#laugh inducing design
randolphshepherd · 11 months
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 months
Twst Unveil Event Part 3
Philomela: I hope everyone had a good night's sleep!
Philomela: Great! Because you all are going to experience some body pain today!
The students: ...
Epel: Haha... Not everyone seems excited now.
Yuurin: She's never good in motivating anyone.
Malleus: How come she became your mentor?
Yuurin: My mother.
Malleus: Oh.
Philomela: I'll be explaining to you the mechanics now!
Philomela: Today will be the elimination round! You are free to attack anyone you please! And you have all the permission to use any type of moves even magic to your own advantage!
NBC student A: Eh? Isn't this a wrestling event?
NBC student B: If magic is involved, then we'll have better chances of winning.
RSA student A: Won't it be fair to not use any magic at all?
RSA student B: Yes. It feels wrong.
Philomela: Ha! Why? Do you think you can win just because you use magic?
The students: ...
Rook: Madame is right! There are many factors we need to consider!
Ruggie: Hm. Yuurin, you never used magic in any of your wrestling competitions, did you?
Yuurin: No.
Jack: I see. Does that mean...
Yuurin: Philomela is not impressed to any of them. That's why she's willing to give them a leverage to make this match worthwhile.
Floyd: Ne~ Mrs. Whale~ What other things we should remember for this elimination round?
Philomela: Nothing much, except that you have 30 minutes to fight anyone.
Floyd: Yay~!
Jade: Oh dear... *chuckles*
Epel: Can't I really join?
Rook: You'll get yourself hurt, Monsieur Crabapple.
Epel: *pouts*
Sebek: I promise to win this round, Waka-sama!
Silver: This is only an elimination round, Sebek.
Malleus: Do your best, Sebek, Silver.
Sebek/Silver: Yes, Waka-sama!/Malleus.
Ruggie: I guess this is the part where we start recording—
Philomela: Spectators! There is a designated room for us!
Malleus, Ruggie, Jack, Jade, and Epel: Huh?
Philomela: *leads them to a room that offers a panoptic view of the locations in the Kingdom of Heroes*
Epel: Whoa... *in amazement*
Philomela: Sick, isn't it?
Jade: Indeed. I've never been to such place before.
Jack: Ah! I can see everyone clearly!
Philomela: *laughs* Yes! This room will cater to your needs! Foods, drinks, and a good entertainment!
Rollo: *looks displeased*
Neige: This is great! Principal Ambrose will surely love this place!
Epel: Neige Le Blanche?!
Neige: Hello~!
Malleus and Ruggie: Flamme/Rollo.
Rollo: ...
Rollo: It's a pleasure to meet you again, mages.
Malleus and Ruggie: *smirks*
Jack and Jade: ???
Philomela: Everyone! Take your seats!
Epel: Um... But there are no seats— *a seat in front of him appears*
Epel: ...
Philomela: This room will cater to your needs. *smiles proudly*
Epel: Neat!
The students: *listening to Philomela's voice*
Floyd: Can we do a war cry~?
Philomela: *laughs* YES!
The students except Yuurin and Silver: RAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
Yuurin and Silver: ...
Silver: Good luck to you, Yuurin.
Yuurin: *nods* You too, Silver.
Epel: Wow... Just wow...
Jade: That's Floyd for you.
*Floyd unleashed a flurry of clothesline strikes, taking out multiple students simultaneously with each powerful swing.*
Ruggie: Poor NBC and RSA students.
Malleus: Sebek and Silver are doing well.
*Sebek asserts his dominance by executing his running bulldog move; swiftly seizing his opponents by the head and driving them face-first into the ground with decisive force.*
*Silver expertly wraps his arm around the neck of each approaching opponent, applying precise pressure to cut off their air supply and induce unconsciousness.*
Epel: Wow... Everyone is amazing— Wait. Where's Rook?
*Rook's grin widens as he expertly locks his poor opponent into the sharpshooter.*
Epel and Ruggie: ...
Ruggie: That savage.
Jack: Ruggie-senpai! Look! Some of the students are attacking Yuurin!
Philomela: *smiles*
*Yuurin remains composed as everyone closes in on her. Then, she swiftly grabs one attacker, lifts them, and slams them to the ground with a powerful spinebuster move. With each opponent, she repeats this action, using their momentum against them to quickly take them down, one by one.*
Epel, Jack, and Ruggie: ...
Ruggie: Oh shit, wait— I need to document this.
Floyd: Whoo-hoo~! This feels great~!
The students he defeated: *groaning in pain*
Sebek: Ha! I've defeated 25 students!
Rook: Oh! That's impressive, Monsieur Crocodile!
Silver: Should we be counting?
Sebek: How about you, Yuurin?! Bet you didn't—
Yuurin: *students piled up like a mountain beside her*
Yuurin: It seems we're the only remaining ones.
Floyd, Sebek, Silver, and Rook: ...
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minjix · 1 year
cinderella → Vinnie Hacker x female!reader
summary: in which you’re the one catching his attention
warnings: fluff, and that’s a warning of itself lol + plus the standard swear word here and there. also I can’t for the life of me write an ending, so I apologize if it feels abrupt-because it is lol. also keep in mind that english is not my first language.
a/n: I write with breaks to actually be able to give it my all and not lose interest in writing- which is a genuine fear of mine
word count: 2.6k :)
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reblogs and comments are very much appreciated!
It was all a stupid cliche in your eyes as you stared at the tweet Vinnie had posted. “who is she.” Simple as that, yet mostly everyone knew what he was referring to, but they didn’t know whom and Vinnie didn’t know either.
Like previously stated, it was all a stupid cliche- a masquerade party filled to the brim with influencers and small celebrities, crowding a huge mansion which felt tiny as you pushed your way through to get a much needed breath of fresh air, away from the liquor stained breaths.
You sighed in relief as you stepped into the cool L.A, two am breeze, the music thumping through the ground, vibrating your whole body. “I feel the same way,” a dark voice chuckled. Startled, you looked into the direction of which the voice came from, and there he stood, leaning on the wall, head tilted back and eyes on the night sky. He was dressed simple, something you rolled your eyes at, and his arms of which were folded in front of his chest was covered in tattoos. “Huh?” Was all that you managed to get out, your tongue deciding to twist on itself.
The corners of his mouth twitched as though he wanted to smile, but refrained from doing just that. “Wanting to get away for a few minutes,” his voice was velvety and , his skin shone red from the neon lights seeping through the huge windows.
“Oh- yeah, you answered stupidly, “totes.” You wanted to smack yourself. A laugh rumbled his chest and escaped from his lips as his head tilted in your direction, his eyes meeting yours. “Totes? Never heard that before-in real life that is.” Duh, because you’ve spoken like a bad stereotypical surfer dude.
You didn’t know how to respond so you simply nodded your head, very aware of his eyes trailing down your body. A tattooed hand entered your peripheral, “I’m Vinnie,” he introduced himself. It was then more sober you connected the dots, of course it’s Vinnie the Hacker. The only disguise he had was a black eye mask with black crystals in intricate designs; it looked expensive and it most definitely was, knowing who he was and all. You hadn’t bothered to wear a mask, but had regretted that decision the moment you stepped into the mansion.
You didn’t shake his hand. “Cool,” you shrugged mentally preparing yourself with whatever half assed excuse you could come up with to leave. ‘my apartment is on fire’ don’t want to jinx myself you thought afterwards. “Um, nice to meet you?” You sounded awfully unsure, and guilt brewed in your stomach when you saw Vinnie wince. “So,” he began carefully, trying to get an understanding,” what’s your name?”
But you didn’t feel like answering. “I’m hungry.” You spat out and his eyes widened. “What?”
“I’m hungry, so I’m going to leave. Bye.” You turned to leave but a careful grasp of your arm halted you, “do you want to get McDonalds with me? I’m kinda hungry too.” He sounded shy, and you couldn’t even imagine turning him down, he looked like a sad puppy for Christ sake.
The drive to the fast food chain was surprisingly comfortable, even though Vinnie tried his best to get you to tell him your name; to no avail. And soon enough the two of you were seated by the window, both with big macs in hand, awkwardness thrown out the window as the alcohol induced hunger made everything taste oh so much better.
“so fucking good,” Vinnie groaned through a mouthful causing you to almost choke on your fourth bite. Your eyes didn’t leave his form, his hair in a disarray and his eyes closed as he ate the burger.
You forced a chuckle, “won’t your friends get mad or something?” You mumbled, playing with your fries. The tattooed man shook his head, “no? Why would they?” His eyes were on yours now and you couldn’t help but feel bare under his intense gaze.
“You kinda ditched them…” you trailed of as a smirk grew on his lips, his tongue quickly darting out to lick them. “Trust me they won’t notice.” He sounded sure. “Why?” You asked and this time he laughed softly, “you’re very curious, huh?” You shrugged, “I guess.”
He continued, “but no, they were pretty busy trying to get laid so I really doubt they’d notice me missing.” He stressed the word ‘really’.
“Oh.” He laughed again as he stared you down, “you’re really weird, y’know that?”
You and Vinnie had spent an hour talking nonsense, and when the two of you noticed the hard stares from the workers you both decided to leave. Vinnie had insisted on dropping you off at home but an uncomfortable feeling grew in the pit of your stomach as you politely declined, telling him a white lie to soothe his worries about leaving a girl in the streets of LA at three am.
The morning after, curiosity had you in its grip as you reluctantly opened Twitter and searched for his handle.
@/vinniehacker: who is she. posted at five am. Quicker than lightning you exited the app, contemplating on deleting it completely, but you refrained from doing it.
You grew frustrated at yourself, you had an amazing night last night with an amazing attractive guy, and you full out blew everything to bits.
Your best friend tended to call you a flesh ball of anxiety, a saying that left a sour taste in your mouth and cheeks aching from faking a laugh. You were a people pleaser, but at the same time you hated everyone and preferred to be by yourself. So you did everything to stay out of the spotlight, simply rooming with your childhood best friend who went viral on TikTok months ago. And Vinnie was the opposite of staying out of the spotlight.
Before your brain had caught up to what your hands were doing, you had already entered the cursed bird app again, entering his handle, tapping on the tweet and reading through the comments. ‘she????’, ‘what?!’, all in a similar fashion. Speculations were thrown left and right and thirty minutes had passed of you endlessly scrolling, biting your lip raw until you tasted iron.
“Get up! We have an event to go to!” You wanted to cry, to come up with a lie that you were sick and didn’t want to spread it further. You lied a lot, at least tried to before your brain took you through the endless possibilities of consequences coming from said lies. So you heaved a sigh and got ready.
The event was extremely overcrowded and overwhelming, the LA sun beaming down on bodies dripping in expensive perfumes, a cloud of strong smells begging for a headache to form. You were a plus one, a non famous one at that, so you stood awkwardly to the side as your friend and her famous friends took promo pictures. In your hand was a mimosa, minus the champagne, so orange juice.
You didn’t bother to keep up the happy charade, settling on frowning while sipping your expensive orange juice. You had half a mind to ask what brand of juice it was but decided that you were already looking stupid so there was no point of making it worse.
You were painfully aware of how lonely you looked so you grabbed your phone and entered the weather app, wondering how the weather in Hamburg was.
“So, uh, how’s the weather looking?” A velvety voice asked from above your right shoulder, warm air tickling your skin and you froze. Shit. “Uhm, cloudy with a chance of rain,”
You turned towards him and tried not to gape at what you saw. He was wearing a half buttoned white blouse with his hair slicked back except for a few strands in the front. He wore black and expensive looking trousers, and silver rings wrapped around almost each finger with a silver braided bracelet. His sleeves were rolled up revealing his tattoos on his sun kissed skin. And he smelled so fucking good.
He gave you a mischievous grin, “hey, you.” His eyes trailed over your form, several times with a glint in his eyes. You whispered a hey back, flustered for some reason and you were also ashamed, for what, you had no idea.
“I never got your name,” he muttered, his hands in his pocket. You could only shrug, words not agreeing with you. And there it was, that nauseating shameful feeling you got, you were ashamed of yourself for some reason, well you know why, but actually taking the bull by its horns are the hard part.
“I know,” he frowned at your answer, raising an eyebrow. “So you’re not going to give me your name, so I’ll just have to call you Cinderella then. “ he smiled smugly at the end of his sentence, as though he had conquered the world with his pinkie.
“Cinderella?” You asked confused and a smit insulted. “I didn’t drop my shoe…” you trailed off, combing through your memory, and sure enough, you had both your shoes on, or you would’ve noticed otherwise.
He laughed out loud, his teeth on full display and eyes closed. “No, you didn’t drop your shoe. But you did leave me with not being able to stop thinking of you…” he said, his eyes unrelentingly searching yours as if he could simply read your name in your irises. Your eyes widened and you felt as though your stomach was turning inside out. This has to be a cruel joke, you thought to yourself as you glared at him.
“That’s not funny,” you murmured through clenched teeth. He looked confused, brows furrowed. “It-it wasn’t a joke,” he said sheepishly. He looked genuinely hurt, and it made you doubt your insecurities.
“I genuinely had a great time with you last night, and I want to get to know you.” He kept his eyes on yours the entire time. “So please, what’s your name?” He sounded desperate, as though your name would unlock every story there was to know about you.
“Y/n,” you whispered and you watched in awe as he tested your name on his tongue, several times before settling with a “I like it, it suits you.” Vinnie telling you that your name suits you felt like a thousand suns were shining down on you. You bit your lip to repress the grin that was threatening to grow and instead you settled for a shy smile, praying that you didn’t have anything between your teeth.
“Y/nn!” A voice called, it seemed as though your friend had finished with her promo pics. “I got you a goodie bag-oh,” she paused when she saw the Vinnie Hacker standing beside you. “Hey,” she smiled and fluttered her eyelashes and a boulder dropped into your stomach. Of course, you thought. She’s so much prettier than me, and famous.
He only nodded in acknowledgement with a small ‘hey’, it didn’t deter your friend from asking a lot of questions. You took that as your queue to leave, slowly walking backwards whilst Vinnie’s eyes were on yours the entire time, looking confused as to what you were doing.
You quickly nodded towards your friend, who was still animatedly talking, whilst wiggling your eyebrows suggestively, ignoring the knot in your stomach.
Once again Vinnie looked confused before the dots in his head connected. His eyes widened before he shook his head, something your friend hadn’t noticed as she was too busy scrolling through her TikTok to show Vinnie a specific video of her. He mouthed the word ‘NO’ several times whilst staring at you with his wide eyes.
It was kind of endearing to watch him panic. A chuckle escaped you before he turned to your friend, an apologetic smile on his face. “Excuse me,” he said softly, eyes still on you before walking towards, grabbing your hand with utter care before he led you inside the building.
