#leah williamson x child reader
leahsgf · 3 months
LIFESAVER - leah williamson
leah williamson x child!reader | based on this request!
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leah sighed as she awoke to the sound of your cries ringing through the baby monitor for what felt like the tenth time that night, wincing even more when she checked the time - it of course being only five minutes before her alarm was due to go off, only her luck.
you were usually a pretty good sleeper, and rarely cried in general, never mind throughout the night - so she had known almost instantly the first time you had awoken that you were feeling under the weather, and her worries had only proven right as the night had gone on and your state had worsened.
and again, as if it was part of a well planned routine, your cries only intensified when she eventually padded across the hallway and pushed open the door to your room, your little arms immediately throwing themselves up towards her, desperately in search of any form of comfort.
she bent down and scooped you out of your crib, cradling you in her arms in an instant, never one to deny you her embrace.
“i’m here sweetheart, i’ve got you. what’s the matter hm? can you tell mama?” she soothed for what felt like the hundredth time, running her hand through your bed head, voice so gentle that no outsider would believe it was the same stoic england captain they were so used to if they witnessed it.
you simply whined, more tears angrily slipping down your noticeably red cheeks as you buried your face into her neck, whimpering - her feeling warmth radiating off of you like a heater.
she had picked up on your temperature over the night and had kept an eye on it, and whilst it had definitely now started to come back down, she could tell that you still weren’t feeling great. she could guess based on how sniffly your cries had become, paired with the level of sick you'd been over the course of the night - that you’d picked up the latest nasty bug, most likely from your nursery, despite you only going there once or twice a week.
the nursery that you now wouldn’t be able to attend for the next forty eight hours whilst your mother went to training.
usually, leah wouldn't even hesitate to call jonas and let him know that she wouldn't be able to make it to training - you were her number one priority always, but of course, the one day you get ill happens to be the one day of the season that leah can't miss, or arrange for somebody to look after you at home.
meaning she'd have to bring you with her.
“okay my bubba. we’re gonna make you all better in no time, kay? you're gonna be my little helper for the day and come to work with me, and see all your aunties! they'll be so excited to see you.” she chatted away to you as she made her way down to the kitchen - prepping your morning bottle and fetching you some 'magic' medicine, whilst bouncing you gently in her arms.
you settled finally as you drank, clutching onto the bottle for dear life as leah stroked your forehead, it’s temperature finally going down to somewhat normal as the medicine started to kick in, your tiredness following, and catching up to you.
you were almost fast asleep as she bathed and changed you into some fresh, non sicky clothes, texting the arsenal group chat as a pre warning of your previously unexpected arrival.
she was grateful to say the least when she looked in her mirror to see you still knocked out in your car seat as she drove to the training ground - hoping that you finally getting some rest in meant that you were on the up, and that you'd wake up feeling better again.
“come on then my girl, let’s go see everyone then shall we” she whispered, pressing a kiss to your head as she unbuckled and lifted your sleeping frame into her arms, slipping your dummy into your mouth and grabbing your blanket, before grabbing both of your bags and heading inside.
“there’s my favourite girl!” an unmistakable irish voice boomed down the corridor from behind the pair of you, leah wincing as you stirred ever so slightly - not wanting to deal with another repeat of this morning.
thankfully, no such thing happened - katie getting the hint after a single look from the blonde, and a slap on the arm from caitlin.
“shit, sorry! do you want us to take her whilst you go and speak to jonas and kim about the plan for the day? they said it won't take long today” katie whispered, already reaching out for you before she had an answer.
“you’re a lifesaver, thank you! i'll be as quick as i can - if she does wake up there’s anything she’ll need in her bag, but she should hopefully be out for a while.” leah gently transferred you into katie’s waiting arms, a now well practiced routine with the team whenever they wanted baby cuddles and you were sleeping, and passed the aussie beside her your bag.
by the time you woke again, nearly four hours had passed - and you had been in pretty much everyone in the building's arms at some point or another as the team took turns doing drills.
your auntie viv was the lucky one this time, your eyes fluttering open slowly as she swayed with you wrapped up in her hold, humming a dutch lullaby. she was easily one of your favourite people, and had been for as long as you could remember, having cried in everybody else's arms apart from hers, the most awkward and freaked out person over holding a baby in the room, when you were a couple of weeks old.
"vivi" you mumbled, voice muffled by both your dummy and the sleep as you glanced up at her, playing with her fingers ever so softly.
"hi tiny, you feeling any better?" she asked, knowing that you probably had no idea what she was asking you, and that the fact you weren't crying was probably the best answer she was going to get.
you had perked up massively, some colour finally returning to your cheeks as your sleep clearly fought off whatever nastiness you had been feeling earlier on.
you babbled incoherently and pointed towards where alessia, katie and steph were chatting - another sign that you were definitely feeling a little bit more like yourself, wanting to be involved in what everyone was doing again.
the dutch woman placed you down on the floor as you wriggled and attempted to get down yourself, chuckling and following after you as you determinedly toddled over to the trio.
katie was the first to notice you and scoop you up, pretending that you were a rocket ship, making you squeal with laughter before steph had reminded her to be gentle with you. she only tickled you softly in response before placing you back down and letting you kick a ball to her and alessia, as steph rummaged through your backpack for a top up of medicine and a snack for you - knowing that you'd likely be starving.
the australian had very nearly been met with a complete meltdown when you'd spotted the medicine, it only being resolved because you saw lia stopping to get a snack and take her own medicine for her leg, letting you go and happily sit with her, thinking you were as cool as your auntie lia as steph popped the syringe of pink liquid into your mouth.
leah had been checking in on how you were doing every half an hour or so, and she had never been happier to see you run towards her when she caught your eye.
"hi my baby! how are you feeling?" she cooed, granting your wish to be in her arms immediately and fussing over you whilst thanking all of the girls for their help.
“she’s been good, slept like a champ and just had some more medicine - think she’s officially on the mend.” steph answered, grinning at you and playing with your hair as leah pressed kisses to your cheek.
you clapped your hands and cheered, not understanding the words but loving the attention that was on you - and how the horrible ache in your body had started to fade.
“alright then! we’re all done for the day so we’re gonna head off for some much needed rest - thank you girls for all of your help with this one. say bye to your aunties then bubba.” leah collected all of your stuff and waved goodbye - you copying her almost identically, as expected.
“bye bye.” you said as clearly as your dummy would allow, waving again at each of the girls individually, who had all gathered near you, their usual place whenever you were around.
“clumsy lessi.” you mumbled as you pointed at alessia, the rest room erupting in laughter just like every other time you said it, and the striker once again protested.
“she knows like ten words and those are two of them!”
"don't get mad at the baby for speaking the truth russo!"
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 days
Outburst IV
Leah Williamson x Child!Reader
Summary: You go on a podcast
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"And you know, as well as being a footballer and playing with Less and Tooney, you're also a mother to a little girl."
Any mention of you makes Leah smile and she glances off camera to where you're sitting with a crayon and a sheet of paper.
"Yeah," She says, that same dopey smile on her face as she tears her gaze away from you," She's four."
"And she's here today."
"Yeah, I almost didn't bring her because we're recording this so early but my mum had to cancel so she's just behind the camera. I think she's-"
"I'm drawin', Mum!" You call out and Leah grins.
"Are you, bug?"
"Uh-huh! Is it my turn yet?"
Leah glances at Vick Hope. "She loves a microphone. I may have promised her a turn on one of the mics in return for waking up so early today."
"Oh, yeah," Tooney says," We've got to have Bug on here."
"If you're okay with that?" Vick checks.
"Yeah. Honestly, I thought she would have interrupted more. She's very excited. Lovebug, do you want to come over here and you can have your turn?"
You're up like a shot, practically tripping over yourself to get to Leah.
The others have to hold in a coo as you come into view.
You'd arrived today in a big puffy coat and was immediately set up behind the camera, blocked by all the staff and the equipment.
Now they can see you clearly, in a pair of old Arsenal kit shorts but a white t-shirt instead of a jersey, black cardigan and a silly black hat just like Leah's, looking every bit her mini apart from the old Jordan shorts you're wearing.
"Alright." Leah lifts you up onto her lap and lowers her mic so it's more your size. "You happy now?"
You frown. "It's not like Auntie Alex's mic."
"Auntie Alex?" The strange woman that's not Less or Tooney asks.
"My auntie Alex always lets me use her mic at games because I have important things to say and mics help people hear me!"
"Alex Scott," Leah puts in, bouncing you on her lap slightly," Bug really loves her."
"Almost as much as I love Mummy!" You turn to look at the strange woman again. "My Mummy plays for Villa in Berm-ham."
"Birmingham," Leah interrupts again and you tilt your head back to look at her, patting her cheek.
"It's my turn now, mum," You tell her," You have to wait your turn to speak again."
Tooney sputters slightly and Alessia has to bite her lip to stop the laughter threatening to come out at Leah's affronted face as you land another condescending pat on her cheek.
"Mummy plays in Berm-ham," You say again," So I see her every other week. She plays for Villa but I like Arsenal more." You puff out your chest. "When I'm older, I'm gonna play for Arsenal."
"Bug already trains with us," Alessia says and you let her talk because she doesn't have to wait her turn because she doesn't share her microphone like you and Leah do," She's very good."
"And I go on camp! Sarina calls me up every time because I'm so good!"
"You must be," The strange but nice lady says," Because you've got two mummies who play football and you must work super hard."
"I do," You say, bobbing your head up and down," Mummy says one day I'm going to be scoring every game because I'm that good."
"We're very proud of our Bug," Leah says and you only let her have a little turn because she's being nice," She always does her very best."
"Enough for a puppy?"
Leah's face drops. "You've got Blu at Jordan's," She reminds you and you perk up suddenly, turning back to your new microphone again.
"Blu's my birthday buddy!" You announce gleefully," We're the same age! And we share a birthday!"
"Wow, that sounds really cool. You must really love your dog."
"I do! I do!"
"Do you miss him when you're on camp?"
You think for a moment. You've never really thought about if you miss Blu on camp before.
Camp is fun because you're got the other girls and auntie Keira and auntie Lucy and Mum and Bear. You've never really stopped to think about Blu when there's already so much to do at camp.
You shake your head. "I miss Bear more."
"Bear's Keira and Lucy's kid," Leah explains," They're best friends but they don't see each other too often because she lives in Barcelona."
"Bear's kind of funny," Tooney says," She's always nappin'."
"Don't be mean!" You snap suddenly, leaning all the way over to smack Tooney on the arm.
"Bug!" Leah groans," We've talk about using our nice hands. We don't hit."
You huff, sitting more firmly on Leah's lap again and crossing your arms over your chest. "No being mean about Bear! She naps because she's tired! Mum says napping is good, right?"
"That is right, Bug. I do say that."
You nod, turning back to the strange but nice lady. "Bear is my best friend and I love her."
Leah grins down at you, adjusting your hat slightly.
"Keira and I aren't huggers but those two certainly are. Always having a little cuddle those two are."
You frown, a little furrow in your brow. "But you are a hugger, Mum. You always give me cuddles."
"Well, yeah, Bug but I was talking-"
"You don't like my cuddles?"
"No, Bug that's not what I'm saying. I just meant-"
Your bottom lips wobbles and you move to slip off Leah's lap. "I'm sorry, mum. I won't have cuddles anymore if it makes you feel better. No more Bug Hugs. Promise!"
"No, Bug," Leah says firmly, pulling you closer into her body, arms curling around your body," I love Bug Hugs. I always want Bug Hugs from you."
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reminiscingtonight · 30 days
Georgia Stanway x Earps!Reader
Word count: 784
A/N: inspired by that video ofc
[WOSO Masterlist]
You’re hard at work when Alessia slides up next to you.
Usually you do a good job at separating your education and your football career, but a last minute assignment means you’re doing your best to craft a ten page research paper in whatever free time you can scrounge up at camp.
“Did you hear?”
Face buried in your laptop, you don’t even spare her a glance. “Hear about what?”
You’re so focused you almost miss her next words.
“Georgia’s trying to wrestle your sister!”
It’s almost comical how quick your fingers come to a stop.
You look over the screen, noting the half exasperated, half amused face on the striker.
“What do you mean Georgia’s trying to wrestle Mary?”
The last thing you expect is to push through a crowd when Alessia leads you to the gym. The girls are all gathered around, hooting and hollering. And at the center of it all is Mary and Georgia.
The two of them are circling each other, Georgia’s eyes drawn and focused while Mary’s got her signature smirk splattered all over her face.
You don’t even have a minute to register everything or react properly before Georgia’s suddenly charging forward with a short yell. A gasp leaves your lips at the effortless way Mary grabs at Georgia’s hips and flips her over on her back with a light thump.
Though usually stoic and the poster girl for doing everything by the book, Leah’s right there to quickly drop to the ground, exaggeratedly slapping her hand on the ground. “One, two, three! That’s another win for Mearps!”
Mary pops up with a holler, grinning like a maniac as Leah parades her around as the champion.
With a huff you finally push your way through the crowd straight to where your girlfriend is sitting up looking worse to wear.
“Are you crazy?” you hiss, helping her to her feet.
Georgia blushes when she realizes you caught the whole takedown.
“Look, we were just--”
“G, she could’ve killed you!”
Georgia frowns. “I know. But I was being careful. All I was trying to do was pin her down.”
You sigh. You love the whole bro-ship your girlfriend has going on with your sister, but sometimes it’s like you’re mothering two teenage boys with no sense of self-preservation. “Georgia, my sister has a black belt in judo. She’d choke you out before you could ever pin her down.”
“I know.”
She says it with so much conviction you falter for a second, lost for words.
“You... you know?”
Georgia, ever the charmer she is, puffs out her chest at her best attempt to look threatening. “Mary may be a black belt in judo, but I’m a black belt in taking down big headed keepers.”
You can almost sense Mary’s presence behind you before you can even hear her. An ironclad hand clamps down on your shoulder, breath so close to your ear that it tickles.
“I’d like to see you try, shortstack. All you’ve done so far is feed that massive head of mine.”
Georgia gasps in outrage, another sharp retort on her tongue when she catches the glare on your face. She shrinks, meekly scratching at the back of her head instead
Mary snickers, jerking back suddenly when you whip around to focus your glare on her.
“Mary Alexandra, you’re thirty-one. Act like it!”
Though she’s six years your senior, sometimes you feel more like the older one between you two. Especially in times like these when Mary gives you all the reasons to scold her like a misbehaving child.
“And you, Williamson! Don’t think I didn’t see you egging everyone on!”
