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nunafilms · 5 months ago
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What Comes After Love | Episode 1 사랑 후에 오는 것들 dir. Moon Hyun Sung
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madeintrinafchelp · 2 years ago
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Kyle et Julien, ou: les persos full comic relief que je peux pas m'empêcher de trouver tragiques à leur façon
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darkacua · 10 months ago
The Cain instinct
I demand canon moments where Silver and Malleus treat each other like siblings whenever they're alone, especially if Lilia or Sebek aren't around them. Where they show that outside of their typical treatment of respect is the fact that they were raised by the same man whom they both consider their father. They love each other eternally, they would kill, they would die and they are capable of destroying the entire world for each other, one to a greater extent than the other.
Especially since I'm sure they both have ridiculously strong Cain instincts.
One day you are a prince taking care of your caregiver's adopted son and the next a being who lives in an eternal circle of revenge and destruction towards the cruelty of humanity (Silver bit his finger when he was 8 years old and Malleus pecked his eye in Consequently, they continue to blame each other whenever they can)
Imagine a Silver who fell asleep in the forest and Malleus just finds him. If Lilia, Sebek or anyone was near him he would feign complete concern and take him to his bedroom. But he's alone, so he's going to wake up the young man he considers his brother with a loving kick in the ribs (nothing too hard, he wants to bother him, not kill him).
Or a malleus who is simply reading and out of nowhere feels a wet finger in his ear, a finger that belongs to a 17-year-old with a smile too kind for someone who has just drooled in the ear of the next king of the Briar Valley , and someone who is also a coward since he runs away the moment the older man gets up from his seat.
It is better if neither of them knows what is happening, they just know that there are days when they have to be mean to the other or they will go crazy, they have accepted it as a royal decree and will continue it until the end of their days. .
Imagine that no one knows about this kind of treatment, until someone enters Diasomnia only to find the all-powerful Malleus Draconia screaming like a dying child because Silver has him in a wrestling hold (which it is very obvious he can get out of, but… Where's the fun in that?)
Anyway, I need an irrational Malleus and Silver being a shitty little brother. I leave my delusions here.
a small second part
Español bajo el corte
Exigo momentos canónicos donde Silver y Malleus se tratan como hermanos cada vez que están solos, sobre todo si no están Lilia o Sebek a su alrededor. Donde muestren que por fuera de su típico trato de respeto está el hecho de que fueron criados por el mismo hombre al que ambos consideran su padre. Se aman eternamente, matarían, morirían y son capaces de destruir el mundo entero el uno por el otro, uno en mayor medida que el otro.
Sobre todo porque estoy segura que los dos tienen un instinto de Cain ridículamente fuerte.
Un dia eres un príncipe cuidando al hijo adoptivo de tu cuidador y al siguiente un ser que vive en un círculo eterno de venganza y destrucción hacia la crueldad de la humanidad (Silver le mordió un dedo cuando tenía 8 años y Malleus le pico un ojo en consecuencia, se lo siguen echando en cara cada que pueden entre ellos)
Imaginen a un Silver que se quedó dormido en el bosque y Malleus simplemente lo encuentra. Si Lilia, Sebek o cualquiera estuviera cerca fingiría completa preocupación y lo llevaría a su dormitorio. Pero esta solo, así que va a despertar a él joven que considera su hermano con una amorosa patada en las costillas (nada demasiado fuerte, quiere molestarlo no matarlo)
O a un malleus que simplemente está leyendo y de la nada siente un dedo húmedo en su oreja, un dedo que pertenece a un joven de 17 años con una sonrisa demasiado amable para alguien que acaba de babear el oído del próximo rey del Valle de Briar, y alguien que también es un cobarde ya que sale corriendo en el momento que él mayor se levante de su asiento.
Es mejor si ninguno de los dos sabe que es lo que pasa, solo saben que hay días en los que tienen que ser malos con el otro o se volverán locos, lo han aceptado como un decreto real y lo continuarán hasta el final de sus días.
Imaginen que nadie sabe de este tipo de trato, hasta que alguien entra a Diasomnia sólo para encontrar al todopoderoso Malleus Draconia gritando como un niña moribunda porque Silver lo tiene en una llave de lucha (de la cual es muy obvio que se puede zafar ¿pero dónde está lo divertido en eso?).
En fin, necesito un Malleus irracional y un Silver siendo un hermano menor de mierda. Hasta aquí dejo mis delirios.
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cubbihue · 6 months ago
¿como fue todo el proceso del pensamiento de "si, queremos que Timmy sea nuestro hijo y lo queremos ahora"? ¿ellos simplemente se lo llevaron o le dijeron a Timmy que los cuatro irían al mundo mágico prometiendo explicar después? ¿siquiera se lo dijeron a Peri? ¿como reaccionaron lod respectivos padres de Cosmo y Wanda (junto a los hermanos de estos mismos)? Me parecería algo comico si incluso hubiera algo de apuestas para ver cuanto tardarían Cosmo y Wanda en simplemente agarrar al niño y llevarlo al mundo mágico.
Nadie que no fuera un padre soportaría todas las locuras y problemas en las que se mete ese niño y seguiría con el voluntariamente y con la misma o más cantidad de amor que cuando lo conoció (todos lo sabían menos ellos)
[Due to the size, both translations are below the Readme]
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It was a long and slow process! Peri was too young to understand, so he had to be told when he was older. Although Peri was never told the whole story.
