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tsukuharuko · 2 years ago
@legendreign liked THIS for a starter
"Oh... Wait!"
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Haruko glanced at the student ID Kagami had just handed her to get the special discount of the day. Not that she didn't trust him on being a student, but she had to insert the details in the system to register him on the promotion, and as she checked his date of birth, she realised...
"Today is your birthday!" She exclaimed, excitedly. "No way! Why didn't you tell me? I'll make sure to add a dessert on the house too. I'll pay for it, no worries!"
And with that she quickly finished putting in the rest of the details in the computer at the counter.
"Any plans to celebrate the event? Are you doing something nice?"
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sportbaes · 2 years ago
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it had been a while since she last arrived to tokyo, but this was due to her brother being on a popular talk show, she, like the others in her family had tickets to see him live, but there was plenty of time before she had to go. only shopping around early in the morning to get a get things, her brother did ask for some so, not like she could turn him down.
yet she didn't expect to run into a familiar face, there wasn't any sight of his lucky item. perhaps he was buying it? what was the item in question this time? "oh, hello midorima." hana greeted, "are you buying your lucky item today?" best to ask in case he already had it and he was buying something else, though, what else in a supermarket? best not think too much on it.
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musaics · 2 years ago
Summer starters | accepting @legendreign requests Kagami and Murasakibara be messy with barbecue!
Murasakibara releases a heavy sigh as he leans back, slides down the red leather seat he’s made his resting place as he recovers from the pile of barbecue he’s eaten.  Taiga sits across from him, doing his best to remove the remaining spicy-sweet barbecue sauce that clung to his fingers with a cloth napkin.  Atsushi watches him with half-lidded eyes before beginning to suck noisily on his own fingers in an attempt to rid himself of leftover sticky sauce.  Gross.
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There’s a low burp before those half-lidded eyes scan Kagami’s plate.  Hmmm… Looks like Atsushi’s eaten 2 barbecue ribs more than Kagami did.  A lazy smile of triumph pulls up the corners of his barbecue-coated lips.  
“Heeey. .  Kagachin,” Oh yeah, slap on that affectionate -chin. “I ate 2 more than you. . That means I win and you lose.  So that means you’re paying, ne?”  Ah yes, the classic it-was-a-competition-and-I-didn’t-tell-you trick.  
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multianime · 2 years ago
Please, you're so sweet! Thank you. I love your knb muses! Your portrayals are wonderful and I can't wait to continue to write with you!
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theallblue · 2 years ago
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It's time to spread positivity!
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Thank you Vanessa! <3
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hxdrostorms · 2 years ago
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@legendreign has sent: 1. OTP(s) for your muse? ( For muses, all three Gold Saints! ) 2. NOTP(s) for your muse? 4. Are you oc shipping friendly? 12.Do you believe rp’ing a ship adds to character development?
Mun Related Shipping Questions! [Accepting]
1. OTP(s) for your muse?
// Funnily enough, I only have one answer for this one, bc I haven't figured that out for 2/3 boys I have here.
I've seen some really lovely fanart of Shaka/Mu, and I think I might enjoy it in a fanart/fanfiction way. Because I don't think I'll be RPing it, with the way I've set up Shaka (this isn't something I want to do with Shaka RN. That's why I've set him up as a singleship muse, nothing is ever set in stone so who knows if I'll ever change that about him.).
Aldebaran is practically a blank slate: sticks leggy out, who's going to give me a ship for him? I'm literally all ears, when it comes to ships for him.
And then we have Deathmask, and I've dug myself into the Aphrodite/DM ship hole, and I'm not leaving. NGL, I'm looking forward to write this ship. Fingers crossed for me to find an Aphrodite RPer, who'd be down to write it with me.
2. NOTP(s) for your muse?
// I've got nothing TBH? I also haven't touched with a 10 ft post any form of discourse in this fandom. Spoiler alert: I don't want to see or engage with it. So, I have no clue what would be considered a "bad" ship for my muses, that would get me crucified.
I'd imagine that anything involving the golden saints with the bronze ones, due to the ages. And I think it's a good time as ever to say that: in order for me to do anything like that in a RPing format, the characters will have to be aged up first (likely in the context of a post-series events type of situation/plot). Everything must be discussed and agreed upon, between me and the other mun. No ifs and buts, I won't do anything romantic between them, during the series' events for my own comfort.
I don't want to start any form of a shitshow of a discourse. Because, I'm way too tired of this nonsensical discussion, that never ends.
4. Are you oc shipping friendly?
// OFC I am! I'm just a bit more selective for OC/CC ships. But honestly? If the chemistry is there, and we have a solid plot going for them? They can offer me an experience that even surpasses CC/CC ships! I've had some truly awesome OC/CC ships in the past, which I still cherish to this day.
12. Do you believe rp’ing a ship adds to character development?
// Okay SO as sb who personally takes huge enjoyment out of character development, AND has had a long history of dealing with some snobbish Rpers in the past, I'll go straight to the point:
It all depends on what your end goal with it is.
Do you want to only focus in the fluff/smut/etc aspects of it? That's awesome! All the power to you.
Do you want to take this as an opportunity to expand on things through a relationship? That's equally awesome as well! All the power to you.
I'm just genuinely sick and tired of Tumblr RPC's competitive nonsense, where they think that they have to pitch one against another and try to shame RPers who have a different approach/interest to RP. No Karen, we aren't doing a full on essay through rp on tumblr dot com. You're not handing your shit ship to be analyzed, in a professional way.
All ships have the potential to serve as food for character development, but that has to come from the muns' wishes to do that to begin with. Otherwise, you're just forcing an elitist and snobbish way to RP, that's just unhealthy and nobody wins in the end. I personally take a lot of enjoyment of grabbing my main ship partners, and truly get DEEP into things on our discussions and worldbuilding.