Leah’s in the middle of trying to slip out with the dispersing crowd when your sharp words stop her in her tracks.
Your captain turns around, giving you a sheepish smile. “Eh, sorry?”
“You’re going to be,” you grumble, thinking of the paper that you’re no doubt losing motivation to write the longer you’re trying to wrangle everyone down.
It’s times like this that you wish you hadn’t accepted Sarina’s call-up to camp. It’s already hard enough to babysit your girlfriend and her friends whenever you meet up for a mini vacation throughout the football season and sometimes after, but having to do it at camp too is a bit exhausting. Usually Keira’s here to help too but--
You narrow your eyes at the three suspiciously angelic faces batting their eyelashes at you.
“Where’s Keira?”
When you slam open your shared hotel room door minutes later, Keira shrieks, nearly knocking over what looks suspiciously like a makeshift wrestling ring in the middle of the room.
Keira blinks, eyes wide. “Uh, this isn’t what it looks like.”
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inuyashaluver · 3 months
please write some more leah x reader being parents fics 😮‍💨
parents - leah williamson
leah williamson x reader
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description: in which you and your wife go through life with your two favourite little girls
warnings: fluffy cuteness
a/n: i was feeling mrs williamson, you get me? i hope you all enjoy lovelies, i love you all!!!!
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leah williamson knew from the moment she met you, there was no one else that would occupy her mind. that first time she laid her eyes on you, she knew that you were the one and it wasn’t even a question.
this girl was obsessed with you, and she knows that she always will be. she didn't think she could be more in love with you, not thinking it was possible.
but for the lack of better judgement, she was absolutely in love, and grows more in love each and everyday she’s with you.
and to leah’s surprise, that love grew tenfold when you gave her the greatest gift of all, two beautiful little girls.
you and leah originally met in the youth teams, both of you growing a fascination for each other from afar. you were from australia and her from england.
both of you happened to be captains for your respective teams and had a few, friendly interactions with one another, feeling the sparks fly from the moment your hands touched in a handshake.
yet, you both didn't do anything about it. instead, stolen glances and stalking on instagram seemed to be the backbone of both of your adolescent lives.
your relationship flourished when you joined arsenal in 2015, the two of you getting along like a house on fire, and in no time, it grew into a relationship and then into a marriage in 2019.
and later that year, you both decided to take the leap and have children. the second best decision the two of you have made other than getting married.
though the conversation came up early in the relationship, it was settled when leah found you sobbing on the couch one morning.
“baby?” leah called out gently, her hand patting your side of the bed, immediately disappointed you weren't in your spot. it was until she heard distant sniffles in your shared apartment that she went into crisis mode.
that's when she found you, sat on the couch completely bundled up in thick, fluffy blankets. you were crying, hard on the couch, eyes and nose red looking absolutely shattered.
“hey,” leah says softly, kneeling in front of you immediately, looking right up into your eyes as she took your hands in hers.
“love, what's the matter?” she frowns, scanning your tear stained face, you sniffle, taking in sharp inhales as you look at your concerned wife.
“i had a dream” you choke out, gripping onto her hands tightly as you recall your dream. leah’s frown grows, “a nightmare, love?” she questions, waiting patiently for you to catch your breath, you shake your head and leah’s eyebrow quirks.
“it was a good dream” you cry, leah stares at you for a moment, “baby, i’m a little confused here, you're sitting here crying before training over a good dream?” she clarifies, watching you nod along with her words.
“what was the dream about, love?” leah sighs, you wriggle in your spot, leah takes it as a sign to sit on the couch, pulling you to rest up on her lap, her hand seeking refuge on your thigh and your back, rubbing back and forth over the skin with her thumb.
“in my dream,” you say nervously, leah noticed you looked a little flushed, she nodded at you in encouragement.
“i had a dream where i was pregnant, and we had another little child as well, and you were kissing my belly while the little girl was on you, we were all laughing and it was sunny and warm” you smile, tears still glistening in your eyes.
“and you were so happy, and i was so happy, i just wish it was real, it was a lovely dream” you breathe out, leah stares at you in fascination, her smile unmistakable as she looked at you.
“lovey, you had a dream where we had kids?” leah chuckles, you nod looking embarrassed, “baby girl, i can give that to you” she assures, watching you turn bright pink under her gaze.
her smile immediately grows to a smirk. she presses gentle kisses along the underside of your jaw all the way up to the shell of your ear.
“let’s make your dream come true” she whispers, gently biting the lobe of your ear, you shiver as the words spread throughout your body. and that’s how you were both late to training. and long story short, your little girls came a lot quicker than expected.
your two children were exact clones of you and leah, it was uncanny how similar all of you were. your first daughter, ella, now 3 years old while your second daughter, lila, now 2.
the two little girls were inseparable and by the heavy influence of their mums (leah), they're absolutely obsessed with football, an absolute bonus that their mums were some of the best footballers in the world.
“mumma! mumma!” ella screams, little lila trailing along behind her, parroting her big sister’s words, “mumma! mumma!” lila giggles, both of the little girls sprinting towards your’s and leah’s bedroom.
the cute thing about your daughters is that they had a perfect mix between yours and leah’s accent, sometimes sounding more australian and sometimes sounding more english. you and leah loved it and everyone found it so fucking cute, how could you not?
leah grumbled, burying her face into the crook of your neck in an attempt to shut out the screeches coming from your girls.
“what could they want now?” leah groans, her lips brushing your neck, you card your hand through the top of the blonde’s hair, chuckling as the slightly older girl hid from her daughters. 
in leah’s defence, she just wasn’t really a morning person, especially on a rare weekday off, she loved her girls more than anything but she also really loved a lie in.
“mumma, mumma” you whisper in leah’s ear, making her squirm on top of you as you both giggled quietly before the storm that was your daughter’s came in.
ella makes it in first and effectively jumped on top of both of you, lila in the corner still struggling slightly to make it on the bed but getting there in the end and settling on your lap.
“good morning” lila chatters, making you and leah chuckle, leah flipping around to rest her back on the headboard to match your position.
“good morning bubbas, what did you need?” leah says cheerfully, contrasting her groans from two minutes ago.
“mumma, i have a question” ella says determinedly, leah’s eyebrows raise in surprise, all this fuss for a simple question, “okay, lovey” leah smiles.
lila on the other hand was not interested in her older sister’s questions, and so she cuddled up to you instead, resting her cheek on your chest as you both watched ella work up the courage to ask her question.
“mumma, do you have a crush on mummy?” ella says cheekily, you immediately snicker under your breath, she’s definitely learned this from preschool.
leah can't help but giggle as well, “do i have a crush on mummy?” leah clarifies, looking over at you with bright eyes and a cheeky smile before settling back on your oldest daughter.
“i have a big crush on mummy” she emphasises, watching ella’s face completely light up, not knowing she looked exactly the same, ella giggles, ultimately making you all giggle together, even little lila who was disinterested up until now.
leah leans down, whispering something in ella’s ear that you couldn't make out, until ella gives you a cheeky smile like she did to leah just before.
“mummy, do you have a crush on mumma?’ she snickers, you laugh immediately, trust leah to want confirmation from a child. “yeah mummy” leah smirks, sending you a sly wink, “yeah mummy” lila parrots, resting her chin on your chest and looking up at you in fascination.
you chuckle, pinching her cheek gently, “yes, i have a crush on mumma” you roll your eyes affectionately, ella now standing up in the bed and jumping up in down in the bed to show her excitement. 
lila scrambles from your lap, ella holding the little girl’s hand to help her up before they both jump up and down.
“kiss! kiss! kiss!” they chant, you can't stop giggling at your daughters, they are so much like you and leah.
leah wastes no time, smirking before her hand landed on the back of your head gently, pulling you in closer, you breathe out a laugh against her lips, “you heard them” she mutters, kissing you sweetly, keeping it extremely tame for the young girls.
the bright laughter from the two girls made you and leah laugh as well, you both found it endearing that they loved to see you both loved up.
you got up first the next day, both you and leah had a game today for arsenal, it was adorable how much your family bled arsenal through and through, much to the influence of your wife but who was anyone to complain?
“my babies, do you want chocolate chip pancakes or blueberry?” you ask the two girls, walking into the living room where they were both playing together and watching cartoons.
ella thought seriously for a moment, she was a little fussy like her mother but you didn't mind. if there was one thing that leah loved about you, it was your incredible patience. 
ella looked a little frustrated, looking between you and her sister, finding this a hard decision, oh if the big decisions in life were only this simple. “how about i make both?” you smile at them, ella nods enthusiastically, thanking you profusely as you giggled at her.
you get started on breakfast, knowing leah would be up soon, the game was in the afternoon so there wasn't too much of a rush. you make them into love heart shapes because you're not an animal.
you were in your own little world until you felt two familiar arms wrapping around your middle, “hi, gorgeous” leah mutters into your shoulder, gently swaying you side to side, “good morning, baby” you smile, leaning back into leah and relishing the contact. 
“look at you, baby, your little hearts are so cute” she says affectionately, kissing your cheek repeatedly, “do you like them?” you grin, looking up at leah sheepishly once you see her lovestruck eyes.
“i like this one a little more” she places her hand gently over your heart, leaning down to kiss your lips sweetly, “but these are a close second” she says cheekily against your lips before pressing her to yours again tenderly, giving your behind a quick smack before getting the girls to come to the table for breakfast. 
you all ate together before you all started to get ready for the game, helping both of your girls into their jerseys that said “mummies” on the back, something they both wore with pride.
once you all got to the emirates stadium, the two girls with much popularity amongst the team arrived with all of you. you had lila perched on your hip while ella was carried on leah’s back, yours and leah’s hand linked together as you walked through the hallways up to the change rooms.
up until warm ups, the girls would usually stay beside you until your families got there, then they would be passed off to watch the game from the stands, one of their favourite activities.
they loved watching you and leah do anything but there was just something so special about them watching you play football together.
the game was successful with a 2-1 win, one of the goals from you with an assist from leah, you swore you heard your little girls cheering from the other side of the pitch.
you and leah, after exchanging handshakes and hugs with the teams, you both sprint towards the friends and family section, extending both of your arms out to them. 
“mummy! you got a goal!” ella exclaims, hugging you tightly as you lifted her over the barrier, “just for my girls” you grin, nuzzling your nose against hers, making her giggle.
leah holding lila smiles at the both of you, peppering the little girl’s face with kisses, making her giggle as well, you all chatter amongst each other before you took them around to take photos and autographs with everyone.
almost every game, hundreds of people always had gifts for ella and lila, clearly loving to spoil them as much as leah did, and you as well but leah always went over the top, she's a williamson after all.
“look, baby, do you see the sign with our names on it? we’re going to sign it” you tell ella, the girl squealing excitedly as you ran over to the fans. you talk with the fans with leah, signing shirts and signs and posing for photos.
“mummy, can i sign it?” ella whispers in your ear, you chuckle with a nod, helping the girl sign her name while leah helped with lila, “you're naturals, lovies!” leah says proudly, pulling you closer with a hand on your hip to walk basically on top of her.
both of the girls are placed down on the pitch and immediately ran over to the middle of the pitch where a ball was being passed between beth and steph.
“auntie bethy!” ella cheers, lila following behind screaming a little “auntie stephy!” your teammates brighten immediately, “my favourite versions of (y/n) and leah!” beth teases, laughing as leah flips her off subtly from way back. the older girls pass the ball to the little girls and laughing while playing along to them.
“they're so cute” you coo, “who, beth and steph?” leah jokes, making both of you giggle, “yes, and our children” you laugh, leah pulling you into a tight hug, “they're very cute, and so are you” leah smiles, kissing your nose affectionately.
“so are you” you smile, kissing leah softly before resting your cheek on leah’s chest, both of you watching your little girls with a proud smile.
you and leah enjoy the intimate moment before the girls run up and hug both of your legs, making you and leah lay on the floor as they flop down on top of you.
“mummy, our girls are so strong!” leah fake groans, you nod in a agreement, “so strong, mumma!” you breathe out tiredly to keep up the act, ella and lila smile proudly, all four of you giggling in the middle of the pitch before it was time to go home.
⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆
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liked by stephcatley and 44,232 others
leahwilliamsonn: my three favourite girls in the whole world
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yourname: guys, leah cried over this photo after she took it
↳ leahwilliamsonn: you promised you wouldn’t say that!
↳ yourname: baby! i can’t help it, it was so cute!
bethmead_: how you produced two absolutely perfect children is beyond me
↳ leahwilliamsonn: so rude bethany
↳ yourname: they are perfect aren’t they
arsenalwfc: also our three favourite girls
↳ leahwilliamsonn: i am literally right here
↳ yourname: oops
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enwoso · 4 months
Could you do a leah x child!reader?
ADORE YOU — leah williamson x child!reader
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your mummy for the past five months has had a big ouchie on her knee, meaning she had to have a big operation on her knee and has a big white bandage on it for months.
that had meant she couldn't do most of the things she did before her big ouchie. like she couldn't carry you for long periods of time, she couldn't sit down and play with your toys with you without putting her knee up on a bunch of pillows, she couldn't race you up the stairs when it was bath time or bed time and ultimately she couldn't do the one thing you both adored and that was play kick about.
you could still play but it wasn't the same when your mummy was watching from the side, clapping and shouting your praises and you could still watch it with her but it was never the same as actually playing football with your mummy.
the person you adored, and she adored you just a much if not more. it saddened leah when she did go down with her injury, thinking how she was going to come back from this but also how she was going to still be able to be the best possible mum to you.
your sad little smile of understanding replayed in leah’s mind daily — from the day when she told you it would be awhile before she was back playing football. you while clearly upset putting on a brave smile as you vowed to your mummy that you would help in any way you could to help make her big ouchie knee better.
and while there were things that had to be adjusted, like your small games of races up the stairs, or how she read your bedtime story. leah found herself missing the little bond you had both created over football.
it was obvious since the first day that you were going to be a football fan and an every bigger arsenal fan just like your mum, and from the day you first were pulling yourself up on the furniture leah had a ball at your feet.
teaching you everything you knew to this day, while she would love you to be a little footballer like her she also had to remind herself sometimes with the help of her own mum that one day you may not want to do football always letting you try others sports like gymnastics and swimming.
however nothing came close to playing in your back garden, your arsenal jersey with your name on the back, and your boots on passing the ball to your mum while throwing a few tricks in there.
both leah and you were longing for the day that you could play kick about with your mum again, and to you waiting had felt like a few years already.
however the day was closer than you thought.
