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Infantry! The hardest thing to take pictures of and make them look as good as they look in person. I’m not one of the absolute legendary painters who can paint these tiny fucks as if they were a normal sized miniature, but I can hit individual parts and create some contrast.
Not sure how well these read in the pictures but they look good especially when massed together
#games workshop#gw#legions imperialis#solar auxilia#lasrifle turcio#velatarii axemen#warhammer#warhammer 30k#horus heresy#miniature painting#hobby progress#Charonite Ogryn#Aethon Heavy Sentinel
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Solar Auxilia command squad being 35 American Dollars makes me feel insane bc I'm so used to GW's stupid high pricing and never seeing new kits be less than $60 that it actually feels like a steal to get more than a single character for $35.
#my stuff#wh40k#warhammer 40k#it's also literally the amount of minis i want#im never gonna play a heresy game but i do want a couple token figures just to paint and enjoy#i don't need a whole 20 man lasrifle team i just want like 5 guys to give a nice mix of wargear for fun
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Legendary Weapon of John
'Tears of the Mother'
"A bow is a tool of peace, one that makes the Mother Weep, for every son and daughter slain by the arrows is another that must rest within her breast to be returned to the cycle." -Geist Clan Training Instructor on the Drake Bow.
A handcrafted Drake Bow, one of the last of it's specific make after the original bowyer of the Jungle Geists passed on without teaching a apprentice her secrets, it was specifically made to handle John's monstrous strength that would snap most other bows given to him to the point most Hunts and Nights of the Blade he participated in requiring him to hurl stones and sharpened branches at his prey.
When given the challenge by the Matriarch, the Bow Maker of the Clan immediately set to work for several days before approaching John with her first attempt, a simple Bow that was named 'Weeping Sorrow' by John after he managed to fire off three shots with it before it snapped. This only encouraged the Bow Maker as she set to work again and again, sending out bows to be tested and learning from their broken remnants, until finally after nearly two months of near constant work she finally made the final Bow for John...
When John recieved it and fired enough arrows to have emptied his practice quiver, he was overjoyed and remembered the lesson he had learned about the Bow and bestowed upon it the name of 'Tears of the Mother' and a far more secretive name that only he knows 'The Bane of Daemons'.
#John's Legendary Weapon#His favorite and only Non-Explosive#long ranged weapon he can actually#hit something with and not miss by a mile#can't hit the broadside of a titan with#Lasrifles and stubbers#but can put a arrow in the eye#of a Astartes from a mile out
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This one has always found the prevalence of attack-based spells in fictional media to be a disappointing trend.
In today's battlefield, where coilguns, shard swarms, and orbital bombardment are expected - if not commonplace - sights, this one must ask why so many witches and mages are fascinated with employing their arts directly towards destruction.
Certainly a caster could better direct their arts towards EM disruption or hyperspatial activity, or perhaps to assaulting the minds of their opponents?
The benefits of being able to turn an enemy pilot mid-firefight or teleport a platoon behind an advancing tank line surely drastically outweigh having what amounts to yet another human with a lasrifle on the front lines.
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Since you very deep in the early imperial lore. You have any information on what thunder warrior armour looked like? I remember when I draw it it was very hard to find sources. I did a super scaled back guesstimation based on what I did find. But not easy. I saw you mention at one point their armour in a joke. Do you know what it looked like? How it was worked?
How it worked was basically power armor.
They had lasrifles and were basically glorified Imperial guard(from Birth of the Imperium). They also had pretty good strength(the Outcast Dead).
From what we can tell of Ushotan, he's a pretty good example of how their armor looked like:
(And yes, this is Valdor simping for the insane military man(Ushotan).)
Apologies for the long quote, but Thunder Warrior descriptions. They're pretty damn cool.
(The lower one is Ushotan himself)
They had helmets and vox units, we know that.
And rebreathers.
I swear, Ushotan is singlehandely carrying Thunder Warrior fashion ON HIS BACK.... like so much of Thunder Warrior armor lore comes from Ushotan's drip.
And a very cool detail I just noticed is that Ushotan might've had augments, although if this is mechanical(which they had at the time, ex the soldier in BoTI) or genecraft is debatable
And their masks.
And lastly, the armor's durability: never really listed, but we do know Valdor pierces it with ease.
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#Hobbystreak Day 43.
