#ic; her allure (hana)
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sportbaes · 2 years ago
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it had been a while since she last arrived to tokyo, but this was due to her brother being on a popular talk show, she, like the others in her family had tickets to see him live, but there was plenty of time before she had to go. only shopping around early in the morning to get a get things, her brother did ask for some so, not like she could turn him down.
yet she didn't expect to run into a familiar face, there wasn't any sight of his lucky item. perhaps he was buying it? what was the item in question this time? "oh, hello midorima." hana greeted, "are you buying your lucky item today?" best to ask in case he already had it and he was buying something else, though, what else in a supermarket? best not think too much on it.
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sportbaes · 1 year ago
it should be enough for her to have the team work on what she had in mind while the coach took a step back to observe her. there were some clubs that didn't have a coach or manager, right? it would be hard if there wasn't a coach. could she do it? it was a slight worry for hana, however, she believed that she could. she already noticed what everyone had to do and work on.
though when it had came the next day for practice, she didn't expect for kasamatsu to be there. she was going to set up everything and plan out what she wanted everyone to do; guess she had to arrange everything accordingly. still, she did want to talk to him before everyone else arrived, still, she didn't expect that she'd be receiving a thanks. she didn't understand why he had trouble speaking to her...or girls.
asking him to show her one of his rebounds, her eyes observing his form, the way he shot the ball though something did feel amiss. usually it would be him, or someone else who'd grab the ball once it hit the rim, "kasamatsu...your timing is a little off."
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the only worry that hana had was the fact that he, or any of the others would think the advice she'd giving is just something off a book. maybe they'd think she didn't know what she was talking about like she's never played basketball? it was natural is a manager didn't play the sport, but, she couldn't exactly just show her skills either, could she?
"it's alright, just keep practicing. i was planning for you to practice with kise today, but...refrain from hitting him so much. i understand he gets on your nerves, but you don't get anything out of it." and as for her, her brother was like kise so...she could handle his flamboyant personality.
she hoped that it was fine for her to suggest kise over the other two, she felt that he was a better option, and their opponents were other members of the generation of miracles. it wouldn't be an easy feat to go up against the others, even kise had his own flaws; everyone did, some just weren't as obvious as others.
"i agree, it will be helpful if he started with the others tomorrow." she said to the coach, he'll probably mention it when everyone arrives. it did her time to think on what to do with the others and how they can all improve.
even as shira had arrived early, she didn't expect anyone else to be there. thinking it would be good to start to talk to kasamatsu about rebounds, give him advice. being aware that he struggled to talk to girls, but, she wasn't with how bad it was. so once she started to talk to him, he didn't seem to look at her and hardly gave an answer, not even a thankyou!
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a small sigh escaped her lips, one would think that he didn't like her, but she didn't. maybe she should ask him questions that gave a simple answer? that or she could wait for someone to arrive, so he could talk to them then relay the message to her.
she did want to show him how to properly do a rebound, but she was worried that he'd find out that she knew how to play basketball. maybe there was no choice in the matter? yet seeing him shake his head, was he having some weird thought? she wasn't going to ask.
"can you show me how you do your rebounds?" she asked him, hoping the question would suffice.
Coach Takeuchi didn't mind Shirakami's opinion. Everyone had different thoughts and were able to learn from one another after all. She had a job to help him and he wasn't going to get in her way and her input had logical reasoning behind it.
Coach Takeuchi replied "Well then, as planned I'll leave tomorrow's training menu in your hands once again. The team will be practicing the skills you assigned them today and we'll have Kise go up against the others."
Normally, a thanks would be in order, but Yukio was so nervous that he was just answering by default which was simply an "ah" and nodding to show her that he was listening to her advice. Although he wasn't looking at the pretty girl, just knowing he was talking to the pretty girl made his being instinctively react within limits given his hormonal fear... But if he thanked her, it would come out as a stutter although he had to admit, he was already looking pathetic as it was...
Better late than never thanking her at all, he supposed... Yukio pulled out a basketball from one of the bins, deciding that it would be better to do an actual shot to help him time his rebound. He got into position to face the hoop. It would be too challenging to do a three-pointer then run to grab the ball when he hadn't even mastered doing rebounds yet! He had his dominant hand directly behind the ball, squatted, then did a jump shot as he flicked his wrists and the ball arched before sliding down the hoop.
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He squatted as low as he could then he tried to bounce himself to grab the ball but he narrowly missed the ball in the air…
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redrocx · 5 years ago
For the one piece ask: all of them? 😅 (I honestly can't decide which to ask for soooo...) Alternatively, only the ones you want to answer the most 👍🏻
Challenge accepted 🌚🌚
No but honestly, this was so much fun and I was bored at work
⛵️ - Fave pirate ship? (like boat ship)
It's a tie between the Thousand Sunny and Going Merry. Thriller Bark is epic though lol
🔫 - Fave canon arc?
Enies Lobby & Marineford, also Wano is creeping up there too
🚽 - Least favorite canon arc?
Davy Back Fight
💩 - Least favorite character? (in general)
🙅 - Least favorite Straw Hat?
.... currently Zoro but only bc of the Zorosexuals lol I love him as a character but people are being so obnoxious that it kinda translates into how I feel about him too
😀 - Most favorite Straw Hat?
