#leah rilke fanfiction
writewhereyouleftme · 9 months
huh, delight: gain control of what we made on ao3
Chapter: 1/?
Relationships: Leah Rilke & Unsinkable Eight Members, Fatin Jadmani/Leah Rilke, Shelby Goodkind/Toni Shalifoe, Ian Murnen & Leah Rilke, Unsinkable Eight Members & Unsinkable Eight Members
Additional Tags: POV Leah Rilke, Post-Canon, After the Island (The Wilds), Canon Compliant, Female Friendship, Bisexual Leah Rilke, Dot Campbell & Fatin Jadmani Friendship, Leah Rilke & Toni Shalifoe Friendship, the boys are mentioned but they are not present, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
“We wanna visit,” she says, which lights Leah’s insides up as soon as the words leave Toni’s mouth. “It’s cheaper to fly to you first then head out to LA.”
Leah smiles, biting the end of her tongue. “Book the flights then, silly.”
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halcyon-hyacinth · 7 months
in light of the fanfic shit that is going around, I am going to post what I have in my ao3 bio re: my works - https://archiveofourown.org/users/Lexa_Alycia/profile
Disclaimers: - Please do not repost and/or resell my work. You will be found and reported. - All of my fics are posted under the pseud 'hyacinth' as 'Lexa_Alycia' is no longer in use. - Blanket permission to podcast my fics, but please credit me + let me know so I can listen! - If you create fanart of any of my fics, please tag me and/or send me the link so I can see it! - Translations are okay with permission. Otherwise please don’t repost my work. - Please do not write fics of my fics without my express permission. - I'm not open to writing collabs/comms from non-mutuals at this time. WIP updates: - Tipping Point is discontinued as of 2020. - haunted is projected to be finished May 2024 - and they were roommates is projected to be finished June 2024. - Zero is on indefinite hiatus
Last updated: February 2024
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supercorp-shipper · 2 years
Looking for a Shoni fic that was deleted from AO3!
The fic is called “Falling Feels Like Flying” by dwoht. I also loved all of her other Shoni fics. In the fic Shelby is a YouTuber and Toni is a basketball player. They both attend UCLA and they’re roommates.
If anyone downloaded the fics before she deleted them, I would love to have them! Thanks!
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neverbthesaame · 2 years
last chapter of my fix it fic for season 2 of the wilds is out now. idk if at this point it technically counts as one very condensed season 3 solution, or just a cliffhanger-less, actually resolved season 2. no matter what she is, she’s finally here. over and out <3
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comic-book-jawns · 2 years
Sugar, We’re Goin Down
An aged-down twist on The Fight
“You said 15 minutes!”
“I guess we walk slower than I thought.”
Ian snorts. Fatin huffs but stops shoving her phone in Leah’s face. And Leah — well, she’s earned some fun after spending all afternoon doing their paper by herself, except not by herself.
“Are you serious?!”
The only thing funnier than Ian catching on without Leah having to say anything… is how far Fatin managed to pull ahead before realizing — her fault for having so many friends she needs to text constantly.
“You didn’t have to come with us, Fatin!”
“You said I did!”
For a second, Leah’s stumped. And then she’s laughing even harder. Because, oh, that’s right. Leah had to explain to her fellow seventh grader that she could join them, not wait for them to bring her ice cream.
Read more @ ao3
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mediocre-writerr · 4 years
we’re going down [leah rilke]
bring us through: leah rilke book
chapter 2: we’re going down
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*not my gif*
The private jet was fancier than any plane I’ve ever been on. Seats where your feet weren’t cramped like a bunch of sardines in a sardine can. A smell that doesn’t smell like someone just ate the whole Taco Bell menu before they came on.
It was clean and polished. No spot had a stain, like it was brand new. Perfect as one would say.
Here’s the thing about perfection though: everyone has their own version of perfect.
Here’s the thing about me: I didn’t know that until much more recently.
There were many trials and tribulations with my family, especially when it came to perfection...or well perfection in my dad’s eyes. But somehow, some way, we always came out stronger. There was one time where my mom didn’t get the job we needed to really help our financial situation, and my dad got so angry that she wasn’t perfect that she had to go live with my aunt for a couple months. But when she came back with a new better job, my dad celebrated her. We went to a fancy restaurant in the city and ate the most expensive food on the menu. Then my older sister didn’t marry the guy my dad wanted her to and he disowned her for a few months. Until she came back with more money and a grandkid for our parents. He threw the baby a huge baptism party, spending loads of money buying them a house and the necessities for a baby.
My mom not getting a job? Fixed with a big celebration dinner. My sister not marrying the man my dad wants? Fixed with a huge baptism party and buying them a house.
I’m valedictorian, on the verge of going to the most prestigious school in Texas on a full ride: Rice University. And then right when everything in life seemed to be perfect, I messed everything up. There was no way coming back up from this one.