He stopped in an empty hallway, staring down at you with a smirk on his lips. “Trying to set me up with your friend,” he murmured lazily, eyes tracing your lips. “When you know fully well that I’m interested in you…”
It felt like a fever dream, and you had to mentally force yourself to focus on the situation at hand. Is Vinnie about to kiss me?
“You don't even know me,” you retaliated, a frown on your lips, your lips of which he still stared at. He shrugged at your answer, a serious look taking over his face. “So let me,” he began. “Let’s get out of here.”
You shook your head, “I can’t just leave my friend-“.
He interrupted you, “your friend who seemed very busy, in fact, I recall you standing by yourself.” You had nothing to say to that except for a gentle nod with a smile on your lips. Vinnie grinned in return before tugging out of the building and into his car. You had sent a simple text to your friend-‘ i’m going out, don’t wait for me <3’
Vinnie treated you to McDonalds, once again and took you to a look out, the city of angels to stare at whilst you both ate. His shoulder touched yours as you sat on the picnic blanket filled to the brim with greasy and mouth watering food.
“So tell me, how come I can’t find you anywhere?” He asked, his hand playing with yours, twisting your rings. It created a warm feeling in your stomach.
“I’m a private person,” you began, hearing Vinnie murmuring a ‘couldn’t have guessed,’ and you nudged your shoulder into his playfully, drawing a laugh from his lips. “I guess, uhm I don’t see myself in the spotlight, having people constantly judging my every move.” He nodded in agreement, looking lost in thought.
“I can understand that, it’s just unusual to see someone not famous in parties held by influencers.” You nodded, agreeing with him. “My friend is pretty famous and always makes me her plus one.”
“I like it though,” you stared at him confused whilst he stared at you with a small smile on his lips, almost looking shy. “Like what?”
“I don’t know, it’s hard to explain…” he looked lost in his thoughts.
“Try,” you pushed, his hand tightening around yours.
“I like that I can pursue this,” he gestured whilst you stared at him with wide eyes. “That you’ll be somewhat safe from the onslaught of comments you would’ve gotten if you were a public figure. This feels normal to me, y’know. Like it’s not for show, it’s just me and you.”
“Me and you?” You asked with a grin, his smile grew and he gave you a wink, “of course, this is our second date after all.”
“Is that so?” You bit your lip when he leaned towards you, his lips so close to touching yours, before he planted a small, almost phantom-like kiss on them. “It is so,” he gauged your expression before ultimately seeing the contentment in your eyes, and pressed his lips to yours firmly. You felt his hand grasp your cheek as he tilted his head to gain more access.
You were both breathing heavily before you disconnected your lips, but Vinnie took it upon himself to kiss your cheeks before traveling down your neck, leaving you even more breathless.
“I’m taking you on dates everyday this week,” he breathed into your neck and you felt your eyes roll back from the sensation and his sultry voice.
“I expect you to-“ he stopped you from talking with another kiss. “Shut up and kiss me,” he ordered and you did, for several hours, the once bright sun in the middle of sky, now dipping down on the horizon covered by the Los Angeles skyline.
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legendofzoodles · 1 year
Four: Try explaining your fight with Ganon or whatever evil was wrecking your kingdom, but without context.
Wind: Old-ass wizard kicks around some minors while the only other adult is a shapeshifting boat-man who prioritised claiming some triangles. Beat that. 
Four: I’m sorry, what?
Wind: That’s how Grandma saw it. But I get it, he did take a few pot shots at me and especially Tetra.
Time: [remembering when Ganondorf, chasing after Zelda on horseback, stopped his pursuit solely to blast a 9 year old in the face and monologue]
Time: Sounds like him.
Wild: Appointed knight finally fulfills his mission after waiting 100 years to reload his save.
The Chain: What?
Time: That sucks, I only waited seven. 
The Chain: What?!
Twilight: Local ranch-hand stops a nightmare induced apocalypse alongside an imp who’s a princess and a hermit, who’s also a princess.  
Time: [clears his throat]
Twilight: After screaming at the moon vocal coaching from a ghost stalking the entire journey, who wasn’t a princess. 
Sky: Local daydreamer wakes up, fights god, and wins. 
Wild: I mean...did you though?
Legend: Yeah, jury’s still out on that one.
Hyrule: Mute kid brutalises pigman after assembling wish granting triangles, and saves the princess. He does it again years later.
Wild: You were silent back then?
Hyrule: Well, I couldn’t speak because I didn’t know the language. After saving the first Zelda she asked members of the nobility teach me- and how to read and write.
Twilight: Did you bite them when they tried to scold you for getting an answer wrong?
Hyrule: You did that too?!
Warriors: Pairs of powerful fighters from across the ages band together to defeat creepy time sorceress, then conquer red-maned wizard. 
Legend: Ugh, the power of friendship. Really?
Warriors: Comradery, actually. 
Legend: [mimicking his tone] Cringe, actually. 
Legend: Which one?
Four: Choose your favourite.
Legend: [thinks for a moment] A scarf wearing hooded hobo breaks into my house on several occasions and stages a coup to save two worlds. 
Four: What...were you doing?
Legend: [sighing] All the hard work. 
Thanks for reading! 
9th place in the LU character design ranking
Character analysis posts:
Hero of the Sky, Hero of Time, Hero of Twilight, Hero of the Wild, Hero of Warriors
Parkour team - LU drabble
How each member of the chain laughs - LU headcanon
I didn't know what to do for Time since I've already made the speedrunning puberty joke and I don't know much about Four's adventures.
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snootlestheangel · 8 months
Hear Me Out
Guys, just, hear me out: YouTubers/Streamers AU for COD. There was a series of posts on @cod-dump 's blog about what games are banned for the boys and I've just been thinking about this but with Ghost, Gaz, Soap, and Alex where one of them is the actual streamer/gamer dude and the others just almost always play with him (maybe Roach if we went on the path that he's not actually mute, just kinda hates talking)
Retired or discharged for whatever reasons, the 141 are actually kinda happy to be living semi-normal lives. Maybe they're not all entirely civilian now, maybe Price has a position that doesn't require him to be on the field but he's still teaching/being a Captain.
But he's constantly telling the boys to find things to do to keep themselves happy. Especially Gaz and Soap, cause the military is kind of all they know, they've never had to be civilians really as adults.
Ghost is transitioning fine, and he's been a huge help for Soap, but Gaz is still kinda struggling. Eventually something happens and Alex is part of his life, but it's still not really what Gaz needs to feel "normal".
So Soap and Alex convince Gaz to start streaming/recording videos of their gaming sessions. It's a slow start, and Gaz is getting frustrated.
Until one time they play something silly but incredibly rage-inducing. It's a trending game because it's designed to pit you against your friends but is still silly nonetheless. There's one clip in particular that starts trending and becomes the reason Gaz's channel starts to take off.
The clip? Gaz yelling at Soap for something and Soap immediately just cursing him out in straight Scots only for Alex, an American, to scream into his mic as loud as humanly possible "WHAT THE FUCK IS A KILOMETER?!?!" after having been dead silent for the last 2 minutes. Why did he scream this? Not because of Soap's Scots, but because he had secretly just won the round after having lost the entire time they'd been playing.
People eat that shit up! Suddenly everyone's like "damn there's this hella attractive dude that records gameplay with his friends and they're all really funny." Everyone falls in love with Gaz's appearance first, but then they actually hear him and his friends interact and it's just trading insults and stupid jokes, acting like there's no one watching and they're suddenly kids again.
It eventually comes out that Gaz and his friends are all veterans, and despite the air around military not being the best, there's no denying that caring for veterans is a must. People slowly start to support Gaz's channel/streams, and before he knows it, he's actually got quite the following. His whole thing is about "wanting to do something to distract himself and others from the shitty aspects of life with a few laughs and some good games"
Eventually they convince Ghost to start gaming with them. It makes Gaz's popularity grow because now there's this really deep accent in the mix that's completely clueless as to what he's doing like 90% of the time (I just have this gut feeling that '22 Ghost is so fucking awful at video games) that they refer to simply as "Ghost". Suddenly, the chaos Gaz and his friends are known for increases tenfold. Ghost is flirting with all of them, Soap is arguing with him over literal couple things that come with living together, and there's a new element of really dark humor that wasn't there before (there was dark humor, just not this dark)
They're playing The Backrooms one time. They're not even in the game yet, just in the lobby. Gaz is laughing at Alex's tag for the game "MYLEG!" which is a reference to that one fish in Spongebob always yelling "my leg!" after an incident. Gaz is laughing too hard to actually explain to his viewers that, yes, Alex is an amputee. Soap starts making fun of him, as usual, and that's when it happens.
Alex: "I'll take my leg off and hit you with it, Soap, I swear to god." Soap: "I forgot you were already missing one for a second there and got real concerned." Alex: "No, Soap, I planned on removing my other leg. The one that's still attached, yeah. Just like a lil *pop noise*, ya know?" Gaz: *wheezing so hard he almost throws up*
Then they're playing this silly monster/cryptid hunter game called "A Day Out" and there's skeletons every now and then on the map. Gaz walks up to one and just starts freaking out, saying Ghost's name over and over.
Ghost, freaked out: What?? Gaz, pointing at the skeleton: Look, it's you! *cackling* Ghost, after a concerning long pause: *quietly* Nah, I'm not gonna say that Alex: SAY IT COWARD Ghost: No, that's my brother *Gaz making the most horrified face as he tries not to laugh* *Alex and Soap are losing their shit* Gaz: NAH THAT'S NOT OKAY
That clip posts and the internet looses it. I see this being the actual first video Ghost is in, so for this to be the first thing the viewers get of him, it's safe to say he's a hit. It's also never explained that Ghost does have a deceased brother, so there's just an acceptance of Ghost's skeleton brother.
There's several times where they've all gotten together and played silly games like Mario Kart when there's a bunch of them. There's the sober one and there's the drunk one, where there's so many different languages being hurled as curses at each other, Gaz gives up on captioning ANY of it.
OOOOooooooooohhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! WHAT IF! Roach becomes his editor once he gets popular enough so he can spend more time playing games, solo ones when the others are working.
For a while, everyone's going crazy wanting to see what the others all look like, and sometimes (cause we're assuming the world they live in now during all this is a lot better), they're joined by Rudy or Alejandro, or both in one rare instance. Sometimes, for old times's sake, during the drunk gaming sessions, they'll call Laswell only for her to scold them. There are times they'll bully Roach who always, as the editor, changes their words from the insults to compliments. Or he definitely trolls Gaz a lot with some of the editing, and it's all around just a good time. Hence why everyone wants to know what they look like.
Then it's around the holidays after about 2 and a half years of Gaz's channel being as popular as it is. He posts a single picture on his socials with a group of people and the caption: "Love seeing the boys over the holidays."
It's such a nice photo; Alex with an arm wrapped around Gaz's shoulders, Soap and Ghost on his other side with Roach between Soap and Gaz.
And the internet has once again gone crazy. Why? Cause not only are these dudes fucking hilarious, but they're hot and taken.
Except, as they all end up teasing him about, Roach is very much still single XD
I have been watching too much YouTube lately, can y'all tell?? Haha anyways back to my hole I shall crawl
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x0xomady · 9 days
can you give us a lil blurb story? 🥹🙏🏽 like maybe harry and his gf are just chillin listening to music? idk
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put your records on
summary: little blurb about how harry takes you on a date to the record store and it finishes with a listening session at his house.
rockstar!harrystyles x female reader
warnings: some allusions to smut but nothing NSFW! this is all cute fluff
the hardest part of being the girlfriend of a rockstar is that theres never enough time. we never have enough time to cuddle, talk, etc. harry’s always in the studio or he’s in another country on tour.
don’t get me wrong, i LOVE dating a rockstar. i love watching him play for millions of people, i love listening to his music, it’s all really great. until i want to spend some private time with my boyfriend, then it’s horrible.
today harry was finally able to get some time off. so, we’re going back to our roots and shopping for vinyls together.
i followed harry through the aisles as he perused the dusty shelves, his long fingers tracing over the spines of the albums. i couldn't help but steal glances at him as he browsed, admiring his relaxed demeanor.
his expression is so carefree, with a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. it was moments like these that i cherished, when he was able to put aside his stage persona and simply be himself.
harry and i have always had pretty different music tastes. harry, being the rock obsessed hippie he is, always chose the albums from the 60s and 70s. i on the other hand, always went for the 90s r&b.
i walk down the aisle and see one of my favorites, sade. i grin and look at the album knowing harry hates her slow love music.
my hands quickly grab the album and hold it up, turning to face him with a cheeky grin on my face.
“we have to get it h.”
harry groans and rolls his eyes playfully.
“not sade, please. her music is so boring.” he says, trying to sound annoyed but failing to hide his amusement.
“aww you don’t like cheesy romance songs?” i smile and wave the record in his face teasingly.
“cheesy isn't the word i'd use, more like sleep-inducing.” harry snorts, swatting at the record in my hand. “but you can get anything you want, my love.” he smirks and slaps my bottom before walking past me down the aisle of records.
i drop the album into our tiny basket of vinyls. we've picked out about four different albums so far and the pile is only growing.
harry picks up a record, a grin across his face as he flips around to face me.
“oh and this right here- this is the real art.” he smirks and holds up his self titled album.
i scoff playfully and shake my head. “oh wow i don’t think i’ve ever seen that one before” i say with a giggle, taking the album from him.
harry pretends to be offended, placing a hand on his heart dramatically.
“hey now, that’s my masterpiece. you should be more respectful to your favorite rockstar darling.” he grins and kisses my cheek before placing his album back in it’s spot.
“oh yeah right, you’re so humble too.” i tease, playfully nudging him with my shoulder. harry is actually one of the most humble people but i can’t boost his ego by telling him that.
harry grins and picks up another record from one of the shelves.
“ah okay last one” he holds up “Wild Heart” by Stevie Nicks.
“okay that’s actually the last one, H.” i smile and drop the stevie nicks album on top of our little stack.
harry grins and glances at the little collection we have piled up in our basket.
“yeah i think we’re done."
harry lays on the floor with his head in my lap while he belts out marvin gaye to annoy me. the speakers record player cracked softly while the song played out.
i roll my eyes playfully and lightly smack his head. “you’re so annoying” i laugh, running my fingers through his fluffy brown hair.
the two of us are laying on the floor of his home music studio. when he was designing his house, he built this room with long shelves for all of his record collection.
the room is cozy. there’s a fuzzy carpet on the floor, little string lights on the walls, and posters on the ceiling. since we started dating, it has become our favorite spot, where we come to spend time with each other.
“baby i can’t help it the music is possessing me!” he gasps dramatically and belts out the song louder.
i groan loudly and cover my ears. “harry you’re horrible!!” i giggle, and look down at him.
“oh really? tell that to him” he grins and nudges me with the grammy that he had stuck googly eyes on.
i roll my eyes and smack his chest. “yeah yeah get over yourself, pretty boy.” i say as i try to hold back a smile.
