#leadership training near me
mckinleysthoughts · 4 months
Celebrating and Honor Our Fallen Comrades and Those Forgotten!
Today is Memorial Day, and not be confused with Veterans Day.
What Is the Difference Between Veterans Day and Memorial Day? | HISTORY
Earlier this week, I donated to the Veterans of Foreign Wars as they stood outside the local hardware stores, giving out poppies to symbolize the lives lost in service.
Ironically, many looked the other way so as not to be bothered.
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kaygroupasia · 1 year
Are you looking for a certified executive coach in Japan?
Searching for a Certified Executive Coach in Japan? Discover our Certified Training Professional, specializing in C-suite executive coaching for C-suite professionals. Elevate your leadership skills with expert guidance. To know more visit our website
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flagshipmarketing · 1 year
Supporting Youth Ambitions: flagship.club's Leadership Program for Students!
At flagship.club, we are aware of a significant hole in the US educational system for students aged 10 to 18: the absence of Student leadership training. Our goal is to close this gap and equip the following generation of leaders. We cultivate student leadership abilities through our Leadership Program for Students, which offers thorough training and financial support. One of our students recently developed their idea into a successful business, demonstrating the value of our mentoring. Join flagship.club right away to help your kid reach their full entrepreneurial potential.
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debbiedanon · 1 year
Best Rebel Leadership Coach in London - Debbie Danon
Debbie Danon, the best Rebel Leadership Coach in London 2023, empowers leaders to challenge the status quo, ignite change, and inspire teams to reach new heights. With her dynamic approach and strategic guidance, Debbie helps rebels forge their path with confidence, resilience, and authentic leadership. Her management training induces a shift in mindset, while her focus on inclusive leadership ensures a diverse and collaborative environment. Debbie Danon is the go-to expert for aspiring rebel leaders in the dynamic landscape of 2023. To know more visit my website: https://www.debbiedanon.com
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learning12491 · 2 years
"Unlock your potential and achieve your career aspirations with CareerPedia's comprehensive and flexible learning platform, designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in today's competitive job market."
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wosogwrites · 20 days
You were the best, but you were the worst
Chapter 1
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Captain Lucy Bronze x Captain Ona Batlle
Summary: Lucy Bronze and Ona Batlle are rival captains of the two biggest clubs in women’s football, and they totally, absolutely, utterly hate each others guts
2.2k words
Disclaimer: sorry about the shitty translated spanish and catalan. there are no big plans for it to become 18+ (although i’m not against it) but serious themes discussed and a lot of swearing
The changing room bench was split in two, the wood splintering onto the floor, Lucy Bronze’s cleated foot amongst it.
“For fucks sake,” she groaned deeply, spinning away and throwing her boots to the side.
Sent off because of two yellow cards was never a good look, especially not as the captain and definitely not during the most important match of the season.
They were going to lose she knew that almost for certain. 80th minute 2-1 down and a player down. The glimmer of hope for the game had vanished, along with the hope of winning the league.
It was an awful way to end the season for FC Lleons, having been toe to toe with forever rivals FC Valquíries for the entire year, it all came down to the final match. A draw or a win and the Lleons would take the title, a measly draw was all they needed and Lucy had bottled it.
She flopped down on the bench and raked her blunt nails through her hair, the match day bun she usually found comforting tugging painfully at the scalp.
She’d still be on that pitch if it wasn’t for her. Her stupid face. Her annoying voice. Her horrible personality. Lucy had been told from a young age to never use the word hate, her mum would say ‘Lucy its not hate, you don’t hate, you just dislike’. But at 30 years old, she officially disagreed with her mother, cause ‘dislike’ was no where near strong enough to describe her feelings towards Ona Batlle.
Ona Batlle, the Captain of FC Valquíries and the biggest pain in the arse. Both football teams were located in Barcelona, where Lucy relocated to from England 7 years ago. It has always been a historic rivalry but since the leadership of the two women it has become far deeper and bigger.
Ultimately it had been beneficial to both clubs, they competed in matches, for the league, for the best facilities, for the best most popular players. Consequently, they had both grown exponentially in the past four years, women’s football along with it. The game was dramatic and thrilling and just what was needed to reel the fans in, and Lucy and Ona were the figureheads of it all.
4 years ago
“Oh hi you’re Ona right?” Lucy asked holding her hand out to a younger woman in a Valquíries training kit.
They were standing in the hallway waiting to be called into their first press conference of the season. Coincidentally both teams had lost their captain and both girls had been awarded the new captaincy.
“Si si Lucy I presume?” Ona responded, her voice deeper than Lucy had remembered from the pitch. Their hands met in a firm shake, a warm smile from each of them.
“Yep that’s me,” she paused taking in the rival captain in front of her, “You’re smaller up close.”
Ona’s eyebrows shot into her hairline, “Was that meant to be a compliment?”
Lucy nodded, “It’s whatever you want it to be.”
“Huh misterioso.”
“Eres mi enemigo, tengo que serlo,” Lucy shrugs
“Enemigo? Un poco duro”
“Hm but true”
“Noted,” Ona folded her arms and leaned against the wall. Lucy followed suit copying her actions almost exactly. Their eyes narrowed facing each other, tense, but a certain buzz passed between them.
The door to the side of them swung open with a loud creek, a bald man in a polo interrupting them, “They’re ready for you now.”
“Thanks,” Lucy chimed, but as she bounced off of the wall, a soft hand behind her grasped her tattooed wrist pulling her back.
“It’s our first conference as captains,” Ona stated, their faces so close Lucy could see the freckle on her upper lip, “And I know this whole rivalry is a big deal to you for some reason.”
Lucy nodded slowly, hesitantly.
Ona’s eyes met her’s, “Don’t fuck it up.”
She dropped Lucy’s wrist like it was burning, grinned toothily, and walked calmly through the door.
“Yeah this is gonna be fun,” Lucy muttered.
Nothing about this was fun, she’d ruined the teams chances purely because she couldn’t keep her stupid mouth shut. She’d still be on that pitch now if she’d not let it all get to her.
