#legit a full day of travelling uhhh
aurorangen · 5 days
Hi here's an update: I'm in Malaysia / Hong Kong for the next month to see my family, so posts will be here and there. I think I will post postcard legacy + tjolc. It all depends on my mood and what I want to make at the time as currently, I have no stuff in advance 🫣
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serenheist · 3 years
What Jimin is like in a relationship/ Jimin as a boyfriend Tarot reading
Idk what to title this. Also send requests or interesting ideas for readings.
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How fast does it take jimin to get into a relationship? 7 of swords, the high priestess, knight of wands
So for this I intended that swords and wands would represent getting into a relationship quickly and cups/pentacles would be taking a longer time to get into a relationship with someone. I think he definitely tends to get into relationships very quick. When he sees someone he likes he doesn’t waste time waiting for them to approach him or try beating around the bush. This dude just jumps right in and will introduce himself to anyone he finds attractive lmao. He doesn’t have time for the bs games of playing it cool.
Does he prefer long or short term relationships? 8 of swords, queen of wands
I asked again just to make sure and yeahhh lol he really does not care for long term relationships. He hates the feeling of being trapped in a relationship but also hates being alone but alsoooo gets bored very easily. It’s not that he’s actually trapped when he’s in a relationship but it’s moreso he feels trapped in his own mind and feels the need to move onto someone else before the person tries to force all these expectations on him. When he’s in a relationship what you see is what you get basically.
I think past partners got jealous because he’s openly affectionate with a lot of people and a lot of people can’t really deal with dating someone in the spotlight who gets all the adoration. They try to make him commit and lock him into something long term when he already told them upfront this is just casual. Listen ffs this guy doesn’t wanna settle down he wants to have passionate love affairs dudes legit a modern day Casanova. At least not right now I’m not picking up on him wanting to settle down long term. He’s a young rich attractive guy in a boy band so this is to be expected tbh.
Past present future relationships. For the future I phrased it in a way to ask what HE wants his future relationship to be like. Not necessarily what it’ll be. 5 of wands, 5 of cups, princess of fire
His past relationships had a lot of conflict and people misunderstanding and a lot of people trying to grab onto him. I feel like he had a lot of people that he dated that were trying to compete for his attention or again lock him down into what they want him to be. His present love life is him still feeling the lingering regrets and self pitying. He’s so disturbed by the events that happened in his past relationships that he feels like he can’t move on at all. Even when the right person is literally right there he’s too busy hanging on to past hurts and has gotten a little jaded. What he wants for a future relationship is with someone who can match his energy of passion. Someone who enjoys having fun and is open to doing new things. Kinda like thrill seekers. And doesn’t want to settle down immediately and have babies or something.
What is he like in a relationship? 9 of cups, 7 of cups reversed, 3 of swords reversed, unity, the magician
He spoils the heck out of the person he dates. I can see him giving expensive luxury gifts, backstage passes, 5 star hotel rooms, etc. He kinda likes showing off everything he has though because he likes to get praised for it. Again I’m seeing that even though he gives people everything he still falls into temptation even when he knows going for someone else won’t be the best idea.
It’s so bizarre because it looks like he flip flops from extreme confidence to self hate and a lot of self negative talk. Like extreme mood swings. Even when he’s with someone new he still holds grudges from past shit or words that people said in past relationships. Buttttt surprisingly I see that he actually knows that he can intentionally manifest a healthy Union into his life with someone who can match his wavelength. He knows that everything and everyone is one. And that all the shit he’s been through and mistakes he’s made don’t have to keep dragging along with him into other relationships. He knows he can reach out to others around him and get help through anything he’s going and that he doesn’t have to bottle up everything by himself just the problem is is that he doesn’t always like to verbalize when he’s going through shit. He wants people to intuitively know what he wants. I literally went off on a tangent but the last thing is that when he’s with someone he will fuck you up if you try to mess with his partner lmao no joke. He’s very nurturing and loving but he will also f someone up if they mess with someone he loves.
What type of person does Jimin usually look for in a relationship? The moon, justice, undressing of a salad 31, death, Jeanne the maid
I’m seeing he likes someone who can handle anything really. Someone who can handle a hectic lifestyle because he’s literally everywhere. Since his career is insane he looks for someone who can handle that kind of chaos and still be calm about it. Very intuitive too. Maybe someone important too or just a strong personality because there’s a lot of major arcana. This isn’t some easy person this person can handle their own weight and is strong on their own.
They can juggle a lot of things without crumbling. They aren’t easily swayed by anyone’s bs. It’s interesting that balance shows up in 2 different cards from 2 different decks. It seems like balance is a big thing for him. Someone who will transform him and the relationship forces you to grow and open your eyes to new beliefs. He looks for someone who isn’t an attention seeker and gives without expecting something in return. Giving selflessly because they’re a good person and not because they want the world to know how good of a person they are.
What is his love language? Wheel of fortune, 9 of wands reversed, the chariot reversed
Gifts and probably quality time since there’s Egyptian Sphinx and Sagittarius energy so he loves traveling to exotic places with his partner for sure. I’m also getting acts of service for the chariot and 9 of wands reversed. Because he has a lot of moments where he’s exhausted and feels like he lacks the drive to complete things so he could really benefit from someone who can take over for a bit and help him out with other practical things. But again knows to do this intuitively and can pick up on when he’s in one of his moods. I guess that also explains the need for wanting someone who’s more balanced in comparison. Cause in a life full of chaos you’re going to want someone who doesn’t bring more of it.
Uhhh some spice Not really vulgar though, very brief Physical aspects sex/intimacy
Jesus lord more moodiness. He has moments where he’ll be clingy af but also where he’s totally aloof and wants to be alone so good luck. He kinda likes to be a little shit in the intimacy department and degrade his partner instead of praise lol. Possessive energy wanting to own someone. Yeah bye.
