#leonard warden
ohshitsherry · 7 days
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kaliesuriens · 3 months
* In Prison *
Wolfe: Captain Cold is the leader, Heat Wave is the destructive power, trickster is the comic realif, Weather Wizard is the smart book worm, Golden Glider, well, she is the girl.
Wolfe: But, what you are?
Mirror Master (Evan): I'M SCOTISH!!!
( Inspired by that one power rangers meme, probably gonna draw that some day)
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compendiumhistoria · 1 year
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Sometimes it's just rainy enough to keep you from playing DA on your PC/PS4... which isn't enough to stop you from thinking abt it, and realizing a certain picrew can semi-accurately capture all of your Protags. Then that's it, that's your evening
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debbiecolon · 6 months
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My second tarnished oc, Rem. He usually wears the nightmaiden twin crown, but I wanted to draw his face unobstructed. His lore is super meaty and I'm quite happy with it!
Rem is a descendant of the Nox, people of the Eternal Cities. He was raised in Sellia, well versed in Night sorceries and taught melee combat by his 'sisters', Nightmaidens who warden over the town. His days are spent rigorously training his body and mind, honing himself into a warrior capable of subduing the most formidable of foes. Easily identified by both his silvery skin and hair, Rem appears more Silver Tear than anything, yet his golden eyes speak of his heritage, which he is incredibly proud of. And it is perhaps because of his heritage that Rem holds very little love for the Two Fingers and the Golden Order.
Rem had been fortunate enough to meet General Radahn in his youth, and had been privy to the demigod studying gravity sorceries. He grows to admire the flame haired demigod and leaves the Sellian territories for the first time when he offers his services to the General, as both sorcerer and swordsman. He stood among the Red Mane soldiers in battle, dressed in the silks of the Nox, looking elegant as a dancer yet fighting with all the ferocity of a beast. His end is met like many others in the Caelid wilds: witness to the scarlet flower bloom, particles of rot saturating the sky, clogging the beauty of the stars.
He wakes after centuries, called back from a peaceful void to return to the Lands Between. His memories are muddled, mostly lost, but through adventuring he remembers himself, for better or worse. He remembers that wretched flower, and he seeks a power strong enough to oppose it.
Rem is an extremely quiet and emotionally guarded tarnished who borders on selectively mute, speaking little more than he has to. He makes very few connections but is not unwilling to cooperate with his fellows, seeing such actions as a great way to garner much needed knowledge. He gauges everything like a threat but closely safeguards those who win his trust and affection, albeit from the shadows.
Beneath his guarded exterior is a deep longing to return to a home no longer there. Caelid is a fetid wasteland and nightmarish shadow of what it once was, and it is the only time that he openly expresses deep pain upon seeing the remains of a land he once loved so dearly. It hurts more than he can bear to know that Radahn lives as Caelid does--as a shell of his former self. He does not hesitate to participate in the Festival, seeing it as a final act of kindness for his beloved General. It is a hard fought battle, but Rem leaves with Radahn's blades as his trophy, swearing to wield the colossal weapons in battle.
Though Rem was raised in a town of sorcery and has proficiency with night magics, his greatest strength comes from physical prowess. He wields all manner of great swords and colossal blades, overwhelming his foes with sheer strength and relentlessness. He embodies duality, using stealth, life sapping mist and poison to turn the tide of what could have been a heavily skewed battle. He does not see underhanded tactics as something to frown upon. After all, combat (and life) does not play fair. Aside from sorceries, Rem has studied incantations on a surface level, enough to know hos to cast a poisonous mist or mend his injuries.
Rem's loyalty to the red haired demigod is akin to a love that is all consuming. It was a love that felt unrequited, but his unwavering belief and devotion to honing himself into the perfect weapon caught the interest of the towering Radahn. They seemed an unconventional pair, but they both bonded quite easily through combat and a shared love of animals. Leonard, Radahn's steed, received many a rowa berry and nose pats from Rem.
He felt as though he lost Radahn twice over. Once, against the one-armed valkyrie and her scarlet rot, and a second time at his own hand. Though it was a mercy, to grant his beloved demigod a warrior's end, a part of him died again with the General. The loss is an ever present ache that leads to the nihilistic belief that nothing in the Lands is worth salvaging.
The pain of loss and his keen awareness of the loss of many others drives Rem down the path of becoming the Lord of the Frenzied Flame. He does so, not to spare Melina from a fiery end, but to bring an end to it all, to be the Lord of the lost and the broken. To put to rest all that distinguishes and divides, hoping that perhaps the flames will consume him too.
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heartfeltgram · 29 days
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Song: Be My Guest (Azari ft Kaai Yuki & Flower)
Key: Lyrics in pink, romaji in green, descriptions in black
[ Before the music starts, the opening shot is of both wardens looking at the camera. Shiki, a young woman with strawberry-blonde hair and a warm smile on her face, takes a drag from her cigarette and blows the smoke at the camera. The screen darkens as it transitions, the music beginning. ]
You’re without an umbrella, No, no, kasa mo sasezu ni No, no,
[ The screen reveals Mary, a timid prisoner with long white hair and clothing reminiscent of a maid outfit. She's looking offscreen, uncertain about the situation. ]
And your Eyes are closed fusagaru Eyes
[ As Mary’s eyes shut, a pair of red eyes open in the background. ]
If you can’t go home, then you, too, can Be my guest kaerenai nara anata mo Be my guest
[ Shiro, the other warden, reaches out his hand towards Ryuko. ]
My, a well-done, lovely, plastered-on smile? yoku dekita haribote no kirei na egao?
[ The next prisoner, a shorter girl with red hair named Choko, appears just as Mary's image fades from the screen. On the instrumental whistle, her visible eye closes, and the outlined silhouette of a microphone appears behind her for a split second. ]
You can’t get comfortable in front of others, so you, too, can Be my guest hitomae ja kuzusenai anata mo Be my guest
[ Here, Shiki holds out her hand towards her. On the instrumental whistle, the screen goes dark once more. ]
It’s the agreed-upon time, but no one came to meet you? yakusoku no jikan demo mukae ga konai?
[ Here, two prisoners appear on screen at once: Ryuko, a taller woman with short navy hair and a displeased expression; and Kaede, a shorter girl with glasses and black hair tied into twin ponytails, appearing adorable next to her. Ryuko stands on the left side of the screen, while Kaede stands on the right. On the instrumental whistle, their eyes shut. The outlined silhouettes of a man and child appear behind Ryuko, while the mirrored silhouettes of what seems to be Kaede herself with shorter hair appear behind Kaede. ]
You can’t go off the rooftop, so you, too, can Be my guest okujou kara derarenai anata mo Be my guest
[ In the center of the screen, both Shiki and Shiro appear, outstretching their hands towards the two prisoners. On the instrumental whistle, the screen darkens as it transitions to the next scene. ]
Like a black cat, I Step’n step’n step kuroneko no you ni Step'n step'n step
[ Shiro leads his two prisoners, Choko and Kaede, down a path towards the right side of the screen. ]
Haphazardly, I Tap’n tap’n tap teatari shidai ni Tap'n tap'n tap
[ Shiki, meanwhile, leads the other two prisoners, Mary and Ryuko, down a path towards the left side of the screen. ]
I bring you along with a Snap’n snap’n snap anata o tsurete Snap'n snap'n snap
[ The two wardens appear in the center of the screen, with their appointed prisoners on either side of them. On each “snap,” one silhouette of a prisoner appears on each side, meaning that by the end of the line, all ten prisoners are on screen. ]
Dancing with a practiced gait odori nareta ashidori
[ All ten prisoners do a dance on screen on time to the music, while the wardens stand in the background. ]
Despite appearances, our firm is purely pacifistic kou miete heisha wa aku made heiwashugi
[ All of the prisoners have their designs revealed by this point. On the left side of the screen, to the left of Shiro, are the following five prisoners: Mary, Ryuko, Leo, Abigail, and Koji. On the right side of the screen, to the right of Shiki, are the other five: Choko, Kaede, Iori, Kazuhiko, and Mayumi. 
