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thatcheesyler · 1 year ago
Working on a lee!Striker, lers!Fizzarolli and Blitzø fic, so uh..lmk what you think so far 🫠
Just Clownin' Around (WIP)
Some say that singing a whole ‘fuck you’ song to your boss and then quitting your job while saying goodbye in a surprisingly good impression of your boss's accent might not be the best thing for one's mental health. But why should Fizzarolli care? He's thriving in Hell with his huge boyfriend and rekindled childhood friend, for fuck's sake.
Anyway, since the whole thing with Mammon, Fizzarolli had a bit of a thirst for more revenge gnawing at the back of his mind, thinking about all of his and Blitzø's shared enemies, and how much he'd like to see them bleed. Of course, when he told Blitzø about this vengeful fantasy of his, the other imp was more than enthused about getting some sweet, sweet payback. After all, Blitzø's company had been a bit short of the thrill of homicide lately, anyway.
So it was settled, the two imps would meet up at a bar and discuss the finer details.
-Lil’ time skip-
“Hmm…but which one do you think deserves to be hunted first? Striker, or Crimson?” Fizz asked, taking a sip from the straw in his glass of Beelzejuice. “Well, Crimson may be a bit off limits anyway, Mox probably wouldn't want his big daddy to get hurt unless it was by his doing.” Answered Blitzø, absentmindedly tracing one of his fingers along the cracks in the wooden bar counter top.
So that just left Striker…”But, that western cocksucker is most likely the only thing stopping Stella from killing Stolas herself. Plus, I promised Loony that I wouldn't kill anyone today because it’s her birthday.” He continued, going silent for a while, just in case Fizz was brainstorming and didn't want to be interrupted. And apparently, he was.
“..Wait, he's super self-confident. Which means, all we have to do is exploit a weakness that's embarrassing enough to catch him off guard, and threaten to blackmail him with it. Right?” It wasn't a terrible idea. But, what the hell kind of a weakness would have such an effect on a guy like Striker?
Contemplating his inquiry, Blitzø skimmed through his memories with Fizz, trying to pinpoint any specific events that involved embarrassing weaknesses that an imp would have..and wouldn't you know it, the murderous imp finally came up with a reasonable suggestion.
“Ey, Fizz, remember when we'd have those stupid dares where we'd take turns in watching each other perform, and then point out any flaws afterwards by..tickling the other person in a way that accommodates to those flaws?” Blitzø commented, smiling slightly at the fond memory, but a little flustered about the topic as he was usually the more flawed one when performing. Thankfully though, the other imp only really picked up on the main idea that he was putting down, a wry smirk now building up on his face at the thought of using this against Striker.
“It's perfect! We won't hurt Striker, but if we record him being humiliated like that, we could threaten him with the blackmail of posting the video!” Fizz replied cheerfully, slamming down a $10 bill on the counter before gripping Blitzø's arm and yanking him out of the bar. Fizz dragged him eagerly all the way down to the Wrath ring, ignoring the whiny protests that spewed from his friend's mouth like gunfire and instead focusing on tracking down Striker, while keeping his phone safe so that they can record the whole ordeal when it happens.
Sure enough, the two eventually stumbled into the weird cavern that Striker called his home, making sure to keep quiet as they leapt behind the nearest boulder. Breathing out groans of pain between whistling a casual tune, the cowboy in question was currently standing near the unrealistic statue of himself and cleaning up his burn wounds from when he tried (and failed) to kill Fizz.
“Hey, you think you can do that introduction thing that Robo Fizz did? It might be fun.” Blitzø whispered to his friend, who, in response, nodded and took a deep but silent breath.
“Hiya kids, it's me, the lovable Fizzarolli!” Fizz started, jumping up onto the boulder they were hiding behind and watching as his voice startled Striker a little.
“Say, would anyone here like to play a game with me?! It'll be so fun, I can guarantee it!” While the cowboy demon scowled and reached for his angelic gun, Blitzø shot a bullet of his own towards said gun, making it inaccessible as the two former clowns suddenly launched at him.
It took quite a hassle, but eventually they managed to pin Striker to the same part of the train tracks that Stolas had been restrained against a while ago. They then tied his arms down either side of his head with his own angelic rope, doing the same for his legs and tail. “You two fuckass clowns ain't gettin’ away with this. I will get my vengeance, just you little fellas wait..” Striker sneered, allowing a brief dark chuckle to sleep through his teeth afterwards. To which Fizz and Blitzø both looked at each other with unbothered expressions.
Setting up his phone on a nearby rock, Fizz pressed the ‘record’ button and began speaking like the whole thing was a vlog.
“Hey there, all you imps, sinners, overlords and deadly sins! Today, we have a very western guest with us. Say hi, Striker!” Fizz announced, moving out of the way so that the recording showed a clear view of the cowboy, bound helplessly to abandoned train tracks and frowning spitefully all the while.
“Go fuck yourself.” Was the only thing that Striker planned to say for most of this. Unfortunately, things never seem to go according to plan for him. “Only off camera. Now let's get down to business, shall we?” Blitzø responded, smiling along with the other clown imp.
“You're a selfish bitch that only cares about money. Understandable, however, fucking up my only ticket to the human world and then also trying to kill my friend, that's not as excusable. So, we're gonna return your ‘favour’ by humiliating you and then blackmailing you with the recording of it. Sound good? Good!”
Before Striker had gotten a chance to respond, Fizz had started talking again, reverting back to his show voice for this next part.
“Earlier I asked if you wanna play a game. And now, we're gonna play whether you like it or not! The game is called...’Don't Laugh’~!” Upon saying the name of the game, Fizz lifted his robot arms up to shoulder height and bent his fingers into claws, wiggling them simultaneously to give a hint as to what was about to happen, with a shit-eating grin on his face the whole time.
The cowboy tensed, it was subtle but it was noticed, now slightly struggling against his binds as the reality of this ‘game’ began to fully sink in. “Oh you gotta be fuckin’ kiddin’ me..” Striker murmured, feeling a few butterflies swarm in his stomach, something that had rarely ever occurred before. He despised the way the sensation affected him, making his body twitch in anticipation whenever someone made even the smallest movement, making him feel vulnerable, making him feel weak.
“Tch, and what kinda sick pleasure will it bring ya this time? Y'know, since everythin’ appears to be a sex thing with you two.” He remarked with a tiny smirk, clearly aiming to piss them off some more, despite his better judgment and the fact that it was just going to make everything worse for him.
Dammit, even those weird ass mini singing imps were here to watch.
His attention was yanked away, however, as Blitzø's hand then reached out towards him, and he tensed up once more, instinctively sucking his stomach in. But, the imp merely grabbed the cowboy's hat and placed it on his own head, earning a ‘seriously?’ look from both of the other demons, and an extra eye roll from Striker, who was getting fed up with this. But then Fizz's voice sounded out again, still speaking as if the whole thing was a scripted performance. “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it's time for the game to start! Alright cowboy, are you ready?!”
“Listen, I don’ know what you jester twinks are plannin’ to accomplish with this, but I can assure ya, you ain’t gon’ pull a stunt like this again once I get my reve-HENGE!!” Striker's threat was abruptly cut off by the overwhelming sensation of a robotic hand squeezing his side experimentally, his voice raising up to a slightly embarrassing high pitched tone as this happened.
The cowboy attempted to recover by clearing his throat and forcing back the anticipatory nervous smile, refusing to let his captors feel like they were winning. Said captors, however, now adorned ear-splitting smirks that caused the butterflies in Striker's stomach to temporarily double, a few more harsh tugs being acted out on the angelic restraints. “I said ‘are you ready?’, not ‘bore us with monologue’. But still, at least people on Sinstagram will enjoy the bickering. But seriously, don't laugh!” Fizz replied smugly, refocusing his attention on the imp's outfit.
There were a few scorch marks on his shirt that didn't burn through the fabric, so of course, Fizz decided to fuck around a bit and trace ever so gently over those marks, relishing in the way it made Striker flinch and gasp quietly. Yet, his resolve held true, the scowl on the cowboy's face didn't budge, but not did the angelic rope, unfortunately for him.
“Alright it's my turn, move over bitch!” Blitzø demanded, playfully shoving his friend out of the way and cracking his knuckles, before starting to spider his fingers along Striker's sides. This time, it resulted in a wobbly grin showing through for just over a millisecond, the ticklish sensation making Striker wriggle away from the pursuing hands with a bit of desperation.
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the-one-and-omly · 10 months ago
I lost the request but I believe an anon asked for a Striker tickle fic from Helluva so I deliver!
I took a gamble on the Lee and Ler (it wasn’t specified) so I’m sorry if I got it wrong 😭
Sweet Revenge
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Summary: Blitzø gets payback on Striker for birdnapping and hurting Stolas
C.W: Swearing, incredibly rushed 😭
“He can get hurt..?” Blitz murmured as he, Mille, Moxxie, and Loona watched Stolas get carried into the clinic on a stretcher. “Yes sir we found him severely injured in Striker’s hideout.” Moxxie remarked and quickly Blitz’s face became angry.
“He did that to Stolas?” Blitz repeated, not sure if he heard Moxxie correctly but his suspicions were confirmed when Moxxie nodded, “Will he be okay?” Mille questioned a doctor who walked outside.
“His Majesty should be just fine, he just needs to stay here for a few weeks to recover.” The doctor replied and all four of them let out an audible sigh of relief. “Thank you sir!” Mille told him and he bowed before walking back inside.
“Thank goodness he’ll be okay.” Mille remarked and the others nodded before Blitz started walking towards the hospital. “Where are you going sir?” Moxxie asked him, jogging to catch up with him. “I’m going to visit Stolas you guys wait here.” Blitz told them and Moxxie halted his jogging, watching the other imp disappear inside.
“Hey lady.” Blitz called to the front desk receptionist who looked up from her computer. “Yes sir how can I help you?” The woman asked him as he reached her counter.
“I’d like to visit Prince Stolas mind telling me what room he’s in?” Blitz asked her and she nodded, turning back to her computer and typing in a few things before returning her gaze to him with a smile.
“His Majesty is in room 213.” She told him and he began walking away, “Thanks lady.” Blitz told her over his shoulder, starting for the elevator. Once inside a few other demons joined him and he pressed the button for floor two and they ascended.