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gatesofivoryandhorn · 3 years
Tag game -- thank you @rejectscanon! I legit tried to post this like 3 times over the last couple days but my internet’s been starting the year off on the wrong foot, so hopefully it works now!
rules: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better/catch up with
last song: uhhh... A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square? because I finished (re)watching Good Omens with my mom right before midnight on NYE and I really don’t listen to music much unless I’m cleaning or driving...
last movie: Wonder Woman 1984, which was...entertaining but also somewhat disappointing for a laundry list of reasons I won’t get into here
currently watching: Letterkenny, I guess? I’ve been lowkey watching it on and off over the last month, mixed in with other things like the Mandalorian and Good Omens -- I think I’m starting Clone Wars next at the behest of a friend who wants someone to yell about things with
currently reading: literally just started reading A Phoenix First Must Burn today and I’m about 3 stories in (it’s an anthology) and I’m liking it so far! I just finished Network Effect (which was excellent because Murderbot) on NYE and Girl, Serpent, Thorn earlier in the week. I’m thinking I might rotate in another full novel since Phoenix is just short stories, but I can’t decide if I want queer time travel (This Is How You Lose the Time War) or Napoleonic wars with dragons (Empire of Ivory)
currently craving: another peanut cluster -- my mom always makes them around the holidays and I could easily eat an unhealthy amount, although I think I’d have to fight my dad for that many
tagging: @pandoracampbell @neverlandtimelord @feekins @marywhal -- obviously no pressure, do this only if you want!! but also, if you’re a mutual or follower and want to do it, go for it!! I’d love a tag so I can see your answers and get to know some more folks! I get a little anxious instigating interactions, but I like meeting people!! :)
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Have you ever laughed at someone because they had a funny name? >> Not to their face, but I’ve definitely laughed at some people’s names if I come across them online or something. Especially if it’s one of those names that can make a juvenile sex pun out of, lol. <<< lol same :X I legit knew a kid in my neighborhood whose name sounded like hymen... Speaking of names, why do celebrities always call their kids stupid ones? Gah, I don’t know. They think they’re being cute and trendy I guess, but no. Just no. It’s not nice for the kid. Like Elon Musk, wtf?  If you have a problem with someone, will you confront them? Probably not.  How do you like your tea? With a packet of sweetener.  Do you get car sick easily? Yes.
What did you want to be when you were a kid? A teacher. Insert funny memory here: I don’t feel like thinking of one at the moment. Do you think you’re a good conversationalist? Why is that? Ha, nope. I feel like I never know what to say and I just make things awkward and lame. Are you more likely to be called a hard worker or lazy? I’m sure people think I’m lazy. And there is a laziness factor, but the bigger picture is health related issues and having no energy or motivation to do much of anything.  What is your sense of humor like? I don’t really know how to describe it.  Do you think you’re fairly intelligent? In what way? I just feel very average. How do you like your eggs? Scrambled, sunny-side up, hardboiled, deviled. Do you enjoy visiting your relatives? Yeah. It’s been awhile since I’ve visited with any family outside of my immediate family, though. :/ And that’s even before the pandemic hit.  What’s your favorite thing about the nearest upcoming holiday? Fireworks are visually appealing, but I don’t enjoy how loud they are. I’m too jumpy and sensitive to loud sounds like that. Have you ever been on a float in a parade? What were you doing on it? Nope. Have you ever had a strange compliment? What was it? Some lady asked me if I had polio and when I told her no, she said, “Oh okay, I thought you looked pretty good for having polio.” Wtf?? When was the last time you had deja vu? Hmm. I don’t remember the last time I experienced it. Have you ever had a dream in black and white? I don’t think so.  What about a dream with no sound? Uhhh. I don’t know, actually. Like... I’ll recall things being said in a dream but I’m not sure if I recall them actually being said or I just know they were. That’s interesting. What is something you find interesting but would never pursue as a career? Well, I’m very interested in psychology and got my BA because I thought I wanted to pursue something in that field, but I don’t. I have no idea what I actually want to do.  What types of people do you tend to avoid? Arrogant and cocky people. What is one personality trait a potential friend must have? Good sense of humor. Have you ever seen someone slip on a banana peel? No. Have you ever been in a helicopter? Yes, when I had to be flown to the hospital after my accident. What is a color you love that’s not your favorite? Uhh. If I love it, it’s a favorite. Where would you like to travel to? I want to travel to a lot of places. What color is your car? / What color would you like it to be? I don’t have a car, I don’t drive. If I did, I’d probably want red. Does anything hurt on your body right now? What? I’ve been having a bad pain flareup. 
What is your favorite mode of travelling? Car or plane. Have you ever had chicken pox? Yes. Can you roll your eyes into the back of your head? No. If you have online friends, do you think you’d get on in real life? I think our survey community on here would get along well. Who is your favorite animated character? Winnie the Pooh. Are your favorites often what the majority like? Hmm. I feel like I don’t like a lot of things majority of people seem to like, actually. If you could have anything for dinner tonight, what would you choose? *shrug* It’s 2:54AM, I’m not thinking about dinner. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? Savory. Do you worry about eating too much? What about eating too little? I don’t have a problem of eating too much, in fact I need to be eating a lot more. Is it dark outside right now? Yes. Do you get scared when it’s a full moon? No. Do you think Jaffa Cakes are a cake or a biscuit? I had to Google that, but from what I can see it looks like a cookie. If you go anywhere, do you always buy souvenirs for people? I always buy souvenirs, but usually for myself lol.  What was the last toy you got in a cereal box? Wow, I don’t remember. I haven’t had cereal in years. Hypothetically speaking, if you owned a charm bracelet, would you always make sure the charms meant something to you? Well, yeah. Choosing the charms are the fun part. If I’m going to wear something, I want to like it. Are you waiting on anyone coming home right now? No. Is it easy to make you gag? Yes. Do you like the way your voice sounds? No. I hate hearing my voice in a recording. Do you usually keep to yourself? I keep a lot to myself. Can you see the stars from your house? Yeah. How would you react if your favorite band made a song with your first name as its title? It’d be pretty cool. Are you considered an awkward person? I definitely consider myself to be very awkward, so I’m sure others do as well. Has a career advisor ever helped you choose your ideal career? No. If you were abandoned for a week, would you be able to fend for yourself? You gotta be more specific. Like for one, where am I? Is there a light on in the room you’re in? Yes. Have you ever been friends with someone who was your complete opposite? I had a best friend who was the outgoing, adventurous, outspoken one and I wasn’t any of those things. She helped me have fun and get out of my shell a bit at times, though.  Have you ever wished you were an identical twin? If one, do you hate it? It’s weird to imagine someone looking exactly like me.  What day were you born on? A Friday. What’s your favorite number? Why did you pick that? 8. It’s been my favorite since I was a kid. What does your favorite perfume / deodorant smell like? One of them has patchouli notes in it. The other is a beachy scent with some lavender.  Who’s your favorite Disney character? Alice from Alice in Wonderland and Winnie the Pooh. Do you like having a favorite everything or do you enjoy keeping open? I always say I have a lot of favorites of things. I have a hard time choosing just one for a lot of things. What’s your favorite advertisement? Or do you find them all irritating? I don’t have a favorite advertisement. I generally just tune those out.
