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herrickgardens · 5 years ago
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For so long we have been calling this plant a Cockscomb, but apparently these are actually Celosia which is derived from Ancient Greek meaning "burning" for the heads of the flowers. Celosia is the general name and Cockscomb applies to the flower head cresting similar to the top of a rooster's head and it's actually an abnormal growth. No way to know until they begin to fully bloom. Also, the leaves can be added to stews and boiled to be eaten. So far I've learned that I've been over-watering these water finicky flowers. And I thought they were getting too much sun. However living in Louisiana there is a such thing as "too much sun" being that at 1.47pm Central time zone in Lafayette it's 101°F/38.33°C with the heat index and 98°/36.66°C in the shade. According to a source I found, from June to mid-September is warm to hot 24 hrs a day and borderline sweltering. Oh the sacrifices our food makes and takes to nourish us! #HerrickGardens #LearningGardener #celosia #cockscomb #photography #gardening #vegan #vegetarian #organic #plants #photography #nature #edible #art #flowers #fruits #learnandshare #flowerphotography #Lafayette #flowerpower #producedesert #MotherNature #motherearth #brokendownart  #treehugging #dirtwhisperer #gardenwitch #photooftheday #containergarden #citygarden #purplebabayaga https://www.instagram.com/p/CCbsSL5DnW8/?igshid=4cs8rxpfaybk
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sobekreative-blog · 5 years ago
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This particular realization came during a much needed conversations with a spiritual sister of mine. Like all of us she has been going through her life changing learning experiences and on speaking with her I ended up sharing this little tid bit and we both were in that ah ha space when it was spoken. . Sometimes we think we have been through so much that we must be able to handle it all. But the truth is that if we look at all we have been through at its core it all is the same lesson on repeat, and until we learn that lesson, acknowledge and be truthful about what needs to change then we will never mature and become stronger. . Thanks you @kymmimusik through simple banter we both grew, learned and creativity began to flow freely. . #Realizations #awareness #myjourney #yourjourney #alwaysgrowing #alwayslearning #lifelessons #fridaythoughts #begentleonyourself #innerstrength #alwayscreating #learnandshare #growtogether (at Jersey City, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8RrvN8AbT7/?igshid=1q0vx8rqsxwo8
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albee-story · 5 years ago
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Era Revolusi 4.0 udah semakin deket, jangan sampe kamu menghadapinya tanpa persiapan ya. Emang seperti apa sih revolusi industri 4.0 itu dan bagaimana kita harus menghadapinya? Kuy temuin jawabannya dalam Connext Conference Surabaya 2019 #MenyatukanINDONESIA. Akan ada speakers keren yang bakal sharing pengalamannya. Acara ini dilaksanakan pada: Hari/Tanggal: Sabtu, 12 Oktober 2019 Pukul: 8.00 - 13.00 WIB Tempat: DBL Arena Speakers: - Sandy Colondam, Co-Founder of PlayDay - Heinrich Vincent, Founder & CEO of Bizhare.id - Winston Utomo, Founder & CEO of IDN Media BENEFIT: - e-certificate - Ilmu dan Network - Doorprize - Merchandise - Snack - Dan masih banyak lagi ACARA INI GRATIS! DAFTAR SEKARANG. #YoungOnTop #YOT #MenyatukanINDONESIA #BRICC2019 #YOTxBRI #YOTxAllianz #YOTxAirMineralPrima #PesertaConnextSurabaya2019 #ConnextConference2019 #ConnextSurabaya #YOTSurabaya #LearnAndShare Lets join and earn some to develop ours 😁... https://www.instagram.com/p/B3ObeE-AEUF/?igshid=1f3vm8cx9gxja
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mustardsseedsblog · 4 years ago
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📕 What do you do to comfort? I usually use reading to comfort myself especially when my mind won't shut off. Free food for millionaires is now officially over. 😭 I’ve read this book with one of my students. We took our time reading, marking and discussing. There is something special about reading a book together. Have you tried it? It amplifies bonding and offers all kinds of conversation topics and you witness a great change in quality of conversation through meaningful exchanges. I'd highly recommend.