Last little bit of gold on the dracosan completed. Gonna say that this is table ready for now, and shift my focus onto finishing the lasrifle section next

#hobbystreak#warhammer#horus heresy#warhammer 30k#wh30k#warhammer 30000#solar auxilia#dracosan#prosperine spireguard#thousand sons#prospero
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Fortune sprinted through the maze-like halls of The Wishbone. The message she'd received was annoyingly non-specificated. 'Emergency on the bridge'. What kind of emergency, it didn't say. But if the message was coming to her of all cats, something must have needed killing.
She turned a corner so hard she was briefly running on the opposite wall, before leaping off and landing on her feet. Lasrifle in hands. Where the hell was everyone? She should have passed someone by now...Suspicions-like...
She shouldered her rifle and slowed her pace as she approached her destination. Ready for a tactical assault. Those ears of hers normally made her aware of everything happening on a given deck, more if she focused, but at the moment she heard...nothing. As if the ship was deserted.
She stopped just outside the bulkhead to the bridge to catch her breath. Still nothing.
She sighed.
Came her war cry, audible even over the breaching charge that announced her arrival, but now that she was here, she could see the 'emergency' appeared to be...Slacker Guy and his idiot friends all standing around waiting for her.
"-AAaaaahh?" She trailed as her war cry petered out. "Oh bloody hell, if this is another intervention I swear to The Emperor-"
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A Warhammer 40K FanFic
Author's note: This is strictly for fun. I have my Warhammer-loving partner proofread and edit my chapters. If he says it is good, then it's good by the only person's standards I wish to meet. Lyra and Reid are our own characters based on us.
Chapter 1: Survivors
Roars and harsh scraping of metal erupted through the blood-red, dusty sky as a large number of grotesque soldiers clad in light armor, welding guns, and blades rushed the wide-open field littered with corpses and debris from an excruciatingly long battle. Blood pumped adrenaline into the opposing Adeptas Sororitas donned in power armor as she stared the enemy in the face, pulling the trigger on her bolt pistol and taking out what man she could. If she was going down, she was taking as many as she could with her. It was not until a split second later that she noticed movement several feet away on her side of the battlefield. Cutting her eyes, she saw it was an Imperial Guardsman, but she could not tell what condition he was in. All she could see from where she stood was a soldier whose olive-green trench coat was caked in blood whether it was his own or the enemy. Regardless, if he was still moving, he could still fight.
In a quick dash, she moved to her allies’ side giving him enough cover fire to get on his feet. It was as if he was bestowed a blessing he did not deserve as he stared up at her for a brief moment through his gas mask. It was clear what had happened now as he looked around at the massacre. Their entire squad was obliterated and they were the last two survivors. The Kriegsman jumped to his feet, snatched his lasrifle from the ground, and took aim. One, two, five, several men shot and downed but it still was not enough for them to back off. The woman noticed one of the opposing Ogryns ready his grenade launcher and the only thing she could think of was to grab ahold of the Kriegsman next to her and yank him out of the way behind some rubble. It gave them a moment to reload and reassess their options.
“Glad to see at least I am not alone in this,” she spoke boldly. “I know your reputation, Kriegsman, but do try to stay alive.”
The man looked at her and took a deep breath reloading his gun. “As you command, sister,” he responded almost regrettably with a curt nod. “I will fight with you ‘til my last breath.”
Once the break in the enemy’s fire had come, the Kriegsman and Sister rushed from behind the rubble and unloaded upon them once more. They could not make any advances and they could not really retreat. An attempt was made to contact the ship or anyone for that matter, but there was never a response. It was an assumption that the coms ceased to work or there was too much interference.
The Kriegsman noticed a body with grenades still present just a few feet away and decided to make a break for it. The sister covered him as he did but ducked covering her head from another explosion. Managing to grab them, he rushed forward pulling the pins and tossing the whole belt as hard as he could. They flew through the air until they landed at the feet of the army exploding on impact and taking a massive chunk out of their line. Then it made its presence known. The huge suit of unholy power armor covered in blood moved through the army, a giant chainaxe in one hand, heretical combi-bolter in the other. For two people, it seemed a bit excessive for a Chaos Lord to present himself, but it was just their luck it seemed. They could not defeat that. There was no way to defeat that. Their fate might as well have been sealed but that did not mean they would stop trying. Cowardice did not know a place within the imperium of man. If it did, it was killed swiftly.