Luffy, Chopper and Robin~
😍 - OTP?
Lawlu, Frobin, Saboala
💀 - NOTP?
Hancock x Luffy
Kidd x Law
🙇 - A headcanon about <Luffy>
I like to think that he's asexual~
☠ - Fave pirate symbol?
You mean as in favorite flag? Obviously the Straw Hat and Heart Pirates flags (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)
Also the ✖️
🏰 - Fave marine?
Garp, Aokiji (if he counts lol), Coby
❌ - Least fave marine?
Akainu 😂 though I like the way he's written
👾 - Fave villain?
🎾 - Fave battle?
Luffy vs. Lucci, Luffy vs. Katakuri
😭 - Saddest scene?
Merry's death & Law's backstory
😆 - Funniest scene?
Too many lol but probably Luffy getting swallowed by Nora/Nola rofl
😜 - Funniest character?
😳 - Any crushes?
Law, Shanks, Robin, Nami, Reiju, Kiku, Black Maria and I'm probably forgetting someone
👌 - Fave character design?
Hmmm.... I love Crocodile's design, simple mafia boss. Franky pre time skip was really neat too, so is Katakuri
🃏 - Who has the Best Hat? (the true question)
Law post time skip (sorry Luffy lol)
🖍 - Fave filler arc?
Lol obviously the navy base one XD
🗡 - Least fave filler arc?
The bounty hunters on ice
🆚 - Sub or dub?
Both, German dub is just so nostalgic. But mostly sub
☯️ - Anime or manga?
⏰ - How long have you been into One Piece?
Since elementary school so about 18 years lol
🍎 - Fave Devil Fruit power?
Hana hana no mi & ope ope no mi
🍏 - Would you eat a Devil Fruit if you had the chance to?
If it's a cool one, definitely. Though I am gonna miss swimming lol
🐼 - Fave side character?
Sabo, Reiju, Kiku, Carrot
☔️ - Scene that made you cry the most? (not necessarily the saddest scene)
Merry's death, Law's backstory, Luffy dealing with Aces's loss
🌧 - Saddest backstory?
Law & Robin
😎 - Funniest joke?
Zoro will kill Kaido the one where Luffy tries to lecture Zoro on where South is on Skypiea
😱 - Most attractive character?
Shanks, Law, Robin, Reiju
😐 - Most annoying character?
Blackbeard, Spandam, Orochi
😕 - Scariest character?
Shanks honestly lol he's so badass and ominous it's scary af XD (but in a hot way lol)
👍 - Most powerful Devil Fruit power?
Good question. Probably Blackbeard's. Though others are not to be taken lightly too, like Law's, Big Mom's or even Kaido's.
🗣 - Got any theories for how it’s all gonna end?
Hopefully with a happy ending lol I'm terrified of the prospect of Luffy following in Roger's footsteps.
👏 - Fave techniques of <Luffy>
Haoushoku, Red Hawk, Gear 2
🙏 - Favorite episode?
Don't have just one
😏 - Favorite scene?
Again, don't have just one. But for example Luffy & Co ganging up to beat someone's ass; Sogeking shooting through the WG flag; Luffy decimating the Pacifista after his training; Jimbei donating blood to Luffy; Luffy stopping Doflamingo from crushing Law's skull, Sanji's "I'm the hunter" scene,...
👂 - Favorite quote?
"Pirates are evil? The Marines are righteous? These terms have always changed throughout the course of history! Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values! Those who stand at the top determine what's wrong and what's right! This very place is neutral ground! Justice will prevail, you say? But of course it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!"
"Compared to the "righteous" greed of the rulers, the criminals of the world seem much more honorable. When scum rules the world, only more scum is born. At least we're honest about being bad people."
🙌 - Are you up to date?
Yess! Well kinda lol I don't check spoilers and I don't read the leaks, so I'm "behind" on new chapters until they come out on Sundays lol
❓ - What unanswered questions do you have related to One Piece?
So many XD
- who is Shanks?
- What happened to Sabo and Vivi?
- What's with the hat (both Luffy's and the giant one)
- Who's that ominous dude (forgot the name) sitting on the throne?
- What happened during the void century?
- What does the D stand for?
Just to name the ones at the top of my head
▶️ - Fave opening?
- kokoro no chizu
- Over the top
- Hard knock days
- We are
- Share the world
- Hikari he
🔙 Least fave opening?
We Can or whatever it's called lol
👀 - Fave eyecatcher?
The old ones, especially Robin's with that alluring melody
🏝 - Fave country/island visited?
Skypiea, Water 7, Fishman Island
🎆 - Something you can’t wait for??!!
To get to know what's the deal with Shanks. Also to see the Straw Hats fulfill their dreams ofc... but first of all ofc the war in Wano *gets goosebumps*
🔝 - “One Piece is better than <insert something else you also like>”
I don't do these types of things bc I don't like the sentiment of statements like that. One should never try and lift one's fave /something/ up by tearing another thing down.
🔍 - What do you think the One Piece is?
The truth of the void century
🔪 - A character who fills you with frustration?
Usopp, especially during Water 7
💓 - Which character do you relate to the most?
