#latin resources
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I’m interested in learning Latin, where would you suggest I start?
So exciting! I'll try to keep this short:
I recommend starting with this very short informal intro, especially if you don't have a strong grasp on technical terms about grammar (most textbooks take that for granted). Latin grammar follows a rigid organisational system and the earlier you understand how it works, the easier it will be to learn the rest of the language. The 18-page PDF in the link uses English examples and practice questions to go through basic Latin grammar concepts and tables. It doesn't go through less basic things like participles or conditional clauses, but it does explain everything you need to know in order to learn those more easily. It also includes a hyperlinked list of good online resources for self-taught Latin and Greek students.
If you want to work through a textbook, Wheelock's Latin is probably the most widely used and comes with a lot of accompanying resources and guides (even though the official website looks older than Rome). Ecce Romani may be a bit more approachable and there are plenty of unofficial online lessons and guides made to go along with it. Those are my top two personally; I know some people like Latin Via Ovid because the practice texts are adapted from an actual ancient text about different myths, but imho I don't think it's as good a starting point if you're teaching yourself from scratch. Keep in mind that they'll all follow different formats for conjugation/declension tables, which can make it a bit confusing to switch between them; the short intro in that first link is a good way to understand how these charts work well enough to use them no matter the format.
There are tons of free resources online, even including full recordings of lessons, live study groups to join, communities with forum posting, and written-out explanations. For any individual concept that's troubling you, there are almost definitely multiple youtube videos of someone in front of a whiteboard saying it differently from the textbooks. Again, there's a good list included in that first document.
For practice in reading and understanding without deliberately translating, it's fun to try reading Latin translations of books you already know well in English, like Harrius Potter, Hobbitus Ille, Winnie Ille Pu, Alicia In Terra Mirabili, and many, many more, most of which are free on Archive and/or can be bought as physical copies.
However, this will be much more rewarding once you've built up some vocabulary and grammar, and might be frustrating or discouraging if you try the long ones too early, especially since they sometimes use words irregularly to convey modern meanings.
There are also a handful of recently-written stories in Latin targeted at students who like this kind of practice more. The German Netflix series Barbarians has all the Roman characters speaking in real Latin, and listening to it with subtitles can help build your ear for what sounds right.
Those are my recs for where to start! If you're stuck on something and can't find a good explanation, you can also send me an ask about it and I'm always happy to lay out how I think about it (even if my response times are irregular).
Good luck and enjoy!
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Latin Resources
Mango Languages (you can get full access through a library card!!)
Duolingo (i mean, duh.)
YouTube Channel #1
YouTube Channel #2
Salvadorbonaparte's MEGA folder (link to post where it was shared)
i'll add more later but that's all i have for now :)
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List of Interesting Latin Phrases
A list I made just to satisfy my vain cravings for resonating mottos for a secret society I'm working on. Enjoy!
abi in malam crucem: to the devil with you!
ad astra per ardua: to the star by steep paths
ad augusta per angusta: to honors through difficulties
aegis fortissima virtus: virue is the strongest shield
amor vincit amnia: love conquers all things
animo et fide: by courage and faith
arbitrium est judicium: an award is a judgement
aut mors aut victoria: either death or victory
aut vincere aut mori: either victory or death
bello ac pace paratus: prepared in war and peace
bibamus, moriendum est: let us drink, death is certain (Seneca and Elder)
bonis omnia bona: all things are good to the good
cede nullis: yield to no one
cito maturum, cito putridum: soon ripe, soon rotten
consensus facit legem: consent makes law
data fata secutus: following what is decreed by fate (Virgil)
durum telum necessitas: necessity is a hrad weapson
dux vitae ratio: reason is the guide of life
e fungis nati homines: men born of mushrooms
ego sum, ergo omnia sunt: I am, therefore all things are
pulvis et umbra sumus: we are but dust and shadow
quae amissa salva: things lost are safe
timor mortis morte pejor: the fear of death is worse than death
triumpho morte tam vita: I triumph in death as in life
tu vincula frange: break your chains
vel prece vel pretio: for either love or for money
verbera, sed audi: whip me, but hear me
veritas temporis filia: truth is the daughter of time
vero nihil verius: nothing is truer than the truth
vestigia nulla restrorsum: foosteps do not go backward
victus vincimus: conquered, we conquer (Plautus)
sica inimicis: a gger to his enemies
sic vita humana: thus is human life
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💎If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! Also, join my Tumblr writing community for some more fun.
