#last hurrah if thats what its gonna have to be
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arlathen · 2 years ago
reading thru my old wips and finding the one where nate has to turn lucy and is like 100% sure it killed her and hes just sitting alone in their house w her corpse in the next room. like BROTHER....
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knifeinthecofffeee · 2 years ago
guess who finished the first comic lol. its so shitty and i'm not proud of it at all and i used the wrong pen on the first panel but i got it done and thats what matters
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transcript(?) bc i have shitty handwriting:
1st panel:
raph: (to april) tf is up with you?
april: (muffled) i'm gonna kms
raph: test?
april: test.
raph: could you like. sit on the couch right
2nd panel:
donnie, intruding on the conversation: but APRIL!! you're so lucky, you get to go to an actual school! instead of being taught by dad..... smh....
Last panel:
april: why don't you guys just ask splints?? i'm sure there's a mutant high school somewhere.,
AHFJSKWK FIRST ONE DOWN!! I'll try to update consistently, and itll probs happen on fridays. might take a break in late june ( like around the 20th) bc family stuff so hurrah! its out!!!
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nonbinaryparent · 2 years ago
for some magic I was able to talk to the... general practicioners mental health assistant? Anyway I got a referral to the official gender team in the capital and it will only take 287 days to wait. Hurrah!
It's really cool to have someone in charge of your health go, let's looks at this together and fill it out, is this text ok, are you comfortable about this, can I ask you about this? the entire conversation she was rechecking, very cool.
I got nothing but support from my name change at work. I can't change the last name or email because admin says thats linked to your id so fuck bureacracy but I'm happy with what I can change. I want to keep my name at home though. My kids can say my name or mom i can live with that, it is done with love. Not sure what else I want to keep. If its done automatically I'd get rid of more but thats not how bodies work.
Gonna go back there next month for other topics to talk about. The ones I managed to avoid for years. Ugh.
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scalproie · 3 years ago
(aka I need a refresher on the 3d games of the og timeline)
What I found so far (still to take it all with a grain of salt, you know how it is with leaks, plus this is basically sourceless so, yknow.):
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^ leaked dvd cover art & title
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^ leaked description of the plot
("Everything is at stake and never have the consequences been so grave!" Bro there was a mass cosmic destruction happening at the end of the last movie)
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^ leaked cast audition list (OLD leak, from 2021, pre-botr release)
First off, safe to say this is a WILD departure from both the og timeline and the current timeline, obviously there has been a timeskip, but just how much time has passed? We can make two hypothesis based on Kuai: baby boy has grown and is still rocking the beard, but Kuai has been on record to skip his 30s, 40s and 50s in the og timeline because of the dragon medallion when he became Lin Kuei Grandmaster, so either he pulled a Metal Gear Solid 4 Solid Snake and gained a couple of decades in a few years, OR time has just passed naturally and the entire old cast would be quite old... but in that case how the fuck is Kano still kicking enough to try and take over the world? My theories are 1) Aussie boys make do, even at whatever age he is (keep in mind that Kuai is probably one of the youngest character of the og cast, so Kano would be older than him), 2) Kano died in revenge but was brought back, 3) Kano regained his youth somehow OR 4) its a mistake and it's not Kano but Shang Tsung that does these things (maybe disguised as Kano or as himself and the leak might just be wrong)
So now Im gonna do a character breakdown:
Kenshi: basically the implied protagonist of this one, tho if the timeskip is real and Kuai isnt an outlier, he is MUCH younger than hes supposed to be, maybe even his own son's age from the games or even younger. His backstory with Shang Tsung and Sento might fully be intact considering Shang is on the cover AND Kenshi is already blind. From the plot description, he might have a standard "stepping up as the new hero" or smth heroic arc, almost feels like he took a page from Takeda.
Kobra: honest to god dont know, black dragon member but Im not expecting him to be super interesting, might just be a jobber like Reiko was in botr.
Kira: same goes for her, black dragon member as well but Im also expecting her to be here for some cool fights
Tremor: his ground/rock powers are definitely gonna make for some cool fights Im sure, as for the rest of the black dragons, idk what sort of arc hes gonna have, even tho I do think hes more interesting than the other two. If Johnny makes it in this movie somehow (or if hes just referenced), that would make for a fun interaction, considering Tremor is one of the only one who enjoys his movies.
Kabal: whatever goes for Kabal, he can be a good guy from the get-to, he can he a bad guy the entire time, he can have a heel-face turn during the movie, he can have a revolving door arc depending on who the winning side is. The fact that he's listed as a "ninja" above and not as a black dragon member is kinda eyebrow-raising tho... MAYBE he already defected or thats just a "vibe" description but... mmmh
Kuai Liang: with what little we have so far, you really cant tell how his arc for this movie could go: did he rebuilt the Lin Kuei and became Grandmaster or did he not? It's the oldest we've ever seen him but is his age natural or medallion-induced? His main arc aka "revenge for big bro" was """TECHNICALLY""" over in botr, and judging by his advanced age implied in everything above: we skipped his second "reform the Lin Kuei" arc, meaning we dont know if he did or not. With what we have anyway, especially that line in the description, we can assume he's going thru a bit of a late midlife-crisis. So either his arc will be "the champion coming back for one last hurrah" or he will fully take on a mentor role to inspire Kenshi. Plus him having a link/alliance with Kenshi does fit their og timeline incarnations, but not wiyh such a large age gap. Anything goes, but I wouldnt be surprised if they killed him in that movie just like they did Raiden in botr. My question is: will they fully commit and give Kuai an entirely pacifist role, OR will they give him a fight, because come on, he's Sub Zero.
Kano: HONESTLY dont know what to make of it. I thought he died in revenge but he mightve not had? Or maybe he did and was brought back? Again, it all depends on how many years the timeskip is worth. Also the more I read the description, the more it doesnt sound like Kano... but also the black dragons seem heavily involved in the plot and he IS the black dragon so... yeah idk, will have to wait and see. What surprises me is that Kenshi has more beef with the red dragons, but I see why they would bring a known character back than introduce a new one.
Shang Tsung: hes on the cover art in his YOUNG form and he has history with Kenshi. So my guess is that, with Shao absent or dead, he used Kenshi to get the souls of the well of souls and get his young body back, I think he might have an important role in this movie. Plus, Shang means he may bring along with him Ermac and Mileena as he made them both (Ermac because hes relevant in Kenshi's story, and we may finally see that one concept art of Mileena that went nowhere in action). I would put my money on him being the main big bad of the movie with "Kano" being a misdirection. Idk. Like. "Take over earthrealm soul by soul". Come on.
Sonya: If Kano is a big deal in the movie, it would be WEIRD not to bring Sonya as well... but also, outside of like, implied history, she doesnt seems to actually HAVE a lot of history with Kano, no mention of him killing her partner, and she was mostly focused on saving Jax in Scorpion's Revenge, they fought for 20 seconds, and he "died". Plus (again with that damn timeskip) IF the timeskip is natural, shes either dead or. pretty old. In any case, her arc has been done so idk what would they make her do. I would except a quick nod or a cameo for her.
Johnny: same as Sonya, his arc has also been "completed" and his character relied a lot on her in these movies, so I have no idea what he would bring to the table. Im also expecting a quick nod or cameo, but it wouldnt surprise me if he doesnt come back
Jax: the special forces form a whole, and if neither Sonya nor Johnny have smth to contribuate due to either age or other factors and dont return, sadly I see Jax as unlikely to return too. THO IF the black dragon are one of the main focus, there could be some references to Mortal Kombat: Special Forces (WHICH WOULD BE SOOO HYSTERICAL)
Liu Kang: so if "Kuai Liang is the only one strong enough to take on Kano", where the hell is the Chosen One? Idk if "the winner of the tournament doesnt age" is still a thing, but youd think the twice hero who saved the world would be the first choice to stop someone threatening earthrealm. Either he was unavailable (like. He died. But come on), or my guesses are: he stayed with Kitana in Outworld/Edenia, or he took Raiden's place in the order of light's temple.
Kitana: this seems like an earthrealmer-issue so far so I dont see any edenian/outworlders being heavily involved in the plot, which mean, sadly, I wouldntbbe surprised if Kitana didnt returned other than again, cameo or quick nod. Plus she speeran her character arc in the last two movies so.
Raiden: so obviously Raiden lived at the end of botr but will they actually go somewhere with that? They could go the dark raiden arc... somehow, or they could go the "the world is safe so I will leave earthrealm's fate to the mortals" road, or he might straight up not show up.
Scorpion: babygirl has been done with his arc all on his own in the first movie, in the second movie he was here for Kuai Liang, and so far he seems absent from the third movie. Also, same problem as Liu Kang, if 60-70 Kuai Liang is the only one who can save the world, where the hell is Hanzo, who is still a wraith which doesnt age? Maybe they had a "Lets agree to never see each other again" with Kuai, or maybe he "disappeared into legend", or he went back to the netherrealm, or again, with such little information, anything goes. It would be REALLY WEIRD for the poster boy himself to NOT feature in a mortal kombat movie, but his arcs have been twice done over, so it would sadden me not to see him but it wouldnt surprise me too much if Scorpion was absent from the third movie or just having, again, a cameo/quick nod.
Bi-han: Im not betting a lot of money on it, and Quan Chi is dead, but Shang can fill the role of necromancer, or Bi-han can just come back from the dead with sheer force of will like Hanzo did. He would only come back because he was kinda wasted in Revenge, and Sub Zero Brothers Drama is always engaging to watch, but theres nothing so far that would imply his return.
Kung Lao: dead. Unless as revenant, somehow
Stryker: dead. Unless as revenant, somehow
Jade: sadly, if Kitana is not involved, Jade has even less chances to be able to
Shao Kahn: yeah I know "his body's gone" but I think itd be a bad call to bring him back as the main big bad again
Most Outworlders: Kintaro, D'vorah, Reiko, Li Mei and so on: they dont seem to have ANY stakes in what we know of the plot so far so I highly doubt it
Quan Chi: dead. And it would be such a fuck you in the previous movies' face if they brought him back, same goes for Shinnok
You can include the cyber Lin Kuei here as well tho I would expect them to be mentionned
... or I'm just dead wrong about all of this. time will tell. Time Will Tell.