“hey-” he gasps dramatically when the song switches to “lets get it on” by marvin gaye.
“uh oh babe i think i might have to listen”
“please no-” i groan and cover my eyes.
before i can register what he’s doing harry tackles me onto the floor and starts kissing me all over the face.
i squeal and squirm under him, giggling like an idiot. i always feel like a love drunk idiot when i’m with this curly headed man.
“harry stop!!” i gasp between my laughs, pushing him playfully.
“nope sorry babe. we gotta get it on.”
this was so stupid i’m sorry.
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qqueenofhades · 7 months
Hello! This is kind of a weird ask, I'm sorry to bother you, but seeing as you're a very intelligent studied historian that I deeply respect, I was hoping you could offer some advice? Or like, things i could read? Lately, i feel like my critical thinking skills are emaciated and its scaring the shit out of me. I feel very slow and like I'm constantly missing important info in relation to news/history/social activism stuff. Thats so vague, sorry, but like any tips on how i can do better?
Aha, thank you. There was recently a good critical-thinking infograph on my dash, so obviously I thought I remembered who reblogged it and checked their blog, it wasn't them, thought it was someone else, checked their blog, it also wasn't them, and now I can't find it to link to. Alas. But I will try to sum up its main points and add a few of my own. I'm glad you're taking the initiative to work on this for yourself, and I will add that while it can seem difficult and overwhelming to sort through the mass of information, especially often-false, deliberately misleading, or otherwise bad information, there are a few tips to help you make some headway, and it's a skill that like any other skill, gets easier with practice. So yes.
The first and most general rule of thumb I would advise is the same thing that IT/computer people tell you about scam emails. If something is written in a way that induces urgency, panic, the feeling that you need to do something RIGHT NOW, or other guilt-tripping or anxiety-inducing language, it is -- to say the least -- questionable. This goes double if it's from anonymous unsourced accounts on social media, is topically or thematically related to a major crisis, or anything else. The intent is to create a panic response in you that overrides your critical faculties, your desire to do some basic Googling or double-checking or independent verification of its claims, and makes you think that you have to SHARE IT WITH EVERYONE NOW or you are personally and morally a bad person. Unfortunately, the world is complicated, issues and responses are complicated, and anyone insisting that there is Only One Solution and it's conveniently the one they're peddling should not be trusted. We used to laugh at parents and grandparents for naively forwarding or responding to obviously scam emails, but now young people are doing the exact same thing by blasting people with completely sourceless social media tweets, clips, and other manipulative BS that is intended to appeal to an emotional gut rather than an intellectual response. When you panic or feel negative emotions (anger, fear, grief, etc) you're more likely to act on something or share questionable information without thinking.
Likewise, you do have basic Internet literacy tools at your disposal. You can just throw a few keywords into Google or Wikipedia and see what comes up. Is any major news organization reporting on this? Is it obviously verifiable as a fake (see the disaster pictures of sharks swimming on highways that get shared after every hurricane)? Can you right-click, perform a reverse image search, and see if this is, for example, a picture from an unrelated war ten years ago instead of an up-to-date image of the current conflict? Especially with the ongoing Israel/Palestine imbroglio, we have people sharing propaganda (particularly Hamas propaganda) BY THE BUCKETLOAD and masquerading it as legitimate news organizations (tip: Quds News Network is literally the Hamas channel). This includes other scuzzy dirtbag-left websites like Grayzone and The Intercept, which often have implicit or explicit links to Russian-funded disinformation campaigns and other demoralizing or disrupting fake news that is deliberately designed to turn young left-leaning Westerners against the Democrats and other liberal political parties, which enables the electoral victory of the fascist far-right and feeds Putin's geopolitical and military aims. Likewise, half of our problems would be solved if tankies weren't so eager to gulp down and propagate anything "anti-Western" and thus amplify the Russian disinformation machine in a way even the Russians themselves sometimes struggle to do, but yeah. That relates to both Russia/Ukraine and Israel/Palestine.
Basically: TikTok, Twitter/X, Tumblr itself, and other platforms are absolutely RIFE with misinformation, and this is due partly to ownership (the Chinese government and Elon Fucking Musk have literally no goddamn reason whatsoever to build an unbiased algorithm, and have been repeatedly proven to be boosting bullshit that supports their particular worldviews) and partly due to the way in which the young Western left has paralyzed itself into hypocritical moral absolutes and pseudo-revolutionary ideology (which is only against the West itself and doesn't think that the rest of the world has agency to act or think for itself outside the West's influence, They Are Very Smart and Anti-Colonialist!) A lot of "information" in left-leaning social media spaces is therefore tainted by this perspective and often relies on flat-out, brazen, easily disprovable lies (like the popular Twitter account insisting that Biden could literally just overturn the Supreme Court if he really wanted to). Not all misinformation is that easy to spot, but with a severe lack of political, historical, civic, or social education (since it's become so polarized and school districts generally steer away from it or teach the watered-down version for fear of being attacked by Moms for Liberty or similar), it is quickly and easily passed along by people wanting trite and simplistic solutions for complex problems or who think the extent of social justice is posting the Right Opinions on social media.
As I said above, everything in the world is complicated and has multiple factors, different influences, possible solutions, involved actors, and external and internal causes. For the most part, if you're encountering anything that insists there's only one shiningly righteous answer (which conveniently is the one All Good and Moral People support!) and the other side is utterly and even demonically in the wrong, that is something that immediately needs a closer look and healthy skepticism. How was this situation created? Who has an interest in either maintaining the status quo, discouraging any change, or insisting that there's only one way to engage with/think about this issue? Who is being harmed and who is being helped by this rhetoric, including and especially when you yourself are encouraged to immediately spread it without criticism or cross-checking? Does it rely on obvious lies, ideological misinformation, or something designed to make you feel the aforementioned negative emotions? Is it independently corroborated? Where is it sourced from? When you put the author's name into Google, what comes up?
Also, I think it's important to add that as a result, it's simply not possible to distill complicated information into a few bite-sized and easily digestible social media chunks. If something is difficult to understand, that means you probably need to spend more time reading about it and encountering diverse perspectives, and that is research and work that has to take place primarily not on social media. You can ask for help and resources (such as you're doing right now, which I think is great!), but you can't use it as your chief or only source of information. You can and should obviously be aware of the limitations and biases of traditional media, but often that has turned into the conspiracy-theory "they never report on what's REALLY GOING ON, the only information you can trust is random anonymous social media accounts managed by God knows who." Traditional media, for better or worse, does have certain evidentiary standards, photographing, sourcing, and verifying requirements, and other ways to confirm that what they're writing about actually has some correspondence with reality. Yes, you need to be skeptical, but you can also trust that some of the initial legwork of verification has been done for you, and you can then move to more nuanced review, such as wording, presentation of perspective, who they're interviewing, any journalistic assumptions, any organizational shortcomings, etc.
Once again: there is a shit-ton of stuff out there, it is hard to instinctively know or understand how to engage with it, and it's okay if you don't automatically "get" everything you read. That's where the principle of actually taking the time to be informed comes in, and why you have to firmly divorce yourself from the notion that being socially aware or informed means just instantly posting or sharing on social media about the crisis of the week, especially if you didn't know anything about it beforehand and are just relying on the Leftist Groupthink to tell you how you should be reacting. Because things are complicated and dangerous, they take more effort to unpick than just instantly sharing a meme or random Twitter video or whatever. If you do in fact want to talk about these things constructively, and not just because you feel like you're peer-pressured into doing so and performing the Correct Opinions, then you will in fact need to spend non-social-media time and effort in learning about them.
If you're at a university, there are often subject catalogues, reference librarians, and other built-in tools that are there for you to use and which you SHOULD use (that's your tuition money, after all). That can help you identify trustworthy information sources and research best practices, and as you do that more often, it will help you have more of a feel for things when you encounter them in the wild. It's not easy at first, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes more so, and will make you more confident in your own judgments, beliefs, and values. That way when you encounter something that you KNOW is wrong, you won't be automatically pressured to share it just to fit in, because you will be able to tell yourself what the problems are.
Good luck!
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nia-jul · 5 months
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Gojo Satoru, your prettiest customer, insists on ordering the most insane drinks possible. As a barista, it’s your duty to fullfill them.
alternate!universe, fluff, happy ending
(This is a long one guys 🙈)
You love your job. The truth is, the people who romanticise working at a coffee shop were exactly right. Yes, the hours can be long, and the occasional Karen can turn what should be a five-minute interaction into a half an hour one. And sometimes you go home with burns from a hot coffee pot, or spills on your favourite trousers. But you love every part of your job.
Except for Gojo Satoru.
Your most troublesome customer. You know he goes to your university, because you’ve seen him wearing a hoodie with its logo on it. You assume you both have different majors, because you don’t cross paths at all.
But he comes to the shop every day without fail. And he orders the most complicated, diabetes-inducing drinks known to man. He strolls up to the counter, blinking those bright blue eyes at you, with his perfect smile and his hair that looks so soft to touch and starts rattling off his order.
Okay, it’s not the worst thing in the world. Gojo is easy on the eyes, and it’s quite funny to see how far he’ll take it. You’re not exactly sure if he even consumes the stuff he buys. Maybe he’s trying to impress you. Maybe he’s trying to annoy you. You think he succeeds more with the second option, but it’s fine. You like the little challenge everyday.
Today, you’re wiping down the counter when you see him appear behind it and begin drumming his fingers against it.
“Hi, sugar.”
You look up, unamused. He’s wearing a black compression shirt that hugs his muscles and grey sweatpants. He’s probably come back from the gym, judging by the sweat that sticks some strands of his white hair to his forehead. He looks good. Whatever.
“Gojo. What monstrosity will it be today?”
He hums under his breath. He rests his cheek on his palm. His skin is so clear. For all the coffee he drinks, at least.
“I would like… A single shot, 4 pumps sugar free peppermint, nonfat, extra hot, no foam, light whip stirred grande white mocha.”
Your mouth gapes. “Gojo. What? That’s not- what even is that?”
He laughs, loud and boyish. The shop is quite empty, so, you can take your time to mock his ridiculous request.
“I don’t know. Thought I’d try something different, you know?”
“You try something different everyday. I think this one wins the stupidest order yet.”
“Don’t be like that, sweetheart. You know you like it. I bring some joy to the darkness that is your shift.” He pouts and leans forward.
You rolls your eyes. You turn and grab a cup to begin concocting his drink.
“Don’t call me that. And it doesn’t bring me joy. It does test my memory, though,” you pause, “How many pumps of peppermint was it?”
“Four. And what’s wrong with sweetheart?”
“I’m not your sweetheart, Gojo.”
He groans. He watches as you flit around behind the counter, going to steam the milk for his drink.
“Come on, what else am I supposed to call you? I don’t know your name.”
You point to the name tag pinned to your shirt.
“Yes you do.”
“That’s not your name.”
You nod and insist that it is. His eyebrows raise and he nods towards it.
“Your name is Brian?”
“Cute, right? I don’t like strangers using my real name, so they let me print a fake one.” You smile.
“It’s a shame, really. Brian suits you.” You stick your tongue out and Gojo grins.
The drink doesn’t take long. You make one of the fancy milk designs on the top, and slide it over to him.
“Here you go.”
He thanks you. He peers at the design at the top, eyeing the drink.
“I like this. You should learn how to draw my face on there.”
“Ah, yes. You’re right, that does sound like a great way to pass my time.” You nod sarcastically.
He sips the drink carefully. His nose scrunches and he sticks his tongue out.
“Oh, that is not good. At all.”
You laugh. You reach over and grab the drink, taking a swig. Gojo protests, but you can tell his effforts to get it back are half-assed. You wince, the warm peppermint drink sliding down your throat.
“Yeah, gross. How did you even come up with this?”
He shrugs, “They just come to me.” He nods at the cup in your hand, “You know, we basically just kissed.”
You snort, “You can keep dreaming, Gojo.”
“Oh, you’re definitely in my dreams, baby. All the dirty ones.”
Oh, he’s feeling brave today. You turn to hide the flush that dusts your cheeks. You wipe down the steamer.
“Baby is gross.”
“Tell me your name then.”
You point at the name tag on your shirt. Gojo groans and runs a hand through his hair. You glance down at the ignored drink on the counter.
“Gojo, you haven’t even touched your drink.”
He shrugs. “Oh, well. It’s not like I can’t pay for it.”
You hum under your breath. Rich people.
The shop starts filling up, and your manager pops his head around the door to tell you to get a move on.
“Sorry, Gojo. You gotta get a move on.”
“Fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You wave him off, sighing as he drops his drink in the trash.
The next day, Gojo walks in with someone else. A girl, short brown hair and an unlit cigarette in her mouth. It’s the first time you’ve ever seen him with anyone else. Maybe she’s a girlfriend. Gojo seems awfully close to her, a smile gracing his lips as she says something to him.
You’re staring. You turn away quickly. It’s none of your business what he’s up to and you don’t care, anyway. Gojo could be married for all you care.
He bounds up to the front. Gojo has a way of taking up every space he’s in, and as he leans across the counter, he’s all you can see.
“Hey, cutie.”
“Hello. What can I do for you today?”
“Aw. No complaints. You like cutie?”
“Feels like something a 12 year old would call his discord girlfriend, but. Sure, let’s go with that.”
He laughs, but he straightens up quickly.
“Look, I’ve got no time for our cute banter today. I’ll have a Venti, triple-shot caramel macchiato, with three pumps of vanilla, two pumps of hazelnut, one pump of caramel, a sprinkle of cinnamon, and extra whipped cream on top.”
“No time for banter, but time for all of that.”
“Oh, and a mocha.”
You smile. “Who’s that normal order for?”
He points at the girl he came in with, who’s gone outside to smoke her cigarette.
“Shoko. Luckily for you, she likes normal people drinks.”
You turn to start making their drinks. Today’s order is much tamer than usual. It actually sounds like it might taste nice, and it’s sugary enough to satiate his sweet tooth. You wonder if he’ll ask that girl to try it for him.
“So. You got any plans today?” You say.
“Mhm. My friend and I are going shopping. She asked me to keep her company, but I think she likes my credit card’s presence more than mine.”
“Makes sense. At least she gets something out of the card.”
“Ha ha ha. Come on, she gets mean when she’s impatient.”
You shake your head, waiting for the milk to steam. “It takes as long as it takes.”
“Okay, Carla.”
You tell him he’s wrong again and laugh at his whining. You finish his drink off with an alarming amount of whip cream, to his request, and place it and the mocha on the counter.
“Done in record time.” You wink.
He tries it, and perks up.
“I’m impressed. This one actually tastes nice.”
He slides it over to you, and you take a sip.
“Yeah, you’re right. It is nice.” You say, incredulously.