"hi bug! did you have fun at nursery?" your mum asked as you ran in her arms a huge grin on her face, your backpack swinging from side to side as you held a piece of paper in your hand which was blowing in the wind.
"yes! i drew dis for you!" you smiled, holding up the picture to your mum as she took it off you admiring you little art work as you walked out of the school gates and following your mummy to wherever she had parked her car.
looking at the photo which she guessed was you and her the background coloured green and a football. some of the lines squiggly as you tried to stay within the lines. your name written at the top neatly most likely by one of the staff members in black marker.
"oh this is beautiful bug, i'll put it onto the fridge when we get home yeah?" leah smiled as you nodded waiting for your mum to open the car. her taking your backpack from you and placing it on the backseat before lifting you into your car seat.
"arms up!" your mum sung out as she leaned over to buckle you in, a small giggle coming from you as your mum kissed your temple. leah shutting your door before getting into the drivers seat, and beginning to drive.
you watching out the window at the surrounding, as you chatted away to your mummy about your day. from what you did the moment that leah had dropped you off this morning to moment that you were putting your coat on to leave.
the drive coming to a stop as you looked our the window, the surroundings very familiar as a puzzled look drew across your face. wondering why you were hear as you never came here after nursery.
"why we here?" you asked innocently, the arsenal training ground building standing tall as you looked at it out of your window. a place which you knew so familiarly.
"just got a couple of jobs to do bug, we'll not be here long" your mum smiled, as she got out of the drivers seat to get you. opening your door, your seatbelt was unbuckled as you jumped the small step from the car to the gravelled ground.
"is the girls here?" you asked finding your mums hand her car keys jingling in the other as you walked through the entrance.
“they should be”
walking in and hearing the familiar buzz of laughter and chat filling the hallway many staff members walking up and down, as well as few of your mummy’s teammates present as the two of you got closer to them.
“oh and we have ourselves williamson squared this afternoon!” beth joked as you giggled and leah rolled her eyes at her comment, as you waved at viv and lia who were a sat down a bit further away from where beth was.
“hi beffy” you grinned as the english girl bent down to hug you.
“how is my favourite little williamson?” beth beamed, making sure to exaggerate the favourite part, leah ignoring beth’s attempt to wind her up instead greeting viv and lia.
“good!” you smiled as beth began to ask you about your day at nursery, you telling her ind depth what you did, you little arms flying around as your told her. the english forward bringing you to the table where lia and viv were sat.
your mummy had been sat getting last minute treatment on her knee before the game at the weekend, talking over with physios about if she was able to play and if so how long she could play for.
you had sat content, you had your colouring book and pens which leah kept in her cubby for when she needed them to keep you entertained and when you weren’t colouring you sat cuddling or playing with winnie, beth coming to join in when she had a free couple of minutes.
“c’mon bug!” your mummy called out as she waited holding the door open which lead to the indoor astro, saying a quick bye to winnie, you left her with her toys as you ran towards where you mum was stood waiting.
going under her arm which was holding the door open with and into the indoor astro. “can you go and get me the football that’s over there?” she asked as you nodded rubbing over to fetch the ball as leah placed her keys and phone down at the side.
you running back towards the blonde with the ball at your feet, stopping just a few inches away from your mum. not really knowing what to do next or why you were even on the astro in the first place.
“pass it to me, please” leah smiled as you bent down to pick it up and pass it to her, “no bug, kick it to me”
you shot back up standing straight again, confusion taking over your small facial features, “but- but what about your knee-“ you stuttered a little, a bigger grin appearing on your mums face, your confused frown only deepening.
“it’s okay bug, just go easy on me, yeah?” your mum asked, your face lighting up as you nodded kicking the ball towards her. leah taking a touch or two before passing it back to you.
the process carrying on as you both moved around the astro, playing how you always would before your mummy got an ouchie on her knee. a grin never leaving your face as you played kick about with her. it warming leah’s heart watching your little smile grow with each touch of the ball back to her.
you were both back doing the one thing you adored. with the person you adored with your whole heart.
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a-lexia11 · 2 months
My little family
Leah Williamson x reader
Warning: none,cuteness overload
Summary:Leah meets your son,Noah,for the first time.
Part 2
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Today Leah will be meeting my 3 years old son Noah and to say I was nervous was an understatement.Leah and I have been together for about 7 months now and last week we decided to take the next step which is for her to meet my son.
1 week ago…
Leah and I were having a movie night at her house. My mom was babysitting my son tonight, so I took this opportunity to spend some time with her.
We were sitting on the couch she had her arm wrapped around my shoulders,my head on her chest and my arms around her waist , we were watching “ Lost in Translation ” but I was barely paying attention to the movie… I've been contemplating the idea of asking Leah to meet my son, but I'm a little anxious about it, she knows that I have a child but I don’t know if it’s too soon for her to meet him.
Leah’s arms falls off my shoulders as I sit up , take the TV remote and pause the movie.Leah sits up as well and looks at me quizzically“what’s wrong” she asks, I look at her “I need to ask you something” I answer,she looks at me expectingly “go on then,I’m listening” taking my hand in hers and rubbing her thumb on my knuckles.
I take a deep breath and look anywhere but her eyes “Okay, so you know we've been dating for seven months now. Like I've met your family and you met my parents, we met each other's friends…” I pause and look at her , she nods her head and squeeze my hand “yeah, carry on darling ” she says with that thick accent of hers “… so would you like to ..maybe…you know..meet my son” for a moment she doesn’t say anything and just stares at me.
I take that as a bad sign and immediately regrets asking her “ you know what, forget about it,I’m sorry I don’t know what- ” I’m interrupt by soft lips on mine and soft,large hands cupping my cheeks.”I would love to meet your son my love” she says once she pulled away.
So here we are a week later,Leah should be here in about 10 minutes now.Noah is currently on the floor in the living room playing with his toys while I’m in the kitchen preparing dinner.
“Noah!” I called out for him “Come here,baby” I hear the pitter patter of tiny feet running to me.”Mummy called? I here ” Noah said looking up at me innocently with his big green eyes and his pacifier in his mouth.
I pick him up and place him on the kitchen counter,kissing his chubby cheek in the process eleciting a tiny giggle from him.
“Mummy needs to talk to you about something very important, okay?” Noah nods his head in understanding so I continue “a very special friend of mummy is coming over to have dinner with us tonight”, “who?” he asks playing with my fingers. “Her name is Leah and she is very special to mommy, so she is going to spend a lot of time with us,is it ok with you?”
Noah shrugs his shoulders and asks “She nice?” I answers “she is the nicest person you will ever met!” his eyes lit up “she nicer than YOU?!” I laughed at the question “even nicer than me baby” he looks content with this answer and just nods his head smiling at me “ok, if nice Leah can ‘tay with us”.
A while later, I hear the doorbell rings so I go up to open the door and Leah is standing here with a bouquet of roses in her hand and a dinosaurs plushie in the other “Hello there darling” she smiles cheekily at me, I smile back at her “Hi,baby” and greet her with a soft kiss on the lips.
She hands me the bouquet of flowers “ the prettiest of flowers for the prettiest girl”she says cheekily at me and I laugh at her.
I let her in the house, I make my way to the kitchen to place the bouquet in a vase of water. “Noah, Leah is here come say hello please.”
Noah approaches and hides behind my leg “Hey there mate”Leah greets him bending down to be at eye level with him,Noah looks up at me and I nod at him encouraging him to talk to Leah.
“Hi” Noah says in a small voice his hands clutching my pants, I place a hand atop of his head, caressing his soft locks to reassure him.
His eyes drops on the plushie in Leah’s hand, she notices and says “Your mummy told me that you love dinosaurs” she hands it to him.Noah looks at Leah and asks “for me?” pointing a finger at his chest, she lets out a laugh“yes for you buddy” she answers, Noah smiles and takes the plushie from her “fank you Leah” he tells her,wrapping his tiny arms around her neck,she wraps her arms around his tiny body one hand rubbing his back and the other one holding the back of his head.
I can’t help but smiles at the sight in front of me, once Noah pulls away he turns around towards me “look mummy! Leah give a dino ! RAWWRRR” he says imitating one as Leah and I laugh at his antics.
After the introduction, Leah joined Noah on the floor of the living room playing cars and dinosaurs with him as I finished dinner.
I soon feel familiar arms wrapping around my waist from behind and soft kisses being placed on the back of my neck.
I leaned back into Leah’s front placing my head on her shoulder and looking up at her since she’s taller than me.”Hi” I greet her once again “hello” she greets back,placing a long soft kiss on my lips “I just came over to see what’s on the menu tonight” she says placing little pecks on my lips “Don’t worry baby I made sure to make the dinner as bland and flavorless as possible just for you” she sways us side to side and hums “you know the way to my heart…”she says placing another kiss on my lips.
“A re you guys having fun?” I ask her, she tightens her arms around me and kiss my temple resting her cheek there “so much,he is such a cute and sweet little boy”she answers “No offense but I think I like him more than you” she continues “oh do you now?” I laugh “yes, he is such a cutie and HE does not make fun of my accent,the way that I sometimes dress or my eating habits..”she says tickling my sides,I squirm in her hold and laugh at her.
She places one final kiss on my lips and let me go but not before slapping my but,I turned around and pointed a fork at her “watch it!” I warn her she just smirk and looks me up and down,checking me out and winking before making her way back to Noah.
“Leah,Noah dinner is ready” I call for my two loves. Leah picks up Noah and place him on his chair giving him a little kiss on the forehead.
“Mmmmhh I love gnocchi!!” Leah exclaims “Me too!” Noah cheers and they both dig in.
After dinner,Leah clears the table and did the dishes while I bath Noah.
After that, Noah decided that we should all watch “Paw Patrol” so here we are, Leah and I are on the sofa cuddling while Noah is sitting at our feet on the floor. About 20 minutes later,I noticed that he start to fall asleep on the floor so I pick him up,he looks at the floor “Dino?”he asks,Leah pick it up and hand it to him ”Fank you” and reaches his small arms for Leah.She took him in her arms and he snuggles up to her chest one of his tiny hands reaching out to hold Leah’s necklace.
I look at Leah and tell her “He definitely likes you” she looks down at Noah who is already fast asleep “That’s good because I like him too” and kiss his little forehead.She looks back up at me “and I love you so much” she says looking me in the eyes and leaning forward to kiss me. “I love you too” I tell her once I pull away and snuggles into her sides as I feel her arms wrapping around my shoulders.
As I’m about to fall asleep I feel her kissing my forehead lightly and whispers “my little family”.
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etherealstar-writes · 3 months
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pairings: woso x reader
summary: in which you're accidentally added to a random group chat, not knowing they're all actually famous footballers, and obliviously end up having many of them competing for your love and attention.
part: seventeen
part one here
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
lotte has anyone checked on y/n lately?
lessi no why? what's up
lotte i feel like she's been trying to ignore us and the groupchat is quite dead that itself should be ringing some bells
niamh last time i saw her was when we went to nandos together a week ago but i could tell she was feeling a bit down, and these past few days she keeps saying she's busy or tired whenever i try to make plans with her
charli same here
leah wait you guys went to nandos again?!
steph that's what's concerning you the most rn omg? nandos? and not my child?
kyra i think we should revoke leah's privileges to be in this chat tbh raise your hand if you agree ✋
niamh ✋
lotte ✋
lessi ✋
charli ✋
katie ✋
steph ✋
georgia ✋
ona ✋
ella ✋
viv ✋
kyra see that just shows how uninvested leah is in this gc she isn't worthy to be part of the y/n protection squad
leah kyra istg you're gonna catch these hands the next time i see you
steph oi you won't lay a hand on my children not on my watch, williamson
kyra thank you mum 🥰
the REAL karate kid guys have we noticed that y/n's disabled comments on all her posts lately?
viv the fans and media can be quite toxic i won't be surprised if they caught up to her
niamh sent a few screenshots
kyra oh.
lotte no wonder she's been trying to avoid us she's most definitely seen all those tweets
katie i'm gonna fight em 😈
kyra i'm joining you 😈
niamh count me in 😈
georgia me too 😈
lotte guess i'll see you all on the battlefield
steph the battlefied it is
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
brightness why are we at war in twitter rn
sam the skippa HELP this is so entertaining
rusty metal @ the imposter aka y/n ❤️
meado y/n you need to see this
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ what is happening
mccard y/n protection army reporting for duty
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rusty metal i need more popcorn for this
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ stop you guys tysm i'm crying
the REAL karate kid you see those are the more .... civilised ones and then there's kyra's ones
pest don't be shy show em 😈
the REAL karate kid
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willybum KYRA 😭😭
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ thank you kyra 😈
pest you're very welcome y/n 😈
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the imposter aka y/n ❤️ PLS IM SO PROUD OF YOU ILYSM HAHAHA
pest our teachings have paid off
ona they sure have pookie 😈
rusty metal STOP 😭😭 you two are banned from teaching her slang
pest it's not our fault you're a grandma
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ okay but genuinely thank you so much everyone you guys really didn't have to back me up there but it truly means a lot to have your support i love you all so much 🥺😭❤️🙏
pest we love ya too y/n ❤️
mccard ❤️
stephy ❤️
neev ❤️
cha cha ❤️
elton ❤️
meado ❤️
viv ❤️
ona ❤️
rusty metal ❤️
the REAL karate kid ❤️
stairway ❤️
willybum ❤️
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
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onsomenewsht · 3 months
from the vault:
she's unpredictable, unforgettable
》 Beautiful Crazy, Luke Combs
》 Leah Williamson x Reader
》 wear one's heart on one's sleeve [idiom]: to show one's emotions very openly
“My love, just one more”
“Don’t my love me, Williamson!”
“Use my full name if you want to make it believable”, she smirks as she comes closer to you.
After years together, the blonde footballer still manages to amaze you with that effortless charming attitude.
Whipped around her finger, that’s who you are.
“I’m still on time to call the wedding off”
“Jokes on you, we already signed the papers”
The work you’re trying to finish is forgotten on the kitchen island as soon as she slots herself between your legs, hands on your thighs too strategically placed to be casual.
Leah closes the distance, kissing first your forehead to then carefully graze her favourite features of your face – the tip of your nose, your cheeks, even the hidden space behind your ears.
When she finds your lips, the kiss is soft and tastes a lot like the comfort of home.
“Nice try, we’re still not adding another one”, you whisper with your eyes still closed.
“Oh, come on!”
“You’re turning it into a country concert”
“And how could that possibly be a bad thing?”, she genuinely asks, folding her arms in the stubborn way you learned to love.