There was no response, only a frozen man unable to move. At first, she thought he might have been frozen with fear and truthfully, she did not blame him. It was a logical and human response. Though Kriegsmen were known to be fearless, maybe this was a moment of truth to see just how fearless they really were when no one else was around.
The giant took many large steps toward the pair, closing the gap rather quickly until he was within arm's reach. He raised his blade ready to slice the man who swore to fight with her but then, nothing. The Kriegsman raised his fist and extended his fingers as if flicking water off his glove. A hole had blown straight through the Chaos Lord's armor and body so effortlessly that gore was strewn about the battlefield in an instant. The moment this gargantuan being fell over, the rest of the army turned tail and ran as fast as they could in utter fear as their champion fell. The Chaos Lord’s body exploded with empyrical energy, the explosion blowing the Kriegsman several feet away and into some metal rubble. The sister had no idea just what she had witnessed but it was certainly the work of the divine and maybe her prayers had been answered. He had fought until his last breath just as he had said and she was the last one standing, or so she thought. Out of reflex, she ran to him sliding across the mud and muck as he lay limp against the metal supporting him. His leg had been blown clean off at his knee, his mask had taken extreme damage resulting in the left side of his face terribly injured, and he was lucky he had a chest plate to protect his most vital organs. Those were the only obvious and noticeable injuries.
Leaning in, she felt for his pulse and was surprised he still had one after all that but his breathing was very shallow. The sister grabbed him, pulling him up into her arms to carry him to a much safer location to treat him. She could have left him to die, but if he was meant to die he would have been killed outright by that monster. Something was special about him and she was not going to let that be snuffed out so hastily.
After getting him to safety, she leaned him against the shelter’s wall and checked his pulse and breathing once more. He was still hanging on. She looked him over before taking some of the cloth from her garb to wrap tightly around his bleeding leg to slow the flow of blood.
“S- I- Lyr-” static came over her coms. “Sist– Come i-”
The sister opened her coms and began talking, whether they could hear her or not. “I’m here. This is Sister Lyra.”
There was still static but obviously, someone was trying to come through until the signal cleared. “Sister Lyra, this is Moz do you read?”
“Yes, Moz! Thank the emperor. I’m here. A guardsman and I are in dire need of your retrieval.”
“Understood. Send me your coordinates so that I may find you.”
Lyra leaned back for a moment and sent a signal to the pilot, Moz. “I sent them. Please, be quick about it. I need medical, immediately.”
She turned her attention back to the man in front of her and he was still unmoving. His chest rose and fell ever so slightly. Maybe if she just removed the mask, she could monitor him better. Lyra reached over and went to tug on his gas mask only for her wrist to be snatched in a panic. A single eye stared at her before realizing who she was and hesitantly let go of her wrist. Lyra pulled his mask off, tossing it aside for the moment. His face was nearly non-existent on the left as blood poured all over him as it was the only thing keeping his face intact. Taking yet another piece of cloth, she wrapped his head to stop the bleeding and keep what flesh on the left side together as she could. He hissed in discomfort but stayed still as she tended to him. He looked down at his leg noticing that it had been removed then felt the autogun wounds and bruises on his arms when he tried to move. He looked up at her curiously and she knew what he wanted to ask.
“How-” he started. “Sister, just leave me. I can be of no use to you. I'm sure I'll be disposed of once we're back on the ship…I didn't serve my purpose.”
“Pilot Moz is coming, you’ll be taken care of, and you’re going to live whether you like it or not. Do you understand?” she replied curtly.
Looking slightly taken aback by her tone, he agreed with a grumble. “Yes, ma’am.”
“You served your purpose. I don’t know what happened, exactly, but one second you were frozen solid and the next the beast was dead. I believe you were touched. That means you still have a fight left in you, and you're meant to live. So throw a fit, kick, and scream, whatever you like, you’re alive until further notice. What’s your number? Or.. name if you have one. Do Kriegsmen have names in the 83rd regiment?”
The man shifted and sighed. It certainly was not exactly what he wanted to hear but at least he did her a great service by keeping her safe with whatever he did. He could not remember.
“Reid Caldwell…Might I know yours, Sister?”
“Lyra Mickeal.”
The sound of a carrier hummed and shook the ground as it landed nearby. Two veterans left the ship to assist the pair returning to the ship as quickly as possible. As soon as they had returned to the ship, the Kriegsman was taken away for medical treatment following Lyra's orders and she was left writing the report noting every last detail of their mission and the disaster that had followed.
