itskimhill · 1 year
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kimbureh · 7 months
Guidance vs Leadership, and why Crosshair is a Dad now (cuz he's not a Soldier anymore)
let's talk about Crosshair and Omega seeing eye to eye, forming a relationship beyond militarism and Crosshair being a better father than Hunter (oh noo, whoopsie).
In S03 E03 of TBB, Omega is in charge of the first part of their escape because knowing her way around in the facility is *her* expertise. Once they are outside and have to resort to violence, Crosshair is taking over cuz fighting is *his* expertise. First, Crosshair follows Omega's lead, then Omega follows Crosshair's lead; they are able to pass the torch of leadership between each other seamlessly because there is no hierarchy separating them. The way they acknowledge each other's skills shows that they don't see "leader" as something that you *are* but something that you *do*. "Leader" is not an immutable identity that you're assigned (or assign yourself), but an action that anybody who has the needed expertise can perform.
Hunter is a leader not because his actions justify this role, but because he sees it as his identity. (I've talked about Hunter & Leadership before). Now, if you self-identify as a leader, you inevitably establish a hierarchy. Leadership draws a line between the leader and those who follow. All of the Batchers still cling to military hierachy even though there is no external need; they could self-organize their group differently, but they don't cuz old habits die hard and the galaxy has changed so drastically, they cling to the familiar. (more on leaderhip here and here).
Crosshair manages to do what Hunter didn't so far: Crosshair follows Omega's lead not because she's his commander (or because she begs like a child), but because she has the needed knowledge to guide them. Once Omega is out of her depth, Crosshair takes over. As an adult, he has more knowledge about the (literal) outside world, as shown in details like him tracking the flight path of the shuttle.
At this point, I think Crosshair is one step ahead of Hunter in his arc. They both start at diametrically opposed extremes of the same spectrum. Hunter is willing to form a family, Crosshair rejects this idea. Hunter trusts Omega very fast, Crosshair trusts Omega very slowly. These characteristics also become their "tragic flaws" that heros of a story often have. Hunter is *too* willing to accept Omega as family, he even sacrifices one of his teammates for it. Crosshair is *too* reluctant to trust anybody, his isolation makes him vulnerable towards the Empire's ideology. They both have to meet in the middle and solve the Hedgehog's Dilemma in order to become a family.
In order to do that, the squad of soldiers has to evolve into a group of people connected by love, not duty. Crosshair took that step in a leap in S03E03, Hunter got a taste of it in S03E02 when he tried to steer the young cadets away from militarism towards something new.
[read all my TBB meta here]
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ramrodd · 1 month
What did William T. Sherman and Robert E. Lee think of each other?
They had a profoundly intimate relationship. Sherman was very fond of the South and been president of a southern collefe after the Mexican War. He made what turned out to be a wildly optimistic estimate of the human carnage of the coming hostilities and was derided like the Dixie Chichs when he made his opinion public, People called him crazy. Like when Dave Chappelle walked awasy from Netflix.
Grant disagreed publically in the manner of a man who had been cheated, himself, by his nature.
That was way before Shiloh, Shiloh surprised everyone and Sherman’s “crazy” turned to charges of incomptence on the field by basically the same people who are Swift Boating Walz, currently, This sort of Mickey Mouse chicken shit defines a great deal of doing business in the U.S. by god Army. One of the reasons why they made all the draftee helicopter pilots warrant officers is so tht they could largely avoid all the Mickey Mouse busllshit a private can accumulate walking to the Px.
One of my principles of leaderhip is “Thou shalt not hassle”. As an officer, there is a certain amount of Mickey Mouse bullshit you have to inflict just to make sure your troops have everything they need to accomplish the mission, One of the things I learned from packing a modified T-10 parachute I had just jumped and wanted to do it again was that neatness counts. IThe T-10 oarachute is the perfect memorial to the instrumental intent of Clausewitz’s On War. It is a machine designed to exploint gravity and wind resistance for a successful operaation, It is what Zero Defects was supposed to be about.
