#legit happy to have you back ^_^
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lucabyte · 3 months ago
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Yeah, that about sums it up.
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emptymanuscript · 10 months ago
Do-de-do (this is my impression of me just goin about my life, imagine musical notes) just forgettin about this whole little issue. Do-do-de-doo-do-dope-i-doo.
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*ping* you've gotten a note from @emeraldincandescent
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Howdy friend :) whazzup!? :)
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Emmy! How dare! I mean... just look at this face...
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Who wouldn't trust that widgy ball of a baby-face??? Never done anything strange or creepy in their life!!
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absolutely trustworthy, not off vibes at all. I mean, that smile:
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I'm so lovable. Gentle. A man of the people.
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Salt of the Earth. The common clay.
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I'm shocked, Emmy, shocked. I'm so very normal.
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I've been measured down to the last measurement and been found, in fact, completely normal. The best normal.
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No toxic traits at all. I can't imagine anything about me that would cause anyone to think I might have the mere idea of a concept of religion that might be out of sync with the majority beliefs even one iota.
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Why, I'm even technically ordained as a "CHRISTIAN" minister.
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That's the good book in my hand in the first image of me that a google search would turn up. And, I dare say, I've always been like this.
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Even back when the pictures were in black and white. It's just absolutely not a worry. I mean someone would surely DO something if I LOOKED like a problem, you know they document EVERYTHING now-a-days.
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Nope, I think I am lost about this argument. But that's ok. I won't make a big deal out of it. I will act like what I am. A bona fide gentleman.
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Yes, the less said the better. As a gentleman I always take the high road. So thank you for the suggestion but I think I reject this analysis. Let us be friends and just say no more about this patently ridiculous idea that I might have any amount of weirdness. Especcially in the facial region.
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Cheers and all my best. Truly happy to have you back :)
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Ok, it might have gotten just a teensy bit weird without you here... But I still don't think it's my face giving that impression.
Should I be worried that this the second time in a month that someone on Reddit has sent me a DM asking about how to sell their soul?
What the heck did I say implying that I knew the answer, let alone that I would tell it to anybody???
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littlespoonevan · 11 months ago
I just wanna say if they are going there with bi buck (which, like, I don’t have a horse in this race I’m happy to see it play out however it does idc) it is absolutely hilarious to me if the circumstances that led to that were: they tried to bring lucy back, they Could Not bring lucy back, they brought back tommy instead, and then just went ‘well I guess we’re doing this now’ ashdhdkskjd
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dipplinduo · 11 months ago
Fun fact about me: April 18th is my birthday! :)
And part of what I wanted to do to celebrate this year was to give back. Introducing * ~ a dipplinshipping birthday oneshot ~ * :
Rating: T
Today was Kieran's birthday, but it was the last thing that mattered to him. In fact, he vowed it would never matter to him again. Instead, he would focus on things that would keep him strong: his battling, his strategizing, and his crown as the Blueberry Champion. His sister and the Elite Four won't stop asking him random questions, though, and if anyone brings up Juliana any more than they already have since she arrived as an exchange student, he's seriously going to lose it. But...why can't he stop thinking about her? And why is everyone acting so suspicious?!
A bittersweet birthday celebration fic for anyone who's had complicated feelings about their birthday. <3
Take this as a thank you to all of those who have followed my work and/or my Tumblr blog. I wouldn't have imagined having the support of this wonderful community on my last birthday, and I can't even begin to describe how encouraged and inspired I have felt to write since finding you guys. I have never written this much for this long, consistently, and your constant feedback and comments seriously brighten my day more than Juliana brightens up Kieran, LOL. Hope you enjoy this! <333
(And yeah, this fic is the "event based idea" that this poll was about. I thought it was so funny that some of you thought it was gonna be some devastating angst LMAOOOO. That's for after TTPD releases, tysm for the bday gift Taylor.)
