13thedream · 3 months
Characters: (Lee) Sunday, (Ler) Kafka
a/n: this is based off of the Idea that Sunday joined the Stellaron Hunters. I have not done the most recent quest yet - only partially proofread, and my first fic, so do not make fun of it, please. But constructive criticism is encouraged
words: 1,5k
Sunday has had a headache all day today, and his eyes felt sore.
It was no doubt the fault of him staying up for most of the night tearfully, but he was sure that these people played a part in it.
They are unfamiliar; they hardly know him and he hardly knows them. And yet, here they are behaving as if he’d always been a part of the “family”. Arms slung over his shoulders, going out to places as well… Aren’t they meant to be an elite group, the feared and despised Stellaron Hunters? No doubt powerful, and yet, they had so much time on their hands to still be silly.
It is safe to say he is not used to such treatment. Relaxing, sitting back and doing nothing, having fun - yet he is neither relaxed or having fun. The thought of his sister laid heavy in his mind - the way she looked so tired on the television, and it tugged at his big brother instincts to sometimes see her wings not preened.
Sunday sighed quietly, his face buried in gloved hands as he leaned back against the sofa he sat on. He regrets now not bringing any of his books, or his journal; then again, he had to leave in such a rush, there simply was no time.
A tiny breeze fluttered the feathers of his left wing, and it twitched. He ignored it, groaning as he burdened himself with thoughts of his sister. What if she’s not feeding herself properly? What if she’s spending her nights crying?
Another breeze, another twitch.
Maybe she hates him. No- Robin would never, yet he found himself wishing she would. He hates himself so much, and he’s just pulling her down with him.
“...day.. Sunday.-” Something delicately traced down his wing, and Sunday would forever deny the startled, squeaky “eep!” He had let out. He whipped around, golden eyes wide, meeting the even and somewhat curious gaze of Kafka.
She was smirking; he felt his cheeks heat up at his own embarrassing reaction - and his damned wings were now curling around his cheeks too, as if he were some shy child hiding his face.
Clearing his throat, Sunday spoke, “..Good afternoon, Miss Kafka,” A polite greeting, choosing to move past what had just happened.
“Hey, angel,” she replied, that stupid smirk never leaving, and he felt his skin prick from the nickname. Angel? Audacious to call him anything other than his own name - yet, he held no power here, so he may as well accept it.
Kafka continued to speak casually, “I’ve been calling your name for a while. D’you wanna have dinner with us later?”
Sunday huffed quietly at the thought alone. Dinner with that barbaric swordsman, the moving suit of armor, a literal cat, and the girl who can’t put her phone down? Forget it. The most normally behaving person there would be Kafka, and that’s saying a lot.
“No.” Sunday grumbled, before clearing his throat once more and fixing himself, “...No, thank you. I will get my own.”
Kafka merely shrugged one shoulder, propping up her face on a hand as she observed him. When had she sat down beside him? Sunday met her gaze for a couple of seconds before glancing away, feathers puffing up. What does she still want?
“No problem. You seem tense,” the woman commented offhandedly, and he looked back out of politeness.
“How could I not be?” Sunday replied, tone cool and curt. Kafka shrugged again, raising one eyebrow as she observed him a moment longer.
“Fair point. But no one’s coming after you here, y’know?” She pointed out, and he huffed; of course he knew that. They’re in the middle of Xipe-Knows-What, in Xipe-Knows-Where.
“I appreciate the concern, but I’m more worried about the company here than anybody looking for me.” Sunday watched reproachfully as Kafka’s expression turned into one of amusement, as well as a mischievousness which had him tensing up further.
“Ah? How come? We’re a loving family here.” She replied, and they could both tell that she was just messing around now. They both knew why.
Sunday sighed, “Well, I don’t feel the slightest bit safe with that swordsman - constantly looking as though he'd strike me down if he had the chance. And that girl is a nuisance. It feels as though her entire personality is just, “Games this,” And “Hacking that,”.” He snorted out - and he felt himself lighten a bit at Kafka’s huffed out laugh.
“...Sam is most likely the most tolerable person,” Her smirk never left for the entire conversation - does this woman even know any other facial expressions..?
“And you are… Hm.” She looked even more smug than usual for a moment at his hesitance, and he grumbled out, “..Mysterious, I suppose. I dislike how unpredictable you get.”
Kafka was silent for a good long moment, just staring at him, before she chuckled, “Might I remind you, Birdie, that you are not so normal for yourself.”
She reached out again, while he was looking elsewhere, and dragged a finger down one of his wings lazily.
Sunday yelped.
His wing flapped, and he whipped around to face her again, cheeks on fire. “Would you please stop that?” He politely snapped, eyebrows furrowing.
She observed, he shifted, trying to cool down his cheeks.
“You’re ticklish,” Kafka finally mused out, tone thoughtful. Sunday sputtered, cheeks ablaze, a huge difference from his usually stoic, cool demeanor.
“What? No. What-? I was just caught of guard.” He replied, shifting away from her on the sofa. Perhaps he should try to respectfully make his leave-
“You laughed a little bit,” Kafka hummed, her eyes narrowing, a nearly predatory look behind them.
“I did not,” Sunday denied, frowning.
“You did.” Kafka’s already smirking lips began curving upwards even further.
“I am not ticklish. Where did you even get that from? Your claim makes little to no se–”
“Alright. Let’s prove it.” Kafka said, and before his brain could even process her words, two hands were firmly gripping his sides, fingertips digging into the flesh.
Sunday let out a surprised, “Aah-ha!” Falling back onto the sofa and attempting to squirm away. It did not tickle so terribly - yet single nerve felt as though it was on fire, and his embarrassment worsened with every little squeak which escaped his lips. He hated his laugh, and he was now sure he hated this damned woman, and her damned smirk, and her damned hands.
“Wait- Wait! Wahahait!” He cursed himself, giggles slipping into his words. His body was jumping, hands reaching down to try and push her’s away, but to no avail. She easily dodged all of his attempts, hands squishing at the sides of his stomach now, only worsening the sensations.
“Gah! Ahahaa! Wahait!” Kafka was smirking, watching the usually uptight Halovian fall apart just from a few touches. His body spasmed when she got closer to his belly, and she chuckled.
“So much for not ticklish, hm?” She hummed out, that predatory glint still in her eyes. He was blushing hard, his laugh a bit awkward - probably from not being genuinely used in so long - and his smaller pair of wings were busy trying to cover up his face.
What an adorable sight.
Her hands teased his belly for a few moments longer, before lowering down on it. Sunday squealed, blushing a dark red now as he lowered his hands to block his sensitive stomach, panting. He heard Kafka click her tongue.
“K-Kafka, thahat’s–!” Suddenly, her hands were in his underarms, those horrid nails scratching at the exposed skin.
“AAah! Kahafka!” He cried out loudly, tone becoming more and more high pitched the longer this went on. His arms slammed down, trying to fruitlessly guard his vulnerable underarms, but that just pushed her hands in deeper, digging into the centers.
His wings were quivering, both sets, and he bucked up wildly. His hair was becoming a mess and his clothing ruffled. Mirthful tears sprung up in his eyes, threatening to fall down his red cheeks, and his chest heaved.
Kafka scratched in his underarms a moment longer before removing her hands altogether, recognizing his limit. She was still smirking, and he breathlessly glared at her.
“...Ruhude.” He panted out, titters still escaping every here and there.
Kafka only smirked, “You had many chances to say stop. You didn’t.”
His cheeks lit up again - Great Xipe, he’d never get over this embarrassment. What’s worse is that she is absolutely correct.
