#later on in the series you're going to look stupid and like a bad writer cause the audience notices those things
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GRRM on morality, heroism, villainy, and parallax in ASOIAF:
Time magazine wrote of you, “What really distinguishes Martin and what marks him as a major force for evolution in fantasy is his refusal to embrace a vision of the world as a struggle between good and evil.” Do you agree?
I think the struggle between good and evil is central to fantasy and, indeed, in some ways, central to most fiction. It's certainly a worthy subject for fiction. But I regard the struggle between good and evil as being waged within the individual human heart. […] You know, the greatest monsters of history, as we look back on them, thought they were the heroes of the story. You know, the villain is the hero of the other side, as sometimes said. That doesn't mean that it's all morally relative. That doesn't mean that all things are equally good and evil. I think there is good and there is evil in the world. But you know, it's sometimes a struggle to tell one from the other and to make the right choices. I've always been attracted to great characters, maybe because that's what I see when I look around the real world, whether I read about it in history books or the news or just people I meet. I mean, all of us have it within ourselves to be heroes. All of us have it within ourselves to be villains. We've all done good things in our lives, and most of us have also done selfish things, cowardly things, things that we're ashamed of in later years. And to my mind, that's, I don't know, the glory of the human race. We're such wonderfully contradictory, mixed-up creatures that we're endlessly fascinating to write about and read about.
In your work, you have essentially captured Mikhail Bakhtin's concept of polyphonic fiction, where the characters are equal, and the reader can root for any of them. This has been impossible to convey on the TV series.
I wouldn't say all the characters are equal, but they have (hopefully) human traits, especially the viewpoint characters. I have seven viewpoint characters in the first book, and each book has a few more. So, by now, we're probably up to 12 or 13 viewpoint characters, and those are the ones where I go actually inside their skin, so you're seeing the world through their eyes. You're hearing their thoughts. You're feeling their emotions. And I try to paint over those viewpoint characters, and some of them are noble and just, and some of them are kind of selfish, and some of them are very intelligent, and some of them are less intelligent and even stupid. But they're all human, and I want to portray their humanity. […] I think the battle between good and evil is fought all over the world, every day, in the individual human heart, as we all struggle with the choices that define us and define our lives. And we have to choose what we are going to do, and sometimes the choice is not easy; it's not this absolute juxtaposition of the good guys and the bad guys. And I wanted to get to that with my characters, and show some of the difficulties that they face.
Another element I liked about the series was the moral relativism of many of the characters. Too many Fantasies rely on the shorthand of truly evil villains in the absolute moral sense, but your characters, while they might commit terrible acts, generally do so either from short-sighted self-interest or because they truly believe they are acting for the best. Was this a deliberate decision, or is it just more interesting to write this way?
Both. I have always found grey characters more interesting than those who are pure black and white. I have no qualms with the way that Tolkien handled Sauron, but in some ways The Lord of the Rings set an unfortunate example for the writers who were to follow. […] Before you can fight the war between good and evil, you need to determine which is which, and that's not always as easy as some Fantasists would have you believe.
Do you purposely start a character as bad so you can later kill them?
No. What is bad? Bad is a label. We are human beings with heroism and self-interest and avarice in us and any human is capable of great good or great wrong. In Poland a couple of weeks ago I was reading about the history of Auschwitz - there were startling interviews with the people there. The guards had done unthinkable atrocities, but these were ordinary people. What allowed them to do this kind of evil? Then you read accounts of acts of outrageous heroism, yet the people are criminals or swindlers, one crime or another, but when forced to make a choice they make a heroic choice. This is what fascinated me about the human animal.
Martin's realm is not one of unambiguous heroes and villains. His characters, from royals to peasants, tend to be ethically mutable. So-called good people, like the noblemen Ned Stark, his son Robb Stark or the indomitable Daenerys Targaryen ("the Mother of Dragons"), make terrible mistakes - out of weakness, pride or an overly rigid sense of right and wrong. And horrible people, like Jaime Lannister, known as "the Kingslayer," do terrible things and then, over the course of several books, reveal themselves to be capable of heroism and sacrifice.
As we're discussing this in the theater, Martin quotes Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar" from memory: “The evil that men do lives after them ;/ The good is oft interred with their bones.” Then he adds his own version: “We shouldn't forget about the evil that good men do. But we shouldn't forget about the good either,” he says. “I do think a society needs heroes. They don't have to be flawless.”
Your books have a very strong storyline associated with the atonement of sins. For example, the way of Jaime Lannister, do you yourself believe in karma?
I don’t believe in karma per se, although sometimes I have my doubts because sometimes I think I see things that could be explained by karma. But no, I don’t really have any beliefs in the supernatural. I do believe in the possibility of redemption. And I believe that human beings, all human beings, are grey. And I try to remember that when I write my characters. We are all heroes, we are all villains, we all have the capacity for great good and we all have the capacity to do things that are selfish and evil and wrong. Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference. In your lifetime, you can be both. And it’s making choices that defines us as human beings. There’s this sensation of compartmentalism. This eagerness to judge everybody based on the worst thing they ever did, not the best thing they ever did. And you know, I think Shakespeare in "Julius Caesar" wrote “The evil that men do lives after them ;/ The good is oft interred with their bones.” And sadly that’s true. And I think it should be the reverse. We should remember the good things and the noble things that people did, and forgive them for their failures and moments of selfishness or wrongdoing because we all have them. When we forgive them, we are essentially forgiving ourselves. Redemption should be possible.
Are there any characters that you've kind of fallen out of love with, that you just don't, you know, get excited about any more?
I still love all the characters. Even some of them who aren't very lovable. At least the viewpoint characters. When I'm writing in the viewpoint of one of these characters, I'm really inside their skin. So, you trying to see the world through their eyes to understand why they do the things they do. And we all have, even characters who are thought of to be bad guys, who are bad guys, in some objective sense, don't think of themselves as bad guys. […] “What evil can I do today?” Real people don't think that way. We all think we're heroes, we all think we're good guys. We have our rationalizations when we do bad things. “Well, I had no choice,” or “It's the best of several bad alternatives,” or “No it was actually good because God told me so,” or “I had to do it for my family.” We all have rationalizations for why we do shitty things or selfish things or cruel things. So when I'm writing from the viewpoint of one of my characters who has done these things, I try to have that in my head. And I do, so there's an empathy there that makes me love even people like Victarion Greyjoy, who is basically a dullard and a brute. But, he feels aggrieved and sees the world a certain way. And Jaime Lannister and Theon Greyjoy, they all have their own viewpoints. I love them all. Some I love more than others, I guess.
Who do you think to be the most important characters?
They're all important. I don't favor them, or I don't think of them in terms of importance. The viewpoint characters in the first book I have are Bran, Tyrion, Catelyn, Ned, Jon Snow, the two girls Arya and Sansa. There is the core of the Stark family plus Tyrion to represent the Lannister family. Then I have Dany on the other side of the sea, Daenerys Targaryen, whose story runs parallel and some ways doesn't connect to the others, but some day I'll eventually bring those two stories together. In each subsequent volume I drop some of my viewpoint characters and add new ones. Although the same core still dominates, the cast changes somewhat, and I like to do that. In the third volume which you haven't gotten to yet (he refers to me) I have a new viewpoint character. He's been a major character, but now you see things for the first time through his eyes. Which I think changes your perception of things somewhat. I like to play that kind of game, because we all have our own way of looking at the world. Something occurs and two people witness it. They might have very different versions of what happened, and very different explanations. I like to play with parallax in my fiction, and get different versions of the same thing.
A Song of Ice and Fire has much of the complex texture of authentic history, both generally and in its specific echoes of actual historical episodes. What laws and principles (if any) in your view govern human history, and how has your understanding of historical processes shaped the series?
Historical processes have never much interested me, but history is full of stories, full of triumph and tragedy and battles won and lost. It is the people who speak to me, the men and women who once lived and loved and dreamed and grieved, just as we do. Though some may have had crowns on their heads or blood on their hands, in the end they were not so different from you and me, and therein lies their fascination. I suppose I am still a believer in the now unfashionable "heroic" school, which says that history is shaped by individual men and women and the choices that they make, by deeds glorious and terrible. That is certainly the approach I have taken in A Song of Ice and Fire.
A Song of Ice and Fire undergoes a very interesting progression over its first three volumes, from a relatively clear scenario of Good (the Starks) fighting Evil (the Lannisters) to a much more ambiguous one, in which the Lannisters are much better understood, and moral certainties are less easily attainable. Are you deliberately defying the conventions and assumptions of neo-Tolkienian Fantasy here?
Guilty as charged. The battle between good and evil is a legitimate theme for a Fantasy (or for any work of fiction, for that matter), but in real life that battle is fought chiefly in the individual human heart. Too many contemporary Fantasies take the easy way out by externalizing the struggle, so the heroic protagonists need only smite the evil minions of the dark power to win the day. And you can tell the evil minions, because they're inevitably ugly and they all wear black. I wanted to stand much of that on its head. In real life, the hardest aspect of the battle between good and evil is determining which is which.
When you are writing the different conflicts in Westeros, do you personally pick a side? Or feel that one side fights for a more just cause than the other?
