Coldplay - A Sky Full Of Stars; My Universe (ft. BTS)
Van Halen - Panama
The Who - Baba O'Riley
Kiss - I was Made For Loving You
Initial sketch here:
This fanart has been made the 20th January 2024.
Femslash Colletction:
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