#leon kuwata fluff
sugarydolli · 5 months
dilf!leon (easter special!!)
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Today was Easter, meaning white bunny mascots, rainbowed colored dyed eggs, and a hefty dinner for your little family, that you hoped to prepare before your husband got home. Though, the smaller version of the red head you married had other plans.
You carefully plopped each boiled egg into the separate colorful mixture that reeked of vinegar and food coloring as the small child beside you loomed over each cup fervently staring at the eggs. 
"How long does it take for them to turn mama?" pale blue orbs brighten as they peer up at you, hoping for a short time as a response.
"Just a few minutes, baby." using tongs to pull up the last few eggs in the pot, hot steam drifting in your face, dunking them into a bath of ice water. Keys jingle outside the thick front door followed by the clicking and rattling of the lock before a lean figure appears in your doorway, letting in the cold air. 
And just like that Leah was gone from your side and had already jumped into her fathers arms, earning a dramatic ouff!! from Leon, barely being able to set down his gear from practice.
"Hows my two favorite girls doin'!" 
"Good, just finished coloring the eggs—" plucking one egg from the vibrant yellow mixture, the shell replicating the color. "Leah, you can put the stickers on the eggs now." continuing to pull the rest of the now colored eggs into a small bowl, fully expecting your daughter to let out a squeal of excitement to start decorating them, but you quickly turn your head towards her as that never came.
"bunny.." was all that left her lips, eyes completely hyper focused on something outside the door. Confusion panned on both yours and Leon's face until the culprit came-well, hopped into view. A small white ball of fur stood still on your porch, long ears twitching as it appeared to be chewing on grass. 
her little legs kicked and thrashed, managing to somehow climb over her father and dart out the door towards the poor animal. The slow blinking creature scurried off from the toddler sprinting at it in full force. 
"Ah-shit—Wait! Leah!" He tries to jog after her—again tries as the kid can run a marathon without being even the slightest bit out of breath. The adrenalin coursing through her giving her the boost she needed to keep up with a damn rabbit. All you could do is pinch your nose bridge at the scene, dirt starting to cover Leon as he fell for the nth time trying to catch Leah who has ran into and out of the bushes, sticks starting to gather in her hair. But there was also something so calming about it, the warm glow of the sunset as the day wanes and the rippling laughter from your child can't help but fill all the crevices of your body with a pleasant almost fluffy feeling.
♡ ୨୧ ♡
Miraculously, she caught it. Diving forward and rolling onto her back as she held up the rabbit squirming in her grip. In turn Leon—who nearly fell again in the process—caught up to Leah, hooking his hands under her pits, firmly placing her on his hip. 
"Mind tellin' me—" Leon stood there for a minute, chest heaving rigorously, vermillion curls sticking to his forehead. "When are we gonna put this kid in track!" He breathes out, nearly gasping for air with each word.
"Look mama I caught it!" Rosy cheeks stretching from ear to ear, beaming, as she shows off the clearly terrified animal. 
"Of course you did, sweetie—" a warm smile accompanied your face but your eyes filled your thoughts with dread just thinking of how hard it'll be to untangle her hair before school tomorrow.
"Can I keep it!"
No?.. is what you'd like to say—what you should say to your child trying to bring a wild animal into the house. 
But as huge bright blue orbs filled with delight and another pair looking down with nothing love, your heart turned on you. A breath your lungs been holding in for while finally pushes past your lips. 
"What do you wanna name him Leah?"
high pitched giggles fall out her mouth as she sets her new 'pet' down, the rabbit hopping around the living room with Leah not far behind.
"You serious about this?"  
"Hell no." 
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t0yac1d · 1 year
THH boys x fem!reader who’s the ultimate sukeban/delinquent but is actually super freaking nice? :D thank u sm! and if you don’t feel comfortable doing this request, it’s no problem ^^
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Boys x Ultimate Sukeban
Warnings: Chihiro Spoilers!
Notes: For those who don't know, a sukeban is a Japanese term meaning 'delinquent girl'. The usage of the word refers to either the leader of a girl gang or the entire gang itself, and is not used to refer to any one member of a girl gang. Also this posted while I was still working on it💔
Word Count: 1,108
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☆Makoto Naegi was a bit scared seeing you. Your aura was intimidating and dark, your clothing was bold and different from what he's used to seeing around the school. But one day, he felt brave and confident, wanting to know who you really are and if you're the same person he's seen. What he didn't expect was for you to give him a sweet smile, a genuine one. It wasn't fake nor did it have any hint of malicious intent. He was shocked that you're actually really kind. And he was ready to see more of that.
☆Leon Kuwata was also very intimidated when he first saw you. He'd always avoid your path and you as a whole. He didn't want to he near you or your group, in fear of getting hurt. But when you asked him for the notes in your shared class, he was dumbfounded. Your voice wasn't anything like your aura or how you dressed and acted. It was sweeter, kinder, softer. Nothing he was expecting, but now he can't keep you out of his mind.
☆Hifumi Yamada always dreamed of meeting someone like you, or even being in the same vicinity as you. He's written and read about sukebans before, he always prayed to the gods to meet one and here you are. Now that you're in the same school as him and some classes, he doesn't know how to approach you. He knows sukebans are violent and mean girls, so how does he approach someone who's known for being violent and mean? By hyping yourself up and going straight to the point. He'd walk up to you and your group, introducing himself and talking about his Ultimate. What he didn't expect was for you to compliment him with a smile. He'd walk away, flustered, happy and nervous.
☆Mondo Owada takes immediate interest in you as soon as he heard about you. He knows there's a 50/50 chance that you're nice and he's willing to take that chance, especially since he is also that 50/50 chance. You just look so beautiful and strong, and the amount of confidence radiating off of you just tells him to talk to you. So he does and he's relieved that you're actually nice, and when he gets to know you he finds out that you guys have more in common than he thought. And with that he can't help but want to get to know you even more.
☆Kiyotaka Ishimaru keeps his distance from you. He can't risk being seen around you. It'll ruin his perfect reputation. At least that's what he thinks. He'd catch you in the halls during class time, and as a hall monitor he has no choice but to confront you on it. Thinking you'd give attitude or worse he prepares himself and strides up to you. He asks if you have anywhere to be and if you don't then you'd have to either go to your respective classroom or the office. His voice is loud and carries itself through the halls. You'd respond, voice opposite if his and of what he thought you'd sound like. Apologizing for the inconvenience you walk away and go to your class. Knowing how you sound and how nice you just were he can't help but want you to continue roaming the halls, just so he can talk to you, and just so he can hear your melodic voice.
☆Byakuya Togami doesn't talk to you at all. He doesn't want to be seen around you or people like you. He can't be seen around people who will ruin his reputation and who would ruin the Togami name. He avoids you but that is until you asked him about his Ultimate. You were curious as to what a Prodigy was and were dying to know. He knew you'd try talking to him, that you'd try to get his attention somehow. What he didn't know was why you sounded genuinely curious. Why your face showed genuine interest. It caught him off guard and he just didn't know why he wanted to hear you speak again. Something about your voice and sweet looking eyes drew him in. Did he appreciate his brain and heart going against him? No. But he was surprisingly thankful that you didn't stop bothering him. He liked your voice, soothing and calm, a complete contrast to your outfits and Ultimate.
☆Yasuhiro Hagakure definitely stays away from you. He already has problems with the Yakuza, he can't risk having problems with another gang. Especially the leader of one. Hearing about what happened between him and the Yakuza, you thought about helping him pay off his debt. Calling his name from the opposite side of the hall caused him to jump, it also caused other students to look and scatter, fearing of what you were about to do to the guy. He nervously asked what it is that you wanted. Expecting you to rob him or beat him, just for being in the same hallway as you. But when you pulled out a brown paper bag and handed it to him he was confused. You told him to open it and also told him to keep it, saying how you wanted to help him and that no one should be struggling to pay off the Yakuza by themselves. You walked away and he was left dumbfounded, but thankful for you, smiling to himself and also beating himself up for not thanking you right there.
☆Chihiro Fujisaki doesn't feel safe being around rough looking people, scared of getting bullied for being too weak or to girly looking for a guy. He was working on something, sitting on the ground and typing away on his computer when a guy came up and took it, teasing the smaller boy and calling him names. That's when you stepped in, grabbing the computer back and asking what the problem was, your group surrounding the space. The girls grabbed the guy and moved him to a different end of the hall, "talking" to him and leaving Chihiro with you, the leader. As thankful as he was he's still scared, wondering if you're gonna do something worse to him. You handed him his computer and asked if he was okay, also asking if he wanted to hang out at a Cafe and relax a little. He was still shocked from the events that happened but even more shocked to hear your voice, kind and calming. He accepted your offer and you smiled at him, a genuine smile, causing the boy's heart to skip beat. When you walked off he couldn't help but smile to himself.
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malereadermaniac · 1 year
Go to bed ~ Leon Kuwata x Male Reader
Leon trying to flirt word count: 650 m!reader (no genitalia mentioned) / FDNI
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It was early in the evening, 9pm sharp
You'd been scrolling mindlessly on tiktok for the past hour
You come across a video you felt you just needed to share, so you post it on your Insta story
Hoping you can making your friends giggle at it
Of course, Sayaka replies to it, and the two of you spiral into a conversation
But halfway through your convo with Sayaka, you get a message from none other than Leon
You and Leon were good friends, you liked the red-head, you went to hid games and cheered him on louder than anyone else
He fucking loved it when he heard your voice in the crowd
Leon had recently realised he had the fattest crush on you, so he did what any reasonable person would do and asked a friend for help
However, that friend he asked was Mondo.
Who encouraged Leon to talk to you as much as he could and to try exert dominance
"Cause a guy like (y/n) would totally love a dominant typa guy ya know?" - verbatim Mondo's advice to Leon
You end your conversation with Sayaka and go check what Leon sent you
It was a short reply to your story
"Go to bed, it's late"
You audibly chuckled, you looked at the time on your phone
It was barely 9:30
What the hell was Leon on to be going to bed so early?
