ghostlee · 4 months
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So @shadowpon-3 and I were supposed to fic trade a bit ago and I was like 100000% sure that I posted my half of the trade. However I found it today in my notes and I had a moment of thought where I was like. “Wait I never actually saw the reaction on this from Shadow..?” And so I got on my tumblr to check and after scrolling for like 10 mins and looking I was like “HOLY SHIT I NEVER SENT MY HALF 😭😭😭 “
So sorry again pls forgive me and my completely unobservant ass 😭
Well well well. What do we have here?
Word Count: 2,458
This is from DanPlan (pretend Daniel is still part of their group and they are all together still.)
“Ughh where did that little rascal go?” Jay asked to himself quietly as he was searching around the house for the new kitten that they just adopted.
Stephen, Hosuh and Daniel were all downstairs making lunch and sent Jay upstairs on his turn to go find Milo.. their new cat.
Jay had no issue going to look for Milo but the hunt for this kitten was starting to get on his nerves as he continued making the “pspsps” sound and crouching down to look in and around furniture.
Just as Jay was about to leave the guest bedroom he heard a small meow coming from the corner of the room as he quickly paused and slowly turned his head back towards the bed in the corner.
He got back down onto his hands and knees as he lowered himself belly down onto the ground to look under the bed.
Sure enough in the back, pressed right up against the wall was a small fluffy orange tabby. “Milo!” Jay whisper shouted as he tried to reach his hand out under the bed to get Milo to come over to him.
He waited a few seconds with his open palm not feeling anything before he got impatient and tried to reach further to no avail.
Sighing, Jay tried peak his head under to determine if it was a gap he could squeeze his body under to grab Milo and he decided for it.
Putting his hands flat on the floor he slowly but surely krept under the bed and managed to get the upper half of his chest under. Jay reached back out and took hold of Milo and started trying to scoot himself back out.
And that’s when he realized. He wasn’t going anywhere.
He was stuck under the bed.
“No no this can’t be happening.” Jay tried to tell himself and he struggled more to get out, Milo wiggled in his hand as the kitten meowed and managed to escape before running off likely into another room.
Jay let out a loud exasperated sigh and tried once again to wiggle out from under the bed. He refuse to call for help, he was better than that. Not to mention they would all likely make fun of him for getting stuck.
Maybe besides Housuh who would actually help him out and not make fun of him.
Jay tried again and again as he started becoming more frantic and it set in further that he was infact stuck.
He tried to reach his arms out to his sides to get his phone but realized he left it downstairs on the kitchen counter. Silently Jay bit back his pride and called out loud, “HEY!! CAN ANY OF YOU COME UPSTAIRS.”
There was a moment of silence as Jay prayed one of them heard it, since as much as he dreaded the idea of them finding him like this, he hated the idea of being stuck under here for awhile much more.
Suddenly a voice called up from the bottom of the steps. “What’s up Jay? Everything okay?”
He was bound to make fun of Jay but the blond had no other choice. “N-No.. I uh. I’m stuck!”
There was another pause as Jay started to let his mind wander over how embarrassing this was.
“You’re…. What?” Stephen yelled back up the stairs.
“IM STUCK.” Jay called out annoyed as he tried again to wriggle free as a last ditch attempt.
Suddenly he heard footsteps coming up the stairs and they padded into the doorway of the room he was in before they abruptly stopped.
He heard a small snicker and a “tsk tsk tsk” from Stephen as the boy started to giggle.
“How’d they even happen?” Stephen asked with a pique of curiosity in his tone.
“I was trying to get Milo out from under the bed.. and well.” Jay sheepishly answered back.
“Just get me out of here..” He snapped as he started to try and wiggle free again.
Stephen rolled his eyes at the impatience but then nodded before walking over to the edge of the bed and trying to see what the best approach was to get Jay out.
“Alright why don’t you try and push with your hands and I’ll try to pull.” Stephen said as he crouched down to get a good grip on Jay.
Jay in his head assumed that meant Stephen would be grabbing onto his ankles to pull so when ten fingers suddenly latched onto both of his sides and squeezed, Jay jolted and let out a strangled bark of a laugh.
Stephen quickly let go and jumped back away from Jay afraid he accidentally hurt him. “W-What was that???” Stephen asked with urgency in his voice.
“I-it was n-nothing. Don’t do th-“
Suddenly he was grabbed again in the same spot as Stephen tried to figure out what happened.
Again that same bark of laughter ripped itself out of Jays throat as he tried to reach his hands down to grab at Stephen, but this time when some giggles lingered in the air, everything became incredibly clear to Stephen.
There was silence between the two boys before he heard Stephen start laughing quietly to himself.
“Well well well…. Look what we have here.”
Stephen taunts Jay with a grin laced in his voice. “Looks like Mr.Just Get Me Out Of Here, is ticklish..”
Jay feels a pit start forming in his stomach as if he was a little kid that was just caught in a lie.
He knew he couldn’t get himself out of this one so he sighed, “yes… I’m ticklish.. please just help me get out.”
Stephen’s heart just about exploded, he wasn’t one for cutesy wholesome moments but he was a tickle monster through and through and learning that his best friend Jay was a perfect candidate for the tickle monsters appetite was just what he needed today.
“You remember that time that you replaced all of my shampoo with pink dye?” Stephen asked, letting the question loom over the blond for a moment.
“What does that have to do with- Stephen come on that was forever ago. Thats not fai-“ Jay tried to argue but got cut off.
“4 weeks Jay. That my hair was pink.” Stephen lowered his tone as he fought a grin creeping its way onto his face.
“Y-You could’ve dyed it again after!” Jay protested as he started to get more and more nervous that being tickled was getting set in stone.
“I think this is a good chance for some payback if you ask me..” Stephen laughed with a darker tinge in his voice.
“W-Waiahahahait!! Noahahahahhaha!” Jay cried out as Stephens fingers started to scribble quickly against his sides.
Jays body shook involuntarily as he laughed and laughed away, his sides felt like they had 100 butterflies all flapping their wings right against his bare skin as Stephen pushed up Jays shirt some to tease at his sensitive skin.
Jay kicked his feet uselessly behind Stephen, his feet hitting the purple haired mans back every few seconds when Stephen took a seat firmly on Jays hips.
Jay desperately tried to grab onto Stephen’s hands to stop the onslaught but not being able to see where Stephen would attack next made it far more difficult for Jay to properly grasp his hands.
Stephen switched where he was tickling every few second so Jay couldn’t grab onto him, and every time he switched spots, Jays body would jump with shock at the new attack on a different area.
“PLEHAHAHSHSSE NOAHAHAHAHAT MY SIDEHEHEHES!!!” Jay screamed with laughter while Stephen wiggled his fingers into the blonds sides before raising his hands up to scribble between each rib.
Jay tried again and again to push himself up as he somewhat pushed Stephen off his hips for a moment.
He finally managed to wiggle out a bit further in the struggle, in the fight the bed lifted up some however and he managed to flip onto his back. Once again finding himself stuck but in even more of a comprising position as Stephen took his place back on Jays hips who was now on his back.
Stephen’s eyes lit up at Jays new misfortune as he pushed up the front of Jays shirt up to his ribs to get a nice flat tickleable area in front of him.
Stephen watched as Jay greedily took in breathes as his stomach rose and fell. One thing that Stephen noticed almost immediately was a little button right in the center of Jays belly.
Specifically an outie belly button.
“You have an outie belly button??” Stephen giggled as he gazed at the small mark on Jay.
“Y-Yeahahhaah.. *deep breath* whahahat about it??” Jay asked feeling somewhat out of breathe.
“Aren’t they like. More ticklish then innies or something?” Stephen grinned knowing full well that he pulled that information from nothing.
“N-No I don’t know..” Jay sighed as he once again tried to wiggle free. “Can you just help me get out now..” he asked.
Stephen thought for a moment. He smiled to himself and slowly dragged the tip of his index fingers around Jays bare stomach making sure to avoid his belly button.
The feeling didn’t bring Jay to full laughter again but it did make him squirm some as his sides tried to get away from the sensation.
“If you let me tickle you for… 60 seconds. I’ll help you out.” Stephen said as he felt imaginary devil horns pop up over his head at the deal he was attempting to make.
“No way! What’re you gonna do? Not help me?” Jay said as he tried once again to get free to no avail.
“No, but I’d go get Daniel to “help us” and I’ll add in that you’re ticklish into the plea for help.” Stephen grinned ear to ear as he watched Jay carefully knowing the man was now at a cross road.
“30 seconds.” Jay says hoping that Stephen would take it.
“50.” Stephen called back.
“Fuck you drive a hard bargain.” Jay sighed.
“Fine… 50 seconds. But you HAVE to help me as soon as the 50 seconds is up.” Jay said as he choked back his dignity.
“And you’re not aloud to try and stop me either!” Stephen added.
“What!? That wasn’t part of the deal!” Jay whined as he gave Stephen the bird from under the bed.
“You wanna get out or not?” Stephen said to him as he drummed his fingers on Jays sides again.
Jays body squirmed uncomfortably as he took a second to process the terms of their deal.
“Fine.” Jay snapped.
“Fine what?” Stephen giggled knowing he was definitely pushing the blondes buttons now.”
“Oh my god just get it over with!!” Jay cried as he stomped his foot on the ground.
“Hahaha ok you asked for it!” Stephen said as he started to circle Jay outie belly button with his finger.
Jay felt his stomach start shaking as his body became aware of the impending tickles.
“Whahahait n-hahahao legehets re-negoti- AAGAHHhah!” Jay screeched when Stephen glided his finger over the small button.
He then started to poke at Jays navel and every time he did Jay would let out a squeal. “Hahaha it’s like a giggle button. All I need to do is press righttttt hereeee and you laugh!” Stephen said knowing full well it was driving Jay crazy.
“YouHahahHah Havahahhahave thirhahahirty seheheheconds!!” Jay managed to say through his laughter as he squirmed around under the bed.
“Ahh right right, good point. Thanks for the tip.” Stephen smiled as he dragged his fingers down to Jays hips to start softly kneading into the ticklish skin.
Stephen heard Jay start banging on the bottom of the bed with his fists as his laughter got more hysterical.
“Twehehehenty sehehehconds!” Jay yells as he fights to turn his stomach back out of Stephen’s hands. “Ah ah ah where do you think you’re going?” Stephen tsked as he follows Jays movements and scritches his fingers right on the small of Jays back.
“You’re all mine for another… 10 seconds.” Stephen grins as he watches Jay arch his back up and away from the back tickles only for Stephen to scitter his fingers over Jays stomach.
“THAHAHAATS EHEHEHVEIL STOHAHAHAHAP!!” Jay screamed as he tried to pull his legs up to protect his stomach but was blocked by Stephen.
Stephen gave Jays sides a final few pokes and squeezes watching the man break down into soft quiet giggles, something he’d not seen Jay do often which honestly did warm his heart some.
“Annndddd that’s 50 seconds..” Stephen said, sticking true to his tickly word.