Once they reached the floor Blitz stepped out and wandered down the hall until he located room 213. He creaked open the door and nearly gasped as he saw Stolas’ fragile frame wrapped in bandages and hunched over in the hospital bed but once he heard the door open he looked up and his face brightened.
“Blitzyy!” Stolas chirped and Blitz rolled his eyes before entering the room and shutting the door behind him. “How’re you feeling dumbass?” Blitz asked Stolas as he waved his hand and the room brightened.
“Quite well I’m just happy I managed to survive.” Stolas replied and Blitz nodded. “What all did that cowboy prick do to you?” Blitz asked him and he placed a hand on his beak in thought then he started rattling off all the things Striker did to him and by the end of it Blitz looked livid.
“Oh would you look at that Moxxie’s calling I gotta hit the road hope you feel better Stolas!” Blitz called over his shoulder, hearing a goodbye from the prince as he exited, shutting the door behind him.
After leaving the hospital room Blitz marched down the hallway, into the elevator, down the elevator, through the lobby and out the doors where Mille, Moxxie and Loona were still waiting.
“So how’d it go is he okay?” Mille asked him, jumping up but quickly halting as she saw the look on his face. “Oh he’s fine. It’s Striker who’s not going to be. Get in.” Blitz snapped at them and they all piled into the van and took off back towards the I.M.P headquarters.
“What happened sir?” Moxxie spoke up but Blitz kept his eyes trained on the road, a furious expression on his face. “Stolas told me what the bastard did to him and let me tell you Moxx I’m going to make him pay.” Blitz replied and Moxxie quickly understood, settling back in his seat.
“What did the cowboy dude even do to make you this mad?” Loona piped up and Blitz explained everything just as Stolas had to him on the way and by the time they got back to the headquarters everyone’s mouths were hanging open with that same angry look on their faces.
“Oh no one messes with His Majesty and gets away with it.” Mille snapped, cracking her knuckles but Blitz held up a hand. “As much as I appreciate it Millie Striker knows me best from the last time we met so I think I have to deal with this on my own.” Blitz remarked, leaving the van and walking towards the building with everyone in tow.
“Now wait just a minute Blitz you can’t just rush in there blindly you need to come up with a plan first.” Loona reminded him and he spun on a heel to look at her and snapped his fingers. “Oh you’re right Loony thank you!” Blitz told her and she rolled her eyes, going on her phone.
Back inside of the building Blitz immediately went to his desk and gathered up a pen and some paper and rushed over to sit Mille and Moxxie on the couch before sitting across from them.
“Okay you two I’m going to need your help here. You guys faced Striker how does this son of a bitch fight?” Blitz asked them and they exchanged glances before thinking for a moment.
“Well sir Striker is very fast.” Moxxie noted and nearly began laughing at the aggressive pen scribbling he heard. “Oh and he is good with weaponry.” Millie piped up, smirking at the same aggressive pen scribbling. “Okay what else?” Blitz asked them, tail snapping in agitation as he practically interrogated them.
“Hmm..” Millie thought for a moment before snapping her fingers in realization, “Striker’s tail is strong and it’s got spikes on it so steer clear of his tail.” Millie told Blitz and the imp jotted that down as well. “Got it thanks you two!” Blitz called over his shoulder as he stood and rushed into his office.
Time for some planning.
Now at the Royal Palace apparently Stella had somehow overheard Stolas’s and Blitz’s conversation and now she knew what Blitz was going to do so she called Striker.
“Pick up the phone damnit.” Stella swore but after the second ring the line picked up and a heavy accented southern voice came from the other line.
“Hello?” Striker spoke from the other line, “What took you so damn long to pick up?!” Stella shouted at him and she heard the imp audibly sigh. “My apologies ma’am I was busy dealing with another ‘client’ what do you need?” Striker asked her and she started chuckling.
“You best be careful imp boy I overheard my “husband” and his imp talking about you, they’re plotting against you because of what happened to Stolas so I would advise being careful.” Stella told him and the line was silent for a moment before he spoke again, “Will do thanks for the heads up.” Striker told her and she scoffed.
“Yeah yeah just take care of that other imp, I’m counting on you.” Stella snapped at him and the line went dead. Guess we’ll see what happens.
Back at the I.M.P headquarters Blitz sat in his office racking his brain for ideas, by now the trash can in the corner of the room was full of balled up pieces of paper and still the imp had no ideas.
Blitz reviewed the information that Moxxie and Millie had given him and so far it’d gotten him nowhere. The part he was stuck at was that Striker is fast, and Blitz isn’t really the sharpest tool in the shed so what could he do without getting his ass handed to him?
Mille had also noted that Striker had spikes on his tail and he hummed thoughtfully before bringing his tail in front of him with a thought. Last time he fought Striker he heard rattling from him and slight hissing so Striker resembled a rattlesnake, how did they fight?
Blitz knew that he didn’t fully resemble a rattlesnake and Striker fought with g*ns but that was his problem. He’s seen how well Striker could fight with a g*n and he just didn’t have that level of experience and getting k!lled was not on his agenda today.
Then Blitz got an idea, he was going to go visit Stolas again to see if he could get anymore information out of him and then go to the Wrath Ring to maybe get something to help prepare him, maybe like some armor or something.
Standing up from his desk with a new idea Blitz kicked down his door catching the attention of the rest of the I.M.P. “I have an idea motherfuckers! I’ll be back with some revenge but until then Moxxie don’t be a disappointment for once and hold down the fort for me!” Blitz called over his shoulder and nearly started laughing at the look on Moxxie’s face as he left the building.
Now out of the building Blitz then got in the van and drove down to the hospital, arriving there a few minutes later and walking inside like he owned the place, tail swishing behind him as he walked towards the elevator.
Once he again reached the second floor he opened the door to Stolas’ room and caught the owl’s attention. “Heya Stolas.” Blitz remarked, sauntering over and sitting in a nearby chair. “Hello Blitz!” Stolas chirped, “What brings you back here?” He finished, tail flicking behind him.
“I need your help, I need you to tell me what Striker uses and how to take him down.” Blitz replied, pulling out a pen and notepad from seemingly nowhere. Stolas hummed in thought, placing a hand on his beak for a moment before turning to look at Blitz again.
“Well I do know he doesn’t play fair at all and he has this magic-disabling rope.” Stolas told the imp and the regular furious pen scratching returned before he looked back up, “I also know that he’s working for my scum of a ‘wife’” Stolas grumbled, angry raven chitters escaping him at the mention of Stella.
“Is that all?” Blitz spoke up, snapping Stolas out of his annoyed state and he thought for a moment before answering. “Yes I believe so, if you go to fight him please do be careful.” Stolas told the imp and he waved the owl off, “Yeah yeah I will thanks Stolas!” Blitz called over his shoulder, leaving the hospital room and shutting the door behind him.
Now having most of the information he needed Blitz now had one goal. Get to the Wrath Ring and find something that could help him take down Striker.
Blitz walked down the hall, into and down the elevator and out the doors of the clinic to get in the van and make his way down to the train station.
It was a bit of a drive but it would take him to the Wrath Ring so he didn’t really mind. Once there he parked the van and walked up to the navigation sign, locating the direction in which to go for Wrath and heading that way, just making it onto the train before it left.
Blitz found his spot on the train and sat down, the Wrath Ring was about a 15 minute train ride so he settled and looked out the window. “The hell are you looking at lady?” Blitz snapped at a random demon just staring at him but she averted her gaze when he snapped at her.
Now all he could do was wait for the train to arrive, but until then he could plan.
“The Wrath Ring?!” Striker snapped at Stella over the phone who’d just told him about Blitz’s plan, tail snapping angrily behind him. “That’s what I told you is it not?!” Stella shouted back at him and he regained his composure before speaking to her again.
“Yes ma’am my apologies for the outburst it’s just not what I expected.” Striker told her, adopting a more formal tone with her which she scoffed at.
“That’s what I thought, take care of that imp or you’ll be next.” Stella threatened him and he groaned inwardly, he did not have time for her petty shenanigans but nevertheless he nodded and answered. “Yes ma’am consider it done.” Striker told her and hung up the phone, let’s see how long it would take this imp to arrive.
Now in the Wrath Ring since the train had arrived just moments before Blitz wandered down the streets of the city, looking for some kind of armory shop and was pleased to have found one almost immediately, walking in and being greeted by the shopowner.
“Hello imp what brings you to my fine establishment today?” The shopkeeper asked him and he stared at the owner, “I’m looking for some armor. Something strong, something protective.” Blitz told him and he snickered a little.
“Ahh well I have just the thing for you, come this way.” The shopkeeper crooned, leading Blitz to the back where he showed him a large armor set engraved with steel. “Oooh yeah I’ll take that!” Blitz grinned at the armor, purchasing it from the shop and leaving back towards the train station.
Blitz arrived at the train station a few minutes later but not without a couple scratches from some demons wanting to start a fight with him but this is the Wrath Ring what could he expect.
Once the train began boarding once more back to the Pride Ring Blitz got on and quickly found a seat to the long ride back to the Ring. This would be over shortly.
Back in the Pride Ring Blitz stepped off the train and located his van, stepping in and driving back to the I.M.P headquarters with his new armor.
His plan was to head to the headquarters first to show everyone and get ready and then head over to where Striker hid out, Stolas had given him directions when he’d visited the owl so getting there shouldn’t be a problem.
Blitz drove for a bit before returning to the building, going inside and up the stairs before kicking down the door catching Millie, Moxxie and Loona’s attention. “Oh nice this place isn’t on fire nice job Moxxie.” Blitz remarked, walking in and placing the case which held the armor on the couch.
“Thank you sir but what is that?” Moxxie questioned and Blitz grinned. “This Moxx is going to be what helps me take down that cowboy asshole.” Blitz replied and opened the case before taking the armor out to show him. Moxxie grinned upon seeing the set as Blitz put it away again.
“Oh you have to let me use that sometime in the future sir!” Moxxie exclaimed, tail swishing excitedly behind him and Blitz grinned, “I don’t know maybe I will.” Blitz told him and left towards his office, shutting the door and re-emerging a few moments later covered in his new armor and looking ready to go.
“Please be careful Blitz.” Millie told him and he smiled, “When am I ever not careful Millie? I’ll be fine.” Blitz told her, casting a look over his shoulder before walking out of the now just doorframe of the building and down to the van.
