#laughing at how these r getting progressively more and more complex
quirinah · 1 year
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nindraw 4: nindrawmania
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ouatsnark · 6 months
sqs are exhausting. one claiming "the jab you with my sword line being apart of r*pe culture and it's not just killian implying sex with the line he wants to exert power over emma in that moment...but that's the point! he's an asshole trying to throw her off her balance & she kicks his ass!! he's also throwing the fight so she could get the compass and get back to henry! obviously in that point in the show emma isn't that experienced and he is (he def taught her the spin move emma does in s4)
So I've actually talked about how Regina and SwanQueen are the real so called "rape culture" : here and here
But the highlights are:
My favorite way to respond to this is bringing up the fact that the SwanQueen fandom sexualizes Regina's "how to get the savior to taste my forbidden fruit" which is Regina literally drugging Emma
In fact they sexualize all of S1-2 as Regina and Emma being in love while Regina is very clearly trying to kill Emma. The fact that they believe either is in love with the other during this is the epitome of "abuse culture".
Regina's rape and abuse of Graham is the canon sexual abuse that is ignored. In fact the majority of her fans see Graham as the lucky one or Regina as the victim because of the show's poor handling of this which is in fact real "rape culture" as they make Regina out to be the victim instead of the monster that she is.
Regina is so much more than "rape culture" she's more like "villain culture" because she gets away with all of her crimes without paying for them, without any sacrifice at all or admitting of any guilt that has her groveling at the feet of her victims. In fact, she continues to insult and bully her victims without repercussions. Killian actually suffers immediate consequences for his actions.
Sexual innuendo is not rape. There is nothing about that S2 scene between Emma and Hook that casts his remark in a good light. Because as you say, she kicks his ass. If this was "rape culture" Emma would've swooned. But she didn't, therefore, not "rape culture".
YES he is a 300 year old asshole PIRATE! The humor in this is that Emma, a modern woman, is fighting a 300 year old PIRATE! Like. Laugh a little people. FFS. She doesn't get with him until AFTER he's left this life behind. AND after he decides to leave pirating behind we never see this crass behavior again because Killian actually goes through a change.
Also, that fight scene is so complex, really. Because on one hand I fully believe that he very much wanted to be the one getting to Storybrook and would've done everything necessary to get there because at this point his revenge came first and she'd just betrayed him. He was a little pissed at her. He was also very much still a villain at this point. I mean one of my favorite things about him is that he dropped the crass behavior as his redemption progressed. The pirate who made this crass joke to piss Emma off is not the same pirate she walked down the aisle with. HOWEVER, the fact that he was making jokes and not trying that hard to defeat her has me 100% believing that his heart was not into winning this fight.
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kemendin · 2 years
hello! 7, 8, 10 and 14 for the SWTOR player asks, please :)
7. Which player voice actor is your favorite and your least favorite?
I haven’t played through all of them yet, so of the ones I’ve experienced - male Jedi Knight is probably my fave, I feel like he hits more emotional ups and downs than a lot of the others (and he’s pretty close to what Caspian should actually sound like, so I’m biased.) That said, I adore the accent of the male Sith Warrior as well. Not a fan of the male Sith Inquisitor.
8. Name your top favorite companions (feel free to include reasons why).
S C O U R G E: I could go on for pages about this man and I could listen to his voice for hours. He’s just so layered and complex and he’s seen so much. I love how he’s both unflinchingly ruthless and incredibly open-minded. He makes you THINK and QUESTION and at the same time, he admits at multiple points that he is learning from the Knight as well. And he does NOT get enough credit for his sass and deadpan sense of humour. Theron Shan: He’s witty, he’s reckless, he’s running on five cups of caf at any given point, and he cares so much more than he wants you to know. And despite his casual attitude, he is REALLY good at his job. I think that gets undersold sometimes. Malavai Quinn: Yeah I still don’t know how this one happened. I blame Khel and seeing everything through his lens. Quinn is incredibly intelligent and there’s a lot going on behind his veneer of stiff and proper Imperial officer - he has passions, and he can be quite vicious, but I also like how he consistently disapproves of senseless cruelty.
Honourable mentions to Kira, Lana, Vector, and T7.
10. Favorite love interest?
Okay but seriously - Scourge. So much Scourge. Cannot even begin to explain the depth and complexity of my feelings about him and Caspian. (I’ll try)
So this is very much coloured by MY PERSONAL INTERPRETATION of their relationship as it progresses, because you can only romance Scourge so late in the game (and as an aside, I am totally happy with that timing. It works for the story, that wait was agonising but absolutely worth it.) Allow me to drop a blurb from my lengthy WIP:
“Are you serious?” Another small, surprised laugh bubbled from Kira’s lips. “Scourge - the Force gave you a vision of this guy centuries before he even existed. You dedicated nearly your entire life to serving your enemy, living under his control, all in the belief that one day, this unknown Jedi in your vision would appear, and you’d join forces with him to bring down the greatest threat the galaxy’s ever known. And that’s exactly what you’ve done. Say what you want, but by anyone else’s standard that sounds pretty damn romantic. If it had been me, I think I’d have fallen for you too.”
Scourge blinked. “You make it sound far more shallow than it is,” he muttered, feeling another swell of heat that rose to stain his face.
“No, it’s not shallow at all. That’s my point.” Kira was watching him earnestly now, not even commenting on his flushed features. “You two were literally brought together by the will of the Force. I mean, a Jedi and a Sith, practically icons of their respective sides, hugely different people with wildly opposing values - you two couldn’t go half a day without an argument, when you first joined up, remember? But you still found a way to put all that aside and become something different altogether. Something more.”
This dichotomy is what’s so compelling to me about Cas/Scourge. There’s the whole ‘enemies to allies to lovers’ thing of course, but even deeper than that, their story is about how they’ve taken the will of the Force, the destiny the Force has crafted for them in joining together to defeat the Emperor, and they’ve made it their own. At the end of the day, they’re not doing this because the Force willed it - they are CHOOSING to be together, CHOOSING to find their common ground and learn and grow together, and that’s more powerful than any destiny.
14. Favorite planet story arc?
I’ll be honest, I’m terrible at remembering the planet stories as opposed to the class stories that take place on them. But on instinct I’ll go with Belsavis. I love the progression of going deeper and deeper into the dangers of the prison and its vaults, exploring not only what the Republic imprisoned here, but what the Rakata left behind. And on a similar Rakata note, Tatooine is great, the slow uncovering of the mystery of what Czerka found beneath the sands is always compelling when I go through it.
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mk-wizard · 3 years
Sailor Moon 90s Anime is STILL the best
Hi. I know I am on a Sailor Moon binge here, but after seeing all of Crystal, Eternal and on R (season 2) of the first anime, I want to get this all off of my chest... and before I go further, since these are all animes, I will refer to them as 90s, Crystal and Eternal. And after watching them all, I have to say that the 90s takes the gold medal as the best Sailor Moon anime so far and this is why;
1- It had the best pacing. - While I admit that sometimes, it went too far with the filler, 98% of the time, it worked with the 90s. It took its time to make you get to know the characters for better or for worse, it made you see different sides of them, it gave them a chance to truly develop and be multi-dimensional, and it made you care about them. When a death happened, it felt tragic. When a victory happened, you cheered. And when you saw what side characters did, it mattered. I mean, who can ever forget the contribution 90s Naru Osaka had to the story? And everyone who has seen the 90s anime cannot forget her. More on the character development and getting to know characters later.
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Sure, it wasn’t true to the manga and even the characters had different personalities, but I let that slide by because when Crystal and Eternal did follow the manga to the letter, we didn’t get a chance to digest anything. The only characters who develop are Usagi, Chibi-Usa and the outer guardians, and for the last bunch, it was the bare minimum. Crystal and Eternal were fun rides and I would be lying if I said I didn’t like them, but they were like roller coasters. They gave you a thrill, but fast and been done. The 90s was like a slow scenic ride that gave you surprises, emotionally touched you, made you cry, made you laugh, made you root for the heroes and even at the age of 37 years now, I keep rewatching this series.
2- The art of the 90s was better because it was sketchy, dark and edgier. - I know Sailor Moon doesn’t seem like this on the surface because the heroines are lovely girls in cute costumes, it emphasizes femininity and all things pretty, it has a romantic theme and is all about love, but Sailor Moon is also one of the darkest, grittiest, edgy and violent magical girl animes I have ever seen since Magic Knights Rayearth. Sailor Moon has on screen deaths which were permanent most of the time, on screen stabbings and the drawing of blood, and fights that got so hardcore, that real punches and kicks were thrown. The dark edges, black line art and sharp edges worked with the atmosphere of the story. I mean, look at the difference between the halls Dark Kingdom of the 90s (above) and that of Crystal.
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And if that is not enough to win you over, the characters were much more animated, organic and conveyed more emotion whether they were exaggerated or serious.
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In Crystal, the expressions and body language was very dulled down. Not to mention, very stiff.
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Everything is also too bright and soft which makes the characters look like velvet dolls with too much make up especially with the line art. I will give them props for adding better details, cleaner lines, the glow of magical items, and details in the gems, but everything else is all wrong.
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Eternal was better, but still not quite there. The colours are still way too bright and the characters still look too much like dolls from having line art that is too wispy. And I really do not like how the eyes have this unnatural glow to them. The edgy scenes become lost with all this brightness.
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3- We got to see that there was so much more the characters than just heroes or villains. - Since Usagi is the titular character, let us just talk about her in the 90s since I could go on forever about how much we learned about the characters. In any version of Sailor Moon, Usagi’s role as a Sailor Guardian has always been the core of the story and she does indeed show progress as one. However, the 90s tells us that no matter what, she is still going to be herself too which is just as important and she shows character development as just plain old Usagi too. The manga, Crystal and Eternal which only paint Usagi as not doing anything right except be a Sailor Guardian, but the 90s show her hidden talents and learning new skills. For example, she was bad at cooking at the beginning of the series.
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However, by Sailor Moon R, she gets the hang of it and is able to cook a meal by herself. Yes, she is messy, clumsy, never gets the hang of making cookies and is nowhere near Makoto’s level especially when it comes to presentation, but she is good at cooking food.
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Another hidden talent of Usagi’s is her drawing skills. She isn’t just good at drawing. She’s got talent at it, so in the 90s, Usagi is quite the artist.
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And it is admirable that 90s Usagi is open to trying new things even if she isn’t good at them. She practices, she explores and tries to enlighten herself. Sure, academics, coordination and organization will never be her fortes, but she really does have other and tries to discover more.
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In Crystal and Eternal, she is good at being Sailor Moon, she is a good friend and a good girlfriend, but that is it. She is one dimensional here and she isn’t the only one to painted like that. Everyone is only the obvious and that is all the audience gets.
4- Better character redemption. - I mentioned before that Sailor Moon had grit and was dark, but the 90s also made it more complex and did character redemption right. It was open to the possibility of bad people becoming good. For instance, the Black Moon Clan Specter Sister are unforgettable for being successfully redeemed.
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Yes, I admit that the monster of the day would get killed by the hands of the Sailor Guardians, but they also clearly showed that the monsters were not people or even alive. They were made of energy, clay or sand. When the monster of the day was a possessed innocent, they were saved through exorcism. Very rarely was an actual person ever killed and even when they were, it was either by the hands of another villain, their own hand, self defense or as a last resort. They never used killing as means of dealing with every single bad guy.
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Furthermore, the bridge arc about the Makai Tree that also served as a prologue to Sailor Moon R could be seen as a story about mercy, kindness and love. It stands out as the one time the big bad was actually a misunderstood big good being the Makai Tree herself. And even Ail an An were never bad, but were raised bad. And even then, they changed. This story is unique only to the 90s so far, but it was great and stood out for that reason.
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In Crystal, the heroines will kill a person without a second thought which I am shocked that no one brings up how repetitive and contradictory that is. The pretty warrior of love and justice should by all means protect the Earth, but doing so by killing off the bad guy all time is not love or justice. I also think the caption in this picture sums up how I feel about how the one and only time bad guys were given a chance to be redeemed...
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Eternal was better because the Asteroid Guardians got redeemed and saved. However, even then, I feel like there is still a double standard. They were one of the good guys to begin with and Sailor Guardians. In the 90s, the Amazoness Quartet wasn’t, but were given a chance to change anyway. I find it cool that the Quartet turned out to be Sailors and even better that they will go on to become Chibi-Usa’s team, but mercy is not just for your allies or for your own benefit. Everyone should be given at least one chance to fix their mistakes.
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5- We got to know Mamoru better. - I admit that no matter the incarnation, Tuxedo Mask will never be as powerful as Sailor Moon except when he is King Endymion, but the 90s take on his character made him better even if they did omit his super attack being Tuxedo le Smoking Bomber. What the well dressed masked man lacked in firepower, he made up for in intelligence, insight about the enemy’s weakness, courage and skill. The only times he ever did get overpowered was either by bad luck or because it was intentional because he was taking a hit for Sailor Moon. And even then, he always got back up. He’s a real man like that.
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More importantly, we get to know him as Mamoru too. Even before he confides being an amnesiac to Usagi, we see his struggles with feeling alone in the world from having no memory of his life before a tragic accident which also killed his parents. Now, him being a stern cynical person makes sense because I probably wouldn’t be pleasant to be around either if I lived with that. Once his walls come down, we see that deep down, all he wants is to belong somewhere and have a family. It should also be noted that 90s Mamoru doesn’t love Usagi because he is “destined” to. He loves her because he wants to. Even during that brief period where he broke up with Usagi was an act of love. The thing I also always liked best about 90s Mamoru is that even though he loves Usagi more than life itself, his life doesn’t revolve around her which is a healthy thing and he tries to encourage Usagi to be the same way for her own good. He is studying to be a doctor, he has a job and he even has his own crowd which I think is great.
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In Crystal and Eternal, while I do see an attempt at trying to follow this trend by showing that Usagi and Mamoru were on their way to falling in love even before they got their memories back, I still find he was one note and we never really learn much about him that has nothing to do with Tuxedo Mask, Endymion or anything royal related. Sure, we know that he’s studying to be a doctor and is a genius to an extent too, but that is it.
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I would like to end this by admitting that the 90s was not perfect either, but out of all the takes on the tale of Sailor Moon as of date. Crystal and Eternal were ok, but they just cannot stand up to the quality of the 90s. The only thing I can say I find Crystal did better than the 90s were the costume designs. Specifically, how they let Venus keep her chain belt, Pluto’s key chain belt, Uranus and Neptune’s shorter gloves, Uranus’s sword, Uranus having two earrings, Mercury’s suit is shoulder less which I always found suited her better, and I liked Sailor Moon’s brooch and necklace better in season 1.
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And even then, I should have liked it if Jupiter’s antenna was always on display as it is just something I always found cute in the manga, I liked Mars’ five point star earrings better in the 90s, and I like how in the 90s, each of the Inner Guardians’ sailor stripes were a little different.
Of course, this is all my opinion. I would like to hear which of the animes did Sailor Moon right in your opinion and why. Thanks for reading and stay safe, and have a great day.
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olivarryprompts · 3 years
Fanfic Friday #11
Welcome to Fanfic Friday! Each Friday I post a new here and on A03. Enjoy x
Read and save it on A03 here https://archiveofourown.org/works/33567529
{fancy suits from dad}
Ships: Peter Stark & Tony Stark, Pepper Pots/Tony Stark
Warnings: swearing, just fluff otherwise :)
Wc: 2,319
Here’s the thing, Peter Parker grew up in Stark Tower, which eventually became Avengers Tower of course. So whilst his whole class was buzzing about their field trip, all he could think was, “shit, shit shit.” His dad was going to embarrass the hell out of him. His Aunts and Uncles were going to endlessly tease him.
So, no Peter was not looking forward to the field trip. Not in the slightest. He still wanted to go, though. He knew that the rumors of his internship being fake were started by Flash, the annoying teen. He also knew that Flash had not once said his real name, preferring the name Penis Parker. It didn’t bother him as much as it used to. Also since highschool began, Flash had calmed down with his bullying. Well, maybe Flash hadn’t calmed down and high school was just bigger and he had thicker skin. And a new support system with plenty of people to go to.
Peter had been adopted by the Starks when he was a mere ten years old. At first, he was terrible at receiving any gifts or even too much attention. Slowly but surely, he got more and more used to it. Now, he wouldn’t not know what to do if any of that was taken away. Plus, he really did find a liking for expensive suits, however shallow. He looked good in them, and his father always insisted on buying him more and more. Tony would always find an excuse to spoil the kid a little more, however much Pepper tried to stop him.
“Peter, please see me after class regarding an urgent matter.”
Brough out of his thoughts, Peter swiftly nodded his head.
He looked at the board to see the words from before still written on them, “Field Trip to Stark Industries!” It might as well have said, “Dig Peter Stark’s Grave!”
“So, let’s get started with today’s lesson, graphing imaginary numbers on the complex plane!” He’d done this one a while back with his father. Something about not only learning applicable science and engineering. Peter tapped his glass, and the episode of Arrow he’d been watching on the car ride over began playing. He’d be ever grateful for his father’s gift of EDITH to him. Pepper had tried to ban him from wearing them to school, but hastily gave up when Peter pulled the spiderman danger card.
“Alright, class dismissed. Please remember to do this homework pages 11-18 on this unit’s homework handout.”
Peter, forgetting his teacher's previous request, was very glad to be on his way home. He was one foot out of the door when the teacher called his name. Now, his day had gone pretty well up to that point. Bucky made pancakes for breakfast, which were delicious. There was wayyy less traffic on the way to school. He’d aced an essay and a couple of quizzes, and then he even participated in PE effectively. But alas, all good things had to come to an end.
“Mr. Parker? The discussion.”
“Right,” Peter thought, joining the teacher at his desk.
“Peter, you are truly a great kid. I know you’ve been through a lot recently and in your life, but it is no excuse to make up an internship. We both know that it is not real. Now, acknowledging that you have a bright future, the administration and I have come forward with an offer. If you agree to write an apology, expressing that you understand what you did was wrong and immoral, you will both be allowed to come on the trip and no punishment will be given to you. If you choose to not take this opportunity, you will be banned from the trip and will be chastised.
Peter just stood there, not really comprehending. Apparently Flash’s little rumors were a lot bigger than he anticipated.
“I-i-I’m not lying,” was all he could manage. He had filed all the right paperwork and proved his internship.
“I’m sorry to hear that you will not come forward with the truth. You have up until the day before the trip to hand in the letter if you change your mind. Goodbye Peter.”
Peter just let his legs take him out of the classroom, then out of the school, and then to the road, a couple blocks away, where his dad picks him up from.
“Hello mini-me.”
“Hey,” Peter said, jumping into the passenger seat.
“‘Hi Dad, thanks so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to pick me up each and every day. Sick new car by the way! I’d love to drive it sometime!”
Peter just rolled his eyes with a smile, “Car looks great dad. McLarren’s are superior yet.”
“Ungrateful, so so ungrateful. What’s got you in a mood then?”
“Nothin,” Peter said, pulling out his phone.
“Oh come on, tell me. Tell me or I’ll call Ted.”
“Ned, Dad. We’ve been friends for like three years.”
“Not the point.”
“Just something at school.”
“Wow how very descriptive. You know I’m trying to do the whole feelings thing here, and you should appreciate that coming from my emotionally stunted self.”
“You’re so dramatic. Basically we’re having a field trip to your tower, and I’m not allowed to go because the teacher doesn’t think I really have an “internship.” Which, to be fair I don’t but that’s on you and not me.”
“Nah na na. I offered you an internship, and you said I’d be bored.”
“It would be. Doing a project for your company under strict supervision of some person would be sucky. I mean I can do anything I want from the lab you built me.”
“I know, but remember technically you are my intern. Remember we did that whole personal intern bullshit for the school.”
“Oh right. Is that why you keep harassing me about submitting all my completed projects.”
“No, that’s all your mother. Something about not wanting a lawsuit over a fake internship.”
“Make sense. She tends to be a lot smarter than you.”
“Ah, I feel so attacked. The abuse I suffer.”
“You’re terrible.”
“I am internally crying, kid. Sobbing.”
“Shut up,” we laughed.
“Who’s home?”