During this line, the background changes, becoming what will soon come to be known as the main area of the MILGRAM prison instead of the forest it was before. ]
We’re quite clear in regard to sales quotes and support omitsumori ni sapooto made meikaku ni
[ Signs appear on screen, sort of like crossroads, indicating the three trials and undetermined outcomes. Each sign has the words “guilty” and “innocent” written. ]
But since we’ve just started out, it’s impossible to make allowances tada hajimeta nara tekagen wa muri
[ The prisoners then appear in their straightjackets instead of their normal attire. Their expressions revert to the ones in their official full body artworks. ]
So please, stay up late tonight, Stay up, please douka kon'ya wa osoku made Stay up, please
[ The screen suddenly gains a blue, night-ish filter over it. On the line “Stay up, please”, the screen goes dark in three sections on time with the line. ]
You aren’t friends with them, but you can’t stay away? tomodachi janai keredo hanarerarenai?
[ The background becomes the forest from before. Two prisoners appear on the screen at once: Leo and Iori. Leo seems to always be smiling at the camera, while in contrast to him, Iori seems to feel nervous around the camera and has a timid expression.
On the instrumental whistle, outlines of silhouettes appear behind them as their eyes shut: Leo's silhouettes depict three people, while Iori’s silhouette is that of a cross. ]
You give in so obediently, so you, too, can Be my guest orikou ni akirameru anata mo Be my guest
[ Shiro and Shiki’s hands reach out to the prisoners simultaneously. On the instrumental whistle, the screen changes. ]
There was enough for everyone, but they were one short? minna fun atta noni hitotsu tarinai?
[ Abigail and Kazuhiko are the next prisoners to appear. Abigail is a heavier-set woman with long, green hair; Kazuhiko's blue-almost-black hair falls in a curtain, covering his eyes. His expression is displeased, yet apathetic.
On the instrumental whistle, two new silhouettes appear: behind Abigail, the outlined silhouette of a dog appears; behind Kazuhiko, the outlined silhouette of a young boy appears. ]
You won’t be suspicious of anyone, so you, too, can Be my guest dare hitori utagaenai anata mo Be my guest
[ Shiro and Shiki’s hands reach out towards the prisoners. On the instrumental whistle, the screen transitions once more. ]
On the way home, a detour - the aroma of butter kaerimichi mawarimichi bataa no kaori
[ The final two prisoners, Koji and Mayumi, appear on either side of the screen. On the instrumental whistle, silhouettes appear: behind Koji, the outlined silhouette of a bridge appears; behind Mayumi, the outlined silhouette of a gun appears. ]
And a gentle, laughing voice says, “Someday, you’ll Be my guest” atatakai waraigoe itsuka wa Be my guest
[ Instead of the wardens reaching out their hands, the outline of a pair of white smiles appears in the background. At the very last second, the background changes from the forest to MILGRAM once more before the song ends, the visuals disappearing in a puff of pink cigarette smoke. ]
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zanniscaramouche · 1 year
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The Road to Desolation
McCoy hadn’t recognised the name on the poster, and since the man was already captured it was hardly necessary for a likeness of the criminal printed there, which means standing in front of the crude cell is where he first lays eyes on what must be the notorious James T. Kirk. “You might wanna muzzle him,” the warden says with a sharp sort of glee. McCoy wrinkles his nose against the foul stench. His eyes begin to water in protest. Fucking Christ, what has he gotten himself into? OR Leonard McCoy is an out-of-work ranch hand in need of fast cash and Jim Kirk is a captured bandit bound for a train that will send him to death-row. When McCoy takes on the job of getting Kirk on that train, he’s got no idea how much his patience and everything he thinks he knows about the world is going to be tested.
McKirk - Cowboys & Bandits / ABO - 39k - Complete
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simmeons · 4 months
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seventh story for @badthingshappenbingo bingo :)
words; 3,448 (CRAZYYY)
characters; Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Leonard "Bones" McCoy, James T Kirk and Spock (some dai characters mentioned- not entirely important)
warnings; death/murder, near death experience, swearing, mentions of possession (?), somewhat graphic written fighting, decapitation (only talked about once)
prompt; near death experience
FYI; this is for the DAI!AOS au (dragon age inquisition)
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The Griffon Wing Keep had been an absolute pain to take over. The amount of Venatori tossing themselves at the party was almost absurd. But thankfully, the small group of four were able to hang the Inquisition flag and claim the keep as their own. It was a great pitstop, and it gave the Inquisition a leg up in the Western Approach. Scotty was busy tying up the flag on the pole while the rest of his friends took the time to get a look at what their enemies had on them.
“Lots of gold.” Leonard spoke up as he pickpocketed one of the Venatori who had attacked them. Spock gave a hum in agreement from where he was seeing what the Venatori’s leader- Macrinus- had.
When inspecting the dead body of the hooded figure, the elven mage’s brows quirked up in confusion as he pulled a collar out of the leather bag the man had strapped to his belt underneath the heavy black robes. It was quite literally a collar. Something you'd put on a pet.
“It seems Macrinus had a pet.” Spock stated aloud as he stood up, showing the rest of the party his find. Jim snickered a bit as Scotty made his way over to Spock, taking the worn leather collar from him.
The rogue human held the collar in his right hand, the Anchor simmering a bit with a green hue as Scotty got an understanding on it. Clearly, it had some magical ability if the mark was responding. Without much trouble, Scotty willingly made the Anchor flair up a bit more- faint green text floating up from the collar for him to read aloud.
“Kitty’s Collar,” Scotty stated the name of the item before he turned it in his hand. “A narrow leather band embossed with a design popular in Honnleath some years ago. A tuft of orange fur is caught in the buckle. Spirits whisper across the Veil, but their voices are unclear. Briefly, they conjure the memory of a little girl.” He finished, reading to the party what the Anchor was informing.
Jim crossed his arms from where he stood, now besides Scotty. “Sooo… It's a possessed collar. By a little girl.”
The Scotsman shrugged. “It would appear so.”
“Honnleath?” McCoy repeated, dusting off the sand that had accumulated on his armor. “Wasn't that the place that was run by darkspawn during the Fifth Blight?”
“Before the Warden’s saved them, yes.” Spock answered before Scotty could even formulate a response.
The party stood around for a moment- unsure what to do about the collar. They could simply just leave it, but they all knew that since it had some sort of magical aspect, something should be done with it. They all took a moment to look amongst themselves, silently asking; “Do you want this?”
Jim was the one who eventually took it from Scotty’s hand, huffing a bit. “Alright, I'll take the thing. I'll hang out with the little girl.” Before anyone else could object, the warrior already had the collar around his neck and fastened on. “See? I'm fine. We'll become best friends. Maybe she'll whisper to me while I sleep.”
“Great, now Jim is going to have a little girl possessing him next. Just what we need!” McCoy complained.
Jim, however, wasn't too worried. “Don't worry, Bones! I can always just take it off.”
That carefree attitude almost dissolved immediately when Jim quickly found out the collar in fact didn't come off. He tugged at the buckle, but it didn't budge. Spock was quick to reach out and try to help, but the result stayed the same. McCoy simply face palmed as Scotty just tried to accept the fact that their friend had just attached some magical collar around his neck.
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“Those White Claw idiots have no idea how to lure a dragon!” Frederic of Serault, a dragon enthusiast, groaned. “Will you please go and fix their mess?”
The party has been helping this Frederic man with his fascination with draconology, which had soon led them on some wild goose chase to do several tasks to help the man. Find hints of a hunting ground, get back his research he had lost, get phoenix tail feathers and quillback intestines- it was a whole mess. But, Scotty couldn't just not help the man.
“Of course, we'll see what we can do.” Scotty promised, giving Fredric a polite nod before turning on his heel and leading the party away from the man’s small camp.
The group dragged their feet through the sand, their bodies sore and tired from an entire week of running around. Despite that, there was a task at hand that needed to be taken care of. So, with their enthusiasm a bit watered down, they all walked their way to the small ruined monument where the White Claw had previously been trying- and failing- to lure a dragon.
With combined effort, the party got rid of the faulty bait in the bear traps and instead replaced it with the bait Fredric had given them.
“Who thinks a bear trap is going to stop a dragon?” McCoy grumbled, hating the feeling of the sticky and mushy bait against his hands. Scotty- who was near his side, simply chuckled a bit.
“I'm sure Fredric knows what he's doing.”
McCoy wasn't convinced. “Sure, sure. We'll see about that.”
The sound of shouting grabbed the party’s attention, making the four of them look to see a small group of White Claw people swearing at them. Like second nature, each wielded their weapons and braced for a fight that Scotty hoped he could maybe avoid.
"Who do you think you are, messing with our traps?" one of the White Claw men snarled, brandishing a crude spear.