“Can I have a sip?”
You look to the left and Gojo’s ‘friend’ has appeared. She smells a little like cigarettes but she’s so breathtakingly pretty that you don’t think anyone‘s really worried about that. She takes a drink before Gojo can protest, and she winces.
“God, it’s so sweet. You’ll die an early death if you keep going on like this.”
“Well, good thing it’s not for you.” He grabs it and passes her the mocha.
The girl looks over at you and smiles.
“Hey. I’m Shoko. It’s nice to meet you. Gojo doesn’t shut up about you.”
You tilt your head at the boy, who is looking away from the two of you, and coo.
“Aw, how sweet!” You awe, pressing a hand to your heart.
“He calls you Barista girl. Says you make the best drinks.”
You shrug. “I wouldn’t say best. I am the only one who will make his insane orders, though.”
“That’s true. He doesn’t even drink them half the time. Just throws them away the second he leaves. It’s like the only reason he comes here is so-“
“Okay! Okay, we’ve got to go.” Gojo claps his hands together, cutting off Shoko, and steering her away.
She grins, waving at you. She yells it was nice to meet you, and you say it back, much to Gojos dismay, and wonder what the real reason he comes here is.
The next time Gojo comes in, he looks good. He’s wearing a black button up, the top few buttons undone, the sleeves rolled up to show his forearms. There’s a silver chain around his neck, and his hair is done up in a way that looks effortless and prepared at the exact same time. He’s also holding a bouquet of pretty flowers, pink and white and perfect looking.
God. You move away before he notices you blatantly staring at him. It’s almost closing, and you’ve got ten minutes before you’re free to go. You should be annoyed at his presence. You and Choso, the guy you were working with tonight, had just cleaned up, and you know Gojo’s order would probably need every appliance in the building. Any other customer would be shunned away, a quick point at the clock.
But Gojo’s not any other customer. Not that you’d ever tell him that.
“Hey, Gojo.”
He smiles. “Hey, gorgeous.”
Your cheeks heat up. God, if only he wasn’t so attractive. It would be so much easier to act like you don’t care when he calls you all those things.
“You look nice. You going somewhere after this?”
“Mhm. I’m going on a date.”
You pause to where you’re emptying out the coffee pots. A date? He was seeing someone else after spending god knows how long flirting with you?
You shouldn’t be surprised. He’s never asked you out, and Gojo is attractive enough to be someone who doesn’t care about girls' feelings. You know you should’ve seen this coming. It probably was just a little fun he had everyday, joking around with the oblivious, head-over-heels barista who allowed him to act like a dick with his stupid coffee orders.
“That’s nice. What can I get for you? You need to hurry up though, because we’re closing soon.” Your voice is flat, and your hand rests on your hip.
“Uh. Just a coffee.”
You frown. “No obnoxious order today?”
“Nah. I’ve got places to be. And I need to be awake tonight, if you get my drift.” He winks and you scoff.
You turn and fill the coffee pot, a little more aggressively than normal. You unfortunately do get his drift. Before you can say anything in response, Choso comes out from the back.
Choso is cute. He looks intimidating, always monotoned and looking sleep-deprived, but he was a sweetheart. He always ties his hair into little buns, draws cute designs on top of the lattes, and always makes sure you don’t close alone. Plus, he looks good in an apron. You think you’d like him if it weren’t for an annoying blue-eyed boy and his stupid orders.
“You okay if I clock out?”
You turn to him and smile. “Yeah, I’ll lock up. You working tomorrow?”
Choso takes his apron off and drapes it over his shoulder. You turn to face him, effectively ignoring Gojo.
“What? Choso, come on, I can’t work if you’re not there, it’s so boring!”
He laughs, crossing his arms and leaning against the counter. It make the muscles in his arms stand out, and wow. Does he work out? Probably.
“You’ll be fine without me.”
“I won’t.” You pout.
“Goodbye.” He walks away, nodding at Gojo, who looks just peachy waiting for his coffee.
“So who’s that?”
You turn back to face him. “Choso. He works here.”
“Yeah, I figured. You like him?”
“Yeah. He’s great. My favourite coworker.”
Gojo nods slowly. A weird sort of quiet settles over you two. A part of you wants to ask who’s he’s going on a date with, but you respect yourself too much for that.
“What time do you get off?” He speaks up.
You pause slightly. “Me?”
Gojo raises an eyebrow. “No, the other barista behind the counter. Yes, you.”
“Oh. I’m done in ten.”
“Okay, good. Our reservation is in half an hour, so we should make it.”
The coffee pot whirs to let you know it’s ready. Instead, you keep staring at Gojo, who’s looks all too serious for somebody speaking nonsense.
“It’s a nice place, don’t worry. Thought I’d splurge, to impress you. These are for you, by the way.” He thrusts the flowers towards you.
“I- What? Gojo, what’s going on?” You laugh, a little hysterical, confused as to what the hell is happening.
He grins. He walks right over to the you, leaning over the counter, so you’re a couple inches away from each other.
“You really think I’d ask anybody else out? I’ve been asking for these stupid orders at for weeks now just to throw them out so I could talk to you, that wasn’t a hint?”
“Yeah, but I just. I don’t know, I thought you were just messing around!”
“Are you really that clueless?”
“Hey! You-“ You stop for a second.
You take the apron from around your neck and throw it behind you into the office. You cross your arms and you nearly laugh at the nervous look that crosses his face.
“Did you make a reservation and dress yourself up for a date you didn’t even ask me to?”
Gojo scratches the back of his head. “I-“
“And then come in here and just tell me when it’s happening, without even giving me time to prepare myself?”
“I- Barista girl, I can explain.” He clasps his hands together.
“And you still don’t even know my name.”
He sighs. “The mystery is part of the fun, babe.”
You smile slightly. You have no idea what went through his head, but it’s cute he tried so hard. Even if it was a little weird.
“What if I had plans tonight, huh?”
Gojo shrugs. “I was hoping you’d cancel them for me.”
“And if I didn’t?”
“Not too sure. Maybe throw the coffee I’m still waiting for in your face?”
You perk up suddenly, remembering the pot that was still bubbling behind you. You take a cup and fill it for him, fit it with a lid and give it to him.
“So. Are you going to ask me out properly?”
He nods. His face is determined and he grabs the flowers from your hands. He takes two steps back and he walks forward.
“Barista girl, will you do me the honours of going on a date with me tonight?”
You frown, sighing dramatically, “I don’t know. I’ve had such a long shift. I’m tired.”
Gojo grabs your hands, pulling you towards him. The counter gets in the way, but you don’t think he cares. The two of you are still close enough that if you moved a couple inches forwards you’d be kissing. He smells like something expensive, and it overwhelms your senses. His lips quirk up in a little smirk, and you think your skin is buzzing where he’s touching you.
“I’m sure I can help wake you up, baby. You just gotta say yes.”
“I- I kinda look like shit, though.” You whisper.
“Don’t say that, you look beautiful.”
You know you don’t. Your hair is being held up poorly by a claw clip, random strands falling out of it. Your mascara is slightly smudged under your eyes, and there’s a lovely new coffee stain on the shirt you're wearing, courtesy of Choso knocking into you before you got a chance to put your apron on.
But he’s looking right at you like you’re the most incredible thing that he’s ever laid his eyes on that you feel like you might actually believe him.
“Okay. Okay, fine. If you let me go home and freshen up. Put a dress on, or something.”
“Oh, I can get behind that.”
You snort a laugh, stepping back. The nervousness from before is gone, and he’s grinning at you excitedly. He waits the few minutes it takes you to lock up, and holds his arm out for you to take while he walks you to his car.
It’s seven in the evening and the sun is just starting to set. The sky is beginning to turn, seeping from blue to orange to pink, and the light is catching off Gojos face. He’s speaking animatedly as he talks about the restaurant he’s taking you too, oblivious to your staring. He’s planned every last detail, somehow remembering when you said that you loved Asian food about a month ago.
You don’t really know much about Gojo. You do know enough to say that he is so sweet it makes your teeth rot.
You say your name, then, softly enough that he nearly misses it. He stops mid sentence and turns to you.
“Is that your name?”
You nod.
“You have a very pretty name.”
You smile. “Thank you.”
He nods slowly. “You can call me Satoru, by the way.”
“Okay, Satoru.” The name feels nice on your tongue.
He groans when you say it, hand reaching up to cup your face.
“God, it sounds so beautiful when you say it. It’d sound even better if you were screaming it, though.”
You roll your eyes, face a fiery red, and let a laughing Satoru lead you into his car.
Gojo satoru the man that u r.. also that cosplayer is EXACTLY how I envision him in my brain.. so obsessed..
again, any requests r welcome! (I’m literally lost for ideas)
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ggoojjoo · 1 year
black ysl
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— pairing : gojo staoru x f!reader x geto suguru
— synopsis : satoru and suguru were head over heels for you, and when they finally find the opportunity to have you, it’s one hell of a ride!
— contains : smut with little to no plot, profanities, mentions of violence(?), reader is oblivious asf
— wc : 2.2k
— note : not my fave but it's cool hihi
tumblr is based on reblogs!
smut warnings : semi-public sex (in the bathroom of a club damnit), unprotected sex, penetrative sex, threesome, eiffel tower(?), oral (m), fingering (f), slight overstimulation, mentions of spit, praise, that was all i think
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That Satoru and Suguru were attracted to you was an understatement, they were worshiping the ground you were walking on! And everybody but you seemed to notice that. Shoko was on the point of ripping her own hair out when you were so oblivious to the flirting the two tall men initiated, and you just looked at them with an innocent smile. 
“Hey, princess!” You heard Satoru call out for you across the training field, making you stop punching the curse induced puppet in front of you. Satoru jogged over to you, his eyes peeking over his round sunglasses. As soon as he reached you he wrapped his arms around you in a hug, you, of course, were complaining due to how sweaty you were. “I don’t care, princess. So, how’s training going?” He asked, looking at the mangled puppet. 
“Ah, it’s going pretty good,” you sighed, pushing a few strands of hair out of your eyes. “What brings you here anyway? Isn’t it your day off?” You asked, eyes round in curiosity, which sent a shiver down Satoru’s spine.
And just as he was about to answer your question, a heavy arm fell onto your shoulders, making you twist your neck to see the offender. “Oh, we just wanted to know if you want to join us tonight.” Suguru’s smooth voice invaded your ears. “To the club, I mean.” He finished the thought, looking down at you with a smirk curved on his lips. 
You thought for a few seconds, shrugging. “Yeah, why not?” You smiled at the men, missing their glances they exchanged between each other. 
“Sweet! We’ll pick you up at eight!” With that, they bid their goodbyes and walked away.
You took your shower, did your hair, and make-up. Now you were stuck on wearing an outfit. One of your options was a black YSL body-con dress that was short enough to barely cover your ass cheeks, showing off your legs, paired with a pair of black YSL heels. Your other option was a pink Gucci dress that reached just above your kneecaps and was a bit flowy, but had a deep V-cut, paired with white, knee-high boots. A loud groan left your lips as you turned to grab your phone, dialing Shoko and calling her on face-time. The phone rang a few times until Shoko picked up with a loud yawn, cigarette smoke flying around her. “When are you gonna quit smoking?” You asked sarcastically, knowing she will never quit. 
“Cut the crap and show me your options, I know why you just called me.” A soft giggle left your lips as you flipped the camera, showing the two dresses on your bed, paired with their designated shoes. “Ooh, (Y/N), hard one, really. But I think you should go with the black one.” She said, looking at the dresses. “Yeah, yeah, go for the black one, and put some nice underwear on! Maybe you’ll get laid tonight.” She laughed as you flipped the camera to yourself again. 
“I think I’ll have to go braless, though. But I’ll make sure to pick out my prettiest panties.” You winked at the camera before putting it on your bed and getting changed, putting some lotion on and spraying your perfume. “Almost done!” You called, slipping the dress over your form and putting on the heels. “Done,” you sighed, taking your phone and turning it to a full length mirror to show off your outfit. The YSL logo on your heels glimmering in the dark as your calves were shining from the lotion you used, glitter scattered over your skin. The dress was a beauty in itself. “So, how is it?”
Shoko’s gasp made you smile, posing for the woman. “(Y/N), I’d fuck you then and there! I will kill you if you don’t get laid tonight!” You laughed heartily as you flipped the camera again, putting your phone on the dresser to arrange your small purse, putting your wallet and some tissues inside. You also put the lipstick and perfume you used inside, in case you need to freshen up. “Are the guys gonna pick you up?” Shoko asked, looking at the time. You just nodded at her question as you checked your hair again, and talk of the devil, your doorbell rang. 
“See you, hun!” You blew her a kiss before hanging up and walking to your door. As you opened the door to the tall men, a whistle echoed through your hall. “Hi, guys!”
Satoru and Suguru looked over your outfit, each having a smirk painted on their faces. “Let’s go, princess.” Satoru offers his arm, which you gladly take, walking beside them. Outside was the expensive Mercedes Satoru had gotten not long ago, and ever the gentleman he was, he opened the door for you to get into the passenger seat, Suguru getting in the backseat. “Then let’s go and have some fun, yeah?”
Your eyes roamed the whole club as you sat by the booth, sipping on your drink, Satoru and Suguru nowhere in sight, probably flirting. You didn’t mind, though, you liked a bit of fun on your own. “Hello there, sweets, what’s a pretty girl like you doing here alone?” You heard a man call next to you, loud enough to be heard over the music. 
Turning around, you sent him a smile as you leaned back on the booth, crossing your legs. “Nothing, just having fun. Why are you alone, stranger?” Your head tilted to the side a bit, your hair sliding off your shoulder. 
“Oh, I’m just trying to get you, pretty girl, with me on the dancefloor. If I may,” he said, reaching his hand out for you. A smile breaking out on his face when you took it, walking with him to the dancefloor. “The name’s Toji.” With that his hands fell to your hips, pulling you closer as you two danced to the rhythm of the song. A sudden shiver ran through you as you continued to dance with Toji, your eyes darting around to see Satoru and Suguru staring at you over Toji’s shoulder. You sent a wink their way. Toji leaned over, lips over your ear. “What’s your name, sweets?” He asked, a smirk curved on his lips.
And just as you opened your mouth to answer, two big hands grabbed your shoulders and pulled you back, hitting a hard chest. “Gotta steal her from you, big guy.” It was Satoru, and not even a second later, Suguru appeared behind Toji, pulling him back from you. You felt Satoru’s breath as he whispered into your ear, “Let’s have fun, shall we?” His hands made their way to your hips and Suguru’s to your waist. A blush creeped on your face as the two men sandwiched you between their hard bodies, grinding and pushing against each other. You looked up to see Suguru smirking down at you, his eyes fixed on the way yours sparkled in the purple and blue lights of the club. 