Sitting up, Sunday muttered a quick, “Be quiet..” as he tried to smooth down his clothes. He felt much lighter now, he realized. Not so tense anymore - yet despite that, he still glared at Kafka before moving off of the sofa.
Well. Now he has to go hide in the bathroom for a couple of hours. And possibly die from the embarrassment.
“Excuse me,” he grunted out, and hid his tiny smile in his wing as he left. Kafka replied casually, as if she hadn’t just tickled him senseless, “Seeya.”
Weird - his headache is gone too.
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lovelynim · 1 year
TickleTober2023/Day 18 - Spiderweb
Honkai: Star Rail - Kafka x Caelus
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Caelus tried to pull his arms free, but his struggle only made the strings wrap around his limbs tighter. Looking like a fly caught in a spiderweb, the trailblazer let out an audible sigh, finally facing his captor.
"I should really stop helping you out," he muttered, remembering how much March 7th warned him about these encounters with one of the most dangerous Stellaron Hunters.
Kafka, sitting close to him, smiled as she continued to type something on the small screen next to her. "You should understand by now that, to make the whole scene more convincing, certain measures need to be adopted. People wouldn't believe I'm holding you captive if I let you run around freely," she continued, carefully reading the details of those precious pieces of intel.
"All you have to do is to hold still while I do some… searching," Kafka chuckled, turning off the screen and standing up, turning around to face Caelus, still entangled within her web. 
The trailblazer sighed, shaking his head in disappointment. "As long as you keep yourself from harming people," Caelus let out a small, knowing that Kafka would resort to much more violent ways to achieve her goals if it wasn't for his aiding. "But that doesn't mean I agree with yohohou- ahAHah, w-whahat?!"
Before he could finish his speech, Caelus broke into a fit of giggles, feeling Kafka's hand scribbling over his side, pressing her fingers against his vulnerable body as much as she wanted, taking full advantage of the strings that kept him from moving or squirming away from the tickling.
"I'm sorry, but I need to correct you… I remember there being a mutual agreement on our deal, no? You help me get some intel and I will get Silver Wolf to help you, remember?" Kafka spoke calmly, wiggling her fingers up to his ribs and making Caelus howl in laughter. 
"K-Kahahafka! AhaAHA, w-wahAHAit, stopstopstahahap!" Caelus pleaded - in vain - trying to pull his arms down as hard as he could, only managing to move a couple inches before the strings pulled him back into place. If he was like a fly trapped in a spiderweb, then the spider itself was about to eat him alive, he thought. "OkahAHAy, okahahy, I'm sohohorry! You cahahan stoh- AHAhaha, K-KahAHAHafkaAha, n-nohohohot theHEhere!!"
Caelus cried out a lot, with tears of mirth forming on the corner of his eyes as he felt Kafka move both her hands to tickle him under his arms, sending him into actual hysterics. He knew that woman was dangerous, ruthless and cruel, but he expected all those traits of her to make themselves present when she was fighting, not… tickling someone. 
Though, considering how bad it was, this could, in parts, be called some sort of murder attempt.
Kafka continued her restless assault, exploring how ticklish the Stellaron's vessel was in a couple of different spots, amusing herself with his reactions as she continued to toy with him. "Is it bad? Silver Wolf always get mad at me when I poke her during her games and- oh." Kafka fake gasped, continuing with that facade that looked as calm as ever.
As Caelus's laughter died down, he could hear some kind of beeping noise come from her pocket. "W-what… is this noise..?"
"It seems your rescuer is on his way," she said, picking up her stuff, "I'll make sure you get your part of the deal when I'm out of here, take care ~"
Kafka muttered, getting out of his sight and leaving him behind, trapped within her web as she left. Minutes later, Caelus heard the sound of someone walking behind him. "Caelus! Are you ok?" Dan Heng's voice, full of worry, asked, using the Cloud-Piercer to cut the strings.
"Dan Heng!" Caelus feigned surprise, as if Kafka hadn't told him about it in advance. "Y-yes, I'm all good!"
"What happened? Did you fight that woman by yourself?"
"A-ah, not really, I can'`t say I did- huh?" Stopping in the middle of his explanation, Caelus reached out to his phone, feeling as it vibrated. Checking the notification, he smiled as he read the beginning of the message.
[Ty for helping Kafka  recover my game accs  Heres ur reward We r even now, k?                  - S.W.] 
"Who is it? Is something important?"
"No," Caelus muttered, continuing to smile as he checked the files attached to that message: a dozen pictures of a certain someone standing next to him. "Just one of those annoying ICP ads."
Dan Heng tilted his head in confusion, but decided it didn't matter. "Let's head back, March is worried about you."
"Eh… were you worried about me as well?" Caelus smiled, walking by Dan Heng's side.
As the duo continued to chat, Caelus couldn't help, but to think that dealing with the Stellaron Hunters had its risks, but the rewards… Well, they were certainly worth the price.
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A/N: Ok, so, ler!Kafka was wondering around my head for quite a while and you guys know how she kinda uses spiderwebs everywhere and etc etc so... yeah, this prompt was made for her hahah
Hope you guys enjoyed it!
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lemonpils · 8 months
A Smile Long Forgotten - Blade & Kafka
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Authors note; i legit haven't seen anything from this pairing and its CRIMINAL, so heres some fluff between these two!!
Summary; Blades Mara struck is acting up again, and Kafka finds out a fun little piece of information whilst trying to heal him.
It hurts so bad.
It burns. It aches.
Everything felt like pins and needles, in the worst way possible.
It was late, later then he'd usually be up. But he couldn't sleep, not one bit. He tossed and turned, watching out the window of the Stellaron Hunter's ship as he lied awake. It stings.
It stings so bad.
It was reaching that time again, where the tall dark haired man would have to seek out the help of his magenta haired acquaintance. Where he would have to show weakness, admitting that he needed assistance with his health. But it was something he had grown accustom to doing, and it was something that he had grown more comfortable to as well. He sat up from his bed, pushing the hair from his face. He looked towards his door, and noticed light coming from the bottom.
"She's... Still awake." He thought.
As he pulled himself from bed, he brushed his hair out from his face, finger combing the more intense knots out. He slipped on a black t-shirt, and quietly opened his bedroom door as he walked down the hall. Kafka was sitting on the couch of the ships lounge room, a glass of wine in hand as she read a small article. Blades footsteps we're noticed as she turned her head, a small smile adorning her face.
"Ah, Bladie."
It hurts so bad.
His voice quivered. "Kafka, I-"
My bodies on fire.
"Something caught your tongue?" She spoke.
It feels like I'm dying.
"Kafka, help me, please."
As blade let out those four words, she knew exactly what the situation was. She nodded, gently pulling him down to her. She was seated at the end of the couch, making sure there was room for him. Her hands laid his head on her lap as his body laid across the rest of the couch. Blades pained expression only made Kafka's heart hurt more, seeing her friend in such torment. "Just close your eyes, you know the drill." She said softly. Blade nodded, letting his eyes close like he always did. Followed by feeling Kafka's icy delicate hands begin to caress his face, torso, and wherever else she needed to touch. This was the part of the healing that was so difficult, having to feel her hands all over him. It wasn't that he didnt like it, he'd just never had someone touch him in this way. He groaned as she used her abilities, softening the leathality of the Mara Stuck with only her hands. Kafka was always so gentle with this process, she knew exactly what felt best, and what worked more efficiently. She dragged her fingers along his collar bones, practically pulling the pain right out from him. "Mmm..." He murmured. "That must feel better, hmm?" She spoke sweetly, as she continued to focus around his neck.
