quotelr · 4 months
When life gives you lemons, you don't make lemonade. You use the seeds to plant a whole orchard - an entire franchise! Or you could just stay on the Destiny Bus and drink lemonade someone else has made, from a can.
Anthon St. Maarten
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eternalslover · 11 months
Bullet train incorrect quotes:
Tangerine: Do you want to play 20 Questions?
Y/n: Sure!
Y/n: Whats your favorite color?
Tangerine, laser fucking focused: Triangle. Do you love me?
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luxthestrange · 7 months
MASHLE Incorrect quotes#12 MAWWIAGE
Razor*Laying face down on the floor*
Mash: So Y/n said they liked you?
Razor, muffled: Yeah
Mash: ...and you asked them to marry you?
Razor: Yeah
Mash: …and... How’d they react?
Razor: Dunno, I ran before I could scare them even more-
In the girl's wing
Y/n, kicking in the door to the Lemon’s room with four bottles of champagne: Lemon! Babe! Holy shit! I'm gonna get married!
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padawansuggest · 11 months
Rex: *five minute tirade about Anakin’s weird mechanic binge last week that resulted in an illegal death ray*
Fox: *still complaining about Palpatine’s ear hair*
Bly: *sighing about Aayla’s beautiful lekku and how she gave him a forehead kiss once*
Cody: …*sipping caff*
Rex: ???
Cody: What?
Rex: Well, go on, what new bullshit is Kenobi getting into lately?
Cody: Not much.
Rex: …he’s calming down finally?
Cody: No, I just found his off button.
Fox: An off button? Where is it?
Cody: The back of his throat.
Bly: …oh my god?!?
Rex: What… don’t you mean the back of his neck?
Cody: Nope. Throat. You know, on the inside.
Bly: *cackling* oh god how often does that happen?
Cody: Whenever he starts to rant and we’re alone.
Rex: …do you think that’ll work on mine?
Cody: Probably. He seems like he’ll turn to goo if you call him a good boy.
Fox: *big sigh* I don’t think that’ll work on mine. I’ll just kill him 😔
Bly: Call me if you need help hiding the body.
Fox: Thanks, Bly. You’re a pal.
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plistommy · 5 months
Gareth: So, what do you think? What’s your type?
Eddie: Fat ass, big tits, nice cock and killer legs that can wrap around your waist when you fuck ’em. A pretty face too, with nice lips and big brown eyes…
Gareth: I meant the fucking sketches I made for the bands logo, Eddie!
Eddie: Well shit, man! You need to be more specific.
Gareth: *holding the sketches in front of Eddie’s face*
Gareth: I hate you.
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teencopandthesourwolf · 6 months
Scott: Are you two having sex?
Stiles: Yes
Derek: No
Stiles: *throws hands up in exasperation* And that right there Scottie is the dynamic of our four year relationship.
Scott: FOUR FUCKING YEARS?! *passes out on the spot*
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lithiumseven · 25 days
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Bullet Train as incorrect quotes
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Kirishima: So tell me...do you like like him!?
Katsuki: Shitty hair - I've been dating Izuku for 4 years, of course I like him.
Kirishima: Yeah! But do you like like him?
Katsuki: We live together. We are parents of a dog. I proposed to him last week.
Kirishima: Oo! Sounds like things are getting ~serious~ between you two!
Katsuki: The hell are you talking about!? YOU'RE MY BEST MAN IN THE WEDDING!!
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incorrect-tbhk · 5 months
Akane: I’m kind of crushing on someone, but I’m worried about telling you who it is, because you’re not going to like it.
Lemon: Just rip the bandaid off.
Akane: It’s Teru.
Lemon: Put it back on.
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lemonduckisnowawake · 19 days
Sam: Why are your hands shaking?
Dr. F Welling: That's my skeleton getting ready to hatch
Sam: W-what?
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juanarc-thethird · 10 months
What if...
Team RWBY and friends are in Salem Castle. After so many turns in the castle they were caught in a trap she had made. They are locked in a very wide lower floor and in front of them is a huge door.
Salem: Wahahaha! They fell into my trap. Behind this door is my most diabolical creation, it will tear you to pieces.