Jay took in large breathes of air as he laughed away the last few giggles and let out a sigh.
“Ughh remind me not to make deals with the devil again, that was torture!” Jay whines as he waits for Stephen to help him.
“Your secret is safe with me.. for now.” Stephen says as he gets up and gets a grip on the bottom of the bed frame and lifts it up giving Jay a chance to wriggle himself out from under it.
Jay sat up and brushed himself off before glaring at Stephen who had a shit eating grin on his face.
“Not a word.” Jay said as he pushed himself up and turned away from Stephen to go back downstairs.
“I’ll find Milo later when he comes looking for food.” Jay laughs as he walks back down the steps.
“I’ll be sure to help you out again the next time you get stuck-“ Stephen says with a quick gentle poke to Jays side as the blond jumps with an offended look and bats Stephen finger away.
“Like hell you will.” Jay scoffed as he made his way back into the kitchen.
“What took you two so long? Did you find Milo?” Daniel asked the two.
With the confidence of a madmad Jay looked with his classic eyes closed smile at Daniel and said “yeah Milo ran back off, Stephen and I were just hanging out sorry we took awhile.”
Jay nudged Stephen and turned slightly to shoot a glare towards him.
“Yeah.” Stephen said as he walked over to the kitchen table. “What he said.”
Hosuh had a look of confusion on his face at first but he shrugged it off and continued assembling their sandwich’s they’d be having for lunch.
“Well whatever you two were doing I’m glad you’re back since lunch is just about ready.” Daniel said as he grabbed two of the plates and handed them to Jay and Stephen.
The two nodded and took the plates before sitting down at the table with Hosuh and Daniel.
I HOPE YOU LIKED IT AAAH Sorry again lmao <3 😭
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a random sketch
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melhorde10 · 2 years
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strangesthirdeye · 4 months
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Me: *open my account door hall gently with a sweet smile on my face* ok, kiddos.. I have good news to share.
Doctor: ohh, good news. I love hearing good news. *glances at Donna excitedly*
Donna: you always love everything, Doctor.
Crowley: *sprawling on my massage chair in the corner of the hall* nguhh- damn.. this massage chair is something. *fiddling with the remote control for the massage chair*
Aziraphale; *snatches remote control from Crowley's hand* Crowley! It's not good to play someone's stuff, like that. What if it's broken?
Crowley: *shrugs* just want to increase the speed.
Aziraphale: *sighs before helping Crowley increase the speed on the massage chair* So.. what is the good news you want to share?
Stephen: *crossed his arms against his chest while leaning against the wall* Don't tell me that you have new ideas for other fanfics while you haven't finished the old ones yet.
Wong: Is it the continuation of Snape's fanfics that you promised him a few months ago? because as far as I know you have made two fanfics for him. That's why he seems in a good mood lately.
Severus: I've been in my own mood for a long time... what makes you sense that I've been in a good mood lately?
Wong: *shrugs* maybe because you don't always make a few snarky remarks the moment Dhani enters this noble hall.
Severus: who says if I don't make a few snarky remarks to Dhani I'm in a good mood? Tell me, Mister Wong.
Me: guys, settle down ler.. just chill out.. we don't need history to repeat itself..
Sherlock: With what you say first, old things will be repeated without having to be told because your mouth is the type that likes to talk without thinking about the consequences.
John: *massage his nose* Sherlock.. just.. let Dhani tell what the good news is so that this meeting will not be long.
Me: John's right.. if you don't want this meeting to be long, you need to let me do the talking. While y'all.. Listen to me.
Them: *grumbled before agreeing with what I said*
Me: *nods* good.. now *press the button to open the projector* This is the good news I want to share.
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Doctor and Donna: *raise their eyebrows to show they are impressed*
Sherlock: *narrows his eyes*
John: *mouth agape*
Severus: *keeps his stoic face*
Crowley: *opens his black tinted glasses slightly to see clearly*
Aziraphale: *stunned*
Loki: *blew his lips* that's growing fast.
Stephen and Wong: *disbelieving*
Stephen: that's very fast because a few months ago it was only 200.. now it has increased to 300
Me: 322 actually.
Donna: Well, if 22 unfollows you, it will be 300 exactly.
Doctor: no no.. don't do that
Me: woi! don't jinx it!
Aziraphale: but- but you don't post any fanfics these days.. how come it can be so many?
Me: i did posted something a few days ago, okay.. two incorrect memes and Chapter 13 Unspoken Love..
Stephen: of course it's about their fandom *nods his head at Aziraphale and Crowley*
Crowley: Did I sense jealousy, Doctor? *smirks*
Stephen: *glares at Crowley* I don't need those kind of incorrect to make me jealous.. At least I have a full chapter
Crowley: *rolls his eyes, annoyed with Stephen*
Sherlock: plus about the two of them too *gesture towards Doctor and Donna* something about Y/n making dad jokes.
Donna: don't remind me of that please *groans*
Doctor: it's funny.
Donna: for you, yes.. but me? no.
John: Well at least she doesn't make dark jokes right?
Doctor and Donna: ...
John: right?
Me: *write notes* that's a good idea, Johnny boy.. Might make dark jokes for incorrect Sherlock too *grins*
John: for God's sake!
Sherlock: I don't have any comments to make.
Stephen: whatever.. as long as my lists will be full of fanfics only.
Me: who says your lists will be full of fanfics only? Your Unspoken Love series alone has taken time to complete and you want your list to be full of fanfics only? Huh! in a dream.
Stephen: you-
Severus: did i get new fics?
Me: let me check.. *open my notes app* hmm.. Supreme Strange imagine.. Little Star miniseries, Sherlock's.. Ahh not yet
Severus: pardon?
Me: *glance at Severus* not yet lah.. sorry.. but don't worry, Sevvy, I will do it.
Severus: she always says the same thing but won't do it.
Me: oh! don't let me not do it
Loki: Am I getting new fics too?
Me: same goes to you.. i still have a few paragraphs for Too Many Secret part 2 which is not ready yet. It's a long fic. So it will take time to prepare.
Loki: not ready yet? I thought it was ready?! it's been what? a few months!.
Me: oh! you have to remember that I use my phone to write all these fanfics okay! that's why it takes time!
Loki: i sense deception! she has a new laptop which she didn't use for writing instead she uses it to read fanfics!
Me: I'm still not used to writing using a laptop because I'm so used to using the phone to write, you snake!
Loki: This is ridiculous. *cross his arms*
Donna: seriously, what is our purpose for gathering at this meeting? to roast each other? I thought it was to celebrate 300+ followers.
Aziraphale: I must say that, although Dhani is the type who is slow to update or post something but in the end her work will finish in no time.
Severus: she has really bad writer's block.. that's why she's a bit slow to write fanfics.
Me: is that judging or a compliment? because I'm gonna take it as a compliment even though it's a bit harsh.
Severus: none of the above
Me: okay, compliment then.
Doctor: Well, at least she writes, right?
Egon: that's right, but judging by some of the abandoned fanfics in her notes apps says something.
Them: *turned their heads to look at the source of the voice*
Stephen: who are you?
Sherlock: new character crush i suppose.
Doctor: She added character crush again?
Egon: I don't know how I can be here actually. All this started a few months ago where Dhani got bored and decided to watch Ghostbusters. My name is Egon Spengler
Donna and Wong: *look at each other*
John: *raises eyebrows* she sure has a taste for men who are introverted and high functioning and intelligent and cold..
Me: it's not my fault that they are all fine.
Aziraphale: so you're going to start making fanfics for him?
Me: I'm still thinking about that, actually.
Crowley: great! more abandoned fanfics *clapping his hands*
Me: why are you all being so cruel this day? you all should raise my spirit to write so that I will write diligently..
Aziraphale: oh, Dhani.. don't be sad.. Just.. you don't need to rush for time to write.. You have plenty of time to write and do other things.. Just take your time and relax.
Donna: yes, just sit and relax.. having tea and sleep..
Sherlock: gosh that's kinda boring
John: *smack Sherlock on the back of the head* shut up
Egon: I don't mind if I don't have fanfics about me.. I mean.. I'm still new so only 'seniors' have fanfics, right?
Me: oh, don't worry! I will try to do it.
Loki: well let's just don't rush. I mean you have a lot of time to write.. so there's no need to rush.
Donna: yeah, Loki's right.. I mean.. we are just Characters.. so we can only entertain you.. all our dialogue and actions are in your hands.
Stephen: and you kind of use us to motivate you to write or do other things.
Wong: that's right.
Crowley: Ngh- don't stress too much.. Everything will be okay in the blink of an eye.
Me: *tears up* oh guys... thank you!
Them: no problem
Wong: so.. is there anything else you want to talk about?
Me: nahh.. I think this is enough.. you can go.
Stephen: *stands up* right.. if you say that *open portals* in you go, gentleman and lady.
Crowley: *points his index finger at me* remember what I said. *enter portal*
Aziraphale: it was nice to see you all again.. thank goodness we don't have to argue before going home.
Severus: at least we all got what we wanted.
John: yeah.
Aziraphale: i think i should go, see you guys later! *enter the portal and the portal directly vanish*
Sherlock: *nods in farewell before entering the portal*
John: see you guys later *enter portal*
Severus: i must go before all those dunderheads do inappropriate things.. Farewell *enters the portal*
Egon: it was nice to meet you all.. I hope we can get to know each other more.. goodbye *enter portal*
Loki: I think this is the time for me to withdraw.. until next time. *disappears*
Wong: I should go then *enter the portal*
Stephen: *look at me who is watching they all go in front of me* Dhani. ..
Me: hmm?
Stephen: *walks closer to me and stands in front of me* as a first fictional character that you like, I must say that.. you grow up fast.. mentally.. physically you look like a 12 year old girl although your age is more than 18 years old.. so it's a bit different from the others because you can remember all the plots and stories even though they've been left for a long time. Consider you have short term memory but you can still remember all the stories and plots for your stories that you abandoned.. That's why you are always slow to update because you always follow the mood to write.. not because you have no ideas...
Me: so you mean that I'm lazy to write? Even though I have an idea to write.
Stephen: more or less like that..
Me: wha- what the hell! i thought you wanted to give me advice instead you just want to tell me that i'm lazy.. sheshh...
Stephen: it's not my fault.. I'm just telling you in a way that's not straight forward.
Me: wouldn't it be nice if you just told me straight forward.. haiyaa
Stephen: well I don't want you to be offended.
Me: of course I will be offended if you said like that.. but I just accept it because it's true. Heh..
Stephen: *nods and pat my head* good.. well, i shall go back to my realms.
Me: right, bye bye! *closes my account hall door loudly*
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itacoisa · 2 months
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23 de julho de 2024. Terça-feira.
Oi, oi, oi. Então, vamos escolher o melhor suspense do ano?
Para quem não sabe, todo ano faço esse projeto de tentar decidir qual o melhor livro de suspense/terror/policial que li naquele período. Como agora tenho esse cantinho na internet para escrever baboseira, decidi compartilhar com vocês esse... processo, rs.