Blade nodded, he could feel the pain being relieved, and how it was replaced with a warm and refreshing feeling instead. He could also feel another sensation, an odd one- One of Kafka's nails had gently scratched along the shell of his ear, making his head twitch. "Oh? Did I miss a spot?" Kafka's fingers reached Blade's ear, and began caressing along it gently. She thought he reacted out of pain, that he needed some more healing in that specific area. She was wrong. At the moment, Blade was having a really difficult time holding in whatever reaction he was feeling. It was tingly, but not painfully so. He had the urge to- giggle. It was quite strange, it was almost as if he was ticklish. ... He is, so very ticklish. "K-Kafka... Stop." "I know it hurts Blade, but we're almost done." She said innocently. He could feel a smile tugging at his lips. "N-No thats not what I mehean..." Kafka froze, did he just giggle? She tilted her head, placing her fingers along that same spot on his neck as she watched him almost squirm away from her touch. Ah, I see. She thought. Her fingers curled against his skin, watched as he gasped out. "A-Ah! Kafka-" He grumbled, he then realized that she had caught on to what was occurring, and that he needed a way out fast. "Now then Bladie." She said with a smirk. "Kafka don't you dare-"
"Dont, move." She said using her ability.
As her words hit Blade's ears, he felt his limps come to a stop. He felt as her power took over him, that he was now immobile on Kafka's lap, great. "Bladie, why didn't you tell me you we're so... sensitive?" She said as she tweaked Blades side. "MhHf- I'm not." He said dryly. Kafka only smiled, she held her hands in front of his face, slowly bringing them to his ribs. "Time to run a test then, eh?" She giggled. Blade felt ten fingers beginning to knead against his ribs, feeling her nails scratch and skittering along. Which caused a miracle of a sound to emerge from Blade's mouth. "Bahahah! K-Kafka! Unhahand me!" He demanded through his giggles. Kafka let out an Awwwe~ Before raking her nails into his ribs once more, watching as Blade's smiley face cried out in sweet giggly laughter. "I dont think I will, not yet at least. I'm enjoying this pretty little view." She teased. Blade whined through his giggles, how dare she make a fool out of him! The way she cooed at his little noises, it was so belittling! But it was also kind of, nice..? No no, that cant be right. "Kahahafkahaha!" "Yes Bladie?" "Enohohough!" He pleaded. "Nah, Im good." Her smile turned to a smirk, as she used her nails to spider along his toned stomach. That really got him going. "NOOhoAHA! Nohohohoo! STOP!" His stomach was a lot more sensitive, she realized. His laughter got more frantic as she inched closer to that sweet spot in the middle. "Uh oh, looks like someone is in trouble~" Her voice teased at his ears. "YoHohOu're sUhuch ahAHa pahAHAin!" He could feel tears pricking at the corners of his eyes, and how they began staining his pink tinted cheeks. "Hmm, I could be much more of a pain if you'd like." "NooHAhOHO!" He exclaimed. This was odd, Blades face was quite warm. He felt- fuzzy inside, like he was enjoying the playful attention from her. He hasn't felt this in a long, long time. "Here I cooome~" Kafka began tracing her nails towards his bellybutton, watching as Blade grew more nervous. "Dohohn't- nohoho..." He whined. "Aaaaand, gotcha." Her nail began to swirl along the inside of his belly button.
Blade would then burst out into heavy laughter, tears streaming down his face. "PFFTEAHAHAA! NOHOAHA! KAHAFKA!" He screamed. Kafka only smiled, playfully giggling as she teased his belly button. "Aww~ Is someone ticklish here?" Blade only nodded as he laughed, screaming in ticklish agony as he suffered under her touch. "NOHOHO MORE! NOHOHO MOHOHORE!" Blade begged, he was growing ever so tired, and Kafka took notice to that as she slowed down. "Alright, alright. Shh, I'm stopping." She said softly, releasing his limbs as she combed his hair out of his face. He huffed and puffed, she had sure worn him out. He sat up, leaving her lap. "You- are a handful." He groaned, pulling his shirt back down over his stomach. She could see the tints of blush across his cheeks, and she chuckled to herself. "Oh relax, I was just having some fun. I haven't seen that smile in a while." That was true, Blade couldn't remember the last time he had smiled like that, let alone laughed like that. It was, a pleasant feeling.
"Yea, sure. Thank you for healing me, now- goodnight." He quickly paced back to his room, hands rubbing at his eyes. "Have a goodnight Bladie~" She teased. He made his way down the hall, passing by Silverwolf in the process. "Sounded like you two had fun." She said. "Shut up." He shot back.
It was safe to say, he was probably going to go back for some 'healing' sooner than later.
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ghastigiggles · 7 months
the ask game for honkai star rail and for genshin impact if its oki to req two at once
It's totally fine! I will post the genshin answer seperately just to avoid clogging dashboards with a long post though ;v; starting with hsr! there's only a small handful of characters i dont know much about (i approach all the hyv games with long breaks between playspells) so i apologize if i leave anybody out (also unfamiliar with the lore of the new 2.0 characters so </3 judging on looks alone there)
who’s the most ticklish character
March 7th, Bronya, Tingyun, and Misha!
who’s the character that most people would assume is ticklish, but actually isn’t
I'm gonna break some hearts here but honest to god. Dan Heng, I'm so sorry. I just believe it's infinitely funnier if he's not ticklish at all. Also Asta tbh
who’s the character that everyone gangs up on and tickles
Specifically for the Express Crew & Stellaron Hunters; March 7th (she earns it I promise) and Silver Wolf (it doesn't happen often, but when she pushes the right buttons...)
who’s the character that somehow knows everyone else’s tickle spots and reveals them to others
Herta (she's mean), Kafka (it's funny), Sampo (it's his whole schtick), Stelle (she keeps an extensive log)
who’s the character with one specific tickle spot that only one other person knows about
Seele, and Bronya knows :> - also because I've been neglecting the Luofu, honorable mention to Yukong (nobody other than her knows it though)
who’s the most likely to win gang tickle wars
Stelle, Kafka, Seele
which character has a kink interest for tickling
Kafka, because she's just... Like That, Bronya, Tingyun, Arlan, and ngl. Jing Yuan.
which character didn’t even know they were ticklish until another character tickled them
Pela, Quingque, Argenti, Jingliu, Stelle
which two characters have tickle fights all the time
Stelle & March, Bronya & Seele, Jing Yuan & Yanqing (it's a very onesided victory)
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bunekadepano · 1 year
5 clássicos pequenos para ler
Olá! essa é para quem tem medo de ler os clássicos. Sim, para muita gente, é normal, até legal. Uns preferem e até se acham mais cultos (por favor, não seja essa pessoa). Mas assusta um pouco, porque sempre tem aquela imagem que é difícil rebuscado e nunca vai entender. Então, separei 5 clássicos pequenos para começar a ler e descobrir que não é um bicho de sete cabeças. Partiu conhecer? A…
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otomiyaa · 5 months
The Foreigner
JingRen AU ft. Sampo
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A/N: Posting this here after all cuz why not. A fic I wrote for a friend a while ago. I got the request for lee Sampo and lers Jing Yuan and Blade, we brainstormed a little and this was the result. Please note I'm currently still catching up on 2.1 so be careful with talking to me about any Honkai lore/spoilers 😅
Summary: Jing Yuan and Blade confront a mysterious foreigner called Sampo Koski who tried to sneak into the Xianzhou Luofu. Things get quite interesting, for all three of them. (Also on AO3)
Word Count: 2.2K
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He was late. Jing Yuan glanced at the door. Usually around this time of the day, Blade would make his entrance. A moment he found himself looking forward to more than he would like to admit. Blade visiting his office like a regular visitor was something he couldn’t have dreamed of for many many years. 