Now that he was ready to go face Striker he climbed in his van, double checking that he had everything before pulling out of the parking lot and driving away, “What the hell am I supposed to do once I get there? Stolas said this son of a bitch doesn’t play fair.” Blitz muttered to himself as he drove, reciting and attempting to remember the directions given to him.
“Meh I’ll be fine I’ll just wing it.” Blitz grinned to himself and continued driving, this couldn’t end well…
Checking back in with Striker he apparently was laying out all his items in preparation for Blitz’s visit. Striker stood after laying his things out, looking at them. “Oh yeah this oughta do it.” Striker muttered to himself, admiring the trinkets when his phone rang.
His golden gaze wandered over to where his phone sat ringing on a crate, tail flicking curiously as he wandered closer and let out a deadbeat sigh and picked up the phone, answering it and flinching away at the shrilly voice that echoed from the other side.
“WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG TO PICK UP?!?!” Stella’s voice screeched from the other line and Striker sighed, “My apologies Your Highness I was preparing for Blitzø’s ‘visit’ what did you need?” Striker asked her, gaining his composure and using that same formal tone with her.
She scoffed before answering him making the snake facepalm. “The imp is on his way so make sure you are prepared Striker. I’m counting on you.” Stella snapped from the other end and he could practically hear her dainty feathers ruffling in indifference on the other end, “Yes ma’am consider it done.” Striker replied and she harrumphed before the line went dead.
What was he going to do with her.
Back with Blitz he was nearly there by now, driving the black van through the rocky terrain of the desert, Striker’s hideout was maybe around 10 minutes away and this was when Blitz started to worry.
“What if I don’t win this fight? What if he beats me and I can’t get back to Millie, Moxxie or my Loony?” Blitz muttered to himself, curling his tail around his leg as he drove but then shook himself out of his thoughts.
“No I’m the leader of the I.M.P and even though Striker claims to be the best assassin in the Wrath Ring I can beat him can’t I..?” Blitz trailed off but still keeping his eyes trained on the road.
“Come on Blitz stop thinking like this you’re going to win.” Blitz reprimanded himself and through at that muttering to himself he’d realized that he arrived. He was sitting in his van at the foot of Striker’s cave.
With a nervous breath he stepped out to the van and went to the foot of the cave, taking deep breaths as he walked as he reached the foot of the cave and was surprised to see a…minecart?
Blitz noticed that the minecart was on a rail that lead further into the cave so after staring at it a moment longer he reluctantly climbed into the cart, curling his tail around himself once more as the minecart jostled and took off down the rickety rail.
Blitz noticed that there were gaps in the rail and it worried him for a moment until he noticed that the minecart could jump the gaps and he settled until a few minutes later when the minecart hit the ground with a crash and he tumbled out of it.
“Oww!” Blitz exclaimed, standing up and brushing himself off before taking in his surroundings, he was in a cave with some discarded rails and signs everywhere.
“Bout time you showed up.” A deep southern voice spoke from the shadows and Blitz whipped around, looking for the source of the voice when his gaze landed on a pair of golden yellow eyes staring back at him.
The eyes then stepped out of the shadows and revealed the person Blitz had come here for all along. “Blitzø.” Striker smirked, tipping his hat to the other imp who sneered, tail snapping behind him, “The ø is silent asshole!” Blitz snarked at Striker but the cowboy waved him off.
“Yeah yeah you think I care about that? You didn’t come here to chit chat.” Striker remarked, pulling his hat off as Blitz used this opportunity, rushing forward and aiming for the jugular but Striker jumped out of the way and flipped Blitz off.
“Oh you son of a bitch.” Blitz snarled at Striker, flipping the other imp off just as he had done to Blitz “I’m going to get revenge on you for Stolas!” Blitz yelled at Striker from across the cave, Striker on the other hand just grinned and readied himself in a battle stance.
“Well then if you’re here for that then quit your standin around and actually fight me!” Striker exclaimed and just like that the first attack was served.
Fight over and now on the ground, Blitz had Striker flat in his back on the ground, the smaller imp pinning the bigger down with his forearm pressed against his throat and the other arm lay on the ground. Striker’s tail had stabbed him in the back of the leg and his arms were planted firmly on the ground trying to sit up and get away but Blitz kept him down and unmoving.
“This…ends now..bitch!” Blitz exclaimed and was getting ready to deal the blow but unfortunately and fortunately for Striker Blitz had placed one of his hands and pressed down on Striker’s ribs for support and Striker’s tail had dislodged itself from Blitz and snapped in the air along with a slight hiss, his breath hitched as well and Blitz paused, staring at him with both confusion and curiosity whereas Striker looked mortified, hoping that Blitz wouldn’t catch onto what harbored that reaction.
“Well aren’t you gonna kill me?!” Striker snapped and Blitz removed his forearm much to Striker’s surprise and Blitz grinned, “Now wait a minute hotshot what was that?” Blitz asked him and Striker snarled, “Nothin now if you won’t kill me then let me go!” Striker’s voice caught in his throat with another quiet hiss as Blitz pressed down on his ribs agin and the imp’s face broke out into a wide smirk.
“Ohoho what have we here?” Blitz snarked and Striker’s tail began rattling, “I don’t know what the fuck you are talking about but you better release me right now!” Striker snapped at Blitz and he tsked, “Oh no don’t play stupid with me ive seen this multiple times you’re not foolin anyone.” Blitz grinned and started actually attacking Striker’s ribs this time, scribbling and scratching over them and the older’s response died on his tongue as Blitz did so.
“F-Fuck ohoff!” Striker snapped at Blitz, clamping his mouth shut to avoid any of these ridiculous noises coming out of his mouth. Why him he’s supposed to be a skilled and dangerous assassin! Yet here he was, lying on the floor of his own cave being tickled and unable to move.
“Somethin wrong hotshot? Snake got your tongue~?” Blitz taunted Striker whose tail snapped in response. “Oh fuck yohou!” Striker snapped and Blitz chuckled in response, lifting himself from his earlier position and scribbling over Striker’s stomach making the other curl up, tail swishing and rattling in response.
“You enjoyin this big guy?” Blitz grinned and Striker flipped him off, trying to will his tail to stop moving but it wasn’t working so he settled with wrapping it around his leg but the tip still twitched much to his dismay. Then Blitz got an idea, the imp eyed the spines sticking out of Striker’s tail and reached out one hand to trace over them while the other hand stayed on his stomach, that’s what finally broke him.
His tail unfurled itself from his leg and started flicking at the touch as uncharacteristic giggles poured out of the other. “Fuhuhuhuck you leheheheave my tahahahail alohohone!” Striker snapped at Blitz and the imp shot him a smirk.
“Oh does this bother you?” Blitz taunted him, scratching gently at the space around the spines and Striker’s laughter picked up. “Yehehehes hahahahands ohohoff!” Striker snapped at Blitz who only waved his finger in Striker’s face before taking his hand away from his tail and worming both hands under the assassin’s arms causing him to kick, laughter picking up significantly as small hisses began making their way into his giggly speech.
“Sssstohohohop alreheheheady!” Striker snickered, face heating up at what just happened as Blitz paused for a moment. “Wait just a damn minute…you hiss when being tickled??” Blitz grinned and Striker averted his gaze with a middle finger, “Let me hear that again!” Blitz remarked and Striker’s eyes widened as he held his arms out in front of him but that gave Blitz an opportunity and he dug into Striker’s underarms as the cowboy jerked and slammed his arms down.
“Blihihihitzzzø!” Striker hissed and laughed harder as Blitz dug in harder, “The Ø is silent asshole!” Blitz grinned as Striker laughed harder at the mock-offended remark. “Ihihi dohohohon’t gihihive a ssssshihihihit!!” Striker snapped back through his laughter and Blitz started laughing as well because of the hissing.
“Thahat hissing is awesome dude!” Blitz remarked and Striker flipped him off again. “Well that’s not very nice is it?” Blitz remarked, taking his hands away from Striker’s underarms and moving them higher to the base of his horns, scratching gently at the space there and Striker tried batting the offending hands away but Blitz wouldn’t let him.
“Good spot hotshot?” Blitz grinned as Striker’s laughter died down to giggles but they still stayed strong. “Sssshuhuhut the fuhuhuhuck uhuhup!” Striker hissed but Blitz moved back down to scribble over his sides and Striker’s laughter picked up again.
“Well there is a way you can get out of this alive.” Blitz hummed, over exaggerating it and nearly laughing when Striker’s eyes flew open. “Tehehell mehehehe!” Striker demanded and Blitz made a show with his hands, momentarily pulling away to allow the imp to hear what he had to say.
“Here’s the thing. I want you to take back what you did and apologize to me about what you did to Stolas.” Blitz replied and Striker’s gaze hardened. “No..wahay.” Striker snapped at Blitz and he raised a brow.
“You sure bout that asshole? I could let you go now if you apologize before things get loud~” Blitz taunted and Striker’s eyes narrowed in suspicion before snapping back, “No. Way.” Striker snarled at Blitz shrugged, “Suit yourself!” Blitz chirped before snaking his hands behind Striker and using his claws to scribble over Striker’s back.
Immediately Striker’s eyes widened at the new feeling and he bucked before bursting out laughing, Blitz obviously finding his worst spot. “HOHOHOW IN THEHE HEHEHELL?!” Striker still managed to sound confused through his hysterics and Blitz shrugged, moving up to Striker’s upper back making him curl up.
“This is the spot you were trying so hard to protect when I started this, don’t be so obvious next time.” Blitz replied so casual which somehow made Striker laugh even harder. “OHOHOHO FUHUHUHUCK YOHOHOU LEHEHET ME GOHOHO!!” Striker screeched and Blitz grinned.
“Not till you apologize!” Blitz chirped and Striker flipped him off for what felt like the hundredth time that day, “JUHUHUHUST LEHEHET ME GOHOHO DAHAHAMNIT!!” Striker snapped and Blitz shifted down to his lower back, skittering over the skin there and around his now swishing tail, that’s what finally broke him.
“OHOKAHAHAY YOU AHAHASS YOU WIHIHIN IM SOHOHORRY JUHUHUST LAHAHAY OHOHOFF THE TAHAHAHAIL!!” Striker cackled as Blitz had now begun skittering over his tail with his claws but quickly pulled away and stood up upon hearing the apology.
