#lawyer indianapolis
marknicholsonsblog · 11 months
Navigating through the aftermath of an accident can be overwhelming. You don’t have to go through this personal injury situation alone. Our team is an expert law firm Indianapolis option ready to take action for your unique challenge. Contact us today, and let’s move forward!
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miawashere · 11 months
interesting laws in the U.S.
in indiana, it’s actually illegal to use explosive devices to fish because it can harm the waters and the animals living in the waters. because explosives disrupt ecosystems and could harm the water for years to come, in glad laws like these exist to try and keep people from harming the earth.
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Suhre & Associates, LLC
101 W Ohio St #2000 Indianapolis IN 46204 United States (317) 759-2599 https://suhrelawindianapolis.com/ [email protected]
Suhre & Associates, LLC is a criminal defense law firm in Indianapolis In, with over 80 years of combined experience in the personal injury field.
We provide legal help with all personal injury cases including DUI, Sex Crimes, Domestic Violence, and more.
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jonsmith234 · 2 years
Personal Injury Indianapolis
Indianapolis is situated in the United States state in the state of Indiana located in Indiana in the United States. Indianapolis is famous for its high rate of accidents which is why numerous personal injury lawyers are employed in the area. Indianapolis is also the home of multiple insurance firms, so it is crucial to find an attorney who is well-versed in the process of insurance and can assist you in obtaining the money you're due. If you've been injured during an accident, you must immediately contact an attorney for personal injuries to ensure your rights are secured.
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How Do I Find An Injury Lawyer in Indianapolis?
After an accident After an accident, the first thing you'll want to think about is which legal professional for personal injuries in Indianapolis. You might be feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and terrified. The positive side is that we're here to assist. Stay tuned for more suggestions on how to find the most effective Personal Injury Lawyer in Indianapolis.
The first step is to check if the lawyer is experienced in personal injury law. This type of law differs from other areas of law, so it is essential to find a lawyer who knows what they are doing. You can ask the lawyer how many cases they have taken that are similar to yours and whether they have won or lost these cases. 
It is also vital to ensure that the lawyer operates on a contingency basis. The lawyer will only be paid if you win your case. You must win to owe the lawyer anything. This is important because the lawyer will only take your case if they believe you have a good chance of winning. 
Finally, it is important to feel comfortable with the lawyer. This means that you should feel like you can trust them and that they have your best interests at heart. Schedule a consultation with a few different lawyers before making your final decision. 
These tips helped guide you on your search for the perfect personal injury lawyer in Indianapolis. Remember to check for experience, whether they operate on a contingency basis, and most importantly, whether you feel comfortable with them. Do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need any assistance along the way.
Mlaw firm comprises experts in personal injury who have been assisting clients in their claims for a long time. We know the tricks insurance companies employ to reduce the amount our clients have a right to receive, and we'll fight for you to receive the amount you are entitled to. If you've been hurt during an accident, we can assist in filing an insurance claim to get the money you deserve for the injuries you sustained. We'll negotiate with insurance companies to ensure you receive the best settlement possible. Contact us today to find out more about how we can assist you.
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piratefishmama · 1 year
Forgiven not Forgotten | Part 3
Steve shared his shower with Robin.
He did for two years, watched her six while she watched his, there were no boundaries between them now.
At first, perhaps there’d been a quiet “don’t look at my boobs” from Robin, with Steve firing back “don’t look at my dick” which earned a very much expected “why would I look at your dick, Steve?” They’d fire quips back and forth until they were clean and ready to go. It was rare in the aftermath of the earthquake that they got showers, water had run out so quickly.
People assumed it was burst pipes.
It wasn’t. The government had cut them off. Barricaded them in, would have probably nuked the place or something had Eleven not been a continual menace to the military presence that lingered for the first year. Couldn’t get shit within half a mile of her without it being redirected elsewhere. They were still in there, they were still fighting.
They weren’t going down without taking that walking nightmare of a thing with them.
Steve still shared his shower with Robin.
Even at the house, the comforts of modern society feeling foreign, hot water burned for a moment, but in a way that seeped into their bones leaving them loose limbed and floaty, in a way that left them lightheaded when they stepped out, but laughing at the absurdity of how they never thought they’d forget what hot water felt like.
His parents weren’t kidding about the food either, after showers were had and clothes were changed, a feast of quick bite foods were laid out onto the modest kitchen table. Finger sandwiches that his mother seemed to be making at rapid speed, cocktail sausages, cheese, things they could grab and snack on quick.
It struck Steve a little stupid for a moment, just watching his mother there, two completely unrelated young adults stuffing their faces while his mother worked diligently to feed them.
It'd been a long time since he’d seen his mother doing anything in the kitchen. A long time since she’d been anywhere but following his father around, attempting to catch him in the act of adultery.
“Best grab something quick, kids, we’re meeting Harold at the hospital in an hour.”
“Harold?” Why did that name sound familiar? Robin didn’t question it like Steve did, content to hurry into a spot not occupied to gorge herself on finger foods to leave Steve running the name over in his head on his own. Groaning in delight over the cucumber sandwiches. Such simple things. She’d never take cucumber for granted ever again.
“Closest lawyer we have on the books thats any use, your father is in the living room on the phone with him now, he’s commuting from Indianapolis to meet us there.” Once again he found himself shocked. Who were these people?
“You’re actually…” they were actually going to help? Don’t question it, don’t question it, it’d just go away if he questioned it, just— “I’m sorry, but you’re actually going to help?”
Lynda paused in her sandwich spree, those gorging themselves on finger foods already prepared pausing momentarily as the atmosphere thickened with that one question. He didn’t believe it. Not for one second, he hadn’t believed that his parents would actually help. He’d just put the kids into the car because he knew it was better than staying at that hospital.
He knew a break from the sterile white walls, a break from the crying families, from the loss and pain around them, he knew a break from it would do the kids good.
“Robin… would you… would you take over for a moment, please?”
“Huh?” Robin startled, eyes darting to Lynda, before she stumbled out of her seat to take Lynda’s place “s-sure, yeah, got it.”
“Come with me, Steven.” She untied the apron from around her waist and hung it on a small hook by the door as she walked by, wordlessly, with the kids eyes on his back, he followed her out of the kitchen, out of the back door, into the spacious back yard where she stopped on the decking, her arms wrapped around her torso, fingers clutching her own biceps as she just. Looked out into the garden.
He closed the back door behind him.
“What’s going on, mom?” He half expected to be berated, how could he question her in front of people, make her look bad as though she wouldn’t help. How dare he allude to the idea that she wasn’t the perfect parent around people. What would they think?!
That wasn’t what he got. “…Do you remember when you were small?” He frowned a little, expression scrunching in confusion, she let out a soft huff of sad, short laughter at his lack of an answer. “No, I suppose you might not. Steven… we lost you. Your father and I. We didn’t mean to, but we did. There’s no excuse for it, nothing I say here can excuse letting my son disappear, so many should haves, could haves, and would haves. I could say we were young, stupid, didn’t have experience with a child to know what to do, but… it was as though one minute you were there, our bright, perfect little ball of sunshine, and the next…” she shook her head “you weren’t there anymore. Or you were, you were there, but— but that sunshine was gone. And we didn’t try to get you back. We didn't know where to begin looking, so we didn't.”
Steve swallowed hard, eyes diverting to the ground, that… wasn’t what he expected at all. He remained silent. Jaw clenched tight. He remembered. Of course he remembered. Remembered feeling wrong. Feeling dirty, gross, feeling… unclean.
Feeling like his parents had betrayed him by letting him be himself. By not nipping what people deemed wrong in the bud before it’d had chance to bloom.
For setting him up for heartbreak.
It wasn’t their fault. None of it was their fault. Time had just moved too quickly to fix what one stupid boy had so carelessly broken in him.