Interrupted by the click of the cleats down the corridor, she pulled her sweat soaked, grass stained shirt over her head and heard the team begin to file in behind her.
“Fucking hell Luce”
“Ok wow”
“Jesus are you okay”
Words, voices, sounds.
She kept her head bowed and put on a new shirt, she’d shower when she got home the last thing she wanted was to hang about.
“Hey Luce, I know it’s bad but it’s a team sport nothing is solely your fault,” a hand cautiously rested on her shoulder.
Shocker, Lucy Bronze was being a shit captain once again.
She squeezed her eyes shut, willing herself out of this haze.
The team relied on her, and there was no way the right back was going to let them see her like this, she had to keep stability in her team if they had any chance of improving next season.
Lucy turned towards the hand, LJ stood there wincing out a half smile, which Lucy shot right back, “Fuck sorry kid.”
The changing room was silent apart from the shuffle of clothes and the knocking of shoes, Lucy interrupted it projecting towards the team, “Seriously guys I’m really really really ridiculously sorry. I let them get the better of me when as your captain I should be the most composed here. I should be the one sticking up for your mistakes not the other way round. I mean shit,” she gestured towards the mess of the bench next to her, “That’s not a captain.”
She sighed deeply, taking in the scene before her, her teammates faces red and tired, hair frazzled and eyes sullen. “I’ve had the pleasure of this position for four years now and I’d understand if you didn’t feel I was the corre—“
“Woah no no no,” Mariona, a star Catalonian forward, spoke over her. “You are this team Lucy, you make it what it is. Who fucking cares that you blew up like that, ets humà no?? You’re bigger than that.”
A chorus of ‘Exactly’, ‘Si’ and ‘mmhmm’ rang out amongst the team.
“We were so close, without you we’d be miles away,” encouraged Patri, a midfielder.
Lucy chuckled lightly, “We said that last year.”
Patri shrugged, “Maybe, but last year was different we came off a convincing league win and then didn’t expect the Valks huge step up, we weren’t ready. We’ve improved and that’s what matters.”
LJ spoke up again, “We’d crumble without you as our captain, I think we can all agree on that.”
There were no objections, only a wave of nods.
“But if you don’t want to be we aren’t forcing you, you can go back to just being Lucy Bronze the defender, not Lucy Bronze the captain.”
Now Lucy’s far from being an openly emotional human, but it felt like someone was twisting a nail into the back of her eyes.
“Wow,” she gasped out finally, “Yeah I’ll get my shit together I can promise you that,” she said earnestly, “You guys have become my family, I never thought when I arrived seven years ago it would be anything remotely like this. I love you all okay.” She gave LJ a strong pat on the back.
“Now vamos!! I’ll see you next week for the end of season party,” Lucy cheered followed with an echo of hollering and clapping from the team.
She slid her trainers on and grabbed her bag, trying to leave as quickly as possible. She’d definitely have to speak to their coach, Sarina, there’s no way she was leaving the rivals stadium without a proper talking to.
She clawed her way out of the changing room and into the hallway, breathing a sigh of relief when she knew she was alone again. The girls had done a good job of making her feel a little better about the situation, two minutes ago it felt like the world was ending and now it just felt like she’d been stabbed in the knee five times. Still bad but an improvement. Lucy just wanted to get the impending chat with Sarina over and done with and get home to her dog.
The hallway was dark, but she could hear the victory chants and songs vibrating off the walls. Lucy just shook her head and picked up the pace ignoring the new sting in her chest.
“Shit ow-“
“Lo siento fuck-“
Lost in her thoughts she’d walked round a corner and straight into someone, their heads knocking in the process. The dark corridor worsening the situation.
“Woah sorry about that are you okay?” Lucy asked immediately whilst rubbing at her forehead, christ why was their head so hard.
“Bronze?” the figure spoke and a light flickered on outside, casting a streak through the window illuminating them.
“Batlle,” Lucy responded dryly taking in the sight in front of her. Ona Batlle stood there in all her frustrating victorious glory, her shirt changed like Lucy, but instead of a plain black top she was sporting a deep red t-shirt that read ‘Campeonas de la Liga’. A pair of ridiculous ski goggles rested above her brown eyes, the culprit of Lucy’s now throbbing head.
“You come to join the party,” Ona began in her accented english.
Lucy was far from in the mood for that right now, especially not with the oppositions captain. But if anything had become second nature to her it was conversing (arguing) with Ona Batlle.
“Not if it means having to wear that monstrosity,” she gestured.
“Yeah I agree I don’t think you could pull it off, red’s not your colour.”
“And cocky isn’t yours, it doesn’t suit you badger,” Lucy retorts, “Now excuse me-“
“We need to talk,”
“No we don’t-“
“Yes we do,” Ona’s fingertips pressed into Lucy’s hipbone forcing her to take a step back into the wall behind her, “We went too far today.”
“No not we you,” Lucy’s finger pointed at Ona their bodies so close it brushed the Spaniards chest, “If this is your way of apologising-”
“I’m not apologising, it was purely tactical.”
“You told me I needed a therapist.”
“After you said,” her fingers formed quotation marks and her voice raised an octave, “Your parents must be disappointed in you, can’t even stop our slowest winger.”
“Oh come on that’s not even bad.”
“Keep my family out of your mouth.”
“Aw is it a sore subject couldn’t help but notice they aren’t here for the most important match of the season,” Lucy taunted.
“You’re a prick.”
“Wow learning british insults just for me, I’m flattered.”
Ona groaned her neck extending in frustration, “Dios, tu cabeza es tan grande que me sorprende que incluso quepas en el campo.”
Lucy smirked, “Huh, nadie se ha quejado nunca de mi cabeza.”
Ona rolled her eyes dramatically, “Go to hell.”
“Only if you come with me,” Lucy searched Ona’s eyes for something, anything, but they remained blank like there was a gate guarding her mind.
The Spaniard seethed, and turned away, letting Lucy breathe for half a second. Ona pressed her blue painted nails into her temple and sighed deeply.
Then she turned on her heal aggressively and breeched Lucy’s space once again.
“I am serious Lucy,” she whispered, the first name striking her in the chest, “We have to remain professional, everyone’s eyes are on us we can’t make a joke out of women’s football.”