And that was the basis of their relationship, that instrumental congruence that manifested at its fullest expression at Vicksburg, when Sherman admitted to Grant that, until that very moment, he had no idea what Grant was trying to do, That’s the faith Jesus is talking about in Matthew 8:10. And, at some point after Shiloh, Grant fell into some disrepute over drinking and Sherman covered his ass on the same basis Grant covered his. I mean, after Atlanta, Sherman just disappears into the ether, Grant was far more concerend to get George Thomas going than to woory about Sherman, And it was Grant and Sherman (and I think David Porter of the USN): it was his boat) who met with Lincoln at Hampton Roads to discuss the pending parole of Robert E. Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia, The spiritual penumbra of that gathering on that boat began with the faith Grant and Sherman had in themselves, in each other and the enterprise in which they were dedicated. Lincoln just made it a Volcan mind weld.
This is what Janury 6 violated.. It is the consequence of the operations of Project 2025 since 1960.
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alliesonoh · 4 months
Watching Hannah Montana the series and Something just "clicked"
Recently started watching the Hannah Montana series and I am enjoying it TREMENDOULY.
You see, when this show was airing my family and I moved to a new house (the one where we all live in now, and unfortunately didn't have cable. I do remember how big it was back then since I keep seeing ads for it in the magazines I read.
So, what clicked?
It's important to mention that this is astrologically related.
So in my natal chart I have an Aries 10H South Node and a Libra 4H North Node.
So to my astro girlies, see how that relates to Hannah Montana?
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The premise of Hannah Montana is that she's living a double life.
10H SN, being naturally made for the stage, and WANTING to live a normal life and enoying her privacy, 4H NN.
If you listen to the song "You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home", read the lyrics, come back to me and tell me that I clocked it.
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Listen, it's not even a big deal.
It just clicked to me and I found it nice to think about. It would've been nice to see this show when I was younger.
Having a natal 10H SN/4H NN can be no joke. They're angular, and additionally confusing to me personally because I have a stellium of planets in my 10H Aries along with the South Node.
For some context, I have personal experiences of always being put in leadership positions even when I explicitly say I do NAWT want to. This is both in school and work. Getting handed promotions into leaderhip jobs even if I didn't apply for them. That's fucking crazy. Being a kid and always being pushed to be on stage when I don't even want to.
NTM being masculine as HELL in vibes even if I pesonally don't feel like it inside.
Growing up was just me tending to the different ends of this humongous dragon. Having a 10H SN can be a gift, and it's such a responsibility for me, but I don't see how that can't be lived with joy.
So, back to Hannah Montana.
She's such a joy to watch, and it's healing even.
Watching her enjoy being under public eyes, fostering her talent and doing what she loves is so cool, and to see her do normal kid things with Lilly, Oken and her family.
She's living the dream.
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monsooninn · 5 months
Berakhot 7b: 12. "On the Edge," The Day Before the Seder, 2024.
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The Requital continues stating David flies from Abasolom, as we know he did and tends to the affairs of state, of which there were too many to ignore.
This block of Mishnahs states the answers to the lament is the same to the urge to praise, a little something called a Psalm. In the Septuagint, Psalms "sculptors" are named as a means to slough off the outer skin and reveal the Jewish Self. Now we are going to see what else:
12. "A psalm to David in his flight from Absalom his son", "A psalm to David"?! "Lamentation for David" from Leah!
"A sculpture of David in his flight from the father of requital, his son, "A sculpture of David?!" "Lamentation for David" from the leaderhip!
David (d. 970 BCE) was long dead when the first Psalm was written and finalized, circa 2 BCE. So when the Psalms are always introduced as a Psalm of David, what this means in English is "A sculpture of David, of Great and Persistent Beauty."
To turn over the ugliness, sadness, and wonder of existence over to God in a sculpture of decicting the great beauty one beholds in the being of God is the objective of reciting the Psalms of David.
Psalm One is an invocation to the Self that resides within Ha Shem, and is Leah, it leads the way to the rest, out of self-darkness to the light of self-sovereignty the goal of the Jewish Self and the Jewish State.