Law and Robin probably lol Law for his level of annoyance and being done with everything and Robin for her dark humor, as well as her love for reading books~
™️ - How has One Piece changed you?
I'm not even sure how to put it into words. It's just always been there for me ever since I was little. It made me find so many friends and meet so many awesome people. It's my home, my safe haven, the place I can always return to. It got me out of one of my darkest places last year (when I finally found back to it after having strayed from it for a few years). It's my anchor, and a way to connect with other people. Most of all, it's the most amazing story I have ever experienced, and has given me so many role models and things & words to live by.
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mutantsrisingrpg · 5 years ago
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Name: Hana Mercado  Dossier: Venus Age: 25 Mutant Risk Level: N/A Affiliation and Occupation: Neutral, Freelance Interrogator  Gender/Pronouns: She/her Faceclaim: Alexa Demie 
ELECTROKINISES: The ability to create, shape, and manipulate electricity. The forms of electricity that have been proven to be manipulated are charged particules, electric fields. electronics, and electromagnetic forces. Through this power, Hana has the ability to charge things with electricity, electric pull, manipulate all forms of electricity, and can absorb electricty from others with similar powers. They can also apply it to be used with their emotions for a techinque called supercharge. 
They are sparks that fly from a socket, the shock that comes after an explosion, and the tangle of wires behind a television. They are the noisy door, always the loudest in order to get more oil. The are currents that run underground and thunder that spends its time in the clouds, both waiting for the perfect moment to strike. They are the light that fills a room in the evening and the blackout that happens when something devistating happens, reminding you that they can take away just as much as they can give. 
Money is power. And power is power. And electricity? The sort that decorates the country like a spiderweb, an interwoven network of wires, all humming, all singing to her, the siren’s call of greatness from above ground and beneath it? Power.
Hana is a vicious formation of blood and desire, with the scent of someone burning from the inside inhaled like a nicotine hit. Interrogation comes naturally to her; smiles that should be sweet on a face like hers turn sharp and deadly. She likes to hear them beg. To watch them shake. People spill their secrets to her whether they like it or not.
It’s been that way since she was nineteen years old, static dancing between her fingertips after getting too riled up in an argument with a neighbour’s son over stealing her family’s gas cylinder. An impromptu lightning strike had left the tarmac lining the trailer park sizzling, black and sticky like summertime ( and don’t worry, the Cheeto-dust-decorated-rude-mouthed-slacker-of-a-punk-ass-brat had survived – getting hit by lightning suddenly made him interesting, too, so if anything she’d been doing him a favour ).
A freak accident, they’d called it. Another one of those unexpected Florida storms. But she knew better than that. As had her mom, smoking a fresh pack of Camel Blues from the other side of the door’s insect screen, fresh foils in her hair, acrylic nails the colour of the algae in the neglected community pool down the street. Thinking back, maybe this all stemmed from swallowing too much of that fucking nuclear-waste-looking water when she’d dared to swim there as a kid, hot and sweaty as a storm breaks on the horizon.
But the point – the point is that, to her mom, having the human embodiment of Pikachu as a daughter was as good as winning a jackpot at one of her weekly bingo sessions. She tries to sell it. Power. The ability to pluck electricity from charged particles in the air makes her daughter useful. A living battery. Studies on mutants at University of Miami dish out hefty paychecks after the right terms and conditions have been signed ( note: if you die, that’s on you, don’t try to sue us ). Hana attempts to protest but even she can’t deny that the allure of getting rich sounds like a dream come true.
So she goes to college. Not in the usual sense, sure, but she gets to live on campus ( in a secure underground testing facility beneath the BioMed building ) and hang out with others ( mostly mutants ) her age. And it’s fine for a while until simple fitness tests and blood sampling turn more extreme. Some days are hazy, pumped full of drugs and hooked up to machines that she doesn’t know the name of, let alone the purpose, beeping their own idle hospital-like symphony. Other days are dark and quiet, plunged into sensory deprivation for the sake of whatever it is the boffins in their lab coats are trying to figure out.
She’ll get rich or die trying and, ironically, neither of those things happens.
When the anti-mutant-testing protestors storm the building, they free Hana from both the confinement and the contract. The money she was supposed to get at the end of all this vanishes, along with the pleased looking humans who pat themselves on the back for doing a good deed and disappear to go and celebrate. None of them ask her if this was what she wanted. None of them stop to think that maybe liberation was never an option for her.
Her mom’s gone too. A new trailer stands where Hana’s home once had. The monthly paychecks from the university never reached her bank account, instead wired directly to Mrs Mercado. She laughs until she cries, the air crackling overhead.
After all that, turning to a life of crime is far easier than it has any right to be. Angry and alone, she fucks a guy in a gang in the back of his drop-top and makes herself useful when it comes to getting money out of those who owe it. She runs from the cops. Has a gun pressed to her temple. Watches an illegal weed farm burn at the flick of a lighter. Nothing phases her because she doesn’t let it. Rules stop meaning anything when you realise just what having powers can get you. Making a living from getting spineless people to open up their mouths and offer the gold that is information makes her feel a little less like a failure. Interrogation has a nice ring to it, after all. And once she makes a name for herself, sought after by those who know that secrets are worth a decent stack of bills – well – who is she to turn a job down?