#warhammer fanfic#warhammer 40000#Warhammer 40K#Kriegsmen#death korps of krieg#adepta sororitas#Sister of Battle
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Author's note: this is the fourth installment in Cedric's story. Prev. Next.
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets
Warnings: character death, canon-typical violence, wounds,
Summary: Fighting against the Tau takes an unexpected turn.
Another mission, another planet besieged by foul xenos. This world was a miserable ball of mud and rain, from what Cedric could tell, and he'd been on this world for several weeks, working alongside his brothers to rout out the blue bastards who had tried to claim this imperial world For the greater good. Bastards were expansionists and haughty bastards. They preferred to hide behind their turrets and guns like the cowards they were, fleeing whenever they could when in close-quarters combat. The blue bastards were taking pains not to target the civilian population as much as possible - which was... Surprising, given the fact that the other xenos that Cedric had fought against had no problems targeting civilians to try and bait out either members of the Astra Militarum or Astartes... In addition to creating truly gruesome and awful traps using said civilians as either bait, part of the trap, or oftentimes both.
Cedric would count that as a blessing from the god-emperor, and knew better than to question such a thing, as that could easily change. He dodged another hail of Lazer-fire, pausing for a moment behind the tree he had taken cover behind to check in on his brothers - Dovo was leading the charge, bolter in one hand, tower shield in the other to give himself and Dessias a bit of cover. His red-headed brother was right behind their sergeant, providing return fire, targeting the joints of the mechs that the blue bastards favored using in battle. Rodron had climbed one of the taller trees and was straddling one of the sturdiest branches, laying across it as he steadied his lasrifle, getting a bead on the enemy leader to fire on them when a good opportunity presented itself. Sevros and Angrald were also charging the enemy line, bolters up and firing tactically at their cowardly enemy.
His five brothers were using their darkly painted armor and the density of the trees, alongside the deep shadows that the near constant rain provided them to keep the xenos off balance as to just where they were. Cedric, as an Apothecary, was in primarily white painted armor and stood out against the dark back-drop... Which meant that he drew the most fire. On the other hand, he made for a fantastic distraction, which Cedric was doing his best to provide as his brothers closed the distance between themselves and the enemy, as they were all primarily short-ranged fighters, though all of them were proficient with both bolters and the laser-based weaponry of the Imperium.
The blue bastards had noticed that the six of them were encroaching on them - but as the local detachment of the Astra Militarum kept firing at them from the other direction, they were pincered on two fronts. The blue fuckers were the most prone to cutting and fleeing like the cowards they were, when the tide of battle turned against them, and, God Emperor willing, they would do so again. This was the six of theirs second mission as fully fledged new members of the Black Templars, and while there were older brothers providing air support and available for assistance if needed, this was a mission that they should be able to complete on their own.
Dovo, Dessias, Sevros and Angrald closed with several of the Blue bastards, the latter two switching from bolter to power sword as Dovo and Dessias provided supportive fire to keep the blue bastards from targeting them while they switched their weapons. Cedric rushed to follow his brothers into melee battle, Rodron providing them with excellent sniper cover. Rodron managed to topple their largest mechs by several well placed shots to the joints of the mech, causing several of the blue fuckers to panic.
"FOR THE EMPEROR! FOR THE IMPERIUM!" Sevros roared as he lunged forward with his power-sword, the heavy two-handed blow cutting through the nearest enemy's armor as if it didn't exist, causing the xeno to choke on their own blood, staggering and sagging forward on the blade.
"FOR THE EMPEROR!" Angrald, Sevros and Dovo shouted back in unison, going after the nearest filthy xenos as all four of them began to cut their way through the enemy forces.
Cedric raced to join his brothers, switching from bolter to power-sword as well, neatly decapitating a blue xenos who had tried to sneak up on Dovo from the side "FOR THE EMPEROR!"
The five of them cut their way through Tau forces as the hours blended into days, with Rodron providing sniper fire and calling out changes in battle - like when another giant xenos mech tried to stomp on them - or when a group of xenos had pretended to be shot dead by the Astra Militarum detachment who were coming closer to melee combat at a slower pace than the small group of Astartes. Each of them had taken some minor damage - a few cuts and bruises here and there, but their armor had held up well, and their own abilities to duck and dodge the worst of the attempted strikes against them.