“Like I said, there’s no excuse… there’s nothing I can say that’d make up for letting you suffer like that, letting you suffer on your own instead of just… being there for you. Or trying harder to be there when I could have been, when your father and I could have been, I spent so long chasing him thinking… it doesn’t matter what I thought. It was stupid. I let stupid people feed my own stupid insecurities. But… we promised… we made a promise when we moved here, that if you came home… we’d try.”
“You’d try?” He failed to keep the waver out of his voice, she turned to look at him, a sadness in her gaze that seemed endless.
“To be there, in any way we could be, to stop just leaving you, to try and understand. I know it’s a little late to be your parents at this point, Steven… we missed you growing up, and now you’re grown, and the things you’ve been though… you don’t need us telling you how to live your life. We missed that chance to be impossibly overbearing and that’s entirely on us. But we still want you to know that we’re here… we’re not leaving you alone anymore. So, whatever you need… be it a roof over your head, a meal, or… or getting your friend out of a tight situation with the law then… we’re here. We’re going to help, and we’ll use every resource we have to do it.”
What did one say to that? How could he speak without his voice breaking? Without all those bubbling feelings overflowing? She was right, time had passed, too much had passed to simply ignore, and old wounds would always be there until he figured out a way to close them.
He never claimed to be emotionally mature. In fact he was usually pretty useless when it came to emotions.
Always feeling too much, never knowing how to control it.
So he breathed in sharply through his nose, and turned his head, swallowing harshly, jaw clenched, eyes stinging as he blinked away the water rapidly gathering, and he nodded. Nodded as she uttered a quiet “oh sweetheart” and crossed the short distance between them to wrap him up in her arms, wrapped his own arms around her and simply held on tight.
“Steven, your—” John cut into the moment unintentionally as he walked out into the back garden, but it didn’t break them apart, he offered a small smile to the two of them after taking the sight in, holding the wireless handset in his hand “It’s Nancy, she says the doctors are bringing Eddie out of his coma, she says they’ll wait for us, but we should head out. Harold will probably be there by the time we arrive too.”
“Right… right, okay” he wiped the side of his palm over his eyes, dragging the dampness away. He released a shaky breath, and then let his mother go. “Alright.” Time to face the man of the hour.
Part 5
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fizzigigsimmer · 1 year
That spring, Steve’s mom finally gets tired of getting cheated on and files for divorce. His dad is a dick about it and hires a bunch of lawyers to ensure that she basically leaves with nothing. Worse, he fights her for custody of Steve and taunts her with the fact she’ll never see him again - because why would any teenager want to give up everything, just to rough it out with their train-wreck of a mother? But jokes on him cause the judge basically leaves it up to Steve, and Steve would rather stomp on his own balls than get stuck with that asshole. Even if it means having to leave the big house and his car and starting over in a new place where nobody knows him.
Steve never met his mother’s side of the family in California. All he really knows is that the family disapproved of her marriage. There’s a story about his aunt coming to visit once on his birthday when he was like five, but she got in a fight with mom and she’s never been back. So Steve doesn’t even think about them when he tries to imagine what he and his mom are going to do on their own. He imagines her selling her car and the other gifts dad put in her name over the years to rent a decent apartment somewhere, maybe in Indianapolis or Chicago.
He’s really shocked one night when she announces that she’s been in touch with her family, and she she asks him about how he feels about moving to California to some sleepy little town called Moonwood. She tries to enthuse him about it by going on about how beautiful it is there, right at the edge of the national forest, but Steve’s more concerned with the fact that they’ll be living with people who hate them - and in the sticks too! Its two hours to the nearest mall! How’s he gonna find a job in this place? And what about school?
But Steve looks around at the hotel they’ve been staying in and the paper thin smile she fixes on her face to try and hide her broken heart from him and how fucked everything is, and he just wants her to be okay.
They move to California, and the one bright side is the relatives turn out to be not all that hateful. There’s awkward tension and a shit load of history there for sure, but from the minute they pull up to his grandparents house the door is thrown open and they’re welcomed with open arms. His grandpa seems a little stiff at first, but Steve gets the impression its because he doesn’t know what to do with himself as Steve’s mom and his grandma hug each other and cry. The weirdest part is when they start speaking in a language Steve’s never heard his mother use before.
Later his aunt tells him it’s lythan, but she just laughs when Steve asks if that means they’re from Lithuania. Apparently lythan is a very old language that started in romania and is only spoken today in two places. Here, and some village in romania that an ancestor immigrated from.
None of this is making sense to him but he’s just happy his mother seems happier and that he has help taking care of her, since she’s still pretty broken up about the divorce. She’s always been a passionate woman his mom. The kind of person who believes in soulmates and love at first sight. She’s always told him that when he meets the one for him he’ll know it in an instant and that he should hang on to that person with his whole heart. Which sounded great and all when he was a kid, but honestly just makes him sad now when he looks at how things turned out with her and his dad.
The first week after they get there, Steve cant sleep and catches his mother, his grandmother and his aunt talking in the kitchen late one night. He overhears her say that she knew it was a risk being with his dad, but that she’d have regretted it more if she didn’t follow her heart. Even if she wasn’t the one for Steve’s dad the way he was for her, she’d always be grateful because she has Steve. But she doesn’t want him to grow up feeling like he has to change who he is and like he always has to be the one giving to someone else just to be loved.
For the first time since the divorce Steve is almost mad at her - wants to shout it’s too late mom! - but the feeling passes as quickly as it comes. He’s just sad, for them both. But he hopes things will be okay here and that this can be a new start. It could be worse right? At least he gets a room to himself. Yeah it’s kinda weird that his aunt still lives at home and nobody seems to have a problem with that, or is talking about what his moms plans are like they expect that she’ll just be there forever now. But he figures they’re all just focused on making up for lost time right now.
And his grandma says that people in Moonwood stay close to home anway, and that most of them spend their whole lives there without leaving. It shocks him to learn that she’s never been further outside of town than to the edge of the national forest.
His second worry, about finding a job, gets resolved by his his grandfather - who runs a soda shop on the beach. There’s not much traffic durring the off season, but in summertime the redwoods draw a fair number of tourists. Steve’s kept very busy scooping up ice cream and making root beer floats while he flirts with the gap year girls who come through in groups, to backpack through the forest. He’s just turned eighteen and he’s never had much of a problem picking up girls so he has a few flings. He gets invited to parties on the beach and ends up doing a lot of hiking that summer in his downtime. But then fall rolls around and with fewer and fewer groups of tourists passing through Steve finds himself at loose ends.
School starts up again and he realizes that maybe it was a mistake not to put more of an effort into meeting local kids and making a few connections beforehand. Schiller High is over in the next district, and Moonwood is so far out the kids have to be bussed in. Steve’s a little nervous about starting a new school in his senior year but he tells himself it’s just one year. One year and then he has no idea what to do with himself after that, but at least he won’t be forced to attend school anymore. Still, he begs his mom to let him take their car to school the first day so that he doesn’t have to be the oldest kid on the bus. He’s pretty sure that’s a social constant even out here in the middle of nowhere.
Schiller seems pretty normal at first. It’s about the same size as his school back in Hawkins was. The school receptionist calls in some guy named Tim to show him around his first day and make sure he gets to all his classes. Tim’s alright, but Steve can see the neon nerd sign blinking above his head and plays it cool. He’s not an asshole or anything, he just doesn’t want to close any doors before getting the lay of the land. Steve just wants an easy year and he’s not gonna get that if he’s hanging out with a bully magnet - sorry Tim. Plus, Steve’s not exactly thrilled about the way Tim talks about ‘moonies’ - which is apparently what other people call people from Moonwood, instead of hicks or whatever. Steve doesn’t bother telling Tim that he’s technically a moonie now too.