Yes, certainly. I mean, I’ve often said that I believe in grey characters, I don’t believe in black and white characters. But that’s not to say that all characters are equally grey. You know, some are very dark grey, and some are mostly white but they still have occasional flaws. I’ve always been fascinated by human beings and all of their complexity— even human beings that do appalling things, you know, the question is ‘Why?’ And it’s interesting to get inside their head and see why. Some of my viewpoint characters have done some incredibly reprehensible things: Theon, for example, or Victarion Greyjoy. Why? Were they born a monster? Weren’t they born like a cute little kid wanting to be loved and all that? We all start out that way, right? But things happen to us on the way that lead to junctures in our lives where we make decisions, and those decisions and the consequences of them color everything that comes after. You look at [historical figures] and what’s the verdict on these men? Are they heroes, are they villains? Are they great people, or people we should despise? I mean, they are fascinating characters because of their complexity.
“I don't concern myself over whether my characters are “likeable” or “sympathetic.” (I had my fill of that in television). My interest is in trying to make them real and human. If I can create a fully-fleshed three-dimensional character, some of my readers will like him/her, or some won't, and that's fine with me. That's the way real people react to real people in the real world, after all. Look at the range of opinions we get on politicans and movie stars. If EVERYONE likes a certain character, or hates him, that probably means he's made of cardboard. So I will let my readers decide who they like, admire, hate, pity, sympathize with, etc. The fact that characters like Sansa, Catelyn, Jaime, and Theon provoke such a wide range of reactions suggests to me that I have achieved my goal in making them human.”
“You want the reader to care about your characters — if they don’t, then there’s no emotional involvement. But at the same time, I want my characters to be nuanced, to be gray, to be human beings. I think human beings are all nuanced. There’s this tendency to want to make people into heroes and villains. And I think there are villains in real life and there are heroes in real life. But even the greatest heroes have flaws and do bad things, and even the greatest villains are capable of love and pain and occasionally have moments where you can feel sympathetic for them. As much as I love science fiction and fantasy and imaginative stuff, you always have to go back to real life as your touchstone and say, ‘What is the truth?’”
#asoiaf#valyrianscrolls#tyrion lannister#jon snow#daenerys targaryen#arya stark#sansa stark#jaime lannister#theon greyjoy#ned stark#catelyn tully#victarion greyjoy#brienne of tarth#etc#long post#sorry#some of u r very annoying when it comes to this topic#wahh wahhh full moral relativism wahhh thats not what is happening#but some of the counter compartmentalism that is obv also not the point is also obnoxious#asoiaf fans when germ deals with themes he intended to deal with: 😧#mind u he spells it out in the actual text too but whatever#ok thats my haterism for the day
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Alien Vs Predator Vs Gender TW for SA discussed as it relates to stupid sci fi franchises that we've been stuck with since the 80s.
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Alien Vs Predator is a weird crossover/comparison to me because Alien is about cyclical stories of abuse and predation and control where corporations and governments and a monster with a penis for a head (and a second, smaller penis for a tongue (and a third, larger penis for a tail for when they really need to penetrate someone in front of horrified onlookers)) conspire to control the bodies of women and Predator is a series of films that ask you if you're a bad enough dude to beat up a big sassy lad in fishnets and a skirt with a vagina dentata for a mouth.
In Predator a big guy killed your mates for fun and now he's here to have an epic 1v1 with you bro because you got 1 hit in on him after he soloed everybody else. Whatever horror there is is from some sort of sexless macho man slasher with something to prove having to face a big sassy lad who is better at the masculine criteria of being an untouchable 80s action hero.
In Prometheus a lady has something slipped in her drink and later finds out she was impregnated against her will. Alien (franchise) is a very different kind of fear of a big strong dude stalking you and your friends.
No Predator is worried about the psychosexual or SA themes of the Xenomorph, they think its cool and they want to kill it and look cool killing it. In Predator (2018) a big cool predator kills a bunch of dudes and then a bigger predator comes and kills him. Predator (franchise) is to me the male fear of a bigger stronger dude. In AVP (2004) a lady has to step up and become the protagonist of a Predator film, by tag teaming a bunch of Aliens with the help of a The Predator. There are nods to the sexual violence of the Alien films, like a lady comparing the to a condom ("I'd rather have one and not need it then need it and not have one.") who then needs said gun to avoid having her face hugged. But the action hero lead ends up feeling like another action dude in the same vain as (in descending order of macho cred and strangely also ascending order of film recency) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Danny Glover, Adrian Brody or whoever that dude in Predator (2018) that my brain kept telling me looked like Matt Damon was, just also happening to be a woman, vs Prey being a film that actually makes something of the added friction of being a woman in a Predator film. In AVPR (2007) our lead lad is a pizza boy who watches everyone around him die and has to rise to the circumstances like an Alien film protagonist... but doesn't face any of the same sexual violence. This dude gets bullied, fuck it, make the bullies call him faggot all movie, give him some horrific shower room trauma, there are ways to make this boy go through an Alien story. Holy shit, put a trans lad in an Alien film and the psychosexual horror of the facehugger/chestburster etc ratchets even further as far as the properties of this thing robbing you of control of your body, without resorting to whatever the fuck the writers were thinking with the maternity ward scene (don't google it if you don't know). I think a lot of Alien and Predator stuff is dragged down by the Predator's inclusion, forced to multiply the Aliens so more can get killed at every opportunity and give humans and Predators alike a chance to prove they're really cool. I think Predator and Alien are both about being afraid of a big dude, but the Predator is a big dude that makes you feel inadequate, unable to match up, and ends in the idea that you're cool, you win, you beat him. A Predator protagonist wins. They retire. They don't get another film. An Alien protagonist survives, and thinks she might be safe, and then wakes to find she's in another film, and that she gets to lose everything. She gets to be cut up and taken apart by a man who views her as his property or plaything. I grew up with these films, one's I was shown when I was way too young for it and laughed at gore and glowing green blood going everywhere. I read comics and played games and allsorts and I never thought enough about it until I was going through the wrong puberty and wishing I could look like Ripley and be anything other than the wankers in any Predator film without knowing any words to describe that feeling other than faggot. I worked stuff out and when my family stuffed me back in the closet so they didn't have to have awkward conversations with family friends I watched Alien Resurrection because that stupid film informs half my dress sense. I bitch to friends constantly that I wish I could find fishnets as thick as the ones in Predator so mine won't keep snapping all the time. I think about these films more than I think I do, and in the stupidest ways, and I know I'm going to see them until the end of time because franchises never die. But one of these series is about trying to survive as a woman, and the other is about trying to prove you're not a faggot, and I already made my choice there.
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Chapter 5: 9 Leebits in a trench coat.
Pairing: Han Jisung x AFAB. Reader
Word Count: 2108
General Synopsis: Your ex? Shitty. Your family? Worse. Your best friend? Left for a tour in the middle of one of the worst times of your life. How are you meant to deal with planning what should have been your wedding, dealing with your family, and pretending like you're not falling apart all on your own?
General Warnings: Idol!Jisung, mentions of other Idols (P1Harmony/Seventeen), all views on these idols are purely fictional. Idol AU. Mentions of cheating, mentions of smoking and drug use (weed and cigarettes), Mentions of drinking, angst, self esteem issues, depression. Y/N is older than Jisung. (I'm sorry for the jokes that come out of this) (any tags I missed please feel free to let me know! More tags to be added as the story goes on.) A/N: Smaller chapter, it will pick up soon I've had terrible writers block but im FINALLY back with an update for this <3 pls enjoy and let me know your current thoughts on Leah <3
“So he finally talked to you about it?” Keeho laughs as he stares into the camera, “Jheez I honestly thought he was gonna continue torturing himself over it,”
“Yeah I mean, he was really upset over it dude. I don’t know why he’d feel so upset over it, it wasn’t even his fault,” you sigh. It had been a few days since Jisung had spoken to you about why he had been so distant, but though you had originally thought you’d feel better by him talking to you; you’d managed to make yourself feel worse. You felt bad that he had felt shitty about the situation, it wasn’t his fault any of it happened yet he still felt bad. How were you expected not to feel bad about it? You made your friends worry, and worse he had felt so bad that he hid himself away for a few weeks.
“Probably because he cares a lot about you, I’d have felt the same if I were in his shoes, plus there's the whole rant he went on with me about it.”
“Wait what?”
“Yeah he was going on about I left you to him, and he feels bad he’s not doing enough, he just wants to make you happy and all that shit,” Keeho looks at you confused as he tilts his head to allow the stylist to adjust a few things on him. “I’m glad he talked to you though, honestly he needs to learn to be more open with his feelings, can’t let a pretty girl get him all flustered like that.” Keeho scoffs, “I mean how does the man survive on tour?” you laugh loudly at the remark.
“Please Kee, flustered?” you giggle, “Stressed is the better word!”
“No, flustered is the correct one you dimwit. Or did he not tell you about how he-”
“Kee it’s time to go.” Taeyang appears on the screen waving to you, before turning back to Keeho. He simply nods and turns back to you,
“We’ll continue this later,” he smiles,
“Have fun out there!” you smile,
“Have a fun morning Y/N, I’ll call you when I can!” and with that he was gone, and you were back to working on your track. You had only woken up this early to get a chance to talk to him, and the conversation was nice. You missed your best friends and talking to them was nice. Though most of the time it would be a quick conversation, and interrupted ninety eight percent of the time it was still nice to see them.
