#leonard peabody the umbrella academy
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bluesyjean · 6 months ago
Do you ever sit around and think “well, if nothing else at least Leonard Peabody/Harold Jenkins is alive and well in the final timeline.”
Thank goodness they defeated the family who made everyone the worst versions of themselves.
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lookingforhappy · 8 months ago
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Harold/Leonard was arrested on 8th June 2002 which is wayyyy before Five disappears on 10th November, 2002. but only Luther, Allison, Diego, Klaus and Ben are seen returning from a mission the day that Harold tries to join them.
So why was Five not around? Was he injured? Grounded? Training??
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thingsasbarcodes · 6 months ago
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The Umbrella Academy 1x06 - The Day That Wasn't
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fiyero3305 · 8 months ago
Maybe unpopular opinion but Leonard’s cute and if he came around with his little smile and his “aww shucks” jacket and started paying attention to me and telling me I was special I’d fall for it too
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ollierachnid · 9 months ago
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Toxic yaoi in hindsight
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thegreatluka-69 · 1 year ago
Tua as dumb shit me and my friends have said part 2!!! Viktor: "Hey gongeous. Lemme guess, Mental Breakdown?" - Luther:“Yeah fuck men!” Diego:“Luther, You’re a man.” Luther:“Aw man I’m gonna get fucked :(.” - Klaus:"Gay people could totally use sex robots" - Klaus:"I can't believe you got hammered!" - Allison:"You're too british, it's disgusting!" - Klaus: "We're the best duo! The tall one and the short one!" Five: "die." - Five: "Hey gongeous. Lemme guess, No Five for 45 years?" - Klaus: "That's such an unsexy way to kill yourself" - Grace: "We're having pot roast for dinner" Ben: "What's pot roast?" Klaus: "A roasted pot" Luther: "...... dad whats pot roast?" - Viktor: [holds box] "What is it?" Leonard: "It's uhhh.. Do it yourself sculpture kit." [Lying] Viktor: "Aww." [Starts to open it] Leonard: "NONONO, UHM, IT's medusa's head! So!" [Pats box] - Lila:"We deserve a treat for living in a dystopia." Five:"What?" Lila:"..what?" - Luther:"I can't kill someone with a toilet paper roll!" Five: "I can think of several ways to kill someone with a toilet paper roll." - Diego:"It's too hot here to be emopunk"
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il3x · 4 months ago
it's a fun detail that leonard peabody worked in antiques restoration/woodworking, given that he took it upon himself to restore the White Violin.
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non-plutonian-druid · 2 years ago
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[ID: a The Umbrella Academy-themed tarot card, illustrated in a way that is supposed to resemble the style of the comics (though how well that is achieved is up for debate). It is Ten of Swords, featuring an illustration of Leonard Peabody slash Harold Jenkins who has been Very Killed by ten sharp implements, mostly knives (and one pair of scissors), impaled into his chest by Viktor's mind powers. He is slumped in a chair in his dining room, with blood coming from both the knife wounds and his hairline. His missing eye has a white bandage over it, which is slightly stained with the blood coming from his face. End ID.]
we take a brief interlude from the major arcana part of the tarot series to add a sneaky little bonus. i'm absolutely not doing any more of the deck that's outside the major arcana, but this one i had a Vision for. Or rather, i had a vision of leonard in the sword suit and picked whichever card's meaning that would let me stick the most knives in him. luckily, i got to stick The Most knives in him!
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queenpiranhadon · 7 months ago
Umbrella Academy fans wya because I'm watching season 1 and Leonard looks a fuck ton like Lin Manuel Miranda
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they're prolly brothers or smthn idk
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endercupids · 1 year ago
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bluesyjean · 8 months ago
Some thoughts about s1 ep8/9: Harold Jenkins/Leonard Peabody is such a good villain, possibly/factually the best in the series, but do you ever wonder how that original timeline went? When they were together minus Five, Leonard's manipulation worked exactly like he planned it to, give or take the apocalypse. Maybe Allison did die in that timeline, because Five didn't give them his name from the Commission, and they got to the cabin late. (Strike that bit! @big-ball-o-twine reminded me that Five found her body, ofc.) Leonard had more time to isolate Viktor and managed to get ahold of a black market glass eye to boot.
If he hadn't panicked, he wouldn't have been so desperate and reveal his hand, and maybe talked Viktor into storming the Academy with him in tow. Luther ripped out his eye(why?? theories please), Viktor (on Leonard's side) still freaks out and ends the world(??). Same result but a darker end for sure. I'd be curious of Leonard's body was in the academy ruins somewhere, but you'd think Five would have found it and made that connection sooner.