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thekingofwinterblog · 3 years ago
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so a number of things here. 
1. The beginning of the end is the 16th full episode of season 3, which means there will be 4 episodes after it. The title is also either a reference to the MLP episode of the same name that heralded in the endgame of that series, or it’s a reference to an MHA chapter title. You make the call.
2. Disney and the Amphibia crew might have wanted no spoilers or previews, but just like with Escape to Amphibia, sprivy and commander Anne, the damned episode lists on other sites apparently demanded a summary, and so we got spoilers anyway. I will be discussing those under the cut below, so be warned.
3. So Sasha’s Angels plot is as follows: A team of Resistance fighters gets captured.
While Olm Town Road reads:  Anne and her friends search for the city of Proteus.
Im guessing Sasha’s angels will be a combination of Anne, Ivy, Ivy’s mom, maddie, and mrs Croaker. plus minus one or two of those.
Also, the specific mention of “Three armies” later down the episode makes me believe that there will be two different rebel factions. One led by Sasha, and the other led by Grime’s sister. hence 3 armies vying for dominion of Amphibia. Sasha, beatrix and Andrias.
I don’t really have any theories on Olm Town Road other than being suprised it will apparently be a two parter. Guess Anne and Sasha being explained their destiny is gonna take a fair bit of screentime.
4. One thing i noticed is that not ONE of these episode titles or summaries suggests a direct focus on the relationship between Anne and Sasha. oh it’s certainly there, but it doesn’t seem like their relationship is going to be the direct focus, rather it will be affecting the plots themselves as the plots leads to conflict and development, rather than the relationship doing so.
I have no idea who Grime’s pupil is, though maybe it’s Anne, getting some insight into how Sasha became a battle queen as she called herself back in the vlog.
5. The root of Evil and the Core and the King sounds very much like the Amphibian version of the Avatar and the Firelord. So basically a big dive into the past, explaining Andrias backstory in full, and probably giving us a dive into how things went so, so wrong.
6. newts in tight sounds like its gonna involve the return of Anne’s old swordsmaster teacher, while fight or flight, sounds like it will be a big brawl between Anne/sasha vs Andrias/the Core. if this is the case, im guessing it will either be the amphibia equivelant of “day of the black sun” or when team avatar was forced to flee the western air temple. either way, im fully expecting it to be a complete defeat, though to what degree i don’t know.
7. If i had to take a guess, beginning of the end, sounds like the last episode of gravity falls before the big, 3 part finale. Now we know the structure wont be the same(acording to what we “know” only the finale will be 30 minutes long, but even if all 4 are 30 min long episodes, thats still 4 to GF’s 3), but i fully expect it to be the true, final hurrah before the endgame. 
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ly0nstea · 3 years ago
My thoughts around the final 2 volumes of Aot:
Holy shit this is graphic, i wonder if the anime is gonna be so hardcore with Ramzi and Halil's death
Annie x Armin only gets better, stay winning
Annie is... Kinda Jaegarist? I think if she wasn't frozen and eren got to her she would in him
Im glad Floch got one last hurrah in the dock I'm so fucking upset he died 😭😭
Lthe first time levi evervsaid Shinzou wo sasageyo was to Hange when she was flying off to their death!? That's fucking amazing
Erens eyes are blacked out.... I can't wait to hear that paths scene in the anime, hearing eren say keep moving forward and fight... Fuck
Starting the final volume now. Fuck.
Using galliards titan to fuck up reiner was low ymir did that on purpose she's a dick
REINER GOT ATE BY BERT THATS SO CRUELwh what did he get Yeeted??? Yooooo berts a real one for not killing his bestie so they can control themselves if they wanna hard enough
Ymir and Grisha and Galliard were in the paths behind Zeke, does this mean that people who hold the Nine and non-Nine Eldians have different afterlives?
Levi finally got to kill that mfer
Erens collosal looks cool as shit
JEAN AND CONNIE ARE TITANS SO WTF FUCK OFF kinda glad gabis a titan tho fuck her
Kissing a severed head is kinda icky
Ymir is in love with Mikasa gay right, even 2 milennia can't stop lesbians
The titans are gone... Now it's just,,, attack ⚔️⚔️⚔️
Fr tho phew thank god jeans alive, sucks that Gabi and Reiner are gonna get full lives tho :/
Seeing Sasha salute and fucking smile fucking broke me man that's where the tears started let it be known
Was Ymir peaking into Mikasa's head what gave her the headaches?
All in all the ending was... Well, it was. Idk exactly what I wanted the series finale to be? You know. Its been a massive part of my life for half a year now, and I watched s1 all the way back in 2016 so, i don't think there could be been a perfect ending, or maybe even a good one.
Well shit, expect an in depth Floch analysis soon.
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cowplantberry · 4 years ago
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Chapter 4
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“Yes! I don’t even know why you try. There is no way to beat me Hah!”
“Ya ya, whatever.”
Nothing like hangin at my bros house and then spankin him in a little fooseball. I always enjoy my little visits to Turq’s place. He has been my best bud since we were seniors in high school. God, we were such nerds back then.
Didn’t get to see him much after he went to college. So we kinda made it our tradition to meet up on a free weekend now and again to hang out and watch what ever local sports were on TV.
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Although as of late he had been harder to get a hold of. His new fiance had pretty much eaten up all of his time. That why this weekend was especially poignant. Kind of our last hurrah till after the wedding. Now I’m not really a wedding kinda guy and lucky for me Turq gets thats.
So we were just about to sit down to watch some footy on the tube and I noticed a picture on the bookcase. I walked closer to get a better look. This must be the future Mrs. Bubbleyum. I have to admit she was quite striking. She kinda looked like…
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Whoa! No Way! Couldn’t possibly be the sam-
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“Thats Fairy my fiance. Isn’t she gorgeous.”
“Uhhhh, ya shes nice.”
Either I was trippin or that girl looked just like this girl that I use to dream about. I shook that thought out of my head with a laugh. pffff Impossible.
“Ya its a shame you aren’t coming to the wedding, I really wanted you to meet her.”
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“I’m sure I will meet her someday right?”
“Of course”
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We sat down to watch the game, but out of the corner of my eye I could still see that picture. It took all my effort to keep my attention on the game. I have to meet this girl. Just to see for myself. If for no other reason than to put this crazy notion out of my head once and for all.
I started thinking of some way I could possibly set this meeting up, but I kept drawing a blank. Come on Lo! Think! Before I got to far I was interrupted by Turq.
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“So I was thinking. Since I know there is no way I am gonna get you to come to the wedding. Maybe you could come out a couple weekends before and I could introduce you to Fairy. She has this really sweet room mate, maybe we could set up a double date.”
“Ya, Sounds fun.”
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That Fateful Night Two Months Later
As i got ready to head out, I could feel the knots tying up in my stomach. Why was I so nervous? This was purely a reconnaissance mission. I dabbed on a little cologne and was on my way.
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As I got closer to the apartment, the knots started in again. It would have been really easy to just turn the car around and go home. I contemplated it for a few moments and then decided. No I needed to do this. Prove it to myself that there was no possible way a dream girl could actually exist.
I parked the car and turned off the ignition. Well here goes nothing.
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I headed up the stairs and it felt like I had 50 pound weights in my shoes. I finally reached the top of the stairs and up the door with the 27 on it. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
I was kind of relieved when Turq answered. Now I just had to wait. It did not take long and she entered the living room.
That first moment I caught a glimpse of her, my breath caught in my throat. It WAS her. I don’t how it could be, but there she was, clear as day. God she was beautiful.
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“Merlot this is Fairy.”
“Uh, Hi”
Uh Hi?!?! Thats all you can say?!?! Ya real smooth dude…
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I did manage to make it through dinner with out sounding like a total Jack a** though. Made for good conversation and I think Vanilla was quite interested in more than my table manners, if you know what I mean.
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After dinner we took our conversation outside. I was trying my darnedest to just get a minute to talk to Fairy alone, but Vanilla was practically glued to my hip the whole time. This was impossible!
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Things were lookin quite bleek, but I still had a chance. We were headed to the club. If I could just get her alone for a couple seconds I could ask her a couple things, thats all i wanted. I am not sure if it was my imagination, but I swear she was avoiding me. She spent the entire night at the stupid bar.
While the three of us were rockin on the dance floor I decided I better just do this quick! Vanilla and Turq were totally into their crazy dance moves, so I decided to make a run for it.
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I walked up behind her and for a moment I had no idea what to say. So I went the first thing to come to my mind.
“So are we just gonna pretend like we don’t recognize each other? Or are we gonna talk about this.”“I was kinda hopin we could just pretend.”
So she does see it! This was crazier than a Sci-Fi fantasy!
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She tried to get up and leave and before I even thought about it, I grabbed her hand. What the hell was I doing?!
“Will you please just talk to me?”
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She paused for a second and she turned back towards me. I was completely blown away by her incredible beauty. Just like I remembered her. My dream angel. So badly I wanted to kiss her.
It was in that moment I realized what exactly I was doing. Yup, I had completely lost my mind.
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She seemed so angry and hurt at the same time. Part of me was saying You need to back off of Turq’s woman! while the other part was screaming Kiss her you fool! Before I had a chance to do either she made the decision for me.
“We can’t meet like this again. You need to go back to where ever you came from. You left me once and if you really care for me, you will do it again.”
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I tried to follow her outside, but she quickly hopped in a cab and sped away. Those words were like a knife through the heart. As I stood outside the club, I asked myself. Well what the heck did you expect to happen?
Stupid Stupid!