The blue fuckers were in full retreat, and Dovo had given the order to "Keep up the pressure - we don't want these xenos to think that just because they're tucking tail and running, it means that we'll just let them run away to fight another day uncontested."
"Yes sir!" Cedric, Angrald, Sevros and Dessias acknowledged.
A two-heartbeat later and Rodron called out over vox "Understood, sarge. I see a blue ship headed your way. It's about a klik out and it's got heavy weaponry of some kind on it. You should probably get to cover as I think they're going to target you if you're on open ground."
"Good spot, Roddie. You heard our sniper, fall back to the treeline for cover." Dovo ordered.
Some of the more brave - or stupid - Blues chased them all the way back to the treeline, only to be either cut down by Cedric or one of his melee focused brothers, or shot down by Rodron.
The five of them barely made it in time, as the alien spacecraft roared overhead, weapons blasting down at them. Cedric rushed deeper into the woods for cover, realizing that he was holding his breath, turning to do a headcount after the roar of the ship's engines died - having landed to acquire their surviving ground forces.
Dovo had already turned around, visor tilted in the direction of the enemy spacecraft, arms crossed over his chest, likely trying to come up with ways to either neutralize the ship or acquire it for their own purposes. Xeno technology was heresy to use long-term, but to use it against the xenos themselves in battle was allowed - so long as one properly repented to the chaplain later. Angrald was being helped up to his feet by Dessias, having collided with the base of the tree accidentally during his combat roll. Rodron was still up in the tree, clearly watching the xenos through his scope and taking pot-shots at them to keep up the pressure. and Sevros-
Where was Sevros? Astartes did not feel fear. Astartes did not feel fear. And because Astartes did not feel fear, Cedric's breathing didn't become much faster as he did another two head-counts, coming up with one person short of their full squad. Sevros much just have rolled into a particularly thick and thorny bush (again) and needed assistance in wrenching his free of the local flora...
Sevros crawled toward them on his hands, his back a bloodied and burned mess, his legs limp as he dragged himself forward. Cedric Did Not feel panic as he rushed over to his brother's side, Dessias and Angrald helping him carry their injured brother further from where the xenos were frantically trying to pile into their ship. He immediately felt himself slide into a state of forced calm as his hands and mouth went into autopilot, ordering Angrald to help him remove the destroyed remains of Sevros' backback and armor. He began to clean and dress Sevros' extensive wounds - the other had taken a round that could have felled a Dreadnaught to the back, it was a miracle that he was alive, much less able to move at all. HE silently muttered a prayer that the god-emperor would see fit to allow Sevros to retain his ability to walk once he healed.
Cedric was wholly focused on his injured patient, and wasn't terribly surprised when the rest of his squad refocused on Other Things. His main job was to keep his brothers alive and intact enough to keep on fighting, which he was desperately trying to do. Sevros' breathing was getting shallower. He swallowed back a wave of Unnecessary Emotion as he continued to work diligently on patching up Sevros as best as he could. They'd trained together since first becoming aspirants and had survived so much. Cedric had no plans on losing his brother on some wet muddy rock to xenos.
"Cedric." A voice called out.
He had to keep working on Sevros. The other's breathing was undetectable, but that didnt mean much. He was just sleeping, having passed out from the pain. He was going to be fine. Cedric was going to make sure of that.
"Cedric!" The same voice called out, much louder and much closer.
"Unless you are actively dying, please wait your turn to be patched up. I... I'm working on Sev right now." Cedric snapped back, not bothering to look up at whoever was talking to him. Maybe another stim shot, to keep Sevros' awake? The shcock of a wound like this could kill if it went to far.
"BROTHER-APOTHECARY CEDRIC!" The voice... No, Dovo, bellowed directly into his ear, startling the young medic to the point he nearly swung at him with a fist. "He... He's gone. You did your best, but a wound like that... Isn't survivable outside of a dreadnaught. You know that, as well as I do."
"But... But there's... There's got to be something in my pack to help him... I've just... I just need to find it." Cedric protested, his eyes stinging and blurry. He was rapidly blinking, trying to clear his eyes.
"His hearts have stopped, and he hasn't breathed in minutes. That wound was too much for him. Would've been too much for any of us. The xenos have fucked off world. We need to report back to the mortal military commander, then we'll take him back to the ship for funerary rites." Dovo pointed out, his voice calm and even, the bastard "Are you going to make me order you to leave him?"