“You saw Buck and Sam this morning. Nat and Steve came back from their mission this afternoon. Thor and Loki are back for dinner tonight.. Strange might be coming round, not sure though. Cliff and the family aren’t back for at least a couple weeks. Oh and Bruce is wholed up in his lab as usual.”
“Shit. Everyone staying till the end of the week.”
“Yeah, oh the field trip. You’re screwed. You should have not told me.”
“I love your life Petey.”
Peter walked into the kitchen and saw Steve reading a newspaper.
“Uncle Steve! Your back!” he smiled, dropping his bag off near the sofa. Steve got up to give the smaller boy a hug.
“Yep. Mission completed.”
“Nice. Can you tell me about it?”
“Yeah, it was nothing too interesting. We just needed some more intel into a terrorist organization stationed in the US. Most of the mission was recon. The next steps are being taken in a couple weeks.”
“Good to know there’s an active terrorist organization out there,” Peter said lightly.
Steve just smiled, not quite understanding the modern humor.
“Where is everyone else?” he said, realizing the living room was not in it’s normal chaotic state that he’d come to love. The chaos was his favorite reminder that he had so many people. He liked having lots of people, even after all this time.
“Nat and Buck are training, they invited you to join if you want. Bruce is in his lab, and dont worry he slept and ate last night. Not sure about the rest.”
“Right, thanks. I think I’m going to go train.”
Before he knew it, it was Friday morning, and his school was coming to his home. He was going to try very hard to ignore them. To do so, he asked his mum to let him sit in on some meetings. He had an easy in to the R&D and mechanical side of the company via the other interns. He was actually planning on hanging out with some of the “other” interns later that day. They were always happy to let Pete in on their projects and let him give them a hand. But he was always interested in getting more detail about the business side of the company, and he liked to get a window into it. Pepper was always happy to show her son the ropes. I mean he was heir to the company after all, even if he didn’t know yet.
He asked his mum to only schedule meetings after 12 as he requested a sleep in. Pepper was always happy when Peter slept as he was a little too much like his father. So, he woke bright and early at 11:00 o’clock.
After a scroll through his phone and a quick shower, he was ready to pull on his far too expensive Brunellio’s custom suit. It was one of his favorites. His father had got it custom made when he was in Italy, and told him he simply could not resist getting one for the kid. Pepper just smiled.
He had a large breakfast (enhanced metabolism) and headed towards the 34th floor where his first meeting was located. He’d been shadowing his mum for almost a year now whenever it was convenient, so he had the rointine down. He was almost sure he could take over a few of her meetings.
“Hi honey,” Pepper said, giving the boy a quick kiss on the cheek on the way to her own chair beside him. Peter blushed before resuming his professional posture and facial expression.
“Good morning everyone, as you can see Peter will be joining us today. I want to talk about some of the services we provide for our employees and their feedback. I’m aware we have a large portion to talk about so Kendra please take it away on that front.”
The first meeting went smoothly as planned. It was a discussion on the progress of the internal services, aka the IT department. Peter hadn’t learned much about their IT department, so it was good to listen in to. Pre these meetings, he, of course, does research into the background stuff, so he’s not completely lost. Pepper’s assistant usually provides him with a packet of info about the Stark Industries side of things. He is also given a list of key words and concepts he might want to make sure he understands. The research is fun for him, it makes him feel all professional.
Usually he spoke during the meetings, asking a couple questions and suggesting some ideas, but for this one he just learned and took in. The next meeting, however, was very much so his field. He’d spoken a lot with advertising, becoming very interested in the data analysis behind it. He even took a stats class so he could keep up. In that one he asked questions Pepper was on the verge of asking twice. He also contributed to the analysis of data once. Pepper usually liked him to participate as it was good for him, but he always felt bad suggesting stuff to the senior adults. He usually spoke to his mum or dad about projects for the company, preferring that.
They hung back in the room of the second meeting.
“Good job in this one Pete. Took two questions right off my tongue.”
“Thanks ma,” he said, always appreciating some approval.
“That’s all I’ve got for you today, kid. Rest of the stuff is, ya know.”
“Course. Thanks for these two. It was good to learn about internal affairs a bit more. Have a gap of knowledge there.”
“Yeah. Was that the first time meeting our CIT?”
“I believe so.”
“Well, next time we have a broader IA meeting, I’ll pull you outta school,” Pepper suggested.
“Really? That’d be epic.”
“Course, hun. Jarvis, sort that out please.”
“Of course Mrs. Potts.”
“Thanks J,” Peter yelled.
“Anytime mini-boss. No need to disturb the entire floor.”
“Are AI supposed to be so snarky?”
“Dad programmed it, what else would it be?”
“Valid point.”
“Right, got to run. See you later.”
“Bye, love you mum!”
“Love you too, Pete.”
“Jarvis, could you send me the tour plan for the visiting tour today?”
“Absolutely, sir. They’re on your phone now.”
“Thanks J.”
Looking at the plans Peter smiled. He had successfully avoided them the entire day. It said they were supposed to head back to school at 2:30, and it was about to be three. Smile on his face, he trotted down to the lobby to grab a coffee before going to meet Loki at the arcade. Don’t judge them, it was their thing. Taking the private lift down, and then walking straight to the coffee stand and ordering.
“Mr. Parker!” he heard the angry voice of his teacher, “How dare you show up here aft-”
Shit. shit. Shit.
“Edith, call dad, and tell him it’s urgent in the lobby.”
“Of course Peter.”
“Peter, are you listening to me! You are going to face extreme consequences for this.”
“Your coffee,” the man said, not realizing it was Peter, level ten personal of the tower, that was being yelled at.
“How dare you get coffee! In this building! Security!”
Tony arrived spotting his son instantly.
“Kid this best be impor- I see.”
“Hey Mr. Stark,” Peter said weakly.
“Mr. Harrington is it? Please stop harassing my intern.”
“H-he, he is y-your intern?”
“Yes. My favorite. Please exit the building and never question him again. You will be hearing from me.”
Let’s just say, Monday was an interesting day. At least Flash backed off, he was definitely an intern at SI, and no one embarrassed him on the trip.
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twstarchives · 4 years
Deuce Spade・Voice Lines
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Additional Voice Lines
Star Send-Off Garments event card
Scary Dress event card
School Uniform - R
Unlock Card “An honors student needs to be able to balance both their studies and their club activities.”
Groovy “It’s nice to have friends where you both can lift each other up.”
Home Setting “I’m going to be an honors student.”
Home Transitions “Even now, there are times when I still can’t believe I’m a student at the prestigious Night Raven College.”
“It’s not that I hate the uniforms. It’s just that, uh... in the past, I used to rip my clothes a lot, so wearing them the way they’re supposed to be worn feels uncomfortable.”
“What class do you have next? I’m not that good at doing work... but I try my best because of that.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Are you ready? We’ll be in trouble if the teachers notice we’re late.”
Home Taps “If you haven’t gotten any food yet, want to go together? I recommend getting the cafeteria’s fluffy omelettes.”
“My dream...? Someday I want to become a powerful mage. That’s why I’ve got to study my hardest now.”
“It might seem daunting being in a place you’re not familiar with, but as long as you set your mind to it, things should turn out okay. It’s an experience.”
“Ace ran off somewhere skipping out on his class duties, huh? ...He really is a handful.”
“Stop it, I don’t like being prodded at so much. ...Hey, are you sure you heard me?”
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PE Uniform - R
Unlock Card “I feel really sure about my strength. If you don’t believe me, wanna test it out?”
Groovy “You can’t be a mage unless you’ve got muscles! ...That’s what Coach Vargas told us.”
Home Setting “I gotta show off the best sides of me.”
Home Transitions “Moving around feels so nice. I also like that you don’t have to think too hard about it.”
“I heard that Jack hates hanging out with people. He never talks during club meetings either, but... weirdly, we hit it off.”
“Flying is actually pretty hard. I thought it’d be something more like riding a Magical Wheel.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Oh, you wanna go for a run together? Alright. I’ll wait here; you can go get changed.”
Home Taps “You’re bored? Then let’s go on a Magical Wheel ride somewhere... er, I forgot we’d need permission to go off-campus.”
“I was in charge of setting up our landline back home. I hope my mom hasn’t been having trouble with it...”
“Coach Vargas is the supervisor of the Track & Field club. Usually he’s a very passionate, respectable teacher, but when he gets started talking about muscles, he’s kind of...”
“Mud stains usually won’t come off on their own, so you need to hand-wash them before putting them in the washing machine. ...Everyone knows this kind of stuff, right?”
“...Hey! You don’t have to keep poking me; if there’s somewhere you wanna go, I’ll come with you.”
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Lab Coat - SR
Unlock Card “There’s a lot of things I don’t know yet. I’m going to learn everything I can little by little.”
Groovy “I’ve made more progress since yesterday! ...I think.”
Home Setting “Alright. I’m gonna put in all I’ve got!”
Home Transitions “The stench of this potion I messed up won’t come off me... I smell like I just stepped out of a medicine box.”
“Diamond saw the grade I got on my test earlier. He wouldn’t stop laughing at it...”
“How is Grim able to hold that thin test tube with his paws? It’s a mystery.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Oh, glad you’re here. I was just thinking I’d like to take a break for a while. Want to walk with me to the Botanical Garden?”
Home Transition (Groovy) “I’m not good at studying. I wouldn’t want to do it if I had the option, but... I can’t run away. I’ve made up my mind.”
Home Taps “It’s nice there’s always something new to learn in our classes. ‘Cause when I was in middle school, I, uh... was absent a lot... ‘cause of this and that...”
“I promise I’m not that awkward, but when people are saying so many things at once, I start freaking out.”
“The best thing I can cook are fried eggs. They can be really complex if you’re picky about them. I like mine over-easy.”
“If you’re stuck on a problem, you should ask Professor Crewel for help. He’ll explain it to you for hours until you completely understand it.”
“Huh?! Did I say something wrong!? ...Oh, it’s nothing? Don’t scare me like that.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Listen to this! I got some nice feedback on my test just now! It’s thanks to you studying with me earlier.”
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Ceremony Robes - SR
Unlock Card “I can’t afford to look away. ‘Cause I’m going to become a powerful mage!”
Groovy “This is the pride of a student of Night Raven College.”
Home Setting “You want to hang out with me? You’ve got a good eye.”
Home Transitions “This academy is way too big! It’d be so much easier if we could move between classrooms through a mirror like how we get to our dorms.”
“Where are you going? Seriously... A teacher will yell at you again if you just wander off for no reason.”
“I’m going to study lots of things, and memorize lots of spells, and then someday I’ll... Ah, it’s exciting, isn’t it?”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Every time I wear these ceremony robes, I think about the entrance ceremony, and how nervou——er, ahem!”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Hey, could we take a picture together? I think it’d put my mom at ease too if she saw I made a friend.”
Home Taps “Night Raven College is a prestigious school anyone would kill to get into. The fact that I’m here is a huge honor.”
“Clover knows so much about everything, and he’s so dependable... I want to be like that someday too.”
“The ceremony robes represent this school. It makes sense that they added this classy embroidering so that other schools can’t make light of us.”
“People say that the amount of magic power you can have is determined at birth. But you wouldn’t have any at all without working hard for it in the first place.”
“Hey, don’t get a single speck on these clothes, alright? My ceremony robes are important to me.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “When I see you, someone who can’t even use magic, trying your best at this academy... it makes me not want to lose either.”
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Dorm Uniform - SSR
Unlock Card “I’ll become a committed man, just like a card soldier. That’s what I made up my mind to do.”
“Common sense doesn’t work at our dorm. You need to be prepared.”
Groovy “I would never abandon my friends. You can count on me!”
Home Setting “How are you? Have you gotten a little more adjusted here?”
Home Transitions “Does this outfit look good on me? I’ve never worn something like this before, so I feel a little awkward.”
“Just between you and me... I still feel kinda uncomfortable with the dorm’s tea parties. I’m not used to fancy things like that.”
“Trust me with playing croquet! So you just swing as hard as you can, right?”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Be careful not to break any of the Queen of Hearts’ rules. Especially not when you’re on Heartslabyul.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Isn’t it lonely being at the Ramshackle Dorm by yourself? ...Huh? Oh, my bad. By yourself with one animal.”
Home Taps “Heartslabyul’s rules are strict, but a lot of them really do benefit you. ...Probably.”
“I swear my loyalty to this dorm, just like a card soldier. ...That’s what this button is supposed to mean. It’d be bad if I lost it, huh?”
“That force Dorm Leader Rosehearts has when he gets angry...! He’s a dorm leader alright—he’s not like anyone else.”
“Ace always cheats me when we play card games together, so they’re not fun. If I could just see through his trick...”
“Oh, actually, I’m in the mood to just go off and something too. Let’s go conquer the rose maze!”
Home Tap (Groovy) “If you were in Heartslabyul, it’d be a lot more... Nevermind. The Ramshackle Dorm really does suit you well, though. Haha...”
Duo Magic Deuce: “Ace! We’re gonna teach these guys a lesson!” Ace: “There it is—Deuce’s tough guy talk!”
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Tutorial “Now, it’s starting.”
Lv Up “Alright, I think I did well.”
“Yeah, I feel like I got something.”
“I don’t wanna lose to anyone.”
Max Lv Up “I’ve never had anyone join me for intensive training as persistently as you have. I feel like I’ve been steadily making progress ever since I met you.”
Episode Lv Up “Heh... You and I are BFFs. ...Huh? ‘What does BFF mean’? You don’t know? Um... b... best friends, like... really close friends... Nevermind!”
Magic Lv Up “Heh... Maybe a day will come soon where I can start summoning something other than cauldrons.”
Limit Break “It’ll reflect badly on my role as a honor student if I don’t live up to your expectations.”
Groovy “My power is surging through my whole body. This is what it feels like to advance, huh?”
Lesson Select “You’re going to class, right? Let me know if you need anything. I don’t know if I’d be able to help you with your work, though...”
“C’mon, if you take your time choosing, you’ll be late to class. Let’s hurry to the classroom.”
“You just have to jump in and give it your all for whichever class you take. Make sure you’re ready for them.”
Lesson Start “Alright, let’s get started!”
Lesson End “It’s finally over. There’s a lot we have to remember.”
Battle Start “I’ll take you on all at once!”
Battle End “You see? This is the difference between our resolves.”
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Profile Quote “Today we’re having an Unbirthday Party. It’ll be off with our heads if we’re late.”
January 2020 Trailer “Hurry up and get over here. If you’re late to the tea party, you’ll lose your head.”
Countdown Poster “I’ll become a committed man, just like a card soldier. That’s what I made up my mind to do.”
Login Bonus “It’s important to just put in a little effort everyday. You know what they say—from little acorns mighty oaks grow.”
Player Birthday Wish “Oi, I heard it’s your birthday today. Don’t be a stranger; you should just tell me. I want to give my friends a huge celebration for their birthdays. Come on, I’ll get you something from the cafeteria.”
Valentine’s Day Gift Letter (2021)
These letters were originally in English. I didn’t translate or edit them in any way. They came with official merch from Aniplex, and are not present in-game.
Friend, Thank you for the present. You surprised me a bit with that since we don’t often get chances to give our classmates gifts. I’m so happy! Today is going to be a great day. I’ll thank you again when I see you in class later!
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nyerus · 5 years
Hey I originally followed you for YOI stuff and since that seems to be on haitus, I have seen you and a lot of people rebloing stuff about a different anime or manga (i think) with different mlm relationships? I think they're two diff shows and I've heard about mdzs before. But lately youve been reblogging stuff from a manga tagged tgcf and it looks pretty cool--so i was wondering how I could get into it and what its about? Does it have actual gay charas?
Hello! I’m sorry for the late response! This morphed from a simple answer into a beginner guide of sorts, so I hope you don’t mind! I know there’s like 500000 guides out there, but I figured I’d give it a shot too! ❤
So the stuff you’ve been seeing everywhere is indeed MDZS or related to it–including on my own blog! (I promise when YOI comes back from war, I’ll be all over that again ;o;!!!)
So these works are all by the same author, Mò Xiāng Tóng Xiù (MXTX) and they are separate danmei (i.e. Chinese BL) novels, though they share a lot of similarities between them:
MDZS (Mó Dào Zǔ Shī) – Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation
TGCF (Tiān Guān Cì Fú) – Heaven Official’s Blessing
SVSSS – Scum Villian’s Self-Saving System
All of them are complete and fan translated, and I’ll answer your last question first: yes, they have actual gay characters! In the novels, the main couples end up canonically married! \o/ In some of the adaptations, their romantic relationships are also maintained (e.g. the manhuas (Chinese graphic novel)), though censorship is present.
Links will be added below this post! Grab some popcorn, this is long!
MDZS《魔道祖师》is definitely the most popular work by MXTX, as it has the most adaptations. You’ve almost certainly been seeing gifs and photosets from its donghua (Chinese animation) or live action the most. However, it has a manhua and audio drama (in both Chinese and Japanese) as well!
Synopsis: Reviled as the infamous Yiling Laozu, Wei Wuxian harnessed the forbidden dark power of demonic cultivation. Once the cultivation world decided he was too dangerous to leave alone, he was hunted down, and a terrible battle ensued that cost Wei Wuxian his life—and the lives of many others. 13 years later, he is resurrected under mysterious circumstances into the body of the pariah Mo Xuanyu. Now with this second chance at life (and while hiding his real identity), Wei Wuxian has to uncover the truth about a powerful malevolent spirit. It may just be the key to revealing a series of heinous secrets hidden from the cultivation world for years. And while the world may still hate him for crimes he didn’t commit, there’s one person who’s on his side—the illustrious Hanguang-jun, Lan Wangji—and is willing to stand by him against all odds. The two have a long and complex history, and Wei Wuxian is unsure of Lan Wangji’s motivations for helping him. But it couldn’t be more simple: respect and love.
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Scene from the donghua.
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Still from the live action, called “Chén Qíng Lìng”/“CQL”/”The Untamed.”
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Panel from the manhua.
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Art from the Chinese audio drama.
The great thing about MDZS is that you can really pick your poison in terms of what adaptation you want to get started with. If you are absolutely brand-new to the danmei scene, then starting with the donghua or manhua may be your best bet (both are ongoing). The novel of course is the most beloved, being the source, but all the adaptations have their own charms! They’re all worth checking out, and will keep you busy for quite a while.
Now, for TGCF《天官赐福》—that’s where my photosets are coming from: the ongoing manhua that started in October. There’s a donghua planned for late this year, and a live action in talks (info about that is largely unknown, but is slated for production sometime after the donghua release). TGCF actually has the same deal structure as MDZS apparently, so we’ll be getting an audio drama as well if that’s true.
Synopsis: Talented and virtuous, Crown Prince Xie Lian first ascended to the heavens when he was only 17. Once the darling of the earth and heavens for his boundless skill and purity of heart, he ended up falling from grace—not once, but twice! Subsequently, he became the laughing stock of the three realms. Spending almost 800 years roaming the earth and collecting scraps, he becomes known as the pitiful “rubbish god” and “god of misfortune.” No one could have expected Xie Lian to ascend for a third time, but fate seems to have something in store for this disgraced yet compassionate immortal. Thankfully, he is not alone, as the widely-feared ghost king, Hua Cheng, seems to have a special interest in helping him. The two of them embark on a series of adventures that unravel the secrets of their world, and of themselves.
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Panel from the manhua.
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Scene from the Donghua PV.
The novel for TGCF is a great place to start, especially considering how the manhua is still in it’s early stages (just starting it’s 2nd arc as of writing this post). The novel is long, incredibly well-written, and well-translated. The manhua is absolutely stunning, and follows the novel very closely thus far.
The underrated sibling of the three, SVSSS《人渣反派自救系統 》has only the novel to interact with for right now. A donghua is planned for this year. There was a manhua, but it was cancelled due to some problems with the publisher afaik. Word on the street is that they’re searching for a new team for it, so we’ll continue to pray!!!