His aspirations to plant himself firmly in the middle of the student social hierarchy and go unnoticed for the next ten months involve finding a group - or a pack as his grandfather weirdly put it when he assured Steve he’d find his in no time and start to feel more at home once school started. He asks Tim about the school’s athletic teams because being on a team with a bunch of other guys will basically do the work for him. There’s a swim team that Steve is definitely going to try out for. He’s not sure about basketball. He only got started back in Hawkins because his dad thought it was manlier than ‘playing’ in the pool. But he likes it okay, and Tim says the Schiller team has actually won a few regional titles.
Even though it’s his last year Steve figures it can’t hurt his college applications to be on a winning team for once. He probably won’t to start or anything but he thinks he has a good shot of seeing some playing time.
“I would stick with swimming if I were you. There’s no way you’re getting on the team.” Tim laughs. “The head coach is a moonie and he only ever picks guys from Moonwood.”
That doesn’t seem very legal, but that’s not Steve’s problem. He figures Tim is probably exaggerating anyway, just salty that the coach is giving a little extra focus to the guys from the less privileged side of the tracks.
Until Steve actually sees Billy and some of the other guys from the team.
It’s just before lunch when Steve and Tim have stopped by Steve’s locker. A blond kid in a red and white letterman jacket appears at the mouth of the hall, flanked by two other guys. It’s like something out of a movie the way the hallway clears for them and the other students gaze at them with awe filled expressions as if they’re watching a parade of olympians pass through.
“That’s Billy Hargrove. He’s captain of the basketball team.” Tim answers the unspoken question in Steve’s glance. “Don’t get on his bad side. He’s pretty much the top dog around here.”
Steve doesn’t need Tim to tell him Billy runs things around here. The guy is built like the terminator. Like someone who has ascended above mere mortals and wouldn’t be out of place among the gods. He’s built like a man, Steve finally settles on with an prickle of embarrassment hot in his chest. Steve’s a guy and he doesn’t go out of his way to look at other guys a lot, but he appreciates the things about them that are enviable.
Only envy is the furthest thing from Steve’s mind when he first sees Billy. It’s like time slows for Steve. His mouth gets dry, and he thinks to himself that Billy Hargrove is beautiful, and he wonders what that’s like. Steve knows he’s good looking. This isn’t some self depreciation bullshit, it’s just inexplicably different somehow the way he looks at Billy and thinks he finally understands what real beauty is. The way he instantly wants to get closer to him, reach out and touch. Billy has none of the unfinished awkwardness of a teenager. He’s a poster child for physical perfection that Steve is convinced walked off of a poster taped up on somebody’s wall, and has no business walking down the halls of an American high school. Seriously. How is this guy real?
He spares a quick glance for the other two guys with Billy - Dave & Chet - just long enough to confirm that he’s fucked. If these are the kinds of guys they’ve got on the team, Steve has no chance of seeing anything but a bench all year.
Billy and the other two stop at a locker not far from Steve’s on the other side of the hall, but not before Billy’s gaze does a casual sweep around the hall - very much a king surveying his kingdom. Steve fully expects that gaze to pass right over him just as unimpressed as it does everyone else, but to his surprise Billy’s gaze locks with his and sticks.
A little tingle dances up Steve’s spine and he sucks in a breath. He can’t tell what color Billy’s eyes are from this distance - at first he thinks they are something light, like a blue or grey, but then the corner of Billy’s mouth tilts up in a smirk and the light hits them a certain way and they look almost gold as he runs his tongue over some very white fangy teeth. Jesus the guy has some chompers on him.
Steve’s not afraid of a fight but it’s profoundly unsettling to have some dude literally licking his chops at him like he can’t wait to take a bite of the fresh meat. He’s pretty sure he just landed himself on Billy Hargrove’s shit list and he has no idea why. Fuck his life.
But he figures there’s nothing he can do about it but ignore it and hope that Billy decides he’s not worth the trouble. Steve turns to shut his locker, sending the message with his back that he doesn’t care about the dude giving him the crazy eyes and that Billy doesn’t intimidate him. His sweaty palms tell a different story, but that’s for Steve and only Steve to know.
As he leaves, he can feel Billy’s eyes burning into his back like lasers.
So much for going unnoticed for the year.
Now with Part 2
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marknicholsonsblog · 14 days
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talanashta · 20 days
Sept Stobin Extravaganza Day 1: Scoops Ahoy
Rated T | No CWs | @sept-stobin-extravaganza
They didn’t really plan much about their move. Honestly, Steve was still surprised that they did move. With how Hawkins was, and the Upside Down, he thought he’d be in that town until he died. But the kids were graduated now and had all moved away, even Erica. He didn’t have anyone he needed to protect anymore, and everything had been quiet since the “Final Showdown” or “Boss Fight” or whatever it was that the kids called it.
As soon as Erica had pulled out of the Sinclair’s driveway, headed to Harvard – Harvard! (She wanted to be a lawyer, and he was sure she’d be great at it) – Robin turned to him and just gave him a look, and he knew.
All he could do was nod back.
“Indianapolis or Chicago?” she asked.
In the end, they decided Chicago, more on a whim than anything, but they thought it’d be better there, and easier for Robin to finally find a girlfriend.
As they were unpacking boxes in their new apartment, Steve said, “Fuck! We have to find jobs now.”
“Yeah, dingus,” she said, rolling her eyes. “That is kind of how we’ll be able to pay for this place.”
Steve just sighed. He hated job searching.
Robin ended up lining a few interviews up for them, but nothing had panned out yet. Most places weren’t looking to hire two people at once, and if they were, they couldn’t get their shifts (mostly) scheduled together.
One night, though, as Steve was laying on the couch, staring at the ceiling, Robin entered his field of view. She had this mischievous look on her face that was never a good sign.
“You know how we’ve been having trouble finding a job?”
“Yeah?” He wondered where she was going with this.
“There’s always the Scoops Ahoy a couple blocks over,” she suggested with a grin.
Steve shot up on the couch, visions of those scratchy shorts and awful hat filling his head. “No!”
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creationcitystreet-em · 8 months
Foolish One
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Latina Reader
Summary: You are pining after Eddie as you two get to know each other post high school. AU, could be modern but I don't think I get specific enough for it to matter so it could also be 80s
A/N: This was supposed to be shorter, but really it's just an incredibly self indulgent post high school AU with Eddie. It's not my best work, but I'm going through some stuff in my personal life and it was cathartic writing it out pretending it's about Eddie and not a real person, so that's what I did and I thought sharing it could maybe be fun
Warnings: angst, (mutual?) pining, fluff (if you squint), not a happy ending (I'm sorry, if I have to suffer with my feelings than so do all of you)
Also kinda based on a Taylor Swift Song: Foolish One (TV, From the Vaut)
You knew of Eddie while in high school. How couldn’t you? It was a small town where almost everyone knew each other. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t in your class or that you had never spoken a single word to each other, you knew of him because everyone knew of him. Since you didn’t really know him, you never had the highest opinion of him either. All you saw was the trouble making metal head who was terrible at school and sold drugs on the side. Not that you were one to judge, you didn’t know his life and he never seemed to cause anyone else harm. You just knew you never would have clicked and your friend groups never crossed paths anyway. It wasn’t until two years after you graduated high school, attending a college in Indianapolis and working a job on the side to support yourself that you finally officially met Eddie. He had transferred stores from your hometown to the location in Indianapolis. You were an assistant manager at this store and it just so happened to be that Eddie was an assistant manager as well. When you heard the announcement of his transfer, your ears perked up at recognizing the name. 
“I know him,” you had said to your work friend. “We went to high school together.”
“Oh nice, is he good at his job?” your friend asked you. “I’m not sure. I mean he didn’t have what I would call the best work ethic in school so I’m surprised he’s a manager now. It’ll be interesting to see how that goes.” You were less than enthused, hoping your job didn’t get harder because someone on the team was a notorious slacker. 