“See now that wasn’t so hard was it?” Blitz teased Striker and he snarled, tail still swishing from a few minutes ago as he let out the residual giggles and caught his breath. Striker then flipped Blitz off again and imp chuckled.
“Yeah yeah you’ve shown me that like 5 times today, really gotta be going tho, see ya bitch!” Blitz called as he somehow made his exit from the cave leaving Striker with one thought.
What was he gonna tell Stella?
About 25 minutes later back at the I.M.P headquarters Blitz walked through the door and collapsed on the couch with a sigh. “So how’d it go? Did you beat him?” Millie asked Blitz, her, Moxxie and Loona gathering around the couch to hear Blitz’s response.
“Oh yeah I kicked his ass, in a bit of a unique way though but I can say that that asshole likely won’t be messing with us again anytime soon.” Blitz told them and Moxxie spoke up, “What did you do to him?” Moxxie asked him and Blitz waved him off.
“You know Moxx a business leader should never reveal their plans.” Blitz told him and he heard Moxxie’s halfhearted whines of “Come on tell me!” But he drowned those out and relaxed knowing that he’d been the one to take that prick down a few pegs.
(Woah long one again I know there wasn’t a setting in the Wrath Ring yet but I just figured that’s how an interaction in that ring would go but hope you enjoyed! ^^’)
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jettorii · 1 year ago
something different
warnings - vv brief mention of sex and kinks
“oh fuhuhuck..” blitzø gasps, his breath hitching as shaky giggles began echoing throughout the room. the imp’s arms gripping stolas’ jacket, evidently struggling to keep them around the other’s neck as feathered fingers slowly grazed along his waist.
“say that a little louder, wont you, blitzy?” stolas whispers, his voice sending immediate shivers down blitzø’s spine. blitzø thanks fuck that stolas couldnt see his face, because if he did, he would not be able to live it down.
blitzø doesnt remember the last time he’d been this flustered by stolas, especially from gentle tickling like this. hed become so used to the rough, kinky sex the two engaged in to remember what a gentle hug along with tickles felt like.
in fact when stolas suggested the idea of not having sex for their monthly hookups, blitzø was more than confused
but he wasnt complaining at all.
blitzø let out a surprised squeak upon feeling stolas’ feather light touch drift to his ribs, oh so gently scratching which drove him up a wall with high pitched giggles.
needless to say, blitzø was practically melting in stolas’ touch. the words of affirmation along with tickles was enough to make him putty in the other’s arms, something that did not go unnoticed by stolas.
“i find this rather endearing, having you helplessly giggling into my shoulder like the cute little imp you are~” stolas smirks, giving blitzø’s waist a quick squeeze, eliciting another one of those out of character bouts of squeaks.
stolas chuckles himself at blitzø, resorting to firmly rubbing blitzø’s spots now, making the imp let out a sigh of relief. stolas could feel him sinking comfortably in his feathers, then mumbling something which he was unable to hear coherently.
“what was that?” stolas asks, his smile only softening more when hearing what blitzø managed to say through catching his breath.
“..that was better than sex.”
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cookiepie11 · 2 years ago
Pretty bird ~ (tickle fic SFW! Lee stolas,ler blitzø)
"so what will it be pretty bird?" Blitzø asked with a smirk, he grinned down at stolas who was willingly tied to the bed "what spot should I get first huh?"
"I don't knoww" stolas whined with a giggle he wanted to hide his blushing face from blitzø but he also wanted to gaze into his eyes forever at the same time.
"hmmm how about... here!" He exclaimed and wiggled his claws on Stolas's fluffy stomach.
"OHOHOO NOHOOO!" he hooted in suprise
Blitzø blushed at the cute noises but brushed it off quickly "laugh bitch!" He said playfully and clawed under his armpits
"uh huh I know it does" he agreed and scratched faster
"STAPITT GET AWAYY" he yelled and squirmed around, his face painted with a dusty pink blush
"get away? Why you asked for this shit no backing out now" blitzø practically PURRED and started to nibble on his belly
"OHHOHH BLITZYY TEHEHE NOHOEHE" he squealed and thrashed around
"nom nom yummy ass stomach I just can't get enough of it" he teased and wagged his tail at Stolas's cute giggles and squeals.
"Why of course" he said and moved down a bit "now for these ticklish legs~"
He skittered his small red claws on his thigs going down to the ankles and repeating the process over and over.
"teheee PWAHA NOT THE THIGHS STAHPIT STAHPPP TiTICKLEESSS!" He pleaded not really meaning it and blitzø knew that if stolas wanted an end to this he could easily break the restraints.
"calm your ass down pretty bird I'm moving spots~" stolas giggled and his face was redder then ever he loved the new nickname
Blitzø crawled down the bed and to the feet he poked one of them to test it out and he scrunched his bird toes up trying to hide his soles
"oh no you don't..I'm tickling these" he told him and scritched at his toes softly
"pwehee nooohoo stapitt!" He giggled cutely a small tear in his eye
"definitely not bitch I haven't even tried this yet! He said and wiggled all five claws on one foot and the other claws on the other foot "tickle tickle tickle.."
"HOOOT NOHOOT THEREEE STAPITT BLITIZHYYY MY FEEHET ARE TO SENSITIVE!" he begged which made blitzø wanna tickle them even more
"Yeah yeah sure you beg for a stop yet your not even trying to break free anymore" he teased and he was right stolas stopped squirming and was only scrunching his toes up which just put more attention on them
"hm wonder what happens if i..." He picked up long blue feather of off the bed it was obviously Stolas's feather, he fluttered it on the sole gently up down left right
"well no shit it's a feather" he replied and swirled the feather around under his toes he was being extremely delicate which made it all the more unbearable yet addictive for the bird
"DOHONTT STAHAP EEEEE!" he giggled very loudly he loved the feeling of the feather endlessly circling on his feet he didn't want this to ever stop
"dont stop? Why would I want to? I've got to admit this is fucking adorable" he said and his tail wagged side to side
"TITICKLEESSS! PWAHAH HOOT HOOHOOT BLITZY!" he was again trying so desperately to escape and hide his face yet not break free and stay like that forever
"bitch why are you crying?" He asked but he knew it wasn't from sadness he slowed the tickling down seeing the bird was running out of breath
"i..**pant** tickles.." he was extremely tickle drunk
"I want to wreck you not kill ya, you need to breath stupid" he said playfully and untied him
"thats was so tickly and...um nicer" he admitted and blushed "could we..um do that..maybe.. again..like if you want to like no pressure!" His voice was a squeaky embarrassed tone
"I don't think I'll even pass up a opportunity to see you laughing like that again" he blushed and cursed when he realised how cringey the thing he said was
Looks like they both enjoyed that tickle session
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tobysbliss · 9 months ago
like old times
lee!blitzø, ler!fizzarolli :)
i love them so much i am so glad theyre friends again actually. theyre besties and i love them. this was not proof read so if theres mistakes then OOPS !! (haha u get the reference ? get it ?? cause. cause oops is a helluva boss episode. and its the one where fizz and blitzø made up. haha. yeah)
this fic is intended to be viewed as platonic.
Blitzø would never admit it aloud, but he couldn’t be happier that him and Fizzarolli are friends again. It felt like a piece of him had gone missing, then found it’s way back to him.
Blitzø decided to have him and the I.M.P team take a day off, allowing them to do as they please for entertainment that day. And for Blitzø, that meant inviting Fizzarolli over.
The jester admittedly was confused, but honestly, so was Blitzø. How was he even supposed to word that message? “Hey, wanna hangout?” It sounded odd to him, at least since it had been, what, 15 years?
Or maybe he was just really, really socially awkward.
He settled for calling Fizz and, very awkwardly, inviting him over with strings of words that just barely made sense; Something Fizz fully intended on teasing Blitzø for later.
Fizz barged into the door of the I.M.P headquarters, making a strong entrance as always. Blitzø nearly flipped out of his chair.
“You invited me to where you work, really?” Fizz looked around as if unimpressed. “Do you ever leave this place?”
Blitzø blinked. He does, but he lives in a raggedy old apartment, shared with Loona. He invited Fizz over to the I.M.P Headquarters both because he was embarrassed about the apartment, and he didn’t want to disturb Loona.
“Don’t worry about it. Anyway, I just wanted to catch up since it’s been, what, fifteen years now? And the last time we did get to talk about life, we were dealing with a bunch of psycho’s trying to kill us..”
“Oh, so you can explain your reasoning here, but not on the phone, huh?” Fizz smirked, earning an eye-roll from Blitzø.
“Hey, if you came to be a dick, the door’s right behind you,” Blitzø crossed his arms. Fizz only walked further into the room, adjusting the sleeves of his light-pink top as he did so.
The jester moved to circle Blitzø for a moment, “Nope. I’m afraid you’re stuck with me today, Blitzo.”
“The ‘o’ is silent, clown! Do I have to drill a paper with it in writing through your ears in order to get it through your head?” He flicked Fizz's forehead, though the action and his tone showed that he wasn't actually upset. Usually, he would be, but things were different nowadays; He couldn’t find himself to be genuinely upset with the jester.
Fizz laughed. "Nah, I just like messing with you." He bent forward a little to be on Blitzø’s level, only teasing him further. Blitzø poked Fizz in the chest.
"Thin ice, buddy. Thin. Ice." He glared, making direct eye contact with the jester. Fizz only smiled.
"Guess I'll have to tread carefully, huh?" He gently pried Blitzø’s finger away from him.
Blitzø crossed his arms over his chest. Maybe a harmless little joke to get back at Fizz, but what?
Scare him.
Blitzø and Fizz spent about fifteen minutes discussing life, AKA Blitzø was prying into Fizz’s personal life about him and Asmodeus. Then Blitzø spoke.
“I need to grab something from the company van outside, give me a few minutes.” Then he got up and left. Fizz raised an eyebrow as he watched the shorter imp leave.
It was only partially a lie, given what he ‘needed’ wasn’t actually important. However, it was necessary for his little scheme to get back at Fizz.
Once the door to his office was closed, Blitzø ran out of the building to his company’s van. When he got to the vehicle, he started to dig through the mess of trash on the floors and seats. He mumbled something about needing to clean it, or get Moxxie to do it.
Then he grabbed it.
An airhorn.
Fizz had mentioned using an airhorn to startle Asmodeus awake, why not use the same to scare the jester? A taste of his own medicine.. sort of.