A child-like behaviour that, despite her frown, always gets a loud laugh out of you. One more proof you actually just married a tall, blonde, stubborn toddler.
You prompt her to sit on the kitchen island top, holding her waist in your hands - work long forgotten.
“I want to renegotiate”
“Let me hear your terms”
You realised pretty soon in your relationship with the English skipper that the best way to deal with her in a mood to get what she wants is letting her think she can have her way.
The fact that you usually end up giving her anything she wants regardless is a completely different story.
“You let me add one more country song on the reception’s playlist and I’ll take that cooking course with you”
“You promised that three one-more-songs ago”
Leah’s frown grows in contemplation. You can’t tell if she forgot or she just hoped you did. Either way, she needs to find something else to bribe you with.
“I’ll dedicate my next goal to you”
“You’re a defender”, giggles escape you as a finger traces the deep line between her eyebrows, “and you already do”
“Ohi, I will stop buying those big boy shorts you hate”
“You promised that on our first anniversary and I can’t even remember how many times you broke that promise at this point!”
“I never promised that, I said I would try for you”
Another country song is not gonna ruin the party you two are planning to celebrate your marriage, you know that. But the curiosity to see how much she’s willing to put on the line to win this little game of yours is just too much fun.
“You could let me add it just ‘cause you love me”
“Already done that one Taylor’s Version ago”
“My love, please!”
The athlete’s blonde head drops dramatically on your shoulder, her arms enveloping you and holding you firmly. The calm lasts a second, though. Your hands barely reach the back of her neck when she sprints away with a new determination on her face.
“Just listen to it, you will like this one”
Laughs fill your home as she runs to find her phone, almost tripping on her own feet, to come back in the kitchen with a cocky smile and two country hats.
“Don’t even try–”
The acoustic version of a familiar song resonates in the room. Leah carefully places one hat on your head before finding the right key to join the singer in an quite impressive duet.
And here you were, thinking you couldn’t fall in love with her more.
When she offers you her hand, lovingly guiding the two of you in a slow dance in the middle of your kitchen, you’re sure she is more than the love of your life.
The song stops, and you don’t even realise. Her lips and hands fade the world around.
“Just one more”
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mysunshinetemptress · 4 months
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Nepo Baby
Leah Williamson x Beckham!Reader
Warning: I hate this sorry love the request but hate this
The locker room buzzed with nervous energy. England was facing Ireland, An important match in the intense group all looking to qualify for the Euros next year, and the tension was thicker than hairspray. But for Leah Williamson, captain and undisputed leader, there was an extra edge, it was her first game back for England since her ACL injury last year and although she was excited to finally be leading England back out she knew it wasn't what anyone would be talking about, not even her best friends had acknowledged the importance of today for her, all to caught up in the fan fair of a new England debut that was Y/n Beckham.
You were David and Victoria Beckham's third child, twin sister to Romeo and from the moment your name had been announced to the squad list the media had blown up, but Leah had been a sceptic. The media fawned over you, the "Beckham heir," a title that felt more like a burden than a birthright. Leah had clawed her way to the top, her talent undeniable. You, she suspected, had a silver spoon where your foot should be.
England's first training session confirmed Leah's suspicions. Your skills were undeniable – your crosses were pinpoint, your dribbling silky smooth. But there was a certain arrogance in your gaze, a sense of entitlement that grated on Leah. During a passing drill, You intercepted a ball intended for Leah, a mischievous glint in your eyes.
"Easy there, Williamson," You smirked, sending the ball sailing over Leah's head. "Maybe next time, try calling for it a bit louder."
Leah bristled. "Don't patronise me, Beckham," she growled. "This isn't your playground."
You began to regret your earlier arrogance as Leah began to nitpick her way through your play, through the rest of the training sessions at St Georges Leah found something to fault you on and you began to think back to all your past coaches who had put you on a pedestal only wanting to watch you fall. All training sessions continued like this and you hoped that she might let up but Leah seemed set in her ways.
Leah sighed walking into the conference room her first one back for England, her first one back as captain, she smiled letting out a soft hello before taking her seat beside Sarina.
Leah puffed out her cheeks as another reporter asked about you, She looked up as yet another report mentioned you and your father's talent. "Her dad worked hard to gain the career he had, Y/n has waltzed into her contracts thanks to his hard work, no other reason, she's an arrogant Nepo baby on a team of hard workers, now can we please move off this topic and actually talk about the upcoming games." The room fell into an awkward silence at the normally calm captains outburst.
The silence stretched, punctuated only by the nervous coughs of a few reporters. Sarina Wiegman, the England manager, cleared her throat, her eyes flitting between Leah and the press. "Leah makes a valid point," she finally chimed in, her voice calm but firm. "We're here to discuss the upcoming matches, and the entire squad deserves your attention. Y/n has earned her place here based on her talent, and we're all focused on bringing home a win."
Leah felt a sliver of guilt at the manager's words. She knew Sarina was right, the media frenzy surrounding Y/n wasn't fair to anyone, and her outburst was unprofessional. But the constant comparisons, the whispers of nepotism, they were a persistent itch under her skin. That guilty feeling however was made ten times worse when she caught your eye at the back of the conference room before you ducked your head and began to walk out.
You had avoided Leah for the rest of your time at St Georges as well as the short travelling day over to Dublin, and now you sat at your cubby head down staring at the ground the weight of the surname on your back, the weight of your very famous family sitting in the stands travelling to see your debut for England. You couldn't let them down, you couldn't let him down.
The anger towards you and your nepotism crept back into Leah as she listened to Kiera and Georgia harp on about you and your famous family completely forgetting that this was also an important moment for her, this was her first time back in the England squad in a year, her first time starting, her first time back as captain.
Lining up Leah grabbed your arm before you could walk out "You aren't talented, you're a kid using your father's hard work, you never had to fight for your spot it was given to you on a silver platter thanks to the name on your back." Leah spat the last part back at you and suddenly you couldn't move, Leah hit your shoulder before heading to the tunnel, but still you couldn't move, she was right after all.
Shame burned in your throat, acrid and bitter. Leah's words echoed in the empty hallway, bouncing off the lockers and amplifying the hollowness you felt inside. Tears pricked at your eyes, blurring the already dim lighting. You weren't a child, not anymore. But in that moment, Leah's words had stripped you bare, leaving you feeling exposed and vulnerable.
A shaky breath escaped your lips. You weren't a Beckham just because of your name. You'd trained relentlessly since you could walk, mimicking your dad's moves in the living room, begging him for extra sessions after school. You had the talent, you knew you did. But proving it to someone as entrenched as Leah felt impossible.
Suddenly, the weight of expectation on your young shoulders felt insurmountable. The image of your family in the stands, their hopeful faces etched in your mind, only amplified the pressure. You couldn't let them down, couldn't let your dad down after years of his unwavering support. A surge of defiance replaced the self-doubt. No, you wouldn't let Leah break you.
Suddenly, a hand touched your shoulder. You flinched, expecting another barb, but it was Lucy, her face etched with concern. "Y/n, are you alright?" she asked gently.
You shook your head, voice cracking. "I...she thinks..." you choked on the words.
Lucy understood. She'd been there, the pressure of a debut, the weight of expectations. "Listen," she said firmly, her voice laced with veteran experience, "Leah's hurting. She wants to prove herself again, and right now, she's lashing out."
"But it's true," you whispered, tears finally spilling over. "I haven't had to fight for anything."
Lucy wrapped an arm around you, pulling you into a hug. "Maybe not," she conceded, "but that doesn't mean you don't have talent. We wouldn't be here if you weren't good. Use this, Y/n. Prove them all wrong, yourself included."
Her words sparked a flicker of defiance in your chest. You weren't here just because of your name. You loved football, you'd trained relentlessly, pushing yourself as hard as anyone. Maybe you hadn't clawed your way up from the bottom, but that didn't mean you didn't belong.
Wiping your tears, you straightened your back, a newfound resolve hardening your gaze. "Thanks, Lucy," you said, your voice firm. 
The roar of the Dublin crowd washed over you as you stepped onto the pitch. You glanced at Leah across the line, her jaw clenched, eyes hard with determination. It wasn't a friendly look, but it wasn't a dismissive one either.
Every touch, every pass, fueled by the need to silence the doubts, both internal and external. You played with a tenacity that surprised even yourself, weaving through defenders, your crosses finding their targets with pinpoint accuracy.
Then, in the second half, a chance. You intercepted a pass deep in your own half, broke free, and sprinted down the wing. The Irish defense converged, but you remembered Leah's words from training, the ones buried under the avalanche of criticism. You feinted left, then right, sending two defenders sprawling.
With only the Courtney Brosnan to beat, you took a deep breath, you curled the ball towards the far post. It dipped just out of reach of the goalkeeper's fingertips, nestled perfectly into the net.
The stadium erupted. Your teammates swarmed you, a joyous tangle of limbs. Even Leah offered a hesitant smile, a flicker of pride in her eyes.
The final whistle blew, and England was victorious. As you celebrated with your teammates, a hand landed on your shoulder. You looked up to see Leah, a genuine smile on her face.
"Good goal," she said, her voice the softest you've heard.
"Thank you." you smiled back before clearing your throat, your eyes pricking with tears before let out a surprised gasp at Leah pulling you into her chest.
The unexpected warmth of Leah's embrace sent a jolt through you. It was the first genuine human contact you'd had from her all camp, and for some reason, it felt like a dam breaking.
"I just want to prove myself," you mumbled against her shoulder, your voice thick with emotion. "Everyone expects me to be this prodigy, just because of my name. But I don't want to be David Beckham's daughter, I want to be Y/n Beckham, the footballer."
Leah pulled back to meet your gaze, her voice softer than you expected. "There's nothing wrong with wanting to prove yourself. I was out of line. The whole 'nepo baby' thing...it was unprofessional and unfair. You deserve to be here, Y/n. Your talent speaks for itself."
That night, under the soft glow of the locker room lights, a tentative friendship blossomed. It was a friendship forged in shared passion, mutual respect, and the unspoken understanding of the immense pressure that came with wearing the England shirt.pen_spark
You wouldn't see Leah again until England's camp in preparation for the doubleheader against France and this time the training sessions became a battleground, not of barbs and put-downs, but of fierce competition, each of you pushing the other to be better. You learned to anticipate Leah's sharp passes, and her instinctive runs, and she, in turn, began to appreciate the subtle artistry in your footwork, the way you could unlock a defence with a single, deft touch.
Late nights turned into conversations in the locker room, sharing stories, dreams, and the anxieties that came with leading a team like England. You confided in Leah about the suffocating weight of expectation, the fear of never living up to your father's legacy. She, in turn, opened up about the loneliness of being the captain, the constant scrutiny, the burden of always having to be strong.
The evening before the team were set to travel to Newcastle, after a particularly gruelling training session, you found yourself lingering in the empty team room. Leah was still there, sat on the couch scrolling in the corner. You hesitated, then walked over.
"Fancy a game of Ping Pong." You rubbed your neck nervously as Leah met your eyes before smiling "Yeah sure." You both spent the night laughing over your terrible ping-pong skills before quietly wishing each other good night.
As weeks turned into months, your friendship deepened, blossoming into something more. Stolen glances across the training field, lingering touches during celebrations, late-night texts filled with silly jokes and words left unsaid. It was a slow burn, a gradual realization that the person you once considered your rival had become someone you craved, not just on the pitch, but off it as well.
The turning point came during the final Euro qualifier match against Swede. The pressure was immense, and the score tied with only minutes remaining. You received the ball deep in your own half, the Swedish defence swarming around you. You saw a gap, a flicker of movement, and instinctively passed the ball.
Leah, anticipating the play, met the ball perfectly, unleashing a powerful shot that rocketed into the net. The stadium erupted, your teammates mobbing you both in a joyous frenzy. In that shared moment of triumph, your eyes met, and a silent confession hung heavy in the air.
Later that night, back at the team hotel, you found Leah pacing the balcony overlooking the city lights. The nervous tension that had been simmering for weeks finally broke.
"Leah," you started, your voice barely above a whisper "Are you ok." Leah walked straight for you before gently grabbing your face before you placed a hand on her chest stopping her advances. "This...us...it's not fair to the team, is it?"
She didn't move, her eyes searching yours. "Maybe not," she admitted, a small smile playing on her lips. "But it feels pretty damn right."
You dropped your hands to her waist as she pulled you into a searing kiss before you pulled back again Leah let out a whine in frustration, "And to think you hated me only a few months ago." Leah let out a scoff "I never hated you, how could I ever hate a girl as gorgeous as you." you laughed before pulling her into another kiss
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leahsgf · 2 months
FUSSY EATER - leah williamson
leah williamson x child!reader | bubba masterlist
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"come on bubba. can you try some broccoli for mumma?" leah cooed, desperately trying to slip the little plastic spoon past your lips which had of course remained glued shut in refusal.
you simply turned your head away in response, like you had done every single other time she had tried - settling for staring at beth and alessia from across the canteen, a much more interesting option in your opinion.
you were leah's mini, in every single way - and always had been, but the older you got the more this had began to show, mimicking everything she did from simply kicking a ball, to her signature frown, and even babbling certain words in that dreaded roadman accent that sometimes slipped out of the blonde's mouth for no apparent reason. even when you wouldn’t stop referring to everyone as ‘darlin’ for weeks on end, your want to be just like her was something that your mother adored beyond words, usually.
your recent thing however? she wasn't such a fan of.
you were finally at the stage where you could confidently eat solid foods and start having meals like leah, and she hadn't put any thought into just how fussy she herself was until she had you mirroring everything she did - including devouring absolutely anything that was beige and not giving anything else as much as a look.
which is what had landed you both in this situation, you sat in a highchair and leah sat across from you, spoon still loaded with the dreaded green stuff that you had yet to be convinced to try.
you were quite content with the bits of bread and plain pasta that were sat on your tray, and were suspicious of the piece of broccoli held in front of you, not knowing why you were being expected to try it when you had never seen your mumma eat it.
"come on sweetheart. if you try this little bit for me i'll get you some chocolate, yeah? just one little bit. i know you love chocolate"
"bribing the baby now are we williamson?" tooney cackled, walking past with her own food - not before snapping a picture of the sight before her to update her very amused followers, who had over time become invested in leah’s ‘dead’ meals.
“shut up man, she’s so stubborn i can’t! i have so much more respect for my mum now but surely even i wasn’t this bad”
“of course you were lee! you still are, are you forgetting that you called chicken slices ‘white ham’ until we were 23 cause you were convinced you hated chicken!” keira giggled, joining in on the conversation and lightly shoving her best friend as she slipped into the seat next to her.