Mama Cosma and Big Daddy knew it would happen eventually. They were very impatient to see their new adopted grandson.
Bitties Series: [Start] > [Previous] > [Next]
Translated Ask:
What was the whole thought process of like "yes, we want Timmy to be our son and we want him now"? Did they just take him away or did they tell Timmy that the four of them were going to Fairyworld, promising to explain later? Did they even tell Peri? How did Cosmo and Wanda's respective parents react (along with their siblings)? I'd find it kind of funny if there was even some betting to see how long it would take Cosmo and Wanda to just grab the kid and take him to the magical world*
No one who was not a parent would endure all the craziness and problems that that child gets into and would continue with him voluntarily and with the same or more amount of love than when he met him (everyone knew it except them).
*This word might mean Fairyworld, but the direct translation is "magical world"
Respuesta Traducida:
¡Fue un proceso largo y lento! Peri era demasiado pequeño para entender, así que lo tuvieron que contar cuando fue mayor. Peri nunca supo toda la historia.
Mamá Cosma y Big Daddy sabían que esto sucedería tarde o temprano. Estaban muy impacientes por ver a su nuevo nieto adoptado!
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purebloods-mudbloods · 1 year ago
—Sin duda, no me extrañaría que terminen fichando a algunos para el equipo— expresó mientras observaba a su amigo —¿Ernie se quedo con Phoebe? Por cierto le compre esto y no me digas que es muy pequeño para comer chocolate— no tardó en entregarle una rana de chocolate
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– Te lo digo, esta va a ser la mejor temporada en años –aseguró. La temporada de Quidditch se venía fuerte, y él desde su posición con pasante de administración del equipo de Inglaterra tenía la oportunidad de verlo de cerca.
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violetrainbow412-blog · 1 year ago
Howdy! It's me again
How are you? I hope you are fine, and if not, then I encourage you from here!
Well, I would like to order something in which our dear Willy gets a little jealous because someone entered the factory and started flirting with his partner (reader) And that leads to a very affectionate moment between reader and Willy
Por cierto, qué le pones a los pedidos que escribes? Los siento muy emocionantes y me ponen a chillar a veces SJSGGWUW
(By the way, what do you put in the orders you write? I find them very exciting and they make me scream sometimes)
Tensions in the Factory [W. W]
Willy Wonka x fem!reader
word count: 1.7k
nota: ¡me hace muy feliz que te guste lo que escribo! creo que sólo se trata de hacerlo con amor (¿o algo así? jaja) Lamento haber tardado, entré a un trabajo durante vacaciones y apenas me queda tiempo, pero espero que sea de tu agrado, girasol:)
[ENG: It makes me very happy that you like what I write! I think it's just about doing it with love (or something like that? haha) I'm sorry it took me so long, I started a job during vacation and I barely have time left, but I hope you like it, sunflower:)]
taglist: @dyieying @reallysparklychaos [Timothée masterlist]
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“Your factory is impressive, Mr. Wonka,” said the man next to the boy, with a satisfied smile on his face after the tour he had given him.
Willy was pleased with the investor's recognition that he intended to finance a new branch for Wonka chocolates and if everything continued as expected, he knew that that same afternoon they would be signing a contract.
“I'm glad you like it. This is where all the magic happens, so I hope that with that new store things are even more promising for us.”
He wanted to add something else when, suddenly, he was interrupted by the vision of a person; it was you, beckoning to him from the other side of the factory with a board holding papers. He knew it had to be something important or else you would have waited, so he apologized to the young man at his side and walked quickly until he reached you.
“Oh, I'm sorry to bother you, but one of the machines that churns the chocolate is jammed and making a mess in there, do you think you can check it?” you murmured, sounding slightly worried about the situation.
“Yes, I'll go right away. While you will talk to Mr. Salt? Tell him to excuse me for a moment”
"Yes, I will do it"
“You're an angel, thank you for letting me know,” he said goodbye, gently caressing the side of your face and practically running to solve the problem you had just told him about.
The man looking at you curiously from the other side couldn't have been more than a couple of years older than Willy and he was handsome, dressed in a gray formal suit that was worthy of a businessman. You had heard that he had a lot of money and although at first the chocolatier was not very convinced, after thinking about it better he believed that it was a good time to expand his horizons; that included having more stores to sell more chocolates. He had told you about the idea and you had been excited about it, so you motivated him to contact interested businessmen.
Although you didn't really enjoy talking to strangers, you took a deep breath and walked over to where the man was to greet him.
“Mr. Salt?” you said timidly, to get his attention. He watched you for a moment and when he got a better look at you, then he smiled hugely.
“Just call me Henry, Henry Salt. It's my pleasure," he replied, reaching out to shake your hand a little longer than expected. "Are you Mr. Wonka's secretary?"
It wasn't the first time a guy thought that about you, after all you were always behind your boyfriend with that board in your hand, writing things down, checking the operation, and reminding him of everything, however, Willy had always said that you were his partner and he wouldn't expect anyone to disparage your position: this factory belongs to both of us, he always said. 