Synopsis: Shen Yuan is an avid reader of the web novel Proud Immortal Demon Way. The novel revolves around the protagonist Luo Binghe, a kind child who is tormented endlessly by his Shizun (teacher/mentor) Shen Qingqiu, until he turns into a powerful demon lord and exacts his violent revenge. While initially a fan of the story, Shen Yuan hates the unsatisfactory ending. Upon dying suddenly, he finds himself transmigrated into the novel, at the behest of The System—a sci-fi interface which gives him missions and directives. Unfortunately, he ends up in the place of the cruel Shen Qingqiu out of all people! This new Shen Qingqiu now has to use his knowledge of the novel to navigate around the plot, within the restrictions that The System has implemented. He has to find a way to ensure a better ending, if he wants to keep this second chance at life. His plan for doing this is to be as kind and encouraging as possible to the innocent Luo Binghe, who quickly takes a shine to this new Shen Qingqiu. Even after forced to the dark side, and despite the tension between them after this, Luo Binghe won’t let anyone else touch his beloved Shizun.
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Cover of the Thai release of the novel.
SVSSS only really has the novel to interact with as of right now. There’s currently an excellent re-translation in progress by tumblr user Faelicy! If you want to get started now, however, you can read what she’s done so far and then swap over to the old translation afterward.
• ALL three novels are intended for an R-18+ audience ONLY. Other adaptations are safe for minors over 16 years of age.
• Please be aware that the novels may contain potentially triggering content. Feel free to ask me for content warnings if you need them.
• All three of these are totally different from one another and only share common themes typical of the wuxia/xianxia genres.
• The original Chinese raws of MDZS and SVSSS are no longer available for purchase on JJWXC (publishing site). You can find print versions on Taobao. TGCF, however, is still available!
• If you’d like more info on anything, please reach out to me! I’m happy to help.
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morningfears · 5 years
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Rating: M | This is smut! No one under 18!
Summary: “hi, can I please get a smutty 4 n 5 with sub!calum or sub!nick :)” So, “I know you can be louder than that.” and “If you interrupt me one more time, I swear -“ “What? You gonna punish me?” for anon. Obviously, I chose Nick.
Word Count: 3.2k (...not a drabble, whoops)
For the first time since you’d moved in, your entire apartment complex seemed to be silent. Your neighbors, well-known amongst your friends for their lack of volume control, had already left for the holidays and so, it seemed, had most of the other residents in your building. Even the guy four doors down who drove the loudest motorcycle you’d ever heard hadn’t revved his engine at all. It had been so silent, in fact, that your noise-cancelling headphones, the ones that you always needed when you attempted to work at home rather than in the library, sat unused on your desk.
You’d spent the day working on your final essay, the only thing that stood between you and winter break, but progress was much slower than you imagined it would be and you couldn’t help the frustrated groan that spilled past your lips as you dropped your head to the desk. You desperately wanted to be finished, to put this class behind you and take a break from academia for a few weeks, but the words just wouldn’t come. You’d gotten distracted by every little notification on your phone, by e very little sound in your apartment, by the thought of what you’d do once you finished your paper; your focus was clearly lacking and Nick’s presence hadn’t helped at all.
He’d had the day off, a full day with nothing to do, and you were desperate to spend as much time with him as possible. However, with an 11:59 P.M. deadline looming over your head and a distinct lack of pages written, you’d sequestered yourself in your bedroom and banished Nick to the living room (you hadn’t had the heart to send him home, at least you could see him for a few minutes when you went to get water or snacks if he spent the day in your apartment). 
He, for the most part, had been good. He knew how badly you needed to finish the paper and he encouraged your academic pursuits fully. He wanted to spend his downtime with you but school came first. However, that didn’t stop him from pulling you into a kiss every time you entered the living room. Each time you passed the couch, he would reach out and wrap a hand around your wrist and pull you onto the couch with him for just a moment, long enough to have you melting into his embrace, before he’d nudge you away and encourage you to get back to work.
Nick laughed every time you walked away grumbling about his teasing and, each time he called, “That should make you work faster, ma. The sooner you get done, the sooner you’ll get more than a kiss.”
You flipped him off each time, huffing some variation of, “You’re such a distraction, Mara,” as you cursed yourself internally for not writing your essay earlier.
It took a few hours, far longer than it had taken in the past, but you finally managed to find a sort of groove. You ironed out your argument, you found the article that you’d use to justify your argument, you found a wide array of sources; your essay was finally coming together after what felt like hours of staring blankly at a word document. As you got into the groove of writing, you stopped stepping away from your desk to grab a bottle of water or a snack and Nick noticed that it had been over an hour since your last appearance.
He didn’t want to interrupt, however, he was getting bored and found himself wandering through your apartment. He ran a finger over the spines of books on your bookshelf, thumbed through the vinyl records that he liked to tease you about (even if he did enjoy lying on the floor with you, listening to you sing along to whatever vinyl you felt like listening to or when you asked him to sing along to the old school R&B records that you bought with him in mind), and even looked through the stack of polaroids you had taken with friends. He looked through everything in your living room - from the coffee table book a friend had given you to the stack of textbooks you still needed to return - and still hadn’t heard a word from your bedroom.
He hesitated for just a moment right outside your bedroom door before he said ‘fuck it’ and stepped into the room. He found you exactly where he imagined you would be, sitting in your desk chair with your eyes trained on your laptop, and he smiled at the sight. He really didn’t want to interrupt you, not when you were on a roll, but he couldn’t help himself as he crossed the room to where you sat. He wasn’t sure that you even noticed his presence, not when your fingers were flying across the keyboard and your eyebrows were furrowed in concentration, but you absolutely noticed his presence when he pressed a soft kiss to the exposed nape of your neck.
“Nick,” you huffed as you reached out to nudge his face away, “I promise I’m almost done, babe. Just give me another half hour. I’m two pages away from my page limit. When I’m finished, I’m all yours.”
Nick remained silent, he knew that anything he said would annoy you as you were so into your work that nothing else really mattered in that moment, and moved to lie on your bed as he watched you work. He alternated between staring at you and paying attention to his phone, however, each time he glanced at you, he felt the longing in the pit of his stomach grow a little stronger. He hadn’t just been torturing you with the teasing kisses he’d given you throughout the day; he was torturing himself. The pair of you hadn’t had time completely alone in weeks. You were over at the house, surrounded by the guys (not that that really stopped you; you just had to be a little quieter than he liked) or you had friends over or the guys somehow found themselves at your apartment (you cook for them once and it’s difficult to get them to leave) and he just wanted you to himself for a little while.
Nick didn’t want to worry about one of the guys barging in and seeing more than he should. He didn’t want to worry about keeping quiet (either of you; the guys still teased him about the time he thought you were alone and had gone a little harder than usual with his dirty talk) and didn’t want to worry about not having enough time to give either of you what you wanted. He just wanted to take his time with you, hear you, and enjoy every moment of it.
Every time he glanced at you, a pang of lust shot down his spine. He always told you just how sexy he found you when you were concentrating on something (you always laughed at him but he made sure to show you just how serious he was and had ended up with his head between your thighs more than once after you’d doubted him) and in that moment, he wanted nothing more than to pull you away from your desk and make up for the hours that you’d spent writing.
“You never believe me when I say this, but I love watching you work. You’ve got this look on your face and you bite your lip. It’s a good look on you, ma.”
Nick heard you release a quiet sigh at his words and watched as you shook your head. “I promise, I’m almost done,” you mumbled, your voice quiet as you kept your eyes on your computer screen, “When I’m finished, I’m finished for the next few weeks so we’ll have plenty of time to spend together. Until then, can you just, entertain yourself? Quietly?”
“Mm,” Nick hummed, his tone matching yours as he moved from his spot on the bed and crossed the room to stand behind you once more. “I could,” he mumbled against your skin as he settled in behind you, “but where’s the fun in that?” He could feel the goosebumps erupt on your skin as he brushed his lips across the nape of your neck and heard the huff of mixed annoyance and arousal that left your lips. He knew that you wanted this just as much as he did, knew that you wanted nothing more than to spend the day in bed with him, and he was going to do everything in his power to convince you to write a little faster.
“Nick,” you huffed as your fingers paused on the keyboard, “please. I-“
“You’re almost done,” he finished, “I know. Don’t mind me. I’m just entertaining myself. Quietly.”
“Have I ever told you how annoying I find you?” you questioned, your words mumbled as you attempted to regain your train of thought.”
“A few times,” Nick admitted with a laugh. “But you love me.”
You didn’t respond as you attempted to settle back into the groove of writing. You attempted to focus on the words in the article in front of you, attempted to form coherent sentences, but your focus was long gone. All of your attention was on Nick’s mouth, pressing kisses to your neck, and on his hands as his fingers brushed at your sides.
“Come on, Nick,” you huffed as you felt a shudder ripple down your spine, “just a little-“
“A little longer, I know,” he mumbled against your skin. “Keep working. I’m plenty entertained.”
Nick wasn’t normally one to interrupt you so easily (he usually only did it on accident or in the bedroom) and you were already a little annoyed. As a result, you huffed, “Nick, if you interrupt me one more time, I swear-“
“What? You gonna punish me?” he questioned with a laugh as he continued his teasing.
The idea of you punishing him was almost laughable. In the bedroom, things were either equal with both of you sharing the power or they tended to lean a little more toward Nick taking charge. He had no problem giving orders and you had no problem following them. However, punishments, especially ones that required him relinquishing all control, seemed a little farfetched. But you were already annoyed and his interruptions had pushed you a little farther than you wanted to admit so you took the bait and nodded.
“Yeah,” you huffed as you glanced at the time in the corner of your screen and decided that you could spare a little time. “That’s exactly what I’m going to do.”
Nick watched, his eyes wide in surprise, as you shoved away from your desk. He stepped away from your chair quickly and felt the back of his knees hit your bed. You pressed a hand to his chest and pushed him into a seated position at the foot of your bed. “What?” you questioned as you stepped between his spread thighs and wrapped your arms around his neck, “Nothing to say now?”
“Nothing at all,” he confirmed as he brought his hands up to your waist and slipped them beneath the hem of your top.
Nick kept his eyes on your face as you thought about your next move. Taking charge wasn’t exactly something you tended to do in the bedroom and he wanted to reach out and take charge himself, however, before he could move, you dipped your head down and pressed your lips to his in a heated kiss. Your fingers tangled in his hair, tugging at the strands as your teeth nipped at his bottom lip, and he tightened his grip on your his as he attempted to pull you closer. Instead of moving, just as he imagined you would, you pulled away from the kiss and shook your head. 
“Not today, babe,” you mumbled against his lips. “Shirt off, please.”
“If I don’t want to take it off?” He asked as you moved to press your lips to his neck.
“Then I can go back to my writing and you can get yourself off,” you informed him with a shrug before you placed a teasing nip to the column of his throat. “Your choice, babe.”
When Nick removed his hands from your waist, you stepped away and gave him enough room to pull his shirt up and over his head. Nick raised an eyebrow as you stared at him, your eyes sweeping over his exposed skin, before he asked, “Like what you see?”
“You know I do,” you huffed as you gestured for him to move further up the bed. “I still think you’re annoying, though.”
“I can live with that.”
You rolled your eyes as you settled into the space between Nick’s legs. To your surprise, he didn’t attempt to gain control as you moved to press kisses to his newly exposed skin. You nipped at his neck, your lips warm against his skin as his hands moved to push up the material of your top. He bunched it just below your breasts, as high as he could get it on his own, and brushed his fingers over your skin as you moved down to kiss his chest.
“If you want something,” you mumbled against his skin as he attempted to push your top up a little higher, “you have to ask for it, babe.”
Nick wasn’t going to indulge you, however, he had long since stopped thinking with any sort of rationality. Instead, he wanted to take the route that would get both of you off quickly. So, he bit back the smirk and the roll of his eyes and asked, “Can I take your shirt off?”
“Of course,” you breathed as you shifted just enough for him to tug the material up and over your head. Once your shirt joined his on the floor, you returned your mouth to his skin and continued your descent.
A blowjob wasn’t what Nick had been expecting, not when he had been teasing you all day, but he wasn’t going to question it as you tugged at the strings on his sweatpants. “Off, please,” you mumbled against his stomach with a glance up at him. Nick was quick to follow this request and shimmied out of his sweatpants faster than he had his shirt. When you realized he’d foregone underwear and were met with a wide grin, you rolled your eyes and mumbled a quiet, “Of course,” against his skin.
Nick’s laughter at your comment was cut short as your hands moved to his thighs. He watched, eyes half-lidded, as you shifted a little farther down and continued pressing kisses to his skin. You nipped and licked at his skin as you raked your nails over his thighs, careful to never get too close to where he wanted you most. He kept his mouth shut as you left red marks in your wake, not enough to turn into a hickey but enough to stand out for the time being.
He wanted to ask you to move faster, wanted to ask you to give him what he wanted, but he let you keep control and held himself back as you lavished his body with kisses. It was almost as if you were testing him, waiting for him to attempt to take over, but he was aware that this was supposed to be a punishment and he didn’t want to rush to the end.
You felt him squirm beneath you, his hands reaching out to your head to guide your movements, but before he could nudge you down, you pulled away. “Keep your hands to yourself,” you told him as you reached out to rake your nails over his thighs once more, “or I’ll stop.”
“Stop wha-“ he began, but before he could finish the word, you’d dropped your head and traced the vein running along the underside of his cock with your tongue. “Fuck,” he breathed as he clawed at your duvet in search of a secure grip.
He kept relatively quiet as you teased him with kitten licks, your hands remaining on his thighs as you failed to take him between your lips. He wanted to reach out and guide your head, wanted to get you to take him down your throat just as he’d been dreaming about, however, he kept his hands on the duvet and waited for you to take him. His patience was running thin and he almost asked you to give up the charade when you finally took the head of his cock between your lips.
Nick groaned at the feeling of your mouth finally wrapping around his cock and he released a quiet groan as you wrapped your hand around the base. You’d been together long enough to know what he liked and you used every trick you knew drove him wild to get him close to the edge. The closer he got, the louder he got. However, you could tell that he was still holding back as you glanced up to catch him biting his lip.
“I know you can be louder than that,” you mumbled against his skin, your lips swollen and shiny with spit as you glanced up at him from beneath your lashes.
Nick groaned at the sight, his chest heaving and his heart racing. You looked sinful and he wanted nothing more than to give you whatever you asked for. So, instead of making some stupid comment that would make you roll your eyes or laugh, he gave in and let himself go. He groaned at the feeling of your mouth on him, moaned your name as you took him just a little deeper, and gripped harder at the duvet as he felt his orgasm approaching.
“Fuck,” he groaned, “fuck, I’m close.”
“Ask for permission,” you instructed, your voice raspy and your eyes shining, “ask me to let you cum, baby.”
Nick was too far gone to think about it so he didn’t hesitate to ask, “Let me cum, please. I’m so close.”
“One more time,” you breathed before you took him into your mouth once more.
Nick did as he was told, he asked for permission one more time with another please, and you almost wanted to let him. You could tell just how close he was, could tell that he was right on the verge, but this was supposed to be a punishment, after all. So, instead of letting him fall over the edge, you pulled away just before he could cum.
When you pulled away from him completely, climbed off the bed, and reached for your shirt, it took a moment for him to realize what was happening. When he did, however, he sat up, bewildered, and blinked at you. “What the fuck?” he questioned, “What are you doing?”
“I’m finishing my essay, babe. Gotta finish that before I can finish you,” you informed him with a grin as you settled back into your chair. “Thirty more minutes, tops.”
Nick stared at you, his eyes narrowed, before he huffed and dropped his head back into the pillows at the head of your bed. “You’re gonna pay for this,” he huffed, his voice thoroughly fucked, “when you finish your essay, you’re mine.”
“That’s what I was counting on, babe.”
Author’s Note: I still need to work out nicknames for them to give their partners in my fics. Anyway, I’m trying to watch Jurassic Park and I kept getting distracted. My bad. Anyway, this is my second attempt at PM and my first Nick fic. Fun fact, my first crush ever was named Nick. We were friends from kindergarten until we graduated. He made me a Batman keychain in shop and we were partners for all our science projects in junior and senior year of high school. ANYWAY. I’m having fun with the PM fics! ALSO. This isn’t super subby but, like. I feel like he’d be a little shit instead of a straight up sub. So.
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hs-devote · 4 years
 4. M A R C E L
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Moodboard // Content // Masterlist
All characters and situation in this story are fictitious. Resemblance to any person living or dead is only God knows.
Previous chapter :
Harry's finger still wandering around her face, thumbs caressing her lips slowly. The air started to feel getting more intense, while Y/N began to be allured by Harry's soft touch. He slowly leaned in, pulling her chin until his lips touch hers. Y/N froze, eyes blinking. His hand cupped her jaw while the other still on her chin. She slowly closed her eyes, kissing him back, trusting him. It was getting way too intense while her arms grabbed his neck, deepening the kiss.
Harry bit her lips with hand rubbing her exposed thigh wildly. Y/N let out a soft moan when Harry was stroking her inner thigh, another hand caressing her bare back.
“You scared her, Marcel.”
“Did I ?”
Harry sat on the edge of his bed, hands locked to each other. It was 1 o'clock in the middle of the night, yet he did not feel sleepy at all. His bedroom was pitch dark, the only light was from floor lamps and reflections from building lights from outside. The curtains were wide open. He didn't like the darkness.
Harry's eyes staring deep at the person in front of him. He's too tired to argue with him. Harry never knew why he loved to meet him in the dark night. Always. Only one time he met him when the sky was bright. Blinding lights was not the thing he likes, he didn't like the crowd too much either.
“It's almost two weeks. Every time I talk to her, she always has that look in her eyes.”
“Well, it's your fault then.”
“How come it was my fault? How can it be my fault if you were the one who did it?”
“Harry..” He chuckled mockingly, “You meet her every day, do you? Just use your charm and she will be fine. If your smart enough, you can take advantage of her. How long have you been since got laid?”
“I don't like you talking like that to her. She's my employee, Marcel.”
“But you like her, do you? You have to thank me, Harry. You will never know if I didn't start it. Sadly, you messed it up.” He smirked, “I had almost forgotten what it felt like to taste a woman.”
“Fucking hell, Marcel!” Harry growled, “I am grateful I was able to arrive at the right time. God knows what you would do that night.”
Marcel was laughing, a laugh that Harry hate. A sinister laugh. “Don't bring God in this situation, Harry. He won't listen to you.” He stood up, with a look of pity, smiling devilishly. “Did you know, she saw you killed that person?”
“You were the one who strangled him, Marcel. Not me. What even were you doing there? Don't you know that's her apartment complex?” Harry asked lowly, still glaring at him.
“But, what she knows.. it was you.” He grinned, “I was curious about her. When she was walking out of the building, that son of a bitch was following her. He knew I was behind him, and he didn't like that so... he thought he could rob me but the poor man didn't know what was coming to him.”
“And you killed him, Marcel. I can't believe you.”
“He already saw my face, I couldn't let a single witness roaming around with free, could I? I don't want you to go to prison, Harry.”
Harry could feel the burden on his shoulders, he was tired of this problem. A trivial matter for Marcel, but not for him. “Where did you throw the body?” He sighed, rubbing his face.
“Don't worry too much. Just calm down. No one will find it. Trust me.”
“Trust you?!” Harry screamed, “How could I trust you if every time you do something, I always take care of that? Just stop it, Marcel. You always did that but never think of the consequences!”
“Don't be loud, your housemaids is sleeping. Well, I don't know why you let Suzanne stay the night.” He snickered, “That's why I have you, Harry. Use your connection, Harry. Use your brain, your power.”
Right now, Harry really wanted to throw things but he couldn’t do that. Poor Suzanne was exhausted and Harry had let her stay overnight. After all, she would be home alone because her son didn't come home tonight.
“One question.” His eyes sharp, looking at Marcel's dark one. For a moment, he could see the reflection of his face. “If I didn't lose the count, you came a lot lately. 4 of them when I was with Y/N. Why?”
“We both know what triggered you, Harry. Sometimes I think, why you can be a weak person? You're weak, Harry. Not like me. Yes, you are powerful, rich, handsome. But I am too. What if, I'm there? You can rest, until whenever you want.” He laughed, not caring the look of Harry's disgust, “I swear to God, Marcel..”
But Marcel keep laughing like he just had been told the funniest joke in the world. Harry couldn't contain it anymore, he grabbed the floor lamp and throwing it to the full-length mirror. Shattered glass falling to pieces on the floor along with a loud bang. He couldn’t see Marcel any more, yet his sinister laugh still haunted him.