However, as it turned out, Eddie was an amazing coworker. You worked a lot with him, and got to know him for the first time. He was smart and funny and an overall good person. He was in Indianapolis building a fanbase for his band and also earning more money so he could go to a bigger city and hopefully make it big. The two of you shared a lot of similar interests and cared a lot about the same things. You both had this drive for justice, Eddie was a big attendee of protests in the name of different causes and organizations, and you were planning to become a lawyer one day to work for an organization that would help immigrants in situations where they couldn’t afford one. 
He expressed concern for you when you were overly stressed with school and work and tried his best to help alleviate that stress where he could. You also became friends outside of work as he invited you to a few protests he knew you would feel passionate about, and you had enjoyed some nights out with him and some other managers at your store. And it only took a few months to realize that you had developed feelings for Eddie, but that wasn’t a revelation you were very happy about. 
It just so happened to be that Eddie was already dating someone else, and they seemed very happy together being they had been together for about a year already. She had also gone to your high school but while Eddie was only a year younger than you so you had at least known of him, she was a few years younger and you didn’t even recognize her name. Turns out she was living in Cincinnati attending college to be a teacher, and he tried to spend any free time they had to go visit her. 
It made you sad, but you tried to brush it off quickly, scoffing at the absurdity of you dating Eddie anyway. He was friendly to you because he was friendly to everyone at work. You guys had become friends, but it was clear he loved his girlfriend, and you would never be one to break a couple up. Besides, you were too busy to date anyway. You had tried a few times since starting college and they never lasted that long. 
However, no matter how much you tried, you could not stop the bubbly feelings you got every time the two of you spoke about your shared interests, or when you joked about the mundane parts of your job, or when you felt a sense of calmness, happiness, and acceptance whenever you were around him. And with the way he increasingly spent time with you and seemed to feel so comfortable and happy around you as well, you began to see patterns that maybe indicated he felt the same way for you. Like whenever you caught him staring at you while the two of you worked on paperwork in the office, or when he would blush at a compliment or a daring tease sent his way.
“Oh so you’re like a nerd?” You teased one day at work when he had told you about DnD and all the time he’s spent running campaigns. He gawked at you in fake offense.
“Excuse me? Those are strong words coming from someone who got straight As all through high school.”
“And how do you know that?” you asked, surprised because you assumed he never gave you a second thought in high school.
“Are you kidding? How could I not?” he looked at you like you were the crazy one in this situation and not the other way around.
“What are you talking about? It’s not like I went around bragging about my grades to the whole school.”
“No,” he said with a smirk. “But anyone who paid any attention to you could tell you were smart and cared a lot about school. But it makes sense, you have a lot of dreams you’re working towards. Need to do well in school to achieve those.”
“You paid attention to me?” You asked in a brief moment of curiosity overriding your nerves. Now it seemed to be his turn to get flustered.
“I mean, like I said, it wasn’t hard for most people to notice.” The conversation died down as the two of you went back working, but your mind could not focus on anything but Eddie. You felt stupid for constantly convincing yourself that he might feel the same way you did. You wished you were better at deciphering other people’s feelings and that you had the confidence to confront him about it. Your hopeless romantic feelings were just going to end up hurting you more in the long run and you needed to stop letting yourself dwell on something that would never happen. 
You got better at it by focusing more on school and work than before. That was what you needed to do anyway to accomplish your goals. Silly thoughts of whether a boy liked you or not was just a distraction, especially when that boy was already clearly in love with someone else. You thought you had gotten better at pushing down your feelings for him, but you were proven wrong when it was a little over a year after you had been working together and your work best friend realized what was going on. 
“You like Eddie!” She exclaimed as you tried to shush her down so nobody else heard as you were taking inventory at work.
“Ok, yes I like Eddie, but you gotta keep it down ok? I don’t want anyone else to know about it.” 
“But why?! You two would be perfect together, everyone else should know about it so the two of you can get together! It’s obvious he likes you too!”
“What? Are you crazy? He doesn’t like me, we’re just friends. Besides, he’s been with his girlfriend from back home for over two years now. It’s not going to happen.”
“I heard they aren’t doing well right now,” she said.
“What?” You froze at the news, not having heard that yet. But it wasn’t like he talked about his relationship to you often. Maybe something had happened and you didn’t know about it. “Where did you hear that?”
“Kim said she overheard him talking to Brandon last week about it. They’re both really busy with work and school and his band, they don’t see each other enough anymore. It’s causing problems in their relationship.” You pondered over this information for a bit, not sure how to take it. You hated how it gave you a glimmer of hope, maybe they’ll break up and something could happen between you two. You shook your head at the thought. Eddie was your friend, how could you hope he gets his heart broken by ending his relationship.
“It doesn’t matter, I’m sure they’ll work it out. Besides, I’m too busy to start a relationship either.”
“Okay, whatever you say,” she gave you a knowing look and you sighed as you felt your heart continue to hope for something to possibly work out in your favor. 
Months later, when you were spending time with Eddie, you gave into your curiosity and brought up his relationship. You pretended you didn’t already hear about the problem, and just asked how his girlfriend was doing. He confessed that things were rough as they barely had time to see each other anymore. Seeing him so upset about it broke your heart and made you feel guilty for wanting them to break up. It was obvious that the distance was making it difficult for them. 
You swallowed your feelings and tried to give him some advice. He seemed grateful for that, but it sounded like the two of them were just too busy to make each other a priority anymore, and it also even seemed like they didn’t want to make each other a priority anymore either. It made you wonder if maybe they would be better off just breaking up. Not for you to swoop in and date him, but maybe they both would be happier apart. It sounded to you like they were just together out of familiarity at this point. They had been together for years now, it was hard for them to picture themselves not together so they just ignored how unhappy both of them were. You didn’t tell him these thoughts though, not trusting yourself to be seeing it from an unbiased perspective. And so they stayed together and you stayed pining after a guy you probably would never get to be with.
Sooner than you expected, graduation came around and you were preparing to move to Chicago in pursuit of your law degree. You were excited for this next big step, but also very sad to have only one summer left in Indiana with the friends you had there, especially Eddie. 
Despite your efforts, your feelings for him had only grown more and more over the two years you two worked together. But logic had to win over feelings. How could it even work out for you two even if you did end up together? You weren’t going to stay behind just to stay with Eddie, and you wouldn’t ask Eddie to go with you to Chicago. If by some act of god, the two of you actually got together over the summertime, you would just be split again by years of law school and it would have ruined your friendship for nothing. 
Sometimes you wished you were the type of person to do anything for the chance at love, but you weren’t. You had a plan and dating Eddie didn’t work in that plan, so there was no point in even trying. That’s not how your friend saw it though.
“You’re gonna tell him how you feel right? I mean your chances are running out, you have to at least try!” As much as you wanted to agree with her, you just couldn’t. 
“No, I already made up my mind, I’m not gonna do that.”
“But you two are meant for each other!”
“Maybe,” you sighed in exasperation. “But let’s say you’re right. Let’s say he leaves his girlfriend of 3 years for me. Then what?! I leave for law school at the end of July, we’d be living almost 4 hours away from each other, and we’d be having the same issues that he’s having with her right now.” She gives you a sympathetic look and it’s enough to cause the tears to start forming in your eyes. You let the last bit of romantic hope in your heart out as you continued to explain “I have to hope that what we have is special enough to come back to. Maybe one day it’ll be the right time and place for us. But that’s not right now. So I can’t ruin what we have by telling him how I feel, I just can’t.” 
And with that, it was over. You left for school, kept in touch with your old friends, but distance was hard on any kind of relationship. Of course you couldn’t help but think “what if” with Eddie, but it didn’t matter anymore. The two of you had grown apart and that was that.