"Bro it's 9:30 it's so early wdym???"
"This is actually late for me, I go to bed at 9 pm, its much better for you yk"
"Oh really now?"
"Yeah, clearly why I'm so much healthier and better than you"
Oh no...
Leon clearly misunderstood the kind of dominance Mondo meant.
"(Y/n)? You still there?"
You left him on seen again and then shut off your phone
"Oi (y/n)!"
"Shit please dont ignore me."
"I'm sorry okay"
Leon was panicking, spam texting you as you put your phone on silent and went to bed
Guess he achieved his goal of getting you to go to bed
But he pissed you off while doing so
Truthfully you didn't care, Leon was ditzy from time to time and didn't think before he spoke
You were used to it
But you took up the opportunity to make the man frantic
You weren't thick, you knew the baseball player was crushing on you
And you were crushing on him too, hard
So knowing that Leon was now worrying that he messed up his chances with you gave you a sick pleasure - you didn't care if it was just the tiniest bit toxic
The next morning you woke up well rested
Your phone now plastered with message notifications from a certain ginger
You open them and send one quick message
"Oops I fell asleep sorry... Guess you are better than me for that haha ❤️"
Leon stopped in his tracks when he read that message, toothpaste falling out of his mouth as he froze
The sportsman quickly finished brushing his teeth and screenshot the message
Sending it to Mondo, frantically messaging him
"Dude chill.... he defo fucks with u" mondo replies half asleep
Leon short-circuits, mindlessly changing as thoughts of a relationship with you fly through his head
He was like a schoolgirl, but he had reason to, in his eyes you were the finest of men
"Good morning~" you say with a smile as you sit down next to the muscular man
"Hey, beautiful~" he mumbles flirtily
"Oh? That's a new one?"
"Yeahhh figured I should up my game if I wanna get with you by the end of the year"
Holy shit you were shocked just how much that one heart emoji riled the ginger up
"Hold your horses, BallBoy... who said I was getting with you?" You tease him
"Oh just you wait, (n/n)..."
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Short but eh whatevs!!
This has happened to me before - I doubt he meant it as anything but I just remember the situation while writing this and wtaf...
Anyway hope u enjoyed!
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nabateaprodigy · 9 months
HII so I wondering if you could do Leon Kuwata x ultimate cheerleader reader dating head cannons??
Cheerleader Star
Series: Danganronpa.
Character: Leon.
Genre: Fluff.
Proofread: Yes.
Reader: Gender Neutral.
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I feel at first Leon wouldn't notice you. okay well, it would be hard not to with the cheering and dancing BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!! Leon knows his skill is great so why need a cheerleader to remind him of his skill? Or get him pumped up for the upcoming game?
But game after game the cheerleaders would be there for him and his team. Because of this Leon began to recognize the faces of everyone. Especially you oh yes especially you. He isn't sure why he just felt drawn to you.
Maybe it's your smile as you cheer for him and his team it feels more genuine than others. Or maybe it's the look in your eye he couldn't help but see a sparkle in them.
And well he just couldn't help end up falling in love with you. Your beauty and talent he both appreciated and loved. Leon was sure you felt the same he saw the longing glances you gave his way. Don't pretend like you didn't because you did!
Of course, he began to see you around school as well. After some time during lunch, he decided to approach you with his ✨charming smile. ✨ The both of you spoke a little bit about yourselves and your talents!
The conversation went smoothly and better than he expected because, by the of it, he ended up with a cute cheerleader for a partner!
You would be a pretty popular couple in school! I mean a cheerleader and amazing baseball player?!? That's like 100 popularity points right there!
But of course, if you didn't want your relationship to be a public thing that would be fine as well!
After a while, Leon started to attend your cheerleader practice! It made you incredibly happy and it meant a lot to you. That Leon supported you just as you have been supporting him.
Dating you changed his view on cheerleaders at first he didn't think much of them. But after meeting you? Oh well, his opinion changed quite a lot.
What did he think now? Well, he was happy to have a cheerleading team at his games especially you. As soon as he saw you he had a goofy grin but it's one you loved very much. With you there cheering him on Leon knew he could win any game.
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apollowhoo · 1 year
Greetingsssssssssssss!! I was wondering if I could some headcanons for (Dangan) Kazuichi, Leon and Kaito with a little brother reader? I kinda just wanted reader to be going through one of *those* days, and the boys are just trying to make then feel better. (It'd nice if you could include cuddling and use he/him Pronouns ^^)
(Like…I didn’t understand if you wanted them together or separate. So i just wrote them all separately, i really hope i got it right, if i didn’t PLEASE tell me)
Male!Little Brother!Reader x Kazuichi Soda, Leon Kuwata, Kaito Momota (SEPARATE)
Kazuichi Soda
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Ngl i feel like he wouldn’t notice your gloomy mood immediately but when Kazuichi does notices it, he would IMMEDIATELY go into action.
He's determined to cheer you up and tries doing anything he can to distract you from your troubles.
Kazuichi is a great listener, so firstly if you feel like talking about what's bothering you, he’d listen to you for hours and he would give you a word of advise.
Then he’d offer you to to fix or build something together. It’s his passion and he thinks that you would enjoy it or better, it would help take your mind off things. If you get bored or get tired of making repairs, he’d suggest a cozy movie night!! He would set up a blanket fort and cuddles with you while watching terribly made movies that are somehow funny. His purpose is to make you laugh though:)
Leon Kuwata
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Leon will notices your mood immediately and just takes you outside to play some sports. He’d encourages you to let loose and have fun. Leon wouldn’t care if you're not good at sports; he just wants you to cheer up a little.
Afterward, Leon would take you for ice cream. Both of you would walk around the park and then Leon would finally would ask you what was bothering you.
Back at home, you’d be exhausted from being outside all day! Leon does understand this and allows you to rest.
Kaito Momota
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Kaito's first instinct is to give you a big, warm hug. He wraps his arms around you, assuring you that everything will be alright.
To lighten your mood, he would suggests a game night! He can’t think of any other way to make a child feel better. You two play video games together, and Kaito makes silly little jokes creating a lighthearted atmosphere.
Kaito would also tells his own failure stories in attempt to make you laugh. Which doesn’t really work out so he just apologizes.😭
As the day comes to an end, Kaito would offer to stargaze with you!! He brings blankets outside and shows you the constellations, sharing their stories and encouraging you to dream big. You lie down with Kaito, feeling comforted by the peacefulness of the night sky.
That’s all sooooo byeeeee:>>
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detectivesplotslies · 9 months
On Your Marks
Description: It's Kaito's first Sports Day at Hope's Peak Academy and he's ready to make it count! Is everyone else? Written for Luminary of the Stars: A Kaito Momota Zine Word Count: 2082 Read on AO3 The sun was high in the sky, the conditions were perfect, not a cloud out there. No one, not even Mother Nature, was going to rain on his parade today! With a bounce in his step, Kaito crossed the grounds. His eyes skimmed over the track where the staff and volunteers were already starting to set up the coming events. Sure, there was still attendance and homeroom, but after that, he was going to have his first big victory here at Hope’s Peak Academy! He pushed open the entrance doors into the busy halls of before-class bustle.
As Kaito made his way in, a hand slapped his shoulder. “Good to see you came prepared with better footwear!” a voice boomed. The towering figure behind him was an upperclassman, one who seemed just as hyped as Kaito was for the event: the Ultimate Team Manager.
“Sure did.” Kaito grinned, hefting the sneakers he had slung over his shoulder by the laces. They had a personal touch too: gold laces and tiny embroidered shooting stars. Perfect for him! “I’m serious today, you’d better watch out!”
“Excellent! We could use a challenge from the first years!” Nekomaru laughed, hands falling back to his hips. He was wearing his own odd footwear, geta sandals, but the bag on his shoulder made it clear he was ready to change.
“A challenge? You gonna take us on? Bring it!” Akane chimed in from behind him, a wicked grin on her face as she packed a fist. What kind of challenge was she expecting?!
“Yeah, I’ll see you at the tug of war!” Kaito prompted, trying to steer things back to the event and away from… Whatever idea Akane had. He glanced across the hallway and pointed at the redhead leaning over a girl’s locker. “Your class too, Leon! You bring your all!”
“What?” The baseball star looked up with irritation, then shook his head. “Oh right, Sports Day? Tch, like we musicians care about something so dumb. Right Sayaka?”
Popping her head out of the locker, Sayaka giggled and smiled behind her hand. It always looked like that girl had a secret. “Oh, I don’t know, I think it’ll be fun! Got to stay in top form to perform.” The look of betrayal on Leon’s face was priceless. The idol turned her dazzling smile to Kaito. “Good luck today!”
“Thanks!” Taking this chance to escape before Akane set her sights back on him, he waved and left. He heard her challenging Leon as he made his way out of sight, Sayaka’s melodious laugh ringing out again.
The astronaut trainee rounded the corner into the hallway with his own year, his anticipation mounting. Their first time competing together as a team! Most of the studying done at Hope’s Peak had everyone split off for talents, but this? This would be a group effort.
Kaito opened the door to the hubbub of chatter, everyone spread out and ready to go! The energy in the air was excellent! He could feel the excitement, they really were going to show those upperclassmen that they wouldn’t be taken lightly! He pumped a fist in the air. “Alright!”
He was nudged out of the doorframe, his shorter classmate, Ryoma, muttering an ‘excuse me’ to pass. Looking back into the room, the bubble burst, his imagination having painted the room with far brighter impressions than actually resided within. There was chatter; Kaede in particular was talking with Miu and Angie, while Gonta was in discussion with Kirumi who was marking down attendance in the absence of their teacher. However, the only two who looked ready were Tenko, who was jogging on the spot, hair looped up into a bun as her eyes roved the room, and Rantaro, who had arrived in his gym clothes. Most others were seated at their desks like it was an ordinary day.