Ever since Blade had come to accept and realize that Dan Feng was truly gone, his waves of mara-caused madness started to reduce significantly. With time, Jing Yuan was delighted to finally see some traces of his trusted old friend, who despite their differences appeared motivated to exchange his Stellaron Hunter missions for regular visits, reporting to Jing Yuan about occurrences in the world, the good and bad. 
As they grew closer through these frequent visits, the feelings of familiarity may have gotten Jing Yuan a little too confident in reconciling with Blade, suggesting him to leave behind the Stellaron Hunters indefinitely and aid him with his duties at the Xianzhou Luofu instead. 
Surely he did not expect Blade would agree. Well, Kafka’s support may have played a vital role. Even if Blade would have said ‘no’, she seemed to insist he should stay behind and find a new role to fulfill, fully supporting the ‘happiness of Bladie’. 
Jing Yuan smiled. He felt comfortable, spending time with Blade who he shared a past with that connected them like no one else at the Xianzhou Luofu. Jing Yuan was just closing his eyes to reminisce about the past some more, when finally the door opened and Blade arrived. 
“Welcome back, Captain. You are quite late,” Jing Yuan said fondly. He nowadays called Blade captain, even though he was never officially assigned to such a position, he often assisted him so much he might as well be one. 
“Jing Yuan. There’s an infiltrant,” was Blade’s short answer. Jing Yuan chuckled. Blade was not the small-talk kind of person. 
“An infiltrant hm? Fine. Send him in.” 
He loved to see how Blade was literally treated as a captain when he merely had to call out “Guards!” and they came in to bring in their… guest.
“We brought the infiltrant,” they reported, shoving the man forward. Blade caught the stranger by the arm.
“Infiltrant? Now now now!” the man responded in a theatrical manner, pulling himself free before spreading his arms and making a full 360 degree twirl. Blade simply caught him again, shaking his head.
“Hello General,” Yanqing said, joining Blade, the foreigner and two guards in Jing Yuan’s office. 
“This man was caught making his way into the Xianzhou ships. We do not know how he boarded, nor what his intentions are. When we demanded him to tell us his identity, he said-” 
“-that I am Sampo Koski, a businessman, chaperon, and problem-solving conversationalist, visiting all the way from Belobog to help boost your economy.” 
“....That,” Yanqing said. Jing Yuan stared at all of them, then at Sampo, and at Blade. He chuckled. 
“Interesting,” he hummed. “Yanqing, please get in touch with our friends from the Astral Express. If this foreigner claims to visit from Jarilo-VI, they might be familiar with him. In the meantime, I will question him here. Blade, if you could assist…” 
Blade nodded and dragged Sampo towards him while Yanqing and the guards left the room. As soon as the door closed, it was silent. 
“So. Sampo Koski,” Jing Yuan said slowly, walking closer to study the man’s remarkable appearance.
“For what reason, may I ask, would you visit the Xianzhou Luofu? Unannounced, uninvited. Startling my men,” Jing Yuan wondered. 
“Business! Business of course. I come in peace, General.” 
Jing Yuan exchanged glances with Sampo. “Did they search him?” he asked. Blade did not answer but while not letting go of Sampo’s arm, instantly began to feel around his pockets. 
“Hehehey! Woohaha, cahahareful!” Sampo laughed, dancing and wiggling under the sudden touch. Jing Yuan noted the funny laugh, and Blade reacted with a low grunt.
“Quit your squirming,” he huffed, continuing to search him. 
“Let me help. Hold him still,” Jing Yuan said. To think Blade had ever been his prisoner before. Back then he would not have appreciated Jing Yuan telling him commands like this. How times had changed. Right now they worked together, and he smiled when Blade held both Sampo’s arms tightly so Jing Yuan could search his pockets. It made him laugh a lot.
“Hehehello! Sohoho inahahapropriate!” he cackled. Jing Yuan glanced at him. Was he that sensitive? Honestly.
“Credits, a lot of them. Not the usual amount you expect one should carry. Where did you get them?” Jing Yuan asked, putting his findings aside.
“Theft! Hey! I earned those, fair and square. Like I said, I’m an innocent fella coming over to do business! Hehehey stohohop!” Sampo yelled when Jing Yuan patted higher to find if anything else was hidden under his clothes.
“What is his problem ?” Blade asked. He sounded so frustrated it made Jing Yuan smile. How amusing.
“Never met a ticklish person before, Blade?” he asked. To demonstrate he pinched Sampo’s lower side, eliciting a loud yelp from the man.
“That’s nohohot okay !” he protested. The pinch was effective though, since Jing Yuan felt something right at that spot. 
“Blade… Hold him tight.” 
He probably didn’t need to tell him that, and Jing Yuan calmly tugged at Sampo’s clothing, fingers digging underneath it to grasp the thing he felt just now. Not without the unnecessary noise though.
“Hehehey! Wahahatch it! Hahaharrassmehehent!” he laughed. It was a crumbled piece of paper. Jing Yuan unfolded it and turned it for Blade and Sampo to see.
“A wanted poster? Yours?” he asked, confused. He looked at it again and frowned to see someone’s signature on it. It was very curly and gracious, but not informative.
“So, you claim to be from… Belobog. Should we rephrase that into: a wanted criminal from Belobog?” he asked, holding up the poster again. Sampo gasped.
“Me, a criminal? Nooo. That signature, you see. It’s from Gepard Landau himself!” 
Jing Yuan and Blade exchanged glances.
Sampo nodded triumphantly. “Geppie. Captain of Silvermane Guards, very skilled, very handsome. He signed that for me. It’s just a token of our relationship.”
“...Why would he sign this?” Jing Yuan couldn’t help but think this man was wasting his time, but at the same time, he was wasting both his and Blade’s time, which made this situation only more amusing and entertaining. 
“It’s a long story. But you see Gepard likes me. So, I can only suggest you release me. Let’s not jeopardize the diplomatic relationship between Belobog and the Xianzhou Luofu now shall we?” 
“I have no idea what diplomatic relationship he is speaking of. Do you want me toー?” Blade already made a motion to get violent with the poor rambling man, but at that moment Yanqing came in.
“I received word from the Astral Express. Sampo Koski is indeed confirmed to be a mercenary from the Underworld of Belobog,” Yanqing reported. 
Sampo raised his eyebrows. “You see?” he asked.
“They also say he can’t be trusted.” 
Sampo’s jaw dropped. “Wait - t-that’s all they’re saying? Let them demand my release! March 7th and Stelle are my best, best friends!” he rambled. Jing Yuan almost wanted to laugh at the fact that Dan Heng wasn’t mentioned in this context.
“No one is demanding anyone’s release. Thank you, Yanqing. We will deal with him accordingly,” Jing Yuan thanked him, and Yanqing nodded and left them alone again. 
“So, business man from Belobog. Whether you are wanted by Jarilo-VI’s Silvermane Guards or not, one question remains unclear. Why are you here , and how did you slip past the guards on our ship?” 
“I know of ways to make him talk if y-” Blade was cut off by Sampo’s renewed bouts of laughter; Jing Yuan casually tapped his fingers against his lower side, impressed by how much it tickled him.
“I do too, Blade. Trust me,” he said, improvising. If his relation to Belobog was still unclear, he was not going to bring harm to him. However, if this man already proved to be this ticklish from a mere pat-down, then he was more than happy to see how much this certain sensitivity could help them further.
“What are you doing?” Blade hissed, barely hearable through Sampo’s laughter.
“Persuading our guest, Blade. If he’s a friend of this Captain Gepard Landau, it is not my intent to hurt him. However, some persuasion to give us more information will do the trick.” 
Jing Yuan clawed very lightly at Sampo’s lower sides, and the man jerked in Blade’s hold.
