#late valentines
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And yes I don't have any motivation to draw digitally (I'll post digiart soon I promise 🗣️🗣️)
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Double Valentine's date!
Vix (Brown hair with pink) by @donuqx-art Aria (Redhead) by me
#Vix (omori)#Vix Omori#Aubrey Omori#kel omori#Aria Omori#omori#omori oc#late valentines#keysmash omori#musics beats omori#trans female Kel
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aw thank you 💗✨
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A Dahlia I drew for V-day and the alternate that has her actual palette
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Desert Dance
On the other side of the Web, a new story began. Like it always does, when the strings of two Webs Intertwine. A flipped world begins, sands blowing across the desert in waves. Canyons and mesas rise above, painting the scarred landscape with rusty reds, oranges, and browns, twisting and waving in an intricate pattern of rock.
The landscape itself was carved by nature's wonders- Molten lava beds which had long since cooled down over time, creating breathtaking caves, and amazing rock sites. These serve as refuge for those brave souls who traverse the Bad-Lands.
These caves have grown, and now, they even harbor cities and towns. One of these cities is called Stalagmite City, the biggest one all. Placed snug in a cave called El Roseau, this bustling semi-1950's western themed town's been thriving. Even has a big freshwater lake.
But that's not where our story's set, is it? Like what someone once said, 'you've got to get to the canyons to strike gold.' Smaller towns lie outside as well.
One of those.. Is Sterlington. A darling little town situated next to a bridge which stretches over the canyons. This is where our tale begins.
With a stubborn city gal, trying to start anew, and a loyal sheriff, who merely wants to make a friend.
These two, to others, were like oil and water. Our gal surely thinks so herself. But.. Maybe all she had to do was open up. Give friendship another chance. Maybe give love, another chance.
She's already trying, opening her home to two souls. Souls she considered her children. But will that be enough to consider other souls 'friends?'
Our sheriff surely wishes to do so. Ever since day one, he's been poking, prodding, pleading for the tiniest ounce of friendship to this iced-over woman. You can imagine how dumbstruck he felt when all of the blue, a large.. Stuffy broke the walls in five minutes, that he's been wearing down for weeks.
But he's getting somewhere.
Tucking a lock behind her ear, Polaris breathed a sigh as she stared at her creation in slight disappointment. The duck cake was not.. Duck-ying. She didn't have enough fondant to make the beak or coat the legs, and she wasn't even sure if her recipient liked fondant or not.
At least she's getting practice out of this, she mused. But the fondant... She knows she can make it at home. Time to go out again, she supposed. All Polar really needed were marshmallows and fine sugar. From what she remembered, she needed shortening too. She had butter at home anyway.
Starlo was probably out training Killa, from the sounds of grunting and small explosions to the left. Familiar ears popped out of a sand and shook themself off. She waved at her towering feline stuffy kid, Killa, and he waved back, before dodging a bell attack.
"Focus, Kills! Keep it up, Sparkles! Y'all are doin' great."
She called, swinging her homemade tote bag on her shoulders and walking into town. Just hoped that she didn't bump into anyone on the way, yeah-? Funny how just a few weeks ago she was a silent recluse running from a job. Now, she's still a recluse, but she has a job, new.. Could she even call them friends? ..and a family. Her own.
One she's waited for, maybe even wanted. It felt.. Natural, for her.
She didn't take notice of her surroundings, and soon tripped on the front step of an establishent. Gasping, she flailed, trying to soften her fall-.. But it never came. Instead, she felt something tugging at the scruff of her blouse, holding her face a few centimeters from the wooden floor. She was lifted up and placed upright, making her tense up and awkwardly brush herself off, before glancing behind her.
oh. shiddles.
With a proud smirk, a certain cocky duck stared down at her, worry seeming to glimmer a bit in those hazel green eyes. Sometimes she saw them stern and serious, eyes straight. Other times, they're bright and full of light and teasing. And others.. She didn't know. It was so hard to read them. Hard to read him.
Sheriff Vercos Star-Cross.
He stood at a towering height over her, five feet taller at most. She'd never admit it to him, but he.. He intimidated her. In ways she didn't know were possible. Crouching down to be at her level, he took a visual check on her.
"e y- You alright, miss? That was- heh, quite the drop-"
Polar would snap out of staring. Dammit, she was doing this more and more. what was wrong with her..?
"Yes, Vercos. I'm alright. Just flapped in, did ya?"
He would shrug, raising an wing to his nape, still remaining crouched. The air was full of awkwardness- Especially considering the upcoming events.
"Mm, yea, jus' about finished with my rounds. The bandit seems to have taken a pit stop, so we're all clear for tomorrow's dance."
