#leo and alastor be like
littlesilentrebel · 2 years
Reading in English- Leo and Alastor centric
“Ok, so Alastor, all you have to do to become Leo’s bodyguard is to just read and sign these papers, then we’re all good!” Leo’s oldest sister said as she put two sheets of paper stapled together on the table for the boy in front of her to see and read.
Alastor looked down at the papers for a few seconds before slowly looking up, “Wanda, Iwould love to read these, but I can't.”
“What?” Leo asked as he stood up from leaning on the table, “What do you mean you can't read them? Wait- can you not read??” Leo asked with genuine worry.
“Well, Imean I can read, just..not… English…”
“Then, what language can you read in?” Leo’s mom asked as she entered the room.
All eyes slowly turned back to Alastor as he hid a bit into his hoodie.
“YOU CAN READ FRENCH!” Leoyelled abruptly, causing Alastor to flinch.
He took a second to regain himself before speaking again, “Yes, Leo. i can speak French. It’s my first language.”
Everyone was quiet for a few seconds before Wanda took the papers back and handed them to their mother.
“Well then, I’ll figure out how to translate these then let you sign them-” Leo’s mom said as she started to walk away, back upstairs.
“Actaully, Ican help translate them, if you… want..” Alastor said as he slightly stood up before she was out of the room.
Leo’s mom turned around and smiled at Alastor, “Aww, thank you dear. And sure, I’d love the help. come with me, it'll be done very quickly!” she gestured for Alastor to follow her and walked away again, Alaator quickly following.
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xxxregulusblackxxx · 7 months
So I'm obsessing over Hazbin Hotel like all of the internet right now, but I've been a fan since the pilot and am caught up on Helluva Boss. I have a few things to rant about here.
1. ALEX BRIGHAM AND HIS OBSESSION WITH DEMONS. He's Beetlejuice in the broadway musical, he's Fizzorolie or however you spell his name in Helluva boss, he's Sir Pentious and ADAM THEE GOD DAMNED ADAM THE FIRST MAN In Hazbin hotel.
2. Husks voice actor is Keith David aka DR. FACILIER IN THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG!
3. Jack Kelly from Newsies on Broadway, filmed and put on Disney plus, Varian from Tangled the Series is Played by Jeremy Jordan, now if you're a theater kid you know who he is, you'd also be interested in knowing that he's LUCIFER that's right Lucifer Morningstar THE DEVIL HIMSELF
4. HUSKERDUST. I love this ship. Yes they are romantic and Vizzy has confirmed they are a slowburn relationship so if Anyone who interacts with me says they're platonic or found family I will be sending you to hell yourself
5. Alastor, first off he's canonical Aro Ace, just so ya know. Secondly he's such a good manipulator that he's manipulating fans into thinking he's not trying to fuck over the hotel and that he's not a villain. Which he is but he's still lovable. ALSO Alastor is Creole, he may have been white passing when alive but he's Creole and from Louisiana (I love Louisiana born men, my obsession with Leo Knut is proof of that) So just keep that in mind when drawing him. The transatlantic voice is something he would have learned, it's called All American speech and was used in Radio and TV, that's his voice under the radio affect.
6. The V's. Love them and hate them. I absolutely loth Val but at the same time Vox's screen brightens when he's trying to get Valentino's attention and that's really cute
7. Lute's Voice Actress played Elphaba in Wicked and her part in You didn't know is the absolute best part ever.
And Remember they're all in hell for a reason Sir Pentious is the only one who's truly good out of the Sinners
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mossy-leo · 8 months
Oh yeah I would like to put this out here to refer back to when season two comes out-
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coockie8 · 5 months
sorry i came across the ask you got about radiohusk being problematic now and i kinda lost it a little like didnt you write the angels cruelty series?
Yes, I am the author of An Angel's Cruelty.
I'm also the author of How The Tables Turn (a fic where Angel Dust repeatedly drugs and rapes Valentino), and Doped Up Actions (a fic where Angel Dust gets drunk and fucks his drugged brother; Arackniss).
We haven't even addressed all the fucked up shit that happens in Breeding Doe, and that's just for Hazbin Hotel; this doesn't even breathe in the direction of other fandoms like Fullmetal Alchemist that contain fics like To Hell and Back (a fic where Ed and Roy get kidnapped into slavery, Ed has his automail ports torn from his body, and Roy gets fucked by a horse then cooked alive).
:) But yeah I'd give a crap about radiohusk being "problematic" now, right? :)
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zprites · 2 years
Hello! I wanted to take the time and put together a masterlist to keep my writing in one spot.
A quick few words - this blog is 18+ as I do occasionally write NSFW and reblog other NSFW things. Please keep that in mind!
And as always, the turtles are always aged-up in my TMNT fics.
I do have a taglist for TMNT-related fics so if you'd like to be tagged in the future on those, please let me know!
What Better is Like ***ON AN INDEFINITE HIATUS*** - Rise! Donnie x Kayla (Female OC) - Planned to be NSFW, SFW for now - 10/30 chapters - PLEASE BE MINDFUL OF THE TAGS AND TWS AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH CHAPTER! - For the latest chapter, click here!
Shut Up. - Rise! Donnie x F! Reader - SFW with NSFW themes
Shut Up. Part 2 - Rise! Donnie x F! Reader - NSFW
Avocado Toast - Bayverse! Donnie x F! Reader - SFW
Flowering Like the Stars - Rise! Mikey x F! Reader - NSFWish
Close Your Eyes, I Got You Now - Rise! Leo x GN! Reader - SFW
Lavender and Lace - Rise! Donnie x Kayla (Female OC) - set in What Better is Like Universe - NSFWish
Summer Loving - Bayverse! Raph x F! Reader - SFW
Kismet - Rise! Donnie x F! OC/Reader - SFW
Stroking Egos, Turn-Based Style - Tactical! Donatello x Tactical! Montgomery Gator (FNAF) x Female! Reader - NSFW - Three more parts planned for this universe
Bayverse! Tattoos Headcanons - SFW
Rise! Turtles with Sick S/O Headcanons - SFW
Non-TMNT Fics
i can be everything you need and more - Welcome Home - Wally Darling x GN! Reader - SFW
Diamonds and Coal - Hazbin Hotel - Lucifer Morningstar x OC (written for a friend) - SFW
Teach Me to Be Cruel - Hazbin Hotel - Alastor x OC, Soulmate AU - NSFW (1/5 chapters done)
Do You Ever Really Know? - Spider-verse - Jonathan Ohnn (Spot) x Spider-sona OC - SFW but will be NSFW (3/4 chapters done)
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sillystar7 · 2 months
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xcherricutie · 6 months
🏵️ independent together 🏵️
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[Lucifer Morningstar x Reader]
[Part One] [Part Two] [Part Three] [Part Four]
[Word Count - 5.5k]
[Tags: Fluff, bit of angst sprinkled in, bit of Adam x Reader sprinkled in too, songfic, two songs this time!!]
[Notes: This is the last part, I don't wanna milk it lol. I put two songs in this part, mostly because I really wanted to give Adam a song. Also, yes, this part is, like, triple the size of the others, sorry to those who don't like long one shots. I got way more love for these than I thought I would, so thank you to everyone, it was so much fun. I literally was getting at least a hundred notifications a day lol, thanks again for all the love]
[Additional note: take a shot every time you read "independent together". I love the song, but HOLY SHIT are the lyrics repetitive, it was so hard to write in a way that flowed easily]
“Hey, bitch, you alright in there?” 
You ignored the voice on the other side of the door. You didn’t dare crawl out of the safe space that was your blankets. The thought that he might be standing on the other side made your gut twist in fear, even if you knew that wasn’t the case. You didn’t dare risk it, even if you knew there was no way Adam and Lucifer would be standing side by side outside your room. 
Adam grumbled in annoyance at the lack of a response. Charlie had begged him to come check on you after you disappeared into your room days ago. You refused to open the door for anyone, not even Charlie, and the only person she thought could convince you to open up was Adam. He didn’t see the point in bothering, saying that they should just leave you be to mope, but Charlie insisted. So, here he was, against his will, checking on you. 
As the silence drawled on, Adam rolled his eyes, grabbing your door handle and giving it a twist. It was locked, but locked doors meant little in Hell, applying just a tad bit more strength to twist it open. The door gave in, opening to reveal your bedroom. 
You heard the door creaking open, shooting up out of your blankets. Glaring at your intruder, you're curled into the blankets, completely wrapped up in the only thing keeping you safe from Adam. Even though you knew he was completely harmless, you still didn’t feel comfortable being in the presence of anybody at all, not right now. Not after what you’d witnessed in Lucifer’s room. 
“So, the fuck is up?” Adam asked as he threw himself down onto your bed, the bed creaking loudly from the sudden addition. He laid on his side, leaning his cheek on the palm of his hand, his masked eyes looking over at you curiously. He couldn’t deny that he too wondered what had suddenly got into you. You were fine the night they drank together. “You’ve been holed up in here for days, the bitch is starting to get worried.” 