"... I'll need to take his gene-seed, since I've got... I've got the time. It's protocol." Cedric's mouth said. Internally he could hear something, someone screaming. He swallowed down the noise as his blood covered gauntlets flipped him over. Sevros' eyes were still open, but the light of life had left them.
"... Right. Rodron, Dessias help Cedric recover the gene-seed and guard his body. Angrald, you're coming with me to talk to the mortals." Dovo ordered before leaving with Angrald.
Cedric's hands performed the surgery that he'd only seen done a handful of times and participated in twice, on much older brothers who had fallen in battle against the forces against the Imperium. Why was it so different now? He made sure that his hands did not shake until after the gene-seed was removed and safely placed in the stasis jar and nestled securely in his pack. He closed Sevros' eyes and stitched up the wound he'd made. Numbness and Emotions He Shouldn't Be Feeling battling for dominance inside of him.
#my writing#warhammer 40k#black templars#black templar ocs#oc: cedric#oc: sevros#oc: dessias#oc: rodron#oc: angrald#oc: dovo#cw: character death#cw: canon typical violence#cw: blood#cw: wounds
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Got my Nightstinger Land Speeder built: heavy lascannon, heavy webber, and twin lasrifles
Just need a couple Van Saars to pop into those seats, and I think my shotgun rider may end up gesturing rudely at the enemy, for fun
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i thought i would just spend an hour or two finishing up a nice solid coat of green on chasis. but i got bored halfway through so tried to turn a lasrifle power pack (which i didnt realise was tied to the crates when i glue them on) into a (very poorly detailed) can of spam, as a special treat for my yeomans

and did my best at free handing the St. Gloriana GIrls' Collage emblem on the turret, cos i am nothing if not a big fucken nerd. honestly, i think i did pretty good for not having a fine tipped brush. will probably clean up the outline whenever i get around to finish off the green coat

#my stuff#trench crusade#girls und panzer#gup#i gotta figure out what colour to paint the ammo box on the back too#plain metal or green? some other colour i havent considered?
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Jus-[PSSSSSSSSSH]-ry wiggling it [PSSSH] No! Not li-[PSSSSSSH]-otta wiggle it the othe-[PSSSSH]-en it'll work!
It ain-[PSSSSSH]-orking, fenging thing.
Watch, just give it a punc-[PSSSSH] Eyo! Think I got it!
Naw, see. Ain't no visual.
Told ya, just gotta give it a wiggle and a whack. Oh right, visual! Forgot to plug it in...
Ey! I see myself!
Alright... just gotta clear up this static... then redirect... Go pee in the radiator.
Hey, who has four chin-tendrils and knows that urine is an electrolytic? This guy. Go, go...
Feng it... This is how the galaxy will remember me, y'know.
Oh, dinzo! I saw sparks... Ya alright?
Ugh... y-yeah... just about...
Go see the doc. Signal's clear so I'm just gonna tranfer this up to the captain's... Eyo, Captain-Mayor, Engineer Soxun here, got it workin'.
Ah, good job tech-heads! Go to the mess and get a round of nutrient brew on me. Now... ahem. Howdy y'all out there in the galaxy! Name's Voxong. Captain-Mayor Voxong. Representin' the Raxing Flotilla. Don't mind me holdin' this lasrifle, just for safety. We're a buncha folk from the fringe colonies of the GZTC. We're flyin' out into the unknown, got no home and got... some worries. We're mostly on transport ships, cargo vessels, and whatever we could get our hands on really. Now why'd we go and do somethin' like that?
Some of y'all mighta heard, but for those that ain't, the Miorans came on in and "peacefully liberated" GZTC space from a "robit uprisin'", well now... Gotta say there ain't much concrete proof of that. We can't say for sure. Didn't have many robits out on the fringes, and we didn't get the chance to see the Mioran ships before we shot off.
We got as many folk as we could onto our ships, but y'know, there's always a weight capacity, some gotta be left behind.
Ugh, I guess this is always what happens with us Zangren. Lost our homeworld, and never found a new one. Each time we think we do, some no good xenophobic feng-face invades or takes over and we're out on the hyperlanes again.
We're gonna be back on our feet in no time, y'hear? But it would be mighty kind of y'all to respectfully let our ships be and let us do our tradin' in peace. Wuh- There it is!
