#leading to their deaths because the two kids that they terrorize decided that the only way to save everyone is to destroy them
lovelyrose20 · 2 years
I don’t often make these kind of analyzation posts often and I might be wrong but something about Dream considering changing only for the nukes to drop hit me. I don’t know if I’m doing this right but just the fact that his death along with everyone else to due to his action, due to everything that happened. He never had the chance to change because he already made that decision a long time ago and now in some horrible way that involves everyone else suffering he’s suffered the consequence of it. I know that the finale is very flawed but it’s honestly good in that kind of angle. The fact that Tommy will not agree with him and still thinking that he’s a piece of shit understood why he did this and figure out his entire motive that is not underneath layers of it’s fun or greater good. He was just scared child who is upset that the world is complicated and that everything that he knew was changing and rather than change in small ways alongside it or try to accept change. He tried to force change in big ways, mess with innocent people’s lives and justify saying that soon they will live forever and it will be a better place. And the moment that he heard Tommy finally analyzing and slowly deconstructing his motives. The moment that dream seem to have begin to understand and actively let out his emotions. It was all gone. He have multiple chances and multiple warning signs yet he didn’t change. And now it’s too late because the server got nuked. It’s a symphony of a tragedy yet one that happens because of his actions and fatal flaws. Dream finally realize that he doesn’t have to do what are he did. And he paid the price for not realizing it before.
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itshype · 2 years
Excuse me, do you work here? (DC x DP)
This is sort of based off of the core idea behind The second, secret Justice League, so mayhaps consider reading that if you haven't? It'll take you 2 minutes max. Also, here's my masterpost.
So, Danny frequently works with the JL headquartered in the Infinite Realms. Basically, every League-Adjacent hero who died in costume chose to continue their work and make the Violent Afterlife a little safer. It's lead by Jason Todd as Batman (he never revived after Joker killed him in this AU - ....yet?) and has whomever else you like it in it. It's still just called the Justice League because with the zone inhabitants being long dead, never born or aliens, enough of them are unfamiliar with Justice League Earth.
They're better than ghost cops because they all died within the last decade. They remember what it is to be alive, they remember living people who they love and it changes the way that their minds think about crime and criminals in the zone. Their criminals are still people, not just obstructions to their obsessions.
And in a fun swap, Jason lives in mortal terror of the day anyone dares to kill the Joker. He hopes that asshole lives to the age of 108 and dies peacefully in bed so the chances of the Joker becoming an ecto-entity are as low as possible.
The regular, non-secret Justice League are kidnapped by a cool Alien species who want to make them fight. Not to the death, unless you feel like it, but more as a exhibition match. Martian Manhunter, Superman, Green Lantern and Constantine are not pumped to be kidnapped but the Lantern explains that doing well in this tournament will be super great going forward. If other planets hear about Earth's robust defence, they're all going to be less likely to fuck around and find out in future.
So, Constantine, in his infinite wisdom decides to - while they wait for the whole thing to start - summon the "best equipped" Justice League member to fight on their behalf. This other member (he assumes it will be Wonder Woman or Plastic Man) will probably not love being taken to a new planet. But, it's for the greater good and they'll all be taken home later.
But he didn't specify which Justice League - not knowing there are two. A 14 year old (looking) boy shows up. Superman is furious. Constantine, trembling with horror in what his hasty actions have done, explains everything.
Danny's thrilled, he's on a NEW PLANET?! He's met a MARTIAN? And he gets to do a low-stakes fight that could save millions of lives someday? This is the best day ever!
Danny tells them he's gonna fight, and he's gonna win, and they're going to help him get in touch with Batman on Earth when he's done. As payment.
He wants to tell Earth Batman that Ghost Batman loves him and never blamed him etc etc. Things Jason didn't exactly tell Danny to tell Bruce, but that he's mentioned to the team as wishing he could reach out and tell Batman before. (Why doesn't Jason go to Earth? Maybe he doesn't know which one, maybe the idea of being on the same planet as Joker sends him into a destructive rage, maybe he thinks telling Bruce he's still out there would do more harm than good... idk)
4 adult heroes watch in awe as Danny does a magic girl transformation into Inverted Danny and starts pulling more and more powers out of absolutely nowhere. Danny obliterates his competition and everyone is scared to hell of him. He gives an unwanted speech about what an honour it was to represent his solar system (he's thinking of his new bestie Martian Manhunter's culture's safety too).
It's only on the way home in the spaceship owned by the tournament mangers that it occurs to any of the Normal Justice League members to ask how this kid they've never even heard of is a member of their team and what he wants to discuss with Batman.
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originemesis · 8 months
hc musings - character dive ; //
Judging from season 1, I think it's safe to assume Adam does not like be without his helmet/mask. Sure, he's dressed up for his meetings/in court/for the final battle, which is just about everywhere he pops up in the season. However, he's also briefly shown just hanging out with Lute in heaven and he's still in uniform while she isn't. This is likely their down time, and yet he's still lugging around his massive robes, fully decked out for battle like it could happen anytime when clearly they're in heaven and it can't. So why is this?
Well, when the mask actually comes off (it's forced off and smashed apart just to get to that point), Adam is just 'some dude' under the menacing, manic act he's been putting on the whole time. An act as in when he crawls out of the hole without his safeguard face, he literally just has a melt down in front of everyone where his previous 'cunty charm' and 'idgaf' attitude are gone in place of some caught on the spot, seething human looking dirt bag who's only 'gotcha' is to call the group that's put an end to his reign of terror 'losers'. Just losers (baby ~). If he's not insecure with what he is under that mask (and how could he not be when not one, but two people who were literally created to be his perfect match dumped his ass? Oof.), then he absolutely has an inferiority complex of sorts and its in his 'break-down' moment on screen where it's on full display without the glowing grin and the horns.
To scratch further at that thought- imagine how Adam, the first human/man was essentially created in God's image. He was created to be perfect by heaven's definition, and though he didn't stay that way, he got a taste for what that felt like. Literally anything he does after that point when Eve and him have to leave Eden is (unironically) 'mid' or worse.
HC wise (out of my own musings so don't mind the canon divergence here since s2 is likely uhh...twitterjokes2027-) I'm leaning into the idea that the first two human souls are weighty in the sense that they can't both be in the same after life or it'll upset whatever balance there is between heaven and hell. So at the time of their deaths, it was decided that heaven wanted Adam and so hell would have Eve by default (also she was the one they blamed most- typical fandoms @ female characters amiriteeee). This means Adam who knows he's not perfect anymore, hasn't felt so in a long time- goes to a plane of existence that exudes perfection. They have 'the brightest, the polite-est of the lot and everyone is hot'. And then there he is- just some dude who is none of those things (hates math, innately rude, and well...'just some guy' isn't exactly heaven-scale hot guyyys).
This cumulation of always realizing nothing he does is good enough (because he knows this) and yet being treated like it is because he just happened to be first leads Adam to a state that even Lucifer comments on in their battle in the form of 'oh haha, you really let yourself go-'. Which I take to mean in the sense Adam is up in heaven, holding zoom-style holographic meetings while he probably barely even leaves his room (and never without his gear on), neglecting the 'womanly' deemed things like cooking and taking care of himself, gaining struggle weight for it all, and worst of all...he's in heaven and he's essentially in a depressed state (that let's be real he'd say doesn't exist like the dwightyouignorantslut he is) and that is plastered all over his real face in the form of baggy under eyes and that gross chin stubble he got going on too. And since heaven is full of happy, not depressed- never have a hard day, and HOT people, he essentially stays covered 24/7 in public because people would definitely question why he's there and heaven really doesn't need more people questioning decisions that'll create more Lucifers.
While wearing the mask he's like a kid that won't take his Halloween costume off because it makes him feel cool, and he does get a lot more animated and forgetful of his true insides. He's almost like a school mascot in a way, using his 'angelsona' to amplify his attention-grabbing antics. Take it away and he's very likely much more identical to Lucifer in terms of the whole 'take THAT, depression!' bit. Except for Adam that just translates to him being far less animated, grumpy, electric-guitar to acoustic pipeline, passively aggressive and likely tired, being the source of all humanity and all (man needs to be sucking down that G-fuel hourly).
Additionally: Angeldust and Adam would have the same theme of 'putting on an act' (or in Adam's case- putting on a show) and not letting the real person behind the façade show through. (Though in Angel's case it's for his own protection. In Adam's case it's because man can't cope with his insecurity.) And how Husk sees through Angel's bullshit, Lute does the same with Adam.
Adam's helmet glitched out the same way that Vox's did, so it could very well be a hint that Vox and Adam may have something to do with antagonism in the next season. If Adam came back w/o his mask and this all was applicable ofc, he would definitely team up with or make a deal with Vox in order to get him to fix the helmet (assuming he can based on the idea he might know how it works when put back together since his own tv face has been shown to glitch out like Adam's did) since it would be a necessary competent to bring back the actual 'Adam' he's become after living in discomfort with the one he became after experiencing real perfection.
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morningmask27 · 1 year
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say no more bestie, I’m a professional at Brokenstar AUs
Alrighty, so. Yellowfang has her kits (they all survive) and she gets a sign from StarClan that her kits will lead to the destruction of clans. She’s like, the fuck no and takes all her kits to the twolegplace where she gets adopted by a loving twoleg couple. Yellow gets the name Marguerite, her kits become Mary(Wish), Pippy(Hope) and Mustache(Brokey). They live a relaxing life in twolegplace. 
In ShadowClan however things aren’t as nice as they should be. Raggedpelt discovers that Yellowfang bailed and is pissed. He takes out all his frustration on Sagewhisker, leading to her death. ShadowClan now has no healer and has to quicktrain Runningkit to become a semi decent healer at least. This happens while Ragged still has his reign of terror being a fucking bitch to everyone. 
Ragged also gets with Foxheart for no actual reason and has one child with her. that child becomes Buzzardswipe and is raised to become Raggedstar’s heir. Buzzard is a little daddy’s kid and weak-willed.
In twolegplace Marguerite and her kits live a good life, but Mustache is too much of a threat and the twolegs can’t train the destruction habits out of it, so eventually they just dump the kit off close to the barn. Mary and Pippy are PISSED about that (Marguerite too, but M&P especially). They head out to find their littermate again, but they can’t find their sibling anywhere in twolegplace. They are angry at their owners for having kicked Mustache out and want only to have their family be reunited. 
Mustache is left alone near the barn and just wanders around. It gets close to the WindClan border once and meets Hawkheart and Barkface when the two are gathering herbs once. The two healers are very scared of Mustache because of its size and general vibe, but they discover that this beast is kit-aged and lost. They decide to let the kit join Windclan and name it Owlkit. Hawk and Bark have a sign that Owlkit is destined to become a healer, Hawk isn’t too pleased, but relents and Owlpaw gets to train as a healer. (the sign was an owl seemingly grabbing the moon and dropping it in front of the two healers). 
Anyways, Owlpaw has a decently normal apprentice hood up until Raggedpelt gains the title of Star. This is actually a lie, Owlpaw is very naturally curious, but for the bad things and discovers multiple potent poisonous mixes by experimenting on rabbits. This had led to Hawkheart banishing Owlpaw from gathering herbs alone because something bad always ends up happening. 
Hawkheart also tries to guide Owlpaw's more aggressive feelings into less destructive things, like going to beat up a bush when it is feeling particularly angry. And don't believe that Hawkheart is growing as a person while doing so, their anger management adventures are more akin to "yeah, the murder rage, we've all been there, sadly you can't kill someone because of that so go beat up that bush instead and now get the fuck out of my den"
Raggedstar is a pissy little bitch and wants to fight the other Clans because he hates them and wants to prove that ShadowClan is strong. Ragged wants to show off ShadowClan's strength and begins being way more hostile to the other Clans. This leads to many skirmishes with WindClan, so Owlpaw gets to see how full of shit ShadowClan is. 
These skirmishes eventually grow into full-fledged raids on WindClan, but that happens a bit later, when Owlpaw already got its full name: Owlstrike. But yeah, the raids on WindClan are very unpleasant and Owl doesn't like them, like the rest of its clan. It does manage to scare ShadowClanners away by virtue of how scary it looks, but the raids still happen. 
One particular raid ends up in the death of Hawkheart. Owl sees red because of this and swears vengeance. Its only goal in life now is to end the raids and Raggedstar for good. To do so it corners Runningnose during a halfmoon meeting to know if there would be a way to stop Raggedstar from launching all those raids. Runningnose says there aren't, so Owl sees there's one: kill Raggedstar. 
Owlstrike does some snooping around in ShadowClan territory and randomly finds Raggedstar’s only child: Buzzardswipe. Owl intimidates Buzzard to know if they could convince their dad to quit doing the raids on WindClan. Buzzard pleads with Owl, saying that they can’t get close to their dad anymore because Blizzardwing, Raggedstar’s deputy, does everything to keep them away from him. 
Owl now has a new plan: kill Blizzardwing to get at least one of the nuisances out of the picture. And it does just that during the next raid on WindClan. It's not hard to kill a deputy apparently. Now Buzzard got the deputy position, and a dazzling new apprentice at that! Everyone, say hello to Dawnpaw, our new and beloved little fiesty punk of an apprentice. She's stubborn and has been raised in a very "ShadowClan good the rest sucks" mentality. She has a particular dislike of WindClan and especially Owlstrike for killing her dad, Blizzardwing. 
Anyways, everything is fiiiiine obviously. Owlstrike continues intimidating Buzzard into letting it know valuable information about ShadowClan and now gets to push them to get Raggedstar off WindClan's back constantly. Raids still happen, but far less often and way less violent. Dawnpaw does see that her mentor sometimes leaves camp all alone during the day while most patrols are very busy and she's stuck taking care of the elders. And she sees that they always come back even more nervous than they usually are and quickly go to see Raggedstar. 
Time for a total scene change! In ThunderClan Fireheart lives his normal life. He's suspicious of Tigerclaw and goes on patrol. He doesn't have an apprentice, but he does have some fun with Graystripe and Ravenflight. Lionheart is a source of inspiration for the guy and he often goes to Spottedleaf when he gets hurt by his little shenanigans. Because yeah, Spottedleaf and Lionheart didn't die since ShadowClan didn't launch that particular raid coincidentally and Clawface had no reason to steal ThunderClan kits. 
Tigerclaw doesn't like the fact that he's still not deputy and seems to never have a moment to fucking kill Lionheart in peace, so he decided it'd probably be useful to get help from another clan to get the power in ThunderClan. Tiger thus decides to pay a little visit to ShadowClan to see if they would want to help and low and behold, who does he find? Buzzardswipe, obviously! Tiger believes it's a risky bet, but tells Buzzard that ThunderClan is planning an attack on ShadowClan and tells Buzzard to inform Raggedstar. Buzzardswipe is very uncomfortable with Tigerclaw telling them these bits of information, but can't really do a lot since they are too malleable for their own good. So now Buzzard has Two dark brown tabbies with an attitude and an Agenda to deal with. 
Tiger and Buzzard have one other meeting a bit later, but this one is cut short by Owlstrike showing up. Owl is very unhappy to see that its victim deputy is being victimized by another dark brown tabby and scares Tigerclaw off. Buzzard and Owl are now alone, but not for long because a patrol consisting of Raggedstar, Dawnpaw and another rando show up. Dawn had secretly followed Buzzard finally and had seen their meeting with Tiger that was then cut short by a visit from Owl, the cat she hates the most. She ran off to get Raggedstar and there they are! 
Owl does manage to escape, but he gets a fatal blow on Raggedstar first, taking one of his lives for good measure. Dawnpaw follows Owl right up until the WindClan border where she yells a few insults at it. She plans to leave when a WindClan patrol sees her and goes to ask her wtf she's doing. She tells them in great detail how their beloved healer was conspiring with ShadowClan's deputy. The patrol is shocked at the news and tells it to Tallstar, who isn't happy. Tall asks Owlstrike what it has to say for its defense and Owl explains what it had been doing, but the Clan doesn't believe him. It gets exiled from WindClan pronto. 
Owl is pissed at that and wants revenge, but decides to first beat up ShadowClan before going for WindClan. Owl now has a way easier time accessing Buzzardswipe for visits since it doesn't have to be ultra careful to hide its scent and bring back herbs every time it goes out to cover its tracks. 
Anyways, Tigerclaw was chased off once, but that only encouraged him to go for more. He pays Raggedstar himself a visit with the declaration that he had very important information. That info being about the supposed attack ThunderClan was preparing. Raggedstar believes Tiger, but doesn't know why Tiger would be disloyal to TC. Tigerclaw answers that ThunderClan's leadership is weak and needs to be changed before he can be loyal again, subtly implying ShadowClan should kill Blue and Lion to let Tiger take over. Ragged takes the hint and prepares a raid on Thunder. 
The raid happens and like planned Lionheart is killed. Tigerclaw obviously becomes deputy, but this still isn't enough for him. He goes back to Ragged to prepare the next step, but all this weird back and forth Tiger does makes Fire a bit suspicious of him, so one night he follows his deputy and sees him conversing with Raggedstar. On his way to escape before getting caught, he gets caught, but by Owlstrike. Fire would have been shitting his pants if he had any at the sight of the exiled WindClan healer. 
Owl does realize that this puny orange thing is working against Tiger, so Owl makes a deal with Fireheart. Owl helps Fire take care of the Tiger problem, if Fire helps Owl finish Raggedstar and then get revenge on WindClan. Fire agrees, mostly because he has to and now the plan gets moving. 
Fire learns when the next raid on ThunderClan will be because Owl still has its ways to get info out of Buzzardswipe. Fire warns ThunderClan just a bit before and the fight begins. Shit isn't too particular, but Fire does get attacked by a very cranky Dawncloud, who saw him with Owlstrike, she knows of his plans and is very dead set on killing Fireheart and then Owlstrike too. Fire does manage to shake her off with the help of a few other ThunderClanners. Then the Tiger vs Blue thing happens and like in canon Fire saves her. Tiger is banished, Fire becomes deputy without even having trained an apprentice. 
Now Owl gets to claim its end of the bargain. Fire has to convince Blue to launch a revenge attack on ShadowClan. Owl also gives pointers to Fire on how to convince the bunch of rabbit feces WindClan to assist in the raid, by talking to the right cats and mentioning the right things. Now Fire has WindClan and ThunderClan (Blue wasn't going to attack, but she wasn't going to do anything tbh, so Fire just did whatever) ready to invade ShadowClan. The main plan that had been agreed on by Fire and Tall was to oust or kill Raggedstar for good. Buzzardswipe wouldn't be a good leader, but they'd be a weak leader and thus ShadowClan's problem and not WindClan's. 
The attack happens as planned and Raggedstar loses a life before he and a few of his followers flee ShadowClan. Problem is, Buzzardswipe is one of them. Now ShadowClan has no leader, but good old Nightpelt steps up to get things at least moderately under control. Dawncloud isn't one of the cats that fled as she values being a part of ShadowClan too much, but she's very unhappy with Nightstar as a leader and gets the fabulous idea to spread the carrion sickness to ShadowClan to kill Nightstar. It goes a bit out of her control, but it's fine. Nightstar is dead and that's all that matters. 
Now, while Dawn is doing her sickness shenanigans in ShadowClan, Raggedstar and Tigerclaw find each other in exile. They are angry at each other and want to kick each other's ass, but they get convinced to not do that by a worried Buzzardswipe who knows that Ragged is on his last life and would absolutely get beaten up by Tigerclaw. So the two cats decide to work together to get revenge on the clans. To do so though they'll need more cats. Lucky them, they heard about a group of cats in twolegplace that have some very strong members in them. 
Tiger and Ragged send Buzzard to represent them when asking for help of the two leaders of that group. The two sisters aren't interested in fighting, but when they learn that Buzzard and their group were wrongfully ousted by evil cats (and the low payment of the forest lands next to twolegplace as a new territory for their group, which Ragged and Tiger did Not agree to) the sisters agree to help Buzzard and their band. They always see Buzzard as the leader of the group, much to the annoyance of the two actual brown tabby leaders. 
Now the funny thing is that Nightstar's death happens a few days before Ragged, Tiger and the twolegplace group show up to beat up the Clans. They learn about ShadowClan's very weak position and decide to attack them first since it'd be an easy first thing.
So the attack happens and many cats are killed. Buzzard's group gets to lead that camp now while the (very few) surviving ShadowClanners either join Buzzard's group or flee to RiverClan mostly. Dawncloud is one of the cats that escapes. Next the group goes to eradicate WindClan for the crime of existing. This fight is even more brutal than the previous one, the amount of destruction that happens is immense and very fitting of a ShadowClan cat leading an attack on poor WindClan. The escapees all flee to ThunderClan for help. The next Clan on the chopping block is RiverClan, who literally has done nothing of importance in this AU, but still gets massacred like the other two. The poor ShadowClan sods that sought refuge in RiverClan were in for a bad time, but a few did survive and fled to ThunderClan with the RiverClan survivors. 
Tiger was very happy about that next attack and led it himself. He was the first one in the camp and killed Bluestar himself. A whole lot of other cats died, but fortune seemed to be on ThunderClan side just a bit since Owlstrike was in camp at the time and it recognized the two leaders of the twolegplace group. Mary and Pippy also recognized their sibling and made their cats stop the attack. Their happy reunion wasn't long though since Dawncloud was still out for revenge (she had momentarily joined Buzzard's group for safety, but hated it). She jumped on Owlstrike's back and tried to kill it. All three siblings had to work together to get her to stop attacking, but she only really stopped when she saw Buzzard being hassled by a few clan cats. She ran to aid her old mentor and bright them to safety before trying to go back for Owl. 
Owl had located Raggedstar while this was happening and decided to finish him just like he took Tallstar's last life for funnies. Owl launched itself onto Ragged, but Buzzard got in the way of the attack, taking the fatal hit and dying instantly. This made Ragged stop the attack immediately. (Tiger was also already dead, killed by good old Fireheart). He called the few cats that were still loyal to him and fled ThunderClan camp. 
Dawncloud wasn't one of them and was actually even more angry at Owlstrike. She attacked him again, but this time Owl was fed up and simply killed her too. (Sorry for her ungraceful death, she was simply too powerful to be alive </3). 
The surviving cats looked at the camp in abject horror and tried to think about what they'd do now. Very few cats had survived the bloodbath (about 20-25 or so) with only one leader (Fireheart) and one healer (Mudfur, who is obviously very old). The surviving cats decided to form one group together to try to survive. A few cats of the twolegplace group do decide to join the forest cats, one of them a certain Tiny, that liked the idea even as a kit. Owl, tho did Not want to stay. Nor did its sisters. They all left the clan to pick up the broken pieces of itself as they all left to live back in Twolegplace. 
The prophecy though was fulfilled. The clans were no more, and that because of those three kits. 
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valtsv · 2 years
Name: Lamia and Medea Wright
Pronouns: She/Her and She/Her
Appearance: Lamia was a 6'4 woman with red hair and amber brown eyes with reflective qualities in low light. Her ears had slightly pointed tips and her teeth seem a little too sharp from certain angles. She had slightly thicker body hair than usual. Before cutting herself off from her family and her patron, she had a muscular, athletic figure, suited to running but also strong. After, she gradually became skeletally thin and gaunt, and her hair dull and brittle. Her sister Medea was 6'2 with blonde hair and yellow-gold eyes. She was slimmer and less eye-catching than Lamia, though they shared many of the same traits.