😘 This book dives into the intricacies of Korean culture. The story unfolds Casey, a Korean-American, who’s life is on hold while the rest of the world is moving, trying to get a hard look of her life for the first time. Now I know how Min Jin Lee won the national book award. I really loved this book because it portrays how the realities of growing up in America and having Korean parents can create gaps in understanding between two generations. A part of me wanted Casey to stop being stubborn and listen to people around but then there were more reasons why I wouldn’t convince. Every time I opened this book, I was hooked. ✍🏼I wrote something after reading this book. It will be on Patreon! If you are interested, find link in bio 🖤 . . . . . #book #reading #bookstagram #read #learn #독서시간 #library #Korean #hangeul #koreanisch #learnkorean #studykorean #korea #learntogether #education #think #learnandshare #lernen #growtogether #한국어  #bookstagram #booklover https://www.instagram.com/p/CPr7ZIVFAwK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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karuniaharahap · 7 years ago
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Hai YOTers Berdasarkan data BPBD Provinsi Bali Erupis Gunung Agung telah memaksa lebih dari 40ribu jiwa mengungsi. Ayo bantu saudara kita yang terkena dampak dari erupsi gunung agung. Bagi kalian yang ingin berdonasi bisa melalui kami dengan cara. Transfer donasi kamu ke Rekening BCA a.n Billy Boen 878 011 6847 Sertakan kode Unik 014 diakhir donasi kamu, contoh : Donasi Rp. 50.000 menjadi 50.014 . Seluruh donasi akan di salurkan kepada pengungsi di kabupaten Karangasem melalui @yotbali Untuk informasi lebih lanjut kamu bisa menghubungi Sabil ( 0812-1747-017 ) Donasi kamu akan sangat membantu saudara kita di pengungsian, dan marilah sebarkan semangat kebaikan. #Youngontop #YOTUntukGunungagung #Learnandshare
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descaperoom · 7 years ago
Young On Top Tangerang
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Komunitas Young On Top Tangerang atau biasa disebut YOT Tangerang merupakan salah satu komunitas non-profit yang bergerak dibidang sosial dan berfokus pada bidang pendidikan, kesehatan dan lingkungan. Secara struktural, kepengurusan YOT Tangerang terdiri dari President, Vice President, Secretary 1 & 2, Treasury 1 & 2, Divisi Program, Divisi Marketing Communication (Marcomm), dan Divisi Personalia and General Affair (PGA). Untuk divisi Program, dibagi lagi kedalam 3 sub program, yaitu Catalyst yang berfokus pada pendidikan, Energy yang berfokus pada kesehatan dan Green yang berfokus pada lingkungan.
Diatas adalah sedikit penjelasan mengenai YOT Tangerang, komunitas yang sekarang sedang gue ikuti. Sekarang gue akan menceritakan pengalaman gue selama jadi bagian keluarga besar YOT Tangerang (sebenernya sampe sekarang sih masih hehe).
Gue udah tau komunitas ini dari sekitar tahun 2012/2013, waktu pengurus lama komunitas ini berbondong-bondong nge-follow anak-anak Tangerang di instagram YOT Tangerang. Awalnya gue masa bodo terus gue follback aja karena mikirnya, "Oh ini komunitas Tangerang, yaudah follback aja." Meskipun gue follback, update mereka pasti masuk timeline instagram gue, gue gak pernah memperhatikan update-an mereka. Jadi cuma nyumbang likes doang gitu deh.
Nah sekitar bulan Agustus tahun lalu, tiba-tiba sahabat gue, Rendy ngajak gue untuk join di komunitas ini. Dia ngajak gue karena katanya biar dia ada temennya. Dan karena dia tau gue anaknya suka banget nambah temen, jadilah gue "dipaksa" ikut join sama dia. Akhirnya gue join deh di YOTTang Batch 3.
Di Batch 3 ini, gue gabung di Divisi PGA sebagai staff. Kerjaannya PGA ya gak beda jauh sama HRD atau GA. Kita punya tugas untuk mengembangkan dan menyalurkan potensi teman-teman kita di YOTTang, membangun dan menjaga budaya organisasi yang baik di YOTTang supaya kita bisa tetep solid, dan mengurus kebutuhan operasional YOTTang. Dan tidak lain tidak bukan, kita juga bertugas sebagai "penampungan curhat" teman-teman kita di YOTTang. Seru abis deh! Gue yang basicnya anak kebijakan publik harus belajar manajemen SDM dan psikologi.
Selama di Batch 3, banyak kegiatan positif yang gue sama teman-teman YOTTang lakuin. Diantaranya, YOT Walk di acara CFD Tugu Adipura, YOT Share di Yayasan Sayap Ibu dan Yayasan Raudlatul M, YOT Education di SDN Poris Plawad 1, Bedah Buku YOT, dan yang paling utama adalah Love Donation, yaitu acara penggalangan darah untuk teman-teman penyandang Thalasemia.
Seiring waktu gue kenal sama mereka, gak bisa dipungkiri kalo menyatukan pikiran dan menyelaraskan pemahaman tiap orang itu sulit banget. Drama-drama kecil dalam komunitas pun gak bisa dihindari. Lambat laun, seleksi alam pun dimulai. Satu persatu dari kita memilih untuk berhenti di tengah jalan bahkan banyak yang tiba-tiba menghilang gitu aja tanpa kejelasan kayak gebetan (lah kok jadi curhat mbak(?)). Luckily, beberapa orang yang mungkin merasa "saling" di komunitas ini akhirnya melanjutkan perjuangan sampai kepengurusan Batch 3 benar-benar berakhir.