*BAM! BAM!* a loud noise is heard on the other side of the door.
The only way out is to climb and break the barriers that are blocking their path or face what is on the other side.
Ruby: Shit, we have to get out of here! Nora, Blake and Weiss, try to break those barriers. The rest of us help keep whatever it is at a distance so we can escape.
Everyone agrees and starts working, except for one person.
Jaune: *Stand there looking at the door*
Ruby: Jaune?! What are you doing? Move! We need to get out of her.
Jaune: What if I didn't?
Ruby: Huh?
Jaune: What if I didn't run?
Weiss: *Concern* Jaune are you ok?
Jaune: What if I'm not a coward?
Ruby: No one is calling you a coward. We need to get out of here!
Jaune: What if I'm not gonna run away. What if I'm going to stand right here. What if I'm going to make my stand! Huh! What if I wanna go toe to toe with whatever is gonna come through that door.
Ruby: Weiss do something!
Weiss: What do you want me to do?!
Jaune: *Serious* What if I want them to get me. What if I want them to kill me. What if I want them to Try!
Weiss: HO...
Ruby: ..LY..
Salem: SHIT!!! Did you girls feel that tickling in your womb?
Weiss/Ruby: Uh-hu.
Salem: Fuck this, change of plans. Give me that man and I won't kill anyone anymore!
Jaune: What?
Weiss/Ruby: NOW WAY!!!
Salem: I will share him with you two.
Jaune: What?!
Weiss/Ruby: DEAL!!
The two grab Jaune and drag him to a door that Salem appears using magic so they can leave.
Jaune: Wait! What happened to my great feat?! It was my battle to the death!!! I'm a warrior, damn it!!!
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eternalslover · 11 months
Bullet train incorrect quotes:
Y/n: Hey I’m about to get in the shower. You wanna join me?
Tangerine: There’s a pistol taped underneath the island in the kitchen. If I ever say no to that question, I want you to shoot me. Aim for the head, don’t stop until I’m dead.
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luxthestrange · 2 months
MASHLE Incorrect quotes#46 Kids being kids-
Game Night...D&D game night between House of Land & Adler
Sorcerer!Y/n*In a British accent*Whats your name?
Sorcerer!Y/n: Oh my gawd!...I think we might be related!
Dot: Are we related?
Sorcerer!Y/n: I'M HAZEL NUT!
The group*Is laughing around the table at the ridiculousness of this*
Dot*Gasps at that*HAZEL NUT!
Sorcerer!Y/n: Oh mah gawd-
Finn*Leaning on Mash's shoulder for dear life laughing*P-PFF-
Lance*Is covering his face to hold laughter*...
Dot: Nuthin' can ever kill graaaamna nut!
Both houses lose in fits of giggles and laughter till-
Wirth: And then there was that weird uncle no one wanted to talk about...his name was DEEZ-
Abel*Swallows his snort and shakes head*...Dis...nut
Dot: Dis and Deez the twins-THEY WERE...
Dot*Shakes head horrified and traumatized making the others laugh more* We don't talk about Dis and Deez-
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padawansuggest · 1 year
Obi-Wan: *having the oddest craving rn* I would kill for a jawbreaker right now…
Cody: …I don’t think I’m big enough to break a jaw?
Obi-Wan: …um… good, because I like giving oral too much for it to not be an option.
Cody: …is that… is that what a jawbreaker is?
Obi-Wan: Not even a little.
Cody: Oh thank god.
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plistommy · 5 months
Dustin: Why are you being such a dick, Steve?!
Eddie: Yeah, man. What’s gotten into to you?
Steve: Well obviously not you, Eddie!
Dustin: HUH?!!!
Eddie, pushing Dustin out of the room: GO EAT YOUR LUNCH!
Dustin: IT’S 8PM—
Eddie: EAT IT!! *slams the door*
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 month
Y/N walks into the lab…
Y/N: baby? I brought take out
Honey Lemon runs in excitedly…
Honey: baby! Oh I missed you
Honey Lemon pulls them close and kisses them repeatedly…
Honey: ooh take out? I love you so much!
Honey takes a bite of her take out and then kisses Y/N again…
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