A soft gasp fell from your lips as you felt Satoru pull you impossibly closer to himself, hips moving against your lower back, and Suguru was doing the same to you but his hips were moving against your lower belly. A soft moan left your lips as they both leaned in, breathing against your skin. “So pretty for us, huh, princess?” You giggled at them, pushing harder against them. The alcohol in your system obviously helps you get over your shyness. Both of your hands wrapped around Suguru’s shoulders, pulling his chest against yours, ghosting your lips over his hot neck. Said man shot a glance over your shoulder to the blue-eyed sorcerer behind you. “Wanna take this upstairs, princess?” 
Loud moans and whines flew around the hot restroom as Suguru’s fingers were working your pussy, the loud squelches almost drowned out by the blaring music outside, almost. “Ah, Suguru, please!” You didn’t know what you were pleading for, but it was something. Satoru’s hands never left your boobs as he sat on the counter behind you, you between his legs, feeling his hard-on prodding against your back. One of your legs was hooked on Suguru’s hips as your arousal slowly ran down your thigh, the golden YSL heel shining in the dim light. 
“You sound so pretty.” Satoru slurs against your neck, sucking hickeys into your skin. “So pretty for us, yeah, princess. All for us, right?” Satoru didn’t seem to shut up, pulling moans and whines out of your swollen lips. “Is Suguru fingering you well, princess? Come on, tell me.” Another moan cut through the air as Suguru curled his middle and ring finger the way you like, the heel of his palm rubbing against your swollen clit. 
“Awe, pretty baby,” Suguru cooed, “what do you want? Tell me, what do you want?” A stray tear slipped from your eye as you looked at Suguru with a pout on your face. The long-haired sorcerer chuckled darkly as he smashed his lips against yours, sucking your cries out of your lungs. 
You felt yourself near the edge as Satoru’s lips kept their place on your skin and his fingers on your nipples, pussy clenching around Suguru’s fingers. “Are you going to cum, angel? Come on, cum on my fingers.” That was enough for you to fall over the edge, moaning and shaking in the men’s grips. This was one of your most intense orgasms you’ve ever had, stars littered across your vision. 
You felt two pairs of hands on you, eyes half-lidded and a dazed smile on your face. “Fuck me,” you sighed, giggling. 
Hearing the both men chuckle made a shiver run down your spine, their hands on you tightening. Suddenly, Satoru and Suguru switched places with you now bent over Suguru’s lap as he sat on the counter, leaking cock free out of its pants and standing tall. You felt yourself drooling at the sight, your hand wrapping around his base. “Not so innocent now,” Satoru slurred as he pushed his pants down and your panties to the side, pussy swollen and glistening with your wetness and Suguru’s spit. “Fuck, princess,” Satoru groaned. 
“So compliant,” Suguru whispered as his hand found the back of your head, lips attached to the base of his cock and licking your way up. “Come on, suck my dick while Toru fucks you nice and good.” You whined as you felt Satoru’s large tip prod against your hole, clenching. And with one swift movement, he was balls-deep inside you. Good thing Suguru prepped you. “Fuck,” Suguru groaned as he felt the vibrations of your moans, “keep sucking, angel.” 
Doing as told, you wrapped your lips around his length and hollowed your cheeks, letting your tongue slide over the underside of his shaft. While you were sucking the sorcerer off, Satoru was behind you, hands gripping your hips for dear life as he fucked you, his hands leaving a few spanks here and there, red hand prints evident. One specifically harsh thrust made you jolt forward, Suguru’s cock slipping deeper into your throat, making you gag pathetically. “Sorry,” Satoru strained, eyes fixed on the way your pussy left a white ring of arousal on his milky cock. 
Satoru stopped moving, your whines of protests muffled by his friend’s cock in your mouth. And then, all of a sudden, the white-haired man gripped your hips and smashed his against yours, creating loud noises that echoed through the hot restroom. You felt your knees give out from under you at the sheer force Satoru fucked you with, but thankfully his grip never faltered. With a gasp, you pulled away from Suguru’s cock, jerking him off instead. Your tongue ran over his tip, eyes looking up at his face filled with pleasure. “Fuck, angel, I’m gonna cum if you keep this up.” You smiled, sticking your tongue out and slapping his heavy tip against your tongue, pathetic moans leaving your used throat as Satoru was still fucking your from behind. 
A loud gasp ripped out of your lungs as Satoru’s fingers found your swollen clit. “Oh my god, Satoru, I’m gonna–” You heard a hearty laugh from above you, Suguru’s hand now in your hair as he shoved you down on his cock again. “If you’re gonna cum, then you’re gonna cum with my dick in your mouth.” His words sent a shiver through your body, pushing you closer to the edge. “Fuck,” he gasped, hips twitching against your face as he was only a few more thrusts away from his orgasm. Your cunt clenched around Satoru’s cock, his fingers never ceasing their movement as your orgasm took over. Thighs shaking and knees barely holding you up, you tried your best to keep sucking Suguru’s cock, but to no avail. He harshly pulled you off of his cock and held you by your hair, his fist tight around himself he came onto your face. White spurts of cum dripping down your chin and onto your cleavage.
And at last, Satoru came with a loud moan, pressing himself impossibly deeper into your cunt and painting your walls white. His hips kept rutting into your cunt as he came down from his high, your whimpers of overstimulation shooting the men’s egos up. 
You felt Satoru’s hands rub your sore ass as he whispered, “You did so good, princess.”
The next morning you were spent, not wanting to move one inch as Shoko came running into your apartment. “Tell me you got railed?”
“Shut up.” 
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@ggoojjoo 2023 | © do not steal or plagiarize
i do not own the jujutsu kaisen franchise nor the characters!
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cinnamoneve · 8 months
nepenthe \ nɪˈpɛnθi \ (n.) - anything inducing a pleasurable sensation of forgetfulness, especially of sorrow or trouble.
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❆ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: collegeau!gojo satoru x fem!reader ❆ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: parties at shoko's always gave you something to look forward to ❆ 𝐰𝐜: 3.1k ❆ 𝐚/𝐧: soft launching a college au ♡ let me know if you like it hehe ❆ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: suggestive. reader consumes (a lot) of alcohol ( do not do what reader does xox)
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“it’ll be soooo fun, honey, i think we should go”
satoru’s voice was saccharine and encouraging, not even hinting at his secret motive to get you out of the house and to shoko’s party.
it’s been a long week, you thought. there would be nothing worse, perhaps, than crowding into shoko’s apartment and losing to her and suguru in a round of beer pong.
you lazily looked up from your studies to satoru, who was sitting on your bed cuddling a stuffed animal he gave you some time ago. he met your gaze with a stupid smile of his. it wasn’t his words that convinced you, it was probably his dimples.
“fine. only for a little bit, satoru, i have some stuff to finish up for class”
“just say the word, baby”
you and satoru got ready for the party, with the same routine you always do. he suggests the same playlist he always plays, which is full of what he dubs ‘bad bitch music.’ something about being in a bad bitch mentality before you go out raises your confidence? you stopped listening at some point, between nicki minaj songs that he hums along to while you put your makeup on.
“don’t you look cute,” he teases.
“you’re drooling there, satoru”
“mmm, is it really that obvious?”
“do you think this outfit is too much, though?”
“i can fight”
“i don’t mean it like that, stupid,” you give him a playful smack on the side.
he hushes your giggles with a quick kiss, and you feel his smile against yours. you can’t help but snake your arms around his waist to pull him even closer.
“you look beautiful, love,” he hums, “c’mon, we’re gonna be late”
with a quick tap on your butt and a pinch in his side, the two of you leave your dorm and head to shoko’s.
seems like anyone you’ve ever interacted with was poured into her tiny apartment, and the music blaring from every direction made it impossible for greetings. you and satoru resorted to a quick wave to the guests you made eye contact with before wandering through the crowd to find shoko. 
satoru holds the small of your back to guide you through everyone, his tall stature being a beacon to find your host.
suguru finds you before that, though, giving your boyfriend a shove before greeting you with a warm embrace. he hands you a drink of unknown origin or contents with a smile before walking off. “let me know when you two want to get your asses handed to you at pong,” he yelled over the music.
“oh, fuck off, suguru,” your boyfriend laughed behind you, “go get next, so we can show you how it’s done”
satoru hurried you along as you sipped the drink suguru gave you, realizing it was a little too strong for your liking. but you thought a little harder about it, and concluded that getting drunk would do wonders for the stress building up in your system.
bottoms up, you thought, and you pounded it away before even reaching shoko.
and you’re glad you did, because she was incredibly wasted when you found her. she greets you and satoru with a big hug, blabbering about how excited she was to see you both and how much she loves you.
she hands you another drink of unknown origin and content, and you think nothing of it and drink it too. surrounded by those you love and trust the most, there was really no harm in doing it.
“let’s dance a little, hm?”
satoru pulls your hand this time towards the lump of people moving in tune to the music. there wasn’t a designated dance floor of any kind, but it’s almost instinctual for people to dance if given the opportunity. 
you take more sips of your drink to loosen you up a bit.
“i thought you hated dancing, satoru”
your boyfriend navigates through a myriad of moving, sweaty bodies before he twirls you around on his hand to face him properly.
“i do, but i know how much you love it,” he teased back.
you didn’t–at least not like this. only if you were drunk. it hits you when your feet start to move that you’re a little in over your head.
your body happened to move before your mind could catch up. god, when did you become such a lightweight? two drinks in and you’re dancing already?
satoru pulled you close, and then pushed you far, swaying and dancing in time to whatever rhythm the speakers were spitting out. you could barely keep up with him, but shit, you were having the time of your life.
he pulled you to his hips, lining you up away from him, grabbing your waist in his big hands as the two of you bumped and grinded. seems like the whole world managed to stop, or clear out even, as satoru pulled you closer to him. one of his hands got a little searchy, moving up and down your body as he buried his face into your neck.
god, this felt good. 
the alcohol only made it stronger. it felt like every inch of your skin was lined with nerves that satoru knew how to push just right, just the way you liked. it was electric, but in the best way possible. you felt his smile against your skin as he peppered kisses along your neck, still guiding your hips against his own with one of his hands to sway to the beat along with you.
you could stay like this forever, and you wished you could. 
you turned your head around to meet his lips halfway, which he gladly accommodated. careful not to move your body away from where it was, you quickly and sloppily reached up for satoru’s lips, eager to be closer to him in any way you could. “mmm, what’s gotten into you tonight, love?” satoru pulled away between breaths, not missing a beat to sway with. he dared not move his hand off your hip, but let the other rest comfortably on your jaw to support you more.
“i could say the same to you, loverboy”
satoru smiles the same shit-eating grin he frequently does, usually when he’s got you right where he wants you. in the moment, and with your clouded mind, you’re deluded to think that it’s the other way around.
“i think you’ve had too much to drink,” he mumbles.
“i think you don’t know what you’re talking about,”
you shut him up with another kiss, and satoru giggles into your mouth but doesn’t seem to stop you. he continues to grind into you and needily shove his tongue further and further into your mouth. your head fills with all kind of thoughts, murkily racing through all your options for what this man was making you feel.
“hey, lovebirds,” suguru’s voice booms above the music, snapping you and satoru out of your trance.
“hm?” satoru lazily asks back.
“are you two playing or what? table’s free,”
you peek behind satoru to see shoko and suguru standing by the beer pong table, both of them obviously incredibly drunk. suguru can hide it way better than shoko, but at this point you have a way of knowing.
“coming,” you shout back at him, laughing.
satoru pulls you in for one more kiss, hungry for any last tastes of you he can soak up before you re-enter reality. 
“let’s go kick their ass,” he says.
you barely hear him. it takes a moment to register, anyways, but by the time it does, satoru’s given you a smack on your butt and he’s leading you by the small of your back to the table.
shoko hands you another drink.
the drunker you are, the better you shoot, and you and satoru have the beer pong game of your lives, effectively dethroning shoko and suguru on the first go.
their attempts to throw you off fall flat, and satoru showers you in praise and affection with every ball sunk in the red solo cups.
the alcohol in your system, the adrenaline of winning, and praise from the man you loved the most–it all was too much. you reached a strange, comforting, yet familiar nirvana that made you feel on top of the world.
this euphoria, it was new, but it was peace. pure and utter peace.
something must’ve been contagious and in the air, because satoru couldn’t keep his hands off of you all night. pretty much since you left the house, he’s been glued to you in some way. holding your hand, attaching himself to your ass, holding the small of your back–he acted as if not touching you at all times would kill him instantly.
you all shook hands with one another, congratulating each other on a game well played. satoru and suguru cannot be civil about anything, so you and shoko laugh about something while the boys criticize the other to no end.
“whatever,” satoru shrugs, “i’m not taking this from second place,”
he turns to you quickly.
“do you want to get some fresh air?”
the room looked fuzzy, and it all started to feel like slow motion by the time you understood what he was saying.
he took your lack of response as a yes, knowing you better than you know yourself at times.
“running away from defending your title, satoru?” suguru’s laugh echoed in the small room to the two of you, as satoru shuffled you towards the back door.
satoru doesn’t turn around to yell back to his friend, “being a sore loser doesn’t look good on you~”
your feet moved before you could tell them to, being pushed by satoru to the chilly balcony attached to shoko’s apartment. 
you immediately sat on the floor of the balcony, while satoru leaned on the rails. it was cold enough that his breath was visible.
“you cold, babe?” 
satoru must’ve felt your eyes burning a hole into him, as he looked down to see you with your arms crossed on the ground.
you closed your eyes so the world would stop spinning.
“i’m okay,” you mumbled back. it was hard to form full sentences at this point, as you felt like you were talking before you were sure of what was gonna come out of your mouth.
you felt satoru sit next to you on the ground, placing his arm around you to bring you close to him. 
he doesn’t drink himself–hates it, actually, but satoru could never turn down a party. he was all for other people getting drunk, though, especially his sweet girlfriend who was notoriously bad at holding her alcohol.
you open your eyes to look at him, your vision still a little fuzzy. satoru seemed to have a glow about him when you drank. it took everything in you not to confess everything running through your mind at the moment. you weren’t sure if you wanted to fuck him, marry him, or fall asleep on this balcony in his arms. it was fair game for any of the three. you opted to stare at him instead.
he smiled, and his dimples made their appearance once again.
“why are you looking at me like that?”
“i love you”
he chuckled and stroked your shoulder to soothe you.
“i know, baby. i love you too”
you’ve been dating for a while. you’ve said those words more than you could count. something about how he said it now was so genuine, so honest, and so satoru. you were fit to burst.
it all made you shy. the best you could do was stare off the balcony and into the darkness of the night. you’d lost track of time, of your worries, of all the stress slowly accumulating in your system. 
satoru didn’t mind. 
he wasn’t one to break the silence, anyways. he continued to rub your shoulder, humming some tune that he was fixated on at the time.
you loved him. you loved him, you loved him. what comfort there was in loving someone who would do anything for you. who loved you back. who held you gently in his arms as you faded in and out of reality.
he would do it a million times over. anything you asked, one million times over. he was obsessed with you. obsessed with knowing you, with loving you, with sitting in silence with you for the rest of your days. he was ready to sit in silence through all stages of your lives together, holding you in his arms as he drew gentle circles on your arm. 
he’d be content with that. more than content, actually–maybe the luckiest man in the world.
