#law curriculum
lawtoppers · 3 months
Proposal to Include Manusmriti in Law Courses Rejected - कायदा अभ्यासक्रमात मनुस्मृती समाविष्ट करण्याच्या प्रस्तावाला नकार
Proposal to Include Manusmriti in Law Courses Rejected - कायदा अभ्यासक्रमात मनुस्मृती समाविष्ट करण्याच्या प्रस्तावाला नकार
Proposal to Include Manusmriti in Law Courses Rejected – कायदा अभ्यासक्रमात मनुस्मृती समाविष्ट करण्याचा प्रस्ताव नाकारला Proposal to Include Manusmriti in Law Courses Rejected The Vice-Chancellor of Delhi University has firmly rejected a proposal to include Manusmriti in the law curriculum, highlighting significant concerns regarding its relevance and appropriateness in the context of modern…
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gellertalbus · 2 years
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thehours2002 · 1 year
i’m going to ask my students to read 68 pages from incidents in the life of a slave girl in one week and i just know they’re not going to do it. and i know they all have busy lives and demands on their time but i just want to hold each of their faces in my hands and say, “read this. it is good for you. it will nourish you. it will enrich your soul.”
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spiderwh0re · 10 months
"no AP psych in Florida it's got gender and stuff in it 🥺☹️😠😣"
my ap psych class anyway:
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thenightjillcamehome · 6 months
the sigh of RELIEF that just left my body after i mistook AEC 532's assignments for my current class' assignments (AEC 432)
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fabiansteinhauer · 11 months
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Benjamins forschen zu Benjamins Forschen
Spitzenforschung, die Grundlagenforschung ist, liegt und fliegt bei den Benjamins, ad astra in outerspace zu den Benjaministernen.
Leitfrage: Kann mir mal einer erklären, wie Walter Benjamin auf die Schnapsidee kam, sich akademisch qualifizieren und dann Forschung im Innercircle einer deutschen Universität betreiben zu wollen? Man hätte ihn doch nur mit seinem ausreichend genialen Entwurf des Curriculums sofort und ohne weiter akademische Qualifikation zum Rektor machen und ihm die Selbstbehauptung der deutschen Universität überantwortenkönnen.
So haben wohl Idioten die Lächerlichkeit dem Martin Heidegger überantwortet. Kann mir mal einer erklären, warum Adorno und Horkheimer entweder selten bis nie auf gute Schnapsideen kamen oder einfach im Stand der Wissenschaft nicht ein Fitzelchen Standing hatten, um Benjamin eine nicht auf Bettelbriefe angewiesene Stelle zu besorgen? Kann ich, kann ich nämlich auch nicht.
Das war alles, bevor fast jede Mitarbeiterstelle die Aufgabe erhielt, angestellt zu sein, um Bettelbriefe, also Drittmittelanträge zu schreiben. Angeblich war das so, dass es mal Forschung und Lehre gab, in der Leute saßen, die forschten und lehrten, statt im Antrag sagen zu müssen, was sie demnächst forschen und lehren wollen.
Ich glaube das ja auch nicht so recht, aber das Gerücht geht um, dass es irgendwann einmal in der deutschen Universität nicht bekloppt zuging und sie nicht die Hölle auf Erden war.
Angeblich gab es mal eine Zeit, in der man, wenn man seine Stelle antrat, nicht als erstes eine Einladung zur Teilnahme an einer Mediation bekam und beim ersten Treffen schon die Strafanzeigen und psychiatrischen Zustände der Kollegen auf der Tagesordnung standen. Etwas besseres als die deutsche Universität finden wir überall, nur nicht in der deutschen Universität.
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wide-eyedbrowns · 15 days
college is like here's your 4 hour accounting lecture followed by a 3 hour computer class and since we don't really have anything else to give to you to fill your schedule here's a 4 hour fitness class with a pregnant coach
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in-sightpublishing · 1 month
FFRF warns that Texas Education Agency plans to infuse Christianity into Texas schools
Publisher: In-Sight Publishing Publisher Founding: September 1, 2014 Publisher Location: Fort Langley, Township of Langley, British Columbia, Canada Publication: Freethought Newswire Original Link: https://ffrf.org/news/releases/ffrf-warns-that-texas-education-agency-plans-to-infuse-christianity-into-texas-schools/ Publication Date: August 16, 2024 Organization: Freedom From Religion…
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adypy-00 · 3 months
Beyond Boundaries: A Deep Dive into ADYPU's Innovative Approach to Curriculum and Specialization
In the evolving landscape of higher education, curriculum flexibility and specialization options have become pivotal factors for students selecting universities. These elements not only enhance the learning experience but also prepare students for specific career paths in an increasingly complex job market. This article examines the differences in course selection flexibility, availability of specialized programs, and interdisciplinary opportunities between private universities and government colleges.
Curriculum Flexibility
Private Universities:
Private universities, such as Ajeenkya DY Patil University, are known for their adaptable and student-centered approach to education. These institutions often provide students with the flexibility to tailor their education according to their interests and career goals. At ADYPU, students can choose from a variety of electives across disciplines, allowing them to create a personalized academic experience. This flexibility helps students develop a broad skill set that is highly valued in the modern workforce.
ADYPU’s curriculum is designed to be dynamic and responsive to industry trends. The university regularly updates its courses to incorporate the latest developments and technologies, ensuring that students gain relevant knowledge and skills. This adaptability is a hallmark of private universities, which are typically less constrained by bureaucratic processes than their government counterparts.