Lamia and Medea were, as I've already mentioned, sisters, and TMA ocs. Their family was dedicated to serving the Hunt, and Lamia and Medea were no exception. They were raised to view other humans and avatars alike as livestock who primarily existed to feed their fear to their patron entity. In early years, Lamia took better to this than Medea, displaying a natural aptitude for hunting and causing terror. Medea, being older and often overlooked in favor of her younger sister by their parents and other relatives, grew to hate Lamia and develop a large chip on her shoulder that she never got over.
Lamia ended up shocking everyone when she ran away and cut herself off from her own family, however, marrying Newt Crane, a Web avatar from a rival family. The two would go on to have a child together, my oc Annie. Don't feel too proud of Lamia, though: she mostly left her life of murder and terrorism because she got bored and decided she wasn't interested in spending her life serving a fear god, rather than any particular moral motivation. Her primary reasons for marrying her husband and having a kid with him were spite and greed. It's hard to say if she really loved them, or the achievements they represented to her. She was also increasingly ill and largely bedbound due to the Hunt starving her as punishment for cutting herself off from it and refusing to feed it. She died to save Annie's life, killing the monster that murdered her husband, but the events that led to her sacrifice were only set in motion because of her decision to leave in the first place, and following her death she left Annie with no suitable guardians and a lot of pissed off, powerful and dangerous people she'd screwed over. Mom of the year!
Lamia also exists in Netherbound (original fiction RP), where she's a Titan. She's mothered a lot of children there due to her long lifespan, but eaten most of them, as well as her chosen mates, in an attempt to satisfy her insatiable hunger. She's a snake woman - literally. She has the body of a woman and the tail of a snake. She's also Annie's mom in Netherbound, and has tried to eat him several times. Mom of the century.
Medea, as I've already mentioned, grew up with a serious chip on her shoulder and a need to prove herself that drove her to excessive violence and bloodshed in the name of proving herself to her family and her patron. She insisted on leading the hunt and eventual murder of the last surviving members of a family the Wrights had been targeting for generations, so it's hard to feel sorry for her always being second best sibling when she viciously attacked and killed an oc (not mine) in her own workplace by using Lamia's kid, my oc Annie, as bait to draw her out by torturing Annie until the other oc felt compelled to intervene, and then attempted to do the same to that oc's brother while he was destabilized emotionally by her sudden and violent death.
They're both hot evil werewolf (and snake) women though. So that's pretty cool.
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(i only have a link to the first picrew since the other two are no longer available since i made these character references)
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So I just watched the rise movie and head full many thoughts but here’s something that occurred to me halfway through ish
I think Casey’s memories reorganize themselves.
Okay, so— in the original timeline, the one that lead up to Leo and Mikey sending Casey back in time, they didn’t know what the Kraang key was, meaning they weren’t there to interfere. Leader Kraang calls out to Brother Kraang to widen the portal to fit the technodrome through, and, I think in the original timeline, they did.
But! In the movie timeline, the turtles interrupt, and it’s only after that that Casey tells them his childhood story about the tallest tower and the sky splitting open.
I don’t think this affects anything majorly, like, at all, but it’s a neat little detail, Casey’s memories changing to fit the altered timeline. (Coincidentally it was also around this point that I guessed who his mom was— if anyone was gonna name their kid after Casey, it’d be Casey.)
Ooo I really like the idea of a changing timeline causing a change in characters' memories! Though I'm not sure that's what's causing the "contradiction" between Casey Junior's story and what we see play out on Staten Island.
Pardon my Homestuck, but I'll refer to the timeline we see for most of the movie as the Alpha Timeline, and the timeline Casey Junior is from as the Doomed Timeline.
On Staten Island in the Alpha Timeline, our heroes attacked the Krang immediately after they came through the portal. Only then did Leader Krang command Brother Krang to bring the Technodrome through. Trying to see things from his perspective, he may have thought "we don't have the element of surprise here, our enemies have prepared for our arrival. We have no intel on how much time they've had to prepare or what kind of resources they have; for all we know, there are a billion of these pests out there with a bunch of missiles at the ready. We need to get the Technodrome through RIGHT THE FUCK NOW, to be ABSOLUTELY SURE we can counter whatever's out there". They of course failed because our heroes yoinked the key, but trying to bring it through on Staten Island seemed like a sensible choice in that particular scenario.
But in the Doomed Timeline, the Krang did have the element of surprise! Bringing the Technodrome through while on Staten Island would have lost them that surprise, since a portal that big is extremely visible. It's hard to say for sure, since we see so little of this timeline, but I'm speculating that just the Krang came through at first, and they spent a few days or weeks laying low, strategizing and gathering resources. Maybe they had the Foot sneakily pick off (or capture to transform…) some side characters who were allies of the turtles, or who they otherwise thought could be troublesome. Only then did they decide on Metro Tower as the best place to announce themselves. Thus CJ's story of: "and behold, from their perch atop New York City, the Krang ripped open the sky itself. What came out was Terror, and what rained down upon us was worse than Death."
Of course, this explanation relies on the idea that Leader Krang makes sensible decisions, and people who like to do invasions and genocides and so on typically do not make sensible decisions! Especially since he had been cooped up in Dimensional Space Prison for centuries and was no doubt especially antsy to Get Things Done. So the idea of this "contradiction" stemming from CJ's memories getting rearranged is still on the table.
And the implications of this for CJ are fascinating, like, would all of his memories of the Doomed Timeline be replaced one by one with memories that better align with the Alpha Timeline as the two continue to diverge? Or would he have two sets of memories, with one set being easier to access than the other depending on what circumstances might trigger them?
Or maybe he'd be at risk of his Doomed Timeline memories being overwritten, which would both (a) give him an identity crisis and (b) mean the team could lose valuable intel about the Doomed Timeline! So perhaps they could use some kind of memory magic like in "E-Turtle Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" to stabilize those memories.
And maybe it doesn't work all the way! Maybe partial memory fuckery could just be A Consequence of Time Travel in Rise? Like, you can't really do time travel that much in a kids' show if using time travel requires a character to sacrifice their life to open the portal. So maybe they can magi-tech up a machine to do it for them, but in order to preserve the magnitude of Master Michaelangelo's sacrifice, there would have to be a limit of what the machine can do. Maybe it could only send them back in time an hour? (Or ten minutes, about the length of an episode XD) But if changing the timeline messes with certain memories, are we sure they'll be able to accurately remember what they went back in time to change...?
And how might the divergence of the Doomed Timeline and the Alpha Timeline affect other characters? Is it possible that those who are aware time travel occurred would experience "ghost memories" of the Doomed Timeline? if Doomed!Splinter died on, say, March Third 2025 at 2:17 pm, would Alpha!Splinter feel a moment of panic when that time came around? Would he feel like he was being attacked, even though he was just sitting in the living room and watching a movie with is family? Would his heart stutter for just a moment?
Would other characters wake up in a cold sweat, every now and then, from nightmares they couldn't quite grasp? Would they feel distrustful of this or that mutant or yokai, because those people had betrayed them to the Krang in the Doomed Timeline? Would they feel nervous in the shadows of certain buildings, fearful of an imminent collapse that had never happened?
I am Rotating This Idea In My Mind now thank u Anon.
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msommers · 10 months
george is my new daughter but she's still in development mode so here's a bunch of unorganized, still to-be-confirmed rambles about her
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georgina "george" "georgie" "gina" quinn; she/her; personality types tossed onto the graphic set here. obligatory pinterest.
part-time baker, tutor, and superhero. inherited aerokenisis (air manipulation abilities) from her parents, both well-established and famous heroes of freedom city.
has an older brother named zachary, he wields hydrokenisis openly while working as one of the city's firefighters and supers. also has a younger sister named charity, she doesn't appear to have inherited any powers and certainly doesn't have a dozen complexes about that fact.
parents: madeline & nathaniel quinn. undecided powers, though likely of elemental variety due to zach and george's ones lmao. potentially part of a group of supers, not determined yet. typical Good Guys type of heroes, decades worth of time spent cutting off crime and dispatching supervillains. heavily influenced the moral compasses and worldviews of their two oldest kids (honor and kindness above all, violence is the last resort, peacekeeping and protection are the goal), lessons they taught are remembered and acted upon even after their deaths reasonably lead to questioning if their ways worked. charity is somewhere around ten years younger than george so she had less time with the parents = conflict with her older siblings on their noble ways which got their parents killed. had quite a few awkward sibling meals end because of those "debates".
hero identity: zephyr. outfits are shades of sky blue and white, always with a hood and matching mask to obscure (some of, comic logic lets it work) her features. isn't spotted as often as other supers, but her vibes are known nonetheless: never fatally wounds, focuses on crowd control and flight, leaves criminals to the police instead of taking justice into her own hands. she'd only do it against chunky baddies who can tank damage but the image of her chucking various objects and items with the use of her powers is pretty fun. other power uses: speed bursts, electricity immunity, manipulating weather (incredibly exhausting on a bigger scale, not done often). has minimal hand-to-hand combat training that she learned from zach, taken up only if she's forced to ground herself during a fight and even then she tries her best to find ways to avoid it.
purely for fun, she's eternally a little chilly because i decided it'd be silly for her wind powers to affect her that way. her wardrobe reflects that and results in annual comments on how she's wearing ridiculous clothing during the warmer months.
the only quinn sibling to pursue education beyond high school, though it never saw much use due to hero life. i'm stupid do not ask me to specify her studies beyond physical science please and thank you <3
in her early teen years she started working at the family bakery (quinntessential confections) on-off, then eventually as an actual job during high school and college. had the privilege of flexible scheduling bc of the whole family-owned thing, which came in handy when she started to join in the supers activity alongside schoolwork.
was 23 when her parents were killed by doc holiday—a malefic entity from another dimension that takes human hosts to inflict its will, defeated in the 60s but recently returned possessing a college student to once again spread terror and violence. the quinns couldn't bring themselves to kill the being as he was controlling a poor kid that wasn't in control and actively hated everything the entity used him to do, which resulted in their deaths as holiday was motivated only to cause as much destruction and suffering as possible.
(might?? have a fun little thing of george having known the guy who holiday decided to turn into his puppet. add even more conflicting feelings to things.)
george ended up inheriting the bakery, while also needing to help cover the family home, which led to her doubling down on citizen work rather than super. she took up tutoring on the side, putting her studies to use there instead of searching for anything in those fields as she couldn't dream of letting the bakery go.
pastels are her beloveds and it's clear from the Everything about her. the bakery decorations, her bedroom, her wardrobe and accessories, etc etc. those things can also display her obsessive and perfectionist nature, everything must be neat and clean or it nags at her.
smth smth running battle with the umbral huntress who keeps trying to sway george towards altering her moral code because the city has so much corruption and her way of doing things is too "soft" to make a real impact. i'll bang out details later, important part is shoving my hero and my vigilante/villain together is fun and sexy. george never wavered until the deaths of her parents, unfortunately some of the huntress's points started to hit after that (probably won't last or truly change her mind?? but a fun journey to go on).
lowkey sims obsession and i don't think her gaming experience would go far beyond that franchise tbh. sometimes self-care is spending hours meticulously building a new school in sims 4 because you don't like the set-up of the default one included in the expansion pack, y'know.
listens to audiobooks as she works and her book collection is probably mostly of that variety, any printed ones are from childhood/teenage years or random ones bought to match an aesthetic she wanted for decorating a shelf or two.
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ponds-of-ink · 9 months
Notre Dame Chapter 13: “The Bonfire”
Against all odds, it’s returned.
And it’s split into two parts, with this one being the first. Buckle up, because this is going to be a doozy.
Vehicles swarmed the front entrance of the abandoned mall. Construction workers yelled down to other professions down below. Firefighters formed a blockade around the closed metal door. An electrician and a locksmith stood behind them, locked in hushed (but certainly tense) debate on how to do their jobs safely. And, arguably tasked with the most important job of all, Gregory sat there with walkie-talkie in hand. Waiting for something, though only he knew what.
Inside the mall itself, final preparations were underway. Judge Glitch readied the elevator contraption. The tar-colored wires buzzed with Agonia’s energy, though the ghost himself was nearly drained. Vanessa peered outside the castle windows with weary eyes— All her attention fixated on Cassie listlessly trailing behind the greenish rabbit.
Minutes flew by for both sides. The unseen drums of justice rumbled louder and louder… Both literally and figuratively, given the Judge’s choice of music for the occasion. And, as amusing as it may sound here, it did not sound that way to anyone attending that morning. Especially once a torch-wielding Glitch decided to lead Cassie to the elevator.
With a flourish, the rabbit snatched the mask away with his free hand. He drew himself up to his most upright stature, then cleared his throat. “The child known as ‘Cassie’ has been found guilty of invading an abandoned Fazbear property and aiding a fellow lawbreaker,” he announced firmly, his voice echoing across the kingdom’s remains. “I have given her the death sentence, as per the protocol that has been rightfully bestowed upon me. It will be swift, momentarily painful, and a final voyage for this decrepit elevator.”
Cassie’s mind jolted out of its disorientation. Her eyes darted around, taking in everything she was about to encounter. The narrow walls that would be her tomb, the torch that would set the entire section ablaze, and the judge that would never be defied.
Her heart raced even faster as the rabbit leaned towards her. Before her eyes, his expression turned analytical. “Here you stand at the brink of the abyss,” he said in a much quieter tone. “And yet, you show only a typical amount of fear. The fear kids like you get when a roller coaster readies itself to plummet. Ever-gnawing anticipation, but no desire to scream and try to claw your way out. Not with you, at least.”
Cassie swallowed back her urge to tell him about her fear of heights. “What.. does that mean?” she asked instead.
Glitch’s left ear raised. He grinned. “It means that there’s still a chance to escape,” he explained darkly. “You become my new apprentice, and I’ll spare you from the fire. Gregory and Vanny will be free, you’ll be given a chance to live here, and I’ll have my bravest… ‘friend’ yet.” He watched his listener’s face closely. Her expressions were not promising, despite the enticing offer. “The choice is yours,” he concluded grimly. “It’s me or the fire. Think carefully, child.”
Everything Cassie witnessed last night played back in her mind. The conversations she shared below the castle. Agonia’s terror as the Judge entered the room and ruined everything. Vanessa comforting her as the rest of those terrible hours waned on. Gregory’s sobs as he recounted what he remembered from his previous encounters with The Judge…
All of this recalling happened in mere seconds, but it was long enough for her to come to a conclusion. She took a few steps deeper into the elevator. Her upset eyes focused on the rabbit. “No,” she answered coldly. “G-Give me the fire. I can’t let you hurt my friends anymore.”
The Judge gnashed his teeth. “So be it,” he responded in turn, straightening his posture yet again. He pressed the button with his free hand, then backed away quickly. “After some last-minute discussion, her fate has been decided,” he continued, switching back to his authoritative voice. “She has refused to accept my offer of pardon, so now I will do likewise. The sentence commences immediately.” And, putting words to action, Glitch placed the fiery torch on the elevator as well as the makeshift wooden beams surrounding it. The flames wormed their way around the beams, then got to work on what mattered. Slow as it was, it brought a triumphant smile to the rabbit’s face.
Agonia gazed from his bell tower. His eyes vacantly observed the scene before him. His master putting out the torch and walking away as if he had simply lit a campfire. The elevator creaking under pressure and intense heat. Distant, but incessant banging coming from the Pizzaplex’s front entrance— No doubt coming from locals who were as horrified as Vanessa was.
And, though one could debate what exactly caused it, something made him stir. 
No. He didn’t just stir.
He screamed.
Descending into an even wilder panic, he leaped onto the railing. He pulled on the wires with all his might, but—as expected—he couldn’t loose himself. Not with his strength practically deprived from him.
The wires, however, did give him an idea. One that would’ve better suited someone like him, anyway.
With what ghostly power he did have left, he tugged his arm binds towards him. Purple sparks spiraled down to the bundles below, prompting them to spring to “life”. They tore apart what was left of the burning wood. A ‘stray’ one slammed itself onto the elevator control panel, mashing the up button with all its might. The rest blockaded the metal doors like a thorn wall, absorbing the orange flames and turning them a ghoulish violet hue as they vanished.
Using some careful (yet spectral) hearing, Agonia listened for the elevator’s cable system. Just as planned, it was ascending at the fastest speed it reasonably could. Using that knowledge, he primed his “army” down below. They split away like an upside-down curtain, leaving only the upper half open.
Judge Glitch (who had been yelling at Agonia for a few minutes by this point) now spotted an opening. He lit his torch once again, surveyed the bizarre opponents before him, then positioned himself to run. He let out a hoarse cackle before he charged at the elevator.
But Roxanne beat him to it. She furiously “shoved” him out of the way and scrambled to the two metal doors. Her two sharp pried them open, though it did take some effort. “Cassie, get out of there!” she bellowed, desperately relying on her own sense of sound to find the child. “We don’t have much time!”
Unfortunately, Cassie didn’t answer.
Roxanne cautiously leapt down. She could sense that Cassie was lying on the cold floor. 
As there was no time to mourn or to diagnose, however, Roxanne took this as a sign to scoop Cassie into her arms. The wires aided her as she jumped back into the main building… Right before they all had to dodge the lit torch hurtling itself towards them. Roxanne ducked and weaved out of the way. The wires slammed the doors shut a second too late. The elevator was on fire again.
Judge Glitch followed Roxanne in hot pursuit. He scrambled after her, struggling to snatch anything within reach. Anything that could pull her away from Cassie— Literally or metaphorically. But, as she was hopelessly fast for a sightless wolf, he had no chance of catching up.
As these two ran towards the side of the castle, the remaining wires regrouped. They waited for their master’s bidding, then slithered after the hurrying pair. Some slid their way across the floor, others scaled the walls like vines, but only a few properly followed the action before lifting the girl from Roxanne’s arms. Then, with effort on all sides, they carefully swung Cassie from one “friend” to another. They made their way to the front of the building, then rose higher and higher until they reached the bell tower itself.
Agonia watched as his newfound extensions gently laid Cassie on the stone floor. Then, with renewed strength of a different kind, he dismissed them with one cable-breaking tug of his arm. The purple sparks vanished from the lingering wires, prompting them to return to “lifelessness”.
After some more untangling, he hopped down from the railing. His satisfaction turned bitter as he finally confirmation on what happened to Cassie. She was, in fact, out cold. And most likely suffering from bruising, given how sudden the elevator’s stop must’ve been.
He peered at the world down below. Judge Glitch and Roxanne had finally stopped their chase. The fire was rising higher and higher, but that seemed to be the least of their worries. What they did seem to be concerned about was the sudden influx of actual humans invading the premises. And most of them were enraged rather than concerned by now.
Thinking quickly, Agonia zipped over to the cowering Roxanne. Tell-tale sparks flashed from her neck  as her demeanor shifted. She scrambled her way to the courtyard staircase, then fumbled her way inside. Her ears did catch Judge Glitch’s orders to “arrest” her, but that wasn’t her main focus. A brand new set of instructions ran through her subroutines: Go to Cassie. Tend to her in the lower levels. Leave them to me.
Not having much choice, Roxanne followed these instructions to the letter. She swerved onto the nearest staircase, barreled towards the bell tower itself, then vanished with Cassie as quickly as possible.
Agonia took one last glance over the railing. Because of his dealing with Roxanne, the commotion below took him by surprise. Several people were now banging on the doors as if they were barred shut. Judge Glitch held a third torch in his hands, screaming threats and brandishing sparking flames all about. The rest of the visiting group was either trying to put out the elevator fire or anxiously trying to find someone. Anyone who was reported at the first fire, if he was reading lips correctly.
In short, it was absolute chaos down there. Chaos, Agonia figured, he could reorganize if he just…
He froze in place. All of his flaws magnified themselves in his mind. The scars turned sickening and ever-winding across the more human half of his body. His crooked legs buckled under the weight of his lanky, yet hunched form. The more “pixelated” portion of himself seemed ever-changing like a horrific, living mosaic. Even his voice strained his own ears as he tried to wrestle with the rest of these malformations.
Dare he subject himself to scrutiny yet again?
Dare he subject those poor souls to his hideous appearance?
With a sharp twist of his body, he pried himself off the railing. He hobbled over to the giant bell and gripped the rope tightly. His uneven mouth formed a silent prayer as he shut his eyes.
A clatter of bells echoed down below. Most of the searching people stopped in their tracks. The more furious members were ushered to pipe down by their more levelheaded companions. Judge Glitch himself felt a surge of horror run through his “bones”. A couple of the rescuers yelled in triumph, though the elevator’s flames still posed a secondhand threat to them. 
Agonia, far too engrossed in his plans to notice, leaped from the tower to the Princess’ Perch. The bell slowly ceased its ringing as its ringer made his own voice heard. “Sanctuary!” he bellowed as best he could. “Sanctuary!” Then, after a brief pause, he yelled with even more vitriol: “SANCTUARIUM”.
That last word, though its meaning was the same as the others, struck pure fear in the heart of Judge Glitch. His ears pinned back. His eyes darted to and fro, helplessly watching his last shreds of power get stolen away. It took him a sharp prod in the arm to get him to return to some level of normalcy. “I defy the laws of Sanctuary,” he snarled as soon as he came to, yanking his arm away from a puzzled bystander. “Seize the Castle.”
“But, sir,” the bystander argued weakly, “I don’t even work here—“
“Did I stutter?”
“No, s-sir—“
“Then get some ‘friends’ and seize the castle,” Glitch sneered, looming over the frazzled ‘worker’. “Leave that gruesome ghost to me. I know just how to deal with him.”
Feeling hopeless about his words, the poor man simply nodded and fled. Glitch, meanwhile, stormed over to the courtyard steps. He tore past the rest of the crowd, leaving singe marks and searing pain in many shoulders. He rammed his shoulder against the door, but to no avail. His blood boiled even more as he spotted Vanessa slipping away into the main village. He would have shrieked some sort of insult towards her, but the sight of that cowardly “employee” recruiting some fellow ‘knights’ restored his senses. Even more so when they started crafting a makeshift battering ram from the remaining logwood.
Agonia watched all of these developments with a growing scowl. He gradually crept closer and closer to one of the tower pillars, eyeing it whenever he could. His mind spun with newfound plans, but only one seemed reasonable.
He put a hand to the ivy-like wires. His mouth once again moved with some kind of plea, though only he alone knew what that was. Whatever the words, it seemed to revive the mounds of cables with greater power. They regrouped at the front of the castle, transforming into a wide blockade.
The “knights”, completely unprepared for such a thing, dropped their battering ram. “We can’t get through that!” one of them yelled to the equally-alarmed Judge. “You’re on your own!”
Judge Glitch finally managed to stumble his way inside the castle. As he regained his sense of balance, a barrage of static and wave-like crashing drummed into his ears. Purple lights flashed under the door, but only for a moment. Any faint cries of horror he did hear afterwards, he brushed aside. Those weren’t the ones he needed to hear. Not now.