“Hehehehey nohohot thahahat!” he shrieked. Oh, this was way too easy. 
“Persuasion? You are playing around,” Blade responded, but Sampo’s arms were still trapped in his grip and he wasn’t letting go. 
Blade’s confusion and frustration only encouraged Jing Yuan more to keep up this silly game with their foreign guest.
“Join me, Blade,” Jing Yuan said, smiling gently at Blade who looked like he was having the worst day ever.
“You have to be kidding me,” he replied angrily. With Sampo Koski’s hysterical laughter in the background, it only sounded funnier.
“I am not,” Jing Yuan said. Blade rolled his eyes.
“You are insufferable,” he said, but still he did let go of Sampo so he could claw viciously all over his ribs, almost looking like he was going to tear the man apart, but the tickling did seem to be working since Sampo flailed his freed arms wildly and screeched.
“WHAHahat ihihis this ahahah! This plahahace is sohoho weheheird!” he laughed. Jing Yuan didn’t care that he was giving the impression that this was the normal way of doing interrogations at the Xianzhou Luofu. He was having fun with Blade here, and he was convincing the mysterious foreigner to speak the truth. Two flies, one stone.
“See? It’s easy,” Jing Yuan said when Blade effortlessly moved his fingers against Sampo’s torso, making him laugh and wheeze as he struggled in between them.
“It’s ridiculous,” Blade argued. And yet, he was cooperating. Jing Yuan smiled. He had switched his tactics to poking Sampo’s tummy relentlessly, and he went back to interrogating him.
“Mr. Koski, if you wish to make the torture stop, I encourage you to confess everything we want to know. Who are you really, why and how are you here. It’s that simple.” 
“AHahahah! I cahahan’t tahahalk like thihiihis!” 
“You are talking now, so I’m sure you’ll-” mid-tickle, Jing Yuan’s hands accidentally touched Blade’s, and for some reason that made him stop talking. Blade immediately pulled his hands back and moved them up all of a sudden, digging his fingers under Sampo’s arms and tickling his armpits viciously.
“You know what you are doing,” Jing Yuan complimented while Sampo’s voice did quite something else.
“AAAHAHahah hahahang on! Ahahaalright - I’ll speheheheak! Nonono not thehehere!” 
“Stop talking,” Blade said. Was he… flustered? Maybe a little. Jing Yuan chuckled. 
“I can’t help it. It makes me happy that perhaps you may remember we used to do this, back in the High-Cloud Quintet days.” 
“Nonsense,” Blade said, but he wasn’t reacting too harshly. 
“Do you remember?” Jing Yuan urged.
“I do not.” 
Jing Yuan smiled fondly. If he was the only one remembering that in a distant past they would get silly and tickle each other - well mostly he would tickle Yingxing and piss him off - then maybe one day he should help Blade remember. 
“I sahahaid I’ll speheheak! Nohohoo !” Jing Yuan only noticed now he had been drilling his fingers into Sampo’s torso while keeping his eyes locked with Blade’s.
Blade also blinked and dug his fingers under Sampo’s arms some more, making him howl. 
“Whhaahaht is happeniihihiing aaahahaha!” Sampo cried helplessly, unable to shake both of them off. Jing Yuan figured they had gotten a little lost in their own world, and he snapped out of it. 
“Right. That should do it.” Blade understood him well and also stopped the tickling. Sampo sank on his knees and gasped for air. 
“I can handle it from here. Will I see you at dinner, later?” Jing Yuan asked. Blade looked at him, his expression somehow different than before the strange shared tickle interrogation thing, and he nodded.
“Yes. Later.” He walked away and left the room. Only Sampo was still left, on his hands and knees, shivering as he recovered from his laughing fit.
“Mr. Koski, shall we try again? I ask you a question, and you give me your honest answer.”
“Or else… You’ll tickle me huh?” Sampo said breathlessly. Jing Yuan chuckled. 
“I might.” 
“A-alright then,” Sampo said, and as he started to talk in a less arrogant and theatrical, more serious manner, Jing Yuan listened, but at the same time drifted off as he thought of Blade. 
He wasn’t sure if it was the nostalgia, or the shared action of making a random person laugh. Laughter could be a medicine after all, even if it wasn’t their own? 
Somehow he felt like this encounter with the strange foreigner changed something between them, in a positive way, and he couldn’t wait to improve and rebuild his relationship with Blade more after this. Heh. Thank you. Sampo Koski.
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beu-ytr · 2 months
Resenha de "A Metamorfose" de Franz Kafka
*alguns spoilers
A Metamorfose conta a história de Gregor Samsa, um homem que misteriosamente se transforma em um inseto, mudando consequentemente toda a rotina de sua família e a própria
Ao decorrer da sucinta narrativa a gente consegue acompanhar de perto a metamorfose de Gregor, nos momentos em que ele deixa de ser tratado como humano em condições desfavoráveis pelos seus familiares e passa a ser visto como um incômodo e um fardo
Kafka usa de metáforas muito bem pensadas para explorar os dilemas ao redor do considerado "inútil", e como isso desafia a nossa moralidade, do que achamos aceitável ou não
Por exemplo, é fácil pensar que a família de Gregor era interesseira e o via apenas como um meio para fins, e quando ele deixou de ser útil tornou-se um fardo
Mas analisar a situação pela perspectiva da família também é pertinente
cuidar de um inseto, um ser inútil e peçonhento, quando se sente uma grande repulsa e tristeza pela "perda" de um parente pra aquela condição não é muito fácil
Quando se coloca a situação desse jeito, a gente consegue muito bem relacionar a uns certos problemas que muitas famílias enfrentam até hoje
(acho inclusive muito interessante como Kafka alegadamente pediu que não colocassem inseto nenhum na capa deste livro, porque não queria que fosse interpretado de forma literal, provavelmente temendo que a caracterização de um inseto tirasse o foco da moral que a história tenta passar. Infelizmente acho que quase nenhuma editora, antiga ou contemporânea, acatou o seu pedido)
E é difícil ler esse livro e não ficar extremamente pensativo depois, simplesmente maravilhoso como um simples conto, tão simples se o analisar superficialmente, consegue expor um dilema social tão pertinente e atual, apesar da idade da obra
Filosofei legal, muito obrigado pela atenção e até a próxima
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itacoisa · 3 months
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23 de junho de 2024. Domingo.
Quando decidi compartilhar minhas leituras neste fracassado perfil desta vazia rede social, não imaginava que também serviria como um incentivo para ler. Por isso, decidi voltar. Estou precisando de um gás após uma leitura pra lá de decepcionante...
Então, para botar em dia o assunto acumulado nestes 6 meses que fiquei off, vou comentar as poucas leituras que fiz esse ano:
1. Palavras de Radiância de Brandon Sanderson: Por enquanto, o livro do ano. Amei que foi mais focado na minha personagem preferida (Sharlan Davar) e me deixou muito empolgado para o terceiro livro. No começo deste ano fiz uns posts (bem mais ou menos) comentando a leitura, por isso não vou me estender.
2. O Problema dos Três Corpos de Cixin Liu: Quando terminei a leitura, dei 4 estrelas. Só que, desde então, eu penso tanto nesse livro, que acho que ele merecia as 5! Em resumo, a história narra as consequências do contato da raça humana com uma civilização alienígena. Tem uma vibe bem Arthur C. Clarke, só que melhor! O começo você fica bem perdido, mas mesmo não entendendo nada, não conseguia deixar o livro de lado, queria muito saber o que aconteceria. E o que falar daquele final? Desesperador. Esse livro já nasceu como um clássico e é melhor do que qualquer clássico de sci-fi perdido por aí.