Scotty stepped forward, his voice calm but firm. "We're here on behalf of Frederic of Serault. Yer methods weren't working, so we had to make some adjustments."
The leader of the White Claw group, a burly man with a scar running down his cheek, spat on the ground. "Frederic? That pompous fool knows nothing about hunting dragons. We'll show you real dragon hunters!”
The man held up both his arms, wielding a huge ax that he brought down with intense force. Jim easily slid himself between Scotty and the White Claw, bearing his shield without wavering.
The ax cried against the shield- metal colliding into metal with a harsh noise. Jim groaned as he held his place, using his weight to push back against the leader- shoving the man back. As the leader stumbled, the rest of the party scattered- Spock and McCoy in the rear as Scotty held middle, and Jim raged in the front lines.
Spock chanted an incantation- a shard of straight ice erupted from the sand, clinging to another assailant, rendering him completely frozen. Easy pickings for Jim, who made quick work of the frozen man with ease. McCoy followed suit, casting a barrier spell around Jim, fortifying his defenses.
"Keep them at bay!" Scotty called out, knocking another arrow. He aimed for another henchman, his arrows striking with precision and taking down opponents one by one. Despite their exhaustion, the party moved with practiced coordination, each member playing their role seamlessly.
Jim swung his sword with controlled fury, every strike powerful and precise. He moved from foe to foe, his shield deflecting blows that came his way. The White Claw leader, recovering from his earlier stumble, roared and charged at Jim again, but this time Jim was ready. With a deft sidestep and a powerful upward slash, Jim’s sword sliced right through one of the man’s hands.
With the leader crumbling to his knees from such a devastating blow, Jim spared him anymore suffering with a quick slice to the neck. The rest of the White Claw who were still alive quickly turned a heel and fled when they saw their leader being killed in front of them.
“Good job, Jim!” McCoy shouted from the back lines, giving the blonde a thumbs up that was met with a big smile. Their celebration was cut short however when a gigantic shadow swept over them overhead.
Eyes immediately darted to look up in the sky- seeing exactly what the shadow came from.
A high dragon.
The roar it bellowed out quickly made the party realize the White Claw probably weren't running from them, but the dragon. Which was completely understandable.
“Go! Get inside the monument!” Scotty cried out to his party. They all quickly scrambled to run through the sand, their boots kicking up dust as they ran like hell.
The ground trembled as the dragon descended, landing with a thunderous crash that sent a wave of sand billowing outward. Its scales shimmered in the harsh sunlight, a mosaic of deep red and fiery orange. The beast's eyes, burning like molten gold, locked onto the fleeing party. It let out a high screech just in time for the party to duck into the small sandstorm crumbling structure to get away.
They all huddled into a corner that seemed the most secured as the large beast outside continued to roar with anger.
“Well… That answers your question, Leonard.” Spock mumbled, getting Leonard's attention.
“What do you mean?” The human mage frowned.
“You wanted to know if the traps would lure a dragon.” The Dalish elf responded. “It did.”
McCoy let out a loud and frustrated groan as he felt the irritation rise in him. Before the two mages could start bickering, Scotty spoke up.
“Alright, calm down ye two. We can't start fighting when there's a dragon with its snout up our arses.”
Jim nodded in agreement. "What's the plan, Scotty? We can't stay here forever."
Scotty’s hands fidgeted with his bow, his mind racing. "We need a way to either drive the dragon off or make a run for it without getting roasted. Spock, McCoy, any spells that could help?"
Spock considered for a moment. "I have a few spells that might distract it, maybe even wound it.”
Scotty nodded before turning to look at McCoy, awaiting his response.
McCoy shook his head, frustrated. "Most of my spells are for healing or defense. I could maybe slow it down or fortify our position, but that’s about it. Either way, there's no way we can outrun a dragon of all things.”
They all simultaneously nodded in agreement. That was a fact.
Spock's eyes narrowed as he considered their options. "Dragons are vulnerable in the joints of their wings and around the eyes. If we can distract it, we might be able to get a few good shots in. But we need to be strategic about this.”
Jim hefted his sword and shield, glancing at his companions. "I'll be the bait. I'll draw its attention while you three get into position.”
“Are you sure?” Scotty asked, wanting to make sure Jim was really ready to be face to face with a dragon. The blonde smiled.
“I'm positive. Kitty will protect me.” He joked, tugging the collar that still remained around his neck even after an entire week.
“Don't joke like that!” McCoy barked back.
“Enough!” The Scottish Inquisitor shouted, getting the other 3 to go silent and just listen. The silence after Scotty's command was filled with the heavy breathing of the party, the tension hanging thick in the air. Scotty took a deep breath, formulating the plan.
"Alright, here's what we're going to do," He began, his voice steady. "Jim, you go out first and draw the dragon's attention. Use your shield to deflect its attacks as much as you can. Spock, I need you to hit its wings and joints with everything you've got. Leonard, keep a barrier up around Jim and be ready to heal him if needed. I'll find some high ground.”
The group nodded in agreement, determination replacing the fear in their eyes. Jim gave Scotty a firm pat on the shoulder before stepping out of their hiding spot, his shield raised high.
As soon as Jim stepped into the open, the dragon's head snapped toward him. It let out another ear-splitting roar, its golden eyes narrowing on its new target. Jim took a deep breath, steeling himself. "Come on, you oversized lizard!" He shouted, banging his sword against his shield to create as much noise as possible.
The dragon's nostrils flared, and it lunged forward, massive jaws snapping. Jim darted to the side, narrowly avoiding the razor-sharp teeth. He kept moving, staying just out of reach while trying to keep the dragon's focus on him.
Jim made the massive creature do a circle, effectively making it look away from the sandstone structure so the other 3 could dart out and really get to working. With Jim keeping the dragon somewhat stationary- McCoy, Spock, and Scotty all moved to form a triangular formation around the beast.
Scotty climbed up on a higher rock, McCoy kept himself close to some of the sandstone pillars in case he needed protection, and Spock did the same.
The dragon seemed overwhelmed with 3 people attacking from afar, and one pesky human whacking its arms and legs. It roared out, its right front arm stomping down on the ground next to Jim, making the warrior stumble a bit. Before the dragon could attack again, an arrow to the cheek made it cry out- shaking its head, trying to get the arrow free from its scales.
The dragon, enraged and annoyed, reared up on its hind legs, preparing to unleash a torrent of fire. "Get ready!" Scotty shouted, drawing another arrow and aiming for the dragon's throat.
Jim braced himself behind his shield as the dragon's chest heaved, flames building up in its throat. At the last second, Spock launched a powerful blast of wind, aimed directly at the dragon's head. The blast hit just as the dragon exhaled, causing the fire to scatter and dissipate harmlessly.
McCoy kept protecting Jim as much as he could as the other two kept firing from a distance, but after so many close calls and several minutes, it didn't seem like the dragon was being affected much besides the harsh damage it had taken on its wings, rendering the beast flightless for the fight.
Exhaustion was setting in fast- they were already tired, but now fighting a dragon was a nail in their coffin. Not to mention the dragon took to stomping around, making giant leaps as it tried to put distance between itself and the party.
After a particularly hard slash to one of the dragon's rear legs, it cried out in an ear splitting noise. Everyone in the party couldn't help but reach up and cover their ears as the sound felt like their skulls were being crushed from inside out.
With the opening, the dragon didn't hesitate to lash out, its claws ripping through Jim's armor and into his flesh. The blonde let out a painful cry that anyone could recognize.
McCoy's heart clenched in his chest as he watched his friend go down, especially since he was supposed to be protecting him. He readied his staff to help Jim back up, but the dragon leapt again and slammed itself into the ground right next to McCoy. The human mage was forced to the ground.
When McCoy opened his eyes he could see as the dragon lunged down, mouth open and teeth ready to eat him alive. He closed his eyes and put his arms over his head- but the bite didn't come. He hears the familiar sound of the sky crackling- almost like the sound of a whip. He peaked open his eyes to see the dragon almost frozen in time, but it was moving backwards like it was being dragged.
He scrambled to sit up, seeing as Scotty and Spock were both by Jim's injured body. The Scotsmans right hand was ablaze with the Anchor, its powerful green venom crawling up the man’s arm, all up to his shoulder. He had willingly opened his own Rift. The dragon was being dragged towards the Rift! It was completely vulnerable!