💎Before you ask, check out my masterpost part 1 and part 2
Reference: <Latin for the Illiterati: a modern guide to an ancient language> by Jon R. Stone, second edition, 2009
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Here's the long-promised Latin resources masterpost! Resource recs are always appreciated and I'll try to update this post from time to time. :)
Study and fluency tips, plus my review of a few different Latin textbooks here
Free online resources here
Suggestions for if you've studied Latin in the past and want to brush up/re-learn here
Tips for expanding vocabulary here
Links for Latin literature and suggestions on which works to start with here
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Hello! May I request a lot of latin forensic terms?
The most popular I am aware lf it's "post-mortem"!
Abet - to assist, encourage, instigate, or support with criminal intent in attempting or carrying out a crime—often used in the phrase, "aid and abet"
Actus reus - the wrongful act that makes up the physical action of a crime
Amicus curiae - one (such as a professional person or organization) that is not a party to a particular litigation but that is permitted by the court to advise it in respect to some matter of law that directly affects the case in question
Compos mentis - of sound mind, memory, and understanding
Corpus delicti - the substantial and fundamental fact necessary to prove the commission of a crime; also: the material substance (such as the body of the victim of a murder) upon which a crime has been committed
Functus officio - of no further official authority or legal effect—used especially of an officer who is no longer in office or of an instrument that has fulfilled its purpose
Habeas corpus - any of several common-law writs issued to bring a party before a court or judge; the right of a citizen to obtain a writ of habeas corpus as a protection against illegal imprisonment
Habeas corpus ad subjiciendum - a writ for inquiring into the lawfulness of the restraint of a person who is imprisoned or detained in another's custody
In flagrante delicto - in the very act of committing a misdeed; red-handed; in the midst of sexual activity
In esse - in actual existence
In loco parentis - in the place of a parent
Indicia - distinctive marks; indications
Mens rea - a culpable mental state, especially: one involving intent or knowledge and forming an element of a criminal offense
Modus operandi - a method of procedure, especially: a distinct pattern or method of operation that indicates or suggests the work of a single criminal in more than one crime
Obiter dictum - an incidental and collateral opinion that is uttered by a judge but is not binding; an incidental remark or observation
Onus probandi - burden of proof; the duty of proving a disputed assertion or charge
Prima facie - at first view; on the first appearance; legally sufficient to establish a fact or a case unless disproved
Pro se - on one's own behalf; without an attorney
Res judicata - a matter finally decided on its merits by a court having competent jurisdiction and not subject to litigation again between the same parties
Ultra vires - beyond the scope or in excess of legal power or authority
Hope this helps. Do tag me, or send me a link to your writing if it does. I would love to read your work!
More: Latin Phrases ⚜ Word Lists
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That’s it I’m learning Latin
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do you guys think allen and greenough ever explored each other's bodies
#tagamemnon#the intricate rituals of creating a latin grammatical resource with another man#queueusque tandem abutere catilina patientia nostra
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Where Can I Learn Latin Online?
Here are the various avenues you can go to learn Latin online.
Latin Derivatives. Find over 1750 Latin derivatives, along with definitions and usage in sentences.
Conjuguemos. Teachers and students can use this site to learn Latin (among other languages) through games and activities, which are automatically graded. They request a small payment, but will waive the fee if you cannot afford it.
Linney's Latin Class.com. William E. Linney literally wrote the book on teaching Latin and shares lessons for self-learners and homeschoolers here that include pages from his text, lectures, and homework.
Latin Language Builds Powerful English Vocabulary. Get an overview of Latin and tips for learning it easily along with links to helpful resources.
Latin: The Language of Rome Fun Worksheet #1. For $1 you can download this Latin worksheet to use personally or in the classroom. This teacher also has other versions of Latin worksheets available for the same price.
Learn Latin Quickly. This website is run by an individual as a hobby, but provides tons of information on Latin and learning Latin.
KET Distance Learning – Latin 1. Go through the lessons here in your own time, then move up to Latin 2 and Latin 3 after completing this class.
Beginners' Latin. This online tutorial doesn't require you know any Latin and steps you through the basics with twelve lessons, reference material, activities, and more.
Latin Grammar. A great resource for learning Latin, this site provides information on the five noun declensions and the four verb conjugations as well as several irregularities.
Latinitium. An online website to start learning Latin with a free e‑mail course from Latin teacher and speaker Daniel Pettersson, M.A.