But it was easier to say yes than to explain all that.
“Something like that. He asked me to tell you that he had to attend to an emergency, but that he will be right back.”
"Oh, sure. There is no problem with it as long as you keep me company” he said happily.
The man was looking at you up and down, as if you were the most interesting thing he had seen in the factory so far, but you didn't notice it, because you were too focused on the thought of how Willy was handling the machinery.
“Did you like the factory?” you exclaimed, trying to get a topic of conversation that would kill the silence that had enveloped you.
You could tell that he was an educated man, because he immediately started talking to you about the structure of the building, finances, what a good investment it would be to open a branch and also about how much he loved chocolate.
“I have a daughter named Veruca. She is just a baby, but I hope to be able to give her everything she wants in the future. I only plan to work to fulfill her whims”
“Ow, that's sweet,” you tried to flatter. At least his motives were noble.
“She looks a little like you, actually. You are very beautiful"
You had to admit that the comment threw you off, but you still laughed nervously. Maybe he was just trying to be nice to you, so you could persuade Willy to close the deal with that man.
“Huh, I appreciate it, Mr. Salt.”
“What are your favorite chocolates? I imagine that being here you eat them in droves, right?” he murmured.
You hoped that with that the conversation would take a different direction, so you started talking to him about all the types of chocolates that Willy prepared for you: the sweet ones, some salty ones, the magical ones, the strange ones...
“But I think my favorites are definitely the mint chocolates. They may be simple, but Mr. Wonka prepares them in an exceptional way," you said dreamily, remembering that upon discovering it he had prepared an entire jar just for you.
“When the branch is open, you can stop by to eat all the mint chocolates you want. At a special price for special ladies”
You laughed at that, not so much out of desire but out of commitment to the potential client. Suddenly a hand was placed on your waist and when you turned in the direction of the body that had approached you, you noticed that it was who it could only be. You frowned slightly when you noticed that he was frowning, as if something had bothered him.
“I'm sorry I was late. Everything is in order now, would you like to accompany me inside, Mr. Salt?” he said. His voice sounded calm and stern, without that cheerful tone he always had, and he still had one hand planted firmly on your body.
“Of course,” the chocolatier made a sign for the opponent to start walking and he did not take his eyes off him at any time, noticing that Mr. Salt was looking at you with the same interest.
If he was unhappy with something, he didn't say it, and he just left a gentle kiss on your head.
“See you in a bit, okay?” You nodded and pushed him just a little, inviting him to follow the businessman you had just spoken to. He got lost down the hallway and you returned to your tasks, not imagining the feeling that was bubbling in your partner's chest.
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“That man is a complete idiot.”
You were surprised to hear the boy use those words and, above all, by the furious tone with which he had expressed himself. You interrupted your tasks of making dinner to pay attention to him.
“Who are you talking about?
“From Mr. Salt, of course! I didn't sign the contract with him. Don't even think about it, he's a… a complete nutcase”
"What are you talking about? What happened?" you asked, completely surprised by what he was telling you. You put everything aside to approach him and held his face to analyze his expression: it was extremely strange to see him this upset “Honey?”
“He was flirting with you! Don't think I didn't notice, when I left, he... he started talking to you that way. And not satisfied with that, he called you my assistant and then he hinted that he wanted a romance with you. He said punctually: I hope that, if I open this new branch, you will send your pretty assistant to help me with everything necessary” he was red with anger as he said that and he had to breathe for a moment to compose himself. "So I told him immediately that there was no deal if he dared to talk about my wife like that.”
There was too much to process at once. You felt disgusted at the idea that another man had shown interest in you, but at the same time you were surprised by how he had reacted. Willy wasn't a possessive husband, but right now you were feeling something strange about this side of him.
“You don't have to worry about that…”
“Of course I have to. You're beautiful and I'm sure everyone realizes that, but I won't let anyone look at you like he was looking at you. It is my job to protect you and that includes not entering into relationships with those who want to take advantage of you.”
He sounded sincere and passionate when he spoke, convincing you that he was very serious about the matter. Contrary to what he expected, you smiled and cupped his cheeks again to kiss him on the lips. He melted at the touch, you knew it by the way his shoulders completely relaxed and his hands came up to hold your elbows during the seconds you were kissing him.
Once he was more relaxed, you spoke.
“It's all right, love. Can you calm down?” you asked him. Your hand began to gently caress his cheeks and your eyes looked pleading, something he couldn't resist. “You shouldn't have wasted such an opportunity, but... I appreciate that you rejected it. For me"
“I would do anything for you,” he said immediately. Suddenly he felt the urge to kiss you again and he did, deeply and lovingly. You didn't resist.
“You're my only boy, you know that? No one in the world could take me from your arms” 
“That's not my fear, I know that nothing can separate us” he assured you, smiling from ear to ear. That's how sure he was about yours, that agreed with the pair of rings on your fingers “Besides, there will be more opportunities, you don't have to feel guilty about anything.”
“I don’t,” you exclaimed, to reassure him. You knew he had done the right thing and you loved him for it “Are you hungry? I'm making you something for dinner” you confessed and then he nodded.
He could smell what you were cooking and when you reached out to stir the contents of the saucepan with a stick, he hugged you from behind, starting to talk about something more trivial than that failed business and feeling clearly relaxed, now that he knew he was and he would always be the only owner of your heart.