Once Blitzø had the airhorn, he ran back into the building. He looked through the window to see inside his office, Fizz wasn’t facing the door. Perfect. He made sure to shake the airhorn before entering.
He opened the door slowly and carefully, making sure to shut it the same way. You couldn’t even hear the click. He tip-toed over to Fizz, then blared the airhorn right behind hip.
Fizz fell out of his seat, and Blitzø fell right next to him, except it was because he was laughing so hard. The jester had fallen out of surprise.
“What the fuck!?” Fizz couldn’t help but crack a smile; He couldn’t be mad, he did the same to Ozzie almost every day. He mumbled, “oh, you son of a bitch..”
Blitzø was too caught up in his own laughter to notice how Fizz had stanced himself.
And then he pounced.
The squeal that came from Blitzø was one Fizz would never, ever forget.
“You think that’s funny, do you? Huh? Fine then, I’ll give you something to laugh about!” The jester exclaimed as he immediately dug his fingers into Blitzø’s sides. The imp immediately started to kick and thrash, loud laughter emitting from him against his own will.
“FIHIHIZZ! Fuck, not THIHIS!” Blitzø grabbed onto Fizz’s robotic hands, but it didn’t do much to stop the jester as he just continued to scribble his fingers along Blitzø’s torso, the killer laughing helplessly beneath him.
“Ah, just like old times, right Blitzø? You’re still so insanely ticklish!” Fizz chimed, switching to vibrate his fingers along Blitzø’s ribs. “This will never get old. Ever.”
Memories of Blitzø’s childhood with Fizz flooded his mind; They almost always had tickle fights in the free time they had growing up. They both loved it, and they were honestly pretty open about liking it to each other.
Only to each other.
“Y’know, I remember you always seemed to love it whenever I’d go riiiiight here..” Fizz trailed his fingers down to Blitzø’s stomach, eliciting high pitched giggles from the shorter imp.
“Fihihihizz!” Blitzø whined, and Fizz couldn’t help but tease further.
“N’aww, still your soft spot, huh? Tickletickletickle!” He briskly scritched and clawed at the skin, simultaneously keeping the touches gentle just to worsen the sensations for Blitzø.
It was then Fizz noticed a soft sound, something hitting the floor. He glanced to the side to see Blitzø’s tail wagging, and he had to pause for a moment to compose himself.
“Aww, Blitzø! You’re tail still wags when I do this!? Fuck, you’re making me regret hating you for fifteen years,” Fizz joked. He moved his hands down a little and drilled his thumbs into the space right above Blitzø’s hip bones, relishing in the shriek that came from the shorter imp.
“FIHIHIZZ!” Blitzø’s hands latched onto Fizz’s wrists, and he started to thrash under the jester.
“Still a bad spot, huh? Guess you’re not so different compared to when we were kids!” Fizz grinned.
Soon, Fizz stopped tormenting Blitzø and sat beside him as he composed himself. It was pretty adorable.
“You’re an ass, you know that?” Blitzø huffed, glaring at Fizz with faux annoyance.
“You know you love it~” Fizz teased, delivering a few pokes to Blitzø’s sides before backing off again. He couldn’t help himself.
They both sat on the floor for the rest of the day, talking about whatever came to mind or messing with each other.
They both really did miss times like these, they missed each other, and both couldn’t be happier that they’d be able to experience it again.
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lopsicle · 1 year ago
Catching Up
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Fandom: Helluva Boss
Characters: Lee! Blitzø, Ler! Fizz (Can be seen as romantic or platonic, I love BlitzFizz)
Summary: As Blitz and Fizzaroli make up for lost time, Fizz discovers something he didn’t know about his former friend.
Tickletober day 2: Accidental
Warnings: Tickle Fic, innuendos.
Life had never been the same for Blitz and Fizzaroli since their second meeting in the Greed Ring. Sure, they’d reconciled their main issues and managed to air out some of the miscommunication forced onto them in their adolescence, but it had still been a decade and a half since they even just had a regular conversation. It was going to take a lot of work and effort to maintain that friendship, but that was work Blitz was willing to do. He couldn’t lose Fizz a second time.
Sometimes, Blitz would hang out backstage at Ozzie’s, listening to the clown perform his bits to the crowd, hyping him up whenever he had the chance. Sometimes that happened at Mammon’s, but it was rare Blitz would be allowed back there, much less without freaking out about being in the same room as a rockstar he admired from before he was even an adult. Fizz would even pop around to I.M.P sometimes, just his presence there was enough to drive up business so he had a warm welcome.
Though, their favourite thing to do was to just be with each other. It didn’t matter where, they usually preferred privacy but the two were neither careful or shameful, being able to do their business wherever. The pair of scarred imps could go on for hours and hours about whatever came into their mind, it was like they had a years long back log of all the things they wanted to talk about locked up in their brain, but never had the right person to say it too. They were just two sides of the same coin, better together.
One day, the two ended up in the privacy of Blitz’s room, which he (mostly) cleaned up for his guest. They’d both made themselves comfortable, Blitz laying down on his bed, sprawled out with her legs hanging over the edge, and Fizzaroli sitting over on the window sill, switching his face between the lacklustre view of Imp city, and his host.
‘Hey, how much can you feel?’
Fizzaroli’s eyes glanced over back to Blitz at his casual question, tilting his body to face him as he did so.
‘Like, emotionally?’
The clown tilted his head almost unassumingly, to which Blitz threw a nearby pillow at him.
‘Yeah, of course I mean emotionally-of course not, dipshit, of course I meant physically! You know, metal limbs and all,’
He huffed playfully, crossing him arms to which Fizz just chuckled, amused at his frustration.
‘Well, I can feel with my nose just fine! And my insides are…rigged with sensitivity, just ask Ozzie!’
‘I am not asking that feather covered, sparkly whore about how he fucks you.’
Fizz just laughed even harder at that, kicking his legs a little as he hopped off his self made perch, standing closer to Blitz.
‘Ahand, I can new sensors in my fingertips, Ozzy developed them himself to make things more…captivating.’
Blitz rolled his eyes and made a face, maybe a little out of jealousy, but there wasn’t much ill will behind it.
‘So now I can actually feel with them again! You have no idea how much I missed petting animals! And fucking with people, that’s great too!’
He ran his fingertips over Blitz’s still stretched out torso to make his point, to which the imp fucking squealed and curled up in on himself. Fizz tilted his head, sitting by Blitz with the largest shit eating grin on his face.
‘No fuckin’ way your ticklish! How did you hide this from me?!’
He asked excitedly, to which the imp blushed a little, trying to scramble backwards on the bed on his palms but he was quickly scooped up by his friend’s mechanical limbs and pulled closer.
‘Okay, it’s not that big of a deal this I’m ticklish! You don’t have to make such a big deal out of this, you knahaahhahw!’
The demon’s protests were cut off by a couple sharp scratches to his ribs, with a very eager Fizz now positioning himself on Blitz’s hips.
‘Oh, don’t you try and weasel your way out of this one! We’ve got, what, fifteen years of laughter to catch up on, and I’ve never heard you laugh like this!’
As much as Blitz wanted to remain tough and stoic on the outside, it was hard to do that while giggling, much less from your childhood best friend/crush tickling you. He couldn’t deny that the attention felt nice, not in a dirty way, he never expected to really…feel Fizz again due to his body being broken so it was a pleasant surprise. The tickling was just a bonus, though he weakly struggled against Fizz’s body to make it look like he wasn’t enjoying it too much. Though, Fizz saw right through him.
‘Oh, come on now, Blitzy, I’ve seen what your capable of, you could push me off you with ease if you wanted but you’re enjoying this, aren’t you?’
Blitz’s blushing situation went from bad to worse as he shook his head from side to side, he’d normally try and hide his enjoyment under some snarky remark but it was hard to think of one while your sides were being squeezed and tickled. So he just resorted to this.
‘Fuhahahahack you!’
‘I’m right, aren’t I?’ Fizz chuckled to himself a little, allowing his nimble, dexterous fingers to skitter all over Blitz’s torso. ‘That’s alright, Blitz, you know I don’t just people, kinky or not, but there is no way I am not being in on this! You don’t know how fun this is me!’
Fizz gushed, pulling his hands away as he looked up at his friend excitedly. While Blitz may have rejected an offer like this from basically anyone a month or two ago, Fizz had softened him up in terms of accepting…anything really from others, plus it was a nice bonus that Fizz seemed to be enjoying it a lot.
‘…would you wanna continue right now then?’
‘Oh, with pleasure!’
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dj-bananalove · 2 years ago
Hii!! Could you maybe do some tickling headcannons for loona and blitz?? /platonic ofc!
Loona doesn't get enough sfw attention in the tickle fandom its always fetish 😭
No fr 🥲
So for her I feel like she'd be a 50/50 switch she rarely gets ticked but, is almost always in a lee mood. When she does get tickled it's just a poke to the side or something like that. But, when she's in a ler mood she'll just tickle her dad at home though, like if they at the office or somewhere else. She'd wait to they get home and wreak the shit out of him but, if she can see he's tire or upset she'd give him some time alone.(Side note(s) has no problem saying the word love flustering Blitzø with it most ticklish belly and belly button.
He'd be 60%lee 40%ler he ''secretly'' loves being tickled he loves it even more with Loona but, would also love to tickle her back he thinking she's not ticklish. When he's in a lee mood he'd hope for her to be in a ler mood 9 times out of 10 she is and he'll just sit there and get his shit wreaked. But, when he's in a ler mood (he rarely is)he'll poke her side she'll stop and look at him and he'll stop and wait till he's with stolas and wreak him.(Side note(s) he can't say to word no matter how hard he tries also most ticklish: ribs.
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wiggly-giggly · 11 months ago
who’s your dream ler?
oh my GODS okay. great question! it highly depends on who’s fronting pfft.
personally, I’d have to say good ol’ blitzø. outside of the hellaverse, luther von ivory from ranfren. something about those two as lers is so !! mmnvhjj <3
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giggle-guru · 4 months ago
A Lil Hello
Heya! My name is Emily! I’ve been a Tumblr lurker for so long so I thought I’d finally jump on here :)
My current obsessions are Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, Undertale, Stardew Valley, TADC, Bob’s Burgers, Cells at Work, and FNaF Security Breach (I’ve never gotten off of it 😭)
I’d say I’m a switch, dead set in the middle! No leaning on either side, depends on the day haha.