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razorblade180 · 5 years
Lasting Embers pt23: Difficult Decisions
[Menagerie, Oasis]
It’s still early out; every still lays in bed asleep. All except for Jael who’s just floating in her room thinking about the future; her future. The entrance exam to be accepted into beacon is only a month away. Her dream of freedom and her father’s blessing is only a month away. One more month until she meets her...
Jael:(A mere thirty more days and then my real test begins. I thought I’d feel more anxious but I don’t. Maybe I’m finally comfortable with my progress; hope I didn’t over train for this. Wouldn’t be fun if the other applicants weren’t up to par. Oh well, as long as the one I care about does. She’s hogged my father long enough so she better.)
She scrunches her face before taking a breath to relax. Floating is supposed to relieve the pressure constantly on her heart and clear her head. Getting riled up serves no purpose; a Taurus knows that lesson well.
Jael:(Now now Jael, no need to tense up. Keep an open mind like father said; I don’t know her. I know of her, that’s not the same. I’ll get the chance to evaluate her soon enough. Maybe dad can tell me more about her when he gets back ho-)
Jael:Huh? *floating to her feet* was that, crying? The only ones here is mom and....*gasp*
Without further delay she rushes out her and to her sister’s old room. She had forgotten that she’s home for awhile just like Adam. Sure enough, Sienna layed in her bed tossing and turning as tear marks stained her face. No doubt from her nightmare.
Jael:Sienna, get up *shaking her* come on You’re having another nightmare. Wake up and it goes away like always.
Sienna:Please....*sniffling* don’t take him please...! I....I need him! I need-
The tiger faunus jumped awake with her class fully out and dangerously close to Jael’s neck. Good thing this isn’t her first rodeo; her older sister’s arm was already grabbed the wrist and was weighing it down. Cat like reflexes or not, gravity had a part to play in everything. Even the frown her big sis currently had.
Sienna:I’m....*huff*I’m sorry.....
Jael:It’s alright *holding her hand* I’m used to it. Didn’t know you still got nightmares; the mines?
Sienna:*nods* Every so often I see myself as that scared little six year old kid again. Lately it’s a bad omen when I get this nightmare. Hopefully pops is okay. With Ilia gone I can’t go on missions. Just because I’m new doesn’t mean I should be kept out of the loop.
Jael:I’m sure everything is okay. He’s just supposed to be escorting Blake to see her friends. Then they’ll be back home in no time and we can finally spend some quality time with dad that’s not about work.
Sienna:Heh, haven’t had that in awhile.
Jael:Well there’s gonna be plenty of it this month; my days are numbered her. So I guess we better start right now. *smirking*
Sienna:I know that look. Jael you better not-ahh!
Suddenly the of them are suspended in the air. Jael pulls her sister into a hug and curls up underneath her; closing her eyes.
Jael:Try sleeping like this; does wonders for me. *yawn* by the time we wake up....dad will be home....before you......Zzzzzzz...
Sienna:...*smiles and holds her close* Fine, you when this one you little trouble maker. I’ll follow your lead. *dozing off* this is pretty.....pretty.... zzzzzz
Jacquelyn stamds in the door way as she quietly leaves with a smile.
[Tai’s house]
The living room is devoid of sound except for ticking of a clock. All of our well known huntsman remain motionless as they stare at Yang. Her eyes fixated on the door her daughter hastily went out of. Seconds felt like hours until she finally snapped out of her trance and grabbed the doorknob.
Yang:I have to go after her...
Ruby:Yang we have to figure out who’s going to-
Yang:That can wait! I’m going to find Yujin and-
Jaune:*holding her close* Yang, she needs time to process all of this. There’s nothing you can say or do now that can reach her.
Yang let’s go of the door knob slowly. She returns to the couch in defeat; gripping her knees.
Yang:Neo, are you sure that map is accurate. Isn’t there any chance he strung you along or-
Neo:Torture is complex thing to do. People who beg for mercy and ready to talk after a few minutes usually tell the truth; they can’t take pain. Jericho lasted hours. People like that might say anything when they’ve had enough.
Weiss:So, all this might be a complete hoax.
Neo:Unfortunately no. Anytime it takes that long I become extremely thorough. I still keep going with the torture after the answers he gave until any lies were wiped away. *places another map with one hundred X’s* these were the locations he gave me at first. As you can see, they don’t match up with the first one I showed you.
Weiss:He already tried lying to you....
Neo:More than once; dozens of other fake maps are in the ship. This, this is the real deal. 87 bases and I’ve already had a few confirmed to be legit. Sorry everyone, wish I could bring better news. I’m...I’m going to get some air. *steps outside*
Ruby:Is she alright?
Adam:Neo is excellent at what she does but that doesn’t mean she likes it. Torture like that will churn anybody’s stomach. She’ll be fine.
Blake:Back to the topic at hand then; who’s leaving?
The uncomfortable silence once again fills the room but only for a few minutes before everyone gathers there thoughts and steals their convictions. Running into a war has no one scared; the challenge is stopping people from going...
Ruby:I’m still heading out and that’s final. I’m not going to sit at here when I’m part of the reason we’re in this situation.
Weiss:I’m going too. Atlas doesn’t really need me for anything and no way I’m letting my partner do this solo.
Ruby:*smiles* That’s two people; anyone else.
Ruby:Don’t even.....
Yang:Yujin will be just as angry. Besides, you haven’t done intense missions in awhile. Like it or not, you’re a bit rusty.
Jaune:You act like I don’t know how to adapt. This mission needs a strategist.
Adam:Which is why I’ll go...
Blake:Absolutely not!
Adam:Strategy, peak fighting condition, I’ve been all over Remnant’s most secretive places; frankly I should’ve been helping the first time around.
Blake:Do you realize what you’re suggesting? If somehow authorities tie you to this then it’s over for you.
Adam:I’ve been traveling regularly for over ten years. This will be no different from the jobs I already do Blake.
Adam:You can’t go because your people just got you back. Sun can’t go because it’ll look suspicious. I’m perfect for this job.
Blake:And if you die on it? You promised to spend time with Jael remember?
Yang:Uhhh “Jail?”
Adam:She’s my other daughter I mentioned. Same age as Yujin....
Yang:*eyes widened*....
Blake:You know this might crush her right? Scarcely coming home was hard enough for her as it is.
Adam:Sigh...*leans against the wall* I know this but......this is something I have to do. The cult came to my home once; that’s one too many.
Blake:.....You’re not gonna change your mind are you?
Adam:Sorry, minds made up. I just hope Jael can handle the news. Actually, I hope all of them can; I’m in for a ear full.....
Raven:Well if he’s going then so am I. I’ve been itching to face these people.
