#last 2 r me dont. dont even worry about it. it made me laugh so i drew it
slavhew · 2 months
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Stroiders + hannibal jackman
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spideycatt · 1 year
What’s the origin for the nickname “moss”?😭
Cat and Mouse Part 2 || 42!MM x R
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The aftermath of Meadow revealing your secret/ a backstory
Word count: 2.5K (lord)
Now playing: you know wassup // kehlani, angel // pinkpantheress
part 1!
Warnings: Reader is Black, this is pretty tame, cursing, weed in one part, Y/n / Ynnie is used, Fighting but it’s just described😸
Not rlly warnings: The flashbacks and what we tell the class isn’t exactly the same, just the more detailed version. Gwen is black in this universe just becuz, no superheroes or villains just a reg earth, college drama oooo, Reader was a goody two shoes before meeting Miles (Like… not knowing was weed looks like goody two shoes),
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“So you guys are dating!!” Someone in the crowd shouted, everyone agreeing with them.
“Actually,” you said smiling, making your way over to Miles and Meadow. “We’re married. Since last year.” You finished, untucking a necklace from your shirt to reveal a ring on a necklace, making everyone go crazier.
“Dont even think about startin’ all that yappin’! Its time for class so get your butts to your seats. Quickly!” Miles shouted making everyone complain as they made their way into their respective classrooms. You shook your head making grabby hands to your daughter.
“Meymey stop being a daddy’s girl and come back to mommy! I miss you already!” You fake cried, pouting as Meadow laughed at you.
“Papá! Isn’t mommy being silly?”
Miles smirked down at you, quick to agree with the baby. “Yup, she is. You had her all day its my turn.” He stuck his tongue out at you, scurrying into his room before letting you talk, making you chuckle.
You go back into the classroom, sighing deeply when you see all your students looking at you expectantly.
“What?” You say, deeply confused as to what they want from you now.
“Sooo, you’re not gonna tell us how you guys met??” One of your students replied with a wide smile on his face.
“Uhm.. no?” You chuckled shaking your head. “Why would I tell you that?”
“You owe us for lying to everyone for the whole schoolyear!!”
“Pleaseeee Ms.y/n! Or should we call you Mrs. Morales?”
Once again, a round of ‘ooo’s go around the classroom, but this time directed at you.
“Alright alright I’ll tell you guys, and no you don’t get to call me Mrs. Morales. What’s wrong with y’all..” You mutter the last part to yourself, dreading telling your kids how you met your husband.
“You gotta be kidding me…” You whisper to yourself, looking at your new roommates. Your dorm situation had been all over the place the whole semester, resulting in you having to room off campus with what looked like the meanest man you’ve ever seen, and the nicest girl ever.
“Your rooms over there, kitchens over there, oh!— me and you share a bathroom, hope you don’t mind! My room is right there if you need something! Or if you wanna hang out I don’t mind.” The girl, Gwendolyn if you remembered correctly, smiled brightly at you. The tall boy next to her nodded his head at you both and went to his room.
“What’s his deal?” You question, trying to peak into his room. You didn’t see anything but purple walls before he closed the door though.
“Ah, that’s Miles. He’s nice once to get him, don’t worry! Super cute though, don’t you think?” She smirked, bumping shoulders with you.
“Yea… I guess so.”
“So you guys were roommates? That’s so boringgg.” Someone in the back whined.
“If it’s so boring then I don’t need to finish my story, right?” You laugh, stretching back in your desk chair.
“Bro why the fuck did you say that?”
“Dont listen to this idiot, Miss!”
“What did Gwendolyn look like?”
You stop to think about the question, trying to remember since it’s been a couple years since you’ve seen her.
“She.. was a little taller than me. Really pretty girl, big eyes, and she had a gap I think. And she had all types of piercings, and she always got her hair done in the color blonde with pink ends for some reason.”
“So she black?”
“Yea, but she’s from the country part of new york pretty sure. Anyways let me continue..”
You and Gwen had become good friends over time. You learned some new, albeit boring, things about her.
You couldn’t say the same for Miles though. You never really talked to him after you realized you weren’t gonna get past a quiet nod in your direction. But even then, you found yourself liking his coy personality. You wanted to learn new things about him, even if it was boring. Only thing you learned about him was that he was also studying to get an Education Degree.
You made your way back home after a long day at school, ready to shower and fall face first into your bed. Unlocking the door, you chuck your bag on the entryway table, ignoring how Miles stared at you with a confused look on his face.
You were right by your door when Gwen called your name running up to you.