Your morning mainly consisted of finishing up a song you had been working on for months, and finalizing the vocals for the song you had worked on with Changbin. In all it was a busy morning until noon when you’d have to begin getting ready for a meeting with Leah. After a few arguments with your family you had given in to meeting with her to discuss the dress you'd wear as her maid of honor because for some unknown reason she had decided you’d be staying in that role. You didn’t have to plan anything, the planner had that all down, but still it felt more and more as a chore rather than a joyous event.
“Y/N. You cannot just leave your sister like this, are you stupid?”
“Mom, I'm not leaving her? She picked a fight with me in front of my-”
“Your little friends crushed her that day Y/N how could you let that happen? You are her older sister, you are supposed to be there for her!” Your mother scolded you, of course you knew you had to be there for her but no one ever seemed to listen to the concerns you had. No one ever saw the fault Leah had, and always pinned the blame on you because you’re the older one, you’re supposed to be more responsible, and Leah was their perfect little angel who could do absolutely no wrong.
“Y/N you fix this shit with your sister, I’m not going to let you ruin her big day like this. So get your shit together or else” you could picture the face she was making, a mixture of disappointment and anger. That look in her eyes that would tell you that everything was your fault.
As you sat in the coffee shop awaiting Leah’s arrival, you spent time texting Changbin who’d been asking about how the song was coming along. You laughed as he joked about how if you kept tweaking the song it would become an entirely new one,
Gym Bro [12:04 pm] Hear me out tho
You [12:04 pm] Listening
Gym Bro [12:05 pm] What if you just post the song?
You [12:06pm] Are you crazy? It’s not finished?
Gym Bro [12:06 pm] It’s a good song as is, in your ears it’s never going to be perfect. This is why we have people to review things. If you’re really unsure, let me, Ji, and Chan listen to the full thing and give you some advice on what could be improved. Like I said, if you keep doing it yourself you’ll never think it’s good enough.
You [12:08 pm] Damn you got deep there ;)
Gym Bro [12:08 pm] Oh my god, why are you like this?
You [12:08 pm] I’m joking! But yeah maybe I’ll let you guys just listen to it, but maybe not Chan.
Gym Bro [12:09 pm] THE FUCK YOU MEAN NOT CHAN? He’s probably the best one to listen to the track?
You [12:11 pm] You know exactly why.
You sigh as you look at the time, Leah is well over fifteen minutes late for the ‘scheduled’ meeting the two of you made. As much as it did help not seeing her for now, you’d rather just get it fully over with as quick as possible. Your phone buzzed once more, as the sound of the bell jingling rang throughout the cafe. Leah had finally arrived.
“Sister!” she exclaimed as she rushed towards your table, “How have you been my sweet?” your body cringed at the nickname. How could she act so sweet to you after everything? Brushing it off you force a smile to her as she pulls you into a hug.
“Alright, just working and you?” you give her an award winning smile, that would truly convince anyone in the cafe that the two of you were truly happy to see each other.
“Stressed, but you know how it is; planning a wedding and such.” Leah smirks at you, “Or I mean, you have heard of the stress.”
“I’m sure your planner has got it under control.” You sigh as you sit back down in your chair, swirling the spoon in your coffee as a way to distract yourself from the impending sense of doom building up in your stomach. You watch as the black coffee swirls around in the cup as the silence between Leah and yourself becomes thicker, the honey in which you had put in your coffee had fully melted and dissolved long before her arrival and yet you stirred as if it had been freshly placed. A part of you wished you could slip a shot of something into it, because dealing with Leah required a level of intoxication that would help on drowning out her annoying whines and complaints. Bailey’s would be nice, no. Something stronger, whiskey. That would help. You thought to yourself,
“Anyways listen, what I was thinking for the bridesmaids would be something light pink, and for you I’d have you in something darker to stand out more from them. Unless, you want to blend in with them.” Leah began, “You do have a terrible habit of being unnoticeable so, I think something more bold would be best.” you couldn’t tell what kind of statement that was. Rude at best. “Nothing too bold though, I can’t have you taking any sort of attention away from me.”
“I thought I was unnoticeable,” you scoff as you bring your coffee to your lips, the now cold liquid sliding down with ease as you take a sip. Leah shakes her head, before bringing her binder out of her bag.
“Anyways, I don’t have time to explain every little thing to you; also you never actually answered the Save The Date, so I just marked you down that you’re coming alone seeing as you definitely don’t have the time to find a date, seeing as you’re much too invested in your…song, or apparently still being in love with my fiance to start looking for someone new.” Something about her assumption threw you off, you choked on your coffee as you looked up at her smiling down at you as if she had something against you, “Honestly it really is awkward that you’re still into him. You need to get over it please y/n.” the statement almost had you spitting your coffee back out at her, her look feigning innocence began to cause your blood to boil. Your cheeks heating up as you set your mug back down.
“I have a date.” you mutter, as she gives you wide eyes. “I’m over him Leah, no need to worry.”
“Fantastic! And who is this date of yours, I can mark him down now so that I can give the list to my planner.” Leah tilts her head, awaiting an answer. Truthfully you hadn’t thought of who you’d bring as a date, but her statements today lead you to say something you hadn’t fully thought through.
“My RSVP is in the mail, I’m sure you’ll enjoy the surprise.” it was not.
“Splendid, I’m excited to see who this mystery man is!” Leah laughs, standing from her seat. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have an appointment to alter my dress today.”
“You chose your dress already?”
“Yes, and sorry love. But no matter what you say that dress looked too good on me to pass up. So, yeah.” with that Leah throws her purse and tote over her shoulder and begins to leave. “I’ll send you the name of the shop to find your dress! Love ya!” and then she was gone.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck” You yell into the pillow as Mini sits at the edge of the bed. Of course you just had to go and let Leah get under your skin and say something stupid. “What do I do? I don’t have a date? And Now she’s expecting me to RSVP within this week because my dumbass said it was already in the mail!”
“Calm down and breathe dude,” Mini sighs, “Finding a date won’t be all that hard,”
“Easy for you to say, all you have to do is look at Hyune and he’s following you to the ends of the earth. I on the other hand do not have anyone that would do so. Nor anyone readily available to play boyfriend so that I don’t have to deal with Leah’s stupid fucking behaviour.” You complain,
“You act like we don’t have eight men ready to help you out at any moment.” Mini laughs, “I’m sure any of them would be glad to ‘play’ boyfriend for a night!”
“Min your math isn’t mathing.”
“What do you mean by that?” she gives you a confused look,
“Hyune is taken so that's minus one, so are Bin, Chan, Lix and Minho. So that’s three left. AND I’m not really willing to put Minnie and Innie through that pain and Ji’s already felt like shit because of Leah so he’s out of the question too-”
“Well I guess your only option is to bring nine leebits stacked in a trenchcoat, at least then they’d be taller than you.” Mini laughs, as she throws the plush toy at you,
“That is so oddly specific… how do you know nine is-”
“Listen there are a lot of things you do not want to know, and my skzoo abuse is part of that, anyways there's absolutely no harm in asking them is all I’m saying, and we both know ALL of them would help, it’s just how they are.” you contemplated the idea, sure bringing one of them to the wedding isn’t a terrible idea in itself, but the idea of having any of those boys endure Leah was enough to make your entire body cringe. If Taeyang or Stephen had been around for sure, you’d drag them to it. They already knew how she was; and more specifically how to cope with her constant need for attention.
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merlin S1 rewatch: episode 3
I'm putting this above the cut because I am outraged:
seriously!! (I only noticed because I'm watching this with subs off this time, but I had a transcript to glance at on my phone because sadly I can't hear without my subtitles).
random thoughts/observation:
• Interesting choice to have Nimueh cast her curse via a Fabergé egg
• Nimueh doing her Galadriel shit in a very cool cave actually
• S1 Arthur had some snazzy little outfits. Love the Jedi vest.
• I don't like bad cop Arthur :(
• baby's first raid!!!
• okay but Gaius tells Uther the plague is caused by sorcery, and the king IMMEDIATELY sends Arthur to search Gaius's chambers? "we're searching every room in town" my ass. Uther only trusts Gaius as far as he can throw him, which explain a lot about the way Gaius keeps begging Merlin to keep a low profile.
• this is maybe one of the gayest episodes. if you don't think so you're looking at the wrong couple.
• Gwen picked flowers for Morgana. MORGANA WAS READY TO FIGHT A CAVE MONSTER FOR HER GIRLFRIEND MAID. Don't talk to me.
• Merlin and Gwen's friendship is so heartwarming and pure and I've missed it!! wish the writers had remembered they were good friends later in the series
• Can we talk about Merlin being such a lovely boy. a literal ray of sunshine. can we.
• Gaius (in ep 1): "Magic shouldn't be used for idiotic pranks!!". Merlin (in ep 3): "okay so can I use it to save a man's life?" Gaius: "NO"
• I can't tell whether or not Gaius knows about the prophecy (if the writers had even decided at this point). He keeps making allusions to destiny and great things to come, so it kind of sounds like he does?
• Merlin & Gaius having their first significant disagreement about the best approach to take to solve the problem at hand. They are Feelings vs Logic. I think fandom sometimes forgets young Merlin was fierce and opinionated as well as kind and sweet. Any boy less stubborn than him wouldn't have lasted long around Gaius. I think this is one of the ways in which they are similar — both headstrong and loath to back down when they believe they are right. Which they often do.

• Gwen only asking Merlin to remember her after she's executed 😭😭😭
• lol @ Merlin being laughed out of the room after his attempt at a heroic sacrifice. He really thought he was doing something.