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ilikeit-art · 2 years ago
Saype, born Guillaume Legros, is a French artist living in Bulle, Switzerland. A self-taught artist, Saype’s giant biodegradable artworks adorn fields, are best seen by drones and last only days. The artist is represented by MTArt Agency since 2018. Beginning his career as a young graffiti artist, Saype’s work quickly gained recognition and became highly sought after, resulting in him landing his first gallery exhibition at age 16. Saype is a pioneer of the land art movement, focusing upon large scale biodegradable paintings with strong social messages.
Using 100% biodegradable paint composed of water, chalk, coal and casein, Saype’s ephemeral land artwork disappears after a month due to regrowth of the grass it is painted upon, the weather and the passage of visitors. With each project he completes, his recognition grows, capturing the attention of those on social media as well as landing extensive global media coverage. Career highlight for Saype have included gaining thanks from the Swiss President, Doris Leuthard, for the social vision of his art, in 2017, and following that in 2018, the publication of his book, ‘Green Art’, which highlights the innovative qualities of the biodegradable paint Saype has created.
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chic-a-gigot · 3 months ago
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La Mode illustrée, no. 49, 9 décembre 1883, Paris. Toilettes de Mme Coussinet, rue Richer, 43. Collection of the Rijksmuseum, Netherlands
Robe en moscovite gris acier, velours ciselé et soie brochée de même couleur. La jupe courte en moscovite uni, disposée en gros plis tuyaux, est garnie de quatre plis. Une écharpe en soie brochée est drapée sur le devant de la jupe et reparaît pour former le pouf par derrière. Très grand gilet Louis XV, en velours ciselé, avec jaquette Louis XV, faite en muscovite unie. Cette jaquette est largement ouverte sur le gilet. Sur le bord inférieur de celui-ci se trouve une fente dans laquelle passe l'écharpe, pour former des paniers sur les hanches et pouf derrière.
Dress in steel gray Muscovite, chiseled velvet and brocaded silk of the same color. The short skirt in plain Muscovite, arranged in large pipe pleats, is trimmed with four pleats. A brocaded silk scarf is draped over the front of the skirt and reappears to form the pouf at the back. Very large Louis XV waistcoat, in chiseled velvet, with Louis XV jacket, made of plain Muscovite. This jacket is widely open on the waistcoat. On the lower edge of the latter is a slit through which the scarf passes, to form baskets on the hips and pouf behind.
Toilette de jeune femme. En satin merveilleux bleu pâle uni. Jupe ronde, garnie devant en tablier de quatre larges bandes de velours grenat. Tunique à paniers sous laquelle tombe de chaque côté un panneau plat entouré d'une broderie représentant des roses nuancées depuis le rose pâle jusqu'au grenat. Le corsage, fait en forme de guimpe, boutonné derrière, montant, est froncé à l'encolure. Collier de velours grenat, noué sur le côté, relevant une ruche de dentelle blanche. A l'extrémité des manches, bracelets de même velours, avec nœud pareil.
Young woman's ensemble. In plain pale blue marvelous satin. Round skirt, trimmed in front in an apron with four wide bands of garnet velvet. Tunic with paniers under which falls on each side a flat panel surrounded by embroidery representing roses shaded from pale pink to garnet. The bodice, made in the shape of a wimple, buttoned behind, rising, is gathered at the neckline. Garnet velvet necklace, tied on the side, raising a ruffle of white lace. At the end of the sleeves, bracelets of the same velvet, with a similar bow.
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little-mari-on-a-roof · 11 days ago
Frenglish differences in Miraculous - Episode 2
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The Bubbler/Le Bulleur
This one's not really a difference, more of a double meaning that gets lost in translation: in French, the verb “buller” also means "to laze" and is a subtle reference to Nino's cool and laid back attitude (which is demonstrated more literally by him blowing bubbles during the episode).
Adrien, talking about his father
En: I'm pretty sure he was a downer back then too.
Fr: Je suis sûr qu'il a toujours été vieux jeu, même jeune.
I'm sure he's always been old fashioned (lit. "old game"), even when he was young.
I can't believed they missed out on Adrien making a hilarious joke!! And it actually would’ve been even funnier in English since “old fashioned” can be a reference to Gabriel’s job.
Chloé to Marinette
En: Out of the way.
Fr: Dégage, boulet.
Go away, boulet.
Here, “boulet” ("ball" as in "ball and chain" or cannonball) is a word used as an insult to qualify a person who is annoying or drags/weighs you down, like the ball attached to a prisoner's chain. Chloé uses that word very often when talking about Marinette in French.
En: Happy birthday Adrien.
Fr: Bon anniversaire Adrichou chéri.
Happy birthday dearest Adrikins.
The nickname Chloé uses for Adrien in the French dub is over the top while she only says his name in English.
Chloé about the delivery men
En: Those slackers.
Fr: Les petites natures.
Lightweights. (lit. "Little natures.")
In French the emphasis is put on the workers being weak, when they're lazy in the English dub (it's just a linguistic difference here).
Alya, to Marinette
En: Don't be a pushover, literally.
Fr: Te laisse pas faire tu vaux mieux qu'elle.