I got it! Sorry about that, just got some pests eatin' at our wires... and my cheese collection. No biggie. See y'all around, and safe travels!
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is your equipment even well-maintained? what is that lasrifle? really, a yokozaku? back when i was a door-kicker i would not be caught dead with that shit -- you know those are not waterproof, yeah? actually, never mind, it will not matter too much because any OHM (oppositional humanoid machine) with a djinn-tech scanner will see your thermals through the wall with that half-shredded stealth plating. where did they even ship you in from, dolly?
this one regrets to inform you it’s a disposable unit!
d-series breaching units by HIVETEK are typically mass produced and cheaply armed, and are projected to cease functionality after approximately 12.26 engagements. this of course has the benefit of making it an affordable option for clients on a budget.
this one has been fortunate to be assigned to a unit with a Minovsky interdiction field; the Minovsky particles conveniently block imaging and communications attempts. of course once the field is activated, all OHMs are aware of its presence, but by that point there are so many others like it nearby that it tends to be too late for effective countermeasure in CQC.
this one is very proud to improve operational cost-effectiveness by preparing the way for more expensive units!
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#Hobbystreak Day 44.
Worked until late so I didn't get to do much hobbying, but I did pin wash the next lasrifle guy with nuln oil. I'll do some of the rest tomorrow
#hobbystreak#warhammer#horus heresy#warhammer 30k#wh30k#warhammer 30000#solar auxilia#prosperine spireguard#thousand sons#prospero
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A family dinner
Abigail, Her Father and her Uncle Elim try to have a nice dinner, then someone brings up her Mother.
It was a rare occasion in which both of the men who raised Abigail Gaunt would share a dinner table, Her Father was always busy, the weight of the universe on his shoulders, a sadness always in his tired eyes, Uncle Elim was always doing something, He’d retired from the army when she turned thirteen, three years prior, After a part of his spine had to be replaced with metal, It was odd that in some ways Abigail had two Father’s, but in other ways, had none.
“Uncle Eli said he might teach me to shoot.” She broke the silence as she chewed on a piece of meat “Didn’t you, Uncle?”
Uncle Elim paused mid sip of his wine, feeling the stare Father was giving him from the head of the table.
“Did he now?” Father asked
“I may have brought it up..” Uncle Elim replied, shrugging his shoulders “She was askin’ about my lasrifle.”
“No, I won’t allow it.”
“What?” Abigail frowned “Fathe-”
“No, I have said no and that is final.”
“Ibram, let the girl learn to shoot.” Uncle Elim set his wine glass down “What harm could it do?”
“She doesn’t need to know how to fire a rifle.”
“Let her learn, it may come in useful one day.”
“No, I have said no, Elim, and that is final.”
“For Feth’s sake Ibram this isn’t the Tanith you can’t order me around anymore.”
“True but I am her Father and thus have a say in her upbringing.”
“As do I.” Uncle Elim’s jaw tenses “Leta left Abigail’s life in both our hands, If you remember.”
At the mention of Abigail’s late Mother, Leta, the atmosphere in the room changed.
“She would teach her how to shoot herself.” Uncle Elim continued “Abi would already have her own laspistol were it up to Leta.”
“Don’t bring up Leta to try and prove a point.”
“Why not? Abi tells me you hardly ever speak of her, she didn’t even know that Leta was a Sergeant, for Throne’s sake.”
Abigail regretted ever speaking, the subject of her Mother always led to an argument.
“Uncle it really doesn’t matter…just…forget I said anything.”
“What is there to tell, Elim? That she’s dead?” Father’s voice was cold, as cold as ice
“She also lived, Gaunt”
Uncle Elim knocked back the rest of his drink, then stood up
“Excuse me, I’m going to bed.”
“But dessert?” Abigail felt very small as she watched her Uncle walk towards the door “There’s chocolate cake.”
“Save me a piece, Abs, I’ll eat it later.”
With the absence of Uncle Elim, the air felt cold, Abigail swore the contents of her glass was beginning to freeze, she never should have said anything.
#OC: Abigail Gaunt#listen its not that Gaunt is a bad Dad its just#he looks at Abi and see's Leta#he's haunted by guilt#he's both absent and overbearing#meanwhile Rawne is trying to raise a child who isn't his but who he loves
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Short version: It depends on what you're killing.