Every time Harry tried to get rid of Marcel, he couldn't. Every time he saw his reflection in the mirror, he saw those eyes, eyes that resemblance him, but darker then ever, that was when Marcel came suddenly with the same figure as him. He was aware, Marcel was living with him, and he couldn't just get rid of Marcel.
. . . .
“Mr. Styles?” Y/N ask slowly when she pushed his door open. Her hands gripping some bundles tightly. Her feet step inside very carefully, like afraid of something.
That night moment in the car, made her couldn't sleep all night. Her feelings were crumbling. On the one hand, she couldn't lie with her feelings. She had crush on Harry, from the first day she laid her eyes on him. On the other hand, she felt unprofessional. Yes, she knew they did that outside work area, Harry's still her boss.
“Yes, can I help you with something?” Harry asked, watching her pulling a chair in front of him. A couple of weeks working in here, Harry saw significant progress in the way she handles her tasks. To be honest, she was the assistant he liked the most from the people before. Not only because of work, but she also had nice character, and extraordinarily smart for women her age.
“Err, I have bad news. Polygram calling off the contract unilaterally and withdraw all funds from Erskine.”
Harry couldn't digest every word that came out of her mouth, like her voice slowly fade away. He just stared at her dumbfounded. Y/N not sure either if Harry really listening to her. “Legal counsel is on discussing right as we talk now, looking for cause if Erskine can sue them.”
“Harry?” Y/N called him when Harry didn't budge. Slowly, she waved her hand in front of his face. He jumped instantly, “Yeah, yeah? I'm sorry.”
“Did you hear me, sir? You were spacing out.”
“How much funds did Polygram provide during the contract?”
“$900,000 equivalent £730,000. They withdrew almost full funds even though the contract had been running for six months out of the year.”
“Not too much, but still.. it’s breach of contract.”
“But, from the news I heard, their affiliated company will most likely do the same with thing to Erskine. A total of four companies are under Polygram, with worth $3,000,000”
Harry felt like something was suffocating him. One of their biggest clients walking away from his company. He didn’t understand what happened. Everything was all right before.
“Do you know what is the reason? Maybe we can persuade them? I don't want to lose a client. I don't want to let go of them with prejudice, if something isn't right, we can talk about it.”
“I will arrange the meeting immediately, sir.” Y/N nodded. She felt sorry for Harry now, he looked stressed, clearly visible from the look of his face. “Do you need anything, sir?”
In fact, Y/N was waiting for Harry to talk about what happened that night. After they kissed, Harry never brought it up.
To this day.
Y/N didn't know what Harry was thinking at the time, and right now. Whether he did it because he just wanted to kiss her, or because of his emotion, or because he indeed like her.
“No, thank you Y/N.” Harry forced a smile. Y/N could only sigh softly with disappointment. If she could be honest, she had a lot of hope of him. She just didn’t want to be disappointed before it's too late. She excused herself, going back to her office.
Plopping herself into her chair, Y/N opened her email. Quickly typing away a meeting invitation to Polygram, hope they would cancel their intentions. She knew how mad Harry would be if that really happens.
Her phone ringing loudly, making her slightly jump in her seat. Sliding the screen up, she brought her cellphone to her ear, “Hello?”
“Don't sound too happy, what's wrong Y/N?”
“Hi to you too,  Abbie.” She shrieked, “I'm sorry, I just.. well kinda busy at the moment. How are you?”
“Oh, do I bother you? I can hang up and call you in another hour maybe?”
“Nah, I'm fine.” Her other hand lifted from the keyboard, “Now, I'm free for the next ten minutes, I guess.”
“Well, I just wanna check up my best friend. How's Erskine, anyway? Everything good?”
“Worth the benefits, obviously. I'm sorry we rarely hang out together even on weekends. It's been a long time since I've seen you. For God's sake, we are in the same city!”
“Don't worry about that. I could just pay a visit, you know?”
Abbie or Abigail, was a friend from high school. When they were in college, they went to London together but with different universities. She settled in London after that, while Y/N coming back to her home town.
“Any romance involved in the office?”
Y/N giggled, not really know what to answer. “No.. not really. Not yet.”
“Whoa, so.. there's someone? Who's that?!”
“Abbie, please.” She sighed, “I don't know really, it's difficult with.. the situation.” Y/N muttered, toying her pen. “I don't know if he likes me.”
“Okay then if you don't wanna talk about it. I will ask for the progress  next week.” She laughed, “Can we talk about your hot as fuck boss? How's him in the office?”
Y/N shifted awkwardly in her seat, her mind went to their kisses memory. “Oh, Harry? He's nice. Very nice person. Unlike most bosses –stern, creepy. Not at all.”
“Does he have a girlfriend? What is his girlfriend like?”
“No, he's very very single. A fit bachelor. Why?”
“I just curious. I mean.. he's a fucking CEO at THAT age. Fucking handsome like a Greek god. Tell me I'm freak but I love to search him on Google. Did you know that Erskine is one of the top companies with the biggest revenue? Who doesn't want him? He could easily spoil her girlfriend with buckets of diamonds. There's nothing he can do.”
“All I know is Harry works his ass off every day.”
“Hold on.. Did I just hear you call him Harry? So, we are in the first name basis, huh?
“Shut up.” Y/N chuckled, her eyes raking her email.
Polygram agreed to a meeting, but today.
“Can I call you back later? I have a meeting to do.”
“Right then, talk later!”
After she hung up the call, Y/N read the Polygram email carefully. They would love to hold a meeting this afternoon. She dialled Harry's extension right away, he picked up on the second ring.
“Mr. Styles? Polygram agree to a meeting, today at 2.00pm in Erskine. Do you have time? I already check on your schedule , you have no meetings today.”
“It's fine. Please take care of it.”
“Will do.”
Polygram team arrive exactly at 2 o'clock, while Y/N have waited ten minutes ago. She immediately called Harry while the participants were enjoying some snacks offered. Harry's arrival was greeted with handshakes and short small talks.
“I'm aware of this purpose meeting, Mr. Styles. We apologise for contract withdrawal but that was all orders from the council.”
“What is the reason if I may ask, Mr. Roberts? We have never committed violations, haven't we?”
“Yes yes, we are very aware, Mr. Styles. The reason is...” Mr. Roberts glanced at his colleagues, like he was hesitant to say it. “The council doesn't want to work with companies led by.. arrogant young people, they said.”
“Pardon?” Both Y/N and Harry stared at them dumbfounded. Really didn’t get what he meant.
“Our council got the news that you attacked one of our loyal colleagues at an event, and they are not pleased with it.”
Harry? Attacking someone?
Y/N rolled her memories to a few days back, remember that it was true that Harry attacked someone that night. But he was the one who started it, not Harry. It was Dale.
Loyal colleagues...
Of course, Machtig.
“Where did they get it from? There's no news about it.” Y/N asked slowly.
“We don't know exactly, we just know that one of the councils' members really close with Machtig.”
“They don't know what really happened.” Harry muttered
“But the news about you, Mr. Styles, punching a man in public areas spread very fast.” This time, a lady with her black short hair opened her mouth after a long time silence. “They only question your performance if you like beating people up. Sure the council wants to keep their image.”
“Do you guys know you're breaking the law? We could sue Polygram but certainly, we don't want to if you cancel the withdrawal.” Y/N exclaimed, trying to speak for Harry. Because from the corner of her eyes, Harry began to look pissed. Everyone sunk into silence, as if just understood the consequences. Y/N was even more infuriated when no one spoke. “Isn't it unprofessional to bring together between work and personal matters? If Mr. Styles here wants to do something outside his office, it becomes his privacy. I mean, he didn't commit a crime.”
“The council also wondering why the police had not been involved in the incident.”
“Denise..” Mr. Roberts hissed at his co-worker, ask her to stop it immediately. Y/N wondered why this woman named Denise really coming at Harry.
Then Y/N realised, when Harry threw his fist to the robber, they had approached by the police. But after that, they were never been called. Did the police really forget them? Her or Harry could have been designated as witnesses if they wanted to proceed to court. There's no way the police just let him go.
“I understand your worries, Mr. Styles, Ms. Y/L/N. We'll try to talk to the council, especially with the charges if we break the contract.” Mr. Robert spoke, while collecting up his stuff.
“We're waiting for the good news in a week, tops.” Y/N stressed her words, waiting for a definite answer. Harry – who was sitting next to her, was completely indifferent. His chest rose up and down, ready to explode soon.
“I'll try my best.”
“Thank you, Mr. Roberts.”
After bidding them goodbye, Y/N was going to go back to her office when Harry's hand gripped her wrist. She let him speak first, didn’t know what he wanted to talk about, but she hoped Harry could control his anger right now.
“Thank you for that.” He said lowly, hand still gripping her wrist. She just smiled while her other hand rubbing his knuckles, “For what?”
“You speak more than me, thank you for defending me. I appreciate that, really.”
“I think it's an employee's obligation to defend their company. Plus their boss is being cornered like that.” She shrugged, “I don't like that Denise lady, but I appreciate Mr. Roberts.”
“Fun fact, Denise used to work here. I fired her because she was caught having sex with one of the employees in the office bathroom.”
Harry was laughing when he found Y/N scrunched her face, “That's.. disgusting.”
“Mhm, no wonder she was bitter towards me.”
“Mr. Styles?”
“It's Harry.”
Y/N bit her lips, well that's new. They still in the office but Harry let her call him his first name. Then she looked down her hand, swinging them back and forth with Harry's, like kids holding hands.
“Come get something cold and sweet. This time is on me. Where do you want to eat ice cream?”
“Ice cream, really?” Harry chuckled, hand still swinging with hers. “Pretty sure your head now is about to explode, ice cream will cold it down, definitely.”
“All right,” Harry stood up, gathering his laptop. “Pack your bag, we'll go to Soho.”
. . . .
“Hi, can I get Tiramisu Sundae and..” Y/N looked at Harry, who still looking at the menu. “Harry?”
“Oh, I will go with... Sticky Toffee? Thank you.” Harry smiled.
Y/N swore that the cashier lady was swooning over him, she bit her lip when punching the cash register.
“That would be £15.” Y/N handed her cash, after saying thanks, her and Harry step aside while waiting for their order. Less than five minutes, they walk to a vacant booth with ice creams in their hands.
“This is delicious.” Y/N moan softly, licking her spoon. Harry quietly watched Y/N enjoying her dessert, her face looked adorable while concentrating on her ice cream. He let five minutes pass without conversation. He just wanted to enjoy a moment of time, being someone who's carefree for a second.
“I want to apologies.”
His words made Y/N lift her head, wrinkles visible on her forehead. “For what?”
“The moment in the car a few nights before. I’m sorry if I was freaking you out.”
“Oh.” Well, she never thought Harry would apologise. Did he feel any guilt? For kissing her?
“Erm, I.. I think it's... it's okay, Harry.” She mumbled, looking down her cup which now looked more interesting. No. She just feels intimidated by Harry. She didn’t know why.
“No, it's not okay Y/N. It's not... it's not like I feel guilty. It's just that I feel like using you in that situation.” Harry fumbled his finger, panic began to fill his body.
“Did you enjoy it?” Y/N averted her gaze to Harry, she could see Harry's nervous too. “Because I did, Harry.”
“Glad to know that.” He smiled softly, “At least I'm not the only one felt it.”
“Let's just say this is a date. I'll take you on another date.”
“A date?” Now, Y/N could feel her heart rumbling. This wasn’t something she expected. Her mixed feelings made her dizzy. A date? Harry was asking her out, again? She didn't listen to it in the wrong way, did she?
“I really... really like you, Y/N. And I'll look forward to getting to know you better than ever.” His blinding smile made her knees weak, her bones turn into jelly. Harry Styles asked her for another date? Her inner goddess slacking her jaw.
“I'll wait then.” She returned his smiled, feeling shy because Harry kept smiling at her with his prominent dimples.
Soho that night was the same as usual nights. When Londoners prefer to spend time in club or bars, the tourists with their cameras engrossed in capturing every corner of the area – to share with their loved ones. Or maybe just shop for souvenirs to take home. Or couples who wants to watch a show at the local Soho theatre.
Walking down the street, Y/N really enjoyed London – again. Since she moved from Swansea, she had never been back to Soho. Soho and its atmosphere, not much had changed. She chuckled when passed a gay couple who had just exited from one of the bars, stumbling in drunk while pointing their sex toys to one another.
Spending the afternoon on feet in Soho, Harry drove Y/N home when his watch showed 10.00 pm. He felt more human and normal when he could spend his little time outside without having worries over work. Harry totally turned off his cellphone, didn't want to be disturbed for a moment –didn’t care if an urgent call comes in. What he cared about was how he could have quality time with Y/N.
Harry didn't realise that Y/N had fallen asleep during the trip back home, it seemed like the music from a radio he played made her sleepy. He was silent for ten minutes after arriving in her building, couldn't bear to wake Y/N up –she looked tired. He just stared at her, doing nothing.
Her closed eyelids to mouth slightly open. The small things like that made him smile . She stirred slightly in her sleep, before her eyes flutter open. The first thing she saw was his eyes, not the desk clock that usually woke her up every morning.
“Hi.” She murmured softly, hesitate to move from her comfy position.
“You were asleep.” Harry whispered with his fingers straighten her hair.
“Looks like. ” she yawned, “'m sorry.”
“Don't be. It's okay.”
Y/N straightened her upper body, fist rubbing her eyes. “I have to go inside, it's already late. Have to work tomorrow.”
“Thank you for today, Harry. I really really enjoyed it.” She said before opening the car door, her sleepy eyes made Harry shake his head. She looked adorable. “I should be the one thanking you for the ice cream treat.”
“It's nothing, really.” Y/N smiled, leaning in and give his cheek a small peck. “Drive safe, Harry. Good night.”
“Have a good rest, love.”
Harry was smiling like idiots when his door slam shut softly, leaving him alone. He sighed, It's been a long time since he felt like this.
. . . .
Full name: Styles, Harry Edward Mr Age: 25 Date of birth: Sparkhill – Birmingham, February 1st 1994 Occupation: Confidential Address: Chelsea Waterfront, Waterfront Dr, Fulham, London SW10 0QD, United Kingdom Diagnosis: Confidential Medical complaints: Excessive anger, Loss of self-control
Health professional: Horan, Niall Mr Specialities: General Psychiatry Treatment action: TBA.
“What's wrong now, Harry?” Niall put his glasses down the table. Hands locked, while staring at his friend. His index fingers tapping at Harry's portfolio.
“I attacked people.. a few.”
“And?” Niall raised an eyebrow, waiting for Harry to finish what he said.
“In public..”
“Something must be triggering you.”
Harry paused, choosing the right words before leaving his mouth, “One of them killed.”
“Jesus Christ, Harry..” Niall looks at his friend in disbelief, hand massaging his forehead. “I understand you attacked someone, but.. killed them?”
“I just found out days after that, the body was drowned in Gallion Reach. I don't know how but the body hasn't been found around there yet.”
Niall let out big exhale, “Fucking mental.” His hands taking notes and pen from his desk, “How often have you attack people in the past couple weeks?”
“Five times.”
“It doesn't all end with a loss of life, right?”
Harry shook his head, feel ashamed of his behaviour. But at least he could calm down because the doctor was his own best friend. Niall wouldn't judge him carelessly.
“Now, tell me. I'm all ears.”
“Well, he appears more often. I don't know why. I still take medicines, sometimes forgotten because I'm busy with my work. But before that.. it was no problem. He has become more aggressive since I'm being close to Y/N. He even appeared when Y/N's first day of work with me, without doing anything. Only creeping at her within a few centimetres.”
“Did.. he do something brutal to her?”
“Just.. snapping at her while she trying to help with my wounds.” Of course Harry didn't want to tell him about he kissed her that night after he punched Dale.
“I read the news about you assaulted a robber in Canada Square, and.. rumours about you broke someone's nose from Machtig at that gala night, is it true?”
Harry just nodded, looking at Niall who was writing something in his notes. “You fixed it, right?”
“I think Mario is tired of helping me. He always said.. this is the last time, Harry. But every time I come to ask for help, he also said  if you weren't my friend and battling with yourself Harry, I wouldn't want to help you.”
“Good things that he's a member of NCA's council. At least your name will be safe from the records.”
“Are you trying to insult me, Niall?”
Niall fell silent, seemed he pressed the wrong button. Harry's facial expression become hard. But, he was indeed serious. “Am I talking to Marcel now? Or Harry?”
“No, but I can feel he's watching you right now.”
He gave Harry a small smile, folding his arms together while looking at his friend carefully. Right now, the man sitting in front of him, something was different on him, Niall felt that. Bright green eyes, soft yet firm expression.. well, this was Harry. Marcel had darker eyes, he had something strange with him.  If Marcel was in front of him right now, he wouldn't be able to speak so quietly and slowly.
“When you said Marcel was more aggressive when you were with Y/N, I wondered if he had.. a certain motive?”
“He had never hurt her.”
“The keyword: had never. If that happens, what would you do? I guess you haven't told her, have you?” Niall asked curiously with teasing smile.
“If I do, she will definitely decline the date. One day I'll be honest with her. I can't lie for too long.”
“So, is there the date you didn't tell me huh?” He wiggled his eyebrow, making Harry laugh. One that Harry liked when he came to visit Niall, he would never treat him like a regular patient. They would talk like usual friends who were chatting in the pub. Niall would always spend more time on him.
“Well, you know how the cure works, Harry. I can only give you a prescription to help you reduce your stress level and blood pressure. If you think Marcel is ready to take over, try to think something makes you happy.”
. . . .
Going home to an empty house was not a pleasant thing for Harry, even though he had lived alone for a few years. When he was still living in Manchester with his family, whenever he opened the front door, his mother's voice would the first thing he heard.
His mum, Anne, would like to keep her eyes open and make sure her son arrived home okay, rather than going to bed and finding him not in good condition in the morning. Young Harry was the same as other teenagers, he could be stubborn whenever he wants or being spoiled whenever he has the chances.
Sometimes he thought, his penthouse way bigger than he needs. He lived alone, his home would be empty when he was working even though his million pounds home would be occupied for a short time when Suzanne did her work. He wouldn't risk his safety and privacy if he moved to another place.
As usual, Harry unlocked his door. If normally the hall was pitch dark, not this time. A few lights were turned on, created a dim atmosphere. It was strange. Did Suzanne forget to switch the lamps off?
“Why the confused face, Harry? Never see the lights on?”
. .
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weaselbeaselpants · 4 years
The virgin Hazbin vs. The Chad Helluva
((hey is the “virgin vs. CHAD” meme associated with alt right or anything iffy guys I’m kinda worried it is. PM me please))
This is long. Also read my earlier post for context.
Earlier this month I was chatting it up with a friend about how Viv gets heat for her material stuff while other purposefully “edgy” or “problematic” writers get a pass. The convo made me realize another important note about why I prefer Helluva to Hazbin and that’s it’s approach to it’s own themes and humor:
There’s a spectrum of pure shock/schlock humor to biting, meaningful satire. South Park, Drawn Together, Panty and Stocking and anything by Brandon Rogers is on the schlock end. Bojack Horseman, King of the Hill and Aggretsuko are on the black-comedy-satire end. In the middle are Rick and Morty, Kill la Kill and Venture Bros, where the humor can be either basic and cruel or strive for something more.
The schlockiest of schlock still have their followings who are in on humor that’s, first and foremost, out to get under your skin and even makes fun of them. When these works are “progressive” it’s usually just through sheer representation of a minority, and if they DO strive for a message, it’s little more than a much needed hot-take pointing out how stupid something is. South Park in it’s prime was ESPECIALLY good at the former.
Another interesting about these properties? The characters aren’t really that complex. They ARE strawmen! They are stereotypes! They ARE awful people. But either through the sheer audacity of the situation or how much the plot involves them, you somehow end up caring for these miserable, one-note people.
Viv’s humor fares more on this basic “schlockynottooseriousparody/comedy”-side of things, but Helluva Boss does this better than Hazbin.
Helluva Boss -both the actual pilot and it’s promotional material- doesn’t make any promises for any “deeper” character development. None of these demons at I.M.P are good people. None of them are SUPPOSED to be good people - they are literally demons who were never human and know nothing but absolute sin. 