God you loved the girl but damn can you live?
“Ynnieee, how was classes?” She asked, twirling her blonde and pink braids with a finger.
“They was aight, I’m tired as hell.” You groan, rubbing your eyes.
“Oh well before you go! Theres this thing I’m going to next Saturday. Come with me?” She looked down at you expectantly. You found yourself fighting against the voice in your head. Part of you wants to say no and sleep for days, but the other part sees this as an opportunity to get out the apartment for something outside of school for once.
“Alright. I’ll go. Now leave me alone I wanna sleep forever.” You say, rushing into your room to shower and lay down. You’d felt a little bad for rushing away like that, but your shower was more important to you in the moment. And you didn’t see how Gwen reacted to your slight attitude, eyes squinting at your door hard enough to burn a hole through it.
Your shower and nap worked wonders. You woke up at around 2 in the morning, not healthy at all but aye, a good nap is a good nap. You sit up in your bed, feeling way better than you had when you got home. Feeling a little thirsty, you make your way to the kitchen, deciding to eat some noodles for dinner too.
“Why you up so late?” You heard a gruff voice behind you, making you almost jump out your skin. You whip around to see who was talking to you, and it was none other than your mysterious roommate Miles.
“Miles, what the fuck?” You whisper scream, putting your bowl of microwave noodles down.
“You ain’t answer my question, ma.” He smirked at your annoyed tone, leaning his back against the counter across from you. You roll your eyes, ignoring how the nickname made you feel.
“I just woke up and i’m hungry, obviously,” you said, gesturing to your noodles. “Why are you up, Mr. Morales?”
“Can’t sleep.” He sighed deeply, looking down at you like he wanted to ask something.
“What?” You said softly, slurping on some noodles as you look back at Miles.
“Nun.. just, wanna hang out in my room?”
“Uhh sure..”
“Your rooms so clean..” You say, analyzing the things around you. Movie posters and artwork that seems to be Miles’ are strung around the deep purple walls. Not a speck of dust on any of his things, only thing slightly messy was his bed. Probably from tossing and turning while trying to fall asleep.
“Are you saying you thought I lived like a pig?” He laughed at you, sitting on the edge of his bed, pulling a folding tray close to him.
You shrugged, slurping up more noodles while standing. You didn’t really know what to do with yourself, this being the first time you actually talked to Miles.
“Why you still standing up? C’mon,” He beckoned you to sit next to him, taking a shoebox from under his bed. “You ever smoke a blunt before?”
“So you guys played games and talked till you fell asleep?”
“Yup! Don’t tell him I told you this but, he sucks at Mortal Kombat.”
This earned you a confused look from Miles.
“A blunt. A joint. Doja.”
You furrow your eyebrows.
“Like… the singer?”
“You gotta be kidding me.” He lays back on his bed, laughing at you like his life depended on it. “You telling me you don’t know what weed is?”
“Why didn’t you just say weed in the first place!” You say, hitting him lightly on the thigh.
“Because you’re old enough to know what a blunt is?” He chuckled, sitting back up to open the shoebox and take out some stuff. You watched silently as a he rolled the ‘blunt’ up, staring at him as he brought it up to his lips and lit it up.
“I’ve never seen weed before,” You mutter scooting farther into the bed till you hit the wall. “Why does it look like…”
“Like what?” Miles asked, smiling a little as he waited to see where this was going.
“Nah, you’re gonna make fun of me.”
“I won’t, ma. I promise.” He said turning to look at you as he inhaled and blew the smoke in your face, making you fan it away.
“I was going to say it kinda looks like moss.” You whisper, looking away in embarrassment as Miles guffawed at your cluelessness.
“Man I’m never letting you live that down.” He shook his head with a smirk. You laughed also, heart swelling at the fact that this might happen again, and Miles may start talking to you more.
“After that we became good friends yada yada yada. We hung out a lot, and sometimes had sleepovers in each others rooms,” You say as you filed some papers away. “And Gwen didn’t like that.”
“Oh my god did y’all fight?!” A kid in the back exclaimed, bouncing up and down in excitement.
“What? No, I don’t fight people. She did want to fight me though.”
Everyone made a disappointed noise at that, when the door opened with Meadow and Miles looking inside.
“What lies she telling y’all now?” Miles scoffed as Meadow ran into her mother’s arms. He walked up to you and gave you a small peck on your cheek, making the whole class gag.
“First of all, ew. Second of all, Mrs. Morales was telling us about how she didn’t fight Gwen cuz she don’t fight people.”