As the Rift grew in size, it let out its own shrill noise as if the demons on the other side of the Rift let out a greeting. McCoy couldn't believe it- there was absolutely no way a whole dragon could be dragged into the Fade!
Spock was busy looking over Jim’s wounds behind Scotty, the roaring green light of the Anchor making the deep gashes stand out more on the warrior’s body. Being a Dalish elf, Spock always tried to seem under control- but now he was panicking. Sincerely panicking.
“Jim!” He shouted, shaking the limp man in his arms. The elf tried his best healing spells, but they weren't working. It was like there was nothing to work on- the wounded was far too gone to be helped. “Jim!”
Scotty could hear Spock’s cries of fear and it only made his jaw clench more. His entire arm was burning with a pain he's never felt before” but he needed to get the dragon taken care of or they'd all die. Tears of pain prickled in his eyes as his body tensed up, another surge of blinding white pain flowing through his arm as the Rift cackled- ripping and tearing more into the air. As the Rift got larger, the sand around them swirled like a hurricane- all centered around the Rift.
As Spock continued to hold Jim’s lifeless body, he heard the sound of a little girl giggling in his ears. He couldn't tell where it was coming from- it was like it was from inside his own head. He was only pulled away from the giggling when there was a soft yellow glow near Jim, making the elf look at the warrior.
Beneath the glow and the giggling, the collar around Jim’s neck suddenly snapped- falling off the man's neck, completely dissolving before it even touched the sand. Spock watched with wide eyes as Jim suddenly gasped, air filling his lungs like magic.
“Wh-” Spock started, but he was cut off when Jim miraculously got up without trouble, even with his wounds still being open. It was like the man was possessed, or some undead warrior fighting even after death.
Jim grabbed his sword with both his hands before charging to the dragon and the Rift- no amount of whipping sand stopped him. Scotty was stunned as he saw Jim somehow alive again, but he didn't have the time to ask when he watched as the blonde man placed himself underneath the dragon without hesitation.
McCoy watched from afar- still frozen in place as he witnessed Jim lodge his sword directly into the dragon’s chest. Pressing, shoving- Jim screamed out in effort as he kept digging his sword into the dragon- presumably where it's heart was located. At the same time, Scotty couldn't hold up the Rift anymore, and the Rift dispersed. The wind calmed down as the green lighting vanished, letting the dragon free from its grasp.
Thankfully, the large beast couldn't go anywhere anymore. With its newfound freedom, all it could do was let out one last roar of pain as it fell to the ground- slain.
Spock aided Scotty as McCoy ran to Jim, almost tripping over the sand a few times. “Jim! Jim, damn it! You're alive!”
Jim left his sword in the dragon, instead turning around in time to get tackled by McCoy with a hug. “Jesus, Bones! I just died!”
That point was correct, so the mage pulled away from Jim. “You idiot! How are you still alive?!” McCoy barked.
“It would seem that the collar saved him.” Spock answered, helping Scotty walk over to the dragon and his friends.
Jim let out a huff, his chest puffing out with pride. “I told you! Kitty and I are best friends.”
McCoy was still recovering from the scare of Jim almost dying, so he didn't laugh. Scotty did let out a little chuckle however. “I'm glad yer okay, Jim.”
The party all agreed on that. McCoy made quick work of Jim’s wounds before helping Scotty, leaving Spock and Jim to loot what they could from the dragon.
“I hope Fredric isn't too mad at us for killing his prized pupil.” Scotty mumbled as McCoy looked at his arm.
“I could give less about what he thinks. All I care about is that you and Jim are alive.” The mage replied.
Scotty smiled at that. “Well? Do I look good, doc?”
McCoy frowned a bit, but inside he was blushing at the little nickname. “Yes. You're fine. Just… Don't do that again.”
“Aye, aye, captain.”
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So who is who in this Au? Can we see a list?
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((Hello there anon, hope your well but sure, I can write something up for you. Here is a little list regarding the fractions(Gangs) in this au. Oh some of the muses/fractions belong to @demon-blood-youths while some belong to me and some other muses too. ))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
~~*Corrupting Demons Au list*~~
~~Welcome to NYC max security prison house~~
This is the main place somewhere in NYC that is under the control of Mr. Henderson. He is the main warden of this prison where he has finally caught some of the Fractions all over NYC. Here belong is a list and status for most of them.
Gang/Fraction Name: The DBT
Status: In prison
Location in Prison: Main floor level AB
Leader: Van ink the dragon (Most wanted due to criminal activity in NYC)
Info: It's been said, Mr. Henderson had a hard time getting his officers to catch Van Ink and her fraction since they tend to get away with the help of her team members and hacker. However, due to their massive destruction, property damage, thief, and other violations, Mr. Henderson had to bring in the heavy artillery to finally catch them. Now the DBT is behind bars.
Bounty money amount: $37,224.00
Added Info: Another prison was arrested with them. Davion, Van Ink's cousin was a hidden bounty hunter but his info is inclosed. He works along side someone named Terry but also The Void grim reaper and the Phantom Slasher. Their bounties are unknown.
Gang/Fraction name: The Cursed Vixens
Status: In prison
Location in Prision: AB (West side)
Leader: Jinx Violet (Second most wanted from Capital park/criminal activity in NYC)
info: Jinx is well known with Ink given their fractions/gangs work together on many heists together. Even Jinx and Ink themselves. The members in this group is all women but are most feared by many. Hence the reason they were given the name. They got caught two months after the DBT was caught.
Bounty Money amount: $36,956.00
Gang/Fraction name: Demon Elite Anthem
Status: In prison
Location in Prison: AC (Lower level of prison)
Leader: Ira"Kali" Vin-Shia (The Bloody Baroness)
Info: Known as being Van Ink's rival, she is just as dangerous as Van Ink as well. After trying to get her after so long, Mr. Henerson caught her and her fraction along with Rex's own. It's been said she and Rex work together on hidden robbery and other destructive things given they were well known. For now, she's being kept under watchful eye due to her violent temper.
Bounty Money amount: $37,222,00
Gang/Fraction name: Season Demon Warriors
Status: In Prison
Location: AC(Lower level of prison near Demon Elite anthem's area)
Leader: Rex Oxford Mills
Info: He's known for being someone of deadly power even when the officers tried to catch him, they couldn't lay a hand on him. He's very very defensive around Kali given they are partners in crime. He was also with miss Kali during a heist before being caught. Known for his skills of the sword and fighting hand to hand, he's someone you don't wish to mess with. Same with his girl.
Bounty Money amount: $37,220.00
Gang/Fraction name: Knights of Darkness
Status: In Prison
Location in Prison: BC (Left side of prison)
Leader: Leonard 'Joshua' Star
Info: Not much is known about this gang but it's been said they do their work at night. They try to keep it even during the day before doing their missions at night. They were caught one night during a run away but was pretty tricky to find. Right now, it's been said he was working together with Ashley Butterfly, another gang in NYC but she was also caught too.
Bounty Money amount: $23,364.00
Gang/Fraction Name: The Shallow Butterflies
Status: In Prison
Location in prison: BC(Right side of Prison)
Leader: Ashley Butterfly
Info: A woman that has two faces in one. She seems to be a sweet innocent woman that think she has done no harm but hidden she's deadly. Known for her quick silent kills thanks to her demonic ability, she's well known for killing any that gets in her way. She was with the Knights of darkness leader the night of his arrest.
Bounty money amount: $23, 350.00
Gang/Fraction name: The Lupins
Status: In prison(was just caught last night)
Location in Prison: BE (Left side of the prison)
Leader: Ymir "Fin" Reer
Info: Deadly and cold as ice, Fin is well known along with the lupins in the area. Mostly found in the bad place in town, they were pretty sneaky to find. Given they leave no trails to find them on their travels. However, they were caught last night due to one pack member leaving a trail by mistake. Leading to their arrest. They just arrived the night and is put in their new homes hoping to change for the better.
Bounty Money Amount: $22,475.00
Gang/Fraction name: The Upstanders Campaign
Status: In prison
Location in Prison: BE (Right side of Prison)
Leader: Allocer 'Guam' Great
Info: Trying to find Guam's fraction was NOT easy given they are on the move every day 24/7. Knowing that most of his allies or the other fractions were being arrested, he was making it hard to track him. However, we caught him after they tried to split up that afternoon.
