#lemme be angy
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crow-talks-hockey · 1 year ago
i had to im sorry
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-Time Adventure
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onejellyfishplease · 4 months ago
What? A new Tmnt iteration?? . anyways *throws this at you*
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So a bit of backstory for this iteration!
In this universe, Mutagen is produced naturally in the 'hidden city' (now called the OtherWorld/UnderWorld), bubbling from far beneath the earth and forming rare pools.
The Empyrean mutates any animal that comes into contact with it -and in most cases this causes a transformation into a bloodthirsty unstable monster. Though in rarer cases the mutation will actually be stable -effectively making a yokai.
And even though theyve already been mutated, both the creatures and yokai both need to continuously consume Empyrean to survive. This causes a cutthroat environment, where only the strong survive by killing and eating anything that has come into contact with Empyrean.
basically all transformed creatures in the UnderWorld can go for much longer than normal without air/water/food/shelter, but now must also search for empyrean.
Some stable Yokai can create entrances to Earth, though it takes time and focus, and most of all, Power. Its basically futile unless you yourself were mutated, or you're parents were, any generations down from that wont have enough power.
(as generations continue, they loose their reliance on Empyrean, but also loose their mystic power- at the 8-10 gen they loose all mystic abilities)
And how do the turtles play into this?
They were brought to the surface by Splinter once Donnie, Leo and Raph were mutated (Mikey being 5 at the time). Where he kept them safe in New Yorks sewers. He would have to leave for days however to go back to the OtherWorld to obtain Empyrean to keep himself and his children healthy. Instrucing Mikey to keep her brothers safe for the time he was gone.
Then one day, he didnt come back
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Leaving Mikey responsible for taking care of her younger siblings. And leaving her to venture into the OtherWorld to find Empyrean herself and keep everyone alive.
Its on her first trip that her mystic powers awaken, and she is marred with her first and last set of scars.
And trauma. So so much trauma. >:D
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gomzdrawfr · 8 days ago
Oh yes yes I can finally show yall this cm I got from ryu on twitter!
It’s Raven, Price and Ghost in chikawa form, they’re so cute 😭💝
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rashfordxbruno · 9 months ago
"Fondue better than goulash" - a poster from a Swiss fan 😂😭
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jsabheadcanons · 15 hours ago
The four player shapes are each associated with one of the seasons.
P1 - Winter
P2 - Summer
P3 - Spring
P4 - Autumn
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lilpuffyart · 9 months ago
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SORRY FOR BARELY NO ART LATELY (I've been really busy, and then I hyperfixated on 2001 aso and I've been drawing a lot of humans and then I got sick)
But I bring some wips I forgot to share on here 👀👀
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moe-broey · 9 months ago
6/13 • Day 5 • Change of Fate
Am I My Brother's Keeper?
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Loooong ass time ago. I made a Hel!Sharena (dubbed Helena) concept. I wanted to revisit that, for the AU prompt! This was a little rushed, so I'm not entirely satisfied w her outfit... but you get it.
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pinkyjulien · 11 months ago
When you spot a pose pack that has both fem AND masc poses, available for AMM AND without any judy/mv creators/supporters associated to it?? MMH MMH 👌👌
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golden-buddle · 2 years ago
I’m writing a cryptid Batman fic starting with Bats arriving at Gotham for the first time and MAN is this fic fighting me.
I have NEVER had this much trouble with writing a fic, like holy shit.
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wiretism · 1 year ago
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fuck my art if nobody got me i know angie allens got me!!!!!!!!
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xxx-angie · 6 months ago
i wus 1 fucked up and traumatized child :3
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cottonsocks · 2 years ago
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artinandwritin · 1 year ago
Some excerpts from the fic I'm writing! It's a story based on an AU @beebooca (my beloved beloved friend <333) and I have created called the Boy Chief AU and it's pretty sad
In this, a tragedy took place on Berserker Island in which Dagur, Mala and Heather passed, leaving Dagur and Mala's young son, Rune, alone. Now it's up to Siri, who lost her husband Gustav in the same tragedy, to take care of this broken kid while also trying to cope with her own loss and raising her newborn son, Niv. However, things take a very messed up turn when the Berserker council decides that Rune is the only person fit to take over as Chief, even at his young age.