The rabbit quickly hid behind a tattered curtain. He waited there for a few good minutes, listening intently. Outside, it seemed as if the cables only made the less “treacherous” more bold in their futile attempts. Firefighters traded orders left and right. Construction workers reported their findings to some other branch of outside authority as they battled the smoke. Even Gregory and Vanessa banded together to rally some other rescue group.. Though, from what he could gather, these fools were not investigating the castle first thing.
Which was perfect.
All he had to do now was lay low.
From the west side of the hallway, a lone door swung open. Agonia, with a great swiftness he never had before, rushed into a half-open side door. “I did it, Cassie!” his hoarse voice cried out as it grew fainter and fainter. “I finally helped somehow…!”
The Judge stepped outside of his hiding spot. A grin finally returned to his face. Yes. He did, in fact, help. Very much, actually.
Dancing between motives, Glitch glided across the hall. He slowly descended the stone staircase, making his footsteps practically noiseless. His ears raised high in the air, adjusting themselves like television satellites. He had. To time this. Correctly.
Agonia, unaware of his master’s looming presence, followed Roxanne back into Eclipse’s chamber. His once-lively movements slowed to a tragic crawl. He tried to peer over the wolf’s shoulder, but her matted hair blocked his view. The lack of light in the room, however, did not bode well. Neither did the sudden dread building in his very soul.
He had witnessed this before, though not with Cassie. Not even with her circumstances, in fact.
It was a boy. In a hospital bed.
And… that boy was on his final throws. An accident that couldn’t be prevented was the cause.
The air, though much more musty here, carried that same cold feeling. The stillness of the scene matched as well.
“No,” Agonia thought as all these sensations sunk in. “It can’t be.”
Roxanne finally stopped. She moved aside, though she was understandably slow. Her voice box made no sound as Agonia stepped forward.
There laid Cassie on a pile of those pillows. Her body was motionless, even as Agonia approached. Medical kits and Roxanne-themed memorabilia blockaded him from drawing any closer. Diagnosis after diagnosis filed through his mind. Her skin showed no signs of fatal burns, despite the bandages she did have. The elevator change-up was as smooth as he could make it, but neither direction should have brutally injured her. So, given what little medical knowledge he did have, the thing that might have taken her was…
“The smoke,” Agonia muttered at last, clutching his head as he fell onto his knees. “The smoke from that pyre. It…” His attempt at a levelheaded conclusion melted into pitiful sobs.
Roxanne, relying on subroutines alone, scooped Cassie up into her arms. Wordlessly, she lumbered past the mourning specter. Her worn-down body ascended the stone staircase, nearly senseless to anything else around her. All that seemed to matter was the one objective she had left: To inform the rest, no matter the risk.
Judge Glitch, sensing his opportunity, emerged from the shadows. He strolled into the chamber, keeping his ears and eyes low. His expression stayed solemn as he sat himself beside his grieving companion.
The hunched figure felt a more deathly chill rush down his twisted spine. “W-We killed her, Master,” he stammered out hoarsely. “Both of us d-did.”
Judge Glitch raised an eyebrow. “We both had our duties,” he reasoned with a shrug, his tone gaining a bit of genuineness. “You had your foolish endeavors, and I had my job to carry out. All we can do now is go back to the way we were. Before any of this ever happened.”
Agonia’s expression shifted. “How?” he asked incredulously, turning to look at his master right in the eyes. 
“You come back with me, of course,” Glitch responded, faking a tender voice. “I’ll make sure you’ll forget everything about these past few months. The world out there, Gregory, Vanessa… All the things that’s led us to this awful night, gone within a week.” His eyes began to glow with those hypnotic purple rings. “We’ll need to adjust things, yes, but that won’t take long,” he continued, inching closer to his listener. “Come on now, onus meum, let’s go back to your Sanctuary. Your true sanctuary.”
Agonia blinked rapidly, then shook his head. “‘Sanctuary?’” he repeated with a scoff, backing away rather quickly. “This isn’t a Sanctuary—You’re not a Sanctuary! You’re a—!” He stopped. His skeletal hand tremblingly held his throat. Was his voice.. ever this clear before?
“I’m a what, Agonia?” Glitch questioned coldly, crossing his arms. “If you have to insult me, then at least be brave enough to finish it.”
Agonia gingerly rose to his feet. “You’re a dungeon,” he hissed sharply, gnashing his teeth. “I… w-would’ve said ‘leech’, but that’s an insult to the bug itself.”
“I don’t really think an actual leech would care, Agonia,” Glitch answered nonchalantly, rising to his own feet in turn. “Say all the nasty things you want about me. It won’t change a thing.” Once he was behind his listener, the rabbit halted his steps. “Your suffering will end one day,” he continued stiltedly, drawing out a knife from his tattered jacket. “And, if need be, I will make that day today.” He analyzed his target, readied the blade, then started to swing.
What was not accounted for was how quickly Agonia would turn around. In a matter of seconds, he was grasping both the judge’s wrist and the knife handle. The pair vied for control over the situation, but Agonia wrestled the weapon out of his opponent’s hands. He watched as his master fell back onto the floor with a thump.
Glitch’s heart fell to his digital stomach. “A-Agonia,” he sputtered out, tugging at his flopped-over ear. “A-Agonia, I—“
“My name isn’t Agonia, sir,” ‘Agonia’ cut in, his tone dancing between politeness and cold rage. “Not my real one, anyway.”
The Judge’s ears raised a little. “Really?” he asked in a honest tone. “”Wh-What is it?”
‘Agonia’ slid the knife between his hands, as if cleaning it of impurities. “It’s William Afton, sir,” he corrected before he tossed the weapon onto the floor. “But, in all honesty,‘Agonia’ better suits me nowadays. With or without you.”
To say that Judge Glitch felt a scream in his throat was an understatement.
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Kaz Brekker/Platonic! Crows x fem! Reader - Silence
A/n: So I know I haven't been very active lately but hopefully that will change! Also I don't really love this fic it's not very good and I might rewrite it in the future but for now, you guys can enjoy this shit!!!
Warnings: Abuse, sexual abuse, rape, violence, mentions of death, technically mentions of suicide, THIS FIC IS A MASSIVE TRIGGER WARNING!!!!
Summary: They used to be happy. That’s what Jesper says anyways about his sister. When he’s asked where it all went wrong it’s usually responded with an I have no idea. When Kaz comes to confront them in front of the Crows why you came back all bloodied and carrying back a body, they know this isn’t going to end well…
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Death clung to you. That's what people muttered in the streets of Ketterdam, 'if the Blackbird is on a strike don't go outside for a week and remember, pray to the saint who wears the most colour.'
Great bedtime stories for children.
Your legend would never end, though it must have begun somewhere. Someone who you decided could witness one of your killings must have made up a story. Started it up and told it in fright to someone and the people not believing a word they say. Before their dead of course. And then it spreads like the plague.
The Blackbird was once a hopeful girl, full of dreams and happiness. She had beautiful feathers of all different kinds of colours, and they sang to the heavens and it was as if she was a child of the saints. Then one day - the bird that brought kindness and sunshine to everyone's lives fell into a trap.
There was a hyena that people all thought was bad news but she thought she could help him become a better person.
The little birdy was wrong.
He hurt the bird of colours so badly that one day he burned her feathers and they became pitch black. The hyena thought that he had won at last and had gotten power over the bird.
It was said that she ran and escaped the terrible beast that day. And because he had changed her to the very soul she wasn't the same anymore, no. She was only used for revenge, and it was said she turned her backs on the saints for not saving her. When the saints did decide to intervene the little bird was shattered and could no longer sing. Her voice reduced to a vengeful whip, it was no longer beautiful but fearsome.
It was said that on that night the Blackbird used her wings on Ketterdam so she could cover the sky in darkness so the stars in the sky, the only things the saints could use to watch over mankind was blindfolded in a merciless fog.
And there the Blackbird was born.
Maybe death clung to you, but not the same way that trauma and the cruelness of the world does.
And that's a fate worse than death.
You remember strike one, you and Jesper were kids - happy kids. And the neighbour's son of was considerably older than both of you offered to babysit the one time your Da, and Ma was out.
Jesper was playing in the back, perhaps practicing shooting so he could impress your Mum but you stayed inside saying something along the lines that you wanted to cook some cookies for Dad.
How you wished you hadn't.
That teenage boy had put his filthy little hands on you. He left you in the kitchen tears running down your face and bile that you had to force back down your throat.
Your mother had found you like that and she instantly knew what had happened and she made everything much more bearable. When you had nightmares you would get up and knock on her door quietly enough for her just to hear and because your Ma was a light sleeper but your Da was not, she would get up and see you alright.
The poor woman never told her husband because you had pleaded with her not to. She always did blame herself and she made sure the boy never came around again but she did thank the saints that he didn't go all the way.
She wasn't sunshine, (she always said that was you!) No, she was the faint moonlight in the distance that helped guide you on your way home.
Then she died.
Strike two, was your mother dying. You remember that day where she went to take the poison out of that child and when she did she sucked it back into herself. In your arms was the last place your Ma took her last breath.
That was the day the world had lost its guide home and it always seemed to be in peril after that.
Strike three came almost immediately after strike two. Your father wouldn't talk to you. You became a ghost in your own house, you understood your father though,
she did die in your arms.
Jesper was the only one that didn't make strike three the last strike where the rope was at its point and snapped. He was your armour against the world, with his funny quirks and quips. He was the older brother you needed in those moments.
But armour slowly breaks over time and your dear brother wasn't getting enough out of life at the farm. So when your Father sent Jesper to Ketterdam you went right with him.
You attended college for a bit but eventually, your armour had finally left you. It broke under the stress of everything in his life that he couldn't keep up with yours.
So you meant him.
He was kind but knew when the world was being too cruel. He was wealthy, but not rich. He was sweet, but not puke up rainbows kind of way. He knew you like the back of his hand and always knew how to comfort you. Jesper had actually meant him once before he got too busy with the Dregs and said maybe he knew you too well.
You yelled at him at the time and said that was absurd! He would never do anything to hurt you!
Strike four was falling under his spell.
Strike five was when he told you terrible things about yourself and you thought he was always right. He could do no wrong in your eyes.
Strike six was when he finally started beating you and you had just expected it at this point.
Strike seven was when you weren't allowed to go to school anymore.
Strike eight was when he wouldn't let you see anyone, not even your brother. But you never questioned it, he was basically a saint to you, why would you? Besides Jesper never seemed to have time for you anyways.
Strike nine was when he cheated on you and told you you had to be better.
Strike ten was when he started raping you.
Then one day he was worse than usual and you grabbed the hot poker from the fire pit, that he had used to beat you before, and you had told him to stay away.
Then you ran.
It was the straw the broke the camel's back, it was the saints giving up on him or maybe it was the saints giving up on you.
You didn't care, you were free.
You made one promise that day, that you would never love again.
You learned quickly what Ketterdam was like even before you had meant him, so perhaps that was why it was so easy to become the Blackbird. The girl who never smiled, the girl who only lived only for revenge. The monster that will wipe your existence off of the earth like it was nothing. The ghost that will haunt you when your sins line up too high.
Eventually, you joined the dregs and you connected with your brother once again and he knew something was wrong the moment he felt your presence. He didn't believe you were the Blackbird, the girl who terrorized the streets of Ketterdam.
But he learned to accept it, they all did except for that blasted Brekker boy.
With your time in the Dregs, you had slowly begun to form something with Kaz but you quickly remembered your promise to yourself and you let him go.
Although you don't like to admit it, the Crows had become your friends - family even. You would do anything to protect them even though it didn't seem like it. You were you though, and that was being afraid to even semi-connect with them. Of course, you were, because you were growing a bit too fond of Kaz Brekker and last time that lead you to a fate worse than death.
So you distanced yourself for a while to recollect your thoughts and if you really wanted to stay with them. Did they ever manipulate you? No. Then you came back and you stayed, maybe you weren't the perfect friend or a very good one at all but the Crows knew you even considering to stay was a blessing all in itself.
They were always so patient with you even Kaz, especially Kaz, and you never gave anything in return to them. Guilt would often cloud your mind when you were near them but they were always so amazing something you could never be.
But one day they came to their breaking point.
Killing people wasn't anything new for them, much less you killing people but coming back with a bloodied body and losing contact with them for weeks was probably not the same as just 'killing.'
Jesper pulls you by your bicep into Kaz's office with the other Crows following behind. You stumble in as Kaz slams the door shut being the last one in the room. They stare at you with beady eyes almost like the ones on the infamous birds around the Slat.
"What the fuck Y/n!" Jesper finally yells. Everyone around doesn't even bother to tell him to lower his voice their faces held the same anger that Jes's did.
Silence drowns you in its ocean keeping you in its waters. A chain is wrapped around your throat as you sink deeper and deeper into its depths. You try and swim away, run like you always had before, but the weight around your neck is too heavy, too dense and it slowly drowns you.
You just shrugged your shoulders. How could you explain all that you went through? Why would you want to?
"We can't just brush this off Y/n, we always do, but you crossed a line," Wylan states calmly but firmly at the same time putting a hand on his boyfriend's shoulder trying to ease the tension in the room.
You laugh, you hadn't even been walking a line at all. No, you had been jumping from rooftop to rooftop as they created a chalk line at how far you could go. Balling your hands into fits you snarl, they have been keeping you back. Maybe it's a good thing but you didn't want to admit it.
What about Kaz? A voice whispers in the back of your head.
Your eyes travel to his form in the back. He's leaning on the wall slightly but also using his cane to make himself look up-right. The darkness in the back compliments his angular features making them stand out as if saying he was above you. And to most people he probably was and he deserved that position.
But it didn't matter to you, he was just Kaz to you. Even if you saw him as someone... Important in your life, nevertheless he didn't matter. He was just another powerful man drawing a line that you couldn't cross as the line became smaller and smaller till you were trapped against a wall with nowhere to go.
When you first became the Blackbird, you climbed up that wall, you knew what was going to happen next. And you would never let anyone do that to you again.
"If you think I crossed the 'line' then your wrong." Your voice started out light-hearted (never does a fake smile crawl on your face though) but slowly became menacing and terrifying.
You spin of your heels turning to Jesper. "You've kept me in a cage giving me freedom but always locking me back up in the night."
You turn to Wylan and you mock his voice from earlier. "It was only a matter of time before I would break out." Your eyes lock onto Kaz's and your voice softens while you look at him.
"You knew it was going to happen sooner rather than later. A bird needs to stretch its wings somehow."
"That doesn't mean you get to cut off communication with us for weeks than bringing in a body all bloodied. What you said before doesn't even explain why you did that Y/n," Inej says quietly.
You growl and the people closest to you jump back a little.
"Oh, what are you going to do, kick me out? Half of your businesses wouldn't have even succeeded without me!"
Jesper balls his hands into fists. "Gee for fuck's sake Y/n would just tell us!"
Your shout makes everyone freeze in their place and there it is again. The overbearing silence that takes over everything with its darkness. Running threw out the room, swirling around you and making it impossible for you to even hear anything other than your own terrible thoughts of madness.
But one voice isn't in your head of that hyena howling at you no, it's real and you can hear it among the darkness. You close your eyes listening in and hearing something other than darkness.
"Y/n." Your eyes snap open and you meet Kaz's eyes and you feel something dangerously close to relief.
"Everyone else out."
The Crows file out of the room one by one following Kaz's order. Everyone leaves but Jesper hesitates at the door and you see your broken armour trying to come back to you again and although it's harsh he wasn't there when he should have been. You understood that he had other problems he needed to sort out but you were his little sister.
You were supposed to stick up for each other.
"Out." Your voice would sound cold to anyone else but to Jesper, it sounds tired and unhappy. Lonely also however it has a hit of love and revenge as well.
The taller brother just sighs though and close's the door.
Kaz's eyes meet yours and your hands start to fidget with the cuffs of your bloodied shirt.
He doesn't say anything, he just stares at you. Willing you to spill information with just a glance. Any God would fall prey to those eyes and they would disclose all their knowledge while also thanking him in the end.
Kaz Brekker had something more powerful than Godly power over you.
So you couldn't help but tell him the real more dark story behind the Blackbird, he had already told you his so maybe, just maybe you could trust him.
"Do you know the Story of the Blackbird?" Your voice rings out against the muteness of the room fighting against it for once in your miserable life.
Kaz nods his head showing you that he knew. Of course, he knew it, was Brekker he probably knows every single version by heart.
"And I assume you know it's about me?"
Rolling his eyes but nodding once again.
You hesitate, knowing that after this you couldn't go back. That these next few words could change everything and why are you even telling this to the bastard of the barrel?
Because you love him.
It's simple and you promised yourself you would never love again but possibly that promise wasn't real because perhaps you never really loved that hyena. Some form of peace has definitely come from killing him, but maybe there's more to moving on from trauma than just revenge.
So with those thoughts in mind, the words tumble out of your mouth and you wouldn't be able to stop them even if you tried.
"Around the time where Jesper was just starting in the Dregs I had gotten a boyfriend. He was... Well, he was the perfect boyfriend but looking back he was too perfect. Basically fake, he was a manipulator and he knew me like the back of his hand. He knew where to press and I was under the impression that he could do nothing wrong." You pause to take a breath but you don't look up from your spot on the floor.
"It started with the small things like little insults thrown my way, but then it grew into bigger things like calling me a slut and what not. I wasn't even surprised when he started beating me."
Your eyes slowly come off the floor and they travel up Kaz's body but never meeting his eyes. You didn't want to see the disappointment that would be held in those eyes. That was inevitable.
"Then every day it started to get worse till he-" You cut yourself off and your legs wobble underneath you and as you collapsed Kaz jetted out and caught you before you could fall.
Tears were running down your face as you gripped Kaz's shirt as he picked you up bridal style and carried you over to the bed. He place's you down and slides in beside you yet there was a good distance between the two of you. But it still gave you comfort and for the first time in a while, you didn't question why it did, you just went with it already knowing the reason why.
You loved him it was as simple as that.
"Then he-" You choked on a sob again and you bring your knees to your chest.
"You don't have to say it." He says gently nothing like what that hyena used to do to you.
"Noah used to rape me." The words come out in a blur and the tight feeling in your chest slowly falls apart and for the first time in a while, you truly feel like a Blackbird - free. Stuttering to breathe in a realization comes to your mind; Noah that monster will never hurt you ever again.
"Oh, my Saints! He's dead!" You cover your mouth with your hand and you lean back onto the headboard tears of happiness smear down your face. You don't laugh though but you feel even clearer than before. You could get used to this feeling.
Slowly you look over to Kaz and you realize the two of you were broken souls beyond repair and maybe just maybe that's what you needed. Perhaps that's what you both need, each other.
"Thank you." You whisper and the ends of Kaz's mouth curl's up a bit into what looks like is almost a smile but not quite. You would get there too one day.
===========TIME SKIP 4 Months======================
You jump from the rooftop gliding through the air and landing on the window sill of Kaz's office. You tilt your head to the side affectionately as you see The Crows getting ready for a heist only they're really just fooling around. Everyone but Kaz of course, he's in his desk chair drawing out some maps.
And they tell you you overwork! Hypocrites.
You open the window silently and you slip into the room unnoticed. You tiptoe over to Kaz's desk and you leap on top.
Kaz raises his eyebrow at you and you just shrug your shoulders, he probably had to stop anyways.
"You know there are other ways to get my attention other than acting like a child?"
"Oh, I know this is just more effective." You playfully respond.
Before Kaz could continue with the banter Jesper interject's just realizing you were here grabbing everyone's attention and placing it on you. Still not a fan of that.
"How the hell did you get from that rooftop to that window!" Jesper points outside in a slightly worried, big brother voice.
So you look him dead in the eyes and say; "I flew."
Jesper laughs along with the rest of The Crows but they stop at your deadpan look on your face.
"You didn't really?!"
"No, I didn't." You roll your eyes, "I didn't even think you knew that I did that."
Jesper comes over and wraps an arm around your shoulders and you immediately tense up.
"I do know some tricks! I am your older brother after all." His tone does get a few octaves of sombre at the end remembering the memories of how he didn't protect you before. But he's here now so you guess that's all matter's now.
You scoot off the desk out of his arm range but you do send him a sorry glance. The memories were just too much to handle sometimes. He just sends me a tiny knowing smile and nods and walk's off quietly (for the first time in his life) over to Wylan.
You watch everyone interact and it almost brings a smile to your face but something is missing and you wonder what it is.
Your question is quickly answered though as Kaz stands up beside you. His ungloved hand slowly garb's onto yours's and slowly you intertwine your fingers together.
"You really are the leader of a bunch of idiots." You say as Nina dares your brother to down a whole bucket paint.
"Yes, that's what it seems."
"But we love them." And for the first time in a while, you smile and it's not full-blown, it's tiny yet it has the whole galaxy in there.
"Yes, Yes I do." But Kaz isn't looking at The Crows he's looking at you.
Words 3517
Shadow and bone taglist: @kaqua @rika90 @thefandomplace @musical-theatre-obsessed-dumbass @gallysonegoodlung @navs-bhat @sumsebien @dontjudgeabookbythecover
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baku-bowl · 3 years
broke 1,000 followers (the fuck? I don't even make content people), so decided to write up a list of some (but not all, I'll make other lists later) of my favorite Bakugou-centric fic recs. my tastes run towards hurt/comfort, as you'll probably figure from the list. if there are some Baku-centric fics that you've enjoyed that aren't on here, please add them - this is definitely not a complete list of the ones I've read and love, but I'm always up for some recs. <3
fair warning, most of these are wips.
Social Media 101 by WindsChild8178
Part 1: Survival Guide to Fucking Up
[Solely Bakugou’s point of view]
Katsuki Bakugou doesn’t have a gentle bone in his body. He’s aggressive in everything he does and does everything with 100% of his heart in it. After the Sport’s Festival, Katsuki starts to get harassed by strangers for his unheroic demeanor. It starts with letters but it doesn’t end there. The moment Katsuki realizes the harassment has entered dangerous territory and he needs to tell someone, it’s already too late.
Part 2: Post Traumatic Life Disorder
[Point of View opens up to Bakugou, teachers and classmates]
When the Dorms are finally built, everyone is settling in well, but things become tense as people begin to realize something isn’t right with the recently rescued Bakugou.
[Cannon compliant right up to after the License Exam]
hands down my favorite fic in the fandom right now. it’s the one that converted me into a Bakugou lover. if you have any fondness for Bakugou as a character then it’s likely you’ve read this one already, but if not, I can’t recommend it enough. incredibly depressing, but with the hope that comfort is coming soon in the next few chapters.
The Kids Will Be Alright, Eventually by NotWithThatAttitude
Bakugou is spiraling in the aftermath of Kamino and his friends are starting to notice. He's stubborn, aggressively independent, and less than willing to dig into his past, but after a breakdown that ends with a painful secret revealed, he starts to get help.
Whether he likes it or not.
Meanwhile, a new kind of villain threatens an uneasy peace following the loss of Allmight. Whispers build as a new narrative slowly takes shape:
Hero society needs to change.
Feat. Therapy, Dadzawa, best boy Kirishima, dysfunctional families, healing, growing up, and the mortifying ordeal of being known
guys.. the medical accuracy of this fic is just... *chef’s kiss*
I rarely see mental health genuinely handled well in fics, but this one goes above and beyond. kudos to the author for doing such excellent research into psychology, and making the application of it in here not-boring. also, while this one does have abusive!Mitsuki, it’s done in a way that feels realistic, and how I usually will see it occur in real life, rather than just for the hurt/comfort feels.
fair warning, the fic can be incredibly triggering (themes of severe depression, PTSD, panic attacks, rape survival, abuse survival, suicidal ideation/attempted suicide, among other things), so be safe and heed the tw’s if you decide to read. legitimately one of my Top Favorite fics in this fandom.