I was just sitting at the kitchen table during dinner. Eating mom’s classic country fried steak and mashed potatoes with gravy. Occasionally, participating in awkward conversation about how good the food is. I felt like I slept-walked there, barely able to recall the argument before dinner, the yelling, the screaming. Remembering for the thousandth time in the past week, that she was gone.
I sat there awkwardly, waiting for the other foot to drop. That I was just going to get kicked to the curb like everyone else who didn’t follow what my dad has planned for their life. But as my younger brothers went upstairs for bed I recognized something on my dad’s face that I had never seen since they found out. His face dressed in a big smile, like he was just told he’s going to Disney World.
As if on beat, he leaned in closer to me from across the table. And I knew that things were about to go for a crash-landing. His unusual happiness at my disobedience was going to wreck havoc into my life.
He cleared his throat hesitantly as my mother joined us back on the table. His breath smelled like his usual bourbon, “So Raleigh,” he said, crossing his fingers together with my mom’s, “We have a fun surprise for you.”
As if on cue there was a knock on the door. My father gestured for me to go get the door. I opened it revealing Shelby and her parents. I stopped short in my place, both of us frozen with confusion written all over our faces. But her parents had an unfamiliar expression: genuine happiness?
I cleared my throat, trying to piece everything together, “Hi Mr and Mrs. Goodkind. It’s a pleasant surprise. My parents are at the kitchen table.”
I open the door wider for them as the two of them say their hello’s and walk inside, “What’s going on?” I ask Shelby and she shrugs.
“I have no idea,” she whispers back, “But it can’t be good.”
The two of us sat across from our parents, as they stared at us with grins on their faces. But it’s as if the grins had a double meaning to them, “We wanted to talk to the two of you about something. We know the two of you are as thick as thieves, I mean you never shut up about each other.” Mr. Goodkind laughs, trying to ease the awkward tension, but it misses by a longshot.
Me and Shelby laugh along awkwardly, as we look at each other with a side glance. They said fun surprise. Not we’re kicking you out onto the streets. But we knew, from the way that our mom’s wouldn’t look at us or from the way our father’s faces grew more and more stern by the second, that something was about to go down.
My dad fetched something from his office. Two envelopes with our name scrawled across it, with a pamphlet in his name. The pamphlet in big bold letters saying: Dawn of Eve.
“We want you to have this,” my dad says, “It’s a gift for the two of you.”
We slowly opened the envelopes revealing a plane ticket to Hawaii, along with an itinerary, “It’s a retreat,” my mom blurted, “A beautiful month trip to Hawaii with other girls around your age. You’ll love it. Find your true self. Growing.”
Mrs. Goodkind chimes in, “Aromatherapy messages, swimming with dolphins, workshops!”
“A chance for the two of you girls to discover who you’re really ought to be.” Mr. Goodkind says.
And at that point I knew. It wasn’t just any retreat, it was a retreat to get our shit together.
I closed the overhead container, like closing the container would shut out the memories too. Looking for a distraction, I opened up Instagram on my phone scrolling through various posts of people back home and celebrities flaunting off their life.
Everyone seemed to have taken their seats. The brunette with a book sat in the back away from everyone else, holding onto the book like her life depended on it. The ‘put on your seatbelt’ sign flashed above us, as a video began playing on the screen in front of us.
“Right now, hundreds of girls just like yourselves, board charters just like this one, are on route to our retreat in Kona, Hawaii.” the middle-aged lady said.
But I wasn’t quite focused on that, but rather the girl in the back all by herself. She was staring blankly at the seat in front of her, not paying attention to anyone in the plane or the video.
“The Dawn of Eve literally waits for no man.” the lady says, causing me to catch my attention.
I looked at my best friend who was captivated by the video. I give her a look and she just shrugs. The air on the plane was tense as we lifted off into the air. It seemed like nobody wanted to be here. So Shelby did what she did best.
“I’m gonna start an icebreaker to get to know everyone.” she states, starting to get up from out of her seat.
I pull her back down as fast as I could, “Shelb, really? We’re not on a mission.”
But she just pulled out of my grasp standing up. I let out a sigh, even though everyone would hate this idea, what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t support her? “So, in the interest of bringing us all together I would like to propose a little ice breaker.”
I could literally feel everyone’s eye roll in the room. An asian girl with bangs stood up suggesting ‘Never Have I Ever’. But of course peppy Shelby shot down her suggestion. She was never one for those types of games. Especially with all of the secrets she keeps hidden inside.
“Alright I’m gonna start with an introduction and play matchmaker,” she says walking up and down the aisle.
I was trying to pay attention to Shelby, but for some reason I kept looking back at that beautiful brunette. Who did not seem to be interested in anything Shelby was saying. Her nose still knee-deep in that book of hers, curled onto her side, reading like it was life or death.