By “bitch”, you knew he meant Charlie. You knew she was worried; she had been coming up to check on you the last four days you had been isolated in your room. You would give her a short reply, saying you just weren’t feeling well, but you’d never open the door for her. Well, she’d certainly be able to come in now that Adam had broken the lock on your door. You’d have to ask Alastor to fix it, which you were not excited about. 
“I’m fine,” You rolled your eyes in annoyance, turning to lay on your side and hide your face from Adam’s view. “I told Charlie I just wasn’t feeling well. Tell her not to worry, I’ll get over it soon.” 
“Tell her yourself, bitch, get out of bed,” Adam said, laying on his back as he casually examined his nails, which had now turned into claws since his second death. You growled in annoyance, kicking him in the side, earning a pained cry from him. “What the fuck is your problem!? Being a little fuckin’ rude, aren’t ya? Even after I came up here to check on your ungrateful ass!” 
“Maybe don’t break into people’s rooms, Adam!” You shouted, sitting up and glaring down at him. Adam huffed, crossing his arms as he sat up. He practically eclipsed you in size, especially as his wings ruffled in annoyance. 
“What’s your deal? You were fine the other night, are you just pissy with me? Did I do something to piss you off?” He asked. You looked at him in surprise, eyes wide. 
You didn’t think about it until now, but that’s probably how it appeared to Adam and the others. You had spent another long night of drinking with Adam, only to suddenly close off the entire world, including Adam, with no explanation. You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose as you shook your head. “No, it wasn’t you, you didn’t do anything. It was...” 
You paused, unsure if it was the right idea to tell Adam of all people what had happened. When Adam leaned in curiously, a brow raised, you decided it was too late to back out of telling him now. “It was Lucifer. He was... I found him singing, about me, about us...” 
Adam looked down at you, confusion written across his face. “Singing about you? That’s fucking weird. He sounds totally into you, fucking gross.” 
You winced at his harsh words, though you didn’t disagree. Lucifer was missing you; he had sung all about how much he missed you, how much it hurt him to see you again. You found it somewhat pathetic that he was hurting, when he was the one who abandoned you. It was his fault he was missing you. 
Your anger revitalized, you clenched your fists as you huffed. “I know. It’s honestly pathetic; he’s the one who cheated! He shouldn’t be surprised I’m not going back to him.” 
“Woah, wait, what?” Adam grabbed your shoulders, looking down at you in pure shock. It took you a minute to process why he was so surprised, when it occurred to you that Adam didn’t know. It had completely slipped your mind that you hadn’t told anyone the actual connection you had with Lucifer. As far as everyone else knew, you two just used to be close friends. Nobody knew you were actually married. 
Your throat dried at the realization, tripping over words as you tried to come up with an explanation. Adam immediately saw through your lies, gripping your shoulders tighter, demanding the truth. You chuckled nervously, leaning away from him, although unable to escape his grip. 
“We, ah... Lucifer and I were actually married before everything happened. He cheated on me and left me for Lilith...” You spoke, hoping and praying to anyone that would listen that this didn’t get back to Charlie. You should have known Adam better though. He was going to make this a huge deal. 
“No fucking way,” Adam released you, placing a hand on his head as he came to terms with the bombshell information. “No fucking way. This is perfect.” 
You raised a brow in confusion, wanting to question him, but you had no time to voice your thoughts as you were ripped out of your bed. You yelped in surprise as Adam squeezed your wrists, bending over to have his face directly in front of yours. 
“Let’s make him super fucking jealous,” Adam grinned from ear to ear, his mask visibly glitching with excitement. He could finally get back at Lucifer, take his revenge for stealing both of his wives. “Come on, it’s fucking genius. Little man stole both our lives from each other! He stole my wives, and cheated on you with them! So, wouldn’t it just be so perfect that we just happen to get a little too close, fuck around, and make him super jealous? It’d be the perfect revenge, and hey, you’ll get to dick around a little too with the Dickmaster.” 
You cringed at the title he chose for himself, pulling back from him, but not strong enough to escape his grip. “I don’t know, Adam. I’m not into you like that. And I don’t want to catch Lucifer’s attention any more than I already have.” 
“Come on, babe, everyone’s into me like that,” Adam scoffed, pulling you to him by the waist. “Let’s just give it a try! He likes to sing about you, huh? I wonder how much he’d like it if I sung about you.” 
“W-Wait, Adam—” 
Before you could resist any harder, Adam whisked you away, throwing you over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes as he flew back to the main hall, where everyone sat about in the lobby. You went limp against him, knowing there was little use in fighting the stubborn demon, a small chuckle escaping your lips. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to have a little fun with the situation, as messed up as it was. 
“Oh! Adam!” 
You heard Charlie’s voice as Adam came to a stop in the center of the lobby. He set you down on your feet, turning to Charlie with a smirk. “Got the bitch out, no need to thank me, I know I’m the best.” 
“Right...” Charlie gave him a forced smile. She turned her eyes onto you, about to ask you a question, when Adam spoke back up, ripping Charlie’s attention away and back onto him. 
“So, listen, CharChar,” Adam smirked as his particular use of the nickname caught a certain Devil’s attention. “I just came up with a sick ass way to thank you for letting me freeload off you while I’m down here. Seeing as how you guys all love a sappy fucking song, I decided, why not have the First Man put on a little show? I’ve got the voice, I’m the best at what I do, it’d be the fucking best.” 
Charlie’s eyes visibly lit up with excitement, Adam’s words surprising the other residents as well. The entire time Adam had been staying at the hotel, he refused to do anything for anyone, and especially refused to thank Charlie for allowing him to stay. Charlie had assumed his sudden change had occurred because of you, giggling excitedly at the thought. Finally, she was seeing some progress. Or so she thought. 
“That’d be great! When would you like to do it?” Charlie asked, beaming up at him. 
“Right fuckin’ now,” Adam smirked, grabbing her wrist. Charlie yelped in surprise as Adam dragged her toward the lobby steps, leading her toward the roof of the hotel. 
With that, Adam had set up a very impromptu concert. You had tried to tell him that it was too much for a little bit of messing with Lucifer, but Adam was dead set on doing it. You didn’t even understand what a concert had to do with making Lucifer jealous because, as far as you knew, you weren’t even joining Adam in his little surprise concert. Adam didn’t tell you anything, just that he was going to have a little fun with the song. 
Charlie had materialized a small stage on the roof of the hotel, the hotel’s bright lights lighting up the stage brilliantly. She was nearly bursting at the seams with excitement, so much so that Vaggie was having to calm her down somewhat. You looked at Charlie with a brow slightly raised, almost concerned for the woman, before your gaze drifted onto a person standing in the back. Lucifer. 
You knew he was only up here because Adam had led Charlie up here. Lucifer didn’t trust Adam a single bit, barely letting the demon out of his sight sometimes. In fact, the only times where Lucifer wasn’t watching Adam like a hawk was when Adam was with you. The thought made you frown, huffing as you walked up to the stage where Adam stood, tuning his angelic guitar. 
“Hey, Adam,” You called out, trying to get his attention without earning others’ unwanted attention. Adam looked down at you, before smirking and walking up to the edge of stage you leaned against. 
“Wassup, babe?” He asked, sitting down. You hummed, your finger pressing into the wood of the makeshift stage, pulling at one of the jagged chips. 
“Are you sure this is a good idea? It’s going a little far just to make Lucifer jealous...” You muttered. Adam scoffed, his eyes rolling heavily enough to be seen even through his digital mask. 
“Come on, this is our revenge! This is our way of getting back at that midget for fucking our relationships up. He’s a little cheater and a wife stealing asshole. Let’s just have fun with this!” Adam exclaimed, grinning widely, baring his fangs. 
Before you could reply, Adam stood up, pulling his guitar up to rest on his shoulder. His movements as he walked to the center of the stage caught the attention of the little audience, everyone’s eyes landing on him. You huffed, stepping back to stand next to Charlie as Adam spoke up. 
“You guys ready to have your fuckin’ panties blown off by my sick skills!?” Adam yelled, getting excited himself. Not only had it been a long time since he got to play any music, but it was all to fuck with Lucifer. This was the best kind of music. “Let’s do this shit!” 
Adam strummed the strings of his guitar, making an almost bursting sound, before easing into a slow tune. You looked up at him in surprise, not aware that he could make any music that wasn’t just loud noise and screaming. It sounded shockingly good, almost like he planned this, and you knew he hadn’t. 
“Nothing is holding you back now,” Adam began, his voice soft, and lacking any of the curses he usually threw around. He looked down at you, winking and blowing a kiss, causing your face to warm up as you chuckled nervously. “No one can push you around.” 
“What do you wanna do? You’re the master of you,” Adam stepped closer to the edge of the stage, his eyes trained completely on you. He reached his hand out to you, surprising you as you hesitantly took it. “And isn’t the thought enough to lift you off of the ground?” 
Adam yanked you up off the ground, pulling a squeal out of you as he threw you into the air. A pair of wings sprouted from your back, the lights of the hotel and the city shining all around as you floated high above everything. Looking down at Adam, he gave you a large grin and a thumbs up, making you giggle. 
“Nothing,” You sang along, a grin spreading across your face. “Is holding me back now. No one can push me around.” 
Landing next to Adam, you looked up to the taller demon with a beam, your lips tugged upward into a smile. “What do I wanna be? I’m the master of me, and isn’t the thought enough to lift me off of the ground?” 