Bounty Money amount: $23,465.00
Gang/Fraction name: The Lovely Horrors
Status: In Prison
Location in Prison: CA (Left side of Prison/in solitary confinement holding area/DO NOT ENGAGE)(Will be released today)
Leader: Matt Knack
Info: This gang was violently dangerous and very unstable to be around. Given their well known history of killing people or targets. Even helping Van ink with some things if asked. They were very hard to find, even when finding out they had some new members. One new female named Gin Akutagawa, and four males: Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Chuuya Nakahara, Tanizaki Junichirou, And Willie Watt. These prisoners are under 24/7 watch but still recommended to stay away from them unless your given permission to access their cells.
Bounty Money Amount: $56,242.00 (Higher bounty due to killing)
Gang/Fraction name: Active Seekers Tribe
Status: In Prison/Was transferred from Philly to NYC
Location In Prison: CE (Left side of the prison)
Leader: Kukuclan 'Ethan' Gaol
Info: Well known as the Wind Serpent, Ethan's fraction is dangerous as the rest. Even hearing he's gained a new long time ally The blue Azure Phoenix and a new member: A blood demon witch. So far, trying to bring them to NYC was difficult due to the amount of problems they started back in their home. So they are to be transferred till further notice.
Bounty Money amount: $41,040.00
Gang/Fraction name: The Elemental Phoenix feathers
Status: In prison/Was transfered from Philly to NYC with the Active Seekers Tribe
Location in Prison: CE (Right side of the prison)
Leader: Aiyana “Willow” Phoenix
Info: Was well known for working along side Ethan, they were pretty dangerous alone or together. She's known for doing under cover for a hidden market but worse than the black market. She along with her fraction were known for their elemental gifts but was arrested but was brought here due to difficulty as well. Will be transferred to NYC till further notice.
Bounty Money Amount: $41,141.00
Gang/Fraction name: The Dark Eclipse nightshades
Status: In Prison
Location In Prison: AB(Left side of the prison)
Leader: Yuuka Nakano
Info: A new gang that was formed somewhere on Roosevelt Island in Brooklyn of New York City. They were a hidden fraction that most of the police couldn't catch them thanks to the leader. It's been said they have been helping the other fractions including the DBT. We arrested her gang two months ago but we see she's already gained more alliances within the prison, Including the Raving Voltage.
Bounty Money Amount: $33,241.00
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heniareth · 1 year
The Battle of Ostagar
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Chapter 5: Flemeth’s Hut
In which Astala discovers she's not dead, but many others are, and now they have to deal with this.
Wordcount: 3653
- discussion of death - mention of cannibalism - abuse from parent to child in action
(Read the whole chapter on AO3 or down below)
Somebody screamed.
Astala bolted upright, reaching for her weapons. Only then did she realize that it was she who was screaming.
Where was she?
The interior of the hut was unfamiliar. Astala sat up to try and get a better look at her surroundings but didn't get far before she registered pain. It was dull, a throbbing to the rhythm of her heartbeat accompanied by tightness in her shoulder and belly when she moved. It sat deep. What had-
The tower.
Tentatively, Astala finished sitting up. She could do that. That was good. Going by everything she remembered—arrows, darkspawn and the Archdemon—she should be dead. She should be very dead. How was she not dead? How had she arrived... here?
She had just enough time to take a proper look around—she saw a pot over the fire, smelled stew coming from it, felt fur below her hands and spotted drying herbs hanging from the wooden beams above her—before the door opened and a young woman entered. Dark hair pulled into a bun, patchwork leather skirt and deep purple tunic... Astala blinked.
Morrigan turned to her with a small but genuine smile. “Ah! You are awake! Mother shall be pleased.”
She crouched down in front of the pot, lifted the lid and stirred the contents. The smell of meat intensified. Astala’s stomach growled loudly.
“What happened?” Astala asked.
“You were injured, and Mother rescued you,” Morrigan answered, throwing her a glance crowned by a small frown. “Do you not remember?”
“I…” Astala strained her memory, trying to recall what exactly had happened at the tower. “There were lots of darkspawn. And a dragon! How did your mother do that?”
“I suggest you ask her,” Morrigan answered. “She may even give you an answer.”
Astala tried swinging her legs over the side of the bed. It worked just fine, apart from the pull and the fact that the throbbing sensation in her abdomen intensified. But she’d be able to make her way back to Ostagar.
A trickle of cold dread ran through her veins. Was there an Ostagar to make her way back to?
“What happened to the king’s army?” she asked.
“Your teyrn Loghain quit the field,” Morrigan said, trying a bit of the stew and adding some herbs. “The darkspawn won your battle.”
“So…” Astala said and got all words stuck in her throat. Defeat. At the hand of darkspawn. “The king’s army?”
“Massacred. There are no more Grey Wardens, other than you, the dwarven girl, and the human boy.” She paused and glanced back at the door. “He… is not taking it well.”
Astala stayed seated. She stared into the slow, licking flames below the pot and tried to wrap her head around what Morrigan had just said.
“All of them?” she finally asked. “Duncan? Our commander?”
“Dead,” Morrigan simply said, not without sympathy.
“Everybody?” Astala asked again. Jerome, Onastas, Martin with his huge pot full of food, Palla with the intimidating grey eyes…
 “Did… you say your mother only saved us three? Could the others have survived?”
Morrigan closed the lid of the pot with a firm clack of metal against metal. Then she stood up, and only then she turned to Astala.
“I am afraid I do not know,” she said. “You do not want to know what is happening in that valley.”
“Why?” Astala asked. “What's happening?”
“Are you sure you want me to describe it?” Morrigan asked.
Astala pushed herself off the bed. She could stand, fine even. She crossed her arms; she was feeling cold. Blood loss, probably.
“Please, tell me.”
Morrigan exhaled sharply, but she leaned against the hearth and spoke: “I had a good view of the battlefield. ‘Tis a grisly scene. There are bodies everywhere, and darkspawn swarm them… feeding, I think.”
She took a careful look at Astala. Astala swallowed but nodded.
“The darkspawn are also looking for survivors,” Morrigan said. She wasn't enjoying this conversation. “They drag them down beneath the ground; I cannot say why.”
Sand against her cheek, slipping uselessly through her fingers. Claws wrapped around her ankle, pulling, the screeching darkspawn dragging her into the cave that had swallowed Ilanlas’ friend.
Maker save her, and may his gods watch over Ilanlas. The cold dread in her veins spread.
“Thank you for helping us, Morrigan,” Astala managed to say, dragging herself back to the present.
“I…” Morrigan hesitated. “You are welcome. Though Mother did most of the work. I am no healer.”
“Still.” Astala gave her a weak smile. “Can you tell me where Alistair and Sulri are?”
“Outside,” Morrigan said. “Mother wished to talk to you as well once you woke up.”
“Thank you,” Astala said again and started walking. She could walk. Good.
Once she was outside of the hut, she took a deep breath and just stood there for a moment, soaking in the light of the afternoon sun.
She was alive.
She was alive.
She found Alistair at the edge of the lagoon that surrounded the hut, staring out over the murky water. He didn't say anything when she approached and stood next to him. Neither did she. What could words do in a moment like this?
For a while, they stared over the water together.
Finally, Alistair heaved a heavy sigh, shoulders rising and falling like a mountain shrugging.
"Sorry," he sniffled and wiped his nose. Then: "You're alive, Maker's Breath!"
Before Astala could stop him, he enveloped her in a tight hug, the kind that slowly squeezed the air out of you. Astala tensed her back against the pressure and awkwardly patted Alistair on the back.
"You also look… alive," she said when he finally let her go.
Alistair smiled, let out a little huffed laugh. The smile dissolved almost immediately.
"Duncan and… Everybody. They-"
"I know," Astala said, and patted this huge shem on the arm once more. "I know."
Alistait accepted the comfort, poor as it was. He stood there for a while longer with his head bowed. He really wasn't taking it well.
"Well," he finally said. "We are here. And Sulri is here. That has to count for something."
Astala thought of Ilanlas, and Khêd, and nodded for appearance's sake. The inky clouds that had preceded the darkspawn still swirled above them. The sun didn't quite manage to break through.
They went to Sulri, who was sitting at the back of the hut, where the roof jutted out from the wall, throwing pebbles into the lagoon. The rhythmic plitch of the stones hitting the water disturbed the dead silence around them. Astala found herself scanning the horizon for darkspawn, and was relieved when she saw none.