Lock and Key by autochorystalize
Bakugou made a choked, gravelly noise before croaking out a low, “You can’t be serious.” His fingers ached to blow up everything in the room.
“I’m sorry, young man, but you can’t change reality! This sometimes happens.” Recovery Girl clicked through his file, adding a new symbol in a previously empty slot.
- - -
A pair of eyes discreetly locked on to an explosive blond plowing his way forward, parting people in his path. He recognized the kid, of course. Anyone in the underbelly of society would recognize him, after the publicity of both UA’s Sports Festival and the events leading up to All Might’s fall. The uniform he was wearing cast away any doubts about the young man’s identity.
It was a bit of a surprise that the little firecracker presented as an omega.
- - - - - - - - -
Or: there are certain types of evil that seemed too distant, archaic violations and perversions that would never actually threaten bright-eyed heroes-in-training in the clean, modern world...but sometimes those evils aren't as distant as one might think.
remember when I said that I love a/b/o fics that are full of plot and world-building and gender-induced tension? that’s this one. the OC’s are fabulous and you love to hate ‘em. also, it’s the fic that made me fall head-over-heels for the TodoBaku dynamic, so it’s got a special place in my cold, dead heart. 
be warned, there are rather explicit non-con scenes between an adult (OC) and a minor (Bakugou) in this one, but the author warns for them in advance, and you could likely skip those parts without missing too much if you need to.
Never and Always, Eventually by Wawa_Boonliang
"Katsuki can remember the exact moment that he and Deku…that he and Midoriya Izuku became friends. He can also remember the moment he and Izuku became fierce rivals, a time when they were almost enemies.
However, what he remembers most clearly about their relationship is the moment that they moved passed rivals and became something more close than mere friends. Something more like brotherhood, something forged in fire and secured in the middle of a battlefield or in the midst of natural disaster where the number of the dead was climbing ever higher. And then it was torn from him."
Katsuki is given a second chance. A chance to save everyone. A chance to change everything.
But should he?
y’all. I’m a slutty, slutty whore for time travel fics. a time travel fic with autistic!coded Bakugou? it was love at first read.
Lessons Learned by Sif (Rosae)
Rather than the police station, Katsuki's friends bring him to a hospital after rescuing him from the villains. His wounds were minor, but it didn't make having them treated any less important. As it would so happen, Best Jeanist was also brought to this hospital after the attack.
Sometimes, small choices have a big impact on how a story plays out.
classic Bakugou hurt/comfort. this fic opened me up to the potential that could be a genuinely good Best Jeanist & Katsuki mentor-mentee relationship, and I kind of dig it and search ravenously for it in other fics now. I’m also a huge fan of the behind-the-scences Pro Hero Chat group.
Slope by sunfleurmoon
“I’m not a hero. Or a good person,” Katsuki says, giving Aizawa a pointed look, “So leave me alone. I don’t care about the League or UA, or you—” The two years he’s been away have been fine, more than fine, fucking fantastic actually if you ignore the bi-monthly near-death experiences. He doesn’t need this place. He doesn’t miss this place.
And yet, longing, a childish desire to tear up, or maybe blow something to bits, they all twist in his chest like a band of traitors regardless. “—I just want to go home.”
Or: the one where Katsuki and Izuku fail the first term exam, Aizawa discovers their pasts, and Katsuki is booted from UA. Featuring questionable descriptions of villain organizations, a slightly illegal moving shop, and your favorite emotionally constipated badass in distress with a newly discovered penchant for collecting strays.
paaaaaaiiiiiiiin. the hurt is ALIVE in this one. lots of tortured, angsty exploding child goodness. the OC’s are excellently crafted, and the Bakugou & Eri relationship? beautiful. definitely deserves a read.
Ground Zero by WindsChild8178
In the wake of Kamino, Katsuki is tested more than anyone could imagine. Bound by a villain’s quirk to keep his silence or die, he lives each day knowing it might very well be his last. He continues to work towards becoming a hero, keeping his secret from his classmates and teachers, focusing on making it through each day and trying not to allow the panic or depression to get the best of him. When the villain finally corners him with demands in exchange for his life, there is really only one answer Katsuki Bakugou can give.
honestly don't know which I want updated more - social media 101 or ground zero. this author's fics are amazing, and I really wasn't expecting the twist in this one. can't wait for windschild to come back to this fic some day.
The Defect by LadyGreenFrisbee
"Why do you want to win the Sports Festival so badly?" 
Because I want to see if the defect could usurp the masterpiece.
(In which Endeavor holds a terrible secret and Bakugo has to suffer since childhood for it.)
a great concept, and I adore the shouto and Katsuki sibling interaction here. hoping the author will come back to this one some day.
A Name That You'll Remember by Heronfem
Kirishima Eijirou is a Hero. Bakugou Katsuki... is not. Trapped in his toxic workplace and increasingly desperate to get out, Red Riot's days are only brightened by a new villain known as Caution, who's not exactly villainous and keeps accidentally doing good deeds. But when a real villain appears, a threat from the past that demands that Red Riot make the ultimate sacrifice to keep the public safe, Bakugou is forced into saving the day... and eventually, Red Riot himself.
sob story good guy villains are my weakness, this fic is a gem, and I'd kill for the sequel.
Our Hero by AnonymousTwit
He felt everything jerk to the side and throw his balance off before he saw anything, dust clouding his vision and irritating his lungs as the earth itself opened up to swallow them whole. For a single moment, in a millisecond's time, his wild eyes locked with Raccoon Eyes', hers alight with fear and adrenaline-fueled desperation. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he realized that it was the first time she'd looked at him with something other than long-deserved hatred in days.
And then he was free falling.
After a particularly nasty encounter between childhood friends, the class learns about Bakugou and Midoriya's dark history and practically ostracizes Bakugou while trying to defend Midoriya. An earthquake during an outing has all sides regretting their decisions.
just fucking tear apart my self-sacrificing faves in every way imaginable while their loved ones watch on in terror. 💖🥰💖 this one is heavy on the Bakusquad and Class-1A feels, and VERY heavy on the Mina & Bakugou relationship (platonic).
Running back the tape, watching it replay by Faralyne
For someone ripped from their time, ripped from the few but strong relationships built by time and personal development, by self-reflection and swallowed pride, ripped from the one thing that made him feel worthwhile and needed and put-together, and forced to forge everything over again—Katsuki thinks he is handling it pretty fucking well.
A villain’s quirk sends a 29-year-old Bakugou back in time to his middle school days.
am I a sucker for time travel? yes. am I a sucker for vigilante!bakugou? also yes. am I a sucker for this fic? literally refreshing the page in wait for an update as we speak.
Liability by sandelf
After All-Might dies rescuing Bakugou from the League, Bakugou is determined to prove it wasn't for nothing.
But the world is against him, his grief is overwhelming, and his stability is splitting at the edges.
very self-indulgent bakugou angst. tw for harassment, severe depression, and suicidality.
Special Mentions:
How To Win The Sport Festival: A Step By Step Guide by mhwright
Short re-imagining of the Sports Festival Arc if Shinso had planned a little better and worked a little harder to win the Sports Festival and if the match-ups had been slightly different. Self-indulgent fic of watching him succeed.
this is completely Shinsou-centric, not Bakugou-centric, but I love and adore it and am dying for a sequel. Shinsou is Best Boy here and you'll be rooting for him the whole time.
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insomniasymphony · 3 years
Obsessive Hisoka Morow x Female Reader [He cannot hate you]
Constellation: Obsessive Hisoka Morow x Female Reader Words I got: → Protective → Duality → Affection Rating: Teen up and Audience
                            ►► He is the devil with a sweet tooth,                               And you are the candy on his tongue.                       Get on your knees and ask him to choose                                     Nothing sweeter than you.                              For sweetness doesn't last long. ◄◄
Hectically, you jerk your head from left to right, look around for other cars and take a breath when there are no others blocking the road. In the cold evening air, your legs carry you in hurried steps across the asphalt, to the other side of the pavement that should lead you through the houses of Yorknew. Further and further, until the hotel room is forever gone.
The breath on your lips rises in white clouds, bringing something wistful with it that you don't want to pay attention to. Still, you can't rid yourself of the thought in the back of your mind.
It's not too late to give up on your plan.
You could drag yourself back to the room you've been sharing with Hisoka for four days, put on something pretty and wait for the magician to return from his meeting. He'd tell you about his new plan, kiss you, and fuck your senses into no-man's land for half the night because you're his favourite toy.
That's the problem: you're just a doll that can be replaced.
He's never said that he loves you, even though you've been spending every spare minute together for six months. Hisoka took you on his journey and he hasn't let you out of his sight since.
You shower together, eat together, he kills anyone you exchange too many kind words with. It's as if he wants to shut you off from the world so that you belong to him alone.
But this obsessive nature of his is nothing but terror for you. Sometimes you long for freedom, which you know Hisoka will never give you. He would rather strangle to death with his own hands than see you go. His subliminal threats make that clear time and time again.
And tonight you are ready to die for your freedom.
A little more hastily, you hurry ahead, turn into a narrow alley and hear the echo of your footsteps rising up the stone walls. Each reverberation makes your skin seem colder under your soft woolen coat. The goosebumps don't subside, the shiver persists, and you can't help but believe that behind every shadow is a part of Hisoka. His intense gaze has made you paranoid.
Briefly, you shake your head. This time his eyes won't be able to pierce you. When Hisoka returns, the hotel room will be empty and you will be long gone – so far away from him, with a new name and a new life, that he won't find you. For three weeks you have been looking for someone who would save you and Hisoka from this relationship and you have indeed found someone who wants to fulfil all your wishes for a lot of money in exchange.
Your gaze wanders once briefly over your shoulder. Through the echo of your own flight, you can no longer perceive anything but your own movements. Hisoka could be walking right behind you and you wouldn't notice. The racing of your heart makes the blood rush in your ears and everything else inside you is so erratically tense that you don't know if your nerves can hold it all together.
Only when the alley ends and sends you between other streets to find safety, a tiny part of the fear falls away, still simmering underneath.
Across the street, at least fourteen cars have parked. This area of the city seems like a residential neighbourhood where men return to their loving wives. The husband old-fashioned in a suit while she wears an apron because dinner is boiling on the cooker. Docile women in the kitchen who have no time to look for other men. Probably that's exactly what Hisoka is longing for too. A woman who only has eyes for him. All day long. Without exception. Locked up like a bird in a cage.
Even though you never intended to replace him. Hisoka is the man who won your heart. A guy who goes through life strong and ruthless, but always takes great care to make sure you're okay.
Your steps slow down as you stop at the edge of the pavement. One of the vehicles is started, flashing its headlights three times. The sign that this is your getaway car. The man who will take you away. Away from Hisoka, whose arms have wrapped protectively around you more than once in the last six months. His warmth on your skin has always been comforting and even though you know he hates it when you talk to other men and he has left marks on your body as a safety for himself as a result, his company has always been loving. He has never hurt you unless you found sexual pleasure in it. He never raised his voice at you. Never did he try to lock you up. His only crimes are the threats that still jump through your senses and also the fact that he likes to corner and intimidate you.
On top of that, he messes with people for your sake who are more dangerous than one might think at first. Yes, you love him. But if you don't leave, he will either throw you away or he will be killed because of you. You are poison to each other, you can't explain it any other way.
Yet, you don't want to go. The fear in your heart has made room for sorrow and the desire to run back into his strong, protective arms is strong.
Swallowing dryly, you give yourself a push. You have no choice but to make the best decision for both of you. Your feet start moving again and you drag yourself along, reaching the car you're getting into. You find room in the back seat, the fabric of which clings to you strangely and uncomfortably as you take a shaky breath and look in the rearview mirror for a half-glimpse of your helper's round face.
“Are you ready, good lady?” His smoky voice scrapes through the atmosphere, merely making you nod before he finally starts the engine and drives off. Your heart sinks four floors deeper, smothered in grief and fear, both of which settle on too many things in your chest. Maybe you're making a mistake, but this relationship has no future.
You feel the car smoothly take the turns, hear the engine accelerate, sense every bump in your bones. You claw your sweaty hands into the upholstery as you reprimand yourself to rest with conscious inhales and exhales. It's over, you've escaped, given you both the freedom you deserve.
Yorknew's houses diminish for a moment, bringing trees and the parkland to the fore where you would have loved to have a romantic walk. But Hisoka doesn't think much of boring strolls. He likes sex. Togetherness where you are close to each other – all to yourselves, so that you can snuggle up to him and you just sit there. Amusement parks. Bungee gum. You.
The thought draws a sigh from you before the car makes a strange rattling sound, forcing the driver to stop. You halt at the side of the road, so you can't help but hold your breath.
“What was that?” you press out.
“If I saw right, I just accidentally drove over a marten,” the stranger returns to you, making you exhale because it's not a horror movie you're in after all. Then he gets out.
The open door, which he doesn't close, brightens up the inside of the vehicle, makes the outside world a little more unfriendly than it really is and forces you to get out too, because you can't find a quiet minute alone on this upholstery.
Slowly you push your way back into the cold of the darkness, glancing at the streetlights flickering conspiratorially before circling the car to check on your driver. But all you see in front of the bonnet is a trail of blood. Not a marten. No one. Probably he's just taking the dead animal away, burying it so the kids won't get spooked in the park the next day.
The cool air seems to bite down to your bones, numbing your skin as you count off two minutes. The restlessness keeps you looking around and for a moment you are willing to jump in the car and eagerly drive on. But your driver also has your new identity and all the other things that have been so painstakingly prepared. You can't leave without him. So you stroll a few steps towards the park. Just until the blackness seems to swallow everything, because the flickering streetlamps don't give enough light for more.
Tense, you cross your arms in front of your chest, bobbing up and down before gnawing fear begs for action. “Hello?”
Only silence returns to your question and you can't help but take a step over the dark threshold and venture further ahead to find your driver. Three, four feet ahead to the first tree closest to you. “What's wrong?”
Again you meet only silence, staggering a few more steps ahead and giving up in the same breath. A glance over your shoulder moves the car, which is already a few metres away from you, into a ghostly, almost lonely picture, apart from the other vehicles that pass by every now and then. No one seems to care about the abandoned automobile.
A little more annoyed, you take a breath, shake your head as something wet hits your cheek and you instantly look up because the sky didn't look like rain at all when you started running.
And it still doesn't.
Nevertheless, your heart stops for a beat.
Cold seems to consume you from within, makes you pull your coat tighter.
Up there, above you, fixed between branches, the lifeless eyes of the man who was supposed to help you escape stare back at you. His arms hang twisted above him and his legs are missing entirely. In the darkness, suffused with moonlight, you can only make out the bitter facts. And one of them is death.
“Do you like it?”
Instantly you suck in the air sharply, turning around in an instant only to catch sight of Hisoka. Leaning relaxed against a tree, he shuffles his cards as if nothing has happened. “I thought we had decided that you would wait in the hotel room. Where were you going with that man at such a late hour?”
His gaze lifts so that his amber eyes can look at you, while his features wait in a lack of enthusiasm for answers. You don't know if he's angry, but his expression seems to threaten you.
“I-I... I wanted to...” What do you want to say anyway? You don't know yourself what exactly you wanted other than to just get away from him for too many things that seem wrong. “Away.”
“Where to?”, Hisoka inquires, pushing himself off the trunk and coming closer. The cards disappear into the pockets of his white trousers in the same blink.
“Just... away,” you counter, unable to look at him any further because his eyes seem to look right down into your core.
“From me?” He pauses in front of you. “Why?”
Again your attention jerks to him and you hate the fact that he is wearing heels because it only makes him taller than he already is.
“You... are... constricting me.”
“Is that so?” The almost biting undertone in his voice is frightening. But you don't have time to think of what his next move might be as he grabs you by the chin and forces you to look at him very closely. His grip is so tight around your jawbone as he does so that you panic he might break it.
Then he leans towards you, breathes such a gentle kiss on your lips that, along with fear, terrible warmth rises up inside you. Your heart races wildly, but you don't know if it's the fear or the longing. Seeing him like this, knowing he is so close to you, is cruel because you love him, don't want to leave him, but don't want to see either of you die either.
The mere thought of losing him, or not being good enough anymore, knots your stomach as your vision blurs and the sobs in your throat quietly spill out.
Hisoka watches this rection, loosening his grip around your chin and running his thumb over your lips. A little like he wants more words from you. And you can't help but give them to him in a gush.
“I love you, Hisoka. I really do. But this can't work.” You have to swallow to keep from breaking into a raspy cough. “You lock me up like I'm your pet and you're messing with people who might kill you one day.” The first tear rolls down your cheeks unintentionally, making you wipe it away in frustration because you don't want to seem like an effeminate damsel in distress. “You're going to kill yourself because of me. And if not for that, then one day you'll just throw me away because you're not a man for life. And I'm afraid that by then I'll love you so much that I won't be able to stand it. So I was gonna let you go. And I can understand if you hate the decision, but isn't that the duality you love to talk about? Love and hate, both sides of the same coin? I-” Hisoka interrupts you as he takes your face in his hands and forcibly pulls you to him, far enough to force you onto your toes to press a kiss to your lips. A warm touch full of affection so gentle it takes your breath away.
Then he lets go of you, remains close in front, but his features are adorned with a friendly smile that makes him a little suspicious, while his hand caresses your cheek. As he does so, he brushes your lower eyelid, collecting another tear that was about to escape.
The tenderness he has for you irritates you so much that every one of your brain cells shuts down for a breath before Hisoka focuses on you again, piercing you with a blank stare. The atmosphere between you grows heavier.
“You think too much about nothingness, love.” His voice is so soft that it seems almost deadly at the same time. “And because you're like that, I'm going to let you get away with it for today.” He leans down to your ear, licks once over the shell with the tip of his tongue. “But if you run away again, I will kill you.”
“H-Hisoka...” You don't know what you can say to appease him. Nothing seems good enough. But Hisoka understands, straightening up to look at you again, putting on that playful smile he goes through life with. “Or I can put you in chains so I can have you with me for the rest of my life. Whichever option you like better.”
He tilts his head, looking at you with mockery and at the same time with a barely perceptible commitment so that you can feel the blush on your cheeks. On one hand, he's making a fool of you, on the other, he's conveying in his own unique way that he's sure he wants you for himself – forever.
He can't stay mad at you for long, can't even punish you for your terrible action, just takes you as you are, as if he has a weakness for all your stupid words and your troubled feelings.
And in those seconds you know that he loves you no less than you love him.
[Picture from a card collecting game]
[Want to give me kudos or a request? Check here!]
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cedarwhisp · 4 years
pt. 1- Embers
pt 2- Ashes
CW: Death
They’re well into Season 8 when the Hermits meet their next ghost.
He’s small, curled in on himself and transparent like Tommy was, and the Hermit who finds him, Zedaph, notices the small, barely-there horns poking through thick, brown, curly hair, the floppy, furry ears, and the blood that stains the green button-down from a wound on his back.
The boy vanishes as soon as he sees Zedaph, but not before the Hermit sees the red bandana wrapped around his right arm, and the patchwork of burn scars all over his face.
Zedaph calls Xisuma immediately, of course; another ghost child making his way onto the server is definitely something the admin should know about. 
It’s three days before they see the ghost again, helped by the fact that, whoever the ghost is, he’s the one that Tommy’s compass leads to. The ghost (who Tommy says is named ‘Tubbo’ before Tango- being the only one who can touch him without getting burned- forces the kid to bed before he collapses) moves constantly, though, and is almost always invisible.
(They don’t tell Tommy the details, about the blood and the quiet defeat Zedaph had seen- the kid looked broken enough when Zedaph had mentioned the red banana.)
Surprisingly, it’s Doc who sees him next, quietly watching as the creeper hybrid works on one of his redstone machines. Tubbo doesn’t vanish when Doc slowly takes off his armour and approaches, but his form flickers enough that Doc knows he’s wary at the very least.
“Hey, man,” Doc says casually. “What’s going on?”
Tubbo shakes his head and points to his ears, but doesn’t speak.
Ah, right. Tommy had explained that Tubbo couldn’t hear very well, and wasn’t that good at lip reading, so he had taught most of the Hermits a little bit of BSL in case they found Tubbo when Tommy wasn’t there.
T-O-M-M-Y is here, Doc signs, clumsily spelling out Tommy’s name because he had forgotten the kid’s namesign. Come with me?
Tubbo vanishes like a snowball thrown into water, and the last thing Doc sees a look of pure terror.
From there, it gets worse.
Weeks pass like this, an uneasy tension fraying everyone’s nerves and Tubbo still being skittish, and it all comes to a head when Tommy dies to lava after falling asleep in the Nether with a ghast nearby.
Tubbo shows up more, but only in the distance; if anyone gets too close, he vanishes. Tommy’s running himself ragged trying to find his friend, any ill feelings towards him solved by time and the pure shock of seeing him dead. Pranks on the server decrease, but it doesn’t make the Hermits relax, and it becomes increasingly common for Grian or Tango to check Tommy’s base only to find a lightly-scorched paper with the words looking for Tubbo.
The second after the death message appears in chat, Iskall jumps as the most horrible, pain-filled scream he’s ever heard echoes through his base.
He races up the stairs towards the source of the sound, heart in his throat, and freezes.
Tubbo’s curled up on the floor, arms wrapped around his stomach and tears running down his face as he screams, this bone-shaking sound that makes Iskall’s ears ring, and he’s flickering in and out of sight like he’s not sure if he wants to disappear or not.
Iskall approaches, slowly, as Tubbo keeps screaming, but the ghost pays him no mind, and soon Iskall’s kneeling in front of him. He can’t touch Tubbo, not really, but he still tries to place a hand on the boy’s shoulder.
It’s like trying to rest his hand on a gust of wind, but Tubbo stops screaming, looking up to meet Iskall’s eyes with his own empty, blank ones.
“Hey, Tubbo,” Iskall says, slowly- he doesn’t know BSL, so lipreading is his only hope. “What’s wrong?”
“Tommy’s dead,” Tubbo cries. “Tommy’s dead, Tommy’s dead, Tommy’s dead-”
Iskall’s out of his depth here. Thinking fast, he sends a message in chat with his bionic eye, then quickly pulls out his actual comm to show Tubbo, the ghost’s own comm abandoned across the room.
<TommyInnit> im not dead tubbo i promise
<TommyInnit> id come over but tangos got me on house arrest
<TommyInnit> ask iskall to bring you to my base ok?
“He’s n-not dead?” Tubbo hiccups, and Iskall resists the urge to wipe the tears off his face.
“No, he’s not. Do you want to see him?”
Tubbo looks confused, so Iskall types it out.
“Yes. Please, please, I-I want to see him. I wanna see Tommy.”
It’s an emotional reunion, to say the least.
Tommy’s waiting for them by the nether portal, looking- Iskall doesn’t want to say dead on his feet, but the kid looks rough. The second he sees Tubbo, though, his face lights up.