((yes, I know this sounds similar to the “they’re in hell” non-argument. My point is not that this defense is foolproof, but that it works better in the context of Helluva vs. Hazbin. It’s a world building quirk, even though I’m not 100% sure Viv and her audience are in on the joke))
It makes their weird bits of NOTawfulness more funny because what business do they have being polite about their work or having any emotional connection to each other(Moxxie and Millie)? But they do! Blitzo is weird, even for a demon, but again he IS ONE, so his breaking into his coworkers house is just “annoying” to Moxxie and Millie rather than, you know, stalking which is absolutely what that is <--- it’s a bit of comedy that, to me, tells you what you need to know about these demons and what somehow is and isn’t good to them, which is to say: it varies!
((The one MASSIVE exception to this is Stolas who is 100% predatory and it’s played for laughs. Beejesus no. Get  owl boy out here. ))
Different series use their mythical creatures to different affect. In Satina the joke is that this demon-antichrist really is more of a little girl with a looser dad w. the version of hell being a send up to classic, even basic depictions of demons in media. Helluva’s different, with the Hell in that world being more of a ritzy, scummy city where everyone’s a dick to everyone else, and that’s fine. Even the joke in the beginning where the imps interview one of their clients tells you all you need to know about why this guy is in Hell, how he doesn’t get the point, and what the humor and tone of the short is striving for. I guess that’s why I’m just not offended by them using the R word, Blitzo laughing at the homeless (which is more of a joke on Blitzo, I thought), or the child murder. It felt oddly in character for these awful little creatures.
Helluva knows what it is and what it wants to be. While it’s fans and creators still take it too seriously, it really doesn’t set out to do much.
Hazbin has 99 problems and good world-building aint one. What IS one of those 99 problems - just as if not more than the lackluster storytelling or world building - is it’s attitude towards the subject matter.
Hazbin wants to have it’s cake and eat it too, but it isn’t properly established and the creators/fanbase already overemphasis how our cast ‘isn’t ALL bad; deep down’ and how they’re ‘complicated’. It gets me mad when people claim Angel IS GOOD representation because I just ‘don’t know the whole story yet’.
-You’re right! I don’t. Stop building it up because as I’ve said before what we have at the moment is what we 100% get. I can’t criticize what I don’t know but I can criticize what I do know.
And what I know about it is Viv tends to promote her brand as being representive of LGBT+ people. Her fans and her act as though her works are actually a total net-positive ‘guyz we’re just being edgythey’reinhellandit’sapilotsoit’sfreefromcriticismanywayletswritefanfictionforaserieswedon’tactuallyknowyet.’
If Viv and her brand didn’t promo Hazbin as being deeper than it actually is/NEEDS TO BE at the time of this production in the storytelling - well THAT would axe a lot of the bad criticism right there. For all the discourse in the She-Ra and SU fandoms about what is and isn’t good representation, the showrunners of those cartoons don’t aim to stereotype + hit for the lowest common denominator while also insisting that their show is actually woke and ya’ll “just don’t get it.”
((As an aside, if you are any of the following: gay, crossdresser, sex worker, undead spider demon-whatever, and you DO find Angel Dust empowering. GREAT! AWESOME. MORE POWER TO YOU.
But just because you aren’t offended by it and it was made with good intentions does NOT give it a pass < that’s the point I’m trying to make. ftm even with the explaination of the infamous ‘Charcoal’ design in SU, black people still have the right to be offended))
Remember the episode of Family Guy where Quagmire’s dad transitioned? It was Family Guy so no matter what it was gonna fumble the message, BUT what made things 100000x worse was Seth McFarlane promoting the episode as something the Trans community would really like.
It’s one thing to be ignorant or trying -and failing- to make a difference. It’s another to be arrogant about it. 
If you are gonna go all schlock-humor I think it’s best to take the lead of Bltzo’s voice actor, Brandon Rogers. He makes A LOT of sacrifices for the most insanely-purposefully-offensive jokes that straddle between making fun of everyone or just rustlin some jimmies. Dude’s the modern John Waters.
He also doesn’t promote himself as a gay icon. He just is gay and what helps a lot of his characters is that he’s often making fun of gay stereotypes by giving them character or making homophobes the butt of the joke. Brandon doesn’t act like a net-positive. It’s when you hear him in interviews that you know he’s genuine and know he’s not a threat.
And it’s why I don’t have the same expectations I have for his work that I do for Vivs; Vivs works are often telling me how I should feel. ((ftm it’s also why Brandon’s approach to writing, comedy and potentially deeper elements are better than Doug Walker’s or Sam Fennah’s attempts to make awful people “moving”))
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.....hey is there anyway we could give Viv’s shows to Brandon cause I would love a Brandon-Rogers-flavored Hazbin/permanent Helluva!
TL:DR: If Hazbin had established itself like Helluva with it’s cast just being unlikable, nothing else you needed to know about them, it could have then PROBABLY have worked it’s way up to being like Venture Bros or Rick and Morty in it’s activism. As is, it’ still only “progressive” in a hypothetical sense, and I’m sorry but that hurts it’s credibility as a joke and a thought piece, which or whatever it wants to be...
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hartigays · 5 years
your harringrove fics give me life. i love them. can you write with 56 for harringrove from the prompt list?
56. “If I didn’t know you better, I’d say you were trying to flirt by giving me books.”
billy really, really, really hates the way hospitals smell. with a burning passion.
it’s a hearty blend of antiseptic, stale air, and burnt coffee. he’d thought that he’d be used to it by now, but. no such luck. the stench still makes his nose wrinkle every day upon waking up.
he’s been confined to this room for nearly two months. it’s not always bad, billy supposes. primarily due to the utter defeat that has settled itself in his bones.
people actually come and visit him. people like max, or joyce byers, or el, the quiet, perceptive girl who saved his life, or. or.
steve harrington.
that’s the one that surprised billy the most, in the beginning. hawkins high school’s former king came by the first time with max. he was quiet, subdued. his face holding more scars than billy remembered him having.
in the beginning, steve stayed quiet. then, he progressed to asking soft, careful questions, like how are you doing and are they treating you well here and do you need me to bring you anything? it made absolutely no sense to billy. still doesn’t.
he’s not exactly deserving of kindness from anyone, especially not the guy he beat the shit out of in a blind rage.
but billy is tired. he’s fucking tired and that thing snuffed out any fire he had left. any fire he could’ve used to snap at steve that he’s not an invalid and can take care of himself, or yell at max that he doesn’t need her pity, or blow up at el and finally tell her that he didn’t deserve saving.
so. billy sits in this bed. he lets joyce bring him all kinds of surprises, from candy, to car magazines, to even a pack of cigarettes that he’d begged for only a little. he lets max and el braid his hair and trim up the beard he hasn’t been able to shave. he even lets them give him manicures sometimes.
he lets steve bring him the comfort of his presence. and the books.
for some reason, steve began bringing him books midway through his hospital stay. at first, billy just tossed them onto the chair next to his bed without a word. steve never mentioned it, even after the pile grew into a miniature mountain.
billy refused them at first just to be mean. the only act of rebellion he could feasibly manage. but once he grew bored enough to crack one open, he found that reading had somehow become very difficult.
he just. struggled. the words ran together, too small and sentences too complex to dissect and he kept forgetting what so many words meant. his attempt resulted in a pretty killer migraine.
the doctors say it’ll get easier with time, but. he’d suffered from lack of oxygen to the brain. only for a short time, a matter of seconds at best, but it happened. they said it’d make things hard for a while. and they were right.
reading is now an arduous process. billy also finds that more often than not he struggles to find his words. and sometimes, when he’s speaking, he’ll stumble over a word, then immediately forget it after, effectively cutting himself off in the middle of his sentence.
it’s frustrating. but again, billy is tired. it’s just another thing to add to the shit pile that is his life.
max, or el, or joyce, or the doctors, or someone informed steve that billy can’t read anymore. they must have, because steve had walked in one day, sat down and picked up a book, and just started reading to him.
billy wanted to protest. but he finds steve’s voice oddly soothing. and he’s tired. so. he let it happen. he let it happen every visit after that, too.
it’s been a strange and exhausting few weeks.
“the doctors say you can start physical therapy soon.”
max is currently trimming up his beard again, her blue eyes focused in on her work with a burning intensity.
“they told me this...this...m-m...” billy trips over the word, sighing heavily.
“this morning? good,” max finishes for him without missing a beat. “you should be excited. you can finally start moving around again without the chair.”
“do me a favor and burn it,” billy tells her. max gives him a small smile.
the wheelchair has been the bane of his existence. he’d never considered how hard it’d be to not have the ability to move around on his own. another tally in his mistake column. he’s found that he has a rather long list of them.
“i think the hospital might frown upon that.”
billy glances over at the door. steve is lingering in the doorway, watching max work with a soft smile on his face. it makes billy’s heart kick, just a little.
another mistake to add to the list. falling for steve harrington and his fluffy hair and big brown doe-eyes has to be just about the dumbest thing billy has ever done in his entire life.
“fuck ‘em,” billy says, flipping off the ceiling with both hands. “‘s my chair now. i do what i w...want.”
max finishes her final touch-ups to his beard, then stands. “i’m gonna go get some lunch. i’ll come back later. if you want me to.”
billy just nods. max squeezes his hand, the way she always does before she leaves, and hikes her bag over her shoulder. she disappears out the door a moment later, and steve takes her place in the chair by the bed.
“how’re you feeling?” steve asks, same way he always does.
“like a million bucks.” billy gives him a smile that’s all teeth. some things never change.
steve just gives him a soft smile back. “i brought some new books. i wasn’t sure if you were into, um. romance novels? so i brought a mix.”
his face is bright red, and billy is pretty sure it’s the cutest thing he’s ever seen. there are very few things billy finds cute, mind you. steve harrington just happens to be one of the few.
“if i didn’t know you better, i’d say you’re trying to f...f...fuck,” billy groans, and steve raises his brows.
“that i’m trying to what?”
“that’s not - i didn’t mean that. let me...start over,” billy grouches, frustrated and tomato-red in the face. again. “if i didn’t know you better, i’d say you’re trying to f...flirt by bringing me books.”
“hm, nah. you were right the first time. i’m just trying to fuck.” steve practically shakes with the force of his laughter. he sobers when he sees billy’s expression. “shit, i’m sorry. it was - that was just a joke. i wasn’t trying to -”
“so you wouldn’t fuck a guy in a wh...wheel...wheelchair? that’s low, harrington. tsk, tsk,” billy tells him, keeping his face perfectly neutral.
the only thing he loves more than seeing steve smile is watching him squirm.
“no! of course not - i mean, i would. of course i would. there’s nothing wrong with the wheelchair, don’t ever think that, i just meant, like. that’s not what i’d want to do first, i’d want to take you out to...” steve trails off, his brows furrowing at the sight of billy’s barely contained laughter. “oh. you’re kidding.”
“i’m kidding,” billy says through a snort. he sobers after a moment, considering steve’s words. “but are you?”
steve is quiet for a moment. he’s looking at his hands and billy is pretty sure he has his answer and god, this sucks, and then, “no. i’m not.”
billy’s whole world tilts. steve harrington wants to fuck him. steve harrington wants him. steve harrington brings billy books every day and reads to him and makes him laugh and takes him on trips in the chair around the parking lot because he likes him.
he realizes, very quickly, that he has no fucking idea what to do with that.
his feelings for men have been something billy has bottled up and stuffed way deep down inside. because i’m not a faggot is what his mind is telling him. it sounds a lot like neil.
but he almost died. he did die, for a few brief seconds. his heart stopped. his brain stopped getting oxygen. and neil, upon hearing about billy’s heroic involvement in taking down a secret base of russian spies, hasn’t stepped foot in this hospital since.
billy is eighteen. he can leave hawkins, can leave neil behind. he can hold steve’s hand if he wants to. he almost died and he’s tired and he can’t find that anger that fueled the way he’d lived his life in the past. things are different now.
he’s different now.
so. he chews on his lip for a moment, debating. then reaches out a hand to steve, still looking down at his blankets.
a moment later, steve’s hand finds his. billy doesn’t say anything for a long moment - just smiles.
and then, “knew you couldn’t...you couldn’t...r-resist this charm, pretty boy.”
steve snorts, and billy looks up to see him rolling his eyes, a little more than endearingly. he meets billy’s a moment later. inches forward just a little. just a little more, more, more, until he’s close enough to brush his lips across billy’s.
it’s just a gentle press of lips, lingering for just a moment before pulling back. but it’s enough to have billy’s heart singing in his chest. steve’s lips are soft, and warm, and they fit with billy’s just right.
steve smiles, soft as hell, and tucks some of billy’s curls behind his ear. “do you want me to come to your first session? the physical therapy, i mean?”
billy considers this for a moment. he’d been dead-set on doing this alone. steve must know this instinctively, given that he’s bothering to ask. but it’d be nice to have him there, with words of encouragement when billy needs them and supportive silence when he doesn’t.
“yeah. yeah, i do,” billy tells him, voice quiet. steve nods, still smiling. “can you, um. can you just...just...read? yeah, can you read me one of your shitty books? for right now?”
“hey, my taste in books is impeccable,” steve says, turning up his nose with a sniff. then he cracks a grin, squeezing billy’s hand. “yeah, i can. action first, or romance?”
“romance me, princess.”
steve kisses his palm, leaning down to grab a book from the stack on the floor.
“you got it, billy.”
send me a number + a pairing!
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bucksbisexual · 4 years
dunno if it counts technically but top 5 kpop biases???? !! also top 5 dramas???🥺
augs!!! hi love 💖💖 it does count hehe i’ll try to make it in order for both :-)
🔮 put a top 5 anything in my inbox 🔮
(this got long so i put this ⬇⬇ to not bother ppl that much skjfhsfh)
for kpop biases:
1. seokmin from seventeen. he’s my ult and has been for almost three years and i love him to death 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 i would start and end wars for him, i would give him my kidney if he needed it, i would do absolutely anything to make him smile or laugh because his smile and laugh make me the happiest 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
2. yoongi from bts. i’m not really that into bts anymore but i still love them to death and yoongi has been my bias for over 3 years so i hold him dearly in my heart 💜💜💜
3. mark from nct. aaaa my multitalented baby 🥰🥰🥰 i have such a soft spot for him and seeing his progress throughout the over 2 years i’ve been stanning nct has been such a delight <3<3
4. wonwoo from seventeen. you see,, he’s my third svt bias (the second one is jihoon) but he had been tempting me for So long. and when i tell u So long i mean i initially got interested in svt because of him in the boomboom mv thumbnail (mint hair wonu 💔💔 come back king i miss u) and a few months ago i accepted the fact that he was my bias too and now i could not be any less in love with this dumbass nerd <3
and last but not least, 5. kyungsoo from exo. he..... he’s truly something else. i put him last because of how little i’ve been keeping up with exo this past year with all the enlisting and stuff but he.. <3 he’s been my bias the longest after yoongi and i love him to death 🥺🥺 his vocals truly are godly and him and i are basically the same person so i had no choice but to stan and bias sjfhksjfh
okay and now for dramas:
1. hard one, but i think my most favourite one will always be 2gether. i have such a deep connection with it and it was truly the first drama i actually got interested in it and everyone that acted on it (yes i’m completely ignoring why r u. what about it). my attachment to sarawatine is so big i don’t think i could ever let it go 🥺🥺
2. this one is pretty easy, it’s of course the untamed. first ever drama i watched in its entirety and what made me come back to tumblr after months of inactivity 🤪😎 the characters, the relationships between them, the plot, the visuals, everything about this drama is So good and i’ve rewatched it a few times already but you bet i will do that Again jsfhksjg
3. this is also easy and maybe unexpected if u read my comforting dramas post, but this place could only belong to the gifted. what do i even say about this drama that i haven’t said before.... first of all, such a unique story?? like- maybe it’s not for others, but as someone who doesn’t watch that much media, this show was a breath of fresh air and it felt so nice to have kind of these.. potentials come from kids my age and to see how they deal with them and with the system that basically forces them to have it without their will (whether they later on enjoy them or not). the characters are all pretty complex for how long the show is (first season at least) and the plot (and its twists) are a delight and also very anxiety inducing lmaooooo but yeah <3 this drama is just... chef’s kiss 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
i have like a shit ton more i want to add but before the last two, here’s some honorary mentions to dramas i have Loved and are definitely on my top10 (but don’t make it to top 5): 3 will be free, history 3: trapped, where your eyes linger, dark blue kiss and still 2gether (yes the s2 is Also in my top10, fight me.)
okay now to 4. theory of love. i have also talked about this one a Lot and how much it means to me and how much i love it, but let me do that again. this story is based on uni students and it’s not engineering ones, so that’s always a good way to start. khai and third are a complex couple, which you don’t really see in bls?? like.. they have history, have ups and a lot of downs, have the supportive friends (who are also friends with the other so it’s Extra interesting imo), have the movie references, they have it all baby!!! the friend group and their dynamics are So good i love them to death. the side couple was also amazing it’s hard to believe they weren’t part of the real novel. this whole drama is amazing and if my brain wasn’t fried rn i would make this a longer essay lmao
and last but certainly not least, coming in hot in number 5. is...... i told sunset about you!!!!! so. this drama has only been going for 2 episodes, yes, i know, but if anyone hurt any of the characters in it i would k word them and then k word myself. just... visuals aside (because i know a lot of ppl like them, just like i do), the story is so interesting?? like.... first of all, not based in the big city, then it’s also about two kids who want to get into acting but hate each other’s guts?????? for some reason???? and after ep1 you get the reason and basically think “oh okay it’s gonna be best friends to enemies to friends to lovers” but????? their ending isn’t clear?????? like- the uncertainty of their ending is kind of what’s so interesting about this in a way??? idk maybe it’s just me but this drama........ the fact that it’s highschoolers (which i think we need more lgbt dramas based on highschool but maybe it’s me being a youngster) hits home maybe a bit too hard and that’s why i’m so invested in it sjkfhsjf aaa i could go on and on about this but this is already a whole essay lmaooooo
okay that’s it sjfhksfj thank u for asking augs <3<3
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charlieism · 5 years
Any podcast recs?
woo yes!! i love podcasts!! i’ll get right into my favs :D click the read more bc it gets kinda long
The Adventure Zone
If youre on tumblr youve probably heard of this already. It’s created by the McElroys, and follow the adventures of Taako, Magnus and Merle and a lot of fun other side characters all voiced by Griffin. Its hilarious and full of goofs, but the story it weaves Will make you cry by the end, there are so many plot twists, gays, found family tropes, its just ugh. amazing. very good to listen to if u want a laugh tbh, but the episode are pretty long, up to an hour and a half. but the story is beautiful, the characters are amazing, n i feel like im constantly laughing at jokes i dont even understand bc the mcelroys r Just That Funny. there are also other arcs u can listen to, like amnesty, which is about a trio of monster hunters, commitment, which is about superheros, and dust, which is a western supernatural mystery!
EOS 10
This is for sure one of my favourite podcasts ever. The characters are so easy to love and all so complex with very human issues, except its set in space surrounded by aliens so the shenanigans are never-ending and all so, so entertaining. the general plot is about dr. dalias, a surgeon on the space station EOS 10, and his friends and coworkers dr. urivdian, jane, and levi the hypochondriac, chaotic alien prince (and akmazian, the gay space pirate). the relationships between the characters are to die for, the gays are beautiful, and its fucking hilarious. 10/10 recommend, the episodes are relatively short between 10-15 minutes so its very easy to listen to.
Wolf 359
This was the second podcast I ever listened to, and will forever be held close in my heart. it starts off as a funny, light-hearted podcast based on the logs of communications officer doug eiffel, an astronaut aboard the USS Hephaestus, a spacecraft with only 2 other crewmembers, commander Minkowski and scientist Hilbert. eventually more characters are introduced such as captain lovelace, and the SI-5 crew Jacobi, Kepler, and Maxwell. the series goes from something entertaining and joking to a story with an unfolding plot that honestly blows me away, morally grey characters and the complex relationships between everyone, and amazing character development. the episode start out pretty short but they get longer as the plot progresses. you’ll laugh too many times to count, find yourself crying near the end and wonder how you got here, and fall in love w the characters, the jokes and the mystery. i cant recommend it enough (eiffels development ugh my fucking boy…..)