• Arthur: "OBVIOUSLY he's not a sorcerer!! leave him alone. he's mentally ill and in love and stupid. did I mention stupid"
• the elemental solution was kind of stupid (the beast is made of clay > water + earth, so it can be defeated by fire + wind?). They literally didn't know it was going to work. MERLIN SWEETIE WHAT WAS YOUR PLAN B. WHAT WAS YOUR PLAN A, EVEN
• great Afanc monster clearly just a guy in a suit. that's just Steve from the make-up department.
• Merlin casting his spell without a care for who hears it. BABE YOU'LL GET CAUGHT
• I know the last exchange between Merlin and Morgana is meant to be a gag but it’s also sad how relieved and happy Merlin is at hearing Morgana say she knows his secret, and her asking if she can talk to him about it :(

All in all a cute little episode, not much to say about it
funny/notable quotes:
• UTHER (to Morgana): Have you ever seen an enchantress? Believe me, they bear no sign, no mark. There is no sense of evil in the eye. (👀)
• KILGHARRAH: You are but one side of a coin. Arthur is the other.
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So. Finished Kiwami 2.
I can feel the details fading from my brain already, what the fuck was that. Even without the weird anti-Korean bullshit (seriously EVERYONE is Jingweon except Kazuki and Suyeon bugger this honestly) it was so fucking BORING, I didn't CARE about the fate of the Tojo, let it fall, who cares. The only reason I'm mildly interested in it staying is cause the Omi are worse. I wasn't as invested in the combat but in fairness I got into this series thinking the quick-changing between four unique combat styles was this franchise's gimmick but turns out I'm wrong :) That's fine, it's just one of the main reasons I picked up the game, that's okay.
The game's best bits were Ryuji and Daigo. Also I like seeing Yuya and Kazuki and Sayama, whilst not given the best treatment via the writers imo, is a really cool character.
Oh and Majima Saga was MUCH shorter than I expected which eh, lil disappointing, but I got closure with him and his Sotenbori past so I'll allow it (even though it makes me fucking CRY)
Time for some under the cut ranting:
Why is it that the Jingweon's whole 'death before dishonour, revenge above all else' is simply Bad And Evil And Backwards when I swear like....don't yakuza have similar creeds? Never back down, loyalty to the cause, to the family, debts must be repaid in blood and money alike. Maybe they're go a bit more with it but yakuza aren't above playing the long game for their goals (see Sera and Shimano). Is it bad when they Jingweon do it cause they're Korean? They're the bad guys I guess so.
Speaking of the bastard, Kazama really likes taking two young brothers/comrades and telling them "go make something of yourselves, you have such great potential" but then proceed to give special attention to one of them for SOME fucking reason but then still plays the cool-headed and aloof mentor, like "no I don't play favourites I can't do everything for you" whilst doing Literally Everything For Them and fighting tooth and nail to get them to the top without letting on to anyone that he does actually care. Every day I grow angrier that Nishiki didn't kill him the first time. Fire again, boyo.
Also FUCK RYUJI'S DAD. SERIOUSLY, what is WRONG with dads in RGG games??? "You're saying my own mama threw me away?" "No! I begged her to leave you with me." I BEG YOUR FUCKING PARDON?! WHAT?! I- I JUST- HUH?!?!?!? WHAT?!?!?!!?? FUCK OFF?!?!?!?!?!!?!?
But now Ryuji. Oh my God Ryuji. What a character, what a lad, what a man. I don't give a fuck, okay, he earned the title of Dragon, bollocks to Kiryu. And I mean that.
'Dragon of Dojima', 'Mad Dog of Shimano', legends, yes, but inherently tied to and defined by men who ruined their lives, men who don't deserve their names attached to those boys legacies. Ryuji though? He's defined by none but himself, tied to no one, his strength and power and name belonging to him and him alone. The Golden Dragon. By God he earned that tattoo.
And the less we say about that dumb ending the better. skrunksthatwunk already made a good post on why it's bullshit cause Jesus fuckin Christ on a unicycle WHY do they keep trying to but Heterosexual Romance in my Shirtless Men Beating Each Other Up Whilst Pouring Their Hearts Out To Each Other game.
But hey, Yakuza 3 should be fun!!!! Genuinely really excited to see what goes down!!!
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What I Thought About "Knock Knock Knockin' on Hooty's Door" from The Owl House
Wow. They are really pushing it for that secret message, huh?
Anywho--Salutations, random people on the internet who certainly won’t read this! I am an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons!
I think it goes without saying at this point that Season Two of The Owl House is setting itself up as a season without filler. Now, filler episodes aren't always bad. Yes, it hurts when a series turns away from the main plot for a week. But at best, they're utilized as a chance for the writers to play around with the characters and developing said characters without it relating to the overarching story. So, some people who see that consider it a bad thing that a series doesn't have that many filler episodes.
I like to call those people: F**king morons.
Don't get me wrong, I see where some of you are coming from. And I'd be willing to agree...if The Owl House was a plot-driven series. Which it's not. It is a character-driven series. Because for every plot thread and narrative that the show presents, they always relate to the characters and develop them further each time these threads get brought up. For example, look at "Knock Knock Knockin’ on Hooty's Door" (It pains me just to write that). Several narratives move forward, and it’s all done to make the characters grow. And to explain how requires going into spoilers. So keep that in mind as you continue reading.
Now, let's review, shall we?
Hooty: Might as well start with the character that this episode is about.
To tell you the truth, I wasn't a huge fan when I found out we're getting a Hooty-centered episode. I've grown to love him over time, but he is a comedic character that's best used in small doses. Primarily due to how his voice is grating to me (My ears are still bleeding...). With that said, I do really love his contributions in "Knock Knock Knockin' on Hooty's Door" (Seriously, there couldn't have been a less awkward title?). Hooty's antics when trying to help everyone are as hilarious as they are heartwarming. He deeply cares for his friends but just doesn't understand how his plans could do some unintended harm, which is pretty lovable if you ask me. We also get some surprisingly great insight into his character, as he feels insecure about basically being the comic relief who doesn't really do that much other than being funny. Rarely do you get that level of dimension from a comedic character, and it's even more uncommon for that to work out as well as it does here. It once again proves just how competent the writing is in this series to the point where we get an episode about Hooty, and it's funny and heartwarming instead of being annoying. And whoever is responsible for that, you're the best.
Lilith’s Letter to Hooty: I mean it when I say that I love how Lilith kept her word about her and Hooty becoming penpals. Their friendship was something I would have never expected to love, and I'm still shocked that it works so well, so seeing it continue like this just warms me to the bone. Plus, it is pretty sweet that Lilith's kind words are what inspired Hooty to do what he's done in this episode...meaning it's Lilith we should thank here--SON OF A WITCH! Even when she's gone, she's still working her way into my heart!
King going through Puberty: What?! KING IS EVOLVING!
(There, I made a Pokemon reference. Do I get my cookie now?)
Eda Keeping Herself Awake to Train Herself: I'm willing to bet a large sum of money that this has everything to with Raine getting captured last week. If Eda was still the most powerful witch in the Isles, she might have actually saved them. But she isn't, and now the love of her life is in the clutches of a tyrant planning something that could potentially be the end of everything. So I can understand Eda pushing herself to her limit to get back on top again, as I would probably do the same. It's not healthy in any way, and Eda would be doing more harm than good. But when it comes to the people you love, logic doesn't always win out in the end.
Luz Wanting to Make her Way into Amity’s Heart by Making the Echo Mouse Happy: ...That's it. I Just...I just love everything about it, ok?
This was also when I knew that I was wrong to doubt that there would be zero Lumity in this episode. I realize my follies now, and I humbly apologize.
Hooty Teaching King About Demons: This was so funny. So, so funny. Probably doesn't come as a surprise, especially since The Owl House proves itself as a comedy before, but the jokes have never hit as frequently and as hard as they did here. From Hooty getting offended by King's dance to him and Dana's insert wanting a "DNA sample," everything managed to successfully make me lose my s**t. It does come at the expense of King suffering, but I can stomach that much more than if it were Eda or Luz. And, as a bonus, we get lore about how demons work, added with another great joke of King getting in trouble with Hooty for saying he already knows this stuff. Humor isn't always the show's strong suit, but when it works, it f**king works.
King Wanting to Know What he Is: But despite how funny King's vignette was, we still get to see more of his character grow. We learn that he's frustrated now that there's this big question mark over his life now, feeling extra angry that his father "abandoned" him to leave such a present mystery. It shows the hidden resentment he has that Lilith inadvertently brought out, made even worse when King's father hasn't responded to the video yet. King hasn't really gotten that much development until "Echoes of the Past," so it's pretty cool that the writers haven't really slowed down on it. Especially when it leads to these great moments of King venting his frustrations.
King’s Shouting Powers: KING learned FUS RO DAH!
(And now that's a Pokemon reference AND a Skyrim reference. WHERE'S MY GOSH DANG COOKIE!?)
Eda’s Nightmare: If King's vignette hits you hard with the laughs, Eda's will absolutely hit you harder with the feels (never make me say "feels" unironically again). Knowing that Eda's life got thoroughly screwed over by the curse is something we could figure out on her own. But seeing just how much the curse ruined her life and tore apart relationships that mean the world to her really does a swell job at ripping apart the soul. What's even more tragic is, technically speaking, it's all sort of Eda's fault too. She kept hiding the curse, refusing to be a burden to others who would do all they could to help. If she had only been open and honest, things probably wouldn't have changed much, but they most likely would have been better than they are now.