Government Universities:
In contrast, government colleges often operate within a more rigid curriculum framework. These institutions follow standardized curricula prescribed by educational authorities, which can limit the ability to offer a wide range of electives. While this standardization ensures a uniform educational quality, it can restrict students' ability to pursue diverse academic interests. Consequently, students at government colleges may have fewer opportunities to customize their education to align with their specific career aspirations.
Availability of Specialized Programs
Private Universities:
One of the significant advantages of private universities like ADYPU is the emphasis on specialized programs tailored to meet industry demands. ADYPU offers a plethora of specialized undergraduate and postgraduate programs across various fields such as engineering, design, management, hotel management and much more. These programs are designed in collaboration with industry experts, ensuring that the curriculum is relevant and up-to-date.
For example, ADYPU’s School of Engineering provides specialized programs in emerging areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Robotics. Similarly, the School of Design offers cutting-edge courses in Product Design, Digital Modeling, and User Experience Design. This focus on specialization equips students with niche skills that enhance their employability and career prospects.
Government Universities:
Government colleges, due to their adherence to traditional academic structures, may offer fewer specialized programs. While some prestigious government institutions do provide advanced and specialized courses, the breadth and diversity of such programs are generally more limited compared to private universities. Additionally, the process of introducing new courses in government institutions is often lengthy and bureaucratic, which can delay the implementation of contemporary and industry-relevant programs.
Interdisciplinary Opportunities
Private Universities:
Interdisciplinary learning is another area where private universities excel. These universities encourage students to engage in interdisciplinary studies, breaking down traditional academic silos. The university's flexible curriculum allows students to combine courses from different disciplines, fostering a holistic educational experience. This approach is instrumental in developing critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and the ability to innovate.
ADYPU’s interdisciplinary initiatives include collaborative projects, research opportunities, and workshops that span multiple fields of study. For instance, a student in the School of Management might work on a project with peers from the School of Engineering or Design, gaining insights from different perspectives. Such opportunities are invaluable in preparing students for complex real-world challenges that require a multifaceted approach.
Government Universities:
While some government universities are making strides toward interdisciplinary education, the scope and implementation are often less extensive compared to private institutions. Traditional academic departments in government colleges tend to operate in isolation, which can limit opportunities for cross-disciplinary collaboration. However, efforts are being made to bridge this gap, with initiatives to promote interdisciplinary research and learning. Despite these efforts, the inherent structural rigidity of government institutions can pose significant challenges to fully realizing interdisciplinary education.
In conclusion, private universities like Ajeenkya DY Patil University in Lohegaon, Pune, offer significant advantages in terms of curriculum flexibility, availability of specialized programs, and interdisciplinary opportunities compared to government colleges. ADYPU’s student-centric approach, dynamic curriculum, and focus on specialization and interdisciplinary learning provide a comprehensive educational experience that is highly responsive to the needs of the modern workforce. While government universities play a crucial role in providing accessible and standardized education, the flexibility and innovation inherent in private institutions like ADYPU make them an attractive choice for students seeking a tailored and industry-relevant education.
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DM#19: Perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment
Doctrine of the Mysteries #19 Perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment 1Co 1:10  Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. The Bible presents Paul’s epistles in an order specific to…
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teaboot · 22 days
How do Canadian schools teach about indigenous Canadian history and culture? -a curious USAmerican
In my experience we learned about colonization at the same time as we learned about the formation of Canada. At first it was "European settlers came and pushed out the indigenous population", then in the higher grades we learned more about the how and the why.
For example, how carts full of men with rifles would ride around shooting Buffalo, then leaving the meat on the ground to rot, because "a dead Buffalo is a dead indian", which was so fanatical it almost wiped out wild Buffalo entirely
Also how Canadian settlers were lured in with beautiful hand-painted advertisements for cheap, beautiful, fertile land that was unpopulated and perfect, if only you'd sail over with your entire family and a pocket full of seeds- only to be met with scared, confused, and angry lawful inhabitants already run out of ten other places, and frigid winters, and rocky, forested, undeveloped dirt.
also, smallpox blankets, where "gifts" of blankets infected with smallpox were intentionally given out
And treaty violations- Either ignoring written agreements entirely, or buying them out at insanely low prices and lying about the value, or trading for farming equipment that they couldn't use because they weren't farmers.
Then in the first world war, where they told indigenous peoples here that they'd be granted Canadian citizenship if they enlisted
To Residential schools, which was straight up stealing kids for slavery, indoctrination, and medical experiments
But we also covered the building of the Canadian Railway in which Chinese immigrants were lowered into ravines with dynamite to blow out paths through the mountain for pennies on the dollar
And the Alberta Sterilization Act, where it was lawful and routine procedure to sterilize women of colour and neurodivergent people without their awareness or consent after giving birth or undergoing unrelated surgeries
But I'm rambling.
We kind of learned Aboriginal history at the same time as everything else? Like. This is when Canada was made, and this is how it was done. Now we'll read a book about someone who lived through it, and we'll write a book report. And now a documentary, and now a paper about the documentary. Onto the next unit.
And starting I think in grade 10 our English track was split between English and Aboriginals English, where you could choose to do the standard curriculum or do the same basic knowledge stuff with a focus on Aboriginal perspectives and literature. (I did that one, we read Three Day's Road and Diary Of A Part-Time Indian, and a few other titles I don't remember.)