“oi! not helping!” leah grumbled, the frown lines on her forehead that may as well be permanent only deepening as your refusal continued.
“maybe you should eat some and show her, she copies everything you do.” georgia chimed in this time, grinning as she already know what the answer would be.
“but i hate broccoli”
just a small little thing i’ve had in my drafts that makes so much sense in my head, bubba is 100% a picky eater like leah is
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barcaatthemoon · 2 months
28. “keep quiet or someone’ll hear.” with leah williamson?
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dark || leah williamson x reader ||
"leah," you moaned as your wife ground her thigh against your center. the bedroom was dark, and a quick glance at your alarm clock revealed that it was far too early in the morning for anybody to be awake. your week had been hectic to say the least, and leah was obviously feeling a bit neglected intimately.
"keep quiet or someone will hear," leah warned you. despite her words, she made it very difficult for you to be quiet. leah quickly gave up on trying to quiet you down. she graciously accepted each of your moans, swallowing them with kisses.
you were just starting to realize how badly you had been craving leah when you heard the small voice from your doorway, "mummy, it's dark." leah let out a small groan as she slipped off of you, knowing that this was hers.
"is it dark in your room babe?" leah asked as she slipped out of bed. you turned the bedside lamp on, illuminating the room. emma, your youngest child, stood clutching her blanket with tear tracks running down her cheeks. you knew that leah had been trying to keep her sleeping in her own bed throughout the night, but had faced a lot of issues. the girl was a lot like you had been when you were younger, full of anxiety.
"my light went off." emma's lip quivered like she was about to start crying again when leah picked her up. you smiled as you watched leah bring emma back into your bed. you knew that leah wanted you more than anything, but she'd sacrifice sex if it meant her little angel slept well. "i'm sorry."
"don't be sorry, it's okay. i'll take a look at it in the morning, but for now, let's get some sleep. does that sound good?" leah laid down with emma still in her arms. she was quite a bit bigger than when leah used to do that as a baby, but the sight still warmed your heart all the same. you dimmed the lamp and turned onto your side to trace little shapes on emma's back. you kept the light on despite emma falling asleep almost instantly because the last thing you wanted was for her to wake up again afraid because it was dark.
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woso-dreamzzz · 3 months
Helper II
Lia Wälti x Child!Reader
Leah Williamson x Child!Reader
Summary: You're sick
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"Hey, no," Auntie Leah says sternly, picking up your kitchen stool and placing it up on the counters.
Usually, you use it so you can be tall enough to reach the sink to do the dishes or to help Mummy. But Auntie Leah doesn't let you on it to tackle the mountain of dishes in the sink just like how Mummy didn't let you join her this morning picking up all the leaves in the garden.
All because you had the sniffles and a fever last night.
It's gotten a bit worse now because your head is pounding but you think you're still well enough to do your chores.
Mummy and Auntie Leah don't agree so you're stuck doing nothing until it's time to go to training.
You hope that you get better soon so you can go back to helping out because you don't know what to do with yourself if you can't help and your half-finished puzzle on the coffee table is an afternoon activity and not a morning one.
That hope is promptly squashed when you throw up all over the living room floor ten minutes before you have to leave.
It's awful because you've made a big mess and Mummy won't let you fix it by cleaning it up yourself. She holds you in her arms and rocks you back and forth while Auntie Leah cleans it all up.
She doesn't even let you flick the light switch on and off twice like you usually do so this day is going to go wrong so badly for you.
You remain sick even after Mummy gives you medicine and some juice to hold you over.
You feel terrible, a big knot in your tummy as you curl into her arms while she carries you into the building.
"Guppy?" Your favourite puzzle partner Codi asks," Are you feeling okay?"
"Guppy's sick today," Leah tells her," She threw up this morning."
Codi makes a sympathetic noise before wishing you well and going back to changing.
You whine when Mummy sets you down in her cubby and you keep whining when she backs off to go grab her bottle from the adjoining room.
That's usually your job.
"Here, guppy," Auntie Leah says," Have more juice. It'll make you feel better."
It's a nice lie to tell you and it brings a bit of comfort so that's why you don't snitch on Auntie Leah to Mummy for lying to you.
You guzzle down your juice and Mummy returns with her bottle. She changes quickly before checking your temperature again.
"I'm sorry, guppy," She says and you already know what she's going to say," But I don't think you're well enough to help out the staff today."
Your eyes well with tears.
"Please, Mummy!" You beg," I promise I won't throw up again!"
"It's not that, guppy," She says," You're just not well enough. You need to rest today. Not do anything else."
"I'm sorry," Mummy continues," But you're not changing my mind. We'll make sure you've got everything you need but you can't help today."
You sniffle but don't argue anymore.
Mummy gives you a blanket to wrap around your shoulders and a sports drink to keep your energy up and a little puzzle that doesn't quiet lay flat on the grass which is kind of annoying.
There's a sick bucket next to you as well that you'll make sure to use if you feel like you're going to throw up rather than ruin the pitch like you ruined the living room.
"How are you feeling?" Auntie Leah asks.
Her and Mummy have been taking it in turns to check in on you and you sniffle.
"Better," You say," Can I help now?"
"Sorry, guppy," She replies," But you know Lia's not going to change her mind. You've just got to focus on resting today. Maybe tomorrow."
"Please? I'll be good!"
"You're already so good, guppy," Leah assures you," But your body needs time to rest and recover like when I hurt my knee. You need to do the same."
You don't like that answer but you're a good girl so you do what you're told. You don't help. You stay with your blanket and your energy drink and your snacks until Mummy comes to collect you.
She gives you another round of medicine that you take dutifully before rechecking your temperature.
You wait and Mummy smiles.
"Looking good, guppy," She says," Maybe another day or two and you'll be better in no time!"
"Really really," Mummy confirms," I think this calls for opening your new puzzle at home."
You perk up at that. "Can Codi come too? I want to do it with her!"
"Go and see if Codi's free tonight and we'll see."
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delfiore · 11 months
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pairing: leah williamson x fem!reader
synopsis: you spend a few days in london with your daughter as you and your wife leah are filing for divorce.
word count: 3.5k
a/n: i don't even want kids why am i getting attached to this nonexistent child
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“Mama!!” The sweet sound of your baby’s voice filled your ears the moment you stepped through the door.
You had been dragging your suitcase along the walkway, but dropped it by the door to catch the little girl and lift her into your arms.
“Hi, baby!” You exclaimed and shook her side-to-side. “Oh, I missed you so much!”
“I missed you too, Mama,” she giggled and writhed her way out of your kisses on the cheek. “I drew a picture for you with your new trophy!”
Without protest, the five-year-old thrust a piece of A4 paper in your face. You let out a quick laugh when you make out the figure in the middle—you—surrounded by bats and the Gotham logo with a golden trophy in your hand.
It was your first season at NY/NJ Gotham, and you managed to win the NWSL Championship for the first time for your club. Instead of returning to New York after the final to celebrate with your teammates, you hopped on the first flight back to London. You needed to see your little girl; after months of constant competitive matches, you were able to finally make time to fly back home.
“You did! Wow, Maevey, this is amazing! You drew this?”
“Wow, wow, wow. We’ll have to hang this up by the fridge, right?”
You walked into the kitchen with your daughter in your arms, heading towards the fridge behind the island. You were aware of your wife’s presence in the room by the oven but focused on balancing Maeve in one arm and hanging her drawing on the fridge with the other instead.
“There we go. That looks so good,” you cooed at her. “Thanks, Maevey!”
“You’re welcome, Mama.”
When you set the girl down, like lightning, she was on her feet sprinting towards the living room, no doubt grabbing a toy she had left somewhere on the ground. “Hey, no running, remember?” You called behind her and shook your head.
You glanced back at your wife, who, whilst stirring a pasty white batter in a clear bowl, still hadn’t made the effort to return your gaze.
“Congrats on the Championship,” she said without looking at you.
“Thanks.” And that was the extent of your conversation.
The house you once called home was cold when you left it, now it was even colder. The only warmth left came from a single tiny candle that managed you the smallest relief, and it was Maeve.
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“Yes, bub?”
“Why don’t you sleep in your room anymore? With Mummy?”
You had dreaded the question that had just come out of your daughter’s lips right after you tucked her in. Maeve was a smart kid, and you knew she would have been able to put two and two together when she saw you unpacking your suitcase in the guest room.
“Well, kiddo,” you started, brushing the stray hairs away from Maeve’s eyes. She looked so much like Leah when she pouted. “Mummy’s not too happy with me right now. So I’m giving her some space.”
“Is it because of me?” She said quietly, making your heart squeeze.
“No, of course not. Of course not, bub. How about you go to sleep now, and we will talk about this some other time, hm?” You poked her cheek gently. “Whatever happens, your Mummy and I will never stop loving you, and we will always do what’s best for you, okay?”
“Good.” You leaned over the edge of the bed to kiss your little girl on the forehead. “Now, remember what I always say? ‘You are strong, you are capable, you are loved.’”
“‘I am strong, I am capable, I am loved.’” Maeve repeated your words, almost immediately as you said them.
It was a mantra you repeated to yourself when your doubts started to get in the way of your potential, ever since you were a young girl making your debut for Arsenal until now. Those were the words you echoed to Leah when she had done her ACL, and when she wasn’t strong enough to chase away the clouds one day.
“I’m strong,” Leah had just managed to say through the tears, “I’m capable, I’m loved.”
“That’s right,” you whispered and smiled softly. “Now go to sleep, or I’ll sell all your toys.”
This elicited a giggle from the girl, as you turned off the lights. Making your way back to the guest room, you noticed the light in the living room was on downstairs. The tranquility you felt after spending time reading and talking with your daughter made you feel brave to face Leah, brave that whatever interaction you would have with her would not end in screaming and arguing. The woman was sitting on the couch, scrolling on her phone, a match played on the TV, as it always was.
“Maevey seems used to sleeping on her own now,” you said, smiling to yourself. “Soon enough she’ll be off to college.”
The best you got out of her was a short smile, and you would take it at that point. Your last conversation wasn’t the friendliest, and you had hoped Maeve wasn’t aware.
“She cried for you the night you left,” Leah spoke. “Slept in our bed for two weeks.”
Maybe it was the fact that Leah’s head was pressed against the side of the couch—the way she used to do every time you two had enough time off to sit down on the couch—or the fact that she still referred to the master bedroom as both yours and hers, that made your heart squeeze. For a moment it felt as if you had your family back, and things would eventually go back to the way it was.
“Only two?” You scoffed but smiled.
“Y/N, you know this isn’t a long-term solution. Maeve needs you. You can’t just fuck off to America and come back to visit for a few days every few months.”
“I know,” you said, clenching your jaw. “My agent’s looking at options within Europe. Germany, maybe.”
“Why not in England?”
“That is if any club wants me,” you shrugged. “Frankfurt seems interested, so.”
You’d like to think there would always be a place for you at Arsenal. Growing up, while your peers had posters of Mia Hamm, Kristine Lilly, or Abby Wambach on their walls, you were looking eastwards to the likes of Rachel Yankey and Kelly Smith for inspiration. Your heart was red, white and North London and it broke into pieces the day you had to leave—not because of your performance, but because by then London had started becoming too suffocating. And if you were going to be a good parent to Maeve, you had to put the oxygen mask on yourself first.
“I do want to be close to Maeve,” you said, more to yourself.
Leah hummed. A moment later, she opened the drawer next to the couch and pulled out a thin folder. Placing it on the cushion between you and her, she made the decision to leave the living room to go upstairs.
The respondent line on the first page awaited your name and signature. Hers was already printed on the line above that, the ink was already dry like she had made this decision long ago. You were frozen to the seat with the divorce papers in your hands, and that night you cried yourself to sleep.
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You took Maeve to the park the next day. You had extended an invitation to Leah, but she declined, saying she had errands to run. Maeve wanted to go to the playground in the park, so you packed the two of you a small picnic, and a football, in case she was up for a kick-about.
She was telling you about a goal she scored at school the previous Friday when you returned home. Upon entering the two-story house, you heard laughter coming from the kitchen. As much as you wanted to listen to your daughter recount her story, your ears focused in on the conversation and what sounded like two female voices, and laughter . . . Leah’s laugh, something you haven’t heard in a long while. You regretted that that was the case.
“Mummy! I played at the park today, and I scored so many goals against Mama!”
“Is that right?” Leah gasped and picked up Maeve in her arms. “Looks like Mama’s got some competition in the striker position.”
“Hi, Auntie Lia,” Maeve said to the other woman in the room.
You barely managed a smile as you watched your former teammate greet your daughter, trying not to freak out at the fact that she was standing much too close to your wife when you first came in. You couldn’t help the uneasy feeling that harbored in the pit of your stomach seeing it, and, as selfish as it sounded, you couldn’t stomach the thought that Leah might have started to move on.
“Hi, Y/N. It’s good to see you again,” Lia smiled at you.
“Long time no see,” you said.
“Come on, little one. Will you show me how you scored those goals at school?” The Swiss woman extended a hand to Maeve and led her to the backyard.
“Don’t,” Leah said as soon as your daughter was out of sight.
“Don’t what?”
“I know you’re giving me that look.”
“I’m not giving you any looks, Leah,” you smiled sadly, and unpacked your daypack, putting the dirty Tupperware containers into the dishwasher.
“Lia’s been a great help with Maeve. Without her, I don’t think I would have been able to get through the first few months.” Her tone had a slight edge to it, but you understood why.
“I know,” you replied, “I’m not saying anything.”
“That’s the fucking problem, Y/N. You never say anything you’re thinking! You make me do this fucking guessing game with you, and you don’t even bother defending yourself when I assumed the worst about you, and you run away! Do you truly just not give a shit about anything?”
You took a sharp exhale, checking to see if Maeve was looking. Through the sliding door, you could see that wasn’t, she was playing 1v1 against Lia instead.
“Please, Leah. Not now,” you sighed. “I’ll sign the papers, alright? And then I’ll be out of your hair.”
You didn’t see because your back was turned to her, but your wife shook her head, causing a few tears that had collected in the corner of her eyes to fall. Then, you heard her storming past you out to the backyard.
“I do give a shit,” you mumbled to yourself. You did, so much, but maybe your family was better off without you. Watching Maeve kicking her ball into the little goal you got her whilst your wife and Lia pretended to defend her, you wondered if maybe they really were better off.