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fizzing-imagines · 1 year
Carrie Part 2 | Gareth Emerson x Girly! Cheerleader! Reader
Notes: Did I loosely make reader like Elle Woods? Yes.
Warnings: Pregnancy
Words: 877
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Gareth and you have been together for nine years now and married for five. The two of you remained high school sweethearts, you even convinced him to go to prom with him, and ended up moving to Indianapolis first where the two of you did your bachelors. While you got your bachelor in law, Gareth did his bachelor in teaching. He aspired to be a elementary school teacher, something even you were surprised by when he told you. But you supported him regardless, just how he supported you in becoming a lawyer. When the two of you finished, you moved up to Massachusetts to go to university. Gareth went to Lesley University for teaching, while you actually got accepted into Harvard law. You could believe how you got into Harvard, but Gareth reassured you that he knew. How could they not? Before moving to Massachusetts, the two of you eloped in a courthouse on your way. He didn't want a big, fancy wedding - just you and him.
You finished after three years and started your career as a lawyer, while Gareth had another year to go. But now that you earned money, at least neither of you didn't have to work nightshifts at a shitty diner anymore. A year later, Gareth graduated as well and the two of you moved to Columbus, Ohio to settle down.
And that's where the two of you were. Gareth just got back from work at his elementary school while you had a day off and were relaxing on the couch. To be fair, you had some big news to tell your husband and were still thinking of how to tell him. Today, you found out that you were four months pregnant - and no, you didn't suspect it. You didn't suspect a thing, actually. Of course, you knew how it happened, but you still got your period, had cramps, all the good stuff. It was a sheer accident that you found out during your routine checkup at your gynecologists. Gareth and you have talked about kids in the past, both of you wanted them, but haven't planned anything yet. And that's what terrified you. "Hey baby, how was work?", you said to him while looking up from the TV. He walked over to you, gave you a quick kiss and then sat down next to you. You lifted up your legs so he could scoot closer and you could put your legs on his lap. That's just what he did, and he started caressing your leg up-and-down. "Nothing spectacular, really. Although one of the kids said he'd like to meet my wife." You giggled at that and smiled at him. His face showed a big grin, it always did when he addressed you as his wife. Up until now, even after five years, he grinned like a lovestruck teenager. "Maybe I can pick you up some day, yeah?", you suggested with a smile. Happily, he nodded. "Oh, and another student asked why I don't have a child of my own yet.", he added. Now that struck a nerve with you; you didn't know which one though. "Did they have a theory about that?", you asked. Sometimes, the kids in his class came up with the funniest things. "Nope, just asked straight up. Honestly, I didn't know what to say." Nothing that he just told you made it any easier. Maybe you could just tell him tomorrow? No, you can't do that. "Well, maybe we could change that.", you mumbled, so quickly that Gareth almost didn't hear. "Are you serious?", he asked. All this made you so nervous that you couldn't even look him in the eyes. "We can get started right now, hm?" His hands travelled up your legs, but stopped abruptly at your following words: "We don't have to, it's already done...like, 4 months ago." Your husband looked at you in disbelief. "(Y/N), don't joke about this.", he said, trying to grasp what you just said. "I'm not joking, Gareth.", you replied. He was fumbling for his words before getting out a "How?". It made you laugh. "You know, when a Gareth and a (Y/N) get really frustrated about work, they let it out by-" He interrupted you. "No, I mean...shit, (Y/N), why didn't you tell me?" You started chewing on your bottom lip. "I found out today. Look, I understand if you don't want it, or want a divorce-" Once again, you were interrupted by him. "A divorce? Are you mental?" He pulled you up by your shoulders and placed you on his lap. "This is the best fucking day of my life, (Y/N). I'm just surprised. But I'm gonna be a fucking dad! How awesome is that?" You giggled before kissing him on the lips, a deep, passionate kiss. Once your lips separated, he was grinning at you like an idiot. "Shit, (Y/N), I'm gonna be a dad.", he said again. His eyes got watery, clearly close to crying. "Do we know what's it gonna be?" You shook your head No. "We can find out next month.", you said with a smile. "Great, I already got an idea for a girls name." You raised an eyebrow at him in disbelieve. "Already? Which one?"
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shewhoworshipscarlin · 7 months
James Baskett
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James Franklin Baskett (February 16, 1904 – July 9, 1948) was an American actor who portrayed Uncle Remus, singing the song "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah" in the 1946 Disney feature film Song of the South.
Baskett studied pharmacology as a young man but gave it up to pursue an acting career. He first moved to New York City, New York, where he joined up with Bill 'Mr. Bojangles' Robinson. Using the name Jimmie Baskette, he appeared with Louis Armstrong on Broadway in the 1929 black musical revue Hot Chocolates and in several all-black New York films, including Harlem is Heaven (1932).
He later moved to Los Angeles, California, and had a supporting role in the film Straight to Heaven (1939), starring Nina Mae McKinney. In 1941 he voiced Fats Crow in the animated Disney film Dumbo, and he also had bit parts in several B movies, including that of Lazarus in Revenge of the Zombies (1943), a porter in The Heavenly Body (1944), and native tribal leader Orbon in Jungle Queen (1945). From 1944 until 1948, he was part of the cast of the Amos 'n' Andy Show live radio program as lawyer Gabby Gibson.
In 1945, he auditioned for a bit part voicing one of the animals in the new Disney feature film Song of the South (1946), based on the Uncle Remus stories by Joel Chandler Harris. Walt Disney was impressed with Baskett's talent and hired him on the spot for the lead role of Uncle Remus. Baskett was also given the voice role of Brer Fox, one of the film's animated antagonists, and also filled in as the main animated protagonist, Brer Rabbit, in one sequence. This was one of the first Hollywood portrayals of a black actor as a non-comic character in a leading role in a film meant for general audiences.
Baskett was prohibited from attending the film's premiere in Atlanta, Georgia, because Atlanta was racially segregated by law.
Although Baskett was occasionally criticized for accepting such a "demeaning" role (most of his acting credits were that of African-American stereotypes), his acting was almost universally praised, and columnist Hedda Hopper, along with Walt Disney, was one of the many journalists and personalities who declared that he should receive an Academy Award for his work. Baskett defended the film and his character in it, saying, "I believe that certain groups are doing my race more harm in seeking to create dissension, than can ever possibly come out of the Song of the South."
On March 20, 1948, Baskett received an Academy Honorary Award for his performance as Uncle Remus. He was the first African-American male actor to earn an Academy Award. Additionally, Baskett was the last adult actor to receive an Honorary Oscar for a single performance.
Baskett had been in poor health during the filming of Song of the South due to diabetes and he suffered a heart attack in December 1946 shortly after its release. His health continued to decline, and he was often unable to attend the Amos 'n' Andy radio show he was on, missing almost half of the 1947–1948 season. On July 9, 1948, during the show's summer hiatus, James Baskett died at his home of heart failure resulting from diabetes at age 44. He was survived by his wife Margaret and his mother Elizabeth. He is buried at Crown Hill Cemetery in Indianapolis.