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grigio-bone · 6 years ago
personal lupat thoughts
under the cut
i think that one of the reasons that people are getting frustrated with it isnt necessarily that the story is bad, its that the setup and outcomes of the show have this kind of... slight disconnect? or rather, not a disconnect- its as if the show itself can’t figure out if its going to be lighthearted or serious til the end, when its too late to give a satisfying conclusion either way.
its absolutely fine if lupat is a show with light plot. shows like that have been some of my favorites. but i feel as if frustration is inevitable and understandable when the show keeps hinting that things are happening and either never follows up or follows up far too late to allow for a nuanced exploration. for example, noel not being human was hinted at as early as ep 28, when tsukasa wonders why noel wouldn’t use the vs vehicle that he he made himself, and seemed intent on making the other rangers use it. but by the time the big reveal rolls around, who remembers this? mysteries are fine, but if theyre dragged out for so long that viewers have started to forget there was a mystery in the first place that... kinda makes me sad. if lupats going to be a show with a light plot!!! thats perfectly fine, just make sure to resolve the plot points at the core of your story and stop teasing things that wont get resolved for like more than a dozen episodes?
on that note, theres also this... hm. the worldbuilding in lupat is incredibly weak. theres very little sense that this is an actual world that has people living in it and ive got a zillion questions about everything. why is france hq in france?? what about the lupin collection black market trade that canonically exists? whats public opinion like on literally every aspect of the conflict thats happening? actually i could seriously go on for like hours about this so ill cut it short: basically, i think  that the fact that there are hardly any reoccurring or tertiary cast members and the fact that hilltop + jim carter + kogure are vastly underutilized puts all of the focus on the rangers themselves, which is nice but also leaves them stranded in a world not quite real
one last thing. i think that lupat tends to take the cheap way out of things. not in terms of effects or whatever, just that it seems intent on distracting viewers from the fact that it didn’t offer us a solidly emotional conclusion to some arcs? ok this is gonna be controversial so im going to add another disclaimer here that i did think that it was cool that the lupins loved ones became thieves in turn to rescue them, etc, it was a really sweet reunion, they look fantastic in those outfits, i did cry a little bit. however. lets take the finale piece by piece
1) patoranger side. their big speech in the final episode was about how they had to protect the world from a bloodthirsty monster like dogranio, because he made people suffer (people that the patos had failed to protect). ultimately, at the end keiichiro is offered a choice: he can kill dogranio at the cost of knowing that he would be killing 3 people that he knows and loves. we dont get to see what happened to dogranio right away, but the show lets us think for like 5 min that keiichiro too the shot. which... why? almost everything we’ve seen of keiichiro up to this point indicates that he would never do something like that, and if he would consider putting anyone in danger in order to do better, then tsukasa will punch him because that means hes seriously lost sight of things. its not as if hes been struggling more with the notion that he might not be able to save everyone as the series goes on- which isnt a downside at all, lupats characters are its strongest point and keiichiros solid lawful goodness is a core part of his character- but ultimately, we’re left at a point where there is no way that keiichiro would shoot dogranio and kill the lupins. there was never a chance. and with this being the case, the patos last big hurrah is ultimately a failure: they cant get the lupins out, but they also cant get rid of the threat of dogranio for good.
2) lets talk about the loved ones becoming thieves. honestly. i loved it. but its not as strong a reunion as it could have been. the problem with the lupins loved ones becoming thieves is that it raises like a hundred questions in the last 10 min of a show, and we don’t have a good understanding of what the loved ones are like as people without the lens of the lupins’ perspectives to look through. and again, all the meaty episodes with reminiscences about the loved ones were in the first half of the series? i dont feel that the lupin magnum ep bc that vibes more like a i am the shadow the true self type deal, but it does show that the lupins are bringing their loved ones back for at least partially selfish reasons: its not about what they would have thought about it, its about what the lupins want. but with this in mind... we don’t know enough about the loved ones to know many of the nuances of what theyre like, either as people or as thieves? were they worried? angry? would they blame the patos for failing to rescue the thieves? (also theres this whole thing about how if theyre acting as phantom thieves then the gspo should know about them but theres no time to get into that, i suppose) im not saying it was bad! outfits were super cute and kairi and his bros reunion was super touching but im sitting here in complete conviction that their appearance as thieves ultimately raises more questions than it does answers, and this close to the ending (like 10 min!!!!!), hinders a satisfying conclusion
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holdinbacksecrets · 2 years ago
hello hello! many thoughts for you today. first of all, school is starting in a week (wah wah), but im almost done with all the work i need to do, and i'm going to my friends beach house for the weekend as a last summer hurrah (woo hoo!)...what else, let me think. my boy drama persists, which is never fun, but alas. im currently really upset because i thought i'd be able to make it to a svt concert, but all the dates that they'll be playing in my area won't work for my schedule...i really wish i could see them, they've been one of the only things keeping me sane this past year. maybe the sadness is just amplified by the fact that one of my best friends moved away today? idk, there have been a lot of ups and downs lately.
but enough about my first world problems, how are you doing? how is school? i feel like a proud mom to hear that you're applying to grad school, thats amazing! good luck with all of your applications~
tonight i'm listening to and highly enjoying the song the only exception by paramore! i've been trying to find new songs to sing for my voice recital, and i think its a strong contender. do you have any new songs you've been loving lately?
have a wonderful day or night!
i think i answered this in my dreams, so i apologize for the belated response
ending your summer at a beach house sounds lovely. i hope everyone had a great time, and you made some sweet memories!
shit, three rough things in a row. i’m sincerely sorry about all of them. idk what’s going on with this boy drama, but i hope it’s not taking up too much of your energy. having a friend move away is never easy. will they be too far away to make regular visits? and not being able to see seventeen when they’ve been keeping you sane 😩 have you seen them before? fingers crossed they’ll be back in a year or so…
i’m alright. i’m still not loving my first 8 week course of the semester, but i’m pushing through. it’s the only option lol. thank you! i’m trying to push away all my pessimism, but it’s definitely nerve wracking to pursue something i really want and risk rejection.
excellent pick! ooo and you sing too!! when’s your recital? let me know if that’s the song you end up going with. i’ve been listening to villain and ain’t gonna dance off key’s new album. i’ve also been listening to arcade by nct dream a lot recently. it always makes me feel good >.<
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serak-sarak-meta-sarahk · 3 years ago
Being a tattoo artist is actually one of the biggest honors and hobbies if my life
I once gave a whole cult matching heart tattoos on their color bone or butt cheeks that the men could get removed directly after waking up from timed over doses after hearing sbout the tattoo program from that sobrino guy while on the way to overdose
I got to go down and tattoo them all matching for their cult setting instead of doing their slavery planned porn torture
After all they chanted this three times.... "Hurrah for tattoo queen that was supposed to be Abraham's death queen rape."
I also got to coach two best friends that got kicked out of a sport before they naturally quit tattooing each others buttholes spread for being that close at the ranch where "anything goes except for non sex workers duh" being told it was opiate ink for their bungholes when we really gave them free ligjt wash narcan ink and tattoo removal guns at home for life
So I can calmly coach people through tattooing blindfolded holding their arms for pressure correctness
This was a test for me and my dad together to try to measure how well the war on drugs is working for women. Since 2000 and finishing my apprenticeship on FBI DOLLS at the ICONIC 3101 LAGUNA AUSTIN when it had its business center the back shop that we actually had airlifted for meth head takeover. It was a modular home implant to start with eh?
Are you really ready to bring the hell to that grinning dos equis man life that hard??? Was it really worth changing your last name and thinking you were stealing a shop???
We moved all of our old staff to America for free under the USA-MEXICO merger then just opened all our our shops around our not stolen one
BY This Is Going To Be Really Awkward For Yall
BY Cubey Latif Were Government Approved For My Internship Program to Measure Overdoses in Women but on Meth Before 18 by Their Consent
The alt was a childhood plastic surgery club that some if them still actually used. This was am alternative to the pain their bodies were addicted to to try to get them off meth during overdoses by giving them pain as they came down and telling them it was still meth aa they got narcaned down from overdose for their free planned while on meth tattoo fir them to wake up to for free thinking they got meth while being narcaned then being set free instead of sex working while over dosing which is rape by the way. Everytime they're found overdosing while on meth the parents who put them on meth and the kids get sued.
I've done 357 tattoos small to full back Rock n Roll one for the Sobrino guy that wants to rape me everytime he sees my face. He's the only male I've ever tattooed twice while he didn't see my face.
And my dad had done 756. And I've done ever De La Cruzas "family crest diamond" that's actually a cubic zirconia shape. I did Rhiannons for her 10th birthday as "she stabbed people in my family fake holding me hostage and forced me to do it because thats what being a rape doll for her ramily is all about and why the diamond is their family crest because she was gonna make it my eyes for her porn room when she turns thommy"
Thommy plays "turning thommy to try to get her in my tattoo program more"
I did three of that girls tattoos while she was growing up a way she didn't choose and 2 of her "sister in opioid enjoyment"'s and they still wanted to "Disney Blow My Brains Out" in 2022. But they agreed they'd actually stop this is kind of getting super fucked up on us at the end. And that's all that matters, right? They may have fake fbi doll slaughtered my family attemptedly three times before they came to that conclusion but at least they got 5 tattoos from it.
And admitted on Instagram live while trying to kill me on Instagram live for their followers that actually started commenting how much they aren't their friends.
One guy said "no seriously Rhiannon, im gonna fake die in three week sand you'll still be sad but not blame aarah." They each got 100s of new followers each time they threatened to kill me instead of killing me for their whole lives.
And I gave them so many tattoos.
Also any skid row tattoo artist is from Justin Sabalas actual sparrows with Jack for Dave Navarro catches meth heads trying to use while getting tattoos and Dave Navarro catches meth heads trying to become tattoo artists and gives them safe home set ups to tattoo themselves while method up with no supervision instead of being on the streets please and thank you
BY Tattoo Your Own Body's We Don't Give A Mother Fuck
Dave and Sarah K hip hop dance with machine gun for every dual tattoo we do.