“Mrs. Morales?” Miles said looking at you as you shook your head and shrugged. “Man she really is lying to yall. She did fight Gwen, whooped her ass for real. And then she handed my ass to me too. I’m getting flashbacks.” He shuddered at the memory.
“Miles!” You shoved his arm, but you were drowned out by the class asking why and what happened.
“You gotta be kidding me.” You whisper as you get hit with a strong sense of deja vu. Weeks have passed since the first time you and Miles talked. And you’ve started to catch feelings. But obviously, your sweet little roommate, who wasn’t really sweet or little at all, didn’t like that. Despite her very obvious disliking you and Miles’ blooming relationship, she didn’t do anything to stop you two from becoming more than friends. Until now.
You sigh deeply as watch Gwen all up on Miles, talking his ear off and rubbing in him as they sat on the couch. Miles payed her no mind, scrolling on his phone as he waited for you to come home since he missed you all day. She looked up at you smiling her fake little smile as she rested her head on Miles’ shoulder. “Hey roomie!”
You look at her with a straight face, eyes moving to Miles who’d jumped up to talk to you.
“Ma it’s not what it looks-“
“Ok. I’m going to bed.” Interupting him, you march into your room, slamming the door behind you hoping your roommates would take the hint.
“Damnnnn Ms.y/n you got played by Mr. Morales? Tsk, tsk, tsk. Now me personally I would never treat you like that-“
“Dont even start with that foolishness,” Miles rolled his eyes at the kid. “It was a lil misunderstanding thas it. Lemme continue.”
But of course. Gwen didn’t.
“Ynnie?” Gwen knocked on the door before she came in. Sitting on the edge of the bed next to you.
“You seem out of it are you ok..?” She asked quietly, she sounded so… sincere that you almost thought she was being genuine. Almost. But her behavior these past few weeks was enough to not trust her.
She leaned in to whisper in your ear.
“Is it because I got to Miles before you could?”
“Excuse me?” You stare at Gwen with a confused look on your face.
“Y’know. Cause I’m better than you and all that.” She shrugged with a smirk on her face.
“And then BAM Ms. y/n was all on her, and I had to come in and separate them, Gwen tried to get me to feel bad for her too. She was like “Miles! Do something!” ‘N I looked at her like “Really?” And she went crying to her room, embarrassing.” He tutted. “When I looked at Ms. y/n she started yelling at me and punching my chest, shoot felt like I was Gwen for a second! I’m sure she had it worse though, cause she moved out two days after. Extra embarrassing.”
“Ms. y/n you kinda scare me now..”
“Is he lying Miss?”
You hesitated before speaking, “I mean, its a lil dramatic sure but it aint too far off.”
“You guys are so dramatic. We talked it out after like a week and everything was all good.” You shook your head in disbelief as you pack up your things. Miles’ class ended squeezing into your classroom in the middle of his rendition, but you decided against bothering them and got some work done while playing with Meadow. It was now the end of class and everyone was huddled up on your large carpet, like a bunch of children listening to someone read a book at the library.
“What happened after that, papà?” Meadow questioned, tugging on his pant leg as he leans against the front of your desk.
“Enough from Papà. He’s a bad storyteller,” You said putting on your jacket and grabbing your work bag. “We start dating, graduate college, get engaged, have you- my sweet sweet princess, get married when you were two, and end up here teaching these losers about art and science! The end!
“Yup. The end. Alright c’mon back to class guys,” Miles directed, turning to look back at you before he walked out the door. “Chinese for dinner?”
“Mhm, is that ok with you, MeyMey?” You coo at your daughter as she agrees with you.
“Miles?” You whisper, leaning your head on your husbands shoulder as you rub your stomach.
“Whats up, Ma?”
“You think I’ll be any good at this? Teaching the students and the being a mom, I mean.” You sigh, looking up at him.
“You’ll be the best,” He whispered back, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and kissing your forehead. “I’m sure the kids will love you, and I’m sure our daughter will love you even more.”
You chuckled at that, slowly drifting off to sleep as Miles rubs your side gently.
“Yea, and something tells me she’s gonna be a daddy’s girl. Can’t wait to spoil my pretty ladies forever.”
“Yea… yea that sounds nice.”
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The moss thing is based on a true story yall, and i’m the victim 😞😭
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Everyone who requested a part 2!