The dude really played it smart for a psychopath, up until he lets it out that the murdered someone for Viktor, so it's not hard to see how that would have played out. Really lucked out stealing Reggie's journal so he could study it and perfectly manipulate Viktor by teaching him what he already read about his powers.
The realistic way he's played and how terrifyingly familiar he seems (compared to most of the outlandish villains of the show) are what really make that first season work. It may not be as FUN as the others, but hey, it makes it so interesting to think about.
I could write a lot more about Leonard, but he's a creep and I don't know how much interest there is in that. But you have to admit, he's rightfully scary.
Other things:
Five trying out the glass eye on Leonard's body and saying it had "finally found its rightful home" then immediately removing it is comedy gold. What are you going to do with it now, my guy? Aside from save it until Klaus calls you an apocalypse-addict and break it against the wall for dramatic effect. (Anyone else take 20 rewatches to remember he smashed the eye in that scene?? Just me? Okay fine.)
Another seriously underrated moment is Diego's over-the-top takedown of Hazel to avenge Patch. It's so well choreographed, and there's no pulled punches, and it's so great juxtaposed with Five's heartfelt conversation with Hazel that follows. Truly a highlight, I love every choice that was made.
Five really shone in episode 9. Enough words have been written about his parting with Dolores, but what a great end to an amazing episode. (Right after that flash of Grace making pancakes for a struggling Diego, and Klaus trying to help Ben manifest, my heart.) If that department store threw her away stg.
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lookingforhappy · 8 months ago
Okay, I saw your post about the original apocalypse that Five ended up in, and wanted to add something.
Cause the bodies of the Hargreeve siblings that we see are basically perfectly preserved. The other body nearby was very burnt, which whether it was from raw power or an asteroid, would probably have also affected the siblings. When Viktor's power was draining then, you could see it, they turned more gaunt, which again, doesn't apply to what we see. Their bodies aren't even decayed, even though it doesn't seem like Five found them immediately.
So what if they weren't killed by the apocalypse? What if the apocalypse happened because they got killed? Maybe they were initially fighting Leonard and Viktor, or maybe Leonard had hired some additional hired guns.
It's been established that Viktor's powers seem tied to his emotions, and I'd imagine your entire family die would be pretty upsetting.
So what if Leonard turned the concert into a trap for the Academy, they fought him, but died anyway, and Viktor's powers went haywire trying to protect them, just too late. The world gets wiped out in the shock wave of grief, but the powers don't hurt his siblings, instead protecting them, not realizing or accepting that they're already dead. And even after Viktor's death, the remnants of his powers prevent anything from happening to his siblings, even decay.
I meant to cover it in the post (i thought I did but??) my explanation was that Viktor's powers only affect those who are still alive, and posited that the others (perfectly preserved) had been killed in the collapse of the academy. Leonard/the burnt corpse either wasn't in the building or had survived the collapse and was drained along with the rest of the world.
but I think I like your version better!!
Viktor draining the world of life not because he wanted revenge on his siblings but because he wanted revenge for his siblings is so compelling!
and we have kinda seen him do this before with the barn in s2 as he used his powers to kill the commission's army but it didn't affect his family. it's also so unclear whether Lila is mimicking Viktor's powers to protect herself and The Handler, or if they're using an advanced tech that only Commission higher ups have (not impossible, as The Handler has paused time before which is never seen again).
god that's so interesting since Five's return actually sours Viktor's relationship with his family moreso than letting the apocalypse run its course.
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thingsasbarcodes · 6 months ago
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The Umbrella Academy 1x01 - We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals
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tua-five · 8 months ago
Season 1 Episode 8
Today's episode was definitely harder to watch. There were many moments when I was just like: "No! Don't say that. You'll make it worse." Like when Allison is talking to [Viktor].
On a separate note, Harold "Leonard Peabody" Jenkis was THE most important cog in [Viktor]'s powers. I mean, I still hate him, and yeah, he probably caused [Viktor] to cause the apocalypse, but he showed him his powers. And then he helped him work through them. Probably selfishly, but he still helped [Viktor].
It makes you wonder if [Viktor] uses what he taught him in the future. Maybe in s2? Or maybe in season 4, when all their abilities seem to shift slightly.
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hildegardladyofbones · 7 months ago
watching episode 5 rn. and i was just thinking about how strong the platonic tension is between leonard and vanya- and then they kissed? the scream i scrumpt. like it caught me SO off goard i physically recoiled
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leonard peabody is a world class tosser
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