Your wings flapped in sync with Adam’s as you both lifted off the stage, mimicking each other’s smiles. Adam took the lead, leaning into you as he sang. 
“We could be independent together, independent together, we can fly,” Adam leaned his back against yours, your wings pressed together, moving together as one. “Independent together, independent together,” 
You looked up to Adam with wide, awestruck eyes, your genuine smile a sight to see. Adam had been the only one to make you smile like that in a long, long time, and he knew it. It made something within him flutter to life, something he hadn’t felt in a just as long time. Genuine happiness. He truly enjoyed singing with you. 
“Independent together, you and I,” Adam shot you a smile, making you giggle as you pulled away from his back. 
Adam looked back to you in surprise, his eyes widening as two more pairs of wings sprouted from your back. A halo formed above your head, its form in the shape of a crown on your head. Its white coloration immediately drew attention as your hair fluffed out, much like that of a seraphim. Your bright blue eyes shone brightly, matching the new pairs of eyes that dotted your body and wings, your clawed hand reaching out to Adam. 
Adam looked up at you in shock, no doubt unaware of what status you had been as an angel. You giggled as he hesitantly took your hand, momentarily awestruck by your transformation. He quickly recovered though as he pulled you to him, holding your angelic form against his own demonic body. 
“High above an endless sea,” Adam’s face leaned in closer, his breath fanning your face. You smiled up at him, leaning into his hold, letting him guide you. “No one brought us here but me. Every step and every choice...” 
His body turned, squeezing your hand as he pulled you along. Backs pressed together; you fell downward back to the stage. “It’s my fault, it’s my thought, it’s my words, it’s my voice,” 
Landing on the stage with an explosion of light, you let out a giggle as you used your own angelic magic to summon a matching bass to play along with Adam. Adam’s face visibly lit up as you began singing and playing along, your voice taking on a more angelic sound. 
“Independent together, independent together, if we try,” 
You and Adam leaned in, your smiles lighting up the stage as you sang together, perfectly in sync. “Independent together, independent together, independent together, you and I,” 
You had completely forgotten the whole point of this impromptu concert at this point. You forgot that there was an audience, that the rest of the world surrounded you. In the bright lights of the city and hotel, you could only see Adam before you, his face progressively getting closer. 
“Independent together, independent together, we can fly,” Your six wings spread out, your eyes glowing with exhilaration. You didn’t notice just how few inches apart your face was from Adam’s, nor did you see just how that affected the Devil that caused this whole concert to begin with. 
“Independent together, independent together,” Your hand reached out to Adam, your palm pressing against his masked face as you looked into his eyes. He could have sworn you were looking straight through his mask and into his eyes with how you were holding eye contact, getting lost in each other’s eyes. “Independent together, you and I,” 
Your wings slowed to a stop as you and Adam landed. You leaned your forehead against his, surprised as he returned the gesture full heartedly, nearly leaning into you as the song slowed to a stop. 
“Independent together, you and I...” 
You looked up to Adam in both surprise and excitement. Adam held the same exact expression, as if surprised by how carried away they had gotten. Laughter bubbled from within you as the bass you held disappeared, jumping into Adam’s arms with a squeal. Adam chuckled as he held you up, spinning around, before setting you down. 
“That was fucking awesome, babe!” Adam exclaimed, throwing his arms up in exaggeration. You chuckled at his reaction, before remembering that you had an audience. You turned your attention to see their reactions, your eyes widening. 
Tears streamed down Lucifer’s face as he stood in the very front of the small crowd. He looked up to you with a desperate, almost pleading look. Charlie called out to him with a worried tone, snapping him out of his daze as he roughly rubbed his sleeve across his face, whipping around and storming off without a single word. 
“Dad, wait! What’s wrong!?” Charlie yelled, watching as he slammed the door behind him, disappearing into the hotel. A loud burst of laughter caught her attention as she turned around to see Adam completely doubled over, struggling to contain himself and breathe. 
“D-Did you see his fucking face? We broke him,” Adam stuttered through his laughter, wiping away a fake tear from his mask. He stood up straight, turning to see your reaction, his laughter coming to an abrupt halt as he saw the distraught look on your face. 
“Wait a minute,” Charlie held her hands up, shaking her head in disbelief as she approached the stage you and Adam stood atop. “You mean you did that on purpose? What the fuck is wrong with you?” 
“Come on,” Adam groaned in annoyance, jumping down onto the floor before Charlie. “We were just messing around. We wanted to get a little revenge for Luci ruining our relationships.” 
“What?” Charlie’s brows furrowed in confusion, turning her attention to you as you stepped down from the stage, your angelic form disappearing in a flash of gold. “What is he talking about? What relationship?” 
You stilled at Charlie’s words. It seemed your hesitation caught the others’ attention, Charlie leaning in closer as she glared down at you. You growled in annoyance, turning your irritation on Adam. “Come on! They weren’t supposed to know!” 
“Oh, shit, my bad,” Adam held up his hands defensively, stepping back from you. Your attention was shifted back to Charlie as she urged an explanation from you, making you sigh in frustration. 
“Ch-Charlie, there was a reason I never said anything. I didn’t want to get in between you and your family, even if Lucifer and Lilith are split up. I didn’t want you to be mad at Lucifer, I—” 
“What are you saying?” Charlie cut you off, confusion written across her face. She didn’t understand. She didn’t want to understand, but she was already beginning to get somewhat of an idea. She knew what Lucifer did to you, abandoning you in the garden and running away with Lilith. But she didn’t even imagine that there was a whole other layer to it. She didn’t want it to be. 
“Charlie... Your dad and I were married,” You spoke softly, as if scared your words might harm her, scar her. She loved her father deeply and held him up on a high pedestal. She would often talk about how her parents met, and how she loved their love story, even if they were split up. You couldn’t bear to ruin that image, even if you were mad at Lucifer. 
Charlie’s eyes widened as she froze up. It almost felt as though her heart came to a halt in her chest, stilling the blood in her body. “Wh-What?” 
“I kept it a secret because I didn’t want to ruin the image of Lucifer that you have. Please don’t be mad at him, I—” 
“How could I not be mad!?” Charlie exclaimed. You looked up at her in surprise, your eyes going wide. You didn’t think you’d ever heard Charlie yell in the time you had spent in Hell. You almost didn’t think she was capable of getting genuinely angry. 
“All my life, I thought mom and dad had a perfect relationship,” Charlie paced back and forth, pulling her hair by the roots, something that had become a habit in times of stress. “Even when mom left, dad still stayed loyal, he wore her ring, he didn’t try to move on. I-I can’t believe he would do that! He’s such a fucking asshole!” 
“Babe, calm down...” Vaggie tried to plant Charlie in place, placing her hands on Charlie’s chest to keep her from pacing. Charlie growled in annoyance, sidestepping Vaggie as she continued to walk her anger off. 
“And you! How could you stay quiet about this?” Charlie looked down at you with a pleading look. “I deserved to know what kind of a man my dad is. I should have known what he did to you, what he...” 
Charlie trailed off, hiding her face in her hands. Her body shook slightly, the telling sign of the turmoil that lay just beneath the surface. Your heart broke at the sight of Charlie struggling to keep herself together, stepping toward her as you gently grabbed her wrists. 
Pulling her hands away to reveal her sorrowful face that had been soaked in tears, you gave her a soft smile, your thumbs caressing the palms of her hands to try and calm her. Charlie had been the only person aside from Adam to be friendly to you, the only demon down here that truly cared for you. You couldn’t stand to see her breaking down, not over something that was between you and Lucifer. 
“Charlie, despite what Lucifer did to me, he’s still a good person. He’s spent the last ten thousand years trying to make up for what he’s done, to make up for his past mistakes. I don’t want you to be mad at him, not when he’s putting so much effort into making a change,” You dropped Charlie’s hands to move to her shoulders, giving them a reassuring squeeze. “Besides, isn’t the whole point of the hotel to atone and become a better person?” 
Charlie’s eyes seemed to widen at that, as if remembering her whole mission with the hotel. A soft chuckle bubbled within her, lifting her hand to wipe away the stray tears that remained. “Yeah, you’re right.” 
Charlie pulled you into a hug, momentarily surprising you before you returned it in full, holding her tightly. You felt her sigh shakily against you, releasing the remainders of her stress, before pulling away with a renewed smile. 
“You know, if you keep making progress like this, you’ll be redeemed in no time,” She said, making you chuckle. But your laughter died down as you turned your attention back to the door that Lucifer had stormed through not too long ago. 
“Maybe you should go check on him,” You said, gesturing toward the door. Charlie’s eyes followed your own, a soft hum on her lips as she mulled over it. She couldn’t help but still be slightly upset over the reveal of her father’s infidelity, having to remind herself that the whole point of her mission was to forgive those who did wrong. 
She looked down at you with a smile, holding her hand out for you to take. “Could you come with me?” 
You looked up to her, bright blue eyes going wide. You weren’t entirely sure you were ready to talk yet, still afraid that you might give in to your emotions and give him another chance. You were still afraid that he would take advantage of your weak emotional state and hurt you again. 