Ruby:I think you’re forgetting that maidens are also something they want Aunt Raven. Dead, controlled, or otherwise.
Raven:*shrugs* Sounds like the same old song and dance to me. Adam isn’t the only one who wishes to have gone the first time.
Yang:Don’t be like that mom. Making sure things were fine here was important too.
Raven:You put life as you know it on hold for Yujin. I should’ve done the same for you. Besides, I bet Qrow would’ve done the same if... if our roles were reversed.
Tai:*holds her hand* So....trying to go off again. *smirks*
Raven:Yeah uhhhh.....I’ll be honest. Don’t know how to take the sting out this. It won’t be like before I promise! Ruby will hold me to that and- ow!
Tai:*flicking her forehead* Be safe Raven. Kick enough ass for the both of us. For Qrow too.
Raven:They won’t know what hit em. A bit a magic and a map might just be what we need to turn a ten year manhunt into something way more tolerable. I’m guessing two years maybe?
Nora:We’ll make it one. I...I want to go too.
Nora:You don’t have anything you want to say to that?
Ren:Sigh.... I’ve been attacked, you’ve been attacked twice, and our son is on that list despite our best efforts. Trying to remain under the radar clearly hasn’t been working. If this is what you want to do then go for it. I’d offer too but I’m still no good in a fight like this. Looks like my treatment has to be put on hold. Tenzen and I can-
Tenzen:You’re going to get that surgery
No one heard him walking upstairs or even going down them but there he was sitting on the first few steps. The look on his face showed a calm but clearly exhausted demeanor thanks to his body still healing his injuries. His presence welcomed by everyone with relief of him finally being awake.
Tenzen:Sorry I didn’t say anything earlier. Yujin was supposed to make me some food but when I heard the door slam I walked down and- *hugged tightly*
Nora:Thank the stars you’re alright!
Ren:You has me so worried!
Tenzen:Ribs...ugh my ribs!!!!
Ren and Nora:*let go* Sorry....
Tenzen:*rubbing his side* I guess the pain means I’m alive at least. Thanks Mr.Arc, wouldn’t be up on my feet as fast without you.
Jaune:There would be less people in this room without you.
Emerald:We should be the one thanking you.
Mercury:Seriously, we owe you one.
Tenzen:*smiles* If that’s the case, can you guys escort my dad while on his trip? Then when he’s done, watch his back on the battlefield?
Tenzen:*looks at his parents* I think both of you guys should go after the cult.
With ten simple words he got the undivided attention of everyone. His mind and surprising opinion created the same atmosphere he gets from his fans. Right now, he owns the floor.
Jaune:I take it you have some sort of plan in your head?
Tenzen:Not really a plan but just facts I guess. Beacon has an entrance exam in a month and I doubt another attack would come so soon. If I- when I pass the exam I get to live at the most guarded school Remnant has to offer; I’ll be safe. Dad getting healed and meeting up with the rest of you afterwards could make a difference. Eight people is better than five.
Weiss:He has a point...
Ren:Maybe so, but a month alone?
Nora:Anything could happen in that time.
Tenzen:It’ll be fine. I’ll stay at home and I know how how everything works. I’m sixteen, not twelve. Frankly my biggest problem will be boredom hehe.
Ren:What if-
Tenzen:I want this fight over with already....that dude hurt you both and seem to enjoy it. *clenches his fist* the cult needs to know....they need to know they messed with with the wrong family. *looks around the room* they messed with the wrong families.
Ren:Nora I don’t think he’s going to back down from this.
Nora:......A video per day.
Nora:I want you to upload one video per day and without fail until you make into Beacon. If I don’t see one while I’m away then I’m going to assume something is wrong and be a complete mess you understand? *sniff*
Tenzen:....Yes ma’am. *hugs her* can’t disappoint my biggest fan can I.
Emerald:Guess it’s settled then.
Tenzen:Sorry I just sort of drafted you guys into going hehe.
Mercury:I was gonna volunteer anyways. Payback sounds really satisfying instead of twiddling my thumbs.
Yang:Guess I’m the only one left to decide huh?
As fast as the mood was lightened, it was gone again with that question. No one would ask her to join given the circumstances but she also knew just how much she could make a difference. The unwavering strength behind many of team RWBY’s successes ever since they were formed. Paired with her sister’s indomitable will and Weiss’s brilliance in synchronized moves, surely they could all compensate for Blake’s unfortunate absence. Especially with Adam most likely taking her place as her partner; it would be the obvious choice. Six well versed fighters working together until three more show up to keep the momentum going. Sure they could probably achieve the same results with without her, but what if they couldn’t? Who looks out for the fifth person? All of these thoughts fill her head has she tries to keep it together; taking slow breaths to prevent what would be a serious panic attack.
Adam:Let’s give this a week.
Adam:We should all return to homes and prepare and say our goodbyes. Then meet up again in a week. Those who show up will go on with the mission. If anyone decided to change their minds within the week then so be it; can’t fault anybody who does. Sounds fair right?
Yang:*staring down at the floor*Sounds fair...
Ruby:We’ll meet at the train station that leads right out of Vale and into the rest of Anima. That way no one has to travel back here. I love how our house is out of the way but it would also be the prime spot to get attacked if somehow the cult catches wind of us. No more private transportation either; it needs to look like we could be at anyplace or still at home.
Weiss:Just when I got used to flying first class again. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. *leaving* better go tell Whitley and Winter to cancel their plans for a week. Their about to get a decades worth of sibling love in seven days. Also, don’t worry about money too much; the Schnee secret account has enough for ten life times. *closes the door*
Neo sits on the porch holding a bucket. Her face a little pale and sweaty.
Weiss:Are you okay? I could give you a lift back h-
Neo:The body is still in the ship. I wanted to get rid of it before you were done but.....*heaving over the bucket* I don’t think I can look at what’s left of him again.
Weiss:*Picks her up* don’t worry about it. I was gonna get rid of the ship itself anyways. Let’s get some food and head out.
Neo:Thank you.....
Back inside the house Blake and Adam begin to leave as well. Nora and Ren also begin to get escorted by Mercury and Emerald.
Adam:*nods* It’s in your hands now. Word of advice, your daughter will feel hurt no matter your decision. So pick the one that you truly feel is right, then do everything you can to ease the pain of the path you don’t decide.
Adam:Fill the void. *Walks out*
Blake:Take care, menagerie will always be a haven if you need to regroup. *walks out*
Ruby:We’ll keep that in mind; see ya.
Jaune:I’d hate to be a bother but can Tenzen stay back a little while longer? It might be best for Yang and I to stay here a bit longer but...