Dan dari sekian banyak anggota YOTTang di Batch 3, ternyata beberapa dari mereka becandanya sereceh becandaan gue. Sebut saja mereka... Ary, Faza, Ruth, Zserly, Sonia, Hafiz, Elvita, Isfi, Ratu, Ikha dan the one and only sahabat gue, Rendy. Karena kita ngerasa seiya sekata, alhasil kita jadi akrab. Apalagi ternyata pas ngobrol serius tentang YOTTang, kita juga sepemikiran. Makin jadilah kita nyambungnya. Diluar urusan YOTTang, kita pernah beberapa kali main bareng selepas rapat atau kegiatan YOTTang yang bikin kita makin akrab.
Saking akrabnya, mereka-mereka yang gue sebutin tadi akhirnya ngelanjutin kepengurusan di Batch 4 kecuali Ratu dan Hafiz. Di Batch 4 sekarang, gue naik jabatan jadi Director PGA. Daaaan cerita sesungguhnya buat gue ternyata baru saja dimulai. Ternyata, nge-direct orang itu gak gampang sama sekali. Karena ngerasa kewalahan nge-direct teman-teman di Batch 4 dengan drama komunitas yang tidak bisa dihindari, mood gue jadi super ngaco. Naik turun mulu kayak lagi naik roller-coaster. But lucky me, gue punya beberapa staff PGA yang ciamik banget baiknya! Sebut saja mereka... Isma, Naafi dan Feni. Cinta banget sih gue sama mereka.
Setelah kurang lebih 4 bulan jalan, Batch 4 ini udah lumayan banyak kemajuan dibandingkan Batch 3 dulu. Kegiatan kita banyak tapi lebih rapi dan jadwalnya lebih tertata. Jadi gak terlalu ngebebanin diri sendiri. Dan sejauh ini, baru divisi PGA yang kegiatannya paling banyak dikarenakan tugas divisi PGA yang harus terus menjaga kesatuan dan semangat teman-teman YOTTang Batch 4.
Well, karena Batch 4 baru jalan sekian bulan jadi belum banyak yang bisa gue ceritain. Jadi segitu aja dulu cerita soal komunitas yang sungguh gue cinta walaupun kadang gue suka angot-angotan moodnya dan belum sempet ikut kegiatan YOT diluar Tangerang huhu sedih asli. Tapi semoga setelah semua urusan pendidikan selesai, gue bisa ikut. Dan semoga YOT Tangerang bisa makin solid dan tetap Learn and Share!
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montessorishop · 8 years ago
Review of the Roman Arch
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The Roman Arch is a wonderful material found in most Montessori classrooms (3-6 years).  Our Roman Arch consists of a frame, 32 block pieces and three pieces making up the removable arch support.  The Roman Arch is entirely wooden and is so nice to work with!
The Roman Arch is a cultural material and has really important lessons in maths and science.  We use the Roman Arch to teach the child about gravity, Roman engineering, the principles of the keystone and problem solving.
When introducing the Roman Arch to the child it is important to name the material and to demonstrate piece by piece how to build the arch.  Make sure to study the structure before presenting it to the child.  Once you have admired the finished arch, disassemble the arch, again, piece by piece.
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If the child needs help building the arch I suggest helping with block selection and allow the child to place the block on the arch (don’t do it for the child).  As the child becomes more confident they will be able to complete the arch independently.
I love the control of error built into this material.  If the child doesn’t build the arch in the correct sequence it may not stand.  Remember you need to build the arch with the support structure in place.  Once the arch is completed you can remove the support and see what happens!
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Once the child is building the arch with confidence invite them to leave out one or more blocks to see the effect on the stability of the structure.  You can also introduce the names of the block pieces including the keystone (the block in the centre of the arch that locks the arch in place).  See what happens when you remove the keystone!
We love to use the Roman Arch at home and I have presented it along with beautiful images of arches in Rome and around the world.  This really helps the child to place the arch in the real world.  You can even point out arches in books or in real life architecture to help consolidate the child’s knowledge!
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- Review written by Kylie D’Alton @howwemontessori using the Roman Arch from Montessori Shop. 