The Value in Gematria is 4543, דה‎‎דג‎, דה‎‎אדג‎ "the fish on the edge."
Fish are men who can learn, who are never out of their depth. Can we swim faster than the bitterness of the suffering of our ancestors? Can one hear the happiness in the Psalms of David and go as deeply as one can into the experience of the religion and the state and surpass the experiences of those who have suffered so poignantly in the past?
The Psalms are the only record we have of an experience of the Jewish people that does not contain pain, suffering, questions, laws, rules, or riddles, only victory. Read Psalm 2: 7-12:
7 I will proclaim the Lord’s decree:
He said to me, “You are my son;     today I have become your father. 8 Ask me,     and I will make the nations your inheritance,     the ends of the earth your possession. 9 You will break them with a rod of iron[b];     you will dash them to pieces like pottery.”
10 Therefore, you kings, be wise;     be warned, you rulers of the earth. 11 Serve the Lord with fear     and celebrate his rule with trembling. 12 Kiss his son, or he will be angry     and your way will lead to your destruction, for his wrath can flare up in a moment.     Blessed are all who take refuge in him.
What kind of Jews wrote and preserved songs such as these, and where do we find them now?
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szebastianonne · 3 years
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These unhealthy eating habits are going to be the death of me .... I mean who wants body cleansing, detoxing, delicious, rougages rich salad for a meal? Only someone as irresponsible as me, right? #Salads #BloodPressure #SelfCare #Intention #almostNakedCEO #Fitness #InstaFit #GetFit #Fitspiration #FitnessFreaks #FitnessLife #Fit #GayFitness #FitnessForLife #FitnessFood #FitnessGoal #FitnessBlogger #Motivation #Inspiration #Leaderhip #Goals #Sexy #Natty #Garlic #Vinegar https://www.instagram.com/p/CNShZpdFNlS/?igshid=1d65gcnkbn32s
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coachkub · 6 years
Truth = Transparency = Trust
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Pride and ego are demons that haunt us all. It is a daily, hourly, minutely, secondly battle to fight off and defend against the nagging desire to pursue our endeavors for the sole advancement of our own agenda. This all-to-natural inclination to view our lives through this lens can certainly bring on successes to ourselves, sometimes our family and friends, and even the circles of people that we are directly surrounded by each day.
Small “successes” can be sexy and emotionally pleasing in the moment: a new car, Jordan’s, apartment, etc. Unfortunately, when we choose to place our focus on this approach, we often forget how our own self-centered decisions affect the people around us, and these actions can be sniffed out almost every single time, even if it does not happen right away. Once this happens, our trust levels with the people we are working with and/or for, drop significantly, and our relationships are negatively impacted.
Conversely, if we can put forth significant effort into living truthful lives so our real intentions are well-known by others, that will create an environment of transparency, which then will create a byproduct of trust, which is the basis for everything meaningful and truly desirable in life.
Today let’s take productive steps forward to live life with more truth, transparency, and trust. Make it a great one!
God Bless,
Coach Kub
Blog: http://coachkub.com/
Podcast: https://anchor.fm/john-jakubik
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theprofessorowens · 4 years
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https://youtu.be/JCKHKOToVqU Tumblr Team: Listen to Dr. Andrew McCart and myself (@TheProfessorOwens) on our video podcast connected to #leaderhip and #OrgLearning backed by #UofL, #CEHD, and our department Org Leadership & Learning. If you or someone you know needs to complete their bachelors degree check us out at: UofL.me/bsoll-podcast Today’s guest = Mr. Vince Tyra (VP/Director of Intercollegiate Athletics @UofL) listen to find out how to “focus on the batter in the box!” https://www.instagram.com/p/CKWL_FIpC9TuqXqmIcvnvDr7lQEsAguMmTuzd80/?igshid=1upfsxpg0xwxv
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itskimhill · 3 years
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How Leaders Overcome The Challenges To Openness
Openness, like all business and even personal values, is easier to be appreciated and adopted, but living with this value is something different. Most executives expect their people to be good soldiers and not question company policy, but great leaders welcome different viewpoints and even make good use of them so that it benefits the entire company.