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Your relationship was never perfect. She was Leah, and you were you. You used to love the routine you two shared until it turned sour and you would arrive to training in separate cars. You didn’t know when your marriage crumbled, just that when you looked back to assess the damage, it was already beyond repair. Leah telling you one night that she wished to separate was your wake-up call.
You had seen your friends and colleagues date and break up, and pretend that being in the same room afterward wasn’t the most torturous thing they’d ever had to endure. You never imagined that it would be your turn, and how much it hurt. How does someone be a human being whilst going through a divorce, and be a good parent at the same time?
“Mama, why are you crying?”
You quickly turned away and wiped at your eyes when you heard the tiny voice coming from your bedroom door. You must not have shut it properly. Maeve was standing in front of the door in her adorable dinosaur pajamas, and her favorite plush toy beneath her one arm. You would have given your entire world for that adorable punk right then.
“It’s okay, kiddo. I’m just a bit sad. What are still you doing up?” You gestured for her to come inside. Normally, Maeve would not hesitate to jump into your lap right away, but instead, she climbed onto the bed, and sat next to you like an adult.
“Why are you sad, Mama?” She said quietly, fiddling with her stuffed animal, her round eyes looking up at you with concern. “Everyone is sad.”
“What do you mean, bub?”
“Mummy is sad too. She was crying before you came home,” Maeve said, her bottom lip quivering. “She said it was because she missed you.”
The revelation left you speechless.
Your daughter turned to you. “Should I be sad too? Everyone is so sad.”
“No, baby, come here.” As soon as you pulled her into your lap, she started crying.
“Oh, baby. My little Maevey,” you hated that you made your little girl so upset, arms wrapped around your neck and broken sobs raking from her chest against yours. “Sometimes, people argue, and it’s very sad when they do, but it’s all a part of life, Maevey. Me and Mummy are arguing, but it has never been about you.”
“But I don’t want you and Mummy to argue anymore.”
“I know, baby,” you had nothing else to say that might offer her some comfort. “I’m sorry that I haven’t been around as much. It was my fault, nothing to do with you.”
You held Maeve for another minute or two until her cries subsided into choked sniffles and tearful sighs. “It’s okay,” you would repeat, “I love you so much”, hoping that it might reassure your daughter until she removed her head from your shoulder, wiped her tears away, and through hiccups, said, “You are strong, you are capable, you are loved.”
Letting out the smallest sob, you nodded and pulled her back into your chest. Your little girl, your heir, your legacy, only five years of age, yet she understood the significance of those words. You had won trophies and championships, but nothing compared to the burst of joy in your heart having her echo them back to you. It meant you meant something to her. It meant you were doing something right.
The next morning, after you and Leah had seen Maeve off to kindergarten, you gently placed the divorce papers that Leah had given you a couple of nights ago on the table opposite her. As you sat down by the dining table opposite her, you saw the way she eyed the files like you had just handed her a pack of poison and expected her to swallow it.
“I’ll agree to everything you bring to the table, within reason of course. This needn’t be a whole ruckus for Maeve. Whatever you want,” you started, darting your eyes up to Leah.
She continued to stare at the divorce papers on the table but kept silent.
“But . . . If you still have even just a tiny drop of affection left for me, I’m asking you—begging you—to reconsider this and give me another chance.” You took a deep breath. “This year away from you, from Maeve, made me realize that you two are the most important thing in my life. You make me a better person by just giving me grace and being who you are. And I failed you, I know. I’ve not been the wife and partner you needed, but if you give me one more chance to right my wrongs, I’d give everything to have my family back. I’ll go to therapy, we can go to couples counseling together, whatever you want, just please . . . please give me one more chance to make this right.”
Leah shook her head quietly when you looked up, but then she sunk her head into her palm and you heard a shaky exhale.
“I’ve tried so hard since March to move on from you, eight months since then, and just from one of your little speeches, I’m back to square one,” she laughed bitterly, wiping her eyes of salty tears. “You always give me false hope that it’ll get better, and I hate you for that, because it never does.”
You swallowed and moved to kneel in front of her. Your hands were shaking, but you reached for her hands.
“I know that. I know I’ve been apathetic before. I lost sight of what’s important. I used football as my excuse, and I did it. I won the championship, but there’s still this void in my heart that no trophy can fill,” you squeezed her hand with both of yours. “Please, Lee. I love you, and I need you back in my life. I’m so sorry for all the pain I’ve caused you and Maeve, and I’ll spend the rest of my life making up for it. If you’ll let me.”
By then, Leah didn’t bother hiding her sobs. Tears were flowing down the curves of her cheeks like waterfalls, as she leaned forward into your touch, clutching your hands like they might save her. You cursed under your breath. Watching your wife fall apart at the seams when she had been ice-cold with you the past few days broke your heart to pieces, as you pressed soft kisses to her wet cheek and whispered loving words in her ear.
“Okay,” she said quietly and sniffled.
“Yeah?” You smiled hopefully.
Leah nodded tearfully. “Please. This is the last time, Y/N.”
You knew that. You knew if you fucked this up you would lose everything, Maeve might never have a relationship with you again, and you lose the one person that keeps you grounded.
Maybe Leah would be much happier with someone else, someone who treated her well and could fill the co-parenting role for Maeve. You were sure there were others out there who fit the bill, but you were selfish, and you would fight for them because this was your family, your home, your love.
“I’ll tell my agent to work on the move. I’ll try looking in England again, Frankfurt will be the worst-case scenario. Even if the only option is to resign at Gotham, I’ll make it work. I’ll fly home more often, I’ll help you with—”
You were cut off with Leah pressing her lips against yours desperately. You couldn’t restrain the grin that made its way onto your face, as you kissed your wife back.
“God, I got you to talk and now you wouldn’t shut up,” she mumbled, which made you laugh.
“Well, get used to it,” you said. “I’m gonna tell you how much I love you every day, and I’ve got eight months to make up for too, so it’s a lot of talking.”
“How about you show me how much you love me, huh? Actions speak louder than words, right?”
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epilogue. A month later.
A blaring alarm awoke you from your warm slumber. It was a Sunday, and you had forgotten you had the alarm switched on. You felt Leah stir next to you, and the corner of your mouth pulled up.
“Christ, what time is it?” She asked, her voice low and cracking. You’d always adored the way her voice becomes raspy in the morning.
“Eight,” you said, combing your fingers through her hair. Leaning in to plant a kiss on your cheeks, you whispered. “We have to get Maeve ready for football.”
“Hmm,” you heard her sigh, and snuggle deeper into your chest. “Five more minutes.”
Your wife opened one eye and grinned. You thanked the Heavens that she granted you another chance.
“Okay,” you kissed her head, “five more minutes.”
Just as soon as you lay back down, and Leah had gotten comfortable again, you heard the pitter-patter of tiny feet, the speed and agility of which you could only attribute to a five-year-old whose enthusiasm for football might be a little too much at 8 o’clock in the morning.
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inuyashaluver · 9 months
airport havoc with reader and leah’s 3 kids😩
mumma williamson - leah williamson
leah williamson x reader
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description: in which you and your wife handle your children at an airport, a roller coaster for everyone involved
warnings: leah never did her acl, looonnngg, really don’t know how to feel about this one
a/n: thank you for the request lovely, this was super fun ❤️ also - i unintentionally wrote this at the airport lmao
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you and your wife, leah have been together for just over 10 years, it seems unbelievable but you and leah have been basically in love with each other all your lives, taking years of mutual pining and a gentle push of your teammates.
you’d met leah in the arsenal youth teams, becoming quick best friends through both of your competitive natures. “i’m gonna win” little leah says with a toothy grin, giving you a light shove. “not if i win first!” you say cheekily. and that describes your entire relationship, competitive, genuine, loving and comforting.
when you finally started dating at 16, you grew closer and closer over the years, both physically and emotionally. you two just got each other, everyone around you telling you that you were soulmates and you couldn’t help but agree.
if there was one thing to know about your wife, it was that she is incredibly convincing. this girl could have you doing anything she wanted and you would because you love her so much. she was exactly the same, if you wanted something, she would make it happen, no if’s, and’s, or but’s.
so when you both hit 22, leah took you to her house for christmas, where she brought her cousin’s baby over with a pleading expression. “baby, look” she pouts, cradling the baby’s head to her chin as she gently bounced up and down. you couldn’t help but grin longingly.
you had to admit, everytime leah held a baby, your ovaries would explode, you knew she’d be an amazing mother and you were willing to give her that.
so, you put your career on hold to have your first child, amanda, named after her mother but called mandy for short. you and leah were ecstatic to have a little girl, both of you crying when you were told the gender.
after you had baby mandy, you’d taken months off before making your return, working extremely hard and honestly playing better than you ever have. leah was incredibly proud of you, telling you everyday. you were both so content with your little family, until it flipped completely.
during a game, you’d manage to get a goal which saved the match for arsenal vs chelsea at the emirates.
when it happened, leah bolted over to you, hoisting you up in a tight embrace. “look at you, mummy williamson” she winks, giving your cheek an affectionate kiss as you tried to push her off out of embarrassment.
“stop it, mumma williamson” throwing her a half assed wink, she laughs and bumps her hip with yours, running back to her position for the last two minutes of the match. by the time you’d done your lap of signatures and photos, you and leah make way to the family and friends section, taking baby mandy from leah’s mum and taking her around the field.
she was a year old at this point, your teammates immediately running over to her and giving her all their love.
you held mandy on your hip, she’d fallen asleep. you lightly chat with some of the girls while rocking your baby gently as she sleeps against your shoulder.
leah stood behind you and took in the scene, her wife and her daughter, ‘williamson’ shining brightly on their backs. she walks up behind you and wraps her arms around your waist, gently kissing your neck and smirking when your breath hitches.
“lee” you breathe out, she tightens her grip, “hm?” she places a kiss just below your ear and you lean into her. you let out a shaky sigh when she continues to press soft kisses against the right sight of your neck. “what? i can’t kiss my beautiful wife?” she says smugly, spinning you around gently so she could face you.
“i know what you’re doing” you sing out, leah looks at you with fake confusion. “what? nah, baby, i’m not doing anything” she moves her hand to lightly tug at the bottom of your jersey and you squint your eyes at her. her finger dips under your shirt to lightly graze the skin of your waist and you grab her hand before she continues. you were both literally standing in the middle of the pitch.
when leah saw how much of an amazing mother you were, her heart exploded. she’d known you’d be an amazing one but the fact that you carried her child and gave her the privilege of becoming a mother herself, how could she not want another?
that night, when you arrive home, leah pushes you on the couch as she carried a sleeping baby mandy in her arms. “hey!” you whisper shout and she just grins at you, winking to wordlessly tell you to wait there for her. once she put the baby in her bed, she comes out with the baby monitor in hand, placing it on the coffee table before making you lie flat on the couch so she could lie on top of you.
“hi, mumma” she says cheekily, leaning down to place a sweet kiss on your lips as she hovered over you. “hello” you mumble against her lips in between her kisses. she pulls away and looks at you suggestively, “you know, i’ve been thinking..” she starts, “oh, that’s not good” you grin, she rolls her eyes amusingly as she pinches your hip. “shut up, anyway, you know, you’re such an amazing mum, baby” she says adoringly, her eyes glistening as she speaks.
you place a gentle hand on her cheek, “you’re an amazing mum too, lovey” you grin softly, she leans forward to kiss your lips. it’s starts off slow and calculated, until she feels your hand dip under her shirt and graze your nails on her skin and a switch flips.
a needy make out session progressing quickly, she pulls away from you breathlessly and looks down at you with blown out pupils. “i want to run an idea past you if you’re comfortable” she breathes out, getting off you to sit up and tapping her lap for you to join her which you happily do.
you knew where she was going and you were in the same mindset. you wanted another baby. she nervously plays with the hem of your shirt, unable to look into your eyes because she was so nervous. you smile, placing a hand under her chin and directi her eyes to yours. “you want another baby” you say simply, affection laced in your words.
leah looked at you with wide eyes and an unmistakable grin. “only if you want to” she replies, grabbing your hands and squeezing them gently. you nod and smile, leaning forward to peck her lips, then her cheeks, her forehead and her nose. she looks up at you, completely love sick. you lean forward to whisper in her ear, “put another baby in me, williamson” and that’s all it took for her to lift you up and run to the bedroom. sure, leah couldn’t put a baby in you like this, but the both of you weren’t complaining.
so that’s how baby cathrine, cat for short, came along. you begged leah to name the girl after her middle name because you found it so cute and she begrudgingly agreed, willing to let you name the baby anything you wanted as you were carrying her child. at this point, mandy was two and a half while baby catherine was just a year old.
one day after training, you’d gone to the shops to quickly get some groceries and came back to leah sprawled out on the floor with your two daughters, their little heads propped up on your wife’s arms, completely engrossed on the screen. walking closer to the sweet scene in front of you, you realise leah had put on a video of your highlights
“mummy’s so cool isn’t she?” leah says proudly, mandy nodding and watching intently, cat reaching her arm out in a grabbing motion when there was a close up of you after your chelsea goal which prompted her birth but you would never tell her that.
“mumma’s cooler i think” you say suddenly and all three of them jolt, snapping their heads towards you. leah looked at you with so much love in her eyes, you nearly collapsed. the entire rest of the night, you couldn’t keep your hands off leah and she just knew what you wanted because she wanted the same thing.
when the two girls were tucked in by you and leah, after they were sound asleep, you drag leah to the couch, pushing her onto it and immediately straddling her. “oh, hello” she giggles, placing her hands on your thighs. “i need to ask you something” you say nervously, feeling so vulnerable in this moment for no reason.
“you want another baby, don’t you?” leah says simply, a deja vu moment for both of you.
you instantly nod, “only if you want to” you whisper and she kisses you sweetly. “i’d have 50 babies with you if i could but i care about this and you” she pokes your stomach cheekily and you giggle with her at her response. and so, baby olivia was born, liv for short.
you’d taken some time off football to be a mum, spending your time with your kids until they were old enough to go to preschool/school. you’d made your comeback during the euros, a euphoric experience being in your national team that your wife captained while your three kids sat with your families watching.
and now in present time, it was the 2023 world cup. your wife was named captain and both of you get called up. it was a no brainer that you would bring your kids along for the world cup, mandy was now 4, cat was 3 and liv was 1. you’d been to the airport with your kids before but not like this, you were flying internationally, with your teammates, for over 16 hours.
you had expressed to leah how nervous you were about it but she constantly reassured you that everything would be fine. crazily enough, your children were extremely well behaved, the girls absolutely loved having them around. many of them teased you that all three of them were just complete carbon copies of you and leah mixed together.
and so, you, leah and your three daughters arrived at the airport with excited grins, you and leah were in your training kits while your daughters all wore their ‘williamson’ jerseys. you held liv along with dragging two suitcases in your other hand while leah held mandy’s hand, mandy holding cat’s, leah held all your documents in her other hand while you all walked through the airport. thankfully, england had gotten a private plane for your arrivals, as there was so many of you coming along for the trip.
you’d done all the check ins, dropped off your luggage and that left the five of you to chill and wait until boarding. your kids throughout check in and security were perfect little angels, you and leah constantly giving each other surprised and proud grins. you were so impressed by your kids behaviour until they saw their aunties at the airport, all of them switching completely.
each and every teammate of yours was always an auntie, so when your kids are surrounded with almost all of them, they go insane. as soon as mandy sees her favourite auntie, georgia, she sprints away from the both of you and jumps into her awaiting arms.