YVETTE DIANDRA, Partner: Where’s the fun in causing chaos if you have to do it alone? Hana knows Yvette is danergous, aren’t they all, but the danger in them is something Hana has never seen before. They want to see how far the other is willing to go and just how much destruction they can cause together. After all, they are best friends, right? But, they also know how unwilling Yvette is to use their powers on others. If you asked Hana, it’s only a matter of time until they explode. 
ANDREAS GUZMAN, Influence: Hana couldn’t help but listen to Andreas when they spoke of how much potential they had. Their words painted a picture of the future the two can reap on the city, regardless of not having an affiliation tied to them. They’re still not sure whether they can trust Andreas, in a city like Miami it’s hard to trust anybody, but that doesn’t make their offers any less appealing. 
DEREK PARK, Amusment: They can’t blame Derek for being nervous around them, from what Hana heard through the grapevine the other mutant is on thin ice with their gang. And with Damien calling on them to do jobs for them, they wouldn’t be surprised if Derek was as good as dead to the Jem Family. Until that happens, Hana plans on tormenting them every step of the way and never letting them forget that they might be replaced. 
DAMIEN MATTHEWS, Potenial employer: Hana wasn’t surprised when Damien sent one of their pets to find them. They heard about gangs lurking around Miami out of nowhere, looking for shelther and using any of the connections they had in the city. It was really only a matter of time for them to be contacted by him. He promised Hana everything under the sun if they came to work for him - loyalty, a family, protection - and they had to admit it sounded nice. But, Damien didn’t realize one thing. The only thing Hana is loyal to is money. 
VENUS is Taken for applications. She is played by BECKY 
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supergenial · 5 years ago
[translation+lyrics] 葬雪サクリファイス by Ideadoll
Well, yet another story that ends in tragedy? What else would you expect from this blog? Anyway, this song’s composed by リゼ from Ariabl’eyeS which would be an interface spoiler (given their track record of sad endings) if the song wasn’t already named Snow-tomb Sacrifice to begin with, so you know things go south. While I enjoy it, I find the tale a bit too similar to Ido he Itaru Mori from Sound Horizon, what with the townspeople madly trying to kill an innocent “witch” as they’re led by superstition, plus it also reminds me of Ariabl’s Zettou no Labyrinth because of the cold motif and the witch supposedly being the one behind the winter, on top of you know, having the same composer in this song.
Overall it was pretty cool ep. This song slaps, and the other two also hold their weight. After much thinking, I’d say it’s about an 8/10, maybe a 9. I’m not sure how the circle may pan out in the future but I certainly got my eye on them now and hope that debuting on this ghost-M3 isn’t a bad omen for them. Lyrics down below and see you all next time.
Edit: Yeah, it’s a 10, and my favorite album of the year to boot!
葬雪サクリファイス (souzetsu sacrifice, Snow-Tomb Sacrifice)
composition: リゼ lyrics: 鹿伽あかり vocals: Ideadoll
furuku katari tsugareru otogibanashi sono majo wa banbutsu wa madoromi he to izanau toiu yume to utsutsu no sakai ni saku sunoudoroppu no hana chi ni kogareru sono sugata ni majo wa nani wa omou no ka...
An old fairy tale passed down through generations A witch that invites people in and leads them into a deep slumber Snowdrop flowers which blossom in the boundary between dreams and reality As she wishes to return to the land what does the witch think of...
furitsumoru awayuki kasa wo masu hodo tsunoriyuku mayoi tachikiru sube mo naku
the snow keeps gently piling up if it keeps up we'll be in real trouble
nanigenai nichijou kage ga sasu hodo kumoriyuku fuon na uwasa ga mimi ni hairu
a shadow creeps into our unconcerned daily lives and scathing rumors find their way into people's ears
「sekai wo itetsukaseru madoromi no majo tou ni sumu bukimi na shoujo koso majo nano da」 to
"The Witch of Slumber is causing this and the creepy girl who lives in the tower, she is the witch"
yorube no nai fuan to kyoufu chiisana machi wo mushibande usuyami ni kokoro tozasu taishuu shinri sakerarenai mama
Left with no other recourse the panicking and terrified small town rots and so peer pressure controls them they cannot help it
tome do naku tsumori tsutsukeru yuki ga kanaderu Epiroogu hakugin ga nanimo kamo wo ooitsukushite owaru sekai
the downfall incessantly continues making the snow play our Epilogue as the silver snow blankets us our story approaches it’s end
omomi masu shirayuki iwa ni naru hodo kooritsuku haru no kizashi wa hodo tooku
and so the freezing snow turns to pure ice letting us know that spring is still far away
kuzureyuku nichijou fukyou na ko oto narihibiku fuan no ori wa tsui ni nadareru
as our daily life breaks apart to the tune of this noise it's echo finally leads to the inevitable avalanche
「kono yuki wo furasu no ga ano majo naraba erabubeki shudan wa tada hitotsu majo wo korose!」
"since this snow is the witch's fault she leaves us with no other recourse let's kill the witch!”