There was also a lunch room for the Aboriginal Culture Studies where Aboriginal kids could hang out at lunch time if they wanted, full of art and projects and stuff. They'd play music or videos sometimes, that was cool
And one elective I took (not mandatory cirriculum) was a Kwakiutl course for basic Kwakwakaʼwakw language. Greetings, counting to a hundred, learning the modified alphabet, animals, etc. Still comes in handy sometimes at large gatherings cause they usually start with a land recognition thanking whoever's land we're on, with a few thanks and welcomes in their language.
And like- when I was in the US it was so weird, cause here we have Totem poles and longhouses and murals all over and yall... don't? Like there is a very distinct lack of Aboriginal art in your public spaces, at least in the areas I've been
My ex-stepfather, who was American, brought his son out once, and he was so excited to "see real indians" and was legitimately shocked to learn that there weren't many teepees to be found on the northwest coast, and was even *more* shocked when we told him that you have Aboriginal people back home too, bud. Your Aboriginal people are also named "Mike" snd "Vicky" and work as assistant manager at best buy.
If you'd ask me, I'd say that the primary difference is that USAmerica (from what I've seen, and ALSO in entirely too much of Canada) treats our European and Aboriginal conflicts as history, something that's tragic but over, like the extinction of the mammoths, instead of like. An ongoing thing involving people who are alive and numerous and right fucking here
But at the end of the day, I'm white, and there are plenty of actual Aboriginal people who are speaking out and saying much more meaningful things than I can
So I'm just gonna pass on a quote from my Stepmum, who's Cree, that's stuck with me since she said it:
"You see how they treat Mexicans in America? That's how they treat us here. Indians are the Mexicans of Canada."
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Trump continues having rallies in historic all-White "Sundown Towns," where Blacks had to leave by sunset.
Ayman Mohyeldin discusses the implications of Trump's having held rallies in Aug. and Sept. in four "Sundown Towns," where in the past Blacks had to leave/be off the streets by sundown. The rallies were held in Howell, MI, La Crosse, WI, and Johnstown, PA., and Mosinee, WI. Below is the video that Ayman posted on X.
AYMAN: "When your slogan is the nostalgic phrase Make America Great Again, a campaign tour of 'sundown towns' helps us all understand the America that Donald Trump is yearning for."
Trump keeps sending out his racist "dog whistles," while at the same time claiming that it is really "Whites" who are being discriminated against, and campaigning that he will ban the discussion in schools of "divisive" topics, like critical race theory, and instead promote a "patriotic" educational curriculum, like the whitewashed one developed by the 1776 Project in his last administration.
BlackPast: Sundown Towns:
Sundown Towns are all-white communities, neighborhoods, or counties that exclude Blacks and other minorities through the use of discriminatory laws, harassment, and threats or use of violence. The name derives from the posted and verbal warnings issued to Blacks that although they might be allowed to work or travel in a community during the daytime, they must leave by sundown. Although the term most often refers to the forced exclusion of Blacks, the history of sundown towns also includes prohibitions against Jews, Native Americans, Chinese, Japanese, and other minority groups. Although it is difficult to make an accurate count, historians estimate there were up to 10,000 sundown towns in the United States between 1890 and 1960, mostly in the Mid-West and West.
The Green-Book
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The rise of sundown towns made it difficult and dangerous for Blacks to travel long distances by car. In 1930, for instance, 44 of the 89 counties along the famed Route 66 from Chicago to Los Angeles featured no motels or restaurants and prohibited Blacks from entering after dark. In response, Victor H. Green, a postal worker from Harlem, compiled the Negro Motorist Green Book, a guide to accommodations that served Black travelers. The guide was published from 1936 to 1966, and at its height of popularity was used by two million people.
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pomefioredove · 5 months
Ngl I want a sequel to bad ending 'yuu gets sold' series
Cause imagine the boys go to NBC just to find out that yuu is actuality doing great, better than great, even better than the time they were doing in NRC
I like to think that Rollo is legitimate a nice person when you remove the hatred over magic type of stuff
He deffo makes sure that yuu is well fed and clean (let's be honest, not something that yuu always has in NRC) plus treat yuu greatly
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rollo fans who are starving since everyone stopped talking about him after november I'm here for you. I see you. take my hand
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parts 1 | 2 | 3 | kalim | 'bad' ending
summary: yuu transfers to NBC type of post: fic characters: rollo my beloved additional info: yuu is gender neutral, implied romantic ^_^
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It had been a long six months for everyone at Night Raven College.
The departure- and subsequent absence- of their beloved Ramshackle prefect was very much felt.
Days were longer, nights were darker, the first year class itself felt empty.
"At least they're not dead," was the consensus.
Of course, you continued to communicate with your friends- it wasn't like you completely dropped off the map, although Noble Bell College had a stricter policy about phone usage.
You even sent some letters back and forth, yours filled with updates and mementos, theirs with pictures of all you'd left behind.
Did you miss NRC?
You missed your friends.
But Crowley? The overblots? Being everyone's personal therapist?
...Yeah. You could live without that.
Noble Bell College may have been more exclusive, and more strict in their code of conduct, but it was more peaceful, too. Smaller, less students, and much less reliance on magic, so that you and Grim could be whole students independent of one another.