Polymathy/ScorpioMartianus. A Youtube channel by Latin speaker Luke Ranieri, who teaches Latin for beginners hosted live on his YouTube Channel.
#latin language#learn latin#romance languages#latin linguistics#latin online courses#learn latin online#resources for latin#linguistics#languages#language stuff
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"Canada’s push to exploit Ecuador’s natural resources, despite Indigenous-led resistance and national instability, fits the broader pattern of Canadian engagement with Latin America, especially in the context of the government’s Critical Minerals Strategy and the new Cold War with China.
Ninety per cent of the world’s rare earths production is located in China, which also controls the expensive processing and refining of these minerals — key links in the production chains of high-tech manufacturing and the defence industries in the U.S. and its allies around the world."
#canada#montreal canadiens#canadian#exploitation#exploitative#ecuador#natural resources#indigenous#latin america#cold war#china#earth#world#usa news#usa politics#usa#american indian#american#america#ausgov#politas#auspol#tasgov#taspol#australia#fuck neoliberals#neoliberal capitalism#anthony albanese#albanese government#gold
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Soft-Feeling Latin Words & Phrases
Another list of Latin phrases, this time with soft/warm meanings. It is 2:39am as I make this list.
a te pro te: from thee for thee
ab imo pectore: from the bottom of the heart
volat hora per orbem: time files through the world
coelum versus: heavenward
concubia nocte: at dead of night
crepusculum: twilight or dusk
crescens luna: a cresent moon
cum corde: with the heart
labores solis: an eclipse of the sun
in horam viviere: to live for the moment
in rerum natura: in the nature of things
in tuto esse: in a safe place
ingens aequor: the vast ocean
inter vivos: among the living
januae mentis: inlets of knowledge
jenuis clausis: in secret, with closed doors
littera scripta manet: the written letter remains
lux mundi: light of the world
lux vitae: light of life
meo voto: by my wish
mox nox: soon night
multis cum lacrimis: with many tears
ningit: it is snowing
occidui temporis umbra: a shadow at sunset
opinio vana: an illusion
osculum pacis: kiss of peace
papilio: butterfly
par pari refero: tit for tat
per vian dolorosam: the way of sorrows
philtrum: a love potion
pluvia: rain
res rustica: a rural affair
ros marinus: rosemary
semel et semper: once and always
silva: wood or forest
sinus urbis: heart of the city
As always, happy writing!
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💎If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! Also, join my Tumblr writing community for some more fun.
💎Before you ask, check out my masterpost part 1 and part 2
Reference: Latin for the Illiterati: a modern guide to an ancient language by Jon R. Stone, second edition 2009.
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This blog is my secret diary and i dont want to tell this to anyone else lest i seem self aggrandizing but i just got to use my stupid un-rewarding retail job christmas sales incentive check to put some money toward a cause that I did some research about and care about and that's really cool
I really hated working Christmas under new management in my dead end job but doing so gave me a new gratitude for it. Like yeah my job sucks but it gives me resources and those resources allowed me to create further goodness
Isnt that what its all about
#the cause in question is an initiative from the american indian resource center called little cherokee seeds#gets the community together in cherokee nation#mothers babies and elders#to learn the cherokee language which is at risk of dying out#with the goal of creating native speakers of the babies#i think so incredibly important#in ireland here the language was kept down for 700 years but today it's on road signs#i want to see that for every indigenous language that was kept down by colonization#i spent the last year studying latin american cultures living in Ireland but i was born in america and it just got me thinking#abt linguistic marginalization and language oppression etc etc whatever#anyways the moment i heard abt it i knew i had to put some money aside#and its cool that i got to#further goodness whatever etc
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5 Latin Phrases
to try to include in your poem/story
Over the centuries, certain Latin phrases have been used widely enough in English to get included in the dictionary.
Amor Vincit Omnia
"Love conquers all things"
The phrase and the concept (in Latin and in English) caught on: a character in Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, written in the late 1300s, wore a brooch engraved "Amor Vincit Omnia."
A number of poets have shown themselves to be fond of working this Latin phrase into their works; amor vincit omnia may be found in the writing of W. H. Auden, John Gower, Diane Wakoski, and many others.
Carpe Diem
"Enjoy the pleasures of the moment without concern for the future"
Literally, "pluck the day"
During the 1st century BC, the Roman poet Horace wrote, "Seize the day; put no trust in the morrow."