Don't let yourself be pushed around, you're (worth) better than her.
Alya sounds more supportive in French.
Marinette talking to the house camera when leaving her gift at Adrien's house
En: [...] ... did I already say that?
Fr: [...] cadeauuu!!! pour Adrien.
giiiift!!!! for Adrien.
Just Marinette being awkward in slightly different ways (I didn't put the whole quote since the rest of it is pretty similar in both dubs).
Alya, to Marinette
En: Girl, girl, girl
Fr: Marinette, Marinette
I'm not translating that one for obvious reasons, but I noticed that whenever Alya calls Marinette "girl" in the English dub (not just now but also later in the episode), she actually says her name in French. It's not a big deal but I just thought it was interesting.
Nino leaving Adrien's house after being kicked out by Gabriel
Fr: Ouais c'est ça au revoir.
Yeah, right, goodbye.
The sentence was deleted in the English dub.
Adrien to Nino, about his father
En: It's just best to stay out of his way.
Fr: Vaut mieux faire ce qu'il dit, c'est plus simple.
It's best to do what he says, it's simpler.
I didn't really pay attention to this one back when I was taking notes of the differences but it hits different after the sentibeing reveal 🥲.
En: It won't be long before Ladybug and Cat Noir show up to meet their doom.
Fr: Ladybug et Chat Noir ne tarderont pas à se montrer pour leur dernière danse.
It won't be long before Ladybug and Chat Noir show up for their last dance.
One of Gabriel's many puns, since it refers to the party that the Bubbler is throwing thanks to his new powers.
The Bubbler after Ladybug changes the music that was playing
En: Dude, who just hijacked my mix?
Fr: C'est quoi ce truc ? Qui a osé remixer mon mix ?
What's that? Who dared remixing my mix?
I think "remix my mix" is very funny.
Ladybug, replying to him
En: Yours truly.
Fr: DJ Ladybug.
She <33.
At one point, ladybug calls the Bubbler "DJ bubulle", which is a way of making fun of him since “bubulle” is a cute word for bubble (bulle in French).
En: You can't run forever, Ladybug.
Fr: Tu ne tenvoleras pas éternellement, Ladybug.
You won't fly forever, Ladybug.
A little pun that got lost in translation.
Adrien to Nino about his awesome new scarf
En: Yeah. Can you believe my dad got this for me? It's so awesome. He's given me the same lame pen for three years in a row.
Fr: Ouais, j'arrive pas à croire que mon père aie fait ça pour moi, tu te rends compte ? D'habitude il oublie tout le temps le jour de mon anniversaire.
Yeah, I can't believe my father/dad did this for me. Do you realise? He usually always forgets my birthday.
I can't tell which one is sadder :')). Also, "mon père" can be translated as either father or dad so I left both since I think it would be more likely for him to say "father", but the official translation chose to have him say "dad".
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abejaenacuarela · 2 months ago
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Un resumen de mí año.
De mis obsesiones del año. Todas tiene que ver con casettes y cintas y grabadoras. Muy nostálgico todo.este dibujo lo empecé en agosto.
• do not repost, use or steal my art •
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👁️Jonathan Sims / The archivist. The Magnus archives:
Le puse camperita náutica a Jon porque es el capítulo en el que está en un barco con basira y "se encuentran" con un flaco que laburaba para salesa que les cuenta cómo consiguió salesa la cámara de fotos (aka MAG 141). Also la pose es rara pero se supone que se está apoyando con el brazo en una baranda atrás, hay que usar un poco de imaginación.
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⚔️Camilla Hect/ Palamedes Sextus. The locked Tomb:
I really like how Camilla turned out but also it's my first time drawing her because I've just been obsessively drawing griddlehark all year. I couldn't give her the arm muscles she deserved tho.
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🧛‍♂️. Young Daniel Molloy. Interview with the vampire:
I hate how Daniel turned out but I couldn't just exclude him lol.
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Also un poco me molestaba el ruido de fondo así que agregue una slide con los personajes sobre fondo blanco. Los casettes están semitraceados de una foto porque necesitaba que fueran bonitos y simétricos.
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vividiste · 8 months ago
La nostra generazione era tollerante.
E non lo sapeva.
Vi siete inventati il fluid gender e di conseguenza, l’omofobia.
Io vengo dalla generazione che ascoltava e amava David Bowie e Lou Reed, e non si è mai posta il problema di che preferenze sessuali avessero.
Fregava niente, anzi, contenti loro e in qualche caso beati loro.
Elton John, Freddie Mercury, George Michael.
Siamo anche la generazione che amava i Led Zeppelin, i Deep Purple, Neil Young, gli Eagles...
Senza porsi il problema dei testi che oggi sarebbero giudicati sessisti.
Quando arrivò Boy George non ci chiedemmo se gli piacesse il maschio, la femmina o tutti e due.
Ci godemmo semplicemente la sua musica e quando Jimmy Somerville ci raccontò la sua storia di ragazzo di una piccola città, ci commuovemmo e cantammo insieme a lui. Non c’erano leggi a costringerci a essere solidali o quantomeno partecipi.
Non c’erano minacciose commissioni o attenti guardiani a censurarci se ci usciva una battuta.