By Even Aunt Laurie Can Do Peircings and So Your All Getting Sued From Nephew Dave Navarro for The Reason She Learned That With A Bow In Her Hair at Age 10
And I'm not even suing for this program I worked at farms for the ink payments with my child paychecks there. I actually already created lawsuit wins for the little over 1000 girls in the program against their parents for making their lives that way. The program was just a way to find all the girls for their lawsuits to restart against their parents without them getting killed or hurt and getting FBI PROTECTION. Even all three girls who actually killed an fbi body doll that was their won sister born at 3 years old as an fbi body doll already. They got their matching open heart white cult tattoo with suzie that day. The day they killed their 3 year old only anti drug statistic speaking fbi doll sister to try to replace her with with white cult suzie.
They didn't even overdose this day I just wore a fake native american girl meth head girls fake costume as headrests are actually to spot fakers well actually people who on meth say their native American. They mean nothing. There's only 10 in the world and that cult school in East Texas. I gave that family falsely using my name their open heart tattoos with the cults as well. That's how we photoshop Kendall jenners arm.
But yah you know I only found yall domestic to help you sue your parents for MAKIN YA ALL PILLED AND ALCOHOLED AND METHED UP before you could walk so you could have some chance at life via suing your oarents if you chose to not get clean but whatever.
This is also for the US military so that when you all start trafficking statements on me I can say "isn't that why I did your open heart tattoo and tell you the place you signed and your parent signed for it to be." Yeah so your super secret Sweethearts club for real sweetheart with special guest whose not actually in the hospital but your tatto artist was actually me in a bekah and not Sister Teresa thanking you for your service. I was speaking in a DEEP VOICE IN CUBAN THAT DAY... NOT EVRN SPANISH, FRENCH OR ARABIC AND YALL DIDNT EVEN KNOW SISTER TERESA WASNT FROM INDIA EVER she just moved there to welcome new found test tube born victims to the village everytime there's a break out.
"I guess Reagan and ALL the other guys after really did pull a fast one on ya huh."
I once even tattooed Viva La Spurs I side a girls mouth and onto a guy's dick tip while "they were so methed up on coke they didn't even feel it and I was doing a great job little Bekah tattoo bitch"
He said "I might be fake president of utsg one day thinking I'm real but please don't tell them I called you little bekah tattoo bitch until 2006."
"Meth perfectionists exist too little bekah bitch"
"Oh my God did I just call you little bekah bitch again... dean lilly's gonna just think it's my tourettes."
"Thank you for the tattoo and I will not say it this time because I'm a future president while thommy does my legislation while working from Cicis at UVA for his military bachelors and lives part with Sarah running my school for his dual degree as her blind aid while all the meth kids go to therapy schools like the 1960s and 1970s and 1990s and 1980s for my year thinking im printing from the ranch"
"They will realize this they find out about Sarah's tattoo program and oh my God and I'm about to throw up I used to hate little bekah bitch and try to rape her brother platonic best friend breaking into a daycare for my mother. Wow now that's sick huh? Dang I might actually throw up."
A day in the life of being one of one @fbi-swiftunit reporters for women under 18 put on drugs by their lineal.
No one wanted to research this population besides 12 adults in the fbi and me. Not even the their sober lineal actually wanted them researched for help to adult sobriety when the consensus was they always ask for it anyways but let's research them to see i guess and then we know they aren't dead in ditch each tattoo inage we get but they were under age so I guess I can see the point of this program now. That's pretty cool.
Thommy calls this program the only reason people can love me more than him and why they secretly publish trasher for cult communities first to start with with all the tattoo we did at their parents broken up swinger parties while they'd be chained to walls and things after getting them unchained. That's why Thrasher chain gang members get their image not used for Thrasher used for their offline lawsuit against the parent whose tattoo was actually featured.
Thrasher is a publication in the USA made with the goal in mind to not force kids to have to choose drugs anyways either. All NWA and Atomic tattoo artists in America actually get featured each season because of the fact that they had to learn tattooing or peircing under 18 and can also sue the parents featured. All tattoo artists under these two umbrellas even if not affiliated to the other all across America learned tattooing for free with the government to cover up swastika tattoos on themselves forced upon them or on others for hate symbol coverage asked for for free.
Additionally to balance wealth each person who goes through their apprenticeship program can earn their own shop through finishing a degree but they do have to get BLOOD TESTED AND I GOT PRE EACH TATTOO DRUG TESTED FOR EVEN ALCOHOL TO NICOTINE TO TATTOO AN OVER DOSE. I was even so sober and trying to work hard that I did 17 tattoos while at UT Austin 5 on UT students, 6 on homeless, 6 in Texas State to Rhiannon and Marchellinas matching but tattoos for the first time not wearing a costume after doing multiple of their free overdose tattoo as they overdosed for the last government allowed time as their cam show got blocked for a fully clothed child walking in on them overdosing on top of each other during their cam show with throw up on each other. I even cleaned up for them before that time and mopped them down before the session. They claimed they still wanted to kill me at their meth aim sessions because I didn't think it was that sad that she lost her kid which was insensitive and police-y as fuck according to their cam show attempt at a revamp.
Her jnstagram stated "I'm going to kill you for your policey nature and for the fact that my kid got adopted by my sober sister when she didn't know i had a kid and had even moved back to see if i was really hiding a kid in bathrooms away from the dad who also isn't sober and is also uncle but you know... wait cut this live off please this is not my 28th birthday princessa of my own life only... how are they doing this they cant control my speech as well they already took out whole living away after our town murder spree on FBI DOLLS as kids."
"Seriously I give up"
Instagram comment: "Your kid has lived with Justin and Kiki while you cam only and work for them on opiods when you're trying to be straight for the feds out of hiding, I watched the special on your lives the UN had to film when peiple in the world demanded you in prison when your cam show statted."
Then people flooded in with comments about the documentary where the BBC Updated that anytime we did let you out of your prison schools you went back to caming and taking opiods with syringes in your mouths sometimes. This day they came in the girls had boarded their home from the inside while getting censored standing at the window naked saying "we will only go on cam if you let the porn school open honestly... that's why we're naked."
This is why we have the tattoo program. 12 FBI AGENTS AND 500 POLICE OFFICERS ALSO AGREE ITS NOT THEIR CHOICE AND HAVE SMALL WHISPER CHEER SESSIONS BEFORE EACH OVER DOSE SAVE that we can get the parents to come out of hiding or boarding up their doors doing and leaving through holes and shit.
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madisonrooney · 6 years ago
knowing that im gonna see dove again so soon always turns my entire mood around
i kind of function on having things to look forward to. i pretty much always have SOMETHING to look forward to, but i like having a BIG thing to look forward to in the long term. before i started college, that would be my disneyland trip twice a year, and while i obvs much prefer going as often as i do now, that built-up hype made me feel like nothing else.
once i started school, the big thing became LAM tapings, or GMW tapings to a slightly lesser extent. and when those were over, D23 and D2 were on their way, and then mamma mia right after.
i had a bit of a relapse the night after mamma mia cuz i was like “what now?” everything felt so dull after that. i know ive talked about this before, but i usually talk about it from the standpoint of missing dove, which ofc still applies, but now im looking at it at the standpoint of having something big to look forward to, and how once that was over, it felt like there was nothing.
i got to see her in december, then in march, then a couple weeks ago (tho the latter i didnt get to meet her). but each of those times only had a week or less of prep time, so i didnt really get to revel in it. now i have more than a month for the anticipation to build, and already it feels amazing.
mamma mia felt like the biggest experience ive ever had with her. maybe it was the timing, since that was the last known time i was seeing her after almost 2 years of seeing her fairly constantly, like that was the final hurrah, but i also feel like the occasion was a pretty big deal in and of itself, her being in one of my favorite shows, me getting to see her PERFORM for the first time, and us having like...our sweetest interaction ever at the stage door.
but i think this might top that. the lengths to which im going to make this happen are a lot, and this is even bigger for her than performing at the bowl. mamma mia will always have its own place in my heart cuz i just love mamma mia, and ofc the experience was unforgettable, but i feel like this may become the biggest thing thats ever happened to us. 
i just feel like myself again, knowing im gonna see her so soon. it feels like old times, times i missed really really bad. it feels good.
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inagetawaycarxo · 6 years ago
1-150 all of them. Every single one 😁
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
honestly can't remember, it was a girl though so... (we were friends arent anymore) 2. Are you outgoing or shy?
I pretend I'm outgoing but really I'm a shy bitch unless I get comfortable with you then I suppose I’m outgoing. 3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
my bed, cause I’m tired! kidding. 4. Are you easy to get along with?
depends but I'd like to say so unless you're a bitch to me then I will be a bitch back. 5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
I don’t get drunk anymore, lol I’m a lightweight, once I have one drink I’m tipsy. But if I do decide to get drunk then prob whoever I got drunk with, unless they get drunk, then my mum can take care of me. 6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
Varies, as long as they have a kind heart and are funny. Also a sucker for accents and blue eyes & green, as well as brown. 7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
nope. 8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
Do celebs count or nah? if so then Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan + Tom Holland { not that anyone cares but we are the same age}. 9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
If it's with my mum then yeah, or family, anyone else it doesn't make me uncomfortable. 10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
my mum. 11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
iPhone charging cables {lol}  12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Easier- 5sos
Last Hurrah-Bebe Rexha
R U Mine- Arctic Monkeys
Suckerz- Blackbear
Break up with girlfriend, I’m bored- Ariana Grande
Ain’t My Fault-Zara Larsson 13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
definitely. 14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
yep. 15. What good thing happened this summer?
nothing really. 16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
maybe, maybe not. 17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
yep. 18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
nope, I honestly had cringy taste in crushes in primary school and high school. 19. Do you like bubble baths?
Yass..... 20. Do you like your neighbors?
nope, he a douchebag, and all the bad names in the book. 21. What are you bad habits?
going to bed late, rolling my eyes to much. 22. Where would you like to travel?
