#laws of attraction book 2 spoilers
gabe-ricci-simp · 2 years
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tealbbysims · 2 years
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oceanatydes · 2 years
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cosmerelists · 5 months
Cosmere Protagonists Who Would Support the Villain...of Other Cosmere Planets
As requested by @asteroidfieldgame :)
Sure, in their own stories the villains are not well-liked by the majority of the cast. But if we took those villains and had them meet protagonists of other Cosmere novels...well, then it might be different, mightn't it?
[Here there be spoilers! I would skip any entry if you're not caught up on all the books for both characters involved!]
1. Moash: Supported by Kelsier
Kelsier: [holding Moash protectively ala that one meme with Kevin Hart] Kelsier: My boy Moash has LITERALLY never done anything wrong ever! Kelsier: Ooooh, did he kill his oppressors? Is he mean to poor helpless nobility? Did someone Rich experience a Consequence? Moash: (mumbling) I did try to drive my friend to suicide. Kelsier: Shh...baby boy, it's okay! Kelsier: I made my disciple advocate for old people to kill themselves with spikes to preserve their power! Kelsier: You're literally fine.
2. Odium: Supported by Harmony
Harmony: Listen, I'm not saying I agree with everything Odium does. Harmony: But making it so that you have a planet of mighty, battle-hardened residents to prepare for the coming Cosmere-wide conflict? Harmony: Sometimes I wonder if I should have done something more like that. Harmony: Instead of giving everyone an easy life and making giraffes because giraffes are neat. Odium: Have you considered...battle giraffes? Harmony: Please don't patronize me.
3. Hrathen: Supported by Ellista (that one Ardent who was really into romance novels)
Ellista: I am not immune to a handsome man in bloodred armor with a troubled past whose hard, mean exterior is slowly worn away through love. Ellista: A man who chooses love--unrequited love!--over his own god! Ellista: Problematic for an Ardent like me, but so, so compelling. Ellista: (sighs dreamily) Hrathen: ... Hrathen: Could I have someone else's support please?
4. Riina [from Tress]: Supported by Wayne
Wayne (counting off reasons on his fingers): One, if you're gonna be the sort to be giving out curses, giving out breakable curses makes you less of an unforgivable villain and more of a garden-variety dick. Wayne: Two, rats are cute. Makin' someone a rat is better 'n' making them a grub or something. Wayne: Three, and most importantly, her penis spaceship is hilarious. Riina: IT WAS NOT A PENIS SPACESHIP
5. The Lord Ruler: Supported by Dalinar
Dalinar: I suppose I am simply more aware than most that being a king is hard and can involve less-than-ideal-choices. Dalinar: And didn't he essentially become immortal while trying to cage an evil god and save his planet? I am literally setting myself up to maybe experience that as we speak. Dalinar: I know he took an entire population and made them slaves, but I did tell Jasnah not to free our slaves so, like... Dalinar: ... Dalinar: Maybe Wit was right. Maybe I AM a tyrant. Wit: You've never done an enforced breeding program with humans, though. That I know of. The Lord Ruler did that! Like, a lot! Dalinar: ... Dalinar: Wait I want to mitigate my support a little.
6. Taravangian: Supported by Shai
Shai: That Diagram of his...well, it's pure art, isn't it? Shai: I'm not immune to the appeal of incredibly complex and well-researched plans turned into an artistic representation so beautiful that it attracts worshippers. Taravangian: It's really more science than it is art, I'd say. Shai: Hilarious that you think those things are different.
7. Nale: Supported by Marasi
Marasi: He knows the law and follows the law. Marasi: Don't think it would ever occur to him that someone could be quote unquote "above" the law. Marasi: That makes him better than, like, quite a lot of my coworkers.
8. The Machine [from Yumi and the Nightmare Painter]: Supported by Vasher
Vasher: Obviously a soul-eating machine that nearly destroys a planet and turns people into nightmares is not ideal. Vasher: But it's not the machine's fault it was given an ill-considered Command. Vasher: Hey! Bald guy! Wanna gentle-parent the machine too? Szeth: Uh
9. Raboniel: Supported by Elend
Elend: Not for nothing am I chair of the Support Women's Wrongs fanclub. Elend: Nor can I fail to support a Woman in Science. Basic feminism. Elend: And although I know my bar is on floor, a parent who will do anything to save their child from eternal suffering gets me right here. (points to his heart)
10. Straff: Supported by...no one
Straff: ... Straff: ... Straff: OH COME ON
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callsign-rogueone · 5 months
2, 8 and 18 with Brennan and duchess if you want to? Don't feel pressured 😊 I hope you have a nice day
hihi! it took me a while but here they are! I got asks from a few different people so I'm combining them all here. words: 1.6k (I got a little carried away lol) 🏷: I don’t think there’s any spoilers for the books in here, just for Bren and Duchess’s chapters that I’ve already posted, and some hints about what’s to come for them. I tried this in second-person (you) this time, which was a little awkward (telling you how you feel about things?) but I think I made it work. 