Consider availing The Human Element approaches and make your organization's culture ideal. For inquiry, contact us at https://thehumanelement.bconglobal.com/contact-us
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presentermalikusman · 4 years
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#leader #leaderhip #businessmanlife #meetingplanning #meetingroom #meetings #official #aimglobalfamily #aimglobalbusiness #instagram #twitter #tumbler @malikusman1953 #mr #usman #whatsapp📲 +923015921763 (at Punjab Pakistan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHJoHjOsCIK/?igshid=12g5q2qg922sv
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laurelrusswurm · 4 years
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Today’s the LAST DAY you can become a voting member in the  Green Party of Canada Leadership election. 
Don’t miss your opportunity to shape our Green future. 
You don’t have to decide right now... you have a month to decide which of this diverse set of leaders will be the best person to lead the Greens. Read their bios here! https://www.greenparty.ca/en/leadership-contest
All 8 of these Leadership contestants have inspiring visions & proposals for our party but at the end of the day it’s up to our grassroots - our members - to decide what path we take.
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PS Know someone who should be a member? Make sure they sign up before Sept. 3 at midnight so they can make history with us, too! greenparty.ca/join
Membership is open to all Canadians aged 14+. ONLINE VOTING STARTS SEPTEMBER 26th, 2020!
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alexander-sattler · 5 years
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Agile Potential Workshop in Düsseldorf #agile #potential #failfastandlearn #startwithwhy #leaderhip #okr #insurance #insurtech #nofilter #iphone11pro #sattlerconsulting (hier: Düsseldorf, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5Bhy-pIxT3/?igshid=1jzursjig4v78
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smbizamerica · 5 years
Small Business News 9-16-19
Small Business News 9-16-19
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View On WordPress
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ronanharrington · 2 years
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Leadership plays an important role in a building a team. However, with increased stress level among people it is crucial to have a person who could guide them towards growth. Here Ronan Harrington comes. He is the #1 leadership keynote speaker in United Kingdom who works with market leaders like Meta. Book yourself a free 30 minute consultation now.
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LEADER DEVELOPMENT: This Is What Business Professionals Do
New Post has been published on https://personalcoachingcenter.com/leader-development-this-is-what-business-professionals-do/
LEADER DEVELOPMENT: This Is What Business Professionals Do
Leader development efforts in business has progressed through a series of stages from the trait theory of the early 20th century, to the behaviorists of the 1950s, to the systems analysts of the 1960s. The 1980s brought the influence of Total Quality, the focus of the 1990s was Principle Centered Leadership.
Over the past few years the focus on many businesses has been on continuous process improvement strategies including Lean Six Sigma and Competency Based Models. Combining these continuous improvement strategies and leadership development programs can help businesses grow and pivot for success.
The current operating environment demands we combine the best aspects of each with new and evolving approaches. Tomorrow’s leader development efforts should include:
Rapid decision making
Adaptability and flexibility enhancement
Servant and trans-formative leadership
Continuous learning
It’s difficult to generalize business leadership as an activity, it must be tailored to an organization’s context, culture, climate, and character. Leadership in the private sector differs from that in the public sector, and even in the public sector, it varies according to the objectives of the business.
Leadership is different than management. While there are many ways to define both, my personal view leads me to define leadership as the sum of those qualities of intellect, human understanding, and moral character that enables a person to inspire and to control a group of people successfully. Leadership focuses on interpersonal interactions with a purpose of increasing organizational effectiveness.
This added emphasis on organizational effectiveness is by way of individual effectiveness.
Management, on the other hand, is a process that results in getting other people to execute prescribed duties for organizational goal attainment. As a process, it is focused primarily on efficiency. Both leadership and management are critical organizational functions, and some mistakenly believe that management is somehow inferior to leadership. While these competencies are complementary, our focus is leadership.
Many theorists recognize three domains of leadership.