The Penumbra Podcast
This podcast is so fucking fun. its a detective-noir type storyline set far into the future on mars. it follows PI Juno Steel, a detective in Hyperion City, and all the cases he lands and has to solve. its intriguing as hell, the characters draw you in completely bc theyre so layered and complex but so easy to love, its gay as FUCK (theres only one straight person on mars lol) and its v enjoyable listening to juno’s character development and his interactions with other characters (namely nureyev and rita). im literally never bored listening to this podcast, and if the detective theme wouldn’t typically be your thing i swear you should listen to it anyway because with how its set on mars, in space, in the future, there are things youd never imagine and worldbuilding so smooth and surprising and fun. there are hilarious moments, tragic moments, heartbreaking moments, heart-healing moments, and just. the whole thing is brilliant dude. i adore it. (theres also a lot of mini episodes set in different universes like old western lesbians, and the Second Citadel, which runs alongside juno’s universe and is kind of a knights vs monsters fun thing but theyre also all bisexual lol).
Time Bombs
This is a mini-podcast made by the same creators as wolf 359. its only 3 episodes long so if u want something quick to listen to this is v good! its about a bomb squad on new years eve as Simon Teller tries to break the record of most bombs defused in a year. its very funny, easy to listen to, and just a fun lil thing!
Lake Clarity
Now this boy is a horror podcast. Its about a bunch of teens who go up to the abandoned Camp Clarity for a trip together before they graduate. they uncover abandoned military bases and a conspiracy, mutations and monsters, and get picked off one by one. i admit i never finished the second season but i greatly enjoyed the first! it was interesting (and they acknowledged the slightly basic set up in show a lot lol) but i like it!
King Falls AM
I only recently started listening to this one but its so good dude!! its set in a radio show in King Falls, hosted by Sammy and Ben. Sammy just came to the town from the city and Ben has lived in King Falls his whole life: we listen to the strange events happening around town as they happen and ben and sammy report on them, listen to the residents send in calls about their weird situations, meet new characters, and get a lil freaked out by some spooky things! its funny, its odd, its creepy at times, its the perfect blend of humour, supernatural, and horror!
And now for some honourable mentions
Welcome To Nightvale
This is one you’ve probably heard of as well. WTNV is a radio show hosted by Cecil Palmer, a citizen of the town of Nightvale, which has got to be the weirdest town in the world. its delightfully strange, entertaining, fun to listen to, and i havent finished it but i like it and i know a TON of other people adore it, its v popular!!
The Magnus Archives
Another horror podcast, I never got very far through it (mainly bc i just. struggle to listen to jon’s voice and accent rip) but the gist of it is a british archivist is going thru some archives n recording the stories. its full of monsters, supernatural stuff n creepy stories. people love it, if ur into horror n creepy stuff then i recommend this one!
The Bright Sessions
Another one I never got very far through, it follows dr. bright, a therapist for the ‘strange and unusual’ and her sessions with various super-powered people, for example empaths, time-travellers, etc etc. im not sure why i didnt get v far thru bc it is v intriguing and has a lot of potential, im sure id pick it back up one day! i think it could have a lot of cool overlapping storylines if u dig that!
This short podcast is very interesting, its about a man who is on a spacecraft alone looking after people in stasis for many years, and isnt allowed any real contact with other people on the ship outside of a video call once a night. there are plot twists, you will randomly find yourself crying by the end of it bc of the raw emotion, and it can be a little slow in the start but its worth the quick listen!! it goes into the effects of isolation and moral dilemmas on a person and is v interesting!
And now just some ones on my to-listen list that have been highly recommended to me!
Wooden Overcoats
Within the Wires
Alice Isn’t Dead
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erikahenningsen · 5 years
My 15 favorite theater experiences of 2019
In no particular order:
1. Choir Boy (Samuel Friedman Theatre, New York, NY): I say in no particular order, but if you know anything about me, you know that Choir Boy is my number-one show of the year. I saw it four times on Broadway and twice in Boston. Tarell Alvin McCraney’s writing is so beautiful, human, and fearless. He puts works of art on stages, television, and film that nobody else does. Jeremy Pope’s performance as Pharus is easily in the top three greatest performances I’ve seen on a Broadway stage. If your local regional theater is doing this show, I cannot encourage you enough to go and see it.
2. What the Constitution Means to Me (Helen Hayes Theater, New York, NY): This show was unlike any other play I’ve seen before. Heidi Schreck, who wrote and starred in WTCMTM, wrote a deeply human, poignant, and timely play about a document written by a bunch of rich, white men a few centuries ago and made it gripping, engaging, and relevant. It’s a show I believe every American should see. As an added bonus, Heidi is genuinely one of the kindest people I’ve met.
3. The Wrong Man (MCC Theater, New York, NY): I saw The Wrong Man for the first time three weeks before it closed, and I immediately fell in love with it and went back several more times in those three weeks. The Wrong Man is only ninety minutes long and has only three main characters, but it presents an engaging story about forgiveness, mercy, justice, guilt, and innocence. Ross Golan, the composer/lyricist, began performing The Wrong Man as a concept album thirteen years ago and turned it into a full musical. The score is beautiful and has some really great bops, and the choreography is probably the best I’ve ever seen.
4. Waitress with Sara Bareilles and Gavin Creel (Brooks Atkinson Theatre, New York, NY): I’m personally not the biggest fan of Waitress, but this was one of the most fun nights I had in a theater this year. Sara and Gavin had amazing chemistry, and I have never laughed so much at Waitress before. 
5. A Strange Loop (Playwrights Horizons, New York, NY): A Strange Loop is unlike any show I’ve ever seen before. It’s unlike anything anyone has seen before. How many shows center around a fat, black, queer character? I can’t think of any. Michael R. Jackson, the book writer/composer/lyricist, has an incredible ability to write satire that has you laughing at the same time you’re being punched in the face emotionally. A Strange Loop grapples with the intersections of racism, homophobia, and fatphobia. It’s meta at the same time it’s grounded, and gets more and more intense as the show progresses. I walked out of the theater in a daze after I saw it. My fingers are crossed it comes to Broadway.
5. Mean Girls, Taylor Louderman’s last show (August Wilson Theatre, New York, NY): Going to Mean Girls is a routine thing for me, and I’ve seen the show dozens of times, but every once in awhile something special happens that reignites my love for this show. Taylor’s last show was obviously incredibly sad for me, the cast, and everyone who loves this show, but I also laughed more and harder on this evening than I have in a very long time at Mean Girls. Everyone, especially Taylor, was giving this performance their all, and I’ll never forget it.
6. The Secret Life of Bees (Atlantic Theater Company, New York, NY): I had suspicions I was really going to love this show before I saw it, but I absolutely fell in love with it. The music is gorgeous (thank you, Duncan Sheik), the performances are stellar, and the story, though set decades ago, is as timely and relevant as ever. I do cry at shows pretty often, but rarely do I tear up because of how overwhelmingly beautiful a show is—but I did that at Secret Life of Bees. I’m still impatiently waiting on that Broadway transfer announcement.
7. Beetlejuice (Winter Garden Theatre, New York, NY): Despite all its flaws, I love this crazy, loud, obnoxious, wild show so much. I had seen it in DC and counted down the days until first preview on Broadway. I rushed first preview and ended up with front-row tickets, and I had one of the most fun nights in a theater I’ve ever had. The performances really make the show, and I’ve been very vocal about how I strongly believe Leslie Kritzer was snubbed by the Tonys. Beetlejuice also has my favorite scenic design for any show. I also have a uniquely personal connection to this showL Beetlejuice used to have a joke in the show I felt was offensive, so I reached out to Eddie Perfect and Alex Timbers and explained to them why I was hurt by it, and they actually listened to my feedback and removed the joke. I’m hoping Beetlejuice can find another home after June, because I’m not ready to say goodbye yet.
8. Next to Normal (Ground Floor Theatre/Deaf Austin Theatre, Austin, TX): For years I had been wanting an ASL production of Next to Normal with Sandra Mae Frank as Natalie, so when it actually happened I knew I had to fly to Texas to see it. I don’t think I’ve ever cried more at a show. Sandy made me look at Natalie in a whole new way, and the ASL interpretations of the lyrics added so many new layers to the show. Megg Rose, the Deaf actor who played Diana, gave one of the best performances I’ve seen, and I want her to be on Broadway immediately. This production really was a dream come true for me. 
9. Six (Chicago Shakespeare Theater, Chicago, IL): We drove to Chicago from NYC to see Six, and it was definitely worth it. I was in the front row for the first time I saw it, which was a terrifying but incredibly fun experience. This cast is so incredibly talented, and the show is so much fun, and being there with almost all of my closest friends was such a memorable experience. I’m so excited to see it again when it comes to Broadway.
10. Little Shop of Horrors (Westside Theatre, New York, NY): This was my first experience seeing LSOH, and I had an absolute blast. The performances were incredible, with Christian Borle being just off-the-wall crazy. I haven’t laughed that much at a show in awhile. The Audrey II puppets are fantastic, and what they’ve done with the scenic design in such a small space is amazing. I’m excited to see it again with Gideon Glick.
11. Indecent (Huntington Theatre Company, Boston, MA): Indecent is and always will be my favorite play, and I’m so incredibly grateful I got to see it again in Boston. Huntington recreated the Broadway production with many of the original cast members, and it was such a special show. I never thought I’d see that production again live, and Huntington gave me such an incredible gift with this play. 
12. Freestyle Love Supreme (Booth Theatre, New York, NY): FLS is just fun from start to finish. It’s completely improvised with special unannounced guests every night, so it’s different every time you see it. I loved seeing how they made the show more inclusive between Off-Broadway and Broadway (by asking people their pronouns, for example), and I have a blast every time. 
13. Ain’t Too Proud - The Life and Times of the Temptations (Imperial Theatre, New York, NY): I saw Ain’t Too Proud mostly for Jeremy Pope, and I was so pleasantly surprised by how much I genuinely loved the show. Derrick Baskin is one of the most hardworking performers on Broadway—he literally does not leave the stage. The choreography is so much fun, and each person in the cast is so incredibly talented. It’s also one of the most pleasant stage doors I’ve ever experienced; everyone at the stage door just really genuinely wants to congratulate and thank the performers, and the actors are so kind. 
14. Teeth (National Alliance for Musical Theatre Festival, New York, NY): It’s wild even to me that I’m putting a staged partial reading on this list, but that’s how good Teeth was. I spent the entire time laughing, and the songs are constantly stuck in my head. Everyone at the festival was talking about how much they loved the show, so I’m hopeful there will be a full production of it sometime soon.
15. Slave Play (John Golden Theatre, New York, NY): It’s hard to talk about Slave Play because it transcends descriptors like “good” or “bad.” Slave Play is important. It’s complex. It’s necessarily provocative. And it’s shaken up Broadway like no show has in recent memory. It’s a show I think every American adult should see. I haven’t stopped thinking about it since I saw it. It only runs for a couple more weeks, and if you haven’t seen it, you need to. 
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eduards-stuff · 4 years
Welcome to eduard 1 am ramblings
I was recently watching videos on YouTube and seeing a video of a couple meeting through vr and all the struggles they been through and just meeting people in vr.
I started to thin the line between reality and virtuality is cuz as technology progresses and people have like full body tracking with haptic feedback so you can feel peoples touching you and who poked your back the line really starts to blur.
You meet all of these people you interacts with them and some you may start to connect and start a bond with or a date as some do.
And the more you spend time the morr you get attached to things.
At some point I could see people get possibly more attached to the avatar than the real life if there are maybe huge differences because we start associating that imagine or avatar as the person we are everyday and see laugh and act and speak so i could totally see someone get attached that way.
If you have a tiny stylised girl with like ears of a fox and a tail in a specific outfit like a leotard or something aesthetically pleasing and after like months of speaking to her like that you transition to the real life or on a discord call and she's not the "image" you imagined I can kind of see a sort of disconnect between perceived desire of what youd like she to look like and the reality as there is no way the certain avatars to exist so there could definitely be anxiety about it and confusion.
The more vr becomes morr used in gaming and hanging out especially in quarantine I could totally see how it will be used as escapism cuz you can touch people in vr without having to worry about distancing and so much more especially bond intimally.
There are people Who post as girls and try to make it as realistically as possible even with voice modulators it seems.
Imagine the hurt if you had someone you were very interested in and it turned out not only they lied to you but also played along and could maybe discard it all once the facade is up.
Especially in the times of corona losing that type of deep emotional connection in times of need can really mess someone up.
As on the virtual reality it seems we are somehow more vulnerable as some of the social bariers are down as we aren't exactly at shame and at risk with some anonymity but somehow the connection people do are a lot deeper
Been single for a while and wirh the quarantine had been a lot of things that I though of . Soft things, things to do to experience and share wirh someone I really liked and do all sorts of cheesy things too.
I would actually enjoy a candle lit and full moon dinner or something cuz I'm that kind of soft weak bitch whose thst extra
Or something simple or special at home as I also enjoy cooking but and if it makes someone feeling happy would feel like the effort is worth it.
Another thing that would be really nice to do is go to the bitch and have a picnic there bring some food some blankets and pillows in a rent pick up truck
And see the sea/ocean have some food and some drink if the situation call for it and have a projector and warch a movie or some pictures collage that can be set up between the 2 of them.
And then look for a star shower or some kind of cosmic event cuz space is cool!!
While writing like stories and role-playing as specific characters I definitely thought of and found out a lot of these amazing scenarios that I could totally make if the right opportunity arises all in a notebook for like date ideas but thise never really came to be used as I never found someone interested to share these in real life so there' are just bubbles of hope that is like one day to materialise
Maybe some of these some peoppe can do in the virtual reality but then the parting becomes even more painful and the disconnect between reality and fiction becomes even more as we spend more time and are engaged in vr
So would it be worth it ?
To see it possibly be ruined?
What is reality more than just a lot if facts and observations we do for ourselves
I know right I'm 14 and this is deep shit but it does feel kind of true
As at some point you will be able to have full dive vr and actually live 2 totally different lives and possibly love the ability to differentials it anymore
As you start to wonder does your love for someone connected to them or the avatar thay they are acting as ?
As avatars don't really have flaws or imperfections and can be meticulously designed to look like the person you wanna appear as.
You still made those choices and hard work to appear as that thing and the choices of designs you did are yours but the imagine may not always correlate to you when someone looks at them.
Really odd thing how the human psychology does that thing of bonding to ideas an perceptions.
I sure hope a lot of people got what they deserved and wished for cuz it seems like the level of deep hurt not a lot of places can reach
I think this is it for now quite a long ramblings that I've been doing by myself or just spewing to a friend about and left it in the ether but I thought would be maybe healthier to try to find another way of channelling my thought
Or some kind of fixation right now through this writing and sort some of process what i am thinking right now cuz sometimes it is a mistery to me even what i am about to type next as it Jus r flows one word after another without much in mind .
My mind being very empty right now but yeah I should end my ramblings here and scream them into he good and find a different kind of coping mechanics and not rely on someone listening and Just continue screaming into the anonymous void and hope someone understands what I'm saying and I'm not try my insane as I think I am.
Sometimes I have the feeling I really am just predictable and the 1 note but sometimes I surprise myself with emotions being complex and not knowing what to do but to just I guess pine for someone to do amazing things wirh but I know that may or may not come and I'll just have to accept that as it is or try to change that myself in some way
But as far as I'm aware there are a lot of way to do that and find a way to find comfort on someone as social standards and pressure don't let you just walk up to people and say hi or much.
If someone's reading this as I'm screaming into the void you can always reach put and talk and have actual deep conversation.
I think what i may be feeling is what a lot of people have been feeling but more accentuated as I didn't had a place to go in my town as there literally not much to do than go to my library and read a book or take a walk but now not even being able to go there even the rare times I went still affects me and feeling isolated and alone on an island with no one next to them.
I think we all felt like that over the course of 2020 which really sucks the more it goes especially with school starting
I really hate that corona csme exactly when I has hope and plans to go in exchange wirh another person in uni and life somewhere else and meet new people tried so hard at exams to be sure I will be able to go only to be slowly crushed ad corona changed it all and into rejected by then and not being able to join to other places so i just lost the train.
These are the moments I overfixated on things and can talk about them for like 20.000 words before crashing and ssying words like they are knives of sharp air going out of my throat for the next 8 hours after this extensive monologue.
Monologue which seemed to go for ages but we all need a place and a way to express whatever you feeling cuz we all need therapy in 2020 I needed way before that in 2012 but only realised like 2 years ago .
So there we go we all need help and it's okay to just talk about it and just get lost in the sea of posts that hopefully somehow won't end up biting me in the ass somehow back.
If someone was interested enough to psychoanalyse this sheet of had the patience please tell me cuz I'm also dieing to know what made you so bored to do this and what you can interpret from this rambling at what guess what now I've been typing for like 15 minutes quite a feat .
I wonder if Tumblr posts have a limit in character usage I don't know I guess will find out soon shouldn't we at some point well reach it . I should probably go to bed now my moms keep nagging me to go to bed I should finish this and go good night thank you if you somehow got to this 10 k word essay rambling and go to the end I don't know how you had the patience to read though my possibly adhd and hyperfixation ass you're a dsmn legend.
Well see ya good night
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textingkpop · 5 years
Roommate Needed
A/N: This took me months to start and finish...my bad….it's been over a year since this was started (started in February 2018)…that should mean it’s really good right?…probably not…the ending is probably crap... Expect a lot of cliches and a lot of weirdness. Italics are thoughts, Y/N= Your Name, R/N=Roommate's Name, Y/M=Your Major, Phoenix is one of my OCs that I use constantly as supporting characters, Rina, Danny, Chris and Mrs. Peters are random names…sorry if one of them is your name…
Pairing(s): Mark (GOT7 x Reader)
Genre(s): Roommate AU, Fluff, Angst?
Warning(s): Language, Fighting…kinda, Stalker/stalking
Word Count: 10,000+
I am definitely going to the housing office tomorrow and filing a complaint. You think to yourself as you carry your backpack and some personal necessities for the night out into the lounge. Your roommate had kicked you out of your shared dorm room for the third time this week and it is only Wednesday. Just because she wants to fuck her boyfriend does not mean that I should have to leave the room I pay for. Does her boyfriend not have a room of his own?
You throw your bag on the table in the lounge of your dorm, surprisingly no one is in there. If only I could find a cheap apartment then I could move out of this hellhole. You wander over to the bulletin board, staring blankly at the random flyers pinned to the surface. You are about to go make a bed on the couch when a plain white flyer with bold letters stands out to you:
NOT JUST 50/50 
You pull the flyer off the board, Mark Tuan…wasn't he in my Philosophy of Religion course last semester? You shrug and pull out your phone, dialing the number.
"Mark, I hate to tell you but these flyers suck." Phoenix said as he looked at the flyers on the coffee table. "Shut up, Phoenix. I was too lazy to try harder on them, I mean it's not like I wanted to move…again." Phoenix laughs and starts to unpack the box in front of him. "At least this place was able to move you in quickly. Otherwise, you would have been stuck at your old place." Mark hums and heads towards the door, "I'm going to grab the last few boxes. If my phone rings answer it and be cool, it might be someone answering the flyers I put up in the dorms." Mark walks out the door, but as it closes Phoenix yells, "No one will answer this garbage!"
Phoenix continues to unpack the boxes around him when Mark's phone rings. He picks it up and answers in his best secretary voice, "Mark Tuan's phone, this is Phoenix. How may I help you?"
~Back to Y/N~
Your eyes widen in shock, "Phoenix? What the hell?"
"Y/N? Is that you? What are you calling Mark for?"
"I saw his flyer about needing a roommate and I have had enough of R/N, figured it wouldn't hurt to talk about it."
"Dude, I literally just told him no one would answer his dumb flyer. Of course one of my best friends would just to spite me." Phoenix says exasperatedly.
"Of course, Phoenix. I live to make you look dumb. So is Mark there or what?"
"He's getting more boxes from the moving truck. How about I send you the address and you head over here, it'll be better than just sitting in the dorm lounge all night. Mark promised to buy me pizza for helping him move." Phoenix said excitedly into the phone and you couldn't help but laugh.