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deadpresidents · 4 months
Vice Presidential Profiles: Thomas Riley Marshall (VP #28)
THOMAS RILEY MARSHALL 28th Vice President of the United States (1913-1921)
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Full Name: Thomas Riley Marshall Born: March 14, 1854, North Manchester, Wabash County, Indiana Religion: Presbyterian College: Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Indiana Career Before the Vice Presidency: Lawyer, Columbia City, Indiana (1875-1909); Unsuccessful Democratic candidate for Prosecuting Attorney of Whitley County, Indiana (1880); 27th Governor of Indiana (January 11, 1909-January 13, 1913) Political Party as Vice President: Democratic State Represented as Vice President: Indiana Term as Vice President: March 4, 1913-March 4, 1921 Length of Vice Presidency: 8 years, 0 days Age at Inauguration: 58 years, 355 days Served: President Wilson (1st term and 2nd term)/32nd Administration (1913-1917) and 33rd Administration (1917-1921)/63rd Congress (1913-1915), 64th Congress (1915-1917), 65th Congress (1917-1919), and 66th Congress (1919-1921) Post-Vice Presidential Career: Lawyer, Indianapolis, Indiana (1921-1925); Author (1921-1925); Appointed by President Harding to serve as a member of the Lincoln Memorial Commission (1921), Appointed by President Harding to serve as a member of the Federal Coal Commission (1922-1923) Died: June 1, 1925, Washington, D.C. Age at Death: 71 years, 79 days Cause of Death: Heart attack Buried: Crown Hill Cemetery, Indianapolis, Indiana
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Random Facts About Vice President Marshall: •On August 27, 1858, 4-year-old Thomas Riley Marshall accompanied his father, Daniel, to Freeport, Illinois, where Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas were engaging in the second of seven debates which would go down in history as the epic "Lincoln-Douglas Debates". Little "Tommy" was too young to understand what was going on, but he had the best seat in the house. When Lincoln spoke, Tommy Marshall sat on the lap of Senator Douglas. When Douglas spoke, Marshall sat on the lap of Abraham Lincoln. •While Marshall attended college, he wrote an article for the school newspaper about a visiting female speaker who gave a lecture on campus at Wabash College in Crawfordsville, Indiana. The woman felt Marshall had crossed the line and sued the future Vice President for libel in 1872. Each side lawyered up with notable legal representation. The plaintiff hired Lew Wallace, who was a Union General during the Civil War, later became Governor of the New Mexico Territory, and is best-known today as the author of Ben-Hur. Marshall found himself a lawyer in Indianapolis that was also a former Union General during the Civil War and who would later surpass even Wallace's political accomplishments. Marshall's lawyer was able to make it clear to the plaintiff that Marshall's comments might have been in poor taste, but they were likely true, and the case was dropped. Marshall's attorney was future President Benjamin Harrison. •After beginning his own law career, Marshall fell in love with a young woman named Kate Hooper, but she died shortly after they were engaged to be married. Marshall was devastated by her death and began drinking heavily. Alcoholism took a toll on Marshall's health, career, and reputation until he finally married Lois Kimsey in 1895. Lois helped Marshall quit drinking, which gave him the focus to begin his political career. He didn't win his first political election until he was 54 years old.
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•In 1909, Marshall -- as Governor of Indiana -- installed the final brick to complete the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, the site of the Indianapolis 500. •Marshall was not Woodrow Wilson's first choice as his Vice President in 1912. In fact, Marshall wasn't Wilson's choice as a running mate at all. Wilson had wanted the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Oscar Underwood of Alabama, to join him on the ticket, but Underwood declined the offer. The delegates of the Democratic National Convention decided upon Marshall, and Wilson was not pleased with the choice. He thought Marshall was a "small-calibre man". •Despite his original doubts, Wilson stuck with Marshall in 1916 when many of the President's closest aides suggested dumping the VP in favor of another running mate. With their victory that year, Marshall became the first Vice President since John C. Calhoun in 1828 to be re-elected to another term. •Thomas Riley Marshall is largely remembered because of his many humorous quotes poking fun at the insignificance of the Vice Presidency. When he was nominated as VP, Marshall pointed out that it made sense since he was a native of Indiana, "the mother of Vice Presidents, the home of more second-class men than any other state." A favorite Marshall story was one about a man who had two sons: "One went away to sea...the other was elected Vice President...he never heard from either one afterward." •Other popular Marshall quotes: -"I don't want to work [after retiring], but I wouldn't mind being Vice President again." -"If you look on me as a wild animal, be kind enough to throw peanuts at me." (To a group touring the Capitol) -"What this country needs is a good five-cent cigar." •Despite Marshall's humor and frivolity, there was a serious Constitutional crisis near the end of Woodrow Wilson's Presidency. Wilson suffered a massive stroke in 1919 that virtually incapacitated him and kept him from fully discharging the duties of his office. For the last 18 months of of Wilson's Presidency, Wilson's wife and a handful of close aides carefully managed the Administration, keeping the truth about Wilson's health hidden. Today, a President in Wilson's condition would almost certainly need to hand the office over to the officer next in the line of succession, either temporarily or permanently. But the 25th Amendment did not exist during Wilson's time, and a group of Wilson confidants conspired to keep the truth from the rest of Wilson's Administration, including Vice President Marshall. Marshall didn't push to find out the extent of Wilson's illness; if he had, Wilson likely would have been forced to resign and Marshall would have become President. Most of the people close to President Wilson believed it would be disastrous to pass the reigns of government on to Vice President Marshall. But considering the track record of the Wilson Administration at the end of his Presidency, many historians believe that "President Marshall" could have helped get the Treaty of Versailles ratified and shepherd the United States into joining the League of Nations.
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alba8688 · 2 months
Love hurts
Chapter 59
Word count:3314
Warnings:smut ,pnv , creampie, and other 18 plus related topics so NO MINORS !!!🔞
November 5
A few days had gone by since the incident at the trailer park and the police still haven't found out who it was,apparently they had  no clue as to who it was.
But Eddie and Dani knew damn well they weren't even trying to find out who did it .They knew they were covering it just like everything else that happens in this town.
Liam had gotten a good lawyer for Eddie and Dani but they didn't feel like fighting for something that they knew they weren't going to win.They were so tired of being treated as criminals and right now they were both so weak to fight but their family wasn’t  and they were going to fight for them no matter what it took.They where going to find whoever destroyed Eddie’s and Dani’s home.
Hopper was the one who kept interviewing everyone at the trailer park looking for answers as to who would do such awful things .
But everyone's story was the same. They heard breaking glass and the smell of smoke. They thought it was something normal because shit like that happens there all The time.Until the fire got worse.
There was one person that saw some people running wearing black hoodies and a face mask covering their faces so they had no clue as to whom it was.Or if they were a male or female .
Hopper was trying his best to help Eddie and Dani out but he ended up in a dead end.
Today he was going back to the trailer park with Eddie and Dani to accompany them. They were gonna see what was left of their home whatever they could salvage.At least clothes because they were left without nothing only with the clothes they were wearing that night.
They had left them without nothing ,no clothes ,no shoes ,Lyrics clothes were burned as well all their belongings were burned .Even the extra diapers they had were burned.Dani was left with a destroyed car that was considered a total loss.Eddies van was in the shop he didn’t want to let go Of it .He had made so much memories there and he couldn’t just lose his van.
Both Dani and Eddie wondered how people could be so viled.
"You ready ?" Eddie asked Dani,he had just parked  in front of their old home .
"Yeah ." She responded, opening the door to Eddie's car.
They both got down holding each other's hands walking inside the trailer .Hopper was already waiting for them inside .He had arrived 30 minutes earlier to check the place out and to make sure no one had  vandalized it even more .
"Hey Hops." Eddie greeted Hopper .
"Hey kid, how are you holding ?"
"Had better days ." Eddie responded, putting his hands in his front pockets of his jeans while he watched Dani walk around the trailer picking up stuff from the floor .
"How is she holding  ?" Hopper asked, looking at Dani who had walked over to her old room.
"Better ,we actually got an apartment in Indianapolis and will be moving at the end of  December. I want to finish this semester here in Hawkins." Eddie told Hopper.
The move to Indianapolis was something they weren't expecting especially knowing Dani was building a house here in Hawkins but after what had happened she put the house up for sale hoping it sold fast .She didn't want nothing to do with this town.
Also Eddie had accepted the job he was offered at Liam's and Dani's company he didn't know what the fuck he was going to do but Liam told him it would be like an internship to help Eddie decided for his career.Plus the pay was good better than being a mechanic and he would get to work by Dani's side in the same office because Dani was going to work at the office being that she was going to be closer to the company.