“And this is my best friend Raleigh Fuller,” my best friend says, snapping out of my trance. She looks at you with the look as she follows your gaze to the girl in the back, “We’re from Dillon, Texas.”
She grabs my hand, dragging me all the way towards the back, sitting next to the girl, “You two will be paired up together. Have fun you two.” she says to me with a wink before walking back down the aisle.
The brunette didn’t acknowledge me though, but rather kept reading her book. I cleared my throat, awkwardly, trying to gain her attention.
“The Nature Of Her? By Jeffrey Galanis.” I said, squinting at the book cover across from me.
That seemed to have caught her attention, “You’ve read it?”
“No. I actually never heard of it, but it seems like it’s interesting. If you’ve been having your nose stuffed in since I accidentally ran into you.” I say jokingly with a small smile.
The flight attendant came by with a cart full of chocolate cake. We both thank him softly, before indulging in the richness of the cake.
She didn’t respond after that all she did was stick her nose in her book again. But it seemed like she wasn’t even reading the pages. After three seconds she’s already flipping onto another page.
I cleared my throat, scratching the back of my neck. I mean what am I supposed to say? The girl clearly didn’t want to be bothered. It’s like the writing in those pages were magical. The old me would just sit back in the leather private jet chair, feeling sorry for myself about her completely ignoring me. Probably thinking something like: wow, I guess I’m really not cool. Or spit out a random fact since that’s all I know like: competitive art used to be in the Olympics.
But that past me was probably dug next to the old Taylor Swift’s grave. The lyric that goes: “I’m sorry the old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now...why? Cause she’s dead.” Yeah that’s how I’m feeling on the inside, so instead I say, “You know it’s kinda rude that we’re supposed to be having a conversation, but you’re completely ignoring me.”
She let out a laugh and took one glance up from the book. Finally being met with her bright blue eyes, “Does it look like I want to be bothered right now?”
“No, but it looks like you’re reading the same page over and over again. Like it’s the only thing that can keep your heart beating,” I said, “What’s so interesting about that book anyway?”
She studied me for a brief moment. Her eyes leave the pages of that book for more than five seconds.
Finally, she said, “Look, it’s one of my favorite books. But I don’t think there’s a rule against rereading your favorite book over and over again. That’s like me telling you that you can’t read Wuthering Heights over and over again.”
Now it was my turn to stare at the girl.
She was right. She may have been a closed off book, but so was I. I used to be one of those people who would kill to ask thousands of questions about what that book was about. Or why she loved it so much. I would love to join in and lead on Shelby’s icebreakers. But now? Sometimes, I don’t even want to talk to Shelby.
I wanted to apologize for my comments. These days, I can’t control my own emotions or what I want to say anymore.
I’m sorry, I imagined myself saying, I’m sorry that I was a complete pain in the butt. I didn’t mean to judge you and how invested you are in that book. My parents found out my deepest darkest secret. And instead of accepting me with open loving arms they decided to send me to a retreat. A retreat in which I’m pretty sure is a conversion therapy camp, but they don’t want to say that out loud. So they call it a fun surprise for me and my best friend. While the girl I fell in love with is just gone. I used to be this bright bubbly girl, but now I’m not. So, please forgive me for my behavior since you probably don’t want to be here either.
That’s a little TMI, don’t you think?
I open my mouth and start to utter those meaningless two words when my best friend came rushing past.
“Shelby? Where are you going?” I ask, surprised at how fast she was moving.
“I got chocolate cake in my teeth.” she mumbles, covering her face in her hand and I immediately got the message.
“Ah got it.”
Shelby rushed back into the bathroom and I turned to the brunette in front of me again. The closed-book of a girl, opening my mouth once more ready to mumble the two most overused words. But the plane started shaking, jolting us back and forth. The two of us look at each other, tilting our heads to the side.
“Hello everyone. We’re experiencing a little turbulence.” The plane continued to jolt and it seemed like more than just a little turbulence, “Actually a lot of turbulence!” the pilot yells.
The lights flashing on and off. The brunette just shoved her face back in the book. This could be our last moments on Earth and she’s still reading that book! I get up from out of my seat, banging on the bathroom door.
“Shelby! Open the door!” I yell.
My blonde best friend came bursting out and she fell onto her knees on the floor. Praying to the God she still whole-heartedly believed in. I fell down on the ground next to her, holding her in my arms as she prayed. I didn’t pray, but rather sat there thinking that this was the end.
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mauxdecode · 2 years
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gay-art-vibes · 2 years
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New Leatin (The Wilds) fic is up! Updates will be regular (it’s almost complete in my drafts.) This one is rated T, and and will be fairly short ending around the 15-20k mark.