She crouched down next to Sulri and waved hello. Alistair sat down on Sulri's other side. Sulri didn't acknowledge either of them. Instead, she took a larger stone and lobbed it into the lake.
Cradled by the circular waves from the stone's impact, the cadaver of a fish rose to the surface.
Sulri wrinkled her nose, sat the next stone in her hand down and scooted away from the water.
Astala sat down next to her.
"I'm sorry about Khêd," she said.
Sulri was still staring at the dead fish, expression between mildly disgusted and outraged, as if the poor thing was to blame for all of this. Astala tapped her knee to get her attention.
"I'm sorry about Khêd," she repeated. "Did you know him for long?"
Sulri shook her head and then waved her off. She didn't want to talk? That was okay. Astala had seen worse responses to grief.
Alistair heaved another big sigh. "What do we do now?"
Astala bit the inside of her cheek, waiting to see if any of them would come up with a brilliant solution.
"Well…" she said tentatively when nothing happened. "I would… It might be a good idea to take things slow. We almost died, after all."
"There's no time for taking it slow!" Alistair threw his hands into the air. "We've failed! The darkspawn will overrun Ferelden and all Grey Wardens are dead!"
"Are they?"
Astala scrambled to her feet. Flemeth had stepped around the house, followed by Morrigan. The elderly woman crossed her arms.
"And here I was under the impression I had saved three of the order."
"But we- I'm sorry, ah… madam," Alistair stammered. "What do we call you? You never gave us your name."
"Names are pretty, but useless," Morrigan's mother said. "The Chasind call me Flemeth. I suppose it will do."
"The Flemeth? From the legends?" Although still soft, Alistair's voice was briefly filled with awe instead of sadness before he caught himself. "Daveth was right. You're the Witch of the Wilds, aren't you?"
"And what does that mean?" Flemeth answered flatly. "I know a bit of magic, and it has served you both well, has it not?"
Astala doubted there had been only a bit of magic involved in getting them out of that tower and dragging them—her?—back from the funeral pyre.
"If I may," she ventured. "I- Thank you for saving us, really. I'm very grateful to still be alive. But… why did you save us?"
"Well," Flemeth said as if it was obvious. "We cannot have all the Grey Wardens die at once, can we? Someone has to deal with these darkspawn."
"Yes, but…" Astala hesitated.
It didn't do to anger a powerful witch. Certainly not by questioning her motive and reason behind saving them instead of… well, anybody else.
"We aren't the most experienced," she finally said.
"Does that matter?" Flemeth answered, absolutely unperturbed. "It has always been the Grey Wardens' duty to unite the land in the face of a Blight. Or has that changed while I wasn't looking?"
Astala didn't like her tone. Save her or no, she hadn't almost died only for this woman to be needling her. As if Flemeth was her supervisor on a job!
"I don't know if the Grey Wardens are the best candidates to unite the land," she said, carefully but firmly. "They didn't manage to do so at Ostagar, at least."
"No thanks to teyrn Loghain," Flemeth said, nodded and waited expectantly.
"It doesn't make any sense!" Alistair said bitterly. "Why would he do it?"
"Now that is a good question," Flemeth mused and nodded. "Men's hearts hold shadows darker than any tainted creature."
Alistair visibly sat up straighter at the witch's approval.
"Perhaps," Flemeth continued, genuinely serious from what Astala could gather, "Loghain thinks the Blight is an army he can outmaneuver. Perhaps he does not see the real threat that lies behind it."
"Is it too much to expect that a tainted Old God will be taken seriously?" Alistair muttered.
Astala cast a glance around. She still didn't see any darkspawn, but that didn't set her at ease. The monsters weren't gone. Or, rather, they were, but in the wrong direction.
She had tk warn her family.
"Maybe we could try to contact the other Grey Wardens," she ventured. "There are more elsewhere, right?"
Alistair shook his head. "The nearest Grey Wardens are in Orlais, and it would take far too long to gather them and an army. Not to mention that nobody wants Orlesians here. We would be kicked out before we could say hello, and not just by Loghain."
Sulri tapped Astala's leg and started signing. She slowed down when Astala asked her to, made her gestures as broad as possible. Still, Astala understood absolutely nothing.
"I'm sorry," she finally said. "I don't think this is going to work right now."
Sulri lowered her hands with an expression that could have frozen flames.
Astala shrugged apologetically and turned back to Flemeth. "So what do we do then?"
"Why do you ask me?" Flemeth answered and blinked owlishly. "I am just an old woman who lives in the Wilds. I know nothing of Blights and darkspawn."
Morrigan, who had been silently standing behind her mother, turned abruptly and left. Flemeth paid her no mind, not even when the door to the hut shut rather loudly.
"At the very least, we have to warn everybody," Alistair said, answering Astala's question. "Teyrn Loghain may think the darkspawn are just a minor threat, but we can't leave everybody else exposed to danger!"
Flemeth turned her attention to him, head cocked to one side. "And who will believe you? Unless you think to convince this Loghain directly of his mistake?"
"He just betrayed his own king!" Alistair jumped to his feet. "If arl Eamon knew what Loghain did at Ostagar, he would be the first to call for an execution!"
Astala frowned. "You know an arl? Personally?"
"I…" Alistair hesitated.
"I suppose," Flemeth quickly intervened, "that this arl Eamon was not at Ostagar."
"That's right!" Alistair looked from Flemeth to Astala, and brightened up for the first time in the whole conversation. "He still has all his troops. And he was Cailan's uncle! He's a good man, respected in the Landsmeet, of course!"
In the shadow cast by her hut, Flemeth's eyes gleamed.
"We could go to Redcliffe and appeal to him for help!" Alistair finished the thought.
"Now, wait a moment-" Astala started, but Flemeth was quicker.
"What happened to the treaties I kept safe? Have you managed to lose them as well?"
"They- I have them!" Alistair pulled them out from under the breastplate of his armor. "How could I forget about them?"
He pressed the treaties into her hands and looked down at her expectantly.
Astala leafed through the old, yellowed pages and looked back up at Alistair. "I don't-"
"Grey Wardens can demand the help from dwarves, elves, mages! They're obligated to help us during a Blight!" Alistair said.
Sulri snatched the treaties out of Astala's hands. Astala let her.
"Alistair…" she said. "There are three of us."
"Exactly!" Alistair said and nodded emphatically. "We need an army, and there we have it!"
Astala must've made the wrong kind of expression, because he went on.
"This is our only chance! There's nothing holding the darkspawn back from marching into Ferelden and burning it to the ground. We have to do this!" He took a deep breath and gestured at the three of them. "We are the only ones who can."
Astala stared at him and then at Flemeth. Flemeth looked back. She didn't blink. Her mouth didn't curve, but in her eyes there was a mad sort of smile.
Astala looked back at Alistair and saw only determination scrawled over a canvas of grief.
Oh Maker.
Oh, fuck.
Flemeth was of the opinion that they better leave if they wanted to keep avoiding the darkspawn. So they went and got their things. What things they still had left. Astala pulled on the gambeson—she'd have to clean the blood out of it, and mend it—and decided to leave the chain mail behind. It was broken, she had no way to fix it, and it would only weigh her down. She kept the breastplate. It had the Grey Warden's griffon on it, and that might be useful.
Everything else was still in that ruin now occupied by darkspawn: her pack, hurriedly assembled and then lovingly stocked up by her father; her blanket, bought with the money Ilanlas had gotten for her; the scrap metal she'd feverishly collected from darkspawn corpses in hopes of selling it and maybe getting something good out of her conscription. She still had her weapons, her coin pouch, and a contract with an order that didn't exist in Ferelden anymore. Save for the three of them, of course. What a grand fucking team. She supposed she should be grateful for the fact that she still had boots and that it was summer, not winter.
Speaking of boots, she had absolutely ruined them. Her mother might even have been proud, covered stains from darkspawn blood as the boots now were. The worst kind of irony.
Morrigan reappeared briefly to provide them with pack rolls and provisions, and then disappeared into the inside of the hut again. Astala tied her pack with her meager belongings to her belt. Alistair carried the bulk of everything. Sulri needed help with her pack and took a long time to ask for it. But, at some point, they were ready to go.
Astala turned to Flemeth. "Thank you again for helping us."
"Thank me once all of this is over," Flemeth answered curtly. "And, before you leave, I do have one more thing to offer you."