Tommy goes in for a hug, and Tubbo opens his arms to accept it, only for Tommy to pass right through him.
“T-tommy? Where’d you-”
Tommy pops right back up again and quickly starts signing, Iskall not having a clue what he’s saying, but Tubbo signs back and soon both boys are crying and trying to hug each other despite the fact that they can’t touch, Tommy’s lava tears making small scorchmarks on his sweater and the ground and Tubbo’s disappearing as soon as they leave his face.
Xisuma brings Tubbo back to life as soon as he agrees to it.
They stay like that until Xisuma comes, Iskall and Tango keeping an eye out for mobs and wiping away a few tears of their own.
It takes about two days for Doc to present Tubbo with a set of hearing aids, three for Xisuma to realize his and Tubbo’s shared love of bees, and a week before Tubbo decides to just move into Tommy’s base instead of building one.
Just like Tommy, Tubbo never explains how he died; the hermits never ask.
Just like Tommy, the revival isn’t perfect; Tubbo finds he’s still able to travel through blocks at times, which pisses off Tommy to no end (“I didn’t get any cool shit like that!”) and there are days when he’s almost a ghost again with how transparent he is, but it’s manageable.
The two teens build a bench facing the sunset near Tommy’s base, a jukebox beside it, and sit for a long, long time.
“Do you think we should go back?” Tubbo asks one day, fiddling with the petals of a rose.
Tommy thinks about it, arm thrown over the back of the bench, and replies, “Nah.”
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shyrose57 · 3 years
More Syndicate Minors.
Quackity becomes president after Phil pretty much tosses Tubbo at Techno and Tommy and said ‘work out your issues or no cake’, which leads to some less than stellar moments and some absolutely hilarious ones.
Butcher arc unfortunately still happens.
But you also get gems like Tubbo and Tommy frantically stuffing themselves in too small crevices and chests to hide when somebody searches the house. Like Tubbo will be nervously sweating from where he’s stuffed into a cabinet while Quackity goes through, and Tommy will be folded into the small space under Techno’s bed silently swearing while watching Dream walk by.
Tubbo is technically a wanted man, after his “desertion” of L’manberg, thanks to Quackity deciding that as a former president, he knew way too much about L’manberg to just be allowed to head off wherever he wanted. So uh, now there’s a bounty on his head.
Dnret becomes an actual underground house, considering two to five teenagers all sleep there, depending on the day. It expands to be just a bit smaller than Techno’s house, width wise, with the first room, as well as the second dug directly underneath it, but the following six rooms dug under it are much bigger. All the kids get their own rooms, with the extras acting as storage, and a living room. The original room acts mostly as a decoy room and storage.
Purpled originally only goes to Techno’s to check on Tommy and Tubbo. He feels some sense of responsibility and companionship with them, due to being tossed into this whole thing as kids. And y’know-he had least, had his mercenary training to fall back on. They had to learn in a literal war. 
Anyway, he goes to make sure they’re still kicking, possibly cause some problems for Techno if they aren’t, and finds himself sitting down for a drink and snacks while talking with the two. 
He decides to come by more often. It’s kind of nice, not always having to watch your back for threats-here, he knows Technoblade wouldn’t let any close, with his younger siblings nearby.
Ranboo going there pretty much happens the same, just a little quicker. He’s more or less a reluctant member of the Butcher army, realizes Tommy and Tubbo are there, and brings back Techno’s weapons to appease him so he can check on the two. Then he continues to do it, Techno becomes reluctantly fond of him, and when the whole ‘attempted execution’ happens via Quackity, Tommy and Techno bust him out and cause some minor terrorism while they’re at it.
Phil just finds Drista hanging around Logstedshire looking for Tommy, and being a bit worried, and promptly invites her over for lunch on the condition she doesn’t tell her brother that Tommy’s there. Drista, always up for a little mayhem and secret keeping, agrees, and quickly becomes a very common visitor.
Niki still joins the Syndicate, but only after a lot of therapy, via Ghostbur...which, originally is less than great, because she’s half-convinced he’s a hallucination, but he does his best to make her take care of herself, and eventually drags Phil into it.
And thus, Niki is adopted, and becomes resident big sister, getting her own healing arc, and stuff.
Might also toss Jack in there too, after Puffy smacks him with therapy. he and Tubbo have a nice dynamic.
Snowchester still exist, but it’s not overly far from Techno’s house. Kind of, but not really. It was really just made because Tubbo wanted something to do, the kids kind of wanted places to sleep that didn’t involve crawling through four rooms and a house in order to get fresh air, and Jack and Niki needed a place to stay, that wasn’t the Stronghold or their less than healthy other places. Puffy also eventually moves in there, once she decides to team up with the Syndicate to get rid of the Egg.
One time Quackity did manage to catch Tubbo and try to drag him back to L’manberg less than kindly. Neither Techno or Phil had the chance to intervene before the other minors were on him-they can be surprisingly intimidating when they want to make a point.
Quackity didn’t bother Tubbo for a long time after that.
All the kids get their pets. And more, because now nobody’s gonna mess with them, less they face the wraith of the Angel of Death, and the Blood God.
Techno is a tired older sibling, who keeps getting more siblings and roommates every time he looks away from his dad for one minute, because Philza has decided he will adopt whoever he chooses, and that will be all minors within his radius...or on the Smp in general.
Punz is Purpled’s older brother. He’s pretty distant with the other, but still cares for him, and is glad he’s found a place he feels safe. Was attempting to bond with him more when he got snagged by the Egg, which definitely contributes to the Syndicate’s hatred for it.
Nobody knows what the heck Friend is besides not a sheep, but she seems fairly friendly, and y’know, she makes Ghostbur happy, so they won’t complain about the possibly eldritch/immortal sheep.
Raccoon hybrid Tommy, wolf hybrid Purpled, and moobloom hybrid Tubbo.
Michael still gets adopted, and Tommy is forever offended that Techno is the favorite Uncle.
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Mist | Choi San | Chapter 6
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Pairing: Choi San x OC (Seohyun)
Genre: supernatural (ghost), romance, high school
Trigger Warnings: paranormal, death mentions, violence
Words: 14k
Disclaimer: I do not own anything except my original character and the story. I do not own any gifs or pictures used.
Full story on Wattpad (don’t spoil here if you read there too)
chapter directory
Seohyun woke up with a groan, her head feeling heavy. She opened her eyes, blinking as the events of last night came to her. San was no longer here though. She checked her phone, and there was a text from him, saying his parents had called him.
After a shower and a cup of coffee, Seohyun sat in front of the television, thinking what she was gonna do. It was Saturday so they had no school, and she'd caught up on her sleep. She wanted to go out, but it was risky. The ghost- that evil, evil thing could turn up anywhere. Plus, she had no idea where Gayoung and Youngjae were.
Seohyun bit her lip as she thought about solving this problem; there was no way this ghost would come to her senses with mere words. It didn't look like she had faith in god anymore too, so a simple exorcism would be difficult. So what could she do? She had never dealt with such a dangerous one before, someone who was hell-bent on killing her.
And this time, it made sense why the ghost wanted to kill her so badly. All the evil ghosts she'd encounter in her life had never had an actual reason to harm her except being angry at life and whatnot. But this woman; what she had said made sense. And if it was true...
She wished there was another mediator she could consult with. But there was the matter of it being an inherited-once-dead thing. She could consult with the shaman she knew. Maybe he could help her communicate with a wise old ghost who'd actually give her a few tips.
The ghost's words rang in her ears: Don't tell me you didn't know? When a mediator dies, there is a short time period during which there is no other mediator in the world. That's when ghosts can do whatever they want; trespass, interact with humans, and much more. She cursed the previous mediators for not making an account of their knowledge and findings. She made a mental note to write a mediator guideline for the next unlucky person.
Seohyun got up, deciding she'd go to the shaman herself. No point waiting; she wanted to get it over with as soon as possible. The shaman was not too far from where she lived. She would take a taxi, just to be safe.
Seohyun was wondering where those two siblings had disappeared off too. She had allowed them to come and go as they pleased; it was unusual for them to be gone so long. Seohyun reached the place where the shaman lived after 10 minutes, getting off and finding the doors locked.
"Just my great fucking luck," she sighed, going to the market right in front of that place and asking if they knew where the shaman had went. She found out he had moved recently. She mentally cursed herself for not keeping his business card with her; she would have to go home and check if she still had it. She usually made some other use of business cards, such as making airplanes and boats out of them. Her origami was going to be the death of her.
Seohyun was just calling for taxi when she felt her heart sink in, realizing the evil ghost was near. She quickly stepped into property instead of hanging around the street, but nothing appeared. Maybe she was going insane, finally.
After waiting for two solid minutes, she was about to sit in the taxi when she heard a voice say:
"I saw that pretty boy leave your house in the morning."
Chills ran down her spine as she finally met her eyes with the ghost. "And what of it?"
"I found it interesting that he has the sight. I was wondering how that could help me."
"What do you mean?" Seohyun paused- this was not happening.
"He can see me. He thought he saw me in the morning but I hid. So I, with the help of those two kids who were too scared to disobey me, led him somewhere. And if you are a decent human, you'd follow me."
"You're lying."
"Go ahead and check if I am," she countered.
With a wildly beating heart, Seohyun pressed call, once, twice, thrice. He was not picking up. She texted in the group chat if anyone had been in contact with San since today. And everyone replied they hadn't.
Seohyun sighed in defeat as she said, "Lead the way."
The woman howled with laughter, making Seohyun grit her teeth and want to strangle her, but she walked, taking her god knows where. Seohyun tried to ask if she really wanted to kill her, and if so, why wasn't she already doing it. Why wait?
They were out in a clearing, near the expressway where cars and trucks rushed in full speed. What was she gonna do, attempt a ritual? Seohyun didn't understand.
"Just tell me where San is. And don't even think about hurting me. You want me, you have me."
"Oh dear," the woman walked towards her, and Seohyun tried to keep her calm as she grew closer, circling her once before whispering in her ear, "I don't have you. Not yet."
Seohyun winced at her foul breath, the woman raking a nail across her neck, drawing out blood. "I can't give you a mortal wound. I can only hurt you so much. That's why you mediators have it so easy."
Even if Seohyun's neck was on fire from the pain, she felt a spark of hope in her heart. That would mean she could run- she could escape.
"But that doesn't mean I can't do it indirectly," the ghost smiled, baring her brown teeth, and it was the evilness in her eyes that made Seohyun gasp as she realized.
She had been stupid- but she had no guarantee that San was safe. That Gayoung and Youngjae were safe. She couldn't run, not exactly. The woman flicked her hand, and Seohyun winced at the sound of a car crashing. She turned sharply; the car had hit the truck. The car had crashed the other way, but the truck-
It was tumbling and was coming right for her- unnaturally.
Seohyun forgot about everything else and ran, but somehow the woman was able to control the movement of the truck. She jumped in an attempt to dodge, the woman was cornering her. She had no choice but to step on the road, but one of the speeding cars failed to dodge the crashed car and struck it, skidding across the road and hitting Seohyun with a tremendous force that sent her flying before her head hit the traffic barrier and everything went black.
The woman laughed even as she cried out in pain. She had emptied the last of her powers on this crash, and she screamed as she felt herself burn from the inside out. But Seohyun was surely dead- she had to be. If she was dead, this wouldn't happen to her.
The woman screamed one last time before disappearing into thin air- this time for good. But it was no good now. Seohyun lay unconscious on the road, bent in a painful angle as people surrounded her and called an ambulance. A student checked her pulse; it was growing weaker by the second.
Seohyun was rushed to the hospital as soon as the ambulance arrived; her heart flatlined once before she was revived again, having escaped death from a hair's breadth. She was put on hold for her surgery as they called her mother for consent.
Her mother had rushed into the hospital- face streaked with tears. She had only had time to touch her face once before she was taken to the operating room, and she sat on the waiting chair, motionless. Her friend, Aunt Yuri that Seohyun had always liked, had comforted her mother, making her drink water and relax a bit. All they could do was pray.
Seohyun's phone, which was now in Yuri's hand, rang. It was Yunho. Yuri picked the phone, inquiring if he was a friend, and when he assured her that he was indeed a close friend, Yuri revealed the accident to him.
Yunho had almost dropped his phone as he heard, terror washing over him as he realized it must have been the evil ghost's doing. He washed his face, sighing as he tried to control his trembling hands. He was not ready to lose a friend.
Yunho called and told each of their friends individually, keeping San for the last, frowning when he did not pick up. He decided to go to his home and check. Before he reached his home, he found San walking outside the house as if looking for someone.
"San, hey," Yunho rushed to him, "Why weren't you picking the phone?"
"I lost it, but then Gayoung and Youngjae admitted they had hidden my phone. I was just going after them; I don't know why they'd done so. What's wrong?"
Yunho bit his lip as he thought of how to reveal it to him. He told him then; Seohyun had been in an accident, and she was under surgery now. They weren't sure if she was gonna make it.
San put a hand to his head, shaking his head in disbelief. "Was it- is it because of the ghost?"
"Not sure," Yunho said, "But seeing how Gayoung and Youngjae hid your phone, it must be. Seohyun was trying to contact you all day."
"Shit. Shit!" San punched the air in frustration, his lip trembling. How had it come to this?
"Which hospital is she in? I need to go."
So Yunho and San took a taxi to the hospital, and Yunho kept a hand on San's trembling one the whole ride. He seemed intent to keep his calm. When they arrived, they asked the reception for Seohyun and rushed to the floor she was in. They saw two women right outside the operating room, and figured it had to be Seohyun's mother and her friend who'd picked the phone. They sat on a distance, and San put his head in his hands as they waited.
Yuri, who had noticed the two boys, came towards them, asking if one of them was indeed Yunho. "We're praying for the best, but the doctors say it's risky. You both should head home, this surgery might take a while."
"It's fine," San finally said, "I'll wait."
Yuri raised a brow but then nodded, saying she was going to grab some coffee for Seohyun's mother and she'd grab some for them too. After drinking and some comforting from both sides, having found Seohyun's mother fallen asleep, the boys decided to get some air.
They walked in the hospital garden which was pretty big, lit by several lamps, and some of the patients could be seen sitting or walking. San's eyes were on the ground; he was afraid if he looked up he'd cry.
Yunho patted San's back and he put his face in his hands, sighing. He'd never imagine this. And the way Seohyun had been last night, so scared, he should have known. The things she said, he should have believed it wasn't just her being paranoid.
Hongjoong and Seonghwa came along with Yeosang; the rest lived too far away and couldn't join at this hour. Yeosang looked visibly pale and he kept rubbing his hands as if he felt cold. Upon asking, Yunho told them she was still in surgery, and yes, her mom was here with a friend too.
They sat in the garden. Seonghwa had bought some sandwiches from home; he knew some of them wouldn't have had dinner yet.
"You should eat, San," he said, "We don't know how long the surgery is gonna be. It's no good if you're on an empty stomach." He handed him a sandwich and San halfheartedly nibbled on it. The rest of them were pretty much silent too, at loss for words. They found comfort in just being together.
After finishing, they decided to go up and check the situation and maybe go back home to sleep. San dusted his clothes as he walked, and stopped dead in his tracks as he heard a familiar voice call his name.
The rest of them paused, looking back at San, whose eyes were wide with terror. "What's wrong?" Hongjoong asked.
San dreadfully turned back as if not quite believing, and the water bottle he'd been holding slipped out of his hand.
It couldn't be.
In front of him was Seohyun, unscratched, smiling sadly.
She was a ghost.
San couldn't believe his eyes. Seohyun stood unscratched in front of him, but it was not her. It couldn't be. She was in an accident, how could she be in front of him like this?
A cry of pain escaped from Yeosang as he realized, covering his ears as if that could mean he was wrong. Hongjoong and Seonghwa looked at each other, and Yunho stepped towards San, stopping when he found him staring in the distance.
"How are you... here?" San managed to ask, walking towards her, but she took a step back, leaving San's hand dangling in the air. His brows were furrowed in a pained expression.
"I don't know, San," Seohyun said, smiling sadly. San went for her abruptly, and his hand went through her.
"No... This can't be...." San's knees gave out and Yunho rushed to him, massaging his back as tears finally escaped his eyes. He sat down, his face in his hands, now almost touching the ground. Seohyun bent near him as if she could touch him.
"It's my fault," San sniffed. Yunho wiped his eyes, looking back Hongjoong- pale with shock, Seonghwa clinging to him, holding Yeosang's trembling hand.
"It's not your fault. It's that witch's fault. And you have to listen-"
"It's mine," San whispered. Seohyun bit her lip as she began to speak but was cut again as he said, "I'm sorry I didn't pick your phone."
"I know what happened, don't worry-"
"I'm sorry-"
"CHOI SAN LISTEN TO ME FOR A SECOND!" Seohyun shouted and San jerked, forcing his head up to face her. "I don't think I'm dead. Not fully, at least. You have to go and ask the details."
"What do you mean? You're a ghost, doesn't that mean-"
"Maybe not. Please do that."
San nodded, explaining to the others that there was a possibility she was alive, though it did not make sense to him. They started walking to the building, and Seohyun said, "And please wipe your faces. Don't show that you know anything. I don't want my mom to know that I'm a ghost, even if I'm dead."
San winced at that but did so, and they went upstairs in the waiting area, where Seohyun's mother was crying. Yuri was patting her back but looked okay. Upon seeing San and Yunho with other friends, she whispered something to Seohyun's mother, who casted a glance at them and nodded, and Yuri walked to them.
"Seohyun's alive for now. She's in a coma. The surgery was successful but this was unavoidable, so we can expect her to return sometime within 3 months or more, depending on Seohyun now. Can't say anything about that. You guys should go home. They'll let you see her tomorrow."
Seohyun sighed in relief despite herself, and the boys finally managed a smile and asked San if she was here. San nodded, looking at Seohyun. She smiled happily now for San's sake, but he was still gloomy.
"You're gonna smile back or I'm gonna haunt you in your dreams, Choi San."
San let out a short laugh. "I guess you can do that now. Let's go out."
They went to an empty street and San asked Seohyun what had happened. She told him how the woman had used San as a bait for her to call her out. San told her that Gayoung and Youngjae had only taken his phone, assuring her he'd been home all day. Seohyun assured him it was still not his fault, that sooner or later this would've happened.
"So where's the ghost now? If you're still alive, won't it come after you again?" Seonghwa asked.
"I'll have to ask around," Seohyun said. "I can actually teleport now. I'm gonna try and find Gayoung and Youngjae. They must have been pretty scared if they did her bidding."
"Stay safe, Seohyun," San said, and Seohyun brought her hand near his face as if she meant to touch him.
"I will. Don't worry. Go home guys, I'll see you tomorrow."
"Yeah, we'll tell the others too now," Yunho said, "They'll be shocked."
"San, please tell Yeosang to stop trembling. I'm alive!"
San looked at Yeosang. He still seemed pale and his hands wouldn't stop shaking. So he did what Seohyun would have done for him; took his hands in his own, telling him it was alright. Seohyun was alive.
"I just can't believe it," Yeosang said, "For a second- when you said her name- I thought-"
"Yeah, I know, me too," San admitted. "It's alright. She's okay."
They waved her goodbye as they went home, and Seohyun cursed as loudly as she could, now that no one could hear her. Then she decided it was time to teleport to that hill, Gayoung and Youngjae must be given an earful.
She closed her eyes shut and imagined being sucked into space. The familiar tingling sensation ran from the top of her head to the tip of her toes; one moment she was here and the next, cold wind hit her face. She was there.
She peeked into the 'cave', basically a home to the ghost siblings. She found them sitting with their knees close to their chest. It was crazy how much they were like each other.
Seohyun cleared her throat and walked in, and the two of them stumbled back, almost falling.
"Are you alive?
"Are you dead?"
"Neither," Seohyun replied, "I did not know going into a coma would make me a ghost."
"Seohyun, I am so sorry-"
"Don't," Seohyun put a hand in the air, shutting them up. "Just tell me what made you do this."
"She threatened to hurt our parents. She knew where they lived. They're who we're staying here for, if she hurt them... I'm sorry," Gayoung looked down in shame.
"She actually asked us to 'take care' of San. We didn't promise her anything, just that he wouldn't interfere," Youngjae added.
"Well, thank you for that," Seohyun smiled, sitting near them. "It must have been hard for you both."
The two of them looked at each other, on the verge of crying.
"I swear if a tear falls down your faces, I'm personally gonna kick you out of this ghost realm."
Gayoung laughed a little, quickly wiping her eyes, and Youngjae did the same. They were just kids, Seohyun thought. They shouldn't have had to think it was their fault or anything.
"But what happened with the witch?" Seohyun asked.
"After she thought she killed you, we saw her screaming. We had just teleported to you when we sensed you were in danger. She just... vanished. And this time I mean like dissipated in the air like ashes. I guess she died again..." Youngjae said.
"Wow. Serves her right!" Seohyun sighed in relief.
"Did you meet San?" Gayoung asked and Seohyun nodded, looking grim.
"I don't think you should leave him alone tonight. He's gonna take this badly."
Seohyun's heart sank. She was right. Seohyun expected San to be alright, but that was just her own expectation. She wasn't actually so sure he would be.
"I don't know where he lives," Seohyun said.
"We'll take you to her," Gayoung said, holding out her hand to her and squeezing it, muttering an earnest thank you. Seohyun nodded, and they teleported once again.
It was an average looking house, much like the ones along the whole street. But somehow it felt more like a home than Seohyun's plain house looked.
"Do you think I can enter?" She wondered out loud, and Gayoung grinned.
"You should try. You should be able to since you're a mediator anyway."
Seohyun shrugged, taking a careful step forward. Indeed, she was able to enter. It seemed like she did have special benefits being a ghost. "I feel like I'm intruding."
"Oh he's your boyfriend, just go," Gayoung waved her hand at her, dismissing her as Youngjae grinned, wriggling hi brows at her. The two snickered, waving bye and teleporting back.
Seohyun stood awkwardly at the front door, afraid she'd be intruding their privacy. She paced back and forth, wondering if she should call San, or just go up and give him a little scare in the process. He probably wasn't in the mood for fun and jokes. She'd seen his face when he'd thought she'd die, and it was something she wished she could erase from her memory.
While she was biting her nails in confusion, she heard the front door open, and for a second, she panicked. But it was only San.
"I saw you from my window," he said, holding the door open, "Come in."
Seohyun bit her lip and nodded, entering. San closed the door behind him and led her upstairs. They went past his sister's room before entering his. Seohyun looked around, his love for plushies obvious by his large collection.
"Which one is Shiber?" Seohyun asked.
"That one," San pointed at the bed. It was a shiba plushie. San slept with it, it seemed.
"Poor thing," Seohyun grinned. San gave her a little smile as he motioned for her to sit. He sat on his bed and Seohyun brought the chair close. "Not how I thought I'd come to your home."
San shook his head, looking down. Seohyun almost leaned forward to touch him until she realized she couldn't. "Are you okay?"
"I'm not, to be honest," San began, meeting eyes with her, "I really thought you... were dead. When you appeared like that. I'm still not over that feeling."
Seohyun felt guilty. She'd found herself a ghost at the site of the accident, right when they were taking her to the hospital. She'd made it there, but she couldn't bring herself to step inside the hospital. She'd spotted San and Yunho from there. "I'm sorry."