2. What do they find attractive in each other now?
I have waxed poetic on multiple occasions about how much Brennan loves your hair. but also that gorgeous, dark accent of yours that comes out when you speak in Tyrrish with him and when you say certain words in the common language, and the way you smile, and your hands, the hands that contain magnitudes: capable of such tenderness, but that can also start fires (and that the left one bears a wedding ring…), and honestly literally everything about you. the man is obsessed.
you found him cute when you first met, but in those years you spent at Basgiath, he truly went from a boy to a man. he was already fit, but the muscle he gained, and the confidence… the confidence was everything. that, and the scruff. the scruff. you’ve hidden his razor on multiple occasions to keep him from shaving. and the hand thing goes both ways. they’re just so nice to hold, strong, and bigger than yours, and the things they’re capable of… (more than just mending 👀) and his eyes, that gorgeous light brown and the stars reflected in them when he looks at you.
your dedication -- to the marked ones, to your culture, to dragonkind, to everything you do. that regalness you possess, even in dirty flight leathers. your kindness, how good you are with children (and baby dragons)... he could go on. 
his respect and knowledge of tyrrish culture, him knowing the language, and it (mostly) being something only the two of you know, his commitment to the revolution, his strength -- not just the physical, but the emotional and mental and all the other kinds too. the man has been through more than anyone you know. how kindhearted he is -- he literally manifested a mending signet due to his need to care for his sister and to help others. 
3. What would they never want to change about the other one?
literally any of the above. 
4. What do they wish they could change about the other one?
I want to say nothing, but that’s not realistic and also not fun. definitely not anything physical, but maybe some of the other’s tiny habits that just grind your gears? maybe how stubborn both of you can be. little things.
5. What’s something that could make them break up?
y’all are never not ever getting divorced. I will not allow it. til death do you part, baby. you’re both stubborn but logical and rational people. any arguments are going to be resolved with a lengthy discussion and a set of terms you agree on going forward. however, comma, I do have an argument scene (or two) planned for one of the future chapters and it is going to hurt. I’m sorry in advance.
6. What’s keeping them together?
mutual admiration and adoration (see above), and all the shit you’ve been through together -- neither of you are ever letting go of the other, not after all that, after he literally died.
8. Do their families like each other?
I have yet to reveal mama sorrengail’s opinion of her daughter in law (and I'm not going to spoil that!), and you never met Brennan’s dad either.
I have a short scene written out where you bring him home for the first time shortly after the battle of Aretia, and your parents adore him 🥺 you told them all about him in letters home, and they’re so glad you’ve found someone who loves you this deeply. they immediately see that he’s an upstanding guy with a big heart and a natural leader, and they wouldn’t want anyone else to share the title with you.
Brennan is tied for #1 on my list of ‘best FW boys to bring home to mom and dad’. he’s going to make an excellent impression; eldest son, responsible military leader, gentleman, raised right, looks at you like you’re the center of the universe…
9. How does being around each other make them feel?
in a word, safe. you’ve endured so much together, and somehow always made it through. you’re leading a revolution, there’s dark magic on the loose, and you work with dragons; danger is ever-present, but you feel like nothing can hurt you if you’re together.
10. How does being separated make them feel? and 11. How long can they go without seeing each other before starting to miss the other one?
you both start getting nervous after a day or two, but you’re reassured by the tracking and protection runes that the other is wearing, and the wedding rings that tie you together. Your connection to Marbh and the rest of the riot also helps, though that only stretches so far -- if you’re more than a day’s flight away, it doesn’t work. 
Bren gets particularly irritable after a few days, but those closest to him know not to take his sharpness personally when the missus is out of town, especially if she’s in Poromiel on business; the revolution may be allied with the gryphon fliers, but that doesn’t mean he trusts them with his woman.
