#leonard mccoy's books
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icantspellthings · 2 months ago
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Nimoy comparing Spocks and McCoys dynamic to a married comedy duo.
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spirkbitch · 22 days ago
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trek-tracks · 9 months ago
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I'm sorry I played at God :(
it will happen again
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youandthemountains · 11 months ago
"#still losing my mind over the beta canon where bones lives with spock on vulcan when Amanda gets ill and then passes away#and Spock's like yeah my dad liked him so much <3"
where's that from???
It's from The Autobiography of Mr. Spock by Una McCormick!
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electronickingdomfox · 5 months ago
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McCoy can recognize Admiral Kirk by his snoring alone. They've been sleeping together for years confirmed.
From "Time for Yesterday" by A. Crispin
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spinach-pine · 2 years ago
This scene will never cease to be hilarious to me
If 🤛 this 🤛 were 🤛 Nancy 🤛 could 🤛 she 🤛 take 🤛 this 🤛
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affixjoy · 3 months ago
Today’s art practice was more Star Trek!
First we have Spock and McCoy, on top of some torn out pages from one of Shatner’s Star Trek books.
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And then we have lovely Uhura. Hands are HARD but I had a lot of fun with the background here.
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From my Star Trek 'scrapbook' thing S02E01 Amok Time
I'll transcribe everything into regular text as best as I can because I know my handwriting is a hot mess. ✨ It's mostly descriptions of my favourite things, things I noticed, or my favourite quotes etc. And there's pleeeenty I love about this episode, but man, I could only fit so much in the book per episode. 🥲
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[1] Amok Time
First episode I saw! ❤️
McCoy being the first to notice something is wrong.
"Very impressive. Very diplomatic."
Kirk pleading with spock to tell him what's going on so he can help in some way. He tells Spock how much he cares for him and needs him without directly saying it. It's so tense and beautiful...
Spock resists telling him but eventually breaks town and tells him about the secret Vulcan "Pon Farr — the time of mating."
This episode is basically 98% gay sexual tension. 🌈
"Why must he die? ... Why MUST he die?!"
"I owe him my life a dozen times over. Isn't that worth a career? He's my friend."
This episode originated the 'fuck or die' trope, apparently.
So much tense eye contact and physicality.
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Kirk gentle, but firm. Spock can barely speak.
"How do Vulcans choose their mates? Haven't you wondered?"
Kirk wondering if he's being propositioned:
So much tension
"...Biology." "What kind of biology?" "VULCAN biology." "You mean the biology... of Vulcans? 'Biology' — as in — reproduction?" "..." "...There's no need to be embarrassed about it, Mister Spock..."
One of my favourite shots in the whole show. [Picture of Kirk and Spock close together, but not too close; Spock with his head bowed and his hands in his lap, ashamed for admitting what he has; and Kirk feeling many emotions, including worry.] ((Shame, guilt, tension, yearning, admission, forbidden.))
The way Spock begs: "Captain— lock me away. I do not wish to be seen. No Vulcan could explain further." "I'm trying to help you, Spock."
Spock's wanting/having speech to T'Pring at the end.
The slashed shirt is Iconique
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Kirk reassuring Spock (and admitting) that he's into his 'madness'. Spock surprised McCoy tired of their endless, shameless flirting.
Spock asking Kirk and McCoy to join him for the ceremony
Everyone watching the boys roll around and fight in the sand
Rolling and basically dry-humping as they fight
Poor Spock's mortified face when he thinks he's killed Kirk
The sand has glitter in it
"J I M !!"
Spock grabs Kirk's shoulders and spins him around ❤️
Look at how happy Kirk is ❤️ McCoy and Chapel happy too
Close up of Kirk not believing Spock's hetero-explanation. ("You're gay for me — we'll figure it out later.")
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archersartcorner · 4 months ago
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I have so many moments from the pandora principle I wanna redraw and not the skill to draw them (GUESS ITLL HAVE TO BE BAD) so just starting off with this good missable moment where Spock tells Bones he’s gonna go to hell LMAO
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eco-lite · 2 years ago
I’m once again returning to do god’s work by bringing you delightful moments from Spock’s World by Diane Duane.
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[Text ID: “Spock was bent over [the Science Station], making some adjustment. ‘Readout now,’ he said, straightening and looking over his shoulder at the large, shaggy-fringed rock that was sitting in the center seat. Some of those glittering fringes stroked the open circuitry of the communicator controls in the seat’s arm. ‘Point nine nine three,’ said a scratchy voice from the voder box mounted on the rock’s back. ‘A nice triple sine.’ ‘Nice?’ said Spock. Jim raised an eyebrow: you could have used Spock’s tone of voice to dry out a martini.” End ID]
There’s a Horta crewman on the Enterprise now and they’re great!
