#ticklish blitz
lopsicle · 1 year
Catching Up
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Fandom: Helluva Boss
Characters: Lee! Blitzø, Ler! Fizz (Can be seen as romantic or platonic, I love BlitzFizz)
Summary: As Blitz and Fizzaroli make up for lost time, Fizz discovers something he didn’t know about his former friend.
Tickletober day 2: Accidental
Warnings: Tickle Fic, innuendos.
Life had never been the same for Blitz and Fizzaroli since their second meeting in the Greed Ring. Sure, they’d reconciled their main issues and managed to air out some of the miscommunication forced onto them in their adolescence, but it had still been a decade and a half since they even just had a regular conversation. It was going to take a lot of work and effort to maintain that friendship, but that was work Blitz was willing to do. He couldn’t lose Fizz a second time.
Sometimes, Blitz would hang out backstage at Ozzie’s, listening to the clown perform his bits to the crowd, hyping him up whenever he had the chance. Sometimes that happened at Mammon’s, but it was rare Blitz would be allowed back there, much less without freaking out about being in the same room as a rockstar he admired from before he was even an adult. Fizz would even pop around to I.M.P sometimes, just his presence there was enough to drive up business so he had a warm welcome.
Though, their favourite thing to do was to just be with each other. It didn’t matter where, they usually preferred privacy but the two were neither careful or shameful, being able to do their business wherever. The pair of scarred imps could go on for hours and hours about whatever came into their mind, it was like they had a years long back log of all the things they wanted to talk about locked up in their brain, but never had the right person to say it too. They were just two sides of the same coin, better together.
One day, the two ended up in the privacy of Blitz’s room, which he (mostly) cleaned up for his guest. They’d both made themselves comfortable, Blitz laying down on his bed, sprawled out with her legs hanging over the edge, and Fizzaroli sitting over on the window sill, switching his face between the lacklustre view of Imp city, and his host.
‘Hey, how much can you feel?’
Fizzaroli’s eyes glanced over back to Blitz at his casual question, tilting his body to face him as he did so.
‘Like, emotionally?’
The clown tilted his head almost unassumingly, to which Blitz threw a nearby pillow at him.
‘Yeah, of course I mean emotionally-of course not, dipshit, of course I meant physically! You know, metal limbs and all,’
He huffed playfully, crossing him arms to which Fizz just chuckled, amused at his frustration.
‘Well, I can feel with my nose just fine! And my insides are…rigged with sensitivity, just ask Ozzie!’
‘I am not asking that feather covered, sparkly whore about how he fucks you.’
Fizz just laughed even harder at that, kicking his legs a little as he hopped off his self made perch, standing closer to Blitz.
‘Ahand, I can new sensors in my fingertips, Ozzy developed them himself to make things more…captivating.’
Blitz rolled his eyes and made a face, maybe a little out of jealousy, but there wasn’t much ill will behind it.
‘So now I can actually feel with them again! You have no idea how much I missed petting animals! And fucking with people, that’s great too!’
He ran his fingertips over Blitz’s still stretched out torso to make his point, to which the imp fucking squealed and curled up in on himself. Fizz tilted his head, sitting by Blitz with the largest shit eating grin on his face.
‘No fuckin’ way your ticklish! How did you hide this from me?!’
He asked excitedly, to which the imp blushed a little, trying to scramble backwards on the bed on his palms but he was quickly scooped up by his friend’s mechanical limbs and pulled closer.
‘Okay, it’s not that big of a deal this I’m ticklish! You don’t have to make such a big deal out of this, you knahaahhahw!’
The demon’s protests were cut off by a couple sharp scratches to his ribs, with a very eager Fizz now positioning himself on Blitz’s hips.
‘Oh, don’t you try and weasel your way out of this one! We’ve got, what, fifteen years of laughter to catch up on, and I’ve never heard you laugh like this!’
As much as Blitz wanted to remain tough and stoic on the outside, it was hard to do that while giggling, much less from your childhood best friend/crush tickling you. He couldn’t deny that the attention felt nice, not in a dirty way, he never expected to really…feel Fizz again due to his body being broken so it was a pleasant surprise. The tickling was just a bonus, though he weakly struggled against Fizz’s body to make it look like he wasn’t enjoying it too much. Though, Fizz saw right through him.
‘Oh, come on now, Blitzy, I’ve seen what your capable of, you could push me off you with ease if you wanted but you’re enjoying this, aren’t you?’
Blitz’s blushing situation went from bad to worse as he shook his head from side to side, he’d normally try and hide his enjoyment under some snarky remark but it was hard to think of one while your sides were being squeezed and tickled. So he just resorted to this.
‘Fuhahahahack you!’
‘I’m right, aren’t I?’ Fizz chuckled to himself a little, allowing his nimble, dexterous fingers to skitter all over Blitz’s torso. ‘That’s alright, Blitz, you know I don’t just people, kinky or not, but there is no way I am not being in on this! You don’t know how fun this is me!’
Fizz gushed, pulling his hands away as he looked up at his friend excitedly. While Blitz may have rejected an offer like this from basically anyone a month or two ago, Fizz had softened him up in terms of accepting…anything really from others, plus it was a nice bonus that Fizz seemed to be enjoying it a lot.
‘…would you wanna continue right now then?’
‘Oh, with pleasure!’
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infrequent-creator · 11 months
DAY 22: Tail
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DAY 22: Tail
((I love young blitz with his braces so cuuute))
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anxious-lee · 8 months
Huskerdust tkl headcannons?
Will get to those as soon as I can 😌 I love them so much ❤️
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"Get out"
Moxie and Millie blink back at their boss. They were both concerned, but it was Millie who spoke up first.
"Are you sure you don't want-"
"It's been a very long day and Loonie needs to get home now." There was no smile on Blitz's face, and any pleasantries in his voice were worn thin. He couldn't be having whatever conversation Millie wanted to force on him right now.
"Right, it's just. The van..."
"Is mine" Blitz finished her sentence "And you have two god damn seconds to get out of it before you're both out of a job."
Moxxie slid off of Millie's lap and opened the car's front door. He jumped down to the sidewalk in front of their apartment and reached for Millie's hand. He motioned for her to join him. Millie frowned, but did as Blitz asked and got out of the car.
Blitz sped off as soon as her feet touched the ground.
Loona had fallen asleep as soon as she'd hit the floor of the van back in Sloth. Blitz considered leaving her there for the night, but couldn't bring himself to do it. She deserved her bed, even if might be a fight to get her there. The growl that Loona gave when Blitz told her it was time to get up was far less scary than the bits of feather and blue blood staining his seats.
Blitz hadn't known Stolas could get hurt.
He was tougher than his emotions, smarter too. With a deep breath and the familiar pinch of his claws digging into his palm, Blitz was able to swallow down his emotions and forget about them. Loona needed to get inside.
The doctor had said Loona may be out of it for a little while after receiving her shot and the fight they endured to get the hound her vaccine had been tiring. His daughter was all growl and no bite by the time they'd gotten back to Pride. She was hardly a fight as Blitz got her upstairs and tucked into bed (or well, dropped off at her door. Blitz wasn't allowed inside her room).
She might be the one thing he hadn't ruined.
The van needed to be cleaned. Blitz knew how to clean blood out of upholstery, he knew how to clean Stolas's blood from upholstery, it's not as if they hadn't had their fun before. Stolas hadn't been afraid of knives or pain. He fucking asked for the bear traps. Blitz had seen Stolas hurt many times, he'd always been fine.
Blitz hadn't known Stolas could get hurt.
Blitz stopped by the kitchen before starting his work on the van. He poured dish soap in a large bowl until it covered the bottom and filled it with hot water. He grabbed towels, additional cleaners, and a wire brush. He grabbed a bottle of liquor from the cabinet, there was no way he was doing this without a drink.
Starting was the first step. Blitz started on the bottle before he started on the van. He didn't know where to start with the van. Feathers, he supposed. He could pick up feathers.
There were too many feathers.
How many times had the feathers been annoying? A disturbance? They were something to disrupt a meeting when Blitz would accidentally cough one up. They were something that needed to be preened, which meant watching Stolas groom himself for hours sometimes after a rough night between the two of them. They were itchy, and ticklish, and annoying. But these feathers were damaged. These feathers were sad. There were so many of them.