14. Has their relationship ever been long-distance?
this one is interesting. I’m gonna say no, but with some technicalities. you both went straight from Basgiath to the Lewellen outpost (closest to your home in Tyrrendor). you were a wingleader and were allowed to choose, and he was assigned to the same place (what are the odds?)
following your surrender to the revolution, you do a fair bit of traveling, mainly back and forth to Trivanne to see your parents and deal with the political obligations of being in line for the title, and regrettably, to Poromiel, to deal with the viscount, hence Drake Cordella being in love with you lol. (sorry, pal. you’re ten years too late). so I wouldn’t call it long distance, but you’re used to being apart for a week or so at a time every now and then. and when you return, you’d better believe he’s not letting you out of his sight for a full day hehe 🤭
15. Is one of them way more invested in the relationship than the other?
no. you’re pretty equally in love (see also: obsessed) with each other. 
16. How happy are they about their relationship?
over the moon. you can’t imagine life without the other, and you don’t want to. sometimes the both of you feel a little guilty for being so happy together when all this terrible stuff is happening around you, but you need this -- you need an escape, a safe place, and you’re that for each other.
17. How good are they at communicating their needs and preferences to the other?
I touched on this briefly in my “braids” headcanons, but I didn’t get too far into it: Brennan is the eldest son of the family, his parents worked demanding, high-stress jobs and they were constantly moving. to me, that means he was placed in charge of his sisters often, and made responsible for them like a third parent (something that happens very often in this kind of situation, unfortunately). he’s a caregiver through and through, and this manifested in his signet as well. I think he was unused to people caring for him at first, that it felt wrong or weird, but he got used to it quickly enough, and now he’s unafraid to walk into your room after a long day, pull off the flight jacket with the Lieutenant Colonel’s insignia, and ask for cuddles / attention / etc. he loves having his hair played with, btw. 
this was something you also had to work on; you recognized Brennan’s endlessly-giving personality and were scared to take advantage of that, to ask him to take on even more responsibility on top of his work as a mender and a revolution leader (see “this is me trying”.) but he’s made it abundantly clear that he wants to take care of you, and that he wants you to tell him when you need him; that’s what he’s here for. you and your safety and health are his first priority, always. 
18. How good are they at respecting each other’s boundaries?
there aren’t many boundaries that you’ve set between you, being a married couple who work closely together, but the few you do have are taken seriously, including when/where/how you argue. you can bicker all you want in the assembly room, or anywhere else in Riorson house, but not in your shared room. and you aren’t going to go to bed angry -- which has made for some late nights in his office, pacing back and forth and arguing until you don’t even know what you’re mad about anymore -- and then spending an hour making up, hehe. that post-fight sex hits different. and you can’t leave Aretia without resolving an argument. the one time you did, it nearly broke both of you; you were away longer than expected, and when you finally reunited, you both apologized profusely (some tears involved) and promised to never do that again. it’s already hard being away from the other, but it’s unbearable to be away from them knowing your last words to them were in anger.
I didn’t even answer the question lmao but yes, the boundaries are respected and strictly enforced unless it’s a matter of life and death -- and in that situation, or any situation where the other person’s safety is in question, boundaries be damned. you can apologize for overstepping later; right now, you’re focused on making sure your partner is okay.
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dhampling · 7 months
Wanted to add my 2 cents, not because of anything you said, just an interesting look into history: I remember reading Jane Eyre and the love interest was a guy that everyone made clear would not attract the ladies if not for his wealth, and his physical description reminded me of a football linebacker, a manly type. On the other hand (spoilers if you haven't read the book but c'mon it's old) his brother-in-law was considered good-looking and I forget the exact wording but it was something like dainty, even delicate, considered the eligible bachelor of the time period.
That is to say, Astarion reminded me of guys that would've been the most obvious popular bachelor for single ladies at one point in our history. So people claiming that he's clearly written only to be in a m/m relationship don't know history (I know he's pan, I think that's perfect).
oh babe. i love this.
the big ruffled shirt, chalice in hand; staking out some corner of a busy moonlit tavern, ‘Astarion the Decadent’ for sure. not a single person is safe from his silken gaze, and not one of them particularly wants to be. every single bit the old image of the 'aloof romantic'.
i think modern context often can bleed through into perception of characters intended to be living in a period setting - even fantasy ones - but in both image and characterisation, astarion ancunín is wholly a man of his time in his sexuality.
i.e. a dainty cat who loves both ways and does it with a little regard.
to paint him as solely homosexual or solely heterosexual does him a huge disservice and negates a lot of the nuance in his character work.
