mmelete · 4 months
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this is based on @skyloftian-nutcase's idea, where LU Legend becomes a painting, but the chain doesn't know/realize.
I might draw the rest of the chain reacting, we'll see. I felt like out of everyone, Warriors and Hyrule would be the most likely to deface a painting lol.
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beccawise7 · 2 months
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Fun Fact...
Cuddling in the arms of one you adore has been shown to increase serotonin levels in the brain.
Which helps with focus & releases feel good hormones that calm, relax, & make you feel happy.
In other words, cuddle to feel good!
Have great sex, then cuddle to feel great! ;)
~beccawise7 💜🖤
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kazscrows · 2 years
Kaz Brekker:
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godmerlin · 8 months
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Merlin 4x03 The Wicked Day
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isitdonproof · 10 months
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TMNT 2003 | The Christmas Aliens
Hey, hey, Case! Watch the tree will ya - we don't want it damaged.
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samijey · 2 months
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Monday Night RAW 05/08/2024
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jadewritesficshere · 2 months
Would you rather
Eddie Munson x Reader
Synopsis: Eddie asks you a question late in the night (<1k words)
Contains: reader is not gendered, hypothetical questions, discussions of sex and oral sex (there is a reference to messy sex, specifically spit, but only one line and not in detail), clowns
You're laying on your side staring at the wall when his voice pierces the quiet. "Are you awake?" Eddie whispers in the dark. It's almost 2am. The last remnants of weed in your system should have made it easy to fall asleep, but not tonight. You roll onto your back and look over at him," Yeah?"
Eddie shuffles in the bed closer to you," Got a question." Eddie's hand lightly touches your arm, taps it a few times as if to make sure you were there, before retreating. His hand lays next to you, close enough you can feel the warmth. "It's pretty serious." He mumbles.
You can feel your heart beat faster. A pretty serious question could mean anything. Maybe it's about the Upside Down, maybe about your future togeth-
"Would you rather be considered the world's best kisser but be terrible at sex, or be the best at sex but a terrible kisser?"
You pause for a moment.
"That's your question?" You shake your head smiling. The bed shifts as Eddie presses his face into his pillow as if to hide," Nevermind, it's dum-" "It's not dumb! I'm just thinking." Your hand grasps his, squeezing it lightly. "Do i have time to make a pros and cons list?"
"Gut instinct." Eddie pokes at your side and you slap his hand away. "Clarification, does oral count as sex or kissing?" "Hmm," Eddie's brow furrows," I mean it's called oral sex right? So that implies sex."
"Oh then a terrible kisser and good at sex. Good for you and me right? Besides, what's a terrible kiss? A lil messy? You like that-" "Okay shut up!" Eddie slaps you with his pillow causing you to chuckle. Eddie shakes his head before returning his pillow to where it was.
"Now you get to ask one." Eddie's fingers tap out a rhythm against your interlocked hand. You hum, thinking deeply,"Would you love me if I was a worm?" "Thats not a would you rather!" "Okay, would you love me if I was a worm rather then a human."
"That's not- that isn't," Eddie laughs," Okay sure, uh, are you a human sized worm or a regular worm?" "Worm sized." "Do you keep your ass?" You both giggle at the imagery.
"Imagine a worm with just a huge ass," you gasp out," Do worms even have asses?" You both continue to giggle quietly, the bed shaking slightly from your laughter.
"Yeah. I would still love you. I just wake up one day and you've turned into a worm? No, yeah of course I'd still love you. Then I'd go and find the witch that cursed you. I'd galavant through the trees, singing songs of your beauty and our love. Once I find the witch, I'd fall to my knees and beg for them to turn you back." Eddie rambles on, weaving a magical tale of adventure.
"Where am I in all this?" You ask kicking his shin lightly. Eddie traps your leg in his," In my pocket. I'll knit you a little blanket. Wrap it around you. Make you a lil bed and-" You gasp," Like Slimey?" "Like Slimey." Eddie agrees shifting closer to you.
Your eyes have adjusted well to the darkness. You can see his hair going every direction. His lips are slightly chapped but still kissable. His tank top has shifted, showing off a scandalous amount of skin, tattoos, sparse chest hair, and his nipple.
"Would you rather fuck a clown or a mime?" Eddie whispers. "I already fuck a clown i fuck you." You bite your lip to hold back your laughter
Eddie's shocked gasp has you that laughter escaping. "That's it! We're done!" Eddie jokingly pushes away from you as you protest with an "I'm kidding!".
You scoot closer, grasping onto his bicep. You kiss his cheek and continue to murmur apologies. Eddie sighs loudly as he wraps his arms around you. "Calling me a clown," Eddie makes a noise of disgust whilst shaking his head.