Blitz didn't count how many feathers there were in total but there was enough to make a small bouquet of them. He wondered how many more were back at Striker's. Blitz cursed himself for forgetting a trash can. He couldn't abandon the small collection of feathers he'd collected. He put them on the front seat for now.
He needed a break. Blitz sat on the floor of the van with his feet dangling from the opening in the side. He pulled his phone out and took a drink. He looked through his photos: Loona's adoption Day, Lunch with M&M, him and Verosika, him and Fizz. He stops on the picture of him and Stolas. The Royal loved documenting their time together but he didn't know about this picture. He didn't know the way Blitz smiled while Feathers hooted quietly in his ear as he slept. Stolas didn't know that Blitz took pictures of them while Stolas was sleeping, when Blitz was allowed to be his most vulnerable.
Blitz focused on a blood stain in his peripheral. He looked back at the photo. The two images couldn't be any more different.
He hadn't known Stolas could get hurt.
Blitz brought to the bottle to his lips and tipped it back once more. He rolled up his sleeves and got back to work.
Working was easier than thinking. It was easier than feeling. It accomplished something, more than feeling ever did. Blitz scrubbed until his arms hurt, until his chest heaved from exertion and he couldn't feel anymore because everything hurt, so nothing hurt. Her only managed two of the stains. He hadn't yet touched the worst of them.
If Stolas dies he might have to sell the van. He couldn't even begin to think about that.
"Stolas is fine. He's a prince, he's....powerful. He'll be fine." There was nobody around for Blitz convince other than himself, and even then he didn't feel that convinced of his words.
His answer is weren't at the bottom of that bottle. The world was swaying peacefully. Blitz had tipped over tipsy but was still able to feel his face and several bruised ribs from earlier today. He abandoned the van and walked off.
It wasn't hard to find a distraction in Pride. Wether it be drugs or sex or some other vice, Blitz was sure to find something that would help him numb. He was too far from the Royal circle to walk, but if he could have that's where Blitz would have ended up. Instead he ended up at a bar.
Blitz lasted two drinks before getting kicked out, but managed to swipe a bottle of something off the bottom shelf on the way. He could feel a throbbing in his jaw from where he'd been punched, but the rest of his face was sufficiently numb. He swayed along the sidewalk as he returned home. He had almost forgotten why he'd even gotten drunk in the first place.
The bloodstains were still in the carpet of the van. The seat might as well just be dyed to match at this point. No, die it black. This shade of dark blue is sickening.
No it's not, blood is cool!
Blitz thinks today he might side with Fizzarolli. There is nothing cool about the attempted murder scene in the back of his van. Blitz isn't excited at the sight of this, he's horrified. It takes a lot to gross Blitz out. He sits on the sidewalk for a while to catch his breath.
Soap and water and elbow grease hadn't been enough to get the stains out. He tries something more stringent. Bleach may eat away at the fabric if he doesn't stop scrubbing, but at least the blood will be gone.
I think you should come and save me!
Blitz hadn't known Stolas could get hurt. Stolas hadn't even sounded scared on the phone. Had he been scared later?
"No, fucking stop it!" Blitz slapped himself with his own tail. Worrying wasn't going to do anything. He didn't want to feel right now.
This wasn't his fault. Blitz couldn't be to blame. He didn't know how much danger the prince was in, it wasn't his job to protect Stolas, he had a duty to his daughter. It was all just.....really bad. It wasn't his fault.
Then why did Blitz feel so fucking guilty?
He found half a pack of cigarettes under the passenger seat and took another break. The burn of the smoke was nice. The immediate little rush that came to his head after the first smoke was nice. The stars were nice.
No, the stars were Stolas.
Blitz looked up at the sky. There weren't many stars that could be seen from the streets of Imp City. With the lights and Blitz's unsteadiness they all sort of blurred together. The stars were falling, Stolas was hurt. He hadn't known Stolas could get hurt.
"Fuck, Birdie." There was no coo in reply, no gentle hoot, no amusing quip that went halfway over Blitz's head half the time. Blitz turned his head and remembered just how alone he was.....On the edge of his van, talking to a bird shaped blood stain, doing everything in his power to just forget. If he could erase Stolas from his memory, he could save himself from the pain of losing him.
Blitz touched the skull on his choker, his only living memory of his mother. Tears sprang to his eyes.
For a moment Blitz considered lighting the van on fire. All he would have to do was drop his cigarette in the right spot. He could even stay right where he was, he could blow up with it. That would save everyone so much pain. It wasn't his fault Stolas got hurt, but Blitz knew deep down it was.
Blitz only entertained the thought for a moment. Loona was inside, sleeping and unaware of what had happened today. He couldn't have her wake up to that. He knew she would be fine on her own, but Blitz didn't need to die today. Not everyone had left him just yet.
Blitz finished the last of his drink and thew the bottle outside hard enough to shatter it. He took off his coat and wadded it up until it was vaguely something he could hold onto. He curled on the backseat next to the larger blood stain. He tried not to think about it. Blitz looked at his phone one more time, at the photo Stolas was never supposed to know about, but now may never get the chance to. Blitz had done everything in his power not to feel but he couldn't help it.
Stolas might die and it was all his fault.
Blitz started to type out a message to Stolas. He wanted to wish him better, to tell him he was sorry he was hurt. He considered apologizing for not being there. He fell asleep before he could do much more than type out one message, let alone send it. It was his best attempt at telling Stolas how he felt.
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bimobuddy · 1 year
Fizzarolli x Asmodeus TK Headcanons
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I love these two so much!! If you haven't seen S2 - E6, I highly suggest you go do that right now.
These might contain spoilers, but nothing too big, I don't think
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He's a giggler!
While he usually wakes up first, on the rare days he doesn't, Ozzie will tickle him awake. Partly because he thinks the sleepy giggles are adorable, but also partly out of revenge for the air horns (it's not gonna stop Fizz from using them though)
With anyone else, he'll fight back, but with Ozzie, he enjoys it and finds it fun. He'll even go as far as to try and provoke him sometimes.
Worst spots are his sides and tail, he'll probably start flailing. If you're unfamiliar with how he reacts, it's easy for you to accidentally get swatted, but Oz knows him and knows just how to avoid the swinging limbs or wagging tail
The tip or 'blade' of his tail REALLY gets him kicking
Tummy gets him curling up and giggling, tail thumping against the floor happily
He even gets flustered and giggly when Oz starts kissing on his cheeks and forehead. Not the most ticklish place, but just enough to get him giggly and smiley
Back when they were kids, Fizz used to go after Blitz all the time. He'd usually win most of their tickle fights
Now, his main target is Ozzie, even if he isn't able to get him most of the time, as Oz usually just turns the tables on him
With his extendable limbs, it's pretty easy for him to wrap up his victim and still get at their sides or tummy
This is usually how he gets Ozzie, the rare moments his attacks actually work
Has chased Ozzie around their room a couple times during a chaotic ler mood (Poor rooster is just such a big guy though, it's hard for him to get away)
Has only ever gotten Blitz once since they've made up, but Blitz is an assassin now and was very quick to escape and turn it back around on him
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Usually isn't much of a lee, as Fizz is really the only one able to get close enough or catch him off guard
And even then, it only works if he's in the mood or if Fizz sneaks up on him
Fizz absolutely adores his voice, especially when he laughs
He knows he could easily overpower the little imp, but why in Hell would he risk hurting his Fizzy or ruining his fun? He'd much rather sacrifice his sensitivity to Fizz to see him happy
If you get him good, he'll accidentally crow. This has only ever happened one time when Fizz snuck up on him and grabbed his hips. However it didnt last long because he IMMEDIATELY wrecked the imp afterward
Sometimes Fizz starts kissing (or even scritching under the chins of) the other two heads in Oz's fluff. It's not exactly super ticklish, but it has gotten a chuckle or two from the Prince, as it felt weird, and he'll usually gently pull Fizz away with a soft "stooop"
Worst spot is his hips
oh boy
This man can be absolutely ruthless
It's easy for him to scoop Fizz up in one hand and tickle him with the other
If he's feeling evil, he'll go after Fizz's tail and hips
But he's also such a sweetheart though, the SECOND he hears Fizz so much as even start the word 'stop,' he stops. He'd feel so bad if he overwhelmed his little clown
When they're alone, he'll start peppering Fizz's face with little kisses, while his other two heads do the same to his neck (in a sfw way) and it gets him super flustered and giggly
Big fan of teases. He'll go for the cliché 'tickle tickle tickle,' and stuff, but he'll also make kissy noises, make that clawing hand motion right over Fizz's tummy, or make him ask for it. ("I don't understand what you want, Fizzy, you're going to have to ask")
He's got feathers, he's basically a demonic chicken man. Sometimes he molts (sheds) his feathers too. (see where I'm going with this?)