“And whose fault is that,” Lucy whispered back harshly, “We agreed we’d never speak of it again, you used it against me professionally.”
“Fuck fine it won’t happen again,” Ona craned her head up slightly, their eyes connecting, Lucy almost believed her.
The air was charged, as it often was between them, Lucy always assumed it was the hatred brewing.
Lucy brought her tattooed hand up between them, reaching towards Ona’s head, who didn’t move an inch, her eyes still locked onto the green of Lucy’s. The british right back pulled the goggles away from Ona’s forehead and up over her messy bun. The shorter woman just stood there watching her.
“Thanks for these,” Lucy finally spoke swinging the goggles band around on her finger, “They’ll look good on me.”
She leaned down her lips brushing against the Spaniards ear, “Your pretty face is gonna get thrashed next season-”
“Lucy,” a new voice boomed.
Ona retreated away from her like she had the plague.
“Sarina Hi,” Lucy said calmly.
“You good for a word,” the Dutch woman asked.
Lucy smiled through gritted teeth, she adored her coach but this wasn’t going to be easy, “Of course.”
She turned away from the Valquíries captain and begun walking towards her coach.
“Oh and Ona,” she looked over her shoulder, “You may want to get maintenance to have a look at your away changing room, the benches don’t seem stable.”
With a furrowed brow and a shake of her head the younger captain waltzed off in the direction of the music.
Dun dun duhhhhhh
sorry guys i’m such a tease and hadn’t realised how long it would take me to finalise
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oliviablancmom · 3 months
Enemies - Pablo Gavi
Pairing: Pablo Gavi x Oc!character
Summary: When they got attached in the hate for each other
A/N: My Gavi girls, it's finally here. Sorry for making you wait. I didn't intend to post so soon, but the story of these two is speaking to m, or rather, screaming. To everyone who followed 'Pedriiii', I hope you're here with me as well. I hope you like these two as much as I do." Ps: I actually considered giving the title "Pablito" to this one, to follow along with Pedriiii lol
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In his work environment, Gavi had to deal with many voices, sometimes encouraging, sometimes demanding, coming from all sides: his family, his friends, his team, his teammates, the fans, the haters. Everyone had something to say, an opinion. He believed that it was from these voices that his focus and instinctive leadership, came from, somehow an anchor that kept him focused. For Gavi, football was simple: it was about entering the field and getting the best result, no matter what or who.
On the field, he had only one goal: to help his team win. He had to stand out; he had to be bigger than the voices; he had to have control over the situation. Whether demanding more seriousness and effort from his teammates during training or more concentration and grit during matches, he was relentless. When he defended his team with the greatest ferocity in the world, opponents knew he didn't mess around when it came to Barcelona. He would bleed for the team, and if necessary, make the opponent bleed too. Many said his intensity on the field was unnecessary, childish, and merely a lack of control. But again, they were just voices. Gavi would rise above them too. Well, at least he would try, and most of the time he succeeded. He didn't care when they called him childish, didn't care about the players who had more years in their career or were more famous than him, didn't care about the actions and success of their biggest rival. They were not Barcelona. At the end of the day, they were just voices, and he stood up to them. It had always been that way, and it always would be. Well, at least it should be.
Gavi couldn't remember when he started to notice it, when that voice began to stand out from the others and especially have an impact on him. Well, actually it didn’t, he thought. But he had to admit, that voice was indeed, little by little, breaking through the great wall he had built around himself, and it was annoying. Who did she think she was? And it wasn’t the voice of his conscience, which even that he could control; it was the hoarse and shrill voice from shouting, involved in a false sweetness, cursing and belittling him, doubting him, laughing at him. Gavi looked around, staring at the crowd dressed in white, trying to find where that voice was coming from, but it was hard to tell.
The people in the stands looked at him strangely, increasing the intensity of their insults. Gavi shook his head and turned his attention back to the game. He decided to switch his position and wouldn't go near where the voice was coming from, distracting him.
The match had ended in a defeat for Barcelona. Gavi had gone to complain to the fourth official about his yellow card; it was unfair, especially since the Madrid player didn't receive a yellow card for a similar play. As he approached the tunnel, the voices grew louder, and he could hear the insults more clearly. Then, like a snap, that little voice stood out again.
"It's no use crying now. If you’re incompetent on the field, it’s not the referees’ fault." Gavi felt his blood boil. He stopped in his tracks, looking for who was responsible, and there in the corner of the tunnel, almost hidden by a sponsor's banner. A mocking smile on her face, a look of superiority that the Madrid fans always had.
"Aw, how cute, a fan. What do you want? A photo, an autograph..." Gavi's voice dripped with sarcasm. The girl made a face. "Come on, sweetheart, I don't have all day, and I can see you're craving my attention."
"In your dreams," she replied angrily.
"Looks like it's in yours," Gavi retorted, taking a step towards the girl.
She didn't seem intimidated at all, which was strange. Usually, when he assumed his ego-filled player persona, it had an effect. But the girl seemed indifferent to his aura at that moment.
"Believe whatever makes you feel better. You and your terrible team need a dose of delusion."
Before he could respond, he was pulled away by his teammate. Gavi looked over his shoulder, seeing the girl smile triumphantly at him. Seeing her smile like that made his mind automatically associate it with all the times he had heard the insults, coming from a faceless voice, a blur in his memory. Resonating in his mind as a reminder to strive harder, to play with more hunger, to attack more. Gavi felt a flicker of confusion and annoyance. Why did this voice affect him more than the others?
He didn't want to admit the impact that situation was having on him. However, he knew, he felt deep down in his core, that the voice, now with a face, would continue to follow him, and it would be easier to identify where it came from. Gavi considered forgetting the matter—it was just an fervent opposing fan. He was truly determined to ignore it, after all, he might never see her again. But it was already ingrained in his mind, he shook his head, trying to dismiss the encounter. Yet, deep down, he knew the girl's face and voice would haunt him, pushing him to prove her wrong.
A/N: I told you that we were definitely heading into the enemy's path... and you can't even imagine. I hope you enjoyed this brief introduction, and I can't wait for you to meet our sweetheart.