Eddie never thought of going into business. I mean he always dreamed of being a rockstar but that dream was put on hold for the moment .To concentrate on his studies.
He knew he wanted to be an English teacher or a drama teacher but the more Liam would tell
Him about their company got him even more excited .It sounded so easy how Liam made it sound.
Liam would tell him they needed people like Eddie who were motivated and the pay was great, but was it something Eddie wanted ?
"That's great kid ." Hopper said, getting Eddie out of his thoughts .
"Yeah ." He nodded "I'm going to
Go check on Dani ." Eddie pointed with his thumb.
"Yeah ,sure kid I'll keep watch here ." With that Eddie went to check on Dani who was standing in front of their closet looking through the mess they left behind.
"Hey baby ." Eddie wrapped his arms from behind and rested his chin on Dani's shoulder .
"Hi Ed's." She said softly, holding two shirts in her hands.
"The only thing they left us ." She told Eddie, showing him an Iron Maiden tee and a Metallica tee that belonged to Eddie .
The rest of the clothes were burned as well, all of Dani's and Eddie's memories burn with everything .
"They burned everything ." Dani choked 
"It's ok baby we have each other and that's all it matters ." Eddie pecks Dani's cheek .
"I love you ." Dani whispered to Eddie 
"I love you too Sweetheart ." 
November 17
Today was the day Eddie  has been waiting for the longest  .A few days ago Dani had the appointment that cleared her that she was good to exercise and to be intimate .
Eddie felt like it had been years since he was intimate with Dani. He felt he was going to blow as soon as the tip touched her entrance .Or just by Dani kissing him..
Just thinking about it made him hard.Plus they hadn't done anything sexual in weeks because Eddie open his mouth saying he wanted to wait for Dani to be able to have sex and now here he was like a kid in Christmas morning ready to open his present waiting for Dani to get ready to go out to there date tonight .
If it were for him he would skip the dinner and take her straight to the hotel .But he wanted to make everything romantic for Dani .
And tonight they had that opportunity finally. Eddie was going to be able to take Dani out on a real Date to a Real restaurant and that was thanks to their realtor who called to let them know they had a new apartment for them to see and that's how they ended up in Indianapolis.To night they where staying at a hotel close by there new apartment .It was a beautiful 3 bedroom apartment two story apartment it had a yard it was small but it was still big enough to have people over .
Dani fell in love with the apartment instantly and left the deposit and December's rent in advance .It was everything they wanted and more .
It was way over Eddie's budget but Dani said it was ok that they can help each other. That's what couples were supposed to do .Not the bullshit that just because you were a man you had to pay for everything .That marriage meant to help each other, to be equal .That when one of them  needed help the other would be there for each other no matter what ..
Eddie was too lost in  thoughts staring out the window of the hotel looking at the city below them the cars passing by the sound of the sirens .It was a
Noisy night.
Indianapolis was way different than Hawkins .
But he knew they were going to be ok here ,he knew know one was going to treat them differently here .
Eddie looked down at his phone to check the time wondering what’s taking Dani so much but what he doesn’t know was that Dani Been ready for the longest time staring at herself in the mirror wondering when Hawkins had become so evil to their own people.
She still couldn't forget what they did to their home ,how they destroyed everything they owned .Hopper still couldn’t find who did it .Daninwas starting to lose hope and all she wanted was for December to get here to move from Hawkins.
She didn't understand why people hated her so much.
She didn't understand what Eddie had done for people to treat them that way they did .
But all she knew was that soon they would be leaving that awful town to never come back .
She was also glad that her mother took them back without a doubt .Without even thinking about it .She welcomed them with open arms.
She was so thankful for that.
Dani hoped she could bring her mother and brother with her .But she already knew the answer to that .
So to thank her she had other plans for her but she wasn't going to reveal them to her until Christmas.
Dani stood for a few minutes staring at herself even more .Looking down  at the outfit she was wearing Eddie had chosen it for her even the shoes .
She smiled .
It was a red velvet dress that felt soft on her body and the shoes were black combat boots that were platforms.
Dani was surprised when she opened the box and saw the  shoes because she knew how much Eddie hated her wearing high heels .But Dani knew Eddie was just trying to make her feel better after everything they had been through and she loved him for that .
Knock knock knock 
"Sweetheart, is everything ok?" 
Dani turned to look at the closed door of the restroom hearing Eddie's voice from the other side.
Was she ok ?
She asked herself .
"Yes ."she responded and put on the fake smile she has kept all these months for Eddie so he wouldn't worry about her .
The fake smile only Steve knew about .
She opened the door to the restroom and Eddie was standing there looking at Dani worriedly but his expression changed when he saw his girl.
"Wow ,you look beautiful darling ."Eddie took a hold of Dani's hand and spun her around to admire her outfit .
"Thank you ." Dani smiled 
"You don't look too bad yourself Munson." She flirted, fixing the button of Eddie's shirt ."One might say you look good to eat ." She smiled that toothy grin making Eddie want to cum right there and then.
"You can't talk to me like that sweetheart ,not after we haven't had sex in so long ." He groaned in Dani's ear sending shivers down her spine .
Dani closes her eyes, enjoying the moment, remembering this moment and forgetting about everything going on around her .
Eddie placed small kisses on Dani's neck savoring her taste in his lips .But he knew he had to stop because he had a date plan for his beautiful fiancée.
"We should gulp really be going." Eddie said pulling away from Dani's neck .Fuck if he didn't have all this date planned he would have stayed locked in her neck on her lips on her body .But he wanted to take out his beautiful girl out like she deserved .
Dani opened her eyes half lidded and just nodded .
"Let's go ." She breathed .
Eddie and Dani decided to go walking to the restaurant which wasn't far away from the hotel.plus the weather was nice tonight not too cold nor too warm it was just perfect .
They both walked hand and hand for the first time In Public,This was something new for them and they actually  like it .It felt right to both of them both at the same time they were both nervous but then they remembered .
Knowone knew about them here  .Know one knew that Dani was Eddie's teacher .But somehow Eddie was still nervous for the first time ever he was able to finally show off Dani .But he was nervous to ruin this date he wanted everything to be perfect .He wanted to make special for Dani and for him .
"You think we should call my mom and make sure the kids are ok ?"Dani asked getting Eddie out of his thoughts he wasn't going to lie , the same thought cross his  mind ,but he knew Nate and lyric where safe with Mrs.Henderson plus uncle
Wayne was spending the night there at the Henderson's to watch over everyone.
"Baby ,they're fine ." Eddie turned to face Dani cupping her face. 
"Ok." Dani said breathlessly somehow feeling nervous about the pda .Then remembering they weren't in Hawkins so she leaned in and closed the small Gap between her and Eddie .Making the fire burning between her legs burn even more .
"Fuck ."Eddie said softly in between kisses 
"What if we skip dinner and go for dessert ." Dani whispered for only him to hear .Realizing they were on the sidewalk with people passing by watching them make out .
"Y-you sure ?" Eddie questioned 
"I have the keys to the apartment ." She smiled,”I’m more than sure .” 
As soon as the door opens to the apartment there’s a fumbling of clothes being thrown all over the place.The sounds of lips smacking together there moaning echoing the empty apartment .
Dani was the one to pull away first leaving Eddie flustered, lips swollen and stained red with her lipstick hair messy and panting looking at Dani like a prey looking at their meal .
Dani slowly took off her dress leaving her in only panties .She wasn’t wearing a bra today .Eddie's eyes widened and gulp.No words coming out of his mouth.
Dani seductively took off her panties, throwing them to Eddie who caught them and instantly brought them up to his nose to smell Them.
“Weirdo.”Dani Chuckled.