@ulovejayy @sukisprettyface @edgyficuselastica @snowspidey @hey-girl-hey @cumbermovels @ohsoprada @pinkfenti @heavisdelulu @kllovrj @laylasbunbunny @chickenalfredo1312
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coolocgod · 7 months
Steven and unknown chillin(based on a dream unknown had)
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So there was alot that happened in this lore dream unknown had so imma try to explain it, so in the dream (the first one before steven just a p p e r e d) fren and glitchy's roles are kinda swapped, where unknown now kinda controls glitchy instead of fren, but unknown somehow got her own vessel into the dream(imma guess its cues unknown didn't wanna control something sentient), but glitchy apparently in the dream was half anomaly where half of his face looked like an anomaly but you couldn't look at it cues i think unknown said it would make the rest of him not visible, so uh after a bit of the duo being wholesome, they went to the poketower, unknown very much wanted to avoid it but there was a quest needed for it and i think glitchy and unknown split up, unknown then found dawn, who unknown tries to greet with calmness, but this dawn was different, cues she had the "=)" face, and SOMEHOW JUST HAD A GLITCHY POKEMON, it was unclear what pokemon it was, but unknown was clearly scared and darted off to find glitchy, glitchy who was clearly worried about unknown sense she looked scared asked "are you okay? you look like you've seen a ghost" unknown answered with a "i dont know", glitchy and unknown then headed to a subway andd apparently dawn tried to take it over and the subway turned red, and shadowy figures started appearing, but fren gave unknown the flaaffy(aka starry) and they kinda fixed the subway somehow XD, also apperantly when unknown came dawn said "why are you here? your not supposed to be here" and i think the dream ended after that, NOW ONTO DREAM 2 WHERE STEVEN JUST APPERS OUTTA NO WHERE XD, so in this dream a bunch of unowns started to apper out of no where, but miki and starry somehow shared a braincell and CAUSED AN ELECTRICAL FIRE ON THE UNOWNS, after that they went over to a plush shop, miki seemed to really want a polliwag plush and unknown decided to go and buy it, steven was also buying some stuff, and then randomly a unown plush started to glitch out, the shopkeeper then started to glitch aswell, unknown and steven both clearly i think scared idk, didnt really do much but then miki and starry came over andd miki used flamethrower on the plush, the glitching stopped, and unknown and starry kinda congrat miki and steven then says "i hope were not in trouble now" and unknown responds with "it had to be done" and then the shop keeper says "wow...your lucky im not banning you from my shop! i'll let you off the hook this time but you have to pay for that", unknown then pays for it clearly annoyed and even explains at unowns are known for messing stuff up, the shopkeeper let them still buy stuff tho, and miki points to a poliwag plushie, unknown asked how much it is and the shopkeeper said "oh its usually 500 but sense the pokemon likes it alot its 350" unknown buys it and gives it to miki who immedtaly upon given the plushie, hugs it, starry then points to a mareep plushie and unknown buys it to and gives it starry also hugs to plush, and then miki went over to flame(unknown's charizard who i didnt draw) and hugs him, and steven and unknown just agreed those 2 are friends, glitchy then comes back(apperantly he was chased by the unowns) and unknown and steven kinda explain the stuff that happend, and also miki and starry sharing a braincell, and glitchy then said "oh also i thought you said about homework?" and unknown said "dont ask about my last 3 braincells on homework, they're probably arguing or hitting eachother with foam swords" and steven almost laughed at that, they then explain the shopkeeper stuff and the dream ends, THAT WAS ALOT TO TYPE
uh i guess the tldr is "steven and unknown became friends in like a second", also all this lore dream stuff made me realize i need to post about the shadow realm dream again, I'LL DO IT LATER XD
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I only just now realized the layer for the color that was under miki's tail was missing so uh i fixed that XD
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scrmngtts · 1 year
Okay ive been thinking about it now for 2 days and I think i really wanna write it what happened about our date.
SO FIRST OFF, I got pissed off early on because he said he was gonna be like 30mins late for our movie. And that really pissed me off.. I just said, okay.. ofcourse im not gonna tell him that Im pissed off. But i think he sensed it bc i just reply smtg like.. “Oh ok then”
Then he said he was joking.. 🙄🙄
But i didnt read his msg that he was just joking so for like 30mins i was so pissed. I was thinking to myself this is gonna be the last time im gonna hang out with him.. cuz man its such a turn off honestly.. like?? Yknow we had plans, you shud be prepared and then hes gonna tell me hes going to be 30mins late??? Also he doesnt have work that day, if he had work i wud have understand but no. He wasnt doing anything prior so why is he gonna be late?? So that was going thru my mind for 30mins and when i saw his msg i was so upset and relieved at the same time that he was just joking..