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fsfghgee · 1 month
I just had a crazy thought about Bi-Han's hatred for his father…
What if Bi-Han let him die because he was against his relationship with Sektor? And wanted him to marry another future clan leader like Harumi (if Kuai has known Harumi since childhood as he says, Bi-Han and his father must have known her too)? Because we know that it was Bi-Han who made Sektor second in command of the Lin Kuei, she was just the daughter of a master armorer before he became Grandmaster…
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Although her mother had some respect as a warrior leader, that is nowhere near the same status that Bi-Han gave her as his lieutenant.
And from what I could gather from the story mode, bios and intros, there is a kind of caste system in the Lin Kuei…
Where you're born knowing that when you're ready you'll have to take on your parents' role in the clan, a role that they train you to take on from childhood and most likely you have no power to choose to be anything else.
From Scorpion's bio:
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From Sektor's bio:
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Bi-Han letting his father die because his father was against his relationship with Sektor (because she comes from a lower caste and therefore inferior to Bi-Han) and being part of the traditions that Bi-Han despises so much that he has to marry someone of his father's choice or he wouldn't be Grandmaster until his father took his last breath, was what led Bi-Han to refuse to help him when he had the accident that took his life. The desire to make the Lin Kuei rule came after that; thinking about his mother, the things Sektor said, the tasks he received from Liu Kang…
I personally find this less vile than letting his own father die just to take over leadership as Scorpion claims he did (which doesn't even make sense since he would be made Grandmaster for being the oldest and having trained to take that position since childhood, anyway). And also, to me, this would align more with Sektor's bio, since she holds both of her parents in the highest regard.
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Like, how could someone like her, who idolizes her parents, think of a man who let his own father die "out of pure impatience to lead" as a kindred spirit, supports him unconditionally and be so indifferent to the fact that he did such a thing?
Did she hate Bi-Han's father too? And if so, why?
Does she simply loves Bi-Han so much that she ignores her own moral values ​​to be with him?
Or did Bi-Han actually have a reason to hate him so much to the point of letting him die and she knows what it is (and naturally, she agrees)?
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angstywaifu · 2 months
Black Dahlia - 7. Marked Like You
One tragic day changes Dahlia's life forever. Despised by her father and brother, she's spent her entire life trying to be the child and sister she use to be. But nothing she ever does is good enough. She joins the Rider's Quadrant to prove them wrong. Garrick now in his second year has proven he is more than the mark on his skin to his fellow riders, and taken leadership of his own Squad alongside Xaden. Little does he know the girl walking across the parapet is about to send him on a rollercoaster of a year.
Garrick Tavis x OC (Dahlia Aetos)
Black Dahlia Masterlist | Masterlist
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The gym was always empty just after dinner. Most cadets too full of food to even bother with training. Except for tonight. Tonight as I push open the door to the gym attached to where we did assessments a few days ago, are a trio I’ve become very accustomed to seeing together.
Xaden, Bodhi and the other I had come to know as Garrick.
Garrick who never hides his distain towards me. Every time I see him in the halls or make eye contact in battle brief his eyes are quick to harden at the sight of me. I couldn’t blame him. My father had been apart of his parents death. He had every reason to hate me because of my father. And who could blame him with how much of an asshole my dad was. Despite that I couldn’t deny the act was getting kind of old.
The gym isn’t big, but its big enough I can have my own section of the gym and keep away from them. Though since day one, Bodhi has made it a habit to always be near me. Always taking the seat next to me in class and trying to talk to me. You’d think with how much I was ignoring him he’d have gotten the hint to leave me alone. But he hadn’t. He was persistent.
I feel their eyes on me as I make my way over to the opposite side of the gym where the punching bags are. Wanting to let out some frustrations after having another run in with Dain just prior to dinner. Word had apparently spread about my assessment, and he didn’t think I’d fought fairly. You’d think he’d be happy I had won. Exactly what our father had asked from us. No. Apparently I’d fought too dirty for his liking. He wasn’t even there. I hit the bag a little harder than I intend to, a loud smack echoing around the gym as the bag swings wildly on the chain. Out of the corner of my eye I catch all three heads snapping towards me.
I push them from my mind focusing on the bag in front of me. Working through a series of punches and kicks. Though I was itching to get the staff from my bag. It had been nearly a week since I’d used my favourite weapon. A weapon not generally favoured by riders despite it being quite versatile. I could have brought it out for assessments, but I didn’t wont to go all out on my first challenge. Something I knew Emetterio had noted seeing as he had trained me the most.
I end my round with a well placed kick high up on the bag. Stepping back as I attempt to catch my breath. I yelp in surprise as a hand reaches out and stops me from walking into them. I turn to see Bodhi standing behind me, hands raised up in surrender.
”Sorry, didn’t expect you to literally step back into me.” He says with an apologetic smile.
“Well wasn’t exactly expecting company.”
”You’ve got good technique. I take it you’ve been training for a while?” He asks, gesturing to the bag still swinging on the chain from my kick.
”Pretty much my entire life.” I tell him as I start to unwrap my hands. “Not being a dragon rider wasn’t really an option for me.”
For a split second I think Bodhi is surprised by my words. Almost as if he had expected me to have a choice in where I went. But I hadn’t. I never had despite what had happened. To pick anything other the Rider’s Quadrant was a disgrace to the Aetos name apparently.
”Figured you would have had some choice unlike some of us.” He says while following me over to the bench where I had dumped my pack.
I turn to look at him with a tight lipped smile, catching Xaden looking at us over Bodhi’s shoulder. Garrick on the other hand had his back to us, focusing on the workout he was doing. Not even remotely interested in us.
“I might not be marked like you, but just like you I also had no choice in ending up here.”
”Well as someone who had no choice in ending up here, and has been training all their life for here, I have a proposition for you.” He says with a massive grin on his face.
”What kind of proposition?” I ask as I place my pack onto my shoulder, ready to head back to my room now I'd let out my frustrations.