But the look Charlie gave you promised that she wouldn’t allow her father to hurt you, never again. So, despite your better judgement, you trusted her, placing your hand, and your emotional security, in her own. 
Leading you back into the hotel, you and Charlie went out to search for Lucifer. Finding his bedroom to be empty, the two of you made your way down into the lobby, surprised to find him just about to leave. Charlie called out to him, surprising him as he whipped around, a forced smile on his face. 
“Ah, Charlie! I was just about to head out, I—” 
Lucifer cut himself off upon seeing you beside Charlie. The forced smile immediately dipped into a frown, but he stayed in place as you and Charlie approached. He wanted more than anything to disappear from the world and never been seen again, especially as he felt your cold blue eyes meet his own. 
“Dad, there’s something we should talk about,” Charlie began, before taking a deep breath and looking at you. “Something you should talk about.” 
You looked up to her nervously, your heart thundering in your chest, especially as Charlie released your hand and stepped back, leaving you to stand alone before Lucifer. Your gaze landed on his eyes, bright red irises that you had always found alluring. You opened your mouth to say something, Lucifer doing the same, but nothing came out, no words were spoken. You could only look away, casting your stare onto the floor. 
Charlie seemed to notice the thick, tense air between you two, sighing deeply. A small smile pulled at her lips as her soft voice filled the lobby, catching the attention of you both. “Why don’t you talk to each other?” 
Charlie stepped toward you, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder and back, pushing you toward Lucifer. Both yours and Lucifer’s eyes widened at the sudden close proximity as Charlie continued. “Why don’t you talk to each other? Just give it a try,” 
Charlie grabbed her father’s hand, Lucifer’s eyes stuck glued to yours, giving you an almost fearful look. He jumped in his skin as he felt Charlie place his hand in yours, the touch of your corrupted angelic skin the exact same as he always remembered. “Why don’t you talk about what happened? I know you’re trying to avoid it, but I don’t know why,” 
“You might not believe it,” Charlie gave you a reassuring smile as she stepped back, leaving you in the presence of Lucifer. You glanced at the hand where you were connected with him, unable to help the heat that rushed to your cheeks, or the tears that began to well in your eyes. “You might not believe it, but you got a lot in common, you really do,” 
“You both love me, and I love both of you...” 
Lucifer sighed, his hand squeezing yours gently, taking in the way your soft palm felt under his thumb. He looked away, taking in a shaky breath as he forced his voice to work for him. “Look, if I were you, I’d hate me too.” 
“I don’t hate you...” You muttered, keeping your gaze on the floor as you held back your tears. Your throat squeezed tightly, trying to keep everything tightly wound up inside you, trying to hold yourself together. 
“Why not?” Lucifer looked up to you with wide eyes, as if begging you to hate him. Because it’d be easier for him to come to terms with you hating him, than for him to accept that you’ve moved on and don’t care anymore. “Y-You should hate me, you should want me dead,” 
You looked up to him in surprise, a stray tear escaping your eyes as you chuckled, your cheeks crinkling slightly. “I guess this place is just rubbing off on me. I got so tired of being mad, I just couldn’t bring myself to fight you anymore. I would rather just forgive you and move on.” 
“B-But—” Lucifer cut himself off, tears brimming in his eyes. He deserved to be hated, he was the most hated being in existence. It simply wasn’t fair, he hated that you forgave him before he forgave himself. He couldn’t forgive himself. He would never be able to. 
His eyes widened as he felt your hand on his cheek, wiping away the tears that he hadn’t realized escaped. He looked up to you in shock, trying to understand what was going through your head, why you were doing the things you did, the things that made him miss you even more. 
“If you wanted to, we could move on together. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to trust you again, but I trust Charlie, and I know she won’t let me get hurt here,” You chuckled softly, looking over at Charlie with a smile, before turning your attention back to Lucifer as you stepped closer to him. “You’ve raised a wonderful person, Lucifer. She’s the entire reason why I can forgive you. She’s the reason why I want to move on with you.” 
Lucifer stared up into your angelic eyes, his body shaking as tears streamed down his face. He squeezed his eyes shut, crashing into your arms as he held you like his life depended on it. “More than anything,” 
He looked up to you, his eyes glimmering in the lights of the hotel, his lips pulling into a soft smile. “I’d love it more than anything.” 
You giggled, grabbing hold of his hands, pulling him to a slow dance. Lucifer was practically beaming at you now, his tears streaming freely down his face as he chuckled, following along. 
Charlie couldn’t help the smile that graced her face, watching the scene before her unfold as she continued to sing, wiping away the tears that had fallen from her eyes as well. “I know you both need it, I know you both need it,” 
“Someone who knows what you’re going through,” 
Your laughter filled the room as Lucifer spun you around, the sound making his heart flutter. A chuckle escaped his lips, before he too was laughing, getting lost in the sounds of your joy. A sound he’d missed for far longer than he realized. 
“You might not believe it, you might not believe it, but you got a lot in common, you really do,” 
Your feet slowed to a stop as you looked down into Lucifer’s eyes, your hands moving to cup his cheeks. You leaned in, resting your forehead against his own, strands of your hair tickling his face. You felt him wrap his arms around your neck, his breath fanning your face as he sighed. 
“You both love me, and I love both of you...” 
“You have no idea how much I missed this,” Lucifer said, looking into your bright blue eyes. You smiled, moving to pull him into a hug. 
“You have no idea how much I missed you,” You muttered against his shoulder, basking in his presence. Perhaps this was the happy ending you had waited so long to get. It wasn’t perfect, but nothing was. Not even angels were perfect, as you had found out. But now, you wouldn’t have things any other way. Because now, you were finally happy. You could start anew, with the new friends you’ve made, with Lucifer. You were finally ready to let him back in. 
“You both love me, and I love both of you...”
@christineblood, @jellyedkazoo, @sirenetheblogger, @charliesicedcoffee
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cryptidghostgirl · 6 months
Drawing Down the Moon (Alastor x Ancient Roman!Witch!Reader)
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Warnings: I don't think there are any? Please correct me if I am wrong. The subject matter is a little niche.
Description: Alastor reencounters an old friend.
Word Count: 2,871
Master Lists:
All Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List 
Alastor Master List 
Click here and leave a comment if you want to be added to any taglists or send me an ask about it.
A/N i’ve been reading about roman magic laws for school okay?? don’t judge me. Maybe one of the nichest things I've ever written (except that one Akutagawa x Reader fic I have on my Wattpad where I made them talk to one another in ancient Greek and Latin (its called Leo, Leonis and tbh, that fic slaps if I do say so myself)). Won't be surprised if no one reads or likes this one but I don't care. This will be a monster of a fic, she's been lurking in the recesses of my mind for a hot second now.
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"Why would she lie for so long? Does she think I wouldn't accept her?" Charlie was animatedly talking at Alastor as they walked the streets of Hell, "What about me, ME, says un understanding... misunderstanding?... Disunder- Wait, w-where are we?"
Alastor sprung to life as Charlie finally asked a question he had an answer to. Theatrically, he stepped into her curious line of sight, his arms held wide.
"Cannibal Town!" respectfully, Alastor turned and took Charlie's arm in his own, "There's a friend of mine I think you should meet."
"In Cannibal Town?" Charlie doubtfully asked as Alastor began to lead her towards a crowded shop entrance, "But it's... it's... surprisingly nice here."
"Isn't it, though?" Alastor proudly replied, "And it is all thanks to a very special someone."
Alastor opened the stained glass doors to the emporium, allowing Charlie to walk through them before he followed in her wake. The store was full, packed to the brim with cannibals of all sorts, all of whom seemed to part respectfully in the face of Alastor, allowing him to approach the front counter with Charlie trailing after him.
"Ah, Johnny my good fellow." Alastor hummed to the cashier, leaning casually on the counter.
The demon seated behind the table looked up with a wide smile.
"Mister Alastor, it has been quite a while since we've seen your face around these parts."
Charlie watched the interaction in mild surprise. It wasn't often she had the pleasure of meeting someone Alastor knew who didn't hate him or want him dead. Curiosity clouded her mind as Alastor waved the man off.
"I don't mean to be rude but, we're in a bit of a rush." Alastor said, politeness pooling delicately around his words, "Rosie wouldn't happen to be in, would she?"
"Ah, well, you see, Mister Alastor..." the demon seemed slightly uncomfortable, scratching at his ear slightly, "She's a tad... preoccupied at the moment?"
"A guest?" Alastor asked.
"A guest." Johnny reluctantly confirmed.
"Well, no matter. Is she in the back?"
"Yes," Johnny got to his feet, leaning forward as Alastor linked arms with Charlie once again, leading her behind the counter, "but I really don't think it's a good idea to... and they're gone."
"Wasn't that rude?" Charlie asked as Alastor pulled her behind the curtain that separated the main store from the backrooms and Rosie's apartment, "Oh no, is that guy going to get in trouble? Because of us?"
"Everything will be just fine my dear, don't you worry." Alastor patted her hand reassuringly as they came to stop before a door.
Letting Charlie's arm fall free, he straightened his jacket just the slightest bit before knocking on the door. There was a moment of silent anticipation before a voice from the other side called:
"Who is it?!"