"Oh no, you don't have to be," San shook his head, "Not your fault. I just wish I could... touch you right now. Hold you so I'd know you're real and it's not me going crazy."
"I know San," Seohyun almost whispered, "Me too."
They looked at each other sadly, and Seohyun put her hand in front of him, and for a moment San thought she was gonna ask for a high-five. "Put your hand here," she said.
San put his hand forward, and before he could touch, Seohyun pulled hers a little back. "No touching. Just... close. Like this," she put their hands close until there was only a hair's breadth of distance between them. San could have swore he could feel her warmth.
She smiled at him and drew her hand back. "The sibling duo was threatened by that bitch too. I feel sorry for them."
"That explains," San thought, "they didn't seem the type to just turn away like this."
"They apologized thoroughly. But it's okay now. It's only a matter of waking up from that coma... If I can make it."
"Keep your hopes up," San scolded and she smiled sheepishly. "How do you feel though? I mean, now that you're... a ghost. Does it feel any different that being a human?"
"I don't exactly feel weird inside," Seohyun realized, "But there does seem to be something different about this world now. It's like there's a veil over my eyes. Everything is a little cloudy now. Like I have bad eyesight."
"Does that mean you can't see me clearly?" San wondered.
"No, it's like there's a filter now. You know like the ones in the camera where you can decrease the clarity? That's how it feels. Weird."
San nodded. "Will you sleep?"
"I honestly don't know," Seohyun admitted. "I'll watch you sleep though. Maybe that might put me to sleep."
"I don't think I can sleep with you watching me," San huffed. Seohyun let out a short laugh and asked, "Do you want me to go?"
"No- stay. Please," he said, getting up to turn off the lights so there was only light from the little lamp on his desk. He lied down on his bed, facing her, watching her as she stood by the window, peeking out.
She was a ghost, San thought. He wanted her to wake up as soon as possible. He wasn't sure if he could live if Seohyun, god forbid, died and remained a ghost. He couldn't even imagine it.
As if sensing his thoughts, Seohyun turned, staring at him for a moment, those cheekbones pronounced in the shadows. She walked towards him slowly as he watched, and dropped to her knees in front of him, resting her head on the little space on the bed near San, and he crouched too, until they faced each other. She tested once, let her hand hover over his, putting it on top of him- but it passed through, making San shiver a little. So she drew her hand a bit back, until it almost touched at the fingertips.
They stared at each other, and San's eyelid drooped, shutting as he fell asleep. Seohyun closed her eyes too.
Seohyun must have actually fell asleep because when she awoke, when she opened her eyes, she was not in San's room but in front of her body, lying still with tubes coming out of everywhere. Her mother was sleeping rather uncomfortably on the sofa.
Her mother. She looked disheveled, and it made Seohyun gasp a little with surprise. She had always seen her so composed, so calm and full of control. She couldn't bring herself to go to her mother when she'd seen her crying of relief, back when they'd heard that her surgery had been successful.
She was glad that her Aunt Yuri had kept her company. She would have to thank her when she woke up. If she ever did. Seohyun shook her head, ridding herself of such thoughts.
Seohyun figured this was where she was gonna wake up every time she slept. She peeked out of the window to see that it was already morning. She felt like she hadn't slept at all, which was weird.
Her mother groaned, rubbing her eyes as she woke up. She looked like she had forgotten for a moment where she was, and as she took in her surroundings, Seohyun saw realization hit her as she jerked violently.
Her mother stared at her for a long while, before sighing and throwing her head in her hands. She thought her state must have been a nuisance for her ever-busy mother, but then she saw the tears fall down her mother's eyes as she hastily wiped at them.
She fell back on her seat, laughing, probably at the situation. And then she spoke:
"When your dad left me, I thought nothing could break me anymore."
Seohyun's eyes went a little wide at the sudden mention of her dad, who had passed away due to his heart problem a little after Seohyun's birth. Her mother had told her fragments of her life with him; they had met at work and fallen in love, spending a few years together before marrying and having a daughter.
"Your dad... he had my whole heart. So you can't blame me for my lack of love because it went with him to the grave. I tried loving you, and I thought it would be very hard. But somehow... I didn't even realize that I already loved you, way before you were born. I loved the thought of you."
Seohyun's heart sank. She thought she was invading her privacy by hearing all this... But technically, her mother was talking to her, wasn't she?
"I realize now. Now that you're looking like your dad in his last moments, I realize how afraid I am to lose you. If you followed him, I'd just be an empty shell."
Seohyun wanted to hug her mom and tell her it was alright. She wanted to give her a sign that she was here... but she figured it would do more harm than good.
"I hope you come back, Seohyun. My little girl. I promise to be a better mother, just- come back."
Seohyun's eyes shone with silver as she smiled at her mother's word. So her mother really did love her. She watched as she got up, straightening her clothes. "I'm going to distract myself until you're back. And then I will give you all the time in this world. Take you where you want to. Act like a proper mother that I should have done years ago. I'm- I'm sorry for not doing that earlier."
She walked to Seohyun's body, planting a kiss on her forehead and Seohyun could have sworn she felt a tingle of it too.
Her mother left after smiling at her, and Seohyun inhaled. She needed to distract herself too.
"I'm making a video of this, and no one is gonna stop me."
"What if someone sees it, Yeosang?" Hongjoong asked, shaking his head.
"I don't care," he replied as he did exactly as he had said. Make a video of Seohyun drumming furiously.
Except you could not see Seohyun and it looked like the drums were playing itself.
"I could start a YouTube channel and earn money from videos like these," he smirked.
"If you start earning money because I'm on the borderline of death," Seohyun had stopped drumming now, "I'll actually haunt you for the rest of my life."
San, who was watching the whole thing while sulking on the sofa, told Yeosang exactly what she had said.
"Good. At least I'll have company for the rest of my life."
Seohyun threw the drumstick, aiming for his head, and it hit home as he yelled in pain, a few colourful words escaping his mouth.
"You deserved it," Hongjoong laughed. Yeosang threw the drumstick back and Seohyun caught it, putting it down. She was done playing. She took the notebook they'd given her for communication and wrote: If I do end up dying, I'll help you all make money. At least I'll still be useful after death, you morons.
She held the notebook for them to read, trying to hide the view from San, but he ended up peeking too, and shook his head again, sulking even more.
"Back with her death jokes," Hongjoong looked at the book with disapproval.
Seohyun threw the book back at the table and came to sit with San, mirroring his sulking position. "It's so boring to have only you to actually talk to, no offence."
"Some taken," San said, "Be grateful I can see you. Imagine if I hadn't followed you that day."
"Actually grateful for that," Seohyun grinned. A ghost of smile crept on his face.
She heard the door of the warehouse open as the rest of them arrived. "Is Seohyun here?" Wooyoung asked, looking worried.
Hongjoong said yes, and he looked around saying, "Wherever you are, I'm so sorry about the accident, Seohyun. I don't want you to die, please come back! I can't lose you!"
Seohyun picked the pillow and threw it with considerable force at Wooyoung, who screamed and Mingi laughed. "Glad to see you're in good spirits."
"Are you okay though?" Jongho asked, having realized she must be sitting with San, "Does it... hurt or anything?"
San told them she said it was fine, it was just like being alive except no one can see her anymore which is making her sad and bored. He skipped the part where she had said that San was kinda boring these days too.
"Glad to hear," Wooyoung put the bag of snacks on the table. "I bought snacks, but... can you eat?"
Seohyun decided it was time to test that theory. She hadn't felt the need to eat, but she supposed theoretically she should be able to eat. She picked a packet of chips and opened it, the rest of them watching her curiously. She picked one in her hand, and then slowly put it in her mouth.
She could eat.
She danced in victory, making the rest of them laugh as Yunho hooted, "Time to loot the stores!"
"Nice idea!" She yelled back, coming back to sit with San, offering him some. He refused first but she made him open his mouth and put one in it. "This feels good. It's like being able to touch you."
San smiled. He felt that too.
Seohyun got up, going to Seonghwa and waiting for him to open his mouth. He was confused for a second but then opened, and Seohyun put the chip in his mouth. "This feels weird," he muttered, but smiled.
One by one, Seohyun put chips in their mouths, making them laugh. Yeosang filmed the whole thing, saying he was gonna make a compilation video once she was back.
San watched her with a curious look in his eyes. She had been acting a bit... different. More cheerful than she should have been. Or maybe he was too gloomy? When Seohyun came back, San folded his arms. "Did something... happen today?"
Seohyun got quiet for a second before she told him about how she had heard her mom talk to her. San wished he could hug her. Even though she sat right next to him, she felt so distant. His heart ached.
"At least now you know for sure that your mother does love you, in her own way."
"I suppose so," Seohyun sighed, folding her arms, watching Mingi and Wooyoung have a little brawl over who was better at drums, "I haven't ever seen her like that. Makes me want to not... die. Not that it's in my control anymore."
"Don't think like that," San turned towards her, "Your willpower is important."
"Is it?" Seohyun countered, and San narrowed his eyes. "I'll have to test that theory-"
"Do not even THINK of trying something reckless-" His voice was raising.
"I'd like to see you stop me-"
"HEY!" San got up abruptly, and everyone turned to look at him, "Does your life mean nothing to you?"
Seohyun instantly got deja vu. He'd said something like this before too. She stared at him as he groaned and pinched his nose bridge in frustration, pacing back and forth and then stopping again. "I thought your life meant something to you now. You had friends- you had us. We love you and care about you so much. I care about you so much. Your mother does. But all you care about is yourself?"
"San-" Blood rushed to Seohyun's cheeks as she realized, "I didn't mean-"
"You did mean it, Seohyun," San sighed, "I- I thought you finally had something to live for."
"San, I do. Believe me, I do."
San looked at her, shaking his head, and Seohyun felt like she could disappear. "Think about it, Seohyun."
He turned and started to go, and Seohyun grabbed his hand- or tried to- but it passed right through.
"I need some time to clear my head," he muttered as he left.
Everyone watched San leave the warehouse, and their eyes went back to where San had been standing, where Seohyun now stood. She felt disappointed in herself. She slumped down on the sofa, the others realizing she was still here.
"What was that about?" Seonghwa asked out loud. Seohyun just clenched her hair as she groaned loudly, cursing herself, glad nobody could hear her right now.
Hongjoong came and sat near Seohyun, saying, "If you want to talk about it, I'm here."
Seohyun thought it was sweet of him. He'd brought the pen and notebook too, placing it in between them. Seohyun took it, scribbling in it.
I messed up big time
Hongjoong read it, scooting a little closer, the notebook seemingly in her lap. She wrote again:
I'm a disappointment to San.
Hongjoong shook his head, "You're not. Trust me, you're not." He took a deep breath, having figured out what the fight was about. "I know you've had it rough, and you're not used to all these new relations. But whatever happened, you can set it right. San won't stay angry, but he'll be truly disappointed if you don't."
Seohyun thought about, and didn't realize her tears were falling on the notebook. Hongjoong could see it.
"You haven't cried since the accident, right? You're very brave, Seohyun."
Seohyun laughed a bit as she realized, making her cry even harder. She scribbled Thanks in the notebook, putting it aside. She knew what she had to do. Apologize.
She got up, walking towards the piano. Seating herself, she tested the keys, giving everyone a little scare before she started to play.
It was the piece Joon Hyuk had taught her. It was utterly sad but beautiful, and it had took her months to get better at it. As she played, she realized her muscle memory was better now. So she lost herself in the sadness of it, her fingers dancing on the keyboard.
When she was finished, she opened her eyes, breathing. it took her a good minute to come back to reality, and when she did, everyone was staring at her. Or the piano.
"Tell me someone got it on their phone," Yeosang mumbled.
Seohyun threw her head back and laughed out loud as she watched the boys fight over why no one took the liberty of filming this moment.
That night, Seohyun was pacing in the park near San's house, wondering how she should make things right. A simple 'sorry' wouldn't suffice. She wished she could touch him, hug him. Maybe that would have put more depth to the apology.
She was out of options. And as she was muttering to herself about how much of a bitch she had been, San came walking in, stopping abruptly when he saw her still pacing and cursing. She hadn't noticed yet. So he shook slightly with laughter as he heard her rather colourful vocabulary.
Seohyun sighed, looking up, and finally saw San, her heart sinking to her feet. "Gosh, you gave me a scare," she put a hand to her heart as she breathed.
"It's not like you can die of a heart attack now," San said.
Seohyun paused, narrowing her eyes at him. "Excuse me?"
San shrugged, but lost his demeanor as he finally laughed. "Oh how the tables have turned!" Seohyun gasped, kicking a pebble at him, glad when it struck his leg and he winced.
She gave him a long look. "Are you okay?"
"I am," San said, motioning to the swings and they took one. As they bobbed lightly, Seohyun finally took a deep breath and said, "I am sorry, San."
"For what?" he asked, looking at her.
"For everything," Seohyun said. "I've been a terrible friend."
"No you're not," he smiled. "I just wish you'd give yourself more credit. You don't have to apologize to me. You should be apologizing to yourself."
"Damn, that's poetic," Seohyun said and she could've sworn she heard San mutter 'insufferable', but he still laughed. "Alright. I'll give myself more credit. I won't make death jokes again too."
"Now what would Seohyun be without her death jokes?"
"That is a very valid point," Seohyun smiled. "Alright, I'll just... be a better person. You know."
It seemed like San was enjoying her struggle to find words. "I know what?"
Seohyun's jaw tensed. "Be glad I can't hit you, San."
San smirked.
That cocky little-
Seohyun got up, searching for something to throw at San, who just laughed loudly as he ran away from her.
Days passed. Weeks passed.
A month passed- yet Seohyun was not awake.
Every morning, Seohyun awoke at the hospital, no matter where she slept. She had made the warehouse her home now, since going back to her house was just a reminder that she was not alive, but not dead either.
She wasn't sure how she felt about this situation. The first few days, everyone had been super sensitive about what they said in front of her. But now, everyone was busy with school too. So Seonghwa advised her to attend school too, to not get behind her studies. But Seohyun said that technically, she was still in hospital which meant she could skip school now.
It took her one day without them, bored out of her mind, and she decided that yes, she would go to school too.
So everyday, she sat in her seat, not really paying attention to the lectures but still feeling like she was a part of this world. A part of the living.
And she'd help a lot of ghosts too. Ghosts didn't find her like they did when she was alive, but occasionally she'd stumble upon a lost ghost and help them out, saying she was 'experienced' in helping the fellow-dead.
She was out helping a ghost, a little girl barely 7 years old. She missed her mom and was still hanging on because she had to give her mom a gift, she had promised to. Seohyun's heart went out for the little girl, and she decided to help her.
Seohyun took the girl to her own house, and the little girl went 'wow' when she realized she could touch things now. So Seohyun gave her a nice page and colour pencils while the girl made a drawing. The gift to her mom.
Seohyun hadn't been home in quite a while now. She walked around her room, memories of San and Jiwoo coming to her mind. She smiled as she took the painting of Jiwoo in her hands.
"I'm done!" The girl said, and Seohyun placed the painting back, going to the desk.
"So your name is Yerim?" She asked and Yerim nodded. She had made a cartoon of herself and her mom, labelling it.
"That is a beautiful drawing, Yerim. I'm sure your mom would love it."
Yerim smiled and Seohyun pinched her cheeks. "Now let's give that to your mom."
Yerim guided her to her home, and they went inside, deciding to hide the painting in Yerim's room so when her mom would come, she'd find it, and think she had already made it before she died.
"Thank you, unnie!" Yerim hugged Seohyun and she marvelled at the feeling. She hadn't touched anyone since she'd been a ghost.
Seohyun picked the girl in her arms. "You're so light!" Yerim laughed and hugged her again. They got out of the house, walking randomly, Yerim still in her arms. The black cat started following them too.
"The cat can see you?" Yerim asked.
"Oh yes. When I was... alive, it was my friend. It's still my friend when I'm ghost."
"That's cool," Yerim said as she waved at the cat.
Seohyun asked, "Now that you have done what you stayed here for, you should go now. There's a better world, where you'll wait for your mom. She'll be there soon."
"Will she?" She asked and Seohyun nodded.
"Can we go to the park over there? I used to come there to play with my mom. It has so many flowers too."
"Of course," Seohyun looked at where she had pointed. The park was full of kids and their parents, playing around. "That's a nice place."
Seohyun dropped Yerim and she asked if she would be able to touch the cat. She squealed in surprise when she could.
"What's the name of this cat?"
"Ah. I haven't named it yet..." Was it Shiber or Byeol?
"You can call it Yerim!"
Seohyun paused. She got the strange urge to stretch her cheek.
"You're very cute, Yerim. I'll call her that," Seohyun smiled.
Yerim nodded, looking at the kids, and Seohyun watched her fade away. Feeling the sudden urge to cry, she shook her head and motioned for the cat to follow her.
After roaming around aimlessly, Seohyun reached the warehouse, finding it utterly dark. Not even the usual light was on.
"Where did everyone go?" She muttered, turning to go out, almost jumping out of her skin when she heard what sounded like a blast.
It was a party popper.
"Happy birthday!"
Seohyun turned to find everyone clapping and holding a cake, the only light in the room from the candles. San was laughing at Seohyun's horrified expressions. She truly had forgotten that it was her birthday. She shook her head, laughing.
"You guys, you're- how did you plan this?"
"It took us days to plan," San admitted, and Wooyoung said, "We had to think of a way you'd be busy today."
"But I was busy today because- no way. No way!" Seohyun looked at San in disbelief and he nodded. "I found her before you did and asked her to keep you busy. She was more than happy to."
"Wow," Seohyun shook her head, pinching her nose bridge but smiling at the effort.
"Blow the candles," Seonghwa said, and Yeosang took to his filming.
Seohyun felt strangely happy as she blew her candles, not bothering to make a wish. Hongjoong turned on the lights and she looked around, noticing the various gifts lying in the corner, and her favourite dishes on the table.
San led them to the table, where she cut the cake and made everyone take a bite from her hands. She couldn't thank them enough; this was the first time she had a surprise- or even a celebration.
"I wish the circumstances were different," Seohyun sighed.
San told them what she said and Yunho answered, "It doesn't feel any different. Only we can't see or hear you, so we have to visualize. Oh, and we get more jump-scares now."
Seohyun laughed, and they dug into the food.
After they all were done, they asked her to unwrap her gifts. So Seohyun grabbed the largest one first, which was from Yunho. It was a school bag, with space for laptop too.
"I noticed yours was kind of worn out," Yunho grinned. Seohyun scribbled on the notebook, saying 'Thank you for noticing! :)'. The others applauded him for the approval.
The next one was from Mingi. It was a beautiful leather band watch, which she loved, saying she wished she could put it on right now, and wondering for a moment that if she did, where would it go when she was back?
Yeosang had gifted her some chocolates from abroad, conveniently his father had been out of country. And since he knew her love for chocolate was one to be appreciated, he decided on it. Seohyun almost cried when she spotted her favourite ones.
"I do have another gift, but you'll have to wait for it," he admitted. Seohyun narrowed her eyes, scribbling 'It better be worth it' and moving on to the next.
Jongho had given her a scented set; shampoo, lotion and candle. Hongjoong got her a cap and sunglasses, rather stylish, and Seohyun had to admit she was impressed by his choice. Seonghwa had gifted her a black cat plushie- very, very similar to Yerim the cat. Seohyun admitted it might be her favourite gift. Wooyoung had gifted her a set of earrings, and she appreciated that it was just her taste. And San got her a couple ring, making everyone including herself gasp when they saw it.
"I didn't know what to get..." San scratched the back of his neck.
"No, I love it. It's so pretty!" It was just her style; a silver band with a tiny diamond in the center. Seohyun tried it on, showing it to San excitedly who laughed, approving. He wore his own too.
"Aw, this is so sweet. Except it looks like San proposed to himself," Wooyoung said, earning a smack from Seonghwa.
Seohyun took it off, handing it to San. "I'll wear it when I'm back."
"You wanna go for a walk?" San asked, and she nodded, getting up and asking him to convey her thanks to everyone, that they should keep this stuff here and she'll properly receive them and thank them when she was back.
After everyone said goodbye, San and Seohyun started walking aimlessly around, San telling her how it had taken them a whole week to plan, which included panicking over gifts too. Since it was their first time with Seohyun, it was more difficult to decide on what she'd like.
"I would have loved anything you gave me, even if it was stupid. I appreciate the gesture more."
"I know," San smiled at her. Seohyun was looking at him with a smile on her face, taking in the details on his pretty face, that she didn't notice a bike rushing and on its way to hit her.
Of course she wouldn't get hit, but out of impulse, San grabbed her by the arm and dragged her to the side, "Even if you're a ghost, you should be careful-"
"How- how did you did you just touch me?"
San looked at her, then looked down at his hands, then looked at her again. "Did I?"
Seohyun frowned. Slowly, taking a step towards him, she touched his face, and they sucked in their breath.
She could touch him.
Seohyun laughed in disbelief, touching his face, feeling every angle and curve of it, and San's hands went to grab her hands, marvelling at the touch. He hugged her, not quite believing it until he could feel her arms around her.
Seohyun broke the hug, joining their foreheads, for a moment forgetting everything else as she kissed him. God, it had been too long. They kissed each other in a frenzy, until San felt like someone dumped water on him and he broke apart.
"How did this happen?"
"I don't know," Seohyun breathed, "I don't know, I-"
Seohyun fell to the ground, clenching her head in her hands as she cried out in pain.
"What's happening?" San asked, panic lacing his voice, and Seohyun muttered that she did not know.
"I think I'm dying," Seohyun said, wincing because of the sharp pain, "Or something's happening. I'm being pulled back. San- I'm scared."
San was sitting down with her now, holding her in her arms, caressing her head, "It's gonna be alright," he said, pressing a kiss to her head, "It's gonna be alright."
He didn't know how long he stayed there comforting her as she breathed and faded. And he did not know how long he stared at the empty space in front of him, where Seohyun had just been.
It was utter chaos at the hospital- the doctors and the nurses were rushing around, everyone was borderline panicking. Seohyun was going into shock- her mother was crying hysterically as she watched the doctors go around her in a frenzy. A nurse told her to pray- she would either make it or pass away.
Her mother watched her heart beat flatline and the doctors resuscitate her. Her mother almost fainted as she watched the monitors- she was having flashbacks from the time her husband had passed away. Her friend Yuri came rushing in, leading her outside, rubbing her back and telling her it was better to wait and pray instead of watch what was going on.
Meanwhile, San, who had been staring at the empty space in front of him, where Seohyun had just been, slapped himself to reality and called Hongjoong, quickly telling him what had happened as he rushed through the streets, trying to find a taxi. The boys joined him, their faces pale, and they ran to the main street until they found taxis and drove to the hospital, not being able to calm their loudly thumping hearts.
As soon as they reached the hospital, they looked at each other once, nodding, scared for what they would get to hear. Most of them were trembling now- but they followed each other to the ICU, where they spotted the doctors coming out of the room.
Yunho spotted Yuri and ran to her, "How's Seohyun? What happened to her?"
Yuri narrowed her eyes at Yunho, "How did you know...?"