Kaito’s grin squished inwards at the underwhelming feeling, but he soldiered on, crossing the room to his sidekicks. They were both at Maki’s desk, the detective waving from his spot standing beside it while Maki glared from her seat. Kaito’s smile returned at the acknowledgement. He thumbed back at the rest of the class over his shoulder as he arrived, “Can you two believe this?”
Shuichi checked behind him, as if he was expecting something amiss, but looked back at a loss. “Believe what, Kaito?”
Maki didn’t even spare the room a thought, still waiting on the astronaut to spit out the rest. He was a little shocked neither of them seemed to notice.
“Believe the lack of spirit! Doesn’t look like everybody’s ready to win yet!” Kaito explained, patting Shuichi on the shoulder as he caught him up.
“We’re not going to win,” Maki retorted, sighing as she shook her head.
“What? Maki Roll, that’s quitter talk! Don’t you believe in us? I’m sure we can pull it off!” Kaito shot back as he raised a fist in the air, his shoes swinging from his shoulder loose as he did. The caregiver sat back to avoid them, crossing her arms, apparently unmoved by his declaration.
“Ah, it’s not that we don’t believe, Kaito, but, well… Our chances aren’t all that high,” Shuichi sheepishly chimed in. “Our class only has two athletes, and one of them is Ryoma. You know as well as we do his feelings on his talent. I doubt he’s going to be all that competitive today.”
“Now hold on! Just cuz someone’s talent ain’t athletic doesn’t mean they aren’t a competitor,” he countered. “Just look at Gonta, he could turn the tide in something like the tug of war, so long as we’ve got his back! Or front, since he’ll probably be the anchor, but y’know what I mean. And how about Rantaro and I!”
At the mention of his name, Rantaro glanced up from the stretches he’d started. He was without context but waved at them on cue before returning to extend his arm across his chest and push it back.
Kaito beamed and mirrored the same stretch before looking back to his sidekicks. “Both of us are in perfect shape for our own talents, even if they aren’t sports. Can’t be caught on any mission or excursion without some endurance.”
“So you think we’ll win with three more competitors? That’s not even half the class.” Maki frowned. Kaito could be imagining it, but she didn't seem to have the same finality this time. Progress! He patted her head happily. She ducked a few seconds later, like a delayed reaction.
“Well, not just them, there’s you two as well! Since we started training a couple months ago you’re both our secret weapons! Don’t tell me you weren’t counting yourself, Maki Roll? You’re fastest at pushups,” Kaito insisted. He really hadn’t expected that from her in the beginning, but given how tough her childhood in that orphanage had been, it wasn’t a complete surprise. Shuichi’s improvements were far more impressive, but he’d understand them assuming he wasn’t a ringer for the class.
“I appreciate the vote of confidence, Kaito,” Shuichi chuckled, cracking a smile. “I’m not really the best at these sorts of things.”
“Do you really think we can win? The whole class has to participate.” Maki remained unconvinced but diplomatic. “I’m not saying I’m not going to try, but we’re not exactly a team.”
“Those are just the easiest people to point out,” Kaito sighed. “A team isn’t all about peak physical condition, it’s gotta have lots of parts. Everyone’s got a job, even if that isn’t lifting something or running fast. I bet there’s loads of secret strengths we can use! C’mon!” He grabbed Maki’s hand and swiftly yanked her up out of her seat.
Her eyes went wide as she found her balance, sputtering. Kaito didn’t need to worry about that of course, he knew she was on the ball. Kaito pulled her up to the front of the class with him, looking for someone to add to their arsenal of secret weapons. Of those sitting at their desks he locked onto someone who looked to need some spirit, a hand propping up their cheek.
“Here’s something no one else has!” Kaito announced, near scaring him out of his chair. He turned to look at the two of them nervously. “No other class has an Ultimate Robot! He’s bound to give us an edge!”
“Are you referring to today’s events?” Kiibo asked dubiously. “I’m unsure what help, if any, I’ll be. As a physical activity for health, they don’t account for someone like me. But I told Miu I want the true student experience, so I turned down her suggested improvements…”
No upgrades, huh? Kiibo’s strength was pretty average, most of his functions were smaller utilities. But that wasn’t enough to give up!
“That’s not the edge I’m talking about,” Kaito said, waving a hand. “I mean, sure those would help, but I bet a cool robot like you has more to prove than anyone else! Think of all the future robot highschoolers you can inspire if you win today! Something like that’s gotta be motivating, right?”
“That sounds ridiculous,” Maki said from behind him, freeing her hand and crossing her arms. “Just like the kids back at the orphanage talking about their Saturday morning shows.”
“It’s not ridiculous if it gets you going, though!” Kaito said, turning to lean back over the robot’s desk. “Don’t you want to be the hero of the class? The first robot to win at Sports Day?”
Kiibo seemed unsure.
“You should! Hold on, Maki Roll, you start training with him, I’ve got just the thing,” Kaito pushed off the desk and pivoted away.
“You are aware,” came a chilling voice as he passed another desk, “that we are to adhere to class rules until we’re excused, yes?” Kaito spared a glance over at Korekiyo, who sat tall in his seat, bandaged fingers clasped on the desk. His soft laugh as always was muffled by the mask. “Someone’s eager.”
“‘Course I am, you should try it,” he said, crouching in the closet. Kaito was positive this was where Tsumugi had stored her last project. Peering over his shoulder to be certain Korekiyo hadn’t followed him for a cheap scare, Kaito’s hand touched hair. He flinched back, eyes going to the closet again, where a face greeted him in the darkness. He caught himself when he recognized it as a familiar sleepy one.
“I’m just meditating, to gather mana…” Himiko mumbled from her spot tucked tight in the back. Tenko’s endlessly searching eyes made more sense now. In her own way, the mage probably needed this more than a warm-up; she might tire out if it was one guided by the other girl.
“Sure, do what you gotta,” Kaito agreed, reaching behind her to grab his quarry. He yanked free the black and white pom poms from his classmate’s cheerleader cosplay, bouncing them once experimentally before straightening up.
Maki was there facing him as he stepped out. Behind her it looked like Kiibo had taken up the stretching routine with Rantaro, to the latter’s amusement. Shuichi was speaking animatedly with Korekiyo. The energy in the room was changing, bit by bit. Even Ryoma was back, talking with Gonta, demonstrating some step-technique. Maki raised a brow at his find.
“They’re for encouragement!” Kaito said, waving the pom poms in the air.
“I think you’re already doing that without a prop. If we do stand a chance at winning, it’s going to be because you lead us there. I don’t think Kiibo’s a hero, or that Gonta will turn any tides. Shuichi and I might not be secret weapons, either, but I think you made a fair point about not quitting, there’s still a chance.” A faint smile appeared on her face.
Kaito’s eyes lit up. He jumped up to throw his arms around Maki, who startled. “That’s all I’m asking! We can’t go down without a fight!” He squeezed tight, the pom poms ruffling behind her a moment before—
The pair looked behind them as Kokichi liberated the fluffy props, and waved them about, laughing. “Can’t have a team without your supreme leader, right?”
“You give those back to Kaito,” Maki demanded, indignantly freeing herself from the embrace. Kokichi took off and she ran after him.
“Hey, wait! Save it for the relay you two!” Kaito laughed. They were all fired up now, there was no stopping this! They’d leave their marks on this school.
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frickingnerd · 1 year
leon kuwata when he's jealous
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pairing: leon kuwata x fem!reader
tags: possesive!leon, toxic jealousy, slight yandere themes
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leon can't stand to see you with another man!
he's so used to flirting with every girl he sees, that he believes that this is what every guy wants
he doesn't believe that you can be friends with someone of the opposite gender, without having an ulterior motive
so when you introduce another man to him, calling him your friend, he doesn't believe you! 
he's certain that this man must have an ulterior motive, that he secretly wants to steal you away from him
or maybe you're the one that wants to show him that you're interested in someone else–
he'll try to talk to you about it, asking you if you really just see this guy as a friend or if there's maybe a little more between the two of you
you only roll your eyes amused, not taking him too seriously, before telling him that you would've just broken up with him if you weren't interested anymore
but leon is certain that this means that he's the one interested in you instead! 
he'll try to keep you away from him, clinging to you even more than usually and he's all over you, whenever that male friend of yours is near
leon wants to show him that you are his girl! and no matter what he tries, he'll never get you!
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angelofdarknessss · 1 month
Beautiful Sinner
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Chapter 2: Nightmare
Previous Part: CH-1
Next Part: Not here! ( •̯́ ₃ •̯̀)
Word Count: 2,679
Main Pairing: Toko Fukawa x Gen!Neutral Reader
Summary: You *just* arrived and you already feel like you're going insane.
Author note: I feel bad for being so late >_< so sorry;; also I lied here is the part but on tumblr ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ for now my fic is active on Ao3 (main), Quotev and here! It's also published on wattpad but I'm not sure If ill update it there too, it is alot of work but I want as many people to read my work as possible sooo I'll try to keep up with it ദ്ദി(。•̀ ,<)~✩‧₊
!!CW:!! Murder is described in this chapter! Starts when you see the "….. ᶻ's " If you want to read past it keep scrolling until you see another pair of " ….. ᶻ's "
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You and Sayaka finally made it to the dorms, but not without you observing the other rooms as you passed through the school. It really had everything, you saw a bathhouse, dressing room, laundry room, dining hall, warehouse, and you’re sure there’s more to search later. You’d say its heaven but considering the situation you’re in now…it’s the opposite.
“Ah! Here we are!” Sayaka says happily. You two stood in the hallway between 12 rooms, the others located further down. “Wow, this school wasn’t lying when they said we’d be set for life. There’s a lot of useful stuff here…except for a hair salon. Would’ve loved a room to do my hair with all my materials.” You say with an annoyed sigh.