"Sure, send me the address and I'll head your way."
"Awesome, see you in a bit. BYYYYEEEE!" You pull the phone away from your ear as he screams into the phone. You shake your head and start to gather your stuff, your phone chimes and you see the Phoenix sent the address from Mark's phone. You grab your stuff and head out of the dorm to what hopefully will be your new place.
"BYYYYEEE!" Mark walks back into the apartment to see Phoenix yelling into his phone.
"Who was that?" Phoenix looks over and holds up one finger to signal that he needed a minute. He types something into Mark's phone then turns to him with a smile.
"That, my dear friend, was the first person interested in being your roommate." Mark's eyes go wide and Phoenix laughs. "Chill, dude. I know her, we're best friends. She is sick of her roommate at the dorm always kicking her out so they can fuck their boyfriend. She saw your flyer and is currently on her way here." Mark nods before looking at Phoenix in panic.
"Dude, what the fuck? This place is a mess. How could you invite someone over when it looks like this?" Phoenix looks around the room, it's cluttered but not messy.
"You literally moved in today, there is no way she'll be upset since you just moved in." Mark groans and slumps onto the makeshift couch, which is just a broken futon pushed against a wall.
"Can we at least try to make it look better before…what's her name?" Phoenix looks up and smiles, "Y/N Y/L/N." Mark nods, the name sounding familiar to him, "Right, Y/N. Let's clean up some before Y/N gets here." Phoenix nods and they start rushing to unpack and break down as many boxes as possible. They are making good progress when they hear a knock at the door. Phoenix jumps up and looks through the peephole. He smiles back at Mark and opens the door wide.
~Y/N's/Narrator P.O.V.~
"Y/N!!!" The door opens to reveal Phoenix and he instantly pulls you in for a hug. You scrunch up your nose as his sweaty body touches you.
"Ew. Dude, you stink." You shove him away and you hear a laugh from inside the apartment, looking up you see Mark Tuan laughing cutely from amongst a pile of boxes. Damn, I forgot how cute he was. Mark makes his way over to you and he use the edge of his shirt to wipe sweat off his face, giving you a nice view of what's underneath that shirt. OMG he is not just cute but sexy! Kill me now.
Once Mark reaches you, he holds out his hand, "Hey, I'm Mark, you're Y/N, right? Did we have a class together last semester? You look familiar." You take his hand and shake it while nodding, "Yeah, I think it was Philosophy of Religion with Dr. Maloney, right?" Mark nods, "That's right! He was insane."
Phoenix is just staring at the two of you, seeing as your hands are still clasped together. He fakes a cough, which causes you and Mark to jump a little. "Anyway, Mark, you said that you'd pay me in pizza so get to ordering. Be sure to get enough for Y/N!" He calls as he makes his way into the apartment. You and Mark just stare at each other, then you both chuckle.
"Come on in. I'll order the pizza then we can talk about you possibly moving in here." Mark steps aside to let you and closes the door. You walk into the apartment, only to be stopped by a mess of boxes.
"You just moved in?" You turn to Mark and he nods. "Yeah, sorry about the mess, I kinda had to move in a hurry." Mark says as he scratches the back of his neck. You nod and start to make your way to the living room.
You walk into the living room to see Phoenix stretched out on the futon. You walk over and kick his feet to make him move over. He groans but moves his legs anyway, giving you enough room to sit down. Mark walks over with his phone in hand.
"Okay, what kind of pizza do we want?" He looks up at you and Phoenix. "Anything is fine with me, but if we want to just be simple I would say cheese or pepperoni." Phoenix tells him and you nod in agreement. Mark gives you a thumbs up and goes back to typing on his phone. After a few minutes, he puts his phone away.
"Alright, pizza should be here in about 30 minutes. While we wait, let's get to know each other." Mark says as he sits on a the floor. "All I know about you, Y/N, is that you are a college student who has a roommate who likes to kick you out of your shared room so she can fuck her boyfriend and that you are somehow friends with this weirdo." Mark points at Phoenix who lets out an indigent 'hey' at the term. You and Mark laugh as Phoenix glares at the both of you.
"Well I am Y/N and I met Phoenix when we were like 13. Him and his brothers had just transferred to my school. I was nice and invited them to sit with me and my friends at lunch, I've been stuck with them ever since." Phoenix lets out another shout as you recount how your friendship began. You laugh and Mark nods.
"I can see that. They are very clingy and needy." You and Mark share a small smile as Phoenix pouts in the corner. "They are good friends though, I mean Phoenix helped me move." You nod, thinking about all the times the guys have helped you.
"Why did you move? Were you just tired of your old place or were you like evicted or something?" You ask out of pure curiosity. Mark looks at Phoenix and you can tell they are having a silent conversation.
"Something like that…" Mark begins. "Dude, just tell Y/N the truth. If she is going to live here then she needs to know." You stare at Phoenix wide-eyed after his sudden outburst. Mark sighs and nods.
"I had to move because a girl I met at a party and hung out with a few times is stalking me and she keeps breaking into my place." Mark tells you without looking up. What the heck? Why doesn't he get like a restraining order or something?
"So, you are being stalked by your ex?" Mark looks up at you and shakes his head. "No! No no no no no! We never dated or even hung out alone, she was a friend of a couple friends so we had the same friend group." You nod.
"So somehow she got this idea that you guys were more than just acquaintances?" Mark nods and takes a deep breath. "I barely even spoke to her. I have no idea why she would think we were more than that." You just shake your head at the whole story.
"Did you ever think it get a restraining order against her or something? I mean, she is obviously crazy." Mark nods and pulls his backpack over to him. "Yeah, this time around I did. She should have been served the order today." You nod and then it struck you, did he say this time? "Mark, how many times have you had to move because of her?" 
Mark shyly looks at the floor and scratches the back of his head. "Uh, this is the third time in six months. I thought she would get the hint after all of our mutual friends stopped hanging out with her and I kept moving, but she hasn't so I was forced to do it." Mark pulls out the papers and hands them to you. You skim through them, mainly catching her name, Rina, before handing the papers back to Mark. "You are too nice of a person. I would have filed those a while ago." Mark shrugs and puts the papers away. 
"You're right, but I didn't want this to hurt her in the future if it was just a crush." "Mark, just a crush is flirting and doodling their name on your notebook, not stalking them and breaking into their home." You berate him and Mark laughs, "Yeah, I guess you're right."
Mark goes to say something else when there is a knock at the door. Mark gets up and answers the door, soon returning with the pizzas, "I got one cheese and one pepperoni. So let's eat up." 
After eating, you help unpack the last of the boxes and get the apartment looking more liveable. You finish setting up the coffee table and you look around the living room, Mark and Phoenix are currently trying to set up the t.v. and gaming system. "Y/N, can you come here for a second?" Mark asks from underneath the entertainment center. "Sure." You walk over and see that he is trying to get a wire hooked into the t.v. but can't reach. "Can you take this cord and plug it into the port?" You hum in agreement and take the cord, plugging it into the port. All at once the t.v. emits this ear piercing sound that has you all panicking, Mark even jumped and hit his head on the entertainment center. Phoenix gets the sound to stop and you all sit back and admire your work.
"So, Y/N, do you think you can handle living with Mark?" Phoenix asks. You hum quietly and then nod. "Yeah, he's not so bad and I just really want out of that dorm." Mark looks at you with wide eyes. "Wait, seriously? Even after learning about Rina?" You nod and laugh. "I mean you have the restraining order and I'm not scared of some crazy chick, I grew up with Phoenix and his brothers so I think I'll be okay." Mark smiles and pulls you into a hug. You hesitantly hug him back. "Thank you, Y/N! I promise I won't let her anywhere near you." You just laugh and agree. 
Phoenix leaves, but you stayed with Mark seeing as you will already be living together. "Okay, so you can sleep in my bed and I'll sleep on the 'couch'." Mark says making air quotes around couch. You immediately shake your head in protest. "No no no. I am not taking your bed." Mark shakes his head and laughs, "Well I am not letting you sleep on this broken futon that I call a couch. I bet you have class tomorrow and I don't want your back to hurt so just use my bed." You shake your head again, "I bet you have class tomorrow too, so what's the difference between my back hurting and yours?" Mark looks at you for a second before sighing, "Fine, I guess we could just share my bed for the night." You hesitate but nod anyway. Mark notices your hesitation and immediately starts to panic. "Nothing will happen! We can like lay pillows or something in between us so we don't touch!" You laugh and Mark stops talking, his face is now beet red. 
"Well, we are probably going to have to work something out because I just realized that I don't have a bed to bring here. I'll have to call my parents to see if they can loan me some money to buy at least a mattress." You tell him and he just sighs while letting out a small chuckle. "I have an extra bed in storage, I used to live with a friend but when they moved out they just left the bed. You could use that if you wanted and it would save you some money. I promise it's clean, I had both beds professionally cleaned and then they wrapped up the extra and put it in storage." You are shocked by Mark's words but nod nonetheless. "That sounds great!" Mark smiles and nods, "I can call some of my friends and we can get the bed moved sometime tomorrow or the next day. I can even see if some of them can help you move out of your dorm." You nod and then realize you never worked out the sleeping arrangement for the night.
"So, are we sharing your bed tonight and possibly tomorrow night?" Mark nods and makes his way down the hall. "I think I have some sweats and a hoodie you could wear tomorrow, that way you can just shower here and head to class." You blush at his words. Am I really going to wear some guys clothes to class?! Mark hands you a couple pairs of pants and a hoodie, "You should try them on now, so we can avoid the hassle in the morning." You nod and head into the bathroom. You quickly try on the clothes, realizing that they are pleasantly big and they smell like Mark. Why does he smell so good? What are people going to think if they realize that I am wearing some guys clothes that are obviously too big for me? Mark knocking on the bathroom door breaks you out of your thoughts, "Are you okay in there? Do the clothes not fit?" You quickly pull your shirt over your head and open the door. "I'm fine just spaced out, I'm getting tired. The clothes fit fine. Thank you again, Mark." Mark just smiles and nods, "No problem. Let's go to bed it is pretty late." You both make your way to the bed and Mark starts making a barrier using extra pillows and blankets. You both climb into bed and you drift off to sleep, surrounded by Mark's scent.
You wake up to your alarm going off, as you reach to turn it off you are stopped by an arm around your waist. You look and see that Mark's makeshift barrier has been demolished and you are both tangled together. You blush and try to remove yourself from Mark's hold. In the midst of your struggling Mark wakes up, "Morning…...oh shit! My bad!" Mark pulls away from you like you had burned him and starts to apologize. You cannot control your laughter at this point and soon you have tears running down your face. Mark stops panicking and watches as you lay on your back laughing. 
~Mark's P.O.V.~
I wake up to someone moving next to me. "Morning." I say sluggishly, only then did I realize that I literally have my legs tangled with Y/N's and my arm is around her waist. "Oh shit! My bad!" I say as I let go of her. I start to throw out apologies, I feel really bad. I hope I didn't make her uncomfortable. My thoughts and apologies are interrupted by Y/N's laughter. She is laughing so hard that there are tears streaming down her face. She is laying on her back and laughing so hard, and yet, I cannot help but think how gorgeous she looks. Woah, stop that Mark! You just met her yesterday, well officially anyway. She is going to be your roommate, you cannot mess this up by getting feelings for her.
"Alright, calm down. You and I both need showers, we have class soon." As I finish talking, Y/N jumps out of bed and runs into the bathroom. I shake my head and go to the kitchen to start some coffee and breakfast.
Y/N comes out of the bathroom 15 minutes later looking fresh and clean. I hand her a plate of food and a mug, "There is hot water in the boiler and I have coffee and tea." Y/N nods and fixes her drink. We eat in silence and then I take my shower.
After showering, Y/N and I walk to campus together. "Text me your schedule and I'll pick you up from your last class." Y/N nods and starts typing on their phone. "I'm going to head over to housing since I don't have any classes until later. Hopefully they don't fight me on moving out of the dorm, I mean I have already paid for housing this semester." Y/N says, finishing typing and I feel my phone go off. I nod and pull out my phone, noting that they only have two classes today and their last class is in the same building as mine, but it lets out 25 minutes after mine.
"Cool, our last classes are in the same building and they end around the same time, I'll pick you up out front. Text me if housing gives you any grief and I'll see if there is anything I can do to help. Maybe I can get some of my friends to help move your stuff tonight, I think most of them are free." Y/N smiles and nods, "Okay, but don't force them to help if they don't want or have time to." I laugh and nod, waving my hand dismissively as I head towards my class. "I'll see you later!" I call over my shoulder and Y/N just laughs.
~Y/N's P.O.V.~
I make my way over to campus housing and see that there is no one at the front desk. I stand there for a minute without seeing anyone, so I head down the hallway trying to find anyone who can help me. I come to an open door and see a man typing on his computer, looking at the nameplate next to the door I see that his name is Jinyoung Park, the housing director. I gently knock on his door, "Excuse me." He quickly turns around and gives me a warm smile.
"Hi, what's up?" He gestures for me to have a seat and I quietly enter his office. "My name is Y/N Y/L/N and I want to request to be moved from the dorms. I found an apartment with a friend off campus." Mr. Park nods and pulls up my dorm information on the computer.
"You live with R/N? Is there any kind of problem or are you just sick of dorm life?" I laugh and nod, "A bit of both actually. R/N keeps kicking me out of the dorm to sleep with her boyfriend and I am tired of crashing in the lounge or someone else's room." Mr. Park nods and starts to type on his computer.
"I'm going to contact your resident direct and resident advisor to let them know what has been taking place. You can move out whenever you're ready, all I need for you to do is sign these documents and return your keys once you finish moving out." I look at Mr. Park in shock. That was surprisingly easy. I sign the papers he gives me and he stands up to walk me out. 
When we reach the front he looks around for the secretary only to find her missing. He sighs and shakes his head, "No wonder you just wandered into my office there is no one here to help!" I laugh and he holds out his hand for me to shake, I take his hand and smile, "Thank you so much for your help Mr. Park." He just smiles, "Call me Jinyoung." I nod and give him one last smile before leaving.
~Time Skip~
I walk out of my last class to find Mark playing on his phone while girls are gawking at him. Seriously girls? You're just going to stand there and stare like that? I walk over and nudge Mark's foot, he looks up at me and smiles while standing up. "Hey, how was class?" He asks as he takes my backpack from my shoulder, I start to protest but he just takes off running in the direction of the dorms. "Mark! Get back here with my stuff!" I start to chase after him and out of the corner of my eye I see the girls standing there wide-eyed with their mouths hanging open. 
Mark slows down and I am able to catch up to him, but he still refuses to give me my backpack. We reach the dorm and Mark is forced to give me my bag so I can retrieve my keys. We are making our way to my room, when we are stopped by one of my neighbors, "I wouldn't go in there. R/N and her boyfriend just got here." I shrug, "Too bad, I need to get my stuff so I can move out." They look at me in shock, "You're moving out?! Where are you going to live?" I gesture towards Mark and they look him up and down. "When did you get a boyfriend and a hot one at that?" I am about to correct them, but Mark speaks before me. "We've been dating for a while now, I figured since R/N keeps kicking her out and she usually end up at my place anyway, why not just move in." My neighbor nods and smiles, "Well good for you, Y/N. Now you better hurry before things get too sexual in your room." I nod and rush down the hall. I reach my door and bang on it loudly a few times. R/N opens the door obviously disheveled, "Uh, Y/N what are you doing here?" I just stare at them like 'wtf?', "I live here remember?" I say as I shove passed her into the room. She grabs my arm and pulls me back, "My boyfriend is here, so can you like leave?" I pull my arm from her grasp and shake my head. "Nope. I am allowed to be in my dorm room whenever I want. If you don't like it then leave." R/N glares at me and then her boyfriend decides to throw in his opinion, "We always come here once classes are over, why is it such a problem today?" I turn and look at him, "It has always been a problem. Today just happens to be the day I would like to be in my own room." I walk over to my bed and start to pull out my suitcase and storage boxes. 
"What are you doing, Y/N?" R/N curiously asks and I just stare at her for a second before answering. "I'm getting my stuff out so I can pack." I start putting the things that I can reach into one of the boxes. "You're moving out?" I just nod and continue packing. "Where are you going to live?" I point to Mark, who has just been standing in the doorway watching the encounter. He waves awkwardly at R/N and her boyfriend. They just stare at him for a second before R/N speaks again, "What the hell, Y/N? You can't just move out." I stand and face them, "Actually, I can. I went to the housing director and told him everything. He has already contacted the resident director and advisor. So, yeah, I can just move out." R/N stares at me for a second before exploding, "You told them everything?! What the fuck is wrong with you?! I'm going to get into so much trouble and it is all your fault!" I stare at them wide-eyed and open my mouth to speak, only to be cut off by Mark. 
"Actually, it's your own fault. In my opinion, you're lucky Y/N has waited this long to say something. I would have reported you after you kicked me out almost every other night." R/N’s boyfriend was not happy at Mark's opinion and he made his way over to him, but before he could reach him, the resident director and my resident advisor, Danny, walked in.
"Hello, all. We could here your shouting down the hall. R/N, you and your boyfriend please come with us. Y/N continue packing, if you need any help please call one of us." I nod and they all walk out of the room, leaving Mark and I alone.
"So, is there anything I can do to help?" Marks asks suddenly. I look over and see that he is fighting to not laugh. I start laughing and soon he is laughing too. I nod and gesture to my desk and books, "You can start putting those in this box and I'll start packing my clothes." Mark gives me a mock salute and gets to work. 
Once I had finished packing all my clothes and Mark has finished packing my desk away, we both sit on my bed and look at my belongings. "You don't really have much do you?" Mark asks and I just shake my head. "Didn't see a point in bringing a bunch of stuff to a tiny dorm room." Mark nods and we both jump when his phone starts ringing loudly.
"Hey, Jackson." I look at Mark as he talks. He is so handsome. Wait, no, stop that Y/N! He is being nice because he needs someone to help with rent and he is just generally a nice guy. He probably doesn't even find you attractive.
"You guys are outside? Okay, um, give us like 10 minutes we only have a few more things to pack before we can head out." I can't make out the reply, but Mark is nodding, before he realizes they can't see him.
"Yup, they only have a couple boxes and a suitcase. So it shouldn't be too hard to move it all. So we'll be down in a bit. Bye." Mark and I jump off the bed and start to take the bedding off and shove it into a bag. Mark is doing a check of the closet and dresser to make sure I haven't left anything. I check behind the desk and under the bed to make sure nothing is left behind, knowing full well that if I did leave something I would never get it back.
Mark and I finish our check of the room when a knock sounds from the door. I open it to find Danny standing on the other side with a cart. "Hey, R/N and her boyfriend have been taken to the housing office to discuss disciplinary actions for what they have done. We thought it might be helpful if you had a cart to get everything at least to your car." I smile and thank them, then Mark speaks up. "My friends are waiting downstairs, so it will literally just help us get down there so they can grab it." Danny nods and then smiles, "It's good see that you have such a caring boyfriend, Y/N. How did you guys meet?" I look at Mark and he smiles, "We meet through some mutual friends and I thought she was really sweet and I could not stop thinking about her." Mark smiled at me and then Danny started cooing. "Okay, I think we should get this stuff loaded so we don't keep the guys waiting." I say quickly while placing one of the boxes on the cart. Mark laughs and starts to help load the cart. 
We were making our way to the entrance of the dorm when a thought hit me, "What do I do with my keys? The housing director told me to bring them to the office but if R/N and her boyfriend are there I definitely do not want to go." Danny nods, "I'll take them and then call the housing director to see what he wants me to do. I agree with you though, you don't want to be anywhere near them right now." I nod and we walk outside to see four guys chasing each other while two others are watching them with disappointed looks. The two not chasing each other turn around when they here the door open. They see Mark and start to make their way over to us.
"Wow, Mark you weren't joking, she really doesn’t have much." An intimidating guy says. The guy next to him nods, "You're right, but she lives in a tiny dorm room so why would she need that much?" They both nod and Mark just sighs. 