Caso você queira dar uma olhada nos antigos ganhadores e na edição do ano passado é só procurar pela tag #embuscadosuspensedoano2023 (ou clicar aqui).
Muito que bem.
Esse ano não pretendo gastar dinheiro comprando nenhum livro, então espero que tenha algum livro digno de receber o título de Suspense de 2024 aqui em casa. Os candidatos são:
Killer Clown de Terry Sullivan e Peter Maiken
Casos de Família de Ilana Casoy
Columbine de Dave Cullen
A Camareira de Nita Prose
Ex/Mulher de Tess Stimson
Ninfeias Negras de Michel Bussi
Joyland de Stephen King
Billy Summers de Stephen King
Portal do Destino de Agatha Christie
Por ora, a intenção não é ler todos esses 9 livros, a prioridade (e os favoritos ao prêmio) são A Camareira, Ex/Mulher, Ninfeias Negras e os do Stephen King. Por isso, a primeira leitura será de A Camareira.
E é isso. Venho com novidades depois de umas 100 páginas lidas.
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happyandticklish · 1 year
Scott Pilgrim Headcannons
Someone had to make some of these, and it was a sacrifice that I was willing to make 😌
This doesn’t cover all of the characters, but these are the only ones I felt confident actually creating headcannons for
Scott Pilgrim:
. Scrappy ticklish. He’s all long legs and bony arms and flailing that eventually lands someone with a black eye. 
. Doesn’t hate tickling itself, but he hates that everyone can use it against him and DOES, often
. His hips get him real bad, with his sides being a close second. 
. His laugh starts off with a slow giggle, but a couple minutes in he’ll be wheezing and gasping for his life
. Doesn’t get flustered so much as he gets embarrassed, if that makes sense. Like, tickling as a concept doesn’t fluster him, but the fact that it’s a weakness of his does
. Wallace will pretend to warm up his hands against Scott’s sides and Scott gets super giggly about it but never protests because he doesn’t want to admit it’s tickling him
Romana Flowers:
. Surprisingly ticklish for someone as aloof as she is
. Craves the affection of being tickled but will not ask for it no matter what. The fear of humiliation at the confession or worse, rejection, holds her back every time
. Her stomach and knees get her I fucking know it on a basic, intrinsic level
. Her normal laugh is breathy and soft, just this picture perfect example of what a laugh should look like, but it gets really dorky when tickled. Also she snorts. Like, a lot. An embarrassing amount. Scott would tease her about it if he wasn’t so scared of her retribution 
. Despite how much she herself likes to be tickled, I feel like she often ends up in the ler role instead due to her asshole teasy tendencies 
. Immediately found out Scott was ticklish and uses it on him all the time. She doesn’t outright tickle him so much as she’ll tease him about the prospect of potentially tickling him just to watch him shut down as he fumbles for a dignified reply
. She gets her nails done impulsively a lot (she used to bite her nails as a bad habit when she was younger, so this is her way of trying to cut the habit), and as such she usually has long, killer nails that are devastating when applied to tickling
. The most nonchalant ler on the planet, it would be annoying if it wasn’t so flustering
. Just deadpan, no smile, just that classic raised eyebrow
. “I’m not ticklish-” “No?” “No!” “You know, you’re giggling an awful lot for someone who isn’t ticklish”
Stephen Stills:
. “Pffft, ticklish, no, of course not-”
. Definitely a giggles before people even touch him kind of guy
. Tries to play it cool, but he’s so weak to anticipation and it’s so obvious to everyone in the room 
. Worst spot is his stomach/waist/sides, he giggles and curls up and shrieks and bats at the ler’s hands, it’s a whole thing
. The word only flusters him if it’s applied to him, otherwise he’s cool
. Despite this, he’s more of a ler. He tries to fuck around with the other members of the band, but 99% of them do not take his shit and he’ll get wrecked for it three times over
. The definition of the “ler-leaning switch who always gets tickled”. He IS more of a ler, people just assume otherwise (also he’s easy to get)
Kim Pine:
. Isn’t ticklish all the way until she is
. I’ve known some people that have the scary ability to just turn off their ticklishness, and Kim is definitely one of these people
. If she’s not having, it does not work
. That being said
. If she’s in the right mood and you haven’t done anything to piss her off lately, she might indulge you
. Her worst spot is her neck, which Scott discovered back when they were dating. Kim, who is notoriously not a giggler, started giggling when he strayed towards her neck, and Scott was banned from ever pulling that move again
. Does. Not. Like. Being. Tickled. At all. I genuinely cannot see her enjoying the experience
. Doesn’t really tickle people either. She’s not someone who’s very open to physical touch, so the whole concept of tickling simply doesn’t appeal to her
. The only time she’ll tickle people is if they’re being annoying and need to be taken down a notch, and even then, only for a bit to get a point across
. She’ll pinch Stephen’s or Scott’s knees if they get distracted during team meetings, which makes these affairs far more nerve-wracking than they need to be for the other band members
Young Neil:
. Standard ticklish, like, the most average joe reactions to tickling on the planet
. Doesn’t tickle others and doesn’t get tickled because let’s be honest, most people forget he’s even in the room
. Very passive about tickling. He’ll curl up and giggle if tickled, but he does very little to actually get the ler off. He has pretty decent endurance too, and has almost never tapped out before his ler has given up/decided to give him a break
. Knives tickled him a bit when they dated, but he never fought back so she eventually gave up
. Secretly really fucking likes being tickled, like, to an in the community level, but not a goddamn soul knows because no one pays enough attention to him to find out
. Stephen jabbed him in the ribs once teasingly and my man thought about it for months afterwards
Knives Chau: 
. Absolutely adores everything about tickling, on both sides
. I don’t necessarily approve of her and Scott’s relationship, but it did happen canonically, so I’m gonna talk about it here as it’s a pretty central part of both of their character arcs
. Used to tickle Scott all the time when they were dating, which is probably the closest physical contact they had outside of holding hands. Scott would entertain it for a bit, but tbh he’s far too sensitive for his own good and would usually cut it short so she didn’t realize how much of a weakness it was for him
. Scott himself was pretty shy about touching Knives in general, so I don’t think he really tickled her unless it was to get her to stop tickling him
. Not for lack of trying, mind you. As stated earlier, Knives not only tolerates but loves being tickled, and 99% of her attempted provocations went unanswered 
. Tamara and her will get into tickle fights all the time, with Knives ending up the loser more often than not
. Pretty much everywhere is ticklish, but her sides break her instantly
, The very definition of a giggler, she cannot hold a straight face for more than a second while being tickled
Wallace Wells:
. I feel like he’s be undercover ticklish. Like, he’s not technically hiding the fact that he’s ticklish, but almost no one thinks to try it so he’s won most tickle fights that have broken out in his lifetime
. For most of their relationship, Scott only knew he was ticklish in theory because Wallace had vaguely mentioned it when drunk before. 
. Doesn’t giggle unless he’s drunk. Also, on that note, significantly more ticklish when he’s drunk, and more lovey-dovey about it. The only time he’ll actually let Scott tickle him
. Cackles a lot, very wheezy, silent laughter 
. Worst spots are his ribs, thighs, and feet. The ribs one is the main one that gets him into trouble because it’s so accesible. Scott used to cling onto him when he was moping around the house and Wallace would always get super grumbly and immediatelly shove him off because his hands kept accidentally tickling
. Definitely more of a ler. Only a lee with the right people in the right circumstances
. Will fuck Scott’s shit up
. Scott is so on edge around him because Wallace has memorized the spots and he’ll just casually grab Scott’s hips. The worst part is, Scott can’t even do anything about it, because he literally can’t get Wallace off, so Wallace will just casually flex his fingers in the spot and Scott is begging and squeaking and falling back against Wallace
. He just does that randomly too, and Scott hates/loves him for it
. He’s for sure the tase you from behind kind of guy, as well as the poke you in the ribs/sides all the fucking time
. Also knows the spots for the other members of the band and most people in his life, he’s is The Ler
. Doesn’t really use them, but he fucking knows, just in case
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cantwritethetword · 7 months
How Do You Fight in That?
Fic Descript: Tony goes to watch Dr Strange train, wondering how on earth the superhero trains in such tight-fitting clothes. After a little investigation, Tony discovers something else that makes it near impossible for Stephen to fight.
~ A/N - Hey!
I remembered got a generic "Lee Tony Stark, Ler Dr Strange" prompt aaaaages ago but I cannot find it for the life of me lmao.
So here is a little fic for your reading pleasure for those guys. I thought the concept was super cute, and I hope you do too ^^.
Enoy! ~
Tag List:
Masterpost Link 
It was an almost hypnotic experience, watching the sorcerers train Kamar-Taj. Tony was certainly glad he took up Stephen's offer to come and sit in on one of his sessions. They seemed to almost glide over the stones with their movements, arms spinning in slow and fluid motions - mimicking the way Stephen would activate his magic and manipulate it during a fight.
One thing that did stand out, however, was their outfits. How anyone manages to fight in material that thick and that tight was beyond Tony, it just looked far too uncomfortable.
And sure, he was one to talk with his suit of pure metal, but at least he had breathing room inside it!
As the training session came to an end, Tony headed down the steps towards Stephen, wondering if the sorcerer would have an answer for his slightly bizarre (but very Tony) question.
The last few students trickled out of the courtyard, and the pair were alone. The perfect opportunity for Tony to get a closer look at Stephen's robes without catching strange glances at his antics.
"So," Stephen began after catching sight of his friend. "What did you think?"
Tony stepped closer, trying to let his eyes weave under Strange's cape. "Very impressive, very impressive. I can see why you guys get the 'supreme' title - and it's not to be like the pizza."
Stephen rolled his eyes. "Anything you want to ask about? The skills, the students, the practice?"
"Well..." Tony pinched Stephen's cape between his fingers and moved it to one side. "I was wondering how on Earth you practice with such tight fitting clothing."
Stephen started to respond, but Tony was sufficiently distracted by what was revealed under Strange's cape. The lowest undergarment Stephen wore on his body was a tight vest, with low-cut holes around his arms. Assumedly for maximum movement. Huh, that answered his question.
Tony tuned back in, catching the very end of Stephen's explanation and nodding as if he had processed every word. "And what about this."
Tony poked into Stephen's exposed top rib, meaning to simply gesture to what element of the sorcerer's clothing he was referring to.
Instead of a well-thought-out explanation of the significance of the hole circumference (or whatever reasoning Tony was expecting Stephen to give), a half-choked yelp burst from Stephen's mouth as he jumped away from Tony's outstretched fingers.
"Huh." Tony commented, trying not to let a grin sneak across his face.
"Anyway!" Stephen said a little too quickly. "Anything else you wanted to do while we're here?"
A plan ticked over in Tony's mind, the perfect way he could investigate exactly what that little noise that Stephen made was.
"Actually, there is." Tony began, moving further into the centre of the courtyard. "It's been a while since I've practiced any kind of combat, care to indulge me?"