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choicesmc · 6 months
not feeling great today. been raining so ive been couped up. can't really take a long walk or anything while it's pouring after alll... so i needed to rant about something inconsequential to make me feel better. it got away from me and includes spoilers for Laws of Attraction Book 2 so I put it under the read more!
When it comes to Book 2 of Laws of Attraction, I really really like the case. Like taking down a corrupt politician whose tangled web of shady fiances flourishes off of defrauding the elderly? Sign me up! 
But Martin’s characterization (+ a whole host of others) takes a nosedive for it to happen. Book 1 Martin didn’t hate MC, he was just competitive. Which is fair enough! They were competing for a pretty good position and it was refreshing that one other person besides MC seemed to truly want the spot! No hate to Aislinn and Beau ofc, just they weren’t written like they were in a cutthroat race for the best job a lawyer our ages could ask for, you know? Even Beau’s little moment in Book 1 is more driven by a want to impress his aunt than a want to do us one better. 
Book 2 Martin has a personal vendetta against MC which is wildly OOC, at least in my opinion? He won? He got what he was looking for? Book 2 Martin just hates MC. Which sucks because I wanted to see Martin in non-competitive mode. I wanted PB to fully lean into the grumpy catoof the group energy that Martin gives off, I wanted Martin and MC to build a rapport! I wanted to see Martin kick ass as the head of the greatest legal firm in NY! I wanted so much more than a generic bully character that literally could’ve just been Eli. Was that too much to ask for? 
My other issues are about what it does to Linda and Reggie. They have to oget dumber for the plot to work. You cannot convince me that they couldn’t see through Bk2 Martin’s plan to get MC fired/demoted. I could see through it without much prompting. It was clear what he was doing. That leaves 2 options. One, they also wanted you gone (not true since you can recruit them later and they don’t seem to have bad will with you) or two, they don’t see through it (which I don’t believe because they are supposed to be two of the best in the field and if they couldn’t see that then what was the point of recruiting them?? Especially Linda since the narrative harps on about her logical nature). 
Do I have more problems with Laws of Attraction Book 2? Yes. Yes I do. But these are the major ones. So. Yeh. I just wanted to get that off my mind.
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firstprinced · 4 months
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hi pretty people and happy pride month!
long story short - i read a lot of fics of alex and henry. all the ratings, all the lengths, au's and canon. now, this has been going on for a long time (don't ask me how long i will not confess). lately i have been just reading recent works and after sending another fic rec to the gc, i thought to myself, why not share them on tumblr. so this is just that. i will not limit my recs with anything but will write out ratings, wordcount, summary etc and give my own notes (spoilers not included).
SO! here are some of my latest fic recommendations from those i've read during the last week or so! ALL of these are posted between 31st of May and 5th of June 2024. bon appetit!
one more thing, everything not E is very pure in my eyes. all below E are marked with blue and all E fics are in pink.
but daddy, you love him by @theprinceandagcd rated M, 16k. tags: non-famous au, kid fic, mutual pining my comment: so sweet i was about to die. and i cried! minor angst i just cried over how pure it was. alex's daughter in the fic, brie, is the sweetest thing in the whole wide world.
author's summary Alex peers up at Henry’s face, the familiar tenseness in his jaw and mildly disinterested eyes nowhere to be seen. Instead, Henry’s expression is open and borderline delighted, like Brie used an extra strong shot of sorcery to draw Henry in and melt the ice that he usually stays locked behind.Suddenly, Alex’s vague crush on an unapproachable coworker feels realer, all because he’s standing there and looking at Alex’s daughter like she hung the fucking moon. He’s treating the most important person in Alex’s life—his entire goddamn heart—as if she truly matters to him, giving her fist bumps and smiling at her and telling her she’s beautiful like her dad.It’s doing weird things to Alex’s chest and making his palms sweat even in the air conditioned office, and he can’t decide if he’s okay with that development or if he wants to stick his head in Brie’s Easy-Bake oven.