The blog will be SFW and never consist of anything NSFW, though I don’t mind if NSFW blogs interact as it doesn’t bother me. If I ever have the desire to write more explicitly I’ll make a separate blog for it! Always be self-aware of the content you���re absorbing.
Feel free to look below the cut for my Masterlist, which contains all of the audios and tickling fanfics I've written (and spoken!). I adore every little like and comment you guys give me even on my old stuff 😭 like let me give you a hug rn 🫶🏻 Everything is for entertainment purposes only!
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My fanfics will all be tagged as #guru writes, while my audios will be tagged #guru speaks for easier navigation!
Daycare Attendants: Featuring Autemka’s OCs!
Attention Cravings - Switch!Moon Switch! Sun
Hazbin Hotel
A Helping Hand - Lee!Husker Ler!Angel
A Laughing Matter - Lee!Alastor Ler!SirPentious (a little switch action at the end)
Cheater - Lee!Husker Ler!SirPentious
Cheer Up, Kiddo - Lee!Charlie Ler!Husk
Preening - Lee!Lucifer Ler!Alastor
The Silent Treatment - Lee!Valentino Ler!Vox
Helluva Boss
Breaking the Silence - Lee!Stolas Ler!Blitzø
Hazbin Hotel
A Shoulder to Cry on - Lee!Listener Ler!Lucifer
Drunken Confessions - Lee!Lucifer Ler!Alastor
Needed Humility - Lee!Valentino Ler!Vox
Preening Feathers - Lee!Husk Ler!Angel (lil switch moment)
Satisying Hunger - Lee!Vox Ler!Alastor
Soothing Aches - Lee!Angel Dust Ler!Husk
Swingin’ Giggles - Lee!Alastor Ler!Lucifer
Tingling Sensations - Lee!Lucifer Ler!Alastor
Helluva Boss
Movie Night - Switch!Stolas Switch!Blitzø
Poppy’s Playtime
Renewed Sensation - Lee!Dogday Ler!Listener
Security Breach
Sleepy Persuasions - Lee!Listener Ler!Moon
The Amazing Digital Circus
Customer Service - Lee!Jax Ler!Gangle
Lame Literature - Lee!Listener Ler!Jax
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utter-dismae · 3 years ago
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so for absolute funsies, I made color alts for a bunch of my characters like fighting games do so I thought I'd post my favorites :)
Who's Who
• Cal's Costumes - 3rd & 4th Doctor (Doctor Who)
• Eli's Costumes - Pearl & Stolas (Steven Universe & Helluva Boss)
• Jack's Costumes - Alastor, The Devil, & The Once-ler (Hazbin Hotel, Cuphead, & The Lorax)
• Jordan's Costumes - Joker & Pepsiman (Persona 5 & Pepsiman)
• Martha's Costume - Sailor Neptune (Sailor Moon)
• Nereus' Costumes - Azula & Loki (Avatar: The Last Airbender & Marvel)
• Rose's Costume - Mae Borowski (Night in the Woods)
• Scotty's Costumes - Blitzø & Paultin Seppa (Helluva Boss & Dice Camera Action)
• Sierilith's Costumes - Asmodeus, Cynthia, & Sailor Venus (Helluva Boss, Pokémon, & Sailor Moon)
• Vega's Costumes - Diath Woodrow & Strix Beestinger (Dice Camera Action
• Willow's Costumes - Alice & Jasper (Alice in Wonderland & Steven Universe)
• Xaygil's Costume - Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
(((sorry for the super long post okay thnks bye)))
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stressed-and-fluff-obsessed · 9 months ago
Hiya! I noticed ur requests were open and I was wondering if u could do a stolitz fic with stolas as the lee if your comfortable? Have a silly In return ^^
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Of course! And thank you ^^
Relation Tension
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Summary: Blitz and Stolas’ “relationship” is starting to become a little strained so Blitz tries to resolve that problem
Small C.W: Lil bit of swearing, gets a little intense at the end
Oh he screwed up and he screwed up bad.
Blitz paced around his office, tail snapping nervously behind him as he thought about the argument with Stolas that he just had at the palace.
“Sir?” Moxxie poked his head in, Millie and Loona’s poking in above his. “Are you okay? You’ve been in here for hours..” Moxxie asked him, voice fading off at the end as he saw the look on his boss’s face.
“Y-Yeah I’m fine, just..leave me alone.” Blitz told them and they nodded before exiting and shutting the door. Blitz wanted to talk with the prince again and apologize but after that fight they had Blitz was sure Stolas wanted nothing to do with him…
With a defeated sigh Blitz walked over to his desk and sat down, picking up the picture of him and Stolas from the desk and gazing at it. “What am I supposed to do now..?” Blitz muttered to himself, looking at the picture a moment more before placing it back and resting his face in his hands.
He had an Asmodian Crystal now so there was no reason to go see Stolas again and he was sure the prince knew that, but he wanted to go see him again, to apologize. But how could he after just blowing up at him like that?
He supposed he could go to Envy to get something for him, maybe go talk with Octavia about what to do and then head to the palace to go talk to Stolas, yeah he could do that!
So with a new look in his eye Blitz stood and walked over to the door before banging it down catching the lobby’s attention. “Blitz? You seem to be in a better mood what are you doing now?” Loona spoke up from her phone, asking the question that had been hovering in the air.
“I have some errands to run I’ll be back tonight, Millie you’re in charge.” Blitz told them before snatching his keys off the rack and heading out the door.
Now having a plan of action Blitz climbed in his van and shut the door, starting the engine and driving out of the parking lot and down the road. He had to get to the station, he checked the train schedules and the train for Envy left in 20 minutes.
Blitz continued driving down the road, swerving out of the way of the occasional drunk driver until he finally reached the station, turning the van off and climbing out, shutting the door and walking to the train platform where the train for Envy was boarding.
Once he reached the platform he climbed on board quickly and found his seat right as the train took off down the track. After it started to move Blitz thought to himself.
“Stolas is a prince, what the hell am I supposed to get for a prince?” Blitz muttered to himself, “Oi keep it down back there!” A random demon from ahead yelled back at him which he replied with a middle finger towards the grumpy demon.
After that interaction Blitz settled up against the window as the train continued, thinking to himself on what he needs to do.
“What do you think Blitz is doing?” Millie piped up in the quiet room, “Eh who knows.” Loona replied, not looking up from her phone.
“Well he said he had some errands to run and I know he was hung up about what happened with His Majesty.” Moxxie told her, placing a hand on his chin in thought. “Yeah maybe he’s out trying to figure out how to patch things up.” Millie told herself, smiling at Moxxie.
“Yeah he probably is, nothing to worry about.” Moxxie smiled back, kissing the top of his wife’s head. “Ew get a room!” Loona called from her place at the reception desk making the imp’s laugh
“Finally!” Blitz exclaimed, walking off the train and away from the platform as the Ring of Envy met his sights. “Now, time to find a shop.” Blitz told himself, grinning as he started down the street in search of a store.
He walked along the streets for about 10 minutes before he finally found something that could work. He walked up to the doorstep and opened the door, immediately being greeted by the sight of a large shop full of demons and a variety of items, perfect.
Blitz looked around a moment from the doorway before walking inside, glancing and pausing at all the items in the store that caught his attention. So far nothing was of interest to him, Stolas was a prince he needed to get something nice for him until he saw it…
Blitz saw something glimmer from the corner of his eye and his tail flicked curiously before he turned and walked up to the object. It was a gold studded ring with an owl surrounded by stars engraved on it, this was perfect!
Blitz grinned, happy to have finally found the perfect thing as he grabbed the ring and walked to checkout to buy it. Once he’d payed for it he walked out the door and continued down the street in the direction he came.
His work in Envy was done now but there was still one more thing he wanted to get from Pride before going to speak with Octavia so he left back on his way to the train station, arriving there a few minutes later and sitting on a nearby bench to wait.
“Do you think Stolas will like this?” Blitz muttered to himself, pulling the ring out and gazing at it with uncertainty. It was beautiful sure but would Stolas like it? He wasn’t sure.
His thoughts were cut off soon later as the train back to Pride arrived at the station and began boarding. Blitz jumped up and walked to the train, climbing on and quickly finding his seat and resting his head against the window as he waited for the rest of the demons to finish boarding.
Once everyone was on the train the whistle blew and the train jostled forward, making its way down the tracks and back to Pride. Blitz sighed in his seat, Pride was about a 10 minute train ride away and that made him a little nervous.
“Once I do everything in preparation and I go talk to Stolas what am I supposed to tell him? What if he doesn’t even want to see me?” Blitz muttered to himself again, growing nervous as the train ride progressed.
“No what am I thinking, of course he’ll want to see me.” Blitz told himself but there was still a pang of uncertainty in his chest making his tail swish back and forth nervously.
Blitz’s time to ponder over the matter quickly ended as the train pulled into the station. Huh? Had he been zoning out for that long? He didn’t have any time to think on that when the last of the passengers were exiting the train so he got up and scrambled out the door just as the train took off again behind him.
Blitz looked back at the empty tracks for a moment before flipping the station off and grumbling as he walked towards the ring. Now back in Pride Blitz wanted to get Stolas his signature basket of cheese and wine so he went to look for the store that usually sold that.
Once he arrived at the store he walked in and the cashier at the counter looked up. “Ay Blitz! Good to see ya again, you here for the basket?” The cashier greeted, placing the basket on the counter as Blitz sauntered up.
“You know it.” The imp grinned, “And who’s it for this time? One of your friends?” The other asked Blitz, ringing him up while making small talk. “Uhh, nobody important trust me.” Blitz waved him off, giving him the currency and taking the basket from the counter.
“Alright then, I’ll see ya around!” The cashier called as Blitz walked out the door, okay. That obstacle is done and over with. Time to find Octavia.
“My best bet for finding her would be going back to the I.M.P to ask Loony to contact her.” Blitz told himself, placing a hand on his chin in thought as he walked back to his van.
Once he arrived at the van shortly after he unlocked the vehicle and placed the two things delicately inside so they wouldn’t fall over or get damaged before rounding to the driver side and climbing in, shutting the door and starting the engine before driving out of the lot and down the street.