Stephen nodded, opening his arms to allow his cape to dismount and prepare for the mock battle.
At that moment, Tony (the little cheat) lunged forwards and tackled Stephen to the ground before he even had the chance to move. With a surprising amount of strength, the billionaire pinned Stephen's arms above his head with one hand, and let the other begin clawing against his exposed sides.
"STAHARK!" Stephen shrieked, his back arching off the floor as chuckles rumbled out of his chest. "YOHOHOU CHEHEAT!"
Tony smirked. "Yeah, kinda hard to play fair going up against a wizard when I don't have backup."
Stephen growled, though the sound lost most of it's sting as it mixed with the laughter still pouring out of the man's mouth.
"Plus," Tony added, "you're practically asking for it, wearing a vest that tight that exposes your weakest points."
Stephen cackled as Tony brought his fingers up to the sorcerer's armpits. "IHIHIT'S NOHOT- AGH TOHOHONY!"
"It's not your weakest point?" Tony gasped, pausing for a brief second before jabbing his fingers into Stephen's hips.
Tony grinned. "Too late, Giggler Supreme, that's what I heard!"
"SHUHUHUT UHUHUP!" Stephen turned his burning face into his arm, trying to conceal his embarrassment.
Oh, Stephen was never going to live this down. Tony would make sure of it.
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slimeylee · 6 months
🪲🧃 || pinned -- # introduction post . *
The Whole " Being Dead " Thing
1:03 ──⚬──── 3:45
⇆ ◃◃ ıı ▹▹ ↻
❝ Hey , folks ! Beggin' your pardon !
'Scuse me ! Sorry to barge in ~
Now let's skip the tears and start on
The whole , y'know ... bein' dead thing ! ❞ /lyr
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## last updated ;; march 19 , 2024 ,,
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my blog introduction . . . remade !
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this blog is a semi - tickle , semi [ normal ] blog .
♡ ‧˚⊹ ❝ Ready ? Okay ! Hi ! I'll be your guide !
I'll be your G-U-I-D-E to the other side ! ❞ /lyr
๋ ࣭ ⭑ 🧷 ABOUT ME
⚝ . * || names i go by are ;;
— slime
— loser
— les / leslie
— kenny
i steal most of my names from my favs :3
nicknames are okay , but i prefer them from closer moots only .
* . ^ i am a minor & my birthday is on april 1st . NSFW & 20+ DNI + DNF . 20+ & sfw are free to int .
please do not be weird and also do not dm if over 20 preferably please n tyy
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⟡ i identify as nonbinary and omnisexual . i am taken ! and have a preferece for females
i use they / it / xe / star pronouns .
i am still experimenting with he / she n idk if im more comfy w one , the other , or both . so i didnt add them . pls dont use them unless i say
you do not have to use my neopronouns . at the least just use they them
๋ ࣭ ⭑ 🧷 BYF
— i am unhealthily obsessed with my fandoms and characters . and i will post about them daily .
— i make kys / kms jokes . they're never serious / gen
— slurs . i say FAGGOT and FAG a lot . its all / lh i swear
— i have a very difficult time reading tone . please dont misuse or overuse tone tags but use them .
— i get attached to people easily so i might talk to u a lot
— i am not usually dry but i will try to match peoples energy most of the time !!!
— i use emoticons !! and i often talk in caps
— i have a typing quirk ( spaces before punctuation ) n im also either VERY GOOD or very bAD with spelling theres no in between .
i also never use grammar i hope you never expect me to use grammar
๋ ࣭ ⭑ 🧷 DNI / DNF
— basic dni criteria . [ this includes but is not limited to ;; racist , homophobic , transphobic , ableist , proship / comship , etc . ]
— nsfw or primarily nsfw blogs
— 20+ blogs that are nsfw
— tickle kinks / fetishisers
— people who misuse tone indicators
— extra sensitive people cuz i make insensitive jokes sometimes . im also a helluva boss , hazbin hotel , and south park fan so
— wilbur soot , dteam fans
— i love talking abt my fixations and fandoms PLS TALK TO ME ABT M FANDOMS also im so sorry if i post a lot abt a singular topic its just bcus im rly excited abt them . or it or whatever it rly is
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ [ are you still reading ? maybe leave a follow .. im pretty kewl rite ?! :3 ]
๋ ࣭ ⭑ 🧷 FANDOMS
- south park
- hazbin hotel
- helluva boss
- dsmp / mcyt
- beetlejuice the musical
- total drama island / action / world tour
- my little pony [ friendship is magic & equestria girls ]
inside out
- sally face
- fnaf
✮ bold italics are fandoms i will write for
✮ bolded are fandoms i might write for but im unsure ;; you can send requests for these and ill lyk if i will do them .
✮ italics are fandoms that im in but wont write for
fandoms that are unlisted you may ask if ive heard of them . this list can always be updated as well !
๋ ࣭ ⭑ 🧷 TAGS
#slimey-thinks ;; my thoughts
#slimey-selfrbs ;; self reblogs
#slimeyLER ;; ler mood
#slimeyLEE ;; lee mood
#slimeySWITCH ;; switch mood 😭
#slimey-reblogs ;; reblogs
#slimey-asks ;; asks
#slimey-art ;; my drawings
#slimey-fics ;; my fanfics
#slimey-ficlets ;; short fics / oneshots ( ? )
hazbin hotel characters __
— valentino - self explanatory
— lilith - dont know enough abt her
helluva boss characters __
— stella - self explanatory
— striker - dont know enough abt him ( he could be a side char or mentioned in a fic tho )
— mammon - self explanatory
— verosika's team [ -vortex maybe ] - dont know enough abt them
south park characters __
— linda and stephen stotch - self explanatory
— liane cartman - i hate her
dsmp members / characters __
— dream
— wilbur
— punz
— georgenotfound
— sapnap
you're free to request any characters from BJ , MLP or TDI/A/WT and ill lyk if ill write for them :3
and any characters unlisted you can request , ill let you know if i will do the req and or if im adding a new character to one of these lists
for tickle fics :
— pinning down ( no tying )
— feathers , wings , nails , hands .
— angst
— fluff
— hurt / comfort
— ships romantic and platonic
๋ ࣭ ⭑ 🧷 EXTRA
i like to roleplay !! but i am rusty so bare with me ok
i love drawing and i like to sing :3
i also used to play gacha club / gacha life 2 a lot
anddd thats pretty much it :3 ty for reading and make sure to FOLLOW ME i am very cool .
♡ ‧˚⊹ ❝ See , I wasn't kidding , its a show about death ! ❞ /lyr
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dannystheone · 1 year
Hey guys! I just watched the Dikinbaus episode and poor Butters!! He worked so hard in both jobs just to get his rightfully owned money and he did so much research to make sure he did the right thing in the end! I whipped this up really quick just to show Butters some appreciation! 
Also remember when I said Marjorine would be the 40th fiction? Yeah I lied. Happy 40th! 
Take A Day Off, Butters! (Lee Butters/ Ler Kenny) 
WARNINGS: Kids swearing! (They’re nine in this) shouting, kinda angsty
Butters is stressed over the amount of work he has to do now that he’s in charge of two jobs. Kenny helps him to take a load off. 
I hope you like this! :0
 Stepping into the Stotch’s home always felt like stepping onto a minefield. Kenny McCormick never knew if Linda and Stephen would welcome him coming over to their house, or start yelling at him about their disobedient son. 
 Walking into the house, Kenny closed the door behind him and greeted Linda and Stephen on the couch. Linda was watching TV and Stephen was flipping through a newspaper. Kenny took a deep breath and cleared his throat to speak. 
 “Himph Mr. anmph Mrs. Stomtch. Imph Buttermphs homemph?” Kenny asked. Linda looked over to Kenny while Stephen kept reading his newspaper. 
 “Ah, little Kenny McCormick is here. Honey, did you see that the McCormick child is here?” Stephen said without acknowledging Kenny’s presence with any sort of look. Linda smiled at Kenny with a nod. 
 “Yes Stephen, I did.” She replied. 
 “And he’s asking about our boy, Butters. Why are you here to see Butters, Kenny?” Stephen asked, still not looking at him. His tone was too stiff, like he was being sarcastic. Kenny furrowed his eyebrows as he picked his fingers. 
 “I wanmphted tomph see imph hemph coulmph hangmph outmph-” Kenny explained quickly, while Stephen stood up abruptly and crumbled his newspaper in his hands. 
 “Oh, you wanted to see if he could hang out, huh?! Well while you’re over here Kenny, maybe you can explain to me why Butters only has ONE paycheck to his name while he claims he’s been working two jobs to earn his money?! I don’t see him from 6 in the morning til 1 o’clock at night! For five days a week! Now you tell me what the hell my son is up to out there on the streets!” Stephen shouted at Kenny, while Linda began to sob. 
 Kenny put his hands up and tried to diffuse the situation. He didn’t know it would be this bad when he came over today. 
 “Sirmph, imph wasmph amctually allmph omph my faulmph-” Kenny tried to explain himself once more, while Stephen waved his hands to cut Kenny off. 
 “Oh no, I don’t want to hear it! I don’t want to hear the lie you and my disobedient son came up with to cover your asses! You wanna hang out with Butters so you can divide your dirty money between each other, well you go ahead! Cause it’s the only human interaction Butters is going to get in the foreseeable future, as he is UNBELIEVABLY GROUNDED! YOU HEAR ME BUTTERS?! GROOOUNDED!!” Stephen pointed at the ceiling while he shouted. Kenny stood by and watched as Stephen stormed into the kitchen and Linda followed him, crying softly. 
 Kenny sighed to himself as he slowly walked up the stairs of the Stotch residence and knocked on Butters bedroom door. 
 “Buttermphs? Buttermphs aremph youmph inmph heremph?” Kenny opened the door to Butters room slowly, and felt his heart squeeze at the scene. 
 Despite it being only about five in the evening, Butters was passed out cold. He wore his pink and white striped uniform, his white hat off-kilter as it slid off his head in his sleep. One of his legs was hanging off of his bed while the other was thrown across the bed. His chest moved gently with his breathing, his eyes twitching in his dreams. It looked as if he barely had enough time to come into his room and collapse on his bed before knocking out entirely.  
 Kenny walked over to Butters’ bed and felt bad for what he was about to do. He knew he needed the sleep more than anyone. Kenny put his hands on Butters shoulders and started shaking him gently. 
 “Buttermphs. Buttermphs, wakemph upmph.” Butters jolted in his sleep, Kenny probably scared him. He woke up more and more as he started moving, and yawned from being woken up. 
 “Mmmm- Kenny? Isthat you...” Butters words slurred together as he rubbed his eyes and tried to clear away his sleepiness. 
 “Yeamph, imph meph.” Butters sat up on his bed as he turned on his desk lamplight. When the light turned on, Kenny’s heart dropped to his stomach. 
 Butters looked haggard, his hair disheveled and dark moons under his eyes. His eyes were glassy and his uniform was stained and dirty. Kenny felt horrible, knowing this was partially his fault.  