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bleue-flora · 4 months ago
i dont think tommy said the nuke wasnt canon, he seemed to be talking about how he canonically didnt lose a life to the nuke because in the 2022 ending, no nuke killed anyone
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I guess?... I don't know. It doesn't really make sense since basically Jack is pretty insistent that he did blow everything up, and yet all the buildings remain, so... and the reasoning he gives for not dying in the nuke is that he can't die, which is part of his lore. Tommy doesn't really answer how he and Tubbo are alive, except to say that the nuke wasn't canon (presumably as in canon death is what he means) and he was left with 1 life when everyone left. In response to Jack's comment about not being able to actually die, Tommy responds "Not that either of us would know anything about that" but since he fought a monster in between his Tubbo comment and Jack's, he may have meant that as a response to his above statement about logistics... so if Jack blew everything up, but everything is still standing, then the most reasonable explanation is that the Incident did happen and eventually he gained his memories back and visits Techno's house from time to time... (which people said including anons in my inbox)
So people are wrong, it is not a retcon but an extension, the end of season 2, whatever that was... even so what's funny is that innitors are more happy with this ending versus a restart even when it's down right depressing. Tommy is alone. He hasn't seen anyone besides Tubbo in a long time and lives very far away from the main dsmp area. But take it from me, the quiet is nice, living alone is nice, but being utterly alone is miserable. To live alone with no outside interaction besides one person is really sad to me, and the fact that the area is still so triggering for him is also a testament that he hasn't healed, and living alone won't heal him. Especially not when part of his trauma revolves around him feeling alone in Exile. So really, it's a very depressing ending. Tommy just wanted to have fun with his friends and in the end, he has no one but Tubbo and his sheep and a cabin in the arctic he stares at for hours. He didn't mend his relationships with people, even still bringing up Jack exploding his hotel after it's been years since then. He did literally move but he didn't heal, he didn't grow, he wasn't able to form better relationships or claim what he yearned for. And that to me is a sadder ending.
As as aside, I've talked about before how all the ghosts have sheep, so an interesting theory would be that he is actually a ghost haunting the land... have another au free of charge I guess lol... do we think the sheep is colored? maybe it's red...
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salemssimblr · 1 year ago
Hello there! I'm Eden :D I LOVE your renders! I've been rendering for well over a year at this point, however I only stuck to the super basic stuff since it took me a year before that to even know how to do it at all. I've wanted to up my game and get to where you are now. I'm SO SORRY if this question was asked already (I haven't gotten too far in your posts yet), but;
How do you personally edit your renders? I understand you use photoshop, but how do you do it exactly? Your renders have that kind of digital art style, like you drew them yourself. Feel free to be as descriptive or brief as you'd like!
Hi Eden!!! Thank you so much! 🥹😍♥️
I've followed you back and glad we're moots! I'd love to see some of your work!
I'm not sure if I've answered this before but I'm happy to answer it again! Also I haven't advertised it in a while (and I really need to try to get up a new tut, maybe soon), but my alt account is a Render School where I post tutorials, with plans to post editing tutorials in the future!
But honestly as far as my editing, I really don't do much.
Actions are my secret weapon, and I have a few favorites/go-tos I'll link! A few are by simmers and a few are just action sets. I'm in a family of photographers, so I have access to a wealth of resources for my editing.
Sonder set by @intramoon
Cold Water set by @intramoon
Retro Prime photoshop actions
Indie camera photoshop actions
But my "secret weapon," as it were, and the set of actions that I think most helps me accomplish that digital art style is a set of actions that are sadly expensive and hard to find now.
My favorite set is by Totally Rad! and I think in recent years it's been folded in to this Pixel Sugar product on their website. I know that's a steep price point but it's possible you can find it around the corners of the Internet for less, or if you can't, you might be able to find "dupes" of the better ones, which imo are:
Technicolor dream world
Super Fun Happy
Bullet Tooth
Grandma's Tap Shoes
As for my method, I know a lot of simmers paint over their renders, and I've done that a few times but find I'm too impatient tbh. My goal is always to have to do only minor touchups over my renders and some color/vibe adjustments before the finished product. My "raw" files are always exactly what blender spits out for me, unaltered in any way except to resize them for Tumblr.
To get that digital art style, I'd recommend rendering with alpha details if you don't already. If your computer can't handle alpha cc in the game, DM me and I can give you some pointers (sneak peek info for a future tut lmao) on how to accomplish it without bogging down your game.
When I go into photoshop I adjust the brightness and contrast, as I tend to personally prefer high contrast pieces that contain dark subject matter but you can still see the details. Then I'll paint/blur/clone/adjust anything that needs it, then I'll "stack" and adjust a handful of actions before applying edge blur and vignette and any other color adjustments (levels, curves, etc).
That's a very oversimplified rundown of what I do, but really overall my editing process is simple. The bulk of my work happens in blender itself. I find that the more time I take to perfect the lighting and shadows and angles in blender, the less frustrating the editing process and the happier I am with the end result. So, that said, be sure you're spending a lot of time in blender getting the light and shadows to be exactly where you need/want them to be before running it.