YES! 23. Do you have trust issues?
yes. 24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
I have no clue... 25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
stomach and thighs. 26. What do you do when you wake up?
whine about how tired I am and how I should go to bed earlier. 27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
in-between. 28. Who are you most comfortable around?
my mom. 29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
yep, and honestly I don't care it's their loss. 30. Do you ever want to get married?
it’s not really on my to-do list, but maybe. 31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
yep. 32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan without a doubt.  33. Spell your name with your chin.
c lazire   (lol I did pretty well, except for the space and z ) 34. Do you play sports? What sports?
nope 35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
nope. 36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
yes. 37. What do you say during awkward silences?
I laugh nervously. 38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
*sighs* as long as they have blue or green or blue eyes, some sort of accent, are nice, funny, loyal, dreamy. 39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
book shops, clothes shops and those body shops (the ones you get body lotion and that from) and home decor shops, DVD shops. 40. What do you want to do after high school?
I’m 22, I’ve finished high school a long time ago. 41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
depends, on what they have done. 42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
sad. 43. Do you smile at strangers?
sometimes. 44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
can I say both, I’m going to say both. 45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
my dog literally jumps on my and barks at me. 46. What are you paranoid about?
a lot of things, someone kidnapping me, being stalked, weird creatures killing me, dying. 47. Have you ever been high?
Nah... 48. Have you ever been drunk?
yeah, plenty of times. 49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
not really. 50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
black and grey. 51. Ever wished you were someone else?
all the time. 52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
 I wish I had long legs tbh. 53. Favourite makeup brand?
nude. 54. Favourite store?
ally 55. Favourite blog?
on here or somewhere else,?  56. Favourite colour?
purple, blue, grey, pink, green. 57. Favourite food? 
pasta. 58. Last thing you ate?
raspberries. 59. First thing you ate this morning?
nothing, I don't eat in the morning. 60. Ever won a competition? For what?
Nah. 61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
nearly, but they found out it wasn't my fault, yet one teacher was a total bitch to me afterwards. 62. Been arrested? For what?
nope, I’m a good girl. 63. Ever been in love? 
yes, and it hurts. 64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
 it was on my thirteenth bday party and it was three guys, two of them were great the other one was sloppy and ew. 65. Are you hungry right now?
not really. 66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
yep. 67. Facebook or Twitter?
twitter. 68. Twitter or Tumblr?
Tumblr. 69. Are you watching tv right now?
Nah. 70. Names of your bestfriends? 
do dogs count, if so then Max. 71. Craving something? What?
pancakes. 72. What colour are your towels?
pink, blue, neutral colours. 72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
four. 73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
no. 74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
four I think. 75. Favourite animal?
tigers. 76. What colour is your underwear?
grey, pink, and aqua. 77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
both. 78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
cookies & cream or strawberry. 79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
pink, with stars. 81. Favourite tv show?
The Simpsons. 82. Favourite movie?
Captain America: The Winter Soldier. 83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Mean Girls. 84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
Mean Girls. 85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
Regina George. 86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
Dory. 87. First person you talked to today?
My brother. 88. Last person you talked to today?
My brother. 89. Name a person you hate?
my neighbour. 90. Name a person you love?
everyone, except for people I dont like. 91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
Oh definitely. 92. In a fight with someone?
mostly just words. 93. How many sweatpants do you have?
 six 94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
eight, I think. 95. Last movie you watched?
Avengers: Endgame. 96. Favourite actress?
Emilia Clarke 97. Favourite actor?
Chris Evans. 98. Do you tan a lot?
no, last time i tanned, i got badly sunburnt. 99. Have any pets?
Two dogs. 100. How are you feeling?
tired, sad, horny, unappreciated and annoyed. 101. Do you type fast?
yeah. 102. Do you regret anything from your past?
oh, so many things. 103. Can you spell well?
sometimes. 104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
yeah but no. 105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
nope. 106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
yep. 107. Have you ever been on a horse?
yes. 108. What should you be doing?
sleeping its 3AM SOMETHING 109. Is something irritating you right now?
yeah... 110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
yes. 111. Do you have trust issues?
yes. 112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
my mom. 113. What was your childhood nickname?
clairebear or mousey. 114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
no. 115. Do you play the Wii?
mostly the ps4 now. 116. Are you listening to music right now?
yas, some angsty songs, might do some song fics. 117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
never had it. 118. Do you like Chinese food?
yeah. 119. Favourite book?
Looking for Alaska - John Green 120. Are you afraid of the dark?
sometimes. 121. Are you mean?
 I try not to be. 122. Is cheating ever okay?
nope. 123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
no. 124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
I’m a bit iffy on that, thats purely falling for looks, i mean sure they look hot but what if their personail;ty is shit, then their hottness just zeros down. 125. Do you believe in true love?
yeah. 126. Are you currently bored?
nah. 127. What makes you happy?
lots of things. puppies, kittens, animals, dragons, writing, reading, family and friends, you guys. 128. Would you change your name?
no. 129. What your zodiac sign?
Libra. 130. Do you like subway?
sometimes. 131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
just stare in shock for a long while, while trying to process it. 132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
my mum. 133. Favourite lyrics right now?
Is it easier to stay? Is it easier to go? I don't wanna know, oh But I know that I'm never, ever gonna change And you know you don't want it any other way 134. Can you count to one million?
no. 135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
I’m sick, I can't come. 136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
sometimes opened sometimes closed. 137. How tall are you?
5���5 138. Curly or Straight hair?
both. 139. Brunette or Blonde?
both. OMBRE. 140. Summer or Winter?
Summer, cause winter is cuddling season and I don't have a boo. 141. Night or Day?
both. 142. Favourite month?
October. 143. Are you a vegetarian?
used to be, might go back to being one. 144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
both. 145. Tea or Coffee?
neither. 146. Was today a good day?
not really. 147. Mars or Snickers?
both. 148. What’s your favourite quote?
it’s a bad day, not a bad life. 149. Do you believe in ghosts?
yes. 150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?  
this? they were hers! she’d gathered them, hoarded them, maybe someday planned to pass them on to me.
0 notes
atommadchen-blog · 5 years ago
Greenhouse Effect (GreenhousEfect) on Twitter – “Manipulation” 1992 Palle Carlson Drummer. SuperNetCelebrities.Com 2010.
89,357 Views – The hillarious but highly Rocking Greenhouse Effect Videos from their “Final band meeting” Of November 1992 at El Segundo California’s Jet City Sound Studio have been spliced into other G.e clips. Four Songs were shot that night; Three Versions of “White Black Thang’, Search and Destroy, Two Versions (Or more) of the Beatles cover version of “Please Please me”, …and ofcourse several for the somewhat uptemp G.e. Rocker “Manipulation”. Clark Hagins calls the Video for “Manipulation” his favourite; “We look like we’re havin’ fun there,..we look silly but one can tell that when we played live – We Rocked,..and we rocked hard,…we were a weird unusual band,..to say the least.” Greenhouse Effect exploded in notoriety in 2007 with some of Google Videos Most watched clips World Wide; “Our drummer died in 1999 in a bizarre Gardening accident (Laughs)” says Clark Haggins. Ofcourse Hagins is only kidding as he is referring to hillarious Danish Drummer Palle Carlson , the Denmark Drummer who resembles Spinal Tap’s first percussionist in old 1965 black and white clips. “Greenhouse Effect was a World sensation for quite a long time,..we attracted alot of attention and 50,000 Twitter Followers,…I never wanted all the internet fun to end,…but I do see things now finally slowing down in 2010” says Clark Hagins. “We only get about two Million looks a day now,…thats pathetic compared to the kind of business we used to do in 2008.” – There are ofcourse no plans for Rock’s most watched band to reassemble any time soon and Hagins sees the 1992 demise of the band as just another bizarre mistake from his life’s journey; “We were around for like 7 years,…Me and Flipper (Phil Keegan Guitarist) had planned to be the biggest Rock Stars in the musical universe – but it never happened,… ,…until I was like 50 years old (Laughs) ” says Haggins. “We watched all those music industry bands like Nirvana and Green Day hit it big while we did things like work in cubes and clean Pools,..its just a damn shame” says Higgins. Hagins says that the tired band eventually grew ‘into futility’ by late 92′ ; “We had all these Great songs and a great live show but we made enemies with all of the biggest wigs in Hollyweird …there was no way I was ever gonna kiss their arsses – I would clean Swimming Pools before I would do that (Laughs).” Hagins calls the Video for “Manipulation” the absolute Last Hurrah for G.E. ; “The End of the video is hella fucking cool – it looks like Ted is trying to fuck me in the ass and then Palle just picks his nose,.. its pure Lame Rock n roll the way you love it,..it’s fuckin’ hella cool ” ================== 148,037 Views – “Ripping Reason” Comes roaring Out of the speakers with sheer Psychedelic Power !! This Track Sounds so Great in this ‘other’ version – A 1992 “Remix” by sound studio engineer Bill Krodel in El Segundo California with Clark Hagins. “Ripping Reason” is a personal favorite of mine” says Higgins. “I was trying to make it a ‘hit’ I remember,…sorta like “Brandy” but it is so much ‘more’ !! It’s not really a hit so-to-speak ,…its just a flat out Good solid song – A Great piece of