When he loses his feathers, all he's gotta say is, "You know, Fizzy, it's molting season," and the imp is either immediately running away or hopping up into his lap for the gentle tickles.
Just like Fizz, he gets chaotic Ler moods too. He can and WILL chase or hunt down his partner, which is sometimes a challenge. Yes, he might be bigger, but Fizz is also very good at outmaneuvering him
But jokes on Fizz, this just makes the attack worse when Ozzie finally catches him
On mornings when they don't have to work, when Fizz goes to get up and out of bed, Ozzie will just hold him close to his chest, not letting him up, and give morning tickles
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switchypanic · 7 months
oooh hello!
for the series ask game.. can i say helluva boss??
Sure thing!
Who’s the most ticklish character?
Ooh, that's a tough one! I think Fizz was super ticklish before the accident but less so now due to scar tissue (don't worry, he's still got a few good spots to tease him with), so I would have to go with Moxxie on this one!
Who’s the character that most people would assume is ticklish, but actually isn’t?
No one; they're all ticklish to some degree!
Who’s the character that everyone gangs up on and tickles?
IT'S TOTALLY BLITZ! He just NEEDS a good wrecking from time to time, especially when he's being particularly annoying or clingy, so the rest of I.M.P loves to gang up on him.
Who’s the character that somehow knows everyone else’s tickle spots and reveals them to others?
I'm actually not sure about this one; they're all a little dense when it comes to tickles (in a good way, I love this bunch of idiots). Tickle spots are usually found by accident before being brutally exploited.
Who’s the character with one specific tickle spot that only one other person knows about?
The spade of Blitz' tail (particularly the underside of it) is super bad and only Stolas has had the privilege of finding out about it.
Who’s the most likely to win gang tickle wars?
Millie or Blitz because they are bot EXTREMELY competitive.
Which character has a kink for tickling?
I think it's safe to say Stolas, Fizz and Ozzie would.
Which character didn’t even know they were ticklish until another character tickled them?
Loona. The poor, sweet girl likely didn't get much affection before being adopted, so she found out about her ticklishness at the same time Blitz did.
Which two characters have tickle fights all the time?
Fizz and Ozzie launch frequent tickle wars against each other during their days off; it is common for these to span across multiple days.
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xxtheophilusxx · 1 month
Some Helluva Boss Tickle Hc's
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Blitzo (Blitz) - Blitz is always on the go and often in high spirits. His ticklish spot is on his lower back, just above his tail. When someone manages to tickle him there, he’ll burst into a mixture of laughter and flustered exclamations, unable to contain his energy. It’s a rare moment where he’s genuinely vulnerable, which makes it both endearing and hilarious.
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Moxxie - Moxxie, while usually serious, has a sensitive side when it comes to his ribs. If someone tickles him there, he’ll break into genuine laughter, though he’ll try to maintain his composure. It’s a sign of how much he lets his guard down around close friends, even if he pretends otherwise.
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Millie - Millie is bubbly and energetic, so it’s no surprise that her feet are her most ticklish spot. When someone gives her feet a playful tickle, she’ll giggle uncontrollably and might even try to playfully kick them away. Her reaction is a reflection of her fun-loving personality and her inability to stay still when something tickles her.
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Loona - Loona is usually aloof and tough, but she has a ticklish spot behind her ears. When someone manages to get there, she’ll let out a rare, genuine laugh and may try to swat them away with a playful growl. It’s a glimpse into her softer side, showing how even the most stoic characters have their moments of vulnerability.
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Stolas - Stolas, with his regal demeanor, is surprisingly ticklish around his sides, near where his wings are attached. His reaction to being tickled there is a mix of surprised laughter and a bit of flustered charm. It’s a side of him that contrasts with his usually sophisticated demeanor.
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Octavia - Octavia is more reserved and mature for her age, but she has a soft spot on her neck that makes her ticklish. When someone tickles her there, she’ll react with a stifled laugh and a slight blush, trying to play it off as she hides her smile. It’s a rare glimpse into her more playful and youthful side.
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Fizzarolli - Fizzarolli’s ticklishness fits his playful and over-the-top personality. His sides, especially under his arms, are super sensitive. When tickled, he’ll laugh heartily and might even start a spontaneous performance, using it as an opportunity to show off his theatrical flair.
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Asmodeus - Asmodeus is flamboyant and enjoys attention, but he has a surprisingly ticklish spot on his upper thighs. When someone tickles him there, he’ll have a dramatic and hearty laugh, blending his love for theatrics with a genuine reaction. It’s a moment where his composed facade cracks just a little.
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uhh well I went in to see if you wrote helluva boss and you did! I can't tell you how happy I am and can there be one from you like lee blitz and lers moxxie, millie and loona? I don't know, maybe while they were meeting together, Blitz might be teasing Moxxie about how sensitive and ticklish he is. (because why not)
He may mock Moxxie to the point of making him blush and get angry, but there is a truth. he's quite ticklish himself, and what made his find out was when Loona delicately touched his side to tell her father that she needed to stop, and a boss who jumped up and squealed cutely (and who was going to get a big tickling punishment) :>
I thought this would be cute, I really read all of your fics (especially the Lee Lucifer stories♡) this time I would love for you to write a Lee Blitz story, thank you.
Sure thing!
Niceness Necessities
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C.W: Swearing, gets a lil intense at the end
Summary: Blitzø won’t stop teasing Moxxie during one of the meeting and Mille and Loona help him out by finding something about Blitz
What. The. Hell
Blitz now had his claws on an Asmodian Crystal. What was he supposed to do with this thing?! He of course knew that with this crystal he could now travel to the human world without help from Stolas’ grimore but still, how was he supposed to use it??
He wanted to have a meeting with the rest of the I.M.P about this new item but first he wanted to figure out how to use it. So now in his office he sat at his desk on his computer researching the magic crystals.
“Hmm..” Blitz hummed, placing his hand on his chin in thought as he surfed the internet looking through helltube, Sinstagram, Hell’s version on Google but no matter how much he looked he couldn’t find anything on the Asmodian Crystals, were they seriously that rare??
Blitz was getting frustrated at this point at not being able to find anything before it hit him. He was friends with Fizz again, he could literally just go talk to the big man himself! ���Stupid stupid stupid!” Blitz reprimanded himself but very pleased at the fact that he’d found a solution to learn about this magic crystal.
Blitz stood from his desk, tail flicking excitedly as he headed for his door and swung it open, meeting the eyes of Moxxie, Millie and Loona. “Listen up fuckers! I found a solution on how to use this fancy-shmancy thing so I’m going to the Lust Ring to learn about it! I’ll be back soon but for now Moxxie hold down the fort till I get back!” Blitz called, heading for the door when Moxxie’s voice stopped him.
“But what if I don’t want to sir?” Moxxie asked, meeting Blitz’s bewildered gaze with a grin, Moxxie (almost) never disobeyed him? But Blitz was not one to back down so he met the smaller imp’s gaze with a challenging grin, pointing a menacing finger at him before replying.
“Then I’ll tickle you to pieces when I get back.” Blitz threatened and chuckled as Moxxie’s face flushed a beet red and he muttered a halfhearted “Fine.” As Blitz headed out the door.
Now outside of the building Blitz headed for his van that was parked in the lot, unlocking it and climbing inside before starting the engine and pulling out of the lot on his way to the train station.