“let’s blow this joint”
“mm?” you could barely keep your head up.
“ah, you’ve had a lot to drink, love, let’s get you home”
“okay~” you giggle back at him.
“can you hold on to me?”
satoru picks you up to your feet and holds onto you as you walk back inside. the two of you say your goodbyes, giving shoko and suguru two big hugs as you tell them how much you love them. the alcohol in your system had you in a grip to tell everyone how much they meant to you.
your sweet boyfriend was no exception. 
he held your hand on the walk home as you swung it back and forth with your stride. you couldn’t seem to take your eyes off of him.
“you’re so pretty, satoru”
it sounded like you were on the verge of tears, and he wasn’t sure whether to cry with you or laugh. the best he could do was entertain it.
“oh, thank you, love”
“i love you”
“i know you do, i love you too!”
“no way”
that one seemed to get him, and he muffled a laugh quickly.
“way. it’s crazy, right?”
you thought for a bit before responding.
“yeahh~ so crazy”
satoru could barely contain himself. he didn’t like to bring out this side of you when you drank, but you were so doting and honest, his ego always got the better of him. he couldn’t get enough of it. he didn’t think he’d ever get used to hearing that you loved him.
he hummed his tune, admiring the stars in the sky as you walked to your dorm. you joined in humming, off-beat and a little out of tune. if the universe were as kind as it had been to him so far, satoru hoped that you and him would be stars in the afterlife. he imagined you’d be next to one another, love forever stained in the infinite together. 
it was the type of love people named constellations after. and there was a certain beauty in that satoru couldn’t put his finger on. he wanted to soak it up as much as possible. 
satoru helped you back into your dorm, where he carefully got you both into your pajamas for the night.
“i love you, i love you,” was all you could say to him as he gently took off your makeup, washing your face after as he’d watch you do every night. 
he didn’t outwardly say he knew your routine, but all the nights spent admiring you doing it on your own had burned into his mind. anything you did he found himself memorizing, committing it all to his memory so he can love and know you more and more.
“i love you too, honey” was the only thing he could say back to you, each one breaking his resolve a little bit more each time. he couldn’t decide if he wanted to kiss you all over, laugh, or cry. he wasn’t usually this emotional, but his soft spot for you crumbled with every ‘i love you’ that you said like a prayer.
he cared for your hair, gently brushing it out and fastening it in a way it wouldn’t knot. he scooped you out of bed to carry you to the bathroom, sitting you on the counter to brush your teeth for you. 
“say ahh,” he giggled, and you could barely hold it together as you obeyed. your eyelids felt like sandbags, and you found yourself so content that you were slipping in and out of consciousness as satoru took care of you.
he placed you softly back in bed before grabbing water for you.
“i need you to drink this for me, baby”
you take big sips of the glass of water, the cool liquid soothing your nerves and the headache forming as the buzz wears off. 
“very good, i’m proud of you,”
“i love you, satoru, you’re so pretty” you haven’t opened your eyes for a while. you said this out into the ether, hoping they’d collide with him wherever he was.
“am i now? thank you, love," he giggled. you were so adorable, he could barely stand it. he moved his hands to cup your face, slowly stroking your cheek and moving up towards your hairline. 
it felt so good, you could feel yourself drifting off after only a few seconds of it all. 
“can we cuddle?” 
your voice was so quiet and mumbly that satoru could barely register it. he answered with a quick “mhm!” before shutting off the lights and hopping into bed with you. 
he pulled you onto his chest, drawing a long line up and down your spine and combing his finger through your hair.
“satoru, we should go to parties more often,”
“i told you it’d be fun,”
“i want to dance more,”
your eyes were closed, sleep present in your voice and demeanor. your face was smushed against his chest, making every word an effort to push out.
“we also have a beer pong title to defend”
satoru began to close his eyes as you adjusted to wrap your arms around his bare torso. he couldn’t be more comfortable if he tried.
“i love you, satoru”
he didn’t answer with his usual ‘i know,’ this time. instead, he found himself hanging onto every word, digesting each one before he answered. but his answer was the same as it always was.
“i love you too”
he wishes there was a phrase invented to describe it better. 
“love” is just scratching the surface. and in those moments between your matching confessions, satoru was digging for any way he could describe everything he wanted to say to you as swiftly as ‘i love you,’
he couldn’t find it, and he wasn’t sure if he ever would.
for now, he hoped you’d be patient with him as he looked. that you’d indulge him in thousands more ‘i love you’s’ so he could say it back every time, each one meaning more than the last.
but it was all too much for his brain to handle this late at night. 
he decided to opt for a forehead kiss to you, who already fell asleep, before falling asleep himself and hoping he’d get to spend more time with you in his dreams.
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all content © cinnamoneve 2023. do not repost, modify, steal, or copy without permission.
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ashbub · 8 months
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the amazing digital circus: jax x gn!reader
contents: ambiguous relationship [1.5k]
IN WHICH: you might have an idea on how to escape.
❝ if there was a chance to escape, wouldn't you take it? ❞
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"And I mean this in the most lovingly, sugar coma-inducing way I could put it, no f̶̢̢̣̳̜̼͈͚̭͖̈́͊u̷̧̝͉̼̼̽c̷̲̘̙̖͇̳̀̑̈́̈́͗̓̑͘̚k̴͍̘̩̝̟̎̀͋̑̎i̷̫͓͈̒n̵̛̲̩̩͓̮͎̙͍̺̓̃̒̎̄̿͠g̸̲̬̍̃͘ way."
The rabbit softly picked at the side of his yellow teeth with the pinky finger of his glove boredly, a cheeky grin tugging at the ends of his mouth at your frustrated sigh.
"You haven't even heard what I was gonna ask!"
You both were chatting in your designated room, the whole theme soft and vibrant with thin fabrics flowing from the ceiling with twinkling lights that intertwined carefully. Your bed was a colorful arrangement of stitched pillows and thick blankets, plushes of antique dolls contently piled together.
Beside your bedframe was a small white mirror with a slight crack in the middle of the reflective glass- One that you rarely glanced at since your arrival a few months ago. You would hardly recognize yourself even if you did now.
You had been warped into the appearance of a marionette.
"And I know whatever it is- is trouble." Jax smoothly hummed with a small chuckle as he fiddled with one of the crocheted dolls that rested on your bed. Jax had his lean frame sitting lazily on the edge of your quilted blanket before placing his hands behind his head with a wide shit-eating grin settling on his lips. "As pretty as you are, sweet cheeks, it ain't worth it."
Crossing over your wooden arms at his demeanor, you jabbed one of your fingers towards the middle of his soft pink overalls, his long ears slightly bending at the sudden poke. "When have you ever been one to turn down some mischief?" You teased with a laugh mingling in your tone, "What have you done to my Jax, huh?"
Clicking his tongue, the rabbit simply closed his bright yellow eyes, bringing the back of his palm towards his forehead with a dramatic sigh before throwing his head onto the middle of your lap, "Consider me a changed rabbit- I'm as holy as they get now."
You brought the thin strings that attached to your arms to the center of his face, watching as his expression scrunched up with a small giggle stifling, "As if-" You mused out.
Blinking with a quiet laugh, the purple rabbit had a lazy wink spread across his smooth fur, "Alright, humor me. Hey, I might even laugh a little." He finally chuckled, one of his ears quickly flapping comedically straight up, "What were you gonna ask lil ole me?"
Even though you had only known Jax for a few months, the guy had been sweet despite his sarcasm and dripping with ease for the chaotic world that surrounded him. You guys had gotten close and had conversations amongst yourselves, Jax confessing about his previous life outside the circus. Despite having a rough upbringing and becoming homeless after getting kicked out of his foster home, he was excited to start a new life on his upcoming birthday.
If there was anyone to share your feelings about, it was him.
"I want to try to escape." Your smooth fingertips dug into the fabric of the spotted black & white trousers you wore with a quick breath, your dull eyes flickering towards the ceiling to avoid his wandering gaze, "I want to make an actual attempt, and I need your help-"
Snickering, Jax casually rose from your lap, the thick pricks of his eyes glimmering in amusement, "Cute and a comedian!" Tapping the side of his cheek with his pointer finger with a lazy grin, he sighed, "Aren't you just adorable?"
"Jax! I'm being serious!"
Raising both of his gloved hands to his chest defensively, Jax's narrow shoulders hunched up with a mingling laugh, "Woah! Don't get your strings in a twist, sugar! So am I! Look, my brow is even furrowing."
"Won't you even try to listen to my idea?"
"An idea? So it ain't even a plan?"
"Not yet- but-"
"No then."
Rising from the edge of your bed with a sigh, your wooden fingertips hand curled into your palm. With a quick snap of your wrist, the edges of your wool locks of hair slipped by the sides of your perked ears that had become warm at his brashness.
"I knew it!" Your thick fingers quickly pinched the bridge of your nose with a sharp laugh escaping your breath, "You won't even take the chance that something might be out there?"
The rabbit's large eyes flickered across your furrowed expression back and forth, his own smile slightly faltering. He had begun to rise to his feet, his lean frame towering over yours with his thumbs jammed into the pockets of his worn-out overalls.
"You saw what happens when people do, [y/n]."
Finally releasing the bridge of your scrunched nose, your head shook with a snappy laugh dripping from the ends of your painted lips, "I knew I shouldn't have bothered to ask you about this!-" You whispered with a slight hiss, bringing your hands closely to the ruffled fabric of your chest with a soft laugh, "All of our friends are slowly going insane and you can't even pretend to remotely care-"
"Don't." His voice had finally shot out, instead of the smoothness of his easy-going voice that would mingle, his gloved finger pressed against the surface of his chest with his pale-yellow teeth gritted, "Don't you dare say I don't care. Because outta everyone here, I probably care the most."
You had blinked at his sudden tone shift before you brought the palm of your hand to your forehead with a small smack, sarcasm seething from your words that itched from the back of your throat. "Right! You care the most!" Your smooth lips curled up into a strained smile, "I nearly laughed myself there! You sure seemed to care when half of our friends got tossed into the cellar-"
His hand had shot above the space behind you, firmly placing it on the plush wall at the lingering sentence that failed to escape your burning lips. He had cornered you. The lazy drawl that usually occupied his expression stiffened as Jax looked down at you with a faint scoff.
"It might not look like it, Toots, but I actually do give a f̶̢̢̣̳̜̼͈͚̭͖̈́͊u̷̧̝͉̼̼̽c̷̲̘̙̖͇̳̀̑̈́̈́͗̓̑͘̚k̴͍̘̩̝̟̎̀͋̑̎." His ears had curled up before shaking his head with a slight breath, "Just because nobody bothered to ask doesn't mean I don't care."
Jax lowered his expression, his shoulders slightly tensed before clicking his tongue once more- "But we are stuck here, don't you get it? Stuck. It's been years and no one has managed to escape or literally gone mad tryna escape this place. My friends, [y/n]."
Your room had grown quiet, only the faint lingers of the music box that resided in your room quietly humming as the bright red paint had begun to chip off. Your button eyes had flickered to his cold expression, the ends of his pale teeth peeking through.
With his other hand, Jax had brought his gloved fingertips underneath his round chin, tapping it dramatically with a small hiss, "If I act like everything is fine and no biggie, it might give everyone some more time from going abstract, even if I have to lie through my teeth."
Finally, he had removed his large hand from the surface of the wall behind you, before dropping his head to the edge of your shoulder with a 'thud!' "I can't lose any more friends" The rabbit whispered carefully, turning his head slightly to examine your quiet frame with a light smile, "I can't lose you."
Resting your back against the wall with a soft sigh, your hands lingered by the back of his head with a glimmer of tears surrounding the edge of your buttons, "Jax, I'm sorry about what I said." You breathed out, resting the tip of your chin on the top of his head for a moment with a small crack. "I just really want to go home."
Jax's long ears had slightly flattened under your chin, his breathing soft before quickly adjusting the small wrinkles of his overalls and returning to his height, your bright round eyes staring at his with a quick blink.
"Tell me."
Casually stuffing his hands into the pockets of his overalls once more, the rabbit had lazily shrugged with ease, a small nod shot down to you, "Tell me about this idea you got, alright?" He repeated, his head slightly cocked to the side "And I'll help you-"
He punctuated his sentence with a light jab to your chest.
"Under one condition."
His eyes warmly flickered to you, remaining focused on the soft scrunch of your eyebrows.
"If it don't work out, you gotta give up on tryna leave this place together."
His smile had remained lopsided, with a single hand extended carefully for you to shake on the deal, his eyebrow slightly twitched. Your words remained burning on the tip of your tongue, lingering across your lips.
He would help you.
As long as you agreed, he would actually help you.
With a lopsided smile, your hand had smoothly reached for the warmth of his hand.
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a/n: this is a blurb bc i can't help but adore all the characters Michael Kovach voices lolol
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dykeomania · 2 years
𝒎𝒊𝒂'𝒔 𝒔𝒎𝒖𝒕 𝒃𝒍𝒖𝒓𝒃𝒔: untitled (02)
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: finger-fucking. you like ellie's tattoo. the end
𝐚/𝐧: mid certified mia classic containing all of the certified mia themes like getting fucked absolutely dizzy and mutual obsession and abrupt endings. started off as just a silly goofy thought and became something a little bit hornier than that (it's not that bad) (but like). lack of solid plot theme and other potential issues given the reason of yes it was just a thought at first and also because it was composed at like 1/2am. i have nothing else to really say for myself.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: (edited, because i realized i forgot this) -- vaginal penetration, domtop!ellie, pretty foul language. watching ellie while's hand while she fucks you. think that's it
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.1k?