There was a dance? She wasn't well accustomed with holidays. Upon seeing her confusion, the duck started to explain.
"Y'see, miss, we have, eh, let's say lil get-togetherz when stuff happens. Like for Thanksgivin', Easter, stuff like that. Valentine's is no difference."
"Different, difference. All the same."
Polar would shake her head and sigh, as Vercos stood up again, stretching. She can't blame him, it gets tiring having to crouch just to speak well. She should know- Nursed a lil birb when she was younger.
"And lemme guess, it's extra coupley."
Vercos laughed this time, shaking his head. That surprised her. Stereotypes.. Demolished? She was grateful she moved here more than ever. This town was something special, she could see it now. This was something she had to protect.
"Nawt at all, miss! We're all friends o'er here in Sterlington. I mean, ya can come with, if- If ya want-..?"
This action stunned her. What was he trying to achieve? Was he trying to strengthen their so-called 'friendship'..?
You thought he was gonna back off after last time? Hell. Nah. If anything, it was like he upped his game-..!
..but if she wants to stay, she needs to put effort into it.
"Miss? Miss, are ya really doin fine-? Ya look pretty, uh, not here."
Polar nodded, trying to analyze the situation. The dance will probably be night, or at least late afternoon when everyone was free. Since tomorrow was a school day, the people have time to fix up the grounds during the day. Others might've already cooked beforehand so all they needed to do was bring it. There's probably events as well. She was about done with puzzles, all she really needed to do was the cake.
..But the event wasn't what she was worried about, it was the intention of the one who asked her. Polaris hasn't been to a dance in.. A while. And the last one she had been to was, heh- Tragic, to say the least.
"Vercos. I'm fine. Just lost in thoughts like you said."
He would nod, bending over to be in her face. As usual, in her space. But why was she not getting irked?
"Well, mind if ya consider my offer?"
"I didn't realize it was an invitation."
"Hey, ya kids might wanna go too, so keep that in mind."
He'd gently nudge her with a small smile, making her involuntarily shiver and roll her eyes. Her children. Yeah.
They were a good excuse to go poke around harmlessly. Plus, she wasn't sure whether Killer had been to a dance before- Considering being cooped up in a creepy underground lab. She still felt shivers from that. ..She was genuinely scared. Concerned. For someone she wasn't that close with.
Feelings. They baffled her, really.
But.. If she kept on pushing them away, then-.. .... Crumbles has been prodding her to try. She's opened her heart. Her home. If she really wanted 'home,' she had to start nesting.
And it started with this.
"..I mean, I've been planning an outing so Killa and Starlo can get.. More aquainted with the fellows here. Guess this could be a start."
Was it just her, or did a small flicker of hope leap in his eyes..? And did his smile just twitch a little wider? That wasn't possible, was it-?
It's just having the kids around, yeah. Nothing changes with her and Vercos. He's just the irritating sheriff ducky who hangs around a lot and likes to solve puzzles. Which she made. It's not like anything will happen.
That evening, she finished coating the duck cake in fondant, and was starting on accessories. Painstakingly molding and creasing, every single brush she did precise and calculated. This continued on late into the night, and until early morning as well. She saw the first streaks of light reach up, touching the sky and spreading like watercolors on a paper.
It was well past dawn when she attached the gold sheriff cookie badge to the green fondue poncho. She did it..! A beautiful muscovy duckatrice stood cockily on a rock, poncho lightly swaying in the wind. An oversized brown Stetson hung on his head as his eyes looked forward with a determined sheen. Horns poked out of the Stetson, for more 'duckatrice.' Where tail feathers end, a new tail began, hanging behind him in an arrogant-ish way. She sadly didn't have enough fondant to make the transition to lizard wings, but she supposed this was enough.
She's been working her best. ..but would he like it..?
Shaking the thoughts from her head, she started cleaning up the kitchen, when she heard soft thumps from the living room. A few minutes later, a groggy Killa trudged in, ears flopping side to side like they did when tired. Polar smiled, putting the cake away for later.
"mhhhh... Morning, mum."
He would take a seat at the dining table and lay his head on it, groaning sleepily.
"Good morning, love. How was your sleep?"
"I wish I can go to bed again."
Polar shook her head, going over to pat his head consolingly.
"Wanna know something?"
Killa looked up with interest, rubbing his eye with a big clawed paw. Polar leaned closer with a whisper.
"We're going to a dance later."
Killa sat up straighter, eye glinting with excitement.
"A dance? Later? With people and music and food?"
Polar laughed, giving his lil clownish nose a boop.
"Especially food."
Killa hopped up excitedly from his chair, like he was on a sugar high of some sort.
"I'm gonna go tell Star!"
And with that, Killa went pittering away to tell his bro.