If he remembered the schedules correctly the train for Lust left in 15 minutes, perfect plenty of time for him to get to the station.
A little while later he arrived there and parked the vehicle, jumping out and shutting the door before locking it and heading for the gate for the train to Lust. Once he located it he got on the train with a few minutes left to spare, finding his seat and sitting down right as the train jostled into motion.
Now on the train Blitz took out his phone and texted Fizz
*Blitz: Fizz?*
*Fizz: Yup? Didn’t expect to hear a text from you*
*Blitz: I know but I just have a question, are you and Ozzie free today? I’m coming to Lust I have a few questions for the big man*
*Fizz: I believe so let me ask…..yep we’re free!*
*Blitz: Great! See you in a bit!*
*Fizz: See ya!*
After that conversation Blitz turned off his phone with a pleased smile, placing it back in his pocket and looking out the window, almost there.
Now in the Lust Ring Blitz stepped off the train and quickly spotted the large building that belonged to the sin and grinned before heading that way.
He meandered down the street, going past stores and bars all over the place before finally reaching the building where he was met with a guard. “Who might you be?” The guard snapped and Blitz held up his wrist where the Asmodian Crystal sat, “I’d like to see the big man.” Blitz told the guard and he huffed, annoyed before letting Blitz in.
The imp grinned in response and walked inside, as the guard shut the door Blitz was immediately met with Fizz’s grinning face. “Blitz! I haven’t seen you in forever!” The other imp exclaimed and Blitz chuckled, “I know I’ve been busy with my business, where’s Ozzie?” Blitz asked Fizz and he led the other imp to an elevator where they stepped in and pressed a button for the highest floor.
“You guys live at the top?!” Blitz exclaimed, clearly amazed making Fizz laugh, “Yep, Ozzie is royalty after all.” Fizz reminded him and Blitz’s tail flicked irritably at his own antics when they reached the top at last.
When the elevator doors open Fizz stepped out with Blitz in tow and the other imp was amazed by how nice Ozzie’s place was when Fizz led him to a large door which was opened by two guards to allow them in.
“Ozzie!” Fizz called out as the guards shut the door and a few minutes later Asmodius rounded the corner. “Fizzy you’re back! And I see you’ve brought a friend.” Ozzie observed and Blitz bowed in the sin’s presence.
“Hello big man, I just have some questions for you then I’ll be out of your hair.” Blitz told the sin and Asmodeus waved him off, “Don’t worry about it, any friend of Fizz is a friend of mine. Come this way.” Ozzie instructed, leading Blitz and Fizz to his office, shutting the door and rounding the desk to sit.
“So what’s the matter imp?” Ozzie asked and his eyes widened as Blitz held up his wrist that held the crystal. “I see..you want to learn how to use that don’t you?” Ozzie asked the imp and he nodded, “Please, it would be a big help.” Blitz told the other and he nodded, standing up and turning to one of his nearby bookshelves before selecting a book and placing it on the table in front of Blitz.
“This book right here should tell you everything you need to know about my crystals such as what they are and how to use them.” Asmodeus told Blitz who nodded in understanding, “Thank you Ozzie!” Fizz piped up as him and Blitz stood, heading for the door.
“Yeah thanks big man, I’ll be sure to return it once I’m finished!” Blitz called over his shoulder as they stepped out of the office and Ozzie gave him a thumbs up before they shut the door and headed for the elevator again.
“Ozzie’s a good guy.” Blitz told Fizz who nodded, “Yeah he is.” The imp spoke as they rode the elevator back down to the ground floor, upon arriving they stepped out and Fizz walked Blitz to the door.
“Thanks Fizz!” Blitz told his friend and the other imp gave him a thumbs up as Blitz walked back into the down, starting down the street with this new information.
“What do you think Blitz is doing?” Millie called from her place on the couch and Moxxie and Loona’s gazes flicked over to her. “I’m not sure, he said he was going to Lust to find out about the crystal His Majesty gave him so it’s likely he’s visiting Asmodeus.” Moxxie replied, tail flicking behind him in thought.
“Yeah but who cares, the dumbass can take care of himself.” Loona piped up from her phone and Millie hummed, “If all he was doing was going to talk to Asmodeus why couldn’t we come?” Millie pointed out.
“That’s a good question Millie, maybe he wanted to go by himself.” Moxxie told her and she looked out the window, “Maybe, do you know when he’ll be back?” Millie asked again and was met with a shrug from both of them, Millie knew one thing though. Her boss was a man on a mission right now.
Now back outside Blitz headed back towards the train station with the new book in his hands. Finally he had the information he needed for the crystal, now all he needed to do was take it back to the I.M.P and review it and the crystal with his team.
“Hell yeah we have the book now..” Blitz muttered to himself as he reached the station and walked into the train back to Pride and sat. As the train jostled into motion once more he opened the book and looked at the contents of the first page.
The writing was written in mostly a different language but luckily Blitz knew the language it was written in so he read a couple of the facts about it, occasionally glancing down at the crystal when he read about something particularly interesting.
“The Asmodian Crystal’s power allows you to teleport at will…interesting..” Blitz muttered to himself, still skimming through the pages and before long the train had arrived back at Pride.
With an excited grin Blitz stepped off the train and headed towards the parking lot where his van sat with the book in hand, tail swishing behind him as he walked.
Once he arrived at his van he climbed inside and shut the door, placing the magic book on the seat before starting the engine and pulling out of the parking lot before heading down the road.
The I.M.P building was about 15 minutes away and Blitz could hardly wait to get back and look over the new information with the others, this would be fun.
“How much longer do you think he’ll be gone?” Millie piped up again from her place on the couch, “I’m not sure, he should be on his way back by now but I don’t know.” Moxxie spoke from his place beside her.
“Ehh either way it’s fine, Blitz never leaves this place for too long and like the pipsqueak said, the dumbass is probably on his way back already.” Loona commented from her place at her desk, paws propped up on the desk as she scrolled through her Sinstagram.
“Yeah, I’m probably just overthinking this.” Millie told herself and Moxxie scooted closer to her, wrapping his tail around her and kissing her crown, “And that’s perfectly okay, it’s sweet that you’re so concerned about him.” Moxxie told her and she smiled.
“Ew get a room!” Loona called over to them making the pair laugh.
Finally almost home, by now the I.M.P headquarters were around 5 minutes away and Blitz could feel his heart thumping in anticipation to get back, he couldn’t wait!
Although he did have to wait a little to get back, not long though because he let his mind wander for what felt like a few seconds but when he shook himself out of it he was in the parking lot of his building, hey not like he was complaining.
With a giddy smile he parked the van and shut it off, hopping out of the front seat and shutting the driver side door before rounding the front of the vehicle to open the passenger side door and grab the book before setting his sights on the large building in front of him.
Blitz set off towards his building, reaching the entrance soon after and swinging open the door before stepping in and shutting it, now climbing the few flights of stairs that he had to climb to get to the office floor and by the time he’d reached the door he was worn out, why was this book so damn heavy?!
With a huff after being hunched over catching his breath, Blitz huffed before standing up to his full height and practically breaking down the door catching everyone’s attention.
“Blitz you’re back!” Millie exclaimed, jumping up and following his to where he walked over to the meeting table and set the heavy book down before sitting down at the head of the table.
“Yep…I had to travel to Lust..and talk to the big man..about this.” Blitz breathed out, holding up his wrist to show them the crystal, “And he gave me this book, said it would help to understand what it is and how to use it.” He finished as Millie sat down at the table, followed by Loona and Moxxie.
“Alright.” Blitz began, standing up from his place at the head of the table, this placement was good. Moxxie on his left and Loona on his right with Millie sitting next to Loona, perfect they could listen to him better this way.
“We’re gonna look at the book and we’re gonna figure out how to use this crystal.” Blitz remarked, grabbing to book and clawing it forward in his direction before flipping it open to the first page, watching as the other’s leaned closer to see.
“Hehey what?!” Moxxie yelped, jumping back at Blitz quickly scribbled over his neck, “You were too close.” Blitz told the other imp, grinning impishly (ha ha) at the other, “I wasn’t even that close.” Moxxie muttered and Blitz’s gaze flicked u to meet Moxxie’s.
