poetryversepost · 4 years
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#PoetryVerse #ShortStory #Nepali #हजुरबुबाको_चस्मा #ChildhoodStories #AlwaysDoGood #LearnToBeGreat #🇳🇵#😊 #ChildhoodDays #Memories https://www.instagram.com/p/CAgxTLojP7x/?igshid=16j2a562sblun
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sassyyogi · 11 years
Dear Angie, I can relate to how you're feeling right now. I hope you feel more confident soon, although I think it's not necessarily bad that you're feeling a bit blue from time to time. It makes you see the good days so much brighter. Take your time to get back in touch with yourself, and don't forget how many people you inspire daily. You matter. Thank you for being you.
yes i’m sure i’ll get better soon, i went for yoga class today and i feel so much better. i still have to get back to school later in the day, but at least this feels pretty good for my soul.
thank you for such a sweet message. you guys are the reason why i am still keeping positive and trusting that i am not a terrible person after all
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stopsmilewave · 11 years
Back on track
FIRST RUN IN MONTHS! I'm so happy I could die (literally, 'cause it nearly killed me).
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stopsmilewave · 11 years
Good news
My physiologist couldn't stop laughing when I clasped her in my arms after she told me I could start to run again. She said I'm her first patient ever to be so happy about resuming physical labour "without purpose".
Nevertheless that tiny insult (actually I thought it was quite funny), I was so delirious I run up to my best friend's house and we cracked a bottle of red to celebrate.
My running shoes are standing next to my bed. See you tomorrow, babies. Mommy has missed you so much!
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stopsmilewave · 11 years
I love how much brighter every single day starts out to be with a bowl of oatmeal and fruit in the morning.
Skipping breakfast all those years must be one of the dumbest things I ever did.
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stopsmilewave · 11 years
Cheat Meal? Chear Meal!
I had one hell of a cheat meal yesterday. French fries with mayo AND some delicious green apple ice cream after.
Facts: 1) it tasted amazing, but not as good as I remembered 2) I do not feel guilty about it. At all.
Best thing: it left me completely satisfied and I am not craving for more. On the contrary: by allowing myself to have that outrageous dinner, I feel more motivated to eat healthy. In the past, a cheat meal quickly turned into a cheat day (or god forbid a cheat week or month) but now I’m like okay, that was good but not that good that I want more of the same. Where’s my salad? I can tell my taste for junk food and sugar isn’t what t used to be. Ain’t that great?!
I guess my cheat meal turned into a chear meal. I feel like I could take on the world today. Have a lovely day, dear follower!
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stopsmilewave · 11 years
My gosh, the number on my scale changed
Warning: this is kind of a silly post.
I just realised that I lost 3.5 kg/ 7.7 lbs over the past few months. No workouts or diet changes were involved (read: no efforts at all, I admit I can be very lazy), I just started to drink 3-5 glasses of water every day.
Okay, I know that I still don't live up to the recommended 2 litres a day, but I'm not a thirsty person so I think I did quite well, especially because there used to be days where I would'nt drink at all.
Also, I think getting healthy is far more important than losing weight. I've been following these amazing fitblrs for a while and I got so motivated. I can't wait until the doctor allows me to go for a run again. The getting fit part is much more important than the slimming down (although let's be honest: I'm counting on that first thing to help a little with that second part) so it shouldn't really matter what the scale says. But I still can't help it that I feel a little proud and happy now I know what I know.
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stopsmilewave · 11 years
StuDying pt. 1 - the brownie treasure hunt
After a summer of (not really) preparing for the exams I have to retake this month, I finally had the courage to leave home and move to a sad lonely room in my university city, so I could go study in the library. To be honest, I’m checking out more boys than books, but still, the effort counts. Hooray for peer pressure.
Today is my second day and I’ve already done more than these last weeks altogether. It’s not all work no fun though, because I’m seizing the opportunity to combine my ‘relax hours’ with lunch and dinner dates.
I just had the nicest lunch date ever. Not only is the friend I met a huge personal inspiration (not to mention he wanted to pay for lunch and drinks after, but I insisted the drinks were on me) but when we parted, he gave me a key. I did not know what to do with it, but by text he gave me further instructions. I ended up at a locker somewhere in the library (no idea that he’d been there, I just thought he waited outside to pick me up because he doesn’t have to study) and I found a bag of delicious smelling fresh dark chocolate brownies. All just for me. My life has just been made. Or at least my day. Counting my blessings, with friends like that. Can’t stop smiling.
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stopsmilewave · 11 years
In desperate need of clearing my mind
Scrolling through all these great motivational posts on Tumblr, feeling really sad I'm not allowed to run or take 'real' walks yet. Running always helps me to clear my head, and right now, so many thoughts are piling up that it feels like my head is filled with this thick mist I can't get rid of. I just want to lace up and go.
Then again, being to eager to go running is what got me here in the first place. If I had taken the time to fully recover or to start from zero again after my first few injuries, I might have been just fine right now. It has been three months since my last run now, and I'm so frustrated. Everything I finally built up (baby muscles, better condition) is so gone right now.
Maybe I should try something new, like yoga. Something not too exhausting for my body, just to keep my spirits up. Whining about it doesn't change a thing.
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