 “Howmph umph...howmph aremph youmph dumde?” Kenny stood to the side while Butters hopped off his bed and moved slowly to his closet. Kenny was sure Butters’ body was exhausted no matter how he tried to downplay it. 
 “Oh you know, living the dream! I get to go to school and go to work and earn my money! I’m sure I have more money than anyone in our grade!” Butters said with a smile. Despite Butters’ cheerful words, Kenny still felt guilty as Butters’ was clearly overworked at such a young age. 
 “And I get to talk to customers and scoop ice cream and serve hot dogs! It’s the coolest job in the world! I’m living my best life, Kenny! And I get to go to my second job in just an hour!” Butters assured in a positive tone. Butters removed his dirty shirt and threw it in the laundry basket in exchange for a fresh one. 
 “M’yeah bumt... howmph aremph youmph feelingmph?” Kenny insisted. Butters pulled down his new work shirt with the Dikinbaus logo as the design on the front. He removed his hat and pushed his messy hair out of his eyes. 
 “Well...I’ll admit it, Kenny. I’ve been a little tired, lately. The work is great, but it’s a lot sometimes! My arms are sore from scooping and flipping and cleaning for so long. And I haven’t been sleeping the best ‘cause I still have to do schoolwork and my chores at home. I get about four hours of sleep a night. Hah, if I’m lucky. And then you know, my dad grounding me for the rest of my life because I’m never home anymore doesn’t help. Aw jeez.” Kenny felt his heart tug. He should have never entered the restaurant business with Cartman and unload all of this on Butters. 
 “Mmm... imph theremph anythingph I canmph domph tomph helpmph? Maybemph umph...” Kenny thought hard about what he could do to help his friend. He said his arms were sore. Maybe...
 “Omph! Imph canmph givemph youmph amph massagemph! Bemfore yourm nemxt shimft!” Kenny suggested. Butters cheeks turned rosy at the thought. 
 “Oh Ken I uh, I don’t know-” Butters began, but Kenny shut him down. 
 “No no no- Youmph getph omver heremph andmph relamph.” Kenny hopped up on Butters bed and pat the space next to him. Butters fidgeted with his hands as he made his way over to his bed and laid down on his belly. Kenny repositioned himself to sit on Butters side and started rubbing his fingers into Butters’ spine. 
 “Well, this feels really good Kenny! You’re actually pretty good!” Butters said and nestled his head into his arms. Kenny smiled beneath his hood and rubbed circles into where he felt knots in Butters back. Butters had a few sore spots that Kenny unraveled with his circles. 
 “Thanmphs Buttermphs. My Dadph haph a soremph backmph sometimphs andmph thisph reallymph helpmphs himph.” Kenny delved lower on Butters back and started rubbing his fingers in Butters’ lower ribs on his back. 
 Butters spasmed as he let out a few giggles. “Hehehe! Ohoho Kenny careful! That’s ticklish right there.” Butters calmed down when Kenny moved to a different spot. 
 “Omph, sorrymph Buttermphs.” Kenny moved to Butters’ lower back and pressed his thumbs in relieve the tension. Butters let out a sigh as Kenny worked out the sore spots in that area. 
 “Wow, thanks Ken, well, you got magic fingers! I thought I was never going to- pfft- K-Kehehenny! Y-You’re tihihihickling ahahagain!” Butters wriggled on his bed while Kenny’s hands pressed into his sore spots. It seemed his sore spots were extra tender. 
 “Sorrymph Buttermphs! Yourmph knotmphs aremph reallymph badmph heremph. Youmph mightph hamph badph pomsture.” Kenny pressed his thumbs into Butters’ lower back and circled them with a level of experience. This technique was very tickly to Butters, however. 
 “Tehehehee! Kehenny plehease! Ehehehee!” Butters laughed sweetly as he squirmed under Kenny’s touch. Kenny used his index fingers to try and make the touches lighter for Butters, but it didn’t work. Butters was ticklish there no matter what he did. 
 “Omkay omkay, I’ll gomph tomph a dimfferent spomt.” Kenny took advantage of this situation and just started squeezing his fingers up Butters’ side. Butters squealed and twisted underneath Kenny’s hands. 
 “Bahahaha! Kehehehenny nohohohoho!! Tehehehee!” Kenny was quick to climb on Butters’ bed and sit on his lower back to keep him steady. He used both hands to squish up and down Butters sides. 
 “Omph Buttermphs... Youmph hamph soooomph manyph sorme spotmphs! Howmph canmph youmph wormk limke thismph?~” Kenny tried as well as he could to tease underneath his hood, but it all came out in muffles. Butters was tickled pink either way whether he was getting teased or not. 
 “I- hehehehee! I wohohork juhuhuhust fihihihine hehehee!!” Giggles overcame Butters speaking as Kenny worked over his back. One hand spidered in between Butters’ shoulder blades while his other hand squeezed his shoulders and fluffed over his neck. His neck seemed to be especially bad, but it also seemed no matter where Kenny targeted Butters had a reaction to it. 
 “I guemph butmph, I bettermph wormk thesemph soremph spomts oumph bemfore youmph hurtmph yourmself wormking!” Kenny reasoned, and splayed his fingers to press all ten of them up and down Butters back sporadically. Butters seemed to “like” this technique as his laughing grew more erratic. 
 “Nohohoahahaha! Kennehehehee dohohon’t- ehehehehe!” Butters pleaded. Kenny’s fingers kept up with Butters twisting as Kenny grew a devilish grin beneath his hood. 
 “Donm’t domph whamt, Buttermphs?~” Kenny asked, his fingers stilling for a moment. Butters twitched as he felt phantom fingers playing over his skin. 
 “Ehehehee- tihihickle mehe! Yohohou wehehere-” Butters was cut off by his own squealing as Kenny’s hands shoved themselves up the soft hollows of his underarms. Kenny’s fingers wriggled into the spaces as Butters tried to clamp his arms to his sides while twisting underneath Kenny. 
 “Welm, imph youmph sayph somph Buttermphs! I was jumst gonnma gimph youmph amph massagemph, butmph imph youm insismt!” Kenny scribbled his fingers lightly in Butters’ underarms and danced his fingers up over his shoulders and wriggled them in his ears. 
 Butters eyes squeezed shut as the ticklish electricity shocked his nerves in all directions. “AAhahahahaha! Kehehehehen plehehehehease!! I- ehehehehe! Ohoho hahahamburgers! I’hihim tohohoo tihihihicklish!” Butters cried out. Kenny felt his heart tug at Butters reaction. Why was he so cute all the time?! 
 “Awww, you’rme toom timcklish Buttermphs?” Kenny cooed, his fingers scribbling over Butters’ back and sides. Butters nodded his head as sweet sounding laughter poured from his mouth. 
 “Yehehehess I ahahaham! Ehehehehee- Kehehehehen!” Kenny pinched Butters’ back dimples and used his index fingers to dot up and down Butters spine. Butters’ shimmied and squirmed underneath Kenny with a method this unpredictable. 
 “Omkay, I’ll finimsh themph massagemph firmst anmph I’ll lemt youmph gomph.” Kenny resolved, and stuck his hand underneath Butters’ tummy. 
 “Yohohou’re nohohohot mahahassaging thohohough- AAHAHAhahaha!! Keheheahahaha! Kehehehen stohoho-ahahahahap!!” Butters began wriggling frantically as he felt movement worm against his tummy. All his struggling had caused his T-shirt to ride up, granting Kenny access to his bare tummy. 
 “Omph... Theremph’s amph soremph spomt heremph toomph. Howm didph thamt getph therme?” Kenny, still keeping up the facade that he was giving Butters a massage, started rubbing Butters’ belly in little circles to give him a massage. However, Butters resisted and tried to squirm away from Kenny’s touching. 
 “Ihihihihit’s nohohohot! Ihihihihit’s nohohohot! Hehehehehee! Butters giggled as Kenny’s fingers squished in his belly and wriggled in the small space they could. Butters let out a fresh peal of laughter as Kenny managed a finger in his belly button to worm around. 
 “Jeemz Buttermphs you’rme soremph allmph omver. I’ll hamph tomph massagemph yourm wholemph bodymph!” Butters giggled louder at the teasing and shook his head at the idea. 
 “Nohohohoho yohou cahahan’t! *hic* I’hihhiill dihihihihie! *hic*” Butters broke out in small hiccups, his laughing broken up by small ‘hic’ sounds. Kenny smiled behind his hood at the sweet sound, but he was sure that meant Butters was nearing his ending point. Kenny slowed down his tickles as Butters back twitched with his hiccups. 
 “Youm omkay Buttermphs? I didnm’t gomph toomph far, righmt?” Kenny rubbed his hand up and down Butters back to soothe him. Butters nodded while he slowly sat up on his bed, and readjusted his shirt. 
 “Ahehe- *hic* I’m- I’m fine Ken. Boy, you sure are one heck of a tickler! Why you coulda killed me! It was fun though! Thanks for helping me out.” Butters smiled kindly at Kenny. Kenny reached forward and forced Butters into a hug to hide his blushing cheeks. 
 “Mmph- Imph youm emver needph helmp with anmythingph, jumst amsk Buttermphs. I’mph heremph formph youmph.” Kenny said genuinely. Butters slowly returned Kenny’s hug, and buried his face in the crook of Kenny’s neck.
 “Thanks, Kenny. Why, you’re just the bestest friend a guy could have.” The two boys released as Butters scratched the back of his head in thought. 
 “Mmph... guessph youmph hamve tomph gomph tomph wormk nowmph, huh?” Kenny said in a sad tone. Butters quirked his lip in thought before shrugging with a smile. 
 “Nah, I can skip a day! Besides, you’re looking a little sore there, Ken! Looks like you need a massage~” Butters fingers wriggled in front of Kenny’s eyes. Kenny’s eyes widened as he jumped off the bed and raced around the room with Butters hot on his trail, both boys laughing happily. 
 The rest of the day was filled with plenty of playing and well-needed relaxation for Butters.  
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apavorantes · 8 months
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Nome: Mary Ann Bishop. Apelidos: Bishop já basta. Idade: Vinte e oito anos. Data de nascimento: 16 de janeiro de 1996. Orientação: Assexual e birromântica.
Espécie: Semideusa. Afiliação: Fobos, deus do medo. Chalé: 33. Status: Viva.
Traços: [ + ] Honesta, disciplinada e determinada. [ - ] Reclusa, autoritária e rígida.
Interesses: Mitologia grega e japonesa, livros, bebidas quentes, velas aromáticas, climas frios, roupas pretas e com várias camadas, saias longas, maquiagem e penteados, poções e elixires, antiguidades, aprender, organização, lugares silenciosos e pouco iluminados.
Desinteresses: Os deuses (ou a maioria deles), julgar pelas aparências, soberba, falta de compromisso, infantilidades, impulsividade, desorganização, filmes de terror, eventos sociais, roupas claras e finas, calor, falar sobre si mesma.