3. Death Note #5: Olha... Nesse momento em que tenho que escrever sobre esse volume, percebi que ele não foi muito marcante, já que nem lembro o que aconteceu, haha. É mais do mesmo, mas sem prejudicar a série do mangá. Falta apenas um volume para terminar a saga e... não sei o que achar. Sinceramente, acho que superestimei um pouco esses mangás... Mais tarde, quando concluir a série, eu penso mais sobre isso.
4. Moby Dick de Herman Melville: A meta de leituras que estipulei esse ano foi de apenas 12 livros lidos, já que a intenção era ler alguns calhamaços que estavam empacados na estante... Mas já mudei de ideia. Eu demorei uns 3 meses para terminar Moby Dick e nem gostei tanto assim... Para cada capítulo MUITO BOM, existem dois tediosos. Assim, considerando que esse livro tem umas 700 páginas, conclui-se que a leitura não foi tão prazerosa assim... Talvez a tradução tenha uma parcela de culpa e até mesmo a minha falta de tempo, mas, de qualquer forma, ele foi bem decepcionante.
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Por causa do impacto de Moby Dick, decidi mudar de rota e evitar as leituras dos calhamaços em 2024. O foco agora é ler o que estou a fim mesmo (e sem gastar nada). Inclusive, esse ano estou bem controlado nas minhas compras, só comprei as continuações de Os problemas dos três corpos e Death Note.
Para finalizar, já que falei sobre metas, esse ano ainda pretendo ler O Processo do Kafka, além de iniciar o #embuscadosuspensedoano2024. E é isso, beijos.
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xsezzie · 11 months
Can I ask for Lee! Blade & Ler! Kafka hcs?? 🥺🥺🥺
Hello lovely I’m so sorry this is late!!! Thank you for sending me an ask 🥰
- Kafka’s number one way to get Bladie to chill out is by embarrassing him with tickles >:3
- I wouldn’t be surprised if she used her dominate effect to get him to stay as well, he would be so helpless. His mind wants to run away but his body won’t listen
- Blade gets very soft though, like a grumpy cat, when he’s getting tickles from her
- Long nails = scritches
- Sometimes if his mara is messing with him he will seek out Kafka
- He will sit down near her and do that thing where you bounce your knee, super fidgety
- She’s like “awww Bladie~ does someone need some tickles?”
- He totally wants to stab her 😂😂😂
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amor-barato · 4 months
Tenho pedido a todos que descansem
De tudo o que cansa e mortifica:
O amor, a fome, o átomo, o câncer.
Tudo vem a tempo no seu tempo.
Tenho pedido às crianças mais sossego
Menos risos e muita compreensão para o brinquedo.
O navio não é trem, o gato não é guizo.
Quero sentar-me e ler nesta noite calada.
A primeira vez que li Franz Kafka
Eu era uma menina. (A família chorava).
Quero sentar-me e ler mas o amigo me diz:
O mundo não comporta tanta gente infeliz.
Ah, como cansa querer ser marginal
Todos os dias.
Descansem anjos meus. Tudo vem a tempo
No seu tempo. Também é bom ser simples.
É bom ter nada. Dormir sem desejar
Não ser poeta. Ser mãe. Se não puder ser pai.
Tenho pedido a todos que descansem
De tudo o que cansa e mortifica.
Mas o homem
Não cansa.
Hilda Hilst (Do amor contente e muito descontente – 10)
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Demónio Gato Fantasma
Casal: Hoshina Soshiro x Leitor Fem.
Aviso: Conteúdo +18, protagonista com vocabulário de baixo calão.
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Capítulo XIII
Se ela iria ser a melhor, precisava saber o máximo possível. Seus passos estavam decididos, iria deixar por alguns dias os treinos de tiro para se focar nos estudos com alguém que ela sabia entender de Kaijus como ninguém.
Kafka estava na biblioteca, uma pequena luz de uma luminária e mais nada. Seus olhos focados e cansados de tanto ler sem sequer notar a figura feminina que se aproximava e, tocando seu ombro lhe tirou um berro de pavor.
— Caralho, velho— Mayoi falou quando o coração de Kafka não mais ameaçava sair por sua boca, ele puxava ar enquanto a mulher revirava o olhar— Eu preciso de uma ajuda sua.
— Minha? O que é dessa vez?
— Me ensine sobre anatomia Kaiju, quero todos os detalhes e raças que você se lembra— Sua mão bateu na mesa, ela puxou uma cadeira e se sentou— Anda logo, me ensine.
— Não é bem assim— Kafka suspirou tentando não ameaçar a mulher de alguma forma, ela era pior que Kikoru nos golpes— Eu preciso saber até onde você sabe.
— Pode começar do zero, eu só entendo sobre o meu e algumas coisas básicas de anatomia, no geral, claro.
— Certo, pegue alguns livros que estão nessa prateleira— Apontando para o andar superior pensando que estaria se vingando, viu quando Mayoi andou calmamente até a estante e com um salto que ele tinha certeza de usar sua força Kaiju, puxou o primeiro livro— O outro também.
— Esses livros vão ser o suficiente? — Ela parecia ainda não confiar muito, mas se ele garantisse que de algo tiraria de folhas velhas, Mayoi os pegaria e devoraria— Estão tão velhos que eu sinto vontade de espirrar.
— Eles são o básico que podemos achar aqui, precisamos construir uma base antes de avançar— Estava decidido, agora com uma nova fileira de livros sobre a mesa, Kafka puxou o primeiro— Certo, vamos começar com nomenclaturas e avançamos para o básico de anatomia.
— Uhum, uhum— Mayoi balançava a cabeça todas as vezes que Kafka parava para a olhar, seus orbes tomando um tom diferente da areia natural, era como se um raio de ouro liquido mergulhasse em suas íris.
Vezes o mais velho podia sentir um clima diferente pairando ao redor de Mayoi, era como se seu lado mais concentrado pudesse dar brechas as manifestações físicas de seu Kaiju e nesses momentos ele intervia. Primeiro eram seus olhos focados que se dilatavam como predadores apenas para captar na escuridão os detalhes dos livros, depois poeira tóxica que deixava seus dedos, estes perdendo a forma humana de carne.
Já era tão tarde da noite e Mayoi parecia ser a única não abatida pelo cansaço, o mais velho se recordando de uma conversa em que ela revelava não ter sono. Kafka bocejou se espreguiçando enquanto a platinada parecia terminar de fazer as últimas anotações daquele segundo livro.
Ela lia bem rápido, diferente dele, parecia mais acostumada ao lado Kaiju ou mais disciplinada a estudos. Como era sua vida antes de querer virar uma exterminadora? Kafka vezes questionou durante aquela noite.
— É melhor pararmos por aqui, acho que não vai absorver mais nada dos livros hoje— Mayoi o encarou como quem o julgava.
— Você é um velho patético, estamos começando ainda.
— Você é louca, Mayoi— Era um fato, ele gostava de jogar na cara dela esse fato. Kafka se levantou e andou até a porta da biblioteca— Vá dormir antes que morra por inanição.
— Eu me alimento bem, velho estúpido do caralho— Esbravejou sem se focar no que ele fazia fora das paredes da biblioteca— Que se foda essa merda, eu vou precisar avançar mais e rápido.
Mayoi ficou por mais trinta minutos naquele estado, a fome era um sinal mais recorrente e doloroso para seu corpo. Esticando seus músculos, deslizou suas costas pela cadeira antes de se afastar procurando um pouco de chá para aquietar esse desejo primitivo.
Seus fios platinados estavam presos em um coque, mãos ocupadas com uma caneca fumegante de chá com sua quantia certa de açúcar, ela estava pronta para mais um round de estudos.