ne mo ha mo nai majiwaru kyojitsu muku na shoujo wo matsuriage danzai no maku wo akeru mujihi na marisu tomerarenai mama
and so the baseless falsehoods seal the fate of the pure girl the merciless malice draws the curtain on her judgement for the people's wickedness cannot be stopped
ikudo naku yuube shiteyuku zaika ga meguru Purorogu arishi hi ni fureta kibou kobami tsutsukete kooru mirai
and so opens the prologue to the sin humanity won't let go of as the cold future blocks the way for the hope we had on those days
kagayashi hagukumu te ni kyouki wo nigiri chibashiru me de shoujo ni tsumeyoru
madly holding onto their farming tools as blood rushed through their eyes, they preyed upon the girl
「majo wo sabake!」
"Let's punish the witch!"
senretsu ni osou shoudou ni omowazu tobidashita
amidst the fierce assault I jumped in before I could realize
shougeki ni madoromu shikou dokoka tooku hibiku dogou musekaeru chi no nioi to yasashii kaori ano hi no nukumori
as the attack happened my thoughts receded and I could only hear screaming as the smell of blood covered that gentle scent that gave me warmth on those days
senketsu ni boyaketa shikai jojo ni too no ku ginsekai madoromi no oku he shizumu amai sasoi ni aragaezu
my vision goes red and blurs out as I slowly drift to another silver world slowly sinking into that deep slumber as I can't reject it's sweet allure
kuzure ochita ichirin no hana koegoekitta mihatenu youkou sora tsunsaku doukoku no koe sae mo matsuyuki ni tokete
my one precious flower has been completely torn apart the sunlight we didn't get to see has frozen thus the sky is filled with our wailing as the snowdrops thaw
furiyamanu yuki wa subete ooikakushite majotaru shoujo no doukoku sura kakikeshita chiisana karada wo furuwasete kanawanu negai wo idaita mama sekai ni mugen ochiteyuku
soredemo, watashi wa anata ni ikite hoshii
the never ending snowfall covered it all even the cries of the girl deigned a witch as her small body was shivering a single unfulfilled wish remained in her heart for the entire world to be consumed into dreams
Even so... I wish for you to live
You can buy the album digitally on their booth https://ideadoll.booth.pm/items/1870017 just make sure to select  “digital” 
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sportbaes · 1 year ago
     a chuckle emitted from her lips, “certainly. running around can be tiring.” so she didn’t mind it either way, maybe she should let him win? same time, she was the one with the upper hand here rather than him, either way, she didn’t mind showing him her skills in basketball. although she did mention it that she didn’t mind if he addressed her by the shorter version of her last name or her first name, she wasn’t much of a formal person anyway. 
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“i’m not popular,” at least, is what she thought. most of the time, the boys just found it hard to approach her “i could say the same to you,” she teased a little before she moved to the side while dribbling the ball, quickly making her way past him, it wouldn’t be fair if she did a three pointer, maybe just throw the ball in the basket. 
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🏅- “Sounds like a deal. I’m sure both of us will need one by the end of this.” He smirked before he titled his head ever so slightly. Looks like her last name was off limits then, hopefully she didn’t care to be called by her first name. They both undoubtedly barely knew each, so he assumed at first he’d keep the formalities.
“Alright, Hana-san it is. You must be quite popular then~” He slowly began to make his way towards Hana, keeping an eye on the ball as he attempted to grab the ball from her..
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workshop-at-mahoutokoro · 5 years ago
Kimetsu no Yaiba Season 1 Liveblog (1-2)
@essayofthoughts Here you go, friend​! Because you raved about it so much. :)
First of all, I will give anything set in the Taisho period a chance. Not quite sure how the period will be relevant to this show, but 1) I love the aesthetics and clothing from that period and 2) the themes centered around that period are intriguing and I’m wondering to what extent, if any, they are depicted here. The Taisho isn’t the most popular time period to set stories in, so it will be interesting to see if there is a rationale behind it.
Oh yeah and this is ufotable, so gorgeous animation is a given. Loving the blood and snow contrast right from the opening.
Actually...this style opening reminds me of my most favorite anime ever, despite it being more of a guilty pleasure of mine than anything, Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun (Hakkenden: the Strange Tale of the Eight Dogs of the East). It’s the raw emotion, the desperation and being left wondering how could things have turned out this way. It’s both haunting and alluring, and a really great start for these types of stories that begin with everything in ruin for our main characters.
Also, I realized that Tanjiro’s VA was familiar and turns out he did Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul. And Alm from Fire Emblem: Shadows of Valentia! ...I will admit, I did tear up near the end of Shadows of Valentia, for various reasons and not just the voice acting, but Natsuki Hanae certainly contributed to that.
I really like the song in the background here...also the snowy forest. I’ve been really liking the snow settings in stories and shows lately.
A responsible protagonist is a good protagonist! Haha, it’s nice seeing a good big brother figure who is also responsible.
I’m already seeing my favorite Taisho style patterns...ahem. I’ll never not squee over the clothes, ok? Taisho era clothes have those brighter colors, more geometric designs than in the past and I really love them.
I love the snowy village and mountain scenes~
lol “I smell a cat” are you a cat, sir?? how do you smell that.