Inspirações: Darkling (Sombra e Ossos), Tyrone Johnson (Cloak and Dagger), Breu (A Origem dos Guardiões), Sonho (Sandman), Wandinha Addams (Wandinha), Agatha (O Mundo Sombrio de Sabrina).
1. Bishop nunca atende pelo nome de batismo, Mary Ann, preferindo ser chamada pelo sobrenome (que, aliás, vem do pai mortal que a criou). Assim, você nunca a verá apresentando-se como Mary, Mary Ann, Ann ou qualquer coisa que não seja apenas Bishop.
2. Sua mãe é uma escritora de terror e suspense que assina com o nome Bishop Ono, a junção de seu sobrenome de casada e sobrenome de solteira. Mais de uma vez, foi citada como “a versão feminina de Stephen King”, embora sua fama esteja longe de tornar-se tão grandiosa. Bishop acredita que foi por isso que ela chamou a atenção de seu pai divino, o deus do medo.
3. Falando em sua mãe, mesmo após o divórcio, ela continuou com o sobrenome de casada para ter o mesmo sobrenome que a filha.
4. Seus avós maternos são imigrantes japoneses, e foi através deles que ela se tornou fluente em japonês. Além disso, Bishop sabe ler e escrever em grego (a fala ainda é um pouco prejudicada) e está, aos poucos, desenrolando o latim.
5. Suas cores favoritas são preto e roxo, e qualquer um percebe isso, já que, quando não está sendo obrigada a usar a camiseta laranja do Acampamento Meio-Sangue, suas roupas e maquiagem têm essa mesma paleta praticamente o tempo todo, com algumas variações em vermelho e azul. Além disso, a farda do Acampamento que usa é customizada e coberta de acessórios, ao ponto em que o laranja fica até apagado.
6. Desde seu retorno, o chalé 33 está sempre com um leve cheiro de lavanda ou capim: Bishop ama velas aromáticas e costuma acendê-las para ler.
7. Ela é canhota, e, enquanto estava aprendendo a escrever, além de ter que lidar com professores tentando ensiná-la a escrever com a mão errada, ainda desenhava as letras espelhadas graças à dislexia ainda não diagnosticada.
8. Ela sempre quis ter um gato preto de estimação, por mais clichê e esperado que seja. A mãe nunca a permitiu, no entanto, por acreditar que gatos pretos trazem má sorte — Bishop odeia quando ela fala coisas assim.
9. Em Nova Roma, Bishop estava estudando História, focando-se em Mitologia Grega, com a intenção de eventualmente tornar-se professora de História no mundo mortal. Contudo, também possui muito interesse em alquimia, poções e outras atividades que, normalmente, estão reservadas às crias de Hécate e Circe.
10. Desde que chegara a Nova Roma, sua percepção do Acampamento Meio-Sangue sofreu algumas mudanças. Além de preferir a organização romana ao caos grego, possui certa mágoa dos diretores do Acampamento, pois eles pouco parecem se importar com a qualidade de vida e longevidade dos semideuses.
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cantsaythetword · 9 months
(I really dont know who to ask you're my only hope😓)
Oh AND, HES GONNA BE WRECKED SO GOOD DONT EVEN ASK ME HOW I MANAGED TO END UP TONY INTO THAT- (stephen is the ler and he's "really" gonna wreck him to death ig-)
Lee!Tony headcanons:
this man is the snarkiest little shit you've ever seen
will talk himself to his GRAVE even when he knows what's coming
like literally you could have him pinned or running from you and he'll still be like "you're gonna tickle me? bet."
once you get him giggling tho he's an absolute goner there is no getting his resolve back
he'll have super choppy high pitched laughter mixed in with some snorts (tony is one of the few characters that i think snorting REALLY fits tbh)
something that really gets to him is if he can't see your hands. whether you're covering his eyes, or you're hiding your hands behind your back, or if he's lying on his front, any of that will make the poor guy stutter like crazy (and it's rare that our playboy is speechless)
these are probably my best ones to give you anon, hope they're ok !!! sorry there's not that many of them!
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Title: panic attack (aftermath)
Description: after coming home from a rather anxious meeting with some other online animators, hosuh finds himself completely drained from a panic attack that he had, but thankfully he has Stephen to be there for him.
Ler: Stephen
Lee: hosuh
“How long has it been?” Jay asked, obviously concerned for his silver haired friend.
Daniel who was sitting across the table from jay, looked down at his watch and said: “almost three hours since he came back”
Stephen blinked, “seriously? That long? What the hell are we doing then just standing on the side while hosuh is just suffering under the influence of a…” Stephen lowered his voice to whisper, making sure hosuh didn’t hear. “Panic attack”
“Correction, he’s currently done and now recovering from his numbness from the..well you know, but yeah, I agree with Stephen, we should go and talk to hosuh, we are his friends after all” Jay stood up and was about to head over to hosuh, when Stephen put a hand on his shoulder.
“Actually…let me handle this. I am his closest friend and well, I think it would be better if just me and him were alone for this” Stephen reasoned, hoping Jay would get the message.
Jay thought for a moment, then nodded slightly, and looked over at Dan as Stephen went over to his bedroom door down the hall.
“I hope hosuh’s alright, what could have caused his distress?” Daniel said, rubbing the back of his head.
“I’m not sure, but as long as hosuh knows he’s safe around us and the environment, that’s all that matters right now” Jay replied.
Stephen lifted his hand to knock on the closed door, before hesitating. *the hell am I doing?! Hosuh is my friend! I’m supposed to help him!*
Stephen forced a gentle knock as he cleared his throat, trying his best not to seem like he was interrupting hosuh’s personal bubble. Stephen opened his mouth to speak: “Hosuh? Are you alright? We heard from a call earlier that…well, me and Jay and Dan just want to know if your alright”
Only silence met Stephen, giving him the idea that hosuh was in one of those moods when he was either sad, angry or feeling empty. *probably the last option knowing what happened, or rather I don’t in detail at least*
Stephen opened the door and closed it behind him, finding hosuh lying on the bed with his back to Stephen. Stephen walked over and sat down on the bed, seeing that hosuh was awake, just extremely stoic and his blue eyes seeming to dim from the lack of emotion he seemed to suppress under his anxiety if not this depressive episode. Stephen knew hosuh well enough to know he never suffered from serious depression or anxiety, so he, jay or Dan for that matter never knew what could have been the cause for his panic attack.
*maybe he was just overly stressed that he panicked over something? Perhaps it was from a phobia?* Stephen guessed, the gears in his head turning slowly.
“Wanna talk about what happened today?” Stephen asked, his voice low but full of interest and sincere concern.
Stephen is never this compassionate towards anyone, and never hosuh usually, but Stephen knew he wasn’t gonna let a rough day ruin hosuh like this, not when hosuh had never let him down all other times.
“You know I care right? Hosuh?”
Silence rained, as hosuh breathed in slow and exhaled in a way of answering Stephen but not n a helpful way however, he remained as lifeless as ever, slowly blinking. Hosuh was so out of it, he was so discontent he might as well looked disconnected from the world around him.
Stephen placed a hand on his shoulder, Stephen felt Hosuh jump a little from the contact. He still had a little life in him left, he just needed to find a way to make it rise.
“Remember how when we first became real friends, and that I would make you happy no matter what? Because I love you and all?” Stephen asked, getting hosuh’s eyes to look in his direction without moving his head. “I promised I would and well, I’m here to do whatever I can to make you happy again”
Hosuh started show a slightly irritated look and just pulled the covers over his head.
“Even if you try to run from it..” Stephen said with a small smile. “Now come on hosuh, where is the man that was always there for me when I needed him the most? Come on show yourself”
Hosuh remained still under the covers, but Stephen could sense that this could actually work.
“And who’s the friend that picked me up after I fell to the dirt?” Stephen playfully teased, placing the same hand from a minute ago over hosuh’s side, making hosuh freeze. “Come on where is he?~”
Stephen repositioned himself closer to hosuh’s and put both hands on hosuh, running them around his torso before finding his sides on top of the blanket. Hosuh seems to scoot away from Stephen a little.
“Now where is that I friend? I could really use a friend right now, a friend that is willing to give me a smile and something else that follows a smile perhaps?” Stephen gently squeezed hosuh’s sides, making him squirm already from the contact. “Come on, I still had not found that friend, now do I have to force him to come out of hiding? Or will he come out himself?”
Stephen started to carefully dig his digits into hosuh’s skin through the blanket, making small circles, giggling started to sound from under the covers.
“Ste-hehephen please-“ hosuh finally spoke under his breath through a fit of giggles.
Stephen started to poke randomly with one of his hands, the other still, making five small finger circles on hosuh’s side.
“Come on hosuh, gimme a laugh, come on, not that hard to laugh” Stephen teased, now stopping his actions to pull the blanket down to reveal a frowned scared hosuh. Stephen grinned like a wolf. “I see that blush on your face, you can’t fool me dude”
Hosuh hid his face with a pillow, refusing to smile or laugh.
“Well if your not gonna talk I guess I’ll have to force and answer out of you, are you satisfied and happy yet?”
Hosuh just grumbled an inaudible ‘nuh uh’ thought the pillow.
“What’s with the attitude man, where’s my happy optimistic friend?!” Stephen raised his voice in a manner as if he was playing. “Don’t tell me this shady hosuh is ticklish and I have to change him back”
That comment left hosuh blushing, to which Stephen could see a little behind the pillow and smirked wider with gratitude. Stephen started to attack hosuh’s sides with more aggression, push hosuh further. Hosuh was doing his best not to laugh, which was working so far, only small giggling and snorts would escape Hosuh, but it wasn’t enough for Stephen.
“Where is hosuh?! And what have you done with him!” Stephen said. “Hosuh can you hear me? I can still save you from this horrid nightmare you call an empty shell!”
This was getting deeper into hosuh and at any moment he was gonna break.
“Tell me this, is hosuh ticklish on his…ribs?!”
Hosuh was at the edge of breaking, Stephen tracing and digging his fingers in between his ribs was almost unbearable, he was squirming so much and could barely contain his laughter any more.
“Who’s my best friend? Come on hosuh~ say it~ you know you wanna~ who is my best friend? Are you satisfied?!” Stephen joked. “I need answers!”
Stephen started attacking his stomach.
“HAHAHAHAAHA!!!” Hosuh had finally broke, his stomach was not the most sensitive, but it was one he was more embarrassed of, to which he started blushing uncontrollably.
“Awwww~ there you are~” Stephen cooed, pulling hosuh close and in his lap, continuing his attack on his sides and ribs. “Look at you~ you look a lot better in a smile then a frown, I could do this all day if I wanted”
“NOHOHO PLEHEHEHEASE!” Hosuh started to squirm away but Stephen grabbed hosuh from behind and flung him back onto the bed.