“What was that Moxx? You want me to do that again?” Blitz grinned, wiggling his claws at Moxxie who scrambled back, “N o.” Moxxie stated, pointing an accusatory claw at Blitz who chuckled in response and went back to the book.
“Be nice Blitz.” Millie spoke up, smacking him on the arm for extra emphasis but Blitz only waved her off. “Nahhh he’s fine Millie. Not my fault he’s so fuckin ticklish~” Blitz taunted and relished in the way Moxxie’s face flushed crimson.
“S-Shut up!” Moxxie snapped at him but recoiled as Blitz scribbled over his stomach, “Watch it.” Blitz grinned again, pointing a finger at Moxxie who averted his gaze with a grumble.
Blitz went back to the book at began reading when Loona’s voice spoke up. “What does that say?” The hellhound questioned, pointing at some smeared ink on the page.
“Oh that?” Blitz started, focusing on the ink, “I believe it says ‘Thou who hath access to thy crystal shall be forbidden to use it unlawfully, thus punishable by having the crystal taken’.” Blitz recited, chuckling as Loona’s head tilted to the side before she realized what that meant and nodded.
“I have a question, what does that say?” Millie piped up and Blitz looked at it, it wasn’t smeared but it was in heavy cursive making it a bit hard to read so Blitz read it out for her.
“What about that?” Moxxie also piped up, referring to something on the other page and Blitz poke the other imp in the side causing him to recoil again.
“Patience Moxx, we’re not there yet.” Blitz reminded, waving his finger at Moxxie like how a parent would reprimand a child making the imp slide down in his seat with an irritated huff.
“Was that sass I heard?” Blitz smirked at Moxxie who shot up, face flushed with a nervous expression. “N-No it wasn’t!” Moxxie snapped at Blitz who only grinned.
“Alright sure.” He remarked, sarcasm dripping from his tone before his hand shot out and started squeezing Moxxie’s sides who flinched before giggling like mad.
“What’s wrong Moxx? You a little ticklish?” Blitz taunted and Moxxie fell forward, head resting on the desk as he covered his face with his hands, still giggling madly. Millie looked at him endearingly and Loona glanced at Blitz, an idea forming in her head.
“Come on Blitz stop it.” Loona remarked, subtly elbowing/jabbing him in the ribs causing him to jump with a squeal at the unexpected touch, halting his tickly attack on Moxxie to slap both hands over his mouth.
By now Moxxie had recovered and was now looking at Blitz with a large grin on his face, book and crystal now long forgotten as the three looked at him. “Y-You traitor.” Blitz muttered, heart rate picking up as he watching Loona stand and go to walk behind his chair, breath hitching as the hellhound pulled his arms above his head.
“Loony!” Blitz whined, yanking on his arms and grinning nervously as his arms wouldn’t budge and Moxxie crept closer. “Millie help!” Blitz called out to his last hope but Millie only let a lazy grin make its way onto her face as she slid down in her seat a little.
Blitz was about to comment on what the hell she was doing when he felt it, her tail had wrapped around his boot and was now trying to pull it off. “No M-Millie wait!” Blitz tried pleading with her, kicking his feet but that only served in helping her as the extra force allowed her to tug his boot off, tail dropping the object and settling for wrapping around his foot.
“M-Millie…” Blitz trailed off as her tail kept twitching, he was so focused on her that he didn’t noticed Moxxie coming up beside him until the smaller imp tasered his ribs making Blitz jump, gaze snapping over to him.
“Come on sir don’t tell me you forgot about me? How mean.” Moxxie teased, lowering his claws and touching them to Blitz’s sides before starting to lightly skitter up and down.
Moxxie immediately felt Blitz stiffen, watching amused as the imp bit his lip in an attempt to suppress the steady growing giggles as Moxxie increased the pressure, now steadily scribbling over Blitz’s sides and chuckling a little as Blitz went red and he ducked his head.
“M-Mohohoxxie..” Blitz began, breath catching in his throat as Millie’s tail began lightly scratching over the underside of Blitz’s now uncovered foot and also watching amused as her boss’s face nearly rivaled the rest of his skin against his scar.
“Mihihillie!” Blitz whined again, “Come on what’s it going to take to break your stubborn ass.” Loona grumbled slightly, taking both of Blitz’s wrists in one hand and using the other to scribble under his arm.
“Lohohohoona wahahahait not thehehehere!” Blitz cried, dam finally breaking and giggles pouring out of him, “Well there’s my answer.” Loona smirked, keeping it up as her, Moxxie, and Millie kept up the gentle tickles.
“Ahah! Mohohohohoxxiehehe!” Blitz’s laughter jumped an octave as Moxxie’s hand wandered towards Blitz’s stomach and was now scribbling there.
“Hah! You’ve got a ticklish stomach sir?” Moxxie taunted, grinning as Blitz’s face turned an even brighter shade of red, tail beginning to slightly swish behind him.
“You enjoying this Blitz?” Millie spoke up and Blitz’s wide eyed gaze flicked up to meet hers. “Nohohohoho? WhahaHAHAT mahahahahakes you sahahay thahahat?!” Blitz questioned, yelping mid-sentence as Millie’s tail grazed along his arch.
“Hmm, I beg to differ.” Millie grinned, pointing at Blitz’s tail that was still swishing behind him. Blitz turned a wide-eyed, betrayed glance at his tail before screwing his eyes shut again and trying to get it to stop but it didn’t work.
“How do you like that sir!” Moxxie called as he moved up to scratch across Blitz’s ribs making him jerk. “Mohohohohoxxiehehe!!” Blitz howled as Loona moved to skitter over the base of his horns.
“Lohohohohoony plehehehehease!” Blitz cried, weakly batting at her paws best he could but that didn’t stop her, if anything she only smirked and kept it up. “Mihihilliehehe!!” Blitz called out next as the imp in question took the tip of her tail and started scratching it over the main area of the other’s foot.
“Alright guys we might want to wrap this up here soon, Blitz looks just about ready to k!ll all of us.” Millie piped up and Loona and Moxxie nodded in agreement. “Where’s he most ticklish Loona?” Moxxie turned his attention towards the hellhound who smirked.
Loona then paused her tickling hand, keeping Blitz’s wrists above his head, “Lohohoona nohoho plehehehease don’t tehehell him!” Blitz tried pleading with her just Loona just shrugged.
Then she leaned down, whispering something in Moxxie’s ear and Blitz watched, frankly quite scared as Moxxie’s face lit up, quickly morphing into an evil grin.
“M-Mohohoxxie…now wahahait a mihihinute..” Blitz began, being kept in a state of giggles by Millie’s tail still on his foot but also the fact that Moxxie’s claws were creeping closer to his worst spot, his thighs.
“Mohohoxxie plehehehease..” Blitz told Moxxie and he stopped for a moment, “Please what sir?” Moxxie grinned but Blitz’s eyes widened, clamping his mouth shut, no way in the seven rings was he falling for that!
“Alright if you don’t wanna answer suit yourself!” Moxxie chirped before shooting his hands down, kneading into Blitz’s thighs with vigor, attempting to get an apology out of his boss.
Blitz jerked hard, eyes widening and he bit his lip but it did nothing to stop the wave of laughter that spilled out of him moments later. “MOHOHOHOXXIEHEHE!! SHIHIHIHIHIHIT!!” Blitz screeched, bucking like mad making Moxxie laugh.
“Apologize sir!” Moxxie declared and Blitz shook his head, “NOHOHOHOHO WAHAHAHAHAY!!” Blitz remained defiant, by now Loona and Millie had stopped tickling him, opting to watch the situation unfold as Moxxie took Blitz down.
“It’s only going to get worse from here if you don’t apologize Blitz, you know how Moxxie can be~” Millie reminded him but he shook his head, “IHIHI DOHOHOHON’T CAHAHAHARE, BRIHING IT ON PIHIHIPSQUEHEHEAK!!” Blitz exclaimed through his laughter, laughing harder as he saw the expression on Moxxie’s face.
“Oh that is IT!” Moxxie exclaimed but there was no real bite to his voice as he scooted closer to Blitz and leaned down before blowing a large raspberry in the crook of Blitz’s neck.