"Alastor, Rosie." Alastor replied calmly.
There was a rustling of fabric, a handful of hasty footsteps, and the door swung open to reveal a woman. She was tall and beautiful in her long dress and her wide brimmed hat.
"Oh my stars!" she exclaimed with a bright smile, "Do my eyes deceive me? Alastor? Alastor! Where have you been? These halls really lost some of their sparkle without your lively presence and-"
The woman, Rosie, trailed off as she caught sight of Charlie standing beside her dear friend.
"Oh, who's this you brought with you? Come now, Alastor, she's much too young for you. Oh, I'm just kidding. But where are your manners, Mister? Introduce us, why don't you?"
"Ah, yes, Charlie, this is Rosie: the most darling, delightful, and dangerous Overlord this side of the pentagram."
At his words, Rosie smiled, giving a perfect curtsy. It was as her form lowered that Charlie caught sight of the interior of the room, and the strange seated figure it housed. Alastor seemed not to have noticed and as Rosie straightened herself up again, she laughed slightly.
"Oh, always such a charmer."
"And Rosie," Alastor continued, "it is my pleasure to introduce you to Princess Charlie Morningstar, daughter of Lucifer and heir to the throne of Hell."
Charlie smiled weakly, waving slightly at the imposing and nearly off-puttingly cheerful woman.
"How do you do?" she asked awkwardly, "I am very sorry for interrupting your meeting, I tried to get Alastor to wait but..."
"Oh, yes!" Rosie suddenly exclaimed, almost as if she had forgotten about her previous guest in all the excitement, "Come on in you two, I'm sure she wouldn't mind."
Charlie was about to protest when Rosie grabbed her by the arm, dragging her into the room. Alastor followed, turning his back as he shut the door behind them. Charlie's mouth fell open slightly as her eyes finally saw the truth of Rosie's guest.
She was tall, probably tall enough to rival Alastor or Rosie herself. Skin tinged slightly blue, she seemed to be covered in a faint gold dust that clung to her draped, toga-like dress and skin in equal amount. Heaps of gold jewelry hung on every inch of her as well, wrapping her wrists, her neck, her ankles, her fingers, even braided into her hair. Resting atop her head was a crown of gold with a half moon on it, her feet were bare. With wide, white eyes that nearly seemed unseeing, the woman watched Charlie carefully.
"Can I offer you something to eat?" Rosie was asking, but Charlie could barley hear her, unable to break eye contact with the woman, "I'm sure I have a leg around here or something..."
"I am afraid were not here for food." Alastor thankfully stepped in, turning to Rosie with closed eyes and a wide smile, "We happen to be in need of some help."
"Alastor?" the woman spoke and her voice resounded in itself, loud yet soft at the same time, singular and yet somehow plural.
"Well, aren't you fresh."
That was the first thing she had ever said to him. Alastor had been wandering Hell, minding his own business when he had heard that voice say those words and felt a fire ignited in him. Slowly, he had turned around to see a pair of towering demons. Overlords, he realized, and big ones at that. Alastor's smile sharpened at its edges as he began to formulate a plan.
Charlie turned at last, as if whatever spell the stranger had cast on her had broken at the sound of her voice, to look at Alastor in mild confusion. She heard his breath hitch in his throat. The man in question was frozen, his ears twitching wildly, his eyes now wide open.
"Is that you?" the demon asked again.
Alastor somehow seemed to reassemble himself before their very eyes. Slowly, he turned to the room's only occupied chair.
"Who are you?"
Alastor feigned innocence, looking up at the titan herself as she took a step forward. In an instant, she stood at his height, looking him dead in the eyes.
"An odd one too." she hummed thoughtfully, white eyes tracking the stars, reading his future it almost seemed, "Most people go with what before who."
Alastor was unsure how to respond to that one. The titan chuckled, a grin flashing across her face. It was unexpected, disconcerting. Alastor hadn't thought her face capable of any expression save solemn disinterest. She turned her head slightly to the side, looking back over her shoulder to her companion.
"Zestial, cara mea?"
The spidery demon took a step forward, meeting her eyes.
"Don't you have something you need to be getting to?"
Alastor may have been dumbstruck, but he wasn't stupid. He heard the order as clearly as if she had not bothered with the formalities of disguising it. It shocked Alastor to his core. This might be his first time encountering Zestial but, he had heard the demon's name before. Most frequently, it had been spat at him by his victims who claimed that one of Hell's oldest and most respected demons would come for him. So who was this other overlord, the titan? Sure, he'd heard of her before but enough that such blatant disrespect towards Hell's most respected made sense? No. Not at all, in fact.
Zestial paused a moment before bowing his head slightly.
"You're quite right." he hummed, "I will be seeing you presently I expect?"
"Perchance." the titan lazily replied, her gaze having long since switched back to Alastor, set on analyzing his features, "I'll let you know."
With another polite bow, Zestial had turned and began walking in the opposite direction. The titan held an arm out for Alastor. He looked at it curiously before meeting the demon's eye's again. She laughed.
"So suspicious. I thought you we're the one killing overlords, not me."
His eyes went wide.
"How do you..." he cleared his throat, "how did you know?"
It was a stupid question and he knew it. There hadn't been any secret keeping, not really. Sure, he never outright said he was the Radio Demon who broadcasted screams but he supposed there couldn't be many Radio Demon's out there really. It didn't matter that he had only been going after overlords for a month or so now, she was one. Of course she would know.
"Let's go for a walk, shall we?"
All it took was one look. Suddenly, he was new again, spat fresh out of life on Earth and in to Hell's gaping maw. One look at her, and he dissolved at the edges, forming and reforming his own ability to speak and comprehend the world around him.
"It is." the woman hummed, a wide smile breaking across her face, revealing the blackness of her teeth, her mouth.
Alastor soon formed a bit of a soft spot for the inhuman overlord. It was that first meeting, that first walk. He had asked, hunting for information to wield against her, about her life on Earth and in Hell. It was her fault really, for answering. That's what had him stuck.
Y/n had laid her life out for him like a freshly pressed table cloth. She had been raised on the streets of ancient Rome and executed as a witch. She was perhaps the oldest demon remaining in Hell, the exterminations having eventually wiped out even the strongest members of her times. Just as Alastor had been reborn as a deer due to his death, so too was she reborn as what they had accused her of. Every ritual, every spell, prophecy itself all worked for her. It was then Alastor understood the interaction he had witnessed between Zestial and Y/n, then he understood the respect.
He found himself drawn to her more and more and, somehow, he always seemed to be able to find her when he went searching. He assumed it was some strange magical nonsense she controlled. Alastor didn't question it.
Y/n showed him Hell in a way he had never seen it before. She taught him where to gather herbs and how to use them, how to bend the earth to his will, how to spin iunges and call down the storms, the rain, the moon. Alastor devoured, fed by her hand.
It was odd, Charlie had never seen a demon like her before. The white eyes, the teeth black with what seemed to be darkness, the gold. All of it was off putting yet somehow, captivating. Alastor seemed to be acting weird, his eyes flitting wildly across the woman, taking in her every detail. Charlie wasn't sure what to do about that.
In some sense, Alastor seemed to be scared. In another, he was in an overjoyed state of disbelief. Charlie wasn't sure which was more disconcerting, or how to respond to either and so, she simply watched.
"I have a question, mea ocella."
Y/n announced one day and Alastor turned from where he sat spinning stories into his microphone at her feet. That was what she had called him, her little eye. She told him it was a term of endearment. Alastor had no reason to doubt. The red grass swayed slightly in the breeze as he looked up at her, immediately bringing a halt to his broadcast.
"What is it?"
"You've been so set on ending all us overlords for so long now," she hummed, "wouldn't you like to do something different?"
"Something like what?"
"See from the other side of the glass."
Her white eyes glowed blue, the gold on her skin shining out into the world around like stars. Alastor sighed.
"You're prophesying again."
She nodded in agreement. Y/n had never seen the point in lying, she had never known its use. Not since before she could remember, back in the times she lived. They were so distant now, so immaterial and unimportant she rarely payed those memories much mind.
"So, what is it you see me doing?"
"Simple riddle or play on words?"
The two types of prophesy, the two options. Alastor put a finger to his chin, humming in thought.
"Simple riddle. Please, not in dactylic hexameter if you would, decoding that always gives me a headache."
"But that has been the meter of prophecy since Justice herself sat on the Delphic throne, mea ocella." Y/n retorted in surprise, meeting Alastor's eyes.
"Yeah, well."
Y/n laughed lightly, looking back out blankly toward the future.
"As you wish, ocella. Just this once. My gift to you."
Alastor hummed his non-comital thanks, turning his gaze back out the the skyline of the city as well.
"One will be two, two will be four, when that number comes be ready for more. Seven years past under grim sudden stress, four becomes ten, I'll tell you what happens next. Help one bright star to the top, not too far, and you will be free from the one not the three."
"Rhymes? Really?"
Y/n looked down at him, the glow fading from her as their eyes met and the future vanished from the scope of her vision.
"You asked for no hexameter, I still get to have fun."
"Yeah, yeah."
The pair fell into a comfortable silence. Alastor ran the words of her fortune in his head, trying to gain any semblance of reason from them.