the law of attraction by ao3 user bananamilks rated T, 6k. tags: non-famous au, fluff, no angst, henry is a flirt, bisexual disaster acd my comments: i can never get enough of a confident, flirty henry. alex didn't stand a chance. was giggling and kicking my feet and also full on LAUGHING
author's summary As he’s pulling out his textbook, a shadow crosses over Alex’s bag. Before he can look up, a warm, distinctly accented voice asks, “more exams?” “They never stop,” Alex says. He looks up at Henry, who is grinning down at him with his arms crossed over his chest. If Alex notices the way his shirt is pulled taught over his broad shoulders then that is no one’s business. Henry glances at his textbook, and Alex finds himself angling it so Henry can see better. “Criminal procedure. It’s about–” Henry leans one arm on the table, and his blonde hair flops down into his eyes. He’s studying the book cover like he’s the one with the exam, and this close Alex can see a tiny mole on his upper lip. “Uh… criminal… procedures.” The corner of Henry’s lip quirks up and – Jesus Christ. “You don’t say?” [or: Alex is a law student and Henry works at the library. Naturally, they're smitten]
playing to win (you're in my head again) by @anincompletelist WIP (but written and posting every day or every other day so no sweat)! rated E, about 30k finished, currently 2/7. tags: enemies to lovers, pining, friendship, getting together, dob/sub dynamics, kink negotiation, kink exploration, subspace, aftercare, post-college, masturbation, oral sex, eventual fluff my comments: NOW, i don't know how much i'll rec wips but this one i HAD TO. one, please do read this author's other work if you have not. two, this is everything i could dream up. CHOMP CHOMP. yeah that's my academic peer review.
author's summary Other than Nora, there’s Pez, the one that’d wrangled them all together in the first place and continues to plan their token themed brunches & bar crawls each week; Eliana, or Eli for short, ridiculously talented creative with a heart of gold underneath the leather jacket and the nose ring; and Mateo, their resident bro, all around hype-man and Alex’s fellow bisexual. And that’s pretty much the group. Except for Henry, of course. But Alex tries not to think about him if he can help it. + Or, Henry and Alex are practically perfect for each other. Once they get past the years long animosity and hate-pining, of course.
'we hereby conduct this postmortem' (or something along these lines) by ao3 user natoureuse rated E, 23k. tags: homicide detective alex, medical examiner/forensic analyst henry, character injury, blood and injury, mentions of murder/death/guns and so on, sexual content, feelings realization my comment: SO incredibly funny, beautiful, soft, sweet, FUNNY. i loved everything about it and this author writes so well oh my god! it, because of their occupations, involves some blood and dead people so if that's a hard no so be it but it is SO fluffy you wouldn't believe based on the tags etcetera. adored it.
author's summary “There is evident lack of blood around the wound.” “So that suggests he was dead beforehand?” “It suggests that the blood coagulated before the stabbing, which would mean…” Basically that he was dead beforehand, to summarize. Or; Homicide detective Alex tries to befriend his rude ass coworker, medical examiner Henry.
that's it for today! i'll see if i'll keep this a weekly thing and maybe i'll change the format in some ways but these are the fics i wanted to highlight! show love for new works and works by new authors - comment, leave kudos, all that good stuff 🩵
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mayasaura · 8 months
Hello I see you are succumbing to the Ace Attorney Brainrot TM. If Harrow is Edgeworth, then presumably Gideon is Phoenix. Does that make the very bad teens or Palamedes her court-assigned weird little girl?
WELL, thank you for asking!!! You might just live to regret it.
The main connection is really Harrow 🤝 Edgeworth: I only think I killed my own father daddy issues, and that special kind of dorky tsundere approach to relationships. "Thanks to you, I am saddled with.... unnecessary feelings." vs. "[You were born so attractive] because everyone would have throttled you within the first five minutes otherwise," ect.
Then, of course, there's the counterpart of Gideon 🤝 Phoenix: "All books are basically the same size, right?" vs. "I tried to read a law book, and it made my head hurt. Then I dropped it, and it made my foot hurt." A sarcastic internal monologue that rarely becomes external, a drive to help others boarding on the self-destructive. And, of course, so desperate for a certain someone's attention, they'd switch career paths and life's ambition rather than be ignored. If some spoilers I've seen for later AA games are to be believed, they also both get the depression and hole themselves up in response to the world's overwhelming shittiness. 😔
So! To finally answer your actual question, Gideon's court appointed weird girl could go two ways:
1) Jeannemary and Isaac assigned baby siblings at crime scene when Gideon's mentor, Abigail, is murdered.
2) Completely change the dynamic, and Camilla is the "assistant" who herds Gideon around, gives her hints in court, and is occasionally possessed by Gideon's kind and wise mentor, Palamedes. I think I like this one better because Abigail never actually met Gideon, and making her Mia is trading solely on her psychopomp cred. Palamedes and Gideon had a connection. She trusted him. And Camilla standing trial for Palamedes' murder is so juicy.