“AHAHAH! MOHOHOHOHOXXIEHEHE!!” Blitz shrieked, tossing his head back and cackling like a mad man as Moxxie wreaked havoc on him. “Apologize Blitz!” Loona called from behind him and finally he gave in.
“FIHIHIHINE FIHIHINE I GIHIHIVE IM SOHOHOHOHORRY MOHOHOHOXX JUST FUHUHUHUCKIN STAHAHAHAHAP!!” Blitz cackled and finally Moxxie pulled away, grinning like a goon as Blitz went limp in his chair, Loona releasing his wrists and standing next to him.
“Yohohou okay sihihir?” Moxxie asked, giggling up a storm at Blitz’s predicament. Blitz took another heave of air before sitting up, resting his elbows on the desk and giving Moxxie a tired look before flipping him off.
“You…are sohoho luhuhucky…I’m wohorn out right nohohow otherwise…yohohou’d be on the grohound..laughing nearly as hahahard…as I just wahahas..” Blitz breathed out and smirked a little as Moxxie grew a nervous expression and muttered something about having to use the restroom before standing and walking down one of the halls.
He would get him back eventually.
(Sorry this one took so long, things have been a lil slow but I hope you enjoyed! ^^)
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hyperfixed-owl · 4 days
So, apparently owl’s feet are ticklish…
This NEEDS to be in a fic where Blitz is cuddling Stolas and accidentally brushes his tail against his feet or something and he does that cute hoot laugh 😭
Blitz is simultaneously like “this is the cutest thing ever” and “oh I am so going to use this as leverage in bed”
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ticklishprincey · 5 months
Tiger Stripes
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Hehe I'm so glad you enjoy what I put out! This was @lanie-lee-llama reblog of my Helluva Boss Headcannons (screenshotted because I didn't wanna forget about it) and I just couldn't pass this up, for now I'll just do Blitzo buttttt don't be surprised if there's a Moxxie one directly after. (I really hope you like it, I've never done a self-insert fic before so please don't hit also my laptop refuses to do the cross over the o I'm so sorryyyyyy) Warnings: Tickling (obv), insecure reader, implied body dysmorphia, reader is referred to as kid but it's just a nickname not serious Summary: Reader is insecure about how their body looks. Blitzo notices and convinces them their body is amazing. You had been standing in front of your mirror all day, looking at your reflection in disgust and disdain. Your brain ran a mile a minute, pointing out every possible flaw in your body, and despite your various attempts, tears burned your eyes like pin pricks and threatened to spill. You sucked in your stomach as much as you could, still not satisfied with the results. You let out a sigh, sitting down onto your bed and hugging your knees to your chest. "Kid?"  A knock on your bedroom door stirred you from your thoughts. You quickly rubbed your eyes, grabbing an old sweatshirt and slipping it on before answering the door, an over-enthused smile plastered on your face. "Hey, Blitz! What's up?" You had hoped that your boss wouldn't pay attention to your tear-stained cheeks and bloodshot eyes, but you were mistaken. The usual sarcastic and shit-eating grin was replaced with that rare look of concern he saved for you. He reached out and gently touched your cheek, wiping away a stray tear in a rare showcase of affection. "What's goin on, kid?" "Nothing." You responded quickly, too quickly, even. The larger imp rolled his eyes, taking your hand and pulling you into the room, sitting on your bed and patting the spot next to him. You sat reluctantly. "Don't bullshit me, kid. What's on your mind?" You sighed, then proceeded to explain how you had been feeling, how you were unhappy with your body. He listened silently, nodding in understanding. When you had finished, he pulled you into his arms and held you close. "Don't talk about yourself like that. You're amazing, got that?" You rolled your eyes at the sentiment. Blitzo noticed this and squeezed your sides teasingly. "What was that? Don't you sass me, remember who's in charge here." A small squeak escapes your lips, a wobbly smile crossing your features in anticipation for his next move. He grinned and scribbled his nails into your tummy. "What was that? Was that a squeak I heard? Don't tell me someone's ticklish?" You shake your head, fighting back the laughter bubbling in your throat to no avail. You pushed half-heartedly at his hands. "Wahahait Blihitz!!!" "Wait for what? I'm already tickling!"
His hands move to poke and prod at your hips, causing you to squeal and squirm in his arms, laughter pouring out freely now. "Ooooo, that's a bad spot, huh? Too bad!" Your face grows red at the teasing, pushing at his hands. You would never admit it, but you liked these moments with Blitzo. You felt his hands pull up your shirt slightly, tracing lightly over the stretch marks of which you were so insecure about earlier. "I don't understand why you don't like these. They're like tiger stripes." A snort slips through your lips at that, causing your hands to immediately cover your mouth in embarrassment, your blush increasing tenfold. Blitzo simply laughs and continues his tracing. "That was cute! Can I hear it again?" He blows a raspberry over your belly button, rewarded by your squealing and bubbly, bright laughter, a stark contrast to your earlier anxiety and stress. He lets up, holding you close and rubbing your back gently as your laughter dies down into soft, happy hiccups. "Feeling better, kiddo?" You nod your head as Blitzo chuckles, continuing to rub your back as you slowly begin to fall asleep in his arms. Maybe he was right, your body was pretty amazing. ALL NSFW/KINK PLEASE DNI!!!
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wreckingtickles · 8 months
What about the concept of everyone discovering kacchan was ticklish? I love reading stories about how his classmates first discover it! You just know he would try extra hard to not laugh and give it away for the sake of his pride
Ohoh, this is interesting! I think much of the class found out due to Kirishima becoming more and more brazen with his tickle-attacks, especially after everyone started living together, so at some point a couple of their classmates must have first heard, then seen Kirishima teasing Bakugo in the common area.
Though I'd also like to flip that notion on its head and say that a few of Bakugo's neighbors actually found out in the opposite way: they heard Kirishima's anguished laughter coming from Bakugo's room one time when the blond was exacting his revenge (he lacks the self-awareness to realize just how comfortable Kirishima has made him with the whole thing - months before he would have never even thought about tickling someone back, though he was doing it with his own sadistic streak). Iida, Shoji, Kaminari, Todoroki, Sero, Ojiro, and Sato definitely heard that, though Todoroki and Sato didn't quite realize what was going on and Ojiro couldn't believe it, while for Sero and Kaminari it was business as usual. Anyway, Iida definitely came up asking them to keep it down and what warranted such a ruckus, and Kirishima came back from the edge to damn himself and pant that Bakugo was getting his revenge for Kirishima tickling him while Tokoyami was in the common room, whcih earned him another round of hell (not like he doesn't love it, but Bakugo pushes him well past his limit).
Now, all the girls found out through Mina, she would definitely broadcast that kind of humanizing thing that makes boys cuter; and like Kaminari and Sero, Mina found out from Kirishima just. not. keeping his hands to himself (naturally, Kirishima is the last one to realize how gay he is for Bakugo). The information would eventually find its way to Todoroki, Sato, Tokoyami, and Mineta - Sato would be surprised, Tokoyami would too but he wouldn't care, and Mineta wouldn't care but would be envious that Bakugo gets into tickle-fights with Mina (which doesn't really happen, but you know how Mineta's mind works).
Now, Aoyama? The boy's weird enough that he probably saw a Bakusquad tickle fight and joined in just because he was passing through - but probably, secretly, also to be included? And someone at some point probably yelled at Todoroki to stop a fleeing Bakugo, and Todoroki DID! Eventually leading to Bakugo's retribution, which in turn allowed everyone to discover that Todoroki, shameless as he is, can be quite the ruthless ler, on top of a very ticklish (and cute) lee.
Right, Kirishima. How did he find out? The obvious way: he tried it. Multiple times. But the fact that Bakugo's always bristling and yelling gave his reactions plausible deniability, but then he noticed that Midoriya looked like he had some tea. So he naturally tickled the information out of Midoriya, I suspect with Denki's help.
As for Midoriya, well, the two grew up together, and as Bakugo got more violent, Midoriya forgot just how ticklish the blond was as they growing up, but he recognized the signs from Kirishima's blitzes.