"They don't sound very... avoidable."
"That's because it's not one of the ones you can change."
Y/n pulled herself to her feet suddenly, her chiton swirling around her. Alastor watched in awe as her image flickered in the air for a moment between the image of herself just a head shorter than him, the one who loomed around nine feet tall, and some three headed monster at what must've been five stories. Leaning, she held a hand out for him to grasp. It took Alastor a moment to realize, shaking his head slightly as he at last accepted Y/n's help and got to his feet.
"Where are we going?"
"I've decided you are going to be an overlord, mea ocella."
"I think it might help you down the line."
It had been years since Alastor had seen her. Long before he had taken his so called seven year sabbatical, Y/n had vanished. Alastor knew she wasn't dead, he would have been able to tell if she was dead. Surly the world would have shifted in some new and strange way to lose the goddess of the crossroads, the titan, Hekate made flesh and blood. Nothing like that had happened and so he knew she was alive, just not where or how.
Y/n's prophecies were always accurate. Standing here before her now, Alastor recalled her words from all those decades before.
One will be two, two will be four. When that number comes, be ready for more.
One had been just him. Two? When he had died and met his shadow. Alastor realized now that three had been Y/n herself and that the fourth important person who had come into his afterlife was the very person who owned his soul.
Seven years past under grim sudden stress, four becomes ten, I'll tell you what happens next.
Seven years he'd been gone, indeed under an unexpected and disastrous situation. When, after seven long years, he had returned to Hell, he had gone to the hotel. It was at the Hazbin Hotel that he not only met Charlie, Vaggie, Angel, and Sir Pentious but that they became vital parts of his life along with Husk and Nifty who before then had mostly existed on the periphery. Those six, plus the original four, made ten.
Help one bright star to the top, not too far, and you will be free from the one not the three.
All along, all those years ago, she had known. Alastor had always respected Y/n, always harbored a soft and disconcerting love for the witch. Never before now had either felt so overwhelming. Alastor took a trembling step forward from his place at Charlie's side. The world closed in, she was the only thing he could see.
Y/n smiled as he sunk to his knee before her, his head bowed.
"Mea ocella." she happily hummed, lifting his head up gently with the tips of her bluish grey fingers.
This fic will probably have a part two.
@willowshadenox @i-love-jafar @elfyeet @reader3 @lazygirlfanfic0-0 @kahlan170 @wendyphan01203-blog @fairyv-ice @clarakainda @lunaramune @mcueveryday @luxky-aish @peterpankat @corvid007 @juskonutoh @simpingsohard @sethianaa @gabile18 @slytherin4ever @skyeliteratures @zombiesnips-blog
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cutielights · 7 months
Hi! If your requests are open, may i suggest a morbid!medic!sibling!reader for ROTTMNT? Like the reader is the medic of the team, but theyre really creepy (think Alastor from Hazbin Hotel or Wednesday Addams)
thank you!
Imma go with Wednesday Addams for the personality, I just feel like it fits more
@moonchhu @mintiicinnamonii
This is obviously PLATONIC tcest DNI
We Love Our Creepy Doc
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Growing up, Splinter was… concerned, but not overly mortified. “Don’t you want to go play with Red?” “I am playing with red.” “Yes, well… I more I meant your brother and not frogs blood.”
“Let’s electrocute Leo.”
Chaos incarnate duo fr, please stop giving Raph heart attacks, he can’t take it. He already has wrinkles as deep as an eighty year old.
I’m picturing you as a middle kid with Leo and Dee, and thus the debate continues on who is truly the middlest child.
“We can settle this with a guillotine.”
“Please don’t.”
“Very well. Donatello, your chainsaw is in order.”
“This is the best day of my life.”
I can imagine that you’re quiet, like *really*, silent even. You don’t *mean* to jumpscare your brothers, well sometimes, it just happens. Like- Mikey can be cooking up some omelettes for breakfast and just- “Can I have mine with cheese?” “AAAHH?!?” “may I have mine with cheese?”
After the show finale, I can see you getting along *really* well with Cassandra.
“Finally. Someone with taste.”
In the bad future, I can see you freaking out the refugees, ESPECIALLY the human ones. “Wth???” “Get used to it buddy.”
“The hell? I’m not letting this freak be my Doctor.”
“Then you will die.”
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bitterchocoo · 11 months
Now, welcome to the theater!
Bungou Stray Dogs/Gaiden
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Armed Detective Agency
Osamu Dazai - Falling Behind
Ranpo Edogawa - Coffee
Osamu Dazai - A Seraphim or.. | M. Reader as Sunday [Honkai Star Rail]
Port Mafia
Special Division for Unusual Powers
The Guild
Decay of Angel
Fyodor Dostoevsky - God-ish
Hunting Dogs
Honkai Star Rail
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Astral Express
Dan Heng . Imbibitor Lunae - The Never Ending Rain | M. Reader as Neuvillette [Genshin Impact]
Dan Heng . Imbibitor Lunae - I Hate/Love You
Welt Yang - Love Me, Love Me, Love Me!
Part Two : The Other "You"
Part Three : Yes, Your Excellency
Caelus - General Headcanon | M. Reader as Alastor [Hazbin Hotel]
Dan Heng - Extreme Weather | M. Reader as Neuvillette [Genshin Impact]
Dan Heng - Night Terrors | M. Reader as Xiao [Genshin Impact]
Dan Heng - The Past Defines You | M. Reader as Wanderer [Genshin Impact]
Herta Space Station
Jarilo VI - Belobog
Xianzhou Luofu
Jing Yuan - Everything Stays
Jing Yuan - A Blessing or a Curse? | M. Reader as Baizhu [Genshin Impact]
Jing Yuan - Golden Hour | Reincarnation AU
High-Cloud Quintet Troubles | M. Reader as Xianyun [Genshin Impact] (Platonic)
Sunday - Charm You Later~ | M. Reader as Satoru Gojo [Jujutsu Kaisen]
Gallagher - The Duke of the Fortress of Meropide | M. Reader as Wriothesley [Genshin Impact]
Sunday - Like Father Like Son | M. Reader as his child (Platonic)
Blade - Shanti
Argenti - Beauty in All
Dr. Ratio - A Waste of Talent | M. Reader as X [Reverse: 1999]
Dr. Ratio - Sweet Dreams | M. Reader as Layla [Genshin Impact]
Aventurine - Kilmer | Child M. Reader (Platonic)
Part 2 - Shama | Child M. Reader (Platonic)
Aventurine - Lucky Bunny! | M. Reader as Yaoyao [Genshin Impact] (Platonic)
Dr. Ratio - Well Deserved Rest | M. Reader as Medicine Pocket [Reverse: 1999]
Aventurine - Once Upon a Dream | M. Reader as Malleus Draconia [Twisted Wonderland]
Boothill - Absolute | M. Reader as the Absolute Solver [Murder Drones]
Dr. Veritas Ratio - The Prodigy of an Outcast | M. Reader as Middle school Rui Kamishiro [Project SEKAI] (Platonic)
Boothill - The Water is Fine | M. Reader as Arlecchino [Genshin Impact] (Platonic)
Dr. Veritas Ratio - Hitchcock | Gender Neutral Reader (Platonic)
Dr. Veritas Ratio - The Logical Man and the Religious Man | M. Reader as Fyodor Dostoyevsky [Bungou Stray Dogs]
Zenless Zone Zero
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Wuthering Waves
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Black Shores
The Fractsidus
Scar - A Red Herring | M. Reader as Sparkle [Honkai Star Rail]
Reverse: 1999
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Genshin Impact
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Xiao - The High Elder | M. Reader as Imbibitor Lunae [Honkai Star Rail] [Platonic]
Kabukimono - Homage | M. Reader as C!Philza [Minecraft] (Platonic)
Wanderer - I Remember You | M. Reader as Ice King [Adventure Time] (Platonic)
Wriothesley - Who is He..?
Lyney - Mortals and Fools
Neuvillette - It's Punishment Time!!
Alice in Wonderland | M. Reader
Twisted Wonderland
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Savanaclaw Characters - Another Lion? | M. Reader as Lingyang [Wuthering Waves] (Platonic)
Ignihyde characters - The Game is On! | M. Reader as Sherlock Holmes [BBC]
Yuu and Grim - Stray | M. Reader as a Professor (Platonic)
Moriarty the Patriot
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Project Sekai
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More More Jump!
Vivid Bad Squad
Akito Shinonome - General Headcanon | General Neutral Reader
Wonderland X Showtime
Rui Kamishiro - The Lonely Alchemist
Wonderland X Showtime - It Only Takes a Taste
Nightcord 25
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alyxdefoisnthere · 7 months
Mod D: This blog has so many trigger warnings I can't be arsed to name them, so for this reason PROCEED WITH CAUTION, now you can't say I didn't warn you because it's in all caps in my intro post so haha fuck you.
I am female unless I'm not, then I'm male unless I'm not, then I'm neither unless I'm not, then I'm both unless I'm no-....... In other words, I use she/he/they pronouns.
(Yoinked from @xdynomite )
-@millie-of-imp (A SECOND MOD D BLOG?! WHAAAAT?!?!)
