#latin tips
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mindfulstudyquest · 11 months ago
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“ vindica te tibi „ – and what we should learn from an old stoic like Seneca
if you have ever studied latin or philosophy, you will certainly have stumbled upon Seneca, a very problematic dude who, however, occasionally said the right things.
“ vindica te tibi „ is my all-time-favorite latin quote, it litterally means “ vindicate yourself for yourself „, but we can translate it better with “ take control of yourself „. in order to deeply understand this statement, let's take a look at stoic philosophy.
stoicism [ from latin stōicus and ancient greek Στωϊκός ( stōïkós ) ]: it’s a philosophy designed to make us more resilient, happier, more virtuous and more wise and – as a result – better people, better parents and better professionals. it is a philosophical and spiritual current with a rational (human rationality is the basis of everything), pantheistic (everything is God, God is everywere, the whole universe is God), deterministic (nothing happens by chance but everything is regulated by precise logical laws), and dogmatic (all that is, as being, is real and concrete) imprint, with a strong ethical and tendentially optimistic orientation. stoicism was founded in Athens around 300 bc by Zeno of Citium and later it was introduced to rome by Panaetius of Rhodes in the 2nd century bc. stoicism is a tool in the pursuit of self-mastery, perseverance, and wisdom: something one uses to live a great life, rather than some esoteric field of academic inquiry. [ sources wikipedia and dailystoic ]
Seneca was a stoic philosopher who lived in rome in the 1st century ad, and he wrote this quote in a letter addressed to Lucilus, a friend of his much younger than him, interested in philosophy and politics.
in this letter ( the first of his epistolary ) he deals with the theme of time and the brevity of life, a subject that he would often return to in many of his works. basically Seneca claims that life isn't actually that short, as the majority of people complain, we're just very good at waste our time beign slaves of something, instead of using it wisley. there are many ways people waste their time, he calls them " the busy ones ", those people who spend their energies on useless business and relationships, which lead neither to their personal growth nor to an economic, social or psychological advantage, just because they're used to it.
Seneca is saying that we are so used to wasting time, doing certain things just because we have been taught to do so, that we don't realize that we could do much more for ourselves and for our enviroment if we only knew how to use our time correctly.
" vindica te tibi " means that you have to take control of your time, because no one can give it back to you. your future depends on the investment in yourself and in your time, your future and who you are as a person is up to you. take control of yourself.
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magpiecollectingknowledge · 7 months ago
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Extra post cause I'm learning Latin and I'm obsessed with translation at the moment. Languages are a big interest of mine, and as I'm planning on studying ancient religion for my postgraduate degree, Latin seemed like a great choice.
(For anyone interested, the text comes from 'Reading Latin: Text and Vocabulary' by Jones and Sidwell. Highly recommend if you need translation practice and want to build your vocabulary, but would need a grammar accompliment if you're a beginner or don't have a basic grasp of Latin sentence structure, cases and basic vocab).
If anyone else is learning Latin pls let me know, I'd love to talk to others learning cause it's not the most popular language, probs because it's dead lmao.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 7 months ago
5 More Latin Phrases
to try to include in your poem/story (again)
Over the centuries, certain Latin phrases have been used widely enough in English to get included in the dictionary.
Aere Perennius
"More lasting than bronze"
In the final poem in his third book of Odes, Horace boasts that his poetry will outlive any manmade monument:
"Exegi monumentum aere perennius." ("I have made a monument more lasting than bronze.")
Given that his words continue to be used two thousand years later, perhaps he's right.
Caveat Emptor
"Let the buyer beware"
In early Roman law, sales of goods were governed by caveat emptor: buyers were advised to scrutinize the goods before purchase, because sellers had few obligations.
Over time, the imperative of caveat emptor has been softened by warranties, both express and implied.
Caveat has been adopted directly into English, and has a small range of meanings, including "a warning enjoining one from certain acts or practices" and "an explanation to prevent misinterpretation."
Emptor has likewise been taken directly into the English language, although the word is far less common than caveat; it has retained the rather narrow meaning of "buyer, purchaser."
Per Angusta Ad Augusta
"Through difficulties to honors"
These four words have inspired students and soldiers for centuries.