She giggles. “Aw, don’t be like that y/n! I see you already have some of them, right?” She gestures towards your waist apron with a few basic hair tools. “Well, yes..but that’s not enough to do my or anyone else’s hair!” You whined.
“I’m sure there’s a room with the things you need around here somewhere, after all this school is massive!” She smiles while staring at your hair. “I can tell you take good care of your hair..it’s so pretty.”
You could feel your face burn in embarrassment. Sure, you’ve received compliments about your hair many times but coming from Sayaka, an idol, it made you feel different. Especially since she was so gorgeous. “Oh!..thank you! I appreciate it.”
“Of course!” Her eyes then travel back to the dorms, searching for hers. “Hmm…oh! There’s mine!” She points towards the door on her right, you also took notice of the rooms beside hers. Those being Chihiros and coincidently, Makoto’s.
You stare at it, thinking about Makoto. Is he okay? Is he still asleep? Did something happen to him again? Those thoughts clouded your mind until Sayaka spoke up again. “Worried about Makoto still?” She tilts her head. “Don’t worry y/n, we can check up on him later. For now, should probably let him rest..” She voiced.
“Yeah..yeah you’re right. He must be unconscious still, I guess it’s best to wait until he wakes up.” Speaking of resting…you could really use a good nap right now. Where was your dorm?
You look around for your dorm and eventually spot it in-between Junko and Celeste’s dorm. Resting next to Junko doesn’t seem to bad, as for Celeste…you weren’t sure. You’ve only spoken to her once, maybe you’ll get to know her better later.
“Found my dorm.” You point towards the door with a little pixel you on it. It was kind of cute..you guess. “Perfect!” Sayaka holds her hands together. “Let’s check out our rooms, then we can meet back out here!...if that’s okay with you of course!” She says.
You nod in response. “That’s perfect. I’ll see you in a little bit then.” With that, she nods and heads straight into her dorm and you go into yours. As soon as you stepped inside and closed the door behind you, you realized it’s not like your typical dorm room.
It had…everything useful for a hair stylist!
There were three shampoo systems, three hood dryers, two salon chairs, a shelf filled with multiple hair products, scarfs, shower caps, blow dryers, combs, brushes, hair straighteners and curlers, and so much more..! This school even hooked you up with beautiful bonnets! With these tools you can do everybody’s hair in here…well, not for free.
And…of course there was your bed and bathroom you guess..that’s good too. But the tools is what you cared about the most. Not only did Monokuma hook you up with good hair products, but also some good personal ones too. On the nightstand beside your bed a bottle of shea butter lotion, dove deodorant including the soap, Olay bodywashes and a few perfume options to choose from.
Damn…you really shouldn’t be praising the bastard who put you in this mess but he really knew what specific items you used. It was a little creepy, but nonetheless you appreciate that you won’t be walking around the school looking AND smelling a mess.
“Phuhu~ You like it, stylist?”
“AHH!” You screamed while stumbling backwards, landing on your backside. “Y..you!!”
“Indeed! I am Monokuma!” He giggles into his paws at your reaction. “Didn’t mean to scare you buddy. Anyways…again, do you like your dorm, stylist?” He asks again. “uh…yes..?” You respond, your voice filled with uncertainty.
“You better!” He waddles over to you with his paw pointing at you. “All of these hair products, machines, and personal hygiene were expensive!” He angrily says. “I didn’t know you hair stylists were so high maintenance! I mean granted I have more than enough to buy them all but still! I better see you use every single one of these items, stylist!” He scolds you as if you were his child.
“What the..?!” You get up, now towering over the small Monokuma. “Did you just come to my dorm to yell at me? Get out now!” You yell at him, meanwhile he keeps that same angry expression. “Nuh-uh, you don’t have the power to send me off, kid! And besides…I came to give you this.”
He reaches into his non-existent pocket and hands you what looks like a room key, specifically a key to your dorm. “Your room was the last one I had to prepare, and I realized I forgotten to leave your key inside it.” You take it from him cautiously and slowly, as if he’s going to suddenly bite your hand.
Monokuma giggled at that. “Aw..scared a lil ole me?” He laughs out loud, showing off his sharp teeth. “You should bee~” You huffed in irritation and proceeded to point towards your door. “Just get out already!”
“Fine! Ungrateful brat..” He mummers before disappearing. You were alone again.
You let out a sigh of relief then sat onto your neatly done bed. Before you laid your body down on the soft blanket, your eyes caught a glimpse of a shiny coin on your nightstand. You picked up the coin and examined it…it was…a Monokuma coin?...a monocoin? You scoffed. How ridiculous….. yet, you slipped it into your waist apron. Might be handy later.
“This is so…..ughhh!” You frustratingly screamed, face palming yourself and then laying your back against the soft sheets. What were you going to do? You were trapped with 16 other strangers alongside a psychopathic bear and you could die at any minute! Why…why you of all people? Why did this have to happen to you specifically?
This was bullshit.
You need to take a nap for awhile..maybe for 30 minutes or so. Sayaka won’t mind, right? She knows where you are afterall..hell, she’s probably still looking around in her room. You slowly closed your eyes.
A little…rest…won’t hurt….
Yeah….yeah..you’ll see her in 30 minutes. After a few minutes of pure silence, you drifted off to sleep.
Unfortunately missing the few gentle knocks at your door.
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“Y/n…..” A gentle voice whispered your name, their hand brushing against your cheek like a warm breeze. Exhaustion enveloped you, as if every ounce of energy was being siphoned from your very essence. You found yourself unable to stir, your body feeling heavy and frail.
Your eyes fluttered open, taking in your surroundings. You found yourself in a bathroom, sitting on the floor with your back against the wall, your left arm stained with blood and a fresh stab wound that continued to bleed profusely. As you shifted your gaze downward, you noticed that your right calf was also injured, bearing a matching wound that was equally oozing blood.
Yet, everything felt numb. All you could focus on was the person in front of you clutching a bloodied kitchen knife—Sayaka Maizono. But, she didn’t strike you as someone capable of causing harm, much less taking a life. So… why?
“I’m…I’m sorry!” she cried, her voice trembling as her clearly broken nose leaked blood. “I didn’t want to…to do this..not to you.” Tears streamed down her face, splattering onto your blood-stained shirt. She looked so traumatized, like she hadn’t mean to hurt you in the first place. “It wasn’t..*sniff*..supposed to be you..!”
How did it end up like this?… ‘Sayaka… why?’ was the question you longed to voice, yet all that escaped your lips were only anguished murmurs.
She suddenly clung to you tightly, the knife still firmly in her grasp, tears streaming down her face as she buried her face in your neck. “I’m so sorry…b-but I have to do this…please forgive me!” In one quick movement, she pulled the hand holding the blade away and drove it deep into your abdomen. Your eyes grew wide with shock; a scream threatened to escape your lips, but no sound came.
You could only remain frozen in fear, helplessly observing as your blood seeped through your garments and trickled down your legs. She pulled the knife away, her gaze locking onto yours, realizing you were still alive. “No no no…I’m sorry I’m sorry, I’ll make try to make it quicker…” She cries as she gripped the knife in her hand in guilt. It seemed so cruel to allow you to bleed out slowly, so… she directed her blade towards your neck and drove it in. But instead of taking it out, she let you choke on your own blood.
…This option didn’t seem much better, but you did feel the life being drained from you quicker. You watched her intently as she rose from the floor, her hands stained with blood as she tried to wipe away her tears. The crimson streaks marred her face, and some of it splattered onto her shirt and skirt. The bathroom floor was a gruesome sight, soaked in blood that continued to flow from your fresh abdominal wound, and now with the injury on your neck, your clothes were becoming increasingly tainted.
You made one last desperate attempt to cry out, to call for help, but deep down, you understood there was no hope. The only thing that escaped your quivering lips was blood. Sayaka looked at you, her eyes filled with remorse for a fleeting moment before she stepped out of the bathroom, shutting the door softly behind her, but not before flicking off the light, plunging you into complete darkness.
She left you all alone in the dark to die…how cruel. You thought she was your friend…why..why did it have to be you?
With one final breath, you felt your soul leaving your body finally. Sayaka Maizono murdered you.
If you were still able to talk, what would you ask? Was it worth it?...Would she do it to another classmate if not you?..Did she intend to kill you the moment she saw you?..How would Makoto feel?
Questions that you’ll never get an answer for. Because you no longer existed.
….. ᶻ
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“…ugh!!” You shot up from sleep, drenched in sweat and your heart racing wildly in your chest. You propped yourself up, your fingers brushing against your neck and stomach. That dream, or rather, that nightmare, felt incredibly real. Yet, here you were, awake and safe. What on earth was that nightmare about? Why did Sayaka kill you? And why—?
“Okay..okay! Stop! I’m coming…” you grumble, feeling a bit irritated as you push yourself off the bed and shuffle toward the door. With a yawn slipping out, you swing the door open. “..Taka?” You murmur. “AH..Y/N!..So THIS is where you’ve been hiding all this time!” He exclaims. “You really worried everyone, you know!...especially Makoto…” he adds, his voice dropping for the last part. “We were all convinced something terrible had happened to you!”
Makoto was worried about you..? wait…He’s awake?? “Wait what—? Makoto is awake?” you exclaim, a blend of shock and relief washing over you.. “Yes, he’s fine… but seriously, why did you think it was okay to nap for an hour and a half without telling anyone?!” he reprimands, prompting you to shoot him an irritated look. “Come on, cut me some slack! I didn’t plan on sleeping that long; I just meant to take a quick nap, but… well, it turned out to be a bit longer than I expected.”
“Clearly!” He states. “Now…please head to the dining hall with me, we’re holding a meeting, and we cannot start without you.”