The curriculum was much different than NRC's. Less of an emphasis on a personal connection to magic, and more on tradition, ritual, and history. There were few times when you'd have to sit out a class, or watch your friends have fun from the sidelines.
If anything, Rollo made a point of including you.
A part of it may have been personal pride- after all, he just couldn't resist showing you how much better he is.
But he also had a vague idea about how stressful your life at NRC really was, and how isolated you felt, despite being surrounded by people. It was his duty, in a sense, to rectify that.
Even if it meant you had to sit through his lectures and recitations of the traditional magic laws.
...Though, even with his intense adherence to tradition and structure, he made quite a show of being kind to you.
Despite his best efforts to claim fairness and righteousness, it was no secret to anyone that he favored you. You quickly became the only person he spent his free time with (not that he was particularly social in the first place...)
And... it was nice. Is nice.
He holds himself to high standards, and expects that of others; he's cold, harsh when he feels it necessary, and repressed in all ways imaginable.
And yet... well, there's no sabotage, no swindling, no scamming, no manipulation to make petty ends meet.
Rollo, as a person, is both confusingly complex and reassuringly simple. You know as much. He sticks to routine, to rules, to tradition. He's diligent in every sense of the word, and highly respected because of it.
And when the eyes of the other students are turned away, he treats you with a sort of gentleness that you'd become wholly unfamiliar with at NRC. Like a porcelain doll, like something precious he desires to wrap in cotton and silk and store somewhere safe.
You wonder if his behavior towards you is at all connected to the very reason he risked his status bringing you here in the first place... but you don't dwell too long. He's as mysterious as anything.
When your former classmates come to visit over break, it's like they're meeting an entirely different person.
"Happy to see us, eh? You're like, glowing," Ace smirks.
Deuce elbows him in the ribs for that comment. "What he meant is that you look great. I mean, really! You've been sleeping more?"
You nod. "Lots, yeah,"
"Weird, I woulda guessed they'd been working you to the bone. This place is all "no funny business", right?" Ace shakes his head.
You laugh, walking alongside your former fellow first years in the streets of Fleur City, the very ones you'd become so accustomed to in recent months.
"I've actually been doing well with my studies. I think I've finally decided what I want to do after graduation,"
"Oh, that's great!" Deuce says. A lengthy pause follows, much to your confusion- it's as if everyone has something they want to say, but won't be the first to say it.
Epel clears his throat. "You been 'doin alright?"
"Um... yeah. I have,"
"Cause... you know, if anyone was giving you trouble, we'd give 'em what for!"
You chuckle. "I'm fine, really. People here are pretty nice..."
Again, that same silence follows. Epel, Deuce, and Ace look between each other, as if daring the other to say the next thing.
This time, you take the initiative.
"Listen. If this is about Rollo, he's fine. I'm fine. He's been nothing but helpful,"
The tense silence breaks and Ace sighs, shaking his head. "You can't blame us for being worried,"
"I mean, this whole situation has been really shady. Everyone at NRC has been worried sick..." Deuce says. "We just wanted to make sure..."
You smile. "I appreciate it, but you really don't have to send in a rescue party. I've been... I've been really good. Happy. And I miss you guys to pieces, but I've felt closer to home here than anywhere else. Does that sound strange?"
A short pause follows. Deuce is the first to speak, his voice sounding strained. "Not at all. We just want you to be happy,"
You can tell he's trying really hard to sound positive. Epel, on the other hand, doesn't sugarcoat anything.
"You really won't come back with us?"
You smile again, though this one is wholly apologetic. "No, I don't think so,"
The three are quiet for another moment, and then seem to drop the subject. The rest of their stay goes by smoothly, even with all the strained moments where you can tell they have something to ask. You assume they've already figured out the answer.
The day trip is over by sundown and you return to campus just before curfew, taking a seat in one of the cozy (though currently empty) lounges by a familiar face.
"They're gone?" Rollo asks, not bothering to look up from the textbook he's perusing.
You watch him carefully, and think it's best not to mention you friend's attempt to bring you back with them.
"Yes, they're gone. We had fun, nothing happened,"
"Good," he says. A brief silence follows before he speaks again. "I do trust you. But-"
"You don't trust them. I understand. If I were you, I suppose I wouldn't, either. But I'm fine,"
"When are they coming back?"
"Two months. They're taking the weekend. Might bring some other people,"
Rollo hums a note of acknowledgment, fingers rolling around the pen in his right hand. The book is still open, though he's looking ahead now. His face is flushed.
You know he's unhappy with it, but he won't say anything. You're grateful he likes you enough to let you rub elbows with people he despises. Especially after all that's happened...
He stands, closing the book. "Very well. Let me know what day so that I may adequately prepare myself. Good night. Be safe,"
And with that, he takes his leave.
Ever distant. Ever polite. One might mistake the way he speaks for coldness or resentment if you weren't so familiar with his mannerisms by now.
You turn to look into the lounge fireplace behind you, watching the flames flicker and die until all that remains are soft, glowing embers, the same shade of red that burns on his cheeks when you look at him.