C’era Alyson Moyet, allora decisamente oversize, ma bellissima e bravissima, e nessuno pensava valesse meno di una Claudia Schiffer...Anzi.
Vorrei capire che è successo nel frattempo, perché tutti questi censori hanno l’unico effetto di creare quello che censurano.
Secondo me eravamo tanto più avanti senza imposizioni, perché le imposizioni si sa, spesso generano l’effetto contrario."
Gisella Ambrogetti🌻
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la-chacha-gris · 19 days ago
Not all pornography is porn/ No toda pornografía es porno
In April 2011, a curious article was published in the culture section of the New York Times. At that time, Sasha Grey had her recent photography book out and the journalist, taking into account the amount of nudity in it and her career in adult films, asked her if she found anything vulgar or obscene enough not to be worthy of being shown. The answer is interesting: "I find it vulgar that people are so fascinated by natural disasters and we allow images of young people who are looting because they have no other option, because of a natural disaster. Images of young people being shot. That bothers me. It touches a nerve. To show these images, in my mind, is pornographic."
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En abril de 2011, se publicaba una curiosa nota el la sección de cultura del New York Times. Entonces Sasha Grey tenía su libro de fotografía reciente y el periodista, teniendo en cuenta la cantidad de desnudos en este y su carrera en el cine para adultos, le pregunta si ella encontraba algo vulgar u obsceno como para no ser digno de ser mostrado. La respuesta es interesante: "Me parece vulgar que la gente esté tan fascinada por los desastres naturales y permitamos Imágenes de jóvenes que están saqueando porque no tienen otra opción, debido a un desastre natural. Imágenes de jóvenes siendo baleados. Eso me molesta. Toca un nervio. Al mostrar estas imágenes, en mi mente, es pornográfico".
The question is preceded in the text by the journalist's comment on some of the photographs in the book that we could call scatological: one with vomit and the one that illustrates this article in this strange pornocultural blog of yours. It is of capital importance that she calls pornography the material about real shootings or the looting that, by date, I think must be that of New Orleans under the destruction of Katrina.
La pregunta aparece precedida en el texto por el comentario del periodista de alguna de las fotografías del libro que podríamos llamar escatológicas: una con vómito y la que ilustra este artículo en este vuestro extraño blog pornocultural. Es de de capital importancia que ella denomine pornografía al material sobre tiroteos reales o los saqueos que, por fechas, creo que deben ser los de New Orleans bajo la destrucción del Katrina.
In this blog we dedicate a series of posts to the history and meaning - or ontology? - of pornography and when I spoke of the etymological sense of the word I said that it is showing that which should not be shown out of decorum or prohibition. Pornography understood in a broad sense would be more than the photography or filming of sexual acts and the object (fact, event, what is shown) of this could be an autopsy (like the alleged one of Kurt Cobain on questionable websites), the corpse of a real suicide (fans of Varg Vikerness will have an example in mind) or videos of messages giving an example with the death of the drug dealer or Islamic fundamentalists.
En este blog dedicamos una serie de posts a la historia y significado ¿u ontología? de la pornografía y cuando hablaba del sentido etimológico de la palabra decía que es mostrar aquello que no que debe ser mostrado por decoro o prohibición. La pornografía entendida en sentido amplio sería más que la fotografía o filmación de actos sexuales y el objeto (hecho, suceso, lo mostrado) de este podría ser una autopsia (como la presunta de Kurt Cobain en webs cuestionables), el cadaver de un suicida real (a fans de Varg Vikerness les vendrá un ejemplo a la mente) o videos de mensajes dando ejemplo con la muerte del narco o fundamentalistas islámicos.
Of course, I'm not interested in analyzing any of this as I answered in a recent Ask, but from the current capitalist logic, everything that has demand is susceptible to being commercialized and sex, pain or death as something that is not usually contemplated and that provokes curiosity in many and unleashes emotions when seen are linked and sold in a very similar way. Some more of this is told in my article about death as POV porn during the Iraq war (it's material linked to the pinned post, look for it). I'm not telling veteran readers of the blog anything new today, but I thought it would be convenient to review this basic concept (and I found this material in the newspaper archives, being pleasant to me that instead of me with Grey as a virtual mask, it is Sasha Grey herself who explains it to you briefly). Good night.
Por supuesto, no estoy interesada en analizar nada de esto como respondía en un Ask reciente, pero desde la lógica capitalista actual todo lo que tenga demanda es susceptible de ser comercializado y el sexo, el dolor o la muerte como algo que no se suele contemplar y que provoca curiosidad en muchos y desata emociones al verse están hermanados y se venden de manera muy parecida. Algo más de esto se cuenta en mi artículo sobre el muerte como porno POV durante la guerra de Irak (es material enlazado al post fijado, busquen). No les cuento hoy nada nuevo a lectores veteranos del blog, pero me pareció conveniente repasar este concepto básico (y encontré este material de hemeroteca, siéndome placentero que en vez de yo con Grey como mascara virtual, sea la propia Sasha Grey quien os lo explique de manera breve). Buenas noches.
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anotherhumaninthisworld · 5 months ago
Historians having takes on frev women that make me go 😐 compilation
Sexually frustrated in her marriage to a pompous civil servant much older than herself, [Madame Roland] may have found Danton’s celebrated masculinity rather uncomfortable. Danton (1978) by Norman Hampson, page 77.