Eda Attacked her Father as the Owl Beast: ...I don't know what I was expecting when "Keeping Up A-Fear-Ances" hinted that there was some possible tension between Eda and her father...but it definitely wasn't this.
The fact that we see blood where his eye used to be doesn't make things any happier, either.
Raine Broke Up with Eda: Before we get into anything else, let's celebrate the fact that it's now confirmed that Eda and Raine really did use to date in the past. Because this show is just f**king phenomenal with its LGBTQA+ representation!
But, seriously, this is a fantastic reveal that goes far beyond just shipping...well, sort of. It shines a new light on Eda and Raine's interactions from last week, revealing that while they're not a couple anymore, they still very much love each other. It helps make their last interaction especially tragic, as they were both on the same page now and could very well be together again. Only for them to be forced apart for the second time in a way that's much worse than the first. And I frickin' adore that this series changes the impact of one episode one week later. Again, it shows just how competent these writers are, and kudos to them for making something so...perfect.
The Moon Person: WHO THE FU--Nope. Nope! We have more than enough mystery bulls**t to deal with through CreepyLuz and Philip Wittebane, so I am PUTTING YOU ON THE BACKBURNER FOR NOW!
(They're probably nothing more than a one-off character, anyway)
The Owl Beast and Eda are Connected: Through visuals alone, we, the audience, can clue into what the curse really means. The Owl Beast doesn't want to be a part of Eda as much as she doesn't want it to be a part of her. Whether they like it or not, and they very much don't, they're stuck together. The thing is, and this is what I love the most, they still decide to make the best of their situation rather than let it ruin their lives even more. This might be the best possible turn Eda's curse could have made. It'll still affect her, and there are probably more negatives than positives, but at least now, it's not the worst thing in the world. And I feel like that's all anyone can ask when in a position like her own.
Eda's “Pretty Dream”: I don't know what emotions are toiling inside me more with this moment. Awe and wonder over how beautiful Eda's dream is, or heartbreak over the implication that she has only had nightmares since getting cursed...I'm gonna say both. Yeah, it's definitely both.
Eda’s Harpie Form: Well, fan artists are gonna have a field day with this...especially the freaks.
(You know who you are. And you're weird!)
Luz Calling Amity a “Cotton-Candy Haired Goddess”: ...Have I ever mentioned how much I love this show?
Hooty Kidnapped Amity: ...Hooty, if your stupidity wasn't charming, I would be more than willing to call the authorities over how you kidnapped a girl in your version of a knapsack and locked her in the basement. For that is going to ring SO MANY alarm bells in people's heads.
Amity and Luz Stuck in a Tunnel of Love: *Smacks lips* Mmm. The adorable awkwardness of this moment is just *chef's kiss* magnifique!
Luz being afraid of getting made fun of:
Amity’s look of hope: I mean...just...f**king--LOOK AT HER:
That is the look of a girl who, while embarrassed as hell, still is ecstatic to learn for a brief moment, everything that she is hoping for has a high chance of being real. Who, in their right mind, wouldn't go "Aw!" at something so pure and innocent?!
Luz Destroying the Tunnel of Love: This is how to effectively utilize dramatic irony. The audience can understand why Luz is tearing the place apart because she explicitly states that she's afraid of Amity rejecting her in the end. They also know that's bogus, thus making it extra painful to watch Amity's heart break more and more with each second (which is perfectly represented through Amity's expressions). You feel bad for both of them, and even worse when you know that it can easily be prevented by the simple art of communication. That's what makes it great dramatic irony. Knowing the point of view of each character results in a scene that evokes emotions in two different ways.
Hooty’s Breakdown: This was...genuinely hard to watch. Not that it was badly written, far from it. It just...hurt seeing how destroyed Hooty was when he realized he failed the people he has such an admiration for. On the upside, a wholesome moment follows soon after as the Owl House gang tries to reassure Hooty that he's done a lot of good that night. It's a pure action that shows even though Hooty gets on their nerves all the time, they still care about him...damn it. I think I'm gonna cry.
Eda’s Advice for Luz: ...Eda...You're the best.
You found out that your surrogate daughter wants to ask a girl out, and not only were you quick to deliver the best possible advice ("Just go for it!"), but you also quickly reassure her that it doesn't need to be perfect.
And you know what? That's it. Eda is the best cartoon mom! She might not technically be Luz's mom, but I don't give a s**t because she is the best!
Luz and Amity Ask Each Other Out: Shh-sh-sh-sh...
Do you hear that?
...It's the sound of dozens of Lumity fans collectively losing their s**t...and I'm one of them.
HOLY S**T! Holy s**t! Holy s**t...might just be the best way I could possibly describe this! Finally, after all the waiting, speculating, and praying, THESE TWO IDIOTS FINALLY GOT TOGETHER! AND IT WAS PERFECT! I mean, it was awkward as s**t, but that's what makes it perfect! You know why? You wanna--Hey! *snaps fingers*. You want to know why? It's because they're teenagers. Of f**king course, it's going to be awkward! This is their first relationship, so there will be a lot of missteps along the way. And that, in itself, brings me to the best (second best part?) thing about it happening in episode eight of the new seasons. Most endgame couples get together in the climax or even at the end of the series. But to have them get together this early on, means there will be quite a few episodes dedicated to showing them grow as a couple.
And better than that--EVEN F**KING BETTER THAN THAT--dozens of kids are going to see these two, a realistic depiction of young love that just so happens to involve two girls, and are going to learn once and for all that there is nothing wrong with being who they are. That fact alone is f**king incredible. Yes, it sucks that season three got cut short, and we'll have even less time with Luz and Amity, but knowing how many kids have felt seen today almost makes it worth it in the end.
And if I see one mother f**ker saying this was poorly paced, I might just hunt them down for SPORT...Sorry if that was an overreaction. I'M JUST SO HAPPY! Because they're happy! Look at them. Listen to them! It's so...GAH-HAHAHA!
“They’re adorable! And deserve all the happiness!”: You're darn right, Hooty! You're darn right.
King’s Father(?) Shows Up: What the--WHAT?! They're doing this now?! Here?! After everything else?
Oh, man. What could this mean? What dynamic changes will this cause in the main cast? How could the writers fit this in during the next two episodes? And what--
Hooty Eats the Letter: ...Pfffft--HAHAHAHA!
Oh, man...I should be mad, and I wouldn't blame others if they are...but that is too much of a brilliant f**k you that I can't help but appreciate it. Bravo writers. Bravo.
...Dislikes? Dislikes? You would honestly believe that after everything I witnessed in this episode, that I would have the gull to list anything wrong with it?!
HOW DARE YOU ASSUME THAT I WOULD BE SO CALLUS TO--Actually, I do kind of have an issue with the episode's title. It's just too much of an awkward mouthful for me to get behind. I understand that the writers wanted to sneak the K into the secret message, but were there really no other titles starting with K that they couldn't come up with?
But that's just a personal issue, and in no way do I think anybody else would feel the same way. Especially with how well-written everything else is anyway.
"Knock Knock Knockin' on Hooty's Door" (title aside) is another A+ episode. It was hilarious, heart-wrenching, and downright adorable while keeping me entertained with every minute. I'm sure there are some issues I was willing to ignore due to how expertly written everything else was, but why bother looking for the chinks in the armor when I could just enjoy a perfect episode for being so...perfect! Some of you might be willing to disagree with me, but to that, I say: Don't knock it till you've tried it.
(Now, if you don't excuse me, I'm going to go lie down. It's...It's been a day.)
#the owl house#the owl house season 2#the owl house reviews#the owl house spoilers#toh spoilers#toh hooty#king clawthorne#eda clawthorne#raeda#luz noceda#amity blight#lumity#lumity is canon#what i thought about
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i thought you said you shipped buddie first but then you saw that they probably never gonna go canon, which is kinda stupid cause before most of the last ep, there was firm evidence. now you're a defence blog for all of taylor kelly's bad traits?? also the part about the copaganda. yes, there was copaganda in the first few eps. it doesn't matter if others are liking the new ep. there was still copaganda in the first few eps. it doesn't matter what their motives were and are. there was still copaganda in the first few eps. and you saying stuff like that isn't gonna change that.
let's clear some things ups.
1) yes, i have stated that the very first watch through of the show i went in to ship buddie. if you go back to my monte watches 911/chrono tag you'll see that i was waiting for the gays i was told about to arrive. esp when i got to s2 of the show. as of s5 i have come to the conclusion that i don't see them going canon and so i still engage with buddie in fanfic, because i think that fanfic!eddie is usually more interesting to read because he's actually emotionally available, and in gifsets that i think i'd like to have on my blog.
2) a defense blog for taylor kelly's worst traits? i mean, i'm a taylor kelly positive blog. i am a bucktaylor positive blog. bc i like what the writers are doing with them. while i don't fall into the camp of thinking buddie is going to be canon and shipping bucktaylor i do think that those things can be true at the same time and that there are certainly people on this platform that think that way. i recognize that the person taylor kelly was at the end of dosed wasn't a nice person. but again if we are looking to canon, as in the things that have actually happened on the show, in buck actually buck talked about taylor to bobby. bobby did not tell that man "she tried to exploit me she's a horrible person", in that very episode he expressed wanting to be more than a hook up. and when she popped back in breaking point it was clear that buck still harbored no ill will towards her. that's the thing about people saying "i like them as friends" bc breaking point established them flirting, they were friends yes, but it was always portrayed as something that was going to be more than that. and s4 showed us the side of taylor kelly that was still driven to succeed in her job, but wasn't going to use people's worst moments to further herself. so clinging to a s2 depiction of a character would be like looking at eddie in eddie begins and saying he's the same father as he was then. megan west is not a series regular, of course there is going to be character development off screen. that's just gonna be what happens when first you were brought in for a couple guest spots and then a few years later writers decide that there's more to that story they started to tell, that was left open ended?? and when they brought her back they gave her scenes to show how much she had grown?