“I’ve got a great sense of smell!” does a good sense of smell keep you from slipping on the ice, snow, and rocks in the dead of night when you don’t even have a lantern?? let’s just say there are no demons in this world, it’s still pretty dangerous on a mountain at night with no source of light lol.
this dude looked like a normal guy right until they showed the shot of him saying “before the demons show up” lol. now you look like the scary one...
So, I do like how this kid doesn’t go galavanting off into the darkness and actually listens to an adult’s very reasonable warnings for once. yay! let us see how long it lasts.
They really did not hold back on the bloody tragedy of it all, huh. Snow is also the best poetic backdrop, here.
Huh. This demon slayer guy is interesting. I sense some projecting going on, lol. You want to talk about something, buddy? Air some grievances?
give the kid some slack, yikes. he’s not a trained demon slayer, alright? he sells coal for a living, lol.
oh wow! some monologuing that shows he sympathizes with the main character...that’s rare. ok, so monologuing isn’t always the best medium to show sympathy but it works here and it’s better than finding out ten episodes later that jerkass guy did actually sympathize with our MC’s situation.
oh so you aren’t that much of a jerk, lol. did he even wrap Nezuko up in that outer coat that got tossed aside earlier?
WOW those are some long credits.
Episode 2!
Lol this kid! 
also i feel like that was a lot for some straw, bamboo, and a broken basket in those times. just saying.
Imma skip these openings and endings for now...I feel like I’ve been getting far too many spoilers from the openings and endings of shows recently.
ooh he’s building a basket out of bamboo. reminds me of this girl from China who has made really amazing things out of bamboo using the same techniques.
ok so he’s really smart in some ways and in others...his abstract thinking is a little out there. how is carrying her in a basket going to work...I mean, it will because this is fiction but lol...
yay blood! can’t have a good show about man-eating demons without the gore.
But also, is this kid actually 100% human or do fit humans just have really good reflexes in this world or what. Also, he has the nose of a dog.
oooh! That perspective change was pretty neat.
haha we had to add some comedy to lighten the mood. but realistic reactions considering this kid didn’t even wholly believe demons existed until a day ago.
also considering this guy got his head kicked off, it’s slightly terrifying that his body just starts launching itself at you.
Gotta do that shounen-y smash my head against yours move, huh. I would’ve thought about bashing the head-and-arms combo against a tree or something instead of my head, but whatever works.
Can’t kill them by stabbing. Kill it with fire. That always works.
See? Kill it with fire.
...Does this guy just booby trap the mountain behind his house in his free time. Or does he often test people looking to join the demon slayers.
...Ah. The word used for “train”, in Giyu’s letter asking Sakonji to train Tanjiro, is 育てる, which also has the meaning of ‘to raise’ as you would a child, as in nurturing someone.
ew keigo it’s so formal lol. also some of these people speak like in the olde times, so some of this is not wording I’m familiar with.
I relate to Tanjiro on a spiritual level, though. I, too, cannot decide things for the life of me lol, not even what I want to eat half the time.
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hellospunkiebrewster · 7 years ago
Commiserable - Portraits of In-Between
Author’s note: A kind of angsty picture of two of the gang. This fic was originally meant to be something else, but then when I was revisiting the disaster of it (so long and rambling) I realized what I had in there was in fact a Portrait of In-Between. Thanks for reading and enjoying. All of the little fics in the Portraits series stand alone, but here’s the rest of them:
Ivory (Liam x Hana) - Football (Drake x MC) - Apple Pie (Maxwell x Drake) - Tabletops (Liam x Olivia) - NoHo (Maxwell x Hana) - The Beginning (Maxwell x MC)
Summary: Drake and Olivia find each other in the hotel bar in New York.
Perma-tag: @madaraism, @mfackenthal, @blackcatkita, @darley1101, @never-ending-choices
Tags: @butindeed, @crayziimaginations
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Drake slides the whiskey tumbler around in his hand, feeling the familiar bevel around the base. He sits at a barstool against the window of the bar in their New York hotel gazing out at the East River. He can almost see the spot where he and Riley shared a quiet moment only a few days ago after she’d taken him shopping in the city. They’d finally settled on a gift for Liam’s wedding, visited her old bar, and walked back along the East River.
She always knew the right things to say and it tore him up inside. He tried so hard to not feel like this about her, but his walls hadn’t been enough like they usually were. He let her in. He wasn’t the only person to feel this way and while he liked to imagine he stood a chance, he couldn’t offer her half of what Liam could. He can almost imagine what her hair would’ve felt like sliding through his fingers as he looks south along the river to the spot where they had leaned on the railing and just talked.
He pulls a bit more of the whiskey into his mouth as he tries desperately to not think of where she is now. A image of her tangled in his best friend’s arms steals its way into his thoughts. Perhaps they were engaged right now. Drake knew Liam didn’t want to waste any time after breaking it off with Madeleine. He takes a measured sip and eyes his drink. He frequented the hotel bar on the late nights he couldn’t sleep and studies the level of whiskey in his glass. He tilts the glass, allowing it to rest on the bevel around the base, balanced so delicately he held his breath.
“Fancy trick you’ve got there.”
He snatches the glass up and turns towards the familiar voice as he raises it to his mouth. The bar is nearly empty, as it was most nights around this time. There were far more interesting things to do at this hour of night in Manhattan.