Physical; This aspect of leadership is the most visible and varies by context of service or function. One must possess certain physical attributes, such as endurance to be successful. There are other physical attributes, like appearance and presence, that have traditionally been considered essential as well.
Moral; Without question, this aspect is the most critical in developing leaders. Character and morality is one of the most important facet of leadership.
Intellectual; Many businesses spends the lion’s share of their leader development resources on this training and education, and therefore, it will be the focus here.
Assessment for the Future
With all of that as historical backdrop on leader development in business, it’s possible to assess the current landscape and future direction. Much of the leader development program from entry level through the strategic level within business is based on the traits and behavior/style approaches popular during the last century with continuous process improvement strategies added for good measure.
However, many programs are beginning to focus more squarely on the context of the current operating environment; an environment characterized by volatility, uncertainty, and chaos.
Really effective leader development programs focus on full-spectrum operations that reflect unconventional and conventional environments. Dynamic leadership skills are demanded in such environments. Dynamic leader development programs must be perfected to meet such challenges.
Issue #1 Decision Making: The “Coin of the Realm” in Leader Development much attention has been paid lately to the development of intuitive decision making or rapid cognition. Malcolm Gladwell’s wildly popular book “Blink” has direct reference to its application in the business. Rapid cognition, however, relies heavily on instantaneous pattern recognition. Much of a employee’s time is spent attempting to discern patterns in interpersonal interaction, technical functioning, and interplay.
At the entry level, students are only introduced to the rules and standards upon which patterns are established. There can be no realistic hope, except for a particularly talented few, to bypass the stages of cognitive development. Coming to terms with chaos and complexity takes cognitive and attitudinal adjustment. Many employees simply lack the confidence in their own abilities to make those adjustments quickly. As with all personal development, education and experience combine to create the desired effect.
There can be no educational “silver bullet” to obviate the need for experience. Forethought is the precursor to intuition and was identified by Theodore Roosevelt to be the most important quality in preparation for leadership. Forethought, unlike intuition, can be honed exclusively in the classroom.
Replicate the experience desired as closely as possible. Adding stress to the lesson is critical. Learner confidence rises as hypothetical and real-world scenario simulations are introduced, tested, and debriefed. Actual experience cannot be replaced, but adequate forethought can be established. Intuitive decision making is predominantly the product of experience.
Forethought is, on many levels, a precursor to the skills demanded of leaders to make timely, appropriate decisions. And decision making constitutes a key objective of leader development programs. Unfortunately, there is little evidence that decision making training seminars have had any effect on participants.
Those seminars are typically based around selection strategies for choosing from among multiple courses of action. Such analytical methods miss the point entirely. Research has shown that decision makers, particularly those in business settings, “spend more time sizing up the situation than comparing alternate courses of action.”2 “Sizing up the situation” is only one function of forethought.
Some of the most convincing research assembled to support this “domain expertise” approach has shown that the key is in teaching students to maximize their experiences, rather than provide them with some form of analytical decision-making matrix. Like the case study method recommended earlier, Decision Skills Training experimented with during business training exercises beginning in 1998, provide a generalized template that could be applied across the levels of business education.
Issue #2 Developing Key Traits for Uncertain Environments: Adaptability and Flexibility while it is evident the current operating environment the business finds itself in calls for skill sets more consistent with the leadership of Lewis and Clark than Patton, the business education and training structure that produced Patton remains virtually unchanged.
The first step in inculcating a spirit of adaptability is to change how leadership is taught rather than to simply change what is taught. Training that is based solely upon the traditional task / condition / standard model breeds rote conformity. Education that is based solely upon the objective / lecture / assessment model breeds the same.
Traditional methods encourage analysis of a challenge and selection of standard solutions drawn from anticipated options. Methods that encourage the synthesis of information include reflective journal, the Socratic Method, demonstration assessment, broad skim reading, and the study of the philosophical principles that underlie the immediate challenge.