Tenzen:Of course I’ll check on Jin. If that’s okay I mean.
Tai:I’ll take him home so you two don’t have to worry about him being alone.
Nora:Sigh......be safe and please take things slow for once? You’re injured and haven’t eaten yet.
Ren:speaking of eating...*pulls out granola bar* can you actually grab it on your way out this time?
Tenzen:*takes it* This would’ve been useful earlier. Love you both. *hugs them both and runs out the door* (Next stop, Jin’s place. Probably not even home yet knowing her.)
Yang:You both have an amazing child. I’m thankful him and Yujin are close.
Ren:She’s just as amazing and we’re just as thankful. I don’t think he knows just how much he talks about her. Get some rest okay?
Nora:You deserve it.
Finally the house is only filled with family members, but still feels very smothering. Yang’s eyes are fixated on the map that holds a daunting journey her sister will soon take. A journey that could use every pair of hands possible. So why? Why can’t she just make the logical choice already? Why can’t she can’t she tell everyone the answer she’s already chosen? Reason and emotion clashing cause her to lay down on the couch as tears roll down her face.
Yang:Can I have some time alone please?
Everyone leaves, except Jaune. He chooses to sit beside the couch and extends his hand; causing her to grab it instantly.
Jaune:Yes? *tearing up*
She rubs her finger across her wedding ring before slowly taking it off. Her hand trembling terribly as she places it in his. Try as she might, there’s no amount of strength that could make her look at him as she breaks his heart again. Energy in her voice drained completely and left weak.
Yang:I’m sorry.....*sniffles* I’m so sorry Jaune. I’m so, so sorry.......
Jaune:*takes the ring and pulls her into a hug* I’ve waited this long; I can keep waiting.
Yang:It’s not fair! I don’t want to keep you waiting anymore, or Yujin! I love you both so much!!!
Jaune: But knowing how things might go if you stay behind scares you. As much as it hurts me, I get it. Do what you think is best. *crying*
Ruby:.....Dad, I need your help. You really haven’t changed this place at all right?
Tai:Been this way since you guys left for Beacon in the first place. The only changes have been the small stuff that’s piled up through the years.
Ruby:Like our letters, pictures, and stuff.
Tai:Yeah, why?
Ruby:That’s a lot of memorabilia. *looking into her room* a lifetime in fact. Help me find all of it please? I want to try something .
Tai:What’s going on in that head of yours kiddo?
Ruby:*picks up an old scroll* Ways to help Yang cushion the blow.
[Dirt Road]
Tenzen:*sprinting* (Geez I thought I’d run into her by now. I doubt she ran home if she’s sulking. I should see her any min-) *stops *......
He was right about catching up to her. As mad as she was, it made sense why Jaune wanted someone to check up on her. The negative emotions had attracted some unwanted visitors and Tenzen was witnessing the aftermath. Plumes of smoke from fallen grimm littered the path and through it was his friend glowing brilliantly. Standing still in front of a lonely beowulf that snarled wildly at her. Tenzen couldn’t see her face but her knew she wasn’t fazed one bit.
Yujin:Get lost Tenzen; not in a good mood.
Tenzen:I can see that. Your dad wanted me to come check up on you. After everything that’s happened and all.
Yujin:I’m fine.....these things tried to hurt but it didn’t go so well for them. I’m already in more pain than they can cause.
With that statement the Beowulf lunged right at her. Immediately latching onto her bitting down on her shoulder, but his teeth didn’t sink in. Instead they chipped and broke apart like if it had bit marble. Before it got a chance to let go of her it’s life was over; a whole right through it’s chest was easily made with a single punch from the future huntress in training. She finally turned around to see the shock on Tenzen’s face. Was it because this is the first time seeing her semblance, or because she did all this with no weapon?
Yujin:I’m doing just fine as you can see. You ran here for nothing.
Tenzen:I didn’t come here for nothing. So you don’t need help fighting. Maybe there’s another way I could-
Yujin:I want to be alone Tenzen....
Tenzen:.....Well that’s a lie. From here it looks like you’re tired of being alone. You want-
Yujin:*covers her ears* OH MY GOD, JUST SHUT UP!!! You always have to be the sensible one right!? Help poor little Yujin anytime she’s feeling low. Maybe I’d be more sensible too if I had both of my parents at home too! Injured or not, they were always a room away and-
Tenzen:Currently on their way home to prepare for their journey.
Yujin:......*eyes widened* They both decided to go....?
Tenzen:Mom wants to make a difference, and my dad really needs that surgery. He didn’t want to go at first but it’s the best thing to do. Then he’ll fight as well. Can’t say this puts us in the same boat at all but I think we can both agree this situation is pretty shitty. *smiles*
Yujin:.........*eyes turn blue*
Tenzen:Come on and let’s get you home. *takes her hand and walks ahead* We don’t have to talk about anything if you don’t want to.
She wanted to apologize but couldn’t. There was too many emotions she desperately tried to contain. Any more words, and single act of vulnerability would give way to sea of feelings she did not want to face right now. So she just held his hand quietly and firm; praying that he understood what she was trying to convey.
Tenzen:I forgive you.
No response was given and he never turned around. The only sounds heard was pained sniffling from his friend trying to keep it together. He felt her other hand rest on top his as they continued to walk. Nothing else was said. Nothing else needed to be said.
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aq2003 · 5 years
6.5/10 was ok but could’ve been a lot better in my opinion and by a lot better i mean
tony should’ve lived
-the russos are war criminals for what they did to tony alone. he had a family to go back to, JUST like clint. but i guess self sacrifice is cool, right?
-ever since iron man 3, tony’s story has essentially a dark twist to the “great power great responsibility” trope: the hero internalizes the motivating phrase (“don’t waste your life”), and let it interfere with their ability to take care of themself/open up to others. it started strong in iron man 3, got undermined in aou, got slightly more prevalent in the context of civil war, FINALLY got foreshadowed in infinity war. his arc was ultimately about letting other people HELP him with the responsibility he feels like he needs to carry 
-until endgame threw it under the bus again. in an objectively cool way, yeah, but it still got thrown under the bus and i’m mad
-so now tony stark’s story is ultimately a tragedy. and i fucking hate it, man. he had happiness (but not really, because peter’s not there) for 5 years and that got snatched away from him too! he underwent so much trauma since his goddamn origin story and he had a few moments of peace, sure, but he died before he could fully reunite with his loved ones. and it SUCKS. 