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headspace-hotel · 8 months
Going through the bills proposed in the kentucky 2024 legislative session and some of the things being proposed are
make a PFAS Working Group
require homeless shelters to provide free menstrual products (it's actually disturbing that they didn't already)
require schools to provide free menstrual products
create harm reduction centers and lower penalties for possessing controlled substances
require insurance to pay for cancer screenings (okay. low bar but okay)
abolish the death penalty (actually has a couple republican sponsors)
decriminalize cannabis
make fluoridation of water in districts optional (?????)
make coal the "state rock" of Kentucky
Prohibit children from being interrogated in a "deceptive manner" (?)
Make weight discrimination illegal
pay schools to food grown at kentucky farms to provide for school meals at low income schools (hey that's rad)
Lower the age of carrying a concealed deadly weapon from 21 to 18 (?????????????)
Require companies to give their employees earned paid sick leave
Impose restrictions on the collection of biometric data by private entities
Allow poultry to be sold at farmers' markets and at farms
pay for cancer screenings for firefighters
let pregnant incarcerated people have midwives or doula services
require that public high school curriculum include instruction on the history of racism
Remove Robert E. Lee Day, Confederate Memorial Day, and Jefferson Davis Day from the list of public holidays (WE HAVE THOSE?!!?!?!)
Retroactively expunge some cannabis convictions
"Prohibit public school districts from expanding any resources or funds on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging or political or social activism; prohibit public school districts from engaging in diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging" (HUH?????)
require schools to give kids a lunch period of at least 30 minutes (the bar is in hell)
provide scholarships for teachers to help the teacher shortage and give teachers compensation for planning time
require schools to have defibrillators
make it so a homeless person doesn't have to pay to get a copy of their birth certificate
require a working smoke detector to be present in any house sold (...did we not already have this?)
create the Kentucky Urban Farming Youth Initiative
Require local governments to lower minimum square footage requirements for housing, and facilitate multifamily housing, manufactured housing, and "tiny homes," and require that zoning laws have a "substantial connection to protection of public safety, health, and usage of property" (This could be a good thing??)
require hiring and licensing authorities to allow people convicted of a crime an opportunity to get a job
Propose a new section of the Kentucky Constitution that guarantees the right of an individual to buy, sell, or use a certain amount of cannabis and to grow a small amount of cannabis plants, and put this on the ballot (LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE please this would be so funny)
Now let's watch how many of the good and basic common sense laws get left to die by Republicans because Republicans are ghouls
this is why it's important to vote in local elections, this is the kind of stuff that's being decided upon
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mebwalker · 2 years
Language Laws in Quebec: la Patrie littéraire, the Literary Homeland
Language Laws in Quebec: la Patrie littéraire, the Literary Homeland
Marc-Aurèle de Foy Susor-Coté, Coin de mon village, Arthabaska, 1914 (Musée des Beaux-Arts du Canada. NGA) —ooo— I made changes to my last post. There were little mistakes, “surface errors.” I’m ageing. However, I would like to add that, in my opinion, Canadians have not paid sufficient attention to the findings of the Royal Commission of Bilingualism and Biculturalism (1963-1969) and Canada’s…
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pseudowho · 3 months
Professor Higuruma: Part One, Star-Crossed
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Leaving your job behind to study Law, you fall into the gravity of Professor Higuruma Hiromi. Soon, you find yourselves entwined in an affair so deep and alluring, you cannot see where Hiromi ends and you begin.
Warnings: 18+, MDNI, smut from Part One, age-gap relationship (20s to 40s), 'thread of fate', tw- leaving an emotionally neglectful relationship, tw- alcohol use, wet dreams and daydreams
The bottle would not draft his timetable, and as such, it remained corked. Hiromi's thirst extended past wine and warm bodies, to something altogether more elusive; an alleviation of his crippling loneliness-- that which ground him down to dirt.
Hiromi sat on his sofa, picking up the claret, rolling it in his hands, putting it down, running his fingers through his hair, clenching white knuckles against jittering thighs.
The week had been long. His Department was undergoing fresh demands for classes and time and curriculums and more, that Hiromi had not the staff to facilitate. With the new term about to start, and fewer professors than ever, Hiromi felt like the wick in the middle of a candle burning at both ends.
From the heated sneers that set to flame in the room around him, Hiromi wasn't the only one already balancing on a knife edge. He felt the frost crisp the earth around Nanami Kento, his Literature department already at the end of their tether.
If the rampant deep-seated loathing for the world in which he lived didn't kill him first, the stress would. The loneliness would. The drink would. The pressure would. The late nights would. The loneliness the loneliness the loneliness the loneliness--
Hiromi threw his bottle and responsibilities to the sofa. Too touch-starved for solitude, but too burned out for company, Hiromi grabbed his jacket and keys, and headed for his favourite bar.
See you later? At the bar across the street.
Let me know when you'll be here.
Are you still coming?
Not dressed up, sorry. On your way?
Got you a drink. See you soon?
The Spring evening was too crisp for such chilly rejection. The sun had seemed hopeful, earlier in the day, and you hadn't brought a jacket. You felt the bite upon your exposed arms, a nipping punishment for your optimism. Whether he was here, or not, made no great difference; he had not given you his jacket in a long time.
He would come, you reassured yourself. You'd buy him his favourite drink, and he'd arrive late, all I'm so sorry baby, you know how it is, c'mere, I'll warm you up, with twinkles in his eyes like you'd hung his stars and his hand in yours and the life you had lived and shit don't cry you stupid bitch pull yourself together.