Of course, this is a very lackluster description, but it's a really fun project to work on! Most often, I'm more of an artist than a writer, but I do think it's really important to keep up my writing skills! And, it's just fun. It's just fun.
Soooo some quotes! Idk yet when I'll post the entire thing, I'm now 7 chapters and 26k words in, so we'll see. Ofc, it's very original character based and that's not everyone's cup of tea but!! If anyone's interested in reading I'd love to hear it <333
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Also, a big big big thanks and love to @spacenintendogs who is always an absolute darling and really inspires me with her writing!!! Ily Rose!!! <3333
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stormcried · 2 months ago
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"Haven' I seen y'before? Loike... y'look REALLY familiar." Drake doesn't really get a whole lot of outside Wrath television or internet. Wrath is one of those rings that tends to be quite out of touch with what the rest of Hell is going through. Most Imps just keep to themselves. Drake is one of these who tended to keep to himself. But, whenever he DOES visit the 'ring' elevator's that usually work like an Airport. Drake is among the few that knows the way to the outside ring elevators.
Though, he doesn't have enough actual currency to move out of Wrath. So; he just watches. Waits. He can't really hide his features due to him being made of literal fire. So if someone does recognize him, then he's gotta deal with paparazzi.
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hollowfaith · 2 months ago
「✦」 Mind-reading is a skill he knows Klaus possesses, but never one that concerns him—Klaus cannot read his thoughts, after all. It's why the seraph's admission that he read Dar's catches Aurelius off-guard.
And Fiyero's, as well.
His mind scrambles, grappling for a handhold amidst the sense of slipping control. In the end he latches on to the words that stand out most, golden irises fixated on his partner.
"...my people?" Aurelius echoes, incredulous. "Haven't I—"
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"Isn't it obvious by now that I'm standing on your side?" Sparks dance behind his eyes as Aurelius runs a frustrated hand through his hair.
"Your parents defied the will of Heaven first, so God marked you as a warning." Green eyes, the color of envy. They had labeled Anghelescu a child of ill omen for such a simple reason. "Father knew what you might become and wanted you dead. But he lost himself in his fears and fell—to me."
He takes a step forward, face grim.
"If you've seen my memories, then you know—there was nothing to oppose my rise in Heaven. I had God paving the way, and I intended to make things right: for you, your parents, and the realm that forsook you. I've been trying to fix things, Klaus. I've been trying ever since I took the throne."
Another step, and his fists clench further at his sides.
"Do you know how many angels Father sent after you?" "Do you think Fiyero was the only one to fall by my hands?" "If you hate killing to protect yourself, can't I do it in your place?"
“All that God gives us is a test. It is not our place to question His reasons. Instead—” At last he looms over the other, incredulity mixing with confusion and fury. "Is this your definition of love, Klaus?"
"To never choose me first, unless I become one of you—one of them. Then I would rather you kill me first."
Klaus falls silent. Aurelius deserved to know, just as much as Klaus deserved to have known the truth. He moves his fingers out of the water and places his hands on his lap. "He didn't say anything," he answers truthfully.
"Nothing he said would have come close to what he showed me. The things I saw through his eyes from yours....I don't think I have to go into details." How long did Aurelius planned to keep it away from him? Did he intend to keep the secret until Klaus was ready?
"We saw what you did to Fiyero. Then Dar---he knew something and I wanted to know the truth. He felt he needed to show me."
He doesn't look at Aurelius; instead, he wipes the tears from his eyes. "Do you think God intended for all of this to happen? Is there a reason for any of this? In the past, you said that they make everything in their image. What about us? Is there a reason I'm down there and you're up there? A reason why I had to be hunted down while you and your people try to take me for yourselves."
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ptolemaeacles · 1 year ago
you guys should pop in my inbox … and talk to me … or request something … whichever you like
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