-god this is . this is like. if obi-wan kenobi went through All That but got really close to luke before he died and also never got any closure with anakin as a force ghost
-the russos have said, like outright, that thanos was a symbol of what tony’s been fearing of since 2012, the being that symbolized the root of his anxiety and ptsd. so what does tony do to defeat it? uhhh idk he dies i guess. but it’s okay! he can finally rest now!
-really great message there for the kids, right? 
-also there was a whole sequence about him talking to his dad about not abandoning his kid and being there for her. but now he CAN’T be there for morgan because tony stark is fucking gone and dead and i can’t fucking handle this he deserves so much better
-also also not to be a DudeBroGeek™ but he totally got nerfed during his fight scenes
thor shouldn’t have been played off as a joke
-my whole theater laughed at him being . fat. and i was SUPER SUPER SUPER uncomfy the entire time
-he has a PANIC ATTACK and people LAUGHED i mean way to treat more of your mentally ill characters like shit, russos! sure! just devaluate thor’s suffering by saying “oh he’s fat so it’s funny now! hehe!” FUCK you
-i mean, yikes, i can’t believe we went from iron man 3 (where mental illness is one of the major problems the protagonist clearly struggles with, where tony’s panic attacks are disturbingly real and in no way funny) to THIS SHIT
-don’t even get me STARTED on his arc. like from thor 1 to dark world it’s about putting aside his arrogance for the good of his people. for ragnarok it’s finally stepping up and finding his powers while taking up the responsibility as king. in infinity war i was able to turn a blind eye to it, but it’s so prevalent in endgame how little the russos care about thor’s journey in his movies
-in the end he passes off the responsibility he took up in ragnarok to val and just straight up fucked off to space. like what the hell, man?
-ALSO . loki said the sun would shine on them again but the sun DIDN’T fucking shine on them and i feel robbed. i feel like the russos broke into my home and stole something important.
-the brodinsons deserve better.
-how can taika even be there, like physically. i mean. the thor from his movie got entirely retconned
-also not to be a DudeBroGeek™ again but. but like tony he was so 100% nerfed especially during the fight against thanos HOW did thanos even touch stormbreaker aka the weapon made to kill him like what
-i hate to put this all on james gunn but he’s GOTTA fix the crimes committed in endgame against the guardians and thor
steve’s entire character arc shouldn’t have been undermined
-one of his defining character traits is that he won’t stand by and let bad things happen when he can prevent it
-if you could describe steve rogers THAT’S what you would say about him. 
-it’s like tony being smart. or thor being powerful. steve is just Like That
-so why did he go back in time when two full movies were dedicated to him adapting to the future
-idk it doesn’t really make sense to me
-i don’t actually have much to say about steve, i’m not as attached to his character as tony and thor but it still rubs me the wrong way. maybe it makes more sense to steve stans but from what i’ve seen they’re PISSED even though out of the trio he got the most time to shine in battle lmao
-the time travel fuckery was. hmmm
-nat wasn’t there for the admittedly cheesy but still sort of nice girl-power shot
-wong did nothing until the final battle. like him surviving the snap did nothing to impact the story
-why was okoye even on the poster? she should’ve gotten a bigger role imo
-WHAT was dr strange even doing holding back the water
-my brother (who watched the movie with me) thought that the lgbt rep in the movie was “america’s ass” rather than the gay russo in steve’s support group, which just goes to show that the lgbt rep is SO small and the media should really stop hyping it up. not really salt towards the movie itself but it’s still salt
general saltiness out of the way, i’m going to list what i did like about the movie
-those posts going around about how knowing the spoilers take away from the movie are actually really, really wrong. i went in knowing more than half the plot including who lives and dies and i still found it entertaining, to say the least. the movie had a lot of effort put into making it and it really shows. if you ignore the parts you don’t like, you can actually kick back and have a relatively good time
-also the action was really, really good. throughout the entire movie. it’s an avengers film, so the action has to be good, but the fights were still super awesome and a lot were actually a cut above the rest of the mcu (especially the melee fights)
-the final battle was amazing. up until the end, i was on the edge of my seat, because even though it’s another “big final battle against an army of cgi monsters” i actually really really liked it. pretty much everything was perfect about it, and it was so fun to watch the theater go ham whenever a hero did something badass.
-the score. god, the score. alan silvestri did so good with calling back motifs from other solo mcu movies (something marvel should’ve been doing the entire time). ant man’s theme after scott pops out of the quantum realm, captain america’s march when tony hands the shield back to steve, the reprise of “even for you” from infinity war during clint and nat’s mission to vormir, captain marvel’s theme when she blows up thanos’ ship? beautiful
-the actors did a superb job with everything they were given (which probably wasn’t that much). since the russos were paranoid about spoilers apparently no one knew who they were talking to which sucked? because the marvel cast is pretty good at improv lines. but the actors still did a REALLY good job despite this (and really do carry the movie). i felt in my BONES tony’s frustration and anger at steve during the wheelchair scene, thor’s pain and self-loathing when he reunited with frigga, and peter’s DESPAIR when he watched tony die (i will never be okay ever)
-the callbacks to previous mcu movies were fanservice, yeah, but it was the GOOD kind of fanservice in that it was really really cool and served the fans. it’s a great way for the last movie in the infinity saga to end, by revisiting some of the iconic places it touched on before
-tony and nebula! they were only together for the first scene of the movie but the scene with paper football was really soft and nice 
-the civil war conflict was glossed over save for that one scene of tony going the fuck off on steve and i couldn’t be more grateful
-MORGAN STARK. god if i had the capacity to cry i’d be sobbing through writing this entire post. morgan and her soft dad made my heart MELT into pieces i love them 3000
-they still deserved better though
-scott. like in general. he was one of the highlights of the movie. his reunion with cassie was :’)
-carol’s haircut
-by the way a lot of people complained about her makeup in her first scene with the avengers shown in the trailers but it literally wasn’t a problem for any other carol scene in the movie (because that was the only scene in the entire runtime where she was wearing noticeable lipstick/eyeshadow or whatever)
-professor hulk. i actually didn’t expect to like him, but he made a lot of actually funny jokes and i liked his personality contrast with 2012 hulk. also he made scott tacos! he’s really wholesome and i’m willing to ignore the part where he dabbed
-the mark 85 is one of my favorite iron man suits now, even though it didn’t get a lot of screentime
-speaking of which it’s REALLY great how most of the time when tony saves the day it’s because of his smarts. it brings back the main theme of the character: tony stark, the human, plays ball with gods, aliens, and monsters just by being quick witted.