She lifts her brows motioning to the seat next to him. Drake nods slightly. Her eyes smile slyly as she moves to sit down.
This wasn’t something new for Drake, they’d often found themselves in the hotel bar of whatever city the tour was parked in on nights when others in their group were occupied. Liam and Riley off on some sort of rendezvous, Maxwell and Hana doing something light hearted and fun. Drake wasn’t much for ice cream sundaes and campy movie nights. Something about how neither of them fit in with the others in a traditional sense drew them together. She was welcome company though, she didn’t talk much when they met like this. He could spend his time, alone in the bar, quietly nursing a drink, unwilling to go back to his room to be alone. She didn’t want to talk and neither did he, they often both sat, wordless, alone in their thoughts together. He meets her eyes briefly, an alluring shade of green, her red hair cascading down her shoulders and back in long curls. She so rarely wore it like that and it reminded him of a time when they were younger, in the palace, locked in a closet playing Seven Minutes of Heaven, Leo hooting from outside the door. She was beautiful and on another night, in another time, another life, perhaps Drake would’ve found himself stealing hungry kisses with her in a booth.
“What brings you here tonight?”
Drake closes his eyes, wrestling away the image of Riley with his best friend, smiling, her arms hooked around his neck, her face so painfully close to his. It was so hard to not be jealous, but the feeling that his best friend found someone as amazing as her provided some comfort. At least if he couldn’t be with her, she had someone as loyal, sweet, and selfless as Liam.
He glances over at Olivia, now seated beside him, unsure of how to answer her question and finishes his drink.
“Can I get you a drink?” The question spills out of him, the situation he found himself in was so familiar it was automatic.
She takes him in, that sly smile on her lips like always. “Just a glass of whatever you’re having.”
Drake catches the bartender’s eye showing him two fingers then pointing at his empty glass. In short time, there are two whiskeys before them. He raises his glass to her and she taps it against his. He watches her as she doesn’t even wince at the biting burn of the less-than top shelf whiskey, served neat.
“Ugh, what is this swill?”
“Something I used to drink when I came to the States for University. It’s not the best but it gets the job done. After a while you don’t even notice it.” He thinks back to those times, simpler. On night like this he often turned to this old friend, thinking on what could’ve been.
She turns the tumbler over in her hands for a few moments not saying anything.
“You didn’t answer my question,” she states, glancing at him just briefly.
“I think you know the answer to that Liv. You’re probably here for the same reason.”
“It’s all over.” She pauses as she lifts the lowball glass to her lips, pulling in enough whiskey to roll it over her tongue. Once she’s swallowed she continues, “for the both of us.”
He continues to turn the tumbler over in one of his hands as he turns towards her, resting his chin on his fist. He looks at first into her eyes then at the dark, glossy surface of the bar.
“You think they’re-”
“Engaged? By now? Of course. Knowing Liam, right now they’re...” she stops herself, she doesn’t want to say it.
She motions to the bartender for another round. They sit in their usual silence, drinking. Both lost in their own thoughts. Every so often they catch each other’s gaze in the mirror behind the bar, each time quickly looking back into their drinks.
“Thanks for the drink,” she says quickly as she slides from the bar stool, reaching for her bag next to her. She fumbles inside of it, trying not to make a show of what she’s doing. She pulls out one of her hotel keys and places it on the bar next to him, sliding it just barely closer to him. He catches her eye in the barback mirror, for only a moment.
He raises his glass to her and bows his head as she turns to leave the bar, never once looking directly at her.
A couple drinks later, he stands quickly, swaying slightly from the whiskey he drank over the past few hours. Drake hastily throws a few bills on the bar for a tip. Lifting his glass one last time he finishes his drink. Motioning a slight salute to the bartender, he strides quickly from the bar.
He walks with purpose down the hall to her room. Six doors down from his own. Drake hesitates, looking down at the hotel key in his hand. Unsure. He flips the key over and over with his fingers as he decides what to do. Drake runs his eyes along the light filtering from slight gap at the bottom of the door from left to right before taking a deep breath and slipping the key into the slot. The moment the door beeps, he wasn’t sure what he felt. A mixture of heartache, relief, and anxiety swells in him until he sees her. Those long, red curls tumbling down her back. A wine glass in her hand. A whiskey tumbler on the table beside her. Neither of them had to be alone tonight.
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sportbaes · 2 years ago
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"my lucky item is...an arcade? so am i meant to stay in one the whole day? least my cousin's is just a chain belt...but, i'd love to know how midorima got his hands on streaming."
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sportbaes · 2 years ago
❛  you bring out the best in me.  ❜ ( Yukio Kasamatsu to Hana Shirakami )
saying those 3 words // accepting!
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perhaps they bought the best out in each other, she helped him overcome this shyness he had, or rather, fear. and she had learned to be more trusting in others without the fear of being betrayed. he had shown her that, "you think so?" hana smiled, "i think we bring out the best in each other yukio, and i thank you for it. i couldn't of asked for anyone else."
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sportbaes · 2 years ago
❛  you're a beautiful person, inside and out.  ❜ ( Taiga Kagami to Hana Shirakami )
saying those 3 words // accepting!