Alternative translations include "through trial to triumph" and "through difficulties to great things."
Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc
"After this, therefore on account of it"
This refers to the logical mistake of claiming that one thing caused another just because it happened first.
For example, the rooster crows and the sun rises - but to argue that the rooster's crowing causes the sun to rise would be post hoc, ergo propter hoc reasoning.
It was Aristotle who laid the groundwork for classifying bad arguments based on logical errors like this one.
Si Monumentum Requiris, Circumspice
"If you seek his monument, look around"
It took 35 years to complete London's magnificent St. Paul's Cathedral.
When its architect, Sir Christopher Wren, died twelve years later in 1723, he was entombed inside, under a simple slab of black marble.
Wren's son placed a dedication nearby, which contains the words "Lector, si monumentum requiris, circumspice" ("Reader, if you seek a monument, look around you").
The phrase is generally used to describe a person's legacy - and can be taken to mean that what we leave behind (including intangible things like relationships) best represents our life.
If any of these phrases make their way into your next poem/story, please tag me, or leave a link in the replies. I would love to read them!
Latin Phrases pt. 1
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thatsbelievable · 11 months ago
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lemm-moxx · 4 months ago
Dude i really need to write a proper post abt monstale this aus been brewing for over 2 years 😭
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paramnesia9 · 1 year ago
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got loadds of things done this week!!
downloaded new app called 'structured', rly helping me manage time
did debate, speech was too long so i lost some scoring on that but did fine
went shopping and got a whiteboard!!
did rlly well in chem test, (95), got better at math (78) and got 85 on a bio prac, so im happy
my ex got 96 on chem (at least thats what he says)
im struggling to move on from him, despite trying to talk to others it feels like i dont want anyone else but him
have started gaining momentum with all the stuff i aimed to do this month (bit late but oh well)
made a bet w someone to buy me lunch if i beat him on the next math test, so that should be fun
we're moving onto poetry in latin now, i cant even understand normal texts and now they want me to analyse poetry im sobbing
anwyays, thanks for reading . always remember that you're an amazing person on your own, and you shouldnt define yourself too quickly because you can change. have a good week <3
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speromelior · 2 years ago
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Recently I have been reading into Biopower and Biopolitics which finds its origins in Foucault. Agamben's "Homo Sacer" has been extremely interesting, especially because I wish to do some more research in Disability Studies. I am looking forward to reading Lennard J Davis.
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rawrxtea · 2 months ago
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Hi! I’m Lily or Lily Dahlia, and this is my #nsfw tumblr account! I’m not new to tumblr but I figured I should make my first post a bit of an introduction.
I’m your dominant, sweet and spicy, witchy goth/alt mommy here to save your soul .. or take it 😘🖤 I’m 24 yrs old with two fiancés, two cute little doggies, and a kitty! I’m also part Native American and Mexican, and I’m a full time online content creator mostly featuring nsfw content on my sites 🖤
I love to draw, listen to music, dance, and play video games! I do my best to stream every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday’s , but with work I sometimes don’t have the time or can’t find the energy to stream, but just know I play video games any chance I get, lol 😘 (IMPORTANT NOTICE: there is to be NO conversations about my adult work in twitch chat to prevent making me uncomfortable and others in chat uncomfortable. If there’s anything you have questions about or would like to talk about, please DM me or sub to my sites. Thank you for understanding 🖤)
I work all week long, except the weekends! That’s my time to really unwind and relax or catch up on editing 🥰
If there’s anything I can do for you, I can respond to any of your DM’s with a $20 tribute fee, or by subscribing to my sites. I am a #femdom #findom anyways, so my time and attention is not free 💋 tipping/payment methods are in the link above.
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pjotranslated · 1 year ago
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The first few lines of my very big project
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littlesistersti · 1 year ago
To Fans of Nyo!Belarus...
To any of you who named him “Arlovskaya”, do you know how surnames work in Russian-speaking countries? Also, did you read the kitawiki? It never said “Arlovskaya”, it said “Arlofsky” or “Arlovski”. Although, Arlovski is a real person, and I’m pretty sure Natasha’s surname isn’t Arlofskaya with an f. 