 Eddie felt nervous looking at Dani completely naked in front of him.He couldn’t move, he couldn’t say a word .
He was just admiring her perfect body that drove him crazy, panties still on his hand.
“Are you going to stand there all night or all you going to fuck me ?” Without another said Eddie took of his pants fumbling until he was completely naked standing in front of Dani .He slowly walked over to Dani ,who was already staring at him .She couldn’t stop staring at those doe eyes .Those fucking eyes that drive her crazy .
Eddie was so close to Dani that she could feel his breath on her face but Eddie wasn’t doing anything he wouldn’t speak either. It's like Eddie had stopped functioning properly.Then he slowly moved his hand to Dani’s hips feeling the soft skin under his calloused fingers .
“Kiss me Munson.” Dani closes the gap giving feather-like kisses to Eddie’s lips and Eddie closes his eyes and slowly kisses Dani back his tongue swiped along her bottom lip and Dani was quick to open her mouth to let him in,teeth crashing tongues tangling .Heavy breathing .was the sounds that echo in the apartment.
Shit .
Eddie didn’t know if he was going to make it pass, kissing or foreplay .
“Fuck .” He groaned this was too fucking much he needed to do something fast .
So he pulled away from
Dani leaving her feeling empty .
He  fumbled with his shirt laying it down on the floor for Dani to lay down .
“Lay down .” He managed to say ,But Dani didn't hear what he was saying. She was too lost staring at Eddie's rock hard cock that was standing  up and proud .
“What ?” Eddie asked, feeling a bit insecure.
He looked down at himself thinking maybe he had something or maybe Dani didn’t like his cock anymore or maybe it has shrunk ,is that even possible ? 
He thought 
“Look how hard you are and we haven’t even done anything.” 
Eddie didn’t say anything. He was shocked by the way Dani was tonight .She had never been this way with him and somehow he was loving it .
“C’mere pretty boy.” Dani said seductively and Eddie listened without a doubt.He was about to kiss Dani but she stopped him by putting her hand on his chest stopping him then signaling with her head to lay down.
Tonight she was in charge .
“But.” Dani shut him up by putting her index finger on his lips .
Eddie did as he was told and lay down flat on his shirt using his pants as a pillow .
 Dani crawled over to Eddie who was already staring at Dani with mouth agape .He had no idea what had happened to his sweet Dani .But he was loving what was happening right in front of him .
“Is this all for me ?” Dani asked, wrapping her hand around his cocks, making Eddie whimper .
“Y-yeah .”he stuttered his breathing became labored 
“All for me .” Dani moaned slowly moving her hand up and down Eddie’s cock.
“Please .” Eddie whimpered 
“Please what baby ?” Dani asked, still stroking his hard cock .
“I need your mouth .” He stuttered 
“Is that so .” Dani smiled, continuing stroking his cock  watching as Eddie’s eyes closed with pleasure and biting his bottom lip.He was in heaven right now .
“Jesus Christ .” Eddie opens his eyes to watch Dani stroking his cock watching as she spreads the pre cum around the tip of his cock .He could feel himself getting closer ..
It was embarrassing how close he was .
“S-stop.” He managed to say “close .” He said, closing his eyes, imagining things to help him relax .
Cute puppies
Baby kittens 
“Eddie .” Dani said seductively 
That voice is not
“Open your eyes .” Eddie did as he was told ,he watched as Dani climbed on top of him and slowly sank down his cock .Both letting out a moan as she sank down completely .Eddie's hands went to Dani’s waist holding her in place he wasn’t ready for her to move at least not yet .
“Tell me when to move .” Dani bit her lip ,she felt so full she missed the stretch that Eddie’s cock gave her.
Not being able to have sex with him for so long was torture.
“Move .” Eddie finally said ,and Dani started moving in a slow circular motion making Eddie’s eyes roll to The back of his head and mouth open with pleasure.
He felt Like he was being possessed by some kind demon and that demon was Dani and he was ok with that.
Eddie grip Dani’s thighs helping her move even faster this was driving Dani out of control moaning like
Never before . Eddie opened his eyes to see the perfect view of Dani's tits bouncing ,her eyes rolled to the back of her head, her mouth half agape.
Everything about her was perfect .
Eddie’s eyes remained on Dani who started bouncing on his cock up and down faster now .It was beautiful she was beautiful ..
“Fuck,you look so beautiful on top of me .”he said ,eyes on her face watching the faces she made .He love watching how he made her feel .
“Mmm.” Was all Dani said she was too lost at the moment.
“Shit ,shit ,st-top.” Was all Eddie said before he was cumming inside Dani filling her up  Dani Following right after him.
They were both in a blissful moment until they heard a voice .
“Miss.Henderson?” Dani and Eddie both got up covering themselves thinking someone had come into the apartment but they looked around both sweaty and panting. Nobody was around .
Then once again they heard Dani’s name being called.Then they started Looking for where the voice was coming and both gasped when they saw the camera that was in the corner of the room.
“Shit ,shit ,shit .”Eddie fumbled, getting their clothes from the floor .
“Forgot to Mention cameras are not coming off till next week .”
Next chapter 🖤
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
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MEET John Morton Finney
John Morton Finney was a Buffalo soldier who fought in World War 1, earned 11 degrees and practiced law until he was 106 years old. He was believed to be the longest practicing attorney in the United States.
—John Morton-Finney (June 25, 1889 January 28, 1998) was an American civil rights activist, lawyer, and educator who earned 11 academic degrees, including 5 law degrees.
—He spent most of his career as an educator and lawyer after serving from 1911 to 1914 in the U.S. Army as a member of the 24th Infantry Regiment, better known as the Buffalo soldiers, and with the American Expeditionary Forces in France during World War I.
—Morton-Finney taught languages at Fisk University in Tennessee and at Lincoln University in Missouri, before moving to Indianapolis, Indiana, where he taught in the Indianapolis Public Schools for forty-seven years.
—Morton-Finney was a member of the original faculty at Indianapolis's Crisps Attucks High School when it opened in 1927 and later became head of its foreign language department. He also taught at Shortridge High School and at other IPS schools.
—Morton-Finney was admitted as a member of the Bar of the Indiana Supreme Court in 1935, as a member of the Bar of the U.S. District Court in 1941, and was admitted to practice before the U.S. Supreme Court in 1972.
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marknicholsonsblog · 14 days
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lboogie1906 · 3 months
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Buffalo Soldier Attorney John Morton-Finney (June 25, 1889 – January 28, 1998) was a civil rights activist, lawyer, and educator who earned eleven academic degrees, including five law degrees. He spent most of his career as an educator and lawyer after serving (1911-14) in the Army as a member of the 24th Infantry Regiment, known as the Buffalo Soldiers, and with the American Expeditionary Forces in France during WWI. He taught languages at Fisk University and Lincoln University in Missouri, before moving to Indianapolis, where he taught in the Indianapolis Public Schools for forty-seven years. He was a member of the original faculty at Indianapolis’s Crispus Attucks High School when it opened in 1927 and became head of its foreign language department. He taught at Shortridge High School and other IPS schools. He was admitted as a member of the Bar of the Indiana Supreme Court in 1935 and as a member of the Bar of the US District Court in 1941. He retired from practicing law on June 25, 1996, he was believed to have been the oldest practicing attorney in the US. At the time of his death, he was Indiana’s oldest veteran. He was honored with numerous honorary awards and certificates, including one from the Chief Justice of the SCOTUS in 1989, in addition to being commissioned a Kentucky Colonel (1991) by the Governor of Kentucky and named a recipient of a Sagamore of the Wabash award from the Governor of Indiana. He received distinguished alumni and graduate awards from Indiana University and was inducted into the National Bar Association Hall of Fame (1991). The Indianapolis Bar Association and Butler University present awards named in his honor and was admitted to practice before the SCOTUS in 1972. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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