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thinking about ellie's forearm tattoo,
being the only thing you can focus on as she's sat between your legs, stationed above you like a daydream, with her fingers so snug and deep inside your cunt that you find yourself laying there with wide, wet eyes and a stiff body, choking on every moan that's meant to be a breath but that comes out as something ripped and stretched. her brows are knit together in some weird mix of shock and determination as she curses under her breath about how she's never seen you this wet before. about how you're a fucking disaster. been itching for me to fuck you, huh?
it started with the hand that she's got splayed across your lower abdomen. the one pressing on that fucking spot that's nestled so deep inside of you, that every person you'd fucked before ellie had convinced you that it was an itch that would never be scratched. but ellie is hitting it like she's memorized the route -- which she did. passes over it with the rough pads of her fingers in an intentional combination of strokes and come-hither motions stemming from curled fingers, and then has the audacity to push her hand down against the lower part of your stomach and press on it externally. you didn't even fucking know that she could do that -- you didn't know that you would feel that.
the width of her hand splayed across your lower torso was godlike. was something out of a book, or a movie, how her hand fit your frame like it was fucking made to be against you,
and then you notice it.
it's not until you're shivering with pleasure. ellie's arm is burning, and your body is unable to decide what it wants to do between fucking up against her slickened palm in some fueled fit of greed and delirium or sitting up -- or fighting to, rather -- and watching her, in some awkward position only accentuates the tightening in your both of your cores. regardless, your body seems pretty set on gripping some part of ellie's arm. you find that clawing at her bicep makes her occasionally moan into your mouth,
you find that gripping at her forearm makes her fuck you faster.
and in the moment where you can't believe the speed and the strength at with which she is fucking you, all your eyes can do is hang on the grip that you've got on her forearm. her tattooed forearm, containing veins that bulge and accentuate the stems. the design of the fern that was once flat, and two-dimensional, and is now alive. new branches are created everytime her arm flexes when she moves in, and out of you.
for some reason, the sight is brutal. it makes you gasp. makes your pussy gush over her fingers and stop breathing before releasing an all too honest, too rooted, too teary-eyed, oh my god.
you don't manage to catch the way ellie's lower lip is caught between her teeth. nor the rosiness of her cheeks, or the baby hairs lightly sticking to the perimeter of her forehead, her upper cheekbones just beginning to gather a minor perspire-induced glow. you do catch how she looks at you, but it's only because she laughs a little. catches on too quickly. knows from past experience.
like watching me when i fuck you? gets you off watching you cum all over my fingers, doesn't it?
making such a mess all over my hand, babe.
your head falls back with some grating mix of shock and embarrassment, and the whines that leave your lips are your only bet at being able to vocalize the two.
it's cut short, because ellie's hand reaches to pull you up by your jaw, gentle and rough all-the-same,
keep looking.
makes you so fucking wet, can feel all you.
gonna keep fucking you so, so good, baby.
just gotta keep those eyes on me while i fuck you.
and you believe her.
you believe her as you feel your stomach constrict, and release. you believe it as you feel all of the air in your lungs catch fire. you believe it as the image of her tattooed arm fucking you becomes blurrier, as your lashes begin to gather moisture and stick while some stupid fucking look paints your expression on your face and your nails press deep, red welts into the leaves. you believe her as you mumble her name over and over and over again, as she momentarily presses your foreheads together, as she presses a kiss to the side of it, down the side of your cheek, down the side of your neck,
there you go, baby.
just like that, yeah?
yes, holy fuck, just like that. the phrase is something you think or sputter rather than say. some remnant of it garbles it’s way out of your mouth as you watch her, as you watch both of you. watch your hips stir into every thrust she makes, enamored, like the action was a memory of something you don't remember doing. watch as you let yourself accept it. start bathing in the sound of her fingers moving in and out of your cunt, of the friction caused by the base of her palm grinding against your clit. feel a tear streaking down your cheek as she moves works three, long, rough digits inside of you, like she knows you. like she loves you, or loves seeing you like this -- at this point, it has to be both.
to your ear, she whispers, somewhere mixed in the chaos, lips catching against the lobe of it,
i know, baby.
so good, feels so nice and tight around my fingers.
love fucking you like this, want you to cum for me.
one minute your legs are spread to let her in as deep as you can, and then they're straggling, knees scrambling to press themselves together,
yeah? gonna cum for me?
gonna make a mess on my hand, baby?
fuck, yeah. just like that, baby, cum for me.
take it all, and cum for me, just like that, just like that--
and the only time when you are able to pull yourself away from the sight, from the reality of a pleasure that was so impossible gifted to you from a girl so unreal, is when the world collapses underneath the arch of your back,
when her name leaves your lips embodying a literal, textbook, broken devotion,
while your pussy spasms and you wet the lower half of the fern that you were so focused on,
and is when your eyes roll. somewhere far, far into the back of your head.
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ideas-4-stories · 3 months
Cross guild romance prompt:
When S-Hawk and S-Croc are first brought to the Guild or taken in, they both bond with their adult organic counterparts. But they actually really REALLY love Buggy.
He has that energy of Safe For Children, he's actually really really good with kiddos, especially ones with trauma. He really became the kinda person he wanted and needed when he was a lil'un. Buggy really likes kids, honestly, he just doesn't interact with them much, especially lately what with his newfound notoriety. Back in the East, at least, he could go relatively under cover and set up a circus event. Now, he's got his hands tied with options.
Crocodile and Mihawk are both surprised by this but don't particularly care. So what if the clown can make balloon animals and makes the boys actually smile and laugh? He's just a clown. Clowns do that. Whatever.
It only comes to a head when, late one evening, Mihawk goes to check on the boys when he senses a strange disturbance. Buggy beat him there. The swordsman watches from the doorway as Birdie (his own seraphim, name pending, nickname in the meantime) sits on the clown's lap, rubbing tears from his eyes. Angel (Croc's seraphim, name pending, nickname in the meantime) is wrapped up against the clown's chest. The three are in the rocking chair, Buggy holding both of the boys close, comforting them with hands in hair or petting backs. And he's singing softly to them. It's a language Mihawk has never heard before, to his knowledge. Though it DOES remind him of some of the seemingly senseless babble from Shanks when he drank far too much. He stays in the shadows, watching. Observing. Memorizing.
He refuses to acknowledge the warmth in his chest as anything other than mild heartburn.
Crocodile is faced with a similar situation but very much different. It's midday for one. And there are no tears or need for comfort involved for another.
It was a cooler day, and he'd seen hide nor hair from the clown for more than a few hours. Truly, a horrific notion.
He ends up finding Buggy in the kitchen, hair in a messy bun and wearing an apron. The kids are with him as well, in oversized aprons. All three are a mess, laughing, flour and powdered sugar on her faces, aprons, in their hair. It's chaotic. It's loud. It's... happy.
Crocodile just watches for a bit, as the boys bounce and squeal over the dark chocolate and red velvet cake they made, Buggy gently walking them through piping designs. He chuckles when they make a mistake, nudges them with his hip and calls it "avant garde", waves off any concern. He's gentle with them as he guides tiny, deceptively soft little hands in loops and designs, laying out stencils and sifting powdered sugar to make shapes. It's cavity inducing.
Especially when Angel, hair held back with a headband decorated with frogs, looks up at Buggy and asks without hesitation, "Can we take some to Father and Papa, mama Bug?"
Crocodile tenses. His eyes go wide. Has the clown been coaching them, has he been-
Then he catches sight of Buggy blushing, staring wide eyed at Angel. "What did you call me, Angie?"
"Called you mama Bug. Why?"
Buggy kneels down, smiling softly despite the visible confusion. "Why did you call me that, gumdrop?"
Birdie chips in at that point, leaning to peek over his brother's shoulder. "Because you're Mama."
Buggy giggles, tucking a loose curl back. "I meant, where did you silly sweeties learn that?"
Both boys grin brightly. "Books! And that story book you read us all the time, the one with the princes and knights and dragons! Papa is the big dragon, and Father is the king!" They both turn blinding smiles at the clown. "And you're the queen! 'Cause the queen is nice and warm and fun and smart and pretty! And the queen is the princes' mama, so you're mama. Mamas are supposed to be nice and cozy and take care of us. Like you do! So you're mama!"
Buggy sniffles, smiling so fondly, so softly, it makes something in Crocodile thump roughly. He won't put a name to it. He refuses.
When Buggy cups the boys' cheeks, presses a kiss to their foreheads, the logia user turns on his heel and walks away.
Just. The seraphims up and deciding that the cross guild leaders are the parents and playing accidentally-on-purpose matchmakers. Mihawk and Crocodile angrily falling for the Clown because the introduction of children has opened a new face for him, a new perspective to view and they're so pissed about it. They don't even want to beat him up anymore. They lay awake at night thinking about him. They're so mad. They're feral.
The kids are just like "wow, our dads are dumb. We should help!"
Cue a series of absolutely wild shenanigans, and Buggy is just. So confused. Then so done. So tired. He needs a nap. Maybe an energy drink. Maybe both at once.
S-Hawk and S-Croco makes sense to bond with their adult counterparts or come to a mutual tolerance of each other. The seraphim children really REALLY love Buggy because he has that SAFE energy for kids. I like that headcanon that he’s really good with kiddos, indeed he became the person for children that he wanted when he was little bug.
Buggy must be scared of interacting with kids after becoming one of the Emperor of the Sea. Yeah, Buggy could be a ringmaster and other performers in a circus back in the East Blue.
Headcanon: Buggy can make the greatest balloon animals because why not?
Mihawk going to check on the boys and find Buggy beat him to it, the clown hugging them both and calming them both. Birdie and Angel (holy stars what cute nicknames, let me guess all three have to come to a decision on what S-Croco and S-Hawk’s names will truly be and the seraphims must agree on them) Then Buggy starts singing to them! Mihawk’s heart!
Love One Piece having different languages than the common one… Maybe the language that the clown is singing in the Wado’s original language! Or maybe Roger or another Roger Pirate could speak another language and that’s what Buggy is singing in? IDK
Crocodile facing a similar situation, but it’s happier and more fun because the kids and Buggy are making treats (When you wrote that Crocodile having seen Buggy more than a couple times and to Crocodile it was a horrifying notion… does that mean Crocodile was looking for Buggy!!!) That mafia boss finding Buggy in the kitchen with the children. Awwwwwwwwww
It’s chaotic fun for Buggy and the seraphims, and they are making dark chocolate and red velvet cake! That’s so fucking cute! Squealing and wanting to kick my feet in the air of how cute the imagines I see are!!! Buggy walking them through piping the best he can, telling them that their mistakes don’t matter, and the cake still looks amazing. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
How Angel (love the headband decorated with frogs, you know that was once Buggy’s headbands or Buggy bought it for him) shocks both adults because he calls Crocodile - Father, Mihawk - Papa, and Buggy - Mama Bug! (I don't think it's only because Angel called Buggy - Mama) So, does Birdie call Mihawk - Father and Crocodile - Papa?
Crocodile thinking Buggy taught him to do that, but Buggy is as confused Crocodile is (Calling the Seraphim Gumdrop, that’s a cute nickname) Birdie agreeing with his brother about calling Buggy - Mama Bug and they learned it from books. (I read like Birdie was the one saying it, so Papa Crocodile is the big dragon, Father Mihawk being the king and Mama Buggy as the queen)
Buggy being emotional about this is so him. Crocodile’s heart thumping against his chest while Buggy is pressing a kiss on their foreheads. Going back to making the cake with Angel and Birdie as Crocodile leaves the kitchen, probably going to where Mihawk is.
Love that the seraphims are accidentally-on-purpose matchmakers and deciding the cross leaders are their parents. Love how Mihawk and Crocodile are anger that they are falling for the clown. Love that those two are lying awake and thinking about Buggy.
The kids thinking their dada are dumb and think everything will be well if they help. In the end everything was fine… but in the middle? Holy stars what did those two do? Yeah, Buggy will be needing bot an energy drink and a nap, so confused and done with what’s happening.
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Culpa Mía (My fault): Quotes
“- Noah? Isn’t that a boy’s name? (Nick) - Your limited vocabulary doesn’t include the word “unisex”? (Noah)
“- It’s fine. My evening was going to be dull... Now we’ll have something to laugh about.” (Nick)
“- What are you doing? (Noah) - What’s your problem now? (Nick) - I don’t want to die because of a lunatic who can’t drive.” (Noah)
“- You wouldn’t dare. (Nick) - The perfect boy, huh? Damn. You’ve really fooled everyone. (Noah) - I’m perfect in many ways, honey. (Nick) - Modesty isn’t one of them.” (Noah)
“- If you were capable of having emotions, you’d appreciate it.” (Noah)
“- I put you into bed and lots of things happened. (Nick) - You didn’t touch me. That’s what a psychopath would do. You’re more twisted, Nick Leister.” (Noah)
“- Get drunk and make out with some guy?” Or the other way around? Depends on how hot he is.” (Jenna)
“- Stop scaring away everyone who comes near me.” (Noah)
“- Sorry I’m not as complicated as you, racing cars to prove who has a bigger one.” (Noah)
“- Hey, Will! Which one? (Rafaella) - Both are beautiful. (Will) - I’ll tell the designers, but which one should I wear?” (Rafaella)
“- Hey, you know Rodrigo wants to be my boyfriend? (Nick’s sister) - The blond? What will you tell him? (Nick) - No. (Nick’s sister) - Good girl! You’ll only get heartbroken. Do what I do, sis, run away before it’s too late. (Nick) - I have two boyfriends already. Why would I want three?” (Nick’s sister)
“- Don’t let me do this again. (Nick) - Wait, you get close to me and I have to prevent it? (Noah) - I don’t know what’s happening to me.” (Nick)
“- Betty didn’t mean anything. I missed you and she reminded me of you.” (Dan)
“- If our parents catch us it’ll be game over. (Nick) - Is that what you want? (Noah) - No. You? (Nick) - No.” (Noah)
“- Honey, did something happen with Dan? (Rafaella) - No. I just didn’t expected to see him so soon. I was some sort of emotional jet lag. I’ll be fine.” (Noah)
“- He’s after you. You have to stop going out alone. (Nick) - So do you. (Noah) - I’m serious. (Nick) - So am I. (Noah) - Well, let’s stop going out alone. Both of us. (Nick) - Not the most romantic way to say you want to spend more time with me. (Noah) - Do you want to spend more time with me? (Nick) - I can’t. Dan’s still here. (Noah) - Do you still have feelings for him? (Nick) - Does it hurt? (Noah) - We’re being bad again, Freckles. (Nick) - Do you want me to stop? Are you sure you can resist? Why do we girls always get hooked on the bad boys? You’re cocky, liars and you’re violent. (Noah) - You’re wrong. I’m not like that.” (Nick)
“- No! I don’t want Anna to rip my eyeballs out. (Noah) - This had never happened to me with Anna or anyone else. It’s the first time I can’t control myself. (Nick) - Mario is waiting for me. What does he want from you? (Nick) - I just know he smiles when he sees me. (Noah) - Are you going to settle for a smile? (Nick) - Until our faces hurt. (Noah) - That guy has no blood in his veins. He can’t give you what you need. (Nick) - What do I need? (Noah) - You don’t need kisses, you need volcanic eruptions in your mouth. You don’t need caresses, you need furrows burying in deeply until you shiver. Vertigo-inducing whispers in your ear. You don’t need pleasure, you need shivers.” (Nick - Sorry it’s beyond nonsense).