Sorry, I always end up generalizing a lot because the bird's eye perspective is very interesting, but if you'd like me to hone in on certain details (e.g. reconstruct a certain incident), definitely ask!
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viktheviking1 · 11 months
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Blitz and Stolas sat at the only table in the room, forced there together by fate, destiny, and some f**ker who thought it'd be funny. They hadn't really spoken since they ended the full moon arrangement, and suddenly they were stuck here together, locked in a room.
“You know, I- Aw, sh*t!” Blitz knocked over the candelabra on the table and a small fire began on the tablecloth. Much to Stolas's delight, Blitz tore off his coat and was right about to start pounding the candelabra to put out the fire, when suddenly an arm scooped it out of the way, and sprayed the table with a fire extinguisher, getting the foam all over Blitz in the process.
"Woah, there! That was a close one!" A robo fizz in a suit came out of nowhere. "My apologies, gentleman. Let me fix that for you."
"Oh c****t on a stick, not another one of you f**kers." Blitz said as the robot effortlessly replaced the tablecloth, candelabra, and menus, putting the ruined ones on a cart beside them.
The robot grinned disturbingly wide, “Now, now. I am entirely my own bot, so whatever experiences you have had in the past, should not apply to me. So, are we ready to order?”
Blitz, still standing from his seat, jabbed a finger at the faux fizzarolli, “You listen here, you low-grade piece of scrap, you had better turn right back around, tell whoever the f**k your master is to let us out, or I will tear off your arms, tie them together, and shove them up-”
The robot backed up in response, putting it’s hands in front of him as a blockade, “Woah there, buddy! R-relax! No need to-”
“Hang on, just a g**d*mn minute!” Blitz grabbed it by the collar, and pinched it’s cheek, “Fizza-f**king-rolli, you trapped us in here?!”
“I-I-I assure you, sir, a-a-as realistic as I was made to seem, I am only a replica of the real thing.” The ‘robot’ began to sweat.
“Sticking to the lie, huh? Tell me, are you s*xbots ticklish?” Blitz said as he went for Fizz’s sides.
He let out a high pitched squeak and fell to the ground, Blitz followed, still tickling his waist, “Okay! O-okay! I give up! F**k!” He said between laughs.
Stolas looked between the two men feeling confused, and maybe just a twinge jealous.
“Good. Now let us out. You will have some explaining to do later, but right now I just want to get Loona back home before it gets dark.” Blitz stopped tickling Fizz, but still straddled him.
“Oh come on! We had this whole thing planned. At least stay and chat with your birdie over dinner.” Fizz urged.
Blitz let out an exasperated sigh, “No, Fizz. I am not staying here for one more minute with that pretentious owl. Okay? Enough of your bullsh*t.”
“Oh, you wanna talk about bullsh*t? How come we set up this whole romantic atmosphere for you guys and all you can do is sit in silence? You guys are both dying to talk about your feelings, but you say nothing!” Fizz slithered out from under him and sat up.
“My g** Fizz you really don’t know when to mind your own business, do you? There are no-" Blitz's sighed, his face blushed a little as he looked at the ground. Then remembering who's fault all this was, got back at it, "No feelings to talk about, okay?!” Blitz grabbed the jester by the shirt and shook him a little, his bells jingling, “You can lock us in a gaudy *ss room, with all the f**king candles you could fit in one of your boyfriend’s condoms, but nothing is going to convince me to go out with a binge drinking, kinky *ss doormat who can’t call someone daddy without thinking of his own neglectful father and is weirdly clingy with his daughter 'cause she's the only good thing in his life-”
“Blitz, I’m pretty sure you just described yourself.” Fizz pointed out, but Blitz ignored him.
“I mean, what did you expect?! For me to burst out into song, proclaiming my undying love?! Get real. Even if we started dating, it wouldn't be long before he realizes that I’m just a pathetic excuse of a demon, and he’ll regret all the sacrifices he would've had to make for to be with me. In the end, I’ll just end up ruining someone else’s life! It always ends the same! Just like you said, I will die alone!" He was crying, head down, tears dripping onto Fizz’s shirt, which he was still clutching onto.
Fizz watched the tears stream down his face, "I never said tha-"
"It doesn't matter, Fizz. Nothing matters. And there's nothing you can say or do will convince me to tell him how I feel.”
“. . . I think you just did.” Fizz said, and they both looked over to Stolas’s direction, but found him gone, a portal left open by the table, “Ah, f**k!”
“He could’ve made one of those the whole time!” Blitz stood up and shouted.
“That’s not the point, idiot! He probably left after hearing all the sh*t you said about him.” Fizz went up to him and smacked his shoulder.
“. . . Ah, f*ck.” Blitz covered his face with both his hands, and dragged them down, so done with himself.
Fizz sighed, “You dumb*ss.”
Read More of The Pompous and the Prick: a Stolasxblitz fanfiction here. Chapter 15 is out now!
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flames-tstuff · 1 year
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Not sure where this came from but here we are 🤷🏼‍♀️ disclaimer: I haven't read these books in like five years so these are solely based off of what I remember about the characters and their dynamics 😅
Actually finds it kinda fun despite his (supposed) aversion to touch
BUT. he is MUCH too embarrassed and too deep in denial to ever be able to admit to it
Easily flustered—both by giving and receiving—though he tries to play it off like it's no big deal
Too sensitive for his own good! Ticklish all over but if you target his ribs specifically he will probably die (again)
The others gang up on him if he starts getting too angsty or too in his own head
Usually targeted by Blitz or Alex
Often too shy to initiate anything but when he does it's usually playful little pokes
Can't say The Word
Snorts if you catch him by surprise—otherwise it's bouts of poorly suppressed giggling that everyone finds very endearing <3
Snarky ler
Will usually only initiate with Blitz and Hearth. He knows starting something with Alex or Sam is a death sentence (though he will retaliate if one of them started it).
Enjoys it on occasion but usually just likes to pester her friends with it
She has to really trust you if she's allowing you to get within a five-foot radius of her
.....and good luck trying to catch her and keep her down long enough to tickle her without losing a limb
If you do somehow manage to get her, it's all cackles and squeals (+ lots of cursing)
Loves a good fight! She enjoys it more when it's play or has some competitive component to it. It's all about the thrill of the chase!!! (no pun intended)
Loves to tease and torment Magnus and gets immense satisfaction from his embarrassment from it
Has no problem saying The Word (and ofc loves to use it against Magnus)
Typically would prefer the rougher play, but she too is not immune to the power gentle touch
Receiving gentle, affectionate touch is outside of her frame of reference (*sob*) so having her hair played with or getting a massage from a friend is simultaneously heaven and hell
Like Magnus, very sensitive and also a bit shy when it comes to the subject
(This is assumed to be post-marriage when she can be in contact with Amir. The others are considered family and therefore are in the clear.)
Doesn't usually like to be touched
She does, however, like to use it as a tactic for cheering up Alex (she's probably the only safe one to do so lol)
Targeting her will also put your life at risk (unless you're Amir... and even then you're on thin ice)
Devastatingly fast fingers
Doesn't see an issue with The Word
Will help destroy Magnus if the others have started it and need the extra help
The Queen of teases
Mostly indifferent but doesn't mind it
Mildly sensitive; definitely not as bad as some of the others in the group
Gentle touches will put him to sleep, though—anywhere is a melt spot if you're gentle enough lol. just putty in your hands
Ears, under the chin, and feet are especially sensitive
Be careful though because he WILL ragdoll if you get him good enough
Likes to tease Magnus and Blitz the most
Doesn't have a very wide variety of teases in ASL but that does not matter..... the look he gives you is enough
The knowing smirk, the playful glint in his eyes, the wiggling fingers.......
Those long, thin, gentle fingers are KILLER
He's a kicker if you plan to target him so you better steer clear of those long legs
The friends that do get him from time to time try to keep from restraining his arms or hands so that he can still sign
His cheeks and ears flush a greenish hue when he's embarrassed or flustered (a rare occurance, but it's that much more special if you do get to see it)
If you somehow are able to crack the stoic exterior, you will be rewarded with the most adorable wheezy laugh with eyes and nose scrunched tight in resistance
Gremlin switchhhhh. The switchiest of all.