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[Text ID: “Still working on her doctoral thesis, Jim thought. Uhura was busy working on improving universal translator theory, mostly by taking the old theory to pieces and putting it back together in shapes that were causing a terrible furor in academic circles on various planets. Jim vividly remembered one night quite a long time ago when he had asked Uhura exactly how she was going about this. She had told him, for almost an hour without stopping, and in delighted and exuberant detail, until his head was spinning with phoneme approximations and six-sigma evaluations and the syntactic fade and genderbend and recontextualization and linguistic structural design and the physics of the human dextrocerebral bridge. The session had left Jim shaking his head, thoroughly disabused of the idea (and ashamed of how long he had held it) that Uhura was simply a sort of highly trained switchboard operator.” End ID]
Uhura continues to be a total badass and is amazing at what she does.
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[Text ID: Chatroom title in all caps: “COMMON ROOM OPINION, INFORMED AND NON- RANTING AND RAVING PERMITTED NAMES NOT NECESSARY” Regular text: “It was one of the places he came to find out what his crew was thinking. Messages did not have to be attributed to a name or terminal, but they could not be private. The office of the common room system operator rotated through the crew, offered to various members on the strength of their psych profiles in areas like calm reaction to stress and anger. The common room syops tended to be closemouthed and dependable, the kind of person that others refer to as ‘a rock.’ (Once it had actually been Naraht, to the amusement of just about everyone.) Here tempers could flare, awful jokes be told safely, suspicions be aired, rumors be shot down. The common room was sometimes a peaceful place, sometimes a powderkeg. Jim never ignored it.” End ID]
The Enterprise has a dumpster fire chat room that has just as much shitposting and vitriol as twitter.
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[Text ID: “Jim bowed over her free hand. ‘It’s been too long,’ he said. ‘It’s good to be back,’ Amanda said. ‘And in the middle of a party as well.’ She looked a little wry. ‘A little entertainment will be pleasant before the deluge.’ Sarek’s eyes flicked to Kirk, a considering look. ‘My wife speaks figuratively,’ he said, ‘in the tradition of her people. Deluges are not common on Vulcan.’ ‘My husband speaks circumspectly,’ Amanda said, just as dryly, ‘in the tradition of his.’” End ID]
Amanda and Sarek are as charming as ever.
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[Text ID: “Jim was mildly surprised to see that to his other rank tags and decorations, McCoy had added a small, understated IDIC. ‘If I didn’t know you better,’ he said, ‘I’d think you were going native. When did you get that?’ ‘Today in the gift shop, when you were looking at the snowball paperweights with Mount Seleya in them. Tackiest things I ever saw.’ ‘Yes,’ Spock said; ‘they were imported from Earth.’ ‘You be quiet. We can’t let these people leave the Federation, Jim. At least not until they teach us how to make tasteful souvenirs.’” End ID]
Just this.
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[Text ID: “There was Sreil, the burly, brown-haired biologist from the Academy, and T’Madh, a little bright-eyed woman of great age and curiosity, a computer programmer; and her son Savesh, who when asked what he did, said, ‘I am a farmer,’ with a sort of secret satisfaction that hinted he thought his job better than any of the more technical ones that the people around him held. Jim had to smile; the thought of a Vulcan farmer was slightly funny, even though there naturally had to be some. But the image of a Vulcan in coveralls, chewing on a stalk of hay, kept coming up and having to be repressed.” End ID]
I love Savesh the Vulcan farmer!
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[Text ID: “’Jim,’ he said, ‘the best translation of nehau would be an old word: “vibes.” The feeling-in-your-bones that something gives you. It’s highly subjective.’ ‘Right. Go on, Savesh.’ ‘Well, Captain, I have heard numerous Vulcans say that losing the Federation and the Earth people would be no particular loss, because they had bad nehau, and that could not fail to affect us sooner or later.. But I must tell you that I find your nehau not objectionable at all; pleasant, even.’ End ID]
Vulcan wanting to leave the Federation because the ~vibes~ are off.
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[Text ID: “His grasp of dialect and idiom as amazing for anybody, off-planet or on. He once reduced the President of the United States—then a ceremonial post, but one much loved by the people who lived within the old borders—to tears of laughter at a state dinner, by delivering a learned dissertation on computer data storage technology in a flawless Texan accent. The lady was later heard to propose an amendment to the Constitution to allow off-worlders to hold high public office, so that she could have him for her running mate in the next election.” End ID]
I would give anything to hear Sarek do a perfect Texas accent.