Can any Russians and Belarusians confirm if Natalya/Natallia is still relevant? Is it an outdated name or still going? I feel most of the characters have old people name.
Update: Wikipedia said the Belarusian spelling is feminine “Арлоўска��” (Arlouskaya, Arloŭskaja, Arlowskaya) or masculine “Арлоўскі” (Arloŭski, Arlowski) but I know every Belarusians will write however they think is correct, because we all think differently according to the language we understand. You know that internet meme what language do bilinguals/polyglots think in? The better question is what language rules do they think in? Example, came across a name on a social media handle “Bitl” and I thought “wait, I thought your name is Zhuk?” Turns out, Zhuk means beatle. (Edit: I mispelt beetle)
PS. Why did people name Romania “Vlad” after Vlad Tepes then proceeded to name him “Vladimir” when that’s a Russian name and Vlad Tepes the Impaler’s full name is right there, “Vladislav”. How did we fail that one?????
PPS. I forgot when I wrote this. This sat in my drafts forever. 
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hermeneutes4 · 6 months ago
Guys. Do any of you find blookets helpful for your language learning? I've found them super helpful lately when learning German!!
They're so interactive (?). It's almost like a kahoot, but it has like different game modes! They're super fun and I definitely recommend it!
I'll reblog this post with the link to my German basics one once I'm a bit more done with it!
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jpnnewmusicdaily · 5 months ago
遍路 (Henro) by Yoshiko Sai / 佐井好子
Album: 胎児の夢 Year: 1977 Label: Teichiku Entertainment (Black sublabel) Lyrics & Music: Yoshiko Sai / 佐井好子
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justplaggin · 7 months ago
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went to milan last week and brought back some italian little guys :D
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aster-draws · 10 months ago
Hey do you have any general writing tips? Or tips that helped you along your journey? You write very well and in this very specific way that itches my brain juts right. How do you do it?
I know it sucks, but practice is like The Answer. I've been writing like, compulsively since I was around 10 years old and I started my first novel. It was bad. It was very bad back then.
below the cut is a more deep dive into my thoughts on this (written at midnight after a 16 hour shift, bear with me)
I have attended a lot of writing workshops, I took the advanced literature and language classes, I went to writing bootcamps, i did Nanowrimo several years in a row. I have written just. So much crap. (objective crap.)
I feel like a lot of the tips that have helped me progress aren't things that I've implemented, but rather, have given me the tools to describe what I'm already doing, and allow me to do them more intentionally. Because, at the end of the day, if you're trying to force something, like using different dialogue tags, or varying your sentence length and structure (which is helpful in making your writing engaging!!) it will kinda sound forced.
I feel like my personal style and voice is impacted a lot by what I read, as well. It used to be much worse, I would basically just steal the style of whatever I just barely read (and I read a lot of Not so well written things) but it would literally change my own internal narrative. But as I've gotten older and I've expanded outside of YA literature (and read a lot more. like. a LOT) I've settled into a more consistent and personal style. Read a lot. And read good books? obviously i still love a good trashy romance novel (my Kindle history should never see the light of day) but by and large I do try and read a wide variety, including a lot of non-fiction (specifically scientific literature. I looooooooove science non-fiction and I do think that's provided a significant impact on my work)
in terms of more concrete things that i've done to improve my writing- still just practice, but with direction
-stream of consciousness writing for 30 minutes every day (I no longer do this, but I did daily for several years)
-stealing (not really) when I was in middle school, one of my english teachers had us take samples from several genres and mimic sentence structure as a way to really internalize the literary devices they were using
-annotation and analyzation. Picking apart media that I like in order to understand What is prompting What reaction. I write in all my books, i put in little notes, I break down if it's a structural thing (in the prose proper) or a story element, and how it contributes to the wider purpose of the text. It's fun.
tldr: it's practice. the answer is practice ^that is how I practice more or less tho
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boybasher · 29 days ago
✨💕 HEARTBREAKER 💕✨ (my latina baddie grwm vlog and romantic goth makeup tutorial)
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whydousernamesevenexist · 1 year ago
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