3) i would agree that there was a time that buddie could have gone canon. the only real evidence that i would point to is how between s2 and s3 the writers decided to give buck and eddie this close friendship that didn't exist in s2. they were friendly, yes, but definitely not on the level that i would have assumed buck was playing babysitter and being told that he was the person eddie trusted most with his son. this rapid relationship progression was definitely something they did with a lot of their romantic couples. the thing is the show has never stretched getting two characters out over so many seasons, or this long. i also just think that the writers are sloppy with how they've chosen to depict their friendship, litterally just yesterday i wrote this tome of a text post where i go into a little more, but i think the sloppy nature, the broad strokes and being open to interpretation have come home to roost. while i would never accuse the writers of the show of queerbaiting i think that the way fandom has chosen to highlight those scenes to the point where it is now an in fandom joke that people outside the fandom think 911 is the gay firefighter show shows this. bc the majority of that isn't coming from fox's marketing department. and it certainly hasn't come from the marketing department anytime recently.
4) i am not saying that you can't say that there wasn't copaganda in the blackout arc. this isn't my first rodeo. i think i started watching the show weekly in s3, definitely watched it every week with tumblr in s4 and now s5. so i watched all summer as people started to build their theories about how a blackout arc was going to lead a to a buddie love confession. it was going to lead to that for this character. and then when we got the episodes and they were athena centric it was "copaganda" every other complaint. and again, i'm not saying that element isn't there. but it's baked into the core of the character and has been since the pilot. but it is only ever brought out as a complaint when certain corners of the fandom feel that they were robbed of something they feel they were promised. and it's weird. bc all of athena's stoylines that center around her doing her job are always going to have that element. i'm not saying that people have to like it, but it's obvious that they want to pick and choose when it seems to matter to them. when they can talk about how her doing her job and being dubiously murky with bobby destroying evidence as they flirt to get in a dig at bucktaylor fans they go with it. but when athena and harry are in the middle of a crisis it's fuck the propaganda we wanted buddie locked in an elevator i'm not supposed to see through the bullshit?
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I've recently seen some old posts talking about how Ben and Gwen trusted Kevin too quickly and it was stupid. Apparently it's something they both would've never done. It's the word never that struck me.
So I just want to add my opinion and say it wasn't a stupid move. I agree Gwen and Kevin falling in love seemed rushed but the trust thing isn't as bad as people have made it out to be.
I'm going to talk about Ben and Gwen separately.

In Forge of Creation Paradox says to child Ben But one day, you'll remember it dimly and trust Kevin when you shouldn't, and he'll respond to that trust and help save the universe.
So Ben trusting Kevin wasn't out of nowhere. Paradox literally mentions that Ben will trust Kevin when he shouldn't. " shouldn't " most likely refers to when they met 5 years later. Ben shouldn't have asked Kevin to join the team but he does because Ben subconsciously knows Kevin's importance.
The show does acknowledge that Ben included Kevin in the team too quickly but also gives us a reason, though it was later on.
But even then , in Kevin's Big Score , Ben also says Still not buying the "nice guy" act, Kevin.
Again, while a part of Ben gives Kevin a chance, he still isn't too sure about his decision.
So we do have the conflict of interest shown from Ben's side so he's clear from his side.
But even if Kevin didnt save the universe Ben still would've given him a chance, maybe not that soon but eventually because thats who he is anyway. He helps Vilgax with his planet and isn't hostile against the Reiny when they were trapped. So why wouldn't he have asked Kevin to join him?
Okay with Gwen I'm probably reaching but hear me out.
In What Little Girls Are Made Of she mentions how she feels like and outsider and then says that's what she thinks high-school is anyway to try to make herself better.
[ I couldn't get transcripts for the episode and was too lazy to type out word for word ]
Also Gwen doesn't have many friends. I dont know if the writers have ever mentioned her having friends besides Emily, because I guess Ben having lots of friends before the omnitrix in Alien Force has been mentioned.
Yes I know in OS Gwen [because she had invitations ready for her birthday] had friends but its natural over time that people drift away.
My point is Gwen feels alone. I dont think she was bullied but her being different in a magic-alien sense made her feel out of place.
I guess somewhere she knew where Kevin was coming from , though not completely.
Ben would've told her about Kevin, about how he lived in New York and what he knew of his situation, so I guess in a way she put the pieces together and could relate to being different from others.
Ben has the omnitrix but he's still a human. He's still like other people, but Gwen is inherently different.
She can't just turn off her powers, they are part of her.
So Gwen placing full trust in Kevin? probably not. But she understood enough to give him a chance.
Also I've read a few old posts about how Gwen would never be with Kevin because he tried to kill her.
My thoughts on this? Gwens mature enough to know while Kevin was bad, he was also 11 years old.
He was a child. If he was older, then I would agree that the things he did were maybe unredeemable and Gwen would never.
But they were kids. He was kid with a huge troubled past, any sensible person could see that he wasnt evil, just really angry at the world. Ben just happened to be his punching bag. He mentions people laugh at him and call him a freak. He wanted revenge for that.
Gwen has shown to give people the benefit of doubt throughout the series too e.g. with P'andor.
She even tried to patch things up with Charmcaster , though she shouldn't have right? Charmcaster was just a big a threat to them as Kevin was in the OS. That post also mentioned Charmcaster being redeemed makes more sense than Kevin's. But you're reasoning Kevin shouldn't have a redemption because he tried to kill them , then charmcasters redemption also shouldn't work because she too tried to kill them.
Having a preference for her over Kevin I can get but your reasoning should make sense.
[ chamrcasters arc is a whole other train wreck so won't be going into that ]
So teaming up with Kevin being a never isn't in the picture, atleast not for me.

Also why wouldn't Gwen like him? He's good looking , he's got charm , he's smart, and got that boy thing going.
She's still a teenage girl, crushes happen.
Though I will agree leaning into him and the whole "ill follow you anywhere moment " was too much too soon, but Gwevin being a possibility isn't so far fetched as some people claim.
I read a post on tumblr a while back and someone mentioned that even the rushing made a little sense. Because what they said was that Gwen and Kevin had a crush on each other and the reason they got together so quickly was because of it. They weren't expecting to actually fall in love with each other, however once they got together the casual-ness of the relationship became more serious.
#ben 10#kevin levin#gwen tennyson#ben 10 alien force#ben tennyson#gwevin#ben 10 classic#ben 10 series#ben 10 analysis#my take#Trust#cartoon nostalgia
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Hey, same person who sent the suggestions regarding your trouble with writing earlier :)
That does sound like what I experienced during my writer's block... I didn't have any fully committed events going at the time (just smaller challenges) but did take on a lot at once and then came up with nothing... It really sucks to not be able to put out the stuff you promised in time, but it's not uncommon. You can still try and see if you can come up with something, but please don't push yourself too hard! If it really is a writer's block, that can be your mind telling you it needs a break. Or sometimes it's because your brain learned a lot of new things but it doesn't have the time to work through all of them at once (I tend to actually make some pretty big improvements even if I haven't written in a longer time, just because my brain had to work through all that new knowledge and needed time to process it). Or you could just be burned out from writing, in which case stepping away probably is much more helpful than pushing it, since pushing yourself sometimes only makes it worse.
I don't wanna tell you what to do here since this is absolutely your decision and I understand feeling bad for not fulfilling commitments... Just some personal experiences. But I'm also sure that most people are gonna understand if you can't complete the event stuff in time because of something like this.
If writing about that is what you enjoy the most and where your inspiration lies, that's totally okay. You might just develop a following around that series who are all looking forward to hearing more about it instead.
Also, most larger blogs get to a point where they close their requests from time to time to work through what they already have or just take a break. That's totally okay (and probably ultimately somewhat necessary for your mental health)
Writing and not posting can be a great way to get through this too since it takes some of the pressure off you and you can instead just focus more on enjoying whatever you're writing :)
As for writing sprint, basically you have a set period of time (usually smth around 20 minutes I think) in which you try to write as many words as possible (It really plays into the idea of "Just write a first draft where you don't care how good it is, you can always edit later"). If you do it with friends, it's a bit of a competition of who can write the most words and can be kind of a fun game. Tho I often just do it by myself too and just try to do more than I did the previous round. You can just set a timer for yourself, but there's also Discord bots for it if you use that (The most popular one is called "Sprinto")
i ended up going on a writing hiatus for a while after some shit went down last night and took me out completely. this sounds stupid but i have to get my mind back in a better place before i can write again and rn, it’s rlly not
gonna save the link to this post in my notes and come back to it though when i’m feeling better! writing sprints sound really cool and i’ll probably try them out in my server eventually :,) thank you for your tips and tricks and your concern anon ♥️
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Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story from the very beginning
You Are (Part III)
Hi! We reached the last meta from season 11! Yay!