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oh? it was hard to believe it, but because it came from someone she deeply cared for - loved, he would never lie to her. smile beaming up at him, cheeks heated up as she moved her hand to hold his own. "that means so much to me, taiga." a pause, "and i think you're a wonderful man with a big heart."
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sportbaes · 2 years ago
Taiga widens his eyes at Hana. "What? It's International Kissing Day? Well then..." He kissed Hana. "Happy International Kissing Day babe."
international kissing day.
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she had never heard of such a thing before, did he just make that up? he didn't really have to make up such an excuse! she was caught off guard by the kiss, yet how couldn't she return it? her voice fumbling around, what could she even say?
"taiga you-" hana paused "kissing day, huh?" she muttered, maybe it wasn't as made up as she thought.
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sportbaes · 1 year ago
it didn't matter too much if he didn't know, though each place was different and it wasn't really like she was going to be within the hospitality industry when she's older. she knew her cousin most likely would.
what else was the red head thinking? she hadn't heard of this place before, but he knew of it somehow. what sorts of food did they serve on the menu? she was rather excited to see what was there, perhaps kagami had some recommendations. she'll need to see once she arrived.
once arriving, she would look within and to be greeted to what she assumed was the owner. greeting her with a smile, while kagami was trying to explain his guest. he could just say they were acquaintances?
guess not when she assumed they were dating, they weren't but- lets see how far this could go. the smile remained on hana's face "shirakami hana."
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blue orbs staring up at the younger male, then back to the older lady "kagami has quite an appetite you know, we just came back from a burger eating competition." though she still had room for something else and dessert, although maybe she shouldn't let him pay, he most likely was younger than her. even if he looked older, guess it was his appearance that gave off that vibe.
it wasn't like she knew well herself, but she only knew from what she heard from her aunty, but every place was different. some did buy their own, other's didn't. guess it depended. not minding that kagami invited her to eat elsewhere, she had room for more. "oh, well you can always ask next time you see her."
what was this place like? maybe she'd ask him to recommend something to her, she wasn't picky with her food and there wasn't anything in particular that she didn't like. heading over with him to their destination, "it is. although i think it might be easier to live where you work, you don't need to travel far."
it wasn't for everyone, but it was one of those family owned places, so it was expected. upon arrival, hana stared up at the place. maybe she has seen it before? although she rarely went into cafe's and restaurants, this would be a nice change. entering with him to be greeted by an older woman, was this the one he talked about? looks like it.
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"pleasure to meet you," a smile upon her face. she more or less ignored what was said, though it wasn't like she'd deny it either. they did just meet, but, he seemed like her type.
"I should."
Not that it was important, but it would be interesting to learn how restaurants got the foods they needed! Although the burgers were practically like their lunch, Taiga could probably eat another dish or at least settle for a drink and maybe some dessert?
This was Taiga's first time going to the Snow Rose restaurant, so he wasn't sure what Yukiko oba-chan served there. Guess both he and Shira-san would have to find out for themselves and be surprised along the way.
"...That's true."
If he was still living in America, he'd probably be getting a learner's permit to drive according to that talk he and his own man had a while back on the weekend. It would force his dad to be around more since there were only certain hours, he could drive but he supposed he'd worry about commuting to work when he was older.
The restaurant front had the words “Snow Rose” in red lettering and a logo with a red rose and a white rose.
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"Uh... About her, you see..." Taiga awkwardly pointed at Shirakami while he was trying to clear up the misconception.
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"No need to be shy Taiga, you're a handsome young man, it's only natural you'd have a girlfriend at your age, what is your name, dear?"
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sportbaes · 2 years ago
❛ it would mean a lot to me… please. ❜  kuroko to shirakami
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     there wasn’t exactly a way for her to say no, kuroko was always the nice one, even when they were in teiko. he hadn’t really changed like the rest of them have. “alright, i’ll see what i can do.” she replied, it wouldn’t be right to turn him down “but i can’t promise i’ll succeed.”
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sportbaes · 2 years ago
“ i don’t feel too good.” kise to shirakami
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     then why did he come to school? or was it something he ate? either way, it was bad that he wasn’t feeling good, she knew she had to take him to the nurse’s office, “i thought you knew how to take care of yourself, kise.” shirakami frowned, “you’re coming with me to the nurse’s office.” and she wasn’t going to take no for an answer either, waiting for him so she could walk with him.
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sportbaes · 2 years ago
Yukio Kasamatsu ( @eternalorganization ) wasn't sure what to get Hana without people stupidly assuming that he was into his manager like that. He's holding out a single white rose with a bouquet plastic wrap. He's averting his eyes as he holds out the flower. "I uh, h-heard i-it w-was your birthday. Uh, Ha-Happy Buh-birthday."
september 01.
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     it wasn’t like she told anyone about her birthday, it wasn’t that much of a big deal to her, but, she assumed someone let it slip about it being her birthday to the captain. plus a flower, a rose given to her? she wasn’t too into the flower language, but she knew what a few of them meant but, that couldn’t be. maybe it was just a nice gesture. “thanks...kasamatsu-san.” hana replied, her heart racing, cheeks flushed while arm extended to accept his present.
“you didn’t need to get me anything.” though it was obvious she appreciated it, keeping it close to her, knowing she’d need to put it in a vase once she got home.
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