I know this is a bit long I'm sorry! If any of it is super confusing or you'd like a more in-depth look at any of it please let me know! I do plan to do editing tutorials for my side blog, but the latter half of this year has kind of run over me like a train, and for now I'm just trying to get by day by day. But I'm happy to help if you have more specific questions!
& thank you again!! ♥️
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luckylunatix · 9 months ago
So I'm pretty excited about The Day the Earth Blew Up but I have to wonder if Marvin is gonna be in it.
Like, putting aside my bias for the character, I feel like it would just be a wasted opportunity to have a movie about aliens trying to blow up the Earth and NOT have him present. That's literally what his role in the show typically amounts to.
If he is in it, my prediction is that he'd have a rivalry with the actual bad guy aliens because Earth is HIS to destroy (or perhaps he has different plans for Earth) and thus he can't just let them blow it all up. As such, he'll end up teaming up with the Earthlings to save the Earth. Maybe he'll even end up turning a new leaf after working with Porky and Daffy to stop the invasion, forming a genuine friendship with them.
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daily-lightbulbii · 8 months ago
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(//i don't normally do text but cw in the tags erm. i went a little off track)
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aroacettorney · 11 months ago
the reason why im mad af @ ludger:
he gaslit casey, his own best friend, into believing that he was the criminal mastermind.
she learned the truth via memory storming and fully blamed herself / her incompetence for his downfall and his suicidal ideation.
she apologized to him, but he never corrected her on it, enforcing her belief that she was indeed at fault despite knowing fully well that it's not the case.
their brief "reconciliation" and his "forgiveness" towards her mean nothing because despite her efforts to fix their relationship, ludger's suicidal ideation remains throughout the story, and in the end, he even acted upon it. during his absence, casey very likely still has to live on for three years with the belief that she was the one who was responsible for the death of her best friend.
ludger never bothered to fight for his good ending, yet he gets everything.
casey fought with her life for his good ending, and for that, she lost everything, including her only companion.
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magsterdragster · 3 months ago
hiiii mags ^^ hru? Are you drinking water and making sure to eat :)
Hi :3
I actually have been drinking water and eating lately, I know, even I'm surprised!! Although I do think I'm coming down with something.. lots of pressure in my head and the start of a sore throat 😭😭 It always happens when we get our first snow.....
I've been drawing on and off but I just don't feel like I have enough actually completed to my liking to come back to posting, and I haven't been able to get myself to draw every day either. My goal rn is to get some of the stuff off my list done before I come back to posting so it shouldn't be too much longer but I feel like I've been saying that forever now (and if I'm actually getting sick that's not gonna help.....😭😭)
Thanks for checking in!! It means a lot <3
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indiegame · 2 months ago
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ok i might be talking complete nonsense here, but. the Strict Order as a metaphor for an author facing writer's block.
"the Strict Order abandoned the world," yeah if i wrote a sweet potato story where the main character just keeps suffering with no sign of resolution, i'd drop the story too (<- has actually done this with a tesilid fanfic orz)
"The world rejected the Strict Order's abandonment, so to keep the world going the Strict Order made Tesilid keep rewinding time." That's just like when you get stuck at a certain point in the plot and keep rewriting the events leading up to that moment to try to make it work. nods sagely i understand. i too make my OCs go through scenarios lots of times until we get it right. sometimes it takes months. sometimes it never works.
"The saintess only exists in timeline ~86," oh yes, the classic 'idk how to solve this problem so i'll introduce a new character' trick. i'm familiar
"okay but if time looping is the Strict Order rewriting the story, then why can Tesilid remember it" because the author already wrote those scenes and it'll be sad to throw them all out. and also it's a cool gimmick to have a regressor story. (<- has drastically changed the premise and worldbuilding of a story just to make an alternate timeline relevant before)
"what about ailette's existence--" same as muriel, where you insert a new character in hopes of solving a plot problem. except this time the characters write the plot themselves, because just this once you give priority to their character traits & goals rather than where you thought you wanted the plot to go. (tesilid has someone he can be himself around and who can do certain things on his behalf, instead of being fully constrained by his obligations. ailette gets insane buffs instead of being restricted by the world's difficulty.) therefore the chars now have more agency and are not only solving problems, but also taking the story in a direction you never would have thought of before. (whatever the hell tesilid and ailette are cooking rn, separately, which is surely going to result in interesting developments later on)
tldr; the strict order as a metaphor for an author who hit writer's block. their friend World Shaper inserts their OC Ailette in and their writing style is to let the characters run away with the plot. it works. world shaper and all their friends are co-writers working on the story together and reacting to it in real time.