”Help me train some of the other first years. Mainly Liz and Austin. There’s only so much I can teach them. But you’re the same height as them. You know how use that to your advantage. You can teach them how to get through challenges.” His voice almost pleading to me.
I hated to admit it, but he was right. Bodhi was too big and tall to accurately teach them how to fight. He could only teach them what he knew, how he moved. Which would work to an extent. But it would only get them so far. They’d both narrowly gotten through their assessment fights. Both being paired up against boys who weren’t entirely sure if they should go all out on a fight against a girl. And if we wanted our squad to do well, then we needed to help them. And as I meet Xaden’s eye over Bodhi’s shoulder I know he’s hoping I would say yes.
I turn my gaze back to Bodhi and nod. “I’ll do it.”
”Excellent!” He says a little bit too enthusiastically. “Be here tomorrow after dinner, I’ll bring them with me.”
And just like that he’s gone, jogging back over to Xaden and Garrick.
@imtoanonymousforyou @simplyme-fornow @omalmal @lalaluch @wolfbc97 @leptitlu @fullmoon-94
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mckinleysthoughts · 6 months
Are You The One?
As each of us celebrated Thanksgiving Day last week uniquely, I’m asking, are you the one?
It’s probably a rhetorical question; nevertheless, I’m asking you to take a moment and be truthful to yourself.
Last Thursday (Thanksgiving morning), as I attended Mass, I was honored to serve as Lector in one of my duties.
The message from the Priest was about the 10 Ten Lepers that Jesus healed, with only one returning to say thank you. Although I’ve heard and read this particular scripture many times, it resonated with me for today’s message.
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doyouwanttoseeabug · 4 months
Ideal 90's/early 00's/whatever in the timeline Teen Titans team would be like. Bart irritates Wally one too many times (9 dead 100000 injured) so Wally's like "ok, I'm getting you some enrichment" and goes to Dick and says "hey, do you want to help me restart the teen titans and train some younger heroes?" Dick says "no I'm too busy sorry" and Kyle, who just happened to be near Dick at that time, says "I'll do it." Wally ignores him. Wally goes to every single member of the teen titans that has ever been. Living and dead. He begs Bloodwynd to help him necromance up some ghosts so he can ask them about co-leadership and every single one says 'im sorry, I'm too busy/dead, but I think Kyle might want to help." Wally turns around and Kyle is drinking a bubble tea and waving obnoxiously.
"Fine," says Wally, after Terra's ghost confirms that she's really too busy at ghost therapy to help. "You fucking suck and I hate you though."
"I can't wait to shape the next generation of heroes with you," says Kyle, and then spits a boba into Wally's outraged open mouth.
Unfortunately they don't get a lot of teen heroes because. Uh. Their pitch is...
"I've been a hero since I gave myself superpowers at fourteen," says Wally. "And Kyle's been a hero since an alien accidentally dropped godlike power on him while he was high in an alley! So for, like, six weeks? We both have so much experience to give to the youth."
"Thank you for bringing up the godlike power, Wallace!" says Kyle. "I can help teen heroes grapple with responsibility, and Wally can emphasize with their feelings of total inadequacy when compared to their mentors."
"I think Robin is going to stay in Gotham for now, actually," says Batman. "I think it's safer."
What they end up with is Ray Terrill (suggested by Martian Man Hunter), Slobo (turned up on their doorstep to bully Ray), Grant Emerson and Rose Wilson (Roy called Wally and was like "hey I heard you're looking for kids." Wally: "please don't phrase it like that but yes") and, obviously, Bart. Kyle looks upon what he has wrought and wonders if maybe he's taken this bit slightly too far but he's trapped now. He's fucking trapped. He can't leave without making everyone think Wally is a better leader than him. "YOU BABY TRAPPED ME INTO A LOVELESS MARRIAGE," he screams at Wally, who, one arm around Bart and the other around Slobo as they try and bite each other's hair off (bonding) screams back, "JUST STOP BEING SO DRAMATIC I AM BEGGING YOU JUST STOP SAYING WEIRD SHIT"
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flagshipmarketing · 1 year
Ready to Ignite Your Start-up Journey? Flagship.club
Starting on June 12, 2023, enroll in the summer camp in California. Our program serves children in the age range of 10 to 18 and offers them helpful resources and direction to jumpstart their start-up journey. Flagship.club promote an environment where young minds can grow and develop crucial entrepreneurial skills through expert mentoring and practical activities. Expand your network of like-minded peers, acquire useful knowledge, and realize your full potential as a future business leader. Don't pass up this chance to significantly impact your entrepreneurial goals.
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erideights · 4 months
With my 6th sense. (2)
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Pairing: Hunter x fem! jedi reader
Rating: SFW, nothing you should worry about, just tension between the sarge and the general
Wordcount: 2K
Chapters: (1) (3) (4)* (5)* (*not posted yet)
Warnings and tags: none, extremely slight mentions of war, tension and characters shenanigans
Summary: Another day, another suicide mission for the squad. This time commanded by a jedi general Hunter doesn't seem to really get along with.
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A rough pair of gloved hands awkwardly but subtly tug at the collar of his new, extremely layered outfit that clings to his skin instead of his usual gear and armor. Hunter is still not on board with the fit change and the blatant lack of protection for such a risky mission. Though the chest plate and another, smaller plate cover his torso and right leg, it just doesn't feel right.
He gets the need to not be recognized as Republic soldiers since the political and military fallout would be a nightmare with no end in sight, but that doesn’t mean he has to like it. And he doesn’t.
Narrowing his eyes, he crosses his arms over his chest and settles into one of the seats in the cockpit of the ship. His gaze is fixed on the holomap in the general’s hands, as is all his attention.
"I'd love to say our last recon squad managed to send back a better scan of the planet, but..." (Y/N) sighs and shakes her head slightly, an apologetic smile on her lips as she shrugs. The blue light from the holomap reflects on her youthful face, and Hunter can’t help but wonder how much field experience someone like her must have to be sent on a mission like this. She’s clearly not a kid, but she doesn’t seem like a 500-year-old Jedi master like the legendary Yoda he’s heard about.