-@alastor-the-demon (my bestest friend in all of the 9 circles of hell, like a father to me :3)
-@alastorthisisthetea (married dad)
-@siempreminta (one and only mum, is married to married dad)
-@mcalastor (minimum wage dad)
-@leo-velaz (Father Leo <3)
-@sketchbuddies (sketch and crystal are my children)
-@stampy-offical (My future husband, come at him and you'll find your heart in his hands... Literally)
-@xdynomite (my Americunt™ boy, come at me hoe)
-@bachirathebumblebee145 (my IRL school pookie, follow her or I'll hunt you down)
-@possibly-astraeus (cool guy James :D)
-@kip-davis (fellow Brit)
-@ducky-loyal-servant-of-lucifer (my child who's older than me, hurt them and I'll kill you)
-@astro-raven-power (My lil sis)
-@king--of--ducks (Step dad Luci, married to minimum wage dad)
-@cursed-cat-alastor (my pet cat because i like cats more than dogs :3)
-@flowersbringsadness (my very precious pup)
-@cherri-is-bomb (big sis cherri)
-@weapon-collector-odette (sister)
-@hoshi-neko-hikari (my child, hurt her and I hurt your knee caps)
-@velvettefashions-official (same mod as miss Rosie)
-@vox-tv-demon (my father)
-@headlessdeaddancer (my younger brother)
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go check everyone on this post out or i will personally come to your house an make a Ramsay level meal out of you
What is my goofy ass doing right now?
I am everywhere and nowhere at the same time heeheee
in other words, cus im me, i naturally had a strike of bad luck and can now only use tumblr at my friend's house or when she's with me
Mod Status: On my period and about to puke 🥰
My dad is a prick, fuck you
NOTIFICATION GOAL: More than 3, im not online enough to care, as long as my friends who talk to me in DM's regularly respond to me, im not fussed
Online whenever I can when my friend is with me or I'm with her (Thank you C)
-Bad Apple
-Pipeline Punch
-Pacific Punch
-Lewis Hamilton (special edition)
-Ultra Black
-Orange Dreamsicle
-Mango Loco
-Ultra Strawberry dreams
-White pineapple
-Ultra rosa
-Ultra golden pineapple
-Aussie Lemonade
-Ultra peachy keen
My name is Alyx Danielle GH (not giving yall my full name lmfao), I go by Danielle both here and IRL. I dont like the name Alyx because I associate it with the trauma I went through as a young child and I hate the fact my PRICK OF A DAD chose that name. My dad is not a very nice parent, he told me I would be a druggie, alchie (alchoholic) and a slag by the time im 16, yeeeaahhh....real nice parenting. Im genderfluid, presenting as female, bisexual, my birthday is January 28th 2010 making me 14. I was born in a small city here in England and I am 3/4 Irish. I like to draw, read (I reccommend strangeways) and bake, I suffer with physical and mental health problems including Anxiety, ASD and ADHD. I dont like fakes, homphobes pedos, bigots, racists etc, so if youre any of these...BACK OFF OF MY SILLY AHH RP BLOG
Alyx is alot of things, the first thing that will stick out is that she's a dark angel and resembles Alastor, they're best friends, not family, she has loads of brothers and sisters, her favourite is MJ, she has a husband (Stampy) and two daughters (Sketch and Crystal), they're adopted and she'd love a biological child one day, she herself is adopted and her mother is Dove with 2 baby sisters (Abigail and Catorina), she has quite a few fathers.....the first one she would go to is Leo, Vox, or Doves husband Alastor, she loves T to bits and if any harm comes ro anyone she knows, blood will be shed. She's mute so when she's communicating it's through a notebook and looks like "this"
@leo-velaz is THE GOAT, Mod E very kindly runs my account if I'm offline for an extended period of time and I owe my entire account to them.
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(The above was yoinked from @kip-davis)
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Some Radiostatic incorrect quotes
Vox: I was arrested for being too cool. Alastor: The charges were dropped due to a lack of supporting evidence.
Alastor: In light of what you did for me, you can hug me for four to five seconds. Vox: FORTY FIVE SECONDS?!? Alastor: No! Four to five seconds! Vox: Too late!!!
Vox: Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming Alastor: Does anyone in this godforsaken group ever think before they speak
Vox: Do you have any skeletons in your closet? Alastor: You mean literally or figuratively? Vox: Honestly, the fact that I have to specify...
Vox: I’m gonna need a human skull and I can't have you ask any questions why. Alastor: Only if you also don't ask why Alastor: Pulls out 7 pristine human skulls Take your pick. Vox: Alastor: Vox: This one is fine
Vox: What is your biggest weakness? Alastor: I can be uncooperative. Vox: Okay, can you give me an example? Alastor: No.
Vox: So what do you do? Alastor: I work in genetic research, and I'm currently trying to eliminate all Cancers. Vox: Wow, impressive. Alastor: Then I'll move on to Leos.
Alastor: Vox... Vox: Oh no, 'Vox' in b-flat. Vox: You're disappointed.
Alastor: Oh just so you know, it's very muggy outside Vox: Vox: Alastor, I swear, if I step outside and all of our mugs are on the front lawn... Alastor: Sips coffee from bowl
Vox: Bad things keep happening to me, like I have bad luck or something. Alastor: Vox, you don't have bad luck. The reason bad things happen to you is because you're a dumbass.
Vox: Please, I'm begging you go to a doctor. Alastor: I'm sorry is this OUR stab wound? Stay out of it.
Vox: A theif. Alastor: Thief? Vox: Theif. Alastor: I before E, except after C. Vox: Thceif. Alastor: No.
Vox: You're the love of my life and my best friend, I would do anything for you. Alastor: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule. Vox: Absolutely not.
(This is their relationship fr ^^^)
Alastor, watching the news: Someone tried to fight a squid at the aquarium today! Vox: walks in covered with ink, shark fin and tail out Well, maybe the squid was being a dick.
Vox, tending to Alastor's wounds: How would you rate your pain? Alastor: Zero stars. Would NOT recommend.
Vox: How many kids do you have? Alastor: Biologically, emotionally, or legally?
(He's the dad friend. He's adopted Charlie, Vaggie and Niffty so far)
Vox: Must be hard not being able to laugh Alastor: I do have a sense of humor you know Vox: I’ve never heard you laugh before Alastor: I’ve never heard you say anything funny
Alastor: So what’s for dinner? Vox, staring at the food he just burnt: Regret.
Vox: Alastor was banned from the chicken shack, so we had to go out of town to get some. Alastor: Well, they shouldn’t say “all you can eat” if they don’t mean it. Vox: Alastor, you ate the employee.
Vox: Three words. Say them and I'm yours. Alastor: Three words. Vox:
Vox: What’s the straightest thing you’ve ever done? Alastor: sighs Alastor: I killed a man.
Alastor: I’m never donating blood ever again. Alastor: The second you walk through the door, it’s just one invasive question after another! Alastor: ‘Where did you get it?’ 'Why is it in a bucket?’ I mean, do you want it or not?
Vox: Goodnight to the love of my life, Alastor, and fuck the rest of y'all.
Alastor: Our relationship is strictly professional. Vox, sitting on Alastor’s lap: Absolutely. Only on business.
Vox: I'm not a morning person. I'm barely even a person.
Vox: Did you ever have like a pet run away and find it or anything? Alastor: I had a lizard that I burnt.
Vox, dramatically: They called me a fool. Alastor, sick of Vox's shit: They weren’t wrong.
Alastor: Two brooooos! Vox: Chillin' in a hot tub! Alastor: Five feet apart 'cause we're not gay! Vox: Alastor: Vox: tearing up Alastor: Babe, c'mon… Vox: AND HERE YOU REALLY HAD ME THINKING WE HAD SOMETHING. Alastor: Babe…
Alastor: You look mentally ill. Vox: I am. Let’s go.
Alastor: Just a minute. I need to go take out the trash. Vox: Oh. We're going out? Alastor: Wh…
Vox: Cause you're pretty and you're smart, and you're ignoring me so you're obviously my type. Alastor, who was distracted: I'm sorry- what were you saying? Vox: Perfect.
Alastor: Do you want to explain the text you sent me last night? Vox: It was autocorrect. Alastor: Autocorrect wrote "You're so hot. Please step on me."? Vox: Yes.
Vox: I want to kiss you. Alastor, not paying attention: What? Vox: I said if you die, I wont miss you.
Vox: Are you an F5 key? Because that ass is refreshing. Alastor: Are you a software update? because not right now.
Vox: Come to dinner tonight. I can’t cook, but I’ll bring plenty of free wine. Alastor: Marry me.
Vox: You are the love of my life and I would do anything within reason to make you happy. Alastor: I would be happy if you ate, stayed hydrated and got a reasonable amount of sleep. Vox: I said within reason, Alastor. How about I murder that guy? Alastor: So murder is in reason but proper self care isn't? Vox: Well, duh. What kind of question is that?
Alastor: Are you trying to seduce me? Vox: Why, are you seducible?
Vox: Alastor is playing hard to get. Vox: Little do they know, I'm a master at playing hard to get rid of.
Alastor: Vox and I are no longer dating. Vox: Alastor, that’s a horrible way of telling people we’re married.