Songwriting,…and it sounds Great At Jango Radio !! ‘Ripping’ was recorded in the frantic final days of G.e. and it doesn’t rely on gimmicks like punk speed or guitar solos to get by,…it drudges along in pure melody to near abstract rock perfection and brilliance !!! The confused and tortured lyrics make this track a real winner in cyberspace – and a somewhat ‘unusual’ song for the always quirky G.e. !!!!!!!!! =============== Irie Bob. This 1992 Track is a real Winner for Greenhouse Effect Music Online and in particular at Youtube and GoogleVideo.Com “I started SuperNetCelebrities.Com with Homestead Web hosting who I found through Michael Savage’s Website -…to help bands get exposure” says Clark Hagins in 2008. “Its my goal to make sure that Great bands like Los Angeles’s Batlord get seen more,….and man, do I ever get them seen – ALOT”. IRIE BOB IS THE Pixies-Like 60’s Stooges Like track that appears as the second song on the 1995 “Fountain Weird CD” available at itunes and CD Baby. “The Song was originally entitled ‘Yuri-Bawb’ says Clark Higgins; “But when I suddenly saw the Red CD out of the boxes that day – In October of 1994 from Rainbow Records in Los Angeles – ,…I was horrified to see that they called the Song “Irie Bob”,..I just laughed in horror because the CD was all printed and all done !! And it seemed to be promoting all that 420 Marijuana culture cliche crap,….’Something I personally never wanted any part of in my life,….but now after 17 years,..the name has stuck,…and sometimes people email me,..thinking that I am this pot-head,..because I wrote Irie Bob by G.e. !!! (Laughs) – IRIE BOB Has become a cult classic of G.e. lore what with it’s annoying repetition, distorted bassline, fuzzy guitars (Which Haggins feel need to be turned up more in the final mix), and meandering lyrics and singing which yappily tell the story of a guy who “has been too apathetic,…and thus finally ‘approached Gold thats gleaming”….all in a 4/4 beat of some of Hagins’ best dance beat drumming. This 1992 pop emo song would certainly influence the likes of Beck, Weezer, and others; “When ‘Irie’ was all done and recorded, I just loved the whole ‘feel’ of this little tune,..it was so built around it’s beat and chorus,….Recording Engineer Bill Krodel did an incredible great job at Jet City Sound Studios in El Segundo,….I played all the instruments on this thing myself ,..except then, I got Billy to come in and add these keyboards,..which today – turn out to be the ‘key’ as to why this song is so killer !! I would direct Billy on which sound to implement on the synth,….all the keyboards were always my call with G.e. – though there are many in the South Bay today who try to say that Billy did everything for me,…thats NOT true at all,…Bill Krodel let bands do their own thang,…though he did put in alot of input,…I always had the final calls,…the silly 1960’s keyboards here were entirely my doing,….I dreamed up all my songs,…my songs are good ,..not because of alcohol or drugs like many in the South Bay try to say,…they are good songs simply because I am creative,..and I have been since i was four years old when I drew all those ‘paintings’ at 251,…” Irie Bob, Like all G.e. material Would be rejected by the Program directors at KROQ back in it’s day; “Well,..I would painstakenly try to set up appointments with KROQ Radio Fm programming way back then and they would just say that my songs suck,….I would give them all my tapes,…and nothing would happen,…I would follow up and call back but it was pointless,…thats just the way it is in music industry – even way back then in 1992 and 94′,….you simply ‘had’ to have some kind of major label affiliation in order to achieve FM Airplay,…so thus, songs like IRIE BOB and BRANDY,….NEVER saw their potential back in their day,….I couldn’t do it all alone,….nevermind the fact that I had all the shit goin’ on with Bam Magazine and all. Today, IRIE BOB has racked up Great ‘views’ numbers at Google, Mefeedia, and other websites as it is simply one of cyberspace’s catchyest little secrets. – Originally Recorded September – November 1992 and Appears as part of the 1992 “Big Teen Dollar$” album cd. Produced By Clark Hagins and Bill Krodel. Greenhouse Effect Photos – ?µe???? ???s??? Rock s?????t?µa “fa???µe?? t?? ?e?µ???p???” t?a???d?a.Description199,403 Views – ?µe???? ???s??? Rock s?????t?µa “fa???µe?? t?? ?e?µ???p???” t?a???d?a. – “Misogynistia” is the Great Song that is heard thousands of times a day in 2007 for G.e. – This August 1992 Song was recorded right around the same day as “Five Years” (Which sounds nothing like Miso) and the epic classic “Addicted”. These Songs would compile the September 1992 “Big Teen Dollar$” CD that Clark Hagins Would issue through Massachusett’s Label “Rock City Records’ as well as on sale locally in Redondo Beach at Goboy Records and Mark Theodore’s Alternative Groove Store in Hermosa Beach. “BIG TEEN DOLLAR$” Would be recorded in Early September 92′ with Sound Recording Engineer Of the South Bay Bill Krodel at Jet City Sound Studio in El Segundo Ca. “BTD” Would be a cultural and Lyrical triumph for Haggins as he belittled and attacked Music industry Standard Barers from Kurt Cobain to Henry Rollins to Sammy Hagar to Def Leppard and Bon Jovi too; “BTD” is definitely one of my favorite songs ,..just for how silly and retardedly angry and ironic it is” says Hagins. “Misogynistia is like the anti-dote to BTD,…IT IS just like such a cheesey confused song from 1973 by the Who or Chicago ,..or maybe 80’s-like Duran,…the Song is so serious where-as BTD is absolutely toungue n cheek and DEFINITELY ‘NOT’ !!”……”Writing Sarcastic funny songs from “Star” to “Ben is dead” to “Hey Negrita” in early 91′ had prepared me for some of my ultimate Songwriter moments,…and these would be among my final recordings as I had run out of money by late 92″ Says Higgins – “Waiting 4 Your Love 2 Fail!” explodes with brutal anger, punk speed, angry passion, technical guitar and drumming and plenty of Angst from the World’s Most watched band; Redondo Beach California’s Powerful Greenhouse Efect !!!!! Guitarist Phil Keegan (Dr. Phil) blazes a revolutionary hard rock guitar path here that no other band after the Mighty G.e. could quite copy or capture (Nevermind keep up with !!) …. Clark Hagins pours every ounce of his tortured angry soul into the chilling lyrics and bassist Rick Carmody hangs on for the ride !! – “So Much Better” or Simply “Better” is an ‘ahead of it’s time’ G.e. Song From November 1992 that would also effectively function as quite possibly the last ever idea that Greenhouse Effect and Clark Hagins would ever record. “The Bam Magazine Scandal devestated our band, ruined my concerts, and shook our group’s confidence to the core,…Our bassist Rick Carmody left and soon joined up with the South Bay Redondo Beach Punk band ‘The One Handed Readers’ says Clark Higgins in January 2010 from his offices in San Diego’s “North County’ where today he is a full-time Swimming Pool cleaner,…a job that Hagins says ‘pays the bills’ in the household with just him and his wife; “My life is nothing today,…People say that back in the 90’s I shoulda been a huge Star,…after G.e. flamed out,…I turned more and more to alcohol and by 95′,…I felt my life was technically “Over” up there in Bel Air ,..where I was a Professional Landscaper,…people and other organized bands would still call me, wondering if G.e. was ever coming back,..or if I was ever gonna start throwing concerts again,…but I couldn’t get my psyche into it,…in 96′..i took my Swimming Pool cleaning job with A To Z Pool and Spa in Torrance Ca,..when I moved back down there to the South Bay, ..thats when I knew music for me was over,…I tried to get some people into my shit or to help me but no one would,..nobody cared,…I financed the Rock Opera “White Suburban Liar$” all by myself in 95′,…’put it on sale at GoBoy in Redondo,…but I was 30 years old and not in an active playing band,..man, ..it was over,…I couldn’t do it without Carmody,..atleast I knew I had to have him there”. – Today, Greenhouse Effect explode on the internet (and at itunes) with their old tracks like 1991’s “Brandy” but Hagins calls the scene of music today “almost pointless”. “You got bands like Green Day and Foo Fighters and all their songs sound the same,..they are completely boring people who have never suffered or been picked on in their lives,…they are robotic and their music reflects this,…Dave Grohl is like some jock on a football team,…that guy is ‘NOT’ Rock n roll at all,..yet today, he passes for like as if he is Great like Pete Townshend and the Who or Zeppelin or something,…its disgusting,..People today are so fucking stupid and addicted to drugs and video games,…they don’t know shit about fucking piss ass nothing !! Music sucks now,..and thats all there is to it,..I think Rap music is pathetic….People hear my music,..and suddenly, they hear a trully fucked up person who is ‘really authentically’ fucked up,…thats why I work with a large World audience,…people will never understand what i went through as a child,….but when you hear Greenhouse Effect music,…you suddenly hear it all crystal clear !! I’m a Great drummer and a great guitarist who ‘got that way’ because I had no friends,…I had nothing else to do,…I didn’t fucking learn shit in a book like Dave Grohl,….that guy is not the last of 8 kids,…fuck that guy,..he doesn’t know shit about shit !!” Hagins says that his number one goal and desire would be to see Barack Obama impeached from Office; “If me and my music can play a small part in getting Democrats un-elected,..and getting people out there to ‘learn’ about rightwing politics,..and to stop voting for these assholes,..then that is Great and more power to ‘THAT’,…DEMOCRATS ARE ELITEST TYPES OF PEOPLE WHO RAISE TAXES AND STEAL YER MONEY,…I’m not saying Republicans are all that much better or different,…but they are definitely the lesser of two evils,…..I think that drugs are one of the most serious evils of our Western culture,…We need tougher laws to stop people from using them,…People get high on weed and then they simply naturally are gonna vote for evils and snobs like Your typical Democrat type person,…’when I hear some fucker in a suit and tie say that he wants to ‘help’ people out there,…well, to me,…that is an immediate code RED FLAG word for he wants to ‘rule’ and be bigger, more important, and better – ‘OVER’ the people,…!! Because he is an insecure piece of shit !! Used car salesman,..and ,..like some Leo mother-fucker,…he naturally knows how to get over on people,….I DON’T WANT ANYONE FUCKING HELPING ME,….I HELP MYSELF THANK YOU !!” Hagins says that people need to get ‘properly educated’ and learn to stop voting for socialist minded individuals at all cost. “I practically virtually feel that we need to “Outlaw” people from saying that they are running for office because ‘they want to help people – FUCK THAT,…THEY TAKE THE POWER AND CREATIVITY ‘AWAY’ from the individual – thats what they are really trying to do – period – THEY ARE TYRANTS IN SUITS !!” ============================ In September 2009, Greenhouse Effect achieved a very important personal goal for Los Angeles Top Musician Clark Hagins. The Goal you ask ?? 