Does he actually have doubts about her leadership and actual ability to act and adapt during this mission? Absolutely. But Hunter distrusts anyone outside his squad or other clones, well aware of the training they’ve all been through and their capabilities and limits. He doesn’t know hers. And that blindness it’s dangerous.
“I can’t give you more. The fact that we even know where Serenno is and have a rough map of the planet is a miracle in itself. So we’ll work with what we have and improvise as we go.”
“I like that,” Wrecker chimes in enthusiastically, pounding his fists together in a display of eagerness to blow things up.
“Yeah, I’ve heard that’s your style,” The jedi admits with a hint of amusement. “I’ve also heard that you like to cause chaos wherever you go and leave nothing standing behind, so I imagine that reminding you this is a stealth mission where we can’t blow anything up doesn’t exactly thrill you.”
“Buzzkill,” grumbles the big clone, exasperation evident on his face. Crosshair clicks his tongue, and Tech silently takes notes on everything being discussed.
“You wouldn’t be the first to call me that,” she replies with a playful smirk.
It’s strange how she effortlessly blends with the squad’s energy, her charismatic and fun aura making the clones not only listen to her but also interact with her as if they’ve known her forever.
Hunter, though not as maniacally as Tech, makes mental notes of the mission, paying close attention to every detail the Jedi outlines. Finding the scientific base where they store the droid schematics will be the easy part. Tracking the forested area and locating the entrance will be child’s play for him. Getting in and reaching the communications room for Tech to hack and steal the schematics without making noise… maybe not so much.
“They’ll shoot down our shuttle before we even get to fantasize about getting near the planet’s orbit,” Hunter interjects, tilting his head to one side. The way he looks at her, with such an overwhelming intensity reflected in his brown eyes, seems like a way of challenging her in front of his squad.
“They won’t if they don’t see us coming,” (Y/N) answers without batting an eye, her gaze fixed on him, her lips curving ever so, so slightly. If he’s trying to discredit her and make things difficult before the mission has even started, he’s in for a big surprise. Pressing a button on the holomap’s projector, a Separatist cargo ship appears in full view. “Commander Cody obtained some Separatist shuttle codes during his last mission. All we need to do is use them to pass as one of their ships, dock, and detach as soon as we’re in the atmosphere. We will land as close to the forest as we can to camouflage the ship, and for the rest of the way all of us will use our legs.”
“With the schematics of one of those ships I could mask our signal to mimic theirs once the proximity scanner detects us,” Tech adds without even looking up, his eyes glued to his datapad.
“I’ll get you those before we exit hyperspace,” she promises, nodding, pleased with their cooperation and the lack of complaints beyond, well, not being able to blow anything up. She’s sure Wrecker’s heart is broken since she mentioned that.
“Any other questions, Sergeant?” In her voice there's distant touch of… annoyance? Challenge? The jedi raises an eyebrow at the clone, silently pushing him the same way he did a few minutes ago with her. She doesn’t know what his problem is—whether it’s with her specifically or all Jedi in general—but she’s not about to let him intimidate her. She’d already be dead if she wouldn’t be capable enough to deal with way worse situations than a territorial man with trust issues and a heavy feeling of rejection towards others' command.
Besides, her mission isn’t to get along with him. Would his cooperation certainly make everything easier? Yeah, sure, but she will do just fine if at least the others listen to her.
Hunter grunts quietly, the skepticism refusing to leave his face even if he had to admit to himself, her plan seems to be well tied. "Just hoping we don’t get shot to pieces in these outfits."
(Y/N) just scoffs, rolling her eyes. Of course he had to complain about the whole ‘bounty hunter/scavenger/mercenary’ outfit. "You’ll be fine, sergeant. The entire point of this mission is to not trigger any blaster."
Wrecker, seated nearby and silent until now, pipes up again with a grin. "Yeah, Hunter, lighten up. We’re practically invisible in these things!" He gives a playful nudge to Crosshair, who rolls his eyes but smirks nonetheless.
Tech, ever the practical one, adjusts his glasses and adds, "Statistically, our chances of success are improved with stealth and subtlety. The armor is merely a psychological comfort."
Hunter shakes his head, a reluctant smile tugging at his lips. "Yeah, yeah. Let’s just hope those stats hold up when the blaster bolts start flying."
‘’Again…’’ she sighs softly, licking her lips in an absentmindedly gesture while she tilts her head to the side, eyes looking for Hunter’s from across the holomap. Thanks to the Maker Jedi training comes served with an extra bundle of patience. ‘’let’s try to not reach that point.’’
As the ship hums through hyperspace, the journey long as she promised, everyone settles into their own routines after wrapping up their meeting, either to prep or kill time. Wrecker's lifting a couple of crates like they're weights, Crosshair's checking and cleaning his rifle, and Tech's deep in his datapad, muttering calculations and plans under his breath. The low, constant buzz of the engines creates a background noise that almost drowns out the tension in the air.
But this isn’t her ship, it’s not a place where she can really take a breath and relax, especially with how territorial the sergeant —not so subtly— has shown himself to be. She'd rather avoid getting comfy only to have him show up with that death glare of his and say something among the lines of ‘That’s my spot.’ So she decides to do a final check on each step of the plan and her clothing, making sure the belt where she keeps her lightsaber is properly secured.
Nonetheless, a question has been bugging her since they all met back in the base, and despite trying to keep it to herself for what feels like forever (but is really just a second), she can’t really stay quiet. That’s not her style.
“I got a question,” she starts, casually leaning her arm on the seat where Tech’s sitting. She doesn’t even look at him, avoiding any awkwardness. She speaks to the whole group, knowing they can hear her from the cockpit. “Who’s the genius who landed back on Coruscant?”
Without missing a beat or even bother to look at her, almost the entire squad responds in unison, “Hunter.”
As if her body had just been struck by lightning, the jedi freezes and bites back a laugh, her lower lip trembling for a fraction of a second before she presses her lips together in a frown, trying to keep a straight face and to avoid, at all cost, to let her gaze slip to the sergeant. Clearing her throat, she nods to herself, breathing very, very slowly and swallowing hard. She knew it. She would have bet her life on it, and now Obi-Wan owes her 20 credits.