The I.M.P was about a 5 minute drive from where he was so let’s hope Loona could get ahold of Octavia before the sun set.
“Ughhh! I’m so bored!” Millie called from the couch, slumping down in her seat and draping her tail over the arm of the couch to further show her boredom.
“It’s okay Millie I’m sure he’ll be back soon.” Moxxie piped up, placing a hand on her thigh to reassure her. “Yeah, he’ll be back eventually, no need to worry.” Loona chimed in, talking to them but not looking up from her phone.
“Thanks guys, you’re right i just have to be patient!” Millie told herself, standing up and climbing on the couch to stand on it and Blitz chose that moment to walk in the door.
“Millie don’t stand on the couch do you know how expensive that was?!” Blitz scolded with a groan but Millie’s face only brightened, “Blitz you’re back! How were the errands? And what’d you do?” Millie asked him but Blitz turned to Loona.
“I’d love to stay and tell you Millie but night is only a few hours away and I need your help Loony.” Blitz told her and the hellhound turned to Blitz with a half annoyed half intrigued look. “My help? For what?” Loona asked him and Blitz’s face broke out into a grin.
“I need you to contact the princess for me, Princess Octavia? You have her social don’t you?” Blitz asked Loona and her ear flicked and she raised a brow. “Yeah? But what do you need me to contact her for?” Loona asked the imp, getting a little suspicious.
“I need to ask her about Stolas, he…doesn’t exactly want to see me right now.” Blitz told her sheepishly and the hound’s features softened slightly in understanding. “Alright, do you need me to ask where she can meet you or something?” Loona asked Blitz, turning back to her phone.
“Yes please thank you Loony!” Blitz told her and went to join the other two imps on the couch as Loona texted Octavia. “So guys I want your opinion on something.” Blitz turned to the couple and they turned to face him.
“What is it sir?” Moxxie asked and Blitz pulled the box out of the bag and opened it to show them the ring he’d gotten Stolas. “I got this for Stolas but I’m not sure if he’ll like it what do you think?” Blitz asked them and Millie visibly got starry-eyed.
“Oh that ring is beautiful Blitz! The prince will love it I assure you.” Millie told him, her words easing some of his nerves. “Alright Octavia agreed to meet you at the nearby cafe about 6-7 minutes from here.” Loona called from the reception desk and Blitz grinned, placing the ring back in the box and grabbing the basket of cheese and wine before heading towards the door.
“Thanks Loony you’re the best!” Blitz called as he swung open the door and left, shutting it behind him and going down into the parking lot. “Okay I have a limited amount of time to meet her, let’s see how this goes.” Blitz told himself, walking out to his van and unlocking it.
He placed everything in the passenger seat and climbed into the driver seat, shutting the door and starting the engine before leaving the lot and going down the road. Blitz knew of the cafe Octavia was talking about but he was surprised she chose a cafe of all things, he remembered the young Goetia to be quite introverted.
Nonetheless Blitz headed to the cafe, arriving there a few minutes later and spotted Octavia sitting at one for the outside tables on her phone, damn she got here quick. “Hey Via.” Blitz called to the owl, sitting across from her as her eyes flicked up to meet his.
“Ah you made it imp boy.” Octavia smiled, “Now what did you want to meet me for?” The princess continued, “I wanted to ask you about Stolas.” Blitz told her and she nodded, “I see, is this about that fight you two had?” She asked him, folding her arms in front of her.
“Kinda sorta, I want to apologize to him but I don’t know how, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t even want to see me..” Blitz trailed off, Octavia stayed silent for a moment before sighing.
“My father is an ass sometimes but I don’t want to see him sad so I’ll help you. The first and most important step is to apologize of course, make it sincere and genuine otherwise he won’t believe you.” Octavia told him and he nodded.
“Well I did get him this, I don’t know if that will contribute to anything.” Blitz told her and her head cocked to the side curiously as he pulled out the small box and opened it to show her the ring.
A small smile lifted on the heiress’ face at the sight of the jewelry, “He does appreciate things like this so I can tell you he’ll like that. I’ve got a meeting in 20 so I need to go but I’ll tell you this, my father’s not selfish so if you provide him a reason to listen to your apology he will most likely listen to reason, good luck Blitz.” Octavia told him, standing from her chair and walking to the now waiting limo on the street.
Blitz watched her as she climbed in and they drove off, pondering over her words before standing up with a confident smile. “Alright! I can do that.” Blitz told himself, standing up from the chair and walking over to his van.
“Next stop, and the last..the Goetia Palace.” Blitz told himself but he couldn’t help a little bit of nervousness seep into his voice, no. He could do this he will do this!
Blitz got to his van and opened the door, climbing in and shutting the door before taking a deep breath and starting the engine, “I can do this, I can do this.” Blitz told himself as he pulled out of the parking lot and started down the road.
While he drove he glanced at the gifts for Stolas in the passenger seat and he sighed, he’d gotten approval from his team and Stolas’s daughter, he was sure he’d like it but he still had a pang of fear in his chest.
Blitz was so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn’t realize he’d just pulled into the front of the palace until he looked up. With shaking nerves Blitz turned the van off and climbed out, rounding the front of the vehicle and grabbing the basket and slipping the ring box in his pocket before heading to the door.
Once he arrived at the doorstep he gently pushed open the door to the palace, shutting it behind him and starting down one of the nearby corridors, tail swishing behind him.
Blitz followed the corridor until it lead him to an empty room, Blitz made a sound of annoyance before turning around and going down a different corridor, this time he wound up in Stolas’s library, he didn’t see the prince at first and he was about to turn around before he saw Stolas’s feathery tail disappear behind a bookshelf.
Blitz rushed over and rounded the bookcase, catching sight of the prince quickly. “Stolas!” Blitz called and the demon in question squawked in surprise, nearly dropping and fumbling with the book in his hands that made Blitz smirk a little before Stolas regained his composure and placed the nearly dropped book back on the shelf and straightening his cloak.
“May I help you Blitz?” Stolas asked him coldly, turning to face the imp. “L-Look Stolas I need to talk to you.” Blitz told the other and he swept past him into the main area of the library, Blitz following until Stolas stopped by a small table.
“It better be good, I have things to do you know and I’d prefer to go do them instead of standing here chatting.” The prince informed Blitz and he felt a small surge of anger rise in him but he pushed it back down, no he needed to be patient.
“Well…” Blitz began making Stolas raise a brow before the imp held up the basket he was holding causing the prince to crack a small smile. “Is that for me?” Stolas asked, cold demeanor returning but visibly softer than before as he delicately took the basket and placed it on the table.
“Yeah..it is, look Stolas I wanted to tell you-“ Blitz began but Stolas cut him off, “If you’re here to rub in my face that I’m this ‘fancy royal that doesn’t give a shit about you’ then I don’t want to hear it, goodbye Blitz and thank you for the gift.” Stolas told him, starting for the door.
“Stolas wait!” Blitz called, rushing in front of the owl and gripping his sides firmly to keep him there but what Blitz didn’t expect was for Stolas to squawk again and jerk away from the touch.
Blitz retracted his hands quickly, worried he’d hurt the prince but then he got a look at Stolas’s face, his eyes were as wide as Blitz’s were and the fainted trace of a smile was present on his beak, his face was also tinted pink, that’s when it hit him.
Blitz smirked and stood up taller to look Stolas in the eye. “B-Blitz…don’t look at me like that..” Stolas began, backing away but Blitz only followed until he’d backed the owl against the wall.
“Ticklish Stolas?” Blitz grinned, placing his hands on Stolas’s sides again and relishing in the way the owl jumped under the touch. “N-No I have no idea what you’re talking about, release me at once!” Stolas tried demanding but Blitz only shook his head.
“Mmm no I don’t think so, now maybe you’ll learn to hear me out instead of trying to leave me again.” Blitz stated before digging into Stolas’s sides and grinning at the way he yelped, curling in on himself as he tried to keep his giggles in.
“Stubborn one aren’t you?” Blitz spoke, “Then I’m sure you could handle it if I did this?” Blitz taunted, hands going lower and drilling into the prince’s hips. Stolas tossed his head back with a muffled whine, doing his absolute best not to break but when Blitz switched from drilling into his hips with wiggling over the area he broke.
“Blihihihitz! Dohohohon’t do thahahahat!” Stolas cried out, gripping Blitz’s hands with his own but making no move to push the other away, something Blitz took mental note of.
“Well why not? You didn’t want to hear me out before so why should I hear you out?” Blitz asked him, grinning cheekily as he moved up to vibrate into the divots of Stolas’s ribs making his laughter jump an octave.
“Behehehecahause- AHAH! Blihihihihitz!” Stolas yelped when the imp moved back to graze and lightly wiggle his fingers over the backs of Stolas’s ribs, “Oh what’s this? Bad spot?” Blitz teased, moving back to scratch firmly over that spot making the prince’s laughter louder.
“NOHOhohohOHOHO!! BLIHIhihihITZ!!” Stolas howled, kicking his feet as much as he could in this position. Blitz then felt something fluffy brush up against his leg and he looked down in confusion to see Stolas’s tail sweeping side to side and it just so happened to catch Blitz in the leg.
The imp smirked and turned back to Stolas who was too busy laughing to notice Blitz’s discovery, “You enjoyin this Stolas?” Blitz grinned as Stolas shook his head, “Nohohohoho?! Whahahahahat mahahahakes you think thahahahahat?!” Stolas pressed out, cracking an eye open as Blitz pointed down, referring to Stolas’s tail.
Blitz laughed as Stolas’s face flushed red and he tried to will his tail to stop but it didn’t work, especially not with the near-scream Stolas let out as Blitz moved up to dig his hands into the owl’s underarms.
“B-BLIHIHIHIHITZ!!” Stolas cackled, legs kicking behind him, “Yeah Stolas?” Blitz smirked, giving the owl a break by moving down to trace and skitter over the prince’s sides.
“Ihihihi forgot…how ruhuhuhuthless you cahahan…be..” Stolas pressed out, regaining his breathing but still being kept in a constant state of giggles as Blitz scribbled lightly over his feathery sides.
“Yeah? Well I’m determined to get you to listen to me, will you hear me out?” Blitz asked, raising a brow but Stolas only turned his head away, remaining defiant as ever.
Blitz only chuckled, a sound that sent shivers going down Stolas’s spine before the imp’s hands snaked to his back, scribbling and scratching over the owl’s upper back.