“Nuh uh! You dont get to run from this, I’m not done with you mister” Stephen then used a hand to ruffle hosuh’s hair and the other to stroke behind his ear which he knew was gonna tickle, making hosuh giggle already. Stephen just started to laugh anyways since he found hosuh to amusing and adorable as friend to stop playing with him. “And this spot is a bit ticklish~ hehehehe”
Hosuh slapped stephens hands away, only for Stephen to go back to tickling his sides, squeezing rapidly and giving pressure through his fingers, Hosuh curled up and couldn’t help but say “Stehehephen! Stohohohop! I’m happy now I geheheehet it!”
Stephen pulled hosuh into hug, stopping his attack for a moment…but only for a moment. Hosuh smiled a bit, hugging back.
“Thanks for checking on me, I probably still would have been happy even if jay or dan came to help me, but I’m glad you did”
“Yeah? So you think jay or Dan would also be tickling you like this?” Stephen teased, see as red glow increase on hosuh’s face. “Hahahaaha! Just kidding, only Stephen can cheer Hosuh up that way”
“Uhhh no” Hosuh said, leaning back from Stephen.
“Uhhh yeah?” Stephen pushed on.
“No stephen doesn’t get to top anyone this time”
“Stephen does get to be the best, cause he is the best!” Stephen boasted.
Hosuh let out a snicker, as if mocking stephens efforts to be superior. He looked at hosuh looking confused and a little upset.
“You think that’s funny to you?” Stephen asked, trying to grab hosuh by an arm but hosuh instead got off the bed, only to be pulled back again.
Stephen layed on top of hosuh to keel him still, aside from his legs that started to squirm and kick. Hosuh was laying on his back.
“I’ll show you funny, you clearly need more optimism” Stephen said, both hands on hosuh’s sides again, slowly starting to wiggle his fingers.
“Wait! Stephen I already have a bunch of that! You already do your thing, you cheered me up!” Hosuh yelped, knowing that he can’t do anything with his free hands.
“Yeah? But then you decided to throw it back in my face after all a my hard work by snickering at my pride!” Stephen explained, sitting up and trapping hosuhs arms at his sides with his legs.
“Now enough chat, more laughter….” Stephen added, making hosuh giggle uncomfortably. “Here comes thhheeeee tiiickle monnnster~”
Stephen playfully teased in a drawn out tone. Hosuh started squirm, but he could barely move under Stephen’s weight. Stephen lifted hosuh’s shirt and started tracing a finger around his stomach. Stephen noticed at the corner of his eye that hosuh was trying his best not to smile again.
“Nope!” Stephen declared, immediately digging his hands into hosuh’s sides, making him howl with laughter. “Don’t go back to gloomy hosuh! We just fixed that!”
Stephen then leaned his head down and started to blow small raspberry’s into hosuh’s neck, forcing screeches and yelps of giggles from his timid silver haired friend. Hosuh had manage to wiggle free an arm and started to attack Stephen’s stomach which he had a perfect shot from, Stephen jumped and looked at hosuh suspiciously, grabbing his free arm and pinning it above his head.
“Do you really think you’re fucking funny?” Stephen asked, almost genuinely. “Cause fighting back only makes situations worse for you”
Stephen moved both arms above hosuh’s head and smirked evilly, placing all five fingers on his ribs. “Perhaps I should start from the top” Stephen then dragged his hand down and eventually reaching hosuh’s side again. “Then again how far down can I really go?”
Stephen scooted back a bit and started kneading his hands into hosuh’s waist.
“HAHAHAHAAHAHA! NOHOHO PLEEHEHEASE!” Hosuh begged, but Stephen ignored him this time.
“Oh? What’s wrong?” Stephen asked, moving on to the tiger side. “Does it tickle? Why are you laughing? I’m just trying to give you a message”
Stephen then moved over to his sides and ribs, moving them up and down.
“Oh look at all of these spiders just skittering your body like crazy, I think you like it though~ you keep blushing and if you have a failed effort to get out and run you just give in? How cute, you even tried fighting back, you have to personality of a puppy but can’t do anything back cause it’s helpless, hehe”
Stephen let go of hosuh’s arms and started using both arms to attack both ends of his ribs and sides, hosuh tried blocking or swiping stephens hands away, but nothing was working anymore.
“Just a few..more..seconds…” Stephen grunted, forcing more laughs out of hosuh before he finally stopped, for real this time, he got off of hosuh and stood by his bed side. Hosuh was breathing heavily. “Heh heh, I guess my work here is done, Ive officially-“
Stephen was suddenly hugged by hosuh from behind.
“Hehhehe, dork” Hosuh joked, hugging tight.
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nekomancee · 9 months
oiii, tudo bem? feliz festas!!
passei pra dizer que amo, amo mto a sua escrita (e capas também, claro!). Adoro a atmosfera que você consegue passar com as palavras e fiquei curiosa se, talvez, você tivesse alguns escritores a qual se inspira. Sempre gosto de conhecer autores novos, mas sou péssima pra procurar livros ;-;
Teria algumas indicações de livros para esse ratinho de livraria perdido?
OIE!! BOAS FESTAS PRA VOCÊ TAMBÉM, CHUCHU!! espero que coma e aproveite bastante esse final de ano!
muito obrigado!!! é tão >BOM< ler e saber disso, de verdade! fico feliz demais que acompanhe o que eu escrevo e goste! tô toda quentinha e tchola 🩷 muito obrigado mesmo! E CLARO QUE EU POSSO! confesso que esse final de ano me deixou molenga pra ler uns livros que tenho guardado, mas vou te indicar alguns com o maior prazer!
ENTÃO! os escritores que mais me inspiram são: 1. Stephen King (acho que nem é novidade do jeito que eu sou fissurada por terror TwT). 2. Clive Barker, 3. Virginia Woolf, 4. Neil Gaiman, 5. Raphael Montes, 6. Edgar Allan Poe, 7. Fiodor Dostoiévski, 8. Haruki Murakami!!!!
agora os livros que eu dou uma recomendada (que acho que valem a pena ler, porque eu gostei TwT): 1. Declínio de um homem (Osamu Dazai), 2. O estranho misterioso (Mark Twain), 3. O Vilarejo (Raphael Montes), 4. Seres Mágicos e Histórias Sombrias (Neil Gaiman & ++), 5. Sobre os ossos dos mortos (Olga Tokarczuk), 6. O Silêncio dos Inocentes (Thomas Harris), 7. Crônica do Pássaro de Corda (Murakami), 8. Orgulho e Preconceito (amo esse romancezinho😭😭😭), 9. Nevernight (AMO ESSA FANTASIA.), 10. Salem's Lot (Stephen King).... TIPO ASSIM EU ESPERO QUE VC GOSTE DE ALGJM DESSES E ETC. . . . .... . se quiser mais eu tenho uma lista enorme 💌🧁 OBRIGADO PELA ASK!!!
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theatreinpractice · 7 months
Como estudar o enredo e o personagem em suas histórias favoritas: 5 etapas fáceis
E se eu lhe dissesse que a melhor maneira de aprender a criar enredos e personagens incríveis em suas próprias histórias é por osmose proposital? Primeiro, é claro, talvez eu tenha que explicar que “osmose proposital” significa ler muitos e muitos livros e assistir muitos e muitos filmes – e  estudar conscientemente o que há neles que funciona. Com essa explicação fora do caminho, é provável que você concorde. Mas é provável que você também não tenha certeza de como fazer isso acontecer. Como  você descobre  como estudar o enredo e o personagem nas histórias de outras pessoas?
Não muito tempo atrás, Wordplayer KM Updike (ela com as iniciais radicais!) me enviou um e-mail perguntando:
[Qual é] o seu processo para estudar o enredo, a estrutura, os arcos dos personagens, etc., dos livros que você lê e dos filmes que assiste? Já faz algum tempo que me pergunto como alguém estuda o trabalho do escritor enquanto lê/assiste.
Esta é uma excelente pergunta. Afinal, é fácil para Stephen King dizer:
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Não me interpretem mal: este é um conselho tremendo. Mas também é bastante vago.
É isso? Nós apenas...  lemos?  E as respostas serão, o quê? Venha até nós?
Sim, realmente. Até certo ponto, pelo menos. Quanto mais lemos e assistimos histórias boas (e ruins), melhores se tornarão nossos próprios instintos de contar histórias – sem que tenhamos que fazer mais nada.
Mas para melhorar nosso jogo aqui, que tal fazermos  mais  algumas coisas? Hoje, vou lhe dar um plano prático sobre como estudar o enredo e o personagem (e muito mais) em suas histórias favoritas.
1. Comece com um plano de ação
O primeiro passo para ter um propósito é, obviamente, ter um propósito. Freqüentemente, você pode simplesmente querer observar os livros que lê e os filmes que assiste  em geral , deixando que os pontos fortes e fracos da história guiem seu estudo. Mas pode ajudá-lo a ir mais fundo se tiver uma lista de coisas às quais deseja prestar atenção conscientemente.
Eu recomendo uma  pequena lista. Quanto mais curto, melhor, na verdade.
Por que? Porque seu cérebro só consegue acompanhar um certo número de tangentes de uma vez (diz a mulher com vinte abas abertas em seu navegador). Você obterá melhores resultados se focar em um ou dois elementos ou técnicas primárias por vez.
Por exemplo, ultimamente tenho me concentrado no diálogo (tanto porque é algo em que estou trabalhando quanto porque estou planejando uma série de postagens no blog sobre diálogo para o próximo ano). Observo o fluxo e refluxo do diálogo, anotando o que funciona e o que não funciona. Qual é o efeito – e por que o autor pretendia isso?
Isso não quer dizer, é claro, que você também não possa tomar nota de algo interessante, em qualquer categoria, que se revele. Mas apenas  siga conscientemente certos coelhos em suas tocas.
2. Arme-se com marcadores e canetas
Jane Eyre: The Writer's Digest Annotated Classic (link de afiliado da Amazon)
Isto é apenas para estudantes sérios. Sério, eu só faço isso quando estou em modo de batalha total (por exemplo, como quando eu estava dissecando  Jane Eyre de Charlotte Brontë , para poder escrever sobre suas técnicas brilhantes em  Jane Eyre: The Writer's Digest Annotated Classic ).
É aqui que você vai querer dividir seu estudo em mais algumas categorias – uma para cada cor de marcador. Percorra o livro, destacando adequadamente, sempre que encontrar uma passagem interessante. Escreva notas com abandono nas margens. Então, quando terminar, leia  novamente e digite suas anotações, expandindo-as para registrar completamente suas reações e novos conhecimentos.
Digo que isso é apenas para estudantes sérios, principalmente porque é um caminho rápido para interferir na leitura como puro prazer (e também para bagunçar seus livros de bolso).
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Este é um estudo rigoroso no seu melhor e exigirá todo o seu poder cerebral. Nada de ler para dormir quando estiver fazendo isso.
3. Divida a estrutura
A maneira mais segura de entender o enredo e a estrutura da história é quebrar conscientemente a estrutura em livros e filmes – como faço regularmente para o banco de dados de estrutura de histórias . Como eu faço isso?