“my little mandy!” georgia exclaims, hugging the girl tightly, she laughs gleefully when georgia litters kisses on her cheeks. “careful, amanda” leah scolds when the small girl ripped her hand from her own. georgia waves leah off and leah can’t help but send her a half-hearted scowl.
cat however also had a favourite auntie, the small girl sprinting over to auntie lucy through the influence of her big sister. “lu-lu” cat squeals, her little feet bounding over to the brunette.
lucy gives the small girl a bright grin and an affectionate kiss to the cheek before gently throwing her in the air and catching her, spinning the girl around as they both giggle with each other.
“oh my god” leah breathes out terrified, scared lucy would drop her. you wrap your arm around her bicep, she looks down at you with uneasy eyes but washes away at your comforting grin.
“hello, kitty cat!” lucy coos, taking her to watch the big window where the planes were taking off and landing.
you tug her over towards some open seats, sitting down and looking up at her with a bright smile. “come on, captain” you tap the seat next to you encouragingly. liv snuggles into you further, her hand gripping your jacket tightly as she buries her face into your neck.
leah looks at you with a little pout, she felt a little betrayed that none of her girls wanted to stay with her, instead running off around the section in the airport where the lionesses were situated.
well, liv did stay, but the girl was passed out against your shoulder, cuddling into you completely. “all our baby girls are gone, we’re empty nesters” she huffs, you just shake your head at her gently.
leah lets out a defeated sigh but smiles at you and liv, taking out her phone and snapping a quick picture before sitting next to you, placing a warm hand on your thigh while your head rests on her shoulder.
“oh, leah baby,” you coo amusingly, “we’re not empty nesters, my love, they’re just excited” you hold onto the arm that was holding your thigh.
“they don’t want us anymore” she pouts, you take your head off her shoulder and pull her down to kiss you softly, she can’t help but smile into it while you run your nails over her arm.
“they do, baby, don’t look into it too much” you part from her with a kiss to her cheek. you look into her eyes to reassure her and it seems to do the trick, she nods and smiles at you, quickly kissing your lips appreciatively. “yeah, you're right, darling” she breathes out and trails her eyes over your face.
“it’s alright, lee, i’ll just annoy you” you say cheekily and she kisses the top of your head, giving your thigh a gentle squeeze. “you never annoy me, my girl” she smiles, resting her head on top of yours as she watches her daughters interact with your teammates.
contempt, she closes her eyes for just a second until she feels a little body clawing itself into her lap, opening her eyes to see mandy looking at her with wide and excited eyes. “hi, mumma” she grins happily and leah smiles at her affectionately, “hi, baby girl, you having fun?” leah questions, mandy nods her head instantly. mandy was in a stage where she asks questions every two seconds, leah was in for a ride.
you sit beside them and watch the interaction while liv was still passed out on your shoulder.
“why are we here?” mandy cocks her head to the side and leah couldn’t help but grin, “mummy and I are playing football” leah remarks, the small girl grabs her hand and begins to play with her fingers. “but, mummy said you can’t play football at the airport” she cocks her head to the side and stared up at leah confused.
leah lets out a little laugh, moving her hand up to pinch her cheek gently. “mummy’s right, darling, but i meant we’re playing football in another place” leah speaks full of affection, mandy nods and turns her head to smile at you,
“hi, mummy” mandy offers you a toothy grin and you send her one right back, “hi, princess” you lift your hand up to give her a gentle pinch on her cheek. mandy suddenly snaps her head towards leah again and leah’s eyes slightly widen, “where are we going?” the girl queries, “australia” leah replies with another soft smile.
“that’s where auntie caity and steffy are from!” mandy remarks with a bright grin, leah nods along with her, “that’s right, smart girl!” she praises, placing her hand on her head and lightly ruffling her hair.
mandy hates that, offering leah the signature williamson glare and leah just laughs loudly, looking at you with an amused grin, you laugh along with them. suddenly, little cat runs over with a bright grin, climbing on top of the seat and sitting on one of leah’s legs and one of your legs. “hello, catty” you say brightly, the girl smiles at you, “mummy! i saw the plane!” she says completely astonished, you and leah both offer her shocked expressions, “did you really?” the small girl nods enthusiastically and you and leah have expressions full of love evident on your faces, a couple of your teammates watching your family interact with one another with elated grins.
liv who was asleep until now slowly begins to stir, taking her face out of your neck and looking completely disheveled. you and leah let out a little giggle at your daughter’s appearance, she offers you a tired smile before blinking slowly and taking in her surroundings.
“hello, baby” leah coos, liv smiles gently and rests her head on your chin, leah pouts at the sight, her heart soaring out of her chest. “she’s so cute” leah boasts, you nod your head in agreement and hug the little girl closer to your chest.
“what about us?” cat exclaims and you both look over to see two unimpressed glares staring at the both of you, the two of you immediately fuss over them. “look at our cute and pretty girls, huh, mummy, aren’t they the best?” leah asserted, nodding over in your direction where you nodded instantly.
“oh definitely, mumma, prettiest and cutest girls alive” you affirm, both you and leah nodding enthusiastically and it seemed to work on your daughters, both of them sporting shy grins. liv still tight in your embrace cuddles into you further, babbling random words as she stares at her sisters.
you were growing slightly uncomfortable, the small girl had been sitting in your arms for so long, they were growing tired. you try to stretch and leah notices your discomfort, moving immediately to grab the small girl, holding her in her arms and you let out a sigh of relief, smiling at leah appreciatively.
liv was happy to move as well, giving leah a sweet kiss on the cheek which had tears brimming in your eyes. you can’t help but look at them full of love, leah instantly growing shy under your gaze. “stop it” she mumbles and grows pink at the sound of your affectionate giggle.
leah has always slightly freaked out when she sees you looking at her completely love sick, often feeling like it was a dream that her dream girl was looking at her full of love.
the two girls on your’s and leah’s laps brighten at your now vacant body, both of them trying to get over to you as quick as they could. you had each girl on a thigh each, letting out a little laugh at leah’s frustrated face, she wanted you to rest a little before the flight and she just knew you wouldn’t be getting that till much later. “girls, no, let’s leave mummy to rest, please” leah commented, trying to coax your daughters to get off you but they wouldn’t budge.
“no!” cat exclaims, grabbing your arm tightly and shaking her head at leah, mandy does the same thing, grabbing your other arm and holding it as tight as she could, they were just like their mother, stubborn, you thought. “yes, come on, let mummy relax, she’s very tired” leah says sternly, patting the chair next to her for them to sit in.
you open your mouth to assure leah it was okay but before you could, you hear a whimper from your lap, looking down to see cat’s eyes swelling with tears. both your and leah’s eyes widen, at seeing her sister cry, mandy begins to cry. “mummy, i’m sorry” cat wails, cuddling into you and you instantly hug the girl back, mandy follows in suit and holds onto you tightly.
“why are you sorry, lovey?” you coo, running your hands over both of their backs in comforting circles. “we are making you tired” mandy cries, nuzzling her head into your chest. you look at leah beside you with wide eyes, faced with your wife and your youngest looking at you with shocked and confused expressions. “baby, i-” leah tries to respond but she’s just so shocked, she didn’t think her words would spur a reaction like that.
“no no, my girls, it’s okay, you’re not making mummy tired” you reassure but the two girls continue to cry, leah dips her head to make eye contact with the two of them but they refuse to look at her. leah pouts at you, she made her babies cry. you move back from the two of them and they face you with matching, tearful expressions, their pouts going unmissed. “aw, girls don’t cry, it’s okay” you smile softly, wiping both of their tears away with the pads of your thumbs.
“babies” leah calls out, all three of you look up and leah mutters up all her strength to bite back a smile. “did mumma make you sad?” leah questions, placing liv on one of her thighs and holding her hands out to them, mandy grabs one and shuffles closer to leah. the two of them nod, pouting up at their mum. “oh, my loves, i’m so sorry, i didn’t mean to make you sad, i just want mummy to feel good for the flight” leah says earnestly, placing a small kiss on mandy’s head and holding cat’s little hand in the other.
“it’s okay, mumma” cat says, lifting leah’s hand up and placing a little kiss on the back of it, you and leah wear identical grins. mandy nods at her sister’s words, wrapping her arms around leah’s neck and hugging her tightly. leah looks at you with the biggest smile, you giggle at the little interaction. cat moves to hug you, holding onto you tightly and pressing her cheek up against your own, smiling at leah. leah could’ve crumbled at the sight before her, knowing you felt the same with her.
after the moment of solidarity with one another, you hear a bright laugh coming from leah’s right thigh, looking over and seeing liv with a bright smile at seeing you all hug. leah brings her over to the middle of you and you all have a little group hug, hearing multiple ‘aw so cute’’s coming from your teammates.
when you pull away from the hug, mandy immediately bombards you with questions, making both you and leah laugh. the team had gotten called to board the plane and the girls all perk up, excited to embark on the journey to australia. leah takes over with liv, the girl extremely cuddly and wanting to go back to sleep, seeming as though the arms of her mums lulls her into dreamland.
on the other hand, you’re being dragged by two sets of hands, mandy and cat’s. “mummy, quickly” mandy huffs, sending you a little scowl when you giggle at her attitude. “sorry, baby, mummy will hurry” you tease, leah places a hand on the small of your back and leads you all to your seats.
“these two will be handfuls, baby, let me take care of them and you take this one” leah gently passes liv over to you, you smile and pucker your lips up at leah, which she quickly leans down to place a quick kiss on your lips.
she pulls away slightly, pecking them numerous times until she feel small hands on her legs, dragging her to the seat directly next to you. “do you see these little monsters you made” leah says jokingly, you stick your tongue out at her and shrug your shoulders. “i may have carried them, but they’re all you, williamson” you smirk. leah tutts, but smiles at you, “yeah, yeah, williamson, whatever, look at how stubborn they are, that’s all you”. leah teases and you roll your eyes at her jokingly, both of you knew that your daughters were clones of the both of you.
she takes mandy and cat and sits them in their seats, immediately putting on movies for both of them to watch, both of them entertained wholeheartedly. leah smiles at both of them, “can i sit with mummy or do you need me?” they both look at her with cheesy grins, “go kiss mummy” mandy teases, leah’s eyes widen with amusement, laughing and ruffling the girls hair and again gaining an icy scowl.
leah moves away to where you were, liv sleeping soundly on your lap while you sit and look up at her with a smile. “hello, mumma williamson” you say adoringly, your wife leaning down to place a kiss on your lips before sitting next to you. “hello, mummy williamson” she replies cheekily, placing another peck on your lips before settling in her seat beside you.
“they’re awfully quiet” you whisper in your wife’s ear, she nods in agreement, both of you look over to see your two daughters sleeping, heads resting on each other while completely out cold. you and leah look at each other sweetly, “we made them” leah pouts, you nod with a matching one, “we made them” you mirror, both of you have eyes full of pride and adoration.
the rest of the flight, the girls were mostly asleep, waking up to ask you to take them to the bathroom or for a little snack or meal before dozing off completely. “i think we should go on planes more often, look how perfect” you point at your sleeping daughters, leah smiles at you sleepily, clearly wanting to join. “let’s sleep” leah kisses your forehead and you rest your head on her shoulder, the five of you asleep and fully contempt.
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liked by stanwaygeorgia and 44,232 others
leahwilliamsonn: all my pretty babies
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yourname: leah williamson is a milf
↳ leahwilliamsonn: (y/n) williamson is a milf
stanwaygeorgia: my little monster
luzybronze: kitty cat
mbrighty04: still shocked at how you made such perfect children, considering both of you are fucking handfuls
↳ leahwilliamsonn: just because you’re second captain doesn’t mean you can put us down like that
↳ yourname: yeah! tell her, baby!
↳ mbrighty04: okay captain, you’re still a handful
↳ yourname: i won’t deny that
↳ leahwilliamsonn: baby!
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enwoso · 1 month
Can you do a fic about alessia’s and grumpy’s first day at arsenal?
ONE DAY OR DAY ONE? — alesssia russo x child!reader
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grumpy masterlist
"you ready lovie?" alessia asked as she took her keys out of the ignition, turning around in her seat to look at you as you sat in your car seat an intrigued look on your face at your new surroundings.
"dis arsenal?" you point to the building that was a little further from where your mummy had parked the car. your mummy nodding her head as she began to get out of the car.
"yep this is where mummy is going to play football" alessia said popping the p as she opened your car door, you doing the usual of lifting your arms up so she could unbuckle you.
your mummy holding your hand as you jumped out the car onto the gravelled ground, the car park covered in small grey stones. it feeling slightly weird under your white croc covered feet.
your mummy just about to close your door, "wait mummy!" you called out as she stopped the door from closing, turning to look at you with a puzzled look.
"i need my backpack!" you grinned, your backpack was filled with little toys and your ipad which would keep you entertained for the day while your mummy was training.
your mummy nodded with a smile as she reached over the back seats to get your backpack before getting her own out of the boot, you waiting as you kicked around the small stones.
your mummy telling you to stop a couple a times, she being worried that one you might hurt yourself but two that a stone may go flying into her car or worse someone else's.
you walked into the training ground hand in hand with your mummy as she held you backpack in her other hand, the building being rather big and slightly scary.
it had been the first day back at training after the world cup most of the girls had been back in training but having just gotten back less than a week ago and the fact you were still getting over the jet lag, today was the first time you and alessia were going to be at training.
you'd been with your mum to the training ground when she was looking around and doing pretty pictures in a new football top but when that happened there was nobody there. just the back room staff like physios and training staff, non of the players were there.
you were a little scared but your mummy had assured you that you would be fine and that you would be able to charm anyone with your cute little face.
as you walked in a couple of the training staff were in the entrance, they said a quick hello to your mum and waved down to you which you shyly waved back as you half hid behind your mummy's leg.
your mummy led you down the corridor and into the locker room where alessia could put her big bag down, keeping yours with you. you no doubt would want something from it soon.
once alessia was free from one bag you held her hand again as she led you to the canteen, you could hear people talking before you even got there. you feeling a little scared as you got closer.