An absolute force of chaos, both as a lee and as a ler
Feisty! He plays a bit rougher (if he knows you can handle it)
Loud, boisterous laughter. Incredibly contagioius
He can actually say The Word, though he does get mildly embarrassed from it
A Big Meanie (affectionate) to Magnus and Alex but is a little gentler with Hearth
He will almost never target you if he's in his regular nice clothes... there's no way he's gonna risk getting them dirty or torn
But if he's in casual/comfy clothes (still looking dope as hell ofc) or in battle gear you better watch out
And heaven forbid you start something with him while he's in his nice clothes. Because you are TOAST the next time he gets a chance
Sooo so fun to play around with (and unlike with Alex or Sam there is not a risk of dying :,)
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cookiepie11 · 2 years
Change it~ (stolitz SFW tickle fic)
Blitzø has such a wierd name for stolas on his contacts and stolas tells him to change it being the stubborn playful imp he needs some convincing..
lee blitzø, ler stolas (romance and tickles SFW!)
Stolas and blitzø was cuddling in bed both looking at blitzø's phone comfortably
"Bl-itzy!" Stolas said out of nowhere "why such a rude name for me?" He said teasingly
"what it's not that badd" he replied grinning
" it's litteraly creepy mouth aka one night stand" he said "that's so mean compared to your name on my phone"
"And what is my name on your phone? Fucking blitzy?" He said in a annoyed tone despite loving the nickname
"How did you guess?" He said and smiled "I even added a lil heart at the end!"
Blitzø blushed just a little
"of course it is"
"anyways you better change that name blitzy I gave you a sweet name you gave me a awful name!"
"ehe why should I?" Blitzø said getting cocky
"because im oh so upset at that nickname" stolas replied in a jokingly dramatic tone
"So what happens if I don't change it?" Blitzø grinned he was just being a little shiz to get what he wanted and he wanted affection
"I'll do this~" stolas practically purred and scratched his sides slowly
"Dohont you dar-dare!" Blitzø giggled " I swear to god I will kihille you- ehehe stolass STAHAP!"
"oh you shouldn't have got so cocky with me now my little imp" he teased "your laughter is so cute it almost makes me blush" he added even though they both knew his heart shaped face was blush pink
"say blitzy which spot should I get next? The neck? The horns? Or perhaps the feet? I can't decide! Why don't you choose a spot" stolas said knowing it would be a hard choice
"you have to choose or I might stop" stolas teased though he wouldn't stop Blitzø's fun.
"PAHAHA UHH..THE FEEHET!" he yelled , they was all ticklish choices
"oh very well!" He said and grabbed his foot lightly , he started to scratch it softly
"PWEHEHEH!" he laughed with the cutest little blush "NAHAH!"
stolas grabbed a blue feather from his pocket and fluttered it on his sole
"aw but you look so cute and you still havent said you would change it!" He cooed "maybe if I tickle here?" He said and nibbled his neck softly
Suddenly he stopped and blitzø breathed heavily he had tears in his eyes from laughing so hard
"oh my darling did I go to far?" He asked genuinely
"No.." he stopped to breath "that was just fine..thank you" he said with a blush on his face and he layed back into Stolas's fluffy chest
He got his phone out and went to contacts to change the name
"oh you don't really have to change it blitzy I was just playing"
"nah I think this name suits more anyways"
He changed it to "my bird x"
Stolas almost cried at the name being the emotional bird he is but instead he just snuggled blitzø tight and kissed his forehead
"thanks you blitzy.." he said but he realised his little imp has falling asleep on him "aww..you do not understand how much I love you blitz.."
when heard that his tail wagged whipping stolas lightly
"shut up ya dork" he giggled half asleep
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symbioticsimplicity · 5 months
What are some Hazbin Hotel/ Helluva Boss head canons you wanna share? (Yes, I AM asking for you to ramble to your heart's content about the blorbos!)
I love you so much. 💚💚💚💚💚💚
This got real long so its going under a read more.
Hazbin Headcanons:
The sigils that float around Alastor when he uses magic are not actually a part of his powerset. They're part of the leash on him.
Lilith is not in Heaven relaxing, she's spying on them
Husk hasn't preened his wings properly in years and its actually a big part of why he's so goddamn grouchy
Lucifer has the same problem but make it part of why he's so depressed
Charlie has wings but even she doesn't know that yet
Alastor DOES have a deer tail but he either keeps it hidden inside his pants so it can never been seen or continually removes it
Angel can in fact spin webs but hates to because its fucking weird and instinctual and he does not like having his thorax out
Angel is venomous
Contracts by nature nerf the sinner they're attached to unless otherwise specified, and by that logic almost every member of the Hazbin cast are significantly stronger than they're aware of. With the exception of Husk, who held onto his power, and Alastor who knows EXACTLY how much power he's missing.
Valentino legitimately loves Vox but it isn't mutual (the IRONY)
Velvette doesn't change hairstyles, she changes her whole head
Lucifer’s blood is both addictive and toxic to demons in the long term. It tastes like apple cider and FIRE
Alastor absolutely hates it, he tried it once and it was far too sweet for him
Music is ACTUALLY a legitimate form of magic in the Hellaverse and particularly powerful because it can have unintended effects and it is irresistable.
Alastor IS redeemable (ask me about this only if you want the essay)
Helluva Boss Headcanons:
Millie was a prison guard at the jail Moxxie and Blitzø met through.
Octavia's powerset is routed in precognition, but she hasn't begun to explore it enough yet to have realized that
I don't think this is a headcanon exactly but I'm manifesting Loona/Tex/Bee
Fizz tops
Verosika still has lingering feelings towards Blitz and she is PISSED about it
Stolas has been watching that same soap opera since he was a kid
Literally none of the other sins like Mamon its not just Ozzie
MOST of the sins are cool with each other, or at the very least like coworkers about things
Its possible to BECOME a Sin since in this verse they're not fallen angels
The current sins are (mostly) not the original demons to hold those titles
Blitz's Dad is still alive
Striker is demi and TIRED.
If he had taken the deal, Striker actually would have followed through with what he'd told Blitzø
At the circus, Blitzø didn't actually have a room (was given to Fizz though he wasn't originally angry about it) and often times he slept in their horse stable. The horses would let him sleep on them and its a big part of why he loves them so much
Fizz also fucking hates Blitzø's Dad
The agent that got possessed can now see demons as they are despite glamoring
Blitzø is actually genuinely hilarious he just has this issue where if he TRIES to be funny he CANNOT do it.
Moxxie doesn't cuss because his Dad cusses A LOT and he sounds too much like him when he does
Millie is one of those people who is good at literally anything they try the first ir second try and it pisses off both Blitzø and Moxxie, but Moxxie at least tries to hide it because he loves her.
Loona is ticklish as FUCK but if anyone ever learns that, they die
Octavia actually wishes she had a sibling
Millie is the only person who doesn't think Striker is all that hot and does not understand the hype
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dj-bananalove · 1 year
Hii!! Could you maybe do some tickling headcannons for loona and blitz?? /platonic ofc!
Loona doesn't get enough sfw attention in the tickle fandom its always fetish 😭
No fr 🥲
So for her I feel like she'd be a 50/50 switch she rarely gets ticked but, is almost always in a lee mood. When she does get tickled it's just a poke to the side or something like that. But, when she's in a ler mood she'll just tickle her dad at home though, like if they at the office or somewhere else. She'd wait to they get home and wreak the shit out of him but, if she can see he's tire or upset she'd give him some time alone.(Side note(s) has no problem saying the word love flustering Blitzø with it most ticklish belly and belly button.
He'd be 60%lee 40%ler he ''secretly'' loves being tickled he loves it even more with Loona but, would also love to tickle her back he thinking she's not ticklish. When he's in a lee mood he'd hope for her to be in a ler mood 9 times out of 10 she is and he'll just sit there and get his shit wreaked. But, when he's in a ler mood (he rarely is)he'll poke her side she'll stop and look at him and he'll stop and wait till he's with stolas and wreak him.(Side note(s) he can't say to word no matter how hard he tries also most ticklish: ribs.
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