And at the same time, I've had some good times with folks, who only wanted to do a simpler/easier to digest stuff and not think too much about the HCs/implications/etc. Does that suddenly make me into a lesser RPer? I highly doubt it.
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sharedpractice · 2 years ago
Taiga came up to Alex with a shopping bag. "Happy Birthday Alex. I got you some pants. ...So you better not go walking around in your panties!" Taiga yelled even as his cheeks burned.
@legendreign || Alex Birthday 2023
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"Aww Taiga, you're so sweet" she grinned, pulling him in for a one armed hug, bringing him down to her level to kiss his cheek before letting him go. Her eyes focused on the new workout leggings in the bag, "I can't promise but I'll try my best" she winked taking out one of the more patterned ones.
"Thank you Taiga".
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redlineoffate · 2 years ago
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@legendreign said: 🍨 ( Saya & Diva )
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Diva was completely happy. What could be better than spending time with your sister? Especially when Saya bought ice cream for her. Very tasty and soft! Diva had rarely tasted human food, but now she was ready to catch up.
"It's so delicious! Saya, would you like to try it too?"
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soundxofstars-archived · 2 years ago
@legendreign x
There was no choice, but for them to go their separate ways after the final game against Team Jabberwock inside that large stadium. New goals would be appearing in front of them while they all were going to go on separate paths leaving too many unknowns. It was unknown what was going to happen next with the decisions that have been made probably way before the game was over. The only thing that Kuroko could do was send Kagami off with the words of good luck and that he would be apart of the NBA. There was plenty of work in front of them though. 
The distance that lingered could only do so much despite managing to stay in touch during that time, it wasn’t going to be that easy for their paths to cross. He believed that Kagami would be able to succeed and become apart of the NBA, he was a skilled player. A thought that obviously came true because of what happened next after those years spent apart. 
It was in America when their paths crossed once again, something that Kuroko didn’t think was going to happen so soon, but it did. The reason why they were able to stand in the same room again, no one could be as superstitious as Midormia. That was a whole other league when it came to the people who knew the man as well as Kuroko did. He knew that as their bond started to grow more once again, it would be difficult for him to ignore those lingering feelings. Feelings that the smaller player had no idea how to bring up, this was new for him. It seemed that it was new for Kagami as well. 
He wasn’t surprised that he had been forgotten causing an issue for the room that he was supposed to be sleeping in. Good thing Kagami was here though, it wasn’t the first time that they had shared a room despite things being a bit awkward between the two of them 
“Thank you, Kagami. Should we go?”
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limitlesspossibilities · 2 years ago
Usagi mentioned that today was International Kissing Day and although Yukio Kasamatsu was shaky, he gave the princess he served in a previous life a kiss. ( I hope this is alright! Just wanted to put some International Kissing Day fun in your inbox! XD )
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Of course when she mentioned what day it was to everyone she wanted a kiss, but she didn't actually expect to get one. It catches her off guard, her face turning red, and when Yukio pulls away Usagi just blinks a couple times, processing what just happened. She quickly glances away, awkwardly rubbing the back of her head, and then shyly looks back at him.
"I- Uh... Thank you..."
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tsukuharuko · 2 years ago
@legendreign liked this for a starter related to falling stars
"What's that telescope you got today, Midorima?" Haruko asked with an amused snicker.
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"Your daily lucky item? Or is it to spot some stars from your favourite place on the roof at the end of classes today?"
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sportbaes · 2 years ago
🌸 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog. 🌸
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i admit i have a problem with gacha games. 😂 usually i end up spending money on them (i usually spend the most on genshin & love nikki).
i love to draw in my free time, i'm also trying to take commissions but- 🤔🥺
my first oc i ever made was so bad. she was a partial self-insert from naruto. and she was a worshipper of jashin, had a 7 tailed dragon, uchiha that was stronger than naruto and i shipped her with sasuke & neji. thank goodness thats all gone and changed. (mostly lmao)
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miraiconnection · 2 years ago
Send in 📜 and I’ll use this incorrect quotes generator using your muse and my muse. ( Saya Otonashi and Ash Ketchum! )
Saya: Someone will die. Ash: Of fun!
Saya: Hey, you want some leftovers? Ash: What's that? Saya: You've never had leftovers??? Ash: No, because I'm not a quitter.
Saya: Don’t worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve. Ash: I think you mean cards. Saya, pulling knives out of their sleeves: No, I do not.
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multianime · 2 years ago
Well you'll soon learn that I ship Kuroko with pretty much all the GOM lol it's that bad.
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theallblue · 2 years ago
🌸 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog. 🌸
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Let's see, hmm....
I'm a fanfic writer. I enjoy playing video games and my birthday is in September.
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hxdrostorms · 2 years ago
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@legendreign has sent: ‘ hc ‘  + enlightenment ( Shaka )
send me  ‘ hc ‘  + a word and i’ll write a headcanon about it regarding my character. [I DIDNT EVEN REMEMBER I REBLOGGED THIS LMAO! Accepting, SPECIFY MUSE!]
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// Given how young Shaka is and his commitment to serving Athena, as a golden saint. He is far from eaching real enlightenment, according to Buddhism. We juggled around in DMs with the idea that Shaka, could be the incarnation of a part of Buddha, but it doesn't necessarily mean he is Buddha because of his ties to life.
His purpose in life is to reach true enlightenment, but there are other things in his life that have to take priority over it. It is complicated to understand it, especially given how death isn't a real ending for golden saints.
I have yet to decide on a post-classic series verse, so let's leave this open-ended for now!
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