Hours later, the dance was in full swing. The sun had long set by now, and night was upon them. The last of the children had gone to bed. Killa and Starlo included- Albeit it was much of a struggle getting Killa to finally honk out- Starlo was a little stubborn, but he relented still.
Now it was just Polaris and the night. And the faint sound of music and laughter. ..She felt weirdly disappointed, not staying, but-.. She felt awkward. Not.. Not at home. There were too many people, too many eyes. And couples.
She knows Vercos said that all were welcome, but-.. It didn't change anything. She still felt alone. Shivering a bit, she curled up on the back porch swing as she looked up at the open sky. It was beautiful. She couldn't get enough of it- Heck, if she didn't see this every night, she would be depressed! The beauty of the celestial plane.. It made her think. A cool night breeze flowed past her and she shivered again. ayy, she shoulda got a blanket.
But she was way too comfy to leave.
Groaning, she'd scoot closer to one side of the remarkably large swing(Killa loves this place, so she made it to fit anyone) and curl up again. At least she had nothing else to do, yeah-..? Nothing much to worry about tonight. A soft flap of wings sounded above her, but she supposed those were just birds, resting for the night. Renovations went by oddly quickly, and she made the empty, three-room cabin not so small anymore- And best of all, she made it feel like home. Not just to herself, but to others as well. ..or at least, she hoped.
The thought made her warm inside, and she smiled. Everything was.. Okay. For once. And that feeling wrapped around her like a soft, warm blanket.. With a faint scent of leather, firewood, and.. Was that gunpowder? Blinking awake, she touched the new material draped around her body. A poncho- A lot like h i s-
"You were shivering."
Looking up, she saw a certain duck staring down at her with a soft smile. ..Well, that explained the flapping. "Oh. Um. Thanks, I guess."
Vercos nodded, the porch swing slowly swaying with the both of them on it.
"I didn't see you at the later dances. Mind tellin' me why didn't you stay, miss?"
And there it was. The questions. Polar sighed, subconsciously wrapping the poncho tighter around her. He stayed, watching the stars in silence. Just waiting. For her.
"I.. It felt awkward. I haven't danced in a while."
"You're welcome here. You know that."
She did. He knew she did. But yet-.. She didn't feel ready to mingle yet. She was glad her sons did, however.
"I guess I got skittish."
"Ya missed a good whole lot of dances, you know."
Polar chuckled, rolling her eyes.
"I'd rather skip than watch you fumble awkwardly."
"Hey! I look good~"
Vercos wagged his eyebrows(how does that even happen?), pushing his white hair back and leaned close to her with a smirk, preening his feathers like the cocky bird he is. As if he thinks he's attractive.
"Stop, you look ridiculous."
She laughed, pushing him away. This was much more comfortable than earlier. The duck laughed as well, a sound that resembled a quack- Yet smoother. It was unique.
"Ridiculously attractive~?"
"You're insane."
Chuckling, he'd sit straight again. Silence settled around the duo once more, as they sat, watching the stars. Polar turned to say something, but the words were lost. She couldn't.. Talk to him.
The silence was nice-.. But this was consuming.
"So, you dance?"
"Oh- That. Yeah, I took lessons. Haven't done it in a while."
"Do ya reckon you dance well?"
Where was he going with his chatter? Polar just can't understand the ways of this duckatrice. It compelled her to pick and claw more at his being, to fully understand and read him as easily as he did to her.
"I consider myself decent. And you?"
Vercos shrugged, glancing at her.
"Mista Tuwitler did teach me a bit. Tango, polka, two-step, waltz.. Other stuff too."
"Oh? Interesting. I was taught that too."
"Bet you can't tango as well as I do," Vercos teased. Polar raised a brow. "Are you challenging me to see who's better-.."
She'd lean closer to him with a teasing smirk, which made him tense up and glance around, his eyes shifty, feathers poofing up a bit. That made her feel good, knowing she had an effect on him somehow. Since-.. She couldn't read him that easily.
"Or are you trying to ask me to dance with you, hm?"
Vercos blinked, before grinning back, leaning closer to her as well, getting all up in her space and in her face. Second time today, what a shocker.
"Would ya agree if I said yes, though?"
Once again, she was stumped by Vercos Star-Cross. Or maybe, you're just overthinking. ..Or maybe that as well.
Leaning back, she stared blankly into nowhere as she tried to process it all, when a talon poked her cheek. She blinked, being met with a giddy Vercos face. Her face fell, and she rolled her eyes.
"You wanna, dontcha, miss?"
"..I'm not gonna answer that."
His teasing grin softened, and he stood up, offering a webbed, taloned hand to her.
"Well then. May I have this dance, milady?"