"Uhm.. I appreciate the offer, but I can make it to the dining hall on my own. I’ll see you there." Just as you were about to shut the door, Taka wedged his foot between the door and the frame. "I really must insist." You give him a long look and let out a resigned sigh. "….fine, just let me freshen up first."
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Once you had tidied your hair and brushed off your clothes, you made your way to the dining hall with Taka, feeling a bit reluctant. As you strolled toward the hall, a thought struck you—you had carelessly thrown your waist apron somewhere in the room. You considered turning back to grab it, feeling somewhat exposed without it, but then decided you could always pick it up later
At this moment, you really had to get up to speed with your classmates…who had been busy digging for information while you were asleep…this may end badly for you. They likely put in a ton of effort while you were relaxing in your room…or rather, you wouldn’t exactly call it ‘relaxing’ given the nightmare, but still…
Anywho, you two finally made it to the dining hall and were immediately greeted with everyone eyes on you two, more so you. Everyone sat at the same table except for Toko and Byakuya, who sat at a different, smaller table. Toko wasn’t sitting with him but was standing near him.
And..wait..Kyoko wasn’t there. Strange.
“Y/n! There you are!” Sayaka exclaims, her face lighting up with relief as she jumps up from her chair and rushes over to you, wrapping you in a warm hug with her head against your shoulder. “I..I thought something had happened to you..I tried to ring your door bell but you didn’t answer.” Her voice trails off, and she glances away, a hint of embarrassment coloring her cheeks. “So I assumed you had left your room..”
Your breath caught in your throat as she unexpectedly wrapped her arms around you. Every time you laid eyes on her, the haunting nightmare replayed in your mind. A part of you wanted to keep your distance, yet another part ached with sympathy for her; after all, it wasn’t her doing that you had such a terrifying dream. You reassured yourself that it was just the overwhelming stress of the situation, she’s harmless..is what you tell yourself.
"Y/n?" She lifts her head from your shoulder, calling your name softly. “Ah, sorry to scare you Sayaka, I was just sleeping.” you reply, feeling a bit embarrassed as you rub the back of your head. You give her a gentle pat on the back, which brings a warm smile to her face. "No worries! I’m just happy to see you’re okay. By the way, Makoto woke up a little while ago!" She points to him at the table, where he offers you a friendly smile and a wave.
“And guess what? I found out we used to go to the same middle school!” She happily chirps, her face lighting up. “How funny is that? What middle school did you go to? Maybe we have—"
“Sayaka…Y/n!” Taka clears his throat with a loud cough. “Let’s put a pin in this conversation for now; please take a seat!”
Sayaka's shoulders droop a bit as a rosy hue spreads across her cheeks, but she manages a nod. "Alright... um... Y/n?" Releasing her grip on you, she takes your hand gently. "You’ll sit next to me, right?"
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nerd-cat-rambles · 2 months
I wrote my silly "little oneshot" uh take it *skeddadles away*
Leon Kuwata opened the door to the classroom, it was Friday afternoon and afterschool cleaning was always a drag.
Usually he and Owada would clean the hallways together, but Mondo was absent, so it was just him in the classroom.
Or at least he thought it was, until he saw his classmate Mukuro Ikusaba dusting the windowsill.
"Oh, hey Ikusaba-Chan." Leon waved to the introverted girl with a smile as he began to scrub the blackboard. For some strange reason Hope's Peak Academy still had them, and they weren't often cleaned.
"Ah, hi Kuwata-Kun." Mukuro smiled, turning to him with a small smile. She began to clean the pencils on the desks, the two continued scrubbing and organising the sections that they were completing in an awkward silence.
It was the third floor of the Academy, and the windows were smudged with finger prints. Kuwata noticed Mukuro began to wipe them with a cloth, which she must have gotten from the supply locker at the back of the room. She was standing on the balls of her feet, struggling to reach a particular spot.
Even though Leon truly wasn't much taller than her - quite short and scrawny for a star athlete - he walked over and silently began to wipe the spot she had been struggling with.
The sun shone brightly down on the two, and they continued to work in silence, not quite awkward though. It was more of a comforting and serene ambience that made the room feel like a more relaxing space.
Leon loved when the sun was golden at this hour, it was only four o'clock, they had only stayed thirty minutes past the bell. Kuwata was fine with it.
Once the window was done, it seemed that the classroom was neat and tidy, Leon thought that if the scene had been in an anime show the tiles would have white sparkling effects.
He walked over to the door, but it wouldn't budge. Some smartass had come around and locked all the doors to the classrooms! Kuwata hadn't stayed that late, how could somebody be so dumb?
"What? What's wrong?" Ikusaba asked, she walked over and tried the door, then she jolted the handle and put her foot against the door and tried to tug it open. It budged, barely. She cursed under her breath.
"How long do you think it'll take? I left my phone in my schoolbag, I can't call anybody." Leon grumbled at his terrible luck. He was going to be late to training, which wasn't neccesarily a bad thing as his cousin Kanon Nakajima had decided to coach his team. It was super creepy, the way that she acted around him, and if any of his friends knew his cousin had a diehard crush on him he would probably never live it down.
Leon tried not to let it bother him, sure she had done some strange things in the past, but he told her to back off. At least she respected that… kind of…
"Well what do we do now? I left my phone at home today, and there's no way we can just reach the floor from the window…" Mukuro looked around, and then pulled up a seat. She sat on the desk propping her feet on the base of the chair.
"I dunno, I guess… we wait." Leon shrugged, he grabbed a chair and pulled it near Ikusaba, sitting on it backwards with his legs out at the sides. He placed his arms on the backrest and rested his chin on them.
With not much else to do, he decided to spark up some conversation with his classmate.
They hadn't often talked, Leon was much better friends with Sayaka Maizono, Mondo Owada, and Chihiro Fujisaki. Occasionally Kiyotaka Ishimaru would join the group, which Leon truly didn't mind. He never really thought about speaking to Ikusaba, who was always in her sisters' shadow.
"So… Ikusaba-Chan…" He didn't know what to say next, his awkward trail-off was recieved with a puzzled glance his way.
"Do you draw?"
It was such an oddly random question, she wasn't the Ultimate Artist, she was a soldier! She wouldn't have time to do something like that with her intense training regimen anyway- "Yes, sometimes. I've picked it up as a hobby."
Leon turned to face her. "Oh, yeah? What kinda stuff?" now that he had asked an icebreaker question, he was genuinely interested in Ikusaba's hobbies, and her life. Leon knew about tough training.
"I often spend time drawing… people… and nature…" She hesitantly replied, smiling when Leon scooted his chair closer.
"Oh, that's cool… do you wanna show me something?"
"Huh? Oh… I don't have any paper…" She looked around the classroom for some, but it seemed that there wasn't any nearby.
"That's okay, how about the blackboard, there's plenty of chalk there." Leon would say 'I'm sure Ishimaru wouldn't mind' but he knew for certain that he would definitely mind. He was a neatfreak.
"Oh… okay, sure…" Mukuro stood up, and Leon faced the board. She started to draw swift strong strokes.
"What're you drawing?" Kuwata smiled. Time was passing by quickly as he watched Mukuro move along the board swiftly. He looked at the clock above her, they'd been stuck for thirty minutes already.
"You'll see!" She grinned softly, turning back to her work.
"So how'd you get into being a Soldier? That's a pretty specific Ultimate." Kuwata began to speak. Mukuro flinched, she paused what she was doing and exhaled slowly.
"I… ran away…" She dropped her hands so they hung limply by her waist. "My family… we went on a holiday in Europe… I ran… and I was adopted into the mercenary group Fenrir… I came back here to see Junko, and because of my talent I was accepted into the academy. And now I'm here, and I don't know what's next for me…" She quickly wiped her eyes and continued to draw on the board. It was a quick action, Leon himself had done it a million times when trying to explain to his parents about Kanon. He noticed it easily.
"Do you… regret it…?" Kuwata asked, he wasn't sure what she would reply with.
"Yes. I regret it every day. I had to become a shadow to strike my enemies… and now it's taken over my life. Every day I feel guilt over my actions, but there's nothing I can do. Those people are gone. It sometimes feel like I too, died on that battlefield." Her voice was soft and quiet, it seemed like she was holding in tears.
"How about you? How did you become a baseballer?" She quickly converted the conversation back to a different path.
"I was enrolled as a kid, I'd never had to work for it, I was a natural…" Kuwata looked out the window, the sun was setting a golden glow inside the classroom.
"Do you regret it?" Ikusaba asked him, Leon was surprised she had done so. He had never thought about it before.
"Sometimes. I just wish that I had something else going for me, so I could quit. The team hates me, and after my cousin volunteered to coach us everything went downhill. Guys were hitting on her in the changerooms, it made me super uncomfortable. Especially because she likes me… she'd favour me and make me even more hated." Kuwata had answered honestly. Almost too honestly. He was embarassed that Kanon Nakajima had a crush on him, he was embarassed to admit the creepy things she had done. She had stalked him on dates… he wasn't ready to share that.
Mukuro whipped her head around. "She… likes you?"
"Yeah, I try to ignore it… she won't go away. I've told her a million times to back off, my parents don't listen- gee why am I even bothering you with all this, sorry I doubt that you want to hear all of that. You probably think I'm weird for her actions…" He shook his head trying to nod it off, but Mukuro had turned to fully face him.
She had finished drawing and walked toward Leon slowly.
"I don't think your weird at all… I get it. Parents not listening… Junko was always in the spotlight, after I went missing I visited them." She explained "I- they… they- they didn't even recognise me…"
Leon stared at her for a long moment.
"The didn't…?" He asked. Mukuro shook her head as she sat on the chair infront of Kuwata.
"No, Leon. They didn't know who I was. I didn't bother trying to explain it, I- I don't know why I even visited, to be honest…" She sighed and looked away, her face turning red as she wiped her eyes.