Comece com um atalho fácil: divida o número total de páginas de um livro ou o tempo total de execução de um filme por oito. Por que? Porque os principais momentos estruturais acontecem a cada oitavo da história:
1. Evento Incitante (12%)
2.  Primeiro Ponto de Trama /Fim do Primeiro Ato (25%)
3.  Primeiro ponto de aperto (37%)
4.  Meio /Meio do Segundo Ato (50%)
5. Segundo ponto de aperto (62%)
6. Terceiro Ponto de Trama / Início do Terceiro Ato (75%)
7. Clímax (88%)
Para filmes, uso meu prático caderno de quadro branco para anotar o minuto aproximado de cada ponto de inflexão, para que possa observar facilmente o tempo de execução e anotar o que está acontecendo.
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Para livros, uso pequenos marcadores Book Darts para marcar a página apropriada em cada ponto de virada.
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Dessa forma, não fico totalmente à deriva na história. Posso observar o relógio ou a contagem de páginas e saber que estou atento à respectiva rotunda do momento estrutural.
Esta é uma maneira fabulosa de compreender a estrutura da história como um todo e, igualmente importante, de compreender como os vários elementos estruturais podem se manifestar de maneiras muito diferentes de história para história.
Você pode estudar meus muitos exemplos no banco de dados de estrutura de histórias .
4. Examine suas reações
Sempre que você terminar uma história, reserve um momento antes de passar para a próxima história. Apenas sente-se e pense em suas reações ao que acabou de vivenciar. Pergunte a si mesmo:
Como a história fez você se sentir?
O que você gostou nisso?
O que você não gostou?
Você acha que foi uma história objetivamente boa?
Você não gostou mesmo assim? Por que?
Você acha que foi uma  história objetivamente problemática ou mesmo ruim ?
Você gostou mesmo assim? Por que?
Nas respostas a essas perguntas está sua maior oportunidade de crescimento como escritor. Se você conseguir destilar seus  sentimentos muitas vezes nebulosos sobre uma história em fatos lógicos sobre o que  o fez se sentir assim, você será capaz de adicionar as armas eficazes de outros autores ao seu próprio arsenal.
Eu uso essa técnica depois de cada história que leio ou assisto. É de onde tiro ideias para metade das postagens deste site.
5. Transcreva a prosa
Esse truque é especialmente útil se você estiver tentando decifrar o código não apenas de uma ótima narrativa, mas também de uma ótima  escrita . O que há na prosa de alguns autores que a faz cantar com tanta facilidade e força? O ponto principal da grande prosa é que ela é perfeita: não devemos pensar nisso, não devemos ver as rachaduras onde as peças estão unidas. Se víssemos as rachaduras, isso anularia todo o propósito.
Como resultado, simplesmente  ler uma boa prosa nem sempre é a maneira mais eficaz de aprender como escrever sua própria prosa incrível. O que você precisa fazer é sentar-se com um caderno, uma caneta e um livro favorito – e começar a transcrever passagens. Eu recomendo fazer isso à mão , com uma caneta de verdade, pois isso vai te deixar mais lento e te forçar a pensar e absorver cada palavra e escolha de pontuação.
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Eu costumava fazer isso todos os dias, e nunca deixei de me surpreender como isso me permitiu ver de repente os blocos de construção que os autores usaram na elaboração de sua prosa. Seu domínio aparentemente inimitável da arte das palavras estava subitamente ao meu alcance. Foi algo que eu pude aprender – e você também pode!
Tem medo de que estudar estrague sua leitura? Não seja
Embora você possa aprender com outros autores, como eu, que detalham histórias e compartilham o que estão aprendendo em blogs e livros, você aproveitará melhor a experiência se fizer isso sozinho. Comece a abordar a leitura de livros e a exibição de filmes propositalmente, com a intenção de identificar e utilizar logicamente as ferramentas fornecidas a você pelos autores que você ama.
Mas e se isso estragar sua leitura e observação?
É verdade, pode ser. Alguns autores usam essas práticas e ficam cada vez mais hipercríticos. Mas, francamente, não deveria. Quanto mais aprendo a identificar como outros autores estão usando a arte, mais  aprecio suas histórias . De uma chance. Você transformará sua apreciação pelas histórias em geral  e sua própria escrita.
Jogadores de palavras, digam-me a sua opinião! Que métodos você usou para descobrir como estudar o enredo e os personagens de suas histórias favoritas? Conte-me nos comentários!
Texto Adaptado e Traduzido da minha professora de escrita criativa :  KM Weiland; vcs podem conferir o link do post original abaixo.
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itacoisa · 1 year
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Em busca do suspense do ano
Então, uns anos atrás (quando sobrava tempo) eu inventei moda e passei escolher o melhor livro de suspense lido naquele ano e nomeá-lo com o título de SUSPENSE DO ANO.
Na verdade, não queria limitar apenas a suspenses, por isso também está aberto para policiais, terror, horror, enfim, livros de crimes, mesmo assim o nome continua sendo SUSPENSE do ano, rs.
Acontece que, como agora não estou tendo tempo para ler muitos livros e escolher o melhor suspense do ano de forma mais natural, eu paro minhas leituras para pegar os suspense que tenho aqui (ou que comprei) e decidir entre eles. A busca agora é ativa.
Por isso, as minhas próximas leituras vão ser desse gênero e, se você quiser acompanhar, vou passar a usar a tag #embuscadosuspensedoano2023 nos diários de leitura das leituras desse projeto.
Vamos falar sobre cada um dos ganhadores anteriores:
Ratos - Gordon Reece (2015)
Esse livro, acredito, que nem dê mais para comprar diretamente pela Amazon, só de segunda mão. E, sinceramente, não sei como explicar esse livro direito, já que não lembro mais o que pode ser considerado spoiler ou não.
A história é sobre uma mãe e uma filha que se isolam em um cabana afastada, após passarem por uns acontecimentos bem pesados, até que ALGO ACONTECE. Então, a partir disso, a gente acompanha todo a "consciência pesada" e a paranoia que as consequências desse acontecimento causa.
Ótimo para ler em um dia.
Caixa de Pássaros - Josh Malerman (2016)
Esse todo mundo deve conhecer.
Mas, caso você tenha ficado preso em uma caverna nos últimos anos, esse livro é sobre uma pandemia desconhecida, rs. Imagine que algo está à solta no planeta, só que sempre que um ser humano avista esse algo, ele se suicida. Basicamente isso.
Outro ótimo livro para ler em um dia.
Misery - Stephen King (2017)
Outro que todo mundo conhece.
Mas, caso você tenha ficado preso em outra caverna nas últimas décadas, Misery conta a história de um autor que sofre um acidente e é socorrido por sua fã número #1.
O problema é que ele levava o último livro da série que ela ama e, quando ela o lê, odeia o que foi escrito e fala a torturar o autor!!!!!
Sinceramente, não achei a leitura dessa tão fácil quanto a dos outros dois, é um pouco difícil entrar no clima, mas depois que entra...
A mulher da Janela - A. J. Finn (2018)
Foi por causa desse daqui que inventei esse troço de suspense do ano, porque fiquei obcecado nele.
O livro é sobre uma mulher que tem fobia de sair de casa, acontece que a coitada assiste um assassinato...
Esse eu lembro bem qual foi a sensação de ler e é uma crescente, no começo é legal acompanhar o dia-a-dia dos personagens, mas como a história vai prosseguindo, a ansiedade que a gente sente vai aumentando.
Muito bom pra ler debaixo das cobertas, hahaha.
Prisioneiros de Inverno - Jennifer McMahon (2019)
Dessa lista, é o que menos gosto.
O livro se passa na zona rural e possui todo um mistério sobrenatural envolvido, não me recordo direito.
O começo é muito, muito, muito bom, só que quando alguns mistérios vão se solucionando, a magia vai acabando. Mas, de qualquer forma, vale muito a leitura.
Está disponível do Kindle Unlimtd!!!!!
Confissões - Kanae Minato (2020)
É um livro sobre vingança. Uma professora resolve se vingar de seus alunos por causa da morte de sua filha.
A sinopse é ótima e o livro sustenta.
O único defeito é que, por possuir mais de um ponto de vista, ele se torna um pouco repetitivo.
É um dos meus preferidos.
Penitência (2021) - Kanae Minato
Sim, sou um Minatolover. A querida conseguiu 2 suspense do ano em sequência!!!! E, entre os dois, não sei dizer qual o meu favorito.
Dessa vez, Kanae resolve contar sobre um assassinato de uma criança enquanto brincava com suas amigas e como isso afetou cada uma delas.
Incrível, apesar de estranhar um pouco a cultura japonesa retratada aqui.
As coisas que perdemos no fogo (2022) - Mariana Enriquez
Um livro de contos argentino.
Alguns com pitada sobrenatural, outro bem psicológico, mas incrível. E o pior, tem coisas muito reais aqui, acredite.
É isso. Eu poderia comentar mais sobre cada uma dos ganhadores, mas é um pouco complicado devido aos spoilers, preguiça e falta de memória.
Com o tempo, pretendo fazer com que esse post seja o "ponto central" desse projeto, sempre atualizando com os ganhadores e com os posts, veremos...
-----> #EmBuscaDoSuspensedoAno2023
Book Haul | Updates: #1 | #2 | #3 | #4 | #5 | #6 | #7 | #8 | #9 | Resultado
INCLUSIVE! Se você estiver lendo isso, indica um livro bom de suspense aí, pelo amor de Deus.
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Estava falando esses dias sobre preferências com uma poetisa muito talentosa,quando veio a pauta grandes escritores,e tirando Shakespeare que não é desse mundo, é um mega star das estrelas,citei o maior em minha opinião Stephen King,que apesar de muitos pensarem que seus livros são histórias de terror e suspense,mas se lerem com cuidado e apenas um pouco de atenção verão os maiores sacrifícios por amor e amizade que em livros de romances ou histórias reais,"It"em seu segundo capítulo mostra isso logo no começo e desvendado no final,"Campo do medo"também tem o roteiro todo baseado em sacrifício para salvar os que amam,"O Nevoeiro","O iluminado", Dança da morte",mostra que a falta de humanidade uns com os outros tem seu preço no final,"O Nevoeiro"principalmente,"Carrie",Christine", Cemitério Maldito",Torre Negra,com suas sequências"grandes clássicos entre outros,a ganância absurda de "1922",o grande elenco infanto juvenil e adolescente reunido em "O corpo"que usa apenas da grande amizade em uma caminhada onde muitas revelações acontecem,e o que dizer do fantástico "Saco de Ossos"bem são muitos outros,mas não posso deixar de citar"A espera de um milagre",que briga unha a unha com "Coração Valente"para ser o maior sucesso da história do cinema, não por bilheteria,mas pra unanimidade, livro é ainda mais perfeito com todos os detalhes que a telinha não pode captar, não existe alguém tão magistral no que se dedicou a fazer, são tantas obras e também tão poucas para quem gosta de ler,palmas para o senhor King.
Micro crônica de Jonas R Cezar
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