theleearchives · 1 year
i guess i am returning to my roots
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phobylee · 1 year
Colonel Sanders and Dora had their names changed to Nugget and Joe Dirt. Also Doorknob is bullying Shrek.
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onfirekittyturtle · 2 years
Hi yes! I drew new stuff, it's barely anything tho.
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rraveboy · 1 year
i love you Nerves being a completed version of Mediocre i love you Good Enough motif in Release’s instrumental i love you Fading essentially being a slowed down version of that one verse in Lover i love you Garcello vocals in Drowning i love you every single time Annie has been inadvertently put into Garcello’s songs i love you Garcello and Annie being tied so closely together that almost everything they do is related to each other in some way
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munitalpss18 · 6 years
I’m sad because this summer has the potential to be the most beautiful I’ve ever had; the weather is hot and sunny and magical every day and not a typical English hot but it feels European, like I’m on holiday. I want to wear sandals and get a tan and spend all day out with my friends on the beach, visiting the local market occasionally for nectarines and peaches that we eat strolling through the town looking at the small stalls with pretty silver jewellery that I buy and when I go back home and people ask I tell them they’re from this beautiful little market near where I was staying in the summer. We stay out late until the sun is going down, and then we only stop at home briefly to freshen up and put on our new earrings before heading out to a nice restaurant with a view of the sea and a beautiful waiter that we met earlier who was also sunbathing on the beach. We stay there relaxing in our chairs and watching the waves as we finish our wine, and then I tell the waiter that I hope to see him again soon and we head back home to split the last peach that we didn’t eat at lunchtime and head off to bed with the windows wide open and the cool moonlit breeze dropping in from time to time to make sure we’re all okay.
But I recently moved to a new area which, while set in the lush countryside, has no beautiful little market nor handsome waiters to make friends with, and my friends live far away and it’s hard to make new ones when the only work I’m doing is a four-hour shift once a week.
In any case, autumn is fast approaching and it’s bringing with it a whole new life on the other side of the globe, further from old friends but closer to new ones, and summer comes every year; maybe after the next one I’ll be able to tell someone that I bought them at this beautiful little market near where I was staying in the summer.
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fearthefuzzybear · 2 years
i want to paint with my friends. parallel play.
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artkento · 7 years
Questions I still ask myself
Sorry, I haven't posted in so long I seemed to have switched my main social media from Tumblr to Instagram. I recently had a talk with my lovely boyfriend @ace-no-chaser . It was kind of a hard talk to have on my part because while I have understood that I am pansexual and demisexual I still haven't really figured out the whole gender thing. At times I feel like I was in the wrong body or would die to be less feminine growing up. I now know that I am perfectly happy with the body I have but I still struggle with the whole feminine and masculine perspective on things. I think I want to try being a bit more masculine or just try to be less feminine but I knew that if I did do that I wouldn't be my dads' little girl or my moms' perfect daughter. But I think this is something I have to do for myself try and explore my masculine and feminine sound to decide for myself if I am happier now or with this change.
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kentocosplay · 7 years
Hey guys I normally don't do things like this. Come check me out while I go about creating wonderful cosplays you can support or just look But if anyone can help me that would keep me in school and help me get the meds that I need to be a normal human.
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eyefatigue · 7 years
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When you wanna cuddle but you're not a lap cat.
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lemondulcet · 5 years
If u drop ur bottle cap lid, do u only throw it away if it lands face-side up or do u throw it away either way ?
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onfirekittyturtle · 2 years
Ok so I think my dirkjohn meter is broken cause I literally cannot think of angst for them. At all.
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rraveboy · 11 months
anyone else. who is arospec . feel this primal need to be desired romantically . or like at least have someone think that you’re attractive or handsome or pretty or whatever term you want to use . but like nobody has ever thought you were attractive or handsome or pretty. and the only times you’ve ever been asked out was as a joke. like i don’t want to be asked out that’s kinda awkward and i don’t want anybody who’s my friend or who i know think that i’m handsome or attractive. but like i wanna be desired by strangers or told i’m handsome . but i’ve only been asked out once in middle school as a joke . idk i love being aro and i’m perfectly confident in my lack of romantic attraction but i want to be desired
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artkento · 7 years
Class Today
-pissed off science major
-equally pissed off cosplayer and theatre major
So in photo class today we were talking about Richard Prince who took screenshots of Instagram posts and sold them for $90,000. Most everyone within the class is saying that what this man is doing is okay and fine and is artistic. Me and my friend are like freaking out because this a big violation of our majors, because we can get kicked out of the communities. We are so furious because many of the terms of service of social media state that you cannot repost or post something from anybody else without crediting them. the whole argument of everyone else is stating that because it is public and on social media so anyone can take it. People believe that this is fair and okay and nothing is wrong with what Prince is doing. We both are furious and angry and shaking because we are appaled by what everyone in the class is saying. Everyone keeps defending him and it’s outrageous. People are defending this due to the fact of anonymity. Like what the fuck the guy is using photos and selling them and not giving credit or any money to the people. He is sexualizing women and using minorities as a chance to gain profit for himself. 
What are your thoughts on this whole entire situation?
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eyefatigue · 7 years
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… And most importantly, have fun!
tagged by @thecatsred ! a - age: a fresh 27 b - biggest fear: post-death, slash the few friends I have discovering how truly trash I am as a human being, slash never having another meaningful relationship due to my anxieties. c - current time: 11:49 pm
d - drink you last had: water e - every day starts with: the cat headbutting my face f - favorite song: currently ‘Blood Sweat & Tears’ by bts
g - ghosts, are they real: probably h - hometown: chicago i - in love with: $1 iced coffees from dunkin doughnuts, hot guac from gyro express, korean celeb shows j - jealous of: those content with their life, silver spoons, high alc tolerances k - killed someone: I mean who hasn’t thought about it  l - last time you cried: friday m - middle name: don’t care for either of them n - number of siblings: four. god. o - one wish: happiness
p - person you last called/texted: called gran gran
q - questions you’re always asked: how many did you send? is that your real hair? r - reasons to smile: tacos, my evil cat, video games, providing for my family
s - song last sang: ‘Location’ by khalid t - time you woke up: 7, 8, then 12 u - underwear color: ... v - vacation destination: somewhere rainy or with an ocean
w - worst habit: I sigh. like. a lot. x - x-rays you’ve had: hand, teeth y - your favorite food: chorizo in any form z - zodiac sign: gemini
tagging: @v-e-t-r-a @cannibalisticravioli @birbhime @maybeitsmia @virgojpeg
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rraveboy · 1 year
if y’all don’t get those hazy duo rerun plushies funded i WILL become the joker ‼️
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onfirekittyturtle · 2 years
I was scrolling on the clock app and AGH!
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Someone's used old art I drew! I'm freaking out!
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