"I… dyed my hair and grew it out like this, refused to cut it for baseball. My mother…" Leon laughed at the memory "she was so mad, and my dad came home… didn't even recognise me. He thought my cousin was 'round again and that I was her boyfriend." He shook his head, maybe it wasn't a positive memory…
"You don't like baseball, do you?" Mukuro asked, to which Leon shook his head.
"Not at all, I guess we both don't like out Ultimates much. It's dumb that people let a single talent define them… but here we are…" He shrugged it off and met Mukuro's eyes.
They were a light shade of violet, and the sun was dropping beneath the clouds.
Leon looked past the black haired soldier infront of him and stared at the drawing, he got up to inspect it closer.
"This is…" he didn't know how to describe it, Mukuro had drawn him. "it's stunning, Mukuro." He was at a loss for words, she was so talented at what she did.
"It's much easier when you have a subject to work off…" Mukuro smiled and walked up next to Leon staring at her work.
"It looks really good, Mukuro." He turned to face her, a soft smile stretched across his face. Mukuro's eyes widened, she looked beautiful under the golden light.
Leon's breath hitched in his throat as she stepped closer, he didn't stagged backward, he stayed where he was.
His heart began to quicken as she looked up at him.
Leon gulped down his nerves as the distance between them shrunk, he hesitantly moved his arms closer to her. He wasn't sure what he was doing, exactly, but she wasn't saying no.
"Mukuro…-" he began to speak but she stopped him by standing on the balls of her feet, wrapping her arms around his waist and kissing him passionately on the lips.
Leon was tense at first, but eventually he fell into it and wrapped his arms around the girl.
They both said nothing, Leon closed his eyes and relaxed as he felt her hands move up to his neck.
When they parted Mukuro's face was red and flushed, and Leon's guess was that his own was looking very similar. He felt his heart beat in his ears as they stayed there for a moment.
Kuwata stared at Ikusaba, her breathing was quick. He felt like he was frozen in place, luckily a sound at the door interrupted him.
The two quickly parted and darted their heads toward the door. Mukuro began to quickly erase what she had previously drawn on the blackboard while Leon opened the door.
He was met with a very apologetic looking Chihiro.
"I'm so sorry Kuwata-Kun! I thought that everybody had left after cleaning!" She buried her head in her hands and began to cry.
"Don't sweat it Fuji-Chan, Mukuro and I were fine, right?" He turned his head over his shoulder to look at Mukuro who nodded.
"Y-Yeah it's fine, Chihiro." She managed to get her words together.
"I'm so sorry for the trouble, if you need I can walk you home?"
But Leon shook his head at the request. "It's alright, go home Fuji-Chan." He smiled at her as she bowed apologetically and rushed down the empty coridoor.
Kuwata walked outside the classroom and grabbed his bag.
"I'm calling my mum to come pick me up, do you want her to drop you off at your place?" Leon asked while scrolling for the contact on his phone.
"It's alright, I can walk from here." Mukuro smiled and brushed her shoulder past him. He gently grabbed her hand to stop her.
"Mukuro…" Leon bit the inside of his cheek as she turned around to face him. "Thankyou for today…"
"No problem. Talk soon Kuwata." She smiled and waved, but he could already see that her face was turning a bright shade of red.
Leon felt his own start to flush, as he placed the back of his hand on it to cool it down.
He had just kissed Mukuro Ikusaba.
Leon smiled to himself as he closed the door to the classroom. He was glad that the room had been locked.
He was glad that he had stayed After Hours.
The End :)
Tell me what you think, adding the link to my intro if anybody wants to support! (Short stories only go on AO3 btw)
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
I was asking for lee-leon from dangernopa! Sorry! Should’ve specified, i forgot pokemon existed heh-
Ah, I gotcha, anon! :D No worries- it happens lols!
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-Where to begin with this dork? Right off the bat (hehe)- he's the type to say: "Me? Ticklish? Pfft- that's for little girls! I'm not ticklish at all, try me!" And like- the minute Mondo or Naegi try tickling him he'll flail away with a "WHOA WATCH THOSE HANDS!"
-His neck is killer. Just graze it and he'll DROP- on the ground, scrunched and curled up. He's also got super tickly tum that if you poke he'll squeak. I also think he has ticklish feet? It's rare, but if you can get to them he'll cackle like a goon.
-He's got a loud, goofy laugh! It's incredibly boyish and silly sounding- lots of squeaky "Stahahahap!"s and "I kihihihiihll yohooohohu!"s (spoiler alert- he won't). Depending on who's tickling him is whether not he's extra squirmy. People like Chihiro and Sayaka he'll try his best to stay still so he doesn't accidentally smack them, but people like Mondo or Yasahiro he's more willing to fight back cause he knows they'll be fine (they usually grab and pin him before he could do any real damage).
-SUPER weak to compliments during tickles. He's already weak to them without, but if you tell him nice things when tickling him he'll get so MUSH. "Wow Leon- look how nice your biceps are! No wonder you're such a great baseball player!" "You've got a nice voice- I bet you'd be a great singer!" "Wow, I bet you have tons of fans with a face and voice like that!" Poor baby will hide his face through his whines of "Shut uhuuhuhuhhuuhp!"
-He might be a bit fussy post tickles; he honestly loves them but feels like if he says that it'll make him look weak. Expect a bit of pouting from him for like- five minutes. After that he'll be over it and move on with his life or exact revenge; the second option being his go to (Except for Mondo- he'll just get tickled again lols). It's still worth tickling him- it never fails to lift his mood back up.
Thanks for reading!
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meiiuka · 2 years
Can I get some Leon and Toko with a transgender s/o headcanons?
yeah! leon kuwata and toko fukawa with a transgender
category: fluff, comfort, headcanons
cw: swearing
Leon Kuwata:
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• he is PASSIONATELY supportive of you, like, he is your biggest fan and he makes sure you know it • "the thing is, i love you for you, and nothing would make me love you any less! don't even think for a second that i'd leave you." • if anything he’s extra protective of you and will gladly fight off anyone who's transphobic towards you (with a baseball bat, at that) • “i just have to make sure that you’re safe, alright? i wouldn’t want anything happening to you. and if anyone hurt you… i couldn’t say the things i’d do to them”
• he doesn’t know much about being trans himself, so he goes to the internet to search up how to be more supportive to you 😭
• he will validate your identity in the most casual and chill way, making little comments about your outfit or the way you’ve styled your hair
• “fuck, i love the outfit you chose today. how’d i end up with someone as stunning as you?”
• he’s not always super thorough with his words, so his love language leans more towards physical affection. he tends to kiss you frequently to remind you of his love for you
• he lets you ramble and vent to him while he listens, eager to validate your feelings with strong expressions of agreement
Toko Fukawa:
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• toko does not mind any sort of change when it comes to you, knowing that you love her the same way is all that matters to her
• when you tell her you’re trans she’s immediately accepting and grateful that you told her
• “i’m… honored that i get to know that about you… you really trust me enough to let me know?”
• she offers support in various ways, making sure that you know she’ll stay by your side no matter what (she is extremely attached to you and that will not stop, unless you want it to)
• she READS UP on sources about being trans, like, getting physical books because she’s worried about possibly being misinformed
• she doesn’t mean any harm by it but she asks a lot of questions when it comes to how you identify. not in an invasive way, but so that she can give you a place to talk about what’s on your mind
• she’s constantly clingy, showing her unconditional love for you through physical affection like bear hugs and resting on you when she reads
• “i hope you don’t mind that i’m so close… i’m just really fond of you, y/n… you know that, right..?”
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simplyluunaa · 5 months
˙⊹ ੈ✰[Love Languages]✰ ੈ⊹˙
-ˏˋ. rules + masterlist ˊˎ-
Fandom: Danganronpa
Characters: Makoto Naegi, Aoi Asahina, Byakuya Togami, Celestia Ludenberg, Chihiro Fujisaki, Hifumi Yamada, Junko Enoshima, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Kyoko Kirigiri, Leon Kuwata, Mondo Owada, Mukuro Ikusaba, Sakura Ogami, Sayaka Maizono, Toko Fukawa, Genocider Syo, Yasuhiro Hagakure
Warnings: !!NOT SPOILER FREE!! Non-despair AU! Other than that, none!! Just fluff!
Other: Non-despair Junko, he/him pronouns for Chihiro, may have a few misspellings lol
A/N: First post!! Hello, people reading this!! Reblogs, likes, and follows are always appreciated! Constructive criticism is also welcome!! Also, I couldn’t decide if I wanted to make this established relationship or like a mutual crush thing, so I tried to make it so it could go either way. Plus this is like my first time writing ANY of these characters, so please excuse any mischaracterizations or anything, I tried my best!
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Makoto Naegi 
His love language is Quality Time
I feel like he’d be big into conversation
Doesn’t matter about what this man just likes to yap
If you are also talkative the two of you annoy the fuck out of everyone else because do you two ever stop talking??
But even if you’re quieter, he will talk enough for the both of you
Likes to watch movies and shows with you!!
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Byakuya Togami
His love language is Giving Gifts
He wouldn't be that affectionate of a person side from this I fear
Plus he always brushes it off if you ask
But he was thinking about you!! <3
He’ll legit buy anything that reminds him of you or he thinks you may enjoy
Man is made of money ofc he’s gonna spoil you while also acting like he hates you
Just how he is I’m afraid
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Chihiro Fujisaki
His love language is Quality Time
I feel like he’d be very much into baking with you
Idk man feels like a baker
Also, he’d be the best person to talk to about your interests because he will listen and do his best to remember every detail!!
Do the same for him!!
May or may not install Alter Ego on one of your devices so you can spend time with them while he isn’t around
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Hifumi Yamada
His love language is Giving Gifts
If you like a game or anime…be prepared
He will buy you just so much merch
Figures, posters, shirts, hoodies, plushies, everything 
If you’re especially fond of a specific character he will draw them for you!!