From the corner of her eye, though, she catches a subtle reaction from Hunter—a slight tightening of his jaw and a quick, almost imperceptible smirk. And until now, the sergeant was sitting a few feet away, absentmindedly twirling a vibroblade between his fingers. The gesture by itself was innocent, the jedi sure that was nothing more than a way to distract himself and pass the time, or a way to better focus on his thoughts like any other method there could be, but even if it was almost meditative, there was an underlying intensity to it.
His presence is just so loud, she cannot help but to end up sneaking a glance at him, catching his eye for a split second. He looks up, their gazes locking. There’s a moment, just a heartbeat, where the air seems to thicken too much for comfort.
“Got something to say, General?” Hunter asks, his voice low, husky. There’s a hint of challenge in his tone, again, like he’s daring her to say something and to just give him an excuse to… bark ar her. She wouldn't be surprised at all.
“Nothing. Just wondering if your knife skills are as sharp as your flying ones,” she shoots back, a playful smirk tugging at her lips. She couldn’t just keep quiet, right?
Hunter's lips twitch, maybe the start of a smile, but most probably not. “You planning on finding out?”
“Maybe,” she shrugs, arching an eyebrow, arms crossed over her chest, leaning back against the wall as soon as she reaches the cockpit. “Depends on how the mission goes I suppose.”
Without saying another word and clearly annoyed, Hunter puts the knife inside the holster strapped to his left wrist in one fluid motion, his gaze still locked on hers. His voice's raspy, low, and there's this feeling she cannot shake off, telling her there's something else behind his words. “You think this is a game, General? Lives are on the line here.”
“I’m well aware, sarge. Just because I smile doesn’t mean I’m not taking this seriously.” Her voice softens a bit ‘cause she understands his point and what war means, but that fire behind her eyes doesn't falter, that resolution intrinsic in her being doesn't weaken, her gaze fixed on his own. 
And as expected since he caught her looking at him, the tension hanging heavy between them gets even thicker for a moment, the rets of the Batch already used to Hunter's not so subtle issues with other'safter many seconds carefully measuring his next move, or so she thinks, Hunter gives a small nod, acknowledging her words. “Good. Just make sure you're ready to do what's needed to even if it's not The Jedi Style.”
“Don’t worry, that's my signature move.”
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learning12491 · 2 years
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in1-nutshell · 4 months
What if Maxima got the matrix of leadership during RiD.  Grimlocks reaction to Maximum Prime
...oh no...
Somebody's not gonna like this...
Anyways, Hope you enjoy!
Maximum Prime and Grimlock
SFW, Platonic, Romance, Angst, Cybertronian reader
The team noticed the changes with their unofficial official Second in Command ever since Optimus had returned from his first away mission.
At first, they believed that it was just her getting used to having him back.
It would have made sense seeing what happened when the pair had first reunited.
But there was something different about this time around.
For one, Maxima looked much more tired.
Probably caused by her wandering around the scrapyard from the late hours of the night to the early hours of the morning.
Grimlock had often woken up to find Maxima sitting next to him wide awake and just tracing little shapes on his frame.
Grimlock groggily opening his optics.
Maxima was sitting near his side gently rubbing circles around his joints.
“Hmm? Maxi? You good?”--Grimlock
Maxima looks over at him.
He can’t exactly register the look she was giving him, blaming it on the sleepiness.
“I’m fine Grimmy. Just go back to sleep.”--Maxima
Grimlock gently moves his tail, so it slightly encircles Maxima.
“Y’know you ‘an tell me if ‘ers somethin’ wrong…”--Grimlock
Maxima leans to his side and vents softly.
“…Just gets some sleep Grimmy.”—Maxima
• Then it was the strange looks she was giving the team. • Most of the team couldn’t exactly pinpoint what exact emotion it was and partially brushed it off. • Bumblebee, Optimus and Ratchet had different gut feeling about those looks. • It looked almost like… aching.
Bumblebee comes over to Maxima’s side.
“Hey, you doing, okay? You’ve been acting… strange.”--Bumblebee
Maxima tenses a bit.
“I’m fine Bee.”--Maxima
“Is it about Optimus being here? I know it’s a bit of a rough transition, but—”--Bumblebee
“Its not that Bee. Trust me, its not something you or anyone can do.”--Maxima
“Then what is it?”-Bumblebee
Maxima vents a bit before giving Bee a sad smile and patting his back.
“This one’s on me Bee. I’m figuring somethings out. Its something that doesn’t concern you, Dad, Ratchet or the Team yet.”--Maxima
“It will come up soon, I’m just trying to make it as smooth transition as possible.”--Maxima
“Transition? Maxima what are you talking—”--Bumblebee
“Guess that’ll have to wait for later then.”—Maxima
Then a week later Maxima hugged everyone goodnight.
Something that wasn’t completely out of character.
But the length of the hugs were defiantly longer than normal.
The next morning the team took notice that Maxima hadn’t left her habsuite yet.
Optimus had offered to go see her, which eventually ended up with him being accompanied by Ratchet.
When the two hadn’t returned after a couple of minutes, the rest of the team decided to go see what the problem was.
But they didn’t need to as the pair began walking back with someone else behind.
The Bee Team looks up at the taller bot behind Optimus and Ratchet.
She looked strikingly like Maxima, but at the same time extremely different.
It was almost uncanny.
The bot steps forward.
“My name is Maximum Prime. I am here to aid Optimus in training as well as work with your team to defeat the oncoming threat.”--Maximum
“What threat?”--Bumblebee
“It is a threat that the other Primes’s have yet to tell us. But until then, I am here to help you all in your missions and training.”--Maximum
“Another Prime? But what about the Matrix?”--Bumblebee
“The Matrix I am holding is a near replica to the one in Optimus’s Matrix of Leadership. The only difference is that this is simply a temporary fix.”--Maximum
Bumblebee’s optics go wide.
“No… She would never… But he’s still here…”--Bumblebee
Grimlock looks around.
“Umm, has anyone seen Maxima around? She’s missing all this information, and I don’t think—”--Grimlock
Maximum looks at the dinobot and vents softly.