The notion of living for the moment crops up over centuries of poetry, including in the writings of Shakespeare, Milton, and Byron.
Carpe diem, in Latin form, may be found inserted into English prose as far back as the early 18th century.
In Vino Veritas
"There is truth in wine"
The classy thing to say when you've had too much to drink and have just said something that is decidedly not classy, in vino veritas has been employed as a mea culpa of sorts for thousands of years.
In the 1st century AD, Pliny the Elder referred to the "common proverb that in wine, there is truth in vino veritas."
Semper Fidelis
"Always faithful"
These two words have long served as motto for families, schools, and organizations.
Utile Dulci
"The useful with the agreeable"
One of our lesser-known Latin expressions, utile dulci shares etymological space with a number of pleasing English words, including addulce ("to mollify"), dulcet ("luscious, melodious"), and dulcitude ("sweetness").
Utile dulci comes from the poet Horace, who in Ars Poetica, offered the following advice: "He who joins the useful with the agreeable, wins every vote, by delighting and at the same time instructing the reader."
If any of these phrases make their way into your next poem/story, please tag me, or leave a link in the replies. I would love to read them!
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María Jiménez Pacífico Gif Pack
Click the source link to find a downloadable gif pack of #150 gifs of Colombian model María Jiménez Pacífico.
If you find these useful, consider buying me a coffee here, but these are available regardless.
These fit @tasksweekly tasks: #003: Gifs, #005: Body Diversity, #031: Colombia
#María Jiménez Pacífico resources#gif pack#colombian fc#latine fc#tasksweekly#dear-indies#**my resc.
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Woe that I had a team of researchers to help me make my period drama fanfiction as accurate as possible, but alas all I have is duck duck go, some old photos claiming to be from the right time period, and Wikipedia
#fanfic#look#if you’re an expert on 1800’s Colombia call me#I’m not saying I would sell out to ask some experts some super specific questions but!#if I had been Stephanie Meyer and somebody came to me offering to turn my Buffy fanfiction into a best selling novel…#that whole werewolf story line would have been super different#I would have been asking so many questions I would have had to list whoever answered them as a co-author#I know that seems way out of the left field to say but#but I’m just thinking about how the American writers of Encanto spent time in Colombia asking questions and experiencing the culture#and leaned heavily on the experiences of their Latin American team members#in order to write a story that garnered a lot of praise for its respectful representation#vs the stories we get when researching the cultures the story is supposed to be about is not a priority#and like sometimes it’s because the writer is one person with limited time and resources who is doing their best#but sometimes it’s just cause the people writing the story don’t actually care that much#I’m sorta just sitting here stewing over the fact that I can’t find the specific information I want and I know it must be out there#and I can’t imagine being handed the resources I would need to go find that info and being like Nah
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Many of the strongest examples we have of real solidarity economies – where communities are meeting their own needs outside of capitalist systems – come out of social movements in Latin America, and the communities who have carried those traditions of cooperation across borders.
Throughout the Caribbean, communities use susus and cooperative lending to resist extractive banking practices. Cubans have formed co-ops networks to build food sovereignty and economic self-sufficiency. Brazillians have taken participatory budgeting around the world. Puerto Ricans are leading the movement for energy democracy and just recovery with mutual aid. This list is by no means exhaustive, and each of these examples comes with its own complex set of struggles, celebrations, and shortcomings. With that, we’ve compiled this short resource list of solidarity economy organizing in Latin America and Latinx communities in the US as a reminder that another world isn’t only possible – it’s already happening.
🚨 want more materials like these? this resource was shared through BFP’s discord server! everyday, dozens of links and files are requested and offered by youth around the world! and every sunday, these youth get together for virtual teach-ins. if you’re interested in learning more, join us! link in our bio! 🚨
#resources#latin america#hispanic heritage month#latine#caribbean#cuba#brazil#puerto rico#anti capitalism#solidarity economy#economics
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Writing Is Hard 3
Hello again everyone! I am back with more tips and tricks I used today. Also before I forget: song of the day:
I finally have a good plot I'm happy with for chapter two, so I decided to try and write it.
And it hit me.
what does this house look like???
and my friends that's exactly how I ended up with a notebook full of maps and house layouts.
And oh my god??? its so helpful?? do this!!! start a little journal for your characters and worlds! And even if you don't publish your work you have a cute keepsake of the time and love and effort you threw INTO this work!
I love love love writing and creating!!!
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