As I disclaimed in my last meta, this is a Destiel centered series of analysis, so the rest of the topics could be taken superficially.
Hope you enjoy! Let's start!
You are back
Çhuck, God himself, was agonizing on the floor, the event most important on the entire Universe, but even so, Dean ordered Sam to go to check on him, because Dean wanted to check on his angel, his own personal universe.
Gif credit @mad-as-a-box-of-frogs
So the relived and slight one side ways smile he showed when he realized his Cas was back, it was priceless.
So, okay, the world was about to end, but Dean has Cas back, so... 🤣🤣
And later, when Cas made a innocent appreciation about Dog's breakfast, Dean just feels so proud of him. Throwing to his brother "Cas is back."
But I know we are not here for this little scenes ... But the nefarious car talk... Okay, let's suffer now.
I for We. And you are a brother to Us
We all know there was plenty alcohol in that bunker when Dean decided not to die sober.
The camera showed us deliberately, when the hunter opens the fridge, we had beers there.
So the 'let's go to a ride to buy some beers before the world ends' was just an excuse.
He invited Sam to covered his intentions, knowing Sam would reject him for sure.
So, when Sam said no, as he was expecting, he calls for his angel.
Once in the road, the conversation wet from one point, to another. But the way it ended it wasn't pleasent.
DEAN: How you doing? You good? I mean, you know, the whole Lucifer thing.
So, this is what happens with Dean: he can openly talk about his feelings or other people's feelings with Sam or Jody, but he lost track of his own words when Cas is in front of him. So here, by this, he wanted to know about why Cas said yes, or... What was happening with him. Because he didn't see that coming. But he simplifies this whole ideas that haunting him for so many days and night without sleeping, saying 'the whole Lucifer thing'. The whole Lucifer thing means all of this, including his own deception of Cas rejecting to be saved by him. To come back to him. So there this wall between Dean's true feelings and Dean's words towards Cas. He is protecting himself from that pain, the rejection. So he is deeply concerned, but he needs to act cool.
CAS: I was just... so stupid.
Cas is still sad and feeling not usefulness.
DEAN: No, no, no. It wasn't stupid. You were right. You were right to let Lucifer ride shotgun.
Me and Sam wouldn't have done that.
By saying this, Dean is trying to convince Cas he was useful, and brave. Because he did something not Sam not him would do. Dean is trying to support him and comfort him, as a real friend would do. He could be yelling at him, and saying he did a stupid thing, as he uses to do when Cas takes this kind of decision, but this time is different, because he recognizes Cas said yes to Lucifer because he was feeling sad, and bad. And Dean didn't see that.
CAS: Well, it didn't work.
DEAN: No, but it was our best shot, and you stepped up.
CAS: I was just trying to help.
DEAN: Well, and you do help, Cas.
Dean repeats to Cas that what he did was useful, was very helpful, he is important in the fight. Now that he settled that point, is time to let the angel know he's not just important for the fight, but for him. Because he was terribly worried about him, not sleeping, imagine he could lost him forever... But his fears to rejection played Dean again.
DEAN: You know, l— You know, sometimes me and Sam have got so much going on that...we forget about everyone else.
He backtracked, but he tried, he tried to apologise because he didn't see what was happening with Cas. So he look for a shield. Sam. If he uses Sam, he won't be alone in his feelings... Because Sam loves Cas a a brother, a real friend. But not Dean. Dean is in love with Cas, so, Sam is the shield. Those feelings: BROTHERHOOD, FRIENDSHIP. Yes. Dean can handle that. But his true feelings? The first person talk? The L word?, He just can't right now... that's why he transforms I into WE/US/SAM AND ME. We didn't see you sad. We weren't aware of your depression.
CAS: Well, you do live exciting lives.
DEAN: [Chuckles] Yeah, that's one word for it.
But you're always there, you know?
With this Dean is trying to say another thing it was haunting his mind this whole time for sure. Cas always come when they call. Cas is always there for them. Cas takes care of him, all the time. He failed to Cas.
[Dean looks over at Cas]
DEAN: You're the best friend we've ever had.
Dean is feeling the cowardice all over him, using the shield, the safe WE and covering his own true emotions and feelings, to deliver a message to Cas: YOU ARE IMPORTANT, best friend, is wonderful privilege, a great place. But Cas is more than just that, even for Sam, so he adds...
You're our brother, Cas. I want you to know that.
Dean places Cas in Sam's spot: BROTHERHOOD that's the maximum place for a friend. So for sure, Sam considers Cas his brother. But is not the place Dean gave Cas in his heart. But is a safe word: BROTHER, there's not danger on that. Not feelings exposure. Not rejection.
Gif credit @mad-as-a-box-of-frogs👇
Cas' sad and disappointed expression when he hears Dean saying this is so painful to see. That's not the place he wants with Dean. So is more pain for his angelic heart. Dean, heartbroken as he was for being rejected when he tried to save him, is heartbreaking Castiel now. Misscomunication, that will take a huge place in Dabb's era.
Jealous Cas
Just a few words about this, because I'm addition to the new rejection our angel had felt in Dean's hands, when they were planing the soul bomb, they needed someone to get close to Amara. And Cas, who had witnessed the way Dean and Amara interacted, that... Bond, he gave his own opinion about the plan...
CAS: We need somebody to get close to her, someone with a... personal connection.
Cas made a face here, not a good one hehe. He knew about this, about their connection.
Dean said goodbye to his mom the grave ( as a foreshadow of her resurrection), to his brother, and then, it was time for Cas...
Gif credit @spnsmile 👇
The hug is tender, and Dean looks sad at the end. But then Cas throws to him his quote ...
CAS: I could go with you.
DEAN: No, no, no. No, I got to do this alone.
Castiel is always willing to die for Dean, so let him go alone to a certain death is not something he is able to handle, but because Dean is requesting him this, and then he even gave Cas a mission: to take care of Sam. That's why Cas stays. He has a new mission, to protect Sam and comfort him.
Finally, when the world was saved, the camera shows us Cas asking for Dean. Because his thoughts were with him the whole time. Just like Dean's thoughts when he wanted to get his angel back, or when they were planning to defeat Amara, and Dean asked what Cas thought about the plan, and Lucy mocked him, of course.
Gif credit @mad-as-a-box-of-frogs 👇
Need vs Want
The writers presented to us the topic we will explore in season 12/13 and even 14. What do you want, Dean?
Want is not need. The quote I NEED YOU. It was used by Dean Winchester in the crypt scene, as a shield too, to avoid the fact that he needs Cas because he loves him.
But here we have Amara
AMARA: Dean, you gave me what I needed most. I want to do the same for you.
And she wasn't wrong, she needed her brother to be in peace, and after a visit to the bunker, finding that pic with Mary and Dean on it, she perceived Dean needed his mom the most. So Dean will need his mother to finally find what he really wants. It will be the start of his self knowledge, self acceptance and self love that will lead him to finally express his true feelings for Castiel, that we all are waiting to happen in season 15.
I hope you enjoyed this!! See you in the next meta! Season 12!
To Conclude:
Last episode from this season showed us an attempt of Dean Winchester to put into words all the things that he was struggling with. But using Sam and changing the I for We/Us is a symptom of Dean's fears of being rejected. He is not ready to express his feelings which is translated into a new deception and rejection for Cas. Misscomunication.
Ending with the Need vs Want, preparing the self knowledge path Dean will have in season 14.
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weird-dorky-little-deana @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @teddybeardoctor @pepevons @helevetica @isthisdestiel @dizzypinwheel @jawnlockwinchester @horsez2 @qanelyytha
@imjustkipping @destielle @agusvedder @spnsmile @shippsblog @robot-feels @superlock-in-the-tardis @superduckbatrebel
If you want to be added or removed from this list, just let me know.
If you want to read the previous metas from season 11, here you have the links.
Buenos Aires, August 11th 2020 5:30 PM
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oh shit please don't tell me korn and knock break up? can you tell me what happens? i'm not gonna watch it because you're the 4th person who told me there's unnecessary angst lmao i'm not here for it thank you very much just gonna wait for max and tul's next series and live in bliss
sure lol so not many people follow me or look at what i post but spoilers but also it’s 2020 so...
so uhhhhh i always get them mixed up bc i dumb so we’re going by maxtul. i watched all of TWM (i mean i ffd thorugh half cos cringe) and some of bad romance (let’s say.....not much) and at the end of BR they’re engaged.
max’s parents are conservative, he’s not out. tul’s parents aren’t but he doesnt come out until later (tbh it’s a nice scene bc im like wow what’s it like having good parents)
so there’s a lot of coming out angst. then there’s some fake dating with girls and light angst with that. but i think the thing that really pissed fans off was that max(’s char) cheats. it was one night of sex w a dude that was a creep (which was weird tbqh the optics) but still??? and also i would be furious? so TC (t’s char) is like mad and tries to cheat on him but what happens when u gain sense as a writer is he didnt.
then they make up. some stuff also happens w yihwa like she cheats i think? loses her virgin-ts to some other dude? and im not even going to talk about the old dr dude and that other guy bc at the end of TWM i was done bc that is fucking coercion adn rape so i was like fuck no.
honestly i sped thru the show like months later. it’s just wild cos it’s such a waste of time. it’s such a breach of trust? like even if he was like ~it didnt mean anything~ that kind of takes a lot of healing time. some people are ok with the physical parts and also the literal cheating was weird (like...the whole s/l of a predator but whatever) but still u no?
however to be fair i think this is standard fare for all the thai dramas i have seen (wel BLs) and i dont rly watch romcoms of anything else cos i can’t. i think it was one of those things where it’s like “of course the writing is horrid and some stupid wrenches get thrown in” bc honestly what else wuold they conceptualize lol
oh also since the BR ending i think ppl were upset that didnt really get on screen? honestly i d ont know. i dont expect much but i think i really was like “GORLLLLLL” when he cheated cos that’s a lot lmao
the good thing is that offscreen we have maxtul one of the most comfortable ppl ive seen which si good in this genre bc it’s so hard to watch two pplembarrassed of doing their job do stuff lol. hope this helped!
excited for manner of death hope it’s great lol i watched part of this other show max was in where he plays a HOMOSEXUAL but just cos hes rly cute
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The series was so bad that we're supposed to take the word of a villain we had never met before and only saw in the last episode, someone we don't know and could have been lying, because Marvel renamed the "show don't tell" into "tell everything and don't bother showing it".