Alastor: Hey, about that love letter you sent me- Vox: blushes What are your thoughts? Alastor: The fourth sentence- Vox: Yeah, that’s where I got really emotional and I- Alastor: It’s “you’re” not “your”.
Vox: Two bros! Vox: Chillin' in a hot tub! Vox: Zero feet apart 'cause we're GAY AS FUCK!
Vox: We have a problem. Alastor: No, YOU have a problem. I have an idiot who keeps making them.
Vox: You have to apologize to them Alastor. Alastor: Fine! But I must warn you that this might make me a better, nicer person and that is NOT the person you fell in love with!
Vox: Do you want to know your gay name? Alastor: My… my gay name? Vox: Yeah, it's your first name- Alastor: Haha. Very funny Vox- Vox: gets down on one knee And my last name. Alastor: Oh- oh my god.
Vox: Stop doing that. Alastor: Stop doing what? Vox: Saying things that make me wanna kiss the hell out of you.
Vox: My hands are cold. Alastor: Here, let me hold them. Vox: My lips are cold too. Alastor: covers Vox's mouth with their hand
Vox: I think I'm falling for you. Alastor: Then get up.
Vox: I’m in love with you. Alastor: We called off the prank war last night at midnight, dork. Vox: I know. Alastor: Ah. Okay. Um. Cool. Neat. Very cool. Cool. Cool. Coolcoolcool-
Vox: You got a date yet Alastor? Alastor: No… Vox: Well you do now! Get your ass up and hold my hand!
Vox and Alastor are in Paris. Vox: I'm…moved. I…I don't know what it is I'm feeling right now. I feel…destiny? Alastor: But… Vox: I don't know what it is. I feel like… I just never thought I'd see it with my own two eyes. And here it is. It's just there. It's right in front of me, and… Alastor: This is what you wanted to see? The bridge from Inception? Vox: Yeah. Alastor: But the Eiffel Tower is behind us, babe. Vox: Yeah, but this is the bridge FROM INCEPTION. Alastor: Okay, alright.
Vox: The first time I saw you, you stole my heart. Alastor: But I'm a kleptomaniac, so that doesn't mean anything.
Alastor: Is something burning? Vox, leaning seductively on the counter: Just my desire for you. Alastor: Vox, the toaster is literally on fire.
Alastor: Okay, but if you're not gay then why are you always holding my hand and kissing me and telling me I’m your boyfriend? Vox: Dude- Its satire! Alastor: THAT'S NOT WHAT SATIRE MEANS!
Vox: Alastor is playing hard to get. Vox: Little does he know, I'm a master at playing hard to get rid of.
Vox: We’re getting married, bitches! Alastor: And we're about to make it everybody else's problem.
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zestialtheancient · 7 months
Greetings. My name art Zestial, pleasure to maketh thine acquaintance. If, perhaps, thou hath an inquiry, I would be most pleased to hear it. •♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎• Mod Status
Rules and links to other blogs under cut. if this is your first time here, please read the rules and the entirety of the pinned post before interacting.
No nfsw asks. Innuendos and other such things are ok, to some extent, but nothing downright explicit.
No anti LGBTQIA+, pedophillia, racism, and general bigotry. You will be blocked.
I will not answer asks I don't feel comfortable answering.
If I get a bunch of asks that basically say the same things from different people, I won't answer all of them because it would get tedious.
If there's an question I have already answered recently I'll just delete it and hope you can find it.
If there's a question that I don't really have an answer too, (for example: something that has too little canon information to base a viable headcanon on, but would still be very important if answered) I might not answer it.
No politics or asks regarding no current or recent real world events
No harassing the mod or the anons - I won't answer those asks and worst case scenario you could get blocked.
I'm busy all day on most weekdays, but I'll be popping in all over the place on weekends. (I typically get online at around 3-4 pm central time on weekdays, standard stuff.)
This is an RP blog and is not affiliated with Hazbin Hotel in any way.
SOULS OWNED -non canon-
Comet anon
Saturn anon
Moon anon @/headlessdeaddancer 
Mod is mod Smoothie and uses any pronouns
[Mod speaking example]
This is a safe space. In light of recent events, I feel like this has to be said.
This is a safe space for transgender people.
this is a safe space for gender neutral people.
this is a safe space for bipoc people
this is a safe space for people with mental disorders.
this is a safe space for people who are lgbtqia+
this is a safe space for all minorities, and I will inforce that safe space adamantly.
[I will make it my personal quest to not be as inconsistent with Zestial's old english as the script is]
[I'm trying to make this as easy to sort through as possible, so any anon with a signature has their own tag. Non signed anon questions also have a tag, and so on. Asks and reblogs are separated so it's easier to comb through things as well.]
My main account is @chaos-smoothie, where I mostly rb memes. I post fandom and comic stuff over at @snake-and-goat.
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jackie0lantern · 1 year
Hey hey! I’m a 16 y/o who’s writing smut out of spite!
Who I write for!
Aged up!Miles
Miguel O’Hara
Peter b Parker
 Benjamin Reilly (I mean if you into that.)
Rio and Jeffery (I feel like these guys would probably be a package deal.)
Who I won’t-
Gwen (fucking hate Gwen.)
Mayday. That’s a baby ya weirdos.
Hazbin hotel/helluva-
Angel dust
Charlie/vagi again with the package deals
Sally may
Who I won’t-
Beelzebub (idk why but nah. No hate!!)
Who I won’t-
Varg. (full hate for this dude.)
Norm spellmen
Jake and his wife package deal.
Aged up!neteyam
Aged up!loak
Aged up!rotxo
And anybody after that.
Who I won’t write for-
Tuk. Leave her along 
Tmnt 2014-2026
(That’s it for now my request are open!)
Key emojis.
Platonic- 💛
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mangotangerine · 5 days
it's not murder astrology stuff?
i don't really have any place to put this so, idk, for the like 3 people following me because of my radiostatic human au murder husbands fanfic, here's our little murderers' astrology signs & birthdays.
Vox – Columbus, OH – April 18, 1994, 9:33 am
Sun: Aries
Moon: Cancer
Mercury: Aries
Venus: Taurus
Mars: Aries
Jupiter: Scorpio
Saturn: Pisces
Uranus: Capricorn
Neptune: Capricorn
Pluto: Scorpio
Rising: Gemini
Alastor – New Orleans, LA – November 10, 1994, 6:48 AM
Sun: Scorpio
Moon: Aquarius
Mercury: Scorpio
Venus: Scorpio
Mars: Leo
Jupiter: Scorpio
Saturn: Pisces
Uranus: Capricorn
Neptune: Capricorn
Pluto: Scorpio
Rising: Scorpio
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Hey sorry for the lots of questions ❓ but do you know about zodiac signs if you do what's your zodiac sign headcanon for Lucifer, Vox and Alastor
Me myself I see Lucifer as a Pisces Vox as a Genimi and Alastor as a Scorpio ♏
Honestly you did really good on that. I could see them being those though Gemini for Vox is hitting and missing for me 😩. Hm, I've dug into zodiac signs a few times so let me take this seriously lol
Lucifer - considering how compassionate he is especially for his family water placements may be strong. Though when he's angry it's a bit more spicy. I think a water signs anger could seem fiery at times so maybe Sagittarius would be another good pick for Lucifer. They are explorers, and can be playful but they also have big and strong feelings and I've seen in cases where they may genuinely care little for someone compared to people they actually love.
Considering he's THE devil I think in the scenario of causing what he had in Eden but unintentionally having that lead to chaos is giving that Pisces energy you mentioned. Like he really had done that out of love and attention the time is went to ruin. Sounds right to me lol.
Vox - Gemini is a good pick, realistically Vox seems to be capable of making big plans and ideas and actually finishing them. He seems innovative, only being held down when he can't afford to fight back and that's definitely giving air sign if I've ever seen it. Vox can be rather explosive though from time to time, easy to anger, and that's why I think I'm also seeing either a fire placement like Leo or an earth placement like Capricorn. He's hardworking and could possibly sell himself out if it means making more sells so I'm definitely getting pulled towards the Gemini and Capricorn placements. Like Vox is so collected until he's not and I think those two placements hold those features from time to time.
Alastor - I have to admit I think he does fit really well here. Scorpio's kinda have a vibe to them that can make them seem unapproachable. I think it's like being stoic but in Alastor's case he's always smiling so it's a bit more sinister in nature. There's so many memes of scorpios and their emotions but they are rather introspective even when others may not really see it. They like their space when they do, they have their comfort people they like to be around versus anyone else, and they tend to enjoy more time alone because they may feel like they are a bit different from others. Alastor gives that so much and if not Scorpio perhaps Virgo?
I say Virgo because they are said to be connected to the mother and Alastor loves his mom but outside of that while being able to hold their boundaries Virgos seem to do well with taking care of others and lending a hand to those they value. He helps out at the hotel so much and can't help but feel like this placement is brought out in the scenes like when they went to cannibal town. He was so encouraging there even if he didn't put too much into making a big scene out of it.
Hm, lemme know what you think and of course others can chip in as well. I'm kinda spit balling hehe.
Also don't apologize for the asks, I love em, they got me thinking for real lol
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