“- Isn’t it exciting? (Nick) - Getting hurt excites you? (Noah) - Pain doesn’t bother me. (Nick) - And your opponent? Do you enjoy hurting others? (Noah) - No, I just like to fight. (Nick) - Well, I don’t get it. (Noah) - It’s a way to blow off steam. (Nick) - From what? What trauma do you have that’s making you do this?” (Noah)
“- What the fuck do you think you’re doing? (Noah) - I don’t know. I’ve never felt jealous of anyone before. You drive me crazy. (Nick) - So this is all you can offer me? This can’t eve happen again. (Noah) - I swear I won’t do it again. (Nick) - No, nothing can happen between us. Ever again. (Noah) - What? Why? What’s wrong? (Nick) - You’re hurting me. (Noah) - Stop messing with my head. (Nick) - What’s wrong with you? Don’t you see? I’m scared. (Noah) - Scared of what? (Nick) - Besides the dark, like a little girl. Of you. I can’t have a violent person in my life again.” (Noah
“- Where are all the cool guys who whisper you sweet things? (Jenna) - Those guys don’t exist. (Noah) - Yeah. (Jenna) - See? Why can’t they say “I love you”? They say “I love you” before sleeping with you. but what they mean is “I want you”. (Noah) - Exactly. (Jenna) - Of course, then they cum and go quiet. Mistake! You have to say it after! That’s when it means something not before.” (Noah)
“- Why do you make it so hard for me to hate you? (Noah) - I would do everything to you, Noah, you know that. But we won’t do anything until there’s no fear left in your eyes.” (Nick)
“- All of this was my fault. Instead of leaving you stranded that day, I should’ve kissed you. If I’d known earlier about your dad... But you know I’d never hurt you. You know that. (Nick) - They know about us. There’s not time for apologies. (Noah) - If loving each other is a sin, then yes, we’re guilty. No. I couldn’t bear it if these were our last kisses. (Nick) - These kisses will last forever. If this is going to be the last time, why don’t we make it our first, too? Just promise me we will never forget it.” (Noah)
“- Are you trying to kill us? (Noah’s father) - Does it matter? We’re already dead.” (Noah)
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gavisuntiedboot · 1 year
ok you totally don't have to do it butttttttttttt like could we get a spare gavi spending eid w/ the reader's family for your muslim readers 👀
It would be so islamaphobic if I didn’t do this (reader is an Arabic speaker. If you don’t speak Arabic, pretend that the Arabic is whatever language you want!)
Drip Too Hard
“Pablo I’m almost ready I just need to- what are you wearing?”
Pablo fought back the urge to laugh at the look of shock-horror on your face. It didn’t seem like the appropriate time. His eyes scanned your figure, wrapped in a beautiful blue dress. The skirt and sleeves were embroidered in gold thread, weaving elaborate floral patterns that cascaded and shimmers across your body. Delicate glass beads reflected the light, throwing fractals around the room. Layers of jewelry hung delicately from your neck and wrists, chiming with every one of your movements. He was used to your face done up, but your hair flowing and the precise black lines framing your face made you a different type of captivating. You looked simply stunning. He peered down at his own attire, suddenly feeling horribly underdressed. His short sleeve shirt and khakis, despite being rather pricey, gave the impression that he was off to a beach volleyball tournament, while you looked ready to grace a runway or gala.
“…clothes? I didn’t know this was a formal event. I thought we were just going to go have brunch with your parents.”
“Right but it’s Eid brunch. Why are you in shorts??”
“Why does this brunch need us to dress like we’re going to a ball?”
Your eyes were wide as saucers, jaw on the floor. You know Gavi hadn’t been around the culture and religion for that long, but you couldn’t process this level of unawareness to his surroundings. You had dragged him across Barcelona to different markets to get fabric and beads for your dress, taking swatches to perfectly match your heels, and even asking him to bring you a specific pendant from his trip to Ibiza. You thought he might sense that the occasion called for something more formal than khaki shorts.
“Come here, Pablito.”
You said, sitting on your couch and beckoning him over. He froze in his spot a moment, realizing he was about to face a potential scolding. He walked slowly and sat beside you, careful not to crush the luxurious fabric you were wrapped in. You turned your phone screen to him, showing him a glamorous photo. Three young men, all around your age, in different colored suits. All of them brandished designer belts with large buckles, the leather matching that of their dress shoes. Three wrists displayed three gleaming watches, all embossed with a crown. Next to them, a girl stood in a beautifully embroidered dress, the glittering fabric reflecting the sunlight. The deep purple of the garment was reflected in her intricate eye makeup, and the red bottoms of her heels peaked through the drapery.
“These, Pablo, are my cousins. This is what they wore to Eid brunch with the family last year and they were called underdressed because one of them didn’t have a suit jacket. Eid is the Muslim Met Gala, and I will not be on the worst dressed list by association. Please tell me you have something else to wear.”
Gavi brought his hands to his temples, rubbing them to soothe the oncoming headache from all the information.
“Amie Paris always sends me stuff and I haven’t opened most of it. Oh and Dolce & Gabbana. You can look through and pick an outfit for me.” He suggested, watching your eyes light up and a smile erupt across your face. You tugged his wrist, encouraging him to follow you in. For the next 20 minutes, you treated him like your own personal Ken doll, dressing him up in different luxurious clothing.
You took a step back to admire your artistry. On his chest rested a crisp blue Amie dress shirt, tucked into the pants of a stunningly tailored D&G suit, hugging every muscle in an elegant and yet drool inducing manner. A black Hermes belt sat low on his hips, matching the black leather dress shoes you had forced him into (“Pablo it’s a formal event put the Dunks away!”). Matching Hermes cuff links clinked softly against the platinum Rolex on his wrist. He pushed his hair back and put on his favorite sunglasses.
“Good enough for the Eid instagram picture?” He asked, smirking as he saw you look at him like he was ambrosia from the heavens above.
“Mhm, almost too good. Let’s go before my parents get suspicious as to why we’re late.”
Pulling up to your parents house, Pablo parked behind the six or seven other cars by the property. The gorgeous weather had brought the Eid festivities outside, and Gavi couldn’t help but be struck by the beauty of it all. Tables in white and gold cloths held serving trays piled high with sweet and savory delicacies. Every utensil, from the plates to the silverware, was embellished with gold patterns, forming the shapes of stars and crescent moons. Your entire family was spread across the lawn: parents in the middle conversing with aunts and uncles while sipping on cold juices, and cousins ages 3 to 33 were spread about, running and laughing and of course taking photos.
“While I’m incredibly grateful that you made me change, I still feel a little out of place. I don’t know what you’re supposed to do on Eid.” He said, keeping himself at a respectable religious distance. You giggled softly before grabbing his hand, lancing your fingers between his clammy ones. “You just celebrate. Like Christmas. We’ll say hi to my parents, then we can mingle and do whatever we want until they serve the food.”
“Okay okay, one last question.”
“Yes, pablito?”
“What is that creature on the table?”
You turned around to follow Gavi’s line of sight, a loud laugh releasing itself from your throat before you could contain it. You tried to stifle it quickly as the redness creeped onto Gavi’s cheeks. You didn’t want to embarrass him.
“That’s a roasted lamb, amor. I know it looks a little strange to see a whole one on a tray like that, but it’s tradition. They might ask you to eat the head.”
Before you could answer and quell Pablo’s fear, your mother called you over.
"حبيبتي، شو المضحك لهذه الدرجة؟ صوتك كثير عالي"
(Love, what’s so funny? You’re laughing very loudly)
Walking over, you kissed your mother on the cheek three times, hugging her close and wishing her a blessed Eid.
"ولا شيء مهم، ماما. كان خطيبي بس خايف من شكال الخاروف "
(Nothing important, mama. My fiancé was just scared by the lamb)
Pablo followed you over after a moment, shaking your father’s hand and kissing your mother on the cheeks. He thanked them for allowing him to be a part of their celebration, and your mother hugged him once again, reminding him that he was like family.
After small talk with your parents, you and Pablo moved around the function, greeting and chatting with various cousins. You laughed and talked loudly, continuing carefree. You loved watching Gavi interact with your family, culture, and religion. About 30 minutes after your arrival, you felt a tap on your shoulder.
“We’re going to take instagram pictures now, and we were wondering: can we steal your man to be in them with us?” You stated in shock at your cousins, who often payed you and your doings no mind. “Why him?” You asked, amused by how shy they seemed, like children asking if their friend could come play. “Because he’s dripping hard. Plus if we tag him we could get mad amounts of girls in our DMs.” Have to appreciate that honesty.
Gavi agreed to the photos, and stood with your male cousins to take some hot and only slightly cringey photos in front of all the expensive cars people drive to the function. Afterwards, Pablo handed his phone to your cousin, asking for pictures of the two of you.
“We have to get some together princesa. I wouldn’t look this fine without your help.”
Walking over, you wrapped an arm around him and kissed his cheek, eliciting vomit sounds from your family. “You’re pretty fine looking all on your own. Thank you, by the way, for coming with me.”
“Of course. There’s no one I’d rather spend my time with, habibti.” (My love)
Needless to say, that one phrase is what created the best photo. You were looking over your shoulder with sheer joy on your face, eyes meeting those of an excited and lovesick Pablo. He was your biggest blessing.
Based on my real eid fit and how serious eid insta photos actually are. Also, Eid is 3 days, so this is y’all’s eid gift from meeeee!! Hope y’all enjoy this one 🥰 love u guys xoxo, boot w another migraine !!!
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gingerjunhan · 9 months
xdinary heroes and the little things
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word count: 1097 | pronouns used: none | genre: fluff, established relationship | cws: none!, if I missed something lmk
goo gunil
Gunil loves when the two of you are out together and you say something along the lines of “let’s go home”
the idea of you both going to the same place, and you thinking of it as “home” warms his heart
It was rather late in the evening, and you and Gunil were on your way home after visiting your family. It had been a long day, and you were finally ready to wind down and relax.
“Gunil?” You asked him, breaking the comfortable silence in the car.
“Yes my love?”
“When we get home, can we watch a movie?”
Gunil’s heart felt like it stopped. Home? The two of you didn’t even live together- you were just spending the night in the dorm- and yet you considered it “home.”
“Y-Yeah,” he stuttered as he snapped out of his blush-inducing thoughts. “We can watch a movie. What do you want to watch?”
You thought about it for a second. “I don’t know, I’m just in the mood to watch a movie. When we get home we can decide together.”
Gunil smiled wide, “Sounds great.”
kim jungsu
Jungsu gives me that vibe that he has a very long, multi-step skincare routine
self care is very important to Jungsu, so he would love to be able to spend that designated, relaxing time with you every day
“Can you pass me the moisturizer please, Jungsu?”
“Of course.”
Jungsu passed you your moisturizer and then began to wash the face wash off of his face. Once he had removed the suds from his skin, he turned your way again. “Can you pass the moisturizer back over here when you’re done please?”
“Don’t worry, I’ve got it.” You dipped your finger into the moisturizer container and quickly dotted it over his cheeks before rubbing it in, squishing his cheeks in the process, causing you both to laugh.
“I can do it myself,” Jungsu insisted with a laugh.
“No no, don’t worry,” you joked. “This is what partners are for.”
kwak jiseok
seeing your toothbrush next to his is quite literally one of the things that gets Jiseok out of bed in the mornings
it’s just so domestic and sweet :(
a gentle reminder that you’re still here with him
Jiseok yawned as he looked in the mirror. His hair was a disheveled mess, and there was still sleep in his eyes. He reached for his toothbrush, almost accidentally picking up yours instead. He stopped, his hand hovering in the air above both of your toothbrushes. This was a new thing, you keeping a toothbrush at his place. You’ve been staying over so often that you decided that it would be a smart thing to do. Suddenly, you appeared in the door.
“Good morning.”
“Good morning,” he responded back, quickly picking up his own toothbrush. “I almost used your toothbrush again.”
You chuckled. “Again? This is the second time this week.”
Jiseok began to brush his teeth, and you did the same. The two of you made eye contact in the mirror, and you smiled at him the best you could. He returned the favor, knowing instantly that he wanted to do this with you every morning from now on.
oh seungmin
Seungmin’s heart practically skips a beat when he learns that you use his shampoo while he’s away
he finds it so sweet that you find that much comfort in the smallest details about him
The two of you were laying in bed together, about to call it a night. Seungmin has you pulled tightly to his chest. He takes a deep breath in.
“You smell nice,” he announces into the darkness of the bedroom.
“Thank you, I used your shampoo.”
Seungmin pulls away from you slightly, looking down at you now. “You what?”
“I used your shampoo,” you told him again.
“I missed you today,” you admitted to him, holding him tighter. “And you always smell so nice, so I used your shampoo because it smells like you.”
Seungmin swears his heart just melted. He holds you close again, taking another deep breath.
“Do you use my shampoo often?”
“Sometimes. Mostly when you’re gone for a long time.”
Seungmin smiled into the darkness of the room. “Then I’ll start buying bigger bottles.”
han hyeongjun
cooking meals together is a !must! with Hyeongjun
whenever you two spend evenings together, you always bring new recipes to try
“Jun, how many eggs do these brownies call for?”
“Two,” replies simply as he reads through the recipe. He slides you the egg carton and you start to crack the eggs into your batter. As you do that, Hyeongjun busies himself with measuring out any of the dry ingredients you still need.
It wasn’t long until your brownies were in the oven, and now it was time for the waiting game. You had both finished cleaning up, and now you were perched on top of the counter.
“How much longer?” You whined. Hyeongjun chuckled at you.
“About 15 more minutes.” He approached where you sat atop the counter, and you wrapped your arms around him. The sweet smell of brownies filled the kitchen while he basked in your embrace.
lee jooyeon
Jooyeon loves grocery shopping!!
it’s so simple but he thinks it’s so fun
“Okay,” you began. “We still need to find the peanut butter.”
Jooyeon groaned. “I swear we’ve walked up and down every aisle in this store! Where could it be?”
“I don’t know. It’s typically pretty easy to find.”
As you both made your way through the store again, Jooyeon had an idea. “Can we race to find it?”
“You go one way, I go the other,” he proposed. “First to find the peanut butter wins.”
You laughed at his antics. He always found ways to make the most simple tasks interesting.
“Sure. We can race for it.” Jooyeon’s face lit up.
“Okay, first one to the peanut butter wins. Ready?” You both took your stances. “Set? …GO!” You both took off through the store, trying not to get caught by the workers. No matter where you looked, the peanut butter was nowhere to be found. Minutes went by as you mindlessly went from aisle to aisle. Suddenly a voice stopped your search.
“I found it!” It was Jooyeon, holding up a jar of peanut butter at the end of your aisle. “There was a corner of the store we missed!” You let out a sigh of defeat as Jooyeon jogged up to you. “Do I get a reward as the winner?” He smirked.
You rolled your eyes, “Fine.” You gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Now let’s go check out.”
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