You scurried into the bar, embraced by your own arms, before ordering his favourite drink and yours, as if a summoning ritual. The bar had a happy thrum, warm with love and life, and you saw cherry blossoms drift across the torch lit balcony. It beckoned you. You remained, waiting for your spell to work, with your eyes on the door.
The torches dwindled. A barman went to refill them with oil. Your fiancé had not arrived. The ice in his drink had almost melted, and you sank into a sigh that shredded down to the very core of you. The first time you saw the man in the black suit, arriving on a thundercloud, and sitting a few barstools down from you, you registered him only briefly, past the knife in your gut.
Then, a pair of coal-dark eyes met yours. The torches on the balcony reignited with a whoomph, setting drifting blossoms to pink-spark ember on the Tokyo backdrop. Your breath caught halfway, the scent of smoky petals and spiced cologne on the sides of your tongue. The barest clink of ice cubes settling in the glass, cracked through the moment that time had paused.
The man in the suit opened his mouth, offering only the other half of the breath he had stolen. His hangdog eyes were so curiously expressive. A smile wrinkled his nose. You stumbled across yourself, pressing your fiancé's undrunk drink across the bar to the black-suit man.
"Would you like this? It's in need of appreciation." The black-suit man laughed, a breathy rumble.
"Is it indeed?" He took the glass with long fingers, and you followed the trail of a trickle of the glass's condensation, dripping down his finger's inner length, to pool at the junction between. "Will it taste bitter in the mouth of someone for whom it was not intended?"
You smiled, your eyes narrowing in tease. "It is a gift."
"Oh!" He uttered, laced with small joy. "Then it will be sweet." He took a sip, a vermouth-honeyed tongue darting across his lips with an appreciative hum. "Yes, quite. Welcome, little drink. There is joy to be found amongst the unwanted." You laughed, and Hiromi felt a curious yank upon his finger. He had fallen into your company, and could not get back up.
"I must be old," he laughed again, swiping commas of grey-streaked Inky hair from his temples, "because I've forgotten my manners. I'm sorry for pressing conversation upon you. Thank you for the drink."
You shook your head, without the appropriate words to express how a stranger had warmed you more in moments than you had been in years. Your black-suit man bowed his head, standing, and turning away before pausing. Fate rolled a dice.
"The balcony looks lovely. And, empty." Hovering on one footstep, his gait then steadied, and brogued black shoes clipped across the polished floor. You felt something fine and golden tug within your chest, as torchlight rolled across the black-suit man's disappearing shoulders. Another diceroll raised Fate's eyebrows.
You stood, hesitating between the balcony and the bar. The barman buried a scoop into some ice, watching two strangers interact with an oddly burgeoning certainty. He never interfered. Fate flipped a coin; how readily the stars did align.
"He likes red wine." The barman offered, nodding between your stuttering gape, and the void the black-suit man left in the doorway. You frowned, biting your bottom lip, unaware that your path had been decided before the words left your mouth.
"Then I like red wine, too." The barman smiled. He reached to a row of dusty wine racks above his head, pulling out a bottle with a glassy clink.
"Do you trust me?" The barman asked, placing the bottle before you with a muted thud. You felt a bubble of joy up your nose.
"I do, actually." You replied, awash with certainty as you paid, took two glasses, and headed towards the balcony. As you walked through the doorway, and firelight uncovered the gems hidden within your hair and eyes, your black-suit man smiled, and gestured to the rattan sofa opposite him.
As you sat, strangely comfortable under his gaze, in your state of plain dress, your black-suit man smiled over at you. He looked awkward for a moment, not trusting himself in his own shoes.
"...all this and I wasn't actually prepared for company." You both laughed. Your black-suit man watched you with a glimmer in his eyes, fingers plaited and clasped under his nose, leaning forwards on propped elbows. You struggled to open the wine. He huffed through his nose, your fingers brushing as you handed the bottle over with a scoff.
The man's eyes narrowed as the bottle opened with a brittle schtick; "Loosened it for me--" you laughed again, pinching your nose bridge, "--no no I mean it, I'm really very weak--" You rolled in your laughter together, with him babbling smiling reassurance, while he poured your wine.
"I have one condition to this rendezvous-- please can we not talk about work?" He groaned, clinking your two glasses together in his own hands before passing one to you, still warmed by fading laughter.
"Absolutely. I promise. No work talk."
He was older than you, by an uncertain amount, though you were no girl. You leaned on one palm, in easy silence as you smelled the petal-burst flames. He watched the aurora cast upon your cheeks, feeling his chest fill in a way he couldn't describe.
"...Hiromi." He offered. "My name's Hiromi."
"And it suits you. Should I remain a great mystery?" You gasped, melodramatic with one hand over your mouth.
"Appalling manners!" Hiromi shot. "You owe me a name."
"I gave you a drink! And a bottle of wine."
"I don't owe you a thing, in fact--"
The evening trailed away, all warm banter, easy laughter and lingering looks. The conversation grew sloppier, uninhibited, lubricated by wine, of which the bottles nestled, one, two, two and a half. Hiromi had laughed, as deep and rich and mature as the grapes, positively Dionysian, his laughter dying on his lips to catch you mid-shiver. He huffed into his glass, the scent of fermentation rolling back over his own face.
"Here." He dropped, lackadaisical as he sloped past on the way to the bathroom. You blushed to feel his jacket nestle, warm and homely, around your shoulders. He did not appreciate the enormity of the gesture, to you, as he walked away. On his return, you appeared muted, holding onto his jacket around with with two chilly hands. Hiromi felt a stutter in his chest, and sat down beside you.