Yunho internally cursed himself before making up an excuse, "I was passing by here when I heard the doctors call the others to Seohyun's room- I called the rest. It wasn't looking good."
Yuri nodded, "She's okay now. She's awake, in fact. Look," Yuri pointed at the door that was slightly open, and Yunho saw her mother smiling through tears, holding Seohyun's hand, who was smiling too.
Yunho sighed in relief, almost falling on his knees. He thanked Yuri and motioned the rest to join him, and the rest knew it was good news with the smile on Yunho's face. They watched the mother and daughter smile and talk to each other, and they hugged each other in relief, their eyes wet.
Seohyun spotted the group of boys outside, waving at them. The boys waved back and they watched her say something to her mother, who nodded, getting up after kissing her forehead and coming out.
"I never thought Seohyun could have so many friends one day," Her mother smiled at them.
"It's good to meet you," Jongho said, and they bowed in greeting.
"You can meet her now- try not to be too loud," she laughed, waving at them.
The boys walked slowly to her room, taking in Seohyun's appearance- there were shadows under her eyes, a few scars on her face and hands, but her smile was the only thing they could see.
"Come here. I missed you all so much!"
Jongho went first, shaking hands with her, the rest coming one by one, holding back from hugging her or ruffling her hair because of the bandages on her head and everywhere else. They were all a little speechless, having seen Seohyun after so long now.
Even San was speechless- he had seen Seohyun everyday, but not like this.
"I thought you'd be happier to see me," Seohyun looked at San.
"I... I am, I just-" San shook his head, looking down as he trembled from trying to hold back his tears, "I really thought... that you were gone."
Seohyun sighed, pursing her lips. "I have given you all a hard time, haven't I?"
They all shook their heads, Mingi and Wooyoung rubbing San's back who was trying his hardest not to cry but ultimately failed. Hongjoong said they'd give them a moment and they left the room.
"San. Come on, look at me. San!"
San sniffed, wiping his eyes before looking at her. Tears formed in her own eyes and she wiped them.
"I'm so sorry, San. I'm so sorry."
"You don't have to be sorry for anything," San leaned forward, taking her hand in his- it had been too long. "Nothing to be sorry about, except scaring the shit out of me."
Seohyun laughed, "I scared the shit out of myself too, not gonna lie."
"I can't believe you're real," San admitted, bringing her hand to his face, reveling the feeling of her touch, "I am awake, am I not?"
Seohyun slapped his face lightly with her other hand. "Very much awake."
San took his sweet time not saying anything, just looking at her face, his lips on her hand.
"Say something, San. You're being weird."
San shook his head, kissing her hand. "I am never leaving you, ever. Get that in your head. No amount of death jokes are going to scare me away. You're stuck with me now until I die."
Seohyun flushed at the sudden confession. "Are you sure? I can make horrible jokes."
"As sure as I will ever be."
Seohyun smiled until she was laughing, tears running down her face. "God, I love you, San. I'm not leaving you too. Even if you're angry with me, disappointed in me, or whatever, I'll keep bugging you."
"Good to hear," San grinned.
"Come here," Seohyun motioned, and San asked her if it was okay. Seohyun just grabbed his collar and gave him a light peck on his lips.
"I can't hug you right now, but I can do this."
San smiled, returning the favour. They both stared at each other, smiling.
"Now that is a creepy sight I wish I will never see again. Tell me you got that on camera, Wooyoung."
"Right on," Wooyoung replied to Hongjoong, and Seohyun tried throwing her pillow at them, groaning in pain when she turned too harshly. San told her to calm down, throwing the pillow himself.
"It's our turn now, you've been seeing her for months now!" Yeosang shouted, and Seohyun laughed as she watched them push San out of the way, making him sit in the corner and pout while they sat in front of her, taking turns to talk to her.
"How did it feel while you were a ghost?" Wooyoung asked.
"Like I was alive, but not real?"
"Did it hurt when you became a ghost, or when you went back?" Seonghwa asked.
"When I went back, yes, I felt like my head was about to burst-"
"Can you still see ghosts now?" Mingi asked.
"I don't know yet-"
"Let her rest!" Hongjoong clapped once, "We'll have plenty of time to catch up when she comes home."
Seohyun pouted and Hongjoong patted her shoulder, "Glad you're back, Seohyun."
Seohyun smiled, wriggling her brows at him and they all waved at her before leaving, San coming to kiss her hand once before leaving. Seohyun sighed- he was being so soft.
Her mother came in, trying to stifle her smile but failing. "You have many friends now, it seems."
"I do," Seohyun nodded, smiling back, "I have a boyfriend too."
Her mother raised one eyebrow, putting her hands on her hips. "Lee Seohyun! Why didn't you tell me earlier? Which one was he?"
"The one who left last, San."
"Oh," her mother gave her a thumbs up, "How did it happen?"
Seohyun told her to sit because it was a long story, and then told her all about how she had met San, how he was able to see ghosts now too, because of her, and how they, at one point, started liking each other.
"Were you a ghost when you were in a coma?"
Seohyun bit her lip, nodding.
"And these friends knew?"
"They did. San could see me, but he couldn't touch me. At least not until tonight, just before it happened."
Her mother sighed, leaning back. "Is there a reason none of them, and not even you, bothered to tell me that you were a ghost?"
"I wanted to- I slept every night and woke up here, with you. I heard you talk to me. I couldn't break your heart, mom. Not when I wasn't sure if I was going to make it."
"I understand," She nodded, earnest, "How did this even happen?"
"It was an old ghost- a vengeful one. Apparently when you kill a 'mediator'- that's what they call me, there are a few moments before the mediator thing passes to another person. During those moments, ghosts can trespass and interact with humans and whatnot. At least that's what that bitch told me-"
"I'm talking about the ghost who tried to kill me."
"Oh, that bitch, go on."
"So apparently ghosts can't kill the mediators. So she tried doing it to me indirectly, which ended up killing her."
"Good riddance! But I hope you will have stopped seeing ghosts now. I don't want you to get in more trouble," her mother's eyes were full of worry.
"I don't think that happened, but at least nobody will try to kill me now."
The mother and daughter sat thinking for a few moments. Finally, her mother spoke, "You're getting discharged in three days. If you want to take a break from school, if you want to go on a trip, I can do that-"
"Thank you, mom," Seohyun smiled, "I just want to live like I had been living. Normally. We can go somewhere during the New Year holidays if you're free- otherwise, I just want to go to school, spend time with the boys, do normal stuff."
"I took extra days off," her mother nodded, "We can go visit your grandparents in the countryside."
"Sure! I haven't seen them in forever."
"You can go with the boys somewhere if you want to before New Year. I won't be home for Christmas- I have business in Japan. But if you want me home for Christmas-"
"Please, it's really okay, mom," Seohyun nodded furiously, "I won't be alone this time. Just promise you'll be home for New Year."
"I promise," she smiled.
"Done. I'll plan something with the boys."
Three days later, Seohyun was finally discharged, the bandages off her and she felt light. Seohyun took a look in the mirror when she got home- the wounds on her face would fade with time. She was alive, and that was all that mattered.
The boys had paid a visit every night, and it was time for her to return the favour. Seohyun decided she would buy something for them each- a Christmas gift, a gift because she woke up. She told them all to be there at night while she went shopping.
Two hours later, several shopping bags in her hands, she stood outside the warehouse. The air felt incredibly different now that she was alive.
Seohyun closed her eyes, relishing the feel of the wind on her skin, blowing the hair away from her face.
"Hi guys!" Seohyun stood awkwardly, waving the bags in her hands. The boys all turned, hooting as they rushed towards her, and for a moment, Seohyun almost had a heart attack.
"STOP!" She shouted, and they stopped in their tracks, realizing their mistake. "One at a time, okay? Go back and sit."
They obeyed, muttering things under their breath and San approached her, taking some of the bags away from her.
"Can I hug you first?"
"Not fair!" Wooyoung shouted.
Seohyun laughed while San glared at Wooyoung, "We'll have plenty of time later, but here," She gave him a brief hug, sighing into it. It was the first time she was going to hug everyone after the accident.
She had been discharged from the hospital the next night, after the doctors made sure everything was okay. The bandages were off now, mostly. Some scars remained- one running down her temple as well. She had been home the past days, not being able to meet anyone, taking her time to get her energy back, only going out shopping with her mom.
"Alright," Seohyun placed the bags in front of the table where everyone sat, "This is going to be a random pick. I got you all gifts for Christmas, so I'm going to pick a bag. Here-" Seohyun picked one, "Yeosang!"
Yeosang got up haughtily, flipping his hair, motioning at them to applaud and they did, faces grumpy as he approached Seohyun and hugged her, almost picking her up in the air.
"Don't crush me!" Seohyun laughed, and Yeosang finally broke the hug, patting her head.
"We didn't get you anything for Christmas yet."
"You don't need to, you got me enough for the birthday-"
"We'll just give you food then," Jongho suggested.
"Deal," Seohyun winked at him, handing Yeosang the bag. "Open it."
Yeosang looked at her pointedly, opening the box to reveal a small flying drone. Yeosang gasped in surprise and Seohyun looked proud.
"I may have noticed you doodling drones in your notebook."
Yeosang laughed and thanked her, saying she knew him well. Seohyun picked the next bag.
Seonghwa pumped a fist in the air as he ran to Seohyun, hugging her.
"You hug like my mom does," Seohyun muttered.
"Glad you're back," he said, kissing her temple before he broke the hug. He opened the gift to reveal a set of-
"Hey, how did you know to get me these!" Seonghwa looked at Seohyun in surprise while the others tried to peek at what Seonghwa was holding, who took the boxes out to reveal action figurines. Seohyun smiled as she watched the rest laugh in approval.
"When you guys crashed my first date and took me shopping, I may have noticed you eyeing these in the shop- I don't know what category they are- I just memorized one of the toys of that set and went there and found it, to my relief."
"You're very observant," Seonghwa eyed her and she curtsied, earning another thanks.
"Can I come next?" Jongho said, pointing at the giant bear wrapped messily lying in the corner, "It's a bit too obvious now to pretend I don't see it."
Seohyun bit her lip, trying not to laugh, "Please do."
Jongho smiled, skipping to Seohyun, hugging her such that she was dangling in the air, arms flapping wildly at the side, and then the two skipped to where the bear was- it was about Seohyun's size. Jongho tore the wrappers and laughed-
"You really had to?"
Seohyun smiled at the apple necklace the bear wore- it was a special touch she added to Jongho's gift. "I mean, I could have gifted you a crate of apples-"
Yeosang laughed out loud, causing the others to laugh as well, "The apples wouldn't have lasted a day."
"It's not that bad!" Jongho sulked, dragging the bear to the couch and hugging it, pouting. Seohyun shook her head at him, picking the next bag.
Yunho hooted in victory, pausing in front of Seohyun for a second before spreading his arms, and Seohyun gladly hugged him, laughing because she barely reached his shoulders.
"Glad you're back, you dwarf."
"Thanks, you giant puppy," Seohyun shook her head, breaking the hug and handing him the bag. Yunho eyed her before fishing out a long box, unwrapping it.
Seohyun watched as his mouth opened in surprise, and he looked at Seohyun, then back at the boys, then back at her.
"What is it?" Wooyoung asked, "Don't make me get up now-"
"How did you get your hands on this!" Yunho laughed out loud, taking out a wand from the box, "This is Harry's wand, right?"
"Harry's wand!" Mingi wowed, and Hongjoong shook his head, "Isn't this too much! When did you get the time!"
"Actually, this wasn't a Christmas gift," Seohyun admitted, and Yunho looked at her in surprise, "You remember when we talked about Harry Potter all day in school when I was... alive? Before becoming a ghost, I mean-"
"I do," Yunho shook his head, "You're still alive, you know."
Seohyun waved a hand in dismissal, "Anyways, one of mom's friends was in UK, and I had asked her to get me a wand from there, so I asked to bring another."
"I don't know- isn't this too much?" Yunho looked at her hesitantly, and Seohyun rolled her eyes, looking at San who was laughing silently.
"Shut up. Next!" Seohyun announced, ignoring Yunho and picking another bag. "Hongjoong!"
"When is my turn!" Wooyoung wailed loudly, Mingi joining, and Seohyun watched as the two started playing rock papers scissors to bet on who would be next.
"How did you even bring all these here," Hongjoong asked as he hugged her, long and good, "Wasn't it too much trouble?"
"It's okay," Seohyun rubbed his back before they broke apart, and Seohyun handed him the bag. "Here."
Hongjoong looked at her pointedly, "This looks the smallest."
"I can assure you, it was the most expensive-"
"Hey!" Hongjoong laughed, "I'm not opening this."
"Stop being so dramatic, we're waiting!" Wooyoung shouted, Mingi doubling over with laughter.
"I'll do the honours," Seohyun picked the box and tore the wrapper apart. "I had to."
Hongjoong almost dropped the box as he held it- it was headphones- but high quality ones- ones he wish he could have to make him hear the sound betters when he composed in his laptop. "Seohyun-"
"How can I accept this!"
"You know I could get you better things- my mom's loaded. She was all too glad when I told her that you were the guys I was buying gifts for. Please, Hongjoong, it's not much."
Hongjoong shook his head, "I know it's not much to you, but to us, it is. I'd appreciate it if you don't spend money like that again-"
"Shut up," Seohyun shook her head, "It's my first time getting someone gifts. First time getting someone something meaningful, first time I actually put thought into all of this. First time I was excited. Please," Seohyun wrapped his hands in hers, "Accept it."
"You're gonna make me cry now," Hongjoong laughed, bringing her in for another hug. "Thank you. I won't forget this."
"Thank you for accepting," Seohyun laughed, and Hongjoong went back, flaunting his headphones as he examined them.
"Okay, Mingi, you're next."
Mingi almost fell as he got up in victory, waving his butt at Wooyoung and earning a smack, skipping as he came to Seohyun and hugged her dramatically, picking her and actually making her scream-
"Drop me, you giant!" Seohyun slapped his arms repeatedly, and he finally dropped her, pretending she had hit her too hard. Seohyun slapped his arm again, finally smiling.
Mingi went to where his bag was- finding two boxes- his recent two favourite anime's action figurines.
"You remembered!"
"I also got you the recent volumes!" Seohyun fished out another bag from under the table and Mingi wowed, checking as if he couldn't believe it.
"You have good memory! When did I tell you which volumes I had?"
"Some time in school?" Seohyun smiled, "I didn't know what else to get you- I already gave you the drums, I could have waited till Christmas I guess-"
"Oh come on, they're yours-"
"They're yours now," Seohyun announced, and Yunho started clapping, "I mean, I'm a co-owner. Deal?"
"Deal," Mingi ruffled her hair, thanking her.
"Finally now, it's my time!" Wooyoung came singing, almost running to Seohyun as he crashed into her, spinning her and kissing her forehead, "I cannot tell you how happy I am that you are alive!"
"Even if I was dead," Seohyun began, "I feel like I wouldn't have been able to move on because of you-"
"Hush, now," Wooyoung shook his head, laughing. "Hey, mine is the lightest! Hongjoong!"
Hongjoong was too absorbed in his headphones to respond and San finally got up, telling Wooyoung to hurry up so they could have 'alone time'. Wooyoung unwrapped his gift-
Seohyun flinched at how loud he was and San came to cover her ears as Wooyoung shouted in surprise and amazement, thanking Seohyun to which she nodded, still flinching as he ran around flaunting the album.
"You brought this upon yourself," San laughed, and Seohyun smiled as Wooyoung crushed her in another hug, thanking her again and again.
"You want me to take it back!"
"THEN SHUT UP!" Seohyun shouted as loudly as Wooyoung who only grinned.
"I knew there was something about you that I just had to make you friend-"
"Anddd that's enough," San slapped the back of Wooyoung's head, "Let's go to dinner after an hour, guys. Meanwhile, I'm stealing her."
With that, San put his arm on Seohyun's back, guiding her out as the boys 'ooh-ed', making her flush. Seohyun couldn't help but smile as San led her out of the warehouse, taking her at the backside where the boys had set up a small place with a tent and couches for when the weather was nice and they wanted to sit out.
"I wish we could go somewhere else, but I don't want to waste this hour," San said, leading her to the couches, pausing to look at her, his hands hesitant as he touched her face, "How have you been?"
"Oh please, it's not like we didn't call at nights the past two days- I'm fine, really."
San touched the scar at her temple, kissing it, making her flush deeper, "I'm glad to hear that."
Seohyun pushed San's chest, "You're being too... mushy."
"Mushy?" San raised an eyebrow, laughing as they sat on the couch, facing each other.
"You're sometimes too romantic for me to handle, you know that?" Seohyun folded her arms.
"I haven't even begun-"
"Exactly what I mean!" Seohyun shook her head, and San laughed, scooting closer.
"Tell me you missed me. Tell me you missed... us."
Seohyun bit her lip, scanning his face- the moonlight making his cheekbones appear sharper, his eyes dark.
"Can't say I didn't," Seohyun sighed, "Let me hug you first."
San brought her closer and she wrapped her arms around him, almost in his lap, her head resting on his chest as she sighed, melting in the embrace. "I definitely missed this. I could sleep right here-"
"Don't you think about sleeping now."
Seohyun smiled, burying her nose in his neck, inhaling the scent of him- it felt like nostalgia, like home. "I never thought I'd appreciate hugs one day- not being in contact for these two months really put me in my place."
San broke the hug, looking at her face, "I could tell. You got Jongho that bear- you know he doesn't really like skin-ship but watch him cling to that bear for the rest of his life. I realized then."
"You're right, I'm surprised you noticed," Seohyun admitted, "He and I are alike in that. I knew he'd love it. Oh, and also, I got you something, but it's not here yet."
"What did you get me?"
"Don't be too surprised when it comes," Seohyun grinned, "I wasn't too sure- yours was the hardest to think of, but it just happened-"
"Please, I'm curious now," San pouted, whining. "I won't be able to stop thinking now that you reminded me-"
Seohyun kissed him to shut him up, breaking apart to look at his reaction- satisfied to see his eyes wide in surprise and then narrow in challenge.
"I guess I could use a distraction. We do have an hour."
Seohyun laughed, kissing him properly this time, taking it slow- it was the first time they were properly kissing since she was back. San held her face delicately, letting her set the pace. Seohyun's hands were more urgent, running through his soft hair, caressing his face, his neck, roaming around his back and chest as they kissed lazily.
"Don't hold me like I'm gonna break, Choi San."
It was all San needed to hear- he kissed her with a force that got her arching back until her back hit the couch itself, and San broke apart to caress her face and draw her hair back.
"I love you, Seohyun. Merry Christmas."
"And I love you, you mountain," Seohyun smiled, "Now kiss me."
The rest of the hour went by as they kissed, murmured sweet nothings as they sat in each other's embrace, or just watched each other, hands caressing hands. The hour went by slow yet it felt like a flash once it was over and they were interrupted with Wooyoung shouting at them to come inside already.
Holding each other's hands, they went inside and sat with the boys to plan where to go for dinner. Yunho looked at the two and burst out laughing, Mingi joining him.
One by one, they all started laughing, leaving San and Seohyun who stared at them. Even Hongjoong and Seonghwa- the serious ones were laughing.
"Did you two only make out during that one hour?" Yeosang shook his head, "Look at how disheveled you both are."
San and Seohyun immediately looked down, but their clothes were straight, and their hair wasn't messed up-
It was only when all of them burst out laughing that the two realized this was a trick- and San covered his face as he laughed while Seohyun gaped at them, getting up in search of something- grabbing a small cushion and running forward to hit them-
"It was Yunho's idea, don't hit me!" Mingi wailed.
"You're still an accomplice," Seohyun laughed as she ran at all of them, hitting them once on their heads to 'get their brains to kick start'. "So what if we only made out? I'll ask you all when you finally have partners, you loners!"
It was the first dinner Seohyun had with the boys since coming back to her normal life.
And it was chaotic, to say the least.
People had mistaken them for being a bunch of drunks one too many times, the way they were hollering with laughter and talking about ghosts as loudly as they could. But everything was okay- Seohyun hadn't felt happier in a while.
After a very lavish dinner, they all walked around the town, making fun of each other and playing, and before Seohyun could decide to leave for her home and bid everyone goodnight, Yeosang told her they had one last surprise for her at the warehouse before she went home.
"And why couldn't I get this surprise when we were back at the warehouse just a few hours ago?"
"You'll know why," Jongho teased, "Just come."
Seohyun rolled her eyes, secretly anticipating just what they had in store for her, and followed them to the warehouse.
"We'll be right back- stay here," Wooyoung said, dragging Jongho and Yeosang with him while the rest stood outside, waiting.
"Can I have a hint?" Seohyun folded her arms.
"Uh, nope." Hongjoong was firm.
"Is it something about a musical performance or a dance performance-"
"Can you calm down and wait?" Seonghwa laughed.
"Is this going to be a prank?" Seohyun raised her eyebrow.
"If it was a prank I would have been inside with them," Mingi raised his hand and Seohyun narrowed her eyes at him.
"Me too!" Yunho grinned, and Mingi and Yunho shared a look which set Seohyun pacing due to nervousness.
"Calm down," San laughed, his eyes full of adoration, "You'll love it. It's all I am allowed to say."
Seohyun pouted, eyeing the warehouse, not hearing anything at all. Another minute passed by which Seohyun had scratched near her fingernails out of nervousness when Wooyoung peeked out, giving a thumb up.
"Finally," Seohyun exhaled, and San took her hand in his as they walked inside.
They were greeted by the Siamese cat that Seohyun had gifted San, who finally named her Byeol. Yerim was their stray cat and Byeol was their pet cat, who loved staying inside the warehouse- her home.
Seohyun looked around. Everything was the same, except there was a projector now set up in front of the couches. "Are we watching a movie?"
"A short movie, you could say," Jongho took her other hand, leading her to the couch and making her sit in the middle, San sitting on one side and Yeosang on the other, and Wooyoung made sure everyone was sitting in front of the screen before he put the lights out, grinning as he sat on the floor mat in front of Seohyun. Seohyun playfully kicked his back, earning a slap to the leg.
"Okay, I'm starting it."
Yeosang clicked a button and there was static for a few seconds before music started to play- music she realized was from one of the samples she'd heard from Hongjoong. She raised her brow at him, and he just winked.
Seohyun went back to watching the screen, which went black and then a video clip started playing- she frowned as she realized where it was from- school.
"Hi," Wooyoung said, "I made a new friend today, but she's kind of scary so I don't know when I'll be able to get a proper vlog with her- ow!"
Seohyun smacked Wooyoung's head. The teacher was about to come in. Wooyoung hid the camera and Seohyun said, "I owe you one."
"You owe me nothing-"
"Should I tell the teacher what exactly you were doing?"
"Boomer," Wooyoung muttered.
Seohyun laughed out loud, "I never heard you call me a boomer!" She smacked the back of Wooyoung's head again, and he laughed out loud.
"This is exactly why you didn't hear me!" Wooyoung laughed, rubbing his head.
The clip changed and Seohyun recognized the scene again-
"I win," Yeosang smirked.
"Next game, come on."
Seohyun drew another blank page and the two restarted another game of tic tac toe. This time, Seohyun went first and she won. Seohyun put a line on her tally count.