I think that's about as far as I can take it. Slotting the rest of the characters into the Phoenix Wright setting would mostly take writing entirely new mysteries.
Pyrrha should be high up in the police force, but she's no Gant. If John isn't Von Karma, he could be Gant as a different breed of genial monster with a taste for the grandiose. Ianthe has potential as Lana—extremely unhelpful, in over her head, and trying to protect her sister.
Ortus is Gumshoe. I am not accepting constructive criticism at this time. <3
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morgulscribe · 15 days
Rings of Power Season 2, Episode 4 Thoughts
Random thoughts while watching the episode, not a review.
Spoilers below!!!
The depiction of the Gray Havens remind me a bit of Thomas Kinkade paintings.
A wide angle, dramatic shot of the elves traveling - shout out to the Eregion travel scenes from the film trilogy.
So the Axa Bridge is out… I've been in this position SO many times in LOTRO, looking down over the edge of a bridge that is broken in half, with nowhere to go and no place to cross over.
Nenya gives Galadriel visions of danger when the party considers going through the Barrow Downs. As I suspected, the writers must prefer the theory that Galadriel's magic powers come from the Ring, and not from her studying under Melian and her natural strength as the sister of Finrod Felagund. Most likely, this is the reason why Galadriel has not come across as very magical in the series so far.
The interactions between Elrond and Galadriel become amusing when you consider the fact that she is his mother-in-law in the books.
When I saw Tom Bomabdil from behind, I thought he was a woman at first, and I was already shipping him with the Stranger.
Does Tom Bombadil attract toxic trees wherever he makes his dwelling? Do the trees become toxic after being forced to listen to his singing?
I like the costume/physical appearance of the Stoor matron, but I think some of the ears on the Stoors are clownishly big. Also… Nobody's hair.
I hope LOTRO puts in a hobbit village in the desert. It looks like a wonderful place to explore... and break your legs by jumping off roofs and balconies.
I'm not sure I like the concept of Tom leaving the Withywindle to go to Rhun. To me, having him explore Middle-earth and eventually settling down in the Withywindle makes more sense.
I like how Tom refers to the stars as being new.
The elves refer to the Barrow Downs as being an ancient graveyard… This would refer to the the region being used as a graveyard by the Edain in the First Age. However, the barrows would not become haunted until the Witch-king of Angmar sent evil spirits there in the middle part of the Third Age.
The Barrow wights are impervious to the elf weapons… That's because you need Westernesse damage type, not Beleriand. Now if you want to fight spiders and ancient evil, then Beleriand is what you need. (LOTRO reference)
Since Galadriel has seen the light of the Trees, I think she would technically be able to see the true forms of the wights - the spirits that are possessing the corpses. But the elves do not seem to be very magical in Rings of Power.
I am coming to the conclusion that this show likes sea creatures and things with tentacles to the same extent that LOTRO is obsessed with spiders.
Sûzat… Nice reference to the true name of the Shire.
Nice image of the two ents looking like the Two Trees.
Is Theo Lord of Pelargir???? Does that mean that his dad is nobility, and that Arondir knows who he is? I think I may have missed something.
Orcs stepping on flowers as they march… Good touch. If my memory is correct, I think Tolkien wrote a line about orcs/goblins going out of their way to stomp on flowers in either The Hobbit or LOTR.
Galadriel making a dramatic stand against the orcs would make SO much more sense if the writers had used the theory that this character is insanely powerful and magical even without Nenya. Otherwise, it seems like a very stupid action on her part.
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luffyvace · 8 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
No I don’t mind at all!! I’ve never been asked this question before and it’s really interesting so of course I’ll answer! <3
Btw this is anime only bc I only watch anime/read manga :)
1: Feitan
I love Feitan honestly bc he’s cool, hot, strong and just generally awesome. I love his personality and how fearless he is. He’s number one even though they’re were many before him because I’m crazy about him and he’s just generally my all time fav. He isn’t a “phase” I love him all the time think about him all the time..FOR YEARS.
2: Aizawa
I found out about him way before Feitan and was the original number one..BUT I don’t love him any less. He’s honestly just so cool and I thought he was as soon as I saw him. He has such a calm yet self assured and strong demeanor to him. I admire him in a sense, he has morals and sticks to them. He’s also once again, strong. He cares for his loved ones and manages to be cool and a green flag- not something all anime guys can do.