"...are you alright?" He whispered, soft under the torchlight. Your head drooped onto his shoulder, your neck softened by wine, and he puffed his surprise, short and sharp across your cheek.
"I've had such a lovely time." You sniffed, feeling the clock tick far too late, and you had a busy day ahead, with the start of your new course, and you had to get home and prepare your mind for the beginning of a new life and--
"It...doesn't have to be over." Hiromi intoned, and your belly clenched as his voice rumbled through your core. Your head turned on his shoulder, your nose brushing his. Hiromi spoke again, stroking your nose with his until your eyes fluttered closed, having never felt more certain of anything in his life. "I...I've never done this, but...come home with me, just tonight, and--"
Your phone rang, shrill and piercing and you cried out, jolting away from Hiromi's touch. He chased your lips, his face twisting in a pain you didn't see, as you looked down at your phone screen, slurring.
"Shit...my fiancé..."
Hiromi's belly tumbled, sick with disappointment-- with something altogether more possessive-- and feeling that yank upon his finger, more insistent as he spoke, low and slow.
"Your...fiancé?" The words tasted rotten. Hiromi felt sick, bitter with the sudden loss, hobbled by the brutality of having gained the stars and lost them all at once. He watched you swallow, watched the flash of a wound reopening, piecing the puzzle together so fast now.
"The one who stood you up?" Hiromi toned, venomous with the injustice of the theft. You mistook the direction of his anger, and looked up, your face tight with apology. Hiromi shook his head, raising a hand. Your phone stopped ringing. A few moments passed before your phone buzzed. You read a message as Hiromi stood, turning on the spot, his hands cupped over his nose and mouth.
"You...shouldn't worry. I assume he's coming to pick you up, and I...thank you for such a lovely evening, it's been--"
You laughed without humour, eyes brimming with tears. You shook your head, and nodded, and shook your head again. Hiromi watched you, uncertain.
"I'll walk myself home. He's gone to bed." Hiromi paused, then scoffed.
"You're not walking home alone. Not a chance. Not like this."
He extended a hand to you. You took it, as if tied by the fingers. He held you, like this, all the way home to your cold bed.
You took each others' breath with you as you parted at the door. Hiromi was sure that his loneliness would not kill him first; the drink would not kill him first; the stress would not kill him first; the late nights would not kill him first; the pressure would not kill him first. Being taken to great heights, and then dropped in a dizzying fall, would.
"Thank you for inviting me in." You whispered, smiling against the shell of his ear. In his bed, soft and open against his body, Hiromi sighed into your touch, your fingernails trailing across his scalp as he groaned. His cock throbbed, thick with promise.
"Couldn't leave you out there, naked." He mumbled against your lips, reaching under the covers to feel you and meeting only the cloth resistance of the mattress, but you were there because he could taste the wine on you, and you were opening yourself to him, he knew somehow.
"You're the one who undressed me." You said, your voice above him, but he was climbing above you, bracketing you to the bed while your voice whispered all around him. Hiromi felt his cock grasped, bucking forwards into the warmth and softness of it, chasing warmer and softer, and he begged you.
"Please you...never told me your name...let me in please, please--" He couldn't see your face with his eyes closed in this odd black moonlight, somehow within you and outside of you all at once. One more rock of his hips seated him within you, plush walls pillowy and smooth and all for him.
He groaned, low and desperate, rocking his cock inside you and he longed for you to welcome him with your arms, but any time he tried to draw them round him they flopped, useless, absent, so he urged you with his hips rutting faster, to pleasure you into holding him. Was it you crying out, or him? He couldn't tell, his pleasure mounting, pulsing through him in waves and why wasn't he trying to stop himself, he hadn't done anything for you--
Hiromi woke with a gasp, his pillow clutched between taut arms as he fucked involuntarily into the mattress, groaning into the mess of cum spurting between his sheets and belly. Hiromi's voice cracked, still lost in his dream, still spilling himself inside you in his mind. The blissful contractions of his cock dizzied him, surely the wettest dream he'd ever had.
Coming back to earth, Hiromi panted, face down in his pillow and a pool of his own sticky seed. His phone alarm rang. He groaned, feeling the catastrophic disappointment of the night before wash over him anew. Seeing the date on his phone in fumbling hands, sent another groan through him, and he buried his hooked nose in the pillow.
The new academic year began today.
"Higuruma." More statement than question, Hiromi accepted Nanami Kento's proffered coffee as if being reminded of his own name. Hiromi took it, weary and silent, slouched at his desk beneath the crushing weight of having been scooped out in the middle.
Kento sat in Hiromi's visitor chair, regarding Hiromi with cool impassivity. He read the usefulness of any comments he could make, and set them aside for business.
"How do you plan on handling your evening classes? The high-school ones." Hiromi scoffed.
"Nanami, it is 8am on the first day of term, you cannot surely have a plan--"
"We'll offer assistant wages to one or two new First Years." Nanami said, before continuing, sniping and bitter. "If we must lose our Graduate Professors, and if we must host the accessibility courses ourselves, then at least the First Years can gain some income and some experience through teaching."
Hiromi rested his cheek on one palm. He stared Kento down.