Maybe even write a short Doujinshi with a favorite ship of yours if he has the time
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Kiyotaka Ishimaru
His love language is Acts of Service
He wants to be the Prime Minister, of course, he likes to help!
Like, I don’t know, I just have this thought like…
He’d so help you study, and like clean up your room for you
Also, I feel like if you have long hair he’d definitely brush it for you in the mornings
Maybe that’s just wishful thinking though idk
But also if you do something for him to lighten his workload??
He might cry, just sayin'
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Leon Kuwata
His love language is Physical Touch
I just know this man desperately needs to touch everyone around him all the time (no I’m not projecting hush)
Like, he’s always touching someone, like an arm around his friend's shoulder or playfully ruffling someone’s hair
He’s just that kinda guy
He’d also for sure put his arm around your waist or shoulder whenever you’re around
Also, he’d probably grab your face occasionally to just squish your cheeks and tease you
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Mondo Owada
His love language is Acts of Service
He’s a big strong man!! Of course he’s gonna do everything he can for his partner!!
No, but for real, he will do anything you ask of him AND MORE
He’s just a big softie!! And a gentleman!!
Opens doors for you, pulls your seat out for you, if you two are close enough will let you wear his jacket if you get cold
Especially if you're a girl!!
Diya raised him right!!
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Yasuhiro Hagakure
His love language is Physical Touch
Ok, this one is probably gonna be short cause I do not know a whole lot about this man
I feel like he’d be laid back about it, like with Leon
He’s just a touchy person, even with his friends
So expect him to just grab you and pull you into a hug, or ruffle your hair, stuff like that
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Aoi Asahina
Her love language is Physical Touch
You cannot convince me she wouldn’t always greet you with a hug
Like I just know she’s always touching you in some way
Holding hands, or her arm around your waist or shoulder
Even if you two are for some reason not touching, she’d still be incredibly close to you
If you let her she will just stand behind you and rest her chin on your shoulder
She does not care who’s around!! She wants to cuddle you she will do so!!
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Celestia Ludenberg
Her love language is Giving Gifts
Celestia has made a whole lotta money from gambling, so you cannot tell me she wouldn’t spoil you.
You and her cat ofc, can’t forget about Grand Bois Chéri Ludenberg
Also, I’m split between thinking that every gift would be accompanied by a grand gesture, and thinking it wouldn’t be uncommon to just find wrapped gifts on your desk or something
She’s probably very nonchalant with giving gifts (most of the time) but if you get her anything unprompted?
She melts
Like it doesn’t matter if it's expensive or not, it's just the fact that you're giving it to her that makes her go kinda mushy
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Junko Enoshima
Her love language is Acts of Service
But like…in a very strange and roundabout way
Like even without the despair, she’s still…Junko, ya know?
She’ll trip people who are rude to you, help you cheat on homework, forge documents for you
Ya know, normal bestie things!!
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Kyoko Kirigiri
Her love language is Quality Time
I mean, it seems obvious, doesn’t it?
I think she wouldn’t want to push conversation, just being together is enough for her
She’d like to go on walks or drink tea together
A lot of long comfortable silences with her that’s for sure
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Mukuro Ikusaba
Her love language is Physical Touch
I feel like this is less about affection and more about wanting to keep you safe though
Like, she’d wanna be near you just in case someone (Junko) tries to hurt you.
Which opens up a lot of opportunities to touch you!!
She’d probably be kinda shy/indifferent to it at first, but after a while, she softens up and allows hugs and such
Would have her hand on the small of your back nearly at all times
Also is the kind to pull you out of danger/away from dangerous people
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Sakura Ogami
Her love language is Quality Time
Drink tea with this girl RIGHT NOW!!
She’d definitely want like an hour of just uninterrupted time with you every day
Also feel like she’d be big into taking long walks with you, maybe at night or when the sun is setting idk idk 
Also very much feel as if she’d want you to work out with her
But if you don’t work out, she may or may not bench press you sorry
Or like have you sit on her back while she does push-ups
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Sayaka Maizono
Her love language is Giving Gifts
Girlie makes a ton of money, she is SPOILING you!!
Buying you outfits, jewelry, expensive makeup, cute plushies!! Anything you want!
Would probably try and take you out on a shopping spree but doesn’t wanna be interrupted by fans
But she would give you her card and tell you to go crazy!! Maybe idk
If you give her a gift? Especially if it’s something you made?? Girl is melting.
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Toko Fukawa
Her love language is Acts of Service
She does stuff for you, but always vehemently denies it
Helps you clean up your room, just to say she was just looking for something
Or makes you food and just says she made too much 
If you're someone who tends to overwork yourself, she’ll stay near you while she writes to make sure you take breaks and eat and drink water and whatnot
Which probably also helps her to remember to do those things!!
Win-win scenario!!
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Genocider Syo
Her love language is Physical Touch
Tries to make out with you in public
Will also grope you without warning
Sorry but if you want her to stop you gonna have to do something about it
However, even with all that she can also be really sweet at times
I feel like she’d thrive on cuddles
Even if she does feel you up while doing so
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imaginehappyhavoc · 11 days
Hi could i requesst ssome headcanonss of the thh boyss with a sselectively mute reader? Thankss!
A/N: Our first official ask! As a person who also struggles with selective mutism, this ask made me smile ˶ᵔᴗᵔ˶
Pairing: Thh boys x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: N/A
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Makoto Naegi:
♡ Makoto is a very understanding and patient person by nature, so it didn’t take him long to adjust to your selective mutism.
♡ He didn’t know what it was at first, and he was confused as to why you would suddenly stop talking for hours or even days at a time. Not angry, mind you, just confused.
♡ He tentatively asked you about it when he was sure you were feeling up to responding, and he was so very respectful about it.
♡ After you took the time to patiently explain selective mutism to him, the two of you were immediately on the same page.
♡ He finds himself on the internet often, idly looking through posts made by people with the same problem, hoping to understand better.
♡ Now, once he realizes you’re not responding, he just switches casually to yes or no questions.
♡ He also offers more physical contact in these moments. He’ll squeeze your shoulder or tug gently on your sleeve as a nonverbal way of showing his support.
♡ It’s a barely noticeable change, but you can tell how much he cares for you in every small gesture.
Byakuya Togami (Platonic):
♡ To be completely honest, Byakuya thought you were being petty at first.
♡ He’s aware that he can be tactless at times, and he has a tendency to say things that come across as insensitive, but he really thought the “silent treatment” was a bit childish.
♡ His annoyance started to waver when he noticed you would still smile at him, even when you wouldn’t speak.
♡ Then, he noticed that it was everyone that was getting this treatment, and not just him.
♡ He came to the conclusion that you weren’t attempting some sort of petty revenge, but just didn’t like to talk sometimes.
♡ He supposed he could understand that. He himself found talking to others to be exhausting, at times.
♡ He immediately relaxed around you, a barely noticeable drop in his shoulders telling you that he was no longer tense.
♡ He hasn’t exactly changed any of his behavior regarding your nonverbal bouts, aside from the fact that he no longer scoffs and rolls his eyes when you don’t respond to him.
♡ Still, the air around you two seemed to be rid of tension all at once, and you settled into a peaceful rhythm with one another.
Yasuhiro Hagakure:
♡ If we’re being completely honest, Yasuhiro didn’t notice.
♡ He kinda just thought you liked to spend quality time fully chilled out. He could get behind that.
♡ So when you went quiet when hanging out with him, he went quiet too. Just vibing.
♡ You, however, misread this. You thought he was angry with you for “not trying” to be social, and that was why he stopped talking when you did.
♡ When you finally worked up the courage to apologize, and explain yourself, Hiro just blinked at you.
♡ He just sort of goes: “… oh! Dude, I thought you were just chilling! Like, thanks for telling me, but I was having a good time. You don’t gotta apologize for that!”
♡ And, honestly, nothing actually changes after that.
♡ Now that you knew he was perfectly fine with hanging out in silence with you, the only thing that really changed was that you weren’t stressed about it anymore.
♡ The two of you simply lounge in his comfy dorm room, sometimes cuddling, sometimes not. Hiro appreciates the vibe either way.
Leon Kuwata:
♡ The first time you ever went nonverbal around him, he thought you were being funny.
♡ He would poke at you, put his face really close to yours, and try to pry hard enough to get you to “break.”
♡ You cracked a smile at his antics, and he thought he’d won, but then he noticed that you still weren’t talking.
♡ The longer you were silent, the more his smile dropped. He was getting genuinely worried that something was wrong.
♡ He eventually asked you, in an uncharacteristically gentle tone, if you were alright. All you could do was squeeze his hand, and smile reassuringly.
♡ He stayed tense until you finally felt up to speaking again, and explained your selective mutism.
♡ It took him a minute to process, but once he understood, he was committed to being as supportive as humanly possible.
♡ When you two were out with friends, and he noticed that you were retreating in on yourself, he would redirect the conversation to himself. He’d answer questions for you, butt into side conversations that were meant for you, all so you wouldn’t feel nervous about speaking to other people.
♡ He does his absolute best to make you feel comfortable when you’re muted. He doesn’t even care that friends start to think he’s a bit too eager to talk to them. Just as long as you know he’s there for you.
Chihiro Fujisaki:
(Chihiro will be included in both thh boys and girls groups for headcanons, unless specified otherwise)
♡ Chihiro was fully convinced you were mad at them.
♡ It took them maybe two minutes to start tearfully apologizing for whatever they did to upset you, and you panicked.
♡ As much as you wanted to verbally reassure them, you knew you just couldn’t. So, instead, you gestured wildly, shaking your head with wide eyes.
♡ Despite their nerves, Chihiro managed to get the gist of what you were trying to say: They’re good, talking is bad.
♡ After apologizing for apologizing, Chihiro just stayed close to you for a long time. They wrapped their arms around one of yours, and leaned on you to provide some sort of comfort, though they didn’t know if it was more for you or for them.