3: Izuku
Izuku is under Aizawa bc I literally started loving him directly after lol. I love him with all my heart. He’s just so determined and realistic/relatable in a sense. He strives for his goals and doesn’t give up. It’s admirable. He has such a kind heart and is a green flag. Tsu should honestly be up here bc she’s the first ever anime character I found out a about but I love izuku more- osusndkjnsjd-
4: Luffy
If I knew him for longer he would be higher. I got into one piece just recently but I still love him very much. He’s such a cool and silly guy he does no harm and is selfishly selfless. What an odd balance of getting what you want and bringing happiness. Essentially what he wants is for people (specifically his loved ones) to be happy and will stop at nothing to bring that to them. Truly only has good intent. Also who doesn’t like freedom and liberation?? This guy literally stands for that!! He stand for those who don’t have a voice and that’s so cool to me! I’m so proud of him in that sense. I also love his silly goofy vibe despite the worlds cruel ways. It’s refreshing and makes one piece a less depressing place since in a sense we’re pretty much seeing one piece from his prospective. If we saw things how zoro or law sees it, it may be a lot more realistic, a bit more drab and plain in sight. That’s my take on it anyway.
5: Katsuki
katsuki’s character development is top tier. (Spoiler) I’m not talking about him dying. I’m talking about how he went from telling Izuku to ky$ and mistreating him and others to viewing people as equals/something more than competition, apologizing and atoning for his mistakes. He did something even most grown men/women can’t do these days..smh. He even did it better than endeavor. 😂 I also like how strong he is and how much he believes in himself. It’s only a problem because of the way he expresses that but if he was simply confident I feel he’d have less haters.
6: Fyodor
honestly he just freakin cool dude! Like he’s a genius, he’s attractive and he’s got a cool/mysterious power. I like when anime characters are a different race in Japan, it just makes things more fun. I love him for his imperfections too. I saw someone talk about how (spoiler) Fyodor wouldn’t have died if he just trusted his friends/allies more. I like that about him too. It makes space for character development and realization if he lives.
7: Atsushi
I first started watch bsd a long time ago. I remember loving the first ep so much. I really like how atsushi met dazai- lol. It was all really unique and there was no overused troupes. New, fresh, stuff you wouldn’t expect. I mean unless it’s mc hating on themselves..but I didn’t dislike atsushi for it or anything. Idk why I just didn’t, I’ve loved him since he first appeared on screen. I’ve always thought he deserved better. He’s such a kind hearted character and his mental and physical strength developed well. He doesn’t have any love interests either! It makes me happy when it’s straight plot and no canon romance in anime. Honestly I just love how sincere and genuine Atsushi is.
8: Nikolai
At first I both liked and disliked him at the same time. But then again I kinda simped for him so I did research (fandom, and when he got animated) and now i love em. I really love silly characters with inner problems that they project onto different things (emotions; for Niko). It gives they’re character deeper meaning than just being a silly guy. Yeah that’s fun but it gives you more to think about this way. I think his design is very cute and fun! At first I did expect to have a higher pitched voice but as time went on I realized two things. One: his voice actually fit him and I only didn’t like it at first because it didn’t meet my imaginary standard. Two: he’s a grown man, and while it’s possible, especially with anime logic, it’s more realistic this way and I’m glad his voice isn’t high pitched now.
9: Portgas D Ace
now I absolutely love Ace and while I he’s my number 2 in one piece, over all anime’s he ranks a little lower but he’s def still up there. Again I’m still in the impel down arc so his backstory n stuff is coming up for me, so when I say he needs more screen time I mean besides that. He’s an attractive man who worked on himself from a young age to be polite and respectful, he’s very friendly as well. I love and respect all that about him. He’s another silly guy but in a different way. Idk I honestly just like him, idk how to explain it this time. He’s just cool!!
10: Saiki k
I didn’t know whether to put brook or tokito here. I would’ve gone with tokito because I’ve been watching kny longer but I feel I like him more? Saiki k is a really interesting anime. It’s a comedy anime in a regular and relatable setting but with a spin; superpowers. This gives the anime more chances for funny moments and comedy. With saiki’s attitude of wanting to be normal as well? Perfect! Saiki is honestly still relatable even with powers and is not a simp. Which I really like about him, He probably wouldn’t be on this list if he got with someone. In fact he avoids what could be love interests and that makes it even more funny. I’m glad he doesn’t give in and give us the traditional wife, babies and sunset ending. 🤦‍♀️
brook isn’t on the list but top 10 is NOT easy to choose..I also wanted to add tokito but again top ten is so limiting </3😔
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gabe-ricci-simp · 2 years
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hughungrybear · 1 year
Me watching Laws of Attraction Ep. 2:
1. <On Tin and Grandma telling Tonkhao that it's okay to fail in school> As an East/Southeast Asian I call bullsh*t 😂 No Asian parent would accept a child failing school subjects- especially Maths (or Science). Now if it's arts or languages, you might get a free pass. Might.