The second step in developing adaptable leaders is to focus on material that encourages creative thinking. Becoming familiar and comfortable with research in the field is critical. From psychology to sociology to business history to philosophy, all fields that explore human response to complexity must be considered. To make this broad grounding feasible, careful selection of instructional techniques and content must be undertaken by all stakeholders in the leadership development process.
Flexibility is typically defined as a personal quality that allows an individual to alter his or her opinions, practices, beliefs, or approach based on changing demands. Flexibility is absolutely essential on the 21st century battlefield as the environment and mission may change constantly. A precursor to the quality of flexibility is open mindedness. One can not flex to the environment if one is not willing. Many believe it is open-mindedness that is sorely lacking in leaders at every level and in every context. Business is no exception.
Open-mindedness is the personal quality that enables flexibility in the workplace and can be encouraged, if not developed in the classroom environment. This attribute can be developed at the business level in the following ways:
Creating empathy for those who have gone before (case study)
Exploring other world views and debating them fully (Socratic method)
Reviewing credible research in the topic at hand (broad skim reading).
In traditional, structured organizations such as the business, open-mindedness is not often prized as an essential trait. This can be changed by fully debating the position of other, non-traditional, and even non-business viewpoints. Adding culture education to a business system always pays dividends.
All of this empathizing and careful study of other world views need not lead to what is perceived in the business culture as “touchy-feely” or “politically correct” Instruction. Quite the contrary. Exploring alternative world views typically leads Americans to reconfirm their belief in their underlying principles, and the business who service it.
Free market capitalism presents the best hope for opportunity and upward mobility Each human being has fundamental worth, a value that guarantees freedom from physical harm or the harmful interference of government applying the world views of competitors or adversaries against these three factors of American life serves to confirm faith in the system that Americans uphold.
Instructors need only to be guided through its purpose and method. These methods, however, will vary according to the developmental level of the target audience. Leader development programs that ignore this do so at their own peril.
Issue #3 What Really Counts: Inspiring young people to buy into your business, rapid decision making and development of particular competencies is balanced with the timeless approaches that define the practice of business leadership, and those are servant leadership and transformation leadership. Servant leadership, as the name suggests, is an approach that encourages a person vested with authority to approach the task with a desire to serve first.
Although Robert Greenleaf is credited as the modern author of this approach, leadership based on trust, empathy, collaboration, and the ethical use of power is an ancient concept. Ultimately, this approach is tied up in the character trait of selflessness and resists classroom applications. One simply has to want to lead this way and take certain behaviors and attitudes until it becomes natural. It’s more challenging for some than it is for others.
Transformation leadership, a term coined by the famous theorist James MacGregor Burns, seeks to raise the level of motivation and morality in organizations. This is done by appealing to more long-term intrinsic needs and less to short-term extrinsic demands. In business settings, this is often bound up in charismatic leadership but does not depend upon it. It depends more on a high degree of competence in interpersonal communications or emotional intelligence. The younger the workforce, and the business represents a greater demand for a leadership approach based on intrinsic motivation and transformation leadership.
Some organizations get it right, while some have a proven track record of failure. Morale, esprit, and retention rates are typical metrics for measuring success. I think we’re getting better at developing leaders grounded in servant and transformation leadership, and the timing couldn’t be more critical. The Millennial Generation seems to have come to expect such leadership.
In sum, the intellectual component of leadership development in business is an amalgam of process improvement techniques, decision theory, and competency enhancement, but ultimately it’s a matter of leaders committed to selflessly putting the needs and interests of their followers above their own and then effectively communicating that care and concern.
No borrowed leadership techniques are going to replace that fact. No highly theoretical management practices are going to change that fact. As trite and clichéd as those words may be, they still capture the ultimate truth for aspiring and practicing business leaders. Everything else is secondary.
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higher2you · 5 years
If u hurt my heart probably it's gonna be a second chance for u still,
but once u're against my thoughts, once u disrespect my brain and question my intelligence, onetime u foolly my intuition (just cos it is no-touchable object so u think u can)
u can walk on ur mothafucka lashes idc
I don't see u any longer
no soldiers are made that way - ever
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