The Robespierres sent their sister to Arras because that was their hometown, the family home, where they had relatives, uncles, aunts and friends, like Buissart who they didn’t cease to remain in correspondence with, even in the middle of the Terror. There, among them, Charlotte would not be alone; she would find advice, rest, the peace necessary to heal her nervousness and animosity. Away from Mme Ricard, who she hated, away from Mme Duplay, who she detested, she would enjoy auspicious calmness. It is Le Bon that the Robespierres will charge with escorting their sister to this neccessary and soothing exile. […] If there is a damning piece in Charlotte Robespierre's case, it is this one (her interrogation, held July 31 1794). She seems to be caught in the act of accusing this Maximilien whom she rehabilitates in her Memoirs. She is therefore indeed a hypocrite, unworthy of the great name she bears, and which she dishonors the very day after the holocaust of 10 Thermidor. Charlotte Robespierre et Guffroy (1910) in Annales Révolutionnaires, volume 3 (1910) page 322, and Charlotte Robespierre et ses mémoires (1909) page 93-94, both by Hector Fleishmann.
Elisabeth, as she was popularly called, was barely past her twelfth birthday, younger even by three years than Barere’s own mother when she was given in marriage. On the following day the guests assembled again in the little church of Saint-Martin at midnight to attend the wedding ceremony of the handsome charmer and the bewildered child. Dressed in white, clasping in her arms a yellow, satin-clad  doll that Bertrand had given her — so runs the tradition — she marched timidly to the altar, looking more like a maiden making her first communion than a woman celebrating a binding sacrament. Perhaps the  doll, if doll there was, filled her eye, but certainly she could not fail to note how handsome her husband was. Bertrand Barere; a reluctant terrorist (1962) by Leo Gershoy, page 32.
The young nun who bore the name of Hébert did not hide her fate. She did not wish to prolong a life stifled from her childhood in the cloister, branded in the world by the name she bore, fighting between horror and love for the memory of her husband, unhappy everywhere. Histoire des Girondins (1848) by Alphonse de Lamartine, volume 8, page 60.
Lucile in prison showed more calmness than Camille. Before the tribunal, she seemed to possess neither fear nor hope, she denied having taken an active role in the prison conspiracy. What did it matter to her the answer they were trying to extract from her? They said they wanted her guilty? Very well! She would be condemned and join Camille. This was what she said again when she was told that she would suffer the same fate as her husband: ”Oh, what joy, in a few hours I’m going to see Camille again!” Camille et Lucile Desmoulins: un couple dans la tourmente (1986) by Jean Paul Bertaud, page 293.
What did it matter to Lucile whether she was accused or defended? She had no longer any pretext for living in this world. She was one of those heroines of conjugal love who are more wife than mother. Besides, Horace lived, and Camille was dead. It was of the absent only that she thought. As for the child, would not Madame Duplessis act a mother's part to him? The grandmother would watch over the orphan. If Lucile had lived, she could have done nothing but weep over the cradle, thinking of Camille. Camille Desmoulins and his wife; passages from the history of the Dantonists founded upon new and hitherto unpublished documents (1876) by Jules Claretie.
Having been widowed at the age of 23 [sic] years, Élisabeth Duplay remarried a few years later to the adjutant general Le Bas, brother of her first husband, and kept the name which was her glory. She lived with dignity, and all those who have known her, still beautiful under her crown of white hair, have testified to the greatness of her sentiments and austerity of her character. She died at an old age, always loyal to the memory of the great dead she had loved and whose memory she, all the way to her final day, didn’t cease to honor and cherish. As for the lady of Thermidor, Thérézia Cabarrus, ex-marquise of Fontenay, citoyenne Tallien, then princess of Chimay, one knows the story of her three marriages, without counting the interludes. She had, as one knows, three husbands living at the same time. Now compare these two existances, these two women, and tell me which one merits more the respect and the sympathy of good men. Histoire de Robespierre et du coup d’état du 9 thermidor (1865) by Louis Ernest Hamel, volume 3, page 402.
Fel free to comment which one was your favorite! 😀
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nicecarito · 10 months ago
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(English text version below the spanish one)
“ Ugh…. Diablos…Esto se esta haciendo cada vez más difícil día con día. ¿Pero que más puedo hacer? Estoy haciendo todo lo que puedo para mantenerme al margen, ser lo mas productivo posible y no dejarme llevar por mis preocupaciones. Tomo los medicamentos que el psiquiatra me ha recetado y me descargo con mi terapeuta en cada cita … aunque no puedo ser completamente honesto y decirle a detalle lo que me agobia realmente….
¿Cómo puedo decirle a mi terapeuta que guardo el oscuro secreto de mi hermano gemelo? Un secreto que puede destruir a mi familia definitivamente.
¿Cómo le explico que me mata la incertidumbre y el miedo de no volver a ver a mi gemelo con vida, cada vez que sale a completar alguna “misión?
¿Cómo le explico el miedo que tengo de que mi hermano mayor también salga herido o muerto cuando sale a cumplir con su deber como jefe de policía?
¿Qué haré yo si pasan esas cosas?