"Yah! Jackson, Youngjae, BamBam, Yugyeom! Stop being stupid and come help!" The intimidating guy yells, causing the four guys to stop and run over to us. Almost immediately they start grabbing boxes off the cart and walking in the direction of the apartment.
"Well, I guess you're all set, Y/N. I just need your keys and you are good to go." Danny says as he watches the guys carry my stuff away. I pull my keys out and remove the dorm keys, handing them to Danny. "Thanks for your help, Danny." Danny smiles and nods, "It was no problem, honestly you should have came to us as soon as R/N kicked you out of your room, but it's over now so whatever." I smile and laugh, "I would have but I didn't want to make an enemy that early in the semester." Danny laughs and nods, "I hope this new place is better for you." I nod and Mark wraps an arm around me, "It will be." Mark says while smiling down at me. I feel myself blush and Danny laughs, "Well you two better go catch up to your friends, bye Y/N!"
Mark and I wave to Danny then we quickly see how far away the guys are and we quickly jog to catch up to them.
"So Mark, are you going to introduce us?" The intimidating guy asked with a smirk. Mark shoves him lightly but introduces me anyway.
"This is Y/N. She saw my flyer in the dorm and called because her roommate kept kicking her out to fuck their boyfriend. She is friends with Phoenix and his brothers, have been since they were teens." The guys nodded and Mark started to introduce them, "This is Jaebum or JB, Jinyoung, Jackson, Youngjae, BamBam, and Yugyeom." I smile at them as we walk up to the apartment complex. So JB is the intimidating guy, Jinyoung was the guy standing with JB when Jackson, Youngjae, BamBam and Yugyeom were chasing each other outside of the dorm.
We get into the elevator and head to our floor. "BamBam is a unique name, is there a story behind your name?" BamBam and the guys laugh. "I am Thai and we get an official name for government documents and then a nickname that everyone calls us, my nickname is BamBam." 
"That's pretty cool." I tell him with a smile. We reach the floor and Mark unlocks the door. The guys start carrying the boxes inside, only to realize they haven't been to Mark's new apartment yet.
"Where's the second bedroom?" Jackson asks while adjusting his hold on the box. Mark points down the hallway, "Down the hall, second door on the left." The guys nod and take the boxes to the room.
"I can't believe I moved out of my dorm and into an apartment with someone who I didn't officially meet until yesterday." I say in shock as I sit on the couch. Mark laughs and sits next to me while placing an arm over my shoulder. The guys come back and they all start to 'ooh' at us. Mark just flicks them off and pulls me closer. "You guys are just jealous because I have a gorgeous roommate and you losers are stuck with each other." The guys shout in response and Mark just laughs. He just called me gorgeous! Does he realize what he just said? I look at Mark in shock and he winks at me. Oh, so he's a flirt now. 
We all hang out for a couple of hours before the guys need to head out, promising to help move the bed in tomorrow since they don’t have many classes. After they leave, Mark and I are sitting on the couch in silence.
"Thank you for everything, Mark." I say quietly and Mark just looks at me and smiles. "I haven’t done that much, I just helped you out of an annoying situation so that you can help me afford rent." Mark and I laugh, but I shake my head. "You’ve done more than a normal person would have, I mean you got your friends to help me move and you are even letting me use a bed, plus you are not making me pay a full 50% of the rent like I should." Mark just shrugs and puts an arm around my shoulder. 
We sit like that for a while when suddenly I start to yawn. Mark laughs and stands up from the couch, trying to pull me with him. "Just leave me here, I’m too tired to move." I whine as Mark pulls on my arm. "No Y/N, you’re back will kill you in the morning if I leave you here." I continue to whine for a few more minutes before Mark gives up and leans down to pick me up. "Mark, no stop it." He ignores me and literally carries me to his bedroom, I can feel my face burning as he places me down on the bed. I quickly roll over onto my stomach to hide my face. Mark laughs and jumps on the bed next to me, "Why are you hiding your face? Wait, are you blushing? Why are you blushing?" Mark pokes at my side and I wiggle to get away from his fingers. I wiggled too far and before I can catch myself I am falling off the bed. I hit the floor with a soft thud and Mark quickly jumps up and rushes to my side.
"Are you okay? Did you hit your head or anything?" I shake my head and start to laugh. Mark looks at me for a second before starting to laugh too. He helps me stand and I sit on the edge of the bed. "You know, you carried me in here but my clothes are in my room." Mark stops to think for a second before he turns to me. "Well, do you want me to carry you to your room?" He asks as he moves towards me. I quickly jump away and move across the bed away from him. "Nope, I’m good." Mark laughs and moves to the door, "Well let me show you your room since we never looked at it last night." I get off the bed and we walk to my room.
When get to the room and it is empty aside from the boxes from my dorm. Mark walks to the closet and opens it. "So the closet has built in shelves and drawers, so you don’t have to worry about needing a dresser or chest of drawers. You can use the bathroom in the hall since the on-suite is in my room, unless you want to switch rooms cause we can do that too." Mark looks at me and I shake my head. "No, Mark. I will not take your bedroom." Mark just laughs, "Y/N, I moved in yesterday so it’s not like I’m attached to the room. Honestly, I should have moved my stuff in here when you agree to move in. So let’s move your stuff to the other room and then you can help me move my stuff in here." I opened my mouth to protest but Mark just shushes me and starts grabbing boxes. "Come on. It’s not too late and we should be able to move my stuff pretty quick since it’s mostly on hangers." I nod and grab a box and follow Mark to his, I mean, my room. "I’ll start moving my stuff and you can grab the rest of your stuff. When the guys help move the bed tomorrow we can just leave this one in here because I think this was my roommates and not mine, it’s not broken in as well." Mark laughs and I move to grab the rest of the boxes. 
After moving everything and getting all of my stuff put away, Mark is looking at my sad excuse of a wardrobe. "Y/N, you have like no clothes." I shoot him a glare and he laughs. "Sorry, I only brought the essentials and I don’t really need more than clothes to wear to class or work since I don’t really go out much." Mark nods and I can see that he wants to say something. "Just say whatever you’re thinking Mark." Mark looks at me and sighs. "I was going to ask why you don’t go out much. I mean, your a pretty girl and you have a great personality, it just doesn’t make sense to me why no guy has snatched you up yet." I blush before answering. "Guys don’t like girls like me. They want girls who like parties, not girls who like books." Mark moves to sit next to me. "Sorry if it feels like I’m prying. I just don’t understand guys sometimes, there are great girls out there and they go for the ones who are easy to get into bed." I laugh and rest my head on his shoulder, "Thanks, Mark." Mark laughs and wraps an arm around me. "You’ve already thanked me." I laugh and we stand up to get ready for bed.
The next day the guys help Mark move the bed into his room and when I get back from class the guys are literally piled around the living room. I guess this is something I’ll have to get used to. I take my bag to my room and change into my comfy clothes. I go back out into the living room and move to sit on the floor next to Yugyeom, when I am pulled into someone’s lap. I turn around and see Jackson holding me close, I look at him strangely and he laughs. I look around and notice that Mark isn’t there. "Where is Mark?" JB looks up from his phone and smiles, "He went to grab some food from a place down the street. He should be back soon." I nod and we settle into a quiet conversation about classes. A few minutes later there is a bang at the door, Jinyoung gets up and answers it. The door opens to show Mark struggling with a lot of bags of food. I quickly jump off of Jackson’s lap and take some the bags from Mark. He barely acknowledges me as he is glaring at Jackson. Why is he glaring at Jackson? Could he be jealous? No way. I ignore it and head to the kitchen to unpack the bags.
~Mark’s P.O.V.~
I get back to the apartment, with help from some neighbors to get into the building, but I have no hands to open the door and the neighbor who let me in is watching from the end of the hall, so I kick at it once and hope one of the guys will answer. Luckily, they do and the neighbor who let me in nods and heads to their apartment. The door opens and I see that Jinyoung was the one who had opened the door, I step into the apartment, only to find Jackson with Y/N on his lap. Y/N quickly jumps up to help me with the bags and I ignore her in favor of glaring at Jackson. What game is he playing? Y/N isn’t his type so he has to be up to something. I move towards the kitchen and find Y/N unpacking the bags she took from my arms. "Hey, how was class?" I ask her and she looks up, taking more bags from my arms before answering. "Boring. How about you?" I hum and help her unpack the bags. "Not too bad, got out early and was able to go to the gym for a bit before these guys came over to help get that bed for my room. How long have you been home? I’m trying to learn your schedule." Great lie, idiot. "I got home like 15 minutes ago, I think. I hadn’t even noticed you weren’t here until Jackson forced me into his lap when I tried to sit on the floor." Y/N laughs and I nod. "I should have warned you that I had left and they would be here. Let’s print our schedules out so we can keep track of when each other should be home." Y/N nods and we call the guys in to eat.
After the guys left, Y/N and I sit in the living room finishing homework. The silence should be awkward, but it’s not. I look over at Y/N and I can’t help but be enthralled by her. She is so pretty, but I can’t fall for her. It might make her uncomfortable and I don’t want that. 
Y/N looks up and catches me staring, "What?" I quickly shake my head, "Uh, do you know anything about economics? I can’t figure out this problem." Y/N immediately shake her head. "Not at all, my best friend’s fiancé did my economics homework for me. He tried to teach me but it made not sense so he just did my weekly assignments for me the night before it was due." Y/N laughs and I smile at her. She gets up and stretches, "Well, I’m gonna head to bed. Will I see you in the morning?" I nod and smile, "Yup and I’ll pick you up after class so you don’t have to walk home alone." Y/N shakes her head, "You are really playing up this girlfriend thing. How are you going to get a girlfriend if you are treating me like your girlfriend?” I just laugh and shrug, "Who cares? A lot of girls don’t care for a real relationship anyway." Y/N shakes her head and with a final goodbye she walks down the hall and I hear the door close. I sit on the couch for a few more minutes before I head to my room and go to bed.
~Time Skip 2 Months Later~
~Y/N’s P.O.V.~
I have been living with Mark for about 2 months now and it has been great. I have gained some new friends and I haven’t been kicked out of my own place. Mark and I have a great system, we walk to campus and home together when our classes end at similar times, we cook together and we hangout on the weekends. To someone on the outside, it probably looks like a loving relationship and for some weird reason Mark is okay with that.
Today is an unusual day, both of my classes got cancelled so I decided to spend the day cleaning the apartment. It’s not like the apartment is a mess, Mark and I keep it tidy, but the floors need to be swept and mopped, the surfaces need to be washed or dusted, and bathrooms definitely need to be scrubbed. I start by treating the bathrooms with cleaner and then start mopping and sweeping. After a few hours, I have everything clean and I am about to start cooking when there is a knock a the door. I move to answer it, only to realize I am only wearing a sports bra and a pair of short shorts. I grab the first thing I can find, which happens to be Mark’s favorite button up, I run to the door and open it quickly. I open it to reveal a girl about my age, "Hi, can I help you?" She looks me up and down for a second before answering, "I was looking for Mark, is he here?" Something in my mind clicks and I low-key start to panic, but I know I have to stay calm. "He’s in class right now, he won’t be back until later. I’m his girlfriend, is there any way I can help you?" She looks at me wide eyed before answering, "You’re Mark’s girlfriend?" I nod and I can see that she is getting upset. "How long have you guys been together?" She looks at me and I try to stay calm. "3 months or so? We’ve been friends for a while. What did you say your name was? How do you know Mark?" She starts to fidget before something like clicks in her mind. When she looks at me it is like she is a different person. "Listen, Mark belongs with me. So why don’t you do him a favor and just leave? I won’t ask nicely again and if I have to ask again it won’t be pretty." I look at her wide eyed as she threatens me so openly. I could shut the door in her face and call the cops but I don’t know if I would be able to shut the door fast enough. I look at her and she has this smirk on her face. I decide that I have to stand up for myself and Mark. "You listen to me. I will not leave Mark and I will not be threatened. Now I recommend you leave my place and if you ever come near me or Mark again I will call the cops, because unlike Mark, I do not care about your future and I will have you locked up. Leave now." 
She looks at me in shock for a second before her personality switches again. She starts to laugh and suddenly she lunges for me. She grabs my hair and pulls me into the hall, I scream and hope that one of my neighbors hear. She tries to punch me but I am able to grab her arms to keep her away from me. I hear a door down the hall open and I see Mrs. Peters look out with her son, Chris, behind her. Mrs. Peters realizes what’s happening and Chris comes running to my aid as Mrs. Peters calls the police. Chris is able to pull her off of me as more neighbors come out to investigate. One of my neighbors helps Chris hold Rina in place as other rush to me, I have a gash on my forehead from hitting something during our struggle. A few minutes later the cops show up and put Rina in handcuffs and take her to their car. 
When Mark shows up the police are talking to my neighbors and the paramedics are checking on me. He comes rushing down the hall but the cops stop him. "That’s my girlfriend, what happened?" After hearing his words they let him through and he rushes to my side where a paramedic is looking at my head. "What happened?" Mark asks quickly and a police officer comes over. "Ms. Y/L/N, can you tell us what happened?" I nod, "I was about to start cooking dinner when she knocked on the door. She asked for Mark and I instantly knew she was the girl that has been stalking him. I tell her that I am his girlfriend and that he won’t be home until later, when she suddenly goes crazy telling me that she belongs with Mark and that I need to leave him or it won��t be pretty for me. I tell her that I will not leave Mark and that she needs to leave and if I see her again I will call the cops. Then she goes crazy again and attacked me, Mrs. Peters and Chris came out and he pulled her off me and then some other neighbors come out to help. They helped put pressure on my head and then you all showed up. Oh no, Mark this is your favorite shirt! It probably has blood on it!" Mark laughs and shakes his head. "It’s okay, I have two of those shirts so it’s cool. I’m just glad you’re okay, I mean you’re hurt because of me." I shake my head and I am about to answer when the paramedic interrupts, "Miss, we are going to need to take you to the hospital to get this gash taken care of, your boyfriend is free to come along but we should get that looked at by a doctor." I nod again and look at Mark, "Mark can you run inside and get my bag? I’m going to need my insurance card and stuff, oh and can you grab me some sweatpants? I really don’t want to be wearing short shorts when we have to come home." Mark nods and goes to the apartment, soon coming out with my bag and a pair of his sweatpants. 
~Narrator P.O.V.~
You get into the ambulance and they take you the emergency room where you are lucky to not need stitches, only a little glue and tape. Mark stays by your side the entire time, apologizing whenever the nurse or doctor leaves. It was honestly getting on your nerves. Mark apologizes again and you snap, "Mark, if you apologize one more time I will have them remove you. This is not your fault, I could have went into the apartment and shut the door, but I chose to challenge her. Look at it this way, she’s in jail and she will be for a long time, I mean she came right to your door knowing damn well that you have a restraining order and then she threatened and attacked me. This is not your fault." Mark nods and he takes your hand. With sad eyes, he looks at it and takes in the scratches and bruises forming. You interlace your fingers and Mark looks up at you, you can see the tears in his eyes. With your other hand you wipe the tear that has escaped and Mark nuzzles into your hand. 
"Mark, why are you so upset? I mean she didn’t hurt me that much and she won’t bother you again. So why are you crying?" Mark looks at you and smiles, pulling your intertwined hands to his mouth and placing a kiss on your knuckles. "How can I not be upset when someone I love gets hurt?" 
~Y/N’s P.O.V.~
LOVE?! Did he just say he loves me?
"Love? Mark what are you saying?" Mark looks at me and laughs, "Come on, Y/N. You’re smart, you know what I mean." I cannot believe what I am hearing and I stare at Mark with wide eyes. Do I like Mark? Yes. How long have I had feelings for him? Probably since I woke up with his arms around me that first day. This cannot be real.
I apparently said that last thought out loud because Mark laughs. "This is real, babe. You didn’t hit your head that hard." I look at Mark and he smiles at me. "I like you, Mark. A lot." Mark gives me a huge smile and leans over to place a kiss of my forehead, carefully avoiding my wound. We sit in the room for another 15 minutes before a nurse comes in telling us that we are free to go once the doctor finishes recording the visit. I turn to Mark, "How are we getting home? We both got here in the ambulance." Mark laughs, "I texted the boys while we were in the ambulance. They got here a few minutes ago, they’ll take us home." I nod and the nurse comes in with the discharge papers. I pull on Mark’s sweats and we head out to the waiting room. The boys rush to my side and they each gently pull me into a hug before we head back to the apartment. JB and Jinyoung stopped and picked up pizza for everyone since I wasn’t able to cook. 
When we get to the apartment, there are notes stuck to the door from our neighbors and ever some flowers sitting outside. Wow they work fast. We get the notes off the door and take the flowers inside, where I have to tell the story all over again for the boys and they praise me for being brave. They also cheer at the fact that I didn’t need stitches. After a few hours of hanging out, the boys decide to go home, leaving Mark and I in silence. Mark and I are sitting on opposite sides of the couch, but he feels too far away, so I gently move to his side and wrap myself around him. Mark laughs and puts his arm around me, pulling me closer. We sit like that for a few minutes before I feel myself drifting in and out of sleep. Mark seems to notice because he gently gets up and pulls me with him, "Come on, let’s get you to bed." I quietly follow him, he leads me to my room and helps me into bed. He goes to walk out and I grab his wrist and whine. "Stay with me." Mark laughs and turns around, "Let me go get changed and I’ll be right back. Okay?" I nod and he places a kiss to my cheek before going to change. I decide that I should probably change too, I get up and pull off my sports bra. I am standing in my closet debating on what to wear when I here Mark coming back. I grab a big t-shirt and a pair of night shorts. I grab his shirt that I took off and moved to the bathroom to try and get the blood out. Mark comes into the room seeing me in the bathroom. He knocks on the door and I look at him. "What are you doing? I thought we were going to bed?" I nod and continue to pull out the peroxide. "I want to try to get this blood out before it sets in even more." Mark laughs and walks to stand behind you. "I told you not to worry about it, I have two of these shirts. Come to bed." I shake my head and continue rinsing the blood out of the shirt. "I know you have two but just think how cute we’d look if we were matching. Plus, it’s already almost out. See?" I hold up the shirt, showing him that the blood was almost completely gone. Mark stares at the shirt wide eyed. "How the heck? How do you know how to do that?" I look at Mark with a raised eyebrow. "Do I really need to explain how I know how to remove blood from clothes?" Mark flushes red and shakes his head. “Nope.” I laugh and finish cleaning the shirt before taking it and throwing it into the washer. 
I get back to the room to find Mark laying in bed, I smile and join him. He pulls me close and I nuzzle into his chest. “I’m so happy that it’s the weekend. I would have needed to take a mental health day from classes. I can only imagine what it’s going to be like explaining this on Monday.” I say pointing at my forehead. Mark laughs and kisses the top of my head. “Just tell them that you fought a bear and won or that you take martial arts classes and had to use what you have learned to save a child.” I look at Mark like he is crazy and he just laughs. I shake my head and nuzzle into his chest. “Thank you, Mark.” Mark looks down at me and smiles. “What are you thanking me for now?” I shrug and hold him tight. “I don’t know, everything I guess. I mean you helped me move out of my dorm, gave me a wonderful place to live, you have helped me with classwork, helped me make new friends, and you have cared for me.” Mark laughs and pulls me up so that we are face to face. “I should be thanking you. You have helped me by moving in here, you help cook, clean, and you help me with the guys and homework. Oh, and how can I forget that you have shown me how important a single person can be to me. I mean, ever since you moved in have felt like I need to protect and care for you and I didn’t want anyone else to touch you. Do you remember the second day we lived here? When the guys helped move the bed in? Jackson had pulled you into his lap and I was so mad. I knew he was up to something because you aren’t his type, at all. I think he could sense that I had feelings for you. I was ready to punch him for touching you.” Mark laughs as he recounts the day. “I always told myself that I couldn’t fall for you because I was afraid to make you uncomfortable and that you would leave. I know that was dumb, but I just didn’t want to lose you. I sound crazy, don’t I?” Mark asks and I shake my head. “No, just passionate.” We both laughed and I felt myself slowly drifting to sleep, just as my thoughts became fuzzy, I hear Mark whisper, “I love you, Y/N.” I smile to myself and nuzzle deeper into his chest, happy to be in the arms of someone as amazing as Mark and knowing that this is just the beginning of a great relationship.
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