10,000 Twitter Followers. “We got our 10,000th Twitter follower at One of our many Twitter accounts, but in reality, We really have over 63,000 Followers because we have like 33 different accounts,…its hard work” says Hagins. The pressure is always on Haggins because he is probobly Los Angeles’s “Most seen” musician along with his other bandmates Bassist Rick Carmody and others as his band is always loaded at the very tops of all search engines with the Net’s Top tracks of indie music from “Brandy” to the classic “22nd Street” and “Coke Snortin’ Love Boyz”. “We get seen alot – way more than any other band,…its attracted the attention of several Cable TV Networks,..among them Halogen and others,…People want us to go do a brand new album but I am now nearly 50 years old and I am a swimming Pool cleaner kinda stuck in ‘that’ life,..I doubt seriously today that I could pull off another song like “Brandy” in the studio although I am very intrigued by this new idea for “The Famous on TV”,…thats this new track I’ve been fuckin’ around with…” Hagins says that the Potential for the Halogen Tv Show could produce a windfall of itunes mp3 music sales for G.e. that the band badly needs; “Well,..My wife and I ,..we watch alot of Halogen Tv here with our new Cable Company Time Warner Cable in San Diego’s North County,..I could really improve their Tv network,..it needs to be more gritty and hip and there is nothing more hip online with people than G.e.” 10,000 Twitter Followers isn’t a small thing in an era where some of Mtv’s biggest Hip Hop artists only have 900 or so; “We are a big band online,…we are like this huge phenomenon where websites and businesses fight to link and exchange with us or just be word associated with us,…you know yer big when even porn wants to be near you” says Hagins. “I’ve been tryin’ to convince Halogen Tv to let me do it all my way and let me be 100% completely in charge of my project,…They will get big ratings if they listen to me” says Higgins. – Guitarist Clark Haggins Blogs about his band’s ability to get ‘heard’ on the Web and the importance of Jango Internet Radio and other Web Radios such as Pandora. “The key to something Like Jango.Radio or Last.Fm, Pandora, and all these is ya gotta have good songs first and foremost,…..if yer Songs suck, then its really not gonna matter what you do. You gotta have a good recording too. If you have a song or a demo that sounds like a piece of shit,…then Jango and alot of these are probobly not gonna wanna play it,…and even if they did,…a potential new “Fan” or Twitter follower is probobly gonna wanna change the channel,..just like a TV….” – For many consecutive years, the Greenhouse Effect Song “Brandy” (and other songs of theirs) have been able to fight their way to the tops of search engines and into constant rotation at Jango and Pandora. “Our Song sells itself,…because it’s a great song,..we got lucky there when we wrote that one,…alot of people say that it doesn’t even sound like a typical Greenhouse Effect Song,…but then again,..what does ??” says Hagins. “I would recommend at Jango, if yer an artist there,…don’t let people just ‘play’ yer song at yer profile,..instead rather,..let them “add” it,…that way , you will get into more playlists and stations,..you will become ‘preferred’ more,…it will add up to ALOT of Airplay” Hagins and the band’s Management Team say that “Brandy” is responsible for “about 75%” of G.e’s success in cyberspace. “We are known primarily for one song,…but we got other good tunes,..its not like we’re a complete one hit wonder on here,…When people see me in the street, they always comment on Brandy but some have said it’s really not our best Song in reality,..but it ‘is’ the one that the web seems to like and that Jango and Pandora seem to ‘use’ to get listeners to their network sites,….I would advise bands to stick firmly with just one indie radio site,…Jango is the biggest and the best,..it is sorta like a version of Myspace or Youtube in it’s own rite,…Pandora forces you to ‘mail them’ a cd and as we all in bands know – ‘that’ is a big hassel,….at Jango,…you just upload songs,..its easy,…its sorta like i-sound or Sound.cloud ,..or one of those,…all of those millions of little ‘indie’ so called web radio sites are sorta a waste of time,….yer better off just sticking at Jango,…if you get into a zillion different little sites – and i mean places like Echoboost,..well,..if you got alot’a money sittin’ around to burn ,…then maybe,…but i think it’s more likely that you’ll just go insane at night,….just get yer band onto Jango Radio,…and stick with one -‘that’ one !!” Haggins says that Last.FM has in recent years become kind of a hassel. “I used to love LAST.FM but they mix bands profiles together and they do some weird shit,..i admit that i rarely go there really anymore,…there and Pandora”… – Hagins says that if You are an indie band that the odds of getting on to a Real Fm dial Radio Station like KROQ FM or KLOS FM In Los Angeles are at best slim to none. “Alot of those so called ‘real’ radio stations are just shills for the Record Labels , lawyers, and Hollywood,..theres alot of shady shit goin’ on where there are back room ‘pay offs and payola’ no better than back in the 60’s,…I’m sorry but thats just the way it is and reality…..it would be great if you can manage to get your band played on them,…but you probobly gotta be on some major label or lndie label that gets big cred and respect,…but i would say that a good band that likes it’s own independent sound and image would have to adapt and change too much,….and that can be a bad thing,…all in the name of airplay,..its not worth it ,…but….theres really Great good news though now !! – These days in 2009 and 2010, the ratings for real FM Dial Radios have really fallen,…infact many of them are struggling to stay afloat and are going off the air too … ,..EVERYDAY,…..THE REALITY IS now, more people listen to Jango Radio than they do listen to a station like say KROQ FM,….ALOT of new bands are really gettin’ discovered and getting their sound ‘out-there”,….I would say that technically, its probobly more important to have a hit song at Jango than at KLOS, POWER 106, or Kroq FM,….because now, nobody is listening to those three anymore,…not nearly as much anyway,…the web has taken over,..as a vehicle,…plus things like Talk Radio on the AM DIAL in people’s cars – Stuff Like Michael Savage and Hannity,….nevermind the fact that alot of today’s pop music sucks,..I mean just watch the Grammys if ya don’t believe me,…it all sounds the same and it’s boring,…things like Rap music have been a God-send to guys like me,…people get sick of Rap and they listen to Songs like Brandy by Greenhouse Effect – So it all works out well” ———- “22nd Street” is the Soaring classic from G.e’s 1991 epic cd “Going Legit” which was an album Simply recorded by Haggins and Bassist Rick Carmody alone in the studio; “They Shoulda just signed me long ago” says Hagins “Now,..I’m one pissed off hombre,……I won’t stop until i take over EVERYTHING,…..I see my Google Stats n shit at Webilizers,…I get big plays,…it gives me alotta fuckin’ confidence,….I know I got good shit” – Rock City Productions Pro Management SuperNetCelebrities.Com ============== “Big TEEN Dollar$” is the Hillariously ironic Song and anthem from August 1992 that Clark Hagins wrote over the long hot 92′ summer while mowing lawns “up in Bel Air” and “talking to himself” for inspiration and “coaching”; “Bel Air was a very beautiful place,…I worked for this wealthy Arab at Owlwood Estates – thats where Tony Curtis and Sony and Cher once lived,….and Jane Mansfield lived next door at the big “Pink House” on Carolwood,…at the time, Englebert Humperdink lived there next door,….and Marylin Monroe once lived in our Dog House,..where we kept the German sheperds,…Molly, Marko, and Midnight,….Some people suggested that her ghost was in there (Laughs),….I remember those beautiful hot Beverly Hills afternoons and drinking my 40 of beer….I don’t drink now though,..i’m 45 years old,…” – Backing Vocals ; Jeff Crisfield, Bill Krodel, Mark Nathanson – Remainder; Clark Hagins. Idea for Song conceived in Redondo Beach at 251. Lyrics @ www.LyricsMode.Com – SuperNetCelebrities.Com ===================== Hagins admits that websites Like Blip Tv allow Over-self indulgent bloggers like himself to fully ‘create’ their own arenas and that unlimited blogging spaces are a Heaven ; “Vimeo and BlipTV are awesome incredible things,….I can really vent my spleen thoroughly,…and ofcourse many people read,..and thats the goal,…to get them reading,..then they go to my other sites, ..or Youtubes,…and then they go to itunes,..and they buy,….the bottom line is they get interested in me and my music,…and they get to read alot,…it gets them more intelligent,…its way MORE educational than a video game,….Video games are something that Democrats cooked up so you will just sit there and be a moron and smoke pot and be a fucking idiot,….and thats how people like Barack Obama and other Democrats get voters,…they create their own pool of morons THAT THEY CAN EASILY CONTROL,…..I would prefer to get the intelligent, more informed votes of hard working American people ,…People like electricians and or Swimming Pool People,…they tend to be way more informed and intelligent because alot of them listen to Dr. Michael Savage in their trucks during the day as they work – Him and Mark Levin talk radio too.” – “Wilson Phillips” comes barrelling out of the Speakers as a heavy Black Sabbath like G.e. Anthem of hard rock. “Ted told me on the phone one day about 1995 that he thought that ‘newer G.e.’ wasn’t as heavy and was too “Happy”,…man,…I guess he was referring to stuff like “Addicted” and “Irie Bob”…, i just fuckin’ laughed at that shit,…I think Ted just started to smoke too much pot and it fried his head !! Clark Hagins blogs that his ‘ideas’ for society and his ability to ‘copy and re-paste entire blogs elsewhere’ is as important as the music itself ; “Shit like Tubemogul can be awesome,….Everybody knows that I don’t do all this writin’ shit so much for the music,..infact, I really don’t even give a rat’s ass about the music so much as I care about getting my politics and society philosophies across to the general public,…..Greenhouse Effect was always about being political,….We were good irish boys who went to church and who had fears,….but then others in the world would come and try to corrupt us,…and try to make us be like everybody else – to conform,….I say ; fuck that,….I keep the same shit that I was at 16 and 23 today still at 44; I am an old fashioned conservative – what-ever that means,….I’m against abortion and Gay marriage and legalizing or promoting lame drugs that I know destroy great minds,…you can write better shit whilst sober !! I listen to Michael Savage,…and if people don’t like it,..then what the fuck,…they can suck my cock” – Tags – tagcloud, asher roth, politics, lil wayne, eminem, asher roth, susan, mel gibson, brandy, wayne gretzky, kroq most played, paramore, muse, radiohead, tom delonge, weezer, pork, hole tour, hip hop, bmo, brandy, lmfao, sky blu fox, cnn, smokey robinson, michael savage radio ———— ============ The exciting Greenhouse Effect are the New “Nirvana” of the internet for these times of the new millineum of 2008, 09, and 2010 !! Great Songs that evoke melody of the 1960’s and bands like the Mersey Beats to the Sounds of the 70’s and Emerson, Lake, and Palmer to Zeppelin !! High Melody is always G.e’s aim !! This little Redondo Beach three piece band has spread their music all around the World like no other band in History !! They use a tight mix of Jango Radio constant