#learning pyramid
notaplaceofhonour · 3 months
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well get her out then!
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m-a-salter · 7 months
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Series 10, Episode 7: The Pyramid at the End of the World
Part of Twelve’s Beautiful Face: Series 10
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nostalgia-tblr · 14 days
there's something incredibly revealing about fandom's assigning of alternate jobs in AUs and how rarely this leads to Blue Collar Loki as opposed to Blue Collar Thor.
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i learned who was the most ignorant ruler
Egyptian ruler Muhammad Ali Pasha (1769-1849).
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Bloodthirsty like many others, he proposed something that no one had dared to imagine: dismantle the pyramids of Cheops, Kefren, Menkaure.
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It was 1830 and he came up with this brilliant idea to reuse that already pre-cut material in other construction operations. Luckily, someone in his right mind opposed this massacre.
The chief engineer, in an attempt to save the pyramids, submitted false cost reports , managing to prevent their demolition.
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pratchettquotes · 1 year
Ptraci glared at him from kohl-ringed eyes. "You mean you don't know? You were going to take me into the desert and you don't know where water is?"
"Well, I rather expected I was going to be able to take some with me!"
"You didn't even think about it!"
"Listen, you can't talk to me like that! I'm a king!" Teppic stopped.
"You're absolutely right," he said. "I never thought about it. Where I come from it rains nearly every day. I'm sorry."
Terry Pratchett, Pyramids
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flufflecat · 8 days
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mysticdragon3md3 · 24 days
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And is that an infected from The Last of Us and a Bloodborne hunter in the background?????
The Frustrating Contrast Between Concord's Failure & Astro Bot's Success (The Jimquisition) by Jim Sterling at 16:23/22:34
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amatheho · 21 days
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Spooky season can’t come fast enough.
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Guess who just learnt how to superbounce in sa2 and is super unessecarily excited about it 😌💫
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thefirstknife · 10 months
wait, Mara & Eris destroyed a Pyramid?
Maybe! Sort of!
I have a long ass post with several other connecting posts because I've been obsessed with this for a long time, but all of that is from before WQ released. Initially, I speculated that the Pyramid in question would be the Pyramid in the throne world (because it's conveniently damaged in the middle), and we had nothing but vague images of it being there. But outside the speculation which turned out wrong/unconnected, the rest of the post explains everything from the Witch Queen Collector's Edition and how it relates to Sjur in great detail.
In short, back in the Forsaken year, there was a lore tab in which Fenchurch has a vision of Mara and Eris confronting/damaging an unknown vessel. It was hard to say at the time, but when I read this post-Shadowkeep, it was really obvious that it was a Pyramid ship so that gave me fuel to connect that vision with a dream Sjur Eido had, also released in the Forsaken year in which she saw Mara and another woman destroying a "great black triangle."
At the time I believed that this was talking about some future event, something that will happen in a future season or expansion. However, WQ CE had a multi-page chapter dedicated solely to clarifying this in which Fenchurch sends a report to tell Ikora that he has spoken to Eris about his vision and that Eris confirmed this event has already happened. As a matter of fact, he only had a vision because Eris sent a message documenting this event, embedded in a shard of the Pyramid, for it to be found by someone in case she dies.
At some point after Forsaken, but before Shadowkeep, Mara and Eris (with the help of Elsie, the Nine, Rasputin and even Failsafe) discovered an early arrival of a single Pyramid ship to the edge of the system. They went there to meet it, in the orbit of the dwarf planet Eris. At some point, Mara went into orbit of the Pyramid and possibly entered it; this is unclear. Eris could not tell exactly what happened, except that Mara came in contact with the vessel and then died. Eris went to pick Mara up from her throne world and then the duo landed on the dwarf planet where they found a lot of debris, apparently from the Pyramid ship. Eris was wounded so Mara helped with the wounds. Eris also picked up one of the debris pieces and embedded a message to it, then sent the fragment to the Moon with her Hive shenanigans. The fragment was eventually picked up by Fenchurch.
We don't know exactly what the debris was and what Mara did with the Pyramid, but the description of the fragment was matching Pyramid material and I used that to identify it as Pyramid material, before WQ CE. So the debris on the dwarf planet should be Pyramid debris. It's however unclear if Mara did damage that caused that debris or not. On the other hand, both the vision from Fenchurch and Sjur's dream (a little embellished, as dreams tend to be) are describing the same event. So the event during which Sjur is "close to figuring her way out" has already happened. Whether Mara destroyed (or damaged) a Pyramid or not.
Which is why I believe that the conditions for her return have already been fulfilled. Obviously, being "close" to finding her way out is relative; "close" could've meant weeks or it could mean years. We don't know where Sjur is and how exactly she died, and she described it as being trapped in a maze.
It could also be that there will be another instance of Mara and Eris attacking a Pyramid ship in the future (Sjur's dream also mentions Crow being present). In that case, the conditions for her return have not happened yet. But until we see something of the sort happening, this is the best match for Sjur's dream and confirmed as real, via Fenchurch, meaning that her dream was not just nonsense.
Honestly, if anything like Mara, Eris and possibly Crow destroying a Pyramid might happen, we only have Season of the Wish left for that to occur so it's now or never (ofc depending on what happens to the Pyramid ships post TFS). If Sjur's dream is not the event described above, then it would have to happen next season, so either way Sjur-Eido-Returns believers are awake and ready. I will definitely understand if it doesn't happen and everyone should be ready for it not to happen, but we have a chance now so we're eagerly waiting to see if something happens.
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nncc77 · 1 year
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"Aren't you worried I'll sink right to the bottom, like a bag of rocks?"
"Like a bag a' rocks??"
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My dnd group played Descent into Avernus, which starts off in Baldur’s Gate, so along with all of the fucked-up murder dungeons beneath manors and bathhouses and everything that the module included, my group further wrecked the city when one character
planted a magic bean in the yard of a duke we hated in the Upper City, which overnight grew into a massive stalk hundreds of feet tall.
in an entirely separate incident, caused that duke’s entire manor to become enveloped in a pyramid. I am still uncertain of the mechanics and reasoning behind this.
The beanstalk was cut down before we left the city but for all I know the pyramid is just going to be a fixture in the city forever.
And another character’s mother, who lived in the Upper City, made a devil contract that among other things caused her family’s manor to magically expand in size. I also do not know how this one shook out after the mother was killed and the contract broke.
Do not purchase real estate in Baldur’s Gate. You may wake up one day to find your manor has shrunk, because the previous owner made a deal with a devil for more square footage, and the devil finally remembered that the person on the other side of the deal is dead and they don’t need to keep using their devil magic on the house.
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milkmoomshroom · 3 months
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16:57 pm
라디오헤드는 너무 좋아요! 이 노래는 계속 들어요.
I really like Radiohead! I keep listening to this song.
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merklins · 1 year
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He may not be in the running. He may not even be on theme! BUT EVERYTHING CAN BE ABOUT AMEDEO IF YOU'RE SILLY ENOUGH!
You can vote for our guy Amedeo Kenzie Blood Belly Comb Jelly HERE at @freaky-fish-fshowdown
Votes for the lovely Siphonophore can go here (:
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i learned that there is a pyramid being built in Germany that is scheduled to be completed in 3183. It consists of 7-ton concrete blocks placed every 10 years, with the fourth block to be placed on September 9 2023 (x)
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milfdarthrevan · 1 year
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Teppic, do you need a hug?
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