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jeckatee · 8 years ago
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Reposting reposts 💕 #aspiretoinspire #learnandshare #jecka_writes #jecka_artistwannabe
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britishredcross · 8 years ago
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We’re at @TheBabyShow this weekend!Pop by and sign up for a free first aid session in our academy, where we'll be helping parents and parents-to-be learn simple skills to help them feel confident that they could deal with an emergency. #learnandshare #firstaid #baby #babyshow #firstaidtraining #london http://ift.tt/2lBtQtE
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vidoetv-blog · 7 years ago
Bonfire night in Britain burns some topical 2017 villains along with 1605 plotters
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Bonfire night in Britain is perhaps the closest thing to a national holiday, even though it isn’t one. Every November 5 the night skies around the country are filled with flames from giant bonfires and fireworks displays as the failed bombing of parliament in 1605 by Catholic conspirators is remembered.
#OTD 1605 the HoC journal noted the discovery of Guy Fawkes with 36 barrels of gunpowder under the HoP #BonfireNight pic.twitter.com/SswyJZRapl— Parliament Archives (@UKParlArchives) 5 novembre 2017
Lewes in Sussex has long had one of the most controversial bonfire nights, joyfully burning the Pope in effigy and assorted villans of the day, and Harvey Weinstein made the rogues’ gallery this year alongside gunpowder plotter Guy Fawkes and the other usual clerical suspects.
As kids in the slums of Bradford we’d scavenge for factory pulley rope soaked in oil & on #BonfireNight we light & spin it in the dark air.— Harry Leslie Smith (@Harryslaststand) 4 novembre 2017
BBC mini-series “Gunpowder” starring Game of Thrones’ Kit Harington, himself related to one of the plotters, has just ended, telling the story in a timely way, but it is a story all schoolchildren know more or less, and come out every 5th of November to enjoy, along with their families and roasted chestnuts.
Thousands of people visit A&E every year with fireworks-related injuries. Be prepared this #BonfireNight – #LearnAndShare this video. pic.twitter.com/v6mNB44TLr— British Red Cross (@BritishRedCross) 3 novembre 2017
As these postings show, bonfire night is not without risks. Every year thousands of people require medical treatment, and many pets are driven half-crazy by the noise, which is also disturbing for war veterans and people with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
RT our poster that shows why #SkyLanterns can be devastating to British farmers #BonfireNight #BackBritishFarming pic.twitter.com/YeDIBwb0XP— NationalFarmersUnion (@NFUtweets) 5 novembre 2017
#bonfirenight2017 It can be a very tough time for #pets & veterans, please be aware & spread the word.#ptsd #mentalhealth #BonfireNight pic.twitter.com/VtWDm91u5p— ServiceDogsUK (@ServiceDogsUK) 2 novembre 2017
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tahitianstarseed · 7 years ago
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#gaiamemeber #gaia #enlightenment #learnandshare #gaiacom
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montessorishop · 8 years ago
Completing the Task
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My children are really lucky to have incredible Montessori teachers at their preschool.  Arlo recently turned 3 and moved into the 3-6 classroom where he is totally thriving!  One of his amazing teachers shared a couple of great activity ideas with me last week, emphasising the importance of completing a task while at the same time embracing his eagerness to help!
1. The Lunch Box
I am trying to involve Arlo in the complete daily cycle of his lunch box, and he is loving it.  Now at the end of the day he gets his lunch box out of his bag, opens it up and together we sort the rubbish, compost and dishes.  Then I set him up with a basin and his scrubbing brush and he washes his box, any containers and his drink bottle and places them on a tea towel to dry.  In the morning he can collect his lunch box from the drying spot and he helps me to prepare his lunch before packing it up and taking it off to preschool.
2.  The Washing
Arlo has taken a keen interest in folding lately, so to build on this we have started doing the washing together.  First we sort his washing into colours and whites, put it in the machine with the washing powder and then set the timer. When the washing machine is finished we hang it out together.  When it is dry we bring it in, fold it and put it away.
We are definitely still a work in progress on mastering these cycles, but I have really noticed the sense of satisfaction Arlo gets in working alongside me, doing necessary work and independently completing the process.
I love that he is starting to believe himself capable of doing meaningful jobs and I love that I am helping him to develop a sense of responsibility and self-discipline all just by working together and having fun!
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fivegirlhnp · 9 years ago
selamat ulang tahun untuk Young On Top yang ke 7 tahun. Terima kasih sudah menginspirasi anak muda di Indonesia, termasuk saya. sukses terus. keep learn and share. see you on top! . . #YoungOnTop #UltahYOT #YOT7 #learnandshare #seeyouontop #thankyouYOT
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britishredcross · 8 years ago
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Great to have so many people visit us @thebabyshow this weekend to join in our #firstaid academy! Thanks to everyone who attended. #firstaid #baby #child #firstaidtraining #babyshow #excel #london #learnandshare #learning http://ift.tt/2muWp0k
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