¿Qué haré si Café llega a enterarse del verdadero trabajo de Doppio y esto le destroza el corazón?
Si Doppio no llega a casa nunca y Café no sabe el por que… ¿Cómo deberé explicárselo?
¿Qué hare con Vanilla? … Ella es la que mas me preocupa… Ella es tan joven… no quiero que llegue a sufrir por esto…
¿Qué haré yo?….
Solo puedo callar, no puedo hacer nada más…
No puedo demostrar mi preocupación, no puedo hacerlo.
Trato de distraerme , tengo más de cinco trabajos que me ayudan a fijar mi atención en cualquier cosa menos en esto…Quiero ver lo positivo del mundo, ver a los otros sin preocupaciones …
Debo sonreír para no preocupar a nadie…
Y debo mantener todo esto para mi mismo… porque mis problemas son míos y de nadie más…
Nadie debería preocuparse por mis problemas, solo yo soy quien puede lidiar con ello…. Aunque este completamente agotado…."
Lungo, el personaje más carismatico , sin embargo, el mas complejo.
(practicamente no puede tener relaciones porque su vida esta echa un despapaye jejeje, el si le da importancia a estar bn primero antes de empezar algo, y las relaciones en las que ha estado son practicamente de solo una noche. Aunque bromeé con Pinzell, el mismo no le pediria en s erio el ser pareja. ojalá haya contestado bn a tu pregunta!)
English Version
" Ugh…. Damn…This is getting harder and harder everyday. But what else can I do? I'm doing everything I can to stay out of it, be as productive as possible and not get carried away with my worries. I take the meds the psychiatrist has prescribed and I vent to my therapist at every appointment…although I can't be completely honest and tell her in detail what is really overwhelming me…..
How can I tell my therapist that I'm keeping my twin brother's dark secret? A secret that could destroy my family for good.
How do I explain to her how I am overwhelmed by the fear of never seeing my twin alive again every time he goes out to complete some "mission"?
How do I explain to her the dread I have of my older brother also getting hurt or killed when he goes out to do his duty as chief of police?
What will I do if such things happen?
What will I do if Café finds out about Doppio's real job and it breaks his heart?
If Doppio never comes home and Café doesn't know why… How should I explain it to him?
What will I do with Vanilla? … She is the one that worries me the most… She is so young… I don't want her to suffer because of this…
What will I do? ….
I can only keep quiet, I can't do anything else….
I can't show my concern, I can't do it.
I try to distract myself , I have more than five jobs that help me to fix my attention on anything but this…I want to see the positive in the world, to see others without worries ….
I must smile so I don't worry anyone ….
And I must keep all this to myself…because my problems are mine and no one else's…..
No one should worry about my problems, only I am the one who can deal with it…. Even if I am completely exhausted…."
Lungo, the most charismatic character, however, the most complex.
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empiredesimparte · 4 months ago
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⚜ Le Cabinet Noir | N°28 | Francesim, Palais des Tuileries, Paris, 13 Fructidor An 230
Emperor Napoleon V and Empress Charlotte have announced the joyous news of the upcoming arrival of their first child, the future heir to the throne of Francesim. This is a momentous occasion for the imperial couple and the entire nation, which eagerly awaits the birth of this child. While the baby’s gender and name remain closely guarded secrets, anticipation is already palpable among the people, who are preparing to celebrate this new addition to the imperial lineage with great enthusiasm.
As Francesim rejoices at the news of the imperial couple’s first child, a pressing question fills public conversations and speculations: will Emperor Napoleon V be at his wife’s side in the coming months? This question is especially pertinent given the Regency, which allows the Empress to govern in the Emperor’s absence as he pursues military training.
In this unprecedented situation, observers wonder if the sovereign, already far from the palace, might set aside his ambitions temporarily to support Charlotte through this crucial period. The answer to this question could well shape the coming months and further endear the young imperial family to the French people.
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⚜ Traduction française
L’Empereur Napoléon V et l’Impératrice Charlotte ont révélé l’heureuse nouvelle de l’arrivée prochaine de leur premier enfant, futur héritier du trône de Francesim. C'est un événement marquant pour le couple impérial, mais aussi pour toute la nation, qui se réjouit d'accueillir ce bébé. Si le sexe et le prénom de l'enfant restent encore des secrets bien gardés, l'attente est déjà palpable au sein du peuple, qui se prépare à célébrer avec ferveur cet héritier de la lignée impériale.
Alors que la Francesim célèbre l'annonce du premier enfant du couple impérial, une question brûlante anime les conversations et les spéculations. De nombreux Français s'interrogent : l'Empereur Napoléon V sera-t-il aux côtés de son épouse, l'Impératrice Charlotte, durant ces prochains mois ? Cette interrogation prend tout son sens dans le contexte de la Régence, mise en place pour permettre à l'Impératrice de gouverner en l'absence de son époux, parti parfaire sa formation militaire.
Avec cette situation inédite, les observateurs se demandent si le souverain, déjà engagé loin du palais, pourra s'accorder une pause dans ses ambitions pour soutenir Charlotte durant cette période cruciale. Une question dont la réponse pourrait bien influencer le cours des prochains mois et nourrir encore davantage l'attachement des Français pour leur jeune famille impériale.
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