“Maxima is not here. She bonded with my Matrix to create… me.”—Maximum
Grimlock feels everything stop for a split second.
“What?”—Bee Team
“To be able to create me, Maxima had to bond with the replica Matrix. Giving me life… putting Her’s on pause.”--Maximum
Everything in the dinobot’s frame goes stiff.
“She isn’t gone. More, ‘on hold’. She will be back as soon as the threat is dealt with.”--Maximum
“And how long is this gonna take?”—Grimlock
Maximum gives him a sad smile.
The same smile that Maxima had.
“I am not certain Grimlock. As long as the threat is here, is as long as I will stay.”--Maximum
Maximum turns to Optimus.
“We need to start the training as soon as possible. There is much we still need to discuss.”--Maximum
The two Prime’s walk off leaving a very confused team and distraught dinobot behind.
The team did adjust to the new Prime and her presence in the Scrapyard.
But it didn’t feel right either.
Don’t get them wrong, the new Prime was a great assest and a good friend to the team, but there was a Maxima shaped hole missing.
Grimlock was especcialy affected by this new change.
He had just lost his best friend.
His partner.
His future Conjunx Endura.
Gone, at least for now.
Grimlock figured that until then he could practice asking Maxima the question.
The Dinobot was determined to get the moment right and hoped she’d say yes.
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quigonswife8 · 1 year
Training: Leon Kennedy x reader
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Leon trains you and teaches you to protect yourself
gif creds: @leon-jpg
Warnings: swearing, getting hurt.
Leon speaking is bold.
"You're not standing correctly"
He paces the room; his eyes locked onto you. The blueness of his eyes seem to compliment the uniform he wears, his right hand gripping onto his knife.
"...you have to adjust your positioning because if you stand like that while fighting you'll be hurt."
Leon Kennedy is your teacher: the age gap between the two of you is quite noticeable yet that doesn't seem to bring any problems. He is nearing his 30's, while you're in your early 20's which reminds Leon of when he was also in his early 20's, training to be a cop.
He's also your boyfriend ; the two of you hit it off pretty much straightaway a few years back. During a conversation where you laid with your head on his lap, he decided to teach you how to defend yourself not wanting anything to happen to you.
Over the course of your training Leon has been very instructive, very thorough. He looks out for you as not only your boyfriend but also as your mentor, while also maintaining that sternness and sense of leadership that is needed. Though this is his first trainee be it his partner, he has been doing super well in training you.
The sweat runs down your forehead, as you adjust your positioning like he had suggested- well, told. "Nearly, but not quite." the 27 year old approaches, he tucks his knife away and comes up behind you; you feel your breathing still for a moment, which makes Leon smirk a little, and when he places his hands on your back, you blush a bit.
"Okay now..." he shifts your body, hands shifting to your arms to adjust them. His touch is electric, intimate, and your heart beat begins to pick up- "..and keep your positioning like this..."
He leans in, breath against your ear and he decides to tease you a bit by keeping his hands on your arms a moment longer. Then he lets you go and turns around to face you. "Okay now show me what I just demonstrated to you."- he watches, and when you do it, a smile appears.
"That's good!"- he pats you on the back and nods.
"...you're learning very quickly i'm impressed. Although i'm always impressed with you sweetheart." and god if you didn't melt into a puddle right then and there. He really knows how to get you even if it's a simple word, or simple teasing.
"Thanks love."
Leon tosses you a bottle of water and let's you take a break for ten minutes. He sits nearby drinking his own water, although during this silence you notice him stealing glances at you every-so-often. His eyes soften, and he can't help the smile that plays on his lips; even while sweaty and your clothes messy, you still look perfect.
"I'm proud of you sweetheart.", he takes a chug of his water, pushing some blonde locks out of his eyes.
"...you're not a d.s.o. agent, or had any prior experience, but you're still holding your own so well."
"Well I have the perfect teacher to thank for that..."
Leon's heart melts; he reaches his hand out and takes yours, giving it a quick squeeze. The agent rubs his thumb over your knuckles, his touch so gentle and soft, he's memorizing your hand with his own. Then he raises it to his lips and presses a quick kiss to it, getting caught up in the intimacy of this moment.
"You're welcome sweetheart."-
Leon lets out a soft sigh and hesitantly lets your hand go. He props his water up nearby and then stands, "You ready for more sweetheart?"- unable to hide the smile you follow suit, tossing the water bottle on top of your jacket on the floor. Then raising to your feet and resuming the previous position with a confident look, one that wasn't there before.
"Shit." he curses and rushes to you, trying to get you to uncover your face. "Sweetheart let me see your eye.", with a groan you take your hand away and show him; his eyes widen though he keeps his composure.
"You have a black eye, sit down and i'll go and get you an icepack.", and, so you do. You wait in pain for your partner to return, and once he does he kneels in front of you and presses the icepack to your eye gently.
"Hold this on your eye, it should help bring down the swelling."
What happened? When Leon had told you to attack, you managed to hit yourself in the eye hence the black eye. Now he kneels in front of you worry on his features, his right hand moving to take the one of yours not holding the icepack. Now he feels bad, and you try and reassure him but it doesn't really work.
"It was my own fault baby, not yours-"
"I still feel like it is."
"Well it's not, don't worry..."
Leon is hesitant, he isn't fully convinced though he drops that part of the subject...for the meantime. Instead deciding to caress your cheek and look into your eyes, wanting to be close to you and care for you.
"Well apart from the black eye, today was great. I can't wait for tomorrow."
"We should wait until your black eye is healed up before we continue."- his fingers trail to your chin, and then back to your cheek, his fingers tracing so delicately. "...but you're right today was great and like I always say, i'm so proud of you."
The two of you, sitting there in the training room of your house, sit in silence until you leave. The two of you shower, and then Leon carries you to the couch and sets up a movie [your favourite movie]. He makes up some popcorn and then lets you cuddle up to him on the couch.
As the movie plays, the pain from the blackeye seems to subside enough to not be annoying, and Leon keeps an arm wrapped around your waist. It's nice just being able to spend time together, after a long day of training, and as you look at Leon out of the corner of your eye, you can't help but smile.
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