-the entire sequence of tony, steve, and scott getting the scepter and the tesseract was PURE gold. (it’s my favorite part of the movie honestly)
-tony: ok scott to create a distraction i need you to put my past self into cardiac arrest. \ scott: uhh. uhh ok dude?? \ tony: my self loathing is this strong
-rhodey and nebula! they were an awesome teamup and i really really liked their friendship/dynamic
-tony reuniting with peter. i teared up. legit. i teared up.
-thanos: *headbutts carol* \ carol: *doesn’t even move an inch*
-wanda was so badass in her 10 second scene. i just thought it was really cool
-peter using instant kill mode
-tony using the gauntlet was badass. i hated it but it was SO amazing at the same time i wanted to cry and cheer at the same time so i ended up in a semi catatonic state for the rest of the day
-the little wreath with the first arc reactor, morgan craving cheeseburgers, tony’s last message.....;-;
-i love you 3000.....:((((((
-SAM GETTING TO BE CAP. (this was one of the best parts of the all-new all-different avengers comic) even though i still don’t like steve’s ending, i love that sam is going to take up the mantle (and i’m super excited to see the falcon winter soldier show now)
-the movie ended with the soundtrack of tony building the mark 1 solidifying that none of this would’ve happened without iron man. good thing endgame credits said that maybe tony stan lives do matter
-a rat is responsible for saving half the universe and i find that REALLY funny. my favorite theory is that the rat was loki the whole time and that doubles the hilarity
tldr: the movie had an ending that didn’t really fit the characters, but the rest of it was fun to watch: the action scenes were great, the interactions between the characters were mostly good, and it’s overall pretty entertaining as a film by itself. as a closing to the infinity saga it feels unsatisfying, but as a movie it’s enjoyable
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jcylenz · 5 years
....ALL OF THE “IM NOT FROM THE US” QUESTIONS (or alternatively 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 but i’ll come back for more mwhahshs)
1. favourite place in your country?
Balaton without a doubt. It’s the biggest lake of the country and it has such an amazing atmosphere and feel to it, I really love spending my time there. I usually go at least once, if not more times a year and definitely spend some vacation time there, plus my grandma is from a city next to the lake, so really just many ties there.
2. do you prefer spending your holidays in your country or travel abroad?
I love both? I love going abroad and exploring different cultures and seeing the world (I say that as if I’ve been to so many places when I really wasn’t), but there are also so many beautiful places in Hungary so ya know, both. Gimme both.
3. does your country have access to sea?
Nope, but it used to. We were just chopped up and lost 2/3 of our country after the two world wars.
4. favourite dish specific for your country?
Uhhh, SO MANY. Honestly I love Hungarian cousine so fucking much. Gotta love lecsó and pörkölt and Hortobagyer meat pancakes and Gulash and all the Hungarian food, please don’t make me choose.
5. favourite song in your native language?
Tábortűz by Emberek, and you’re just in luck cause there is a youtube video in which you can read the English translation.
6. most hated song in your native language?
I can’t think of any right now most because I just make myself forget about all the stupid songs my country creates.
7. three words from your native language that you like the most?
Szeretlek, which means I love you. Cipőfűzővégcédőpöcök, which is that protecting thingy at the end of shoelaces. And megszentségteleníthetetlrnségeskedéseitekért, which is this.
8. do you get confused with other nationalities? if so, which ones and by whom?
I don’t think as a nation we get confused with others, we have a pretty unique culture and people, but I do know that a lot of people confuse Budapest and Bucharest, if that counts here.
9. which of your neighbouring countries would you like to visit most/know best?
10. most enjoyable swear word in your native language?
“Menj a picsába!“ Which is mostly the same as “Go to hell!” but in the Hungarian version, if you wanna translate it word for word, it reads “Go to the pussy!“ which makes no sense whatsoever in English but it does make sense in Hungarian s2g.
11. favourite native writer/poet?
Géza Gárdonyi, who wrote, among others things, wrote the book called Eclipse of the Crescent Moon. It’s my favorite Hungarian book without a doubt, favorite classic as well most likely. It tells the story of a siege of a Hungarian castle in Eger in 1552. The siege was a really big thing in Hungarian history and the book tells the story of some of its most famous figures, how they grew up, how they actually got to the castle and how the siege went down, and now I really just wanna reread the entire thing all over again.
12. what do you think about English translations of your favourite native prose/poem?
Never really read any of them, so I don’t have opinions.
13. does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions or traditions that might seem strange to outsiders?
Hmmmm. Probably the strangest is that for us, Santa Clause comes on December 6th and then Jesus Christ brings the Christmas presents on Christmas Eve, not Christmas Day.
We also have a tradition on Eastern Monday where the guys go around the houses to “sprinkle” the girls so they wouldn’t “wither like flowers”, which means you either get buckets of water poured all over you or you they pour a bunch of badly smelling parfumes (like REEEEEALLY BAD ONES) onto your hair and it’s such bullshit and I hate that day with a pure passion.
14. do you enjoy your country’s cinema and/or TV?
Lately I’ve been enjoying it more and more. There was a good 15-20 years period when literally nothing was done that was good or even acceptable but now more and more good movies are made and now we have some good tv shows too which is nice. I still mostly watch foreign stuff though.
15. a saying, joke, or hermetic meme that only people from your country will get?
Uhh, can I pass this? I really can’t think of anything.
16. which stereotype about your country you hate the most and which one you somewhat agree with?
I actually had to look up what kind of stereotypes there are about Hungary, but I really didn’t like the one that kept popping up about Hungarian girls being easy. Fuck that shit, that is really really stupid. The one that I agree with is about our food - that we use a lot of fat and paprika in our food. 100% true. Most of our traditional dishes include both of them and a lot of it but not in a bad way? Like ok I get that probably most people would find them too much, but I do believe if they give it a try, they will realize that it’s actually really good and tasty and you can’t actually taste the fat or anything, it just makes it better. People also say because of our dish types that we eat like kings and I am happy to accept thatxD (it’s most said cause we eat a lot of meat, we have fish soup, different meat soups, we eat stuff like stuffed cabage, stuff that used to be at big feasts)
17. are you interested in your country’s history?
YESSS. I love our history, I think it’s incredibly interesting, incredibly rich and full of amazing stuff. Hungary is over 1000 years old, so many things happened during that time - we had our highs, we had our lows, but we always came out on top and survived in the end and I think that is amazing and something to be proud of.
18. do you speak with a dialect of your native language?
I mean, I am not sure? I don’t think so, but I might be wrong. I mean, there are stuff people say differently on other sides of the country, but it’s not that much distinct. It’s more noticable when it comes to those Hungarians who unfortunately don’t live in Hungary anymore (those who live in the neighbor countries because after the ww 2/3 of our country was taken from us)
19. do you like your country’s flag and/or emblem? what about the national anthem?