Long version: Is it heavily armored? Lightly armored? Are they well-organized and trained, or are they pox zombies? What environment are we talking? What's the mission? Deployment method?
I'll go over a few and list their ups and downs, and I'll be using Chaos Astartes as my enemy of choice.
If we're talking heavily-armored enemies, then you really don't want a lasgun. But if you only have a choice between lasgun variants, best thing you can do is choose a Hellgun, which technically isn't a pattern of lasgun so much as a lasgun with the power setting turned to the maximum but that tends to melt normal lasguns so you need a big fucking battery and special cooling to get more than one shot. The Tempestus Scions love these.
The next tier down, if you can even say that, is the Lucius-pattern Lasgun. These are standard issue for the Death Korps of Krieg, and are a bit more powerful than the "average" lasgun ("average" tends to be the Kantrael), but this comes at the cost of worse ammo efficiency. That really tends to be the tradeoff with lasguns; the more powerful it is, the fewer shots you get.
Next tier down is, in my opinion, the Kantrael MGt. This is a variant of the Kantrael with a lot of little improvements, like better ergonomics and a better ammunition display: little things that make it slightly better than their standard cousin, the Kantrael MG. It sees a lot of use in Hive Tertium.
The Kantrael MG is the standard pattern of the Cadians, and therefore the Militarum at large. They're... average in all regards, honestly, but don't take that as a bad thing. Too little ammo, you can't stay in the fight. Too much ammo, especially with lasguns, and your rounds do fuck-all. Too heavy, and you can't move, too light and you're probably missing key components like a decent sight or heat-shielding. It's not a bad pattern by any means.
Next up, the Voss-pattern, used extensively by the Armageddon Steel Legion. It's okay, but I'm docking points for using a wire-frame stock, because those things... ugh. Terrible. They do, at least, have the option of folding that stock, which makes it a bit better for close-quarters and a bit easier to transport; pretty important for the heavily-mechanized Steel Legion.
One down, we have a personal favorite of mine: the Mark III Lascarbine. Lascarbines are a little different from lasguns, in much the same way that a real world carbine is different from a rifle; they're similar but not the same. A lascarbine, in comparison to a lasrifle, is easier to aim and lighter, but has a shorter range and worse ammo capacity. This particular variant is used by the Tanith First-and-Only, better known as Gaunt's Ghosts, which is why it's one of my favorites. Also, it has a banana magazine, which I personally like.
Then, there's the Mark IV Lascarbine. Not much to say on this one; it's a lascarbine designed for jungle warfare, and it doesn't have the nalwood of Mark IIIs, but it is fairly cheap and capable.
Then, at the bottom tier, my personal least favorite: the Accatran-pattern. The fucking Accatran. Now, to its credit, this thing is very good for drop troops, and it is primarily used by the Elysian Drop Troops, who wanted a light, easy-to-carry, easy-to-use rifle for close-quarters. The Accatran is all of that: easy to carry, easy to aim with, easy to hip-fire, good in close-quarters, and light. It also has a flashlight on it, powered by the power pack with functionally zero power draw. My personal issue with it is that it's a bullpup. Bullpup rifles do exactly one thing well; they're short, so they're pretty good for close-quarters combat. In order to do this, they place the magazine behind the trigger, which makes the rifle complicated to make, difficult to clean, and awkward to reload, without any other real upsides beyond being short.
There are two other variants of note that I can't really lump in with lasrifles because they're extremely different in use.
First up, the longlas. This is a sniper rifle that never seems to ever have any variants. No clue why. That being said, it's a sniper rifle. It shoots you from very far away. It's good at what it does, and what it does is shoot you from very far away. Don't try and use it against anyone closer than ten meters.
The other one is this utter clusterfuck I found called the Shotlas, which is a fucking shotgun-lasgun hybrid. I can only assume the Tech-Priests that made this were high on a mixture of holy oils, incense, malware and cocaine. This thing is... a trip. It uses three barrels to fire three shots at once, which spread out over distance and decohere rapidly, so it's very short range. My first question about this thing is, "Why?" Who made this, and why did they think it was a good idea? My second question is, did they forget to properly align the barrel so it fires straight? It is an absolute trip to consider why this thing even exists and I never want to learn more about it.
Best/worst lasgun?
I do not know enough about this subject to answer.
There might be someone here that does, but not me.
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