It was unnatural and completely selfish. IDGAF what Kang says about other variants of himself, this is like asking me to trust Thanos when he says resources are finite and murdering half of existence is the better choice.
Why should I care what the main villain claims to be true if I don't know him and have no way of knowing, because no one in the series is allowed to question it, whether or not he's lying and the only character who dares ask a question is betrayed and kicked back to the TVA (and as per the OP post, blamed! for the outcome).
The only explanation we have is his other variants are bad and he's good so he stopped the war and created the TVA so that they could murder entire realities whenever he looked into the future and saw an evil variant of himself appear.
Because pruning entire realities is super good, amirite? Total superhero stuff right there. Yeah, you're the good one. Delusional is what you are, you dumbfuck.
As you say the multiverse existed before and The Ancient One didn't seem to have a problem with it because she wasn't going around fucking things up and killing people, then Stephen acquires that knowledge and he's happy with it, as is Wong. The multiverse isn't the problem, its existence is completely natural. Messing with it and acting like you own it is the problem.
But hey, when you make a series where you actively refuse to take the time to explain, when your writers come up with stupid stuff during parties and when you don't care enough about the characters you end up with this: a complete and utter nonsensical show where months later people are still confused about the plot.
So yeah, sorry for the rant but I couldn't help myself lol
Wanda, Loki, and Peter on who should be blamed for making the multiverse:
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The Bucketlist
Mini-Series of Short Stories
St. Valentines Day [EN]: Chapter 3
Dorian waited at the house and later, he heard a knock.
He thought it was who he expected but to his confusion, it was someone different and unfamiliar when he opened the door.
"You're too much handsome to be my cousin. Where's Gisela? Is she here? Why are you just staring at m-? O.M.G. Are you number 6?!" The woman almost screamed at his face.
"G-gisela, is that her name?" He asked.
This is a beginning of the end for the things he thought would last.
"Sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Merian. See? You don't even know my cousin's name! You are so number 6!" He's more confused than ever.
He did not answer.
"Oh my bad, you see, Gisela has this list of task, that I don't know what for, but I saw that mission number six is to sleep with a random guy and leave him clueless afterwards." The woman explained.
He did not answer.
He was just not talking.
All he felt was rage and eagerness to confront Gisela, and speak of the devil.
She's here.
"Little Dino, I'm back, with hope. And the fish smells really goo-..." Piggy stopped on her tracks when she saw her cousin.
"So you're back 'GISELA'. I guess you can now call me Dorian, the rising-star druggie, or Mr. Number '6' on your stupid list. Am I just a stop-over to pass by, a task to complete or a mission to accomplish?!" He's furious.
Gisela slowly walked toward Dorian, looking at his face carefully.
"God. H-how did I not recognize you? You're the rising rookie singer and actor that had a controversial... Drug scandal." Gisela said in her lowest tone, almost whispering the last sentence.
"Do you believe them? You know what, don't answer. Did you plan this all along?! Why am I still betting on this?! Am I that disposable and replaceable to you Gisela?!" He said fuming.
"No, it's not like that. But you don't need to know my excess baggages. It's best for us to just go on our separate lives. Just trust me. It's for you own good. You need to keep distance, get used to not being with me and staying away from me as much as you c-..." She was cut off by the man.
"You know what's good for me? You! Is it my fault that I have learned to love you in the process of fixing ourselves?!" The man confessed as Gisela's eyes water and her face streamed with her own tears.
"I didn't ask for you to fall in love with me! I just want you to believe in me!" She screamed.
"What more proof do you need? In this messed up life, you're the only thing that I could believe in the most. Is it wrong to fall in love with you this much, this early?!" Dorian yelled back.
"Y-you need to leave. I-I don't feel the same for you. It's impossible for me to love a d-drug addict." Gisela firmly said the opposite of what she really feels.
But she had to finish what needs to be done.
With that, the man packed his things and left without saying a word.
A year after, Gisela moved back into the city again and was offered a script-writing job.
Her cousin is so happy that Gisela's trying to get her life back.
Gisela got out of their apartment with a light make up and a hair in messy bun, wearing a gray coat and a tucked-in black spaghetti-strap top with a white floral skirt.
She's meeting her cousin on her way to work, the work place is just a few blocks away and she's way too early to take a cab.
"What a beautiful lady. With that bod, no boss can neglect you." Merian said.
"Your statement reminded me of someone. Nevermind. Let's not ruin my first day of work. Shall we?" Gisela said.
They continue to converse while walking.
"I'm really sorry for what happened between you two, you could have been a nice couple. Based on what you looked like when I found you on that island, it seemed that guy's giving you great 'after-sex glow' and radiance. Is he that good at fu-..." Merian was cut off.
"Can you stop saying 'sorry' for the Nth time? We cannot change what happened. You did not know, therefore, it's not your fault. Let's leave it at that. You know what? I almost cursed you due to your potty mouth and judgemental statements. Nevermind. By the way, congrats for giving birth to a cute, bouncing baby girl." Gisela greeted her cousin.
"You have not told anyone the purpose of the list, but if you're really ill or not feeling well to live your life, why not get yourself checked? Or have you already secretly done it? Is that why you're like this?" Gisela just stared at Merian, trying to process her answer.
Then, Merian's phone rang.
"O-oh... Can you hold the baby for a moment? I just have to take this call." Gisela nodded as Merian let her carry the baby.
The baby cried and she tried to stop it.
Then a man approached her.
"Long time, no see. So who's the lucky father?" The man asked.
She's kind of expecting who the man is and she doesn't wanna turn her head...
But she did, just to confirm her assumptions...
"D-dorian?" The man nodded smiling to her.
"If you're referring to this kid, this is not mine. It's my cousin's. I wouldn't even dream of adopting one. I'm a hell of a burden, right?" She said to him forcing to laugh a bit.
Like nothing ever happened.
Dorian smiled back bitterly.
"So, this is goodbye again. S-see you when I see you." He said as he turned around and walked away.
When Merian got back, she almost screamed as she recognized the guy who just talked to her cousin.
"Oh my freakin' hell! Is that the famous singer and actor Dorian West?! The guy you were with before?! Are you guys seeing each other again?!" She cheerfully screeched.
"We're not even together Merian." She said.
Merian just shrugged at Gisela's statement.
After a few walks, Gisela and Merian parted ways.
She then entered a huge studio with an elegant set-up.
She never expected that she can work in a big-time project like this.
She has dreamt of being a writer, now here she is.
Fulfilling that dream.
Her eyes widen when she saw the man she was talking to earlier.
The man was wearing a leather jacket, white shirt and a plain denim pants.
He was holding a lighter and a box of cigarettes.
He just came in from the smoking area.
'Hell, he's still a chainsmoker.' Gisela thought.
The man was also almost taken aback when he saw the writer that he thinks the director was talking about...
"I guess closure is not closure then. You got hotter." He said...
"Dorian?" Gisela was shocked.
"Well, I'm waiting for your secret skin care regimen..." Dorian joked.
"W-well, I guess I'm a late bloomer. Kidding. But I really think I got fatter. Between the two of us, one did stand out and succeeded. You're now a famous star. I accepted the job they offered me for I'm nothing without writing. Compared to you, I'm just a Dog-poop." Gisela said.
"Well, I'm still a so-called Scumbag and Asshole in this industry but why care? I'm willing to help you in anyway I can. Since I guess, you're the one who wrote the film and they have chosen your story. We will be working together for a long time 'cause I will be playing the lead." She was astonished by what the smirking guy said.
"Wait, you know our new writer?" Jameson, one of the staff, asked Dorian.
"Yes, my previous nurse." Dorian stated looking at her.
"What?! She gave up speding all her years in Med-school for writing?!" The staff exclaimed.
"Yes, her work is amazing. And no, she gave it up to get away from a certain thing in the past... That we should not talk about." Dorian defended her.
"Guys, listen up! Meet our new writer Ms. Gisela Valentine, I've read her storyline, it's great! Now we're sure of the leading man but who would be the leading lady?" The director declared.
"Why not the one who wrote her own story? Our story." Dorian said like it pertains to Gisela and their tragic separation.
"He's kidding. Go on Director." Gisela said with subtle awkwardness.
"Oh, I think I know the right person, somebody sent an audition clip. We have a prime actress in the house, Catherine Vergara is on board. She'll be arriving here later to shoot. Time to get you all moving and improving. Focus on the prize guys! Go, go, go!!!" The director said.
With that they all parted and worked their assess off...
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