Stolas arched away with a squawk before straightening out again and curling in on himself, bursting into loud cackles immediately. “BLIHIHIHIHITZ NOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHERE!!” Stolas screeched, the feeling of Blitz’s fingers lighting up his nervous system.
“Not where? Here?” Blitz replied, moving down to the small of his back. “T-THAHAHAHAT’S EHEHEVEN WOHOHOHOHORSE!!” Stolas pressed out through his bouts of laughter.
“Well are you ready to listen or do you just want me to continue tickling your sensitive back?” Blitz grinned, switching to wiggling his fingers over the sides of Stolas’s back, that’s what finally broke him.
“OHOHOKAY FIHIHIHINE BLIHIHITZ YOU WIHIHIN I’LL LIHIHISTEN JUHUHUST LEHEHET ME GOHOHOHO!!” Stolas cackled and finally after a few more scribbles Blitz released him, stepping away from the prince who closed his eyes and slumped down the bookshelf until he was sitting on the floor, regaining his breath.
Stolas didn’t hear the retreat of footsteps or the opening and closing of the door until he finally regained his composure, stood and opened his eyes to find the imp gone.
Stolas made a small noise of confusion, looking around the room until his eyes landed on the new objects on the table that were not there before, an open ring box and a letter.
Stolas swept over to the objects and picked them up, the box in one hand and the letter in the other. Inside the box held the most beautiful ring he’d ever seen, a gold encrusted owl with diamond stars around it.
Stolas smiled and took it from the box before slipping it on his finger, fit like a glove. Then he set the box down and opened the letter, unfolding the piece of paper which he assumed was what Blitz had wanted to talk about as he read the first line.
“Dear Stolas…”
(Woah long one, I really like writing the visit to other rings scenario, it’s one of my favs so sorry it’s in this one too and sorry I took so long to get it out but I hope you enjoyed!)
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jettorii · 6 days ago
fic masterlist
chase - ler!march, lee!reader
cuffed - ler!reader, lee!jingyuan
fascinating - ler!venom, lee!reader
something different - lee!blitzø, ler!stolas
ninjago tk hcs
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cookiepie11 · 2 years ago
Change it~ (stolitz SFW tickle fic)
Blitzø has such a wierd name for stolas on his contacts and stolas tells him to change it being the stubborn playful imp he needs some convincing..
lee blitzø, ler stolas (romance and tickles SFW!)
Stolas and blitzø was cuddling in bed both looking at blitzø's phone comfortably
"Bl-itzy!" Stolas said out of nowhere "why such a rude name for me?" He said teasingly
"what it's not that badd" he replied grinning
" it's litteraly creepy mouth aka one night stand" he said "that's so mean compared to your name on my phone"
"And what is my name on your phone? Fucking blitzy?" He said in a annoyed tone despite loving the nickname
"How did you guess?" He said and smiled "I even added a lil heart at the end!"
Blitzø blushed just a little
"of course it is"
"anyways you better change that name blitzy I gave you a sweet name you gave me a awful name!"
"ehe why should I?" Blitzø said getting cocky
"because im oh so upset at that nickname" stolas replied in a jokingly dramatic tone
"So what happens if I don't change it?" Blitzø grinned he was just being a little shiz to get what he wanted and he wanted affection
"I'll do this~" stolas practically purred and scratched his sides slowly
"Dohont you dar-dare!" Blitzø giggled " I swear to god I will kihille you- ehehe stolass STAHAP!"
"oh you shouldn't have got so cocky with me now my little imp" he teased "your laughter is so cute it almost makes me blush" he added even though they both knew his heart shaped face was blush pink
"say blitzy which spot should I get next? The neck? The horns? Or perhaps the feet? I can't decide! Why don't you choose a spot" stolas said knowing it would be a hard choice
"you have to choose or I might stop" stolas teased though he wouldn't stop Blitzø's fun.
"PAHAHA UHH..THE FEEHET!" he yelled , they was all ticklish choices
"oh very well!" He said and grabbed his foot lightly , he started to scratch it softly
"PWEHEHEH!" he laughed with the cutest little blush "NAHAH!"
stolas grabbed a blue feather from his pocket and fluttered it on his sole
"aw but you look so cute and you still havent said you would change it!" He cooed "maybe if I tickle here?" He said and nibbled his neck softly
Suddenly he stopped and blitzø breathed heavily he had tears in his eyes from laughing so hard
"oh my darling did I go to far?" He asked genuinely
"No.." he stopped to breath "that was just fine..thank you" he said with a blush on his face and he layed back into Stolas's fluffy chest
He got his phone out and went to contacts to change the name
"oh you don't really have to change it blitzy I was just playing"
"nah I think this name suits more anyways"
He changed it to "my bird x"
Stolas almost cried at the name being the emotional bird he is but instead he just snuggled blitzø tight and kissed his forehead
"thanks you blitzy.." he said but he realised his little imp has falling asleep on him "aww..you do not understand how much I love you blitz.."
when heard that his tail wagged whipping stolas lightly
"shut up ya dork" he giggled half asleep
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dj-bananalove · 2 years ago
Ok I gotta tk fic idea #1 for Helluva Boss TW: Bilzø mouth (lee:Moxxie ler: Bilzø) ok so things are slow at the office so Bilzø gets bored and he just starts poking Moxxie ofc he gets annoyed at this, later Bilzø pokes his neck making him giggle and push his hand and.....
"Sir, noh gehat bahck" Moxxie told his boss already giggling from nervousness "Moooooxxxxxiiiieeee"Bilzø said making him more nervous falling back eventually hitting the wall "nohw siahr, we can talk about thiahs?"he asked still giggling nervously "ok"Bilzø answered as he stopped walking and wriggling his fingers at him "wait......what.....really?"Moxxie asked looking up at his boss
" NO YOU STUPID BABY DICK"he said before jumping on his employee "AHAHAHA" is all that was hear from Moxxie as his head hit the floor "boss what the h-ahaha bossahahahss"he said as Bilzø pinned his hands with one of his as he sit a his hips and poked his neck again "yeaaaa" Bilzø answered just to piss him off "stahoahp" Moxxie told him
"stop what Mox"he said"stahoahp poahaking mahae" he told him "ooookkkkk I'II tickle u then"Bilzø tickled him this time on his belly "BOAHAHSSS STAHOAHP PAHALAHAS" Moxxie pleaded if Bilzø didn't stop he was going to die for the second time
"nope" Blitzø answered sarcastically but after a while he could see Moxxie was getting tired so he stopped "u good baby dick" Bilzø asked "yeahaha I'm go-"Moxxie stopped after just realizing and he said " MY.NAME. IS. MOXXIE."he yelled"okay... baby dick"Bilzø said pissing him off even more after about 2 hours of arguing they both walked away with Bilzø walking to loona and Moxxie planing revenge. 😈>:)😈 Bye readersss
Also requesteds are still open
My fandoms:
Luca movie
Cuphead show
Smb (the movie too)
TMNT 2012
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
(if it's not on the list I don't write about it/maybe know about it) ;)
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cookiepie11 · 2 years ago
I.M.P tickle headcannons (SFW)
Giggly bean
Doesn't really squirm because he enjoys it but he says he hates it
His tail wags softly
His horns are sensitive to scratches
His most ticklish spots are his horns, belly and feet
if you try to tickle him into doing something it would backfire because he loves it so he wouldnt care
has tickle fights with Millie and often looses
Prefers lee but he doesn't mind being the ler
tickles Millie when she's upset which normally leads to him getting tickled back
Will blush at his own teases which is so embarrassing for him
She's quite a evil ler
teases you whilst scratching your sensitive spots
Loves tickling moxxie he's just to cute
her and blitzø sometimes gang up and tickle moxxie when he's grumpy
uses pet names like "hun" or "darling"
sassy lee
Enjoys being tickles so she provokes/annoys you into tickling her more
Is completely fine with admitting that she likes it
Squirmy and energetic
her most ticklish spots are her armpits and her belly
Will swear and shout rude comebacks at any chance given
Loves soft tickles they make him melt and blush
His tail goes crazy and you may or may not get slapped by it
stolas tickles are his favourite 0///0
Gets tickled by m&m (Millie and moxxie) when he's worried or just when they are feeling playful
His most ticklish spots are his horns, tail , belly button and the spot on his face where the white part meets the red part
Will tease you and humiliate you whilst calling you cute
Finds giggles so cute and will wag his tail when he hears them
Scritches you with his claws
tickles loona when she is upset/moody (she pretends to hate it)
Tickles mox with Millie and he thinks moxxies giggles are so damn cute (platonic)
when she's in a good mood she will tickle people
Cheers up via with tickles
does get blitzø back with her little claws
Uses her fluffy tail to her advantage and wags up and down there stomach
Will never admit but she loves it when they laugh and squirm
really ticklish actually
likes it but if you tickle her in public your dead
pretends to hate it but the whole I.M.P knows she likes it because her waggling tail gives it away everytime
Her paw pads are really sensitive to soft strokes or scratches
super squirmy but doesn't really try to stop you unless you mention that she isnt putting up a fight
Her most ticklish spots are her ears, paw pads and tummy
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cookiepie11 · 2 years ago
Stolitz tickle headcannos (Romance and tickles)
scratches you with his claws ✨
Teasy lil 💩
"ohoho is this a tickle spot ey?"
Soft spot for giggles
can be rough sometimes
"Oh shut it bird brain"
"or what..?"
"I'll do this.. tickle tickle"
Will swear at you through his laughter
His tail litteraly whips from side to side when he is tickled
He has strange tickle spots like the place where his horns meet his head and the tip of his tail
Speaking of his tail it is sensitive to light scratches and his tail will slap you in the face
(his tail wags when happy, exicted or scared)
Teasy but sweeter than blitzø
"aww aren't you just so cute blitzy~"
Will coo no matter what you do
Uses feathers sometimes
He usually tickles blitzø to cheer him up, playing around or revenge
Blitzø's laugh makes him blush sometimes
Giggles and hoots alot
Blushes ✨
ticklish armpits and legs
blitzø finds him so adorable as the lee
He loves it but he won't admit it to anyone unless he's tickled into saying it
He is pretty strong so if he wanted tickles to stop he could litteraly turn someone into stone which proves he likes it
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