Your laughter settles as you gaze into Eddie's eyes. Your noses are almost touching. You can feel the warm exhale of his breath against your face. Eddie kisses you lightly before looking imploringly into your eyes," No, but which would you rather fuck?"
You pause a moment to think. A grin starts to spread across your face," All I can imagine is you go to grab a clown's ass and it just makes one of those squeaky horn noises." Eddie giggles and then mimicks the noise, lightly grabbing your ass.
For whatever reason, it sets you both off laughing. Maybe it's the imagery. Maybe it's the fact that it's 2 am and you both are sleep deprived. Maybe it's the fact you both feel safe and comfortable to be yourself around each other. Maybe it's the leftover weed in your systems.
"Imagine-" Eddie wheezes on a laugh," you go to remove the underwear and as you remove it- wheeze- more just keeps coming. Like those handkerchiefs that never end." The laughter in the room grows louder.
You can feel Eddie's body shake with laughter as he holds you close. Your eyes well up with tears as you imagine Eddie doing a sexy lil dance, removing a pair of underwear from under his skirt, and more keep coming as he said.
A banging on the door causes you both to jump. "Will you two shut up, some of us are trying to sleep!" Steve's grumpy, sleep-addled voice breaks through the silence. "Sorry!" Eddie calls bashful. "Waking me up...got an early shift...need my beauty sleep..fucking fools..." Steve mutters, footsteps sounding as he walks away.
"I think he means fucking clowns." You whisper in Eddie's ear. A fit of giggles fills the air again as you lay in each other's arms.
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carebeardean · 1 year
cas saving dean is so legendary even outside of supernatural itself that I’m shocked as a first time show watcher how much it’s actually about dean saving cas.
dean is probably the first person to treat cas like a human being with a choice—dean, who doesn’t believe in angels, who’s been failed by heaven again and again, who has every reason to write him off entirely. he’s furious with cas for going along with the plan to destroy humanity because he believed better of him. and like some fucked up version of the velveteen rabbit, by treating cas like a person, cas becomes human
dean calls him cas, and it sticks. dean loves humanity so stubbornly, so fucking fiercely despite everything, that cas stops and looks, for the first time in millennia. he wakes up. he doesn’t have a choice, seeing dean, who’s tortured and been tortured for decades, refusing to give up on people. dean who should be broken, who should be lying down and never getting up, spitting at god and his angels with blood in his teeth, for strangers. for people who will never know his name.
imagine, loving so much angels slip down from heaven just to see. to understand. to touch…
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personinthepalace · 6 months
POV: you’re Christian Borle glancing off stage right in Some Like It Hot.
From Kevin Del Aguila's instagram
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small-z24 · 5 months
One-Shot: Baking Mishaps
Baking with Azriel doesn’t go quite as planned 
Word Count: 619
Warnings: None just fluff
The House of Wind was filled with the warm, inviting aroma of baking. It was a rare day off for the Night Court, and Y/N had convinced Azriel to join her in the kitchen for a fun, relaxed afternoon of baking. Despite his stoic exterior, Azriel had a soft spot for spending time with her, even if it meant getting his hands covered in flour.
Y/N laughed as she watched Azriel struggle with the measuring cups. "Az, you’re supposed to level off the flour, not pack it in like it’s a weapon."
Azriel looked up, a rare smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "I’m trying, but this isn’t exactly my area of expertise."
She stepped closer, gently taking the cup from his hands. "Here, let me show you." She demonstrated the proper way to measure flour, her hands brushing against his. "See? Easy peasy."
Azriel’s eyes softened as he watched her, his shadows swirling lazily around them both. "You make it look easy."
Y/N grinned, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "That’s because I’ve had lots of practice. Now, how about you handle the eggs?"
Azriel nodded, taking the eggs and cracking them into the bowl with surprising precision. "At least I can do this part right."
Y/N giggled, nudging him playfully with her elbow. "Look at you, Mr. Perfect."
Azriel chuckled, the sound warm and rare. "Only when it comes to cracking eggs, apparently."
They continued working together, mixing ingredients and sharing laughter. The playful banter and lighthearted teasing created a bubble of happiness around them, a stark contrast to the usual seriousness of their lives.
As they moved on to mixing the batter, Y/N noticed a smudge of flour on Azriel’s cheek. Unable to resist, she reached out and brushed it off with her thumb. "You’ve got a little something right here," she teased.
Azriel’s eyes twinkled with mischief. "Oh really?" He dipped his fingers into the bowl of flour and gently flicked some at her, a playful smirk on his face.