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[Text ID: “—but when Amanda became annoyed over what she perceived as his smugness about being right, her eyes would flash and she would become splendidly insulting, usually in bizarre Anglish idiom that Sarek found as refreshing as it was annoying. She caused him to laugh out loud for the first time in many years when she told him, after a disagreement over the translation of the word for war, that he should only grow headfirst in the ground like a turnip. Later that month, when he was right about something again and made the mistake of not immediately down-playing it, she issued him with a formal malediction, wishing that the curse of Mary Malone and her nine blind orphan children might pursue him so far over the hills and the seas that God Almighty couldn’t find him with a radio telescope. Sarek laughed so hard at that that he entirely lost his breath, and Amanda panicked and started to give him cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which was useless, because his heart was somewhere other than the spot on which she was pounding. It took him nearly an hour to recover: he kept laughing. He had never been cursed like that before, not even by union leaders, and it was very refreshing.” End ID]
This dynamic is perfect, no notes.
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[Text ID: “The next night they sat in the Rec Deck again, in the middle of a large impromptu party that was going on around them by way of celebration. The sense of relief in the ship was palpable. A group of about a hundred crewfolk, mostly human, had surrounded Spock earlier in the evening and sung ‘For He’s A Jolly Good Fellow,’ accompanied by twenty crewmen on kazoos. Sarek had been given champagne.” End ID]
I really hope the TOS Enterprise has crew performances like on Next Gen. This kazoo band needs to be heard! Also, I can perfectly picture Spock’s annoyed-but-tolerant expression as he resigns himself to the kazoo serenade.
Thank you @dianeduane for making me laugh!
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icantspellthings · 2 months ago
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People who are deeply affectionate of each other
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hopecomesbacktolife · 1 month ago
ohhhh reading a trek novel by an author who not only dearly loves these characters but loves them in the same way I do feels like such a treat ♡ I’m one chapter in and I’m already so delighted by these love-filled characterizations. they’re so spot on. I love them ♡
(descriptions / transcriptions of these quotes / excerpts are also in the alt text on each photo, book is The Vulcan Academy Murders by Jean Lorrah)
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Hamlet / Shakespeare + Klingons, 7 years before STVI the undiscovered country came out, omg
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anyone who writes McCoy as the incredibly compassionate, deeply tender-hearted doctor who cares and loves and wishes healing for all so much it physically pains him and is grumpy because he can’t erase all hurt for everyone— is an automatic win for me, thank you for loving McCoy and writing him like this, Jean Lorrah, this is so important to me 🥹❣️
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Spock & Bones being friends!!!! Incredible respect and affection in their bond and counting on each other when it matters!!!! I love them!!!!!
also in the next part Spock makes sure to bring Jim along too but I just. I love when authors Get TM the dynamic between Spock & McCoy. I’m already loving this book so much and am sooooo excited that I get to read it
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trek-tracks · 3 months ago
Trek novels when an alien race is talking to or about Bones: Makoi, Mack-koy, Makhoi, Ma-Koy, Makhoy
Me, clapping my hands in delight because I love that trope: Boy, I could sure go for some
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youandthemountains · 8 months ago
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from Star Trek: Shadows on the Sun, by Michael Jan Friedman
I love:
- That McCoy does drink but he's not like a lush constantly drinking on the job. This is like - normal professional culture
- "emotions flitting behind his pale blue eyes like exotic alien insects" this troubled beautiful femme fatale description. me too, Mr. Friedman
- McCoy immediately assuming he's needed because he's still in his head a caregiver first and trying to set a boundary, not even considering that he's being offered help of his own
- discerning queen with particular taste for finer things - Sensualist McCoy strikes again <3
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very-bad-poetry-captain · 3 months ago
It will never cease to amaze me how much Klingons and Romulans have the hots for McCoy. They want to interrogate him so bad... which could mean nothing 🙄
Page 152-153 of Rules of engagement by Peter Morwood. Thank you for this treat 🩵
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electronickingdomfox · 1 month ago
If you thought that Abraham Lincoln appearing in the Enterprise is the weirdest thing that could happen in "The Savage Curtain", consider this abandoned idea, from Rodenberry's original script:
"Another colorful moment in this early draft has McCoy beaming down with equipment to help Kirk and Spock. He materializes in a space occupied by one of the aliens, resulting in him and the alien merging. McCoy is now like Spock -- half human, half something else; half wanting to help and half wanting not to." -from These Are the Voyages: TOS Season Three
This would have made such a nice parallel later, when McCoy receives Spock's katra... As well as showing the culmination of McCoy's fear of transporters.
One is left to wonder how they would have fixed this situation in the episode.
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