Ao sentar na cadeira se deparou com páginas infinitas de documentos jogados sobre onde deveria estar seu caderno. Poderia ter sido Kafka? Ou algum estúpido que sequer notou a existência de alguém estudando antes de despejar restos de arquivos.
Abandonando sua caneca, folheou algumas páginas notando serem arquivos mais recentes — puramente rabiscados por uma letra que tinha beleza, mesmo tão corrida pela falta de tempo de seu dono— e páginas puxadas por marcas de vários usos diários.
Mayoi poderia ficar sem saber quem havia deixado aquilo ali, ou poderia questionar Kafka na manhã seguinte, mas não poderia deixar esse grande tesouro vazar de seus dedos. Ela parou, jogou dois goles de chá para dentro de seu estômago e devorou o que foram conteúdos tão ricos que poderiam conquistar o mais criterioso dos pesquisadores.
As anotações daquela pessoa também eram boas, ele parecia buscar destaque a técnicas e pontos fracos em grandes Kaijus. Era como ter alguém ao seu lado, tinha um ar de alguém que conversava consigo mesmo, não apenas uma decoração e repetição sem fim de conteúdo.
Mayoi parou quando entre os arquivos algo havia deixado passar, era uma mensagem no que começaria as informações sobre o Yoju com órgãos sexuais:
"Delego ao Vice Capitão da terceira divisão, Soshiro Hoshina, os arquivos coletados durante a missão do dia..."
Seus dedos travaram como se ela pudesse estar incrédula, será que ela podia ter acesso aquilo? Mas ele havia deixado ali, não? E se outra pessoa tivesse colocado sobre seu caderno aquilo? Ela poderia ter cometido algum erro?
Era preciso respirar para não surtar, suas mãos estavam ocupadas com canecas quentes e vaporosas, mas seu coração parecia frio de nervosismo. Ela tentaria ser natural, era sua chance.
Batendo na porta, escutou uma voz masculina conhecida que a convidava a entrar, curioso com quem poderia ser naquele momento. Mayoi puxou a porta e sem demoras deixou que fosse apenas os dois em um cômodo mal iluminado.
— Deveria estar dormindo essa hora— Hoshina falou tirando o foco da tela do computador, os olhos se abrindo levemente para encarar Mayoi que se aproximava deixando uma das canecas perto de seu toque.
— Eu deveria dizer o mesmo, Vice Capitão— Seus lábios deixaram um sorriso fugir, o vermelho adornando suas bochechas— É café, pelos arquivos...
— Foi útil? — Questionou com um ar brincalhão, ou o que ele conseguia fingir estar naquele momento— Eu vi que passou a noite toda estudando, deveria tomar cuidado com sua saúde, é importante.
— Para as missões? Eu vou tomar cuidado, não se preocupe— Seus olhos começaram a vasculhar os papeis jogados sobre aquela mesa.
— Não apenas por causa das missões— Hoshina a encarou de maneira mais séria— Por você também. Claro, assim não vai dar dor de cabeça para ninguém.
Mayoi soltou uma pequena risada, um tanto ansiosa e vergonhosa pelo comentário mais sério, mas conseguiu mergulhar naquele tom sempre tão brincalhão que Soshiro assumia.
— Como sabia que eu gosto de café?
— Eu vi em alguns comerciais— A resposta foi rápida, olhos virados para outro lado e logo abafando a voz com goles longos de seu chá— É algo que eu vi faz um tempo. Ficou na cabeça...
Como tudo o que era sobre ele.
Soshiro riu, mas dessa vez mais estridente em uma longa gargalhada se recordando de como aquela mulher conseguia aqueles feitos de maneira fácil. Kafka e Mayoi eram uma comédia para seus dias tediosos de Vice Capitão.
No entanto, o silencio se tornou mais inquieto quando olhos areia conseguiram puxar uma imagem de sua forma Kaiju sobre várias folhas de códigos e informações avançadas para sua mente. Mayoi se aproximou do papel enquanto abandonava sua caneca, seus olhos se arregalando enquanto ela tentava absorver os números e as questões em destaque.
"Falha na tentativa de clonagem do Kaiju Fantasma" Kaiju Fantasma? "Falha na medição exata" Falha? "Falha na réplica de moléculas". Mayoi via falhas e falhas jogadas em tantos tópicos que sua mente entrou em turbilhão só voltando quando uma mão masculina se pôs a ficar acima das folhas que ela lia rapidamente sem permissão.
— Isso não é algo que seja importante— Hoshina tentou não levar aquela ação como uma afronta, não quando ela parecia tão inquieta, devorada por sua mente— Mayoi Onryo.
— Você não planeja fazer nada de perigoso, certo Vice Capitão Hoshina? — Seus olhos o encararam de maneira séria, pelo menos uma vez desde que eles se viram, ou ele jurava ter a visto— Vice Capitão?
— Novamente: isso não te diz respeito, Mayoi Onryo— Agora era um tanto mais firme— Eu falei que vou conseguir mais e uma das saídas é matando o Kaiju.
— O número oito ou essa coisa? — Sua voz tinha nojo, nojo por seu próprio ser. Ela bateu um dedo contra a foto, lábios abertos tentando respirar— Você disse que é tóxico! Senhor, você falou que sua máscara quebrou com o contato e está me falando que vai tentar algo mais?
— Mayoi! — Sua voz se tornou mais firme, no entanto ele deixou de avançar quando ela continuou o encarando decidida.
— Me mande fazer quantas flexões desejar, mas eu não posso simplesmente deixar que algo assim aconteça— Suas mãos se agarravam de maneira firme a pele, ela podia sentir as unhas aos poucos rasgar o tecido de suas juntas— Vice Capitão Hoshina, por favor, eu sei que sou insuficiente e tenho falhas, mas tentar mudar elas não fazem com que a perda do senhor valha a pena.
Soshiro bufou, entre a pequena raiva de ter sido afrontado tão diretamente ou a vontade de rir devido a maneira que aquela menina tremia enquanto dizia. Mas ele simplesmente suspirou novamente, olhos levemente abertos tentando buscar alguma frase mais motivadora ou sábia.
— Eu quero cem flexões— Ele finalmente disse vendo o rosto vermelho de Mayoi— E se torne boa o suficiente para que eu não precise fazer isso.
— EU VOU! — E quando a mulher ameaçou se abaixar para pagar a ordem, Hoshina a parou com sua voz.
— Se aproxima— Ela o fez sem questionar o motivo, a mão direita abanando o ar enquanto aos poucos o rosto tão pálido chegava mais e mais perto. Um de seus dedos tocou as mechas soltas de seu puro cabelo platinado, os fios se enrolando entre os calos de treino com espado lhe trazendo uma sensação agradável. Soshiro emitiu um ruido, não era de desaprovação, mas dizia que a sensação era diferente do imaginado— Eu pensei que fosse como nuvem, mas é macio.
— Nuvem? — A voz gaguejava de tão vermelha e sem ar que estava sua dona.
— É, quando eu... Uma vez pareceu que ele flutuava como nuvens no ar— Quando aquilo havia acontecido? Mayoi não se recordava de um dia ter ficado próxima o suficiente do Vice Capitão para dar essa impressão, ou não se recordava de seu lado Kaiju se aflorar assim.
Porém, enquanto ele demorava em brincar com os fios da mecha jogada entre seus dedos, olhos areia se fixaram em seu rosto tentadoramente descendo até para seus lábios. Ele estava levemente entreaberto deixando que os caninos mais pontudos aparecessem, Mayoi corou sentindo que poderia recordar de ter tocado aquela pele.
Mas ela não lembrava de ter o feito, teria ficado maluca apenas com um simples beijo, na verdade, estava ficando maluca com o simples sonhar enquanto aquele homem brincava com seu cabelo.