Airplay, Pandora Radio attack with the classic “Brandy”, and millions of constantly running Google Videos and Twitters !! Virtually every person you know HAS SEEN A G.E. VIDEO and probobly Downloaded it !! Clark Hagins considers himself every bit as much a “Politician” as a Great musician; “I can see why all these Arab Countries hate the west and the United States in a way sorta… – They don’t want our shit in their countries !! We despicably take our freedoms for Granted and we abuse and take libertys wrongly,…..Hollywood is a buncha fucking Liberal scumbags,….But Thank God, Our Country is on the right track now,….We have won three key races in a row in Late 2009 and here in 2010,….We won in Virginia, New Jersey, and Massachusetts and even though this Scott Brown character just seems like another RINO,….I will still choose ‘that’ over the Obama-Liberal Martha WTF her name is !! Thank God Almighty that we won that Massachusetts one – that was critical !! I am certain that the angry things that I write definitely play a role with the TeaParty Protesters,…THEY READ MY SHIT – THEY’VE BEEN READING IT FOR YEARS !!,……NOT ALL MUSICIANS are Liberals,…Some of us listen to Dr. Michael Savage and Mark Leven Talk Radio,….We are informed,….but we already ‘knew’ from the beginning,….I’ve been a conservative from birth ,…probobly because I am a Taurus born April 27,…..people say that I am crazy – and I fucking AM !! BUT I know that music is the key,….it takes beautiful music to get people to the ballot booth and pull the lever !!! As the unofficial “Leader” of the Tea Party movement, Hagins blogs are often caustic, terrifying, angry reading – but effective. “People used to pick on me,..back in the South Bay and I figured it out,…it was ‘Liberals’ that WE’RE PICKING ON ME,…..tryin’ to say how I’m so “close-minded” when all along it’s THEM who is really that… Liberal Pot-heads and People who sit around listening to Rap and playing Video Games who DON’T KNOW SHIT ABOUT ANYTHING – ‘THEY’ ARE THE ONES who are always putting other people down,…and usually because they are insecure Gealous Motherfuckers who got no TALENT – ATLEAST NOT LIKE ME !! ” ========= Tags ; tags, tagcloud, asher roth, politics, lil wayne, eminem, asher roth, susan, mel gibson, brandy, wayne gretzky, kroq most played, paramore, muse, radiohead, tom delonge, weezer, pork, hole tour, hip hop, bmo, brandy, lmfao, sky blu fox, cnn, smokey robinson, michael savage radio Likes: 40 Viewed:
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Episode #5 - "Either I Bash My Own Head In, or I Wait To Get Sliced Open."- Kori
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Of course. Of-FUCKING-COURSE of all the people Dani could send home, it was Anna, thank god it wasn't Timmy, but still holy shit. Like she had a freaking idol in pocket, why the hell couldn't she have just flopped. I need her gone TODAY. Like I'm tired of having to worry about this punk. I'm losing my cool I know, but for the love of god, even that whole tribe agreed it was her time to go.
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What in the actual fuck just happened???? Dani calls me out in her idol speech saying I'm gonna go, and then fucking votes off Anna. I still have just a blank stare on my face with my mouth wide open just because I'm that shocked. I'm pissed because Anna was someone who I could really trust and I'm going to miss having her in this game. I'm glad Dani's idol is gone and it means that she did find it at Summit 13 because I was told something had been there and she was the only other person checking the Summit at that time. I really should have said something to Ryan and Anna about that and I regret not doing so. But I can't regret it for too long because I just have to keep moving forward and hope for the best at this point.
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When Hurricane Dani destroys your number one ally in this game
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Hurrah! Exile Island and also a huge strike against my game. I am ecstatic to be assured a spot in the Final 14. But there are a LOT of downsides to Exile Island. Firstly, I miss out on whatever tribe I end up with's dynamics for 3 days. Everyone will assume I have an advantage now, whether I do or not is irrelevant, perception is reality in this game. Lastly whichever tribe I join is likely to be the weaker tribe as they are the ones who lose this challenge, so its a tribe that might just go to tribal again. WHICH MEANS that I'm even more likely to get sent home, especially if it's a live challenge which I'll be unable to participate in since it'll be in the middle of the week and during my work... I feel like I'm in between a Rock and a Giant Saw Blade, and it's either I bash my own head in, or I wait to get sliced open.
Talio wins immunity sending the new Audax tribe to tribal council.
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I finally have a chance to breathe in this game. I am so thankful for Ryan for finding so many links. I'm actually really happy with how I did in this challenge, especially after the last one, because I found like 11 of the links. Also only the 4 people who just came from Audax are the only ones who found links so really even if we didn't swap we would have won this challenge. 
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Another day on Exile. I'll be joining Audux, which is the tribe I preferred, but at the same time I still worry they may be thinking. Kori has an advantage from Exile. OR they might already have a majority that I can't become a part of due to joining late. It's tough, and I dunno what the future holds, but I can only hope that with my excessive planning and studying of how people have voted and previous tribe relations, I can find the cracks I need to make it to the merge and beyond.
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after tribal #5
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Well... I'm still alone on Exile, and I've had a lot of time to reflect on the game I've been playing, I feel like I haven't been active enough with certain people because I now find myself constantly worried in these swap scenarios, if I ended up on the other tribe, I'd likely be drawing dead, which isn't a good thing to be doing since I was on a tribe with half of them on some point or another. It's frustrating, and I realize I need to make a greater effort for change, which I'm gonna do once I re-enter the game, maximize my socialization as much as I can.
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well I've gone to like every single tribal council besides the first one. And it sucks ass wow i hate it. Well In this game i have been in more allainces than i hav ever been in before so i guess thats fun . I have Bullies R us (all members still in game ) which is Me, JUlia, RTP, and isaac then i have OG Vindicta (all present) ME, Julia, Isaac, and John. Then im also in FAb Three (all present) Me julia and John then im in Sexy can i (not all present) which is me RTP and ANNA <3 RIP a legend. Well now i want to make an alliance with Andrew and Isaac bc isaac told me he is close to andrew and if i get the locked down ill be aligned with almost everyone on my current tribe other than Nathan and Colin.  O ya going to tribal tonight. im hoping that nathan gets voted out bc i think he knows alot of ppl in this game and he is very well connected. Also he hasn't talked to me much at all which is kind of concerning. But i think i hav the votes for him to leaeve. I hope he doenst hav an idol. but if he does and if he plays it i think hes going to be voting out colin bc Julia told him that is who the vote if for. SOOO ya HOPEFULLY IM HERE FOR ANOTHER ROUND AND I CAN WIN AN IMMUNITY BC DAMN THIS IS EMBARRASSING. 
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so i feel ok... i think. i’m like 99% sure that nathan is going and i feel bad bc i love him but hey.. it ain’t me. i’m pretty sure the vote isn’t me because i have a feeling isaac will always want to vote with blake and blake tells me what he’s doing so to get majority against me, isaac and andrew would have to start it just bc i feel really close to colin and john. i even think if we lose again i’ll be fine.. any who i’m going to sleep to avoid talking to people and hope blake makes sure everyone is in check 
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So, we stan this swap. 
Dani popped off and people will see her as an easy target, but if I get my way I would like to keep her around a bit since I think she’ll trust me. 
I think I have enough connections on this tribe to keep me safe if we lose, which is good because I think we are super close to merge and my ass needs to get there. 
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Ok I’m at a conference so bare with me. Honestly rip Anna I miss that bitch. But this swap seems pretty good for me...I think Timmy and Kevin will still think I’m with them...obvs I’m still with Dani....and then I know Jake and bodhi so I need to try and talk to Nicole but she’s not really around...if I had to vote rn I’d go for her...it’s been real y’all 
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So I guess the vote is just supposed to be Nathan? Idk because people aren't really talking but I guess there's a group of Isaac, Julia, Blake, and Coffey deciding who they want out and it was allegedly between Nathan and Colin but they landed on Nathan.
But now Nathan mentioned to me he wants a group of me, him, Julia, and Colin? But I don't see that group being made. Idk wtf is going on. I don't wanna have to lie to Nathan but I wanna get in the good graces of the majority group to establish myself into some better footing. 
So right now I just wanna play off that I'm a 5th to the majority 4. Isaac knows I'm doing this. The other 3 don't. Isaac says he has Blake for sure and we're trying to see how much we can trust Julia and Coffey.
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ahhHHHHHHHHHHH. I've been so busy the past 2 days and we have to deal with tribal. I'm doing last minute scrambling currently to make sure no messy shit is happening. every person I've talked to said it's a cut and dry vote on nathan?? so like??? nice?????
I hope its true lmao
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Jake and I are in a good spot strategically, and we've got options. There's Dani, but there's also Ryan + Timmy. We need to figure out how to keep both groups in.
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I’m so happy to be back with Blake. This round we had an original Vindicta alliance of me, Blake, Julia, and John Coffey and even though Nathan’s been having a bad time we decided he’d be better to send home because he’s more social and less boring than Colin (Noah Fence) and has more connections. I was apprehensive about sending him home at first but like he came here to play and that’s just part of the game, he’s a threat and he needs to go. Sorry buddy. Andrew told me that Nathan was trying to round up a 4 consisting of himself, Andrew, Julia, and Colin. It’d be stupid of Julia to flip and alienate herself and I have Andrew on lock so unless Nathan has an idol I think he should be going.
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Nathan is voted out by a vote of 6-1. You can find his preseason interview here.
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