I love our flag, though then again it might just be that that is what I know. But it’s nice. I am not too happy about the anthem, it’s too depressing to me.
20. which sport is The Sport in your country?
Football (and by football I mean soccer football) which is a shame cause we suck at it. Like, we won 3 olympic gold medals in a row in waterpolo, but ya know, fuck logic. And I could list so many other sports our country is really good at, but people go nuts about football, so what can you do. (And I am not saying I don’t like the sport, I always watch the world cup, but it’s sad to see the country putting so much money into something we are shit in, putting the players up on a pedestal and forgetting about those who actually get really nice and amazing results.)
21. if you could send two things from your country into space, what would they be?
Uhhhhhhhhh. Paprika and a picture of the Balaton.
22. what makes you proud about your country? what makes you ashamed?
I am generally really proud of our history, that despite whatever shit we were put through, we are still standing, after 1100+ years of being here. And I am ashamed of the general homophobia and fatphobia and racism and the way most people handle this topic aside from the youth. We are really behind on this. Also the fact that we actually have a movie that is called “Coming Out” and it’s about the most stereotypical gay man you’ve ever seen getting hit by a motorbike and suddenly turning straight and him coming out as straight cause legit that is the dumbest and most horrible thing I’ve seen on tv and I want to set everyone who worked on it on flames.
23. which alcoholic beverage is the favoured one in your country?
Beer and wine is pretty popular, plus pálinka, which a Hungarian specific really high % level alcoholic beverage (like 45%-60% even) that we drink in shots.
24. what other nation is joked about most often in your country?
Uhhh, probably Chineese people? It’s really bad, really just the usual racist stereotypical stuff and I hate it.
25. would you like to come from another place, be born in another country?
I think every country has its problems and I am glad I was born here because of the places and the language itself - it’s so fucking beautiful and amazing and lyrical. Would I wanna live here for the rest of my life, though? Nope, definitely not.
26. does your nationality get portrayed in Hollywood/American media? what do you think about the portrayal?
Not really. I specifically remember a Gilmore Girl episode where Michel spoke some stupid Hungarian shit, but other than that… most of the time they call our food shit and make fun of us. Which is really not cool and I hate that so much. (B99 did an episode once where Charles was praising a Hungarian restaurant with a sausage platter and I was SO EXCITED but then Jake called it shit and I knew immediately that most people will believe Jake cause they played on Charles’ weird taste and that everyone will think it’s just one of Charles’ ticks again and it made me so sad srsly. STOP TELLING PEOPLE OUR FOOD IS SHIT, IT’S NOT TRUE)
27. favourite national celebrity?
28. does your country have a lot of lakes, mountains, rivers? do you have favourites?
We have a couple of lakes, two pretty big river and like REALLY SMALL mountains. Most of them I would more likely call them bigger hills instead of mountains tbh. But the biggest geographical thing is definitely the Balaton, which is a big ass lake that most people go to during the summer. It’s also the biggest lake of Eastern Europe which is nice. I love that place, that is definitely my favorite.
29. does your region/city have a beef with another place in your country?
Uhhh, the uni in my city has a beef with the uni I went to cause they used to be under the uni I went to and then they seperated from them and there is some weird who was right stuff going on but other than that not really.
30. do you have people of different nationalities in your family?
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the-storm-winds · 5 years
tagged by @thatswhyhesprime eyyy
Nicknames/pet names
Storm is what I go by online now. my RL name is technically shortened from my full legal name but I don't have any other irl nicknames (except the one of my sisters who calls me “Ra-ra” but nOBODY ELSE IS ALLOWED)
Zodiac sign
dO YOU WANT MY WHOLE CHART BC WE CAN TALK. no? fine. my Sun is in Sagittarius in the 10th house conjunct Pluto and trine my Leo Moon
Last movie I watched
Last thing I googled
“em dash”. I can't describe how annoying it is those aren't on keyboards
Favorite musicians
tOO MANY. uh. in no particular order and by no means complete: Within Temptation. Indica. The Birthday Massacre. Nightwish. Linkin Park. Thirty Seconds To Mars. Bastille. KOKIA. VAST. The Cure. Poets of the Fall. Hozier. Gregorian. Ivan Dominik. Eivør. Nickelback. Fall Out Boy. The Incredible String Band. and a lot more than that depending on my mood.
Song stuck in my head
“Is This Love” by Bob Marley. my professor had it playing before class and I was like NOSTALGIA but also WOW THAT IS ORION in his earlier stages of having feels for Ratchet
Other blogs
sideblogs @zephyrus-moonlight​, @ero-cataegis​ (NSFW fr i mean it)
rp blogs @iacon-stargazer, @invictus-ignis ​
Do you get asks?
lmao do i what (actUALLY lemme check bc I'm usually on mobile… ……. …. wow I actually do have one unread ask and I'm cracking up now)
Dream trip
I love traveling in general so idk man? Europe. Russia. Japan. China. I'd like to go to that public rock garden in Macau again or something like it and just stay there all day.
Amount of sleep
between like.  2 and 7 hours on weeknights hhhhhh
Lucky number
I've got a bunch I like for various reasons but I've used 13 since my old Webkinz account just because I thought it was cool and never made the Thirteen connection until literally as I'm typing this
What I’m wearing
pretty constellation jeans (from Hot Topic lmao) and my night sky golden section t-shirt and cozy socks. and then a pink bathrobe over it all because the AC is running for some goddamn reason
Dream job
uhhh. to be a professional artist? hhh I just wanna paint and have money (which is a sucky goal when you're a COLLEGE SENIOR i know I hate capitalism wooo)
Instruments I play
played the recorder for a long time (and have a nice wooden one that sounds way better than the cheap ones) but it's been ages now
aaand I took violin lessons for awhile but don't remember much. tbh I think I'd prefer cello now because of how it sounds
English. tiny Mandarin. even tinier Japanese. Russian/Cyrillic alphabet.
Favorite songs
YOU CAN'T JUST ASK ME THAT WE'LL BE HERE ALL DAY. legit i’m all over the place rn in what i’ve been listening to due to hunting for songs for all these playlists for rp characters
Random fact
hhh? uh. i always flavor my macaroni and cheese with asafoetida and eat it with chopsticks. multicultural yo *jazz hands*
Tag 5 people
@personal-burrito ​ @cerulean-fantasy ​ @snowygryphn ​ @pleasedontgethurt ​ @roseymoseyberry ​ if yall feel like it *finger guns*
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