Sorry, guys. We are living, breathing stereotypes lol.
2. Oh. My. Gawd. Charn is a freaking menace - seems like his default setting is "flirt" lol 😅😅😅😅
3. Charn: "It takes a devil to fight a devil". Well, he is not wrong there.
4. Well, at least Tin's dojo is still flourishing and not affected by rumours 😭
5. Grandma is a shipper lol. Also, Charn not needing a surveillance camera to watch Tin as he had already "seen all of him" sends me in a downward spiral 🤣🤣🤣🤣
6. I'm so intrigued. What did Thantai want from Tonkhao's family that wasn't found on her dead body???
7. Oooh my. The neighbour lady's got guts. Also, poor motorbike. 😅
8. I think there is something seriously, seriously mentally wrong with Charn. 😂😂😂 I mean seriously. Lol.
9. What is Tanthai's deal? Why so full of hate for persons he barely know???
10. Oh hello, Silvy. Voice of a goddess, as always. 😊🤘🤘🤘
11. Wait, what doll??? Also, tbf Tin's handmade doll is not that bad.
12. Tin's grandma is nice, it almost hurts. 😔
13. Charn always speaks as if he swallowed whole volumes of law books lol Very useful though 😅 Also, gotta admire his relentless flirting with Tin lol
14. Grandma is officially sold on the TinCharn ship. She's probably planning the marriage of her grandson and the cute lawyer in her mind.
15. I also want to know what happened to Charn. Were him and his mum kidnap by somebody he sued in pursuit of justice??? I WANNA KNOW!!!! 😭😭😭
<Need to stay strong. Must not look for spoilers>
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blue-grama · 11 months
Current Tag Game
I was tagged by @lugarn!
Current Time: 2:50 PM
Current activity: Literally waiting for laundry to dry so I can fold it.
Currently thinking about: Is it reasonable to put up Christmas lights the first week of November IF it’s warm right now and pleasant to do, as opposed to later in the month when it will suck?
Current favourite song: “Strawberries and Cigarettes” by Troye Sivan. One thing I’ll say for Only Friends is that Jojo’s Spotify playlists introduced me to or reminded me of a bunch of great music.
Currently reading: The English translation of the novel “I Feel You Linger in the Air” because the series made me wonder what was up with the book. After that it’s Nona the Ninth which I am extremely excited about. Once I’m caught up with that series and not trying to avoid spoilers, I am going to live in the tags and forums for it.
Current favorite character: Sorry, he’s just real pretty and Taiwanese BL is so consistently nuts and unpredictable and I love it. He started out covered in blood and has spent most of this series cooking, doing math and faking amnesia, what’s not to love?
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Currently watching: The Kdrama Little Women and Kiseki: Dear to Me. I’ve also rewatching Our Flag Means Death from the beginning with a friend who has no idea what to expect.
Recently Watched: Only Friends, I Feel You Linger in the Air, and Flower of Evil. Also part of Fall of the House of Usher but I had to bail due to cowardice.
Current WIP: A Rose/Maya prequel to Laws of Attraction that WILL get done as soon as I decide whether it needs a real plot. I’m also already plotting a “Boston hooks up with LoA’s Charn, pre-Tinn,” fic for @technicallyverycowboy’s Boston fanworks idea, because I need to know what a couple of the most amoral BL characters will do if I put them in a room together. (Fuck nasty and not fix each other, I suspect.)
tagging @unhinged-silkshirt, @technicallyverycowboy again, @plaidcladjuno and @pakkornn, please ignore if you've already done it or are doing something more worthwhile than waiting for laundry to dry.
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reviewsthatburn · 1 year
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BLOODMARKED is about grief and reconciliation, building some thing new out of the ashes of what was. It's a tale of power and legacy, how people choose whether to continue in the paths that are handed to them or to try and make something better and new. It’s also a story of intimacy and trust, particularly between Bree and her loved ones. 
Full Review at Link
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pixelberryupdates · 2 years
Are you ready?! Get hyped for tomorrow's Wide Release with an Inside Choices look on Laws of Attraction 2.
P.S. Beware of spoilers if you haven't read Laws 1! 👍
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