Fast forward now, we saw eo.. we watched Spiderverse! :) I really enjoyed that a lot. Still so funny tho, even more funnier cuz ive seen some memes that made it funnier. Also, him beside me laughing is so cute! Man.. am i down bad again? So yeah that was the movie part. Nothing really much happened.
Then after movie, we went to the mall to walk around.. he said he was looking for some daily shorts.. so we visited a few shops. We saw his bestfriend.. we just talked for a bit, it was nice seeing her but ngl it felt really weird and by that time i felt smtg.. like a tinge of uneasiness.. idk how to act and idk what to say.. i mean do i invite her to come with us?? But its our date idk how he will feel as well.. but at the same time idk if he knows that hes gonna meet his friend.. that was really weird to me but i didnt pay attention too much of it.. i was just worried that ill act awkward and wudnt be able to convey my own feelings nicely.. but after that we said our goodbyes and we started walking to the restaurant..
Tbh.. at that point i just wanna go home, the mood wasnt really it anymore.. idk what it was but i feel like i accepted it already that this is not gonna work out.. sometimes i really dont like how hes so into himself like?? He likes to dress up and such and he cares for his looks but sometimes for me i think its a bit much.. idk..
We got to the restaurant, we waited for a bit then we ate.. i didnt like the main course.. i ordered chicken alfredo but i do like the soup that comes with it so i got 2 soups cuz he doesnt want his soup. There, while eating we got to talk more.. i feel like this time around is very different from our first date night out when it was for my bday. I had fun talking yo him.. he did ask me about my preferences in a guy.. its funny cuz whenever i say smtg like,, i wud say i dont want a lazy person
He wud react and be like.. damn im a lazy one..
I told him, i want someone who is thoughtful..
And he laughed, im not thoughtful just so yknow.. im really not..
And in my head.. why r u telling me that?? I already know ure not also im not telling u to be thoughtful to me..
And it went on and on.. we keep getting sidetracked with other stuff so we kept repeating the qs and as.
I did tell him that Spiderverse played a huge part in my life, like it really inspired me. I told him the part what got me and i told him i know its cringe..
But he said its not cringey at all.. and that made me happy :))
It went on and on until we got to dessert. He asked me when were about to end if we can walk around first before going home.. tbh i wanted to go home right after but since he asked :> also i lowkey wanna spend time with him so ofc i said yes! At this point im really comfy talking about anything with him, i was honest with my as and such, also the qs he was asking i did ask him as well. It was nice getting to know him.. tho i think i already know the stuff we talked about..
He did say smtg about hes a firm believer that theres always a way. Which i admire him for it… okk thats it for now i guess..
(Im tired will take a break here and continue tmr)
(back now- continuing where i left off)
so when we left the restaurant, i suddenly remember what is one of the main things i like about someone and that is, he cannot be negative in life. i told him that the person i want is not pessimistic. then he said, somewhere along the lines like..
"im not pessimist but im realistic."
and i said, thats fine. thats different tho. you can be realistic without being pessimistic.
then he says, thats what i like about you tho, youre so positive. not all people are like that. then i answered him, cuz i dont want to be negative!
tbh i feel like life is already sad and challenging? but its up to u if u wanna stay that way. like, life isnt always good for me but i dont wanna dwell on it. i always wanna look at the brighter side. he did say that not all days are good days. and its true! i know that and its hard to stay positive but still, life is only what you make it. i iddnt tell him that but.. i got really really happy and fuzzy and warm inside we he said that thats what he like about me being positive. :D because i do want to give positivity to people eventho im not always positive. im just faking it till u i make it basically. but i always tell myself i cant be sad all the time. i cant be like my classmate M who always so negative bc once u think negative thoughts it reflects on ur life. so only happy and positive thoughts.
so yeah that is one of my requirements, i dont want that gloomy energy in my life so i told him that. then we kept walking, harbour front is so pretty at night, im sad i didnt take a photo of the scenery.
one of the core memory of that date was when he said i was dramatic, in a good way. and i was baffled! i was like ??? excuse me? im not dramatic T.T then he goes on and explained that im dramatic in a good way. like: oh my god? you are lifting? oh my god? that is so cool!
and im just there listening to him like??? no im not like that! but he still kept going saying yes you are like that.
i guess im really expressive sometimes.. idk?? but yeah then we just going and going.. cant even remember half of the things we talked about..
only thing we got us going home is looking for a washroom.. cuz we wanted to go pee and we cudnt find one lol.
so yeah i guess ill end it here then ill add more as i remember things.
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