"That...that's not a bad idea, actually, Nanami. I shall use that, I think." Kento and Hiromi inclined coffees and heads to each other, an easy camaraderie. Kento let the silence hang as Hiromi scribbled in his diary.
"I don't actually know how we'll do it, Nanami." Hiromi groaned, his face in his hands. "They make staffing cuts as if I can knit a new professor to take some of these classes. How much more 'self-directed learning' can I give these students? It's barbaric. They're being bled dry for this degree, and for what? So they can teach themselves? Shit."
Kento did not disagree, frosty again as the University Chancellors' departmental meeting montaged before his eyes.
"They're paying for a library, and the pleasure of our limited company." Kento sneered, as bitter as his coffee dregs. Hiromi sighed, trying to rub the alcohol away with his fingertips on his temples. Kento's eyes narrowed in cool regard, again.
"Home, or bar?" Hiromi grumbled, steepling his fingertips across his nose.
"Am I so fucking transparent?"
The faintest quirk lifted the corner of Kento's lips. He awaited an answer. Hiromi's head swam with the memory of you, interspersed with the false memories from the dream of being nestled between your thighs, and he felt his cock twitch. Hiromi shook himself out of it, sitting up and shaking his hands out with a huff.
"Bar, if you must know. It was...a late one." Kento hummed again. Hiromi did not elaborate.
"You should try harder to rest, before a work day. It is...irresponsible of you." Hiromi glowered over at Kento, Hiromi's junior by a good few years, quacking after him.
"Yes mother." Kento scowled.
"I could report you." Stony silence. Two chuckles in the office.
"No. You won't do that. You're my best friend."
"I don't have friends--"
You recalled taking a day off work, on your fiancé's first day at University. You ironed his shirt the night before. You made him lunch, with notes and flourishes. You enjoyed a hot breakfast together, brimming over like the coffee pot about his future, while you worked to support him, and then your future, while he worked to support you. You had opened your arms to release him, and closed them around him on his return.
And god, you had worked, gruelling long hours for three gruelling long years, but despite the great chasm he had dug between you, you had brimmed over again when he landed his new job. A lucrative career. More than enough to pave your way, while he worked to secure your future--
He stayed in bed as your alarm went off. He accepted your affectionate nuzzles, before rolling away into the embrace of bed. Your fingers closed around nothing. You ate cereal. You packed your bag. You bubbled, low and alone. You wondered if he'd mind you slipping a banknote out of his wallet for your lunch. Your belly clenched with anxiety, and you packed a microwave meal instead.
You rocked, rhythmic with the clatter-back-and-forth of the train. Your eyes closed. Your music was soft. Though, not as soft as those coal-soft eyes, the gentle, brushing aquiline nose against yours, of the night before. Not as soft as the bittersweet ache of loss, of failing to know him better. The ghost of his touch soothed the stinging guilt, of wishing you had spent the night in his arms, instead.
Hiromi was early to his first class, his nerves too frayed and electric to be anything other than hypervigilant. The lecture hall stretched up around him, an amphitheatre where he would slowly watch the soul and enthusiasm be sucked out of those wishing to learn Law.
He had held some optimism, years prior, that his own fractured soul (from years of systemic self-abuse in the Criminal Defense system) could be soothed by teaching the next generation of lawyers, solicitors, and barristers.
Alas, second to idealism, feckless optimism had oft been Hiromi's failing. Alas, the decaying state of education and academia could provide no such balm to his soul while it crumbled itself, and expected its professors to use their bodies and bones to prop up the teetering institution. The grind was different, but just as potent. Hiromi felt the crushing responsibility of leading his department through this storm, and wondered how many would remain on the ship once the rain cleared from his vision.
He resigned himself to filling his chalice with the immeasurable optimism of the fresh and uninitiated. Though under-subscribed compared to prior years, he was still excited to receive his first batch of students for the term. He hoped their passion could bounce off of him, and multiply, exponential.
While preparing his slides for the day, rolling his sleeves up to his elbows, Hiromi heard the steady fill of the lecture theatre behind him.
He could not shake the ghost of your head upon his shoulder. He could not shake the taste of your skin from his dreams. He could not shake his regret, for not shaking you by the shoulders and insisting you deserved better, instead of delivering you back to the bed of a man who didn't appreciate the treasure within his grasp.
"I'll be with you in a moment!" Hiromi called behind him, waving one white-sleeved arm in a vague gesture. "Please be seated! I shan't be long."
The chatter crescendoed behind Hiromi, and he turned, clapping his hands together and affecting a smile and speech, gazing into the sea of new faces.
"Good morning everyone! Welcome to your first class. I'm delighted you have all chosen to study the Law-- it means the flow of the insane into our noble professions remains, as ever, consistent." A few smattered laughs from the audience. Hiromi grabbed his clicker, a slide slow flicking onto the great screen behind him.
"My name is Professor Higuruma, and while I will only be teaching you Case Law this year, today we shall talk about what to expect from your course, and--and..."
Oh, god. Those eyes, that haunted him. The body he had made love to while he slept. The shock, mirrored in your own eyes back at him, a participant in his new audience.
Hiromi's arm and mouth drooped, with the tug of the fine gold thread that you, too, felt. The night you had almost shared together passed across two pairs of distant, breathless lips. You felt every pulse, every nerve, every fibre of yourself skip a beat.
How readily had the stars aligned.
Part Two, Interpretation, coming soon!
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