Basically it’s just wholesome fluff to restore our souls after last week.
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americanhoney913 · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Wilds (TV 2020) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Fatin Jadmani/Leah Rilke Characters: Leah Rilke, Fatin Jadmani Additional Tags: soft morning, Photographer!Leah, as a hobby, Leah is a simp for her beautiful girlfriend, After the Island (The Wilds), Soft!Leah, Soft!Fatin Summary:
“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… It remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.” — Aaron Siskind
Before the island, Leah had been a writer. She’s still a writer—planning to get her Master’s in writing with a book about the eight of them and their time on the island in the works—but there’s something about photography that’s pulled her in. It’s calming in a way that’s different from writing; she writes to express her feelings and help settle her demons while photography allows her to capture the emotions of others in a different way. She’s not good with people; never has been. On the island, she was forced to face her demons and her fucked up mind over and over again; had to learn to live with seven other girls and communicate in a way she never did before. But there were moments on the island when her fingers itched for her phone to somehow save the moment.
Leah photographs Fatin on a lazy morning where they have nothing else they need to do.
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dvdson · 2 years
Fatin takes her hand and squeezes. “We’re going to win, Leah.”
“I know.” Leah squeezes back, not looking at Fatin. “That’s why I’m so scared.”
“You’re scared of… what, getting justice?”
“I’m… scared of this being over.” Leah swallows, rubs her thumb over Fatin’s knuckles. “Did you know that it’s been two years since… all of that? I counted, you know. Two years. Two whole years...” She sighs, her shoulders slumping. “I’ve been used to this for two years. And it’ll be over, and… It’ll all be over. God, what am I gonna do, Fatin?”
After spending so much time as a prisoner in a fucked-up experiment, then spending so much time trying to take down the monster responsible for said experiment, Leah struggles to comprehend the concept of a normal life; a life beyond paranoia and survival.
(AKA, my love-letter to The Wilds.)
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whatinthehale17 · 2 years
Hear me out, okay? Perfect The Wilds fanfic ideas that I'm thinking about writing
1- Ghost au where Leah sees Jeanette as a ghost and has to try and help her take care of her unfinished business by getting the others to believe that shes talking to Jeanette and they were put on the island for a reason
2- Instead of Scotty and Bo, its Scott and Stiles (from Teen Wolf) and Leah talks to Stiles instead of Raf and Leah and Stiles get along and think up plans to get back at Gretchen because they're literally the same person and I think they'd literally be BROTP cause they have so much in common.
Lemme know if anyone would read either of these and I might write them out
And yes they will be Leah centric cause Leah is my favorite and she deserves so much better and there will definitely be Leatin cause I honestly ship them more than Shoni
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writewhereyouleftme · 2 months
shes with me on ao3
Relationships: Fatin Jadmani/Leah Rilke, Minor Shelby Goodkind/Toni Shalifoe, Nora Reid & Rachel Reid, Leah Rilke & Unsinkable Eight Members
Additional Tags: Post-Canon, After the Island (The Wilds), Fake/Pretend Relationship, (kinda), POV Leah Rilke, Jealous Leah Rilke, bar/pub, filling in some gaps after the rescue, what happens before the rescue though? thats none of my business, the Boys are not mentioned but they exist, Love Confessions, First Kiss, Short & Sweet
“I’ve been thinking—”
“—Whoa, what? No way,” Leah interrupts.
Fatin shoves her shoulder with a free hand. “Shut the fuck up.”
They both laugh a little. It feels like old times, except they’re not on an island, and they’re free, and they won.
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rowan-lee · 4 years
The unsinkable eight live together in the same house.
A part of their group chat: #1
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brickqueen19 · 2 years
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neverbthesaame · 2 years
hello! FINALLY, chapter 7 out of 8 (!!) of my season 2 rewrite of the wilds is posted! if you read, please let me know what you think!
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comic-book-jawns · 2 years
At the end of this starless night (Part 2)
“I think you’re right to be worried.”
Both of them, clearly, have noticed that Leah’s concern for Fatin has only grown since the “breakdown.” But Dot’s pretty sure that Fatin doesn’t know the whole of it. After all, Dot only knows because Leah’s been “updating” her. So, yeah, Leah will be pissed. But, at this point, there’s only one person Leah will listen to. The only person she’s ever listened to, really.
“You know how Leah’s been hugging you a lot lately?”
“Hugging isn’t a mental disorder.”
Okay … she didn’t expect Fatin to have a comeback for that, seeing as it wasn’t a dig. Now that she thinks about it, though, she remembers Scotty saying some dumb shit about Leah and Fatin’s “PDA” the other day, which she would’ve called him out on if Toni hadn’t beaten her to the punch — metaphorically.
“You know how Leah’s been lifting you off your feet a lot lately?”
Read more @ ao3
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