She stared at him, then his hand, and back at him once more. You only get a chance like this once in a lifetime. Don't screw it up again.
"Oh, screw it. You may."
Vercos's smile widened, and his eyes seemed to light up as Polar stood up, reached for the poncho once more, but thought better of it and place her hand in his-.. He grew smaller. Just for her. Standing at a height of five feet, he grinned up at her, tail feathers wagging like a happy duck. ..He really was happy.
Gently tugging her body to his, he placed his other hand on her shoulder. Blinking, confused, she did the same-.. Cause she felt awkward having to put her hand anywhere else. Laughing softly, Vercos led with a step to the side, Polaris following suit. It went along like so, just dancing in the back to a soundless tune. It felt nice. He spun her around, and she laughed, tilting her head back and slightly tightening her grip on his shoulder. He pulled her back gently, and caught her eyes. Chocolatey brown orbs met hazel green, and she lost sight of everything else. The surroundings faded away.. Leaving just him, dancing with her, in the dark.
#The Intertwining#Weya Allix#Omnis Prime IV#self indulgent#original AU#short story#original story#late valentines#Ion know how to do tags erm#oc#oc stuff#deltarune au#dtmv#utmv#undertale au#undertale yellow reference#inspired
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heres my fuse with rough outlines. posted the finished piece on twitter.
#fuse#fusehound#headcanon#fusehoundheadcanon#art#smexy#smexyart#walter fitzroy#fuse apex legends#walter fuse fitzroy#to bloodhound#a gift from fuse to bloodhound#bloth hundr#blothhundr#late valentines#valentines art#artist#fandomart#apex legends#apex fuse#apex fusehound#apex legends fanart#fusehoundhc
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I'm thinking the next one shot is for Reiji
Have fun until then cupcakes
#Late valentines#He's not my favorite out of the brothers but I still find him interesting#He needs serious therapy#Probably gonna be a frankenstein bit#Mun announcement
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happy valentine’s day new friend!! you’re so sweet ily mwah mwah 💕💞
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I'm not sure I understand regirock valentines card
#pokemon#regirock#late valentines#well. I was thinking it's lowkey sad I didn't draw anything for valentines but I did not expect to end up doing this#someone posted a regirock valentines that *checks notes* the official pokemon account posted I guess and that somehow lead to this#I still hate drawing regirock tho sorry guys
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stop (with the intention of stealing money, then fake stealing money, accidentally falling in love with a childhood enemy, having chemistry with her, but it being gone the moment she remembers you’re not her situationship, even tho she values your friendship, supporting her gang, becoming a better person because of her, then finally wishing for a good ending on another universe)
#small fandom#small fandoms#valentines day#tumblr valentines#love#love arc#zico#zico luluzinha teen#comic fandom#fandom#late valentines#comic books#comic book#comic book fandom#reread#re read#comic books fandom#comic panel#valentines#2010s#february#one sided#one sided love#Zico’s arc be like:#sad love#we celebrate all types of love here#making posts vague enough so that they’re relatable to people both in and out of my fandom#which is luluzinha teen btw
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#um. ignore how im late for valentines day. okaybye#shadowvanilla#pure vanilla cookie#truthless recluse#shadow milk cookie#cookie run kingdom#my art
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the way the stylus flew to my hand like thor’s hammer when i heard cait being the big spoon was canon
#a little late for valentine’s day but who cares#caitvi#violyn#arcane#caitlyn#caitlyn kirraman#fanart#league of legends#vi#vi arcane
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He's not bored.
Archie comic/reference under break!

#dc comics#dc#dcu#starfire#koriand'r#kory anders#dick grayson#nightwing#dickori#dickkory#dick x kory#archie comics#you might ask where her outfit came from and the answer is my heart#can this be my late valentines art?#number 1 straight couple right here
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oh no
#homestuck#sollux captor#eridan ampora#erisol#my art#im laaaaaate late late late#happy late valentines everyone
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#hi sorry i went to sleep for 5 months but i've drawn something now. check it out. and i was only 2 days late for valentines#imimata rampant#artists on tumblr
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drawing of Aceyuu, the most canon ship so far, you can't say no to me, Ace is in love with Yuu, he is the one who cares the most about Yuu and the one who pays attention to him the most.
I ship everyone with Yuu, but more Aceyuu and then Malleyuu, but Aceyuu is more canon than Malleyuu.
I want more moments of Ace worrying and taking care of Yuu.
#art#twisted wonderland#twst yuu#twst#my art#tumblr draw#ace trappola#aceyuu#ACEYUUcanon#its canon they just need to confirm it#ace likes yuu but doesn't want to accept him#Ace is in love with Yuu#he just doesn't realize it or he's afraid.#san valentín 2025#late valentine’s day art#late valentines post
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