— Certo, não vou deixar escapar impune— Ele finalmente falou sorrindo— Onde estávamos mesmo? Ah sim, cem flexões. 
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yellowelectroslime · 3 months
i NEED to know how you feel about ler sunday
I love him both as a lee and ler!!!
he would be such a MEAN and EVIL ler, he's the type that doesn't go straight for the lee's death spot and stay there but instead very very slowly work his way there, he's like kafka where he would build anticipation and just absolutely tease the lee till their face is red like a tomato
He plays the role of goody-two-shoes just look at him!
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He's the type of person who would absolutely wreck his lee while keeping this face and its very VERY flustering for the lee
but I feel like he would only be gentle to robin tho because he has a massive soft spot for her ♡⸜(˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)⸝♡
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ticklystuff · 1 year
OMG KAFKA i love kafka and since you like her too, I hope you dont mind if I req.... C D I K for Kafka pretty please? Have a good day <3333
i could be quirky and spell dick with those letters
ask game closed!
omg ofc i don't mind talking her, she's actually a goddess. also, don't worry, i'll be quirky for you!
D: Death Spot | What is their most ticklish spot?
I feel like for Kafka it has to be in sort of secretive spot. Like, maybe her ribs aren't that ticklish in general, but if you dig into the underside of the second rib from the bottom on the right side of her body, then you'll get her to squeal.
I: Interrogation | How well would they handle a tickle interrogation?
Kafka does not feel fear, so she's good lmao but ya seriously, I think she'd be fine because she has handled much worse before. In fact, she'd probably manipulate the situation into her favor and be like "oh noooo not my sides please" knowing full well that she's not very ticklish there. Or, if her ler is approaching a death spot, she'll do that whole influencing thing she does with her voice when she's like "listen to me" and kinda push her ler to tickle somewhere else that isn't so bad
C: Chase | What are their chances in a chase, both as a lee and ler?
Have you read her bio? They make her sound like some Eldritch Horror that appears out of nowhere, so she is absolutely catching her lee and no matter how fast they try to run, she's always just right around the corner.
Also, Kafka doesn't get caught. If she does, it's so that she can turn the tables on her ler and wreck them instead
K: Killer Move | As a ler, do they have special skills to use against their lees and drive them crazy with?
Okay, maybe not a specific killer move (she doesn't need one, she's already too powerful) but she does that whole "listen to me" thing and convinces her lee that they're more ticklish than they already are, or she might trick them into feeling ticklish in certain spots that aren't normally sensitive. It's all a mind game thing with Kafka, so when they're no longer under her influence, the lee goes back to normal. I hope they made sense because I kinda like this idea lol
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ghastigiggles · 5 months
can i request for ler!kafka and lee!trailblazer with “is that a sensitive spot?”
thank u ok bai :D
Mischievious Prompts [Still Open]
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This was bullshit. Mean, and unfair, and nonsensical, and more than anything Stelle was just really hoping and praying none of the Express Crew turned up to save her right now.
“Your face is getting red from holding it in, you know. You really are such a trooper, but this is one of life’s little inevitabilities…”
Kafka’s lilting voice ate away at her already frayed and frazzled nerves, and the gray-haired Trailblazer screwed her eyes shut with a stubborn shake of her head, her cheeks puffed out from the effort of containing her laughter. Her arms strained against the manipulated ‘spider web’ Kafka bound them in, itching to wrap around her torso, to find some measure of protection from the deft squeezes coursing up and down her sides.
“Aw, that’s adorable…” The Stellaron Hunter laughed, her tone condescending yet her intentions genuine; “Come on, sooner or later you’re going to explode…”
Stelle tossed her head with a strangled whine, gritting her teeth – only for her resolve to absolutely crumble once Kafka finally dug her fingers into her underarms, her eyes flying open alongside an almost out-of-character squeal.
“Eeyaaah, nonononohoho, not – not thehere!”
“Oh? Is that a sensitive spot?”
Kafka merely chuckled along with her prey as Stelle melted, practically putty in her hands, her will temporarily broken down. 
Sooner or later, someone from either faction would find them, and their fun would be over. Until then, Kafka would enjoy her playtime with her Trailblazer, and Stelle would gleefully bask in the doting attention until her crewmates teased her for it later.
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bunekadepano · 1 year
A metamorfose - Kafka (teorias malucas)
Já leu A Metamorfose, um grande clássico da literatura, do autor Franz Kafka? Bem, reuni umas teorias malucas e troquei com uma amiga no whatsapp. Vim compartilhar com vocês. Mas antes, vamos ao resuminho para quem não conhece: A Metamorfose conta a história de um jovem que, muito cansado do trabalho e de tudo, não consegue sair para trabalhar, fica trancado em seu quarto, definhando, com altos…
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otomiyaa · 7 months
Masterpost 2.0
Fics written 'post-retirement' cuz I'm a clown
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* = explicit | red = Only AO3
Note: Reblogs of fics and various reuploads from my old blog are not included.
However these can be found in the #otomiya!writes tag.
❥ Update: 26.2.2024
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Boku no Hero Academia
All I Want For Christmas: D&D | Lees!KiriBaku x Ler!Deku
Dungeon Meshi
Tickle Fight | Lee!Kabru x Ler!Laios
Ticklish For You | Switches!Marcille x Falin
Sweet Revenge (collab, reupload) | Lees!Reigisa & Lers!Sourin
Gakuen Babysitters
Second Declaration of Love (collab, reupload) | Switches!Hayaryuu
Genshin Impact:
From 🐺 To 🐶 | Switches!Wrioney
Lyney's Trick | Lee!Gaming & Ler!Lyney
Quality Time | Switches!Wrioney
Terms & Conditions | Lee!Kaveh x Ler!Alhaitham
TGI Tournament | Various Lees & Lers
Traveler's Training | Lee!Sethos & Ler!Aether
Last Christmas: A Festive Breakfast | Lee!Uenoyama x Ler!Mafuyu
Better Setter! (Reupload) | Lees!Kenma, Akaashi x Lers!Bokuto, Kuroo
Jingle Bell Rock: Secret Snack | Lee!Tsukki x Ler!Yama
Snowed In (Reupload) | Lee!Akaashi x Lers!Bokuto, Kuroo, Kenma
Honkai Star Rail
The Foreigner | Lee!Sampo & Lers!JingRen
The Kiss | Lee!Aventurine x Ler!Ratio
Sharing is Caring | Lee!Caelus x Ler!Dan Heng
Small Spoon | Lee!Aventurine x Ler!Ratio
Kaiju No. 8
Kaiju Experiment | Lee!Kafka & Ler!Reno
Love and Deepspace
A Date Worth Remembering (collab) | Switches!Zayne x Reader
Ebb and Flow | Lee!Rafayel x MC
Exclusive Tutorial | Lee!Zayne x MC
Midnight Moment | Lee!Xavier x MC
Nu: Carnival
Wreck The Sun Lord Party | Lee!Dante x Ler!Eiden
Obey Me
Not a Competition | Lee!Reader & Lers!Lucifer, Satan
Super Mario Bros
Luigi Wins (By Doing Absolutely Nothing) | Lee!Luigi x Ler!Bowser
Wind Breaker
Nirei's Discovery | Lee!Sakura & Multiple Lers
Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
Love is Hard for a Broke Otaku | Lee!Narumi x Ler!Hirotaka
Yuri On Ice
New Year's Resolutions (collab) | Switches!Victuuri
Remissio (collab, reupload) | Switches!Victuuri
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Tickle headcanons can be found here:
Link to my MDZS/TGCF tickle masterpost:
Tickletober 2023:
X Reader Tickle Drabbles:
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