Y/N gasped, feigning shock. "Did you just—"
Before she could finish her sentence, Azriel flicked more flour at her, and she retaliated by grabbing a handful of flour and throwing it at him. Laughter filled the kitchen as they engaged in an impromptu flour fight, both of them covered in white powder within minutes.
"Truce! Truce!" Azriel called out, holding up his hands in surrender, his face covered in flour and his eyes shining with joy.
Y/N giggled, lowering her own flour-filled hands. "Alright, truce. But only because I don’t want to waste any more flour."
Azriel wiped flour from his face, his smile softening as he looked at her. "You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this happy."
Y/N’s heart warmed at his words. "That’s because you bring out the best in me, Az."
He reached out, taking her flour-covered hand in his. "And you do the same for me."
They stood there for a moment, the world outside forgotten as they basked in each other’s presence. Finally, Y/N broke the silence with a laugh. "Come on, we should probably clean up before Rhysand comes in here and sees the mess we made."
Azriel nodded, still holding her hand. "Agreed. But I think we make a pretty good team."
Y/N smiled, her heart full. "The best team."
As they cleaned up the kitchen, their laughter and lighthearted banter continued, filling the House of Wind with a sense of warmth and love. And in that moment, Y/N knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, hand in hand, with love and laughter guiding their way.
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deuynndoodles · 10 months
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[id: two hannukah themed sketches featuring the main trio from danny phantom.
in the first, the camera is outside a window, looking into a cozy living room with the fireplace roaring. several menorahs lay on the windowsill. closer to the viewer, tucker holds a shamash and waves his hand erratically; sam laughs at him. an arrow declares that he's "on fire". further down the windowsill, danny floats in phantom form, lighting his menorah with ectoplasmic fire.
in the second, sam and danny sit on the floor, playing dreidel. tucker sits in a chair, watching them, eating a sufganiyah. there's a large pile of gelt in the pot, while sam and danny only have a couple pieces. a plate of sufganiyot and latkes sits next to danny. sam grins, ג (gimel) announcing her as the winner. danny looks at her, deadpan. end id]
happy hannukah!
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justporo · 1 year
A Night of Song and Laughter (Part 2)
In which there happens to be some smut... which I didn't plan for in this part but Astarion is goddammn wicked and does what he wants (you go bby) - that includes making Tav squirm while being pinned against a random wall. You can also read this and more parts on AO3 already!
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Astarion/Fem!Tav (You)
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These gifs are not mine btw... It's from here!
You were almost at the destination. Before the last turn and before the tavern came into view, you stopped just at the corner and softly tugged at Astarion’s arm. He turned to you and looked at you askingly: “What is it, my love? Weren’t you so keen to get here quickly.”
You bite your lip. Astarion’s gaze immediately drops to your lips. “Listen, you know, I just told you how I hung out very often at this place with my old crew. So uhm, it might be possible we run into them tonight.” You felt yourself getting nervous – you weren’t exactly sure how you felt of your plan all of a sudden. The vampire angled his head slightly to one side. “Soo?”, he drawled slowly and lifted an eyebrow.
“You know, it might be… weird”, you said and rolled your shoulders slightly. “You mean weird, because you just disappeared one day and now you just appear again with this stunningly beautiful man at your side, your incredibly smart and loving and cunning and witty soulmate”, Astarion started. You rolled your eyes at him but couldn’t help at how your cheeks probably flushed when he called the two of you soulmates. “Yes, kind of the weird, I meant”, you interrupted quickly before the pale elf could continue his self-praise. “I mean most of them would be cool about it, it’s not like we don’t all have our secrets or that some didn't disappear for some time, but…”, you bit your lip again.
Astarion pressed a kiss on your lips: “But what, darling? Don’t you think after all we’ve been through, we can’t get through meeting your old friends that might be a bit upset at you for being gone? And bringing a new acquaintance to the party?” “It’s just – if they’re here, Eodin is probably with them. And we kinda had a th- I mean he had a thing for me and we kinda also – you know – slept with each other a few times and… But I’ve never really been with him, like romantically – at least from my side, it was just sex and… like you said, you and I, we are soulmates… and the sex wasn’t even that goo…”, you started to blurt out.