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mokeonn · 8 months ago
Currently I have so many bg3 saves bc I refuse to delete my old ones that will likely never be finished (first ever gameplays, not optimized, everytime I open one I get overwhelmed and stop), but also because I keep making new games with the specific purpose of romancing a certain companion, seeing special dialog, doing a specific style of run, or getting an achievement on steam.
#simon says#currently the 4 that I have right now are fun but I wanna do a new one bc I like making characters and being silly#so far I have:#sad bardlock that was originally going to be a no-romance 'everyone's worst ending' run but then I finally decided to romance shadowheart#since the two of them absolutely give off sad lesbian vibes and just seem to make eachother better#because a doom and gloom bardlock constantly saying 'that sounds lovely :)' to anything shar related quickly made Shadowheart happy#next up is big hulking non-lolthsworn drow who is a cleric of Mystra#because I want to see how a cleric of mystra works with Gale and so far it has SUCH fun interactions#... Jak'ith. my gith jack-of-all-trades romancing Lae'zel#i would be a liar if I didn't say doing a legit jack of all trades run as a gith romancing Lae'zel wasn't the most fun out of all my saves#the interactions are so fucking funny I love it#like I highly recommend a gith lae'zel romance because it's so much fun just bouncing back and forth in dialog#and I got REALLY into stealing after playing Jak'ith so I made a duegar thief who is gonna eventually be a druid#and im gonna make her an exclusively Halsin romance bc I saw some of the duegar dialog options with him and I thought it would be funny#since my last Wyll romance went south (i had hubris in honor mode and lost it all) and I have still yet to romance Karlach or Minthara#those 3 are on my list for characters to make and play bc I haven't explored those routes yet#i also want to try doing a true goody two shoes durge run and a true evil durge run#obviously the evil run will probably be the Minthara romance#also on this list I am ignoring Astarion bc I have romanced him twice now in my two old durge runs so unless I can think of something unique#then im not doing anything with him for a while#well except playing as him#i got an old playthrough with him I should continue bc I wanted to see what his origin stuff would be like in act 3#at some point I do want to origin run all the origin characters bc it sounds really cool#but I want to get a good idea of their character arcs before I do#also for the achievements:#Jak'ith is the jack of all trades no Withers help achievement#My bardlock is the busking 100 gold one#and I want to do a punch drunk build at some point#which would probably be a monk bc of the drunken master robes you can get#but yeah I will probably end up with like 8 or more saves in the end
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definitelynotwinter · 11 months ago
My niece has gotten really into warrior cats and is mid process of building a makeshift fursuit for herself for our upcoming anime cons this summer. I swore to her up and down I'd take her, but she'd have to handle her outfits herself and let me tell you she is DETERMINED to get this suit together by herself. It genuinely makes me so happy to see her finding herself and putting her effort into creating her art and self-expression .
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xxzapvanityxx · 2 years ago
dude i miss communications. i was so talking to one of my guys about it bc i was super into ghost and pals during like my middle school yrs, like. 2016-18 area? maybe even 2015 honestly. and i was on quotev mainly as my social media and my friends and i would roleplay the communications characters and i was always henry with the one time exception of playing nancy i think. and my friend jamie was behind one of the biggest if not second biggest communications confessions blogs on here at one point. and goddamn.. we all made like fan ocs to roleplay too... it was so fun. and then the jelf the elf joke, my ex boyfriend and i made like a jelf the elf takeover over on quotev for it and it was pretty sizable. and then the fuckin youtube comment on ghostie-p's album upload on spotify thats like "thanks to you..." was a comment my old friend juice's little brother left on one of their songs because juice always listened to it and annoyed their brother with it! shit is fucking crazy honestly its so weird to think about... i literally dont talk to any of these people except for one of them anymore and hes like a little brother to me. life is genuinely so crazy. the world is a small and crazy place
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roaringheat · 2 years ago
I've been having a really hard time lately cause ive been feeling like i'm not wanted or cared about by the ppl around me and it hit me especially hard at work so I took some time after my shift to destress by walking around the shopping center i'm in. I ended up having 2 separate long ass convos with these total strangers, one at a GameStop and one at a pet store and both explicitly told me how much they enjoyed the conversation and that they wanted to see me again. Man....there really is some real shit behind the whole go out and talk to strangers thing
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