"This will go on forever," Yunho, who was watching them, said, "Whenever Seohyun goes first, she wins. Whenever Yeosang goes first, he wins. You both have this figured out- why don't you just shake hands and accept the draw?"
Yunho laughed as the both had glared at him and said no in unison, flipping the page and starting another game. Mingi, who was filming, turned the camera to himself and shook his head.
"They're never gonna stop."
"We did stop," Yeosang laughed, "Only because the teacher came."
"So who won?" San asked.
Seohyun sighed, smiling, "We shook hands and accepted draw."
The scene changed again, and it was from when Seohyun had first seen the warehouse and revealed that she knew how to play the piano- apparently Jongho had caught her playing the melody that she remembered from Hongjoong. It followed by the clips of the truth and dare game they had that night- the one when Seohyun finally told the boys that she could see ghosts. Everyone had a good laugh over it and Seohyun felt nostalgic as she watched Hongjoong's Billie Jeans imitation and Yunho's golden retriever. Seohyun had stopped them from filming the ghost evidence back then.
The clips that followed were all... ghost evidence. The boys used to play games with Jiwoo- like cards, tic tac toe, or such games, and Seohyun watched with her mouth open in disbelief as the amount of 'evidence' clips passed.
"Good thing Jiwoo's not here- if she was, I would have personally seen her out of this realm."
San rubbed her arm, laughing, "You never stopped them from filming."
Seohyun just shook her head, smiling as the clips changed to a compilation of their last day with Jiwoo, of them playing in the water, playing games and just laughing and having a good time. Seohyun felt bittersweet at the memories.
"Now here starts the fun part," Wooyoung winked.
And sure enough, fun it was.
"It appears my definition of fun differs from yours," Seohyun flushed as she saw a compilation of clips of San and Seohyun being the most obvious couple- looking at each other adoringly, holding hands, talking, etc. "I feel exposed."
"This was my idea- to put these in," San admitted, grinning at her flushed self, "I knew you'd like it."
Seohyun rolled her eyes but smiled, and they all watched the various clips from their outings together, until-
"Oh," Seohyun realized why this gift from Yeosang was late.
The drums playing itself, the piano playing itself, food flying in the air, cushions being thrown- all Seohyun as a ghost, and she had to admit the direction of this movie was clever.
"I'm going to wait till the end credits to comment," Seohyun muttered, watching the day of her birthday, smiling because it really looked like they had filmed the whole thing.
Seohyun's grip on San's hand tightened when she saw the clip from the day at the hospital when she finally woke up- the 'creepy sight' Hongjoong had referred to and Wooyoung had filmed- the sight being San and Seohyun staring and smiling at each other, their foreheads joined.
"You really had to add this?" Seohyun kicked Wooyoung's back lightly, making everyone giggle.
"This is like the epilogue of the whole thing," Mingi said.
The video ended with a picture of the 8- which Jiwoo had clicked on the beach. The end credits rolled, crediting everyone except Seohyun- even Jiwoo.
"Come on, I must have made at least one of the videos or pictures there-"
"In case you haven't noticed, you barely use your phone," Yunho retorted, and Seohyun pouted.
"So," Wooyoung turned, "What do you think?"
Seohyun couldn't stop herself from smiling, looking up as she felt her eyes burn, and the boys started chanting "DON'T CRY", making her laugh harder.
"This really is a gift from all of you- the memories, though I think I should thank Yeosang first," Seohyun smiled at him, taking his hand, "Thank you. You didn't have to waste your time on this."
"It wasn't a waste of time," Yeosang shook his head, "I had this idea when you were still... a ghost. So instead of making it bleaky with only ghost memories, I decided to do something like this. Wooyoung helped me a lot too."
"You all make me cry too much," Seohyun wiped the corners of her eyes, "I was never this emotional-"
"Oh please," Seonghwa shook his head, "If we had a clip from every time that you cried-"
"Okay, okay, I get it!" Seohyun laughed, "Thank you, all of you. This, us here right now, is the greatest Christmas gift I could have from anyone of you-"
"Now don't go being all sentimental on us, Seohyun-"
"Ugh, you guys don't let me breathe!" Seohyun glared at Jongho, who was doubling over with Mingi, "I'm saying it again, and you all better not interrupt. I really love you guys. It's been a great few months, despite the bad things that happened. I wouldn't have made it back without you guys. Thank you for everything."
They all smiled, Seohyun taking time to make eye contact with everyone.
"Thank you for sticking with us, I guess," Seonghwa grinned.
Wooyoung nodded. "I know we can be a loud bunch-"
"You don't say," Seohyun muttered.
"See, you interrupt us too when we're all sentimental!" Wooyoung turned to glare at her.
"Hey, who's idea was it to befriend me again?" Seohyun shrugged, "You brought this upon yourself-"
"It was because we thought a girl in our group would so us good! If I had known you talked and sat like a guy-"
Wooyoung shut up when Seohyun kicked his back, harder this time, making everyone howl with laughter at the two of them bickering.
"Hey, she can be girly when she wants to be-"
"You're not helping, San!"
"It's imitation time, Yunho!" Yeosang called his attention and Yunho bowed, getting up and preparing himself to act like Seohyun.
He walked a few feet away, rolling his sleeves up, which already had the boys laughing, stealing Hongjoong's cap so he could complete the 'Seohyun' look.
"So here's how she walks-" Yunho hunched his shoulders a bit, his eyes darting here and there as he walked with light steps- a habit Seohyun had to make as less of a sound while walking as she could.
"It's because I look out for ghosts!" Seohyun folded her arms, slumping back as the boys laughed at the near perfect imitation, almost howling when Yunho slumped in the chair, sighing, legs apart but feet together, arms folded.
"That's perfect," Yeosang managed to say between laughter. Seohyun clenched her jaw, trying not to laugh.
"I feel exposed..."
"But that's how you really are like, baby," San scoffed.
"I could have been like one of those girls who's always walking like a model, sitting like this-" She tried mimicking those formal sitting positions, "And has her lashes fluttering every second, and is always worried about how she looks."
"See, I knew you'd fit in well with us," Wooyoung grinned, and Seohyun threw a pillow at him as San and Wooyoung started to bicker about Seohyun.
Seohyun smiled as she pet the cat that was now in her lap, looking around at the boys, all smiles and laughter, no worries. Yeosang noticed her expressions and raised his brows.
Seohyun smiled.
"This really does feel like home."
Thank you for reading and supporting! <3
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not-ur-normie · 3 years
Cristal witches, aka Sasha making headcanons for the world of Eldarya
I have this idea since forever at this point, so I figured it wouldn't hurt a fly to talk about it a little. It comes from years before when I wanted my OC to not be human but some kind of magic creature, so here we go.
English is not my first languange, so I am apologizing in advance.
Note: Throughout the post, the timespan is after the Blue Sacrifice, but I will talk about that too later on.
Who are cristal witches?
Cristal witches are witches who hold power connected to maana.
The bigger maana surronds them, the bigger their powers get
The reason they are called cristal witches is because they can form a connection with the Crystal
They are creatures with big potencial to play big roles in Eldarya, but that is exactly the point where things go wrong
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More about witches
Most cristal witches are women, it's really rare when a male is born and inherits magical power, but there are cases when it happens
There were never any worry about them dying out, since the genes are VERY strong
When a male and female cristal witch have a child who is also one, they turn out way stronger then the others who only have one parent being one
Don't get me wrong, one parent makes the kid already strong as it is, but two parents are just a whole new level
Cristal witches all have tattoos, all in different colors. Most of the time the colors don't have anything to do with the powers they can hold, but lighter colors indicate lighter powers, meaning: lighter colors can't use magic that requires bigger maana usage, like black magic, or healing magic
(If you play the game, you sure know the voodoo outfit, I based the tattoos on those tattoos, so you can see the colors if you google it)
Since cristal witches are a heavily mixed community thanks to the overload of women, there are times where kids inherit both of their parents specific genetics
It's rare tho, because of the witch genes mixing up with other races' is not that common
But when it happens, it always gains attention
Cristal witches are not just cristal witches because they are connected to the Crystal, but because they literally have crystals all over their body
These crystals are mostly small ones and has the color of the tattoos
They are really human-like, so if they can hide their tattos and crystals they can perfectly blend in, which did come handy at some point
Their lifespan is about 150-200 years
They are able to open the portal to the human world
(here you can see the children of my OC [Chrystal] and Ezarel, who were lucky enough to inherit both of their parents genes, so they are witches with elf ears.)
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How did they live?
Back then cristal witches lived in small communities, mostly small villages, but there where some communities living a full nomad life
Since they live so long, there were not many of them to begin with
These smaller communities lived close to each other way back then, but the nomad communities started to move around after a while
These are highly spiritual communities, especially that they are fully able to communicate with the Oracle if they wish so
They had special type of education, where witches were learning to use basic magic, while non-witches who lived with them learned alchemy
They had strict rules, that everybody needed to follow, they weren't allowed to use their power randomly
They needed to get an approval to use magic that requires more manna than your basic magic, and also to use dangerous or risky magic
If somebody went against this rule more than 5 times, they got their magic taken away
They choose new leader every year, although if a leader was good, they sticked with them and kept on picking them
The leader was not leading alone, although they made the final decisions
There were many smaller position available next to the leader, which are also chosen by the other witches
Overally they are really pieceful, so the conflicts are not that common
Cristal witches are able to do many things with magic, but it takes a lifetime to gain a really controlled power, so older, well-educated witches are highly respected and the leader was chosen from them most of the times
Some really strong witches are even able to bring back people from the death, but only if they're right there when the death happens
The Blue Sacrifice
The reason that Cristal witches were never part of the council that planned out the Sacrifice was that the races forming the council agreed that Eldarya could need them in the future (and they were damned right)
Before the Sacrifice taken place, witches were not that strong than after it happend
I imagine it the way, that once the sacrifice was made, Eldarya alone had more maana than when the two worlds were one and since witches' powers are mostly maana based, it made their powers grow way stronger than before
(I hope this makes sense lol)
Where things went wrong
As I mentioned before, they are creatures with big potential
When the Blue Sacrifice went wrong, the races in Eldarya needed the witches help the most
Almost every community, town, villige, whatever had at least one witch living with them to help out whenever there were high need
The problem is, that there was always high need; as we know Eldarya was in trouble
With the help of the witches it was easier to go for supplies to the human world, although only those communities could do this who had stronger, more experienced witches
There were even witches who were able to cast spells and make the field able to grow some edible plants
And this is exactly where things went terribly wrong
Since cristal witches have a high value, there were many who hunted them or tortured them for their powers
Why? Well, I know all the above reasons would be enough, but there are more to it
Cristal witches' blood is able to make the lifespan of whoever drinks it longer
And not just that, but it can completely function as food, it stops hunger for longer periods of time (weeks, sometimes months, depending on power) and makes the immune system 100% healthy
It was also used for really expensive medication
You know what else is really valuable? The tears of witches.
It can fasten healing and was used for many medication as well as their blood
But only tears that hold heavy emotions count, since the tear drops turn into little crystals
These informations spread real fast after a while and witch hunts became so serious that at one point several communities started to think that it would be better to sacrifice them as well so maybe Eldarya could gain its full balance [the Guard of El also wanted this, just in case you were curious]
Witches would've 100% sacrificed themselfs if they got asked by the time the Blue Sacrfice happend
But after all the terror they went through, their trust was completely broken
They did not want to die for all these selfish folks wanting to murder them, not thinking about their race for a single second
So one day they completely vanished
Nobody knows how exactly, the common guess was that they opened the portal and moved to the human world, giving up on their magic
I mean everything was better than dying for your murderers
After the vanish
Of course, not all of the witches vanished, but the witch communities that lived together
Those who lived in certain places helping out stayed there
Back then the Guard of El had a witch with them too
Sadly, they got scared of her possibly gaining control over the guard, since she was very much loved... So they decided to kill her [yes, they wanted to sacrifice her, and then killed her, way to go]
The last known cristal witch was a male, living with the Fenghuangs, but he died just before The Origins' story starts
But... Are they really all gone?
Okaaaay soooo I bet there are stuff in this which doesn't exactly fit the story and/or I remember incorrectly, but it is what it is.
On the very first art you can see my OC named Chrystal. Well, she arrives to Eldarya the same way Erika did in the original story, the main difference is that she turnes out to be a cristal witch and this fact leaves the guard in a numb shock. Suddenly the only living cristal witch is with them and that is changing their situation entirely.
I am sure I will write down Chrystals story with illustratons and whatnot, but currently I am working on my Moonligh Lovers' OC's illus, so that will take some time.
Anyway, this will have another part, I wanna at least introduce Chrystal so you can see a cristal witch in action, hurray.
Ah, yeah, if there are facts from the game messed up, feel free to tell me, I am not biting. You can also use this idea for your ocs, I don't mind. Hugs<3
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queenmuzz · 4 years
Heat of the Moment
A Dante x Reader Valentine’s Day Special!
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Your mom had always told everyone, in a disapproving tone, that you were too impulsive for your own good.  You darted into the road to get a runaway ball.  You bought that awesome looking jacket, without checking to see if it was on sale.  And now, because you were craving pizza, and didn’t want to shell out the four bucks extra for delivery, you were in a mighty fine pickle.
You decided that taking the deserted looking street at near midnight, just to shave a few minutes off your walk to Angelo’s Pizzeria was a perfectly splendid idea.  So splendid, you didn’t notice the shadowy figures following you, until you were grabbed from behind, and a cloth covered with some sort of chemical was placed over your screaming mouth.
So now, here you stood, or rather...laid, on cold grey stone, that seemed to leech all warmth away from your flesh.  It was still dark, but illuminated by torches, you seemed to be surrounded by columns of stone, like you were in some knock off kid sized version of Stonehenge.  You immediately attempted to get up, only to find to your irritation, your wrists and ankles were bound by industrial grade chains.   
“The offering has awoken!” called out a woman’s voice, and from the darkness, like the damn Ringwraiths from Lord of the Rings, nine cloaked figures came out of the darkness.  You tried to make out their faces, but both their pitch black cloaks, and blood red masks hid everything about them.
“Brothers and Sisters, we are gathered here tonight to call forth from the very bones of the earth, a power far greater than any human can imagine.  The stars have aligned, the incense has been lit.  All now,” she motioned to the cultist beside her, who handed her a leatherbound book, “Is to speak the incantations, and complete the rituals.”
And then, with the help of her assistant, the group began to chant.  You had no idea of what was being spoken, but it sounded Latin. 
“Really... Latin?  Guys, there are a tonne of other languages you could use!  What happened to originality?!” you grumbled, but while you could feel their glares, none stopped their inane chants
Upon each pillar,  a letter lit up, one at a time.  You couldn’t recognize the script, but it looked like a five year old’s attempt to write Hebrew. For some reason, that irked you. This makes no sense.  Latin is an Indo-European language, and Hebrew is a totally different family! These idiots are mixing everything up!.
But the incantation seemed to do the trick, and the flames grew, and changed to a sickly green colour.  And now, all these cultists raised their arms in exultation 
“Lord of the Underworld, we present you this offering, a Virgin Offering, for you to consume!” The lead cultist chanted.
“Wait!” you blurted out, in a desperate attempt to avert your fate, “I’m not a virgin!  I’ve had sex before, dozens...no, hundreds of times!”
Her assistant leaned over you, their mask barely concealing his skepticism.
“Name one person you have laid with,” he tested.
“Well…” Your mind was blank, and so you went with the first thing that shot through your brain.
“Your mom, for starters.”
You could have slapped yourself for such a dumb comeback, had your wrists not being tied up, but you needn’t have worried about not getting slapped.  The cultist’s lips twisted into a snarl, and you felt white hot pain radiating from your cheek, and the taste of blood filling your mouth.  Even though it hurt like hell, one part of you was mentally high fiving at that comeback.  His hand raised up one more time, to give another strike, but the leader quickly grabbed his wrist.
“Calm yourself, brother… the offering must remain undamaged. Besides,” and you could swear you  heard a smirk in her voice, “It’s not their body that must be virginal, it’s the blood.”
Well shit, you thought, as you placed your burning cheek against the cool stone to relieve the pain.  
The ritual continued.  “We humble servants provide both the firstfruits of this offering to open the way.”  The woman took out a jet black dagger, and approached you with steady steps.  Would she cut out your heart, Temple of Doom style?  Rip out your entrails?  Slit your throat?  All you could hope was that it would be quick and painless.  
What you hadn’t expected was for her to grab one of your restrained hands and with surprisingly gentleness placed the edge of the obsidian blades against your palm.
As she dragged the razor sharp edge, a line of crimson bloomed, like a trail of bubbles.  It almost didn’t hurt, but you couldn’t help but get upset.  All this pomp and ceremony, and they were just giving you a cut that would irritate you for weeks...if you lived that long. Whatever happens, you said as the cultist began using your blood to paint the two largest stone pillars, in a perverse parody of the Passover ritual, I hope whatever these bastards are summoning crushes them.
“COME FORTH!” The whole group chanted in unison, “Taste the blood… DEVOUR THE FLESH!”
And without warning, the blood...YOUR blood, burst into flame, racing up the pillars as if gasoline had been pumping through your veins.  At the top, the flames connected and  formed a gateway...a hellgate.  And within it, an orb, an inferno expanded...and a roar that sounded nothing like any earthbound animal emanated.
And then, an explosion of heat and sulfur knocked down the stones, and the cultists, sending the leader flying back several feet.  Only you, chained to the granite altar, remained in place.
You squinted as the searing light dissipated.  Among the now dying flames stood, or hovered… a demonic sight.  You could swear you saw the air distort from the heat that seemed to generate from within his chest.  Four leathery wings splayed out, the inner skin swirling designs constantly shifting, almost hypnotising.  And the horns!  A good foot long that curved  and twisted, glowing like charred wood both above and around his face. A face that reminded what was in front of you.  A demon.  Teeth as long and sharp as paring knives, eyes glowing like the pits of hell.  As if Satan himself had come up from the depths.  And for all you knew… he probably had.
You heard the sound of crumpled paper.  “Oh man,” the demon rumbled, his voice distorted by the sound of the exhaust coming from between his teeth, “I was just getting to the good part…”
“Oh Great and Powerful Lord…”  the devil stared at the surrounding area, at the the cultists that had recovered began following their leader’s motions and bowed prostrate on the ground, and you still chained.  It was hard to make out his expression, but it seemed like...surprise?
 “We are your most humble servants,” the leader continued,  “All we ask...is a scrap of your power...a trifle for one such as you, as payment for summoning you..My Lord?”
The demon didn’t even spare a second glance as he strode past her, past the other shrouded forms, and made a beeline towards you.  This was it, you thought, time to come up with a witty parting remark. But of course, your impulsive nature wouldn’t cooperate right now.  At least the demon seemed to be the ‘fire and fury’ style, he would probably consume you quickly.
He towered over you, and even now, the stone, which had been ice cold the entire time, began to heat up beneath you...sweat, both from terror, and the inferno looming above you,  beaded on your forehead.  
“My Lord?” the assistant asked, “Is the offering suitable for your arrival?  They have a wicked tongue, but they are perfect for summoning.
“I think you got it all wrong buddy,” the demon turned his eyes on the unholy congregation, and strangely, a chill appeared in the air, “You guys didn’t summon me….” A razor claw extended out and pointed at you, “THEY did… and if they summoned me…” the cultists slowly became aware of what he was implying, the quicker ones started making a run for it, “YOU guys must be the offering!  Who’s volunteering first?”
The answer was nine sets of panicking feet trying to sprint out of the stone circle.  The demon glanced back at you, “You might want to cover your eyes for this, it’s gonna get a little messy,” and with the speed of a racing forest fire, he charged, blades of superheated air swirling around him.  
The scream of the lead cultist was enough for you to clench your eyes shut, and then followed by a multiple of cries of terror and death, as the coppery scent of blood, not your own this time, scented the air.
A few minutes later, there was nothing but silence, except the sound of boots on gravel.  You couldn’t help it, you took a peek.
Instead of the cultists, or the demon, there was just a guy, shaggy white haired, with a worn t-shirt that clung juuuuust right against his broad chest, and a smile on his face.  You looked around, trying to find either a surviving cultist, or the demon, but all you could see in the darkness were void black shapes, lying on the grounds, their robes moving slightly in the breeze.
“That can’t be comfortable, let’s get you out of there,” the man said, and without a hint of effort, he gently grasped your hands, and with the other, he gave a quick yank.  Immediately the sound of snapping metal, and to your amazement, your arms were free.  And if you had thought he had done a sleight of hand with those chains, the way he effortlessly ripped the chains around your ankles off immediately clued you in that this man was more than he seemed.
You rubbed your wrists as you slowly sat up, staring at him. “Who are...you?”
“Ah, yeah...forgot to introduce myself in the whole hubbub.  Cultists always ruining get togethers.”  He stuck out his hand, “Name’s Dante.”  And as you shook his hand, with your uninjured one, you noticed that for a brief moment,  his eyes momentarily glowed red, like embers.  Embers that had once been blazing coals.
He must have seen the flash of panic in your eyes, because he backed away, his hands raised in surrender. 
“Don’t worry!  I ain’t going to hurt you… yeah, I’m the demon those jackasses called for” He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, “but I’m not the ‘MUST RULE THE WORLD’ type, I usually am the one people call to get rid of what was being summoned, not actually BEING the ‘sommonee.’  Wait, is that the correct term?”  He paused for a moment to think it over, before he seemed to come back to the present. “Anyways, I was just relaxing in my office, reading a magazine, and then POOF, I’m in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by people with horrible sense of fashion.  Speaking of my magazine...where did I put it?”
You saw the magazine, its pages fluttering in the wind, and picked it up.  A copy of ‘Half Cocked’, and on its cover, a buxom young brunette was getting a bit too friendly with a revolver,  alongside a well toned man wearing little more than a bandolier.
“Oh thanks!… that” he quickly snatched it out of your hands,  “I read it mainly for the articles…” he explained lamely, before hurriedly shoving it in his back pocket, as he looked you up and down. “Besides...I got a feeling I won’t need it much anymore…”  And in the flaming remnants of ritual, you swore you saw him turn a shade of pink...although that could just be the fire.
“Welp,”  He stretched, “You ready to blow this popsicle stand?  All that work made me famished.”
You had no idea where the hell you were, but you were still ravenously hungry.  Which reminded you how you got into this mess in the first place.
“I could go for some pizza or-”
You felt a blaze of warmth, and suddenly you felt your legs swept under you, and you looked up at Dante, now back to his demonic form carrying you bridal style.  But no longer did it strike fear in you, just a sense of awe...and admiration
“You truly know how to get to this demon’s heart,” he practically purred, and with a slight grunt, he leapt up and started flying towards the nearest collection of lights on the horizon.  “Pizza it is, then!”
Despite the remnant of chill from spending God knows how long on that stone, and the brisk breeze of the upper atmosphere blowing past you, you didn’t feel a little bit cold. It was like being held by a flying furnace.
“You know Dante….” you spoke, barely audible above the wind.
“You’re pretty hot.”  Instantly, you realized what you had said, and would have preferred him to just drop you to your death at this very moment.
You heard him chuckle.
“Yeah, this form runs a bit warm….”
And even though he didn’t say it, you were almost certain he knew exactly what you meant.
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