Astarion’s eyebrows rose at this new revelation but his signature smirk quickly reappeared: “So, what you are telling me, is, that we might run into your old affair who – from what I think I caught from your rambling – might still be romantically interested in you.” While speaking, Astarion put his arms around you and pulled you closer. One of his hands moved up to your neck, fingers softly tangling in your hair, the other hand moving to your butt, clad in leather pants, and squeezing. “And who wasn’t even worth a mention so far because – as you just explained – it was just sex and at that even so unremarkable you probably didn’t even remember until just now.” You melted into his touch, his ruby eyes sparkled hungrily as he moved you back step for step until he had you with your back to the wall at the corner you stopped. He pinned your body against the stones and moved his right thigh between your legs to make you immobile. His one hand that was caressing your ass moved to lift your leg to wrap around his hips. His other hand curled into your hair and dragged your head back the slightest bit. You couldn’t help to let out a moan as his sudden change in demeanor. Your lips opened and you could feel how melting hot lava started to fill your core, your nipples, which pressed against his chest under your linen shirt, peaking. Astarion’s face was directly above you. He licked his lips slowly and smiled hungrily at you with an open mouth. You could clearly see his fangs shimmering in the light of the street lanterns. He groped your ass again, receiving another moan from you.
“I bet”, he continued and breathed out heavily. He was just as affected by this as you were – but he was in charge. “I bet, he couldn’t even get you as worked up in one whole night as I can in mere seconds, fully clothed and on the open street, my love.” He enunciated every single word but especially the last two. “Let alone make you come”, he drawled and grinned once more, his fangs being on full display. Then he kissed you – his mouth taking yours eagerly and making the heat inside you grow even hotter, manifesting itself in a pulsing sensation between your legs. His fingers in your hair sent shivers down your spine. You were like wax in his hands, gifting yourself to him willingly.
His sheer confidence and sudden possessiveness turned you on massively. And it was true – there never had been anyone like him. Not in the bedroom, but neither in your heart. No one compared to him.
“I don’t think being on the open street is the setback in this scenario, Astarion”, you whispered breathlessly, when he broke the kiss. The vampire threw his head back and laughed hoarsely. “Look at you, you’re full of surprises, aren’t you? Who would have thought you might be prone to some public fun?”, he whispered moving close to your pointy ear, his lips almost touching your skin. He shifted his right leg he still had between your legs to pin you against the wall which made you involuntarily grind against his thigh clad in black leather pants. You inhaled sharply at the sudden jolt of delicious friction. A thought about if he actually would dare to take you right there on the spot raced through your mind. But frankly, at the moment you couldn’t care less.
Astarion moved his lips from your ear to your neck while dragging your head back by your hair even more to gain better access to your throat. He could see your pulse drumming with excitement and arousal. The vein at your throat pulsating promisingly. He’d been rock hard since he had you pinned to the wall but this heightened his arousal even more, making his already painful erection twitch. The tought of having you, the thought of you trusting him so much, the thought of all you already gifted him and the thought that you were his – forever - he'd never felt like this before.
His eyes shone like gemstones while he stared at the display of your racing heartbeat. If he wanted to bite you, you’d let him. You’d not only gotten used to it but you’ve also both come to enjoy it as part of your nightly trysts from time to time. You’d had to admit a little pain had driven your pleasure to newly known heights.
Astarion savored the view of your delectable neck once more before he lifted his head and his eyes went back to yours. He licked his lips again and said: “As much as I’d love to devour you right here and now, my love –“, he moved to grab your other leg and lift you in his arms while your legs already moved to tangle around his hips “- It would ruin our primary plans for the night and I wouldn’t want you to give up on them.” He turned around and set you down on the floor again. You were shortly startled and also didn’t trust yourself to already stand on your own again after his quick demonstration of his talents.
“Also”, he continued, putting one finger under his chin in thinker pose “colour me more than intrigued now to get to know your former acquaintances”. He emphasized some of the words mockingly. “You know, to find out what the ‘competition‘“ – dramatically air-quoted the word “could possibly have on me.” He grinned another mockingly not very friendly grin that showed his canines prominently. Then he laughed and pulled you against him again, kissing you deeply again. But this kiss was not about sexual prowess, just showing you how deeply he felt for you. “Come on, darling”, he said in a deep and affectionate tone after the kiss while leaning his forehead against yours “lead the way.”
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yeonbam · 3 days
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joke in episode 7 preview: and for my next trick I will yearn so hard your heart will clench at the thought of my sorry little face for the rest of the week
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escespace · 4 days
Percival: Love is remembering that special person for all the good that they represent and not for the bad
Elyan: Love is giving even the smallest thing, even when you have nothing, just because that person is all you need.
Lancelot: Love is putting your loved one above your own desires
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thirdity · 4 months
No man is great enough or wise enough for any of us to surrender our destiny to. The only way in which anyone can lead us is to restore to us the belief in our own guidance.
Henry Miller, Nights of Love and Laughter
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whimsynoryia · 1 month
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Whit has a big fat ass fucking head hard enough to make whole parking spot on the wall and make it as smooth as his baby butt brain but still won't stop with the jokes
There might just be thin pink glitter between those ears ...
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