"hey less, tiny you alright?" a thick accent says, you turning around to see a cheerful looking leah williamson walking towards you and alessia, you moving to shyly stand behind your mummy’s leg as she send a small wave towards you.
you waving slightly back, as you clung onto your mummy’s leg while your mummy spoke and caught up with leah. you stayed hiding behind your mummy’s leg, moving from one heel to the other, looking through the blurred glass in the door as the shadows moving around.
“tiny?” leah spoke as she leant her upper half down, keeping her legs straight to kind of match your height. you turned to look at her with a shy smile, your mummy’s hand resting on the back of your head to stop you from hiding behind her leg.
“do you want to come and see lotte?” leah asked as you stood in thought for a moment, before nodding. you missed lotte, mummy had shown you all of the photos of when your mummy and lotte used to play together in the states — lotte was someone very important to your mummy so that meant she was also important to you too.
leah smiled as you walked inbetween leah and your mummy behind you, the room was filled with people sitting down and chatting while they ate. the amount of unknown faces was slightly scary but you promised your mummy the night before you would be brave.
you wondering straight over to lotte who was sat with three other people who you didn’t recognise at all while mummy and leah were doing rounds of saying hello to everyone.
tapping lotte on the knee, she looked to where you were her face lighting up at the sight of you. “hey tiny!” she called out lifting you up onto her lap. the two girls sat around the circular table with lotte both now had very confused looks on their faces.
“tiny this is katie and steph” lotte said with a smile as she pointed to each girl, “and katie and steph this is tiny or mini russo or y/n” lotte listed you nicknames hoping it would help with any confusion but clearly it didn’t as they still looked as confused as ever.
“tiny, where is your mummy?” lotte asked as you pointed to where alessia was as she was currently talking with kim, caitlin and beth.
“wait so alessia’s a mother?” katie blurted out in a thick irish accent, a small giggle coming from you as lotte nodded before turning to you to find out what was so funny all of a sudden.
“you talk funny” you giggled a little more as katie couldn’t help but smile at your innocence. “yeah i have the best accent” katie cheekily remarked as you still giggled with each words she said.
a scoff came from steph as she shook her head at katie’s ego, “so how old are you y/n?” steph asked eager to get to know you.
“i three!” you proudly held up three fingers as steph gasped with a smile as you nodded, “you talk funny too!” you smiled picking up at the fact that she didn’t talk in the same way you did, or how mummy did or even how lotte did.
“i do don’t i, that’s cause i’m from australia!” steph explained as lotte nudged you, “you were there for the world cup weren’t you tiny?”
you nodded with a smile before starting you ramble about how you got to see koalas and kangaroos and then going on to tell them a funny story of how mummy had been scared of the birds there.
“so little russo, whose your favourite footballer?” katie asked clearly seeing you had a passion for football considering it was a big part of your life.
“my mummy!”
the day carried on and you went on to meet each one of your mummy’s teammates, finding out there was more people that talked funny like steph: caitlin and kyra.
you had also began to give some of the girls nicknames as some of the girls names you couldn’t say properly, so you had met lia but not to confuse her with the blonde leah so you named blonde leah, leah one and other lia, lia two. just so you didn’t get confused.
and then there was beth had introduced you to viv and you had stuck to the name of vivi but she was a little shy like you so she didn’t really say a lot but you did also meet vic who last name sounded a lot like pavlova and you liked that name better and so did your mummy as that what she started to call vic too.
but then you were introduced to the most important member of the team. winnie the chocolate labrador. it’s safe to say once you met her, you spent the rest of the day petting and playing with her. you even had your afternoon nap snuggled into the side of winnie as she let you lay beside her.
your mummy had to basically drag you away from the team dog, from going from this morning to not really wanting to go into the scary building you now didn’t want to leave. arsenal was pretty cool now.
“c’mon lovie, you’ll see win tomorrow morning!”
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footygirl114 · 7 months
Operation (Leah Williamson x Reader)
This is definitely a result of too much Grey's anatomy but I was told that I need to let some of the ideas out of my noggin so here you go? (I think). Also I could be persuaded into this becoming a series...
Your pager going off interrupted the scrolling of TikTok you were doing while enjoying your morning coffee, after rounding on your patients. You glanced at the screen and noticed it was a 911 to the ER for an incoming Trauma. Kicking yourself into gear you moved and started to make your way down, the whole time kicking yourself for jinxing your pager since you were hoping to catch the Arsenal vs. Manchester United Game at the Emirates on TV during your shift. 
Knowing that wasn’t going to happen as you walked into the ER and it was organised chaos. You walked towards the head of the ER and asked “what happened?” 
He turns to you and says “A car jumped a curb at the Emirates stadium before the game, ran into a few pedestrians including an 8 year old and her dad. We have the driver, a 43 year old male, and the two victims on route now.” 
“damn it, how bad?” you ask him as you move to pull your hair back, and put on a trauma gown and gloves. 
“the dad, is in critical condition, they say he was able to get the girl out of the way but she sustained injuries when he shoved her out of the way.” He says as you walk with him to the ambulance bay waiting for the incoming ambulances. 
As you wait for the ambulance you listen to the other doctors conferring over what they think the driver was on, but you take the second to glance at your phone and double check the texts with your fiancé. They state that she was there an hour prior to this happening, and knowing the teams timing you knew she was on the field for warm up. 
When they finally pull up you wait to find out what one your patient is in. Once you know where the child is you step up and move beside her gurney listening as the paramedics rattle off her name and vitals. She meets your eyes and you can see how scared she is and you say to her softly “Hi Kenzie, I’m Dr. Y/L/N, and I am going to be taking care of you.”
She’s shaking as she asks “where’s my dad?” 
“Sweetie, he’s being taken care of by some of my very good friends, You and I are going to get you checked out so you can be ready for him okay?” you tell her as you move your hand to tuck a loose piece of her hair behind her ear checking her pupils as you do this. 
When she nods, you move to grasp her hand as you gesture for the team to get her gurney moving. You had waited so they could get her father inside so she wouldn’t have to see him too injured. Once you get her into a room and transferred onto a gurney you start your exam on her. 
She’s stays silent as you explain what you are doing, you tell her that you specialise in helping kids who have been injured or sick, and when you press on her belly and he’s hisses and pulls away in pain you know she may have some internal injuries. 
Once you determine she’s stable and waiting for scans you go to move away from her but she grabs your hand and says “don’t go.” 
You turn and squeeze her hand back and says “i am just going to check on your dad and then I will be right back, I promise.” 
She shakes her head and holds up her other hand, leaving her pinky up as she asks softly “pinky promise?” 
You smile at her and wrap your pinky around hers and say “I pinky promise sweetie.” 
She lets go of both of your hands and you move outside the door, watching as your favourite ER nurse immediately steps in and starts talking to the patient, keeping her distracted, you walk out of the room and the last thing you hear is them talking about the arsenal team. You smile to yourself knowing that she will be okay for a few minutes. 
You take the time to order scans for her, and check on her dad, you also manage to talk to someone from social services who is looking for her next of kin, but they are having no luck since her fathers License is from Ireland, you know it will take some time for anyone to get over here. 
Walking back into her room you smile at her and say “Hi Kenzie, I am going to take you upstairs now.” 
She meets your eyes and asks “how is my dad?” 
Moving back towards her you sit down on the edge the bed by her legs and say “he’s been taken into surgery, by those friends of mine. He’s getting the best care possible and they will do everything they can to help him.” 
She starts to cry and you move to grasp her hand and she says “I want my daddy.” 
It breaks your heart and you move closer and pull her into a hug softly whispering “it’s okay sweetie, let it out.” 
After a few moments of letting her cry she’s sniffles and pulls back and says “I’m okay, I can be a big girl.” 
You smile and wipe under her eyes and you say “you are strong sweetie, now lets go get some scans of your belly and then we can get you fixed up to be ready for your dad okay?” She nods and you gesture to the nurse to get her ready for transport upstairs for scans then into the paediatric floor. 
Less than an hour later, you walk into her room on your floor. You were one of the attending surgeons on the paediatric floor. “Hi sweetie” you tell her as you walk into the room when she turns and smiles softly at you, you continue “They called your grandma, and she should be here tomorrow.” 
“Grandma is old and cant move fast” she chuckles at you. 
“Well she does have to fly over her, like you and your dad did sweetie. Why were you over here?” you as her as you fiddle with her IV. 
She gasps and says “the game! I missed the game.” 
“The arsenal one? Were you guys over here to watch it?” you ask her. 
“It was my first game, daddy saved up and finally was able to bring me over to watch my favourite team play. Did I miss it? Can I still go watch?” she asks you with wide eyes pleading. 
You sit beside her hip on her bed and say softly “sweetie, your scans came back and I need to go in and fix your belly, we are going to do it now.” 
“So i wont get to see the game?” she pouts. 
You smile sadly and hold up your pinky and ask “I pinky promise when we’re done, I will come and watch the full game with you right here.” 
She smiles and wraps her pinky around yours and says “deal.” 
Before you can say anything more the surgical team walks in and you know its time to go, You turn to her and say “We’re going to take you in and put you to sleep and when you wake up we will get to watch Arsenal kick butt okay?” 
She nods and says “okay.” 
You follow the surgical team push her towards the OR, you help them transfer Kenzie over and you stay with her until she’s out. You move into the scrub room and pull out your phone, texting Leah like you did before every surgery, and told her that you would be in the OR and will update when you are done. 
Almost 6 hours later you were sat beside Kenzie’s bedside, it was dark and quiet and you were not expecting her to be awake anytime soon but you wanted to be here when she did. It had started to get late and when your phone buzzed you knew it would be Leah. You saw it was and you turned and looked out into the quiet hallway and decided to take the phone call there. 
You had been with Leah for almost 5 years, and it was the best 5 years of your life. You had been still a resident and Leah was gaining popularity and you both decided that you wanted to keep your relationship quieter. Leah was worried that some of her more enthusiastic fans would attempt to contact you through the hospital and she wanted to make sure that you were safe. 
It was sweet and when the opportunity came up to be an attending at this hospital in the middle of London you jumped at the chance to be close to your fiancé. You had been at this hospital for 6 weeks and as far as you knew, no one was the wiser to if you were single or in a relationship. Which is why you would make sure no one was around before you answered a phone call from her. 
“Hi babe” you greeted her when you picked up the phone call. 
“Hi love, are you still working?” she asks with a chuckle. 
“I am, I’m gonna stay here tonight actually.” you tell her with a soft smile, eyes on the sleeping form of Kenzie in front of you. 
You can hear her moving and she says “Are you going to be in surgery all night?” 
“no actually, this patient came in and I operated on her” you tell her softly. “She’s 8 and was here with her dad to watch your game, but she was hit by a car on the way to the stadium.” 
“Oh, love, is she okay?” she asks softly. Your heart grows three times the size as she just immediately understands why you need to be here and why you cannot leave her.
You pause on answering when Kenzie moves in front of you, but when she settles you say softly to Leah “she’s all alone Lee and I promised to watch the game with her when she wakes up.” 
“You’re amazing and I love you” she says “and I will miss you tonight.” 
“I miss you too babe” you tell her with a soft smile.
You listen as she moves around and it sounds like she’s gotten into bed and she asks “can you stay on the line with me while I fall asleep?” 
Smiling you move and adjust the chair so you are reclining as you softly ask “Do you have training tomorrow?” 
“Good, I will definitely be home tomorrow babe” you say softly. 
“Mhmm I want you here” she sleepy says. 
You stay on the line listening to her breathe evening out and you smile to your self, thinking about how much you love this woman. “Sleep tight babe, I love you.” you whisper when you hear her softly snoring you hang up the phone. Turning in the chair to settle into a light sleep. 
It’s early in the morning when you hear Kenzie moving around in her bed in front of you. You open your eyes to see her eyes open looking around. You wait to see if she will fall back asleep but when her eyes lock on yours you says “Hi sweetie.” 
“hi” she whispers. 
You move to stand up and check her vitals and move your hand to check her incision site and you ask her “how are you feeling?” 
“Tired” she answers softly. 
“do you want to go back to sleep?” you ask her, and move your hand to tuck her hair behind her ear. 
She shakes her head and says “Can we watch the game now?” 
You chuckle and tell her “yeah? lets watch.” 
You move the table over the end of the bed to be closer and you pull out your phone and find the recording of the game. You always set Leah’s games that you miss to be recorded so you can watch them back. You pull the chair closer and you set the phone up so you both can see. The first 15 minutes are quiet but when Arsenal scores one she gets excited and sits up more. 
After the third goal she’s more animated and is excitedly talking about the game and the players. The game has made her feel a lot better and more like a little girl and you are happy that she seems to be doing better. 
You are lost in thought watching when she says “holy crap thats Leah Williamson.” 
You chuckle without taking your eyes off the screen and say “sweetie she’s been on the whole game.” 
“No, she’s right there!” she shouts. 
You turn and meet the eyes of your fiancé standing in the doorway of the hospital room with two coffees, she winks at you and says “I heard we had a fan here that wasn’t able to make it to the game.” 
You pause the game and move to stand up and step closer to Leah and you say “this is Kenzie.” 
“Hi Kenzie” Leah says and she hands you a coffee and brushes by you to stand beside the bed “are you watching the game back?” 
“yeah, I missed it cause Dr. Y/N was operating on my belly.” Kenzie says, the smile bright on her face. 
“she’s pretty Awesome” Leah says and then continues “Can I watch the rest with you?” 
“Yes please!” Kenzie answers quickly with an excited smile. 
“I guess you don’t need me anymore” you say with a chuckle. 
Leah smirks at you and says “Sorry love.” 
“It’s okay, you guys enjoy I am going to shower and change.” you tell them both. “Kenzie please make sure to ask Leah all the questions okay?” 
“I will! She’s my favourite player.” Kenzie says with a smile and moves to press play on the TV as she says to Leah “What did the ref say to you there?” 
You chuckle to yourself and move outside the room, and you stand on the outside of the window looking in and you feel your heart grow again watching as Leah and Kenzie both talk with their hands about the game and you can feel the smile growing on your face knowing it may be time to have a conversation with Leah about what you want next. 
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