♡ It wasn’t until everything clicked in their head, that you were simply nonverbal, that they relaxed entirely.
♡ They dutifully took on the role of caretaker, even if you didn’t necessarily need one. They’re always so eager to care for you, protect you, so you just sit back and allow yourself to be pampered.
♡ They make extra sure that you eat, and that you’re drinking enough water. They’ll pool all of their stuffed animals- and yours, if you have any- into one room, and make you a lovely little cuddle pile to let you rest your mind for a while.
♡ Their support is, for all intents and purposes, aggressive. It’s surprising, but not unwelcome.
Mondo Owada:
♡ Like Chihiro, Mondo totally thought you were mad, and he’d done something wrong.
♡ Unlike Chihiro, he sorta shouts his apology at you. His damned nerves always made him too loud and jumpy, after all.
♡ When you’re able to explain, it takes him a while to wrap his head around. It’s not something he’d ever heard about before, but it was you, so it had to be important.
♡ It takes a lot of patience, but he eventually gets it. After that, he’s stuck to you like glue every time you go mute.
♡ He’ll wrap his arm around your shoulders if you’re in public, and give withering stares to anyone who tries to press you to speak.
♡ It’s genuinely impressive, how intense he gets when he’s defending you.
♡ In private, however, he’s much softer. Tactile as he is, he loves to hold you tightly, encouraging you to rest and take it easy.
♡ When he speaks, he does so in such a soft voice it nearly makes you cry. Adoration is poured into every syllable, and it’s almost too much to bear.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru:
♡ Unlike everyone else, Taka knew about your selective mutism the moment the relationship started.
♡ He’s a firm believer in bold simplicity, so the moment you expressed that you wanted to be his partner, he told you everything.
♡ Naturally, he encouraged you to tell him everything as well, as transparency is one of the most important things to him.
♡ When you got to your selective mutism, Taka didn’t know what it meant. But what does he do when he doesn’t know something? He researches!
♡ Hundreds of questions followed. “How often would you say this happens? Are you able to type or write during these episodes? What are some things I could do to ease your mind when you’re nonverbal?” It was like talking to a doctor.
♡ Even after his conversation with you, he wasn’t satisfied with his own knowledge, and he turned to the internet.
♡ He researched and researched, and came out two days later with an arsenal of information and tools at his disposal. It’s… actually a little intimidating.
♡ He even went so far as to make flash cards for you! Little cards with basic sentences and questions on them that you could use to communicate.
♡ No matter what it is you may need or want, Taka gets it for you so fast it’s impressive. If you need something that isn’t on one of your cards, he wastes no time in making a new one for you.
♡ His tendency to bury himself in research and practice is a bit hard to be annoyed by, especially when it’s for you.
Hifumi Yamada (Platonic):
♡ Hifumi put two and two together remarkably fast.
♡ You simply didn’t want to talk. That was fine. After all, you were one of his first friends. Who was he to complain?
♡ He doesn’t ask questions or press you for conversation. He only ever asks if you’re feeling alright, before moving on.
♡ If you’re the type that likes to be talked to when you’re nonverbal, he’ll talk your ear off.
♡ He just has so many ideas running around in his head! He could keep you entertained and engaged for days.
♡ If not, he’s more than happy to sit in silence with you as he works on a project. You make a fantastic body double, he quickly discovers.
♡ Overall, he’s incredibly relaxed about your selective mutism. Unexpectedly, he’s the type to just go with the flow. When it comes to you, at least.
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laines-laments · 11 months
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・:*:・゚★ intro and masterlist
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・:*:・゚★ greetings and salutations
hii ! welcome to my blog, i'm laine !! i suffer from chronic teenage girl-ism and i fear i may never recover lolz !! my requests are always open as i am in constant need of inspiration, just send me an ask !! if you want to support me by funding my spending habits do so here !!
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・:*:・゚★ masterlist
♥︎ - smut / mature
✿ - fluff
★ - angst
House, M.D
Gregory House -
Jame Wilson -
Lisa Cuddy -
Robert Chase -
Thirteen -
Be More Chill
Michael Mell -
Jeremy Heere -
Richard Goranski -
Jake Dillinger -
John Egbert -
Dave Strider -
Rose Lalonde -
Gamzee Makara -
Karkat Vantas -
Mituna Captor -
Sollux Captor -
Nepeta Leijon -
Cronus Ampora -
My Chemical Romance
Ray Toro -
Mikey Way -
Frank Iero -
Gerard Way -
Kobra Kid (Mikey Way) -
Jetstar (Ray Toro) -
Party Poision (Gerard Way) -
Fun Ghoul (Frank Iero) -
Alexander Hamilton -
Thomas Jefferson -
John Laurens -
Phillip Hamilton -
Sal Fisher -
Larry Johnson -
Ashley Campbell -
Travis Phelps -
Gonta Gokuhara -
Rantaro Amami -
Nekomaru Nidai -
Kazuichi Soda -
Sakura Ogami -
Leon Kuwata -
Kokichi Oma -
Mondo Owada -
Yasuhiro Hagakure -
The Magnus Archives
Jonathan Sims -
Martin Blackwood -
Timothy Stoker -
Elias Bushard -
Peter Lucas -
Jerad Keay -
Nikola Orsinov -
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid -
Law and Order : SVU
Olivia Benson -
Elliot Stabler -
John Munch -
Fin Tutuola -
Shinji Ikari -
Rei Ayanomi -
Asuka Langley -
Stardew Valley
Sam -
Sebastian -
Abigale -
Harvey -
Jeff the Killer -
Ticci Toby -
Eyeless Jack -
Ben Drowned -
Laughing Jack -
Repo: The Genetic Opera
Grave Robber -
Pavi Largo -
Luigi Largo -
Amber Sweet -
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Bubba Sawyer -
Heather Mac -
Heather Duke -
Heather Chandler -
Ram Sweeney -
Kurt Kelly -
Jason Dean -
Veronica Sawyer - how veronica would be as a teen mom (PG13)
My Hero Academia
Katsuki Bakugou -
Shoto Todoroki -
Izuku Midoria -
Touya Todoroki (Dabi) -
Endeavor -
Tomura Shigiraki -
Jin Bubaigawara (Twice) -
Lydia Deetz -
Beetlejuice -
Bojack Horseman
Bojack Horseman -
Mr. PeanutButter -
Princess Carolyn -
Diane Nguyen -
Sarah Lynn -
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nabateaprodigy · 1 year
I'm Now Taking Requests for Danganronpa!
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The games I'll write for are Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc, Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair, and Danganronpa V3 Killing Harmony.
I'll write character x character requests. I'll also write x male, female, and gender-neutral readers.
I'll write for any scenarios you want involving things such as fluff, angst, hurt to comfort, etc. However, I will not write anything for smut sorry.
I'll write for the 3 main games and the characters I'll be writing for those 3 main games. Can be found below.
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Makoto Naegi
Sayaka Maizono
Leon Kuwata
Kyoko Kirigiri
Byakuya Togami
Hifumi Yamada
Mondo Owada
Toko Kukawa/Genocide Jack
Celestia Ludenberg
Aoi Asahina
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Sakura Ogami
Yasuhiro Hagakure
Junko Enoshima
Chihiro Fujisaki
Mukuro Ikusaba
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Hajime Hinata
Akane Owari
The Ultimate Imposter
Chiaki Nanami
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Gundham Tanaka
Hiyoko Saionji
Ibuki Mioda
Kazuichi Soda
Mahiru Koizumi
Mikan Tsumiki
Nagito Komaeda
Nekomaru Nidai
Peko Pekoyama
Sonia Nevermind
Teruteru Hanamura
Izuru Kamukura
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Shuichi Saihara
Korekiyo Shinguji
Angie Yonaga
Kirumi Tojo
Kokichi Oma
Tsumugi Shirogane
Tenko Chabashira
Kaede Akamatsu
Kaito Momota
Maki Harukawa
Ryoma Hoshi
Rantaro Amami
Himiko Yumeno
Gonta Gokuhara
Miu Iruma
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Wearing Your (not) Boyfriend’s Clothes Part 2 (Ishimondo Week 2024, Day Four)
And despite not knowing if I'd be able to finish or not, here's day four's entry! It's a continuations of yesterday's fic, since the premise worked for both "role swap" and "competition." This just finishes up the competition I introduced in the first chapter. Both of them. ;-)
I don't have too much more to say, other than I will be posting my next (and prolly last) fic for Ishimondo week tomorrow! This one is in Taka's POV and is also sweet. Just dumb fluff and angst in the form of Taka's anxiety. :-) I still need to finish the ending, but I should hopefully be able to do that before the morning. :-)
You can find the chapter here
Chapter 1
“Am I… am I having a stroke…? I’m having a stroke, aren’t I?” Leon asks, eyes wide as he looks at the rest of their classmates at their usual table, who are looking as confused and freaked out as he is. Mondo lets his eyes wander the room then, feeling both giddy and nervous when he sees that they’re currently the center of attention of the whole room. …  “I wouldn’t think so, Kuwata-san. It seems that the esteemed Ishimaru-san and Owada-san have simply decided to merge their beings together to create the ultimate symbol of hope. How wonderful,” the weirdo Nagito suddenly chimes in, cheery voice as grating as always. Mondo turns his glare to the weirdo, but doesn’t say anything, like he usually would. Sadly, while Mondo usually never hesitates to curse the fucker out whenever he’s being his creepy, weirdo self, Taka tends to ignore him, unless he’s breaking the rules. Which he usually isn’t, unfortunately. Being weird isn’t against the rules, Taka always claims.  But then— “Fuck off, Nagito,” Taka suddenly states boldly, a scowl on his face that is such a good imitation of Mondo’s usual scowl that he honestly can’t look away even if he wanted to. 
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