The door to the hut opened and shut. Flemeth stopped speaking and her eyes left Astala to fix on Morrigan, who was approaching them, ignoring their group in favor of her mother.
"The stew is bubbling, mother dear. Shall we have three guests for the eve or…" She glanced at their packs. "... none?"
"The Grey Wardens are leaving, girl," Flemeth said gravely.
"Oh," Morrigan said in a mocking tone, "such a-"
"And you will be joining them."
"You heard me, girl. The last time I looked, you had ears," Flemeth said and laughed at her own joke.
Astala couldn't say she found it funny. Not when Morrigan was growing visibly pale.
"Thank you," she said tentatively when neither Alistair nor Sulri said anything. "Really. But if Morrigan doesn't want to join us…"
"Nonsense." Flemeth cut her off. "Her magic will be useful. Even better, she knows the Wilds and how to get past the horde."
"Have I no say in this?" Morrigan protested, her voice raised in alarm.
"You have been itching to get out of the Wilds for years. Here is your chance," Flemeth simply said. "As for you, Wardens, consider this repayment for your lives."
"Excuse me?" Astala burst out. She must've misheard.
"Not to… look a gift horse in the mouth but…" Alistair said, absolving Flemeth of the need to answer Astala. "Won't this add to our problems? Out of the Wilds, she's an apostate."
"If you do not wish help from us illegal mages, young man, perhaps I should have left you on that tower," Flemeth replied.
"Point taken," Alistair said, none too happy.
"Mother…" Morrigan turned to the old woman. "This is not how I wanted this! I- I am not even ready-"
"You must be ready," Flemeth said forcefully. "Alone, these three must unite Ferelden against the darkspawn. They need you, Morrigan. Without you, they will surely fail, and all will perish under the Blight." She paused to give her words the appropriate weight. "Even I."
"I… understand…" Morrigan said with a strained sigh.
"And you, Wardens?" Flemeth turned her full attention to them. "I give you that which I value above all in this world. I do this because you must succeed."
Morrigan was staring back at the hut, where the stew was probably still bubbling, and she wouldn't eat it.
"Hey, you'll be okay with us," Astala said quietly to Morrigan.
Morrigan threw her a cold look, as if it was Astala who was dragging her into an adventure she didn't want to go on. Then she turned around.
"Allow me to get my things, if you please."
When she left, Flemeth didn't look after her; she was back to staring at Astala with those unsettling golden eyes. She didn't say anything, either. The one who broke the increasingly uncomfortable silence was Alistair, who leaned closer.
"What a shock, right? 'Three guests or none', and then, poof! She leaves with us."
Astala eyed Flemeth, and was struck by the absolute certainty that Flemeth was hearing every word Alistair said.
"She's a bit… dramatic, don't you think?" Alistair went on. "'Shall we have three guests or… none'. Why that long pause?"
Astala took a deep, steadying breath. "She was looking at our packs and putting two and two together."
Alistair hesitated, then nodded as if considering this, and backed away again.
Flemeth kept looking at Astala. Astala refused to look away.
Finally, Morrigan returned, a pack slung over her shoulder with a bedroll, blanket and fur jacket tied up on top of it. Her mouth, drawn into a thin line, relaxed in a very deliberate way as she approached.
"Farewell, Mother," she said with a casual sigh. "Do not forget the stew on the fire. I would hate to return to a burned-down hut."
"Bah!" Flemeth barked. "'Tis far more likely you will return to see this entire area, along with my hut, swallowed by the Blight."
Morrigan physically recoiled, and her expression crumbled.
"I-" she stammered. "All I meant was-"
"Yes, I know," Flemeth answered gently. "Do try to have fun, dear."
Morrigan turned away abruptly and joined their group, which had waited a few steps away. When she reached them, her expression was impenetrably neutral.
"I am at your disposal, Grey Wardens. I suggest a village north of the Wilds as our first destination. 'Tis not far, and you will find much you need there." She crossed her arms. "Or, if you prefer, I shall simply be your silent guide."
Astala tore her gaze from Flemeth, who was still staring at her, and waited for Alistair to take the lead and answer.
That didn't happen, and the silence started to become uncomfortable.
Finally, Astala cleared her throat. "I like your idea."
Morrigan looked at the other two. Sulri gave a shrug so exaggerated it swam in sarcasm, and Alistair said nothing.
"Very well then," Morrigan said, a few degrees colder. "Follow me, if you please."
She led them to a new path, neither the one by which they had come to nor the one by which they had left the hut before their- her Joining. Astala fell in behind Morrigan, Alistair and Sulri joined… and, just like that, they were off.
To gather an army.
One uncomfortable conversation about Morrigan's cooking skills later, Astala already had enough. This was the stupidest thing she had ever signed up for in a long time.
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the-leech-lord · 11 months
Freddy Krueger
The Fifth Floor
Transfem Leatherface
Chop Top
Camp Counselor Jason Voorhees
Harry Warden
Buck from Eaten Alive
Dr Andover from Fear Clinic
Erik Destler (1989)
Catboy! Freddy Krueger
Kamen Rider Den-O
Kamen Rider Build
Kamen Rider Build
Kamen Rider Build Hazard Form
Kamen Rider Grease
Evolt Black Hole Form
Kamen Rider Revice
Kamen Rider Revi
Kamen Rider Vice
Kamen Rider Evil / Kagero
Star Trek The Original Series
Jim Kirk
S’Chn T’Gai Spock
Leonard McCoy
Montgomery Scott
Nyota Uhura
Hikaru Sulu
Pavel Chekov
Genderbend Spock
Star Trek The Next Generation
Jean-Luc Picard
William Riker
Data Soong
Geordi La Forge
Deanna Troi
Beverly Crusher
Wesley Crusher
Q (Anti Stims)
Robert Englund characters
Freddy Krueger from A Nightmare on Elm Street
Willie from V
Blackie from Nightmare Cafe
Buck from Eaten Alive
Dr Andover from Fear Clinic
Smiley from The Adventures of Ford Fairlane
Erik Destler from Phantom of the Opera (1989)
Catboy! Freddy Krueger
Aiko Yumi
Audrey Belrose
Beli Lapran
Jessie Maye
Kyanna Delrio
Lola Rembrite
Nikki Ann-Marie
Tiffany Maye
Kyu Sugardust
Genderbend - Spock
Fursona - Vance
Goth - Tarn
Self Insert - Questionnaire
OC x Canon - Kaon X Cable
Yandere - Erik Destler
Neko - Freddy Krueger
Tumblr Sexyman - The Warden
Crossover Ship - Elsa X Thrax
Niche Interest - Comic Collecting
Hananaki Disease - Flowerfell Frisk
Maid dress - Tohru
Sailor Uniform - Konata Izumi
Scene - TFA Random Blitzwing
Crossover - Star Trek TOS x Green Lantern
Rainbow - Rainbow Dash
Emo - Mafuyu Asahina
Evil Version of a Good Character - Cupcakes Pinkamena
Edgelord - Underfell Papyrus
Gijinka - Parasect
Hetalia - America
Creepypasta - Laughing Jack
My Little Pony - Princess Cadence
Undertale - Sans & Papyrus
Undertale AU - Errortale Sans
Five Nights At Freddy’s - Withered Bonnie
Vocaloid - Big Al
Invader Zim - Gir
South Park - Tweek Tweak
Soul Eater - Death the Kid
Death Note - L
Masterlist Part 2
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ohshitsherry · 3 months
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[donmuska's ultimate survival guide] masterpost
The entire story is being revised, rewritten and organized. I still wanted to keep an archive of the "biggest" pieces - anything else i've got is far too outdated.
This account will likely be focused on reposts and development sketches for a while as i sort things out so yeah bear with me🫡
Thank you for the ongoing support and patience
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URL Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @asocialpessimist
Rules: spell your url with song titles and tag as many people as the letters!
T- The Chain- Fleetwood Mac
H- Himna Generacije- Dubioza Kolektiv
E- Exit Music (For a Film)- Radiohead
A- Am I Dreaming- Metro Boomin
R- Railroad Track- Willy Moon
C- Chant- Hadestown
H- Human- The Killers
D- Dog Days Are Over- Florence and the Machines
E- Enjoy the Silence- Depeche Mode
M- Mage Pride- Inon Zhur
O- Oxbow- Lorn
N- Non-Stop- Upsurt
G- Guggenheim Assemble- Daniel Pemberton
R- Rabbit- Joyhauser
E- Empire- Of Monsters and Men
A- A Man Without Love- Engelbert Hmperdinck
T- The Last Agni Kai- The Track Team
L- Little Black Angel- Death In June
Y- You Want It Darker- Leonard Cohen
D- Disco 2000- Pulp
I- I Wll Never Die- Delta Rae
S- Safe In Mind (Please Get This Gun From Out My Face)- UNKLE
A- A Divided Land- Sarah Schachner
P- Pala Tute- Gogol Bordello
P- Perspektiva- S.A.R.S.
R- Rasputin- Boney M
O- Oh Grey Warden- Maryden Halewell
V- Völuspá- Wardruna
E- Ezio's Family- Jesper Kyd
S- Sing Along- Sturgill Simpson
Also yeah I'm not tagging that many people, sorry I have too much anxiety for this
I'm gonna tag as many as I feel comfortable with and if anyone wants to join please do!
@time-traveling-machine @elvhenn @hanarinhightown @callista-curations @lilolilyr @korblez @sleepingfancies @ioniccolumns
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tehamelie · 1 year
Elmo Blatch killed Mrs Dufresne and her lover. Are you kidding me? You think Tommy is the sort of guy who's capable of making up this whole person? You think he's willing to go to court to finger a fictional person? You think the warden would kill him to shut him up before looking into the story? This is thinner than the one about Memento where Leonard really killed his own wife and made up Sammy Jenkins based on a momentarily confused memory. Sometimes movies don't have secret twists but they just tell you their real story.
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romacristiana · 3 months
Solar Warden: le incredibili astronavi di John Leonard Walson
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"FIND TOUHY MOB HAD FIRE BOMBS HIDDEN IN PRISON," Chicago Tribune. October 13, 1942. Page 13. ---- Multitude of Tips Fails in Hunt for Felons. ---- Three liquid filled electric light buths left behind by the seven convicts who shot their way out Stateville penitentiary last Friday, were found last night to be incendiary. The colorless liquid in the bulbs was gamine, according to T. P. Sullivan, state director of public safety. The improvised hombs had fuses of cotton Selvan said that once the fuses were lighted, the bombs could be exploded by burning them upon the ground, so that they would scatter flaming gasoline. Report by Keeler The report as to the nature of the bombs was made by Leonarde Keeler, state police criminologist.
Sullivan said the convicts evidently had bidden the bombs in the prison storeroom before they invaded it to take the ladder with which they scaled the wall Had they met effective resistance, the safety director said, the desperadoes would doubtless have tried to spread confusion within the prison with flames.
Police telephones and radios buzzed yesterday with reports on Roger Touhy, Basil Banghart and the other convicts who escaped with them.
Banghart was reported to have been seen in Chicago, getting his car greased in a service station at West Grand avenue. Touhy and four companions were reported to have threatened a truck driver four miles west of Paw Paw, Mich. From many parts of Illinois came telephone calls that the convicts had been seen.
But all seven were still at large last night, and many of those closest to the investigation were willing to bet that not one of them had stirred from the hideout to which they are believed to have fled. Surveys Scene of Break Col. Frank D. Whipp, státe superintendent of prisons, surveyed the se of the break. George A. Barr, Jolet attorney, conferred with War des E. M. Stubblefield. Barr, a brother of State Sen. Richard J. Barr [41st] of Joliet, said later he had only offered his assistance to the warden. Police were called to the Grand evenue service station by Ben Skulnik, the owner, after a nervous man with a weapon in his car called there and asked for a quick greasing job. Osborn Jackson, a Negro attendant accidentally had pushed a coat off the weapon in the back seat while serv Icing the car and had been reprimanded by the owner, who Osborn said resembled Banghart. The weapon was said to have been a machine gun. No Such Wisconsin Numbers. The supposed Banghart had de parted when the police arrived. Jackson gave them the Wisconsin license number he had recorded, but Wisconsin authorities said there was no such number. Erving White, Paw Paw truck driver, told police he met a man who looked like Touhy with four other men west of Paw Paw. White offered the men help when he found them repairing their car, but one pointed a sawed off shotgun at the truck driver and ordered him on his way White said the other men all were armed. A palice blockade falled to trap the men and police said they might have been hunters. Warden Stubblebeld reported that he received a telephone call from New York from a man who identified him self as a police captain but mumbled his name so that the warden could not understand it. The caller reported that five of the convlets had just alighted from a train and said: "There was one wrong guy in that bunch and we are going to take care of him." Touhy's brother, Edward, was questioned at Madison, Wis. by Lieut. William McCarthy of the state's attorney's police. It had been waspected that the man who had frequently visited Touhy in prison under the name of Edward Touhy was not the gangster's brother, but was a member if the gang, arranging the escape Edward, Madison bartender, said, however, that it was be who visited Truhy MCarthy said Edward denied all knowledge of the gangster's whereabouts, and said he wouldn't tell even it he knew.
The car in which the convicts fed from the prison was returned yesterday to its owner, Guard Herman Kross, from whom the fugitives stole 1. The automobile was found abandoned Saturday night in Villa Park. The police removed its license plates before returning it. lest acme official who had not heard of its recovery might suspect the convicts were in side and fire upon It.
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coghive · 2 years
Maverick City Music Earns 5 GRAMMY Award Nominations
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Congratulations to TRIBL recording artist Maverick City Music, who has earned fivenominations for the 65th Annual GRAMMY Awards. Maverick City Music earned nominations in both the Gospel and Contemporary Christian Categories – and double nods in Contemporary Christian Music Performance/Song (full list of nominations below). In 2022, the group won Best Contemporary Christian Music Album at the 64th Annual GRAMMY Awards. At that show, Maverick City Music became the first in the genre in more than two decades to perform during the televised ceremony. Watch here. “Today’s nominations celebrate the genre-blending collaborations from artists and musicians across inspirational music and beyond,” says Stephanie Valcarcel, President of TRIBL Records. “We’re honored to be a part of it and to continue pushing our music to new heights.” “Everything about this project broke the mold for what ‘success’ is supposed to look and feel like. We recorded this record, Kingdom, with our dear brother Kirk Franklin, during one of the largest prison gatherings in American history. ⁣We decided to go behind bars to not just highlight the pain of mass incarceration, but to demonstrate God’s love in a way that you don’t see very often,” shares Maverick City Music co-founders & GRAMMY Award-winning producers and songwriters, Tony Brown and Jonathan “JJ” Jay. “Of course we want to thank Kirk, our entire team, the staff and residents at Everglades correctional facility, Wardens Colon and Siegler, Tribl Records, and RCA Inspiration,” they continue. “And, we have to thank all of our fans and supporters. To God be the glory.” The collective recently kicked off the second leg of their box-office record-shattering ‘Kingdom Tour’ with Kirk Franklin at a sold out Barclays Center in New York City. The trek, which has consistently appeared in the Top 10 on Pollstar’s Live75 list, continues tonight (11.15) with a show in their hometown at State Farm Arena in Atlanta, GA, before heading to South Carolina, Florida and more to end the year. Best Gospel Performance/Song “Kingdom” – Maverick City Music & Kirk Franklin Best Contemporary Christian Music Performance/Song “Fear Is Not My Future” – Maverick City Music & Kirk Franklin “God Really Loves Us (Radio Version)” – Crowder & Dante Bowe Featuring Maverick City Music Best Gospel Album Kingdom Book One (Deluxe) – Maverick City Music & Kirk Franklin Best Contemporary Christian Music Album Breathe – Maverick City Music Kingdom Tour Dates: Tues., Nov. 15 | State Farm Arena | Atlanta, GA Wed., Nov. 16 | Bon Secours Wellness Arena | Greenville, SC Thurs., Nov. 17 | Vyster Veterans Memorial Arena | Jacksonville, FL Fri., Nov. 18 | FLA Live Arena | Sunrise, FL Sun., Nov. 20 | UNO Lakefront Arena | New Orleans, LA Tues., Nov. 22 | Moody Center | Austin, TX Maverick City Music is managed by Undivided Entertainment, which is led by Norman Gyamfi and Walter Thomas. The collective’s team includes Anthony Brown, Jonathan Jay, Chandler Moore, Naomi Raine, Brandon Lake and Maryanne George, and their label home is Tribl Records, where day-to-day contacts for the group are Leonard Brooks and Stephanie Valcarcel. Shore Fire Media handles PR representation. Read the full article
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